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Soil Formation

2.1 INTRODUCTION (acid) rocks predominate beneath the continents, and
basaltic (basic) rocks predominate beneath the oceans.
The variety of geomaterials encountered in engineering Because of these lithologic differences, the continental
problems is almost limitless, ranging from hard, dense, crust average density of 2.7 is slightly less than the
large pieces of rock, through gravel, sand, silt, and clay oceanic crust average density of 2.8. The elemental
to organic deposits of soft, compressible peat. All these
dM compositions of the whole Earth and the crust are in-
materials may exist over a wide range of densities and dicated in Fig. 2.1. There are more than 100 elements,
water contents. A number of different soil types may but 90 percent of Earth consists of iron, oxygen, sili-
be present at any site, and the composition may vary con, and magnesium. Less iron is found in the crust
over intervals as small as a few millimeters. than in the core because its higher density causes it to
It is not surprising, therefore, that much of the sink. Silicon, aluminum, calcium, potassium, and so-
geoengineer’s effort is directed at the identification of dium are more abundant in the crust than in the core
soils and the evaluation of the appropriate properties because they are lighter elements. Oxygen is the only

for use in a particular analysis or design. Perhaps what anion that has an abundance of more than 1 percent
is surprising is that the application of the principles of by weight; however, it is very abundant by volume.
mechanics to a material as diverse as soil meets with Silicon, aluminum, magnesium, and oxygen are the
as much success as it does. most commonly observed elements in soils.
To understand and appreciate the characteristics of Within depths up to 2 km, the rocks are 75 percent
any soil deposit require an understanding of what the secondary (sedimentary and metamorphic) and 25 per-

material is and how it reached its present state. This cent igneous. From depths of 2 to 15 km, the rocks are
requires consideration of rock and soil weathering, the about 95 percent igneous and 5 percent secondary.
erosion and transportation of soil materials, deposi- Soils may extend from the ground surface to depths of
tional processes, and postdepositional changes in sed- several hundred meters. In many cases the distinction

iments. Some important aspects of these processes and between soil and rock is difficult, as the boundary be-
their effects are presented in this chapter and in Chap- tween soft rock and hard soil is not precisely defined.
ter 8. Each has been the subject of numerous books Earth materials that fall in this range are sometimes
and articles, and the amount of available information difficult to deal with in engineering and construction,
is enormous. Thus, it is possible only to summarize the

as it is not always clear whether they should be treated

subject and to encourage consultation of the references as soils or rocks.
for more detail. A temperature gradient of about 1C per 30 m exists
between the bottom of Earth’s crust at 1200C and the
surface.1 The rate of cooling as molten rock magma
The continental crust covers 29 percent of Earth’s sur- 1
In some localized areas, usually within regions of recent crustal
face. Seismic measurements indicate that the continen- movement (e.g., fault lines, volcanic zones) the gradient may exceed
20C per 100 m. Such regions are of interest both because of their
tal crust is about 30 to 40 km thick, which is 6 to 8 potential as geologic hazards and because of their possible value as
times thicker than the crust beneath the ocean. Granitic sources of geothermal energy.

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Other <1% Other <1%

Sodium 2.1% Sulfur 1.9%
100% Potassium 2.3% Nickel 2.4%
Calcium 2.4% Calcium 1.1%
90% Magnesium 4%
Magnesium 13%
Iron 6%
80% Aluminum 8%

Iron 35%
60% Silicon 28%

Aluminum 1.1%

Silicon 15%

Oxygen 46%
Oxygen 30%

Figure 2.2 Geologic cycle.
Earth's Crust Whole Earth
Figure 2.1 Elemental composition of the whole Earth and from some other area. Sediment formation pertains to
the crust (percent by weight) (data from Press and Siever, processes by which accumulated sediments are densi-
1994). dM fied, altered in composition, and converted into rock.
Crustal movement involves both gradual rising of
unloaded areas and slow subsidence of depositional ba-
moves from the interior of Earth toward the surface sins (epirogenic movements) and abrupt movements
has a significant influence on the characteristics of the (tectonic movements) such as those associated with
resulting rock. The more rapid the cooling, the smaller faulting and earthquakes. Crustal movements may also
are the crystals that form because of the reduced time result in the formation of new rock masses through

for atoms to attain minimum energy configurations. igneous or plutonic activity. The interrelationships of
Cooling may be so rapid in a volcanic eruption that no these processes are shown in Fig. 2.3.
crystalline structure develops before solidification, and More than one process acts simultaneously in na-
an amorphous material such as obsidian (volcanic ture. For example, both weathering and erosion take
glass) is formed. place at the surface during periods of uplift, or oro-
genic activity (mountain building), and deposition, sed-

iment formation, and regional subsidence are generally

contemporaneous. This accounts in part for the wide
variety of topographic and soil conditions in any area.
The surface of Earth is acted on by four basic proc-

esses that proceed in a never-ending cycle, as indi-

cated in Fig. 2.2. Denudation includes all of those pro-
cesses that act to wear down land masses. These in-
clude landslides, debris flows, avalanche transport,

wind abrasion, and overland flows such as rivers and

streams. Weathering includes all of the destructive me-
chanical and chemical processes that break down
existing rock masses in situ. Erosion initiates the
transportation of weathering products by various
agents from one region to another—generally from
high areas to low. Weathering and erosion convert
rocks into sediment and form soil. Deposition involves
the accumulation of sediments transported previously Figure 2.3 Simplified version of the rock cycle.

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The stratigraphic timescale column shown in Fig. 2.4 ROCK AND MINERAL STABILITY
2.4 gives the sequence of rocks formed during geolog-
ical time. Rocks are grouped by age into eons, eras, Rocks are heterogeneous assemblages of smaller com-
periods, and epochs. Each time period of the column ponents. The smallest and chemically purest of these
is represented by its appropriate system of rocks ob- components are elements, which combine to form in-
served on Earth’s surface along with radioactive age organic compounds of fixed composition known as
dating. Among various periods, the Quaternary period minerals. Hence, rocks are composed of minerals or
(from 1.6 million years ago to the present) deserves aggregates of minerals. Rocks are sometimes glassy
special attention since the top few tens of meters of (volcanic glass, obsidian, e.g.), but usually consist of
Earth’s surface, which geotechnical engineers often minerals that crystallized together or in sequence
work in, were developed during this period. The Qua- (metamorphic and igneous rocks), or of aggregates

ternary period is subdivided into the Holocene (the of detrital components (most sedimentary rocks).

10,000 years after the last glacial period) and the Pleis- Sometimes, rocks are composed entirely of one type
tocene. The deposits during this period are controlled of mineral (say flint or rock salt), but generally they
mainly by the change in climate, as it was too short a contain many different minerals, and often the rock is
time for any major tectonic changes to occur in the a collection or aggregation of small particles that are
positions of land masses and seas. There were as many themselves pieces of rocks. Books on petrography may

as 20 glacial and interglacial periods during the Qua- list more than 1000 species of rock types. Fortunately,
ternary. At one time, ice sheets covered more than however, many of them fall into groups with similar
three times their present extent. Worldwide sea level engineering attributes, so that only about 40 rock
oscillations due to glacial and interglacial cycles affect names will suffice for most geotechnical engineering
soil formation (weathering, erosion, and sedimenta- purposes.
Minerals have a definite chemical composition and
solidation and leaching.
tion) as well as postdepositional changes such as con-
an ordered arrangement of components (a crystal lat-
tice); a few minerals are disordered and without defin-
able crystal structure (amorphous). Crystal size and
structure have an important influence on the resistance
of different rocks to weathering. Factors controlling the
Eon Era Period Epoch stability of different crystal structures are considered

in Chapter 3. The greatest electrochemical stability of

Quaternary 0.01 a crystal is reached at its crystallization temperature.
1.6 As temperature falls below the crystallization temper-
Neogene 5 ature, the structural stability decreases. For example,
Cenozoic Miocene

23 olivine crystallizes from igneous rock magma at high

35 temperature, and it is one of the most unstable igneous-

Paleogene Eocene
57 rock-forming minerals. On the other hand, quartz does
65 not assume its final crystal structure until the temper-
146 ature drops below 573C. Because of its high stability,
Phanerozoic Mesozoic Jurassic
208 quartz is the most abundant nonclay mineral in soils,
Triassic although it comprises only about 12 percent of igneous

Permian rocks.
As magma cools, minerals may form and remain, or
they may react progressively to form other minerals at
Paleozoic Devonian lower temperatures. Bowen’s reaction series, shown in

Silurian Fig. 2.5, indicates the crystallization sequence of
Ordovician the silicate minerals as temperature decreases from
Cambrian 1200C. This reaction series closely parallels various
weathering stability series as shown later in Table 2.2.
2500 Precambrian For example, in an intermediate granitic rock, horn-
Archean blende and plagioclase feldspar would be expected to
chemically weather before orthoclase feldspar, which
Figure 2.4 Stratigraphic timescale column. Numbers repre- would chemically weather before muscovite mica, and
sent millions of years before the present. so on.

