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Diversity, distribution and abundance of freshwater snails in Eleyele dam,

Ibadan, south-west Nigeria

Article  in  Zoology and Ecology · November 2016

DOI: 10.1080/21658005.2016.1245934


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3 authors:

Oyebayo Oloyede Otarigho Benson

University of Ibadan Oregon Health and Science University


Olajumoke A Morenikeji
University of Ibadan


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Zoology and Ecology

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Diversity, distribution and abundance of

freshwater snails in Eleyele dam, Ibadan, south-
west Nigeria

Oyedibu Oyebayo Oloyede, Benson Otarigho & Olajumoke Morenikeji

To cite this article: Oyedibu Oyebayo Oloyede, Benson Otarigho & Olajumoke Morenikeji
(2016): Diversity, distribution and abundance of freshwater snails in Eleyele dam, Ibadan,
south-west Nigeria, Zoology and Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/21658005.2016.1245934

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Zoology and Ecology, 2016

Diversity, distribution and abundance of freshwater snails in Eleyele dam,

Ibadan, south-west Nigeria
Oyedibu Oyebayo Oloyedea  , Benson Otarighob,c  and Olajumoke Morenikejid
Ecology and Environmental Biology Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; bCellular Parasitology, Cell Biology
and Genetic Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; cDepartment of Biological Science, Edo University, Iyamho,
Edo State, Nigeria; dParasitology/Ecology and Environmental Biology Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria


Freshwater molluscs help in the assessment of the ecological status of water bodies and also Received 3 May 2016
play significant roles in the public and veterinary health. Hence, scientific studies pertaining to Accepted 19 September 2016
their diversity, distribution and abundance become essential. In Eleyele dam, freshwater snails KEYWORDS
were sampled and physicochemical parameters of the water body were analysed fortnightly Abundance; bottom
using standard methods from May to October 2013. Plant species distribution and abundance, sediments; distribution;
bottom sediment types were also identified. A total of 2230 freshwater snails were collected. The ecological factors; Eleyele
snail species, total number and relative abundance were: Melanoides tuberculata 450 (20.18%), dam; freshwater snails
Potadoma liberiensis 301 (13.49%), Biomphalaria pfeifferi 37 (1.66%), Indoplanorbis exutus 456
(20.45%), Bulinus globosus 18 (0.81%), Gabbiella africana 53 (2.38%), Lymnaea natalensis 386
(17.31%), and Physa marmorata 529 (23.72%). 4 out of these 8 species are of medical importance.
The study revealed that the density of freshwater snails varied monthly and spatially and that
the diversity and distribution of the malacofauna of Eleyele dam were mostly influenced by
the presence of plants Eichhornia crassipes and Nymhaea lotus, water depth, alkalinity, total
dissolved solids, total hardness, and conductivity. The presence of a high number of snail species
of medical importance indicates that the people participating in various activities on the dam
are predisposed to infections harboured by these organisms.

Introduction to their marine counterparts (Senghor et al. 2015). Marine

molluscs have received more attention because of their
Increase in the world population has led to global
aesthetic and gastronomic significance when compared
increase in demand for water and water resources.
to their freshwater counterparts that are drab coloured
Over-abstraction of water, pollution, eutrophication,
(Saupe et al. 2014).
damming of rivers and streams are some of the human
Approximately 5000 species of freshwater snails have
activities threatening the existence of many ecosystems. been found to inhabit different lakes, ponds and streams
Damming has numerous social and economic benefits worldwide (Soldánová et al. 2013). Most of these fresh-
such as irrigation, fishing, transportation, tourism, power water snails are in the class Gastropoda (Mollusca) which
generation. However, damming of rivers and streams to is the largest molluscan group and is sub-classed into
build reservoirs gives rise to significant modifications in two: Prosobranchia and Pulmonata. They inhabit perma-
the natural ecology of the original water bodies (Owojori, nent water bodies across a large range in Africa and are
Asaolu, and Ofoezie 2006). For instance, it creates new well represented in Nigeria’s water bodies, especially in
biotopes which are more conducive than hitherto for the south-west of the country.
breeding of freshwater snails, including those that are of Most malacologists studying freshwater snails focus
medical and veterinary importance (Ofoezie 1999). The majorly on snail species that have been incriminated as
presence of different species of snails in water bodies has vectors of trematode parasites of humans and animals,
called for their comprehensive studies in regard to their such as Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Bulinus sp., Lymnaea sp.
ecology, biology, distribution, and abundance. which are known to be of great economic loss. Thus,
Despite the fact that freshwater snails play an impor- other freshwater snails that have no prominent medical
tant role in freshwater ecosystems and some also trans- or veterinary importance receive less or no attention.
mit serious diseases to humans and animals, including Also, freshwater snails are generally considered to be her-
fish, little attention is being paid to them in comparison bivores removing vegetative biomass, which may affect

