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1) create a table

create table table_name(field_name datatype(size));

inset into table

insert into tablename(fld1,fld2,fld3...........)values(.................);

2) select a table
select * from table_name;

select * from table_name where query;

3) Alias creation
select field name as_____ from tb;
EX----select fst_name as name from emp;

4)Between condition--it is commonly used in range value;

select fld1,fld2 from table where fld between value1 and value2;

5)like cond---it is commonly used in searching


select fld from tb where fld LIKE 'S%';

6)orderby clause
desc--in descending order.
select fld1,fld2 from tb ORDER BY fld;
select fld1,fld2 from tb ORDER BY fld DESC;

ex---select f_name,hire_date ,job_id from emp ORDER BY hire_date;


7)Delete function

delete from tb ;
delete from tb where condition;


update tb set fld1=value, fld2=value where condition;

9) Group function

select gf(fn) from tb;

select gf(fn) from tb where cond;

ex--select AVG(sal),Max(sal),MIN(sal),SUM(sal) from emp where job_id LIKE'%REP%';

select count(emp_id) from emp;


10)group by---divide rows in a table into smaller groups by gropu by.

select fld,group func(fld) from tb where cond;(group by expression)

ex--select fld,group func(fld) from tb where group by dep_id;

11) having clause


select fld1,froup_function from tb having group cond;

ex--- select fld1,MAX(fld) from emp GROUP BY dep_id HAVING MAX(sal)>value;

12)initcap--convert first char into capital letter in a string


select initcap("expression") from dual;

13)concat--select concat("ABC","NHG")from dual;


14) replace---replace ("String","matchingstring","replacestring");


15)date function

add_months-- select add_month('19-Dec-2016',2) from dual;

16) sysdate--- current system date & time

select sysdate from dual;

17) last _day---select last_day(-feb-2015')from dual;

18) months_between()-- select months_between(sysdate,'1-feb-2016')from dual;

19)table joining
cartesion product---it is defined joining without any cond;
ex---select * from fees,student;


select * from sname,scourse,ftotal from stu,fees wheres_id=fs_id;


select sname,fname,ftotal from fees,student where fess.f_id=student.sid;

22)commit--it is used to save data permanently;



23)rollback---this cmd is used to provide the previous data which is delete or

updated by user;


24)grant---give a previllage to user to acces to db

GRant create table,create view to manager;

1)Grant select on emp to sue,rich;

2)Grant update(dep_name,loc_id) on dep to manager;

revoke-- to removed the permission

revoke select on tb from manager;

25)sequence-- it is used for auto numbering


create sequence sid start with 100 minvalue 100 maxvalue 300 incremented by2;

26)access the sequence--


sequence name.nextval;

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