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"Blending the 80/20 Rule and Psychology for

Rapid Korean Learning"


A Message from Your Captain

Your Korean language learning adventures start here.

Prep yourself for action and read through the report. Your challenges
will begin this week, so after you are finished, flip through and be
prepared to accept your mission.

Over and out.

Korea is a land of unique surroundings. To many of us, it is very
foreign — and the language is no different. Its unique sounds,
tones and idiosyncrasies intrigue us.


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It is like a whole new planet.

You may have flown to Korea, and now are living in this foreign
land. Or perhaps you are thinking about it. Maybe you know
you will never visit, but you are on the ground in your home
country, interacting with Koreans and being exposed to Korean

No matter the reason you made it here to the 90 Day Korean

Inner Circle, you have a purpose, as you outlined in your
questionnaire. This is your objective for these challenges.

We also urge you to take a look at our objectives with 90 Day

Korean, since they align with yours:


To increase knowledge of the Korean

Your first missionKorean
To spread is to getculture
out there and
To improve your personal speaking ability
To switch the focus of Korean learning to
application in real-world situations

When you meet your objectives, we meet ours. It’s a win-win.

There are numerous psychology studies which now show that

© Copyright 90 Day Korean. Get free training and rapid learning resources at:
game and reward systems increase adherence to learning
programs or behavior change. Knowing this, we’ve put together
a series of challenges to help make your learning fun.

If you can’t play along due to locational restraints (i.e., you’re

not in Korea or near a Koreatown and don’t plan to be anytime
soon), don’t fret. We have challenges that you can do on your
own. The challenges may require you to do some extra reading,
writing, or go out and interact with others.

Anytime there is a challenge that requires you to interact with a

Korean and you are unable, the second best thing you can do is
to go through the challenge anyway — acting as if your friend
can understand you or reciting the sentences to yourself in the

It’s amazing how the act of just vocalizing what we’re learning
can help solidify our knowledge.


Complete 75% of the challenges and/or

achieve 100 total points


Bragging rights, more confidence and a

leveled-up Korean ability…and a bonus prize!


© Copyright 90 Day Korean. Get free training and rapid learning resources at:
So that’s it. When you complete 100 points worth of
challenges, email us at contact@90daykorean.com so we can
congratulate you!

Now you’re ready to begin. Take a look at your first set of

challenges and get started. Most importantly, have fun with it!

1. Looking Forward

Your first order of business is to look over your questionnaire

and read through it. If you haven’t done it, now is the perfect
time! Read over your goals, your reasons for studying Korean,
your self-promised rewards. Take it all in.

From there, it’s time to reflect. Write down answers to the

following questions:

1. What will you commit to as part of this program? Make

yourself a promise you can keep.


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2. What has stopped you in the past from taking action on a
goal? Write down what you will do in the case that issue comes
up again.


2. Tell All Your Friends

To help you get started and build the momentum, it’s important
to get others to hold you accountable. You’ll get that as part of
the 90 Day Korean Inner Circle, but it’s also important to
solidify your study plans by making it real within your social
circle of influence.

Write down the names of five people that you could tell about
your new study plan. These people may be your friends, family,

© Copyright 90 Day Korean. Get free training and rapid learning resources at:
friends, family, parents, coworkers or anyone else that is
important to or that you interact with on a regular basis. When
those you care about also know about your goals, you are more
likely to follow through with your indicated actions.

Name 1:
Name 2:
Name 3:
Name 4:
Name 5:


Now, contact them and let them know what you plan to do and
what your goals are with studying Korean. If it’s not possible to
talk to them immediately, set a calendar reminder or write an
email to let them know. It’s important to take one small action
now to get the ball rolling.

With these two small actions today, your language learning

journey will be off to a flying start!

Nice work. Now you can finish for the day and take a rest.
Record your points below.

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POINTs earned today:

Total points so far:


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