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Food Reseurch International 25 (1992) 15 l-1 58


Food preservation by combined methods

L. Leistner
Institute for Microbiology, Toxicology and Histology of the Federul Centre ,fkjr Meat Research, D-8650 Kuhnbach, Germany

Foods preserved by combined methods remain stable and safe even without re-
frigeration, and are high in sensory and nutritive properties due to the gentle
processes applied. The concept is gaining ground in industrialized as well as in
developing countries. Several topics will be discussed briefly: (1) water activity,
(2) hurdle effect, (3) hurdle technology (4) shelf stable products. (5) intermediate
moisture foods, and (6) perspectives.

Keywords: combined methods, hurdle technology, shelf stable products. inter-

mediate moisture food, water activity.

1 WATER ACTIVITY AND FOOD oratory has introduced a new instrument for the
PRESERVATION accurate and quick measurement of u, in meats,
which is based on the determination of the freez-
As is well known, the stability and safety of food ing point (Rode1 et al., 1989). It is remarkable, that
does improve if the water activity (a,) of the pro- with this instrument made by Nagy (Filderstadt,
ducts decreases. Common methods for decreasing Germany) an a, measurement is done in about
the a, of foods are drying, addition of salt, sugar or 15 min, and the same instrument can be employed
polyols, and freezing. The a, of foods influences the for determining temperature, relative humidity,
multiplication, metabolic activity, resistance and sur- pH and redox potential, of course, by using differ-
vival of the organisms present (Leistner et al., 1981). ent sensors. Such multipurpose instruments are ap-
If we want to intelligently influence the a, of propriate for quality assurance in food processing.
foods, we have to know it. The a,,, of foods may be The stability and safety of many foods is not
calculated by employing equations (Chirife et al., based soley on a,, but on the combined effects of
1980) or it is measured using suitable instruments. several factors. Therefore, the a, of foods should
Several reliable instruments are today available, always be viewed in relation to other inherent fac-
which measure a, by applying different principles. tors, and this is the topic of this paper. The mode
We devised several years ago a simple hair hygro- of action of the combined factors used in food
meter made by Lufft (Stuttgart, Germany) which is preservation should be studied, since they could
reasonably priced and works quite well, if handled have an additive or even synergistic effect.
with care (Rode1 et al., 1975). Widely used are elec-
tric hygrometers made by Novasina or Rotronic
(both Zurich, Switzerland), for measuring the a, 2 HURDLE EFFECT AND FOOD STABILITY
of foods (Rode1 et al., 1979), these are more pre-
cise, but also more expensive. Recently our lab- The hurdle effect is an illustration of the fact that
in most foods several factors (hurdles) contribute
This is an introductory lecture to a symposium on ‘Food
to stability and safety. This hurdle effect is of fun-
Preservation by Combined Methods’ held at the Annual
Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Dallas, damental importance for the preservation of food,
Texas, l--S June, 1991. since the hurdles in a stable product control micro-
Food Research International 0963-9969/92/$05.00 bial spoilage and food poisoning as well as the
0 1992 Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology desirable fermentation.

152 L. Leistner

There are many processes used for making foods organisms present cannot overcome (‘overjump’)
stable and safe, e.g. heating, chilling, freezing, freeze these hurdles, thus the food is microbiologically
drying, drying, curing, salting, sugar-addition, acidi- stable and safe. However, Example 1 is only a
fication, fermentation, smoking or oxygen removal. theoretical case, because all hurdles are of the
However, these many processes are based on rela- same height, i.e. have the same intensity. A more
tively few parameters or hurdles, i.e. high temper- likely situation is presented in Example 2, since
ature (F value), low temperature (t value), a,, pH, the microbial stability of this product is based on
redox potential (Eh), preservatives, and compe- hurdles of different intensity. In this product the
titive flora. In some of the preservation methods main hurdles are the a, and preservatives, while
mentioned, these parameters are of major impor- other less important hurdles are storage tempera-
tance, in others they are only secondary hurdles ture, pH and redox potential. These five hurdles
(Leistner et al., 1981). are sufficient to inhibit the usual types and num-
We introduced the hurdle effect some years ago bers of organisms associated with such a product.
(Leistner, 1978) and it has since been modified If there are only a few microorganisms present at
and extended several times (Leistner, 1986a, 1987). the start (Example 3), then a few or low hurdles
The present concept is shown in Fig. 1, which gives are sufficient for the stability of the product. The
eight examples. Example 1 illustrates the principle aseptic packaging of perishable foods is based on
and represents a food which contains six hurdles this principle. On the other hand, as in Example 4,
(i.e. F, t, a,, pH, E,, and preservatives). The micro- if due to bad hygienic conditions too many un-

