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1. What are the most popular social media platforms in business?

Social media platforms create

new opportunities for businesses to engage existing and potential customers such as Facebook,
YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. Twitter is used to communicate news to the media;
Facebook is used to publicize social responsibility efforts; LinkedIn is used to share content that
customers will value. They are the top five social media sites. No business should create
accounts automatically on all the sites and start communicating. You must have goals, have an
audience or followers, know which social media platforms are the best for your business, the
right timing for content, what type of content, the contributors, and monitoring, reporting, and
responding on the sites. Facebook: Post Strategically: Post daily, primetime, diversify content, be
brief, be visual (pictures are worth more), most important info is in the first 90 characters of a
post, access to limited opportunities, deals, etc., ask audience opinions, use pins, stars, and hid
outdated posts. Great for longer posts that Twitter will not allow. Twitter: Be Short and
Focused: choose keywords, get customers following you and follow others, keep it short (you
only have 140 characters and experts recommend 85-100), key idea first, simple messages, use
hashtags, follow up using @ to aim your tweets. Great for short bursts of news. Pinterest:
Engage with Visual Content: use pinboards, generate original content, link your images to your
site, promote but be concise, invite repining to your boards, create special offers to increase
interest, use FB to guide customers to Pinterest. Blogs: Hub of Your Social Media Content: All
others can link to your blog. Find a focus/theme, offer value by writing tutorials, answering
questions, sharing stories, avoid controversial topics, headlines are important, add an image,
easy to navigate, conversational, encourage interaction, set a schedule for publishing.
2. Name three elements that are part of a social media strategy. ACE is to analyze, evaluate, and
compose. Identifying what you want your social media presence to achieve, which types of
social media are best suited for those goals, and how to get the most value from the platforms
you choose. Analyze goals, audience, and social media options to develop social media strategy,
compose effective social media content to implement the strategy, and evaluate the success of
your social media efforts. Analyze to create social media strategy by asking strategy questions.
Ask questions about elements of goals, audience, social media platforms, a timeline for content,
content, and monitoring, reporting, and responding. Different types of social media have
different capacities. Compose messages for different platforms. Use Twitter to get interesting
information and news to your followers. Compose tweets that are no more than 100 characters
to leave room for your followers to reply and quote you while remaining within the 140
characters, include links to more specific information. Use Facebook for longer messages but
keep posts relatively short, 100-250 characters to increase engagement. Use blogs for ideas that
require more development and pay careful attention to design. To make posts and other web
texts visually appealing and easy to read, use images, short paragraphs, a blank space,
informative headings and subheadings, lists, and bold text. You can go farther than the printed
word no matter what social media platform. You can use interactive, dynamic features that
engage the audience. Include links, short videos, and photos. Evaluate developing and
implementing a social media strategy requires a business to invest a significant amount of time
and resources. Refer to the goals you set in your analysis as you plan a method for evaluating
your social media efforts. Increases conversation about your business or product, attracts new
customers, builds community and manages your business’s reputation. Social media offer
analytic tools that measure numbers of clicks and likes and help perform qualitative analyses.
3. How can social media affect customer relationships? Create meaningful customer relationships
rather than merely asking your audience to like posts on Facebook or follow the page on
Twitter. Social media can affect customer relationship in a good way or bad way. Respond
quickly and respond genuinely to bad reviews. If a customer leaves a bad review, sometimes it is
just to let the company know what to fix and it gives the company an opportunity to fix the
relationship with the customer. If you respond slow, not genuine, or even no response at all will
look bad on the company and will ruin the relationship by losing their business. Social media can
create a good relationship between the company and customer because it provides easy access
to communicate with the company, see their new products, and see the information about their
4. Provide at least three examples of how a company can engage a social media audience in the
decision-making process? Social media content in business is most effective when it engages
your audience, gives them something of value, makes them trust your company, persuades
them to share information with others, and motivates them to return to your website. Social
media’s main goal is to inspire browsers to become customers when it is used for marketing.
You can also use social media surveys to engage consumers in your company’s decision making
about its products and services. You can elicit consumers’ input about ideas for new products,
preferences for service options, or locations for new stores. Encourage input through surveys.
5. What are three elements of B.J. Fogg’s Behavior Model? Motivation, triggers, and ability are
three elements that B.J. Fogg’s Behavior Model suggests that you can influence people’s
behavior through a social media strategy. Motivation helps influence behavior to motivate
customers. You can motivate customers by creating engaging experience that persuades them
to think about products deeper that are being offered and to make comments about them. To
encourage customers to participate initiatives could be motivational. Triggers are prompts or
cues that call your customers to action. Social media provides business with a unique
opportunity to put triggers in the paths of motivated people. Ability is once your customers are
motivated and have a trigger that is effective, is to make it simple for the customers to have the