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Physical Processes of Weathering

Physical weathering processes cause in situ breakdown
without chemical change. Five processes are impor-

1. Unloading Cracks and joints may form to

depths of hundreds of meters below the ground
surface when the effective confining pressure is
reduced. Reduction in confining pressure may re-
sult from uplift, erosion, or changes in fluid pres-
Figure 2.5 Bowen’s reaction series of mineral stability. Each sure. Exfoliation is the spalling or peeling off of

mineral is more stable than the one above it on the list.
surface layers of rocks. Exfoliation may occur

during rock excavation and tunneling. The term
popping rock is used to describe the sudden spall-
ing of rock slabs as a result of stress release.
Mineralogy textbooks commonly list determinative
2. Thermal Expansion and Contraction The ef-
properties for about 200 minerals. The list of the most

fects of thermal expansion and contraction range
common rock- or soil-forming minerals is rather short,
from creation of planes of weakness from strains
however. Common minerals found in soils are listed in
already present in a rock to complete fracture.
Table 2.1. The top six silicates originate from rocks by
Repeated frost and insolation (daytime heating)
physical weathering processes, whereas the other min-
may be important in some desert areas. Fires can
erals are formed by chemical weathering processes.
dM cause very rapid temperature increase and rock
Further description of important minerals found in
soils is given in Chapter 3.
3. Crystal Growth, Including Frost Action The
crystallization pressures of salts and the pressure
associated with the freezing of water in saturated
2.5 WEATHERING rocks may cause significant disintegration. Many
talus deposits have been formed by frost action.
Weathering of rocks and soils is a destructive process However, the role of freeze–thaw in physical

whereby debris of various sizes, compositions, and weathering has been debated (Birkeland, 1984).
shapes is formed.2 The new compositions are usually The rapid rates and high amplitude of tempera-
more stable than the old and involve a decrease in the ture change required to produce necessary pres-
internal energy of the materials. As erosion moves the sure have not been confirmed in the field. Instead,
ground surface downward, pressures and temperatures some researchers favor the process in which thin

in the rocks are decreased, so they then possess an films of adsorbed water is the agent that promotes
internal energy above that for equilibrium in the new weathering. These films can be adsorbed so
environment. This, in conjunction with exposure to the tightly that they cannot freeze. However, the wa-
atmosphere, water, and various chemical and biological ter is attracted to a freezing front and pressures
agents, results in processes of alteration. exerted during the migration of these films can

A variety of physical, chemical, and biological proc- break the rock apart.
esses act to break down rock masses. Physical proc- 4. Colloid Plucking The shrinkage of colloidal
esses reduce particle size, increase surface area, and materials on drying can exert a tensile stress on
increase bulk volume. Chemical and biological proc- surfaces with which they are in contact.3

esses can cause complete changes in both physical and 5. Organic Activity The growth of plant roots in
chemical properties. existing fractures in rocks is an important weath-
ering process. In addition, the activities of
worms, rodents, and humans may cause consid-
erable mixing in the zone of weathering.
A general definition of weathering (Reiche, 1945; Keller, 1957) is:
the response of materials within the lithosphere to conditions at or
near its contact with the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and perhaps
more importantly, the biosphere. The biosphere is the entire space
occupied by living organisms; the hydrosphere is the aqueous enve- To appreciate this phenomenon, smear a film of highly plastic clay
lope of Earth; and the lithosphere is the solid part of Earth. paste on the back of your hand and let it dry.

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Table 2.1 Common Soil Minerals

Name Chemical Formula Characteristics

Quartz SiO2 Abundant in sand and silt
Feldspar (Na,K)AlO2[SiO2]3 Abundant in soil that is not leached extensively
Mica K2Al2O5[Si2O5]3Al4(OH)4 Source of K in most temperate-zone soils
Amphibole (Ca,Na,K)2,3(Mg,Fe,Al)5(OH)2[(Si,Al)4O11]2 Easily weathered to clay minerals and oxides
Pyroxene (Ca,Mg,Fe,Ti,Al)(Si.Al)O3 Easily weathered

Olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 Easily weathered

Epidote Ca2(Al,Fe)3(OH)Si3O12 Highly resistant to chemical weathering; used
Tourmaline NaMg3Al6B3Si6O27(OH,F)4 as ‘‘index mineral’’ in pedologic studies
Zircon ZrSiO4
Rutile TiO2
Kaolinite Si4Al4O10(OH)8

Smectite, Mx(Si,Al)8(Al,Fe,Mg)4O20(OH)4, Abundant in clays as products of weathering;
vermiculite, where M ⫽ interlayer cation source of exchangeable cations in soils
Allophane Si3Al4O12  nH2O Abundant in soils derived from volcanic ash
Imogolite Si2Al4O10  5H2O
Al(OH)3 Abundant in leached soils
Goethite FeO(OH) Most abundant Fe oxide
Hematite Fe2O3 Abundant in warm region
Ferrihydrate Fe10O15  9H2O Abundant in organic horizons
Birnessite (Na,Ca)Mn7O14  2.8H2O Most abundant Mn oxide
Calcite CaCO3 Most abundant carbonate
CaSO4  2H2O

Gypsum Abundant in arid regions

Adapted from Sposito (1989).

Physical weathering processes are generally the the ion enables it to enter the lattice of minerals

forerunners of chemical weathering. Their main con- and replace existing cations. For feldspar,
tributions are to loosen rock masses, reduce particle Orthoclase feldspar:
sizes, and increase the available surface area for chem-
ical attack. K silicate ⫹ H⫹OH⫺

→ H silicate ⫹ K⫹OH⫺ (alkaline)

Chemical Processes of Weathering
Chemical weathering transforms one mineral to an- Anorthite:
other or completely dissolves the mineral. Practically
all chemical weathering processes depend on the pres- Ca silicate ⫹ 2H⫹OH⫺

ence of water. Hydration, that is, the surface adsorption

of water, is the forerunner of all the more complex → H silicate ⫹ Ca(OH)2 (basic)
chemical reactions, many of which proceed simulta-
neously. Some important chemical processes are listed As water is absorbed into feldspar, kaolinite is
below. often produced. In a similar way, other clay min-
erals and zeolites (microporous aluminosilicates)
1. Hydrolysis, probably the most important chemi- may form by weathering of silicate minerals as
cal process, is the reaction between the mineral the associated ions such as silica, sodium, potas-
and H⫹ and (OH)⫺ of water. The small size of sium, calcium, and magnesium are lost into so-

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lution. Oxalic acid (C2O4H2), the chelating agent, re-

Hydrolysis will not continue in the presence of leases C2O42⫺, which forms a soluble complex
static water. Continued driving of the reaction to with Al3⫹ to enhance dissolution of muscovite.
the right requires removal of soluble materials by Ring-structured organic compounds derived from
leaching, complexing, adsorption, and precipita- humus can act as chelating agents by holding
tion, as well as the continued introduction of H⫹ metal ions within the rings by covalent bonding.
ions. 3. Cation exchange is important in chemical weath-
Carbonic acid (H2CO3) speeds chemical ering in at least three ways:
weathering. This weak acid is formed by the so- a. It may cause replacement of hydrogen on
lution in rainwater of a small amount of carbon hydrogen bearing colloids. This reduces the
dioxide gas from the atmosphere. Additional car- ability of the colloids to bring H⫹ to unweath-

bonic acid and other acids are produced by the ered surfaces.

roots of plants, by insects that live in the soil, b. The ions held by Al2O3 and SiO2 colloids in-
and by the bacteria that degrade plant and animal fluence the types of clay minerals that form.
remains. c. Physical properties of the system such as the
The pH of the system is important because it permeability may depend on the adsorbed ion
influences the amount of available H⫹, the solu- concentrations and types.

bility of SiO2 and Al2O3, and the type of clay 4. Oxidation is the loss of electrons by cations, and
mineral that may form. The solubility of silica reduction is the gain of electrons. Both are im-
and alumina as a function of pH is shown in Fig. portant in chemical weathering. Most important
2.6. oxidation products depend on dissolved oxygen
2. Chelation involves the complexing and removal
dM in the water. The oxidation of pyrite is typical of
of metal ions. It helps to drive hydrolysis reac- many oxidation reactions during weathering
tions. For example, (Keller, 1957):
2FeS2 ⫹ 2H2O ⫹ 7O2 → 2FeSO4 ⫹ 2H2SO4
K2[Si6Al2]Al4O20(OH)4 ⫹ 6C2O4H2 ⫹ 8H2O
FeSO4 ⫹ 2H2O → Fe(OH)2 ⫹ H2SO4
→ 2K⫹ ⫹ 6C2O4Al⫹ ⫹ 6Si(OH)40 ⫹ 8OH⫺

Oxidation of Fe(OH)2 gives

4Fe(OH)2 ⫹ O2 ⫹ 2H2O → 4Fe(OH)3


2Fe(OH)3 → Fe2O3  nH2O (limonite)

The H2SO4 formed in these reactions rejuvenates

the process. It may also drive the hydrolysis of
silicates and weather limestone to produce gyp-

sum and carbonic acid. During the construction

of the Carsington Dam in England in the early
1980s, soil in the reservoir area that contained
pyrite was uncovered during construction follow-

ing the excavation and exposure of air and water

of the Namurian shale used in the embankment.
The sulfuric acid that was released as a result of
the pyrite oxidation reacted with limestone to
form gypsum and CO2. Accumulation of CO2 in
construction shafts led to the asphyxiation of
workers who were unaware of its presence. It is
Figure 2.6 Solubility of alumina and amorphous silica in believed that the oxidation process was mediated
water (Keller, 1964b). by bacteria (Cripps et al., 1993), as discussed fur-

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ther in the next section.
Many iron minerals weather to iron oxide
(Fe2O3, hematite). The red soils of warm, humid
regions are colored by iron oxides. Oxides can
act as cementing agents between soil particles.
Reduction reactions, which are of importance
relative to the influences of bacterial action and
plants on weathering, store energy that may be
used in later stages of weathering.
5. Carbonation is the combination of carbonate or
bicarbonate ions with earth materials. Atmos-

pheric CO2 is the source of the ions. Limestone

made of calcite and dolomite is one of the rocks
that weather most quickly especially in humid
regions. The carbonation of dolomitic limestone
proceeds as follows:

CaMg(CO3)2 ⫹ 2CO2 ⫹ 2H2O
→ Ca(HCO3)2 ⫹ Mg(HCO3)2

The dissolved components can be carried off in

water solution. They may also be precipitated at
locations away from the original formation.

