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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K.


Chapter· I

I.I .:II= I day

Qx lx24x60x60=(2.5/100)x200x 10'
Q = (5 x 10'')186400 = 57.37 m'ts

1.2 Period= ll.t = I year

Input volume= 140 x 10<> x120/J00 = 168 f\1m3
Runoff= Output volume = (2 x 3) + ( 3 x 6) + ( 5 x 3) = 39 rnl/s. month
= 39 x (365112) x 24 x 60 x 60 = 102.492 Mm'
(i) Runoff coefficient = 102.492/168.0 = 0.61
Abstraction= 168.0 - 102.492 = 65.508 ~lml
(ii) Due. to afforestation:
Runoff= 0.5 x 168 .0 = &4.0 ~·ln1J
Abstraction = 168.0 -&4.0 = 84.0 f\11113
Increase in abstraction= 84.0 -65.058 = 18.492 ~frn)

1.3 Period= 6l = I month = 30 days

Input volume = PA+ l/JJ
Outpu1 volume = Qil.t +(G + E + T)A
P1\+ /t)J • ( Q~I + (G + E + T)1\ J = change in storage =JS
PA= 13.5x1375x10~ = 2.5438 r-itm.;
JOO 10"
Total input volume = 17.5438 1'ilnr~
• 1 1375x10'
(0 + E +T) A =(2.5 +9.5 + +0) x -x , = 1.60 Mm'
100 10
1375xl0~ .;
.4S=Si·Sr=-0.15x =-0.1031Mm
Qt.r =[PA+ f.:11)-.:IS - (G + E + T)A = 17.5438+0.103 I· l.60 = 16.047 Mm'
. - 16.047 )( 10"
Ccnstnnt rate cf withdrawal = Q = = 6.191 n1J/s
30x24 x60x60

1.4 l.:11-Qt.r = e.s = s, -s,

1!;1 = 14.2 x 3 x 60 x 60 = 153,360 rn'
Qt.<= 10.6x 3 x 60x60= 114,480 m'
Sr S1= 38.880 m'
S, = 15.5 ha. m = 155.000 nr1
s, = 155.000 + 38.800 = 193,880 m3 = 19.JJS ha.m

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McG,av1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

r.s (i) P = l:A;P, I Lt,= annual average precipitation

(10.7 x 1030) + (3.0x 830) + (8.2 <900) + (17.0 x 1300)
= = 110_~ 111n1
(10.7 +3.0+ 8.2+17.0)
(ii) Annual averageevaporation E = L,.\E, /I.4,
= (10.7 x 530) +(3.0x 438) +(8.2 x 430) +(17.0x 600) =
532.4 mm
(10.7 + 3.0 +8.2 + 17.0)
(iii) Runoff coefflclems of sub-areas
Arca Runoff coefficient
A r. = (1030 - 530)/1030 = 0.485
B ,., = (830 . 438~30 = 0.4 72
c r, = (900 • 430)/900 = 0.522
D r,, = ( 1300 - 600)11300 = 0.538
For the entire catchment r= (J 105- 532)11105 = 0.518

l .6 FromTable I. I (Tex1book):
(i) Atmospheric moisture = 12,900 /(458,000 + 119,000) = 0.022 years
= 8.2 days
(ii) Global groundwater t, = I0,530.000n20 = 4787 years
(iii) Global ocean water 11 = I ,338.000.000/47,000 = 28468 years

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


2.1 For thegiven data '1.,., = 22.545. 'P = 130.43 and C., = 17.286

From Eq, (2,3) N = ( ~ )' = c 7;2~6

)' = t 1.95 "1)' 12,
Minimum number of additional stations= 12 - 7 = 5

2.2 From Eq, (2.SJ P .=-N,[P,

..\ P.,]
J\f 1V. N? J\1"

=-137[13.2 9.2 6,8

--+-+-+-- 10.2] : 12 ,86 C111
4 125 102 76 113

2.3 A double mass curve plot of IPA vs !PA•· is prepared (Fig. r -2.3). The calculations
are shown in Table p-2.3. II is seen from Fig. P -2.3 that there is n change in regime
in the year 1955. The correction ratio is the ratio of 1hc L\\'O slopes = J\il.,JC\•t. =
0.9496/1.1796 = 0.805. The adjusted values of station A are shown in Col. 6 of
Table p-2.3.

T able o-2.3 I) eubte 1\l:1ss c urve

I 2 3 4 5 6 7
p, values of
Year p., IPAv rP. values of
PA(al Post
PA 1955 reuime)
1967 161 161 163 163 161
1966 146 307 130 293 1•6
1965 130 •37 137 430 130
1964 1•3 580 130 560 1•3
1963 135 715 140 700 135
1962 163 878 142 842 163
1961 135 1013 1~8 990 135
1960 115 1128 95 1085 115
1959 143 1271 132 1217 1•3
1958 155 1426 145 1362 155
1957 164 1590 158 1520 164
1956 156 1746 141 l 661 158
1955 193 1939 196 1857 193
1954 128 2067 160 2017 129 129
1953 117 2184 1•• 2161 118 116
1952 152 2336 196 2357 158 I 58
1951 155 2491 168 2525 135 135
1950 161 2652 194 2719 156 156
1949 147 2799 162 2881 130 130

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

1948 146 2945 178 3059 143 143

1947 132 3077 144 3200 116 116
1946 "3 3220 177 3380 142 142

Ag. p-2.3 Probl11m 2.3

Bt•-': ill th• 11r 1955

y = 1.17961(. 416.9

..• w :0.9997

y = 0,94.Mll • 11.$0$
sec #:0.9998

0 "'
0 500 •000 •SOO 2300
Cumulative P,,.,_.0•

Cot.e (for values before 1955) =(Values of Col. 4) x 0.805

Col.7 = Finalized values or P,. for a11 years corresponding IQ the current (post 1955)
regime. The values have. been rounded off to the nearest cm.
The mean annual precipitation of Station A= 3165/22 = 143.9 cm
1'able r -24.
Cumulative Rainfall
Time Incremental flainlall intensity
(minl donth (cml (cm) (cmlhl
0 0.00
30 1.75 1.75 3.50
60 2.25 4.00 4.50

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource material supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydr'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pv1.ltd. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Chapter· I

I.I .:II= I day

Qx lx24x60x60=(2.5/100)x200x 10'
Q = (5 x 10'')186400 = 57.37 m'ts

1.2 Period= ll.t = I year

Input volume= 140 x 10<> x120/J00 = 168 f\1m3
Runoff= Output volume = (2 x 3) + ( 3 x 6) + ( 5 x 3) = 39 rnl/s. month
= 39 x (365112) x 24 x 60 x 60 = 102.492 Mm'
(i) Runoff coefficient = 102.492/168.0 = 0.61
Abstraction= 168.0 - 102.492 = 65.508 ~lml
(ii) Due. to afforestation:
Runoff= 0.5 x 168 .0 = &4.0 ~·ln1J
Abstraction = 168.0 -&4.0 = 84.0 f\11113
Increase in abstraction= 84.0 -65.058 = 18.492 ~frn)

1.3 Period= 6l = I month = 30 days

Input volume = PA+ l/JJ
Outpu1 volume = Qil.t +(G + E + T)A
P1\+ /t)J • ( Q~I + (G + E + T)1\ J = change in storage =JS
PA= 13.5x1375x10~ = 2.5438 r-itm.;
JOO 10"
Total input volume = 17.5438 1'ilnr~
• 1 1375x10'
(0 + E +T) A =(2.5 +9.5 + +0) x -x , = 1.60 Mm'
100 10
1375xl0~ .;
.4S=Si·Sr=-0.15x =-0.1031Mm
Qt.r =[PA+ f.:11)-.:IS - (G + E + T)A = 17.5438+0.103 I· l.60 = 16.047 Mm'
. - 16.047 )( 10"
Ccnstnnt rate cf withdrawal = Q = = 6.191 n1J/s
30x24 x60x60

1.4 l.:11-Qt.r = e.s = s, -s,

1!;1 = 14.2 x 3 x 60 x 60 = 153,360 rn'
Qt.<= 10.6x 3 x 60x60= 114,480 m'
Sr S1= 38.880 m'
S, = 15.5 ha. m = 155.000 nr1
s, = 155.000 + 38.800 = 193,880 m3 = 19.JJS ha.m

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McG,av1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

r.s (i) P = l:A;P, I Lt,= annual average precipitation

(10.7 x 1030) + (3.0x 830) + (8.2 <900) + (17.0 x 1300)
= = 110_~ 111n1
(10.7 +3.0+ 8.2+17.0)
(ii) Annual averageevaporation E = L,.\E, /I.4,
= (10.7 x 530) +(3.0x 438) +(8.2 x 430) +(17.0x 600) =
532.4 mm
(10.7 + 3.0 +8.2 + 17.0)
(iii) Runoff coefflclems of sub-areas
Arca Runoff coefficient
A r. = (1030 - 530)/1030 = 0.485
B ,., = (830 . 438~30 = 0.4 72
c r, = (900 • 430)/900 = 0.522
D r,, = ( 1300 - 600)11300 = 0.538
For the entire catchment r= (J 105- 532)11105 = 0.518

l .6 FromTable I. I (Tex1book):
(i) Atmospheric moisture = 12,900 /(458,000 + 119,000) = 0.022 years
= 8.2 days
(ii) Global groundwater t, = I0,530.000n20 = 4787 years
(iii) Global ocean water 11 = I ,338.000.000/47,000 = 28468 years

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


2.1 For thegiven data '1.,., = 22.545. 'P = 130.43 and C., = 17.286

From Eq, (2,3) N = ( ~ )' = c 7;2~6

)' = t 1.95 "1)' 12,
Minimum number of additional stations= 12 - 7 = 5

2.2 From Eq, (2.SJ P .=-N,[P,

..\ P.,]
J\f 1V. N? J\1"

=-137[13.2 9.2 6,8

--+-+-+-- 10.2] : 12 ,86 C111
4 125 102 76 113

2.3 A double mass curve plot of IPA vs !PA•· is prepared (Fig. r -2.3). The calculations
are shown in Table p-2.3. II is seen from Fig. P -2.3 that there is n change in regime
in the year 1955. The correction ratio is the ratio of 1hc L\\'O slopes = J\il.,JC\•t. =
0.9496/1.1796 = 0.805. The adjusted values of station A are shown in Col. 6 of
Table p-2.3.

T able o-2.3 I) eubte 1\l:1ss c urve

I 2 3 4 5 6 7
p, values of
Year p., IPAv rP. values of
PA(al Post
PA 1955 reuime)
1967 161 161 163 163 161
1966 146 307 130 293 1•6
1965 130 •37 137 430 130
1964 1•3 580 130 560 1•3
1963 135 715 140 700 135
1962 163 878 142 842 163
1961 135 1013 1~8 990 135
1960 115 1128 95 1085 115
1959 143 1271 132 1217 1•3
1958 155 1426 145 1362 155
1957 164 1590 158 1520 164
1956 156 1746 141 l 661 158
1955 193 1939 196 1857 193
1954 128 2067 160 2017 129 129
1953 117 2184 1•• 2161 118 116
1952 152 2336 196 2357 158 I 58
1951 155 2491 168 2525 135 135
1950 161 2652 194 2719 156 156
1949 147 2799 162 2881 130 130

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

1948 146 2945 178 3059 143 143

1947 132 3077 144 3200 116 116
1946 "3 3220 177 3380 142 142

Ag. p-2.3 Probl11m 2.3

Bt•-': ill th• 11r 1955

y = 1.17961(. 416.9

..• w :0.9997

y = 0,94.Mll • 11.$0$
sec #:0.9998

0 "'
0 500 •000 •SOO 2300
Cumulative P,,.,_.0•

Cot.e (for values before 1955) =(Values of Col. 4) x 0.805

Col.7 = Finalized values or P,. for a11 years corresponding IQ the current (post 1955)
regime. The values have. been rounded off to the nearest cm.
The mean annual precipitation of Station A= 3165/22 = 143.9 cm
1'able r -24.
Cumulative Rainfall
Time Incremental flainlall intensity
(minl donth (cml (cm) (cmlhl
0 0.00
30 1.75 1.75 3.50
60 2.25 4.00 4.50

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource material supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydr'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pv1.ltd. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

90 6.00 10.00 12.00

120 4.50 14.50 9.00
150 2.50 17.00 5.00
180 i.so 16.SO 3.00
210 0.75 19.25 1.50

Fig. p-2.4(a) Hyetograph of Storm

14.0 12.00
·~ 12.0
g _ 10.0 . 9.00

.: e
- z;
8.o .
=l'O -" 6.0 .
4.0 . 3.SO
4.SO S.00
2.0 I 1.SO
30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Time (min)

Fig. p·2.4(b) Mass curve of rainfall

~ 25.0
! 20.0 -
:s. - 15.0
" e ./
" u
~- 10.0
~ ~
ae o.o
0 50 100 150 200 2SO
limo (min)

'l"olal depth of rainfall = 19.25 cm

Duration of Storm = 210 111in
Average intensity = 19.25 x 60/210 = 5.5 cm/h

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

"d' IO = ~"""--
--x-- 0.1
4 1000 998 x9.S l
d'= 4000x0.I =0.0013
d = 0.03606 m = 36.06 mm

2.6 Average rainfall= 546.7 rnm

= 15% of Normal rainfall = 0.15 x 546.7
Incipient drought condition = 410.0 mrn.
Years 1%4. 1971. 1972. 1976and 1980 were drought years.

Annual Ralnlall at Stauon A


000 760.75

......,,_ - 700

="• eoo
- ..

