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VOL. 68, PP. 913-930 JULY 1957



Translated from the French by C. A. COTTON

(Prepared by the translator)
Professor Baulig agrees with L. C. King in that he adopts as probably correct the
theory that pediplanation has produced all the ancient planed land surfaces of continen-
tal extent which truncate even the most resistant rocks. He rejects, however, King's claim
of universality for pediplanation and affirms belief in the process of downwearing of the
land surface under humid climates. He claims, that planed surfaces on uplands in regions
now temperate originated as true peneplains during a widespread late Tertiary extension
of the hot-humid, or "tropical", climatic zone. He is critical of a number of the as-
sertions included by King in the "canons" of landscape evolution, advances substantial
arguments against some of King's claims for strictly parallel backwearing, and counters
the bold statements that all surfaces hitherto called peneplains are pediplains and that the
peneplain is "an imaginary landform". He also rehabilitates the concept of normal erosion
and justly claims that no acceptable word has been proposed as a substitute for "normal"
in this connection. He champions the principle of the profile of equilibrium.

Page Pedimentation 921
913 Pediplains or peneplains? 923
Parallel retreat or reduction of declivity by
916 References cited 928

INTRODUCTION is dominated by either a single process acting

almost to the exclusion of others have been
Modern geomorphology has developed for recognized, such as erosion by wind or frost,
the most part in countries the climates of which or, more usually, combinations, though in
are average in the sense that they are neither variable proportions, of the same primary
very hot nor very cold, neither very humid nor processes—by erosion systems. Every such
very dry; they may be described as humid- more or less clearly defined region has thus now,
temperate.2 Davis, who made a great contri- and has had in every past geological age, its
bution to the progress of this science, spoke of "normal" regime, controlled by the climatic
"normal" climate, cycle, forms, and processes, conditions now or then prevailing.
as distinguished from arid and glacial "acci- "Normal" in the sense in which it was used
dents". However, attention has been directed by Davis is certainly wrongly applied, but this
increasingly toward the relation of relief forms incorrect usage may be tolerated. There are
to climate; and as a result areas, each of which other examples of similar misuse in scientific
This paper has been translated from the text in vocabularies, for example the meteorologist's
Bulletin de la Socie'te' Beige d' fitudes Ge"ographiques calculation of the "normal" temperature,
Tome XXV (1956), no. 1, p. 25-58 (four line figures
and2 the Appendix, p. 54-58, omitted). pressure, and humidity of a place, and the
Nevertheless, as Davis remarked, most of the hydrologist's use of "modulus" with the mean-
fundamental concepts developed by Powell and ing of mean values only, though these are not
Gilbert in the semi-arid West of the United States
are quite applicable to humid morphologies. necessarily the most frequent; just as in geo-

logical usage "normal" faults are no more major erosion cycle—Cretaceous, Miocene,
normal than are reverse faults. The use of and more recent cycles (King, 1951, map at
"normal" can be justified, however, only end). In the opinion of King, however, these
because no substitute that is both exact and surfaces are not peneplains developed (accord-
convenient has so far been found for it; "humid- ing to the Davisian theory) to some extent by
temperate" is an awkward expression, and enlargement of the floors of valleys but to a
"fluvial" and "pluviofluvial" are just as cor- greater extent by gradual reduction of the
rectly used of regions that are neither temperate steepness of hillslopes; rather are they coalesc-
nor humid. All things being considered it is not ing pediments—pediplains—such as have been
regrettable that certain forms should have been developed as hillslopes have retreated and owe
described as normal, for it is as compared with their formation to "sheet wash". Each ma-
these "norms" that the "anomalous" nature jor cycle has been initiated by an accentuation
of glaciated valleys in the Alps and the of the continental marginal flexure, which has
"anomalies" of arid and in particular of sub- caused a wave, or several waves, of erosion to
arid regions have eventually been recognized. make their way headward along the courses of
Hitherto discussion has concerned only the main rivers and then, by degrees, up those
terminology, which is a minor matter. How- of their tributaries. Pedimentation, closely
ever, a vigorous assault has been made on the following valley incision, has enlarged the valley
idea rather than on the word by Lester C. floors, with the result that the interfluves
King who affirms that substitution of "normal" have been eroded away and have been reduced
for "humid-temperate" is not only an impro- eventually to isolated hills ("inselbergs"), to
priety but a usurpation. The "normal" mor- kopjes, to mere nubbins, or tors. Well before
phology, if there is one, King claims, is (and a pediplain can be fully developed, however, a
has been in the geological past) that of semi- new cycle, originating likewise at the continen-
arid regions, which he (1951; 19S4) has de- tal margin, has begun to attack the already
scribed in the notable work South African planed areas, so that two or more cycles suc-
scenery. cessively initiated have been developing simul-
South Africa, as has long been known, is taneously, each encroaching on the territory of
a particularly stable segment of the earth's the preceding one and yielding ground to that
crust. Consolidated early in the Precambrian, which follows it.
it has since, except for the Cape folding, under- These conclusions have been reaffirmed in a
gone no deformation other than warping into recently published article (King, 1953), in
large basins and broad swells, marginal flexure, which they are used to the extreme, extended in
and the very recent fracturing in the rift-valley their application to almost the whole earth and
region. Since remote times the subcontinent has, its past history, and finally condensed into
except for a narrow littoral zone, escaped 50 "canons". Perhaps the most significant of
marine transgressions; the ancient basement, these are No. 3, 19, 24, and 37.
mainly crystalline and metamorphic, is over-
Canon 3: There is a general homology between all
spread only by terrestrial sediments, which are epigene landscapes. The difference between land-
thick, however; they are those of the Dwyka, forms of humid-temperate, semi-arid, and arid
Karroo, and Kalahari systems. environments are differences only of degree. Thus,
The most characteristic features of the mor- for instance, monadnocks and inselbergs are
phology are vast planation surfaces dating homologous.
from several periods, Precambrian and later, Canon 19: The pediment is the fundamental land-
some of them unburied, others temporarily form to which epigene3 landscapes tend to be re-
covered but again exhumed. The surfaces duced the world over.
intersect, but commonly at very small angles; Canon 24: The standard, or "normal", type of land-
new covering beds are deposited without much scape, both now and in the geological past, is the
semi-arid type with broad pediments and parallel
erosion of the basement rocks. Thus the en- scarp-retreat.
semble is complex; but the more recently
developed surfaces step down regularly from 3
"Epigene" means subaerial exclusive of glacial
one level to another, each corresponding to a and karst processes.