ability to respond.
6. How do subscriptions services such as Ipsy use the persuasive principle of social proof? Ipsy
uses the elements motivation, triggers, and ability. It is a beauty box service that you can
subscribe to. The company uses social media to persuade customers to act upon the
subscription. Ipsy offers customers to sign up to receive a monthly bag filled with makeup,
skincare, and hair products. Ipsy uses a point system to get customers to connect on social
media. They get points for sharing purchases on social media, referring friends, and following
stylists. The points can be used to earn extra items every month. To trigger customers to
subscribe or make additional purchases, Ipsy offers special promotions and giveaways. Their
subscriptions renew automatically, so not additional action has to be taken. Ipsy’s YouTube
tutorial beauty videos show the number of people who have watched the video already.
Informational social influence increases the value of your product by showing that other people
value it. Indicating the number of people that like the Facebook page, the number of people
following the Tweets, and the number of shares or subscriptions on the website are information
social influence.
7. What are three ways that companies can use social media to create goodwill? Providing quick
responses to questions and concerns, providing useful information that audiences want and
need, and building a positive, online community are strategies that generate through social
media communication. Social media give more opportunities for companies to respond quickly
to customer complaints and suggestions, to satisfy customers and to maintain goodwill. You can
improve your customer service and increase sales if you are able to respond quickly. Monitor
online chatter, respond quickly, even if you can not resolve the issue immediately, and use a
personal response, not a corporate reply are techniques that can help businesses respond
effectively to customers’ questions or concerns communicated through social media. You can
build goodwill by proactively enhancing customer relationships through social media. Business
can earn goodwill by becoming informers, providing their audiences with interesting and useful
information about products and services. Business can also provide educational content that
customers and potential customers will value. Identify your social media goals, broadcast
through multiple mediums, and integrate information feeds. You can use social media to build a
positive online community, which will enhance communication, solidify the company’s
reputation, and build business. Create meaningful customer relationships, encourage input
through surveys, provide a space for customers to interact with each other, and offer social
media followers exclusive perks.
8. Identify two guidelines for using social media responsibly as an employee. Businesses have
realized that employees can be effective using social media if the company provides guidelines
for employees to follow and if employees are trained to communicate effectively within the
guidelines. Some guidelines are if it’s personal, keep it personal. Do not post about topics that
are not related to the business. Use your personal accounts and don’t mention the company you
work for. Identify your connection. If using social media is part of your job, identify the company
you work for. Let followers know the views are your opinions, not the company’s. Also keep
topics related to your expertise. Be honest and professional. Communicate like it is a face-to-
face conversation. Avoid arguing online and avoid discriminatory content. Respect and protect
what are confidential. Never put online financial, copyrighted, legal, proprietary, or personal
information about employees, customers, or the company. Add value. Share helpful ideas and
information that is interesting. Keep relevant content on the company’s website. Present
recommendations as personal. Be clear that your recommendations on social media are based
on your personal experience, not the company you work for. Know the risks. If you ignore these
rules there is potential, you might get fired from the company you work for. Some employees
are fired for posting offensive comments, revealing confidential information, using public social
media for job searches, and posting information that reflects badly on employers.
9. What features of a Facebook post can increase audience response and interaction?
Interactivity is the key to being seen on Facebook. These few tips will help compose posts that
encourage audience interaction and responses to lead to wider visibility. Post regularly and take
the size of your Facebook following into account when determining a schedule. Take advantage
of social media prime time. Diversity content to keep things lively. Be brief, but target character
counts to the needs of the post. Be visual. Add a video to your post. Focus, the audience’s
attention. Reward your audience. Value your audience: Solicit, listen, and respond. Manage
important posts to keep them in front of your audience. Facebook is about posting strategically.
10. Name two measurements a company can use to evaluate the success of its social media
efforts. Social media and web-hosting companies offer analytic tools that measure numbers of
likes, clicks, and views and help you perform qualitative analyses such as customer sentiment
analysis. Qualitative analysis helps show whether, where, and to what extent people are talking
positively or negatively about the product or business online. For more information, you can
gather information supplement this data with customer surveys. You can do regular evaluations
to monitor and adjust your strategy. You can see how many followers you have on all social
media accounts, what rate you are adding or losing followers, how many websites link to your
blog, you can see what platforms customers are talking most about your business, and see how
much percentage of your content do your followers share with others. You can also see what
percentage or number of followers have become customers or how many people have visited
your online stores or physical stores based on reviews. You can see how many positive
comments or recommendations have customers made, how many complaints have been made,
what percentage was addressed, how quickly were they addressed, and what types of messages
that have been most successful that encourages likes and time on the page.

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