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Analysis of Location Privacy/Energy Efficiency

Tradeoffs in Wireless Sensor Networks

Sergio Armenia1 , Giacomo Morabito2 , and Sergio Palazzo2

CNIT - Research Unit of Catania, Italy
Universita’ di Catania, DIIT, V.le A.Doria, Catania, Italy
gmorabi@diit.unict.it, spalazzo@diit.unict.it

Abstract. In this paper an analytical framework is proposed for the

evaluation of the tradeoffs between location privacy and energy efficiency
in wireless sensor networks. We assume that random routing is utilized to
improve privacy. However, this involves an increase in the average path
length and thus an increase in energy consumption. The privacy loss is
measured using information theory concepts; indeed, it is calculated as
the difference between the uncertainties on the target location before
and after the attack. To evaluate both privacy loss and average energy
consumption the behavior of the routing protocol is modeled through a
Markov chain in which states represent the nodes traversed by a packet in
its way to the sink. The analytical framework can be used by designers to
evaluate the most appropriate setting of the random routing parameters
depending on the privacy and/or energy efficiency requirements.

1 Introduction
It is well known that wireless networks have serious privacy problems. This is
mainly because of the broadcast nature of the radio channel that allows all
stations in proximity of the sender to overhear the frames sent. Even if network
devices make use of encryption algorithms, confidentiality is usually provided for
the data field only, whereas the header/tail fields remain in plain text. Therefore,
given that during the normal activity there are frequently packets sent using
broadcast address as destination, an eavesdropper can receive and process them
without any effort and thus can obtain information about the sender. This, joined
to the fact that wireless devices usually have a fixed address, gives the attackers
the possibility to link device address to user identity or to device position as well
to the type of application utilized.
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs) the above problems are amplified and new
issues arise. In fact, WSNs are based on the wireless multihop communication
paradigm and therefore, eavesdropping attacks can be accomplished more easily.
Furthermore, WSN applications are pervasive by nature and as a consequence,
a lot of user sensible information can be stolen by attackers.
In the recent past a lot of attention has been devoted to the key distribu-
tion in the WSN cryptography domain. Accordingly, several solutions have been
proposed for pre-distributing keys or for reducing their size.

I.F. Akyildiz et al. (Eds.): NETWORKING 2007, LNCS 4479, pp. 215–226, 2007.
c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2007
216 S. Armenia, G. Morabito, and S. Palazzo

However, secure cryptography does not guarantee privacy, as we have already

said. Indeed, some research work has recently appeared that deals with the
relationship between routing and location privacy in WSN. In fact, radio activity
at an intermediate node can be used to obtain information about the position
of the information source.
In [3] a formal model of the source-location privacy problem is provided,
and two popular classes of routing protocols, namely, flooding protocols and
single path protocol, are analysed from the privacy and energy consumption
standpoints. Based on such analysis a new technique called phantom routing is
proposed that combines the advantages of both the above mentioned classes of
routing protocols and provides suitable protection of the source location while
not causing a noticeable increase in energy consumption. In [5] the authors pro-
pose GROW (Greedy Random Walk): a two way random walk to reduce the
chance an eavesdropper can collect the source-location information. Note that
both the above research contributions are simulations-based.
Differently, in this paper we introduce an analytical framework for the eval-
uation of the tradeoff between location privacy and energy efficiency in wireless
sensor networks. To this end we extend the definition of privacy loss based on
information theory concepts, proposed in [1] for data mining systems, to the
case of location privacy in sensor networks. More specifically, we focus on the
relationship between random routing design choices and privacy loss as well as
energy efficiency. Accordingly, we will derive a Markov-based model of the ran-
dom routing behavior that allows to calculate the privacy loss as well as the
average energy consumption. Numerical results confirm that, as expected, en-
ergy efficiency and privacy are competing requirements. The framework can be
used by protocol designers to set appropriate tradeoffs between the two above
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: in Section 2 we present the
system model along with a statement of the problem. In Section 3 we evaluate the
privacy loss and the energy consumption. Some numerical results are provided
in Section 4 and, finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2 Problem Statement and System Model

In this section we first state the problem of location-privacy in wireless sensor

networks (WSNs). More in detail, in Section 2.1 we will define the problem using
the panda-hunter game scenario, then, in Section 2.2 we introduce the system
model that will be utilized in the following of the paper.

