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School : MA Muhammadiyah Bekonang

Subject : English
Class /Semester : XI IPS/Third Semester
Main Topics : Suggesting and Offering
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Core Competence
CI 1 Appreciating and comprehending the teaching of religion they believe.
CI 2 Showing honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (tolerance, mutual
cooperation), polite, confident in interacting effectively with the social and
natural environment.
CI 3 Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on
curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and reality.
CC 4 Trying, processing, and presenting in reality (using, unraveling, composing,
modifying, and making) and abstract domains (writing, reading, calculating,
drawing, and composing) in accordance with what is learned in schools and other
similar sources in point of view / theory.

B. Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators (CAI)

NO. Basic Competence Achievement
3.1 Analyzing social functions, text structure, 3.1.1 Identify social
and linguistic elements in functions, text
expressing suggestions and offers, as well structure and
as their responses, according to the context linguistic
of their use. elements in the
text about
asking and
and offers in
with the
context of their

4.1. Compile oral and written texts to state, ask 4.1.1 Compile oral
questions, and respond to and written texts
expressions giving suggestions and offers , about asking and
taking into account social functions, text giving
structures, and correct linguistic elements suggestions and
offers by using
text structures
and linguistic
elements that are
appropriate in
the context of
their use and
responses .

C. Learning Objectives
Through Discovery Learning Model learning activities, students
can apply social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of oral and
written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for
information related to suggestions and offers, according to the context of their
use. (specifically the use of the word "should, can")

Focus attitudes values:

 Sincerity
 Responsibility
 Cooperation
 Concern and
 Confidence

D. Learning Materials
Suggestion and Offering
1. According to Miriam-Webster's Dictionary to suggest having some meaning,
among others are: 1) to propose as desirable; 2) to offer for consideration, for
example "to suggest a solution to a problem"
2. The social function of these expressions is to give suggestions and offer
The structure of the expressions is as follows:
a. Greeting
b. See a person who has a problem or someone ask for suggestions.
c. Giving suggestion of offering help.
d. The person (who has been given suggestions and offers) expression
3. The language features of asking and giving suggestions and offers are as
a. Expressions to ask for suggestions are:
1) Can you tell me what to do?
2) Please tell me what I should do. Do you have any suggestions for
3) Will you give me some suggestions, please?
4) What would you advise us to do? Any ideas?
5) What do you suggest? Shall we ...?

b. Expressions to give suggestions are:

1) You'd better ... / It's better for you ...
2) You could / might ...
3) I suggest / recommend that you ...
4) You really should ...
5) I strongly advise you to ...
6) I think / May be you should ...
7) Why don't you ...
8) You must ... / You need / ought to ...
9) It's best to ...
10) Make sure you ...

c. Expression to offer something (for more formal situations):

1) Would you like some ...?
2) Do you want some ...?
3) Can I get you some ...?
4) May I offer you some ...?
5) Would you like me to get you ...?

d. In an informal situation, we usually use the following expressions to

offer something:
1) How about some ...?
2) What about some ...?
3) What do you say about some ...?
4) Are you up some ...?

Exemplary about caring, collaborative and proactive behavior.

 Maintain interpersonal relationships with teachers, friends and others.
 Accustomed to using the phrase give advice and offer and respond to it.

Suggestions and offers:
Why don't you ...
What about ...?
You should ...
You can ...
Do you need ...?

 The phrase asking for advice: can you tell me what to do?; please tell
me what I should do. Do you have a suggestion for me? Will you give
me some suggestions, please?
 The phrase gives a suggestion: you'd better .... / it's better for
you. I suggest / recommend you. You must .... / you need .... / ought
 expression response of the advice given, the un for information in
receiving and me refuse suggestions: Accepting expression (ok I will.
Ok, if you say. It is a good idea).
 The phrase rejects the suggestion (I don't think so. I'm not sure. That's
good idea but ...)

E. Learning Methods
Approach : Scientific
Methods : ATM Techniques (Amati, Tiru dan Modifasi), group discussions,
questions and answers, assignments
Model : Discovery Learning .

