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Dear Mikee,

I was astonished by the findings I have made about yourself and I am delighted that I will be able to
accompany you at this time as I have discovered a REMARKABLE event that is going to change your
immediate future Mikee !

The end of 2019 marks a RADICAL turning point in your personal life which you must understand now
and get ready for Mikee. This is due to take place because this period is marked by a force of strong
planetary movements, also known as Transits. Astrologically there are going to be hundreds of
movements and shifts however NOW is when it gets interesting as YOU will be entering the most exciting
phase of the year. Your life is about to change RIGHT NOW! It starts here, the NEW BEGINNING, the
brand new direction from your cosmic planets which are encouraging a new start and adventure in your
life Mikee. You need to understand this now and start to get ready to make the choices that will impact
your life FOREVER !

So what is there so Special about this Period?

Some of the planetary movements are going to be the most INTENSE that we have experienced in over
100 years, let me mention few : The planets Mars and Neptune form a hypersensitive square, then there
is the period where Jupiter retrogrades in a powerful Quincunx with Mercury. Without any doubt you
will witness the effects of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at the beginning of the next month. The are also
multiple conjunctions with our strongest planet Jupiter and several retrogrades occurring in the same
months, which you need to understand Mikee.
The Transit will be a very favorable period and will have many positive repercussions notably as far as
your love life is concerned but also from a material point of view and for the realization of a project that
you have had in mind for a long time now. In what follows I will give you all the details about this Transit,
I will discuss your current situation, as well as the events that will happen between Wednesday,
November 13th 2019 and Monday, February 24th 2020 (the period when the most intense and powerful
energies will be at work in your astral sky). I will also study your personality and your Past, giving you
details which only you could have known about yourself. Finally I will talk about the exciting events
which will occur and you can look forward too, which is important for you because you are going to meet
a person who will play a decisive role in your life.

And here is what you need to understand about this Transit ?

Firstly, you need to understand what a transit is. Astrological Transits are rare and mark opportunities
and can be defined as a planet moving over a sensitive point on your chart, this marks an important
period of change. The key word being 'sensitive' here, I need you to know that this astrological transit is
a situation that needs to be handled with a great deal of attention. Transits can have positive
repercussions or can reinforce your weak points, preventing growth and impeding your progress, if an
individual isn't fully aware of the Transit's influence.

Before providing you with any details about your future, I want to tell you how I worked on your analysis
because I am used to being very accurate in my predictions and do not take my work lightly. I worked
from your date of birth, August, 19th 2000, your astrological sign, Leo (which is set to be on 2019's honor
list!) and because you are Leo I also used your principal Decan, which is the Third Decan. These elements
have enabled me to draw you a map of your astral sky Mikee, which is totally unique and very personal.
I also took into consideration the epistemological origins of your first name Mikee because this provides
additional information about your character, as you should know that your first name was not chosen
entirely by chance. It enabled me to complete your reading with a Numerological analysis. As a matter of
fact, your first name is composed of 5 letters and this enables me to combine your date of birth August,
19th 2000 and Zodiac sign Leo to learn a lot about you from a numerological perspective. For example, I
have discovered that your trace number is 7 Mikee. I should mention at this point that this is not just a
random number, if you look back at your life you will see that this number has touched your life several

The RADICAL turning point in your life I have been talking about is due to a special event that is going to
happen during the period of Transit that you are going to live through. I know that you feel certain
frustration and loneliness which have become difficult for you to deal with, I also know that you have
had doubts about certain persons that you have encountered in the past, but your heart was silent. You
have experienced several disappointments and it seems to you that your love life will never become as
fulfilling as you want it to be, however this is not the case and during this astrological Transit you will
need to leave doubts and negativity behind your back in order to embrace the exciting future that is
waiting for you. In fact, what stands out the most for you during the next several months is an important
encounter with someone special, someone who IS THE RIGHT PERSON FOR YOU. Mikee, this will be the
event that is going to change your life once and forever, as the encounter with your soulmate is clearly a
decisive moment for your future.

