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One upon times ago there lived a young man named jaka tarub
living in a village in Central Java, he was very fond of hunting.

In the morning jaka tarub as usual went to hunt , in the middle of

the forest he passed a Toyawening lake there he heard the sound
of girls joking,he sneaked to the lake and how shocked he was, he
watched the nymph bathing in the river. jaka tarub then took one
of the nymphs’ clothes, he thought the angel who he stole would be
willing to be his wife.

Nawang Arkadewi :” The cool water of this lake”

Nawang Bulan :” The beautiful scenery on this earth”

Nawang Wulan :” That’s right, i like it a lot”

Nawang Sekar :”what if , if we live on earth”

Nawang Puspa :”Never mind, let’s hurry up and get ready to go home”

After taking a bath they rushed to get his clothes , and it turned
out that nawang wulan clothes were gone.

Nawang wulan :”where is my scarf sister?”

Nawang puspa :”i dont know your scarf wulan!”

Nawang sekar :”looks like we have to go home soon”

Nawang bulan :”we can’t wait for you too long,wulan”

Nawang arkadewi :” forgive us nawang wulan, we have to go home”

They also left nawang wulan alone, nawang wulan was sad to
contemplate his fate.then came jaka tarub approached nawang
wulan by pretending to offer help.

Jaka tarub :”oh adinda why are you sad ?”

Nawang wulan :”i lost my scarf so i cant go home”

Jaka tarub :”i can help you by going home with me”

Nawang wulan :”but...you...!!!.”

Jaka tarub :”calm down im a good person”

After that nawang wulan went home with jaka tarub , when he
reached the middle of the village he met his friend named arya.

Arya :” who is the girl you brought?”

j.tarub :”she is my future wife”

arya :”how beautiful she is, congratulations!”

j.tarub :”thank you arya!”

Day after day after another they were married and blessed with
a daughter named Nawangsih.

Once nawang wulan cooked, she opened a place and found a cloth.

Nawang wulan :” this is my scarf”

Then nawang wulan approached jaka tarub to ask for an explanation


Nawang wulan :” o my husband, explain what this is”

Jaka tarub :” that’s your scarf, i’m sorry nawang wulan”

Nawang wulan :”i do not expect!”

Jaka tarub :” forgive me my wife!”

Nawang wulan :”i’ll be back home now”

Jaka tarub :” then what about nawangsih”

Nawang wulan :” calm down , every night i will come to see him”

Nawang wulan was dissapointed and no longer believed in jaka

tarub, he asked jaka tarub to build a dangau, every night
nawangsih had to be put there for breastfeeding . jaka tarub
agreed with a heavy heart, even though he had begged nawang
wulan but he still didn’t want to live.Night time routines continue
until nawangsih grows up.

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