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There are many reasons why we edit digital sound files. We edit digital sound files so they
can be modified, condensed or corrected. Before we edit the audio we go through different
processes before it. We first start of with the idea/product and then we move on to recording
the audio. After we do this we listen to the audio and then move onto editing the files. The
main reason while we edit our file is because if we have made any mistakes we are able to
edit the file by deleting certain bits in it or even changing the audio of the audio. We may
even edit the audio take shorten it for it to then become a sound bite. Some people may edit
digital sound files for other reasons such as for movies when they need to change the sound
of the person’s voice for the character such as Darth Vader in Star Wars. This is what we
called an aesthetic where we have a choice on what we want certain things to sound like.
When we are editing we need to make sure that it is ethical. For an audio that has been
edited to be ethical it must not be biased or mislead or be a lie. It must maintain a freedom of
speech as it is illegal to prevent this.

For the editing to be ethical it must not be biased or mislead or be a lie. It must maintain
freedom of speech and it is illegal to prevent this. You must check and edit the sound to
make sure you are not breaking the law. If the sound you have made does break the law of
freedom of speech you ay be ordered to remove the sound as this is illegal. Ethical editing
doesn’t underline people’s freedom of speech and tries to improve the world around us.

Speech must be legal as everyone has the rights to have freedom of speech. It is illegal to
prevent someone's freedom of speech. The public order act was stated in 1986 which
makes it an offence for a person to use “Threatening, abusive or insulting words or
behaviour that causes, or is likely to cause, another person harassment, alarm or distress”. If
peoples freedom of speech isn’t being underline and has been used incorrectly thy are able
o press charges against the person as this act is illegal as this isn’t what they have said.

Provide an example where sound has been edited? Factual

On the six o’clock news on the 2nd of December 2019, the sound has been edited to put a
piece of music behind the speaker at the beginning of the clip. The sound that has been
placed in the clip and has been edited by lowering the sound of the background noise so you
are able to hear the person speaking. This starts at 00:03 to 01:28. The news includes
several piece of news such as the attack on Friday at London bridge and about a man who
killed three people. Which starts at 00:03 to 01:28. The clip has been edited by fading into
several clips at the beginning which indicates to the audience what the news will be about
today and hat will be included. At 01:30 in the six o’clock news, the introduction sound of the
news has been played. This is meant that the sound must have been cut to fit into the news
as they were given a certain time for the overall news. The background sound has been
faded into the women speaking which make she clip sound overall better. The sound of the
speakers in the clip has been edited to get rid of the ambient noise so it makes the sound
much clearer. Most media products such as TV and radio programmes are produced to fit in
the slots given for the broadcast. If the timings aren’t correct it can make the broadcast
longer or shorter than it needs to be. When doing the timings, you will need to include the
timings for many of things included in the broadcast such as commercials, announcements
and trails. The weather forecast is and example of timing, it must always be no more than 54
seconds in the given slot.
Provide an example where sound has been edited? Fictional In the film Star Wars, the
character’s voice of Darth Vader has been edited to fit the voice for the characters. The
voice audio of the actor has been recorded and has then be edited to make it sound more
deep and robotic. If the sound wasn’t recorded it would just be the normal audio of the
actress speaking and you may even hear other things in the audio. This draws the target
audience into watching the film as it makes them think why have they edited the sound like
this. The sounds used in the clip have been edited by being cut. They have edited the sound
of Darth Vader by recording the sound several ties to find the right one they want to use
which is then cut and edited to fit into the scene. There are less ethical issues in fictional
editing. There is more flexibility in fictional editing as there is more time slots.

How do you know the content is factual?

Factual have a producers and often called documentaries. The actors are not pretending
and everything they are doing is all real as they look into the camera and is all
realistic. Factual content has an order and not a narrative. Factual content is always
schedule after or before the news. An example of Factual content is the news and
documentaries. These are all true facts which happen on a day to day basis. For the content
to be factual it must not be bias and must not prevent someone’s freedom of speech.

The reason for factual content to be edited is because it is all real, such as a radio probcast
it is all real word to word from the person. The editor may want to edit the factual content
because either the person had made a mistake and they would want to cut it out or they
would want to change the order of the content. When editing fictional content, you don’t want
to edit it to much as this Is real and word to word from the person.

Can you provide 3 different types of fictional content?

Soaps such as hollyoaks and EastEnders. Written week by week and month by month. They
reflect on what’s currently going on in the news
Movies such as black panther and Spiderman
Series such as how to get away with murder and Top boy. They have a set of characters
and set plots. A series takes its own narrative.

How do you know the content is fictional?

https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fiction- The class of literature comprising works of
imaginative narration, especially in prose form.
It may have unbelievable content where we know this is things that cannot happen such as a
story. We know that the content is fictional as it often has a story and characters. The actor
will not look into the camera and everything they are doing is pretend it is not real. The
actors pretend that they are in a mystery place Fictional content have titles rather a
documentary about that is factual. Fictional content has actors and narrators. Fictional
content is scheduled late in the night or mid afternoon. An example of a fictional content is
EastEnders as this is real. It is a made up town and everything being said is from a script.
Everything in the clip would has been pre recorded and pre written. This is meant that it is all
made up as it isn’t being said right on the spot and the story line has been written by the
director and script writer exactly how they want to clip to sound and look like. This indicates
hat the clip is fictional as it is imaginative narration.
Fictional content has been edited to make the content sound realistic as it isn’t.
It is to produce a believable narrative. This may have been altering content or real world
sound to create a new world fantasy. When editing fictional content, you must make the
audience believe that it is real so editing the sound helps to do this. For example, In
EastEnders in the scene of Lauren and Abi on the roof. The clip has been edited to make it
seem as if they had really fell of the roof. The clip has been edited by actually being on a
roof and using different sound effects such as screaming and by using nvc to show the
reaction to the fall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFnixSYfhww.

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