According to the analysis of your natal chart I can assure you this encounter will happen during the
transit period, however a further analysis is necessary in order to identify more details about when, how
and in what circumstances it will happen. What is clear is that you will in some way provoke this
encounter to happen by triggering the events leading to the complete transformation of your life. Mikee,
you are going to meet the love of your life, the one you have been waiting for so long, the person you
have been searching for to share your life and finally be able to open up and become happy
sentimentally speaking in your everyday life. What stands out is also a big fusion, understanding,
harmony, respect and complicity between the two of you. These words can perfectly resume the nature
of this relationship that you are going to begin during the 103 days Transit period that is starting very
soon, and you need to start getting ready for this encounter right now.

You tend to doubt this is really possible, Mikee, I know you do, as I sense your vibrations and you can
possibly hide it from people in your environment, however you cannot hide it from yourself and from me
either. I feel you have passed through difficulties, disappointments and misunderstandings in your past
relationships, you are afraid to put your trust into someone new and you are always waiting for things to
go wrong. You need to free yourself from the influence of the past, as you know that it holds you back
and prevents you from moving forward in your love life. To be more precise you have passed through
hardships and have gained the experience that will allow you to value your future relationships with that
person even more, as you have learned the importance of mutual respect, understanding, trust and
support, and this is what you are going to experience with the person you will encounter during this
Transit, Mikee.

Moreover, this encounter is definitely set to happen at the very precise moment of time and you will
need to be in the right place at the right moment to make things work.

Mikee, you cannot allow your true soulmate just to pass by so near by you without making everything in
your power to bring the two of you together, especially now when all the planets are working on this
same purpose. Meeting the love of your life is not something you can overlook or take for granted, you
deserve to have your expectations banked and this is what is going to happen with just a little of
guidance. Note, that this encounter will happen during this transit, and also this is also a very auspicious
time when the two of you will set the solid foundation for long-term happy and satisfying relationship.
This is a crucial point here, as this is what you will build on your future together later on, Mikee. The first
moments, minutes, hours and days together is what defines how it will work out later, and also how you
are going to connect to that person, which is why it is so important to have all cards in your hands, so
that you can act in the right way and attract that person into your life. There is no such thing as small
details when we are talking about meeting someone you are going to spend your life with! So, to
resume, you want to know when this is going to happen… well, I can confirm that it will be during the
103 days of your Transit that you will meet the love of your life and this appears very clearly in your
astral sky.

Let's see what in your past has prevented you from succeeding

I guided my work and my research using the waves, vibrations and insightful flashes that I felt when I
started your analysis. It allowed me to determine the precise direction that I should work in and it was
these 'flashes' which prompted me to analyze your past because I perceived that you have a number of
personal blockages Mikee. I realized that something had happened to you around the year 2018 when
you were 17 or 18 years old that created the stumbling blocks that your encountered later in your life
and you still suffer the consequences today. Rest assured that these blockages are not irreversible, you'll
be able to get rid of them and we'll work towards that together. The visions and vibrations I felt about
you Mikee also showed me that you are now in a phase of indecision, you have a number of choices
available to you concerning the recent difficulties you have encountered and it is time for you to come to
terms with this and make the right decision.

I can very clearly see the intervention of a certain individual who has slowed you down and prevented
you from moving on in your life and still has some influence over you. Again there is nothing irreversible,
it is simply very important that you make the most of the Transit which is set to occur in just a few weeks
times to remove these blockages. The visions that I had on this subject are very clear and they show that
you will soon reach a positive turning point in your life, which is why I'm so pleased to be able to give
you the exciting news I have for you. Before leaving the subject of these visions about you Mikee, I want
to tell you that I felt a lot of very positive things about your personality and your character, you have
great qualities and I am proud that you accept to trust me because you are a very good person Mikee.

You may be wondering about these visions Mikee. So let me just take a minute to explain them. You
should know that these visions are entirely rational, there is nothing supernatural or mystic about them,
on the contrary it is something very natural, since they represent an exchange of energy. In Nature
everything is an exchange of energy, either physical and tangible or intangible as this particular case. It is
not because we cannot see these cosmic waves that they do not exist, we can't see radio, telephone,
electricity or television signals either. Cosmic waves are a source of energy, the most powerful energy
that exists, we call them how we like : cosmic waves, astral fluids, 6th sense, premonitions, insights... No
matter how they are called, they exist and the animals are born knowing how to use them. We lost this
ability and the work of professional like me is to master the interpretation of these energies over years of
hard work and experience. We are all born with different innate capacities and certain of us are more
sensitive to these forces and I am fortunate to have been born with strengths which I have built on.