Microbiological Effects
Several types of microorganisms are found in soils;
there are cellular microorganisms (bacteria, archea, al-

gae, fungi, protozoa, and slime molds) and noncellular

microorganisms (viruses). They may be nearly round,
rodlike, or spiral and range in size from less than 1 to
100 m, which is equivalent to coarse clay size to fine
sand size. Figure 2.7a shows bacteria adhering to
quartz sand grains, and Fig. 2.7b shows clay minerals

coating around the cell envelope, forming what are

called bacterial microaggregates.4 A few billion to 3
trillion microorganisms exist in a kilogram of soil near
the ground surface and bacteria are dominant. Micro-
organisms can reproduce very rapidly. The replication

rate is controlled by factors such as temperature, pH,

ionic concentrations, nutrients, and water availability.
Under ideal conditions, the ‘‘generation time’’ for bac-
terial fission can be as short as 10 min; however, an

hour scale is typical. These high-speed generation

rates, mutation, and natural selection lead to very fast
adaptation and extraordinary biodiversity.
Autotrophic photosynthetic bacteria, that is, photo-
Figure 2.7 Microogranisms attached to soil particle sur-
autotrophs, played a crucial role in the geological de-
faces: (a) bacteria attached to sand particle (from Robertson
et al. 1993 in Chenu and Stotzky, 2002), (b) bacterial mi-
croaggregate [from Robert and Chenu (1992) in Chenu and
Further details of how microorganisms adhere to soil surfaces are Stotzky (2002)], and (c) biofilm on soil surface (from Chenu
given in Chenu and Stotzky (2002). and Stotzky (2002).

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velopment of Earth (Hattori, 1973; McCarty, 2004). (e.g., acids) directly on the rock surface (Ehrlich,
Photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria, or ‘‘blue-green 1998). Biofilms bind cations in the pore fluid and fa-
bacteria’’ evolved about 3.5 billion years ago (Proter- cilitate nucleation and crystal growth even at low ionic
ozoic era—Precambrian), and they are the oldest concentrations in the pore fluid (Konhauser and Urru-
known fossils. Cyanobacteria use energy from the sun tia, 1999). After nucleation is initiated, further mineral
to reduce the carbon in CO2 to cellular carbon and to growth or precipitation can occur abiotically, including
obtain the needed electrons for oxidizing the oxygen the precipitation of amorphous iron–aluminum sili-
in water to molecular oxygen. During the Archaean cates and poorly crystallized claylike minerals, such as
period (2.5 billion years ago), cyanobacteria converted allophone, imogolite, and smectite (Urrutia and Bev-
the atmosphere from reducing to oxidizing and eridge, 1995; Ehrlich, 1999; Barton et al., 2001).
changed the mineral nature of Earth. In the case of the Carsington Dam construction,

Eukaryotic algae evolved later, followed by the mul- Cripps et al. (1993) hypothesized that autotrophic bac-

ticellular eukaryotes including plants. Photosynthesis teria greatly accelerated the oxidation rate of the pyrite,
is the primary producer of the organic particulate mat- so that it occurred within months during construction.
ter in shale, sand, silt, and clay, as well as in coal, The resulting sulfuric acid reacted with the drainage
petroleum, and methane deposits. Furthermore, cyano- blanket constructed of carboniferous limestone, which
then resulted in precipitation of gypsum and iron hy-

bacteria and algae increase the water pH when they
consume CO2 dissolved in water, resulting in carbonate droxide, clogging of drains and generation of carbon
formation and precipitation of magnesium and calcium dioxide.
carbonates, leading to Earth’s major carbonate forma-
tions. Weathering Products
Aerobic bacteria live in the presence of dissolved
dM The products of weathering, several of which will gen-
oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria survive only in the absence erally coexist at one time, include:
of oxygen. Facultative bacteria can live with or without
oxygen. Some bacteria may resort to fermentation to 1. Unaltered minerals that are either highly resistant
sustain their metabolism under anaerobic conditions or freshly exposed
(Purves et al., 1997). For example, in the case of an- 2. Newly formed, more stable minerals having the
aerobic conditions, fermenting bacteria oxidize carbo- same structure as the original mineral
hydrates to produce simple organic acids and H2 that 3. Newly formed minerals having a form similar to

are used to reduction of ferric (Fe3⫹) iron, sulfate re- the original, but a changed internal structure
duction, and the generation of methane (Chapelle, 4. Products of disrupted minerals, either at or trans-
2001). Microbial energy metabolism involves electron ported from the site. Such minerals might include
transfers, and the electron sources and acceptors can a. Colloidal gels of Al2O3 and SiO2
be both organic and inorganic compounds (Horn and b. Clay minerals
c. Zeolites

Meike, 1995). Most soil bacteria derive their carbon

and energy directly from organic matter and its oxi- d. Cations and anions in solution
dation. Some other bacteria derive their energy from e. Mineral precipitates
oxidation of inorganic substances such as ammonium, 5. Unused guest reactants
sulfur, and iron and most of their carbon from carbon The relationship between minerals and different

dioxide. Therefore, biological activity mediates geo- weathering stages is given in Table 2.2. The similarity
chemical reactions, causing them to proceed at rates between the order of representative minerals for the
that are sometimes orders of magnitude more rapid different weathering stages and Bowen’s reaction se-
than would be predicted solely on the basis of the ther- ries given earlier (Fig. 2.5) may be noted.

mochemical reactions involved. Contrasts in compositions between terrestrial and lu-

Bacteria tend to adhere to mineral surfaces and form nar soils can be accounted for largely in terms of dif-
microcolonies known as biofilms as shown in Fig. 2.7c. ferences in chemical weathering. Soils on Earth are
Some biofilms are made of single-type bacteria, while composed mainly of quartz and clay minerals because
others involve symbiotic communities where two or the minerals of lower stability, such as feldspar, oli-
more bacteria types coexist and complement each vine, hornblende, and glasses, are rapidly removed by
other. For example, biofilms involved in rock weath- chemical weathering. On the Moon, however, the ab-
ering may involve an upper aerobic layer, followed by sence of water and free oxygen prevent chemical
an intermediate facultative layer that rests on top of the weathering. Hence, lunar soils are made up mainly of
aerobic layer that produces the weathering agents fragmented parent rock and rapidly crystallized

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Table 2.2 Representative Minerals and Soils Effects of Climate, Topography, Parent Material,
Associated with Weathering Stages Time, and Biotic Factors
The rate at which weathering can proceed is controlled
Weath- by parent material and climate. Topography, apart from
ering Representative its influence on climate, determines primarily the rate
Stage Minerals Typical Soil Groups of erosion, and this controls the depth of soil accu-
Early Weathering Stages mulation and the time available for weathering prior to
removal of material from the site. In areas of steep
1 Gypsum (also halite, Soils dominated by topography, rapid mechanical weathering followed by
sodium nitrate) these minerals in the rapid down-slope movement of the debris results in
2 Calcite (also dolomite fine silt and clay frac- formation of talus slopes (piles of relatively unweath-

apatite) tions are the youthful ered coarse rock fragments).

3 Olivine-hornblende soils all over the Climate determines the amount of water present, the
(also pyroxenes) world, but mainly temperature, and the character of the vegetative cover,
4 Biotite (also glauco- soils of the desert and these, in turn, affect the biologic complex. Some
nite, nontronite) regions where limited general influences of climate are:

5 Albite (also anorthite water keeps chemical
microcline, ortho- weathering to a mini- 1. For a given amount of rainfall, chemical weath-
clase) mum. ering proceeds more rapidly in warm than in cool
climates. At normal temperatures, reaction rates
Intermediate Weathering Stages approximately double for each 10C rise in tem-
6 Quartz Soils dominated by
Muscovite (also illite) these minerals in the
2. At a given temperature, weathering proceeds
more rapidly in a wet climate than in a dry cli-
8 2⬊1 layer silicates (in- fine silt and clay frac- mate provided there is good drainage.
cluding vermiculite, tions are mainly those 3. The depth to the water table influences weather-
expanded hydrous of temperate regions ing by determining the depth to which air is
mica) developed under grass available as a gas or in solution and by its effect
Montmorillonite or trees. Includes the on the type of biotic activity.

major soils of the 4. Type of rainfall is important: short, intense rains

wheat and corn belts erode and run off, whereas light-intensity, long-
of the world. duration rains soak in and aid in leaching.
Advanced weathering stages Table 2.3 summarizes geomorphologic processes in
10 Kaolinite Many intensely weath- different morphoclimatic zones. The nature and rate of

11 Gibbsite ered soils of the warm these geomorphologic processes control landform as-
12 Hematite (also geothite, and humid equatorial semblages.
limonite) regions have clay During the early stages of weathering and soil for-
13 Anatase (also rutile, fractions dominated mation, the parent material is much more important
than it is after intense weathering for long periods of

zircon) by these minerals.