No. 2


Fig. 1. Illustration of the hurdle effect, using eight examples. Symbols have the following meaning: F, heating; t, chilling;
a,, water activity; pH, acidification; I?,,, redox potential; pres., preservatives; K-F, competitive flora; V, vitamins; N, nutrients.
Food preservation by combined methods 153

desirable organisms are initially present, even the can grow and due to the multiplication of these
usual hurdles inherent in a product cannot prevent bacteria the redox potential of the product de-
spoilage or food poisoning. creases, and this in turn enhances the E, hurdle,
Examples 5 is a food superior in nutrients and which inhibits aerobic organisms and favours the
vitamins, which foster the growth of microorgan- selection of the competitive flora, primarily lactic
isms (‘trampoline effect’), and thus the hurdles in acid bacteria. Their growth and metabolic activity
such products must be enhanced, otherwise they cause acidification of the product and thus an in-
will be overcome. Example 6 illustrates the be- crease of the pH hurdle. This is of particular impor-
haviour of sublethally damaged organisms in foods. tance for the microbial stability of quick ripened
If, for instance, bacterial spores in meat products fermented sausages, which are not properly dried.
are damaged sublethally by heat (as occurs in The hurdles of nitrite, E,, competitive flora and
F-SSP, discussed later), then the vegetative cells pH diminish with time, because in ripened salami
derived from such spores lack vitality, and there- the nitrite level and the count of lactic acid bac-
fore are already inhibited by fewer or lower hurdles. teria decrease, while the E, and pH increase again.
In some foods, such as fermented sausages and Only the a, is strengthened with time, and this
raw hams, the microbial stability is achieved dur- hurdle is mainly responsible for the stability of
ing processing by a sequence of hurdles. Example 7 long ripened fermented sausages. Certainly, also
illustrates the sequence of hurdles in fermented in the processing and storage of some other foods,
sausages, as will be discussed later. e.g. cheese, a sequence of hurdles is responsible
Finally, Example 8 should illustrate an impor- for microbial stability, and it should be challeng-
tant phenomenon, which deserves particular atten- ing to investigate this phenomenon in various foods.
tion in foods preserved by combined methods, be- With fermented sausages we can differentiate in
cause different hurdles in a food might not just Germany two groups; i.e. quick ripened products
have an additive effect on stability, but could act and slow ripened products. Quick ripened pro-
synergistically. A synergistic effect of hurdles is to ducts amount to about 80% of the production and
be expected if the different factors (e.g. pH, cc,, the slow ripened products to only 20%. In quick
E,,, preservatives) have different targets within the ripened products the a, is rather high, because
microbial cell, and thus disturb the homoeostasis they still contain much water, and therefore are
in several respects. This could make it difficult for less expensive. However, to compensate for this
spoilage or food poisoning organisms to overcome high a, a low pH in such products is necessary
the lag-phase, and if multiplication is delayed the for microbial stability. On the other hand, slow
microorganisms eventually die. Therefore, employ- ripened products, which are more expensive due
ing different hurdles in the preservation of a par- to the long drying period, have a low a,, and
ticular food should be advantageous, because al- therefore these products can afford a rather high
ready with gentle hurdles microbial stability could pH which makes them much more tasty. I mention
be achieved. Certainly, the relationship between these differences between quick and slow ripened
food preservation and the homeostasis of micro- salami, because they illustrate that the hurdles in a
organisms deserves attention. food are somehow interchangeable. Emphasis could
As Fig. 1 indicates, in fermented sausages we be given to different hurdles to achieve stability, with
can distinguish five different hurdles which be- the consequence that the products have different
come active and fade out in a sequence (Leistner, features related to their sensory properties and price.
1985, 1986b). These hurdles effectively inhibit food
poisoning organisms (Salmonella ssp., Listeria mono-
cytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botu- 3 HURDLE TECHNOLOGY AND FOOD
linum) as well as other bacteria which might cause DESIGN
spoilage. On the other hand, this sequence of hurdles
favours the selection of the desired competitive flora From the hurdle effect, the hurdle technology has
(especially lactic acid bacteria), which contribute been derived (Leistner, 1985, 1986a), since an in-
to the stability of the products. An important telligent combination of hurdles secures the micro-
hurdle in the early stage of the ripening process of bial stability as well as the sensory nutritive, toxi-
salami is nitrite, added with curing salt, because cological and economic properties of a food. The
nitrite inhibits the growth of salmonellae. Nitrite practical importance of hurdle technology for
also inhibits some additional bacteria, while others stable and safe foods has now been recognized by
154 L. Leistner

