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Week 3, Day 4

How is HIV different than other viruses?

Sketch artist challenge:

Challenge: Individually, choose to create a comic strip a

Wanted Ad or some other visual representation
demonstrating the mechanism by which HIV attacks the
human immune system, and how your immune system

Categories A Project which Meets

Organization and Preparation Your project is neat, complete and
well-organized. It is submitted at
the end of the period.
Class Participation You are on-task and hard at work on
your project. You do not require
reminders to stay at work. You ask
for help if you need clarification or
have questions about the project.
Science Concepts Your project includes specific details
that accurately explain how HIV is
transmitted, how it replicates and
how the immune system seeks to
combat it, including the
incorporation of first lines of
defense, white blood cells. An
“exceeding-expectations” project
would also include the correct use of
memory B-cells and helper T-cells.
Science Communication The book is visually pleasing and
creative. It has clear hand-written
or typed text as well as illustrations
or pictures. The illustrations do not
have to be hand drawn.
Hot Zone Discussion Groups and Focus Questions
Short Answer Summative Assessment for ​The Hot Zone​:
1. Describe and/or diagram three possible reservoirs for the virus.

2. What makes Kitum Cave such a great place for a virus to jump species?

3. Why do you think Peter Jahrling wanted a sample of Dr. Ian Redman’s blood?
What do you think he thought we might find in it?

4. Describe Tom Geisbert’s experiment about dormancy of the Marburg virus. What
were the results? How does this compare to HIV?

5. Why are spiders continued to be suspect in the hunt for the original host of
Ebola? What about the sharp-rock hypothesis? List as many possible hosts as you
can remember from the various theories of the scientists in the book.

6. What does the author have to say about HIV's path to the outside world as a
consequence of habitat destruction? Explain and justify your agreement or
disagreement with the author’s sentiments.

7. What makes a really effective virus? Describe and/or diagram in finite detail.

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