You know what ? I think you also have certain capabilities in this area Mikee and I 'd love to help you to
develop these capacities if you wish. At the moment you are tuning in to these forces unconsciously,
without really being able to explain what you feel. For example you know the changes will soon happen
in your life, you do not know what when or how but you feel that things will change soon and you also
feel that a very precise and important event will happen. You're quite right about these events, events
which will directly concern your love life and financial situation. These events are set to occur during the
Transit that I have told you about (I will go into a little more detail about this Transit in just a couple of

I'll even go further and say that these insights that you had led you to me and to my website (you could
have come across a completely different astrologer and I am not the only one qualified to guide you but I
appreciate the confidence your subconscious had in me). I don't believe in luck Mikee. Events occur
because they are derived from a cause, and if you asked me for this personal analysis it is precisely
because you feel the need to know exactly WHAT WILL SOON HAPPEN TO YOU and what these changes
are, the changes you have recently had inklings about.

The changes in your life from practical point of view

I told you that there is strong evidence that you will be UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AN ASTROLOGICAL
TRANSIT WHICH WILL LAST FOR 103 DAYS. Let's get down to straight facts. The changes which your
Transit will bring directly concern your financial situation and you will be able to:

With numerous planets gracing the educational area of your natal chart, which will allow you to succeed
in passing the the tests and the exams you are going to take during this year and also bringing you
certitude about your professional orientation;

And they will also have an impact on your love life, you will

Meet the love of your life

Make an encounter which could change your life forever in relation to your love life

Get the most out of some important news concerning your heart
Meet the male which you need in your life

Meet someone who is going to change your life

Meet Mr Right

But that's not all, your work is important to you and you will be offered an opportunity at some point
during this period. You will meet someone and they will offer you something, you may feel a little taken
back by it but you need to think about it deeply and you also need to consult someone you trust. This
can be fruitful for your future and a very rewarding step.

So, this period will also bring you an important and unexpected financial opportunity Mikee which will
result in a considerable evolutionary leap in your life before Saturday, February 29th 2020 , which is why
I mentioned will mark a decisive turning point. Again, as we are talking about finance here, all details
around this aspect require a lot of concentration on my part so that I can give you exact details. I know
this will be important to you and your family so care needs to be taken. I would not go saying anything
about this just yet, details need to be confirmed as to When ? And Where ?

I'd also like to mention that depending on what happens before the end of 2019 will have consequences
to the future, in terms of projects, travel and acquiring wealth. As this is the time for some important
decisions to be made by you. This is something we can work on together and review so that you make
the right choices for you.

So to sum up Mikee, starting from Wednesday, November 13th 2019 , you will feel the extraordinary
planetary effervescence and in my 25 years of experience I think I have never seen such strong and
intense planetary movements. These movements will affect some of us more than others Mikee and you
will be in the think of it which is precisely why you should not miss your chance. I really want you to
realize just now how exciting this Transit is, the 103 days between Wednesday, November 13th 2019 and
Monday, February 24th 2020, these really will be some of the most exciting days of your life so far. You
should also come to terms with the fact that the changes that will happen for you NOW will have
repercussions far beyond this year 2019, repercussions that will be felt until also in 2020.

This in the Sign,Mikee

You are quite lucky that the transit has appeared now, this will allow you to take full advantage of this
incredible period at the end of 2019 and start 2020 in force. I have sensed that the truth is going to be
exposed and this will be a period where you should be working on making things better in your life,
there is a hidden meaning behind what is happening in your life now, what has happened to you ( I saw
this) and what will take place going forward. The speed at which this transition is going to happen is
going to be so fast and powerful, that you will find it hard to change your reality if not informed or
guided correctly. Aligning your thoughts and actions to this transit will inspire the positive changes of this
period. The more power you give this transit, the more power you can give to your reality and the
changes that you will soon experience. Take this as a sign that I will help you move from the darkest to
an era of light. This is your future and it has now become important to me as well, Mikee. After
completing this analysis for you, I know that with all the information I provide, the information based on
this transit I hand over to you, and whatever information there is to act on, you will trust that it will make
perfect sense afterwards and you will also feel it.