They are frequently time. Climate ultimately becomes a more dominant
characterized by their factor in residual soil formation than parent material.
infertility. Of the igneous rock-forming minerals, only quartz
and, to a much lesser extent, feldspar, have sufficient

From Jackson and Sherman (1953). chemical durability to persist over long periods of
weathering. Quartz is most abundant in coarse-grained
granular rocks such as granite, granodiorite, and
gneiss, where it typically occurs in grains in the mil-
glasses. Mineral fragments in lunar soils include pla- limeter size range. Consequently, granitic rocks are the
gioclase feldspar, pyroxene, ilmenite, olivine, and po- main source of sand.
tassium feldspar. Quartz is extremely rare because it is In addition to the microbiological activities dis-
not abundant in the source rocks. Carrier et al. (1991) cussed previously, biological factors of importance in-
present an excellent compilation of information about clude the influences of vegetation on erosion rate and
the composition and properties of lunar soil. the cycling of elements between plants and soils. Mi-

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Table 2.3 Morphoclimatic Zones and the Associated Geomorphologic Processes

Mean Mean
Annual Annual
Morphoclimatic Temperature Precipitation
Zone (C) (mm) Relative Importance of Geomorphologic Processes
Glacial ⬍0 0–1000 Mechanical weathering rates (especially frost action)
high; chemical weathering rates low, mass
movement rates low except locally; fluvial action
confined to seasonal melt; glacial action at a

maximum; wind action significant

Periglacial ⫺1 to 2 100–1000 Mechanical weathering very active with frost action at
a maximum; chemical weathering rates low to
moderate; mass movement very active; fluvial
processes seasonally active; wind action rates
locally high. Effects of the repeated formation and

decay of permafrost.
Wet midlatitude 0–20 400–1800 Chemical weathering rates moderate, increasing to
high at lower latitudes; mechanical weathering
activity moderate with frost action important at
higher latitudes; mass movement activity moderate
to high; moderate rates of fluvial processes; wind
dM action confined to coasts.
Dry continental 0–10 100–400 Chemical weathering rates low to moderate;
mechanical weathering, especially frost action,
seasonally active; mass movement moderate and
episodic; fluvial processes active in wet season;
wind action locally moderate.

Hot dry (arid 10–30 0–300 Mechanical weathering rates high (especially salt
tropical) weathering), chemical weathering minimum, mass
movement minimal; rates of fluvial activity
generally very low but sporadically high; wind
action at maximum.
Hot semidry 10–30 300–600 Chemical weathering rates moderate to low;

(semiarid mechanical weathering locally active especially on

tropical) drier and cooler margins; mass movement locally
active but sporadic; fluvial action rates high but
episodic; wind action moderate to high.
Hot wet–dry 20–30 600–1500 Chemical weathering active during wet season; rates

(humid–arid of mechanical weathering low to moderate; mass

tropical) movement fairly active; fluvial action high during
wet season with overland and channel flow; wind
action generally minimum but locally moderate in

dry season.
Hot wet 20–30 ⬎1500 High potential rates of chemical weathering;
(humid mechanical weathering limited; active, highly
tropical) episodic mass movement; moderate to low rates of
stream corrosion but locally high rates of dissolved
and suspended load transport.
Azonal Highly Highly Rates of all processes vary significantly with altitude;
Mountain variable variable mechanical and glacial action becomes significant at
zone high elevations.
From Fookes et al. (2000).

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crobial decomposition of the heavy layers of organic 1. Alkaline earths (Ca2⫹, Mg2⫹) flocculate silica.
matter in top soils formed through photosynthesis re- 2. Alkalis (K⫹, Na⫹, Li⫹) disperse silica.
sults in oxygen depletion and carbon oxidation back to 3. Low pH flocculates colloids.
CO2, which is leached by rainwater that penetrates into 4. High electrolyte content flocculates colloids.
the subsurface. The high CO2 concentration, lowered 5. Aluminous suspensions are more easily floccu-
pH, and anaerobic nature of these penetrating waters lated than siliceous suspensions.
cause reduction and solutioning of iron and manganese 6. Dispersed phases are more easily removed by
minerals, the reduction of sulfates, and dissolution of groundwater than flocculated phases.
carbonate rocks. If the moving waters become co-
mingled with oxygenated water in the ground, or as Factors important in determining the formation of
groundwater emerges into rivers and streams, iron, specific clay minerals are discussed below. The struc-

manganese, and sulfide oxidation results, and carbon- ture and detailed characterization of these minerals are

ate precipitation can occur (McCarty, 2004). covered in Chapter 3.
The time needed to weather different materials var-
ies greatly. The more unconsolidated and permeable Kaolinite Minerals
the parent material, and the warmer and more humid Kaolinite formation is favored when alumina is abun-
the climate, the shorter the time needed to achieve dant and silica is scarce because of the 1⬊1 sil-

some given amount of soil formation. The rates of ica⬊alumina structure, as opposed to the 2⬊1 silica to
weathering and soil development decrease with in- alumina structure of the three-layer minerals. Condi-
creasing time. tions leading to kaolinite formation usually include low
The time for soil formation from hard rock parent electrolyte content, low pH, and the removal of ions
materials may be very great; however, young soils can
dM that tend to flocculate silica (Mg, Ca, Fe) by leaching.
develop in less than 100 years from loessial, glacial, Most kaolinite is formed from feldspars and micas by
and volcanic parent material (Millar et al., 1965). Py- acid leaching of acidic (SiO2-rich) granitic rocks. Ka-
rite bearing rocks are known to break apart and un- olinite forms in areas where precipitation is relatively
dergo chemical and mineral transformations in only a high, and there is good drainage to ensure leaching of
few years. cations and iron.
Halloysite forms as a result of the leaching of feld-
spar by H2SO4, which is often produced by the oxi-

2.6 ORIGIN OF CLAY MINERALS AND CLAY dation of pyrite, as shown earlier. The combination of
GENESIS conditions that results in halloysite formation is often
found in high-rain volcanic areas such as Hawaii and
There are three general mechanisms of clay formation the Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest in the
by weathering (Eberl, 1984): (1) inheritance, (2) neo- United States.
formation, and (3) transformation. Inheritance means

that a clay mineral originated from reactions that oc- Smectite Minerals
curred in another area during a previous stage in the
rock cycle and that the clay is stable enough to remain Smectites, because of their 2⬊1 silica⬊alumina struc-
in its present environment. Origin by neoformation ture, form where silica is abundant, as is the case
means that the clay has precipitated from solution or where both silica and alumina are flocculated. Condi-

formed from reactions of amorphous materials. Trans- tions favoring this are high pH, high electrolyte con-
formation genesis requires that the clay has kept some tent, and the presence of more Mg2⫹ and Ca2⫹ than
of its inherited structure while undergoing chemical Na⫹ and K⫹. Rocks that are high in alkaline earths,
reactions. These reactions are typically characterized such as the basic and intermediate igneous rocks, vol-

by ion exchange with the surrounding environment canic ash, and their derivatives containing ferromag-
and/or layer transformation in which the structure of nesian minerals and calcic plagioclase, are usual parent
octahedral, tetrahedral, or fixed interlayer cations is materials. Climatic conditions where evaporation ex-
modified. ceeds precipitation and where there is poor leaching
The behavior of nonclay colloids such as silica and and drainage, such as in arid and semiarid areas, favor
alumina during crystallization is important in deter- the formation of smectite.
mining the specific clay minerals that form. Certain
general principles apply.5 Illite (Hydrous Mica) and Vermiculite
Hydrous mica minerals form under conditions similar
to those leading to the formation of smectites. In ad-
The considerations in Chapter 6 provide a basis for these statements. dition, the presence of potassium is essential; so ig-

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neous or metamorphic rocks and their derivatives are guish. Their thickness may range from a few milli-
the usual parent rocks. Weathering of feldspar in cool meters to several meters. The horizons may differ in
climates often leads to the development of illite. Al- any or all of the following ways:
teration of muscovite to illite and biotite to vermiculite
during weathering is also a significant source of these 1. Degree of breakdown of parent material
minerals. Interstratifications of vermiculite with mica 2. Content and character of organic material
and chlorite are common. The high stability of illite is 3. Kind and amount of secondary minerals
responsible for its abundance and persistence in soils 4. pH
and sediments. 5. Particle size distribution

Chlorite Minerals
All the horizons considered together, including the

underlying parent material, form the soil profile.6 The
Chlorites can form by alteration of smectite through

part of the profile above the parent material is termed
introduction of sufficient Mg2⫹ to cause formation of the solum. Eluviation is the movement of soil material
a brucitelike layer that replaces the interlayer water. from one place to another within the soil, either in
Biotite from igneous and metamorphic rocks may alter solution or in suspension as a result of excess precip-
to trioctahedral chlorites and mixed-layer chlorite– itation over evaporation. Eluvial horizons have lost ma-

vermiculite. Chlorites also occur in low- to medium- terial; illuvial horizons have gained material.
grade metamorphic rocks and in soils derived from Master horizons are designated by the capital letters
such rocks. O, A, B, C, and R (Table 2.4). Subordinate symbols
are used as suffixes after the master horizon designa-
Discussion tions to indicate dominant features of different kinds
of horizons, as indicated in the table. The O horizons
The above considerations are greatly simplified, and
there are numerous ramifications, alterations, and var- are generally present at the soil surface under native
iations in the processes. One clay type may transform vegetation, but they may also be buried by sedimen-
to another by cation exchange and weathering under tation of alluvium, loess, or ash fall. The A horizon is
new conditions. Entire structures may change, for ex- the zone of eluviation where humified organic matter
ample, from 2⬊1 to 1⬊1, so that montmorillonite forms accumulates with the mineral fraction. The amount of
when magnesium-rich rocks weather under humid, organic matters (fibers to humic/fulvic acids) varies

moderately drained conditions, but then alters to kao- from 0.1 percent in desert soils to 5 percent or more
linite as leaching continues. Kaolinite does not form in in organic soils and affects many engineering proper-
the presence of significant concentrations of calcium. ties including compressibility, shrinkage, strength and
The relative proportions of potassium and magne- chemical sorption. The B horizon is the zone of illu-
sium determine how much montmorillonite and illite viation where clay, iron compounds, some resistant
form. Some montmorillonites alter to illite in a marine minerals, cations, and humus accumulate. The R ho-

environment due to the high K⫹ concentration. Mixed- rizon is the consolidated rock, and the C horizon con-
layer clays often form by partial leaching of K or sists of the altered material from which A and B
Mg(OH)2 from between illite and chlorite layers and horizons are formed.
by incomplete adsorption of K or Mg(OH)2 in mont- Soil profiles developed by weathering can be cate-
gorized into three groups on the basis of their miner-

morillonite or vermiculite.
Further details of the clay minerals are given in alogy and chemical composition as shown in Fig. 2.8
Chapter 3. More detailed discussions of clay mineral (Press and Siever, 1994). Pedalfers, which are formed
formation are given by Keller (1957, 1964a & b), Wea- in moist climate, are soils rich in aluminum and iron
ver and Pollard (1973), Eberl (1984), and Velde oxides and silicates such as quartz and clay minerals.