Canon 37: A peneplain in the Davisian sense, re- the existence of a residual, or eluvial, soil is not
sulting from slope reduction and downwearing, does in itself a proof of peneplanation is correct,
not exist in nature. It should be re-defined as an because after a change of climate such a soil
"imaginary landform". can be formed on a surface that has been
developed under quite different conditions; and
Without pausing to remark on the trenchant
the converse of this is no less true. Further, the
wording of these assertions and of many others
soils of humid climates, usually poorly con-
that accompany them, let us examine whether
solidated, are much less likely to be preserved
propositions probably valid for the greater
than are concretionary materials formed under
part of South Africa are equally so for the rest
semi-arid conditions, and a paleoclimatology
of the world and for all geological periods.
based entirely on pedology would be in danger
The possibility of planation by the progres-
of missing most of the humid phases (Baulig,
sive wearing down of hillslopes has been in 1952b, p. 231).
doubt almost ever since the idea was conceived, King emphasizes another difficulty encoun-
for the efficiency of the erosive processes, a
tered by the peneplanation theory. This cycle
direct function of the slope, must decrease as is characterized by rather early appearance of
the slope becomes less steep. That is why Davis maturity of relief, i.e. of almost complete dissec-
himself thought that planation could scarcely tion, but, if increasing slowness of cyclic de-
proceed beyond the peneplain stage on resistant velopment is assumed, the attainment of old
rocks on which only an undulating surface with age, or peneplanation, is very long delayed.
a local relief (except for manadnocks) of several Erosion in a second cycle must, therefore, have
hundred feet was developed. There is no doubt, eliminated forms of the first cycle long before
however, that surfaces have been more thor- the land surface had been reduced in that
oughly planed than that by subaerial proc- cycle to a peneplain. Planations that afford
esses (Baulig, 1952a). evidence of successive cycles can exist at the
Powell (1876, p. 196), who was aware of this same time and but a short distance apart, but
difficulty, considered that solution weathering, they occur on terrains that are definitely un-
which must be active even on slopes already equally resistant to erosion. King, however, in
reduced to small declivity, could complete agreement with other authors, records that in
the task. King (1953, p. 722) doubts this, for, South Africa downstepped surfaces cut on very
as he says, the planed surfaces with which he is similar rocks are common, and also that insel-
familiar have soil covers that are not at all bergs are not generally different lithologically
impoverished by leaching but are calcareous, from pediments they surmount.
siliceous, and ferruginous duricrusts which indi- The objection to the peneplanation theory
cate return to the surface of water of infil- that is thus raised is a strong one if, in agree-
tration bringing with it dissolved substances. ment with Davis, it is believed that new cycles
In the humid tropics, nevertheless, solution is are introduced by warping or differential up-
known to be extremely active and, as Freise heaval which disturbs equilibrium established
(1938) has shown, attacks all minerals. More- in a preceding cycle and ends that cycle. If it
over, measurements of the turbidity and of the is believed that successive cycles are started by
salinity of river waters have established that lowerings of base level or by uniform upheavals
chemical denudation accounts for at least half the objection is less strong. In the latter case
of total denudation throughout the United each cycle, propagating itself gradually towards
States and for a still greater proportion in the higher ground, may reach an advanced stage
humid parts (Baulig, 1910).4 King's view that farther down valleys without as yet destroying
all traces of earlier planations. This concept is
* Though cultivation of the land and overgrazing not a new one; it is applicable rather to local
during the last 2 centuries have certainly promoted
soil erosion and thus increased the solid load of peneplains of moderate extent than to great
rivers, chemical denudation has not been affected planed surfaces extending over a great part of a
to the same extent. It follows that the share of continent. Such surfaces are, however, rarely
chemical processes in denudation was proportion-
ately much greater in the past. monogenetic; it is demonstrable that some and

it may be assumed that most other surfaces are removal of debris. At any particular time, how-
composed of facets of different surfaces of ever, these both depend on the nature of the
planation that have been developed succes- rock and on the climate: if the rock is prac-
sively and intersect one another; some of these tically homogeneous and if the climate remains
have remained buried and, though recently ex- approximately constant one can see no reason
posed, have been preserved for a very long time. why the slope should become steeper or less
Such is the case in South Africa as well as else- steep. Abundance of debris and also the sizes
where. Furthermore, King's major cycles are and shapes of constituent fragments, on which
really composite: he points out that local warp- the mobility of the debris depends, are con-
ing may lead to revival of erosion and thus trolled mainly by the jointing in the parent
initiate a subcycle which is propagated for per- rock and the susceptibility of the rock to both
haps a considerable distance. Should a wave of mechanical and chemical weathering, which
headward erosion expose an outcrop of resistant depend on climate. Wastage by removal of
rock such as one of the dolerite sheets inter- debris is in the last analysis effected by gravity
bedded in the Karroo, the wave splits in two; acting either directly (talus streaming, slump-
erosion, which was arrested or at least retarded ing, landsliding) or through the agency of rain
by the obstacle, can continue without check on wash, over which there is some climatic control.
the overlying weak beds (King, 1951, p. 174, The mere fact that a hillslope remains a sur-
241). Notwithstanding these reservations, face of bare rock is a sufficient proof that all
King's conclusions as applied to South Africa disintegrated material is removed from it as it
and similar regions may be considered valid is produced, and probably the processes
without admitting the unlimited extension he effecting removal could dispose of more such
claims for them. material if it were available.
Some of the steepest slopes are on the most
PARALLEL RETREAT OR REDUCTION OF resistant rocks (e.g., quartz veins) regardless
DECLIVITY BY DOWNWEARING? of climate and destructive processes; more
commonly they are on rocks that are very
King's thesis is based essentially on the resistant as long as they are fresh but lose their
postulate that after hillslopes assume a certain coherence when weathered. Isolated hills in
declivity characteristic of rock and climate, they tropical regions (inselbergs) attain their steep-
maintain this steepness unchanged throughout est average slopes (50° and more) in crystalline
their erosional history, at least as long as they rocks (such as granite) that are subject to
retain some topographic importance (1951, p. granular disintegration and under a climate
46; 1953, p. 723, Fig. 1): there is no such thing with dry seasons, which are long and very dry,
as "downwearing", but only "backwearing". so that dense vegetation is interdicted, these
Davis, on the other hand, and those who follow alternate with seasons of rather abundant rains,
him have thought that whereas a rock slope which favor weathering of rocks and quick evac-
can under certain conditions maintain a sen- uation of debris.
sibly constant inclination as long as bare rock Slopes are less steep under the most arid
is exposed on it, a slope that is covered tends climates, where the dryness sets a limit to
to be lowered, provided the local base level comminution of debris. Debris lingers on the
remains approximately unchanged. (By "cov- slopes, and the hillslopes are "half-covered".
ered" is meant that it has on it a "soil" in If the rock is such that it furnishes angular
the geomorphological sense: it is overspread, fragments of various sizes that resist commi-
that is to say, by a mantle of debris that has nution, the removal of waste takes place slowly
resulted from disintegration of the bedrock of and the inclination of the hillslope becomes
the slope itself and is held in place by a suffi- moderate; debris also accumulates temporarily
ciently dense vegetation.) at its foot as a talus slope, though this is
If a hillslope that is attacked incessantly by gradually degraded. If, on the other hand, the
destructive processes maintains an almost con- rock, granite for example, breaks at first into
stant declivity, a balance is clearly being large blocks and these crumble later into sand,
maintained between the production and the rain wash easily sluices away the sand and