CONTACT  Oyedibu Oyebayo Oloyede  Ooloyede7396@stu.ui.edu.ng

© 2016 Nature Research Centre
2    O. O. Oloyede et al.

the standing crop and distribution of primary producers transportation, farming, fishing and recreation for these
in an aquatic ecosystem. communities. The Eleyele community is towards the
Ecological investigations of freshwater snails have south of the dam, Apete community towards the east,
shown that the population dynamics and ecology of and Awotan community towards the north.
these animals depends on various factors such as the In 1942, the quest to create a modern water supply
physical geography of a given region, land contours, soil system to meet the challenge of water scarcity for the
composition, type of bottom soil sediment, hydrogra- emerging Ibadan metropolis led to the construction of
phy, climate change (Yousiff et al. 1998); physicochemical Eleyele dam on the main Ona River with a reservoir stor-
parameters such as temperature, nitrate level, pH, dis- age capacity of 29.5 million litres (Tijani, Olaleye, and
solved gases, alkalinity, calcium ions (Kloos et al. 2001), Olubanjo 2011). However, Eleyele dam capacity reduced
and biological factors such macrophytes (Ofoezie 1999). from 29.5 million litres to below 11 million litres in 2013
In Africa, many researches have been carried out on (Olaniyan et al. 2015). The dam is a modified natural riv-
freshwater snail abundance, distribution and ecology, erine wetland type with an area of about 1.290 km2 and
which include Brown et al. (2012) in Sudan; Orwa et al. a catchment area of 10.303 km2.
(2015) in Kenya; Koji et al. (2015) in Cameroon; Claassens Four sampling points were chosen within the dam
et al. (2016) in South Africa, among others. In Nigeria, (Figure 1). These points cover various human activities
snail studies have been carried out by many researchers occurring within the study area (Table 1).
such as Omudu and Iyough (2005) on the River Benue;
Salawu and Odaibo (2014) on different water bodies in
Snail sampling
Yewa North, Ogun State, and many more. Idowu, Inyang,
and Eyo (2008) observed that shallow lakes, especially Data were collected fortnightly from May to October
those with well-developed littoral macrophytes often 2013 between the hours of 06.30 and 10.30. Samplings
harbour diverse snail species assemblages in the tropics. were carried out using a 0.2 mm scoop net with a long
Different studies have been carried out on Eleyele handle as described by Madsen et al. (2001). About 30
dam, but no study has been reported on the distribution, passes of a kitchen scoop were made at each point
abundance, and ecology of the freshwater snails in the through the upper surface of sediments across vegeta-
dam. The study of these organisms is important due to tion stands. Floating objects, dead decaying objects and
the fact that the occurrence of some species is related surface sediments were sampled along with molluscs
to polluted areas, while for others, the presence of clean, at each sampling point. The collected were taken to the
unpolluted water is essential for their occurrence. It is laboratory in labelled containers.
likewise important to enlist the molluscan wealth of At some places which were characterised by stones
Eleyele dam. and accumulation of decayed plants and where a scoop
This study aimed at investigating the ecology of fresh- net could not be adequately used, an effort was made
water snails in Eleyele dam. The objectives of this study by searching for freshwater snails using hand gloves
were to: and plastic spoons (WHO 1985; Ofoezie 1999). Snails
were also searched for underside of boats and in open
(1)  study the monthly variation of water chemis-
water. Each sampling point was sampled for snails for
try, freshwater snails in Eleyele dam,
30–40 min.
(2)  investigate the effects of ecological fac-
All snails collected were transported in containers
tors such as macrophytes, physicochemical
with perforated lids and containing moist cotton wool
parameters, soil bottom sediment on the dis-
into the laboratory for identification. Identification of
tribution and abundance of freshwater snails
snails into various genera and species was done based on
in Eleyele dam, and
the published book by WHO on Africa freshwater snails,
(3)  investigate the spatial distribution of individ-
and counting of snails was done at species level.
ual species and temporal variation in mollusc
Aquatic macrophytes and sediment type
Materials and methods
All the emergent and floating macrophytes found in each
Study area of the sampling points were collected, properly labelled,
The study was conducted on Eleyele dam which is and preserved by pressing them between newspapers to
located north-east of Ibadan, south-western part of prevent decay. The plants were taken to the herbarium
Nigeria, which falls within longitude 07°25′ N and 07°27′ for identification in the Department of Botany, University
N and latitude 03°50′ E and 03°53′ E. The study area is of Ibadan. Each macrophyte was identified to species
surrounded by different communities, and it serves level, and the vegetation abundance at each sampling
as a very important source of domestic water supply, point was described as dense, moderate, or sparse. The
Zoology and Ecology   3