- 1--480_

- - -
... ...
_ _,,,_
- sso S25 - - -
- - -- - - -

•• •oo - I- 380_
- - - - - ~ -- - - -
!i 300 - ~ - - - - - - - ,_ - ~ - - - -
200 - ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ --102 - - -
100 - ~ - - - - - - ,_ - - I- - - -
0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Q,,. "Q~ "if ~ ,.. ~> '\II ~ ~o ~... ~ ~ --;. --4- ~~ ? ~ -~ ~

Rainrau at Station /.\

2.7 P = ...!_[(92 x (12+ 15)) + (128x (12 +9)) +(120x (9 + 6))

600 2 2 2
+ (175 x (G+ 3)) + (85 x (J + 1\1
2 2
= (l/600)11242 + 1344 + 900 + 787.S + 1701

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

= 7.41 cm

2.8 The catchment is drawn to scale.(Fig:. P ~2.8) and using the given deu, lschyetals
of value 130, 110. 90 and 70cm11redn1wn and inter-isohyetal area determined.
p = ((9.5x 150) + (36x 140) + (25x 120) + (21x100) + (9 x SO)J = rm
•• J9.5+36+25+21+91

Fig. r • 2.8 Catchment wlth lsohyetals

2.9 (a) [Compuration in Table-2.9(a)J

Schematic Thiessen polygons and isohyc1;1ls arc shown in Pig. P - 2.9(n) and (b)

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ...ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

... . .
f t

i .
. .
.. .. I
'I -. . ..
..; - ..
.. . . . . ' Im. . .- .
r :jj;!j .
ij.!:l:n .
. . . .
.. . . . . :Yll .

r• ...
.. .. lli:m. ..
. 111
. . .. Flg. P·l.9(a)
fig. I' - 2.9(a) Thiessen Polygons

n e P·2?()
• a
P, PA1
area (1\1}
s 10.S 54
34 9.2 313
16 8.2 131
67 6.3 422
128 10.9 1396
105 10.2 1071
50 13.2 660
48 14.0 672
4Q 11. 7 538
83 11.2 930
Sume 582 :!:=6187
P., =-'-'
A =61$7/582= 10.6cm

2.9 (b)

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Fig. P· 2.9(b) Isehyetats

Table p-2.9(b)

Inter Average.
lsohyetal precipitation P;A,·
area (A,) (P,)
8 14.0 112
57 13.5 770
85 12.5 1063
290 11.5 3335
308 10.S 3234
90 9.5 855
60 8.5 510
22 7.5 165
22 6.0 132
Sum=942 l:= 10176

P",= 101761942 = 10.8-0 cm

(c) Ari1hnwtic1u¢an=(I0.2+ 11.2+ 13.2+ 14.0+ 10.9+ ll.7+6.3)n
= 11.07 (Ill

Station p x y o•:(x'+l') 1ro· PW
A 102 2 I 5 0.200 20.<10
B 120 2 2 s 0.125 15.00
c 126 3 I 10 0.100 12.60
D 108 1.5 I 3.25 0.308 33.23
ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

E 131 4.5 1.5 22.50 0.044 5.82

Surn = 0.7n 87.05

P, =:!:PW/ zw = 87.05/0.777 = 112.03

2.11 St::irting from the storm central area the area between t\VO successive isohyc1s is
muhiplicd by the average value of 111c bounding isohyers 10 get incremental
vcluruc of rainfall. The calculations arc sho\vn in Table p-2.11. The average
depth is calculated by dividing the accumulated volume by the area enclosed by
the outer isohyc1:1I. 1"hc average depth is plotted against the area in fig. P -2.11.

T a bl e D·211
• 1\ rea - 1\ vera2e dent hd ata
Ntt incre· Total Average
Arca A verage
Isohyetal lncre- mental volume of depth of
enclosed rainran
mental volume rain ralnrau
area (1000 (1000111.J) (n1n1)
21 543 543 21.5" 11674.5 11674.5 21.5
20 1345 802 20.5 16441.0 28115.5 20.9
19 2030 685 19.5 13357.5 41473.0 20.4
1$ 2545 515 18.5 9527.5 51000.5 20.0
17 2955 410 17.5 7175.0 SS 175.5 19.7
16 3280 32.5 16.5 5362.5 63538.0 19.4
15 3535 255 15.5 3952.5 67490.5 19.1
14 3710 175 14.5 2537.5 70028.0 18.9
13 3880 170 13.5 2295.0 72323.0 18.6
12 3915 35 12.5 437.5 72760.5 18.6
*=This value ii> assumed.

(i) By inte.~lation in Fig:. P -2.11 the average depth or precipitation for an

area or 2400 km" is 20.1 111m.

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1 .. ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EdiliOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Depth ·Area curve



E 21.0
: 20.0

-. <,
.!:41 19.5
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Aroa (km7)

Fig. 1> -2.11 Area -Average Depth Relationship

(ii) By assuming the storm centre to have an area of 25 krn", the depth at lhe
storm centre is 22.0 mm.

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
HV(il'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

2.12 Table p-2.12(n) shows the calculations for constructing the- hyercgraph of the

Table u-2.12{a)
Tln'e Accumulated Inc re.111e11tal lnte11sity
(mtm rainfall (n1111) amount or (n1n1/h)
rainfall (n1111)
0 0
10 19 19 I 14
20 41 22 132
30 48 7 42
40 68 20 120
50 91 23 138
60 124 33 198
70 152 28 168
80 100 8 48
90 166 6 36

The hyetcgraph is shewn in F'ig.p-2.12(a)

Hye1091•pfl ol s101m or P1001om 2.12

'" ,,. "'

., ., •• .
. 30 .. . .Tlme(mins)
"' . .
Fig. P -2.12 (a) Hyetograph •:>f the Storm

2.12(b)\'arious durations dt = 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. SO and 90 minutes are chosen.
Foe each durations the depth of rainfall in the s1011n at this interval is calculated.
(Table p-2.12(b·i)).For each duration the maximum value is noted (shown by Bold
iype) and assembled 10 calculate the corresponding maximum intensity, ( Table ir
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

2.12(1.>-ii)J. The plot or Maximum intensity in mm/h V$ Duration in minutes is

shown in fig. P ·2. J2(b).
a e P·212(bl)
Tbl • - Cla cuI'auen orM axrmum Dt!Pl h
Time Rainfall death lmml for various durations
since S1ar1 6!=10 61:20 61:30 61:40 6!:50 61:60 6!:70 61:80 6!:90
(min) min min min min min min min min min
10 19
20 22 41
30 7 ~ 48
40 20 27 49 68
50 23 43 50 72 91
60 33 56 76 83 105 124
70 28 61 84 104 111 133 152
60 6 35 69 92 112 119 1<1 160
9() 6 14 42 75 98 118 125 147 166

Table o-2.12 lb-ii Maximum Iutcusltv - Duration Data

Duration (min) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 90
ti;1ax. Depth 61 94 104 112 133 152 160 166
(mmf 33
Max. tntensily 198.0 163.0 168.0 156.0 13.i.4 133.0 130.3 120.0 110.7

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

M.ax. lnten,ity • Our01tion


gE •00
..• . .

" ''°
,. 50
DuratJon (min)
EO 70
" too

Fig. P ·2.12(b) Max. Intensity - Durati()n curve of the Storm

2.13 various durations d.t = 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. SO and 90 minutes are chosen,
For each durations the depth of rainfall in the storm al this interval is calculated.
(Fig. P ·2.1 J(i)).For each duration the maximum value is noted (shown by Bold
type) and assembled in Table p·2. I 3(ii) lo provide data for maximum depth -
duration curve, The maximum depth -dul'ation curve is shown in Fig. P ·2. I 3.

Table p-2.13(i)

St:in tu.10 esee tr,1,30 tr.1~41) 61.sc 6111Ml 4t1170 llt-80 tr.1~91)
8 ''" tnil'I niin min min 1nin
"'" tnin

20 7 15
30 10 17 25 I
40 5 15 22 30
50 16 21 31 38 46
60 9 25 30 40 47 55 I
70 5 14 30 35 45 52 60 I
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

•3 9
59 67

T•ble D-2.13 Iii) Maximum Demh - Duration Data

Duration (min) 10 2() 30 •O 50 60 70 80 90
Max. Depth
16 2S 31 40 47 SS 60 64 67

o 10 ro ~ 40 ~ ~ ro ~ 10 100
OuroUon (nt.inf)

Fig. P -2.13 Maximum Depth- Duration Curve

2.14 Calculations ae shown in Table p-2.14(a). Rainfall intensity is calculated for for
d•e storm at 10 ruin. intervals and d•e hyetograph is shown in Fig. P -2.14.

Table p·2.14.(a)

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

R11inh1ll Dcipttl (mm} in any possible limo intllt'val of


.. ..
min min
•omin 70
10 min,

0 0
10 2.1 2.1 12.6
20 6.3 4.2 6.3 252
30 1-t.5 6.2 12.4 14.5 49.2
40 27 12.5 20.7 24.9 27 75.0
50 27.9 0.9 13.4 21.6 25.8 27.9 5.4
60 33 5.1 6 18.5 26.7 30.9 33 30.6
70 35.1 2.1 7.2 8.1 20.6 28.8 33 3S.1 12.6
60 36.2 1.1 3.2 8.3 9.2 21.7 29.9 34.1 36.2 6.6
90 37 0.6 1.9 • 9.1 10 22.5 30.7 34.9 37 •.6

£rrur! N11l ll l'aUd lin'>.

f1g.p-2.14 Hyetcgraph oruie sto-m al 10 mln.Hme Interval

Maximum depth corresponding to various durations is picked up fr(,>111 theTable p-

2.14(:1} and collated in Table p-2. I 4(b). Corresponding to each duration the
maximum intensity is calculated. The variations of the (\ laximum irnenshy with 1

Duration and of Maximum depth with Durmicn are shown in Fig. P -2.14(b).

>.taxi mum
Intensity 75.0 62.1 49.8 40.5 37, 1 33.0 30.1 27.2 24.7
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Oeplh 12.5 20.7 24.9 27 30.9 33 35.1 36.2 37

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

y = ·23.&10Ln(x) + 13-0.12
~ 70 "' <, R' :0.9932
II 60 <,
~ c, 50 ............_
~ ~ 40
• •
E, ~
E 30
E ;;
-: .." 20
::s; 10 ~ y = 4.SS20x°'""
R~ a 0.9734
0 20 40 60 80 100
Duration (min)

Fig. P -2.14 (b) VariatiQn ofi\rlaximum Depth wifh Duration and of!\·laximun1
Intensity '''ith Duration.

2. I 5 The data are arranged in descending order and the recurrence intervals of various
events are calculated in Table p-2.15.

Table e-z.
? l5

Rainfall T •(N• 1)/m RaXlfall T•(N•l)/m

(cm) (Vea1s)
m (cm) (Vea1s}

1 122.60 26.00 14 85.10 1.66

2 113.00 13.00 15 84.00 1.73
3 I 06.60 8.67 16 82.$0 1.63
4 I 02.20 6.50 17 81.00 1.53
5 99.80 5.20 18 n.30 1.44
6 94.50 19 76.00 1.37
7 94.50 3.71 20 74.40 1.30
8 92.70 3.25 21 71.30 1.24
9 91.00 2.69 22 69.40 1.18
10 90.70 2.60 23 68.60 1.13
11 87.50 2.36 24 66.60 1.08
12 87.00 2.17 25 65.00 1.04
13 86.30 2.00
Fig. P -2. IS shows the plot of Tin logarithmic scare and Pon arithmetic scale'. B)'
extrapolation of the curve T5'1 = 132.50 cm and T1 ... = 143.0 c111.

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

e 120
.§. 100 r"" •-=
:. 40
0 .
10 100
T (Years)

Fig. P ·2.151-~requencyof Rainfall magnitude

2.16 The data are arranged in descending order and the recurrence Intervals of venous
eventsare calculated in Table p·2.16. The cxccedancc probability J> = lfT ( in
percentlis also cnlculmed for each event.

Table o-2.J 6
Exceedance Exceedance
Rainfall T:(N-t 1 )Im p1obability in Rainfall
T probabil~y in
m m s(N•l)/m
(cm) (Years) cercent. P• (em) (Years)
percent. P•
!rnJ(N+ 1)}x100 (ml(N• I ))xi 00

1 120 21.00 4.76 11 90

2 115 10.50 9.52 12 90 1.75 57.14
3 109 7.00 14.29 13 69 1.62 61.90

23.81 "
1.50 66.67

6 I 01 3.50 28.57 16 84 1.31 76.19

7 95 17 80 1.24 80.95
8 95 2.63 38.10 18 76 1.17 85.71
9 92 19 70 1.11 90.48
10 92 2.10 47.62 20 66 1.05 9524

Fig. r ·2.16 is a plot of Rainfall P in the arithmetic scale and the recurrence interval
T in logarithmic scale. From this plot (a) :11 T = 15 years. P1s= 118.0 cm and (b) :11
J:> = 100 cm. T = 3.5 years.
(c) By observation of the probabilhy pin the table. it seen that
Alp= 66.67% Rainf:11l = 88 cm

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Alp= 76.19% Rainfidl = S4 cm. Hence b)' linear interpolation. 15%

dependable rainfatl, Le., the rainfall corresponding to p=75% is 84.5 cm.

1 10 100
T (Years)

Fi2. P ·2.16 Frequency or Rainfall.

2. 17 The calculations are shown in Table p-2.17

Table •·2.17 Calculatlou or3•\'('ar ~10VillfJ f\.fean
3-year 3-year
Annual Moving Annual Moving
Rainlal Mean Rainfall ._lean
Yea1 Year <cm>
1963 68.6 '""'
1951 94.3 94.4 1964 82.5 80.6
1952 76.0 85.9 1965 90.7 91.0
1953 87.5 85.4 1966 99.8 88.3
1954 92.7 83.8 1967 74.4 80.9
1955 71.3 80.4 1968 68.6 69.3
1956 77.3 77.9 1969 65.0 74.9
1957 85.1 95.1 1970 91.0 87.6
1958 122.8 92.4 1971 106.8 100.0
1959 69.4 91 .1 1972 102.2 98.7
1960 81.0 81 .6 1973 87.0 91.1
1961 94.5 87,3 197.i 84.0
1962 86.3 60.3

Fig. P -2.17 is n plot of the above 3-yea.r and 5-year moving me-ans. There appears to be no
specific recognizable trend. 5-)'e.tir moving mean srnoorhens the data much more than the
3-ye:ir reeving mean

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

~ 120.0
~ 3·Y' ~loving fl.lean
0 - S·yf r~1oving Mean
~: --
e 100.0

~ tii
"• E
: a:
• 80.0

,\ 60.0
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975

Fi~. P ·2.17 3-ye-nr & 5-ycnr ~1ovin~ Means

2.18 (a) o= 1/50 = 0.02

"''" = IO! (0.02)(0.98)' = 0.167
9!. I!

