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Speaking personally, I grew up in a vegetarian family, where my mum has cooked healthy foods
every day. I always used to eat at home but nowadays it is totally different because my vegetarian
lifestyle has had a great change when I started to study at university because I moved from
Chosica to SJL and I do not have enough time to prepare my breakfast and lunch.

For the great majority of people consume junk food is usually common, I accept that it type of
food looks very appetizing and delicious, however, it is not healthy and it produces some illness in
our body, surprisingly it is the most sold in our country.

My reasons are that:

- Many people are persuaded by advertisements and they finally will be buying this products.
- Consequences of not having a healthy diet is unknown by many people.
- It type of products is accessible and somebody can buy it in anywhere.

I feel strongly that everyone should reconsider to have a sensible diet and knowing the effects of
fast food and it should be promoted by media like advertisements. I am totally sure that many
people try to change their lifestyle and improve their quality of life,

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