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A thesis
Submitted to Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan
dan Ilmu Pendidkan Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare in Part of
fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)


215 110 030



Skripsi atas nama : St. Rahmatullah, stambuk: 215110030 diterima oleh

Panitia Ujian Skripsi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas
Muhammadiyah Parepare (UM PAREPARE) SK Nomor: 756/KEP-
FKIP/II.3.AU/F/2019, tanggal 30 Dzulhijjah 1440 H bertepatan dengan tanggal 31
Agustus 2019 M untuk memenuhi sebagian syarat memperoleh gelar sarjana
pendidikan (S.Pd.) yang dipertahankan di depan penguji pada hari Rabu, tanggal
24 Agustus 2019.


1. Ketua : Nasrullah A, S.Pd., M.Pd. (…………………….)

2. Sekretaris : Khairunnisa hatta, S.Pd., M.Pd. (…………………….)


1. Patahuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd. (…………………….)

2. Dr. Ammang Latifa, M. Hum. (…………………….)

3. Ali Wira Rahman, S.Pd., M.Pd. (…………………….)

4. Nasrullah A, S.Pd.,M.Pd. (…………………….)

Disahkan Oleh: Mengetahui:

Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Ketua Prodi Studi
Univeristas Muhammadiyah Parepare, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,

Patahuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd. Nasrullah A, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NBM. 859 502 NBM. 1098 942

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the researcher express her higest gratitude to

Allah SWT for blessing, love, opportunity, health and mercy to complete this

research. Shalawat and Salam are addressed to the final chosen religious

messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This research is presented to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain Degree

(S-1) at the Department of English Education of the Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. The researcher realized that

many people had given their helps and useful suggestions for the finishing of this

research. Without the assistance of them, this research would never have existed.

Therefore the researcher would like to express her appreciation and sincere thanks

to :

1. Special thanks for Muh Jufri and Suatina as her beloved Parents for the

endless love, pray, support and the phone call every day in order to remind

me to keep going and never give up, all of her cousins, uncles and aunties.

2. Dr. Amaluddin,M. Hum, as the first supervisor and Ali Wira Rahman S.Pd,

M.Pd, as the second supervisor for the advice, supervision, and guidance from

the very early stage of this research as well as giving her extraordinary


3. Prof. Siri Danga, M.Si, the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare.

4. Patahuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and


5. Nasrullah A., S.Pd., M.Pd, as the head of English Department

6. Ali Wira Rahman S.Pd, M.Pd., as her Academic Advisor in English

Education Department who always give her some advice and motivation.

7. All lecturers and staff in English Education Department who always give

valuable knowledge during her study at Universitas Muhammadiyah


8. Nurul Khatimah, Nur Aisyah Safri, Erna Rahmawati Gorang, Awal Purnomo,

Zulkifli, Wahyu Sastrawan, Antoninus Marjon, A. Angga as her beloved

buddies for all the memories, jokes and support for her every single time.

9. RemA’ squad, Hanania Food Squad, KKN XX Posko 111 for all the

experiences and never stop support her to finish this research.

10. Muh. Amin Rais and St Nurhaliza as her special advisors for the advice and

help for her to past the mood swing from the very beginning.

11. Seniors, friends, kiddos in UKM DBI UM PAREPARE whose names could

not be mentioned here, for the experiences, advice and togetherness.

Finally, the researcher would like to thank everybody who was important to

the successful realization of this thesis. This thesis is expected to be useful not

only for the researcher, but also for the readers. For this reason, constructive

suggestion and critics are welcomed.

Parepare, 2019

St. Rahmatullah

St. Rahmatullah, 2019. Vlogging in Digital Lessons : How it Affect EFL
Students’ Speaking Skill. Supervised by Amaluddin and Ali Wira Rahman.

This research was conducted to obtain the Perception of the use of VLOG
in learning process in English Education Study Program at Universitas
Muhammadiyah Parepare. This research also conducted to obtain the effects
caused by VLOG as a new platform to practice speaking based on their

This study uses Qualitative Descriptive by design conducted with

students. The population of this study is English Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Parepare.The participant of this study consist of eight
participants. In addition, the researcher conducted interview with 2 Vlogger as a
proven of the effect of VLOG based on their personal experiences.

. The result of this study showed that VLOG is needed in language

learning as a media for students to practice speaking in an interesting way.
Students assumed that VLOG can help them especially in pronouncing word and
decrease their anxiety. Nonetheless, it was undeniable that there are several
stdents who are not suitable to use VLOG to practice speaking. Furthermore,
VLOG has several advantages and disadvantages if applied in learning process.

Keyword: VLOG, Students’ Perception

St. Rahmatullah, 2019. Vlogging dalam Pembelajaran Digital : Bagaimana
VLOG mempengaruhi Kemampuan Berbicara Pelajar Bahasa Asing. Dibimbing
oleh Amaluddin dan Ali Wira Rahman.

Peneliltian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Persepsi Pelajar Bahasa Asing

terhadap Penggunaan VLOG dalam pembelajaran digital dalam proses
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di
Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk
mengetahui efek yang ditimbulkan oleh VLOG sebagai media latihan berbicara
berdasarkan persepsi dari pelajar.

Penelitian ini menggunakan Deskriptif Kualitatif dengan design yaitu

melakukan wawancara dengan mahasiswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. Jumlah
responden penelitian ini terdiri dari 8 responden. Sebagai tambahan, peneliti
melalukan wawancara dengan 2 orang Vlogger dengan tujuan sebagai pembuktian
efek dari VLOG berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi.

Hasil dari peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa VLOG dibutuhkan dalam

pembelajaran bahasa terutama sebagai media pembelajaran untuk melatih
kemampuan berbicara dengan cara yang menarik. Mahasiswa berpendapat bahwa
mereka merasa sangat terbantu dengan adanya VLOG. VLOG membantu
mahasiswa dalam melatih pengucapan kata dan mengurangi kegugupan. Namun,
tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa ada beberapa mahasiswa yang tidak cocok
menggunakan VLOG dalam berlatih berbicara. Selain itu, VLOG memiliki
beberapa keuntungan dan kelemahan apabila diterapkan dalam proses

Kata Kunci: VLOG, Persepsi Mahasiswa

SUBMITTED PAGE ..................................................................................... i
VALIDATION PAGE ................................................................................... ii
DECLARATION ........................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... v
LIST OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURE.......................................................................................... ix
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................ x

A. Background ............................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Statement ..................................................................................... 4
C. Objective Of The Research ....................................................................... 4
D. Significance Of The Research ................................................................... 5
E. Scope of The Research .............................................................................. 6


A. Some Related Research Finding ............................................................... 7
B. Some Pertinent Idea ................................................................................... 8
a. Concept of Perception ......................................................................... 8
b. Concept of Speaking ........................................................................... 9
c. Concept of VLOG ............................................................................... 13
d. Concept of EFL ................................................................................... 18
C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 20


A. Research Method ....................................................................................... 22
B. Research Participant .................................................................................. 22
C. Data Collection ......................................................................................... 23
D. Technique Of Data Analysis ..................................................................... 24


A. Findings ..................................................................................................... 27
B. Discussion ................................................................................................. 35


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 41
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 41

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 43
APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 45


1. Vlogging Stages ........................................................................................... 15



1. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................ 20

2. Models of Miles and Huberman................................................................... 25



Appendix ......................................................................................................... 45

A. Background

Nowadays, a number of possible language learning applications are

abundant. Those applications are made for students to explore and learn

new thing in a various way. One of the application is VLOG ( Video

Blogging) , which is a combination of Video and Blog. Blog is a forum

for anyone who wants to express opinion, or share information personally

or socially. Blog can be used for writing and VLOG can be used for

communication. VLOG offers a comfortable and personal sites for

people to practice the target language, doing the videos online offers

learners the opportunity to practice their language skills anywhere. Video

Blogging as part of blogging trend tends to have a positive effect in

improving learners fluency, accuracy, accent complexity and have the

potential to develop speaking skill in front of camera and encourage

publication Therefore, integrating technology in learning process is one

of effective way to make English Foreign Language (EFL) students

interesting to learn since most of them are mobile user .