the food industry. In food design as well as food which contain only viable spores of bacilli and
control this principle is increasingly applied and clostridia the microbial stability could be more
has proved very successful. easily achieved by certain hurdles, than in pro-
Even the pet food industry has made novel and ducts where a large range of microorganisms is
attractive products by applying hurdle technology. present.
A stable pet food was formerly produced with an Stability without refrigeration is an important
a, of 0.85 and this needed addition of much feature for foods in developing as well as indus-
propylene glycol which might have caused health trialized countries. In developing countries refrig-
implications in cats. But now based on hurdle eration is not readily available and in industrial-
technology pet foods are stable with an a, of ized countries foods which need no refrigeration
0,94, and they are more healthy, tasty, and eco- save costs by saving energy during distribution
nomic. and storage. Furthermore, mild heat treatment
Hurdle technology is now widely used especially (70-l 10°C core temperature) is beneficial, because
in food design, for making new products accord- it fosters the sensory and nutritional properties of
ing to needs. For instance, if energy preservation the products. However, the heat process must be
is the goal, then energy consuming hurdles such as sufficient to inactivate all but sporulated bacteria.
refrigeration are replaced by hurdles (a,, pH or Since the containers are sealed, a recontamination
E,,) which don’t demand energy and still ensure a of foods after heating is avoided. SSP still contain
stable and safe food (Leistner, 1978). Further- viable spores of bacteria, but the growth of sur-
more, it we want to reduce or replace preservatives, viving bacilli and clostridia is inhibited by a suffi-
such as nitrite in meats, we could emphasize the cient decrease of a,, pH, and E,. A low redox
other hurdles in a food, e.g. a,, pH, refrigeration, potential favours clostridia, on the other hand
or competitive flora, which would stabilize the some bacilli are more a,-tolerant than clostridia
products (Leistner et al., 1980). but can be inhibited by a low E,. Therefore a low
Food control could be based on the physical redox potential overall contributes to the micro-
and chemical measurement of hurdles in a food and bial stability of SSP meats (Leistner et al., 1980).
computer evalution of the results. This approach For industrialized countries production of SSP is
could give faster and sometimes more reliable more attractive than intermediate moisture foods,
information on the stability and safety of foods because of the required a, for SSP is not as low,
than a microbiological investigation. Hurdle tech- and thus less humectants and/or less drying of the
nology used for food control may be regarded as products are necessary.
a precursor of predictive microbiology. Depending on the hurdles which are most im-
Hurdle technology is by no means a new process, portant for the stability of a particular product
as has been pointed out by Chirife et al. (199 1) in group, we distinguish today between F-SSP, a,-
their study on mummification in ancient Egypt. In SSP, pH-SSP and Combi-SSP; minor hurdles are
the opinion of these authors the embalmed mum- also active in these products. The primary reason
mies contained (at least) three hurdles, namely for stability of F-SSP is the inactivation or sub-
reduced a, (0.72), increased pH (10.6) and preser- lethal damage of bacterial spores, for a, the reduc-
vatives (spices, aromatic plants). Therefore, the tion of a,, for pH-SSP an increased acidity, and
application of combined methods used for preser- in Combi-SSP several hurdles are balanced out.
vation has indeed a long history. Traditional SSP meats (both a,-SSP and pH-SSP)
have been on the market for many years, the F-
SSP were introduced about 10 years ago, and
4 SHELF STABLE PRODUCTS (SSP) Combi-SSP are still under development, Hitherto
STORABLE WITHOUT REFRIGERATION the SPP concept has been mainly applied for meat
products, however, certainly it could be useful for
The term SPP was introduced by our labora- other foods too.
tories (Leistner & Rodel, 1979) for high moisture SSP are quite sophisticated products, which
meats (a, > 0.90), which may be stored for weeks need reliable control of important critical points
or months without refrigeration, in spite of a mild during manufacture, therefore, their processes are
heat treatment. We predicted (Leistner et al., best defined using the HACCP concept. During
1979) that SSP would gain importance. Fox & processing the temperature and time as well as
Loncin (1982) emphasized that in heated foods pH and a, should be strictly controlled, a micro-
Food preservation by combined methods 155