(1995), among others. All soluble minerals such as calcium carbonate is

leached away. They have a thick A horizon and can be
found in much of the areas of moderate to high rainfall
2.7 SOIL PROFILES AND THEIR in the eastern United States, Canada, and Europe. Ped-
DEVELOPMENT ocals, which are formed in dry climate, are soils rich

In situ weathering processes lead to a sequence of ho-

rizons within a soil, provided erosion does not rapidly 6
Residual soil profiles should not be confused with soil profiles re-
remove soil from the site. The horizons may grade sulting from successive deposition of strata of different soil types in
abruptly from one to the next or be difficult to distin- alluvial, lake, or marine environments.

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Table 2.4 Designations of Master Horizons and Subordinate Symbols for
Horizons of Soil Profiles

Master Horizons
O1 Organic undecomposed horizon
O2 Organic decomposed horizon
A1 Organic accumulation in mineral soil horizon
A2 Leached bleached horizon (eluviated)
A3 Transition horizon to B
AB Transition horizon between A and B—more like A in upper part
A and B A2 with less than 50% of horizon occupied by spots of B

AC Transition horizon, not dominated by either A or C
B and A B with less than 50% of horizon occupied by spots of A2
B Horizon with accumulation of clay, iron, cations, humus; residual
concentration of clay; coatings; or alterations of original
material forming clay and structure

B1 Transition horizon more like B than A
B2 Maximum expression of B horizon
B3 Transitional horizon to C or R
C Altered material from which A and B horizons are presumed to be
R Consolidated bedrock
dM Subordinate Symbols
b Buried horizon
ca Calcium in horizon
cs Gypsum in horizon
cn Concretions in horizon

f Frozen horizon
g Gleyed horizon
h Humus in horizon
ir Iron accumulation in horizon
m Cemented horizon
p Plowed horizon

sa Salt accumulation in horizon

si Silica cemented horizon
t Clay accumulation in horizon
x Fragipan horizon

II, III, IV Lithologic discontinuities

A2, B2 Second sequence in bisequal soil
Adapted from Soil Survey Staff (1975).

in calcium from the calcium carbonates and other sol- rizon because most of the organic matter is recycled
uble minerals originated from sedimentary bedrock. from the surface to the vegetation.
Soil water is drawn up near the surface by evaporation, Lithologic discontinuities may be common in land-
leaving calcium carbonate pellets and nodules. They scapes where erosion is severe, and these discontinui-
can be found in the southwest United States. Laterite, ties are often marked by stone layers from previous
which is formed in a wet, tropical climate, is rich in erosion cycles. In some places, soils have developed
aluminum and iron oxides, iron-rich clays, and alu- several sequences of A and B horizons, which are su-
minum hydroxides. Silica and calcium carbonates are perimposed over each other. Superimposed soil se-
leached away from the soil. It has a very thin A ho- quences are likely the result of climate changes acting

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Humus and Thin or absent

Humus and A leached soil humus
leached soil
(quartz and
A Thick masses of
clay minerals

present) Calcium insoluble iron and

carbonate aluminum oxides;
Some iron and B pellets and occasional quartz
aluminium oxides nodules
B precipitated; all precipitated Iron-rich clays and
soluble materials,
such as aluminum

carbonates, hydroxides
leached away

Sandstone, Thin leached zone

C bedrock C shale, and
Mafic igneous
dM bedrock

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.8 Major soil types: (a) Pedalfer soil profile developed on granite, (b) Pedocal soil
profile developed on sedimentary bedrock, and (c) Laterite soil profile developed on mafic
igneous rock (from Press and Siever, 1994).

on uniform geologic materials, or are the remnants of chanical action. The transporting agents, for example,
former soil profiles (paleosoils) that have been buried water, wind, and ice, are by themselves capable only
under younger soils (Olson, 1981). of limited wearing action on rocks, but the process is

reinforced when these agents contain particles of the

transported material.
2.8 SEDIMENT EROSION, TRANSPORT, AND Transportation of sediment requires first that it be
DEPOSITION picked up by the eroding agent. Greater average flow
velocities in the transporting medium may be required

Streams, ocean currents, waves, wind, groundwater, to erode than to transport particles. Particles are eroded
glaciers, and gravity continually erode and transport when the drag and lift of the fluid exceed the gravi-
soils and rock debris away from the zone of weather- tational, cohesive, and frictional forces acting to hold
ing. Each of these transporting agents may cause them in place. The stream velocity required to erode

marked physical changes in the sediment it carries. Al- does not decrease indefinitely with decreasing particle
though detailed treatment of erosion, transportation, size because small particles remain within the bound-
and depositional processes is outside the scope of this ary layer adjacent to the stream bed where the actual
book, a brief outline of their principles and their effects stream velocity is much less than the average velocity.
on the transported soil is helpful in understanding the Relationships between particle size and average stream
properties of the transported material. velocity required to erode and transport particles by
wind and water are shown in Fig. 2.9.
Erosion Ice has the greatest competency for sediment move-
Erosion includes all processes of denudation that in- ment of all the transportation agents. There is no limit
volve the wearing away of the land surface by me- to the size of particles that may be carried. Ice pushes

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The different agents of sediment transport are com-
pared in Table 2.5. The relative effect listed in the last
column of this table denotes the importance of the
agent on a geological scale with respect to the overall
amount of sediment moved, with one representing the
greatest amount.
Movement of sediment in suspension by wind and
water depends on the settling velocity of the particles
and the laws of fluid motion. Under laminar flow con-
ditions, the settling velocity of small particles is pro-

portional to the square of the particle diameter. For

larger particles and turbulent fluid flow, the settling ve-
locity is proportional to the square root of the particle
diameter. Particles stay in suspension once they have
been set in motion as long as the turbulence of the

stream is greater than the settling velocity.
The largest particles that can be transported by water
are carried by traction, which consists of rolling and
Figure 2.9 Comparison of erosion and transport curves for dragging along the boundary between the transporting
air and running water. The air is a slightly more effective agent and the ground surface. Particles intermediate in
erosional agent than streams for very small particles but is
dM size between the suspended load and the traction load
ineffective for those larger than sand (from Garrels, 1951).
may be carried by saltation, in which they move by a
series of leaps and bounds. Soluble materials are car-
ried in solution and may precipitate as a result of
material along in front and erodes the bottom and sides changed conditions. The combined effects mean that
of the valleys through which it flows. In an active gla- the concentration of sediment is not constant through
cier (Fig. 2.10), there is continuous erosion and trans- the depth of the transporting agent but is much greater
near the stream bed than near the top. Fine particles

port of material from the region of ice accumulation

to the region of melting. A dead glacier has been cut may be fairly evenly distributed from top to bottom;
off from a feeding ice field. however, coarser particles are distributed mainly within
short distances from the bottom, as shown in Fig. 2.11,
which applies to a river following a straight course.
The major effects of transportation processes on the

physical properties of sediments are sorting and ab-

rasion. Sorting may be both longitudinal, which pro-
duces a progressive decrease in particle size with
distance from the source as the slope flattens, and lo-
cal, which produces layers or lenses with different

grain size distributions. Reliable prediction of the sort-

ing at any point along a sediment transport system is
complicated by the fact that flow rates vary from point
to point and usually with the seasons. Consequently,

very complex sequences of materials may be found in

and adjacent to stream beds.
Particle size and shape may be mechanically modi-
fied by abrasive processes such as grinding, impact,
and crushing during transportation. The abrading ef-
fects of wind are typically hundreds of times greater
than those of water (Kuenen, 1959). In general, abra-
sion changes the shape and size of gravel size particles
Figure 2.10 Characteristics of glaciers (from Selmer-Olsen, but only modifies the shapes of sand and smaller size
1964). particles. Water-working of sands causes rounding and

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Table 2.5 Comparison of Sediment Transport Agents

Approximate Eroded by
Type of Average Average Max Load Type of Relative
Agent Flow Velocity Velocity Areas Affected per m3 Transport Effect
Streams Turbulent A few km/h Sand All land A few tens of Bed load, 1
kilograms suspended


Waves Turbulent A few km/h Sand Coastlines A few tens of Same as 2
kilograms streams
Wind Turbulent 15 km/h Sand Arid, semiarid, A kilogram Bed load, 3
beaches, suspended
plowed fields load

Glaciers Laminar A few m/yr Large High latitudes Hundreds of Bed load, 2
boulders and altitudes kilograms suspended
Groundwater Laminar A few m/yr Colloids Soluble material A kilogram Solution 3
dM and colloids
Gravity cm/yr to a Boulders Steep slopes, 2000 kg Bed load 3
few m/s sensitive

Adapted from Garrels (1951).