Figure 1. Study area and sampling points (Ref: Locator_map_Nigeria.png).

Table 1. Sampling points, GPS location and various activities performed at each point.
Sampling point GPS location Human activities Bottom sediments
A 07°25′23.7″N, 03°51′26.6″E Landing for canoes conveying passengers Sandy bottom with silt substrate
B 07°25′22.9″N, 03°51′29.4″E Fish sold to market women, washed and processed Sandy bottom with detritus
C 07°25′30.4″N, 03°51′31.1″E Landing for canoes conveying passengers, water is being Muddy bottom with detritus
taken for domestic activities
D 07°25′30.4″N, 03°51′36.6″E Surrounded by abandoned farmland, water body is filthy Highly muddy bottom with little sand
and smelly

sediment types at each sampling point were collected four sampling points in Eleyele dam in 2-l plastic con-
into different containers and taken to the Department of tainers by a simple dip method (Owojori, Asaolu, and
Soil Science, University of Ibadan for identification and Ofoezie 2006). Total dissolved solids, total solids, total
classification into: sand-mud, mud, sand with detritus, suspended solids, and total hardness were determined.
and sand only. The cadmium reduction method was used to determine
the nitrate level in water. Calcium ion concentration in
the water was determined with the Atomic Absorption
Water sampling
Spectrometer (Model 210/211 VGP); nitrate ion con-
The physical parameters measured during each sam- centration was determined using a phenoldisulphoric
pling included temperature and water depth. Water method. Total alkalinity was determined by titration with
depth was measured using a metre rule calibrated in standard sulphuric acid (N/50 H2SO4) using mixed indi-
centimetres. Water temperature was determined in situ cators (methyl red and bromocresol green). Dissolved
by inserting a mercury-in-glass thermometer into the oxygen samples were collected in glass stoppered light
water and allowed to stabilize horizontally for five min- reagent bottles and immediately fixed with Winkler’s
utes (Olofintoye 2001). reagent (KI and MnCl2) in the field and titrated with
Conductivity and pH values were measured in the 0.0125 N sodium thiosulphate (APHA, AWWA, and WEF
field using the Consort C933-chemical analyser. Surface 1992). Samples for biological oxygen demand (BOD)
water samples were collected twice in a month at the were determined in the same way, except that they were
4    O. O. Oloyede et al.

