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INFORMATION Essential Learning Target(s):

Explore the five senses of smell,taste,hearing,
touch and sight
Teacher: Brittany Sproule
Grade: 3

Date: November 11, 2019

Subject: Interdisciplinary Learning Goal: The students will be able to

Topic: The Five Senses listen and read to acquire information and
understanding involves collecting data facts and
ideas; discovering relationships,concepts and
generalizations and using knowledge from oral
and written sources.

Given an object (slice of orange,
dried spaghetti, peppermint candy,
etc.) the blind folded student will
identify the object through the
senses of touch,smell and taste. THe
student will tell the teacher what
senses he/she is using to identify the
fruit with 100% accuracy. Given a
picture of an object(such as an ice
cream cone) the student will write a
description that includes what senses
we use to identify the object utilizing
at least five characteristics. Given a
passage from the Helen Keller book
(the passage is about Helen
discovering what the word water
meant)the student will describe what
senses Helen used to identify the
concept of water with 100 %
accuracy. After discussing the five
senses with the teacher the student
will define five vocabulary words
used when describing the senses with
100% accuracy.
Lesson Procedures:

After reading at least two books about Helen Keller the student and teacher
will discuss the five senses and how we use them every day. The teacher will
ask the student to describe what senses he/she uses to identify everyday
objects. After discussing the five senses the teacher will tell the student that
they will be guessing what a few objects are, utilizing some of these senses.

Teacher will hold up a paper bag with popcorn inside. Student volunteers
come up to use their senses to figure out what is inside. Students brainstorm
words on the whiteboard that can be used to describe what they are feeling,
hearing etc. (bumpy, round, etc.). Once the last student uses their sense of
smell to figure it out, there will be a list of describing words to use.

Students now work in pairs to rotate around the class to discover what
objects are in the paper bags placed around the classroom. They must use
their senses except for their sight, to try and figure it out and they must use
describing words to record what they are feeling, hearing, and smelling.
Based on these describing words, they have to guess what is in each bag, with
8 bags in total. Once they are done, students meet back on the carpet to
discuss their findings and why they chose those words.

Students have discussion about how it feels to not have your sense of sight or
taste when doing this activity. How did you feel about not using your sense of
taste of sight when doing this activity? How might this help you gain
appreciation of your senses? What do you think it would be like if you did not
have these senses? How would it affect your day to day life?
Materials: Assessments: Differentiation:
Students will be assessed for
Several books on Helen their understanding through both English Language Learners
Keller A copy of My Five oral and written feedback. can describe the objects
Senses by Margaret Miller, Students will describe to their in their native language
paper, pencils (color and (both written and orally)
teacher which of the five senses
graphite), orange, as well as in English with
peppermint candy, dried they will use to identify the teacher assistance.
and cooked spaghetti, objects around them everyday. Special education students
raisins, peanut butter, They will keep an ongoing log of will be assisted by the
Blindfold, various which senses they used diverse use of their five
classroom items in paper throughout the day. The students senses. For example
bags can also verbally describe which students are given the
of the five senses used. The opportunity to smell,touch
teacher will observe the and taste the objects in
students participation in the question. These students
discussion as well as their ability will also be assisted
through one on one
to point to the correct place
instruction. Students can
while listening to the story. THe be given vocabulary words
teacher can also assess the to use to describe objects
students understanding by the when using their senses.
pictures of the objects that they EA can scribe words for
draw. THe students will be them.
evaluated by using a check list
that will include the five senses
and how the student used and
described them. The students
will be assessed by how many of
the five vocabulary words that
are used in the description of
the senses. The students will
also discuss with the teacher the
five senses used to describe the
objects of the lesson.

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