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The curriculum in Yayasan Pendidikan Sinar Husni on
Curriculum 2013 education
The 2013 Curriculum are curricula for primary and secondary education. In the
Indonesian context of education, the primary education consists of primary or elementary school
called Sekolah Dasar (SD) and junior secondary school called Sekolah menengah
Pertama(SMP).Secondary Education consists of General Secondary School called Sekolah
menengah Atas (SMA) and Vocational Secondary School called Sekolah menengah Kejuruan
(SMK). The 2013 curriculum states that the purpose of the curriculum is the development of the
demands, needs and conditions relating to aspects of the community in educational output. This
article discusses about the education which is set up in the Curriculum 2013 in Yayasan Pendidikan
Sinar Husni in terms of the broad aspects of the subject matters that are not just about national
scope, but the output can meet the challenges of the education in YP.Sinar Husni.
To achieve the educational goals set by the Indonesian government, the curriculum should
be strategically arranged and formulated into certain programs because the curriculum is an
important issue and curriculum is a part of the educational program. The main objective of
curriculum development is to improve the quality of education and is not merely to produce
teaching materials. The curriculum does not only pay attention to the development of the present
but also directs attention to the future. The purpose of school education is more extensive and
complex because it is always in accordance with the changes required. The curriculum should
always be updated in line with the changes to keep it relevant to the changing society.
2.Literature Review
In YP.Sinar Husni,Used Curriculum K13 is containts 4 elements:
1.)Standard of Graduate Competencies (SKL)
The learners in this regard are expected to improve and to balance between the soft skills
and hard skills that include aspects of competencies of attitudes (including: personal faith,
morality, self-confident, and responsibility in interacting effectively with the social environment,
the natural surroundings, as well as the world and its civilization), skills (including: a person
having effective and creative thinking in the realm of the abstract and concrete domains), and
knowledge (the ability to produce the persons mastering the knowledge, science, technology, arts,
and culture that are based on humanity, national, state, and civilization).
2.)Standard of contents
The competencies which are originally derived from the subjects turns into a subject are developed
from the competencies. Competence is developed through:
a. Integrative thematic in all subjects at the elementary school level (SD)
b. Subjects at the levels of junior high school (SMP) and senior high school (SMA)
c. Vocations at the level of vocational high school (SMK)
3.) Standards of learning process
a. Standard process that was initially focused on the exploration, elaboration, and confirmation is
fitted with observing, questioning, collecting information, presenting, summing, and creating.
b. Learning does not just happen in the classroom, but also in school and community
c. Teachers are not the only source of learning.
d. Attitudes and character is primary
4.)Standard of assessment - Competency-based assessment
a. The shift from assessment through tests
b. Assessment is not only on the level of Basic Competencies (KD), but also the Core
Competencies (KI) and Standard of Graduate Competencies (SKL).
3. Methodology of the Research
The method of content analysis as a method of qualitative research was used in this study, and
there are six steps that should be implemented, namely (1) research question, (2) sampling the data
(3) manufacturing the category used in the analysis of questioning, (4) identifying a sample of
4. Findings and Discussion
The findings of this study focus on the curriculum 13 at YP.Sinar Husni combined into 9
themes that are integrated into lessons like Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Mathematics,
Natural Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS), and Vocations at the level of vocational high school
(SMK).The competence in item 2 of the curriculum 2013 states that learners are required to
appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace).
5. Conclusion
The curriculum 2013 is packed with the expectations that learners and teacher that
awareness and sensitivity, gain a variety of experience and a basic understanding of the curriculum,
as well as form the character in order to obtain a set of values of sociable in the level of basic
education up to the secondary education.
Curriculum 2013 is designed to strengthen the competencies of the learners in terms of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes as a whole. Such integrity becomes the basis for the formulation
of basic competencies in each subject, so that the basic competencies for each subject include the
basic competencies of attitude, the basic competencies of knowledge, and the basic competencies
of skills.
Hasil Questioner Kurikulum (wawancara)
Interviewer: Sofia Silvia Husni
Narasumber: dr.H.Syoufi Rizal Husni,MARS (Pembina YP.Sinar Husni)

1.Menurut bapak, apa kelebihan dari kurikulum 2013?

Jawaban: Kalau menurut saya. Pada kurikulum 2013 ini, siswa lebih ditekankan untuk berpikir lebih
kreatif, inovatif, cepat tanggap dan juga melatih keberanian seorang siswa. Pada kurikulum 2013 ini
jugalah seorang siswa akan dilatih kemampuan logikanya supaya bisa memecahkan suatu permasalahan
atau suatu soal. Dalam kurikulum 2013 ini juga diberikan atau dimasukkan unsur-unsur kehidupan dan
juga ada unsur keagamaan untuk membentuk siswa yang berkarakter.
2.Bagaimana proses pembelajaran di Yayasan Pendidikan Sinar Husni pada Kurikulum 2013 sekarang
Jawaban: Jadinya,proses pembelajaran di YP.Sinar Husni terdiri dari yang pertama itu Proses
pembelajaran intrakurikuler dimana proses pembelajaran yang berkecimpung dengan mata pelajaran
dalam struktur kurikulum dan dilakukan di kelas juga disekolah, yang kedua ada Pembelajaran
ekstrakurikuler adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk aktivitas yang dirancang sebagai kegiatan di luar
kegiatan pembelajaran terjadwal secara rutin setiap minggu jadinya,kegiatan ekstrakurikuler terdiri atas
kegiatan wajib dan pilihan.Pramuka adalah kegiatan ekstrakurikuler wajib.Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler wajib
dinilai yang hasilnya digunakan sebagai unsur pendukung kegiatan intrakurikuler.
3.Menurut bapak,efisienkah sistem pembelajaran 2013 ?
Jawaban: Ya,pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 efisien,dengan adanya kurikulum ini siswa lebih aktif dan
yang pasti mandiri dalam memecahkan suatu hal.
4.Menurut bapak,apakah kurikulum 2013 sesuai dengan visi dan tujuan sekolah?
Jawaban: Visi dan tujuan sekolah yp sinar husni meletakkan dasar krakter,kecerdasan, pengetahuan,
kepribadian, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan untuk hidup mandiri dan mengikuti pendidikan lebih lanjut.
Jadinya yang harus kita thu bahwa kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan manusia Indonesia
agar memiliki kemampuan hidup sebagai pribadi dan warga negara yang beriman, produktif, kreatif,
inovatif, dan afektif serta mampu berkontribusi pada kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan
peradaban dunia,jadinya visi dan tujuan sejalalan sama kurikulum yang sekarang 2013 ini.
5.Bagaimana pendapat bapak mengenai pengembangan kurikulum 2013 sekarang ini?
Jawaban: Pengembangan kurikulum ini sudah ada dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah
Nasional Artinya apa? Dari sisi arah, sangat-sangat jelas. Arahnya adalah peningkatan kompetensi yang
seimbang antara sikap (attitude), ketrampilan (skill), dan pengetahuan (knowledge). Tiga ini harus
dimiliki. Yang dirisaukan orang bahwa anak-anak kita hanya memiliki kognitif saja, ini yang kita jawab.
Kompetensi nantinya bukan urusan kognitif saja namun ada sikap, dan ketrampilan.

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