2.1 Statement of the Problem: The Panda-Hunter Game

The panda-hunter game is a well known reference scenario utilized for the study
of source location privacy in WSNs [4,3].
Suppose that a set of sensor nodes has been deployed by the Save The Panda
Organisation, in a random way within a large area in order to study and monitor
Analysis of Location Privacy/Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in WSNs 217

panda habit. Sensor nodes are able to detect panda’s presence. At any time, while
the panda freely moves, there is always a sensor node, called source node, that
detects panda’s position. Such an observation must be periodically reported to
a sink node, via multihop routing techniques. In this way the current position of
the panda is approximately the position of the current source node. Thus, when
the sink node receives a message from the source node, it will know the panda
We suppose that transmissions are encrypted, so the source node ID field
cannot be read by attackers. Moreover we assume that relationship between
node ID and node location is known only by the sink node.
In the area there is a hunter as well, with the role of adversary. He aims to
catch the panda, thus he is an enemy from the Save The Panda Organisation
standpoint. The hunter is not able to decrypt messages therefore, he cannot
learn, at least not directly, location of the source node, but in order to get the
worst case we considered the hunter, as in [3], non malicius, i.e. does not interfere
with proper function of the network, device rich, i.e. he is equipped in such a
way he can measure signal strenght and angle of arrival of any message, resource
rich, i.e. he has unlimited amount of power, and informed, i.e. he knows location
of the sink, and the network structure and protocols.
Using his devices and resources the hunter can analyse messages at RF level,
so he can try to capture panda by back-tracing the routing path used by messages
until the source.
As an example, consider the sensor network represented in Figure 1. There
are N = 11 sensor nodes n0 , n1 , ..., n10 , with n0 representing the sink.

Fig. 1. Example of hunting activity

In Figure 1 we show the shortest path routing tree connecting each sensor node
ni to the sink n0 , i.e., node n0 is the root of the tree. If the hunter is located near
node n6 and detects radio activity, then a node in the set {n7 , n8 , n9 , n10 } is the
source node. Instead, if no activity is detected, then the panda is near one of the
remaining nodes, i.e., a node in the set {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is the source node.
218 S. Armenia, G. Morabito, and S. Palazzo

Observe, that in any case the hunter splits the network and obtains information
about the panda location.
This leads to a strict connection between location privacy and routing protocol
in a WSN. Routing protocols must be privacy-aware in order to save, or at least
prolong, panda’s life.

Fig. 2. Example of random routing

A simple way to improve privacy is to introduce some randomness in the

routing behavior. Indeed, in random routing the next relay is chosen randomly
between all the neighbors of the current relay. As an example, in Figure 2 we
show a path obtained applying random routing in the same WSN shown in
Figure 1. In this case, the fact that node n3 is forwarding a packet does not
mean that the source node is in the set {n3 , n4 }.
However, the length of path followed by packets in random routing can in-
crease significantly, which involves large energy consumption. In other words, the
increase in privacy is achieved at the expenses of higher energy consumption. It
follows that appropriate tradeoffs are needed.

2.2 System Model

Let us consider a WSN composed of M nodes denoted as n0 , n1 , ..., nM−1 .
For any node ni , with i < M , we define Φ(ni ) the set of neighbors1 of ni and
φ(ni ) the number of its neighbors, i.e., φ(ni ) = |Φ(ni )|. Now suppose that n0
is the sink and let us call d(ni ) the distance between node ni and the sink n0 .
Obviously, d(n0 ) = 0 and d(ni ) = minn∈Φ(ni ) {d(n) + 1}.
Observe that routing of packets towards the sink in a sensor networks can be
modeled by means of a matrix Q ∈ (M−1)×(M−1) , the generic element of which,
[Q]i,j , represents the probability that the next relay of a packet transmitted by
ni is nj , with i and j ∈ [1, (M − 1)]. We define Q as the routing matrix.
We say that two nodes are neighbors if they are in the radio coverage of each other.
Analysis of Location Privacy/Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in WSNs 219

In order to model random routing we define the best next relay Ψ (ni ) as the
neighbour of ni which is closest to the sink, i.e., it is a node that satisfies the
following relationship

d (ψ(ni )) ≤ d(m), ∀m ∈ Φ(ni ) (1)

