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As a teacher, I believe all students are unique and should be taught with that mentality

in mind. Creating an environment in which every student is able to engage mentally, socially
and emotionally is at the very core of what I strive to do. Ultimately, my entire objective is to
allow my students to thrive and reach their own goals. Students are always at the center of my
job as an educator. By the time a student leaves my class at the end of the year, they should
have a firm grasp on the content I’ve taught, as well as the feeling that I truly cared for them
and their education.
As an educator, I am kind, loving, creative, curious and forgiving. I have a strong love for
learning, and I hope to display that passion to every learner I meet. Education’s purpose, to me,
is to bring out the unique qualities of individuals while also helping students become people
that will one day better the world. Education, of course, is important for the cognitive benefits,
but overall, I feel students have so much more to learn in my class. A child’s education is so
much more than just instruction. As an educator, it is my job to teach the lesson, but also be
there for the students’ needs and help them achieve the goals, whether academic or personal,
that they set for themselves. Most of all, I want to prepare my students for life outside the
classroom. My role is to be available for students who are struggling with things outside of class
and to accept all students for the people they are.
I believe a student’s role in my class is to be prepared to learn about the wonders of
History. I want them to be open-minded and creative, while also actively seeking out their own
education. A parent’s role is to be a collaborator in their child’s education. I hope parents will
also be open-minded and ready to play a part in the student’s learning.
My classroom is an open environment that facilitates learning and exploration. Students
feel comfortable to answer and ask questions without fear of judgement. Additionally, students
are made aware of classroom procedures and expectations early on in the school year to allow
little room for miscommunications or misbehavior. My curriculum is designed in such a way
that does not allow for stagnancy. I do not sit in front of my students and simply lecture at
them. Instead, I allow them to take the lead in their own education. Lesson plans allow for
blocks of activity, so students don’t have room to feel bored or mentally “check out” of what
we’re learning. I strive for all lessons to feel relevant by truly getting to know my students on an
individual level and understanding what intrigues them.
As a learn more and more about education, I have a firmer grasp about who I want to be
as an educator. My goal is to consistently create learning environments that allow for
exploration and put students at the forefront of their own education. I strive to be someone
who seeks to understand my students as people and always only wants the very best for them.

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