biological investigation of the products based on nitrite is still active in these products, whereas
suggested guidelines would provide additional in- the a, must be lower in liver and blood sausages,
formation (Hechelmann et al., 1991). because in these products the nitrite is inactivated
by the high iron content. The E,, should be low in
4.1 F-SSP order to inhibit a,-tolerant bacilli, and the air
tight casings secure a low E,,. The pH of F-SSP
During the last decade German meat processors should be lower than 6.5, but this is only critical
have introduced a new line of mildly heated meat in blood sausages, because the other products
products, which are sold in huge quantities by dis- have a pH close to 6.0. Finally, for F-SSP casings
count chains without refrigeration. These products are more advisable than cans (Hechelmann et al.,
are autoclaved sausages in casings, called F-SSP 1985), because during chilling of the cans after
(Leistner, 1985). The products are given only rela- autoclaving, some water condensation may occur
tively mild heat treatment (F value 0.4), which in- inside the lid, and if drops of water fall back on
activates all vegetative microorganisms and sub- the surface of the sausage mix, locally the a, in-
lethally damages spores. Bacteria deriving from such creases and thus growth of clostridia may start in
spores have a diminished vitality, and therefore this portion of the product. If autoclaved sausages
are already inhibited by a, and pH values that are fill the casings tightly, water condensation inside
not detrimental to the sensory properties of the the container cannot occur, and therefore F-SSP
products. A low E, contributes to stability (Leistner in casings are more stable than in cans with head-
et al., 1980). The four hurdles which are most im- space.
portant for the stability and safely of F-SSP have F-SSP have not caused botulism or severe
been called the ‘magic square’ (Leistner, 1986a, spoilage problems during the decade they have
1987), and in some products (Brtihwurst) nitrite is been on the market. The obligatory guidelines for
also a hurdle. the manufacture of safe and stable F-SSP have
F-SSP consist of liver, blood and Bologna-type been investigated and reported by Hechelmann &
(Briihwurst) sausages (100-500 g), filled in arti- Leistner (1984).
ficial PVDC-casing (30-45 mm diameter), imper-
meable to water vapour and to air, and closed by 4.2 a,-SSP
clips. These sausages are autoclaved for 20-40 min
at 103-108°C under stringently controlled counter The term a,-SSP was chosen for products stabi-
pressure (1.8-2.0 bar during heating, 2.0-2.2 bar lized mainly by a,, although other hurdles are im-
during chilling). The autoclaved sausages have a portant for their stability too (Leistner, 1985). The
shelf-life of at least 6 weeks without refrigeration. first experiments into a,-SSP were done by Leistner
Strangely enough the F-SSP might even become & Karan-Djurdjic (1970). However, for a long
sterile during storage. This is due to the fact that time there have been already traditional a,-SSP
bacterial spores are able to germinate under less meats on the market, such as Italian Mortadella
favourable conditions than where the vegetative and German Brtihdauerwurst, which have been
cells of bacilli and clostridia are able to multiply. produced empirically with an a, close to 0.95, but
Therefore, during storage of the products some of none of the manufacturers measured the a, of
the viable spores germinate,-but the vegetative cells their products or even recognized the significance
deriving from these spores die. Thus the spore of water activity. In Italian Mortadella the reduc-
count actually goes down during storage. tion of the a, is achieved mainly by the formulation
Of course, this will only happen if the products of the sausage and some drying during heating
are microbiologically stable due to the following of the product. Whereas German Brtihdauerwurst
hurdles: the sausages must be heated to F values acquires the desired a, primarily by drying of the
higher than 0.4, and if the initial spore count in finished product. Due to the a, adjustment both
the products was low (due to the use of spice ex- product groups may be stored without refrigera-
tracts instead of natural spices), only relatively tion. Since the lipases are inactivated by heat in
few bacterial spores will survive this heat treat- a,-SSP meats, they are stable longer than fer-
ment. The a, of F-SSP must be lower than 0.97 in mented sausages. According to Wirth (1979) fer-
Bologna-type sausages and lower than 0.96 in liver mented sausages can be stored 15 months and
and blood sausages. The higher a, in Bologna- German Brtihdauerwurst even 18 months without
type sausages (Brtihwurst) is possible, because much sensory deterioration.
156 L. Leistner