Table 2. Freshwater snail occurrence at sampling points in Eleyele dam: numbers of individuals and relative abundance (in paren-
Sampling points
Subclass Family Species A B C D
Pulmonata 1426 (63.95%) Planorbidae 511 (22.91%) B. pfeifferi 37 (1.66%) 11 18 8 0
I. exutus 456 (20.45%) 257 172 24 3
B. globosus 18 (0.81%) 15 3 0 0
Lymnaeidae 386 (17.31%) L. natalensis 386 (17.31%) 76 131 97 82
Physidae 529 (23.72%) P. marmorata 529 (23.72%) 279 152 77 21
Prosobranchia 804 (36.05%) Bithyniidae 53 (2.38%) G. africana 53 (2.38%) 15 37 1 0
Thiaridae 751 (33.68%) M. tuberculata 450 (20.19%) 248 172 30 0
P. liberiensis 301 (13.49%) 96 123 82 0

(Schepman, 1888), Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774),

Biomphalaria pfeifferi (Krauss, 1848), and Bulinus ­globosus
(Morelet, 1866) were not found at sampling point D dur-
ing the study period. Lymnaeidae and Physidae were
represented at all sampling points, whereas Thiaridae,
Planorbidae, and Bithyniidae were not found in sam-
pling point D (Table 2). The spatial distribution of snails
shows that sampling point A had the highest percent-
age of mollusc abundance of 44.71% and richness with
8 species; sampling point B had 36.23% with 8 species;
sampling point C had 14.30% with 7 species, while sam-
pling point D with 4.76% had the poorest composition
Figure 2.  Temporal changes in the abundance of snails in with 3 species (Table 2).
Eleyele. Species labels: P.m. – P. marmorata, L.n. – L. natalensis, Observation of the monthly variation in composi-
I.e. – I. exutus, G.a. – G. africana, P.l. – P. liberiensis, M.t. – tion and abundance of mollusc assemblages shows
M. tuberculata, B.p. – B. pfeifferi, B.g. – B. globosus. that representatives of Pulmonata were the most
abundant snails throughout the sampling period
collected in dark reagent bottles and fixed after incuba- (Figure 2). The highest abundance of snails was
tion in the dark for 5 days. observed between September and October (late rainy
season), while the least number of snails was found
between June and July (early rainy season). This table
Statistical analysis also shows that all species were present throughout
Results were expressed as mean  ±  SD for continuous the sampling period, except B. globosus that was
variables and percentage (%) for categorical variables. absent from July to October and G. africana which
The correlation coefficient was calculated to determine was absent only in July.
the relationship between snail abundance and physico-
chemical parameters, and also the relationship between
snail species pairs. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Physicochemical parameters
(SPSS) version 16.0 software for windows was used for
The values of physicochemical parameters determined
the analysis.
at Eleyele dam during the course of the study are sum-
marised in Table 3. The water temperature range was
Results found to be 26.00–30.00 °C. The mean of water depth
at which physicochemical parameters were taken was
The occurrence, diversity, and abundance of snails 25 cm, while the pH range was 6.94–8.88.
A total of 2230 snails (sub-classes Prosobranchia and In Eleyele sampling points, water had high alkalinity,
Pulmonata, 5 families and 8 species) were collected conductivity and suspended material. The conductivity
during the sampling period. The family Planorbidae during the study ranged between 46.70 and 290.00 μS/cm,
had the highest species composition of 3; Thiaridae while nitrate level varied between 0.01 and 6.55 mg/l. The
had 2; while Bithynidae, Lymnaeidae and Physidae alkalinity ranged from 3.00 to 126.00 mg/l, while total
had 1 species each (Table 2). Three of these species, hardness varied from 2.37 to 65.00 mg/l. The mean of
namely Indoplanorbis exutus (Deshayes, 1834), Lymnaea dissolved oxygen and BOD was 2.65 mg/l and 0.86 mg/l,
natalensis (Krauss, 1848) and Physa marmorata (Guilding, respectively, during the study. Dissolved calcium in water
1828) were distributed at all sampling points, whereas varied between 5.02 and 98.85 mg/l and the mean was
Gabbiella africana (Frauenfeld 1862), Potadoma liberiensis 48.67 mg/l.
Zoology and Ecology   5

