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At one of the Disney English Centers in Shanghai, children aged two to twelve learn

English with games, books and films based on Disney characters like Peter Pan and
The Little Mermaid. At the end of the lesson, the pupils collect their books into a
Mickey Mouse book bag. “I want to come every day,” a five-year-old boy tells his
mother.”English is lots of fun.”
Disney English Centers are part of the growing private English education market in
China It´s a highly competitive market with more than 300 million Chinese students of
all ages. The demand for schools for young learners is increasing rapidly. Parents from
China´s growing middle class want the best for their child, especially education. They
know that English is a necessary skill for their child´s future success, whether it´s
university studies or a good job. However, an early start in learning English is
expensive. Classes at Disney English Centers can cost $1,800 a year, a huge amount
of money in China. Nevertheless, the price doesn´t seem to stop a lot of parents
because 23 Disney schools have opened since 2008 and there are plans to open more.
The Disney Company seems to have an advantage. It´s a familiar and reliable brand
name which attracts Chinese parents. However, that is the reason why these schools
are also being criticised. China has strict limits on foreign media and these schools are
the Disney way of introducing Disney´s books, television shows and films into China. In
addition, a new Disneyland theme park is being built in Shanghai. Critics point out that
children who learn to love Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in English lessons will
demand to be taken there.
The Disney Company stresses that the aim of the schools is to teach language skills,
not to turn the pupils into future Disney consumers. The programme also emphasizes
speaking in English, a language skill that many Chinese lack. One mother said that she
wants her young daughter to learn English now so she will be comfortable
communicating with foreigners. Like other Chinese parents, she is willing to pay the
price to what they consider a ticket to the wider world.
1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important
points using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point).
2. Mark the following sentences true or false (T/F) according to the text. Then
write the part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point;
0.25 each)
a.There is more than one Disney English Center in Shanghai
b.In 2008 there were 23 fewer schools than now.
c.Disney is a name that Chinese parents trust.
d.Chinese people are very good at speaking English.
3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the
words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each):
a) gather up, get together b) extremely c) moreover d) purpose

4. Pronunciation. (1 point; 0.25 each)

a.In which of the following words is the underlined vowel not pronounced like the
vowel in “cut”: money, cute, blood, government
b.Look for a word with the same pronunciation as /ˈtʃ/ in children
c.Write a word from the text which includes the sound /ɔː/ as in daughter
d.Find the odd one out in the following lists of words. Pay attention to the underlined
sound: China, reliable, aim, wide

5. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning.

Use the word in brackets and/or the expression given, making any necessary
changes. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each).
a) “Why do I like Disney so much?,¨ I said
I …..
b) “Let´s take private lessons at this academy, “ she said
She suggested………….
c) “I want to come every day,” a boy tells his mother. “English is lots of fun”
A little boy told ......................................................................

6. Choose ONE topic to write 120-150 words (3 points).

a) Does social media represent individuals authentically? Explain with examples.

b) Do you think the government should promote or forbid some kind of advertising?

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