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CUIN - Video Script

By Rida Fatima & Mariah Delgado

(34 secs)
Rida: Hello Everyone, I’m Rida Fatima. In today’s technology age, we have so many
resources to help us through our daily lives. Whether it be for work or personal use. But
what I have noticed is that most people really don’t understand how to use a lot of these
resources efficiently. Microsoft OneNote, for example, is a free application offered across all
platforms. Most people with a PC, MAC or Android have heard of this application but they
don’t really know how to use it to it’s full potential which is what we will be talking about
( Advance Slide)
(14 secs)
Rida: Let’s start with some Objectives. By the end of this session, learners will be able to:
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of OneNote, and Apply different features of
OneNote to their daily personal and professional lives.
( Advance Slide)
About OneNote:
(33 secs)
Rida: So, What is OneNote? Think of it as your virtual binder. Do you remember in middle
school or High School where you were required to take 3 ring binders to class with loose
leaf paper, dividers, worksheets and notes? Remember how heavy that was? OneNote can
actually take all of that and store it virtually. As you can see, OneNote can have multiple
“Notebooks” which can have “Sections” and then “Pages” within the sections. Now, instead
of carrying that huge binder, you are able to just take your laptop, tablet or even phone
anywhere and have the same functionality. Awesome right?
(8 secs)
Rida: This presentation is just a little overview of what OneNote can really do. I will now
pass it over to Mariah who will walk you through a really cool feature of this amazing
(5 secs)
Mariah: Hello I’m Mariah and I will be walking you through a really useful feature of
OneNote that you may not know of.
(Advance Slide)
(1 min 1 secs)
Mariah: Let’s talk about Math and how sometimes It can be stressful for those of us who
have some trouble with this subject. With OneNote, you can actually practice some Math
equations on your device. On a blank page in OneNote, write out a math equation with your
stylus, finger or type it with your keyboard. For example, 2x^2 (squared) + 48 = 128. On the
top left hand corner, select the lasso button and draw a lasso around your equation to
select it. On the top right hand corner, select “Math,” this lets the application know that you
are trying to solve this particular equation. Select “Ink to math” once the panel on the right
appears. Then select “solve for x” in the drop down menu under the equation on the right
panel. OneNote will now solve your equation and show you steps on how the application
was able to evaluate the answer. Now, don’t use this to cheat! Because OneNote,
unfortunately, will not be on your tests. But this amazing feature can definitely be used to
practice problems you have trouble with.
(Advance Slide)
(28 secs)
Mariah: As we all know, all great things have some sort of a disadvantage. OneNote,
however, does not have many. One of the disadvantages is that it requires you to have a
device such as tablet, phone or computer that is capable of downloading this application.
Another disadvantage is that while OneNote is free to download and use, many of it’s very
useful features are only available with the purchase of Office 365 subscription. And lastly,
some professors still don’t allow technology in the classroom. If you can’t have your device
out, you can’t use OneNote.
(Advance Slide)
(26 secs)
Rida: There are still many advantages to OneNote. Since OneNote uses your electronic
devices, it easily and automatically backs up to the cloud. OneNote is Windows, Mac &
Mobile Compatible. It is collaborative, shareable and eliminates the need for bulky binders.
OneNote also allows for easy Note taking and recording of lectures. Lastly, OneNote is
customizable and allows for multiple Notebooks and accounts!
(Advance Slide)
(18 secs)
Rida: OneNote is a very useful tool for all students and even business professionals when
used to it’s full potential. Although this was a short video giving you just a glimpse of
OneNote is capable of, we hope you enjoyed it and end up using this wonderful application

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