F. Media and Materials

1. Laptops, whiteboards, markers, projectors (LCD)
2. Display Material

G. Learning Resources
1. Learning module for grade XI first semester (MGMP MA Sekaresidenan
2. Examples of texts from authentic sources
3. Sources from the internet:

H. Learning Procedure
1. 1st meeting (2 x 45 minutes) Time

Preliminary activities 10
Teacher: minutes
 Opening with an opening greeting and praying to start
learning (PPK: Religious)
 Checking the presence of students as a disciplined attitude
 Preparing students physically and psychologically in initiating
learning activities.
 Linking the material /theme / learning activities that will be carried
out with the experience of students with previous material / themes /
activities, in the previous activity, namely Suggestion and Offering.
 Remind prerequisite material by asking.
 Asking questions that are related to the lesson to be done.
 Provide an overview of the benefits of learning the lesson to be
 If the material / theme / project is done well and truly, students are
expected to be able to explain about:
 Expressions to ask for suggestions.
 Deliver learning objectives at the meeting that takes place
 Asking question.
Giving a Reference
1. 1st meeting (2 x 45 minutes) Time

 Tells the subject matter to be discussed at the meeting at that time.

 Informing about core competencies, basic competencies, indicators,
and KKM at the meeting that took place
 Division of study groups
 Explain the mechanism of implementing learning
experiences according to the steps of learning.
Core activities 70
Learning Learning Activities

Preparation The teacher determines the learning objectives,

identifies the characteristics of the students (initial
ability, interest, learning style, etc.)

Stimulation Observe
 Students listen / listen to expressions
give suggestions and offer and respond with the
right (words, word pressure, intonation, spelling),
as well as polite and caring attitude.
 Students try to imitate their pronunciation and write
down the expressions used.
 Students learn to take turns in committing
Problem The teacher gives students the opportunity to
statement identify as many questions as possible related to the
pictures / material presented and will be
answered through learning activities.
 Activity: (Through the images shown on the
Learners are asked to pay attention to the
image and identify the image presented
1. 1st meeting (2 x 45 minutes) Time

Need a help


1. 1st meeting (2 x 45 minutes) Time

Data The teacher divides students into peer groups (two

collection people) and makes a dialogue related to the material to
provide advice .

Data Associate
 Students analyze expressions to express, give, and
accept suggestions and offers by grouping them
based on usage.
 In guided group work, students compare
expressions of giving suggestions and offers and
other responses and associate with various
expressions that might be used, according to the
context of their use.
 Students get feedback from the teacher and friends
about everything they said in group work.
 Students compare how to take turns and respond
with those obtained from other sources.

Verification Communicating
 Students play the role of giving suggestions and
offers and responses
 Students use expressions of giving advice and offers
in the context of reasonable communication inside
and outside the classroom, in the form of
conversations / simulations with regard to social
functions, expressions, and linguistic elements as
well as strategies that are correct and appropriate to
the context.

Generalization Learners discuss to conclude from the results of

learning. And at the end of the lesson students were
asked their opinion about the learning process

During learning takes place, the teacher observes the attitude of
students in learning which includes attitudes: discipline, self-
confidence, behave honestly, resilient to deal with problems of
responsibility, curiosity, care for the environment)

Closing Activity 10
Learner: minutes
 Making a summary / conclusion of the lesson, about the important
points that arise in the learning activities that have just been carried
out. Familiarize the attitude of responsibility and care for the given
task (Character)
 Reflecting on the activities that have been carried out.
1. 1st meeting (2 x 45 minutes) Time

 Checking student work completed immediately
checked. Participants who have completed the project correctly are
initialed and given a ranking number for the project assessment.
 Giving awards to groups that have the performance and cooperation
of good Strengthening Character Education and 21st Century
 Plan follow-up activities in the form of group / individual
assignments (if needed).
 Schedule homework. Familiarize the attitude of responsibility and
care for the given task (Character)
 Delivering the lesson plan at the next meeting
 Greeting. Discipline and practicing religious teachings (Characters)

I. Assessment
 The level of social function attainment offers suggestions and offers and
 The level of completeness and the breakdown of the text structure gives
suggestions and offers and responses.
 Level of accuracy of linguistic elements: grammar, vocabulary, speech, word
stress, intonation.
 Appropriate writing / submission format.

J. Assessment Instruments (attached)



 Role play in the form of interactions that contain statements and questions
about giving suggestions and offers and responses.
 Accuracy in using the structure and linguistic elements in giving suggestions
and offers and responses

Observations (observations):

 Efforts to use English to offer advice and offer and respond when opportunities
 Seriousness of students in the learning process at each stage.
 Politeness and care in carrying out communication.

Score Rubric
Correct = 10
False = 0
Maximum Score = 100

Assessment Guidelines

Aspects observed
No Name Score
Confidence Responsible

 BT (Not Visible) score 1
 MT (Starting to Look) score 2
 MM (Start Culture) score 3

Bekonang, July 26, 2019

Tutor, Apprentice,

Denni Sriuli Nur Qalbi Rustan

Approved by,

Headmaster of MA Muhammadiyah Bekonang

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