leaves the blocks; these maintain a much and vegetation, a number of interdependent
steeper inclination of the hillslope than in the variables take part. These are thickness, tex-
preceding case. The blocks break down even- ture, permeability, and mobility of the waste
tually, however, into sand, either on the slope mantle on the one hand, and on the other the
or at its foot, after which rain sweeps every- strength of the agents responsible for removal
thing away cleanly. of debris (ablation)6 which for the most
In the foregoing it has been tacitly under- part depends on the angle of slope. A profile of
stood that the slope is not undercut by vertical equilibrium, like that of a water stream, can re-
stream corrasion or sapped at the base by establish itself spontaneously if it is upset and
lateral stream corrasion (meander cutting, for also continues to readjust itself throughout
example), by wave attack, by wind, by glacial the cycle. In terrains that are approximately
erosion, or finally (as described below) by homogeneous (at least as regards the ensemble
pedimentation. In these eventualities the wall- of rocks) a hillslope that is fully mature exhibits
like slope will be at least partly oversteepened, a compound curve, convex on the upper and
and a scree may accumulate at its base. If the concave on the lower part of the slope. The
scree becomes stable (as at the foot of an convex segment is shaped by creep7 and by
abandoned sea-cliff, in the amphitheater of a rain wash that is as yet so feeble that it is
cut-off meander, or below the wall of a glaciated likely to be stopped by the smallest obstacle
trough), the hillslope, which will be progres- and is thus described as "unconcentrated"; it
sively buried at the base, will continue to re- remains discontinuous and diffused. Steepening
cede with constant declivity above the basal of the slope downhill is a result of the increasing
accumulation, whereas the rock face under this effect of gravity on an increasing mass of
will tend to assume a convex profile decreasing material with small mobility. Concavity of
in curvature upward.5 Except for these usually slope, on the other hand, results mainly from
temporary conditions, in rock that is nearly the activity of a more abundant runoff now
homogeneous and under a climate that varies gathered into rills which pick up and carry off
but little a lasting equilibrium is established; finely divided particles from materials that are
it may be described as static because the ratio becoming progressively less permeable and more
of forces to resistances is practically constant, easily removed. Ephemeral as it may be, con-
that is, it does not change in one direction as centrated rain wash acts continuously, at least
time goes on. for short distances. There is, therefore, a ten-
The same is not true of the slope "with cover" dency to develop the concavelongitudinal profile
(Baulig, 1940; 19SO, p. 125-147). If, because of charateristic of running water, and the incipi-
the lithology, climate, vegetation, and stage of ent rill channels or gutters impose their own pro-
cyclic development, the products of rock file, howbeit with reduced curvature, on the
disintegration are not progressively removed lower slope as a whole, as they gather in from
they tend to remain as an overspreading sheet it the runoff and carry away the debris. The
at first discontinuous, thin, and of coarse relative extent of convexity and concavity varies
texture, but afterwards progressively more with humidity of climate and permeability of the
continuous, thicker, and finer in texture. From rock, or, more correctly, of the debris furnished
now on the rock is no longer directly exposed to by the rock (e. g., granite sand), and this
atmospheric weathering but is weathered only proves that the processes dominant on upper
beneath the enveloping waste mantle, the slopes decrease in their relative value downhill,
"regolith" (Merrill, 1904, p. 299). Though this 6
affords some protection, because it is mobile it Translator's note: For a definition of "ablation"
see7 Baulig (1956, paragraph 5).
is always being renewed at the expense of the Creep is not, properly speaking, a mass move-
underlying rock. There is a tendency, therefore, ment. It is simply the sum of an infinite number of
for an equilibrium to be established in which, elementary displacements of particles with respect
to one another, which, as gravity is constantly
except for the unvarying factors rock, climate, intervening in the same sense, causes movement of
the whole mass. In landslides, mudflows, and
This theory was developed first by Osmond solifluxion it is on the other hand movement of the
Fisher (1866) and later, much more fully, by Leh- mass as a whole that determines relative displace-
mann (1933). ments of the material composing it.

and vice versa. Also, since the transition is the Karroo, intercalations of very hard rock,
gradual, the passage from the convex to the dolerite, in an alternating succession of sand-
concave slope is made at a point of inflection or stones and shales that are not on the whole very
through a neutral rectilinear segment.8 resistant (King, 1951, p. 45; 1953, p. 728). The
All parts of such a profile are interdependent, landscape profile9 is made up of four distinct
since the declivities at all points, which make elements: (1) the escarpment ("free face"),
up the curve, do not individually depend merely a cliff corresponding to the vertical section of
on what happens at these particular points but the hard stratum; under the attack of weather-
also on the contributions of water (from runoff ing and gravity it is diversified only by infan-
or seepage) and waste material that are brought tile ravines; (2) above, in weak rock, the "wax-
from higher up the slope, and also on their ing" slope, a description justifiably criticized by
downhill evacuation. Such is the true concept Cotton (1948, p. 227) as implying a particular
of grade, of which, however, King (1953, p. 725) theory of development of slopes which is not in
discounts the fundamental value. question (convex slope may be suggested as
The profile of equilibrium is mobile at every more appropriate); it is shaped essentially by
moment and throughout the whole cycle. creep; (3) below the cliff the scree (the "debris"
Obviously the overall gradient of the hillslope, or "detrital" slope), veneered with debris
which is constantly losing material and which fallen from the cliff the coarseness of which
is under the control of a local base level assumed determines the declivity; (4) lower down, the
fixed in position, is reduced in steepness. At the "waning" slope (objection the same as for
same time, however, its profile tends to be "waxing"), to be called otherwise the concave
modified, as follows. On a gentler slope the slope; which passes into the pediment. These
waste, moving downhill more slowly, is further four elements King claims to find on every
reduced in fineness of texture, so that hillslope undergoing active erosion, more par-
concentrated rain wash can more easily take ticularly the "free face" and the "debris slope",
over transport. Thus the concave segment which retreat with unchanging declivity. Fur-
extends at the expense of the convex. The con- ther, he extends this claim of parallel retreat
vex segment, on the other hand, shaped by to the whole slope, though it is true only of
weathering, creep, and unconcentrated rain the escarpment, if one is present, and of the
wash, processes the intensity of which scarcely upper part of the scree.10
decreases with reduction of altitude, can pre- King (1953) does admit exceptions to his
serve the initial curvature in the part of the thesis, exceptions which largely destroy its
curve that survives, though the length of this value as a generalization. Thus (Canon 4):
segment is progressively reduced. In an ex- "Four elements may occur on a hillside slope . . .
treme case, in the superhumid tropics, the waste Each or any element may be suppressed . . .
mantle, though thoroughly decomposed by Canon 6: "If [the free face and the debris slope]
weathering and saturated with water, is held are actively eroded the hillside will retreat
in place by tree roots, but only until patch by parallel to itself"; unless (Canon 9) "the wax-
patch it slides away and takes with it its cover ing slope becomes strongly developed and may
of vegetation. The concave segment can then extend down to meet the waning slope"; but
extend to the top of the slope, so that the then the profile is degenerate or "atrophied"
valley assumes a catenary transverse profile be- (p. 736). (But have the escarpment and the
tween sharp-crested interfluves. 'See block diagram (King, 1951, p. 45); which is
To this well-founded concept King opposes reproduced
by Cotton (1948, p. 226).
one of his own. Instead of discussing homo- King (1953) seems to consider the words
"scarp" and "hillslope" (or "hillside") as synony-
geneous structure first and reserving more com- mous. Useful discussion is almost impossible without
plex cases for attention later, he describes a good definition of terms. He writes (p. 723) of
tabular horizontal structure comprising, like "parallel scarp-retreat" and (p. 733) of "retreat of
the steeper element of the hillside", but states
(p. 728) that "the hillslope retreats with constant
Here, at all stages of development, is found the declivity", and writes (p. 732) of "parallel retreat of
steepest part of a convexo-concave slope. Commonly hillsides and scarps", further (p. 736) even admitting
it is the only part that is envisaged by those who the possibility of "scar^-retreat under a sod mantle",
argue for parallel retreat of slopes in all cases. which is contradictory.