polishing of grains, and wind-driven impact can cause ated with a beach environment, produce a relatively
frosting of grains. The shape and surface character of smooth, pitted surface texture. Aeolian sands exhibit a
particles influences a soil’s stress–deformation and rougher surface texture, particularly over small dis-
strength properties owing to their effects on packing, tances. Some, but not all, river sands may have a very

volume change during shear, and interparticle friction. smooth particle surface that reflects the influence of
Basic minerals, such as the pyroxenes, amphiboles, chemical action. Sand that has undergone change after
and some feldspars, are rapidly broken down chemi- deposition and burial is termed diagenetic sand. Its
cally during transport. Quartz, which is quite stable surface texture may reflect a long and stable period of

because of its resistant internal structure, may be mod- interaction with the groundwater. In some cases, very
ified by mechanical action, but only at a slow rate. rough surface textures can develop. Ottawa sand, a ma-
Quartz sand grains may survive a number of successive terial that has been used for numerous geotechnical
sedimentation cycles with no more than a percent or research investigations, is such a material.
two of weight loss due to abrasion. Some effects of transportation on sediment proper-
The surface textures of quartz sand particles reflect ties are summarized in Table 2.6. The gradational
their origin, as shown by the examples in Fig. 2.12 for characteristics of sedimentary materials reflect their
different sands, each shown to three or four magnifi- transportation mode as indicated in Fig. 2.13. Sedi-
cations. The mechanical and chemical actions, associ- ments of different origins lie within specific zones of

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Figure 2.11 Schematic diagram of sediment concentration with depth in a transporting
the figure, which are defined by the logarithm of the The thickness of deposits formed during any one
ratio of 75 percent particle size to 25 percent particle cycle may vary from less than a millimeter to hundreds
size and the median (50 percent) grain size. of meters. The period may range from months to
thousands of years, and only one or many types of
sediments may be involved.

Deposition One of the best known sediments formed by cyclical

Deposition of sediments from air and water is con- deposition is varved clay. Varved clays formed in gla-
trolled by the same laws as their transportation. If the cial lakes during the ice retreat stage. Each layer con-
stream velocity and turbulence fall below the values sists of a lighter-colored, summer-deposited clayey silt
needed to keep particles in suspension or moving with grading into a darker winter-deposited silty clay.

the bed load, then the particles will settle. When ice Spring and summer thaws contributed clay and silt-
melts, the sediments may be deposited in place or car- laden meltwater to the lake. The coarsest particles set-
ried away by meltwater. Materials in solution can tled first to form the summer layer. Because of the
precipitate when exposed to conditions of changed much slower settling velocity of the clay particles,
temperature or chemical composition, or as a result of most did not settle out until the quiet winter period. A

evaporation of water. Sediments may be divided into photograph of a vertical section through a varved clay
is shown in Fig. 2.14. The alternating coarser-grained,
those formed primarily by chemical and biological
light-colored layers and finer-grained, darker layers are
means and those composed primarily of mineral and
clearly visible. The shear resistance along horizontal
rock fragments. The latter are sometimes referred to as varves is much less than that across the varves. Also,

detrital or clastic deposits. the hydraulic conductivity is much greater in the hor-
The deposition of sediments into most areas is cy- izontal direction than in the vertical direction. Exten-
clical. Some causes of cyclic deposition are: sive deposits of varved clays are found in the northeast
and north central United States and eastern Canada.
1. Periodic earth movements Detailed description of the geology and engineering
2. Climatic cycles of various lengths, most notably properties of Connecticut Valley varved clay is given
the annual rhythm by DeGroot and Lutenegger (2003).
3. Cyclic shifting of tributaries on a delta Complex soil deposition processes occur along
4. Periodic volcanism coastlines, estuaries, and shallow shelves in relation to

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Figure 2.12 Surface textures of four sands of differing origins: (a) river sand, (b) beach
sand, (c) aeolian sand and (d) diagenetic sand (courtesy of Norris, 1975).

the location of the shoreline. Soil deposits include fore- Chemical and biochemical sediments may consist of
shore sand and gravels, which are sorted by wave ac- one or two kinds of materials. For example, calcium
tions, organic deposits, and clays preserved in lagoons, carbonate sediments are made of calcite, which origi-

offshore fine sands, and muds. River channels may be nates from the shells of organisms in the deep sea (Fig.
overdeepened, and soft sediments then accumulate to 2.16a). Some clays contain significant amounts of mi-
form buried valleys. Most coastlines and estuaries of crofossils due to the depositional environment as
the world were subject to sea level changes in the Qua- shown in Fig. 2.16b; such clays include Mexico City

ternary period. In particular, the post glacial rise of sea clay (Diaz-Rodriguez et al., 1998), Ariake clay (Oht-
level, which ended about 6000 years ago, has had a subo et al., 1995), and Osaka Bay clay (Tanaka and
worldwide influence on the present-day coastal forms. Locat, 1999). The microfossils include diatoms (sili-
Figure 2.15 shows alternating layers of marine (Ma) ceous skeleton of eukarya cells in either freshwater or
and fluvial (Diluvial-D) sediments in the geotechnical marine environments), radiolaria (found in marine en-
profile down to 400 m depth below sea level at Osaka vironments and consisting mostly of silica), and for-
Bay, Japan (Tanaka and Locat, 1999). The observed manifera (calcium carbonate shell secreted by marine
variation corresponds well to the local relative sea level eukarya). The presence of microfossils can have a pro-
during its geological history up to 1 million years ago. found effect on the behavior of the soil mass, confer-

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Figure 2.12 (Continued )


ring unusual geotechnical properties that deviate from ternary period from glacial out wash and deglaciated
general property expectations, including high porosity, till areas. The deposits are spread widely and blanket
high liquid limit, unusual compressibility, and uniquely preexisting landforms. The deposits are up to 30 m
high friction angle. For examples, see Tanaka and Lo- thick in the Missouri and Rhine River Valleys, more

cat (1999) and Locat and Tanaka (2001). than 180 m thick in Tajikistan, and up to 330 m thick
While streams and rivers produce deposits according in northern China.
to grain size, a glacier transports the finest dust and
large boulders side by side at the same rate of move-

ment. If the material remains unsorted after deposition, Depositional Environment

it is called till. A mixture of all grain sizes from boul- The environment of deposition determines the complex
ders to clays is known as boulder clay, which is a of physical, chemical, and biological conditions under
difficult material to work with because large boulders which sediments accumulate and consolidate. The
may damage excavation equipment. three general geographical depositional environments
Loess, which is a nonstratified aeolian deposit, is are continental, mixed continental and marine, and ma-
probably the single most abundant Quaternary deposit rine. Continental deposits are located above the tidal
on land. It consists of silt with some small fraction of reach and include terrestrial, paludal (swamp), and
clay, sand, and carbonate. It originated during the Qua- lacustrine (lake) sediments. Mixed continental and

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Table 2.6 Effects of Transportation on Sediments

Water Air Ice Gravity

Size Reduction through solution, little Considerable Considerable Considerable
abrasion in suspended load, some reduction grinding and impact
abrasion and impact in traction impact
Shape and Rounding of sand and gravel High degree of Angular, soled Angular, non-
roundness rounding particles spherical
Surface texture Sand: smooth, polished, shiny Impact produces Striated surfaces Striated surfaces

Silt: little effect frosted

Sorting Considerable sorting Very considerable Very little sorting No sorting

Adapted from Lambe and Whitman (1969).


Figure 2.13 Influence of geologic history on sorting of particle sizes (adapted from Selmer-
Olsen, 1964).

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Figure 2.14 Vertical section through varved clay from the
New Jersey meadowlands (courtesy of S. Saxena).


Figure 2.16 Biochemical sediments: (a) Dogs Bay calcium

carbonate sand (courtesy of E. T. Bowman) and (b) diatoms

observed in Osaka Bay clay (courtesy of Y. Watabe).

environments (Locat et al., 2003). Characteristic soil


types and properties associated with these depositional

environments are described in Chapter 8.
Figure 2.15 Soil profile of Osaka Bay showing alternating

marine (Ma) and fluvial (Diluvial-D) layers (modified from

Tanaka and Locat, 1999). 2.9 POSTDEPOSITIONAL CHANGES IN
Between the time a sediment is first laid down and the
marine deposits include littoral (between the tides), time it is encountered in connection with some human
deltaic, and estuarine sediments. Marine deposits are activity, it may have been altered as a result of the
located below the tidal reach and consist of continental action of any one or more of several postdepositional
shelf (neritic), continental slope and rise (bathyal), and processes. These processes can be physical, chemical,
deep ocean (abyssal) sediments. Table 2.7 summarizes and/or biological. They occur because the young sed-
main soil deposits that are formed in various types of iment is not necessarily stable in its new environment

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Table 2.7 Depositional Environment of Various Soil Deposits

Deposits Environment Type Texture

Transported Air Aeolian sand Sand
Shallow river Fluvial (glacio-) Sand and gravel
Alluvial (glacio-) Silt and sand
Shallow lake Littoral Sand and gravel
Muskeg Peat—organic
Deep lake Lacustrine (glacio-) Silt and clay

Flow deposits Clay to gravel

Marls Silt (fossils)
Shallow ocean Estuarine Silt and clay
Littoral Silt and sand
Shelf Silt and clay
Deep ocean Pelagic Silt and clay

Oozes—calcareous Silt and clay
Oozes—siliceous Silt and clay
Flow Clay to gravel
Glacier Subglacial till Clay to boulders
Supraglacial till Sand to boulders
Residual Land Tropical soils Clay to sand
dM Saprolite Clay to boulders
Decomposed granite Clay to boulders
Colluvial soils Clay to boulders
Chemical and biochemical Lake Evaporites (sakkas)
Sea Evaporites

Gas hydrates
Adapted from Locat et al. (2003).

where the material is exposed to new conditions of solidation pressure greater than present overburden ef-

temperature, pressure, and chemistry. An understand- fective pressure) at shallow depths. Other important
ing of postdepositional changes is essential for under- mechanisms include partial consolidation under in-
standing of properties, interpreting soil profile data, creased overburden and the effects of weathering.
and in reconstructing geologic history. A brief outline

of the processes is presented here; their effects on en- Weathering

gineering properties are described in more detail in
Chapter 8. Weathering and soil-forming processes are initiated in
new sedimentary deposits after exposure to the atmo-
sphere, just as they are on freshly exposed rock. In

Desiccation some instances, weathering can result in improvement

The drying of fine-grained sediments is usually accom- in properties or protection of underlying material. For
panied by shrinkage and cracking. Precompression of example, the weathering of uplifted marine clays can
the upper portions of clay layers by drying is fre- lead to the replacement of sodium by potassium as the
quently observed. The effects of desiccation on the dominant exchange cation (Moum and Rosenqvist,
strength and water content variations with depth in 1957). This increases both the undisturbed and re-
London clay from the Thames estuary are shown in molded strength. Water content and strength data for a
Fig. 2.17. Care must be exercised in interpreting pro- Norwegian marine clay profile are shown in Fig. 2.18.
files of this type because drying is only one of several It may be seen that the upper 5 m of clay, which have
possible causes of apparent overconsolidation (precon- been weathered, have water content and strength var-

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Figure 2.17 Properties of Thames estuary clay. The overconsolidation in the upper 10 ft
was caused by surface drying (Skempton and Henkel, 1953).