Since vlogging is mostly oral, speaking is the major component

being emphasized. English Foreign Language (EFL) students mastered in

speaking can be categorized as one of proven students mastered in

English. Meanwhile, speaking helps learners develop their vocabulary

and grammar skill and then better their writing skill. Students can express
their emotions, ideas; say stories; request; talk, discuss and show the

various functions of language.

In University, English Foreign Language (EFL) students in

practicing speaking recently make a videotape of themselves with some

topic to talk about. Unfortunately, it is become a crucial thing because

there is no significant feedback between students and teacher. Students

mostly made videotape without interesting features that can indicate

students lazy to watch rather than use it as a tool to evaluate their

speaking skills. Moreover, teachers mostly focusing on how students

brave to speak rather than allow students to find a various way to practice

speaking which can improve their skill . Been Anil’s (2016) study found

VLOG helps students to self-monitor their performance before they post

their VLOG to their teacher and they can listen an do sufficient

modification to their level of understanding. The teacher can focus or

allot more time on the students’ prospective vulnerable area of learning,

also teacher can offer advance to students that can be viewed whenever

students want to listen to and do necessary changes in the passage also

will of practice

In this challenging techno-era, video blogging is somewhat promising.

Teacher as well as students are delighted to teach and learn using the

basic concept of technology. Teacher could prepare their material in terms

of video, upload them in the internet, and have their students to subscribe

it with very protected password so that only selected students are allowed
to subscribe. The primary condition is only one, the teacher should be

very familiar to internet and VLOG. Teacher could also make students

access their VLOG for classroom substitution, assignment, and many


In fact, the researcher realize why English Foreign Language (EFL)

students have low interest in learning speaking and how can teacher find a

various interesting and effective way for students to practice their

speaking skill. That is way the researcher intent to conduct a research

entitled Vlogging in digital lesson : How it affect EFL students’

speaking skill. Through this research, researcher attempt to exploring

students perception about using VLOG as a platform to practice to

improve their speaking skills, and how it will affect students interesting in

English learning process. Moreover, this research also will prove that

VLOG can be a new learning tools for teacher in teaching English as

Foreign Language.
B. Problem Statement

Based on the statement above, the researcher formulate the questions

as follows:

1. What is the EFL students perception toward VLOG as a new platform for

practice speaking?

2. What is the effect of VLOG toward EFL students speaking skill based on

students’ perception ?

C. Objective of the research

Based on the problem above , there are two of questions that

supposed to be answer in this research. Therefore, researcher formulates

the responds as follows:

1. To know the EFL students perception toward VLOG as a new platform for

practice speaking.

2. To give a new information about the effect of VLOG toward students’

speaking skill.

D. Significance of the research

Significance of this research is separated into two component of the

significances, namely theoretical significances, and practical significances.

1. Theoretical significances, the result of the research is expected to be useful

information to help the English Foreign Language (EFL) students to find a

new way to practice speaking.

2. Practical significances.

There are there practical significances which are expected by the

researcher as follow:

a. For teacher, this research could be a useful information to find out a new

strategy for students in learning speaking class.

b. For student, it can be a useful information to help them to practice their

speaking skill in various and interesting way.

c. For next researcher, it can be a useful information and source for the next

research to continue some related research in different condition and


E. Scope of the research

The scope of the research is restricted by discipline, content and

a. By discipline, this research is limited to the field of applied linguistic

study, in term of English Foreign Language (EFL) students’ interest in

learning speaking.

b. By content, this research restricted in qualitative research which focus to

research the phenomenon and give several new theory as the result of the

research. In this research, the researcher more focus to search of English

Foreign Language (EFL) students in Muhammadiyah University of

Parepare which have a low interest in learning English specially in

speaking can use VLOG as a new interesting platform to practice


c. By activity, the researcher will looking for the sample by doing

observations, after that the researcher will give interview and the last is

data analysis.

A. Some Related Research Finding

There are some previous studies related to this research as follows:

Anil, B (2016) in his research “Top-Up Student Second Language Talk

Time Through Vlog conclude that, Vlog created an enjoyable learning

atmosphere. Students showed great interest and enthusiasm while using Vlog

in learning process. Its can encourage youngsters to learn English in positive

way. The output of vlog can be used measure the error occurrence and speech

fluency so that students’ development can be enlightened and worthy of

evaluating their language competency.

Maulidah, I (2017) in his research “Vlog: Mean to Improve Students’

Speaking Ability” claim that Vlog significantly improve speaking ability. It

can boost students encouragement by providing fun and enjoyable learning

process. In addition, it promotes good presentation in students’ speaking

performance. They will be able to interact in authentic environment to get a lot

of exposure in speaking. Therefore, students get a chance to build up their

autonomous learning.

Rahayu, Nurviyani (2018) in their research “A Study of Students’

Speaking Ability Through Vlog” found that The implementation of learning

speaking through Vlog was suitable instructional media. Vlog has several

strengths and weakness in learning speaking through vlog. Students give

positive responses such as students very enthusiast when teacher explain how
to create a vlog. Since Vlog is the new instructional media for both teacher

and students, learning speaking by using vlog is fun and not boring as usual.

Therefore, students are motivated to improve their speaking skills.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that, students

are interest in learning process through VLOG. There is an improvement

toward students’ speaking skill though by using VLOG. It is also give an new

experience both of students and teacher because VLOG is a new instructional

media in learning. In addition, students feel more fun and enjoy the learning

process since most of the students are mobile user. Nevertheless, vlog has

several strength and weakness in learning speaking process.

B. Some Pertinent Idea

In this stage, Same Pertinent Idea divided into Concept of Perception,

Concept of Speaking, Concept of VLOG and Concept of EFL. All the

description can be seen as follows:

a. Concept of Perception

1. Definition of Perception

Perception is the process of how people interpreted something based

on their own experience as the result of stimuli in producing information.

Perception as a process of thinking or feeling something, it is related to

experience on how people do activities or to certain object around. Thus, the

object considered by senses or body into some reflections. The information

that have processed by people may be eliminated or accepted by sensory

receptors (Safitri, Khoriyah 2018)

Perception can be affected by two factors which included internal and

external factors. The internal factors are, belief, experience, self-acceptance,

background, personality, and attitudes, while external factors consist of

repetition, measurement, movement, familiarity, and something new. Both of

internal and external factors can affect how people express their thoughts.

b. Concept of Speaking

In this part, concept of speaking consist of Definition of Speaking and

Speaking Performances.

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking as one productive skills offers a real result for someone who

learn a foreign language. Speaking is social, in the same that it establishes

rapport and mutual agreement, maintains and modifies social identify, and

involves interpersonal skills. This social element is expressed through wishes,

feeling, attitudes, opinions and judgments which can clash with the formal

nature of the classroom when teaching speaking (Devi, F.C. (2016 )

Speaking is the process to construct meaning that includes producing,

processing and receiving information . It becomes a productive skill as well

as complicated skill to be learnt which involves many aspect including

pronunciation. Speaking skills also acts as the core of second language

learning that differs from the other three skills such as listening, reading and

writing because it involves the process of constructing meaning in order to

receive an information Thus, speaking is the production of signals to show

verbal response to listener (Safitri, Koriyah 2018)

2. Speaking Performance

Speaking Performances become a priority to master speaking skill for

English Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Learners often evaluate their

success in language learning on how much they feel they have improved in

their speaking ability. Moreover, speaking is the important skill because it is

one of the abilities that is needed to perform a conversation. Learners should

have enough English speaking ability in order to communicate easily ad

effectively with other people. Thus, teacher emerges many varieties of

approaches to learn speaking, ranging from direct approach focusing on

specific features of oral interaction to indirect approaches that create

conditions for oral interaction.

Richard (2009) use three-part expanded functions of speaking to

design the suitable material for the students. There are Talk as interaction, talk

as transaction, and talk as performance. These activity has a difference in term

of form and function and needs different approaches.

1) Talk as interaction

Talk interaction refers to the conversation that people usually do. It

describes that serves a primarily social functions. The focus is more

on the speakers and how they wish to present themselves to each

other than on the message.

2) Talk as transaction

Talk as transaction refers the situations where the focus is on the

massage or what is said or done. The primary focus is on the massage

of making oneself understood clearly and accurately, rather than the

participants and how they interact socially with each other.