The processing and stability of both groups of (pH 4.8) made of water, gelatine, salt, sugar, agar-
traditional a,-SSP meats have been studied in our agar (l%), and spice, and a solid phase, made of
laboratories (Leistner et al., 1979). For stable and Frankfurter-type sausage in cubes with an a, of
safe meat products of the a,-SSP type, the follow- 0.98. Both components are mixed (2 parts brine:
ing guidelines (Leistner, 1987) must be observed: 3 parts meat), filled in casings and heated to an in-
a,-SSP should be heated to an internal tempera- ternal temperature of at least 72°C but not higher
ture of at least 75°C in a sealed container, prefer- than 80°C. If the product is in equilibrium, it
ably casings. The water activity of a,-SSP must be should have a final pH below 5.2, and then it is
adjusted to or below 0.95. Thus, a lower a, is storable for 6 days at 30°C without refrigeration
more essential than for F-SSP, because with the (Hechelmann et al., 1991).
milder heat treatment of a,-SSP the bacterial
spores are damaged less than in F-SSP. The E, of 4.4 Combi-SSP
the product should be low, because a reduced
redox potential contributes to the growth inhi- Some SSP are stabilized by several hurdles which
bition of a,-tolerant bacilli. The growth of moulds have to be well balanced with each other. Our
on a,-SSP could be troublesome, because the sur- experimental work suggests that even small en-
face a, of these products (since the casings are hancements of the individual hurdles in a food in
penetrated by water vapour) corresponds to the a, summation have a definite effect on the microbial
of the interior. Mould growth on the surface of a,- stability of a product. Figure 2 illustrates this
SSP meats could be avoided by smoke or potassium phenomenon. For instance, for the stability and
sorbate treatment, or by vacuum packaging of the safety of meat products it is of significance
products. Hechelmann et al. (1991) recommended whether the F value is 0.3 or 0.4, the a, is 0.975 or
repasteurization of the vacuum packaged a,-SSP 0.970, the pH is 6.5 or 6.3, and the E, value is
for 45 min at 85°C. By this process not only somewhat higher or lower. Every small improve-
moulds are inactivated but also other organisms, ment or reinforcement of a hurdle brings some
including lactic acid bacteria, which might grow weight to the balance, and the sum of these
on the vacuum packaged meats during storage. weights determines whether a food is microbiolog-
Repasteurized vacuum packaged a,-SSP have a ically unstable, uncertain, or stable (Fig. 2). In
superior shelf-life. other words, all little steps in the direction of
stability will finally decide whether or not the
4.3 pH-SSP balance swings from an unstable into a stable
state of a product. The quantification of these
It is well known that pasteurized fruit and veg- influences on the microbial stability of foods is an
etable preserves with a pH ~4.5 are bacteriologi- important research area of food designs. In this
cally stable and safe, in spite of only mild heat endeavour technologists and microbiologists must
treatment. In such products vegetative microorgan- work together. The technologist must determine
isms are inactivated by heat, and the multiplication which additives are suitable for the enhancement
of surviving bacilli and clostridia is inhibited by of hurdles in foods by taking technological, toxi-
the low pH. Such foods could be called pH-SSP
(Leistner, 1985). Since bacterial spores are able to
germinate at lower pH levels than vegetative bacilli
and clostridia are able to multiply, in pH-SSP, as in
F-SSP and a,-SSP, the number of spores tends to
decrease during storage. On the other hand, while
the heat resistance of bacteria and their spores is
enhanced with decreasing a,, it is diminished with
decreasing pH. Thus pH-SSP need less heat treat-
ment for the inactivation of microorganisms than
do a,-SSP.
Meat products of the pH-SSP type are brawns
and in this jelly sausages are adjusted to an appro-
Fig. 2. The balance should illustrate that even small enhance-
priate pH by the addition of acetic acid. Such ments of different hurdles could bring about in summation a
products are, for example, composed of a brine substantial improvement of the microbial stability of a food.
Food preservation by combined methods 157