Table 3. Physicochemical parameter values (mean ± SD and range in parentheses) at four sampling points in Eleyele dam, Ibadan
(May–October 2013).
Parameters Point A Point B Point C Point D
Conductivity (μS/cm) 127.93 ± 31.426 125.90 ± 30.849 122.52 ± 29.214 119.18 ± 28.346
(47.60–290.00) (46.70–290.00) (49.60–280) (46.80–274.00)
pH 7.96 ± 0.875 8.02 ± 0.155 8.04 ± 0.185 7.92 ± 0.175
(6.98–8.55) (6.98–8.68) (7.10–8.88) (6.94–8.85)
Water temperature (°C) 28.17 ± 0.3875 28.33 ± 0.333 28.50 ± 0.230 28.42 ± 0.36
(26.00–30.00) (26.00–30.00) (28.00–30.00) (26.00–30.00)
Water depth (cm) 28.00 ± 2.778 22.50 ± 2.583 24.42 ± 0.811 27.00 ± 1.261
(8.00–43.00) (8.00–36.00) (19.00–28.00) (20.00–35.00)
Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 2.76 ± 0.333 2.80 ± 0.346 2.68 ± 0.417 2.31 ± 0.243
(1.02–4.78) (0.51–4.78) (0.81–6.60) (1.12–3.56)
Biological oxygen demand (mg/l) 0.99 ± 0.302 0.96 ± 0.295 0.80 ± 0.269 0.57 ± 0.0859
(0.10–3.66) (0.00–3.66) (0.20–3.66) (0.10–1.12)
Nitrate (mg/l) 1.33 ± 0.390 0.88 ± 0.387 1.96 ± 0.715 1.46 ± 0.550
(0.02–4.78) (0.01–4.68) (0.02–3.66) (0.03–6.55)
Calcium (mg/l) 37.39 ± 9.974 23.68 ± 5.389 35.65 ± 9.201 26.15 ± 6.649
(5.02–98.85) (5.02–61.01) (5.26–92.70) (2.31–71.78)
Alkalinity (mg/l) 46.58 ± 14.929 43.63 ± 13.786 41.96 ± 12.689 40.33 ± 12.091
(4.00–126.00) (3.10–120.00) (4.00–106.00) (3.00–100)
Total hardness (mg/l) 25.99 ± 7.404 25.27 ± 7.217 25.60 ± 6.920 24.49 ± 6.720
(2.99–65.00) (2.99–64.00) (2.70–62.00) (2.37–61.00)
Total suspended solids (mg/l) 60.24 ± 14.261 60.55 ± 14.391 67.85 ± 16.427 63.94 ± 15.222
(8.96–120.40) (8.96–125.00) (9.60–156.05) (8.9–133.95)
Total solids (mg/l) 142.87 ± 22.211 131.07 ± 22.590 115.58 ± 21.455 148.05 ± 20.728
(41.75–268.00) (40.95–285.00) (44.00–248.00) (43.00–252.20)
Total dissolved solids (mg/l) 87.55 ± 18.203 75.48 ± 20.547 84.14 ± 15.967 84.39 ± 16.576
(26.20–194.00) (6.00–194) (26.30–180.00) (24.70–188.00)

Table 4. Correlation matrix between physicochemical parameters and snail numbers in Eleyele dam, May–October 2013.
P. marmorata L. natalensis I. exutus G. africana P. liberiensis M. tuberculata B. pfeifferi B. globosus
Conductivity −0.389** 0.358*
Temp −0.302*
Water depth 0.349* −0.442** −0.438** −0.412**
Biological oxygen demand 0.331*
Nitrate −0.373**
Calcium 0.341*
Alkalinity 0.384** 0.380**
Total hardness 0.347* 0.388**
Total suspended solids −0.303*
Total solids
Total dissolved solids −0.294* −0.404** 0.387**