3) Talk as performance

Talk as performance which refers to public talk that transmit

information before an audience. It can be such as classroom

presentations, public announcement and speeches.

In addition, student as the speaker have to be able to anticipate and the

produce the expected patterns of specific discourse situations. They have to

manage other elements such as rephrasing, providing feedback, turn-taking or

redirecting. They must also choose the correct vocabulary to describe things,

rephrase or emphasize words to clarify the description, and use appropriate

facial expressions. Therefore, other things which are included into indicators

of good speaking skill:

1) Producing sounds, stress patterns, rhythmic, structures, and

intonations of the language.

2) Using grammar and structure accurately.

3) Selecting vocabulary which understandable and appropriate for the

audience, the topic being discussed, and the setting in which the

speech act occurs.

4) Applying strategies to enhance comprehensibility, such as

emphasizing keywords and rephrasing.

5) Using gestures or body language.

Based on explanation above, the researcher conclude that Speaking is

one of the important skill in English learning. Through speaking, students can

express their idea, feeling , wishes and the most important is they can

communicate with society confidently. Therefore, students have to be able

anticipate and the produce the expected patterns of specific discourse

situations. They have to manage some element such as pronunciation

,vocabulary, rhythmic, structure and body language.

c. Concept of VLOG

In this part, Concept of VLOG consist of Definition of Video Blog

and Vlogging Stages.

1. Definition of Video Blog

A video blog or Vlog is defined as a blog that uses video as its main

source instead of text. Rakhmanina, Kusumanigrum (2017) state that a video

blog offer a richer web experience than typical text blogging because it
combines movies, sound, images, and text, increasing the information-and

potentially emotions-shared with users. Most people who have vlog usually

describe various topic , as examples: hobbies, tips, brief speech, and so forth

Video blogging also defines as the videos component that provides a series of

online broadcast which is allowing everyone to create and post content and

considers it as video collection that serve both as an audiovisual life

documentary and as vehicle for communication. In this techno-era, the

existence of web-blogging in which provides a new application named Video

Blog can be used to encourage students in obtaining the goal of learning.

Vlogs allow students to learn information at a time and place that is

convenient for them. Students may feel less pressure when they are allowed

to think about a topic and listen to a lesson as many times as needed without

the pressure from a class to move on. Students may focus better a different

times of day or in a different environment than in a school setting. Vlogging

can help students share ideas that might be difficult to share through text or

print. Furthermore, students may feel more comfortable sharing thoughts and

ideas through the vlogging because they do not see all eyes watching them

answer the question. Moreover, both of teacher and students have to limit the

use of VLOG in performances such us , use appropriate language and polite

costume in order to keep the user privacy and avoid exploitation.

2. Vlogging Stages
Sun, Yu-Chih (2009) in his research claims that, there are and stages

in vlogging activity and every stages has their own purpose and certain list of


Vlogging Stages Activities

Conceptualizing 1. Planning what to say and how to say it.

2. Coming up with an appropriate voice-

blog topic.

3. Listening to others’ vlogs for ideas.

4. Consulting a dictionary or searching the

5. Note-talking

Brainstorming 1. Outlining main and supporting ideas

2. Translating from L.1 to L.2

3. Writing down a script before recording

Articulation 1. Rehearsing before recording

2. Recording and uploading it after


Monitoring 1. Listening to the recorded file before

uploading it

2. Monitoring vlog entries in terms of

content, organization, and language


Evaluating 1. Evaluating vlog content, organization,

and language usage

2. Redoing the vlog

Table 1. Vlogging Stages

1) Conceptualizing

In this stage, conceptualizing in which part of making plan of vlog.

Unfortunately, most of students are difficult to decide the topic.

Watkins, Jon, 2017 stated that, it will be effective if the teacher

prepared some topic or question as an option for students before

making the vlog. For instance:

a) A general self-introduction.
b) A how-to demonstration of something the student is good at or

meal he or she is skilled at preparing .

c) An interview of an L1 friend or family member.

d) An introduction of a pet.

e) A trip to a favorite neighborhood place (is student is using

smartphone or laptop).

f) Anything related to content being discussed in class, or a

reaction to assigned reading.

2) Brainstorming

In Brainstorming stage, student began to create the concept of

vlog: what they want to say in the vlog, After that, they make a script

then translate it from L1 (Host Language) to L2 ( Target Language).

3) Articulation

In this Articulation stage, students do rehearsal before starting to

record video. Therefore, students will involve their creativity so that

they may do editing before uploading the video by insert some picture,

audio, text which can make the video become more interesting.

4) Monitoring

Both monitoring and articulation are seemly done together. Before

uploading the video, students need to check the content of the video.

When its finished; uploading is done, students monitor the video again

to check it

5) Evaluating
In this last stage, the students do activity as self-correction toward

the video. Therefore, they may ask other students’ opinion regarding

their performance, in case there is a mistakes in terms of meaning or

form, they can redo a vlogging.

Based on statement above, the researcher conclude that, video blog is

a new learning application that bring a new atmosphere in learning process.

Through Vlog, student can explore their creativity while making the video.

Since most of students are mobile user, the using of Vlog in learning process

will be easy to control by the teacher. Moreover, video blog can be used to

encourage students in obtaining the goal of learning.

d. Concept of EFL

In this part, Concept of EFL only consist of Definition of EFL. The

description can be seen as follows:

1. Definition of EFL

In recent years, English was considered as a second language.

Nevertheless, it is become a crucial issue that in the rest of the world, English

is consider as a Foreign Language. English, as a word language, is taught

among others in schools. However, Nowadays, English play an important role

in people’s daily life since the output of EFL can be considered as the most

important skill for business and government officers.

J. Rubin (1975) and Rahman, A.W (2017) mention in their research

several strategies and characteristics of good language learners. Those are :

1) Good language learners can find their own to study. They always try and

experiment a new thing in different way in order to gather and stores

information in an efficient manner.

2) Good language learners can learn from communicating with other. They

will try to do many things to get their massages across. They will use

gestures when they try to express their meaning.

3) Good language learners is often not inhibited. They are willing to appear

foolish if reasonable communication results.

4) Good language learners make their own opportunities for practicing the

language inside and outside the classroom.

5) Good language learners use mnemonics and other memory strategies to

recall what they are learning.

6) Good language learners make errors work for them and not against them.

7) Good language learners use linguistics knowledge, including knowledge

of their first language, in learning second language.

8) Good language learners use contextual clues to aid their comprehension of

the language. They maximize use of all potential context around the

language attended to for enhancing comprehension.

9) Good language learners learn to make intelligent guesses.

10) Good language learners learn chunks of language as wholes and

formalized routines to help them perform beyond their competence. For

example, they may learn idioms, proverbs, or other phrases knowing what

the whole phrase means without necessarily understanding each individual


11) Good language learners learn certain tricks that keep conversation going.

12) Good language learners learn certain production techniques that also fill

the gaps in their own competence.

13) Good language learners learn different styles of speech or writing to learn

to vary their language according to the formality of the situation.

Based on the statement above, the researcher stated that the strategies

and characteristics of Good EFL learners have certain characteristics that can

be a references toward EFL students on how to practice their speaking skills

and help teacher to find out a good strategies in teaching foreign language.

C. Conceptual Framework



(Data Collecting)

Students’ perception about


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Lack of students interest become a crucial problem that have to face by

the teacher in speaking learning process. In general cases, students did not

paid attention or interest because of several factors, for example there is no

feedback between teacher and students .Therefore, teacher have to find an

interest learning-tool which can make students actively involved in learning

process. Since the integrating of internet has been implemented years ago, the

existence of Video Blog is somewhat promising.

The aim of this research is to know what is the students perception

toward Video Blog as a new platform to practice speaking and then the result

will become material consideration about a new learning-tool that make EFL

students interest in speaking learning process. Moreover, Vlog also being a

good issue to research in this research because it will help both of teacher and

students find a various way to practice speaking. This research also will

conduct to do an interview and data analysis in order to get result of the effect

of Vlog toward the students speaking ability based on students’ perception.


