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Describe a situation where you manage to solve a problem with limited resources.

• ‘Can you tell me about a complex problem that you solved? Describe the process you

utilized.’ – CMBS Data portal, used costart to get all news at one place

• ‘Tell me about a time when you had to make a split second decision

Tell me about a time when you responded to constructive criticism. – kpmg ppt template

Tell me about a time when you worked with a team to tackle a problem. - low registerations

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Tell me about a time when you had to teach or train somebody, how you did it and how it

turned out – Devang ad Raghav – 3 pronged - documentation, calendar, learning modules

Tell me about a time when you influenced other people and why. - I travelled alone,

influenced girls

Please describe your overall philosophy of dealing with people. What kinds of attitudes in

others make you uncomfortable in being around them? Why

What tangible evidence can you point to that illustrates your ability to build and maintain

collaborative relationships between you and the people with whom you have to deal with –

bbq nation still send messages

When was the last time you got into a major argument with friends/colleagues? What

happened? What was the issue involved? How were things resolved? – Akand story
Tell me about an event that you planned. How did you go about it

Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize

your tasks

Describe a situation where you had to make a choice between two equally important

obligations. How did you decide which obligation deserved your attention?

Describe a situation in which you effectively developed a solution to a problem by combining

different perspectives or approaches. – ELP

Tell me about a time when you had to make an important decision and how did it turn out? –

ISB Deferring

What would you do if you see two co-workers fighting?

Tell us about a time when you were really not happy with the way things were being

conducted and what did you do about it?

share an experience where your patience was tested, the reason and your response to it.

What is your greatest achievement in life thus far

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