cological, sensory, nutritive, and legal limitations 5.1 Novel IMF

into consideration. The microbiologist must deter-
mine which intensity of factors or hurdles in a An example of this product group in the meat
particular food are needed for the desired micro- field is mini-salami. This product is liked by the
biological stability, and his concept has to be consumers as a snack and it is produced in large
challenged by inoculation studies using relevant quantities in Germany, also for export. Mini-
microorganisms in feasible numbers. Predictive salami is based on hurdle technology and is pro-
microbiology could be useful in this respect too. duced either as fermented sausage (a, < 0.82) or
As an example of a Combi-SSP the Gelderse as dryed Bologna-type sausage (a, < 0.85). In the
Rookworst of the Netherlands could be mentioned. packaging of mini-salami a modified atmosphere
This is a Bologna-type sausage (Brtihwurst) in is used in order to delay rancidity and to avoid the
which the pH by the addition of glucono-delta- growth of moulds (T&idler & Rodel, 1983). As the
lactone is adjusted to 54-56. This product is example of mini-salami demonstrates, a modified
microbiologically stable for several weeks without atmosphere could be another hurdle which contri-
refrigeration, if vacuum packaged in a pouch and butes to stability, especially if carbon dioxide is used.
then pasteurized at 80°C. This treatment inacti-
vates vegetative organisms in and on the sausages. 5.2 Traditional IMF
Bacterial spores are apparently not of much concern
in this product, since their population decreases In different regions of the world, traditional IMF
during the heating process and the surviving spores based on meat are known. This is especially true
are inhibited by the low pH. If the product is of Asia (e.g. tsusou-gan, njorsou-gan, sou-song of
manufactured with a somewhat higher pH, the sen- China, or dengdeng giling of Indonesia) as well as
sory properties definitely improve, however, then for Africa (e.g.biltong, khundi, quanta, pasterma,
the a, of the product has to be lowered in order klich, iamkila). Some IMF meats are also known
to obtain the desired stability. in America (e.g. charque, came de sol, beef jerky).
We have followed this line in our product design The IMF based on meat are nutritious and pala-
of Bologna-type sausages as Combi-SSP. Different table, and are much liked by the consumers.
types of Brtihwurst (wieners, bockwurst, fleisch- In such products hurdle technology is empiri-
wurst, fleischkase, fleischkase in slices) were devel- cally applied, and they are easy to prepare and to
oped which proved stable and safe during 6 days of store, because only simple equipment is needed,
storage at 30°C. The initial spore load should be and neither expensive packaging nor refrigeration
low, and these products are heated to a core tem- are required. Furthermore, common humectants
perature >72”C, and are adjusted to an a, and (salt and sugar) are employed, and thus no ‘chemical
pH of 0.965 and ~5.8, respectively. The products over-loading’ of these foods results.
are re-pasteurized after vacuum packaging for Recently, the traditional IMF based on meat
45-60 min (depending on the diameter of the have been reviewed (Leistner, 1990, 1991) and