A. Research Method

This research will apply qualitative research. The method that will applied

in this research is case study method. According to Yin (2003) a Case Study

design should be considered when (a) the focus of study is to answer “why”

and “how” questions; (b) you cannot manipulate the behavior of those

involved in the study; (c) you want to cover contextual condition because you

believe they are relevant to the phenomenon context; or (d) the boundaries are

not clear between the phenomenon context. That is why the research will

focus to explore “why” Vlogging in digital lesson can be considered as a new

platform to practice speaking and “how” Vlog affect EFL students speaking


B. Research Participant

The participants in this research are consist of Eight EFL students of

Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. The participant will be choose by

several reason for example, their frequency of internet use, how long they

engaged in Vlog before and ECT . After that, the selected samples will be

interviewing in order to get deep information about students perspective

toward VLOG.
C. Data Collection

In qualitative research , the researcher will use three steps of collecting data,.

Those are:

1. Observation. The researcher will conduct the participant by using Purposive

Sampling in EFL students in Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare by giving

them questionnaire. The observation will observing students’ experience and

knowledge about Vlog. It aims to make the researcher easier to get information

because the participant already have some knowledge and interest about vlog .

2. Interview. The interview is the process to get an explanation for purpose of the

study by using question and answer face to face between interviewer and

participant or it can be using online discussion. There are several types of

interview which are used to gather data in qualitative research such as structured

interviews, semi-structured interviews, and unstructured interviews. The

researcher focused on semi-structured interviews.

Semi-structured interviews are a combination of both structured and

unstructured interviews such as, a researcher will come up with a list of questions

to be asked in the interview, but the researcher can also ask follow-up questions to

get deeper detail or explanation from the respondent on the basis of the response.

In qualitative research, questions should be open-ended (that means they should

provide you answer more than Yes or No), understandable, and sensitive in

nature. In order to get deep information about students’ perspective toward Vlog
as a new platform to practice speaking, and the effects of Vlog toward students’

speaking ability based on students’ perspective. The research will interviewing

the samples by using semi-structured interviews. In this case, students have to

answer several questions related to Vlogging in digital learning and how it will

affect students’ speaking ability. Furthermore, the researcher will use bilingual

during the interview in order to get more information from the participant easily

and deeply. Then the researcher conducted interview with Vlogger in order to

know the effect of VLOG based on their experiences.

3. Documentation. While the process of research, all of the activity will be recording

as audio and video file. Document is divided into personal document and formal

document. Essentially, documentation method is the method that used to get more

information and a source to support a research. The researcher uses the

documentation method to obtain the data. It is used to gain data from the

documents that have been collected by the students who have answered the


D. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher will conduct the Miles and Huberman data

analysis method. According to Kawulich (2004) in her research, Miles and

Huberman suggest the research use a variety of the following tactics for

generating meaning from the data; Noting patterns and themes; seeing

plausibility; making contrasts/comparison; noting relation between variables;

building a logical chain of evidence; and making conceptual/theoretical

coherence. They also suggest the following tactics for testing or confirming

findings; Checking for representative, checking the researcher effect;

triangulating; weighting evidence and ETC. Miles and Huberman Technique of

Data Analysis models describe in the diagram below:

Figure 2. Models of Miles and Huberman

1. Data Reduction

In this stage, it is the process of sorting, simplifying, reducing the raw data. It

will be reduced based on the importance of the data. Moreover, all of the data

will be elaborated one by one and considered to eliminate based on the

importance of the data.

2. Data Display
In this stage, the continuity steps is categorized the reduced data based on the

type of the samples. The presentation of the data will be shown by a form of

table, graphic, pictogram or by the narrative test. It is aim to make researcher

easy to analysis the data.

3. Drawing Conclusion and Verifying

The last stage is data analysis In this stage, the research conduct to drawing

conclusion and verification. The researcher will review the description in data

display and reach some conclude the relationship between the data and the

problem statement. The aim of this verification is to make sure that the

conclusion drawn in this research still in line with the research objective.

4. Data Validity

Reliability and validity of the data analysis will be tested by using

Triangulation. This technique aims to gain good understanding from different

perspective of an investigated phenomenon and also to check the truth of the data

based on different perspective as much as possible in order to reducing the bias

that occurs during data collection and data analysis.



A. Findings

This study aims to obtain students’ perception toward VLOG as a new

platform for practice speaking, the advantages and disadvantages by using

VLOG. This study also aims to know how VLOG affect students’ speaking skill

based on students’ perception.

The process of collecting data applied observation, interview and

documentation. In observation section, there are 27 EFL students from English

Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Parepare observed by give some questions related to the

research in order to determine the students who have more experience and

knowledge about VLOG . Based on the students’ answers, the researcher choose

8 students to be interviewed in the next section.

After that, to answer the research questions, then the researcher

conducted semi-structure interview with the selected students and two vloggers.

In this section, the researcher has determined several questions related to the

research. It aimed to know EFL Students’ perception toward VLOG as a new

platform to practice speaking, and how VLOG affect students’ speaking skill. The

result of the interview showed an interesting answer from the participants. The

researcher collected the data by recording the interview process after that the

researcher found result as follows:

1. EFL Students’ perception toward VLOG as a new platform to practice


In this session, researchers conducted interviews aimed to know

students' perceptions about VLOG as a new platform to practice. The data

obtained as follows:

P1q2: mungkin bagus , apalagi sekarang itu VLOG yang lagi trend, jadi kalau misalnya
pengajar mengikuti trend pasti minat belajar kami akan bertambah. Apalagi
digunakan dalam pengajaran speaking. Menurut saya pasti pelajar akan tertarik dan
akan mengusahakan untuk membuat VLOG yang menarik karena memang lagi trend
dan tidak membosakankan.
( maybe good, as we can see now that VLOG become a trending so for example,
followed the trend it will increase our interest to study.. Futhermore, if it use in
speaking learning process, our interest to study will increase. I think, students will be
interested and try to make VLOG because it’s not boring at all)
P2q2: sebenarnya secara tidak sadar selama menonton VLOG selama ini banyak hal yang
saya dapat, terutama dalam edukasi
(Actually, unconsciously while watching VLOG I got a lot of things, especially in
P3q2: menurut saya bagus, apalagi dengan perkembangan teknologi sekarang, didukung
juga anak-anak pelajar rata-rata sudah memakai Android, jadi lebih gampang untuk
menonton VLOG atau bahkan membuat VLOG untuk melatih speaking. Namun
harus tetap diseimbangkan dengan keperluan pengajaran. Akan lebih bagus apalabila
dilakukan secara bergantian antara pertemuan dikelas dan pertemuan online agar
guru dan pelajar tidak kehilangan keakraban.
(I thinkit is good, especially with the development of technology, it is also supported
by students who most of them are Android users, so it's easier to watch VLOG or
even make VLOG to practice speaking. But, It would be better if carried out
alternately between class meetings and online meetings, so that teachers and students
do not lose intimacy)
P4q2: bagus dan membuat kita mudah untuk mempelajari bahasa, terutama bahasa inggris.
( good and make us easier to learn about language, especially English)
P5q2: bagus, karena sudah menggunakan teknologi yang terperbaharui, sehingga membuat
pelajar lebih rileks
( It is good because its integrating an updated technology which can make students
more relax)
P6q2: menurut saya dengan adanya VLOG itu bisa memberikan kita kepercayaan diri
dalam proses pembuatannya. Begitu juga pada saat menonton, saya bisa mencontoh
atau mempelajari cara prounce yang tepat.
( in my opinion, the existence of VLOG can give us confidence. Then, while
watching VLOG, i can imitate or learn the right way to pronounce )
P7q2: VLOG baru-baru ini terkenal di Indonesia, saya berpikir bahwa dengan adanya
VLOG kita bisa manfaatkan dalam hal positif terutama dalam bidang pendidikan.
Seperti halnya para Vlogger yang mendapatkan uang dari youtube, kita juga bisa
menggunakan VLOG sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan ilmu.
(I think that we can use VLOG in positive terms, especially in education. Such the
Vloggers who earn money from YouTube, we can also use VLOG as a tool to gain
P8q2: sistem yang ada ketika membuat atau menonton VLOG bisa kita gunakan untuk
melatih dan memperbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan dalam pelajaran speaking tentunnya.
Sejauh yang saya rasakan membuat VLOG dan menonton VLOG sendiri bisa
membantu saya dalam speaking terutama dalam pronunciation.
(the system when making or watching VLOG can be used to practice and correct the
mistakes in speaking learning process. So far, making VLOG and watching VLOG
can help me in speaking, especially in pronunciation)

Based on the interview results above, the researchers argued that

VLOG can help them in the learning process. However, participants have

different answers about their perception toward VLOG. There are two

participants who assumed that with the development of technology, make

VLOG become a trend and integrating it in learning process can increase

their learning interest. There are also participants who argued that, VLOG

will be very good if it is used in learning because most students are

android users. Moreover, it will be better if there still learning process in

the class to keep the teacher and students in touch. Then, other participants

argued that VLOG can make learning process more relaxed and fun

because it can be adapted to the student's own style.

