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Summer Holidays Homework

For Class VII to be promoted to Class VIII
Deserts of Pakistan


Our country’s landscape is rich with a beautiful blend of topography. The deserts, mountains and plains of Pakistan not
only determine the weather and environment of the regions but also culture, music and traditions of the people living
there. Perhaps some of the most distinctive, yet obscure cultures in Pakistan are found in the desert areas of the country.
BSS is initiating this summer homework project for grade VIII, to raise awareness amongst the students, regarding
Pakistan’s desert areas. With the research required for the project, students will also be able to understand the survival
traits of not only the people but also the flora and fauna of deserts. Students would critically think about ways of
suggesting reforms within the different geo-strategic perimeters of the area in order to help the underprivileged. This
project would help keep the students meaningfully engaged and let the learning cycle continue even during the long
summer break.
Conscious effort has been put into addressing all the required 21st century skills and also knitting in all the attributes of
the BSS Learners Profile.

By the end of the project students would have:
● identified different deserts in Pakistan
● gauged the average temperature and rainfall of each identified desert.
● explored and shared their findings with respect to the flora and fauna of the identified deserts
● developed a route map and budgeted a family trip to the desert.
● developed a 5 - 7minutes documentary comparing the culture, religion, music and traditions of people from Thar and
● designed a brochure on MS Publisher to promote tourism in the Thar desert.
● explored the ways and benefits of promoting tourism in Thar desert
● reflected upon the propositions to uplift the underprivileged in the area

● taken actions and ownership by writing a letter to editor

Objectives Activity Curricular links 21st Century Skills BSS Learners Profile

 Activity 1 A Social Studies ● Information ●

● identified different Identify four major English literacy
deserts of Pakistan on a
deserts in Pakistan
map. Find out the area
of each desert

 Activity 1 B Math ● Critical thinking ● Analytical

Graphically represent IT ● Technology
the average rainfall and Social Studies ● Information
● gauged the temperature for the past literacy
average temperature five years for all four
deserts. (least rainfall
and rainfall of each
month and highest
identified desert. temperature month
identified and marked
on graph)

 Activity 1 C Science ● Critical ● Inquisitive

Identify the flora and English Thinking ● Creative &
● explored and fauna in the desert ● Information Innovative
shared their findings ecosystem. Choose a Literacy ● Analytical
with respect to the flora and write about
flora and fauna of the how it benefits the
identified deserts ecosystem, also identify
three medicinal plants
and their properties

● developed a route ● Activity 2 English ● Critical ● Ethical

map and budgeted a Develop a tour plan for IT Thinking ● Globally Aware

family trip to the themselves for a family Social Studies ● Collaboration ● Digitally
desert. trip to Cholistan desert. Math ● Creativity Literate
Also identify the route ● Initiative ● Inquisitive
● Creative &
on a map with pit stops
included and budget the ● Analytical
whole trip.
Starting Point:

● developed a 5 - 7  Activity 3 Urdu ● Creativity ● Creative &

minute documentary Make a 5- 7 minute IT ● Critical Innovative
comparing the culture, documentary comparing Thinking ● Analytical
the culture, religion, ● Communication ● Empathetic
religion, music and
music and traditions of ● Globally Aware
traditions of people ● Digitally
people from Thar and
from Thar and Cholistan Literate

● designed a ● Activity 4A English ● Creativity ● Creative &

brochure on MS Make a brochure on MS Social Studies ● Global and Innovative
Publisher to promote IT Cultural ● Digitally
Publisher to promote
tourism in the Thar awareness Literate
tourism in the Thar dessert ● Information ● Culturally
dessert. literacy Aware

Activity 1a

Four major deserts of Pakistan on a map. Write the area of each desert, average temperature and rainfall:

Desert Area in Sq. Km. % Area



Total Marks: 10

Activity 1 B

Graphically represent the average rainfall and temperature of Thar Desert for the past five years. (Least rainfall month and
highest temperature month identified and marked on graph)

(i). Collect the data of Seasonal and annual normal rainfall distribution of Thar Desert in the following table and repre-
sent it on a Pie Chart

Years Winter Summer Monsoon Post Monsoon Annual



(ii). Collect the data of average temperature during the last four years of Thar Desert in the following table and repre-
sent it on a line graph.

Years Extreme temperature in Degree Celsius

Highest Month lowest Month


Total Marks: 10

Activity 1c:

i. Describe the eco-system of the desert Thar focusing specifically on the flora and its effect on the eco-system.
ii. List down three medicinal plants found in Thar and their usage in the treatment of various diseases.

Total Marks: 10

Activity 2:

(i) Devise an itinerary of your travel details in a single document, including travelling schedule, maps, directions,
route, weather forecast and pictures.
(ii) Devise a budgetary plan of your travel including cost of petrol, mode of travel, cost of food, cost of stay etc.

‫‪Total Marks: 10‬‬

‫‪Activity 3:‬‬
‫‪Movie Maker‬وکاامعتسلرکےتوہےئرحصاےئرھتاوررحصاےئوچاتسلن ک‬
‫رپایرصتخم)‪ (documentary‬ڈاوک مریانبےیئسجںیمواہں‬
‫اقثتف‪،‬ذماہ ک ب‬
‫ذہتیودمتن‪،‬ومیقیساورروا کیاتےسواتیفقلمےکس‪،‬یاہکابلطٔوکایسیاہمراتیکولعمامتوکااٹھکرکےناکومعقےلمسجےسوہ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ےکولوگںیک‬
‫ے‬ ‫نٹ‬
‫ڈاوکمریانبےتوہےئدرجذلیاکنتوکذنہںیم ک‬
‫‪۱‬۔ ڈاوکمری‪۷-۵‬ٹنمیکوہیگ۔‬
‫ٹ‬ ‫ن‬
‫‪۲‬۔ ارٹنناامعتسلرکےتوہےئاینپولعمامتوکااٹھکےئجیک۔‬
‫نے‬ ‫نٹ‬
‫اقثتف‪،‬ذماہ ک ب‬
‫ذہتیودمتن‪،‬ومیقیساورروا کیاتاکاقتیلباجئرہایلاجےئ۔‬ ‫ب‬ ‫‪۳‬۔ ڈاوکمریانبےتوہےئرحصاےئرھتاوررحصاےئوچاتسلنےکولوگں یک‬
‫‪۴‬۔ ڈاوکمرییکایترییکدعب ُاےس ‪Edmodo‬رپاپولڈےئجیک۔‬

‫‪Total Marks: 25‬‬

‫‪Activity 4a:‬‬
‫‪Design a brochure on MS Publisher to promote tourism in the Thar dessert.‬‬
‫‪ It should be a threefold brochure‬‬

 Use images and text for the purpose

 Upload your brochure on Edmodo and also submit the hard copy to the teacher.

Total Marks: 25

Activity 4b:

Write a letter to the editor of any leading newspaper. Mention the methods and benefits of promoting tourism in desert
Thar in order to help underprivileged in the area.

Total Marks: 10

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