Let us stress that even if several nodes may satisfy the relationship in eq. (1),
for each ni only one node ψ(ni ) is selected. Accordingly, if shortest path routing
is utilized [Q][i,j] is equal to 1 if nj is the best next relay, i.e., if nj = ψ(ni ), and
is equal to 0, otherwise.
We define as p-random routing a routing algorithm which chooses the best
next relay with probability p and any other neighbor node with equal probability.
Accordingly, the routing matrix of a p-random routing protocol is

p if nj = ψ(ni ) and φ(ni ) > 1
⎨ (1−p)
if nj = ψ(ni ) and φ(ni ) > 1
[Q]i,j = φ(ni )−1 (2)

⎪ 1 if nj = ψ(ni ) and φ(ni ) = 1

0 otherwise

Note that if p is equal to 1, then random routing becomes a shortest path


3 Performance Analysis
We define and derive the location privacy loss when p-random routing is applied
in Sections 3.1. Then, in Section 3.2, we will derive the corresponding energy
consumption. Such performance metrics will be evaluated as a function of the
probability p. This allows us to evaluate appropriate tradeoffs between privacy
loss and energy consumption.

3.1 Privacy Loss

A measure of privacy is crucial to the evaluation of privacy enhancement solu-
tions. Accordingly, in the recent past some research effort has been devoted to
the definition of an appropriate privacy metric. In [6] an overview of the most
interesting solutions is provided. Here we extend the definition proposed in [1]
to the location privacy case.
Let S be the random variable representing the current position of the panda.
We identify the location with the sensor node that detects the presence of the
panda. Accordingly, at any time the random variable S can assume a value in
the set {n0 , n1 , ..., nM−1 }.
Now suppose that following an attack, the hunter can observe a variable
X which is correlated to S and can assume one of the following N values:
{x0 , x2 , · · · , xN −1 }.
The loss of privacy is related to the amount of information gained by the
hunter following the attack. Such information is given by the difference between
220 S. Armenia, G. Morabito, and S. Palazzo

the uncertainty on S before and after knowing X. In the context of the informa-
tion theory the measure of uncertainty of a random variable can be evaluated as
the entropy of such a variable, H(S).
In [1] the loss of privacy is calculated as:

ρ = 1 − 2−I(S,X) (3)

where I(S, X) is the mutual information between S and X and is given by

I(S, X) = H(S) − H(S|X).
The uncertainty on S is (see [7] for example) defined as:

H(S) = − pS (nm ) log2 [pS (nm )] (4)

where pS (nm ) represents the probability that the source node is nm , whereas
the uncertainty on S given X is

M−1 −1
H(S|X) = − pSX (nm , xn ) log2 [pS (nm |xm )] (5)
m=0 n=0

where pSX (nm , xn ) represents the joint probability that S assumes the value nm
and X assumes the value xn , whereas pS (nm |xn ) represents the probability that
S assumes the value nm given that X assumes the value xn .
Obviously, the probability pS (nm |xn ) can be calculated as
pSX (nm , xn ) pSX (nm , xn )
pS (nm |xn ) = = M−1 (6)
pX (xn ) i=0 pSX (ni , xn )

Suppose that all locations are equiprobable, i.e., pS (nm ) = 1/M for any nm .
Accordingly, the uncertainty on S given in eq. (4) can be calculated as H(S) =
log2 M .
Also, suppose that the hunter attacks the WSN at node n∗ . Following the
attack, the hunter detects radio activity if the path between the source node
and the sink passes through the node n∗ and viceversa. Accordingly, X can
assume only two values:

0 if there is no radio activity at node n∗
X= (7)
1 if there is radio activity at node n∗

As a consequence, we can rewrite eq. (5) as

M−1 1

H(S|X) = pSX (nm , x) log2 (8)
m=0 x=0
pS (nm |x)

In eq. (8) we need to calculate the probability pSX (nm , x) which can also be
used in eq. (6) to calculate pS (nm |xn ). The probability pS (nm |xn ) is given by

pSX (nm , x) = pX (x|nm ) · pS (nm ) = pX (x|nm )/M (9)

Analysis of Location Privacy/Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in WSNs 221

