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Mataas na Kahoy National High School

In today’s information age, knowledge of computers is a must.


A Research Paper presented to Mrs. Hercylene Agustin

Teacher II

Katerine Grace Adupina
10 Rizal

February 2019

Why do people need computer? What is the impact it gives in our life? Is it

necessary to have a computer at home? A computer is reliable to gain information and it

is useful. Instead of a trip to the library, students go online and use computer to access vast

amount of information. Computer has many effect to an individual. It is a modern

technology where in a lot of people use it.

In today’s information age, knowledge of computers is a must. We use computers

in each and every aspect of our lives. Anybody who wants to succeed in today’s world

cannot afford to ignore computers and communication technology. Irrespective of the field

that one specializes in the basic knowledge of computers and modern technology is an

absolute necessity-may it be composing a letter or an article on the word processor,

preparing the budget using an electronic spread sheet, sending an email, surfing the

Internet, making a presentation using one of the presentation software packages and so on.

Our society has become so dependent on computers that we cannot survive without them.

Also, they are great tools improving human productivity, provided one knows how to use

them. (Johnson 2005)

Whether you are pursuing a career as an economist, a social worker, an attorney, a

dancer, an accountant, a computer specialist, a sales manager, or virtually any other shop

supervisor to politician, the knowledge you gain about computer ultimately will prove

beneficial. Even though computers are all around us, we are seeing only the tip of the

computer-application iceberg. You are entering the computer era in its infancy. Each class

you attend and each page you turn will present a learning experience to help you advance
in one step closer to an understanding of how computers are making the world a better

place in which to live and work. (Long 1997)

Computer have moved into every nook and cranny of our daily lives.

People use technology for writing papers and memos, for keeping track of bank accounts,

for communicating with friends and associates, for accessing knowledge for purchasing

goods, for entertainment, and so much more. (Johnson 2005)


Diverging to the vast amount of information, I conducted my research thoroughly

and found helpful facts to justify the different impacts of computer in our life. Related

studies that is necessary and significant that has a big contribution in my study. Presenting

different insights related to the focus of the investigation.

Using computers effectively is much more than simply being able to type an essay

or produce a graph. Parents and educators who deplore the obsession with computers in

schools see computers as eroding children’s basic skills and knowledge because they only

see computers being copy-and-paste and making it-it-pretty devices. But computers have

potential far beyond that. Computers can be used to help extent the scope of searches,

retrieve precisely targeted data with greater speed and accuracy, increase the amount of

data held ready for use, sift relevant data from irrelevant, turn data into information.

(Jonassen 2000)

Analyzing test performance and computer uses 986 fourth grade students from 55

classrooms in Massachusetts school districts, the study found that the more regularly use

computers to write paper for school, the better they performed on the Massachusetts

Comprehensive Assessment Systems(MCAS)English/Language at exam. This positive

effect occurred despite the fact that students were not allowed to use computers for the test.

Conversely, the study found that students’ recreational use of computers to play games,

explore the internet for fun, or chat with friends at home had a negative effect. This study

found that use of computers in school to create presentations was negatively associated
with writing test scores. According to the researchers, its negative relationship may result

from students spending less time writing during class time and more time creating and

revising multimedia projects that contain relatively small amounts of written work. In

essence, time spent creating presentations may detract from time available during class to

develop students’ writing skills. (Boston College 2015)

The educational benefits of computer technology are manifold. Computers in

classroom provide young children the opportunity to learn skills, such as touch-typing, and

core types of programs, such as word processing and spread sheet applications, they will

need throughout their careers. The Internet allows users the world over to pursue informal

and formal distance learning, ranging from simple how-to videos up to graduate level

college degrees. (Dontigney 2010)

According to Bruner (1960) students must learn certain general attitude toward

computer and literature that will serve as basis for developing and understanding the

problem solving and the relationship of concepts.

Computer play an effective role in our lives, many of people spend a lot of time in

front of computers-playing, chatting, studying, or doing researches. Computer is like a coin

with two faces because of two main reasons. The first reason is that computers allow us to

communicate with anyone all over the world. The second reason is that computer is a useful

tool which we can use in knowing about other cultures and gaining a lot of experience in

life. (FaRaMaWy 2016)

The internet plays an important role in today’s information age and has become

extremely powerful in our communications, work life and people's daily activities. Even
though computers have positively contributed to our technology standards, society has to

realize that computers can have a negative effect on people's identity. (Turkle 2016)

The computer has gained new qualities, it is not only used as a calculator, but now

it entails simulation, navigation, and interaction. With the increase in computer usage,

comes new software that attracts people's attention even more. Adults, adolescents and

even children find themselves "losing track of time" when they sit down and play on the

computer for half an hour and suddenly realize that thirty minutes has turned into a couple

of hours. As changes occur in technology, we must also contemplate the effect these

changes will have on individuals. We must realize that individuals are vulnerable to the

virtual world and that they can get lost. Our need for a practical philosophy of self-

knowledge has never been greater as we struggle to make meaning from our lives on the

screen. (Orzack 2016)