(b) n= IO.r=2
"···· IO! 00 '098' 00 -
• = -( 8! .2! . 2) ( . ) = . 1>3
(C) po= 1-(1-0.02)'0:0.183

2.19 p=0.01
P•-">= (I -0.01)
,, = 0.01
"' = 0.605
2.20 Number of events = 4 + 2 + 5 = I I in total
venrs or record = 36 + 25 +4$ = 109
The even! is equaled to or exceeded I I times in 109 years of record.
Hence ·r=(I09+ 1)111 =IOyears.

2.21 (ii) .r~ 120cm 'r=71/11 =6.4S5ycar:;.p= lff=0.155

(b) x~ 140cm p= 3n1=0.04225

p,, = 2!_(0.04225)'= 0.0Cll79

- ()! .2!
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(c) ,,. < 60 cm, p = 6/71 = 0.0845

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Chapter- 3

3. I At 30° the latent heat of vaporization

l = 25-0 I - 2.37 T = 2501-(2.37 x 30) = 2430 kJ/kg
p <density of water at 30'> (from Tablesje 996 kg/nr1
EL= cvapcrarion rate = R fllt: l

= 996 x cZ: x 1000) = 1.2395 x 10·' mis

= 1.2395 x 10·' x 1000 x 8644 mmld:t}' = 10.7 m111/day

3.2 By water balance for the l)l•n

Pan evaporation = 195 + 45 - IS- 190 = 35 mm
Lake evaporation = 0.7 x 35 = 24.5 mm

3.3 Area =SO k111~ = 50 x 106 m:

Before reservoir: Nonna! runoff= (120/100) x0.4x50x10'> = 24 ri.1m3
After reservoir: Input in 10 the reservoir = 1.20 x 50 = 60 \\•ln13
Loss from the reservoir= 07 x 2.4 x 50 = 84 l><lnr'
Net annual supply=. 24 [\'hn3(decrease)
Net overall change per year= 24 - (-24) = 48 r.11nJll>s..o> water

3.4 Mcycrs fonuula: E," =K .. (e.. -e ,, )(l+u•)

Take K,,.=.O.S and obtain e,. front Table 3.3 (of Te-xi book).

e..= e... R1t where R,. is relative humidity. Also 11., = ":(%>'" = I .2396 u:

Thus Er,= 0.5(1- R~)e,,(1 + ~'6> Md the calculations are shown in Table p-3.4.
1'a bl e P- 34

No.of •• "• E, Monlhly

ot Hg)
R, "'
(km/h) (k'mlh) (mm/day)

Jail 31 t0.87 0.85 •.o 4.96 1.07 33.t

Feb 28 13.43 0.82 5.0 6.20 1.68 47.0
Mar 31 t8.28 0.71 5.o I 6.20 3.68 114.0
A•• 30 26.74 O.J18 5.0 I 6.20 9.65 289.4
i\lav 31 33.67 0.41 7.8 I 9.67 15.94 494.0
Jun 30 38.75 0.52 10.0 12.40 16.51 495.2
Jul 31 32.82 0.78 8.0 9.92 5.85 181.3
Auo 31 29.00 0.86 5.5 6.82 2.90 89.7
Sen 30 26.34 0.82 5.0 6.20 3.54 106.2
Oct 31 22.11 0.75 4.0 4.96 3.62 112.2
30 16.37 0.77 3.6 4.46 2.41 72.2
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

I Dec I 31 I 11.76 I 0.73 I 4.0 I 4.961 2.08 I 64.51

Mean monthly evaporation= 2098.7/12 = 174.9 m1n/nt(1nth

3.S(a) By Penman's formula:

From Table 3.3 (of Text Book) A = 2.18. e•. = 38.75 mm of llg
Frorn Table 3.4 (of Text Book)//.,= 16.36 nun of \\•ater/day
From Table 3.5 (ofText Book) N = 13. 94 hrs. n/N = 0.646
From given data: e; = 38.75 x 0.52 = 20.15 mm of Hg
A= 0.29 cos zgO = 0.256: b = 0.52; 0 = 2.0 I x 104 m1nfday ;
T~=273T33.5=306K; r:0.05 and oT,,'1= 17.7385.
Using Eq.( 3.5)
H" = 16.36(1 -0.05)(0.256 + 0.52 x ().646)
- 17.73SS(0.56-0.092j20. IS) (0.10 + 0.9 x0.646)
= 7.39 mm (If water per day
From Eq. (3. 15) e, = 0.35(1 + l~~i4)(3S.75- 20.15) = 16.275
From Eq. (3. 13) '=0.49
"T k . (2.18x7.39)+(16.275x0.49) .•
Pc. = 1a 'C evaporation= = 902
. rnm1uay
Evaporation in June= 9.02 x 30 = 270.6 nun= 27.1 cm

3.5(b) By Thomthwaite equation IEq. 3. I 71:

From Tobie 3.8 (ofTc.i Book) Lo= I. 168 ; By D111n r =33.s"C
Heat Index i Hc-~11 Index i Heat Index i
i1 = 4.004 ;J= 15.837 iy= 13.722
;, = 5.708 it.= 17.811 i10= 10.614
i1= S.593 ;,: 15.529 ;,,:7.487
i~= 12.848 is= 14.316 i12 = 4.600
I, :}:i; = 131.069
"= 1.51986 - 1.3245 + 2.34876 + 0.49239 = 3.036
Sy Eq.- ( 3.17) e, = 1.6. x I.I 6•ox( 10x33-5 ) '"'' = 3 2.ze
,. cm

3.6 lnf'low : 10 )( 60 X 60 x 24 X 30: 2-5.921v(n1..\

Out flow = 15 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 30 = 38.88 ~Im..\
Rainfall volume = ( 10/100) x 20 x ( 1000)2 = 2.00 f'.1ro3
Seepage = ( 1.S/100) x 20 x ( 1000)' = 0.36 Mn.'
Change in volume =(25.92 + 2.00-38.SS -0.36) =. 11.321'.ihn}
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Actual changc e . 16.00 P.1111.l

Hence evaporatione 16.00-ll.32=4.68,..11n3= ~ xl06)()00
= 23.4 cm

Unit Month r, F p,
0.5 June 49.5
I Julv 49.2
I Au2 48.6
I Sent 48.1
0.5 Oct 47.6
8.3l 1.9778

. Total 16.7541
Take K = 1.10. By Blaney - Criddle formula (Eq. 3.16)
E'o=2.;4x r.io « 16.7541 = 46.81 cm

3.S Thomthwaitc formula (Eq.3.17):

Month I T ET (cm) L.
Jon 9.75 22.5 0.99 8.02
Feb 11.09 24.5 0.91 9.63
March 12.85 27.0 1.03 14.80
Anl'il 13.56 28.0 1.035 16.88
1vtav 12.85 27.0 1.09 15.66
June 11.44 25.0 I07 12.07
Julv 10.41 23.5 1.10 10.21
Aue 10.75 24.0 1.075 10.67
Seot 10.75 24.0 1.02 10.12
Oc• 11.09 24.5 1.015 10.75
Nov 10.0S 23.0 0.96 8.33
Dec 9.75 225 0.98 7.94

l,='E.i; = 134.37
o = 1.6376 • 1.39206 + 2.4079 + 0.49239 = 3.1458 (1'11is ~'(1/ue is 11se(I in Eq. .1.17
1() cnlc11lr11t: Er i11 Col. 5CJ/1he obove Tllble)
"t.tT= 134.88 cm = 1\nnual PET
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Mean monthly PBT = 134.88/12 = JJ.25 cm

3.9 Herc J;, = 6.0 mm and rvl..\$\V= 120 mm

(1-p) MASW = (l-0.2)xl20 = 96.0 and E, = 0.65 x6.0 = 3.9 mm/d:iy
Day): AASVl = 120111111 > (1-v) rvl..\$\V
Hence potential condition exists and E.. = ~ = 3.9 mm/day
This rate will continue till a depletion of ( 120-96) = 24 mm takes place in
the soil. This will lake 2413.9 = 6.15 days. Thus on Day2 the. actual evapo-
transpiration I!,= Eo; = 3.9 mm and Day 7 also will have
E.. =Er= 3.911111a/dny.
Day S: At the beginning of Day 8. A1\S\V: (120-3.9)(7) = 92.7 mm
Since AASW <(I - p) MASW.

E, = [:!~]x39 = 3n mm
Day 9: At the beginning of Doy 9. AASW= (92.7 - 3.77) = 88.93 mm
Since r\AS\\' <(I -11) ~IASW.
E,= [ SS.93]
-- x3.9=3.6tmn1

3. 10 B)' observauon of the data f.· = 1.0 cm/h. Compuiarions needed for the plot of 111 (!J1·
fcJ\IS uruc (h) arc shown in the following table:

Time capacity lp>/0 f.n (11>·1,)
0.25 5.60 4.60 1.5261
0.50 3.20 2.20 0.7885
0.75 2.10 1.10 0.0953
1.00 1.50 0.50 -0.6931
1.25 1.20 0.20 • 1.6-094
1.50 1.10 0.10 ·2.3026
1,75 1.00 0.00
2.00 1.00 o.oo
Values of LJ1(fi,-JC) nre ploued against time on an nrithmetic SJ!lph paper (Fig..f>-

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Horton's Equation • Prob.3.10

1.50 y = ·3.11( •2.3466_
<, R' •0.8903

I o.oo
c -0.50
' <,
' <, -,
4.50 'lo.
0.00 o.so 1.00 1.50 2.00
nm• t (h)

Fig. I• ·3.10 Derivation of Horton's equation

'The best fit straight line through the plotted points could be expressed as
/11(/~ - f,.) = ·3. I I+ 2.3486
Thus K11 • 3.1 n" anc U1(jj, - f.·>
= 2.3486 giving UP- J:.) = 10.4499;
Since f., = 1.0 cm/h. /., = 11.45 cmlh
Hence /,. = 1.0 +- 10.45 e·"11

Table •·3.11
Incremental (1,.4,J r in
Time{min) F,.(cm) infiltration fp{cmlh) ln(fp·f~)
(Cmlh) hOUI'$
5 2.15 2.15 25.8 22.59 3.117507 0.083
10 3.77 1.62 19.4'4 16.23 2.786861 0.167
15 5.22 1.45 17 .'4 14.19 2.652537 0.250
20 6.58 1.36 16.32 13.11 2.573375 0.333
30 7.84 1.26 7.56 4.35 I .~70176 0.500
40 8.95 1.11 6.66 3.-45 1.23837'1 0.667
60 10.18 1.23 3.69 0.48 ·0.73397 1.000
80 11.26 1.08 3.24 0.03 1.333
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

100 I 12.33 I 1.01 I 3.21 I ol 1.ss1 I

/11(J~{r)vs 1i111e 1 in hours is ploued as shown in Fig. P ·3.11. The equation or the
best lit line is obtained as 111({"{..)=-4.1235 t + 3.6393. Thus K., = 4.1235 h'1 and
'"(f<>-fc)= 3.6393 giving (fo-!cl= 38.065 cm/h,
Since f..= 3.2 Jcnvb. /11• 41.275 cn1n1.

Horton's Equation· Prob.3.11

3 - ·~ " ;; ·4.1235x • 3.6393 -
2 <,
R2 = 0.9676


•1 '•
0.00 0.20 0.40 o.so 0.80 1.00 1.20
Time t (h)

1i·ig. l' · J.110el'elopn)en1 or Horton's Equation

3. I I Incremental infiltration depth values and corresponding infiltration intensities/,. at

various data observation rimes arc calculated as shown in the following'fable p-S. I 2.
Also, various parameters needed for plotting din'crent Infiltration models arc also
cajcutated as shown in Table 4. The units used <.ire}~ in cm/h, I·~ in cm and 1 in hours.

Table p-3.12 Computationsfor Problem J.12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time I in F, 1. Ln
infiltration Ln Fp f/Fp
(min) hou1·s (cm) (em) (cll\lll} 1(11)

0 0.000
5 0.083 1.00 1 12 o.ooo ·2.46$ 1.000 3.-'6"4
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

10 0.167 1.80 0.8 9.6 0.566 ·1.792 0.556 2.449

15 0.250 2.50 0.7 8.4 0.916 ·1.366 o.eoo 2.000
20 0.333 3.10 0.6 7.2 1.t31 ·1.099 0.323 1.732
30 0.500 4.20 1.1 6.6 1.435 -0.693 0.238 1.414
40 0.667 5.10 0.9 5.4 1.629 ·0.405 0.195 1.225


Kosli:tkov"!>. i::.gu:ttion: F,. (t )=at" f.q.(3.25)

laking logarithms of both sides of the equation (3.25)
!11(!",.) = !11 (J + b !11(1).
The dma set is plotted as ln(t~,.) vs /11(1) on an arithmetic groph paper (Fig.P3.12-
l .Innd the best fi1 straight line through the plotted is obtained as
hr(P,) =i.9117 + 0.7.193 /11(1).
·111e coefficients of Kosrinkov eqnnrion are b = O. 7393 and
Lit a= 1.907 and hence a= 6.733. Best filling Kcsuakcv equation for the data is
p =6.7331(1.t.t)>
Kosliakov's Equalion • Prob.3.12

...c• 1.50
... 1.00
y ;; 0. 7393x + 1.907
0.50 j-----;;;'-'------- R' = 0.996
·3.0 ·2.0 ·1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
ln t(h)

Fig. 3.12·1 Kostlakov Equation

Green - Ampt Equation: f ,. =111+- "

F (3.27)

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

values of fp (col. 3) arc plotted ngainsr I/ Fp (col. 8) on <in arithmetic graph paper
(Fig.P-3.11-2). The best fit straight line through the plcued points is obtained as
I, = 9.0239(1..)+3.8375.
The coefficients of the Green - Ampt equations are,,,= 3.$357 nnd 11 = 9.0239
Oreef\-Ampl EqiMtion. Prob, 3.12


-· •'

y = 9.0239x + 3.8375
R1: 0.9339

o.oo 0.20 O.GO c.ec 1.00 . ..
1/ Fp

Fig. p-3.12-2 Green -Am1•t Equation

Philip's Equation: The expressionfr{1)= Yis,-X + K (Eq.3.24) is used. Values of J,.

