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1|P age


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2|P age


Percentages are special types of fractions in
which the denominator is always hundred. 1  100%
7 1
 50%
e.g. 100 2
1 1
It is written as 10% or its simplified form is  33 %or 33.33%
1 3 3
10  25%
If the price of a commodity increases by a%,
1 2
then the reduction in consumption so as not  14 %
to increase the expenditure is: 7 7
 a   12.5%
100  a 100 % 8
1 1
If the price of a commodity decreases by a%,  11 %
9 9
then the increase in consumption so as not to 1
decrease the expenditure is:  10%
 a  1 1
100  a 100 % 9 %
11 11
1 1
Results on Population: 8 %
12 3
 r 
p 1  
Populations after n year =  100 
 r 
1  
Populations before n years =  100 
If the value of a number is first increased by
a% and later decreased by a%. Then the net
effect is always decreased which is equal to
 a2 
 %
a% of a and is written is  100 

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3|P age


7 %
1 1
7 % EX: - If ram earns 25% more than Shyam
14 7 then what % less does Shyam earn than
1 2 ram?
6 %
15 3
1 1 25% 
6 % 4
16 4
1 15 It means Shyam income is 4 and Ram
5 % income is 5
17 17
1 5 So ram is % less than Shyam
5 %
18 9 1
1 5  100  20%
5 % = 5
19 19
1 EX: A's income is 10% more than B's
 5%
20 income. How much per cent is B's income
1 1 less than A's income?
4 %
24 6 Sol: Let B's Income = Rs. 100
 4% 100  110
25  110
A's income = 100
1 1
2 %
40 2 Required percentage =
3 1
 37 % 10 1
8 2  100  9 %
110 11
5 1
 62 % 𝟐
8 2 EX: If ram earns 𝟏𝟔 𝟑 % more than
4 1
 57 % Shyam what % less does Shyam earn than
7 7 Ram?

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4|P age

2 1 EX: If 96 is added in a number then

16 %  𝟏
3 6 number becomes 157𝟕 % of itself. Find the
Shyam = 6 and Ram = 7 numbers?
Shyam is % less than Ram SOL:
1 2 1 1 4 11
 100  14 % 157 %  100  57  1  
= 7 7 7 7 7 7

EX: Sixty – five percent of a number is 21 It means 7 is the original number and after
less than three – fourth of that number. adding 96 it becomes 11 that means
What is the number? 4 unit = 96
SOL: 1 unit = 16
Three fourth = ¾ = 75% 7 unit = 112
75% - 65% = 21
10% = 21 EX: If the sides of a square is increased by
100% = 210 40% find the percentage change in its
area ?
EX: If 𝟔𝟔 𝟑% of a no. is added with itself
then result becomes 3900. Find the x y
original number?
40  40
SOL: 40  40 
2 2 80  16
66 % 
3 3  96
It means 3 is the original number
And 2 is added to the number then it
becomes 5 and
5 unit = 3900
1 unit = 780
3 unit = 2340

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5|P age

Ex: If the radius of a circle is increased by Sol:

25% then find the percentage change in
1 3 2 1
its area ? 37 %  ,16 % 
2 8 3 6
25%  It means original length of rectangle is 8 and
original breadth of rectangle is 6
It mean we can say radius of circle is 4
Area of rectangle = 48
And new radius is 5
New length of rectangle is 11
So area of original circle = 16
New breadth of rectangle is 5
So new area of original circle = 25
Area of rectangle is 55
Percentage change in area =
So percentage change in area
25  16 9
 100   100  56.25% 55  48
16 16  100  14.58%
= 48
Ex: If the base radius of a right circular
cylinder is increased by 40% and its EX: A man saves a certain parts of his
height is reduce by 37.5% then find the income every month, so that he can
percentage change its volume? purchase a car in one year . By what
percent he must increase in his saving, so
2 3
40%  ,37.5%  that he can purchase the same car in nine
5 8 month?
It means original radius is 5 and original SOL:
height is 8
Let the amount of the car is 36
Volume of cylinder =  25  8  200
So he saves 3 rupees per month if he has to
New radius is 7 and new height is 5 purchase to it in 12 month
New volume of cylinder =  49  5  245 If he has to purchase it in 9 month
Percentage change in area
245  200
 100  22.5%
Ex : If the length of the rectangle is
increased by 37𝟐 % and its breadth is
decreased by 16𝟑 %. Find the
approximate % change in its area ?
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6|P age

