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Tugas Kelompok

Sustainable manufacturing

1. Process 1 : Felling the tree

 About 1.25 tons of wood is felled to produce a tree trunk of 1 ton, the rest (branches and
tops) is left in the forest. We assume these do not cause emissions, as they are part of the
natural processes in the forest. In a full LCA, this assumption should of course be better
 We use a chainsaw for felling the trees. The chainsaw data provided in the example is
specified as impact per hour. In this example, we use a production rate of 25 tons of
wood per hour. This means that for 1.25 tons, we need 3 minutes of chainsaw use.

Process outputs (Product)

1 Example name : Amount and unit :
Felled tree 1 ton
Final Waste flow
2 Amount and unit :
Wood Waste
0.25 tons
Inputs from nature resources
1 Wood, unspecified, Amount and unit :
standing/kg 1.25 tons
Inputs from techno sphere (material/fuels)
2 Amount and unit :
Chain sawing
3 mins

The Process, as follows:

a. Click Processes in the LCA Explorer window.
b. Click the category Wood.
c. Click New; a new and empty process record will appear.
d. Fill input/output
e. Save (Example name : Felled tree)

2. Process 2 : Planks
The output of first process (Felled tree) becomes the input of second process. The input and
output of second process showed table below:

Process outputs (Product)

1 Amount and unit :
1 ton
Emissions to air
Amount and unit :
Carbon dioxide
2 450 kg
Amount and unit :
Carbon monoxide
2.9 kg
Amount and unit :
Nitrogen dioxide
500 g
Amount and unit :
Particulates, < 10 um
540 g
Amount and unit :
Sulfur dioxide
100 g
Inputs from technosphere (material/fuels)
1 Amount and unit :
Felled three
1.25 tons
Inputs from technosphere (Electricity/heat)
Transport, freight,
lorry 16-32 metric
ton, EURO5 {RER}|
Inputs Amount and unit :
transport, freight,
2 250 tkm
lorry 16-32 metric
ton, EURO5 | APOS,
Electricity, medium
Amount and unit :
voltage {CH}|
150 kWh
market for | APOS, S

The Process, as follows:

a. Click Processes in the LCA Explorer window.
b. Click the category Wood.
c. Click New; a new and empty process record will appear.
d. Fill input/output
e. Save (Example name : Planks)

3. The assembly product stage

Amount and unit :

150 kg
Material/assemblies Steel, low-alloyed
Amount and unit :
{GLO}| market for |
2 kg
Transport, light
commercial truck, Amount and unit :
gasoline 20 tkm

The Process, as follows:

a. Click Product stages
b. Select Others under Assembly
c. Select New to get an empty assembly
d. Enter the name (Example name : Simple shed)
e. Double-click under Materials/Assemblies
f. Select Wood under Materials
g. Select Planks (Second process name)
h. Click Select
i. Fill parameter
j. Save (Example name : Simple shed)

4. Waste Scenario/Treatment
Wood is sent to the waste treatment for wood 100%.

Landfill Scenario for shed

Product 1 Amount and unit :
Category : Landfill
100 kg
Landfill of wood products (OSB, particle
board) EU-27
Material / waste
Percentage : 100%
type : Wood
Scrap steel {CH}| treatment of, inert
material landfill | APOS, U
Material / waste
Percentage : 100%
type : Steel

The Process, as follows:

a. Select process  Processes  Waste scenario  Landfill  New
b. Fill parameter
c. Save (Example name : Landfill Scenario)

5. The product lifecycle

a. The Process, as follows:
b. Click Product stages
c. Select Others under Life cyle
d. Select New to get an empty assembly
e. Give name, Example Life cycle of Planks
f. Select Assembly (Example : Simple shed as number 3)  amount/ unit : 1 P
g. Select waste/disposal scenario (Example : Landfill Scenario as number 4)
h. Run it by tree!
i. Select calculation function  Network
j. Calculate

6. Explain Impact Assessment

a. Characterization
b. Normalization
c. Weighting
d. Single Score

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