(col. 3) arc plotted against ,.o.1(col.9) on an arithmetic graph paper (Fig.P-3.12-3). 'lbc best
111 suaight line through the plotted points is obtained as
I, = 2.9135 ,-ll) + 2.0461
lbc coefficients of Philip's equation arcs= 2 x 2.9735 = 5.9470 and K= 2.0461

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Philip's Equ:iUon ·Prob. 3.12



- -

~- .
y : 2.9735• • 2.0461
A, .o.~7
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Fig. 3.1~3 Philip'"' Equation

3.13 Computations needed for the plot of /11 (1!1{cJ vs ti rue (h) are shown in the
following table: Jn this test . the reading corresponding to time t = 110 min is obviously an
error of observation and as such is taken as eoual to 1.50 crn.
Time !in I,
Time(mln) Fi;(mm) F.{cm) durin9 ({o·f() ln(f9·fd
nours interval
0 0
5 0.0633 21.0 2.10 2.1 25.200 23.700 3.1655
10 0.1667 36.0 3.60 1.50 18.000 16.500 2.8034
15 0.2500 47.6 4.76 1. 16 13.920 12.420 2.5193
25 0.4167 56.9 5.69 0.93 5.560 4.080 1.4061
40 0.6667 63.8 6.38 0.69 2.760 1.260 0.2311
60 1.0000 69.8 6.98 0.60 1.800 0.300 ·1.2040
75 1.2500 7-1.8 7.48 0.50 2.000 0.500 -0.6931
90 1.5000 79.3 7.93 0.-45 1.800 0.300 ·1.2040
110 1.8333 87.0 8.70 o.n ~.31Q ~
130 2.1667 92.0 9.20 0.50 1.500 0.000

Values of l11ifp·fc)are ploued against time (h) on an arithmetic graph paper (Fig.P- 3. J 3).
Note that the data of 1 = I JO min is not included in the plot.

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HV(ir'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subtamanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Horton's equation· Prob. 3.13

y = ·3.2747X + 3.0612
::Jl R1 = 0.9012
~ o.o .
.... ·2.0 .

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
I (h)

Fi;:. p·3.13 Fill.inf: of l!orlon's Equation - Problem 3.13.

The best fit Slraigh1 line through the plot.ted p~ints could be. expressed as
In(!,,- le)= -3.2747 t + 3.0612 with R· = 0.9012.
Thus K, = 3.06 11·• and /Jo({, - J,.) = 3.2747
giving(!,,- ts= 26.435
Sincef,. = 1.50 cn\/h. /., = 27.935 cnl.11•

3.14 Incremental Infiltration depth values and corresponding infllnntion intensitjesJ;. at

various data observation times are calculated as shown in the following Table p.
3.14. Also, various parameters needed for plotting different infiltration models arc
also calculated as shown in Table P·3.14. The units used are J~ in cnl/h, F,. in cm
and 1 in hours.

Table p·J.14 Computations for Problem J.14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time du ting
<cml '•
(cmlh' tn F Ln t t!F ('-'
0 0
10 0.167 9.8 0.98 0.98 5.880 ·0.020 • 1.792 1.020 2.449
20 0.333 18.0 1.80 0.82 4.920 0.588 · 1.099 0.556 1.732
30 0.500 25.0 2.50 0.70 4.200 0.916 ·0.693 0.400 1.414
50 0.833 38.0 3.80 1.30 3.900 1.335 ·0.182 0.263 1.095

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty.'
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

90 55.0 5.50 1.70 3.400 1,705 0.299 0.182 o.sss
2.000 76.0 7.60 2.10 3.150 2.028 0.693 0.132 0.707
2.667 94.0 9.40 1.80 2.700 2.241 0.981 0.106 0.612
3.333 110.0 11.00 1.60 2.400 2.399 1.204 0.091 0.548
290 137.0 13,70 2.70 2.025 2.617 1.540 0.073 0.463
S.000 163.0 16.30 2.SO 1.950 2.79i 1,792 0.061 0.409
Kos1iakov•s Equation: F"'(1)= o 111 Eq.(3.25)
Taking logarithms of both sides of me equation (3.25)
ln(P,.) = /11 a + b ln(t).
'The data set is ploued as IJ1(Fr> vs 111(1) 01• an arithmetic graph paper (Fig.P-3.14- I .)and the
best Iii Stl'aight line through the ploued is obtained as
!t1(P,.) =J.4457+ 0.78411!1(1).
The coefflcienrs of Kostiakov equation are b = 0.784 I and
U1 a= 1.4457 and hence (1 = 4.24). Best fitting Kostiakovequation fol' the data is

F,. = 4.2451°'13J'

Kcsttakcv Equation· Prob. 3.14




u,• 1.$0
_,e 1.00
y•0.7841X .. 1.4457
Rl • 0.9N3

·0.50 '-----~------------'
·2.00 ·1.50 ·1,00 ·O.SO 0,00 0.50 1,00 1.50 2.00

Fig. P -3.14·1 Kostiakov Euanon

Philip's Equation: The expression I, (t) = fis ,-M +K (Eq.3.24) is used. Values of fr
(Col. 6) are ploued against ,--0s(col. lO) on an arithmetic graph paper (Fig.P-3.14-2). TI•e
best lit straight line through the plotted points is obtajned as
JI'= 1.9111'°'~ + 1.485
'The coefficients of Philip's equation ates= 2 x 1.91 l = 3.822 and K= 1.485
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Philip's Equalion • PfOb. 3.13

s.o _,,...,
,,..., -


- .,,...,•
y = 1.911)1+1.485
R> : 0 ..9593 -
0.00 o.so 1.00 1.50 2.00 2~50 3.00

Fi,::. P-3.14·2 Philip's Equation

Green- Ampl Bouation: "

[. = nt+- (3.27)
' F
Values of J,. (col. 6) are pJoued agains; 'I/ P" (col. 9) on an arithmetic graph paper (Fig.P.
3.14-3). The best fil sttaighl line through the ploued points is obtained as

!, = 3.97851. /'. ) + 2.30;.

TI.e coefficients of 1he Green - Ampt equations are 111 = 2.305 and "= 3.9785

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Gre.en • Ampl Equallon-Prob.3.14

s.o -•
E ~o

..,,.•• -
~ ·-

y = 3.9785• .. 2.305
R1 • 0.8797 -
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20


•ig. l,·3.14·3 Green -Anlpt Equatieu

3. 15 Ccmpmmtons needed for the plots of/·--,.. J~ and /11 (JjJ{t) vs time (hours) arc shown
in the following table:

Time F,
(hours) (mm}
depth (cm) '·
(fp·I~} Ln(fp·lc) tp(mmlh)

0.033 7 0.7 0.8 24.000 23.900 3.174 240.00
0.167 20 2 1.3 9.750 9.650 2.267 97.50
0.500 33.5 3.35 1.35 4.050 3.950 1.374 40,50
1.000 37.8 3.78 0.43 0.860 0.760 ·0.274 8.60
1.500 39.5 3.95 0.17 0.340 0.240 ·1,427 3.40
2.167 41 4.1 0.15 0225 0.125 •2.079 2.25
4,000 •3 4.3 0.2 0.109 0.009 ·4.700 1.09
6.000 •5 4.5 0.2 0.100 1.00
. . . -
The vanauon ofjp (mnllh) with 1(/J)1s shown m Fig. P ·3.15· I. The cquanon of
lhc best fit line is obtained as/p = O. 7598 (1•11j$

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Variation of Infiltration capacity • Prob. 3.15


y = 0.75981(1•1''
Ai= 0..9497

0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Time (h)
g. P-3.IS·l Variation of lnfiltrati(1n Capatily

TI1e variation of Fp (mm) wid1 l (h) is shown in Fig. P -3.14-2. The equauon of the
best lit line is obtained as Fp = 7.4827 ln t + 34.781
Vatlallon ot cumctenve lnllllrallon with Tlme·Prob.3.15

eE so y • 7.... 27Lnt~) • 3•.7"1

~ 50 Ala0.0503

~ 40

~ 30

~ 20
3 10
0 0
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Time (h)

Fig. P - 3.15-2 Yariation of Cumulative lnriltr:1ti(1n with Time

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

B)' observation of the dataf.. =0.10 cm/h. Values of /11(/JJ-/c) arc plotted against
time (h) on an arithmetic graph paper (Fis.f>· 3.15·3). The best fit straiSht line.
through the plotted points could be expressed tis
fn(f,,- /,) = -1.9()95 I+ 2.3169
Thus K,,; 1.91h., and U1(f,,- / ..) = 2.317 giving (h,- J..) = 10.144 cm/h
Since le• O. IOCm/h, f0 - 10.244 cmlh

Horton•s oqwtlon ·Problem 3.15

y = -1.9095x. 2.31
A,• 0.9423

- 1.0
:: 0.0
g ·1.0

5 ·:!.O ~
·5.0 •
0.0 •.O 2.0 2.6 a.s <O •••
Tim• t (h)

Fig. I' - 3.15·3 Horton's Equation


= J' t, di and Ji.=

F,, 0.5 + 1.2 e.o.''
(i) lo 4 hours cumulative infiltration

Fr= aJ(0.5+1.2e·0$')<11
= ((O.S x 4) -
= [ 0.5r-~e·0j'
~~ .

0-(2.4)( e'°'''' -(-e")J = 2.0- 2.4(0.13533-1) =4.075 cm

Average infihrauon capacity rate =/,..,= 4.075/4 = 1.02 cnt/l'

3.17 Fp = 3.0 r"'

Differentiating wjth respect to time 1. J~ = (3.0 x 0. 7) i-0·}
Att=2.0h. /p=2.I x(2.or"= l.7cm/h
A11 = 3.0 h, Io= 2.1 x (J.or11·>= 1.stcntlh

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

340000 = 0.068 m = 6.S cm.
jCJOxlO ..
Pulses of uniform time duration tl.1 = 2 h are considered. The pulses are numbered
sequentially and intensity of rainfall in each pulse is calculated as shown below.

T blI.' D· 3 • 18 Cal tuIauens
' ror Problem 3 18 .
Pulse number I z 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time from start of rain 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Cumulative rainfall 0.80 2.W 4.10 7.30 10.80 I I.SO 12.40 12.W
Incremental rain (cm) 0.80 1.80 I.SO 3.20 3.50 1.00 0.60 0.20
Intensity of rain (/,) in 0.40 0.90 0.75 r.so 1.75 0.50 0.30 0.10

Herc duration of rainfall D = 16 h. ss = 2 h and N = 8.

Trinl I:
Assume- A·f = 5. tl.1 = 2 h and hence t., = 1\·I. 61 = 10 hours.
Select these 5 pulses in decreasing order of/;. Pulse I. 7 and S are omiued.
Runoff R, =6.8 cm = ' -p).:.
I(i, 1= '
LI,· .6 1 -11(5x2)

6.S = (0.90 x 2)' + (0.75 x Z) + (1.60

' x 2) + ( 1.75 x 2) + (0.50 x 2) I· 10 <JI
op= 4.2110 = 0.42 cm/h
By inspection or fO\V 5 of Table (p-3.18). A1., = number or pulses having f 2:: qi. that
is 11 ~ 0.42 cm/h is 5.
Thus Jl·f,. = 5= /.1. Hence assumed /l·f is OK.
The e-index of the storm is 0.42 cn\/h and the durauoa of rainfall excess=
1,. = 10 bours.

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Fig. P·3.18 HytographandERH of tho St«m (Prob!om 3.18)

. .. 1.75

- r. ..

e '·>.oo'° 0.00
.s 0,75
- ra,
] 0.80 = 0.42
·~ o.eo -0.:10-- Cfl'llh J
"' o..w
O.<O :O:'i!tl_____
- -
0.20 I n·•

• • ,,
2 4
Time (hoi.-s) " "

Fig. P-3.18 ERH

Pulses of uniform time duration 6.1 = O.S Ii art' considered. The pulses are numbered
sequenlially and intensity of rainfall in eachpulse is calculated as shown below.
Table n.J.19 calculations tor Problem 3.19
Pulse number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ti1ne front start of 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
rain Ch)
Curnularive 0.25 o.so I. 10 1.60 1.60 .1.50 5.70 6.5() 7.30 7.70
rninfall (cm)
Incremental rain 0.25 0.25 0.60 0.50 1.00 0.90 1.20 1.10 0.50 0.20
Intensity of rain 0.50 o.so 1.20 1.00 2.00 1.80 2.40 2.20 1.00 0.40
(/;\in cmlh.

Herc duration of rainfall V = 5 h, 61 = 0.5 hand N = 10.

1r;a1 I:

Runoff R,=3.Scm = ~)1, -11)<.11

Assume A1 = 7. tl1 = 0.5 hand hence 1.. = r..t . .61 = 3.5 hours.
Select these 7 pulses in decreasing order of I;. Pulse 1.2 and 10 tin: crniued.
= °fJ, ·<.\ t -1' (7 x0.5)
' '
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

3.5 = (1.2 x 0.S) + ( 1.00 x 0.S) + (2.00 x 0.S) + ( 1.80 x 0.S) + (2.4 x 0.S) +
(2.20 x 0.5) + (1.0 x 0.S) l- 3.5 ~
= 5.8- 3.5 'I'
'+> = 2.3/3.S = 0.0.657 crnrb
By inspectionof row 5 of Table. (p-3.19). A1, e numbcr of pulses having/,~ ip. thiu is
/,·~ 0.0.657 cm/his 7. Thus A·f.:= 7= A·I. Hence assumed .~1 is OK.
The o-index of the storm is 0.657 cn\/11 and the duration of rainfall excess= t, = 3.5
Fig. P·3.19 Storm Hyetograpt. ond £AH • Problem 3.19


r :?.O
i ...