2. Effect of VLOG towards EFL Students’s Speaking skill

After knowing students' perceptions of VLOG, then the researcher
conducted interviews aimed to find out how VLOG affect EFL students’
Speaking skills.
P1q5: dengan VLOG saya bisa bicara tanpa harus merasa canggung untuk mengeluarkan
apa yang ingin saya sampaikan dan tidak perlu khawatir soal reaksi atau tanggapan
( VLOG makes me speak confidently without worried about others reaction)
P2q5: menurut saya dengan adanya VLOG sebagai media pembelajaran bisa melatih saya
untuk latihan pronounce.
(I think , VLOG as learning media that can help me to practice my pronunciation)
P3q5: pada saat menonton VLOG saya banyak belajar logat dan dialek, dar itu saya juga
bisa melatih pengucapan kata-kata saya.
( While watching VLOG, I learned a lot of accent and dialect ,then I also can
practice how to pronounce the words)
P4q5: adanya VLOG saya bisa ekspresikan diri saya, jadinya sudah tidak canggung dalam
belajar dan tidak malu juga. Kadang-kadang saya malu kalau dikelas harus Speaking
tapi prouncenya yang salah. Berbeda dengan VLOG ketika proses pembuatannya
jika dipikir ada yang pronoucenya salah bisa dilakukan lagi atau direkam ulang.
(I can express myself by using VLOG. Sometimes, i am shy if I have to speak in
front of the class but my pronunciation wrong . It is different with vlog where an
error occurs we can re-record it)
P5q5: lebih bagus karena pembelajaran akan lebih enjoy dan tidak tegang seperti
kebanyakan kelas sebelumnya.
(learning process will be more enjoyable and relax like most of previous classes)
P6q5: ketika menonton atau membuat VLOG akan ada improve pada Pronouce, ketika
menonton VLOG saya akan mengikuti cara penyebutan yang benar dan ketika
membuat VLOG saya akan mencari dulu cara pengucapan yang benar, berlatih
mengucapkan dan selanjutnya merekam.
(watch or make a VLOG will improve the pronounce, when watching VLOG I will
imitate the correct way of pronounce and when making VLOG I will look for the
correct pronunciation, practice, and then record it)
P7q5: VLOG bisa membuat saya mengepresikan diri, lebih rileks juga dalam belajar
apalagi dalam speaking. Karena saya tipe orang yang takut jika pengucapan saya
salah apalagi didepan umum, akan tetapi kalau nge-VLOG setidaknya kalau ada
pengucapan yang salah bisa berlatih dulu lalu diulang kembali.
(using VLOG can make me express myself, I feel more relax in learning process
especially in speaking. Because, I am the kind of person who is afraid if my
pronunciation is wrong especially in public, but if I make VLOG, at least if there is a
wrong pronunciation I can practice first and then re-record again)
P8q5: saya merasa bahwa VLOG sangat membantu saya dalam pembelajaran. Terutama
dalam speaking dan tentunya prouncing kata yang saya lakukan ketika menonton dan
membuat VLOG. Editing yang diterapkan pun tidak cepat membuat jenuh, justru
lebih menyenangkan. Karena, saya bisa memasukkan beberapa item yang menurut
saya cocok untuk VLOG saya dan sesuai dengan gaya yang saya sukai.
(I feel that VLOG really help me in learning, especially in speaking and pronounce
words. The editing process is also fun because I can insert several items that I think
are suitable for my VLOG and according to my style.

In this section, the participants give precious responds. There were two

participants who argued that having VLOG greatly reduced their anxiety

while speaking. They said in learning process, sometimes they feel hesitant to
say something also they feel embarrassed when speaking in front of the class

if their pronunciation is wrong. There were three participants who also

thought that VLOG really helped them practice speaking, especially in

pronouncing words. They also claimed that, VLOG thought them any kind of

dialect and accents. There are two participants argued that using VLOG really

makes them enjoy and relax in learning process because they can use their

creativity according to their style.

According to the result of the interview, the researcher concluded that

there are some students who still feel afraid to speak in front of the class so

they think that VLOG really helps them practice speaking without any fear of

correction. In addition, a better pronunciation occurs because in the process of

making VLOG, they might doing re-take when an error occurs. Furthermore,

they feel relaxed and enjoy because they learn speaking by involve their own


3. Advantages and disadvantages the using of VLOG based on EFL students’

When the researcher conducted the interview, the researcher found
several data related to this researcher. After conducted with VLOG, the
participants assumed that VLOG have several advantages and disadvantages.
The data obtained as follows:

P 1q4: menurut saya VLOG lebih menarik, karena menggunaka buku pelajaran atau media
yang dulu sudah sangat membosankan. Apalagi fitur-fitur dalam pembuatan VLOG
seperti Sound, effect,text bisa dikreasikan sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan.
selanjutnya, bisa meningkatkan rasa percaya diri karena secara tidak langsung ketika
selesai membuat VLOG sesuai denganh apa yang kita inginkan, sesuai dengan gaya
kita, maka kita akan percaya diri untuk menguploadnya.
( using VLOG is more interesting because I already feel bored using textbook or
previous media in learning. Moreover, features in making VLOG like Sound, effects,
text can be created according with what we want. Furthermore, it can increase self-
confidence because indirectly after finished making VLOG according to our style,
then we will be confident to upload it.
P2q4: pengucapan Vocab jadi lebih terlatih, karena kalau ragu dengan apa yang kita
ucapkan kita bisa mencari terlebih dahulu cara pengucapan yang benar dan
(Vocab pronunciation becomes more trained. If we think that our pronunciation is
wrong, we may look for the correct pronunciation then repeat it)
P3q4: bisa digunakan oleh siswa untuk mengembangkan Speaking skill terlebih siswa
sekarang adalah penggunaya Android, akan sangat mudah diterapkan. Hanya perlu
diarahkan dan dikontrol oleh guru atau pengajar.
(can be used by students to develop Speaking skills because of most of the students
are android user. It only needs to be directed and controlled by the teacher or
P4q4: sangat membantu untuk saya yang susah dalam penyebutan kata setiap berbicara
atau speaking. Karena dengan VLOG saya lebih leluasa dalam belajar, jika ada
kesalah bisa merekam ulang. Meskipun harus buka kamus, namun lambatlaun akan
terbiasa dan terlatih. Adanya VLOG juga kita bisa mengaprisikan diri untuk lebih
(very helpful for me in pronouncing words. With VLOG i feel more relax in
learning. Even though i have to open dictionary, and re-record it. Using VLOG also
allows us to be more creative)
P5q4: lebih santai dalam proses pembelajaran karena memakai gaya sendiri dan bisa juga
menambah kepercayaan diri didepan kamera.
(more relax the learning process because can use our own style and can increase our
confident in front of the camera)
P6q4: untuk saya pribadi, saya lebih percaya diri dan body language saya juga terlatih
dengan menonton dan membuat VLOG.
(personally, I feel more confident and my body language is also trained)
P7q4: bisa membuat rileks dan santai dalam pembelajaran karena bisa pakai style sendiri,
( can make us relax and enjoy in learning process because we can involve our own
P8q4: VLOG sangat mudah untuk diakses, baik itu hanya sekedar menonton atau bahkan
membuatnya sendiri.
( VLOG is easy to access both of watching or making the VLOG itself)

Based on the data above, the researcher found most of the participants

assumed that VLOG helped them in learning process. Conducted with VLOG

makes the students feel relaxed in the class. The participants also assumed that

VLOG can help them to have a good pronunciation.