scree slope ever existed, even on resistant bound, but which lingers on the scree slopes
rocks, if the adjacent river cut down slowly (Davis, 1899).
enough to allow the hillslope to be kept con- A profile that shows evidence of one special
tinually graded?) Canon 13: The "old deduction and persistent structural differentiation will
of continuous lowering of hillside gradients . . . long remain broken, perhaps until the last
is incorrect". Such lowering has taken butte disappears. On a homogeneous rock in
place only on "terrains of rocks so weak that which density of jointing varies from place to
they cannot maintain a free face and detrital place a hillslope will, on the other hand, be
slope". (Is it a matter only of resistance and not diversified, and show some steep faces and
at all of structural differentiation and stage of elsewhere benches on which regolith accumu-
development?) lates. In a humid climate such debris is
Even in horizontally bedded structures, like anchored, or at least partly held in place, by
those which King considers, where thick re- vegetation; and it thus tends to accumulate
sistant and weak beds alternate, the escarp- in a progressively more continuous sheet which
ments and scree slopes will not behave in the will eventually, if the local base level is con-
same way. The escarpments recede with an stant or nearly so, assume a smooth profile.
angle of slope that is almost constant, but recede In contrast with this, under an arid or a
with varying velocities, for the rate of retreat subarid climate the rock is almost without
depends partly on their own resistance and cover, and therefore rain wash is active; but
partly on the rate at which the scree slope the effects of rain wash are different on the
below is degraded, a rate which is determined upper slope, where it is concentrated in gutters
in its upper part mainly by the dimensions of and ravines, and on the lower slope, where the
the blocks derived from the escarpment above runoff tends to be diffused because of weaker
(here assumed to be of practically constant gradient. As a result a break of slope develops,
caliber). The debris tumbling down the slope and a nick (re-entering angle) appears between
becomes broken, however, into smaller blocks the upper part, or hillslope in a restricted sense,
(the farther it travels the smaller are these); and the lower part, or pediment. When the
and thus screes assume concave profiles. The profile as a whole is considered, however,
length of scree travel varies, moreover, with whether in an arid or humid climate, there is
the horizontal distance that separates the upper obvious homology. In both cases the summit
from a lower escarpment, the top of which is convexity, if any, is shaped by creep and to a
the base level for the scree slope. If the upper minor extent by unconcentrated wash. In a
retreats faster than the lower the scree becomes humid climate the part of the profile corre-
longer, and its slope (except for the upper sponding to the "free face" is that near the
part) becomes less steep. If, on the other hand, point of inflection, where the steepest declivity
an escarpment retreats faster than those over- is. The lower slope is concave in both cases, and
hanging it, it eventually effaces itself, and is subject to regrading, because it is developed
two scree slopes become one.11 by wash, which though ephemeral is continuous
All parts of the profile are thus interdepend- in its activity (in a sense that has been defined
ent; the lowering of the scree slopes depends earlier); the only difference is that in the one
on retreat of the escarpments, and the con- case it is concentrated in rills and in the other
verse is also true. The whole hillslope may be it is diffuse. As this difference is due essentially
said, moreover, to be overswept by an inter- to difference of climate, there must be transi-
mittent flood of waste which is being perpet- tional forms between the arid pediment and
ually reinforced, which clears cliffs with a the humid concave slope.
It is this transition that is in King's mind
A rather long scree slope, especially in a subarid when he maintains that processes analogous to
climate, commonly, like a pediment, bears traces of pedimentation operate even in a humid climate
rain wash in enmeshed rills or even a sheet. Whether
or not such a slope is called a "pediment" the funda- and under forest, which is true, and that they
mental process involved in its formation is much are accompanied by parallel retreat of hill-
the same as that which fashions the concave portion slopes, which is not the case. His idea is
of a humid hillslope, and King himself admits this
(1953, p. 737; cf. Baulig, 1950, p. 84). based on an article in which Davis (1930)

examines homologies between planed rock sur- shales and on weaker zones of the folded Ap-
faces ("rock floors") arid and humid. Davis palachians. In all these, however, the leveled
(1930, p. 26-27, 136-138, Figs. 5, 6, 7) points surfaces are on weak rocks; at higher levels
out that in a humid climate and in homogeneous there are residual features sculptured from
rock (granite) the equivalents of arid pediments more resistant terrains, and at the contact
may be found. When a river, almost stabilized, with these there is a more or less abrupt break
has begun to develop a flood plain, here and of slope.13 King (19S3, p. 136-137) maintains
there "valley-floor strips" appear, which are that in the Appalachians of Pennsylvania the
lateral glacis distinct from both the flood plain inclination of hillslopes is not always the same
and the sloping valley side. Concavity of pro- as the dip of the beds (meaning apparently that
file is recognizable on these, though Davis it is less, from which it might be deduced that
shows in his drawings an angle at the meeting the land slopes had been lowered); he main-
place of concave and convex strips. (But the tains also that in places the basal concavity
figure is no more than a sketchy diagram.) As ("waning slope") extends onto hard rock
a matter of fact, a break in the profile can (meaning that as slopes are reduced in declivity
really be detected for as long as the upper structural influences are progressively less
slope is shedding coarse waste (Davis, 1930, felt).
p. 149); but at a more advanced stage the Macar (1949, p. 269; 1954, p. 18) believes
upper slope "will coalesce with the soil cover he has recognized benches in the Ardennes that
of the widening valley floor in a smooth con- are analogous to the "valley-floor strips" of
cave curve" (p. 141); and again (p. 142) "the Davis, and he considers them to be "slopes of
convex profiles of the residual hills gradually minimum transportation . . . such that the
become concave as they are continued down agencies of creep and rain wash are now only
to the broad valley floors, which slant very just able to continue transporting debris over
faintly towards the streams." Davis, moreover, them without having any longer energy to
as Cotton (195S) has pointed out in a discussion, erode". (Davis says, on the other hand, that
spoke of "recession . . ., retreat. . ., withdrawal such strips are being continuously, though
of the valley-side slopes" (Davis, 1930, p. 136- ever more slowly, degraded.)14 The same ques-
137), but emphasized that the slopes were being tion crops up here as for the Appalachians, for
constantly "worn down" (p. 141-142), and he the structure is similar: is there a break in the
contrasted the diminishing declivity of humid profile, and if there is can it not be explained
slopes with the constant declivity of arid slopes quite well by unequal rock resistance? It must
(p. 148). The concept favored by Davis is be conceded that (Baulig, 1950, p. 141, note
thus diametrically opposed to that of King.12 C) in a terrain with homogeneous structure
Davis, though he did not, as he confessed, under a humid climate "processes varying in
know of any "rock floor" cut on granite in a a continuous way (from the upper to the lower
humid region, could cite nevertheless some part of a hillslope) cannot produce a broken
"broad valley floors" or "valley lowlands" profile". This seems to be confirmed by profiles
that are surfaces developed by planation but the writer has reproduced (Baulig, 1950, p.
since more or less dissected. Such are, in 129) and also by those of Fair (infra). It has
England, the subsequent depressions between always been recognized by the writer that the
the Oolite and Chalk cuestas, whereas another question demands supplementary informa-
is the hollowed-out core of the Weald, and, in tion—topographic surveys and geological de-
the eastern part of the United States, the tails.
planed surfaces on Triassic sandstones and 15
Davis (1930, p. 145) notes that the essentially
12 crystalline Piedmont belt of Virginia and of North
In the discussion on the development of hill- and South Carolina has encroached on the Blue
slopes there is perhaps some confusion of words. Ridge. It appears that the most extensive planations
If on a fully mature humid slope only the steepest on really resistant rocks have been developed in
part is envisaged, namely that near the point of climates
not humid-temperate (vide infra).
inflection, it can be said justifiably that, while the Macar adds: "These planation levels are ref-
slope as a whole is becoming less steep, this particu- erable . . . to the late Tertiary, for which period
lar part of it "retreats", but it must be added that there are indications of tropical climate." (See
it is at the same time being "lowered". also infra)