Observe that pX (x|nm ) represents the probability that a packet generated by

node nm does not pass through n∗ , if x = 0, and that such packet passes at least
ones through n∗ , if x = 1.
Now we will calculate pX (1|nm ); once this is known, pX (0|nm ) can be easily
evaluated as
pX (0|nm ) = 1 − pX (1|nm ) (10)

Recall that pX (1|nm ) is the probability that a packet generated by node nm

passes through node n∗ at least once before reaching the sink n0 . Let V be the
random variable representing the hop at which the packet visits for the first time
node n∗ . Applying the theorem of the total probability, the probability pX (1|nm )
can be calculated as the sum of probabilities that a packet generated by node
nm visits at the V -th hop node n∗ , for any value of V , i.e.,

pX (1|nm ) = pXV (1, v|nm ) (11)

The probability in the sum in the right handside of eq. (11) is the probability
that the packet generated by nm does not visit node n∗ and does not reach the
sink until hop (v − 1), and, finally, at the v-th hop visits node n∗ .
This can be calculated as:

pXV (1, v|nm ) = w(m) · Gv · [w(n ) ]T (12)


– w(j) is an array of M − 1 elements, w(j) ∈ M−1 , all set equal to zero, with
the exception of the j-th element which is equal to 1, i.e.,

0 if i = j and 1 ≤ i ≤ M − 1
[w(j) ]i = (13)
1 if i = j and 1 ≤ i ≤ M − 1

– G is an [M − 1] × [M − 1] matrix, G ∈ [M−1]×[M−1] , and its generic element

[G][i,j] represents the probability that a packet received by node ni will be
relayed to node nj , with nj = n∗ , and is not relayed by node n∗ . This can
be obtained as follows:

[Q][i,j] if j = n∗
[G][i,j] = (14)
0 if j = n∗

– [w]T represents the transponse of the array w.

Substituting eq. (12) in eq. (11) we can easily obtain:

pX (1|nm ) = w (m)
· v
G · [w(n ) ]T (15)
222 S. Armenia, G. Morabito, and S. Palazzo

By applying the spectral decomposition to matrix G = D ·B ·D−1 , where B is

a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues βi of G and D is the matrix whose
columns are the corresponding eigenvectors, we can rewrite eq. (15) as follows:

pX (1|nm ) = w (m)
·D· B · D−1 · [w(n ) ]T

We call K the sum in the right hand side of eq. (16). We can easily obtain
that K is a diagonal matrix whose generic element is

1/(1 − βi ) if i = j
[K][i,j] = (17)
0 otherwise.

Accordingly, eq. (16) can be rewritten as

pX (1|nm ) = w(m) · D · K · D−1 · [w(n ) ]T (18)

where K has been calculated in eq. (17).

Once pX (1|nm ) has been calculated we have all the parameters required for
the calculation of the uncertainty on S given X, i.e., H(S|X).
Note that the value of privacy loss ρ depends on n∗ . Since the hunter knows
the structure and protocols of the network, the node n∗ which maximizes the
privacy loss will be selected. As a consequence, the WSN gives a privacy loss γ
given by γ = maxn∗ {ρ}.

3.2 Energy Consumption

The energy consumption for routing a packet from its source to the sink can
be calculated as the product of the energy cost for a single hop transmission, c,
and the number of hops between the source node and the sink2 . We call Z the
random variable representing the number of hops needed for a packet to reach
the sink. The average energy consumption, , needed to route a packet to the
destination can be calculated as

= c · E{Z} = c · z · pZ (z) (19)

where E{Z} represents the average value of Z and pZ (z) represents the proba-
bility that the number of hops between the source and the destination is equal
to z. The probability pZ (z) is the probability that a packet does not reach the
sink in (z − 1) hops and finally arrives at the sink at the z-th hop. Therefore, it
is easy to show that pZ (z) can be written in compact form as

pZ (z) = π (S ) · P z−1 · ω T (20)

Observe that c can also take possible retransmissions into account. In this sense,
analysis of c is simple and not reported in this paper for space constraints.
Analysis of Location Privacy/Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in WSNs 223

– π (S ) is an array of (M − 1) elements, π (S ) ∈ M−1 . Its generic element is
given by:  
π (S ) = pS (nm ) = 1/M with 1 ≤ m < M . (21)

– P is an [M − 1] × [M − 1] matrix, i.e., P ∈ [M−1]×[M−1] . Its generic ele-

ment [P ][i,j] represents the probability that a packet received by node ni is
transmitted to node nj , with nj = n0 . Accordingly, the generic element of
P is given by:

[P ][i,j] = [Q][i,j] if i and j ∈ {1, 2, ..., M − 1} (22)

– ω is an array of M − 1 elements, i.e., ω ∈ M−1 . Its generic element [ω]m ,

with 1 ≤ m < M represents the probability that a packet is relayed by node
nm to the destination. Accordingly,

[ω]m = [Q][m,0] (23)

Applying the spectral decomposition of P and following a procedure analogous

to that presented in Section 3.1, we can rewrite eq. (19) as

= c · π (S ) · T · H · T −1 · ω T (24)

In eq. (24) the matrix H is a diagonal matrix and its generic element is

1/[(1 − λi )]2 if i = j
[H][i,j] = (25)
0 otherwise

where λi is the i-th eigenvalue of P and T is the matrix of the eigenvectors of


4 Numerical Examples
In this section we apply the proposed analytical framework to describe how
this can be used to evaluate the tradeoffs between location privacy and energy
efficiency in WSN.
We consider a network of M sensor nodes uniformly distributed on a squared
area of size 1 km × 1 km. We assume that all sensor nodes have coverage radius
equal to R = 200 m. Once position of sensor nodes is set and the value of
the parameter p, characterizing the random routing, is known, it is possibile to
construct the routing matrix Q as given in eq. (2).
Starting from the routing matrix Q it is possible to evaluate the privacy loss
γ and the average energy consumption as reported in Section 3.
All values in the following figures have been evaluated as the average of the
results obtained in 20 cases. For each case, a new distribution of sensor nodes has
been generated. Moreover, for each case individual routes are chosen considering
the same sink node and a source node chosen in a random fashion based on
uniform distribution.
224 S. Armenia, G. Morabito, and S. Palazzo

Fig. 3. Privacy loss, γ, versus the probability p for different values of the number of
sensor nodes, i.e., M = 50 and M = 100

In Figure 3 we show the privacy loss, calculated as described in Section 3.1,

versus the value of the probability p for two different values of the number of
nodes, i.e., M = 50 and M = 100.
In Figure 3 the privacy loss increases as the probability p becomes higher. This
is an expected result. Indeed, using low values of p makes the routing behavior
fuzzy and therefore, the hunter cannot obtain significant information attacking
the network.

Fig. 4. Normalized energy consumption /c versus the probability p for different values
of the number of nodes, i.e., M = 50 and M = 100

In Figure 4 we show the average energy consumption to deliver a packet to

the sink, , versus the probability p for M = 50 and M = 100. More specifically,
in Figure 4 we show the values of the ratio /c. We present normalized energy
consumption values because c depends on the specific communication technology
utilized, and not on the routing algorithm. As expected, the energy consumption
decreases as the value of the probability p increases; furthermore, the higher the
Analysis of Location Privacy/Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in WSNs 225

Fig. 5. (Upper plot:) Average energy consumption  versus privacy loss γ and (Bot-
tom plot:) The value of the probability p versus the corresponding privacy loss γ

number of sensor nodes M , the lower the energy consumption. This is because,
if there are more nodes, it is likely to find better next relays than in case there
are few nodes.
To highlight the tradeoff between privacy loss and energy efficiency, in
Figure 5 we show two plots. In the upper plot we represent the normalized
energy consumption, /c, versus the corresponding value of the location privacy
loss, γ. As expected, the privacy loss increases as the energy consumption de-
creases. This figure has been obtained considering M = 100 nodes and can be
utilized by the designer to select an appropriate tradeoff between energy effi-
ciency and privacy. Once a point in the curve is chosen, the designer can use
the bottom plot to obtain the corresponding value of p that gives the selected

5 Conclusion

In this paper we have presented an analytical framework for the evaluation of

the tradeoff between location privacy and energy efficiency in a WSN applying
random routing to increase privacy protection. The proposed framework is based
on a Markov-based modeling of the random routing behavior. The framework
can be used by network designers to evaluate the most appropriate value of the
probability p characterizing the random routing behavior in accordance with the
application requirements.

This paper has been partially supported by European Commission under con-
tract DISCREET (FP6-2004-IST-4 contract no. 27679).
226 S. Armenia, G. Morabito, and S. Palazzo

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