Disadvantages the using of VLOG based on EFL students’ perception.

P1q5: karena harus diupload ke youtube, menurut saya jaringan akan sedikit menghambat
dalam hal ini.
( according to me, in this case the network will be a hamper)
P2q5: masih banyak orang yang merasa tabu dengan VLOG. Apalagi jika dituntut untuk
Vlogging dikeramaian dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris, orang-orang bisa saja
menganggap kita sedang mencari perhatian.
(there are still many people who feel taboo with VLOG. In addition, when we have
to do VLOG in public, people may consider that we are looking for attention)
P3q5: tidak bisa dipungkiri bisa saja anak-anak akan cenderung tidak fokus karena dan
membuka aplikasi lain atau melakukan sesuatu yang tidak sesuai interuksi. Ketika
berada didepan android atau Laptop untuk membuat atau mengedit VLOG yang bisa
memakan waktu berjam-jam menurut saya bisa saja mempengaruhi kesehatan
( it can’t be denied that the students will not focus and open other applications or do
something that is not appropriate or based on teacher’s instructions. Then, when we
stay in front of the Android or laptop to create or edit the VLOG which can take
hours it can affect student’s health.
P4q5: mungkin akan ketergantungan , jadi semua waktu hanya dilakukan untuk membuat
Vlog saja. Menurut saya itu sedikit tidak baik.
( the students become addicted to VLOG and spent their time only for making
P5q5: setiap orang memiliki learning style yang berbeda. Jadi bisa saja ada yang tidak bisa
menerima pelajaran dengan baik.
(everyone has a different learning style. So there will be students who cannot
receive lessons as well as possible.)
P6q5: kita harus memiliki alat-alat Vlog seperti kamera dan mic agar mengahsilkan
kualitas VLOG yang bagus, dan harga alat tersebut tidak murah.
(we have to have Vlogging tools such as cameras and mic in order to produce good
quality of VLOG, and the price of these tools is expensive)
P7q5: kalau menurut saya, jaringan menjadi kekurangan yang sangat mendasar karena baik
untuk menonton atau mengupload video harus membutuhkan jaringan yang stabil.
(in my opinion, the network become one of the disadvantages because to watch or
upload videos we have to have a stable network)
P8q5: tidak semua siswa akan cocok untuk diajarkan menggunakan VLOG, meskipun itu
di Speaking atau di mata pelajararn lainnya. Karena tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa ada
siswa yang hanya bisa menerima pelajaran jika itu dilakukan didalam kelas atau Face
to Face dengan guru.
(not all of students will be suitable to be taught using VLOG. Because it is
undeniable that there are students who can only receive lessons if it is done in class
or Face to Face with the teacher)

Based on the result of interview, the researcher found different point

of view about the disadvantages from the participants. Two of the participants

argued that every students has their own learning style. There is a possibilities

if other students will not suitable to use VLOG for practicing their speaking
skill. The other participants argued that people may think that we are looking

for attention when making VLOG in the public especially when they are

speak English. Moreover, participants assumed that it will take a long time for

editing the video and also for Re-take the video. The rest participants

assumed that Network and tools become one of problem when they want to

make VLOG.

4. Vlogger Perception toward VLOG as a platform to practice speaking.

The data found from this section is the last one. In this section the

researcher asked the same questions as in the previous section. As the result,

it will become proven the effects of VLOG as a platform to practice speaking

based on Vlogger experiences. The result of interviewed can be seen as

follows :

V1q1: dalam pembelajaran tentunya akan sangat efektif, meningat dalam VLOG ada sistem
Re-take yang terjadi beberapa kali. Secara langsung akan membantu pelajar yang
membuat VLOG berlatih speaking seperti pronouncing kata jauh lebih baik.
(It will be significant in learning process because of Re-take system that happened
couple of time. It will directly help students who make VLOG to practice speaking
and have a better pronunciation)
V2q1: pelajar akan terlatih dalam berbicara. Dalam kasus pembelajaran Speaking, tentunya
pelajar akan melatih dan terlatih pronunciationnya ketika nge-vlog.
( the students will practice their speaking. In this case, the students will practice their
pronunciation by using VLOG)
V1q2: melakukan VLOG tentunya akan memberikan perkembangan berbahasa meskipun
itu tidak significant.
(doing VLOG will certainly provide language development even though it's not
V2q2: kalau saya pribadi VLOG mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri saya
( personally , VLOG affects my confidence)
V1q3: akan membutuhkan estimasi waktu yang banyak dalam hal editing dan retake. Tidak
bisa dipungkiri juga akan ada ketidakpercayaan diri, apalagi mendapat ejekan ketika
nge-VLOG dilingkungan yang pada umumnya tidak berbahsa inggris.
( need a lot of time in terms of editing and retake. It is undeniable that students will
be not confidence. Furthermore, they will get mocking where not as English area.)
V2q3: akan muncul kecanggungan pada suatu waktu, karena tidak ada lawan bicara. Tapi
jika sudah terlatih, akan terbiasa sendiri.
( there will be awkwardness sometime because there is no opponents to talk with.
But, if it already trained, it may become habitual)
V1q4: sistem re-take akan melatih siswa dalam prounce kata dan kalimat.
( re-take system will help train students in pronounciation of words or in sentences)
V214: bisa lebih baik dalam menyusun kata-kata yang ringkas dan jelas agar tidak bertele-
tele saat berbicara. Tentunya, dilakukan dan dibuat sesuai dengan style individu atau
(can be better in arrange words into summary and lear to advoid the trivial while
V1q5: vlog bisa melatih kepercayaan diri setiap pelajar atau individu.
( vlog can train the confident of each student and individual)
V2q5: meskipun cocok diterapkan dalam pembelajaran speaking, namun menurut saya akan
lebih efektif apabila latihan speaking dilakukan dengan conversation langsung atau
dengan orang lain karena sekaligus melatih listening dan akan mendapatkan koreksi
langsung ketika melakukan kesalahan.
( Even though it is match to apply in speaking learning process, but for me, it will be
more effective if speaking training will be done by direct conversation or with other
person meanwhile to train listening skill and will get direct corrected when do

Based on the results of the interview, both of Vlogger argued that

through VLOG the pronunciation will improve due to the Retake system

while making the VLOG. They also argued that using VLOG will increase

individual confidence. Based on their experience, there are several advantages

in VLOG, such as confidence will increase because it is done in accordance

with individual styles, and good pronunciation due to the Retake system.

There also several disadvantages such as, Vlogging will require a long time

in editing process, there will be a feeling of insecurity when we have to make

an English VLOG in a non-English language area. Nonetheless, one of the

Vlogger argued that it would be better if practice speaking conducted by face

to face in the class during the learning process in order to get more significant


B. Discussion

In this part, the research presents the discussion of the research

findings. There are two problem statement that already proposed in this study.

The first discussion is about EFL students’ perception toward VLOG as a new

platform to practice speaking and the second is to know how the effect of

VLOG toward EFL students’ speaking skill.

In this item, the researcher found the issues regard the VLOG.

Those result recapitulated from interview by the researcher. Those view will

be explained as follow:

1. EFL Students’ perception toward VLOG as a new platform to

practice speaking

The researcher asking about EFL Students’ perception toward

VLOG as a new platform for them to practice speaking. According to the

findings, the result obtained one of eight participant argued that the

existence of technology make VLOG will be easy to access especially in

learning process since most of the students are mobile user. However, she

stated that it will be better if there still learning process in the class to keep

the teacher and students in touch. Then, there are three participant argued

that integrating technology in this case is VLOG in learning process can

increase their learning interest specially in speaking class. The other

participants stated that VLOG can make learning process more relaxed

and fun because they learn speaking by involve their own style in learning


From these points above, we can argued that since the most of

students are mobile user, integrating VLOG as technology in classroom

has the potential to become a new platform for the students to practice

their speaking .Moreover, VLOG can create students’ learning interest

and enhanced students learning. The researcher find the similarities with

the research of Maulidah, I (2017) based on the data from the sample of

her research stated that by VLOG can boost students encouragement

because it provide fun and enjoyable learning process. In addition, they

will be able to interact in authentic environment to get a lot of exposure in

speaking. Therefore, students get a chance to build up their autonomous

learning. The differences in this research is this research focused to help

Students to find out a new platform to practice their speaking skill in

various way by using VLOG while other research focus to use VLOG to

Improve students’ Speaking Ability.