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Figure 2.18 Clay characteristics at Manglerud in Oslo, Norway (Bjerrum, 1954).


iation characteristics similar to those of the Thames Consolidation and Densification

estuary clay (see Fig. 2.17). In the case of the Nor- Consolidation (termed compaction in geology) of fine-
wegian clay, however, the plasticity values have also grained sediments occurs from increased overburden,
changed in the upper 5 m, providing evidence of drying, or changes in the groundwater level so that the
changed composition. Weathering of the surface of effective stress on the material is increased. Deposits
some loess deposits has resulted in the formation of a of granular material may be affected to some extent in
relatively impervious loam that protects the underlying the same way. More significant densification of cohe-
metastable loess structure from the deleterious effects sionless soil occurs, however, as a result of dynamic
of water. loading such as induced by earthquakes or the activi-

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ties of humans. The usual effects of consolidation are The long-term stability of different clay minerals under
to increase strength, decrease compressibility, increase conditions of elevated temperature and pressure and in
swell potential, and decrease permeability. different chemical environments is important relative
Even under constant effective stress conditions, to the use of clays as containment barriers for nuclear
structural readjustments and small compressions may and toxic wastes. Diagenesis studies of locked sands
continue for long periods owing to the viscous nature show crystal overgrowths caused by pressure solution
of soil structures. This ‘‘secondary compression’’ pro- and compaction (Barton, 1993; Richards and Burton,
vides an additional source of increased strength with 1999).
time. Cementation has important effects on the properties
and stability of many soil materials. Cementation is not
Unloading always easily identified, nor are its effects always read-

Erosion of overlying sediments due to glacial process ily determined quantitatively. It is known to contribute

leads to mechanical overconsolidation. A typical ex- to clay sensitivity, and it may be responsible for an
ample of this is London clay, a marine clay deposited apparent preconsolidation pressure. Removal of iron
during the Eocene period. The erosion took place in compounds from a very sensitive clay from Labrador,
late Tertiary and Pleistocene times and the amount of Canada, by leaching led to a 30-ton/m2 decrease in
apparent preconsolidation pressure (Kenney et al.,

erosion is estimated to be about 150 m in Essex
(Skempton, 1961) to 300 m in the Wraybury district 1967). Coop and Airey (2003) show for carbonate soils
(Bishop et al., 1965). After the unloading, small re- that cementation develops soon after deposition and
loading occurred by new deposition of gravels in the enables the soil to maintain a loose structure.
late Quaternary period. Within the London clay, five Failure to recognize cementation has resulted in con-
major transgressive–regressive cycles are recognized
dM struction disputes. For example, a soil on a major proj-
during its deposition. The postdepositional processes ect was marked on the contract drawings as glacial
are site specific; that is, the degree of weathering and till. It proved to be so hard that it had to be blasted.
desiccation and the amount of erosion vary depending The contractor claimed the soil was cemented because
on location. This variation in depositional and post- during digging failure took place through pebbles as
depositional processes results in complex mechanical well as the clay matrix. The owner concluded that this
behavior (Hight et al., 2003). happened because the pebbles were weathered. Proper
evaluation of the material before the award of the con-

Authigenesis, Diagenesis, Cementation, and tract could have avoided the problem.
Recrystallization Clay particles adhere to the surfaces of larger silt
and sand particles, a process called clay bounding.
Authigenesis is the formation of new minerals in place Eventually the larger grains become embedded into a
after deposition. Authigenesis can make grains more clay matrix and their influence on the geotechnical be-
angular, lower the void ratio, and decrease the per- havior becomes limited. The clay bounding provides

meability. Small crystals and rock fragments may grow arching of interparticle forces, maintaining a large void
into aggregates of coarser particles. ratio even at high effective stresses.
Diagenesis refers to such phenomena as changes in
particle surface texture, the conversion of minerals
from one type to another, and the formation of inter- Time Effects

particle bonds as a result of increased temperature, Even freshly deposited or densified sands can develop
pressure, and time. Many diagenetic changes are con- significant increases in strength and stiffness over rel-
trolled by the pH and redox potential of the deposi- atively short time periods, that is, by a factor of 2 or
tional environment. With increasing depth of burial in more within a few months (Mitchell and Solymar,

a sedimentary basin, clayey sediments may undergo 1984). Time effects and the aging of both cohesive
substantial transformation. Expansive clay minerals and cohesionless soils are analyzed and reviewed
can transform to a nonexpansive form, for example, by Schmertmann (1991). Uncertainty remains as to
montmorillonite to mixed layer to illite, as a result of whether the mechanisms for the observed increases in
the progressive removal of water layers under pressure apparent preconsolidation pressure, strength, and stiff-
(Burst, 1969). Burial depths of 1000 to 5000 m may ness are chemical, physical, or both. Research is con-
be required, and the transformation process appears tinuing on this important aspect of soil behavior so that
thermally activated as a result of the increased tem- it will be possible to predict both the amount and the
perature at these depths. Chlorite can form in mud and rate of property changes for use in the analysis of geo-
shale during deep burial (Weaver and Pollard, 1973). technical problems. The aging process is of particular

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interest in connection with hydraulic fills and ground shock. Cracks up to 2 ft wide, of unknown depth, and
improvement projects, more details are given in Chap- spaced several meters apart have caused damage to
ter 12. buildings and highways.

Leaching, Ion Exchange, and Differential Solution Biological Effects

Postdepositional changes in pore fluid chemistry can Biological activity affects soil particles by modifying
result from the percolation of different fluids through their arrangement, aggregating them, weathering min-
a deposit. This may change the forces between col- eral surfaces, mediating oxidation–reduction reactions,
loidal particles. For example, the uplift of marine clay contributing to precipitation and dissolution of miner-
above sea level followed by freshwater leaching can als, and degrading organic particles. The survival and
lead to both ion exchange and the removal of dissolved

activity of microorganisms are controlled partly by
salts. This process is important in the formation of

pore geometry and local physicochemical conditions.
highly sensitive, quick clays, as discussed in more de- Therefore, apart from its impact on life itself, biolog-
tail in Chapter 8. ical activity has influenced the evolution of the earth
Materials can be removed from sediments by differ- surface, impacted mineral, sediment, and rock forma-
ential solution and subsequent leaching. Calcareous tion, accelerated the rate of rock weathering and al-

and gypsiferous sediments are particularly susceptible tered its products, influenced the composition of
to solution, resulting in the formation of channels, sink groundwater, and participated in the formation of gas
holes, and cavities. and petroleum hydrocarbons.
Bioturbance refers to the action of organisms living
Jointing and Fissuring of Clay Soils on or in sediments. By organic cementation, they mod-
Some normally consolidated clays, almost all flood-
plain clays, and many preconsolidated clays are weak-
ify grain size, density, or cohesion (Richardson et al.,
1985; Locat et al., 2003). The aggregation activity of
ened by joints and fissures. Joints in floodplain clays various worms densifies deposits by changing the grain
result from deposition followed by cyclic expansion size of the sediment. Tubes that form can provide local
and contraction from wetting and drying. Joints and drainage and decrease the bulk density. The active zone
fissures in preconsolidated clays result from unloading of bioturbance is usually to depths less than 30 cm.
or from shrinkage cracks during drying. Closely Sticky organic mucus or polymer bridging binds to-

spaced joints in these types of clays may contribute to gether clay–silt particles, producing clusters.
slides some years after excavation of cuts. The unload- Chemical transformation processes are mediated by
ing enables joints to open, water to enter, and the clay organisms. Some notable processes are summarized as
to soften. follows (Mitchell and Santamarina, 2005):
Fissures have been found in normally consolidated
clays at high water contents that could not have been 1. Sulfur Cycle Elemental sulfur (S0) and sulfides

caused by drying or unloading (Skempton and Northey, (S2⫺) are the stable forms of sulfur under anaer-
1952), and increased brittleness has been observed in obic conditions, whereas sulfates (SO42⫺) are the
soft clay chunks that have been stored for some time. stable forms of sulfur under aerobic conditions.
These effects may be caused by syneresis, which is the Sulfides form under anaerobic conditions from
mutual attraction of clay particles to form closely knit sulfates already present in seawater and sedi-

aggregates with fissures between them. Similar behav- ments or introduced by diffusion and ground-
ior is many times observed in gelatin after aging. water flow. The sulfate ion is not reduced to
Weathering and the release of potassium may also re- sulfide at Earth surface temperature and pressure
sult in fissuring. unless biologically mediated. Sulfate-reducing

