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A not untrue doublespeak answer

Alan Perrin 2019

Soprano Saxophone
Alto Saxophone
Tenor Saxophone
Bass Saxophone

Duration: ca. 4’00”

Performance Notes
I. Operating The Graphics Tablet

Figure 1: Wacom graphics tablet and pen Figure 2: Wacom graphics tablet and pen

1. General Functioning
For best results use a wacom intuos ctl-4100k-n5 graphics tablet with Wacom Pen 4K. However
if a graphics tablet is not available a computer mouse can achieve similar results.
As shown in Figure 1, the tablet has an active area of 152.0 x 95.0 mm. Futhermore, it has four
ExpressKeys which can be pressed as a button. The Pen also has two addition programmable
buttons (Figure 2).

2. Setting up the tablet

The six programmable buttons from the wacom tablet

can be programmed using the Wacom Tablet Properties
In Figure 3 we can see the four ExpressKeys, which are labled
A-D in Figure 2, are assigned keystroke settings of s,z,d,and

3. Setting up the Pen

As with the tablet, the pen buttons are programmed using
the same application {Shift}< and {Shift}>. More text is
to go here, now for some place holder text.Lorem ipsum do-
lor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent dignissim Figure 3: ExpressKey assigned
ligula at nulla accumsan mattis. Aenean et aliquam nisi, a settings
imperdiet enim. Quisque et mattis turpis. Vestibulum dig-
nissim nisi sit amet lacus posuere congue. Duis scelerisque
lectus sed velit ultrices rhoncus. Praesent a quam et lacus eleifend malesuada. Donec tristique
rutrum mauris varius aliquam. Nunc ac ante nibh. Phasellus mauris ante, mattis ut felis ut,
finibus dapibus elit.

Figure 4: Wacom graphics tablet and pen

II. The User Interface

The electronics portion of this work is controled within the application Max. During the perfor-
mance you will interact with the Presentation Mode of the patch.
The window will consist only of a title and a waveform viewer. As the pen is pressed and moved
across the tablet a yellow bar will change in size and position within the audio.
Using the instuctions from the score you are to shape and interact with the audio responding to:
the performers, the audio playback, and the score.
Once the programme is running any contract with the tablet will cause the audio to play, so be
careful not to set off any unwanted sounds.
Here is some more placeholder text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Praesent dignissim ligula at nulla accumsan mattis. Aenean et aliquam nisi, a imperdiet enim.
Quisque et mattis turpis. Vestibulum dignissim nisi sit amet lacus posuere congue. Duis
scelerisque lectus sed velit ultrices rhoncus. Praesent a quam et lacus eleifend malesuada. Donec

tristique rutrum mauris varius aliquam. Nunc ac ante nibh. Phasellus mauris ante, mattis ut
felis ut, finibus dapibus elit. Nunc dictum placerat maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vi-
vamus felis justo, egestas ac convallis id, faucibus pharetra ipsum. Phasellus posuere lectus at
mi dapibus, in fringilla felis interdum.

Figure 5: Max Presentation Mode

III. Checklist To Get Application Running

This application has been written in MAX 8.0.5,there is more text to come here.
1. First level item

2. First level item

(a) Second level item
(b) Second level item
i. Third level item
ii. Third level item
A. Fourth level item
B. Fourth level item
Programme Note
Place holder for programme note:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Prae-
sent dignissim ligula at nulla accumsan mattis. Aenean et aliquam nisi, a imperdiet enim.
Quisque et mattis turpis. Vestibulum dignissim nisi sit amet lacus posuere congue. Duis
scelerisque lectus sed velit ultrices rhoncus. Praesent a quam et lacus eleifend malesuada. Donec
tristique rutrum mauris varius aliquam. Nunc ac ante nibh. Phasellus mauris ante, mattis ut
felis ut, finibus dapibus elit. Nunc dictum placerat maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vi-
vamus felis justo, egestas ac convallis id, faucibus pharetra ipsum. Phasellus posuere lectus at
mi dapibus, in fringilla felis interdum.

Slap Tonguing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent dignissim ligula
at nulla accumsan mattis. Aenean et aliquam nisi, a imperdiet enim. Quisque
et mattis turpis. Vestibulum dignissim nisi sit amet lacus posuere congue. Duis
scelerisque lectus sed velit ultrices rhoncus. Praesent a quam et lacus eleifend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent dignissim ligula
at nulla accumsan mattis. Aenean et aliquam nisi, a imperdiet enim. Quisque
et mattis turpis. Vestibulum dignissim nisi sit amet lacus posuere congue. Duis
scelerisque lectus sed velit ultrices rhoncus. Praesent a quam et lacus eleifend

Tempo Marking
Below are the examples of tempo markings that can be found in the current work.

This is how a tempo marking is represented within the score. The line below indicates
the moment in which this marking takes effect.

This is an indication to
gradually increase the tempo.
The tempo which the cur-
rent tempo is to increased to is in brackets with the duration of an accelerando marked by the
horizontal line.

This tempo marking is an

indication to gradually de-
crease the tempo. The length
of a ritardando is extended by the horizontal line.

Some place holder text, Ut nec condimentum magna. Donec dolor quam, sollicitudin quis com-
modo ac, facilisis vitae libero. Duis vulputate mollis dolor. Phasellus vel neque vel enim laoreet
tristique. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas vulputate, odio quis ullamcorper lobortis, augue eros
laoreet lectus, ut tempus arcu velit nec sapien. Nunc dapibus lorem sed nunc dignissim sagit-
tis. In eu feugiat tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam consequat purus eu sapien hendrerit

Figure 6: Wacom graphics tablet layout

rhoncus. Sed sed dolor malesuada, pretium leo a, tincidunt nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Suspendisse aliquet hendrerit neque non ornare. Suspendisse vel leo tempus ligula blandit
suscipit sed a risus. Proin placerat sem id sapien aliquam, et ullamcorper ipsum venenatis.

In eu feugiat tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam consequat purus eu sapien hendrerit rhoncus.
Sed sed dolor malesuada, pretium leo a, tincidunt nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse
aliquet hendrerit neque non ornare. Suspendisse vel leo tempus ligula blandit suscipit sed a risus.
Proin placerat sem id sapien aliquam, et ullamcorper ipsum venenatis. Mauris egestas imperdiet
nulla id posuere.

Premiered by the Chatham Saxophone

Day Month Year, Dublin, Ireland.

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