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Energy is defined by physicists as the capacity to do work. Energy is found on our planet in a
variety of forms, some of which are immediately useful to do work, while others require a
process of transformation. The sun is the primary energy source in our lives. Besides, water,
fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum products, water, nuclear power plants are sources of

A basic concept about energy is that while it has many forms, and can be converted from
one form to another (though some of the conversions would have no practical value) or
transformed from one grade of the same energy form to another (for example from high
temperature heat to low temperature heat), it can never be “used up”, and the actual
amount of energy stays the same. This is the basis of the First Law of Thermodynamics: in
any process involving energy, the total quantity of energy is conserved.

Energy is involved in all life cycles, and it is essential in agriculture as much as in all other
productive activities. An elementary food chain already shows the need for energy: crops
need energy from solar radiation to grow, harvesting needs energy from the human body in
work, and cooking needs energy from biomass in a fire. The food, in its turn, provides the
human body with energy.

Major changes in agriculture, like mechanisation and what is called the "green revolution",
imply major changes with respect to energy. Mechanisation means a change of energy
sources, and often a net increase of the use of energy. The green revolution has provided us
with high yield varieties. But these could also be called low residue varieties (i.e. per unit of
crop). And it is exactly the residue which matters as an energy source for large groups of
rural populations.

Other sectors of rural life require energy as well. The provision of shelter, space heating,
water lifting, and the construction of roads, schools and hospitals, are examples.
Furthermore, social life needs energy for lighting, entertainment, communication, etc. We
observe that development often implies additional energy, and also different forms of
energy, like electricity.

Energy is a scarce resource, at least for some groups of people in some places and, maybe,
for the world as a whole. A rational use of energy is then necessary for economic and
environmental reasons. This applies to agriculture as much as to any other sector of the
economy. A key to the rational use of energy is the understanding of the role of energy.
1.1Energy and the Environment

Energy and the environment have always been and will continue to be closely linked. All
energy is, at bottom, either derived or captured from the environment around us. Once
used, it is eventually returned to the environment as a harmless byproduct or, more often
than not, as harmful emissions or waste. As energy usage has increased around the world,
so too have the stresses this usage imposes on the environment intensified. Globalization
has accelerated the pace of these developments and ensured that the actions of one
country are felt more acutely in many others.

The relationship between energy and the environment is largely defined by the economic
concept of externalities. An externality is a hidden or indirect cost associated with an
activity or the transaction of a good or service. Because the burden of this cost often falls on
outside bystanders who had no part in the activity or transaction, it is not reflected in the
market price encountered by the buyer or seller.

Thus, for example, the price an individual pays for a gallon of gasoline does not reflect the
full costs that carbon emissions from the burning of that gasoline impose on the broader
community (global warming, adverse health effects, etc.).

Table. 1.1. Annual energy consumption in various countries (1987)

Country Energy consumption(million Population(million) Per Capita Energy

tonnes of oil equivalent) Consumption
US 1552.3 24 6587
Soviet 1133.6 28 4111
Union China 470.4 105 456
Japan 312.3 12 2614
West Germany 234.2 6 3827
UK 182.1 6 3273
Canada 170.1 3 6721
1.2.Energy conversions

"Utilising" energy always means converting energy from one form into another. For
instance, in space heating, we utilise energy, that is, we convert chemical energy of wood
into heat. Or, in lift irrigation, a diesel engine converts chemical energy of oil into
mechanical energy for powering the shaft of a pump which, in its turn, converts shaft power
into potential energy of water (i.e. bringing the water to a higher height).

"Generating" energy also means converting energy from one form into another. We can say
that a diesel engine generates energy, which means that the engine converts chemical
energy of oil into mechanical energy. Also, a wind turbine generates energy, which means it
converts kinetic energy from wind into mechanical energy. And a solar photovoltaic cell
generates energy by converting radiation energy into electricity.