0.0 '=--"'=-""----'--1---'---'----'--1---'=--'
0.5 •• ,, ac 30 ••• ,, s.o

fig. P - 3.19 ERfl

Pulses of uniform lime duration lit = 2:0 min are considered. The pulses are numbered
sequentially and intensity of rainfall in each pulse is calculated us shown below.
Table p-3.20 C:alculalions for Problem J.20

Pulse No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time from start of rain (h) 0.333 0.667 1.00 1.333 l.667 2.00 2.333
Rainfall Intensitv (nln1/h) 6 6 18 13 2 2 12
lncremeutal rainfall depth in the
2.00 2.00 6.00 4.33 0.67 0.67 4.00
interval (1nm)
A veraze Loss =Q)x/it 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Runoff (Olin) in 6.t 1.00 1.00 5.00 3.33 0 0 3.00
Total runoff = 13.33 mm

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Calculation of w-Index:
Deduct initial loss 111 = 0.8 mm front the rainfall hyetograph. The firs! pulse will
have a rainfall of ( 2.00 - 0.80 = I .2 nun) and lhe resulting intensity is 1.2/0.333 =
4.00 rum/h. The resulting byerograpb is !IS follows:

Pulse No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time from start of rain (h l 0.333 0.667 I.OD 1.333 1.667 2.00 2.333
Incremental rainfall depth in
1.2 2.00 6.00 4.33 0.67 0.67 4.00
the interval (nun)
Rainfall intensity of pulses
for \\'.index computauon 4 6 IS 13 2 2 12

Trial I:
Assume A'1 = S. :l.1 = 0.333h and hence I-: = l\•1. at = I .667 hours.
Select these S pulses in decreasing order of/;. Pulse 5 and 6 are omined.
Runoff R, =13.33 mm= '
:2:(1, -~)<11 '
=LI, ·<11 -~ (Sx0.333)

13.33 = ((4 x 0.333) + (6 ' x 0.333) + (18 x' 0.333) + (13 x 0.333) + (12 x 0.333))-
1.6<\7 ~ = 17.53 - 1.6<\7 ~
tp = 4.211.67 = 2.52 1nn1'h
By inspection of tO\Y 4 of Table (p·3.20), A1, = number of pulses having 11 ~(I). that
Ir~ 2 . .52 rnnl/h is 5.
Thus J\1,. = S= A1. Hence assumed /\1 is OK.
The w-toocx of the storm is 2.52 1ru1\/h and the duration of rainfall excess =I-: =
1.67 hours.

3.21 O>-={)60
. cm/h = O>O
·- crn ocr 2 0 min time steo
I 2 3 4 7
1"imc Increment Cum. tncrc-
from ;i,l time Rainfall mental (11fi1 ua uo I) Runoff
start (=•M) (cm) rninf:ill Loss (cm)
(cm) = ( <J)X 01)
0 0 0 0
20 20 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.30
40 20 1.20 0.70 0.20 0.50
60 20 2.60 1-4-0 0.20 1.2
80 20 3.30 0.70 0.20 0.5
100 20 3.50 0.20 0.20 0
sum I.OD 2.50

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EdifiOl'l w11uen by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lor lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Runoff in each time Step is equal to the Incremental rainfal! in 1ho1 step minus
infiltration loss calculated as equal to ( cpx At). Nole 1h111 the initial loss hos already
been accounted for in lhe calculation of c-Index and as such does not appear in lhe
calculations. The total surfnee runoff from the catchment is 2.50 cm.


intensity Depth Runoff Runoff

of of in CJCh depth
<p· Rainfnll cffecitive Rainfall sub- over IOCJI
%of IOOcx Intensity rainfall Ou ml ion excess arc;i catchment
catchment (cm/h) (cm/h) (cnvh) (h) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1.0 0.8 o.o 1.0 o.o
1.0 2.3 1.3 1.0 1.3
0.2 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.8 0.36
0.8 0.7 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.8 2.1 1.4 1.0 1.4
0.3 0.8 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.3 1.6 0.48
0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5
0.5 2.5 2.0 1.0 2.0
0.5 0.5 I o.s 0.3 1.0 0.3 2.8 1.40
Total = ·2.24 cm

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I Edition w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource materialis lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


4.1 For the ficst and lasl sections =1.6875

Dlstance - Ill

from lhe
water Average Vo.>o V0.6d Ave1age
edge widlh depth velocity Segmental
Im\ Im) Im) tmls) discha1ae commetu
0.0 0 0 0 o.o I

0.6 I
II 1.097

4.5 1.5000 1.70 0.7 e.s I 0.60 I 1.530

6.0 1.5000 1.00 0.6 0.4 0.50 I 0.750

1.6875 0.40


e.o I 0.00
I 0.236 test

I Sum= 6.426
Total discharge= 6.426 inJ/s

4.2 (a) v = ky"

I" k '' kd"
y" dy =--
~ (1n +I)
11 0
v04 =velocity ~1 0.6 dcplh.that is a1 y = 0.4 d
v kd"
-= x
l'o.tt (ur+I) k(0.4) .. a ..
Fot 1/6:0.16667. -
,,_.,, = 1.001

4.2 (b) v., = k(0.8)" ti"

v,.., = k(O.IS)"d"
i I I
~---= x--
( '\•: ~ "••t) [ (0.8)" +2(0.18)"] (I+ m)
Substituting "' = 0.1667. RHS of above equation is equal to J.00036.

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

(2.0 + .:::_2
4.3 For the first section 1\.' = =2.25 m

For the last section \11 =

( LO+ LO
2 )'
=1.125 m

from the

water Average:
\Vidlh oeom
tlora in
Tmin. oeeerva- Average
tion time velocity Segmen1a1
1mi rrm rrm T ts\ trnts' dlscha1rie Commen1
0 0.00 0 0.000
180 0.174 0.196 Firs!
2 2.25 0.50 80

I. I 0
9 3.00 2.25 139 120 0.403 2.718
12 3.00 1.85 12\ 120 0.355 1.968

15 3.00 1.75 114 120 0.336 1.764

18 2.50 1.65 109 120 0.323 1.331
20 2.00 1.50 92 120 0.277 0.832
22 1.50 1.25 85 120 0.259 0.485

23 1.125 0.75 70 \ 50 0.219 0.185 Last

24 0 0 0 0.000 0
Sum; 11.895

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thi.Cl EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

4.4 For the firs1 and Inst sections

_ (1s+~)' = 84.375 Ill
"' = 2x7S-

Average Average Segmental

Seelion Widlh
v. 6 vebc~y Discharge
(m) Oeg~ees (mis) (m'ts)

0 0 0
1 84.375 1.8 1.75 55 1.36 206.8
2 75 2.5 1.84 57 1.47 274.9
3 75 3.5 2.00 60 1.65 431.9
4 75 3.8 2.28 64 1,95 554.8
5 75 4.0 2.30 65 1.98 594.1
6 75 3.8 2.20 63 1.86 530.7
7 75 3.0 2.00 60 1.65 370.2
8 75 2.5 1.84 57 1.47 274.9
9 84.375 2.0 1.70 54 1.31 220.5
10 0
Sum= 3458.9

Segmental discharge is calculated by Eq. (4.11) IL'i i!t.Q = \V x r, xVp

where Yi= depth at the 1'1hsection and
\')i = average vetccity in the i • section = 0.9S x Va sin 9.
Discharge in the river= 3458.9 rn3/s

4.5 Area of time>- concentration curve =

(0 +3.0 + 10.5 + 18.0 + 18.0 + 12.0 + 9.0 + 6.0 + 4.5 + 1.5 +OJ x60 x60 x 10•
units = 287000 x 109 units.
287000 x 10' x[9.8Ix1000] x Q = 300
Q = 103 inJ/s

Q = Q,(C, -C,)
Q = 4x 10·3 nrl/s: C1 = 0.50: Ci= 4x10·6 and assume Co= 0
- 4x JO J x(0.50-4x JO') -SOO ,,
Q- , - m1S

4.7 Q = Q,(C, -C,)


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HV(i1'0IO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Sobramanya & published by McG,av1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Q, = 25x 10~ m'is: C1=0.200: C, = 45x10·•: Co= 10x104

Q = 25 x 10-• x (0.20 - 45 x 104) = 142.8 m'is
(4x10 .. - 10 )( 10·")

4.8 "eq. (4 . 15).tor rmxmg

. . 1cngt11 .is _L_=_0_.1_3_B·_·c_,_(0_.7_C_+_c_c,fii)"'g"-)
B = 45 m. C = 20 10 30. d = 2.0n~. Since L varies directly with C. for safe mixing
length adopt 1he larges; value or c. Hence using c = 30.
L= 0.13x(45)' x30x(0.7x30+ ~ =
Adopt L = 11 km

Pronenv Section A Section B
A 73.293 rn- 93.375111"
p 26.S 18 ru 30.228 in
R 2.733 m 3.089 m
=-1-(73.293)(2.733)'" = 7163.5 =-1-(93.375)(3.089)'" = 9902.5
0.02 0.02
AverageK= JK..,K11 =8422.4

Fnll P = 104.771 - 104.500 = 0.271 m. L= 10000 rn.

To start with assume .<:1=(FIL)= (0.271/10000) 10 get JS;= 0.005206
Q= K Js; = 43.85 m'is
Since 1he now is expaoding . eddy loss It,= 0.31!t.-
A & B \\•ith suffixes I &

2 for sections ;\ & B respectively. The head loss

llj= (It,
-8 8
The discharae that sans
. f res this cuauon ts
. ~oun db v trial an d error.

11,"12g v?~/Z,
0.01824 0.01124

2 0.2754 0.2754xl0~ 44.20 0.01854 0.01142 0.276
0.2760 0.276x10- 44.25 0.01860 0.01)44 0.276
Q = 44.2!) m,/s.

I Property I Section I I Section 2
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

102.70 - 100.20: 2.5 m 101.30- 98.00 2.70 Ill =

(12+2 x2.50) x2.SO =42.50 m"
(12 + 2,/5 x2.50 =23. 18 m
(12+2 x2.70) x2.70 =46.98 m"
(12+2,/5 x2.70=24.074m
R 1.8335 m J.9514m
K =- 1-(42.50)(1.8335)"' = 2122.2 =-'0.03
-< 46.98)(1.9514)"' = 2445.4
Av.:rage.K= JK,K! =2278 andlr,.=O

Q=Kf¥=K.j$, (I)
v! y!
Also/~= (h, -h,)+(-'---L) (2)
. 2g 2g
The discharge Q is found from Eqs (I) and (2) by trial and error.
As a firs1 trial assume h1= FaJI = 102.70 - 101.30 = 1.4 111
.SJ= 1.40/8000= l.75xl0~ andQ=2278.JT,




2 I.757x 10..- 30.20 0.0257 0.0211 1.4046
3 1.4046 l.756xl0~ 30.18 0.0257 0.02!0 1.4046
Q=J0.18m ...

(I) The stage -discharge equauon is Q = C, (G - a)-9
Taking dte logarithms log Q = p log(G- <1) +log Cr
or Y=PX+b
where Y = IQg Q and X =log (G - a)
Values of X, Ynnd XY are calculated for all the data as shown in Table p-4.11.
'fable p·4.11 Calculations

. .
Olscha•·oe Log(G·a) LogQ.
S1a9e(G) G·a (0) -x y XY x' v'
(meters\ lml (m'fs.\
35.91 0.41 89 -0.387 1.949 ·0.755 0.150 3.800
36.90 1.40 230 0.146 2.362 0.345 0.021 5.578
37.92 2.42 360 0.384 2.556 0.981 0.147 6.535
44.40 8.90 3800 0.949 3.580 3.399 0.901 12.815
45.40 9.90 45&0 0.996 3.659 3.643 0.991 13.388

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HV(il'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McG,av1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

46.43 10.93 5305 1.039 3.725 3.869 1.079 13.873

39.07 3.57 •69 0.553 2.671 1.476 0.305 7.135
41.00 5.50 798 0.740 2.902 2.149 0.548 8.422
43.53 8.03 2800 0.905 3,447 3. 119 0.819 11,883
48.02 12.52 5900 1.098 3.n1 4.139 1.205 14.219
49.05 13.55 6800 1.132 3.833 4.338 1.281 14.688
49.SS 14.0S 6900 1.148 3.839 4.406 1.317 14.737
49.68 14.18 6950 1.152 3.8"2 4.425 1.326 14.761
SUM 9.853 42.135 35.533 10.092 141.833

From the above table

zx =9.853 LY =42.135 l:XY=35.533
l: X'= 10.092 lY' = 141.833
(~X)1= 97.082 (l:Y)' = 1775.39 N = 13
Sy using Eq. (4.2Sa)
p = N(l:XY)-(l:X) (l:Y)
N(l:X ')-(l:X)'

= (13x35.533)-(9.853)(42.135) = 1.371
(13x 10.092) -(9.853)'
By Eq. (4.28b)
b = l:Y -P(l:X)
= (42.135)-1.371 x (9.853) = 2.20206
Hence C, =159.44
The required glluge - discharge rctauonship is therefore
Q = 159.44 (0- a)'·'''
(2) By Eq. (4.29)(of1'cJtt) cocfflcicm or corretauon

,/l(13 x 10.092) -(97.082)11(13 x 141.833) - (1775.39)1
= 0.968
As the value of ,. is nearer to unity the correlation is very good.
(J.a) When G = 42.5. as a= 35.0. (G - a)= 7.50
0 = 159.44 (7.5)1J11 = 2525 n13/s

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

(3-b) When G = 48.5, as" =35.0,(G-o) = 13.0

G = 159.44 (13.0)'-"' = 5368 m3/s
4.12 .Q.. = (!..)"
Q.. F.,
JOO = (O.SO)": Hence m = 0.60
580 1.50
\\1hen the auxiliary gauge- reads 120.10 rn. Frill= 0.90 m.
Q=580x (O'~)"' =426.9m'ts

4.13 F;g. P-4.IJ

'1 lllrlllllC'S MU!od

• - lf.60 •

4. 14 The regression equation is X =a Y + C (Eq. 4.35)

where X =log (G - a) and Y =Jog Q. The value of ex is given by Eq.(4.35 a) as
Values of X . Y and XY arc calculated in Table p-4.14.
a-205m N-1.i
Discharge Log (G·a) LogO =
Stagc(G) (G•a) (0) =X y XY x' Y'
1mete-ts~ Im\ tmJiS'
21.95 t.45 100 0.1 St 2.000 0.323 0.026 4.000
22.4$ 1.95 220 0.290 2.342 0.679 0.084 S.4$7
22.80 2.30 295 0.362 2.470 0.893 0.131 6.100
ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource material sopplieCI wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Sobramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

23.00 2.50 400 0.398 2.602 1.035 0.158 6.77t

23.40 2.90 •90 0.462 2.690 1.244 0..214 7.237
23.75 3.25 500 0.512 2.699 1.382 0.262 7.284
23.65 3.15 640 0,498 2.806 1,398 0.248 7,875
24.05 3.55 780 0.550 2.892 1.591 0.303 8.364
24.55 4.05 1010 0.607 3.004 1.825 0.369 9.026
24.65 4.35 1220 0.638 3.096 1.971 0.408 9.526
2$.40 4.90 1300 0.690 3.114 2.149 0.476 9.697
25.15 4.65 1420 0.667 3.152 2.104 0.445 9.937
25.55 5.05 1550 0.703 3.190 2.244 0.495 10.178
25.90 5.40 1760 0.732 3.246 2.377 0.536 10.533
SUM: 7.273 39,295 21.216 4.156 112.015

rx = 1.2n i:,y = 39.295

l:XY=21.216 lY' :112.015 N=l4
Subsunning rnese values in Eq.( 4.35)
"= (14 x 21.216) -(39.295)((7.:73) =0.4648
(14x 112.015)-(39.295)"
The coefflcieat C is given by Eq. (4.35~ b) as
C= (rX)-a(I-Y)
= (7.273)-0.4648x(39.295) = •0.785
c, = <111tilog C = 0.1641 leading 10 the gage-discharge equation as

(G-20.50) :0.1641 Q'·"""

(b) When Q = 2600 1n'J/s and given that''= 20.50 m
(G -20.50) = 0.02246 (3500)'·'" = 6.342 111
G = 26.842 in

4.15 Q. /1 + v..Is., dlrdi

Q.= 1
_Jli= =3.lllx.10.sn\/'s
di 100x60x60
s. v..
= ( 113600). Q.. = 160 m'ts, = 2.0 mis

Q,. = 160x ,,/1 + O I x3.ll Ix 10·> = 164.4 111-'/s

I 2. x(l/3 600)

ftcopytlghted Maletial'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Chapter- 5

I 2 3
Acea (km') Nlean isohyer Product [I ]x[2 I
value (cm)
50 137.5 6875
300 132.5 39750
450 127.5 57375
700 122.5 85750
600 117.5 70500
400 1122.s 45000
200 107.5 21500
ToUll =2700 Sum =326750
Mean annual R::unfall = 326750/2700= 121. 02.cn1
(b) Annual runoff in cm = (65 x 365 x24 x60 x60)1 (2700 x 10") = 75. 9·2 cm
Runoff ccefflciem = 75.921121.02 = 0. 627 = 62.7%

·- Comnutanons
Ta bl e D- 5? or cm ·-
,,, ..