Computers and the Internet have been responsible for many positive changes that

have taken place within society. The increase in computer usage has made life easier for

individuals in a wide range of activities that include: schools, the work place and even at

home. (A Nation Online 2016)

For many of us, a computer is just known as a piece of equipment that awesome

package of glass, plastic, metal and wires-used to make our work easier. But these

computers are already changing our lives. It is now possible for us to see the world in a

different way, to achieve new goals, which were impossible before, and to control the world

around us. Computers have actually transformed our lives-how we communicate, how we

work and learn things and even how we play. Computers are efficient tools in processing
data into useful information. They are essential tools in almost every field of research and

applied technology because of their capabilities. And because of the widespread use and

availability of computers, it is essential that everyone acquires an understanding of what

computers are and how they work. In the modern world, no one can afford to be ignorant

of the important role of computers in any career or business of choice. Being computer

literate will give anyone a great competitive advantage. (Albano, Atole, Ariola 2003)

There is little doubt that computers and the Internet provide numerous advantages

to students. Connected students can access a vast repository of resources for both

education and entertainment. However, computers must be used correctly if their

advantages are to be realized. Parents and teachers must understand the risks and

pitfalls in order to ensure that students maximize their computer time. Following

are some of the negative effects computers have on students when used

inappropriately. (Clotfelter 2008)

When students spend too much time on computers their physical health could suffer.

Students can develop repetitive strain injuries if their computer stations are

incorrectly designed or sized for them. Also, staring at computer screen for

excessive amount of time can harm our eyesight. Students who spend too much

time on a computer may not get enough to exercise. (Shields 2000)


As I conducted this research, I understand the importance of computer in our

life. It serves as communication tool for everyone. A source of information that is

needed in a certain work or project. We may insist that the rise of computer in our

society can be called a history. Computer technologies and other aspects of digital

culture have changed the ways people live, work, play, and learn, impacting the

construction and distribution of knowledge and power around the world.

In view of this, student should be motivated in order to give their best potentials and be

resourceful enough to update the level of computer literacy. This may also serve as an eye

opener to make such plan that can be drawn out for more effective programs that would

best serve the interest of the students.

But we cannot avoid the negative impact of computer in our life specially to the netizens,

and millennials nowadays that uses computer for fun negatively. One of it is the online

games that teenagers are really into. They spend more time in Computer Shop/Cafe and

chooses to skip school or cutting classes. And it is considered as addiction to computer

games, some even don’t sleep just to play Defense of the Ancient (DOTA) and other online

games. And other skips meal, having lacks of sleep that results to unbalanced diet and

unhealthy lifestyle.

By entering the surface web using internet, everyone is exposed to different source of

knowledge. It may be positive or negative. One of the most frequent in using computer

right now is the social networking sites. Some of this are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,
and Wattpad. Wherein an individual is creating a public profile. Students nowadays are

very addicted to this Social Networking Sites. Most of their day are focused on updating

their status, checking notifications and a lot more. Making them unaware of the importance

of time in everything as they neglect the essence of studies, friendship and time for family.

Also, teenagers are bare to pornography, cyberbullying and more circumstances that makes

them more prone to negative aspects that impacts their life poorly and severely.

Computer is not just a machine used for information, fun or communication. Even though

it has negative traits, or disadvantage. We can conclude that the effect it gives is still

depends on the one using it. We still have the control over the process, the guidelines, and

the barriers that we must not enter. Major to this point, computer is the one that gives ease

and help for all of our works and problems for the future.

This study proves and attains knowledge to provide understanding for the impact of

computer in our lives.

Definition of Terms

Computer/Laptop. Used for manipulating text or graphics, accessing the Internet, or

playing games or media, a widespread product of technology that are used in several fields

including education, finance, government, healthcare, science, publishing, travel and


Computer System. A system of interconnected computers that share a central storage

system and various peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, or routers. Each computer

connected to the system can operate independently, but has the ability to communicate with

other external devices and computers.

Technology. All the different and usable technologies developed by a culture of people.

Internet. A network that links computer networks all over the world by satellite and

telephone, connecting users with service networks such as e-mail and the World Wide Web.

Computer Literacy. Knowledge and an understanding of computers combined with the

ability to use them effectively.

Social Networking Sites. Is any platforms that makes social network or connection to

anyone who has the same interest, work, experience or connection in real life.

Bruner, J. S. (1960). The process of education. NY: Vintage Books.

Orzack, S.H. 2016. Old and new ideas about the human sex ratio. Significance 13: 24-27

Jonassen, D.H., & Kwon, H.I. (2001). Communication patterns in computer-mediated

vs. face-to-face group problem solving. Educational Technology Research and
Development, 49(10), 35–52.

Clotfelter, E. D. (2008). Frequency-dependent performance and handedness in

professional baseball players (Homo sapiens). Journal of Comparative Psychology,
122(1), 68-72.

Weiss, Mark Allen. "Operating System." Microsoft® Student 2009 [DVD]. Redmond,
WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.

"Computer Literacy." Microsoft® Student 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft

Corporation, 2008.

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