PEDIMENTATION (Davis, 1938). King (1953, p. 731, 734) believes

that in South Africa at least the effects of
King offers a number of interesting obser- lateral planation are insignificant. Rock fans,
vations on the mechanism of pedimentation, he finds, are rare and of small extent in that
though these perhaps have less value as gen- region. The dominant scarp instead of being
eralizations than he claims. The phenomenon broken by wide gaps where rivers debouch
is easy to define in general terms. The pediment through it is in many places rectilinear or only
is fashioned by a runoff which because it is slightly sinuous in plan, and it is transverse to
always fully loaded cannot become concen- the general direction of river flow; it is thus
trated in permanent courses and erode verti- in no way controlled by the rivers. The pedi-
cally, but can pick up loose debris and can in ments, moreover, carry neither traces of large
certain cases even corrade. The modalities of river beds nor significant river deposits. Such
the phenomenon can differ notably, however.16 conditions can be explained in South Africa
In 1877 Gilbert developed the theory of perhaps by the fact that there are practically
"lateral planation." A stream of water which no highland areas there that would concentrate
after debouching fully loaded and at a stable drainage; nor are there any weak-rock pied-
level from a course in the mountains swings monts. It must be remembered, however, that
laterally back and forth, attacks each of its on any very extensive glacis with a low gradient
banks, and deposits alluvium behind it as it the conical form is practically imperceptible;
swings across. It will thus produce an alluvial also lateral planation does not exclude other
fan if accumulation is dominant but a rock fan processes that co-operate with it and supple-
with a veneer of alluvium if this is not the ment it.
case. The planation process will be especially A sheetflood, such as was described and
efficient if the stream carries hard-rock debris interpreted by McGee in 1897 and more re-
and is eroding a piedmont of less resistant cently by Ives (1936) in the same Sonoran
material. This is what is happening at the region (northwest Mexico and the adjacent
periphery of the Henry Mountains (Gilbert, part of the United States), is not simply sheet
1877), in the Big Horn basin (Mackin, 1937), wash but rather an extremely sudden and vio-
on the piedmonts of the Rocky Mountains of lent flood; by the Arabs it is termed a "seil".
Colorado (Fogarty, 1951) and of the Little On debouching from a mountain course it
Rocky Mountains, isolated on the Great Plains spreads forthwith over a plain in a thick and
of Montana (Knechtel, 1953), and even on the turbulent sheet. The front, convex in outline
sub-Atlas "glacis" (Dresch, 1950; Joly, 1950; and several feet high, a "wall of water", ad-
Birot, 1950). The process is not necessarily vances very swiftly—at the pace of a galloping
linked with an arid or subarid climate. After horse (McGee) or 20 miles in 65 minutes (at the
alpine torrents of the Glacial Epoch ceased to rate of 30 km an hour) (Ives). This powerful
aggrade they eroded glacis which are closely wave, carrying debris of all dimensions, some
analogous to the foregoing in the sub-Alpine from the mountains and the rest picked up
Molasse (Troll, 1926; 1954); this was because from the pediment, is assuredly a very efficient
low temperatures had considerably reduced the agent of ablation and transportation, though
cover of vegetation and frost-weathered rocks it erodes unweathered rock but little. King,
furnished abundant transportable debris. Re- who (because he has not experienced the req-
sistant rocks suffer but little from lateral uisite conditions for such almost instantaneous
planation in the mountain courses of streams, concentration of the runoff) has not himself
though there are exceptions to this rule (Davis, observed the phenomenon, is willing to admit
1900). There must be a sufficiently concentrated that it is capable of retouching a surface that
"stream": neither sheet wash nor braided-rill is already flat, but he doubts whether it will
wash seems capable of undercutting hard rocks plane one (1953, p. 731). It is true that the
sheetflood has been observed in all its violence
A distinction is recognized (Baulig, 1950, p. only on pediments already well developed.
80-84, bibliography; 1952a, p. 242-252) between All authors have reported patterns of inter-
desert and savanna planation. See also critical re-
views by Howard (1938, p. 47-61). lacing channels on pediments. King (1953, p.