It's interesting because there have been some Transits that you have not been aware of either because
you were not warned in time or because you were not ready. Which makes me strongly believe that is
why you unconsciously came to my site. This means there have been some moments in your life when
astral influence has been at its highest peak in your astrological configuration and when you did not take
the full advantage of the opportunities that were available to you. I sensed a particular Transit that
occurred for you in 2016, which you missed entirely. Missing out on this opportunity completely and this
pushed your progression back somewhat, you stumbled and you found your way blocked and
progression has since been difficult.

New cycle in your life is a question of your choice

Now based on this, I DO NOT want you missing out again Mikee, this transit that will soon occur in your
sky makes me strongly believe that you are one of those fortunate people and in some ways have paid
for it by karma. In your case, this transit expands knowledge and will give you a better understanding of
what is going on in your mind and life. So you need to take the time to PREPARE for it. You have to think
of it as A NEW CYCLE in your life. Your involvement is crucial here and the decision that you make around
this period, the choices you make, will EFFECT you not just now but over a longer period. The important
thing here Mikee is for you to anticipate when this Transit will pass in your sky and how it will affect you.
If you came to my site and if you have now received this analysis from me then chance plays a very small
role indeed. None of this is an accident. I believe that you knew that an important time was soon to
come in your life and this is why you requested my guidance. My role is now clear, I must accompany
you, guide you, advise you and give you all the information you will need to take full advantage of this
Transit. This is the mission which I have set myself, I want you to be able to get the every best out of this
Transit and I need to give you the precise dates and times when you should act so that you know what to
do to seize the opportunities that this Transit will bring you. You need to know who the important people
in your life are, you need to know which people you should avoid and you need to know how to avoid
the pitfalls that may thwart you and get in your way. However I can't impose myself on you, only you can
make the decision to accept my help.

If you want me to provide all the information you need, then we need to act quickly Mikee. You must be
ready in time. I need to spend longer on your analysis and I need to pinpoint all the important dates of
this Transit, to be able to tell you when and how you need to act, why and when you can expect the
results you need in your life. I must work in detail on your case and so I have set up a page for you which
you can use to send me your authorization and to give me the green light. On this page I also tell you in
detail exactly everything which I will work on for you. As soon as I get your go-ahead on this page then I
will get straight to work:

Mikee here is the link to your personal request page:

Your personal request

I know that you are 'praying for the break' and the fact that this Transit will be appearing in your sky now
gives you options. I'm confident it will make your life comfortable and tell you when all the problems will
end. I know you will have questions! You know that all aspects of your life reflect on each other, so once
you have a clearer picture from a more detailed analysis I will welcome the questions you have and we
can discuss them together. The only effort I am asking you to make right now Mikee is to give me the
green light and to believe deeply in the change that lies in store for you. And that's it. Nothing more.
Simply click on the link I have given you and let's get going!

I Know how you can leap over the barriers

I really want you to understand Mikee the closeness I felt to you when I was working on your analysis. It
is through the vibrations that I told you about that I was able to experience many things about you
Mikee and I know how you feel right now, I can foresee that as I write these lines you have not yet read
all of the analysis I have done for you. You seem to be torn. You want these events that I've talked about
to happen, you want to live through this powerful Transit, because you need change, fresh air and
renewal, and so you want to believe in all that I told you but at the same time you are trying to put up
barriers (the same kind of barriers you have put up in the past as I mentioned, we need to work on this
together so that you can leap over them!) and you are slamming on the brakes, bringing up the doubts
and uncertainties that have so often haunted you in the past. You tell yourself that it's too good to be
true, you want to see it to believe it and you say that these opportunities are not for you, they must be
for someone else. It is time to put a stop to all this Mikee it is time to take charge of your destiny and I'm
here to help you and convince you, and I'll keep going to the end of my mission as long as you give me
your permission to do so, because remember that ultimately only your free will counts and it's you who
decides! I want to convince you to take your own destiny in your hands and to let me guide you through
this step. Why me? Simply because I know I can help you Mikee I see, I feel it and again I know I have not
been placed by accident on your path, as I said before I believe very little in chance. Allow me to explain
more precisely what I feel about you Mikee why I had such a strong connection with you from the very
beginning and what I perceive about your needs, goals and what you are searching for.