So he saves 4 rupees per month New sale of ticket is 11

His saving increased by New price of ticket is 7
43 1 New revenue is 77
 100  33 %
3 3
Percentage change in its revenue is
EX: The price of sugar is increased by
𝟐 77  42 35
16𝟑% and the consumption of a family is  100   100  83.33%
42 42
decreased by 20% . Find the % change in
2 1 1
16 %  20% 
3 6 5 Ex: A man can type 20 line in 10 minute
but he leaves 8% margin on each line. In
It means the original price of sugar is 6 and
how many time he will type 23 page with
consumption of family is 5
40 lines on each page on which he leaves
Total expenditure is 30 25% more margin of before
And new price of sugar is 7 and new Sol:
consumptions is 4
We know that
Total expenditure is 28
20 line in 10 minute
Percentage change in expenditure is
It means 2 lines per minute
30  28 200 2
 100  6 % If he leaves 8% margin that means
30 30 3

Ex: The sale of a cinema ticket is 2 × 92 line/minute

increased by 57𝟕% and the price of ticket But he has to type 23 page with 40 lines
𝟐 leaves 25% more margin of before
is increased by 16 %. Find the change in
his revenue? Which means

Sol: 23 × 40 × 90 = 2 × 92 × x

1 4 2 1 x = 450 min
57 %  16 % 
7 7 3 6

It means no. of sale of cinema ticket is 7 and Ex : If the income tax is increased by 19%
original price of ticket is 6 then net income is reduced by 6%. Find
Therefore total revenue is 42 the rate of income tax?

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7|P age

Sol: Ex: A man spends 75% of his income. His

tax  19 NI  6
income is increased by 20% and he
 increases his expenditure by 10%. His
100 100
tax 6 saving are increased by :

NI 19 Sol:
Total income is 6 + 19 = 25 75% = ¾
Rate of income tax is Let the income be = 4
 100  24% Expenditure = 3
Saving = 1
New income = 4 × 120% = 4.8
Ex : Deepak spends 40% of his salary on
house rent, on remaining 10% spends on New expenditure = 3 ×110% = 3.3
travels , on remaining 16𝟑 % spends on New saving = 1.5
food and remaining is saved. If he saved Percentage change in saving
Rs. 6750 what amount he spent on food ?
1.5  1
Sol:  100  50%
Let the income be 100 A reduction of 25% in the price of sugar
House rent = 40 enables a person to purchase 4 kg more
for Rs. 800. Find the original and current
Remaining = 60 price per kg ?
Travel = 60 × 10% = 6 Sol :
Remaining = 54 25% = ¼
Food = 54 × 16.66% = 9 Original price of sugar = 4
Remaining = 45 New price of sugar = 3
45 = 6750 We know that quantity is inversely
1 = 150 proportional to price

Amount spent on food Original quantity of sugar = 3

150 × 9 = 1350 New quantity of sugar = 4

1 unit = 4
3 unit = 12 (original quantity)

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8|P age

4 unit = 16 (new quantity) Ex: In an election between two

candidates, 65 votes were declared invalid
Original price per kg =
one candidate get 52% votes and win by
Amount / original quantity 98 votes .Find the total number of votes?
= 800/12 = 66.67 Winner 52% Looser 48%
Current price per kg 4% = 98
Amount / current quantity 100% = 2450
800/16 = 50 Valid vote = 2450
Ex: In an examination 35% is passing Total vote = 2450 +65 = 2515
marks one candidate obtain 135 marks
Ex: The length and breadth of rectangle
and failed by 40 marks then find the
is increased by 30% and 20%
maximum marks ?
respectively, so find the net % change in
Sol: 35% = 135 + 40 its area?
175 Sol:
 100  500
100% = 35 X×Y
Net % change = x + y + 100
Ex: Rohit obtained 480 marks out of 600
and Mohit obtained 560 marks out of 800. = 30 + 20 + 100
Whose performance is better and how
much %? = 56%

Sol: Ex: A batsman scored 120 runs which

included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What
 100  80% percent of his total score did he make by
Rohit got = 600 running between the wickets?
Number of runs made by running
560 = 110 - (3 × 4 + 8 × 6)
 100  70%
Mohit got = 800
= 120 - (60)
Rohit performance is better. = 60
10 2
 100  14 % Now, we need to calculate 60 is what percent
% better = 70 7 of 120.

