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Tutorial: CANVAS 101 Part 1 (host selection, launching modules)

I've gotten a bit of feedback from some of our CANVAS users asking for a reference on basic
CANVAS usage, well their wish has been granted! The next (most likely three) tutorials will focus on
the basics of using CANVAS and hopefully serve as a reference for folks who don't use CANVAS
every day.

At the end of this tutorial you will be able to

● Start CANVAS
● Understand the GUI organization
● Select hosts
● LLaunch modules

If you've ever sat in on a demo with me or chatted me up about CANVAS I try to always make the
point that you should be running CANVAS on Linux. In the last few years I don't think I've ever been
to one organization that doesn't have some kind of virtualization solution, be it VMWare, VirtualServer,
Xen, etc. As security professionals creating VMs and having a working knowledge of multiple OSes is
a required part of our skill set now. So if you're constrained to Windows by executive decree or even if
Windows is your preference, roll yourself a Linux VM or download VMWare player and a Linux based
aappliance to run CANVAS off of.

Starting CANVAS
1) Browse to your CANVAS directory (generally CANVAS_YourCompanyName)
2) On the Linux commandline you can type: sh runcanvas.sh or python runcanvas.py
3) On Windows you can simply double click on canvas.bat tthrough the GUI
If it's your first time running this version of CANVAS you'll see CANVAS take some steps to generate
data it'll continually reference as well as the license agreement. You'll have to hit enter a few times to
scroll through the entire license agreement then you'll be prompted to accept it.
After the license agreement you'll see all the modules being loaded into memory, each time you start
tthis version of CANVAS from now on this is primarily what you'll be looking at.
Finally, depending on your OS and version you may see some GTK warnings pop up just before the
GUI spawns. This is normal and they are safe to ignore.
Understanding the GUI Organization
This is the GUI as it appears in the current versions of CANVAS if you're working from an older copy
(pre early 2009) the GUI will be similar but it will have some important differences, of course we
eencourage you to renew your support contract ;D
For now lets take a quick look at how the GUI is organized in broad strokes.
You can think of the highlighted sections as corresponding to these general ideas:
Red = Things CANVAS can do (i.e. modules)
Blue = What CANVAS knows about the world
Yellow = What CANVAS is doing at any given time
One of the biggest issues first time CANVAS users have is thinking the callback and target fields are
manually editable (here outlined in red) you have to actually set these values through the GUI, it's a bit
non-intuitive at first but once you've been using CANVAS for a little while it's easy to pick up.

Selecting Hosts / Launching Modules

Now that we understand a bit more about how the GUI is organized, let's get to the business of using
CANVAS. The most common usage case folks encounter with CANVAS is launching remote exploits
aagainst hosts, so that's what we'll focus on here.
Step one is going to be adding a host, so what we'll do is click the Add Host button in the upper left
hand corner of the CANVAS GUI and we're presented with the above window to which we put in an IP
address though a hostname would also work so long as the computer running CANVAS is able to
rresolve it.
A few things have changed in the CANVAS GUI as the result of our previous action. First, the IP we
just entered is now our current target. Second, if we click on Classic Node View in the blue section of
the CANVAS GUI we can see the host has been added. As we start to find out about hosts and their
attributes we'll see this information view populate with the information we find.
The next step is setting our callback. When we start running exploits CANVAS will take care of
writing our shellcode automagically, setting the callback tells CANVAS that you want the exploited
host to connect to the IP address provided. To do this we're going to go back to Node Management and
right click on our local node (which is the representation of the host running CANVAS), scroll down to
the interface we wish you use as our callback and select it as the callback interface.
The CANVAS GUI has changed a bit again given our last action, we can see the callback address has
now been set. If we click on the CANVAS Log tab from the yellow section of the GUI we can also see
that when we added a host CANVAS recorded it. It's worth mentioning that the CANVAS Log tab
simply pulls from the CANVAS.log file included in your CANVAS directory. CANVAS.log is just a
ssimple flat text file that you can open with any text editor.

A good habit to form is that when you're using CANVAS you should always have the CANVAS Log
tab open. Knowing what CANVAS is doing at any given second is preferable to having CANVAS give
yyou summary updates.
Now that we've got a host added to CANVAS it's time to find out a few things about it. OS Detect is a
good place to start for this since we're on the same network segment as our target so within the red
section of the CANVAS GUI we'll expand the Recon modules section and double click on OSDetect.
You'll see the target IP we've selected is referenced, all that's left is to click ok.
Looking at the Classic Node View we can see that a whole bunch of information has been added to the
host! Next to the IP address of the host we added we can see a 'W' icon, which here is short for
Windows. We can also see that we were able to find a lot of good information about the host as well.
Next step is running a port scan, so we'll double click on the portscan module much the same way we
did with OSDetect and launch it. Above we can see that we found the usual Windows ports open.
Now that we know this host is running Windows and it has the standard SMB ports open, we can look
at running a few exploits. The latest exploit against the Microsoft SMB implementation is of course
MS08-067, so we'll click on the search tab, use the drop down list to select MSADV and search for
MS08-067. We could also have browsed for this manually by clicking on the modules tab and
expanding Exploits > Remote > Windows > All Windows and double clicking on MS08_067.
One useful feature of the GUI is looking at the Exploit Description to find out more information. Once
we've got a module selected (simply by clicking on it) we can click the Exploit Description tab and we
gget a lot of useful stuff to know about the exploit we're running.
Now it's time to launch the exploit! Simply double clicking on the exploit will bring up the options
menu where we can select which version of the exploit we want to use. Here 'versioning' is a bit of a
misnomer because they're all the same exploit we just have the appropriate memory addresses
preprogramed into it for varying localizations of different versions of Windows. Selecting
Autoversioning would tell CANVAS that we want it to find out the version of the OS for us and select
the appropriate version of the exploit, essentially automating the OSDetect and porstcan steps we took
earlier. Since we already know this host is running the English version of XP, we'll choose that and just
cclick ok!
Sure enough we are rewarded with a shell! And that's where this tutorial will end for this week as it's
bbeen pretty long already.

In this tutorial we did a bit of introductory work with CANVAS in hopes to get you familiar with how
CANVAS operates. Next week we'll look at interacting with the host we just compromised in a variety
oof ways.

Resources for Further Thought
There aren't many printed materials that are relevant to this tutorial so I'll just link to what I've been
reading recently.
● As always Immunity will teach you all about CANVAS and other security topics
● Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman - not as good as American Gods but a very enjoyable read
● Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman - novelization of the BBC TV Series, not bad but not his strongest
work either
● This week's tutorial is brought to you by Andrew W.K. cuz we like to party

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