I 1.090 0.80 0.20 1.490 2. 13 5.20 11.069 27.0~
2 2.270 0.70 0.20 2.770 3.96 8.60 34.031 73.96
3 1.950 0.70 0.20 2.450 3.50 7.10 24.850 50.41
•5 2.600
6 0.280 0.30 0.20 0.380 0.54 1.20 0.651 1.44
7 2.900 0.70 0.20 3.400 <1.86 I 0.50 51.000 110.25
8 2.980 0.70 0.20 3.480 4.97 II.SO 57.171 132.25
9 3.800 0.70 0.20 4.300 6.14 14.00 86.000 196.00
10 0.840 0.30 0.20 0.940 1.34 3.70 4.969 13.69
11 0.280 0.30 0.20 0.380 o.~ 1.60 0.869 2.56
12 0.400 0.30 0.20 0.500 0.71 3.00 2. 143 9.00
SUM 22.840 6.700 2.400 27.140 38.771 86.600 375.053 822.24

From the above Table- p-5.2.

£P = 86.60 IR = 38. 771 £PR= 375.053
1: 1>2= 822.24 N = 12
By using Eq. (5.3·a)

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HV(il'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McG,av1--Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

N(Y:PR) - (EP)(Y:R)
Ii = -~~,--'--~,--'-
N(rP') - (Y:P)'

= (12 x 375.053) -(86.60)(38.771) = 0.4848

(12 x 822.24)-(38.771)'
By Eq. (5.3-b)
!.R - o('t.P)
= (38,771)-(0,4828x86.6) = _0_2535
Hence the required annual rainfall - runoff relationship of the catchment is given by
R = 0.48"28 I' - 0.2535 with both P and R being in cm and R ~ O.
when P = 15.50 cm, H = 7.23 cm= 5.061 f\tn1.l.


p. A.
Year RalnfaU Runoff P2 A2 PA
(cm} (cm)

1964 90,50 30.10 8190.3 906.0 2724.1

1965 111.00 50.20 12321.0 2520.0 5572.2
1968 38.70 5.30 1497.7 28.1 205.1
1967 129.50 61.50 16770.3 3782.3 7964.3
1968 145.SO 74.$0 21170.3 5595.0 10883.4
1969 99.80 39.90 9960.0 1592.0 3982.0
1970 147.60 64.70 21785.8 4186. 1 9549.7
1971 50.90 6.50 2590.8 42.3 330.9
1972 120.20 46.10 14448.0 2125.2 5541.2
1973 90.30 36.20 8154. 1 1310.4 3268.9
1974 65.20 24.60 4251.0 605.2 1603.9
1975 75.90 20.00 5760.8 400.0 1518.0
SUM 1165.10 459.90 126900.0 23092.6 53143.6

Prom the. above Table 5.1,

rP = 1165.1 rR =459.9 Y:PR=53143.6
tr'= 126900 lR' = 23092.6 N = 12
By using Eq. (5.3-a)
N(Y:PR) - (!P) (ER)
a = N('tP') - (EP)'

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

= (12x53143.6)-(l165.IX459.9) = 0.6163
(12 x 126900) - (1165.1)'

By Eq. (5.3-b)
b = l:R - a(~P)
= (459.9)-(0.6163xl 165.1) = _21.51
Hence the required annual rainfall - runoff relationship of the catchment is given
by R = 0.6163 /' - 21.513 with beth P and R being in cm and R ~ O.
By Eq. (S.4) coefficient of correlmice

(12 x 53143.6) -(1165.1)(459.9)

,/1(12 x 126900)-(1165. I )1 ]1(12 x 231)')2.6) -( 459.9)'1
= 0.978. Further,~= 0.9572
As the value of r is nearer to unity the correlation is very good.

When P = 100.0 cm. R = 40.12 cm

Catculatlon or Yleld of River Netravau at Bantwal
Annual Wiltld Evapor Annual SOrte<i Excee<lance
Year Flow rawa1s anon Yield Yleld Rank ProbabUlty
endino IMCM\ llACMI It.ICM~ IMCM) values lml l'l;m.'18
1971 IS925 91 • 16020 16700 1 onss
•• 14910
•• 11919
14910 '
1976 1S704 101
• 15809 14766 6
1977 8334 103
' 8441 12973 0.369
1978 12864 105
• 12973 12720 8 0.444
1979 16195 107
' 16306 11919 9 o.500
1980 10392 109 • 10SOS 11825 10 0.556
1981 16565 111
' 16700 11676 11 0.611

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

1982 14649 113 4 1-'766 10944 12 0.667

11 SSS


1987 9732 123 •
9859 6441 17 0.944

• 12691

75% dependable yield= (by interpolation between p= 0.722 and p = 0.778)

is 10143 MCM
Average annual yield a1Ban1\val=12691 ~ICf\•I

Average annual Yield for the whole basin = J269 I X 3222/3184 =12842 ~IC!\•l

5.5 B>· Kbosta·s formula R... = p"" -0.48 T,... ( in cm)

~IOnlh I 2 3 4 5 6
Jlm 0.7 0.9 I. I 4.5 10.7 7.1
T,,, "C 24 27 32 33 31 26
Rn 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mon th 7 8 9 10 II 12
Pm I I.I 13.7 16.4 15.3 6.1 1.3
r, "C 24 24 23 21 20 21
Rn 0 2.18 5.36 5.22 0 0

t.R.., = 12.76 crn !.P.., = $8.9 crn Runoff coefficient = 12.76188.9

= 0.1435

Table p~S.6 Calculation of f\1onlhly runotl hy Sln1nge'~ method

July Aug. St:pt. Oct.

Monthly Rainfall (mm) 210 160 69 215

Cumulative monthly rainfall (mm) 210 490 559 774

(Runolf {rainfall} as %(From
2.2 10.7 12.9 20.1
Stranoa·s Table 5.3-a\
Cumulative Runofl (mm) 4.62 52.43 72.11 155.6

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

t.tonthlv Runoff (mm\ 4.62 47.61 19.66 63.49

41580 430290 177120 751410

Monthlv Yield (m'l

To1a1 seasoeat viek:l l>dm') 1.44

Row 4 is obtained by using Strange's Tables 5.3-a. 1''ote lhat cumulative monthly
rainfall is used to gel lhc cumulative runoff-ratio percentage at any month. Row 7 is
obtained as
Monthly yield (mJ.) =l(ltcn1 in row 5)11000) x (Catchment area in ha) x JO"
Total seasonal yield =sum of items in row 6= 1,440,000 mJ. = .1.44 ~l_mJ

5.7 (a) Since antecedent 5 - ~1ys rainf:1U is 25 mm and the season is donnanl
season, from 'fable S.3 Arv1C is of Type-It. Thus CN = CN11 = 68
S=(25400J68) • 254= I 19.5
for orm-black couon soils
=(P-0.3S)' . ~030
Q for P> . o
_ [s0-(0.3x 119.5)]' _ [so-35.85]' _
- - 11 91
80+(0.7xll9.5) 80+83.65
Total runoff volume over 1he catchment V,;: 500x IO~x I 1.91/( 1000)= 59550 nt)

(b) lf antecedent 5 - days rainfall is 35 mm, since the season is dorrnam season. from
Table 5.3, AMC is of Type-Ill.
From Eq. 5.20
,, -
0.427 + 0.00573CN,,
Hence CN1r, = 68 = 83.27
0.427 +0.00573x68
$=(25400/83.27). 254= 51.03
Q= (P-0.3S)' for P>0.3S
__(S0-(0.3x51.03)]' __(S0-15.31]'
= 36.I 6 mm
80+(0.7x51.03) 80+35.72
Total runoff volume over lhc catchment V,= 500x 104x36.16/(IOOO)

= 180800 IUJ

Using Table 5.4 weigtued CN11 is calculated as below:
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HV(il'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdiliOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McG,av1--Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Land Use Soil Grout C Soil Grcur D

% CN Product % CN Product
Cultivated Land (Paddv) 30 95 2850 45 95 4?75
Scrub Forest 6 64 384 4 67 268
waste land 9 85 765 6 88 528
Total 1999 Tot.al 5071

c1,g.hICdCN u-- (5071+1999) _707
- •

By E<J.(5.20) CNm= O
.427+( 0700
. 573x7
7 .7) °·
O = 84.96
B • E<J.(5.19) CN = CN,, = = 51.41
l ' 2.28L-0.01281CN" 2.281-0.0128Lx70,7

Given CNu= 73. Using Eq.(5.20) CN1u= = 86.36
0.427 + (0.00573x 73.0)
s = (25400/1l6.36)-254 = 4(1, 12
The. retevant runoff equation for Black soil and At-.1C-lll is
Q= (P-0.IS)' = [P-(O.lx40.12))' = [P-4.012)'
P+0.9S P+(0.9x40.12) P+36.ll

Dav f>tmnti Otmm\

I 65 36.79
2 80 49.73
·rot.11 = 86.52 nun

'IQU1I runoff volume over the carchrneru V..= 400_:t10Jx86.52/( 1000) = 346080 m3

Using Table 5.4 weighted CN11 is calculated as below:

Land Use Total Soil Grouo C Soil GrouD D

% % CN Product % CN Product
-Good 55 27.5 76 2090 27.5 79 2172.S
45 22.5 85 1912.5 22.5 88 1980
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

I Total I 4002.5 I Total I 4152.5

w·c1ghtcdCN u _<•1s2.;.4002.s>_s15-
- JOO - . :>
- 81.55 9
By E<J.(>.20) CNm= O.427+(. O OO51 l Xol.55)
• = 91.1
Using standard SCS-CN equations
s = (25400/91.19). 254 = 24.54
Q= (P-0.2S)' for P> 0.2S
= (150- (0.2 x 24.54)]' = 124. t mm
150+ (0.8 x 24.54)
Total runoff volume over 'he catchment V r= 500x 104x 124.1/( 1000) = 620500 mJ

5. t I:
Given CNu1 = CN = 77.
S = (25400n7)-254 = 75.87
Q= for P>0.2S
_ (P-(0.2x75.87))' _(P-IS.17]', ~1517
- - 10rr;o .. mn1
P+(O.Sx75.87J P+flJ.1

[lay P (min) Q (min)

I 30 2.42
2 50 10.96
3 13 0

Total Q = I 3.38 mm
Total runoff \'Olu111e over 'he catch1nen1Vr=680x 104x I 3.38/(1000) = 909841nl

Using Table 5.6-a weighted CNn is csjculatcd as below:

Land Use Soil Groue B

(ha) CN Product
400 86 34400
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

I Pasture
1100 161 16100

\Ve1gJned CNu =- -40500 • 81

By llq.(5.24) CNm= 0.427 + (O~~~~?Jx&l.O) = 90.9

Using standard SCS·CN equations
s = (25400/90.9). 254 = 25.43
Q- for P> 0.2S
.- P+Q.&S
(P-(0.2x25.43))' (P-5.09)'
= =
P + (O.Sx 25.43) P + 20.34

011 • P mm
2 90

(a) Calculation of weighted CN
Since Al\<tC e Category LI. using Table 5.6(:i) weighted CN11 is calculated ns

Landuse Total Soil Group B S-Oil Group C (4W>) Soil Group 0

% (35%) (25%)
% CN Prod. % CN I P11id. % CN rn...t
Resi~ 8() 28 85 2380 32 90 2880 20 92 1840
Paved 20 7 98 686 8 98 I 784 5 98 490

erg htedCN u = (3006+3664+2330)

= 90,..v

Using Standard SCS-CN equations

ftcopyrlghted Material'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

s = (25400190.6)·254=26.35
Q= (P-0.2S)' forP>0.2S
_ (150-(0.2x 26.35))' _
- - 122 •4 Olm
150+ (O.Sx 26.35)

(b) Before urbanizauon: 1\1\,IC e Category II

Land use Total Soil Group B Soil Group C Soil Group D

% (35%) (40%) (25%)
% CN Pfod. % CN l'rod. % CN Prod.
Pasture 100 35 79 2765 40 86 3440 25 89 2225

.• h dCN u = (2765+3440+2225)
\veie,ute = 84,..l
Using Standard SCS·C~' equations
s = (25400/84.3)-254=47.3
Q= (P-0.2S)' for P>0.2S
(150- (0.2 x 47.3))' = 10-~.!)Olm
Percentage •increase •m runon'[d ue 10 urbamzanon
fi . . = (122.4-105.S )xJ 00
= 16%

N.a 1095
Number of m Pp• value in
Oischactte occvuences currunanve lm/lN.1}•100 the ranee
a: 350 6 6 0.5 350
250 .349 30 36 3.3 250
150 ·249 60 96 8.8 150
100. 1~9 121 217 19.8 100
40·99 137 354 32.3 40
20. 39 169 523 47.7 20
15. 24.9 232 755 I 68.9 15
10· 14.9 183 938 I 85.8 10
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100 •
a •

1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0 1 10 100

Fig,. P·S.15 Problem 5.14

.S. J.S The- calculations an: shown in Table' p-S. l.S. Nole that the flrst entry in Col.
7 corresponding I() June ls negative and the entry corresponding 10 the month of May is
also negative. As such. one more series of data covering 12 months from June 10 May
is added sequentially. thus giving two water years of data.