=> 60/120 × 100 = 50 %

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9|P age

Ex: Rahul's Mathematics test had 75 Two numbers are less than third number
problems, 10 arithmetic, 30 algebra, 35 by 30% and 37% respectively. How much
geometry problems. Although he percent is the second number less than by
answered 70% of arithmetic, 40% of the first?
arithmetic and 60% of geometry
Let the third number is x.
problems correctly, still he got less than
60% problems right. How many more Then first number = (100-30)% of x
questions he would have to answer more = 70% of x = 7x/10
to get passed
Second number is (63x/100)
Difference = 7x/10 - 63x/100 = 7x/10
Number of questions attempted correctly =
(70% of 10 + 40% of 30 + 60% of 35) So required percentage is, difference is what
percent of first number
= 7 + 12 + 21 = 40.
=> (7x/100 × 10/7x × 100 )% = 10%
Questions to be answered correctly for 60%
= 60% of total questions Ex: In an election between two
candidates, one got 55% of the total valid
= 60 % of 75 = 45. votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If the
He would have to answer 45 - 40 = 5 total number of votes was 7500, the
number of valid votes that the other
Ex: 10% of inhabitants of a village having
candidate got, was:
died of cholera, a panic set in, during
which 25% of the remaining inhabitants Total number of votes = 7500
let the village. The population is then
reduced to 4050. Find the original
inhabitants Given that 20% of Percentage votes were
=> Valid votes = 80%
Let the total number is x,
Total valid votes = 7500 × (80/100)
1st candidate got 55% of the total valid
(100 - 25)% of (100 - 10)% x = 4050 votes.
75% of 90% of x = 4050 Hence the 2nd candidate should have got
75/100 × 90/100 × x = 4050 45% of the total valid votes
x = (4050 × 50)/27 = 6000 => Valid votes that 2nd candidate got = total
valid votes x (45/100)
7500 × (80/100) × (45/100) = 2700
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10 | P a g e

= (728400 - 254940) = 473460.

Ex: 405 sweets were distributed equally Rural migrants = 20% of 254940 = 50988
among children in such a way that the
Urban migrants
number of sweets received by each child
is 20% of the total number of children. = (254940 - 50988) = 203952
How many sweets did each child receive? Female population
Let the total number of children be x. = 48% of 473460 + 30% of 50988 + 40% of
Then, x × (20% of x) = 405 203952
=> x × 20x/100 = 405 = 324138
1/5 x2 = 405 => x = 45 Ex: In an examination, 34% of the
students failed in Mathematics and 42%
Number of sweets received by each child =
failed in English. If 20% of the students
20% of 45 = 9.
failed in both the subjects, then the
Ex: Entry fee in an exhibition was Rs. 1. percentage of students who passed in both
Later, this was reduced by 25% which the subjects was :
increased the sale by 20%. The
n (A) = 34, n (B) = 42, n (A ∩ B) = 20.
percentage increase in the number of
visitors is : So, n (A U B) = n (A) + n(B) - n(A ∩B) =
34 + 42 - 20 = 56.
Let the total original sale be Rs. 100. Then,
original number of visitors = 100. Percentage failed in either or both the
subjects = 56.
New number of visitors = 120/0.75 = 160.
Hence, percentage passed
Increase % = 60 %.
= (100 - 66)% = 44%.
Ex: In a City, 35% of the population is
composed of migrants, 20% of whom are Ex: The ratio of earnings of A and B is
from rural areas. Of the local population, 4:5. If the earnings of A increase by 20%
48% is female while this figure for rural and the earnings of B decrease by 20%,
and urban migrants is 30% and 40% the new ratio of their earnings becomes
respectively. If the total population of the 6:5. What are A's earnings?
city is 728400, what is its female Sol:
Cannot be determined
Total Population = 728400
Ex: 30% of the men are more than 25
Migrants = 35 % of 728400 = 254940 years old and 80% of the men are less
Local population than or equal to 50 years old. 20% of all

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11 | P a g e

men play football. If 20% of the men Sol:

above the age of 50 play football, what Let the number is 10.
percentage of the football players are less
than or equal to 50 years? Actual result = 10 × 10 = 100
Let total number of men = 100 Wrong result = =1
Then, % change = × 100 = 99%
20 men play football. Ex: The numerator of a fraction is
80 men are less than or equal to 50 years old. increased by 400% and denominator is
increased by 500%, so the resultant
Remaining 20 men are above 50 years old. fraction is 15/22 . Find the original
Number of football players above 50 years fraction?
old Sol:
20 500%ofx 15
20  4 
100 600%ofy 22
Number of football players less than or equal 5 x 15
to 50 years old 
6 y 22
= 20 − 4 = 16 x 15  6

Original Fraction = y 22  5
Original Fraction = 9/11
Ex: A, B and C are three persons. A
earned 40% more than B and B earned
20% less than C, so what % more earned
A than C.
112 80 100

A more earned than C = 112 – 100 = 12

% more earned =
Ex: A number is mistakenly divided by
12  100
10 instead of being multiplied by 10.What  12%
is the percentage error in the result?
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12 | P a g e

