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The Greeks didn't have a "Top Ten" list of deities - but they did have the
"Top Twelve" - those lucky Greek gods and goddesses living on top
of Mount Olympus.

Aphrodite - Goddess of love, romance, and beauty. Her son was Eros, god
of Love(though he is not an Olympian.)
Apollo - Beautiful god of the sun, light, medicine, and music.
Ares - Dark god of war who loves Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty.
Artemis - Independent goddess of the hunt, the forest, wildlife, childbirth,
and the moon. Sister to Apollo.
Athena - Daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts. She
presides over the Parthenon and her namesake city, Athens. Sometimes
spelled "Athene".

Demeter - Goddess of agriculture and mother of Persephone (again, her

offspring is not considered to be an Olympian.)
Hephaestus - Lame god of fire and the forge. Sometimes spelled
Hephaistos. The Hephaestion near the Acropolis is the most beautifully
preserved ancient temple in Greece. Mated to Aphrodite.
Hera - Wife of Zeus, protector of marriage, familiar with magic.
Hermes - The speedy messenger of the gods, god of business and wisdom.
The Romans called him Mercury.
Hestia - Calm goddess of home and homelife, symbolized by the hearth
which holds the continually-burning flame.

Poseidon - God of the sea, horses, and of earthquakes.

Zeus - Supreme lord of gods, god of the sky, symbolized by the
Titans and titanides of Greek mythology
ADANUS (Adanos) An alternate name for one of the elder Titan sons of Uranus.
ANDES An alternate name for one of the elder Titan sons of Uranus. He was perhaps the same as
ANCHIALE (Ankhiale) A younger Titan goddess who perhaps represented the warmth of fire. She
was the wife of Hecaterus and hte mother of the metal-working Dactyli.
ANYTUS (Anytos) One of the younger Titans or Curetes. Anytus was an attendant of the goddess
Demeter who fostered her Arcadian daughter Despoine.
ASTERIA A younger Titan goddess whose name and genealogy suggest presided over the night,
stars and nocturnal prophecy. She was the mother of the goddess Hecate. After the fall of the Titans
Asteria was pursued by Zeus and but leapt into the sea to escape him where she was transformed
into the island of Delos.
ASTRAEUS (Astraios) The younger Titan god of the stars, the winds, and the art of astrology. He was
the father of the four directional winds and the five wandering stars (the Planeta) by his wife Eos, the
goddess of the dawn.
ATLAS The younger Titan god of astronomy and the revolution of the heavnely constellations. He
was arrested by Zeus and condemned to bear the heavens upon his shoulders. Homer suggests he
was later released from this torment and appointed guardian of the pillars of heaven.
AURA The younger Titanis-goddess of the breezes. She was a virgin huntress raped by the god
CLYMENE (Klymene) The younger Titanis-goddess of fame and renown. She was the wife of Iapetos
and mother of Prometheus.
COEUS (Koios) The Titan god of the intellect as his name would suggest. He was also known as
Polus (the pole) and probably presided over the axis of heaven in the north around which the
constellations revolve. Coeus was one of the four Titan-brothers who conspired with Cronus in the
ambush and castration of Uranus. At the end of the Titan-War, he was confined by Zeus in the
Tartarean pit. Coeus was sometimes described as leader of the Gigantes, who rebelled against Zeus.
CRIUS (Kreios) The Titan god of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year. He was
probably associated with the constellation Aries, the heavenly ram (which the Greeks called Crius). Its
spring rising marked the start of the new year, andthe other constellations were said to follow in its
wake. Crius was one of the four Titan brothers who conspired with Cronus in the castration of Uranus.
He was later cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus. Crius was sometimes named as a leader of the
Gigantes who rebelled against the rule of Zeus.
CRONUS (Kronos) The King of the Titanes, and the god of destructive time--time which devours all.
He led his brothers in the ambush and castration of their father Uranus, but was himself deposed and
cast into the pit of Tartaros by his own son Zeus. Some say the old Titan was later released by Zeus
and appointed King of Islands of the Blessed, home of the favoured dead.
CURETES (Kouretes) A group of shield clashing Daemones or Titan gods who came to the aid of
Rhea to act as guardians of her son Zeus. They were sometimes called Gigantes, and were probably
the same as those which Hesiod described as being born from the castration of Uranus. Their sisters,
the Meliae, were Zeus' nurses.
DIONE A prophetic Titan-goddess who presided over the Oracle at Dodona alongside Zeus.
According to some she was the mother of the goddess Aphrodite.
EOS The younger Titan-goddess of the dawn. She was the mother of the wandering stars (that is, the
planets) and the four directional winds by the Titan Astraeus.
EPIMETHEUS The Titan god of afterthought. He was appointed with the task of creating the beasts of
the earth, while his brother Prometheus was busy with the crafting of man. Epimetheus was tricked by
Zeus into receiving Pandora, the first woman, and her jar of evils into the house of man.
Demigods of Greek mythology
Aeacus: Aeacus was one of the demigods and the son of a son of Zeus and Aegina
who was the daughter of a river god. He was the father of Telamon and Peleus and
grandfather of Ajax and Achilles

Aeneas: Aeneas was one of the demigods and the son of the goddess Aphrodite and
Prince Anchises

Amphion: Amphion was one of the demigods and a son of Zeus and Antiope

Arcas: Arcas was one of the demigods and a son of Zeus and Callisto a nymph and
minor goddess associated with Aphrodite

Clymene: Clymene was one of the demigods and the daughter of the Titan gods
Oceanus and Tethys

Dardanus: Dardanus was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Electra who was the
daughter of Atlas

Epaphus: Epaphus was one of the demigods and a son of Zeus and Io, a priestess of
the goddess Hera

Harmonia: Harmonia was one of the demigods and a daughter of Zeus and Electra

Helen of Troy: Helen of Troy was one of the demigods and a daughter of Zeus and
Leda who was queen of Sparta

Hercules: Hercules (Heracles in Greek) was a demigod and a son of Zeus (Roman
equivalent Jupiter) and the mortal Alcmene

Iasus: Iasus was a demigod and a son of Zeus and Electra (one of the seven daughters
of Atlas and Pleione). He was the brother of Dardanus

Memnon: Memnon was one of the demigods and the son of Tithonus and Eos,
aka Aurora, who was a Titan goddess of the dawn

Orion: Orion was one of the demigods and a son of the sea god Poseidon and Euryale

Orpheus: Orpheus was one of the demigods and a son of Calliope and the god Apollo

Perseus: Perseus was one of the demigods and a son of Zeus and Danae

Pollux: Pollux was one of the demigods and a son of Zeus and the mortal Leda. He was
the twin brother of Castor

Theseus: Theseus was one of the demigods and a son of Poseidon and Aethra
Tityos: Tityos was one of the demigods and a son of Zeus and Elara

Zethes: Zethes was one of the demigods and a son of Boreas (the Greek god of the
cold north wind and the bringer of winter) and Oreithyia, daughter of King Erechtheus of
Athens. His brother was Calais

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