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

Relationship between physicochemical parameters highly muddy sampling point D was observed to have
and snail abundance the least macrophyte abundance, as well as the least
abundance and diversity of snails (Tables 1 and 5).
In Eleyele dam, 18 significant correlations were found
between physicochemical parameters and the snail
species numbers and densities in Eleyele dam (Table 4). Discussion
Dissolved oxygen and pH has no significant correla-
Stable coexistence of freshwater snail community can
tion with the densities of any of the freshwater snails in
be found only in habitats which are capable of sup-
Eleyele dam.
porting mutually exclusive and conducive niches for
Water depth correlated positively with P. marmorata
different species. The abundance of gastropods such as
and B. globosus and negatively with B. pfeifferi. Alkalinity
M. tuberculata and P. marmorata without the presence of
correlated positively with L. natalensis and P. liberiensis,
any bivalve is a strong indication of pollution (organic) in
while conductivity correlated positively with B. globosus
Eleyele dam. Bivalves are more sensitive to water quality
and negatively with P. liberiensis.
than gastropods; therefore, the distribution of bivalves is
restricted mostly to water bodies of high qualities, with
the exception of a few species such as some Pisidium
Relationship between the type of bottom
spp. (Bennion et al. 2015), while many gastropod spe-
sediments, macrophytes and snail abundance
cies are tolerant to most physicochemical parameters of
Sampling point A with bottom sediments of sand and silt freshwater, making them widely distributed in different
had the highest distribution, abundance, and diversity freshwater environments (Strzelec and Królczyk 2004;
of snails and the highest macrophyte abundance, while Sharma, Sharma, and Sawhney 2009).
6    O. O. Oloyede et al.