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

SISCll'!I cu aucn o rs~ toraue

T3 bl en- •.•
Cum. Cum.
r..tean rnllO\v
Demand Oepa1 excess excess
Inflow Volume
rate volume wre demand Inflow
<ale (eumec (m3/S) (cumec. !oot3· volume volume
(m'ls) .day) day} col.5} (cumec. (cumec
day) • day)
Jun 20 600 90 2700 ·2100 ·2100
Julv 60 1860 90 2790 I ·930 ·3000
;Wn 200 6200 90 2190 I 3410 3410
Seot 300 9000 90 2700 6300 9710
CCI 200 6200 90 2790 3410 13120
Nov 150 4500 90 2700 1800 14920
Dec 100 3100 90 2790 310 15230
Jan 80 2480 90 2790 ·310 ·310
Feb 60 1680 90 2520 -840 ·1150
Mar 40 1240 90 2190 I ·l 550 ·2100
iii 30 900 90 2700 ·1600 ·4500
Mav 25 775 90 2790 ·2015 ·6515
Jun 20 600 90 2700 ·2100 ·861 s
Julv 60 1860 90 2790 -930 .9545
lwn 200 6200 90 2190 I 3410 3410
Sen11 300 9000 90 2100 I 6300 6300
Oct 200 6200 90 2790 3410 3410
Nov 150 4500 90 2700 1800 1800
Oecr 100 3100 90 2790 310 310
Jan 80 2480 90 2790 ·310 ·310
Feb 60 1660 90 2520 -840 ·1150
Mer 40 1240 90 2790 ·I 550 -2700
fil 30 900 90 2700 ·1800 ·4500
Mav 25 775 90 2790 ·2015 ·6515
. . . --
Minimum storage capacny required= 954!) cumec.day
S.16 r...·o cycles of data are used to give distinctive Peaks and valleys.
Table • 5.1 6
SI. Mean inflow monthly inflow
~~onlh Volume
No. ra;e(m3/s) v<>lume
(cumec. day)
1 Jun 20 600 600
2 Julv 60 1860 2460
3 Auo 200 I 6200 8660
ftcopytlghted Matetlal" ...ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

4 Sen1em~1 300 9000 17660

5 oei 200 6200 23850
6 Nov 150 4500 28360
7 December I 00 3100 31460
8 Jan 80 2480 33940
9 Feb 60 1680 35620
10 >.1ar 40 1240 36850
11 Aoril 30 900 37760
12 >.1av 25 n5 38535
13 Jun 20 soo 39135
14 Julv 60 1860 40995
15 Aun 200 6200 47195
16 SeDtember 300 9000 56195
17 OCI 200 I 6200 62395
18 Nov 150 4500 66895
19 necember I 00 3100 69995
20 Jan 80 2-480 72475
21 Feb 60 1680 74155
22 >.1a1 40 1240 75395
23 Aoril 30 900 76295
24 •.1av 25 n5 77070

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

lj' • . i
4~ '
ITTTT iJlU ' '
' .
I ' . 1~11
. ' '. I ' ...
' I . I '
.iw, C.• •;


111 ! I

. JI
' ..

' ' .
. I
25 . .. ' ." '
'~l f . ' I

. ' J
11 I I .
' '

15 • ' 1 I I

.'. I.
i .. ' ..
' '
"' "

I .

• '

s '
0 'l1 ' . '

11rn1 . '

Fii:. P - 5.16 ~lass curve of Flow

Calculations ate shewn in Table p-5.16 and 1he mass curve in Fig. P-5.16. From the mass
curve it is seen lhat
(a) Minimum storage required for uniform demandof70 111)/s is 5700 cumec. Day
(b) f...10061 imum uniform rate of whbdrawable from a storage of 7500 cumec. Day is
82 1n,,./s

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

5.17 Table o-5.17

Cumulative Cumulative
lnfiOw Oemand El<cess El<cess
volume Volume (l.nfk>\V • Demand inflow
r.tonth IMCMI IMCMI Oemandl IMCMl IMC Ml
Jan 50 ·20 70 -20
Feb 40 .35 75 .55
Mar 30 ·50 80 ·105
An• 25 ·60 65 ·165
Mav 20 ·110 130 ·275
Jun 30 ·90120 ·365
Jul 200 175 25 175
Auo 225 200 25 375
Seo 150 110 40 485
Oc1 90 45 45 530
Nov 70 20 50 550
Oec 60
Minimum storage required = 365 P.'1111
,060 550

5. I 8 catculatlons ares 'T ab e

town m P·5 .1 8.

NOi Cumul. Cumul

lnll:>W Ev"'° tnllow Demand {Net EKCC$~ EKCC~~
\'Olume r:sticH'I R:sinl:iH Volume Volume hlflO'N • O~mand in!IO'N
IAonth WC·M' IMCf.ll •MC·1,f1 11.ACr,11 ,,,,c,,11 Oema ..... llACr.11 11.AC1t11
Jan 50 1.8 0,18 48.36 70 ·21,62 ·20
Feb 40 2.• 0 37.6 75 ·37.4 -57.4
r.tar 30 3.9 0 26.1 80 -53.9 ·111.3
Aot 25 5.1 0 19.9 65 ·65. l · 176.4
r.~.av 20 6.6 0 '3.4 130 ·116.6 ·293
Jun 30 6.6 3.42 26.82 120 ·93.18 ·386.18
Jul 200 4.2 7,74 203.54 25 178.54 176.54
Aun 225 3.3 1.02 228.72 25 203.72 362.26
Seo 150 3.9 3.96 150.06 40 110.06 492.32
oer 90 3.6 1.06 67.48 45 42.48 534,8
Nov 70 2.1 0.36 68.26 50 18.26 553.06
Dec 60 1.5 0.18 56.68 60 ·1.32 ·1.32
Jan 50 1.8 0.18 48.38 70 ·21.62 -22.94


·65. 1
Mav 20 6.6 0 l 3.4 130 •116.6 ·295.94
Jun 30 6.6 3.42 26.82 120 ·93.18 ·389.12
Jul 200 4.2 7.74 203.54 25 178.54 176.54

ftcopytlghted Maletial'" ...ACd~ional resource material supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydr'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Aua 225 3.3 7.02 228.72 25 200.72 362.26

Seo 15()3.9 3.96 150.06 40 110.06 492.32
Oct 90 3.6 1.09 87.48 45 42.48 534.8
Nov 70 2.1 0.36 68.26 50 18.26 553.06
Dec 60 1.5 0.18 58.68 60 ·1.32
New rmounum s;orage recuement = 389.12 MCM
Evaporation volume= (E (cm)llOO) x 30 x 10" = 0.3 E l\o1m:t
Rainfall contribution= (P{cm)llOO} x( I ~ 0.4) x 30 x 106 = 0.18 P Mm:t
Net inflow volume = Virgin flow - Evaporation + Precipitation
Since the demand for the month of December is in sequence with January to June demand
in the sense thnt the excess demand in these months is negative, two cycles of data are run.

5.19 The given data is for two years and 11.s such the sequent peak algorithm catculmions
are performed for 2 x 2 = 4 years. Calculations are shown in Table p- 5.19.
1'able - s.. I 9
No. NCI Net
Days h'llOw Demand tnllOlo\' lnllow
In me volume volume volume vcteme
Mon1h month iha.m\ lha.m\ ....e.ml fha.m\ Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan 31 57.40 18.75 38.65 38.65
Feb 28 65.50 16.93 48.57 87.22
Ma• 31 28.60 18.75 9.85 97.07
r 30 32.80 18.14 i 14.66 111.72
Mav 3t 36.90 18.75 I 18.15 129.88
Jun 30 24.60 18.14 I 6.46 136.33 Peex-t
Jul 31 10.20 16.75 ·6.55 127.78
Ava 31 2.10 18.75 ·16.65 111.13
Seo 30 2.10 18.14 ·16.04 95.09
Oct 31 2.10 t8.75 I ·16.65 78..(i-1
Nov 30 4.10 18.14 ~ ·14.04 64.40
Dec 31 6.20 t8.75 I ·10.55 53.65
Jan 31 10.2 16.75 ·6.55 45.30 Trounh·I
Feb 28 30.8 16.93 13,67 59.16
Ma. 31 43.1 16.75 24.35 83.52
30 53.t 18.14 I 34.96 118.47
Mav 31 38.9 18.75 I 20.15 t 38.62
Jun 30 28.9 16.14 • 10.76 149.38 Peex-z
Jul 31 16.4 t6.75 I ·2.35 147.03
Ava 31 12.3 18.75 •6.45 140.58
Seo 30 12.3 18.14 -5.84 134.74
1 2 3 4 s 6
Oct 31 4.1 18.75 ·14.65 120.09
Nov 30 6.2 18.14 -9.94 110.14
Dec 31 2.1 18.75 ·16.65 93.50 Trounh·2
Jan 31 57.40 18.75 39.65 132.15
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot tns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Feb 28 65.50 16.93 48.57 180.71

Ma' 31 28.60 18.75 9.85 190.56
30 32.80 18.14 14.66 205.22
Mav 31 36.90 18.75 I 18.15 223.37
Jun 30 24.60 18.14 i 6.46 229.83 Peak·3
Jul 31 10.20 18.75 • ·8.55 221.28
fWn 31 2.10 18.75 I ·16.65 204.63
Son 30 2.10 18.14 •16.04 188.59
Oct 31 2.10 18.75 ·16.65 171.94
Nov 30 4.10 18.14 ·14.04 157.89
Dec 31 0.20 18.75 I ·10.55 147.34
Jan 31 10.2 10.15 I ·8.55 138.80
Feb 28 30.8 16.93 13.87 152.66
Ma' 31 43.1 18.75 24.35 177.01 Trounh·3
30 53.1 18.14 34.96 211.97
Mav 31 38.9 18.75 I 20.15 232.12
Jun 30 28.9 18.14 c 10.76 242.88 Peak·4
Jul 31 16.4 18.75 I ·2.35 240.53
twn 31 12.3 18.75 ! ·6.45 234.08
Seo 30 12.3 18.14 •5,84 228.23
Ocl 31 4.1 18.75 ·14.65 213.58
Nov 30 8.2 18.14 ·9.9-t 203.64
Oac 31 2.1 18.75 I ·16.65 186.99

Values of Peaks and Troueh
NO Peak Trounh Ttounh~
l 136.331 45.2992 91.032
2 149.379 93.496 55.8832
3 229.827 177 .012 52.8152
•. 242.875
. .
Required Minimum storage = Max. of (Peak- Trough) values
= 91.032 ha.m

5.20 Calculations are shown in Table p~S.20. Cols. I to 7 in Table p-5.1 Sare retained as
ii is. Col. S is the cumulauve values of col.7. The series in ccl.? starts with a
negauvevalue and 1he first trough is located. There is no peak before this Trough -
I. 'The occurrences of troughs and the peaks are indicated in Table p·5.20 and the
salient data can be summed u as below:
SI.No Peak. Trcccn Tro ....h~
l -387.8
2 165.26 -223.86 389.12
3 329.2
There is only one ::;cl of valid peak and trough set and the minimum storage needed
10 meet the demand is obtained as 389.12 ~'IC~t.

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Table p-5.20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Inflow Ev~r N$1 tnflQ.•N

iNel lnllow
• Detn8Nfl
OI Col.7 Remark a
Jan so 1.8 0.18 48.38 70 ·21.62 ·21.62
Feb 40 2.4 0 37.6 75 .37 .4 ·59.02
•·~ar 30 3.9 0 26.1 60 ·53.9 ·l 12.92
Ao( 25 5.1 0 19.9 85 ·65.1 ·l 78.02
t.ta11 20 6.6 0 13.4 130 ·116.6 ·294.62
Jun 30 6.6 3.42 26.82 120 ·93.18 ·387.80 Trounl'l-t
Jul 200 4.2 7.74 203.54 25 178.54 ·209.26
Au• 225 3.3 7.02 228.72 25 203.72 ·5.54
Seo 150 3.9 3.96 150.06 40 110.06 104.52
Oct 90 3.6 1.08 87.48 45 42.48 147.00
Nov 70 2.1 0.36 68.26 50 18.26 165.26 Peak·2
De<: 60 1.5 0.18 58.68 60 ·1.32 163.94
Jan so 1.8 0.18 48.38 70 ·21.62 142.32
Feb 40 2.4 0 37.6 75 .37 .4 104.92
~tar 30 3.9 0 26.1 60 ·53.9 51.02
Ao' 25 5.1 0 19.9 85 ·65.1 ·14.08
>.tav 20 6.6 0 13.4 130 ·116.6 · 130.68
Jun I 30 6.6 3.42 26.82 120 ·93.18 ·223.86 Trounh•2
Jul I 200 4.2 7.74 203.54 25 178.54 -45.32 I
Aun 225 3.3 7.02 228.72 25 203.72 158.40
Seo 150 3.9 3.96 150.06 40 110.06 268.46
0C1 90 3.6 1.06 67.48 45 42.46 310.94
Nov 70 2.1 0.36 66.26 50 18.26 329.20 Peak4
De<: 60 1.5 0.18 58.68 60 ·1.32 327.88

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

5.21 Average now = 56.4140 = 1.41 t\tC~l/dny

Averaee now in d davs e •.S64 Mc M
lnflov1 OU1flow (Inflow·
o,, volume volume Oul11ow) fi"Row· Remalks
4 9.6 5.6.t 3.96 I 3.96 o-t
8 5.4 5.64 •0.24 I 3.72
12 2.3 5.64 ·3.34 I 0.38
16 3.5 5.64 ·2.14 · 1.76
20 2.3 5.64 ·3.34 ·5.10
24 2.2 5.64 .3,44 ·8.54
28 1,4 5.64 ·4.24 ·12.78 I· 1
32 6.4 5.64 0.76 •12.02
36 12.4 5.64 6.76 -5.26
<0 10.9 5.64 5.26 0.00
44 9.6 5.64 3.96 3.96 p-2
48 5.• 5.64 ·0.24 3.72
52 2.3 5.6~ ·3.34 I 0.38
56 3.5 5.64 ·2.14 ' •1.76
60 2.3 5.64 -3.34 I ·5.10
64 2.2 5.64 ·3.44 ·8.54
68 1,4 5.64 ·4.24 ·12.78 1·2
72 6.4 5.64 0.76 ·12.02
76 12.4 5.64 6.76 -5.26
80 10.9 5.64 5.26 0.00
l: = 56.4
?oifinimu1n storage required= 3.96-( ·12.78) = 16.74 l\•ICT\f
Spillage = 0

5.22 Consider a water surface area of75 k1ui = 75 (\<fm2

Before reservoir: Normal runoff volume = 0.35 x (160/100) x 75 = 42 ~tn1J
After reservoir:
Conmbunon of R~infall = (160/75) x 75 = 120 ~1013
Loss due 10 evaporation= O. 70 x 250 x 100 x 75 = 105 (\ lnr} 1

Net annual supply 10 the reservoir= 120 - 105 = 15 r-.·1ml

Nc1 annual decrease = 42 - 15 = 27 (\·ln1·'

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Hyd1·01C>l)y, Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subtamanya & published by McGra ...1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Chapter 6

6. I The: data are plotted on a semi-log plot wlth discharge on the log scale. (See Fig. P-
6.1). The data points from day 5 onwards ptor on straight line. The best fining
exponential curve for this straight line portion is( obtained through use of f\•IS
Excel) is

~o 1.0 10 6.0 7.0 a.o •••
Time in DtrY•

Pig. P -11.1
Q, = 2.5299 e ..u.1-:cr.o with R: =0.9148.
The base flow recession constant Km= e..o.t:oo = 0.8864.
The base curve recession is extended till I = 0, and the surface water
depletion is obtained by subtracting the base Flow from the observed recesslon limb
of the hydrcgrapb. The. computations are shown in Table p-6.1.