731) does not regard "rill work" by itself as an tinuity (which must cause some deposition,
efficient agency for planation, because, in his though the deposits will be removed at some
opinion, it tends to become concentrated and time by more vigorous wash). Farther down the
will thenceforward cut down vertically instead pediment slope the flowing sheet of water,
of planing. Davis (1938)16 has clearly shown, augmented by local rain, becomes thicker and
however, that on a bahada or alluvial glacis its flow again becomes turbulent and therefore
(and apparently also on a rock-floored glacis, erosive. Such flow is, according to King, the
or pediment, with thin detrital cover) there is agency essentially responsible for pedimenta-
an unstable system of channels through which tion, but only in so far as the water is not
runoff takes place by pulsations. When it be- collected into streams (permanently?), for if
comes concentrated in streams the water acceler- it is thus concentrated gullying and dissection
ates, erodes, and picks up debris; then, with the will take place. Very heavy showers (of more
slightest reduction of velocity, it deposits than 2 inches an hour) will give rise to sheet-
again, obstructs its course, and spreads out; floods, though King has not himself seen these;
after which it becomes concentrated again and flow of the sheet must in such a case be turbu-
repeats the process. The pattern of channels lent, and from the start it must be capable of
resembles an arrangement of very flat cones erosion. Light rains, on the other hand, produce
(fans). The streaming water spreads out on one no flowing sheet at all; the hillside furrows then
fan, gathers into channels again at its periphery, extend across the pediment and tend to dissect
and then spreads again over another fan. The it (though sheet wash will repair this damage
channels function merely as such during moder- at another time).
ate rains, which are heavy enough to wet the To sum up, various processes—rill work,
ground and to make it impermeable though sheet wash, sheetfloods, and under certain
not to flood it, and they so function also when conditions of relief and structure lateral plana-
floods are subsiding, just as a wave breaking tion—can take part in developing the same
on a sand beach smooths it; but as the wave pediment, for temporary dominance of one or
withdraws the water flows to some extent in another depends on the highly variable activity
definite channels, which the succeeding wave of the runoff. According to climate, kind of
obliterates again. rocks, and stage of development also the process
In King's opinion (1953, p. 733-734) the of planation will be hindered to some extent
agency essential for pedimentation (at least in by the tendency of running water to corrade
South Africa) is sheet wash (not "sheetflood"), vertically, but once the process is established
the water for which is furnished by rain that it gains ever stronger control, except in so far
has fallen partly on higher ground and partly as it is affected by external interruptions.
on the pediment itself. He has found from ob- Pedimentation operates on every scale.
servations on the veld during moderately heavy Though badlands are justly cited as an excel-
showers (as much as 2 inches an hour) that, lent example of pluvial dissection, Smith (1951)
though small streams that flow off the escarp- and Baker (1951) show that they may become
ment are turbid, on the pediment the sheet miniature reproductions of mountain ranges
flow, which is no more than a fraction of an partly consumed by pedimentation and hav-
inch deep, is clear from the inception of its ing uniformly steep slopes that are separated
flow—an indication that though flow is turbu-
by a re-entering angle from flat gully floors,
lent and erosive on the steeper slope it becomes
and also developing embayments and cols
laminar and non-erosive on the platform at its
foot.17 At this point there is a hydraulic discon- that are lowered by the intersection of ravines
opposed head to head. Water flows off partly
The relevant passage has been reviewed, and in streams and partly as sheet flow. The only
the figure from it reproduced, by Cotton (1942, p. conditions necessary for such development are,
17 on the one hand, sparseness of vegetation
King (1953, p. 735) mentions an interesting
test distinguishing between laminar and turbulent associated with the occurrence of occasional
flow: if the surface of the water is depressed where heavy showers and, on the other, rock that is
it encounters an obstacle, the flow is laminar, and
if it piles up the flow is. turbulent. easily eroded but is coherent, does not flow,

and furnishes uniformly fine debris free from PEDIPLAINS OR PENEPLAINS?

coarse fragments impeding regular runoff.
As regards the question whether, as some According to King a pediplain and a pene-
maintain, the primary process is undercutting plain must be immediately distinguishable by
of the hillslope at the base and consequent ex- the predominance of concave surfaces on the
tension of the pediment or whether, according former and convex on the latter. Certain pas-
to other views, spontaneous retreat of the sages in Davis seem to justify this interpreta-
hillslope results in an embryonic pediment tion. Thus, Davis (1912, p. 65-66, Fig. 25) has
trimmed thereafter into shape by the distrib- sketched the evolution of a mountain mass
uted or diffused flow of water (King, 1953, p. dissected under the vigorous attack of "nor-
730-732), it would appear that one or the mal" erosion. As long as valleys are being
other process is dominant according to the deepened crests can be sharp (though their
nature of the rock and the climatic regime. sharpness depends on texture of dissection and
In any case they are interrelated. On the one valley depth); but when incision of valleys
hand, the hillslope can continue to retreat only slackens the hillslopes are lowered, the crests
if the debris derived from it is removed by become rounded, and, as relief becomes smaller,
wash, at least from time to time, from the foot the ridge-top convexities become broader while
of the slope. The more swollen the flood of their curvature becomes less sharp. (Lower
runoff, on the other hand, and the more it is slopes are not here in question.) Later Davis
accelerated en route, the more promptly will (1932, p. 409) added to this a statement that
it spread out as a sheet at the foot of the hill- in a temperate climate "the concave basal
slope. Thus the hydraulic discontinuity will be curve . . . is enlarged as it retreats" (meaning
better defined, other things being equal, the rather "as the upper part of the slope retreats").
higher and steeper the hillslope and the more The need for this correction is shown by the
nearly horizontal the flat at its base. The proc- accompanying figure (p. 409; reproduced by
ess, whether initiated tectonically (by a fault King, 1953, p. 723), which shows at an advanced
or flexure) or simply by river entrenchment, stage a concave basal curve about three quarters
will be intensified both as regards backwearing of the length of the whole hillslope.
of the hillslope and downwearing of the pedi- Accurately drawn profiles show, moreover,
ment as long as the former is increasing in that on fully mature slopes, even on a per-
height while it is still retreating. It will dwindle meable rock like chalk, the concave part of
again in height, but the load of solid debris the slope is longer than the convex part (Baulig,
will then have become smaller and the slope of 1940; reprinted 1950, Fig. 1, p. 129, profile A:
the pediment will be gentler; yet there will local relief 20-30 m) and that on argillaceous
still be a re-entering angle between hillslope sands it is still longer (profile C: local relief
and pediment; this is at least as conspicuous 30 m). The very carefully measured profiles of
around minor nubbins as at the foot of the Fair (1947) from the plateaus of the interior
most imposing line of bluffs. of Natal confirm this. Alternating sandstones
In conclusion it must be admitted, in agree- and thin-bedded shales provide a practically
ment with King (19S3, p. 733), that "the homogeneous terrain only moderately resistant,
pediment... is the ideal form to dispose of the but this is capped by very resistant dolerite.
maximum volume of water in minimum time As long as the dolerite cap survives the profile
and with least erosional damage to the land- remains for the most part concave, for the
scape." In other words, like every form of slope is determined to a great extent by the
mobile equilibrium (Baulig, 1950, p. 41) it is a veneer of dolerite blocks derived from the cap
form "of least work". It is indeed a form that (becoming smaller down the slope). When the
is "stable" (King) in the sense that it retains hard-rock cap has gone the profile becomes
its shape while it is being re-graded (though convexo-concave, and the summit convexity
increasingly more slowly) throughout the cycle. extends farther and farther, though even at the
It does not follow from this, as King claims, most advanced stage shown by Fair (with
that it is the only or almost the only form of maximum declivity 6°) it occupies only 800
subaerial planation. feet of the total length, 2800 feet, of the hill-

