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Cyberbullying is the use of digital media (smartphones, tablets, computers ...

) to
psychologically harass other people. Cyberbullying usually involves intentional and
repeated attacks over a period. The main effects are damage to the victim's self-
esteem and dignity, which can lead to serious problems such as intense emotional
stress and social rejection, among others. In the case of using digital media, the
consequences can be aggravated, because they act like a speaker because of its
scope. The difference with the traditional bullying is that with internet what was
once a humiliation in front of a room today can become the mockery of fashion for
millions of people in the world. According to experts, the possibility of becoming
viral and the anonymity of aggressors are the elements that make a difference and
cause more damage. According to figures from the CyberBullying Research
Center, 28 percent of more than 20,000 adolescents surveyed by the research
portal in US schools between 2007 and 2016 have experienced it. This figure
increased in recent years and reached 33.4 percent in 2016. In 2015, according to
figures from the World Health Organization, it was the second leading cause of
death in young people between 15 and 29 years worldwide.
Why does it occur?
- Stalkers are people with low self-esteem who only feel good when they hurt
others. That makes them feel stronger.
- The aggressor lacks all respect for his peers and does not know the basic ethical
limits necessary for living in society
- School bullying through ICT is a repeated aggression over time, not an isolated
event, determined by the victim's situation of inferiority to one or more aggressors.
- The stalker mistakenly believes that he will go unpunished before the Law by
launching his threats through ICTs for a false belief of anonymity.
The main difference with bullying is that the victim does not cease to be harassed
once he is at home, but can receive threats 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
whenever he is connected (Smartphone, Internet, etc.) Therefore, the prevalence
over time through ICT increases its incidence in the victim. Another differential risk
with traditional bullying is that the bullying hearing is no longer local (the class
group, the school, the educational community, the neighborhood, etc.) but rather
planetary so the victim feels persecuted wherever go, which causes a very great
sense of helplessness and can lead to the social exclusion of the victim and legal
consequences for the stalker or his parents when a child is the one who harasses.

-Unexplained Injuries
-Loss or breakage of clothing, books, electronic devices or jewelry.
-Frequent headaches or stomachaches, feeling sick or simulating illness.
-Changes in eating habits, such as skipping meals or docking. Children may arrive
from school hungry because they did not have lunch.
-Trouble sleeping, frequent nightmares.
-Low in grades, loss of interest in school work, desire not to go to school.
-Sudden loss of friends or desire to avoid social situations.
-Feelings of helplessness or decreased self-esteem.
-Self-destructive behavior such as running away from home, getting injured or
talking about suicide.

Some recommendations to avoid being a victim of cyberbullying are:

-Take care of the information you upload to your social networks, with whom you
share it and in the presence of who accesses your account;
-Do not lend your passwords or access to your accounts;
-Monitor the use of your accounts and identify if unknown devices have connected
to your account;
-If you are a victim of cyberbullying, discuss it with your father, mother or your
teacher, they will help you find a solution;
-Do not repeat to anyone those behaviors that bother you that others have with
-Use the social media and instant messaging reporting mechanisms if they are
being a means to cyberbullying; and
-Don't let it grow, if it bothers you stop it before it gets bigger.

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