Vegetation, especially large trees, can cause shrink- bacteria are anaerobic and grow best at neutral
age and fissuring of clays (Barber, 1958; Holtz, 1983). pH but are known to exist over a broad range of
The root systems suck up water, causing large capillary pH and salt content. When exposed to aerobic
shrinkage pressures. When rain falls on crusted surface conditions, reduced sulfur compounds, hydrogen
layers of dried-up saline lakes, it is rapidly absorbed sulfides (H2S), and elemental sulfur are used as
by capillarity. The air may become so compressed that an energy source by sulfide-oxidizing bacteria
it causes tension cracking or blowouts in a form similar and converted to sulfates.
in appearance to root holes. These sediments may also 2. Iron Cycle Iron in the subsurface exists pre-
undergo severe cracking, apparently as a result of dominantly in the reduced or ferrous (Fe2⫹) state

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or the oxidized ferric (Fe3⫹) state. Several micro- century to close to 6 billion today. Human activities
organisms such as the genus Thiobacillus medi- are now at such a scale as to rival forces of nature in
ate the iron oxidation reaction. Chapelle (2001) their influence on soil changes. The activities include
notes that bacteria are able to derive only relative rapid changes in land use and the associated landforms,
little energy from oxidizing Fe2⫹; therefore, they soil erosion related to forest removal, and soil contam-
must process large amounts of Fe2⫹ and produce ination by urbanization, mining, and agricultural activ-
large amounts of Fe3⫹ to obtain sufficient energy ities. Ten to 15 percent of Earth’s land surface is
to sustain their growth. occupied by industrial areas and agriculture, and an-
other 6 to 8 percent is pasture land (Vitousek et al.,
One important consequence of the rapid oxidation
of iron sulfide in the presence of oxygen is the for-
Mine wastes are the largest waste volumes produced
mation of acid rock drainage. Although Fe(OH)3 has

by humankind. On October 21, 1966, 144 people, 116

low solubility, the formation of H2SO4 provides a
of them children, were killed when a tip of coal waste
source of important reactions in the solid and pore wa-
slid onto the village of Aberfan in South Wales, United
ter phases. The total dissolved solids increases owing
to the dissolution of carbonates in the soil. Gypsum Kingdom. The collapse was caused by tipping of coal
can form, with an associated volume increase, at the waste over a natural underground spring, and the coal

expense of carbonate minerals. The precipitated ferric slag slowly turned into a liquid slurry. The tragedy was
hydroxide is thermodynamically unstable and rapidly caused by two days of continual heavy rain loosening
transforms to yellow goethite, FeO–OH. Geothite, the coal slag. As a result of the disaster at Aberfan,
while stable under wet conditions, will slowly dehy- the Mines and Quarries Tips Act of 1969 was intro-
drate to red hematite, Fe2O3, under dry conditions. duced. This act was passed in order to prevent disused
Microorganisms have a limited effect on the for-
dM tips from becoming a danger to members of the public.
mation of coarse grains. However, bioactivity can af- Over 8000 million tons of ore have been mined in
fect diagenetic evolution, promote the precipitation of the South African deep-level underground gold mining
cementing agents, cause internal weathering, and alter industry (Blight et al., 2000). Considerations for dis-
fines migration, filter performance, and drainage in posing these wastes into tailings ponds and dams in-
silts and sands. clude the physicochemical nature of the extracted
Severely water-limited environments distress micro- minerals as well as the topography and climate of the
organisms and hinder biological activity. Nonetheless, disposal sites. Tailings dams have failed, resulting in

there is great bacterial activity in the unsaturated or- destructive mudflows (Blight, 1997). One reported case
ganic surface layer of a soil where plant roots are was the failure of the Merriespruit ring-dyke gold tail-
found. Fierer et al. (2002) observed that bacterial ac- ings dam in South Africa in 1994, which killed 17
tivity decreases by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude by 2 m people in a village nearby. Overtopping of the tailings
of depth. Horn and Meike (1995) conclude that micro- dyke occurred after a significant rainfall event, and ap-

bial activity requires 60 to 80 percent saturation. proximately 500,000 m3 of tailings flowed through this
Hence, there is less reduction in bacterial count with breach. The liquefied tailings flowed for a distance of
depth in saturated sediments. Hindered biological ac- about 2 km. A large volume of tailings was in a me-
tivities in unsaturated soils may reflect lack of nutrients tastable state in situ, and overtopping and erosion of
in isolated water at menisci, slow nutrient flow in per- the impoundment wall exposed this material, resulting

colating water paths, and increased ionic concentration in static liquefaction of the tailings and a consequent
in the pore fluid as water evaporates and dissolved salts flow failure (Fourie et al., 2001).
approach ion saturation conditions. The urban underground in major cities is congested
The physical scales over which the physicochemical, by utility lines, tunnels, and building foundations.

bioorganic, and burial diagenetic processes act range Much may be more than 100 years old; for example,
from atomic dimensions to kilometers, and the time- more than 50 percent of the water supply pipes in Lon-
scales range from microseconds to years. Table 2.8 don were built using cast-iron during Victorian time.
summarizes the processes, fabric characteristics, and Aging infrastructure changes the in situ stress condi-
scales associated with different mechanisms. tion, as well as groundwater chemistry, and this can
lead to changes in the stress–strain–time behavior of
Human Effects the subsoil. Underground openings are sources or sinks
The global human population has grown from approx- of different environments; tunnels can act as a ground-
imately 600 million at the beginning of the eighteenth water drain as well as source for air into the ground.

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Table 2.8 Summary of Processes and of the Fabric Signature and Temporal Scales Associated with Various

Signaturesa Physical
Processes Mechanisms (predominant) Scales Time Remarks
Physicochemical Electromechanical EF Atomic and s to ms Two particles may rotate
molecular to FF
⬃ 4 m
Thermomechanical FF Molecular to  ms to min Initial contacts EF then

(some EF) 0.2 mm rotations to FF:

common in selective
Interface dynamics FF and EF m to ⬃ 0.5 s Some large compound
mm particles may be
possible at high

Bioorganic Biomechanical EF ⬃ 0.5 mm to s to min Some FF possible
⬎ 2.0 mm during bioturbation
Biophysical EE and FF m to mm s to min Some very large clay
organic complexes
Biochemical Nonunique m to mm h to yr New chemicals formed,
(unknown) some altered
Burial Mass gravity FF localized cm to km  yr Can operate over large
diagenesis swirl physical scales
Diagenesis- Nonunique Molecular  yr New minerals formed,
cementation (unknown) some altered, changes

in morphology
EF, edge-to-face; EE, edge-to-edge; FF, face-to-face.
Adapted from Mitchell and Santamarina (2005) and Bennett et al. (1991).

Detailed studies of the geotechnical impacts of such to infer clay mineral types, to detect the presence of
problems have, so far, been limited (e.g., Gourvenec organic and high clay content layers, to locate borrow
et al., 2005), and further studies of the impacts of aging materials for construction, and to estimate the depth to
on existing infrastructure are needed. unaltered parent material. Pedological data can be used

to surmise compositions and soil physical properties.

Transported soils are sorted, abraded, and have par-
2.10 CONCLUDING COMMENTS ticle surface textures that reflect the transporting me-
dium. Conditions of sedimentation and the depositional
Knowledge of geologic and soil-forming processes environment influence the grain size, size distribution,

aids in anticipating and understanding the probable and grain arrangement. Thus, knowledge of the trans-
composition, structure, properties, and behavior of a portation and deposition history provides insight into
soil. Along with site investigation data, characteri- geotechnical engineering properties.
zation of the landforms, that is, understanding of the In short, the soil and its properties with which we
former and current geomorphological processes asso- deal today are a direct and predictable consequence of
ciated with the past and present climatic conditions, the parent material of many years ago and of all the
often helps to define ground conditions for designing things that have happened to it since. The better our
geotechnical structures and anticipating the long-term knowledge of what that parent material was and what
performance. For example, the knowledge can be used the intervening events have been, the better our ability

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to deal with the soil as an engineering material. Several 7. Compare and contrast soil-forming processes on
examples are given in this chapter and more are given Earth and on the Moon in terms of the composition
in Chapter 8. and engineering properties of the soils. Explain
similarities and differences. What is the relative im-
portance of physical, chemical, and biological soil-
forming processes on the Moon and on Earth?
1. At what depth below the ground surface does quartz 8. Considering rock and mineral stability, the types
start to crystallize? and characteristics of weathering processes, and the
impacts of weathering on properties, what types of
2. What are some likely consequences of the different
earth materials would you consider most suitable

physical and chemical weathering processes on the
for use as chemical, radioactive, and mixed (chem-

mechanical and flow properties of the rocks and
ical and radioactive) waste containment barriers?
soils on which they act?
3. Describe the chemical reactions of pyrite oxidation
9. Prepare diagrams showing your estimates as a func-
and explain how bacteria can mediate the chemical
tion of elevation of the following soil characteristics

that you would expect to encounter between the
4. Discuss what types of clay minerals are likely to be bottom and the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tan-
produced under each morphoclimatic zone listed in zania. Give a brief explanation for each.
Table 2.3. a. Soil plasticity
5. Using Stokes’s law, derive the sedimentation speeds
dM b. Soil gradation and mean particle size
of spherical particles with different sizes in fresh- c. Angularity–roundness of sand and gravel parti-
water under hydrostatic condition. Would they cles
change in saltwater? Compare the results to the data d. Iron content
given in Fig. 2.9 and discuss the comparison. e. Cementation between particles
6. List and discuss human activities that may poten- f. Organic matter content
tially change the properties of soils. g. Water content

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