slope. The interior of Natal has a semi-arid controlled throughout a cycle by a single base
climate (rainfall 25-35 inches a year, but level. Furthermore, peneplanation is to a much
strictly seasonal), but the passage from the greater extent than pediplanation under the
convex to the concave segment is quite gradual control of lithological variations, and conse-
(though Fair describes the concave slope as a quently does not produce surfaces comparable
pediment). in areal extent and perfection of development
Pallister (1954; 1955) has shown that profiles to pediplains, at least on terrains resistant to
like those described by Fair in Natal are found humid-climate processes. Not all planed land
almost on the Equator, though in an equable surfaces, however, are either subarid pediplains
and moderately humid climate in South-central or "atrophied" or "degenerate" pediplains;
Uganda (annual rainfall over 45 inches; savanna though this is what King sets out to demon-
vegetation: elephant grass and a few large trees; strate.
complex crystalline metamorphic bedrock It must be admitted that he is right con-
structure, scarcely affecting the relief; soils cerning not only the origin of South African,
everywhere thick, in many places over 50 feet, Australian, and other analogous planed sur-
over weathered rocks). The land surface is faces, but also, in general, planation on resistant
moderately undulating to low and hilly (relief rocks in times anterior to the middle of the
up to 500 feet). The highest hills have flat tops Tertiary (Baulig, 1950, p. 34; 1952a, p. 256-
capped by relics of a duricrust of laterite or a 258; 1952b, p. 224) ,18 The reason for this is
ferruginous material (ironstone), indicators evi- obvious: as the higher forms of vegetable life
dently of a phase of semi-arid planation dating on the land date only from the middle of the
from mid-Tertiary times. The profiles are thus Paleozoic, rocks were until then exposed with-
strongly concave, their steepness decreasing out protection to the direct action of meteoric
rapidly from 25° at the top, below the edge of agencies—wind, rain, eventually ice—whether
the carapace, to 7° (average) on most of the the climate was humid or arid. The deserts of
slope. In contrast with this topographic form those times were biological, not necessarily
lower hills—less than 200 feet high—which climatic deserts. Woody plants existed from
evidently represent a more advanced cyclic the Devonian onward; yet without dense un-
stage have gentle and regular profiles; a convex dergrowth or thick litter (leafy trees date only
summit segment of moderate length passes im- from the Tertiary) the soil could have little
perceptibly into a long concave slope inclined protection from rain wash. Grasses in particular,
at 5° to 7°. Incision of the stream courses to a such as form continuous turf, did not appear,
shallow depth at the foot of the concave slopes it would seem, or at any rate were not widely
may be ascribed to a small recent climatic distributed, until the middle of the Tertiary;
change, but the streams are sluggish, their only then were the biological conditions favor-
floors are swampy for the most part, and their ing peneplanation fully realized in humid-
solid load consists of fine silt only. Is not such temperate climates.
relief approximately that of the Davisian pene- On the other hand, sedimentary deposits
plain stage? and residual soils afford evidence of a number
There is justification, therefore, for believing of periods before that when more or less arid
that, allowing for rock and climate, a contin- climates prevailed over much of the earth's
uous gradation exists from the gently undu- surface—in the Devonian, Permo-Triassic, and
lating peneplain with monadnocks to the almost early Tertiary. The surfaces developed at such
ideal pediplain surmounted only by rock stacks. times are presumably pediplains. Yet aridity
The great difference between these two is that prevailed only in the intervals between humid
pedimentation produces at an early stage some periods, which are evidenced by coals and lig-
planed surfaces which afterwards extend grad- nites formed from vegetation that accumulated
ually, coalesce, and replace one another; the in bodies of fresh water and thus indicate the
result is the production of pediplains of vast existence of perennially flowing rivers. Such
extent Peneplanation results after there 18
has been an increasingly slower reduction Barrell (1916, p. 361) was well aware of the
importance of vegetal cover for sedimentation and
of relief over the whole area affected, and it is consequently for continental denudation.

deposits, and more particularly the climates these deposits angular blocks of all sizes, but
that favored their formation, may have been consisting only of rocks particularly resistant
very widespread, for relics of them have sur- to chemical weathering, are mixed with argil-
vived only owing to special circumstances, laceous-sandy materials that have resulted
namely immediate burial of the vegetal debris from advanced decay of rocks of all kinds. This
under detrital materials, which preserved it debris furnishes evidence of profound chemical
from oxidation, combined with persistent alteration of the terrain under a hot and humid
subsidence, which has afforded protection from climate. (That such a climate prevailed in those
erosion in later times. Planations that were de- regions until rather recently is proved by the
veloped in these humid periods are almost un- survival in the Pliocene of southern Portugal of
known, however, perhaps because humid-cli- certain tropical plants, ferns and others, that
mate soils are easily removed and replaced by had disappeared by that time from Central
others that are very different, whereas soils Europe.) Stripping off of the debris that had
developed under arid and subarid climates have thus been prepared by weathering, though fa-
a much better chance of preservation (supra). cilitated by some tectonic movements, must
Whatever the reason, the later Tertiary was have been due to a drastic thinning of the
destined to be the age of peneplains. But it is vegetal cover, but the cause of this was not
a fact that scarcely any of the known planed necessarily pronounced (or prolonged) aridity
surfaces dating from this period have great like that of the Atlantic Sahara, with which
extension over really resistant rocks, for ex- it has been compared. The areas that were
ample the Central Massif of France. This affected are indeed now the driest in Europe
should perhaps be ascribed to the shortness of because of their low latitude and their situation
the period, to changes of base level that caused with respect to the ocean.19 Aridity, though it
a succession of cycles of erosion, or, more was perhaps not much more pronounced in
especially, to slowness not of dissection but of the late Pliocene than at present, was sufficient
the eventual planation in a temperate climate. to upset a delicate equilibrium between vege-
In middle latitudes there are, however, almost tation and soils that had become established
everywhere locally planed surfaces that bevel in the preceding long humid period. Whatever
moderately resistant terrains even as young as the reason for this it would not be justifiable
Pliocene. Some authors, King in particular, to extend to other regions conclusions valid
have preferred to regard these as ancient sub- for parts of the Iberian Peninsula. In the
arid pediments now to some extent degraded Appalachians or the uplands of Belgium, for
and disguised by humid erosion. The late Ter- example, there are indications of a former
tiary floras of western Europe do not confirm climate different from the present one, but this
this; they indicate a climate significantly hot is rather a climate characterized by cryergic20
and humid, comparable to that of North and activity, otherwise called "periglacial".
South Carolina and Louisiana, though it be- It is becoming more obvious that such
came colder at the approach of the Pleistocene; cryergic activity has affected a large part of
but they record no arid or semi-arid episodes. the lands now under a temperate climate. Con-
Pedological indications, though sometimes sidering the shortness of postglacial time it is
utilized, are unreliable: red soils are forming legitimate to ask, therefore, whether most
today in the Mediterranean region and on the "humid-temperate" landscapes may not be
Atlantic Piedmont of the United States, but periglacial landscapes merely retouched by
these have quite different climates and contrast "normal" erosion. This is a line of thought
strongly in the seasonal distribution of rain.
The most significant fact bearing on this 19
The authority for this statement is M. Sorre's
question is probably the occurrence of the aridity map in de la Blache and Gallois (1934,
"ranas", those vast mudflow deposits that were p. 81).
Translator's note: Professor Baulig has recom-
spread out in the late Pliocene over well-leveled mended that "cryergic" be used instead of "peri-
surfaces in the western part of the Spanish glacial" in the sense in which the latter word is
commonly but "rather incorrectly" applied to
Meseta and in southern Portugal (Hernandez- processes in some regions not actually peripheral
Pacheco, 1950; Ribeiro and Feio, 1950). In to glaciated regions (Baulig, 1956, paragraph 77).