The generation of energy, in fact, deals with a source of energy, whereas the utilisation of
energy serves an end-use of energy. In between, the energy can flow through a number of
conversion steps. The words "generation" and "utilisation" are a little confusing because, in
fact, no energy can be created or destroyed. All we can do is transform or convert energy
from one form into another. In generating energy, we make energy available from a source,
by converting it into another form. In utilising energy, we also convert energy, often from
some intermediate form into a useful form. In all conversions, we find that part of the
energy is lost. This does not mean that it is destroyed, but rather that it is lost for our
purposes, through dissipation in the form of heat or otherwise.

Energy conversions can take place from any one form of energy into almost any other form
of energy. (Some conversions have no practical value.) Which conversion is desired depends
on our purposes. For instance, for power generation, we convert potential energy from
hydro resources into mechanical energy, whereas, in water pumping for lift irrigation, we do
the reverse. And, with photovoltaic cells, we convert radiation energy into electricity,
whereas with light bulbs we do the reverse.
1.3.Forms of energy

Energy can exist in various forms. Examples are:

- Radiation energy: the radiation from the sun contains energy, and also the radiation from
a light or a fire. More solar energy is available when the radiation is more intense and when
it is collected over a larger area. Light is the visible part of radiation;

- Chemical energy: wood and oil contain energy in a chemical form. The same is true for all
other material that can burn. The content of chemical energy is larger the larger the heating
value (calorific value) of the material is and, of course, the more material we have. Also
animate energy (delivered by bodies of human beings and animals) is, in essence, chemical
energy. Furthermore, batteries contain chemical energy;

- Potential energy: this is, for example, the energy of a water reservoir at a certain height.
The water has the potential to fall, and therefore contains a certain amount of energy. More
potential energy is available when there is more water and when it is at a higher height;

- Kinetic energy: this is energy of movement, as in wind or in a water stream. The faster the
stream flows and the more water it has, the more energy it can deliver. Similarly, more wind
energy is available at higher windspeeds, and more of it can be tapped by bigger windmill

- Thermal energy or heat: this is indicated by temperature. The higher the temperature, the
more energy is present in the form of heat. Also, a larger body contains more heat;

- Mechanical energy, or rotational energy, also called shaft power: this is the energy of a
rotating shaft. The amount of energy available depends on the flywheel of the shaft, i.e.:. on
the power which makes the shaft rotate;

- Electrical energy: a dynamo or generator and a battery can deliver electrical energy. The
higher the voltage and the current, the more electrical energy is made available.
1.4.Energy and Power

Energy and power are related but totally different concepts. A tank of petrol contains a
certain amount of energy. We can combust this petrol in a certain time period, that is, we
convert the energy of the petrol into mechanical energy, perhaps to power a car. The power
is the energy produced per unit of time. The combustion process can be fast or slow. In the
case of faster combustion, more power is produced. Obviously, the tank will be empty
sooner in the case of high power production than in the case of low power production. If
power is energy per time unit, then energy is power multiplied by time period.

The same principle applies to all other energy conversions, whether for energy generation
or for energy utilisation. This implies that we characterise energy resources in units of
energy (the amount of energy they contain), and energy conversion devices in units of
power (the amount of power they can produce or consume).

Energy conversions from the original source to the useful form often take place in a number
of intermediate stages. The energy flows from one form to another at each conversion,
transformation or transport step, and these steps can be considered as a chain. Constructing
such a chain enables an energy analyst to look at the efficiencies of the different stages in
order to reduce costs and avoid unnecessary losses.

When constructing the chain, energy is classified into four types: primary, secondary, final,
and useful. Primary energy is the energy in the form in which it is available in the natural
environment. Secondary energy is the energy ready for transport or transmission. Final
energy is the energy which the consumer buys or receives and useful energy is the energy
actually required to perform the work.

An example of an energy flow or chain is the use of water to run the saw mill. The primary
energy is the potential energy stored in the water in a dam. The water is used in a hydro
power station, where the potential energy is converted to electricity – the secondary
energy. The electricity is transmitted to the saw mill, where it is converted to the useful
form of shaft energy. In this case, the secondary and final forms are the same.

