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Sinrilik or poetry in the Makassar language is an art performance by

the people of the Makassar tribe which has been done since long ago.
Sinrilik is a certain story or narration that is conveyed or told in the
form of chanting rhythm (chanted). The form of the narrative
resembles poetry or verse repetitions of the lyrics. In general, the
song is sung by a man, can be accompanied by the strains of musical
instruments or not. Sinrilik is divided into two categories, namely
Sinrilik Bosi Timurung and Sinrilik Pakesok-Kesok.

2. Problems

In this modern era, there are many teenagers who don’t know what
Sinrilik is. Modern Culture has totally attact the Traditional and
most of people’s think that Traditional Culture isn’t interesting
anymore because it looks too old.

3. Research Question

a) What causes Sinrilik's art is almost extinct?

b) What is the effort to keep preserving the art of sinrilik?

 Internet Searching – KEMENDIKBUD



Based on my research, Sinrilik is almost extinct because

the lack of introduction of this culture to young people,
so that is why they’re not really know about what
Sinrilik is. Sinrilik is Bugis tribe art, which combines
between literature and musical instruments, the actual
poetry uses the language of the Bugis which causes
some people outside the Bugis tribe feels confused to
learn it and understand the intent of the poet. So most of
people that I’ve interviewed said that Sinrilik should
combines with Bahasa while introduce the original
language that used in Sinrilik, so many people will
understand the poem in this art.
Sinrilik; The art of rhythmic poetic speech that is almost extinct

Sinrilik Bosi Timurung which in Makassar means rain, performed when it is

quiet and people are fast asleep. This Sinrilik isn’t accompanied by any musical
instrument, with short narrations that contain sadness or devotion from the
composer,which are a love for a girl, longing fir a lover, and a sense of
disappointment about efforts that are not in accordance with the expected
The difference between Sinrilik Bosi Timurung, Sinrilik Pakesok-Kesok is a
Sinrilik performance accompanied by the strains of musical instruments in the
form of a blink. This type of narrative is long enough with a theme that is more
positively and inspire enthusiasm like the story of a character's life, history of
struggle, culture, and religious issues.

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