Furthermore, using VLOG can makes students’ involved their own

styles in learning process. It is also in line with the research of J. Rubin

(1975) and Rahman, A.W (2017) who stated that good language learner

can find their own to study, they always try and experiment a new thing in

different way in order to gather and store information in an efficient

manner. Also, good language learner learn different styles of speech or

writing to learn and to vary their language according to the formality of

the situation.

2. The effect of VLOG towards EFL Students’ Speaking skill based on

students’ perception

In this study, the researcher found that the effects of VLOG that

mostly appear towards EFL students’ speaking skill is VLOG helped

students in learn process especially pronouncing words. There are three of

the participants argued that, a better pronoun occurs because in the process

of making VLOG, they might doing re-take when an error occurs. Two of

the participants argued that VLOG helped them to reduced their anxiety,

because they will not get mocking by other students while making mistake

in speaking and makes them more confident to speak their opinion in front

of the camera. The other two students argued that making VLOG can

make students more creative, they can adjust their language style, editing,

body language, according to what they want to display on their VLOG.

As the result of the research, we can argued that VLOG can be

considered by teachers to be used in speaking learning process. Have a

good pronunciation, reduced self-confidence, also added with creativity is

a very supportive things to have a good speaking skills. It is in line with

Richard (2009) who claimed that Good speaking kill consist of producing

sounds, stress patterns, rhythmic , using grammar accurately, selecting

vocabulary which understandable for the audience, and using gestures of

body language. This result also in line with Sun, Yu-Chih (2009) about

Vlogging stages, where the students can practice before starting the video,

students will involve their creativity by insert some picture , audio, text

which can make the video become interesting. Moreover, based on the

Vlogger experience both of them stated that by conducted with VLOG can

increase the self-confidence of the individual or the students.

The researcher found specific differences between this research

with other previous findings. In this research, the research concluded that

VLOG can be considered by teachers to be used in speaking learning

process because it helped both of the students and the teacher to practice

their speaking skill in an interesting way and found out a new learning

media while Anil, B (2016) in his research stated that the output of VLOG

can be used to measure the error occurrence and speech fluency so that

students development can be enlightened and worthy of evaluating their

language competency.

3. The advantages and disadvantages of the using of VLOG based on

EFL students’ perception.
In this study, the researcher found the advantages that appear

when the researcher conducted the interview is dominate rather than the

disadvantages. Most of the participants assumed that one of the

advantages is VLOG can help them in speaking learning process,

especially in pronouncing words. In this case, re-take system take rules to

help students in practice speaking. It is in line with the Vlogger perception

who said that Re-take system that happened couple of time will directly

help students who use VLOG to practice speaking and will have a better

pronunciation because of that. The other advantages is participants

assumed that VLOG can increase their self-confidence. It is also in line

with the Vlogger experience who have a good confidence because their

VLOG involve their own style.

Other hand, the result of interview about the disadvantages showed

some different answer from the participants. The participants assumed that

every students has their own learning style, so that we have to consider

other students who are not suitable to use VLOG for practicing their

speaking skill. Moreover, the participants argued that there is a

possibilities they get mocking by other people when they a speaking

English in non-English area. Then, the editing process will take a long

time. All of the data above are in line with the Vlogger statements that

said VLOG will require a long time in the editing process, there will be a

feeling of insecurity when they have to make an English VLOG in a non-

English area.


A. Conclusion

While other studies of English Foreign Language learner focused on

whether or not VLOG can improve students speaking skill, this study focus on

the possibilities of VLOG become a new platform to practice speaking based on

the point of view of Students.

According to the Students, VLOG is needed in language learning as a

media for students to practice Speaking in an interesting way. On the other hand,

Re-take system in VLOG helped students to practice the pronunciation.

Moreover, there are several advantages and disadvantages when conducted with


The experiences of the students provide a great result about VLOG as

a new platform for practice speaking. They offer insight on what may contribute

to their departments. In other word, students can offer valuable information about

VLOG as a new platform for practice speaking.

B. Suggestion

Since this study was Qualitative and carried out with a small number

of participants within a short period of time, the findings provide some useful in

formation both of the students and teacher to improve the quality of English
teaching and learning. For the teacher, the researcher hoped that this research can

encourage them to consider a better way in teaching speaking. The teacher also

can apply interesting media and method to develop the students’ speaking skill

that will not make the students bored.

As for students, they need to use technology as well as possible to help

them in the learning process. Students also should share a lot of information each

other to create friendly interesting community. In addition, the language learning

process can be affected by what the students use to learn.

There are still many aspect which can be analyzed about speaking and

other skill of English Language. So that the researcher can analyze other aspect in

Speaking and other skill in English language and the result of this study may be

used as early information to conduct further research.


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Data Reduction

1. Participant 1
a. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: Mungkin bagus ji kak, apalagi sekarang itu yang lagi trend , jadi kalo
misalnya pengajar mengikuti trend pasti minat belajarnya kami
bertambah. Apalagi , digunakan dalam pengajaran speaking.
Menurutku kak pasti pelajar tertarik dan akan mengusahan untuk buat
VLOG yang menarik karena memang lagi trend dan tidak
membosankan juga.
b. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih
speaking ?
: sering sekali kak, seperti mencari “how to proununce” kata atau
c. Menurut anda apa keuntungannya VLOG ?
: Menurut saya menarik karena menggunakan Buku pelajaran/medei
lainnya sudah sangat membosankan. Apalagi fitur-fiturnya Vlog yang
seperti sound, effect, itu bisa dikreasikan sesuai dengan apa yang kita
inginkan. Selanjutnya, bisa meningkatkan rasa percaya diri karena
secara tidak langsung ketika selesai membuat vlog sesuai dengan apa
yang kita inginkan, sesuai dengan gaya kita, maka kita akan percaya
diri untuk menguploadnya
d. Menurut anda apa kerugiaannya VLOG ?
: Karena harus di update d youtube, menurut saya jaringan akan sedikit
menghambat dalam hal ini.
e. Apakah ada pengaruh yang terjadi dalam Speaking anda setelah
menggunakan VLOG?
: Dengan VLOG saya bisa bicara tanpa merasa canggung untuk
mengeluarkan apa yang ingin disampaikandan tidak perlu khawatir
soal koreksi dan tanggapan orang lain
2. Participant 2
a. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: Sebenarnya secara tidak sadar selama nonton vlog selama ini banyak
hal yg bisa saya dapat, terutama dalam bidang pembelajaran
b. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih
speaking ?
: Sering kak, apalagi vlog yang menunjukkan how to spell words,
kadang juga video cara membedakan gaya bicara British dan Amerika
c. Menurut anda apa keuntungannya VLOG ?
: pengucapan vocab jd lebih terlatih kak, karena kalau ragu dengan apa
yang kita ucapkan mita bisa mencari terlebih dahulu cara pengucapan
yang benar dan mengulamgnya.
d. Menurut anda apa kerugian VLOG ?
: masih banyak orang yang merasa tabu dengan VLOG. Apalgi jika
dituntut untuk vlogging dikeramaian dengan menggunakan bahasa
inggris. Orang-orang bisa saja menganggap kita sedang mencari
e. Apakah ada perubahan dalam Speaking anda setelah menggunakan
: Menurut saya dengan adanya vlog sebagai media pembelajaran bisa
melatih saya dalam pronounce.
3. Participant 3
a. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: menurut saya bagus, apalgi berkembang mi teknologi, didukung juga
anak-anak pelajar rata-rata sudah memakai android, jadi gampang
kalau mau nonton vlog untuk belajar atau bikin vlog untuk latihan
speaking. Namun harus diseimbangkan dengan keperluan pengajaran.
Akan lebih bagus apabila dilakukan secara bergantian antara
pertemuan online agar guru dan pelajartidak kehilangan keakraban.
b. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih
speaking ?
: Sering kak, seperti nonton ka vlog tentang cara menggunakan
bahasa2 gaul dalam bahasa inggris, nalatih mi juga cara pengucapan
c. Menurut anda apa keuntungannya VLOG ?
: Bisa digunakan oleh siswa mengembangkan speaking skill terlebih
siswa sekarang adalah pengguna android, jadi ajakn sangat mudah
diterapkan. Hanya perlu diarahkakn dan dikontrol oleh guru dan
d. Menurut anda apa kerugiaanVLOG ?
: tidak bisa dipungkiri bisa saja anak-anak akan cenderung tidak fokus
karena malah membuka aplikasi lain atau melakukan sesuatu yang
tidak sesuai interuksi. Ketika berada didepan android atau Laptop
untuk membuat atau mengedit VLOG yang bisa memakan waktu
berjam-jam menurut saya bisa saja mempengaruhi kesehatan
e. Apakah ada perubahan dalam Speaking anda setelah menggunakan
: pada saat menonton VLOG saya banyak logat dan gaya bahasa, dari
itu saya juga bisa melatih pengucapan kata-kata saya.