followed by King (1953, p. 735) and by Cotton but, whereas mudflow is sporadic and is usually
(1955, p. 1028). The latter author, recording chaneled into a definite course, gelifluxion
changes effected by solifluxion in the middle sprawls over all slopes that are neither too
district of New Zealand, at Lat. 41° S., writes: steep nor too gentle for it. Further, the diurnal
"The preglacial form of the surface [an upland thaw takes place practically simultaneously
peneplain; altitude about 1100 feet] must al- throughout the extent of the debris sheet to a
most certainly be now changed beyond rec- depth that fluctuates throughout the warmer
ognition or restoration." The modification that season but varies little from day to day. The
has certainly taken place has been variable mass movement may be thought of as quasi-
with the nature of the rock, the strength of the continuous and relatively uniform throughout
relief, and the extent and duration of the the season in which it can take place; and this
cryergic activity. Further, we see today an end is a condition strongly favoring development
condition, the cumulative result of climatic of a smooth profile. Tundra vegetation checks
changes that have succeeded one another movement, it is true, and as a result garlands
through and since the Pliocene. Each phase, and terracettes are formed; but these minor
whether glacial or interglacial, perhaps even accidents do not significantly change the fun-
interstadial, has set about the task of remodel- damental nature of the phenomenon.
ing to its own norms the forms bequeathed to Movement of this kind, massive and sprawl-
it from the preceding phase. It appears gener- ing as it is, tends to fill up hollows in its path;
ally, however, from the modification of relief and the first to be filled in are valley bottoms,
forms and from the extent to which soils are in which considerable accumulation has com-
weathered, that some or all of the interglacial monly taken place. It is not necessary to assume
have been longer than the glacial ages. Because on this account, as some have done, that there
of repeated displacements of the climatic zones has been scarcity of water streams in glacial
in the Pleistocene it is difficult to find land- ages; rather has there been considerable aug-
scapes that have always been under humid- mentation of the solid load carried by streams;
temperate conditions of climate, and this poses for valley aggradation implies merely a tend-
very serious problems. We can, nevertheless, ency towards an equilbrium better adapted to
attempt to reply to the following questions: changed conditions. In this way a V-shaped
Have major forms of the landscape as well as ravine can become filled with "head" to the
detail forms been remodeled by cryergic proc- extent that the stream of water that originally
esses? and, in particular, have the profiles of cut it is pushed to one side, where it excavates
mature hillslopes been profoundly modified? a new trench, whereas the tongue of soliflual
In the cryergic regime disintegration and debris, now dried out and therefore stagnant,
comminution of mateiials are essentially the remains convex. There can thus be local in-
result of repeated freezings—of gelifraction. version of relief (Cotton and Te Punga,
Ablation of debris is effected by free fall, by a 1955b).22
kind of dry creep, and by runoff of rain or In contrast with this, gelifluxion is known
snow-thaw water; but the most potent agency to corrade weak rocks to some extent. Recently
is solifluxion21 (or "gelifluxion"). This process various authors (King, 1953, p. 736; Te Punga,
is slow displacement of water-saturated thawed in Cotton and Te Punga, 1955a, p. 1008) have
material which slides over a still frozen subsoil observed that where the rock is not very re-
(not necessarily perennially frozen ground) the sistant the layer of soliflual debris commonly
impermeability of which prevents drying out rests on a surface so remarkably smooth that
that would bring the fluent mass to a halt. It it might have been shaved with a plane. Cry-
is a true mass movement, resembling mudflow; ergic corrasion has even produced some con-
cave slopes. It was long ago observed that
21 valley heads that are feebly incised in an up-
We could perhaps call it more correctly "geli-
(soli)fluxion". It seems unjustifiable to restrict the raised peneplain commonly have a gently con-
meaning of solifluxion (Andersson, 1906) to cryergic 22
phenomena. Flow of soil may be seen in all climates, This process is analogous to that described by
and it plays a first-order role on slopes in the super- Kirk Bryan (1940) in material with a rather special
humid tropics. structure.

cave, or catenary, transverse profile, having an obliterate glacial relief altogether (it would be
appearance of late maturity. This was supposed weak in any case) and to substitute for it relief
by Davis to be due to the feebleness of infan- of their own making; but are we justified in
tile streams, which have failed to cut deeper assuming that they have reduced or softened
(but must be judged to have been capable to any appreciable extent more rugged forms
nevertheless of evacuating the debris resulting on rather resistant rocks? In particular, have
from degradation of the side slopes?). Cyclic they broadened the summit convexities above
analysis (Baulig, 1935, p. 15, Fig. 5; Sittig, mature hillslopes (Cotton, in Cotton and Te
1936) seems, on the other hand, to indicate Punga; 1955a, p. 1028 and Fig. 6)? Rather
that the last traces of ancient mature valleys they must have lengthened concave slopes at
survive in such cases; the downstream parts of the expense of summits and thus reduced the
these can be restored by extending transverse radius of summit convexity.
profiles preserved on spurs and also the lon- A hillslope affected by gelifluxion is really a
gitudinal profiles of tributaries; and accordance "covered slope" throughout its length, and, as
of profiles thus plotted appears to be satisfac- the mobile regolith will thus impose its own
tory. It has later been recognized by Macar profile, the underlying rock will the more
(1954, p. 20-21), however, that such small readily yield debris of increasingly fine texture,
valleys high up on the Ardennes are encumbered and this, being saturated with water, will be
with soliflual debris, though it is not known increasingly mobile. This holds for the deeply
whether this is a thick layer even on valley weathered bedrock greywacke of the locality
floors, and it does not seem to be thick enough described by Cotton. Gelifluxion and the cor-
on lateral spurs to invalidate the reconstruc- rasion due to gelifluxion produce little change
tions that have been made of profiles. Cotton on a broadly convex summit, but down the
(in Cotton and Te Punga, 1955a, p. 1019 /.) slope, with abundant water, with increasing
has further suggested that these "dells" (equiv- comminution of debris, and with increasing
alent to the German Delicti) may be of peri- thickness of the layer of debris, mobility in-
glacial origin. They are not, he says, nivation creases; and thus an ever greater quantity can
cirques, and neither are they glacial cirques, be evacuated down a diminishing declivity, so
because their smoothly concave profile ex- that concavity of profile develops. Further,
cludes an origin by basal sapping of slopes; movement starts not far from the summit,
and, moreover, true cirques are unknown in probably higher up on the hillslope than where
the region described except perhaps at much rain wash becomes concentrated on a "normal"
greater altitudes. He is of the opinion, there- slope and produces concavity; and the move-
fore, that a "normal" V-shaped section has ment continues towards the foot even on
been widened out and deepened by channeled declivities of a very few degrees—apparently
solifluxion. He has not been able to ascertain, lower declivities than those of "normal" slopes.
however, whether there may be some con- The profile will be flattened, therefore, in its
siderable depth of geliflual debris in the valley lower part and steepened in its upper part,
bottom. eventually to the extent of exposing a rock
It would appear then that gelifluxion has face (Peltier, 1950); thus its concavity is in-
plastered over minor landforms and that ac- creased, whereas the convex portion, reduced in
cumulation of permeable "head" must have breadth, becomes more sharply curved ("round-
obliterated the smaller ramifications of stream ing of summit convexities", Cotton, in Cotton
systems so that texture of dissection has become and Te Punga, 1955a, p. 1028). It is here as-
coarser (Cotton, in Cotton and Te Punga sumed that the relief was originally rather
1955a, p. 1016) ,23 It may even be that in inco- vigorous; a more gently undulating surface
herent materials, ground-morainic debris for will, on the other hand, be further flattened
example, cryergic processes have been able to by lowering of the higher parts and building
Davis believed that the same thing was to be up of the hollows.
expected at an advanced stage of the "normal" Conditions that favor extension of the con-
cycle as a result of increase of thickness of the per-
meable mantle of residual debris. cave segment of the profile are the same in a

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