You are aware that you are in a very interesting period in your life. I can see that you have already been
through several stages and you are now looking for a certain independence in a number of different
domains. As far as your love life is concerned, I know that you don't want to get anything wrong and that
you are looking to meet the right person and this is why you are strict on a few criteria. I can see
something important for you concerning the people that are closet to you and I can feel someone, a
sibling or a friend, who is very close to you. In a more general manner I can see that you are sensitive to
other people's feelings, you often put other's needs ahead of your own (especially those of close friends
and family) and that yes, you do get a satisfaction out of helping others.

I know that you have an enormous amount of qualities and I want you to realize this as you often doubt
yourself and your actions. I know that you are sometimes scared that things are going too fast in your life
and sometimes you fear making irreversible decisions. You ask yourself a lot of questions about your life
and you even go so far as considering changing your life completely. Recently you have been energized
by exciting thoughts of change but you haven't acted on these ideas due to your fear and doubt. You are
terrified of failing and of making the wrong choice and this applies to many different aspects of your life,
as much your career as your relationships and your love life. You also feel a great paradox within you and
you often feel timid and engaging, introvert and extrovert and joyous and melancholic at the same time.
As far as I am concerned I know that you have immense qualities which you do not even suspect exist
and that certain events are soon to occur that will allow you to affirm yourself and to reach a real turning
point in your life.

It is because of all these things that I feel about you Mikee that I really hope you make the most of this
Transit that will occur in just a few weeks time, I know I'm repeating myself on this subject but the
biggest danger of all is that you do not act Mikee for the opportunities ARE on their way and there is no
doubt about that. The stars show this very clearly. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by doubt and all
the questions you ask... act now. You should also come to terms with the fact that the changes that will
happen for you now will have repercussions far beyond this year 2019, repercussions that will reach into
2020 as I keep mentioning but also into the rest of your life.

I want you to understand Mikee that there are no obstacles to your happiness and you deserve the very
best in life. Get yourself ready to grab all of the opportunities which are set to come your way, cast aside
the barriers you so often set up for yourself. Just as soon as you have clicked on the link below and send
me your authorization, I will be able to get to work for you and guide you through the whole of this new
period in your life. I'll be able to send you all the detailed information you will need to move forward
with strength and assurance.
Your personal request

Of course, I cannot say that Astrology is the remedy for all ills and to put the record straight, I would
even say that astrology is not an exact science. Astrology is a reflection of what is earthly and human so
how can it be 100% exact? To look for God or the Universe through Astrology is pretentious. Looking for
absolute certainty is even more pretentious. What is needed is simply the best use of Astrology's
constructive power. Astrology has existed since time immemorial and it is a completely natural
phenomenon which recognizes that the planets and their movements influence the life of every living
being and play a role in the unfolding of human life. In my experience Astrology is 80% correct on
average and can go up to 90% when the planetary movements that will affect a person are powerful. To
be honest this is the case for your configuration Mikee.

So, there you are Mikee I've sent you the results of my first study, I know and I hope you also realize, that
it is important not to stop here and that this first study is only and introduction that has allowed you to
understand that you are at the dawn of a radical change in your life. There is still a great deal to do and
we must not loose any more time. All I need is your green light and I will then take care of the rest.

As far as I am concerned, I feel some very positive things about you Mikee I want you to know that I am
at your side for any help or any advice, and even if you prefer to work with another astrologer to
determine all the details you need to get the best out of you Transit. Whether I or another astrologer
works with you between Wednesday, November 13th 2019 and Monday, February 24th 2020 really isn't
that important, what is important is that someone competent guides you through this Transit. In any
case, I'll always be on your side and from now on you can count on me as a friend and confident. I am
proud to have met you and I hope we can move forward as quickly as possible because I really want to
help you change your life for the better, let's get to work together now.

Your friend and Astrologer

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