4. Participant 4
a. Bagaimana menurut ta tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: bagus dan membuat kita mudah untuk mempelajari bahasa
b. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih
speaking ?
: sering , apalagi untuk melihat vlogger yang mana konten mereka
berisi cara2 pengucapan kata2 yang menurut saya itu sangat
membantu speaking saya
c. Menurut anda apa keuntungannya VLOG ?
: sangat membantu untuk saya yang susah dalam penyebutan kata
setiap berbicara atau speaking. Karena dengan VLOG saya lebih
leluasa dalam belajar, jika ada kesalah bisa merekam ulang. Meskipun
harus buka kamus, namun lambatlaun akan terbiasa dan terlatih.
Adanya VLOG juga kita bisa mengeprisikan diri untuk lebih kreatif.
d. Menurut anda apa kekuranganmya VLOG ?
: mungkin akan ketergantungan , jadi semua waktu hanya dilakukan
untuk membuat Vlog saja. Menurut saya itu sedikit tidak baik.
e. Apakah ada perubahan dalam Speaking anda setelah menggunakan
: adanya VLOG saya bisa ekspresikan diri saya, jadinya sudah tidak
canggung dalam belajar dan tidak malu juga. Kadang-kadang saya
malu kalau dikelas harus Speaking tapi prouncenya yang salah.
Berbeda dengan VLOG ketika proses pembuatannya jika dipikir ada
yang pronoucenya salah bisa dilakukan lagi atau direkam ulang.
5. Participant 5
a. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: Bagus, Karena terperbarui, apalagi skrng sudah menggunakan
teknologi, sehingga pelajar lebih rileks
b. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih
speaking ?
Sering , seperti memberikan cara2 spelling kata yang benar,
menambah kosa kata.
c. Menurut anda apa keuntungannya VLOG ?
: lebih santai dalam proses pembelajaran karena memakai gaya sendiri
dan bisa juga menambah kepercayaan diri didepan kamera.
d. Menurut anda apa kekuranganmyaVLOG ?
: setiap orang memiliki learning style yang berbeda. Jadi bisa saja ada
yang tidak bisa menerima pelajaran dengan baik.
e. Apakah ada perubahan dalam Speaking anda setelah menggunakan
: lebih bagus karena pembelajaran akan lebih enjoy dan tidak tegang
seperti kebanyakan kelas sebelumnya.

6. Participant 6
a. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: bagus kak, karena vlog bida kasikan ki kepercayaan diri sementara
bikin ki VLOG , juga kalau nonton ki vlog bisa maki improve prounce
ta pas nonton
b. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih
speaking ?
: Sering kak, dari SMP malahan kak, apalagi video-video motivator
yang berbahasa inggris kak , kalau ada sesuatu yang na nabilang
kadang saya ikuti untuk melatih speakinh saya kak
c. Apa keuntungannya vlog
: untuk saya pribadi, saya lebih percaya diri dan body language saya
juga terlatih dengan menonton dan membuat VLOG.
d. Kekurangannya
: kita harus memiliki alat-alat Vlog seperti kamera dan mic agar
mengahsilkan kualitas yang bagus, dan harga alat tersebut tidak
e. Apakah ada perubahan dalam Speaking anda setelah menggunakan
: VLOG bisa membuat saya mengepresikan diri, lebih rileks juga
dalam belajar apalagi dalam speaking. Karena saya tipe orang yang
takut jika pengucapan saya salah apalagi didepan umum, akan tetapi
kalau nge-VLOG setidaknya kalau ada pengucapan yang salah bisa
berlatih dulu lalu diulang kembali.
7. Participant 7

a. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih

speaking ?
: sering kak, seperti spelling, prounce dan body language paling sering
kunonton kak
b. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: VLOG baru-baru ini terkenal di Indonesia, saya berpikir bahwa
dengan adanya VLOG kita bisa manfaatkan dalam hal positif terutama
dalam bidang pendidikan. Seperti halnya para Vlogger yang
mendapatkan uang dari youtube, kita juga bisa menggunakan VLOG
sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan ilmu.

c. Apa keuntungannya Vlog ?

: bisa membuat rileks dan santai dalam pembelajaran karena bisa pakai
style sendiri,
d. Apa kekurangan Vlog ?
: kalau menurut saya, jaringan menjadi kekurangan yang sangat
mendasar karena baik untuk menonton atau mengupload video harus
membutuhkan jaringan yang memadai.
e. Apakah ada perubahan dalam Speaking anda setelah menggunakan
: VLOG bisa membuat saya mengepresikan diri, lebih rileks juga
dalam belajar apalagi dalam speaking. Karena saya tipe orang yang
takut jika pengucapan saya salah apalagi didepan umum, akan tetapi
kalau nge-VLOG setidaknya kalau ada pengucapan yang salah bisa
berlatih dulu lalu diulang kembali.
8. Participant 8
a. Bagaimana menurut anda tentang penggunaan VLOG sebagai media
pembelajaran untuk melatih Speaking ?
: sistem yang ada ketika membuat atau menonton VLOG bisa kita
gunakan untuk melatih dan memperbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan dalam
pelajaran speaking tentunnya. Sejauh yang saya rasakan membuat
VLOG dan menonton VLOG sendiari bisa membantu saya dalam
speaking terutama dalam pronunciation.
b. Seberapa sering nonton/gunakan VLOG sbg media untuk melatih
speaking ?
: saya gunakan vlog untuk melihat pengucapan terkadang
c. Apa menurut anda keuntungan VLOG ?
: VLOG sangat mudah untuk diakses, baik itu hanya sekedar
menonton atau bahkan membuatnya sendiri.
d. Apa menurut anda kekurangan VLOG?
: tidak semua siswa akan cocok untuk diajarkan menggunakan VLOG,
meskipun itu di Speaking atau di mata pelajararn lainnya. Karena tidak
bisa dipungkiri bahwa ada siswa yang hanya bisa menerima pelajaran
jika itu dilakukan didalam kelas atau Face to Face dengan guru.
e. Apakah ada perubahan dalam Speaking anda setelah menggunakan
: saya merasa bahwa adanya VLOG sangat membantu saya dalam
pembelajaran. Terutama dalam speaking dan tentunya prouncing kata
yang saya lakukan ketika menonton dan membuat VLOG. Editing
yang diterapkan pun tidak cepat membuat jenuh, justru lebih
menyenangkan. Karena, saya bisa memasukkan beberapa item yang
menurut saya cocok untuk VLOG saya dan sesuai dengan gaya yang
saya sukai

The researcher, St. Rahmatullah was born on August 29th 1997

Batu-batu, Soppeng, Sulawesi Selatan. She is the second child

of two siblings of father Muh. Jufri and her mother Almh.

Suatina. She started her education at SD Negeri 50 Tarawang in 2003 and graduated

in 2009. She continued her study at SMP Negeri 1 Marioriawa in 2009 and graduated

in 2012. Then, she continued her study at SMA Negeri 6 Soppeng in 2012 and

graduated in 2015. She registered as an English Education students of Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare in 2015.

Then, she completed her study on research entitle “Vlogging in Digital Lessons :

How it affect EFL students’ Speaking Skill”

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