2.1.Primary Energy Resources

Biomass energy: Any material of plant or animal origin such as woody biomass (stems, branches,
twigs) non-woody biomass (stalks, leaves, grass), agricultural residues (rice husk, coconut shell), and
animal and human faeces. The energy can be converted through a variety of processes to produce a
solid, liquid or gaseous fuel. The biomass usually needs some form of processing stage prior to
conversion, such as chopping, mixing, drying or densifying.

Solar energy: Energy from the sun comes as either direct radiation or diffuse radiation. Direct
radiation is only collected when the collector (e.g. a leaf or a solar panel) faces the sun. Diffuse
radiation comes from all directions and is even present on a cloudy day. The energy falling on a
surface of a specified area is less for diffuse radiation than direct radiation. Solar energy can be
converted through thermal solar devices to heat, or through photovoltaic cells to electricity.
Hydro energy: Utilises the potential energy from water stored behind dams, weirs or natural heads
(water falls) and the kinetic energy of streams or rivers. Water wheels and hydro turbines are used
to convert this energy source to mechanical or electrical energy.

Wind energy: The kinetic energy from the wind is converted by wind turbines (also known as wind
generators or windmills) into mechanical energy (usually for water pumping) or electrical energy.

Geothermal energy: Heat flow from the earth’s core to the surface by molten rock or hot water. The
heat can be used for space heating, drying, process heat applications or electricity generation.

Animate energy: Energy delivered by humans and animals. This is a major source of energy in
agriculture in many developing countries, but never appears in national energy balances.

Ocean energy: Includes three energy sources: wave and tidal, which both utilise the kinetic energy
of moving water, and ocean thermal, which utilises the heat flow between the warm surface waters
and cool deep waters of tropical oceans. All three are still at early stages of development, but the
intention is to use them to generate electricity.

Fossil fuels: Coal, crude oil and natural gas. The main commercial fuels around the world.

Nuclear energy: Energy released when the nuclei of atoms (usually uranium) break apart. This
energy is utilised by converting it into electrical energy.

Although these sources are called primary, with the exceptions of solar, nuclear and tidal, they are
not ultimate sources of energy. The remainder are coming, either directly or indirectly, from solar
2.1 Energy Terminology
Energy sources are sometimes classified under headings such as renewable, traditional,
modern, commercial and conventional. Windmills have been used for several centuries,
making it traditional, but wind has been used to generate electricity only in this century, so
perhaps it is modern. In different areas of a country a source may be classified differently.
For example, fuel wood in rural areas is often non-commercial, whereas in towns it
generally has to be bought.

Renewable means that a source is not depleted by use – wind is always renewable, while
biomass can be renewable if regrowth is matched by consumption. Fossil fuels are non-
renewable, as they will eventually be depleted (i.e. run out) as there is no viable way to
produce more of them. Another classification, new and renewable, covers all the renewable
forms of energy plus ocean and geothermal. Some energy analysts also include nuclear
energy in this category, though clearly not because it is renewable.

Whether an energy resource is traditional or non-traditional depends very much on the

user’s perspective. Many biomass users would be regarded as using a traditional source
(that is, what they have always used) and they would regard using fossil fuels as non-
traditional. However, it can be the conversion technology rather than the resource which
determines the classification. Wood can be regarded as a traditional energy resource, but if
it is used in a gasifier it produces a non-traditional energy source. Similar difficulties arise
when categorising energy sources as conventional and non-conventional.

Commercial energy refers to those energy sources for which have to be paid for. This
always includes the fossil fuels and some new and renewable sources. Biomass is usually
classified as non-commercial – however, this depends again on where you are in the world.
1997-Energy and Environment Basics Compiled in co-operation with Technology and
Development Group University of Twente, Netherlands, 2nd edition,Page no: 4-14.


 http://www.fao.org/3/u2246e/u2246e02.htm#5.%20energy%20sources

 Environmental biology – K.C.Agrawal – Page no: 207-236

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