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1.) If you are in Wowowin, would you try for the Mega jackpot even though you might lose
for 100,000 you had won so far? Why?

 I wont try for the Mega jackpot, because as a lucky audience in that segment it
feels like I already won in the game. Having worth thousands pesos without any
hindrances to get is enough to not go beyond more. I will choose to have 100,000
rather than to choose mega jackpot because we’re not sure what is inside in the
box, and always be contended on what we have even if its big or not.

1.) In verse 26, what does Jesus mean when he uses the word “hate” in reference to family

2.) When has a family relationship-even your life been a hindrances to your whole hearted
devotion to Christ?
 I think it is when my grandmother passed away, because before she finally met
God there’s a lot hindrances that test our family relationship. Actually that
moment it really help us to be more close to Christ, our devotion to Him became
more strong, that situation lead us to be more faithful and be that family who
center’s God in our struggles in life.
3.) What was the salt analogy emphasize about discipleship?
 Salt as a seasoning like a prevention, as a human we are at it is. God uses as a
prevention on His creation. If we lose are basic nature, our God-given usefulness,
then we became unhelpful to his kingdom.

4.) Based on this passage, white price must a person be willing to pay to be a disciple of

1.) What price have you had to pay to follow Christ? How hard or easy has this been?
 For me it is not countable, because its always in our heart on how to follow chirst.
It is not about price its about our willingness to keep inside Christ. Its not going to
be ‘hard as long as there is the willing for us to serve with a purpose to Him.

2.) On a scale of 1-10, how receptive are you to be disciple of Christ?

 Out of 10 honestly I consider myself as 7, because I’m human, not perfect as
always. I might disappoint people around me or even God. Because sometimes we
do things that we think it is right, we do things that we don’t consider its feedback
to others. There’s no perfect human here, I have done sins, off course after we did
something intentionally or not we should be apology about it for atleast we can
lessen it’.

Take up your cross daily: A condition for discipleship.

“Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross daily, and follow Me.’” Luke 9:23.

What does Jesus mean when He says that you should take up your cross daily?

 To “take up your cross” is something that has to take place in your thoughts.
When thoughts that aren’t pleasing to God come to your mind during the day, you
“put them to death” on an inner “cross.”
 A judging thought toward your friend crops up, for example, or perhaps a
grumbling thought of dissatisfaction for what you have to do today. As these
thoughts come up in your mind, you choose to deny them. Your mind stands
guard at the door of your heart, and you get to decide what comes through. When
a sinful thought pops up in your mind the first time, it is only a temptation – a
“suggestion” from Satan. But you can choose to deny that thought access to your
heart! In practice, that means that as soon as you become aware of the thought,
you disagree with it. You don’t dwell on it. The thought meets a firm “no” in your
mind. You don’t permit the thought to pass through your mind and come into
your heart. Denying these sinful thoughts is how you take up your cross daily.

Suffer in the flesh – cease from sin!

 It hurts to go against what you are naturally drawn to – to deny the thoughts that
you naturally tend to think. Just like a physical cross causes suffering for the
body, this metaphorical cross also causes suffering – for your flesh, that part of
you that is drawn to sin, and which is denied its demands. But you have a good
reason to choose to do this, and that is what is written in 1 Peter 4:1:
 “Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the
same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.”
 Let this be your motivation! This verse promises that when you suffer in your
flesh, that is to say, when you take up your cross and deny the sinful thoughts that
come up in you during the day, you will actually cease from sin! And it is not just
a promise that will be fulfilled some unknown day far in the future – you see
progress as you go. Perhaps you have a particular tendency to be harsh and cold to
your peers. As you say “no” in temptation when these negative thoughts come,
you notice as time passes that those thoughts don’t come as often anymore. It
becomes easier for you to be good and warm and kind to the people around you.
This is the fulfillment of that promise – you are becoming free from sin in that

Following Jesus: What did Jesus do?

 This is what true discipleship is all about. It is a life that you live, daily, following after
Jesus, your forerunner. What did Jesus do in His daily life? He had a firm resolve when
He was tempted: “Not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42. He took up His cross
and denied Himself. His temptations never resulted in sin – in word, in thought, or in
 It is also written that Jesus “… offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries
and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death.” Hebrews 5:7. That is what it
takes to faithfully take up your cross daily! You have to cry out to your God for the
strength to hold out – for the strength to say “no” and keep saying “no” in the time of
temptation. You must humble yourself and have the same mind that Jesus had: “Not My
will, but Yours, be done.”
 Taking up your cross daily leads to transformation. You won’t always be the same person
you are today. As you are cleansed from the sin in your nature, the fruits of the Spirit
come in its place. Rather than being quick to judge and critical, or grumpy and downcast,
you can radiate love and kindness and gentleness. (Galatians 5:22-23) Isn’t that hopeful?
 “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay
hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.” Philippians 3:12.
What is Discipleship?

Discipleship is teaching biblical precepts, while modeling and guiding others toward
living righteously as followers of Jesus Christ. This should be a cyclical process—
meaning once we are discipled, we are to disciple others, and so on. One of the most
important characteristics of being a disciple (a student or pupil), is to develop an intimate
relationship with God through Christ rather than just learning about Him. Discipleship
equips the Christian with God’s Word, prayer, doctrine, worship, encouragement, and

In addition, discipleship training is also about relationship with others. Relationships are
developed through devotions, care, and by encouraging each other toward living with
Christ-like characteristics in our everyday lives. Very often the best teachers share from
experience and testimonies of their own journeys. Telling others what following Christ
has done for one personally, can have great impact on those who are yearning for the
same kind of transformation in their lives. This is a vital part of discipleship.
What did Jesus mean by "Salt and Light"?
 Jesus said that we are "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world". Being salt
and light is not optional. Jesus did not say you can be...or you have the potential to
be...He said you are. Everyone who has trusted Christ for salvation and is born again is
the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

Salt (of the Earth)

 The value of salt, especially in the ancient world can not be under estimated. Roman
soldiers received their wages in salt. The Greeks considered salt to be divine. The Mosaic
Law required that all offerings presented by the Israelites contain salt. (Lev. 2:13) When
Jesus told his disciples that they were "the salt of the earth", as recorded in Matthew 5:13,
they understood the metaphor. While the universal importance of salt is not as readily
apparent in our modern world, the mandate that Jesus gave to his first disciples is still
relevant and applicable to His followers today.
 What are the characteristics of salt that caused the Lord to use it in this context?
Theologians have different theories about the meaning of "salt" in Matthew 5:13. Some
think that its whiteness represents the purity of the justified believer. Others say that salt's
flavoring properties imply that Christians are to add divine flavor to the world. Still
others believe that Christians are to sting the world with rebuke and judgment the way
salt stings an open wound. Another group asserts that, as salt, Christians are to create a
thirst for Christ. Salt, however, has another vital purpose which is probably what the Lord
had in mind-it stops decay. When Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth", He meant
that all of His disciples were to serve as preservatives, stopping the moral decay in our
sin infected world.

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