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Summary of Project and Project Impact

The project that will be assigned to students is called ‘literary playlist.’ The purpose of

this project is for students to find a way to connect and/or relate with literary characters while

using music. Students can get a better understanding of the character they chose and themselves

as they look for music that can relate to them both. By using music, students will come to

appreciate literary characters and the connection and/or relation they have with one another.

They will also appreciate literary works and the importance it plays in their classroom learning

and possibly even in the real-world.

There are a few activities that the students will need to complete in order to continue the

project. The first activity will involve a guest speaker from a music historian from a local college

or university. Beforehand, I will ask the speaker to create their own literary playlist so they can

present it to the students. The speaker’s playlist will not only introduce the students to the

project, but it will also shape and influence how to frame the audience and purpose. While the

speaker is presenting their playlist, the students will take notes about how the music connects the

speaker with the literary character they chose. Afterwards, the students will create a list of

literary characters they feel they can relate to which will then be used as an exit ticket for the end

of class.

This project should impact student learning and engagement by teaching them how to

connect with other people besides themselves. During the project, students will need to discuss

with their classmates on whether or not they are on the right track with their playlist. Not only

will they discuss with their classmates, but with librarians or college professors. This will allow

them to engage with others that may have more knowledge and/or information than they do.
When it comes to student impact, every student in the classroom doing the project will be

impacted. The project will impact student learning by teaching them how to analyze people,

whether they are real or not. By learning how to analyze people, students will be able to see if

they can connect or relate with them. It teaches them to see people in a different perspective

other than just their outside view. The project can impact teachers in the way they teach

books/novel and any type of literary work. If teachers teach the books/novels that their students

chose for their literary playlists, then students will become more engaged in the learning. With

students more engaged in the literature unit the more teachers can teach effectively. If the

students learn from the project in the way it is meant to be then teachers can share it with other

teachers around the district. The playlists can be used in lectures to help students, who have not

done the project, get to know the characters before and after reading the assigned book/novel.

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