products) at 82-85°C (Hechelmann et al., 1991). thus in this contribution a few remarks should
Combi-SSP offer many opportunities, however, suffice. It is obvious that a thorough study of
they require strict process control following the traditional IMF using up-to-date methodology
HACCP concept. would be of benefit to developing countries. How-
ever, also for industrialized countries such studies
are rewarding, because traditional products are an
5 NOVEL AND TRADITIONAL abundant source of innovative ideas which could
INTERMEDIATE MOISTURE FOODS be used in food design. For instance, we learned
BASED ON MEAT from Chinese sausage (lup cheong) that a sausage
could be preserved in the raw state even without
The intermediate moisture foods (IMF) are fermentation, or we realized that in charque of Brazil
stabilized by a, in the range of 0.90-0.60, al- a fermentation takes place even at an a, < 0.90, if
though additional hurdles, such as heating, pre- halophilic pedicocci are involved. Heat inactivation
servatives, pH and E, might be important too. of most pathogenic bacteria, including staphylo-
Many traditional and some novel IMF are cocci, is achieved in some Chinese IMF meats by
known. Such foods need no refrigeration during just applying 50°C for several hours. Another inter-
storage. esting aspect of traditional IMF meats is the bac-
158 L. Leistner

teriocidal effect of Maillard products towards food von F-SSP. Jahresbericht Bundesanst. Fleischforsch., Kulm-
poisoning organisms, because if these recontaminate bath, C27.
Hechelmann, H., Kasprowiak, R., Reil, S., Bergmann, A. &
the product after heating and drying they don’t Leistner, L. (1991). Stabile Fleischerzeugnisse mit Frisch-
survive long. Apparently the growth inhibition of produkt-Charakter ftir olie Truppe. BMVg FBWM 91-
xerotolerant moulds on unpackaged Chinese dried 1 1-DOWBW/OO50/82.
Leistner, L. (1978). Hurdle effect and energy saving. In Food
IMF meats with an a, of 0.69 is also supported by Quality and Nutrition, ed. W. K. Downey. Applied Science
Maillard reaction products, which therefore prob- Publishers, London, p. 553.
ably are important hurdles for traditional IMF. Leistner, L. (1985). Hurdle technology applied to meat pro-
ducts of the shelf stable product and intermediate moisture
food types. In Properties of Water in Foods in Relation
to Quality and Stability, ed. D. Simatos & J. L. Multon.
6 CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, p. 309.
Leistner, L. (1986a). Htirden-Technologie ftir die Hestellung
stabiler Fleischerzeugnisse. Fleischwirtschuft, 66, 10.
Food preservation based on combined methods is Leistner, L. (1986b) Allgemeines tiber Rohwurst. Fleisch-
applicable for the improvement of traditional pro- wirtschaft, 66, 290.
ducts as well as the design of novel foods. Com- Leistner, L. (1987). Shelf-stable products and intermediate
moisture foods based on meat. In Water Activity: Theory
bined methods secure stable and safe foods in spite and Applications to Food, ed. L. B. Rockland & L. R.
of a gentle preservation, and thus result in pro- Beuchat. Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel, p. 295.
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