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Loads on Bridges

1 Dead Load - Load coming on bridge by its own weight also known as SIDL.
2 Live Load - As per combination lane wise from IRC-6 taken
* Increses Span wise in case of Congestion (Port Industrial or Flyover any Crowded area )
3 Reduction in Longitudinal effect having more than two traffic lanes shall be done.
4 Foot over bridge,Footway,Kerbs,Railings,Parapet And Crash Barriers
* Intensity of footway loading shall be incresed from 400 kg/m 2 to 500 k/m2
* for effective span < 7.5m = 400 to 500 kg/m2
* for effective span 7.5 to 30 = P=P1-((40L-300)/9) kg/m2
* for effective span > 30m = P=(P1-260+(4800/L))x((16.5-W)/15) kg/m3
P1= 400/500 kg/m2
P= live load
L= effective span
W= width of footway
* Crash barrier shall be design for the containient mentioned in code
5 Tramway Loading - when a road bridge carries any of stresses from tram lines, cars etc. shall be included
6 Impact Factor -- provision for impact on dynamic action shall be made by an increament of the live load
* span < 3m , 50%
* span 3 to 45m , (4.5/(6+L))
* span > 45, 8.8%
7 Wind Load - the structure shall be design for wind
* for transverse direction - FT = PZ X A1 X G X CD
where , FT = transverse wind force in N
PZ = hourly mean wind pressure in N/mm2
A1 = solid area in m2
G = gust factor (2)
CD = drag coefficient (as mention in code )
* for longitudinal direction - wind force shall be taken 25 to 50%of the transverse wind load
* for upward and down ward vertical wind load - FV = PZ x A3 X G x CL
where , FV, PZ ,A3, G = same as transverse
CL = lift coefficient
8 Horizontal forces due to water currents - P = 52KV2
where , P = intensity of pressure due to water current, in kg/m2
V = the velocity of the current at the point where the intensity is being calculated in m/s
k = a constant having the following values for diferent shape of pier
1. square ended piers ( and for the superstructure ) = 1.50
2. circular piers or piers with semi circular end = 0.66
3. piers with tringular cut and ease waters, the angle included between the faces being 300 or less = 0.50
4. piers with arcs of the cut and ease waters intersecting at 900 = 0.50
9 Longitudinal force - it is applied a three type in a bridge
1. tractive effort
2. braking effect
3. frictional resistance
a. in the case of single lane or a two lane bridge - twenty percent of the first train load plus ten percent of
b. in case of bridges having more than two lanes - above for the first two lanes plus five percent of the lo
10 Buoyancy - to allow for full buoyancy, a reduction shall be made in the gross weight of the member affec
11 Earth pressure - pressure due to the earth calculated in acordance with the method ( coulomb's theory ) l

all be included.
the live load

r less = 0.50
ten percent of load of the succeeding trains
rcent of the loads on the lanes in excess of wo
member affected by reducing its density to density of water as 1.0 t/m 3 to the HFL .
mb's theory ) laid down ,the unit weight of earth being reduced for buoyancy, and full hydrostatic pressure of wat
re of water

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