Table 5. Plant species present and description of bottom sedi- important role in Lymnaea abundance. Hussein et al.
ment at each sampling point. (2011) reported a negative correlation between the total
Macrophyte species Point A Point B Point C Point D hardness and B. alexandrina.
Pentodon pentandrus ++ + + NP In this study, a negative relationship was recorded
Cynodonn lemfuensis ++ ++ + +
Polygonum saliefolum ++ + NP NP
between water depth and G. africana, B. pfeifferi and
Ludwigia abyssinia + + + NP B. globosus and a positive relationship between water
Eichhornia crassipes +++ +++ + NP depth and P. marmorata. This is in accordance with
Musa paradisiaca +++ + ++ NP
Musa sapientum +++ + + NP El-Kady et al. (2000) where the most effective ecological
Commelina diffusa ++ + NP NP factor acting upon snail population density in irrigation
Notes: + – species present, ++ – species abundant, +++ – species very channels was the water depth and Hussein et al. (2011)
abundant, NP – not present. who reported a negative correlation between water
depth and C. bulimoides, Theodoxus niloticus, Cleopatra
Out of the 8 species of snails collected from the study smithi, and Bulinus truncatus.
area, 4 were of medical importance, which are interme- We found no significant relationship between snail
diate hosts of animal and human diseases. L. natalensis abundance and pH, and this agrees with Ofoezie (1999)
is an intermediate host of Fasciola gigantica in many and Cañete et al. (2004) that pH is rarely a factor limit-
parts of Africa (Brown 1994), M. tuberculata is medically ing the distribution and abundance of freshwater snails
important because it can serve as the first intermediate in their various habitats. However, this study does not
host for the human lung fluke Paragonimus westermani agree with the works by Owojori, Asaolu, and Ofoezie
(Dundee and Paine 1999). B. pfeifferi is an intermediate (2006) which recorded a positive correlation between
host of Schistosoma mansoni in Nigeria (Adewunmi pH (pH range 6.9–7.5) and Potadoma sp. and also with
et al. 1990). B. globosus is a known intermediate host of Kazibwe et al. (2006) who reported a negative corre-
Schistosoma haematobium in Nigeria (Adewunmi et al. lation between pH and Biomphalaria sp. Hussein et al.
1990) and other parts of Africa (Doumenge et al. 1987). (2011) observed that pH was negatively correlated with
I. exutus was found to be the most abundant freshwater L. carinatus and B. unicolor and positively correlated with
vector species, while B. globosus was the least abundant C. bulimoides, M. tuberculata and T. niloticus. There was a
of the vector species. B. globosus is known to be confined negative significant relationship between temperature
to small patches, ditches and tributaries of streams and and B. globosus densities in Eleyele dam, and this is not
ponds (Owojori, Asaolu, and Ofoezie 2006). in accordance with the findings of Ofoezie (1999) who
On the basis of correlation analysis between the reported no significant relationship between freshwa-
physicochemical parameters and snail species, a posi- ter snails and temperature at various study sites. Also,
tive relationship was observed between conductivity Owojori, Asaolu, and Ofoezie (2006) reported that there
and P. marmorata, B. globosus and P. liberiensis in Eleyele was no significant correlation between snail density and
dam, and this agrees with Ofoezie (1999) who recorded a temperature. However, this study agrees with Kazibwe et
significant relationship between conductivity and fresh- al. (2006) who recorded a positive relationship between
water snail abundance. Idowu, Inyang, and Eyo (2008) Biomphalaria sp. abundance and water temperature in
also recorded a positive correlation between conductiv- Lake Albert, Western Uganda and Hussein et al. (2011)
ity and mollusc abundance in the littoral region of Lake who reported a positive correlation between water
Alau, Maiduguri Borno state. However, Owojori, Asaolu, temperature and Bellamya unicolor and also between
and Ofoezie (2006) observed no significant correlation temperature and Lanistes carintus at Qena Governorate,
between mollusc population and conductivity. Upper Egypt. In this study, a positive relationship was
No significant relationship was observed between recorded between dissolved calcium in water and
dissolved oxygen and snail abundance. Owojori, Asaolu, P. liberiensis. Hussein et al. (2011) recorded a nega-
and Ofoezie (2006) also recorded no significant corre- tive correlation between calcium concentration and
lation between snail density and dissolved oxygen in Biomphalaria unicolor, S. cleopatra, Potadoma sp., and
Opa reservoir in Ile-Ife. However, Idowu, Inyang, and B. alexandrina, i.e. decrease in snail abundance with
Eyo (2008) reported a positive correlation between increase in calcium concentration.
dissolved oxygen and mollusc abundance. Hussein In Eleyele dam, most of the accessible habitats (sam-
et al. (2011) reported a negative correlation between DO pling points) are used for human activities such as
and Lanistes carinatus and between DO and Bellamya bathing, fishing and washing clothes or for agricultural
unicolor. A positive correlation was recorded between purposes.
DO and Cleopatra bulimoides and also between DO and The highest gastropod count was recorded dur-
Biomphalaria alexandrina. ing late rainy season (September–October), while
A positive significant relationship was recorded the lowest was recorded during early rainy season
between total hardness of water and the duo of (June and July) from Eleyele dam. This corresponds
L. natalensis and P. libieriensis. Cañete et al. (2004) with Owojori, Asaolu, and Ofoezie (2006) who studied
indicated that total hardness seemed to play some river and ponds in Ile-Ife. This study does not agree
Zoology and Ecology   7

