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The Qureshi clothing
Company is one of ofline business But we will Use some
techniques to convert into online
There are several businesses in the marketplace that

trade solely online. In setting up an online business, the

owner will need to go through the same procedures as a
traditional business, in formulating a business plan, by
crafting a mission statement and through handling other
administrative matters. However, there are a number of
reasons and techniques of operating an online business,
points worth considering as you prepare to launch your
Reduced Costs
The main advantage of having an online business is the
cost difference when compared to setting up a
traditional office-based company. While there are fees
associated with securing a domain and setting up a
website, these are minimal in comparison to leasing and
maintaining physical premises.

Reduced Staff Requirements

Whereas in a physical retail outlet the owner would need
to recruit a number of sales staff, with an online business
a lot of the work is carried out automatically. For
example, purchasing an item online does not require a
cashier to take payment: a purchaser simply enters his or
her card details and the item is paid for within minutes.

Wider Range
With an online business is that you can market your
company on a global scale, reaching potential customers
in other countries and continents. You will need to have
systems in place in order to dispatch your goods or
services to these far-away locations, however.
Nevertheless, whereas a physical business can only
advertise to customers in a local area, having an online
business means you can expose your company to a large
number of potential customers.

Saturated Marketplace
Having an online presence does, however, mean that you
are surrounded by other businesses within your industry,
all desperate to expose their company to a wide
audience. As a result, your business may become lost in a
sea of similar companies, in which case you will need to
discover a product or element to your firm that gives you
an edge over your competitors.

Lack of Interaction
With a physical presence staff members can interact with
customers face to face. This can impress the purchaser
and prompt them to share their positive experiences
with others. Some purchasers may simply prefer face-to-
face interaction, as opposed to purchasing their goods
online. You may struggle to develop a meaningful
relationship with a purchaser when you operate an
online business.

Support Systems
If a customer purchases an item from a physical store,
only to later discover it is faulty, they can return the
product to the store for an exchange or refund by means
of a relatively easy process. However, if an online
purchaser finds that their goods are faulty, it could be
several days until the issue is rectified, especially if you
have no customer care system in operation. You will
need to implement a structured policy and system for
refunding faulty goods to avoid customer frustration.

Internet Connectivity
You could stand to lose a lot of time and money if, for
some reason, your website goes down and cannot be
fixed for hours, or even days. This could cause potential
customers to be dissuaded from buying a product from
you if they receive an error message when trying to visit
your website, and they may communicate their poor
experience with friends and family.

Hardwares and softwares required for online


1.Laptop Computer
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2. Wifi Router
Keep your office or workspace connected to the Internet
wirelessly with a wireless router. A strong wireless
connection can ensure high-speed connectivity to all
linked computers and mobile devices. If you have a small
space, keep in mind that working wirelessly will reduce
the need for extra cables running in and around your
3. Printer
Whether you plan to print out all of your marketing
materials or just need to handle basic jobs, invest in high-
quality printers for fast printing times and energy
savings. Minimize printing costs by encouraging your
employees to work as a paperless office whenever
possible. You will still need a good printer for contracts,
legal documents, and other materials. Some printers
have multiple functions including scanning,
photocopying, and faxing.

4. The Internet services

The beauty of the internet is that your prospective
client(s) can literally be just one click away from
your online store. Through the internet, you can
now educate, instruct and solve client’s problems.
You can accept orders and payments and receive
them directly to your inbox.
You'll want to learn about new effective and
inexpensive ways to drive traffic to your website;
the more people who find you online the more
leads and sales you'll make. While in the past many
people were hesitant to do business over the
internet, today it is as common as swiping a credit
card at a physical location.
Advantages & Disadvantages of online
1. It’s Easy to Get Started with Little Cost Involved
Most businesses require a lot of time to set up and a lot
of start-up capital, but if you’re starting an online affiliate
marketing business you don’t have to wait days or even
weeks to get started. You could do it right now. I don’t
recommend it, but you could start an online affiliate
marketing business without spending a dime. All you
have to do is install a free blog, choose an affiliate link
and start promoting your offer!
Instead, though, I suggest registering your own domain
as opposed to using a free blog service like Blogger—it
will only cost you a few bucks and your site will look a lot
more professional. Potential customers will be willing to
trust your opinion a little more if you it looks as if you
didn’t toss your site together in five minutes (even
though technically you could.)
2. There’s Unlimited Income Potential
Online businesses like my affiliate marketing businesses
are built on systems. After a bit of trial and error, you’ll
be able to figure out what works for you and what
doesn’t. Once you learn how to “work the system” and
tweak things appropriately, you’ll realize what’s earning
you money as opposed to what’s costing you money.
Learn to work the system and your income can increase
substantially. I can’t promise that you’ll make millions
right off the bat, but online affiliate marketing businesses
really do have unlimited income potential. It’s possible to
earn to a steady income and have a nice life as a result.
3. Online Businesses can Be Automated
Online businesses are great because they can be
automated. As I mentioned above, I’ve reached the point
that I don’t have to spend hours upon hours working
every day. I recommend doing everything yourself in the
beginning because you want to know how the process
should work. After awhile, though, you can outsource the
tasks you don’t like doing yourself.
For example, some people do not enjoy the process of
generating website traffic for their business, but that’s
okay because it’s a process that can easily be outsourced.
You can also hire writers to create web content such as
ezine articles and a virtual assistant could easily manage
your Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts.
In fact, you could even hire someone to create videos for
4. You Can Work Anywhere in the World
As long as you have a computer and internet access, it
doesn’t matter where you are—if you run an online
business, you can work from anywhere in the world.
Believe me, because I’m living proof. I just spent seven
months traveling through Europe and my affiliate
marketing business didn’t suffer a bit. If anything, it
5. You’re Building an Asset
Any business can be sold to another person. People
purchase established stores and restaurants all the time.
There’s no reason that an online business can’t be a
turnkey operation, too. Once you have things in place,
you can sell your business to someone else.
Remind yourself that you’re doing much more than
making things better for the time being. You’re building
an asset that can be sold to someone else for a profit. By
the way, if you ever get to the point that you decide to
sell your asset, you can always start all over again with a
new online business!
6. It’s Often “Recession-Proof”
At the moment approximately one third of the U.S.
workforce is unemployed or underemployed. This means
that there are a lot of niches that an online affiliate
marketing business can benefit from right now. People
want to learn how to start a home business, how to find
a job, or how to improve themselves. Everyone out there
is looking for that edge, even if they’re still employed at
the moment.
Your site could be that edge!
7. It’s Mentally Stimulating
Last but not least, running my online business is fun—
especially when I compare it to the few jobs I had back in
the day. Right now, I’m the one calling all the shots. I no
longer feel like a trained monkey performing whatever
tasks are asked of it.
My online business is mentally stimulating and I
definitely know that I’m a lot more creative than I’d ever
be with any standard 9-to-5 career. I absolutely love my
job and wouldn’t go back to my “old life” for anything!

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