Ex: Due to reduction of 20% in the price 32

= 100× 100 = 32 kg
of apples enables a person to purchase 16
apples more for Rs.320, so find the Since , dry fruits contain 80% fruit
reduced rate of 10 apples? content,
Sol: 80% = 32
320×20 32
Reduced rate = = 64 1% = 80
64 32
Reduced rate of 1 apple = 100% = 80 × 100

= Rs. 4 = 40 kg.
Reduced rate of 10 apples = 4 × 10 Ex: In an examination, 35% of the
candidates failed in Mathematics and
= Rs.40
38% failed in English. 28% passed in both
Ex: A mixture of 40 litres of milk and subjects, then how much percent failed in
water contains 10% water. How much both the subjects?
water should be added, so water may be
Sol: Failed in Maths = 35%
20% in the new mixture?
Passed in Maths = 100% − 35% = 65%
Failed in English = 38%
40× 100 = 4 lit.
Passed in Maths = 100% − 38% = 62%
80% = 36
Failed in both subjects
1% = = 100% – (37%+28%+34%)
20% = × 20 = 1%

= 9 Lit.
req. water = 9 – 4
= 5 lit.
Ex: Fresh fruit contains 68% water and
dry fruit contains 20% water. How much
dry fruit can be obtained from 100 kg. of
fresh fruit ?
fruit content in 100 kg. of fresh fruits

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13 | P a g e

Ex: Deepak salary is first increased by

25% and then decreased by 20%. The
resultant salary of Deepak is same as the
resultant salary of Naimish which was 25% are absent it means they got 0 marks
first decreased by 25% and increased by Average marks of the class =
20%. Find the ratio of the salary of
Naimish and Deepak? 25  0  30  13  10  33  35  60
 2820
= 28.20
125 80 75 120
D  N 
100 100 100 100 The sum of salary of A,B and C is
D  20  N  18 72000.They spend 80% ,85% and 75% of
their salary. If the ratio of their savings is
N : D = 10 : 9 8 : 9 : 20. What is the salary of A ?
EX: A get 30% of the maximum mark and Sol:
get failed by 25 mark whereas B get 40%
of total marks in the same exam and get 20% = 8  100% = 40
25% of the passing marks more than the 15% = 9  100% = 60
passing marks. Find the passing marks of
the exam? 25% = 20  100% = 80

B’s marks = Ratio of their income is

100 40 : 60 : 80
40   32%
125 2:3:4
32% - 30 % = 25 2
72000   16000
2% = 25 Salary of A = 9

32% = 25 × 16
= 400
Ex: In a class 25% students were absent
for an exam. 30% failed in exam and
there average marks are 20 less then the
passing marks, 10% of the student passed
with 5 marks of grace and the remaining
student pass with the average marks of 60.
If 33 is the passing marks. Find the
average score of the class?

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14 | P a g e

In an examination in which maximum A train has a capacity of 500 seats of

marks were 500, A got 10% less than B . which 10% are in AC and rest in sleeper
B got 25% more than C. C got 20% less class. On the particular day when it is
than D. If A got 360 marks, What booked up to the capacity of 85% if AC
percentage of maximum marks was class was booked 96% of its capacity, then
obtained by D ? how many sleeper class seats were vacant
on that particular day.
According to questions
Capacity of train = 500
D = 100
Seats in AC = 50
C = 80
Seats in Sleeper = 450
B = 100
On particular day
A = 90
Total passengers in train
So we can say that
500 ×85% = 425
90 = 360
AC seats = 50 × 96% = 48
100 = 400
It means sleeper seats are
Maximum marks obtained by D = 400
425 – 48 = 377
Percentage of marks obtained by D
So sleeper seats were vacant on that
 100  80% particular day
= 450 – 377 = 73
A solution of salt and water contains 20%
salt by weight. If 20 litre of water is
evaporated from the solution, the solution
contains 25% salt. What is the original
quantity ( in litre ) of the solution ?
Salt : water = 20 : 80
Salt : water = 1 : 4
After evaporation
Salt : water = 25 : 75

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15 | P a g e

Salt : water = 1 : 3 x = 30
1 unit = 20 litre Fresh fruit contains 68% water and dry
fruit contains 20% water. How many kg
Original quantity 5 = 5 × 20 = 100
of dry fruits can be made from 75 kg of
Fresh grapes contains 80% of water , fresh fruits ?
while dry grapes contains 10% of water.
When fruit is fresh
If the weight of dry grapes is 500 kg. What
is the total weight when it is Fresh ? Water = 68%
When grapes Fresh Pulp = 32
Water = 80% When fruit is dry
Pulp = 20% Water = 20
When fruit is dry Pulp = 80
Water = 10% 75  32%  x  80%
Pulp = 90% x = 30
500  90%  x  20%
x  2250

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16 | P a g e

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