with the findings of that recorded the highest count aquatic plants such as E. crassipes and Lemna gibba,
of gastropods in March in Beheira Province and also Nymhaea lotus.
with the study of El-Kady et al. (2000) who recorded In this study, high numbers of I. exutus, P. marmo-
the highest freshwater snail number in April in Sinai rata, P. liberiensis and L. natalensis were collected from
Peninsula. Eleyele, which may be attributed to high abundance
On the basis of seasonal variation, most of the snails of aquatic vegetation, mostly E. crassipes, N. lotus and
in the dam showed marked seasonal variation in density, attachments to leaves of fallen Musa spp., while M.
the pattern of which is common in all species. In spite of tuberculata were mostly found in bottom sediments at
this, the peak abundance of snails was recorded in May the sampling points. This agrees with Owojori, Asaolu,
for P. mamorata; in September/October for L. ­natalensis, and Ofoezie (2006) who reported that Physa spp. were
G. africana, and I. exutus; in June for B. pfeifferi and highly associated with E. crassipes. Other studies also
B. globosus; in June/July for M. tuberculata; and in August/ reported higher abundance of snails with the presence of
October for I. exutus. This trend agrees with the reports E. crassipes (Plummer 2005). These plants provide surface
of several researchers from south-west Nigeria (Owojori, for egg deposition and shelter for snail species (Holland,
Asaolu, and Ofoezie 2006) and Igwun, eastern Nigeria Chiaverano, and Howard 2016). The snails were com-
(Udonsi 1990). However, it contrasts with the bimodal monly found attached to identified water macrophytes,
pattern seen in Yola, northern Nigeria (Akogun and Okin especially E. crassipes, N. lotus, fallen leaves of Musa
1993); Oyan, south-west Nigeria (Ofoezie 1999), Lake sapientum, M. paradisiaca, and sometimes were found
Volta Ghana (Klumpp and Chu 1977) and Lake Kariba, attached to surfaces of submerged items such as dead
Zambia (Hira 1969). logs, decaying leaves and junks in water. The abundance
In this study, sampling points A, B, and C are character- of gastropods may be due to the types of aquatic habi-
ised by clear human activities in the surroundings, while tats around the dam which mostly support the growth
no activity was recorded at point D. Snails were recorded of freshwater snails. Spatial and monthly variation was
at all sampling points, but sampling point D with unclear observed in the population of snails in this study, which
human activities and the least plant abundance and dis- varied with the physicochemical parameters of the water
tribution harboured the least number of snail species and body, and this agrees with Idowu, Inyang, and Eyo (2008).
the lowest abundance. The human activity did not show The relationship between macrovegetation diversity
any significant effect on the distribution of the snails. In and abundance and bottom sediments has been known
a study by Lydig (2009) on factors affecting distribution for some time (Bailey 1988). It was observed during this
of freshwater pulmonates in Tanzania, high prevalence study that sampling point A with the most diverse veg-
of Biomphalaria spp. Bulinus spp., and Lymnaea spp. was etation has a sandy muddy bottom with organic silt.
found in habitats with human contact at Babati District. This agrees with the observation of Costil and Clement
The vegetation types and abundance have a great (1996) but does not agree with Patzner and Isarch (1999).
role to play in the distribution of freshwater snail species The type of bottom sediments at each sampling point is
(Brogan and Relyea 2015). Eichhornia crassipes is a free very important in this respect. The impact of various sed-
floating aquatic plant reproducing both vegetatively via iments on freshwater snail diversity has been known for
ramets formed from auxiliary buds on stolons and asexu- some time. In this study, freshwater snails were observed
ally through seed production, and on several occasions, to be most abundant at sampling point A which is known
eggs of freshwater snails have been found deposited on to have a sandy bottom with organic silt and followed by
them (Owojori, Asaolu, and Ofoezie 2006). sampling point B which is observed to have a sandy bot-
Sampling point A was observed to have the high- tom with detritus. This study agrees with Collier, Ilcock,
est plant species composition and abundance with and Meredith (1998) and Dillon (2000).
E. crassipes population outnumbering populations of
other plants. Also, point A was recorded to have the high-
est number of snail species and abundance. This could
be a result of the favourable environmental conditions The physicochemical parameters in Eleyele dam are
at this sampling point, such as the plant species richness favourable for the thriving of snails, and this will lead
and abundance and the type of bottom sediment. On to increase in their abundance. This study has identified
the contrary, sampling point D was observed to have various factors such as water depth, BOD, alkalinity, total
the least snail species richness, diversity and abundance. suspended solids, total hardness, conductivity, as well as
This is a result of unfavourable environmental condi- the presence and absence of macrophytes like water hya-
tions which could be a result of highly muddy bottom cinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lily (Nymhaea lotus)
sediments present and sparse plants. The results of this as important factors that determine the abundance and
study agree with the work of El-Khayat et al. (2011) who distribution of snail species in Eleyele dam. The habitat
recorded a strong association between freshwater snails, types and the bottom sediments may also influence
especially the Biomphalaria spp. and Physa spp. and the abundance of snails. The presence and absence of
8    O. O. Oloyede et al.

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