Time Observed
tdavs\ OiSchar.-... fm3/$l 011 .aas~ llowl O 1surlace 1uno111
0 155 2.53 152.47
0.5 70 2.38 67.62
1.0 36 2.24 35.76
1.5 19 2.11 16.89
2.0 9.0 1.99 7.01
2.5 5.5 1.87 3.63
3.0 3.5 1.76 1.7A
3.5 2.5 1.66 0.84
4.0 1.9 I 1.56 0.34

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McG,av1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

s.o 1.4
6.0 1.2
7.0 1.1

Tbc best fitting equation to the surface runoff (Col.4) is obtained as

Q, = 153.28 e_,.,.__..,, with R~ = 0.9991.

'fbe surface flow recession coefficient K,, = e·•.w.~ = 0.222.

(b) On the seventh day. the OC.)\\' is bnse flow recession with a= 0.1206 (day·' units).
Hence storage available at the end of 7111 d:t)' =S1 =Qin= 1.1/().1206 = 9.12 curnec.days.

6.2 Q, =Q.K:
QI =QK'°=80
" t

Q• =Q K" =40
. " '
fiL:(K!• )=SO =2.0
Q2 K?" 40
K;"' =2.0 and K,=0.966
Q,= 801(0.966)" = 113.137
On JulylO, 1 = 40 days and 0) = 113.137 x (0.966)"' = 28.28 m'ls

6.3 Cominuity equation: I • Q = dS/rli

For base flow recession, / = 0 and hence dS/1/i = · (1(1)
- dS{1) = Q(1) d1 = Q,A' dt

Integrating -£.''',/S(t)= f.'Q(1)1l1 = I~'Q.,K' 1/1

S -S(1)=[Q(i)-Q.)
" In K
S -S(1 )= IQ(l,)-Q.I
" In K
S -S(1 )= IQ(1,)-Q.I
'' : lnK

For any l\VO times 11and11; S(I )-S(I )=IQ(l,)-Q(i.))

1 1
In K
when 1! =O'J. S..,=Oaud Q .. =0

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

:. S(I,) = -Q(I,) = CQ(1,)

Thus S(t1) = storage left in the basin at any time t1 follows the linear reservoir

6.4 The rainfall excess in the wbcle basin is calculated 3$ below:

Rainlal excess j mm>

Run off
Sub· from Runoff
qi-Index 1$1 2nd 3rd 4lh
area hour hour hour sub· voluine
(m""") hour
(km2) area norn sub·
rmrm area lt.im3\
15 10 6 3S 12 0 56 0.640
25 15 1 27 5 0 33 0.825
35 21 0 19 0 0 19 0.665
s 16 0 26 2 0 28 0.140
Total= 2A70Um'
Average effective rainfall is obtained by giving weightages proportional to (sub-
area /rotal area):
I" hour: (l/80)x [(15x6) + (25 x I)}= 1.44 mm
2"' hour: (1/80) x [ (15x 38) + (25 x 27) + (35x19)+ (5 x 26)] = 25.50 nun
3" hour: (1/80) x ( (15x 12)+ (25 x 5) + O+ (5 x 2)] =3.90 mm
4" hour: (l/SO)x [OJ =O
Distribution of Avcraec ER
Total Runoff
Time (h) 1 2 3 4 average volume
EA (mm) IMm:i)
Ave1~e Ell.
rainfal <mm) 1.44 25.50 3.94 0 30.875 2.470

ObServed Ordifla1es ot
Time (h)
Fb\v {m3/s) e-n UH (m1/s}

0 0 0
6 100 23.1
12 250 57.9
18 200 46.3
24 I 50 34.7
30 100 23.1
36 70 16.2
42 so 11.6
4a 35 8.1
ftcopytlghted Maletlal'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
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54 25 5.8
60 15 3.5
66 5 1.2
72 0 o.o
Sum .. 1000 231.5
ruooff IMr.•.tl 21.60 5.00
OCpth Of
4.32 1.00
ruoofl fem)•

volme of runoff = [lOOO x 6 x 60 x 60Vt0'> = 21.601'<1nr'

Depth of runoff = (21.60 x 106 )/500 xJ06 = 0.0432 m = 4.32 cm
Ordinate of e-h UH= Col.2 / 4.32
6.6 votume of DR= (J/2) x 30 x 66 x 3600 = 3.564 x 106 nl'~
lfli=DRindepthunits(c1n).lhen 189x 106x{h/100)=3.564x 10'>
h = 1.886 cm.
The 6·h UH will have a base of 66 hours and a peak q,, = (33/1.886) = 15.91 m3/s
occurring a1 10 h from the start.

ordinate of Oirec<
Base S·hUH
Time Flood Runof-1
flow ordinate
(h) H~1ograph Hyelr0g1aph
(m3/s) (m'Js)
(m3/s) (m3/s)
0 40 40 0 0.0
6 65 40 25 s.o
12 215 40 175 35.0
16 360 40 320 6'1.0
24 400 40 360 72.0
30 350 40 310 62.0
36 270 41 229 45.6
42 205 41 164 32.6
48 145 41 104 20.8
54 100 42 58 11.6
60 70 42 28 5.6
66 50 42 8 LS
72 42 42 0 0.0
Sum= 1781 356.2

Direct runoff volume= 1781 x 6 x 60 x 60 = 38.469 x 106 t-.11n'

Depth of DR= (38.469 x 10") 1(770 x IO'J = 0.05 m = 5.0 cm
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Ordinmes of 6-h UH= Col.4 15.0

Ord.ol Flood
Time Base Flow Dlrec1 Avnolf 1-<1ay DiSL ?'aph
(h) (m~/s) (m1/s) ordina;e (m /s)
0 20 20 0 0.00
1 63 22 41 10.25
2 151 25 126 31.50
133 26.25
3 28 1 OS

0 ' 0.00
Sum= 400 I 100

votomc of DR= 400 x 60 x 60 x 24 = 34.56 x 106 m"'Js

Arca of catchment = 600 x 106m2
Depth of OR= 34.561600 = 0.0576 111 = 5.76 cm= Depth of rainfall excess

6.9 Raiufall excess e a.S crn. Duration = 8.0 h

Ordinates ors - h lJH = crdinmes of DRH/ 4.5
Table n..6.9
Time Orel. of Flood 8·h UH ()td.
(h) Hyel'tograph (m3ts) (m,ls)
0 0 o.o
5 40 8.9
13 210 46.7
21 400 88.9
28 600 133.3
32 820 182.2
35 1150 255.6
41 1440 320.0
45 1510 335.6
55 1420 315.6
61 1190 204.4
91 650 144.4
98 520 115.6
115 290 64.4
138 0 o.o
6. 10 Duration= 6 hours
tnflltrmion = 0:25 x 6 = I .SO ctn
Rainfall excess = 8.0- 1.50 = 6.50 cm
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Peak of flood hydrograph =

Deduct base flow =

Peak of DRH = 455 mJ/s

Pcokof6-hUH= 455/6.50 = 70 m3/s

6.11 Rainfall = 4.0 cm. ;.\re.a= 100 kru2

Ti111e Total runoff Base flow Direct runoff

(h) (m:./s) (111J/s) (m'ts)
0 300 300 0
I 300 300 0
2 1200 300 900
3 450 300 ISO
4 300 300 0
5 300 300 0
Su11• = 1050

voteme of direct runoff= 1050 x 60 x60 = 3.78 ~Im~

Depth of runoff= 3.781100 = 0.0378 rn = 3. 78 cm
q> - index= 4.00 - 3.78 = 0.22 collh
For 6 cm rainfall in one hour. rainfall excess= 6.0 - 0.22 = 5.78 cm
Surfaoe ronoff peak =(5.78 x 900'JI 3.78 = 1376 mJ/s
votume of Direct surface runoff= 5.78 cm = (5.78/100) x JOO= 5.78 ~ln•J
Time interval fh) 010 6 6 to 12 121018
Rainfall in the irucrvalfcrn) 3.0 5.0 4.0
Losses ( = m x 6) 1.2 1.2 1.2
Effc:cli\'e rainfall (cm) 1.8 3.8 2.8
Oi1ec1 R1.11lott d\le 10 Flood
Time 6·h UH ()Id. Base tto\v
(mils} H~rograph
(h) (m"ls) EA:1 •.8 ER= 3 ..8 ER =2 . .8 (m'ls)
0 0 0 30 30
3 150 270 30 300
6 250 450 0 30 •80
9 450 810 570 30 1410
12 600 1080 950 0 30 2060
18 800 1440 2280 700 30 4450
24 700 1260 3040 1680 30 6010
30 600 1080 2660 22<40 30 6010
36 450 810 2280 1960 30 5080
42 320 576 1710 1680 30 3996
48 200 360 1216 1260 30 2666
54 100 180 760 896 30 1866
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60 50 90 360 560 30 1060

66 0 0 190 280 30 500
72 0 140 30 170
76 0 30 30
IN01..: lh:11 lbc O«finat~S an: n()I al rc:gu1<·1r intervals. lni1ially lhey arc <il 3·h<>ur inlcr\·als.
Care is nccll.:d in ou1i11g ORI-I ()rllinalcS at vadccs lags Oil prOfk!r lin1c in1cr,·3ls)
6. 13
Direct Runoff due 10
6·h UH Base 11ov1 Flood Hy(ftograph
Time ord. (m)/s) ER .. 1 ..0 ER= 1.0 {m3/s) (m)/s)
0 0 0 10 10
6 20 20 0 10 30
12 60 60 20 10 90
18 150 150 60 10 220
24 120 120 150 10 260
30 90 90 120 10 220
36 66 66 90 10 166
42 50 50 66 10 126
48 32 32 50 10 92
54 20 20 32 10 62
60 10 10 20 10 40
66 0 0 10 10 20
72 0 10 10
6. 14
Time 6·h UH <;-h UH. IOQged (Co12 • Ord. 01 l 2·h UH.
(h) on:t (m)/s} by 6 hours (m>ls) Col. 31 (m3/s)

0 0 0 0
6 20 0 20 10
12 60 20 60 40
16 150 60 210 105
24 120 150 270 135
30 90 120 210 105
36 66 90 156 76
42 50 66 116 I 58
4,9 32 50 82 41
54 20 32 52 I 26
60 10 20 30 15
66 0 10 10 I 5
72 0 0 I 0
(Note: Col.S = (Col.4)12)

6. 15
Svcurve s~-eurvt
~-hUH Ord.of
Time S2-C1.1rve 1aggedby 4 (COi. 4·
o<d. additions ~-AUH
(h) ord.(m;,IS) hour$ col.5)
(m'Js) (m'Js) (m1/s)

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0 0 0 0 o.o
2 25 0 25 25 12,5
4 100 25 125 0 125 62.5
6 160 125 285 25 260 130.0
8 190 285 475 125 350 175.0
475 ' 360
14 70 755 825 645 180 90.0
IS 30 825 855 755 100 50.0
18 20 855 875 825 50 25.0
20 6 875 881 855 26 13.0
22 0 661 681 675 I 6 3.0
24 0 681 881 681 I 0 o.o
l Note: Col.7 = !Col.6/l412)11

6.16 \to)u1ue.ofDR= ..!..i<64x3600=3.456xlO(i 1n3

If A = area of catchment in km1• then (Ax I Of') x 1/100 = 3.456 x IOf.
'' = 345.6 kn1!
For the unit hydrogrnph I)= 6 hours
Equilibrium discharge of S - curve = Q, =( 2.778 x.345.6}16 = 160 111J/s

6.17 For the one hour UH. Volume of I)~ =(5+ $+ 5 + 3+ I) x Ix 3600= 792001113
If A = area Of catchment in km:. then (Ax 106) x 1/100 = 79200
.4 = 7.'}2 km'

s.-curve Ord.ol
l·hUH Secrve
Time ·S1·Curve laggeO by (COi. 4·
o<d. ad011ions 2·h UH
(hi Otd.(m3/S) 2 hoots ool.5)
(m1/s) (m'ls) (m'ls)
0 0 0 0 0 o.o
1 5 0 5 I 5 2.5
2 8 5 13 0 I 13 6.5
3 5 13 18 5 I 13 6.5
•5 3 18 21 13 8 4.0

21 ' 4
7 22 22 22 1 0 o.o

6. 18

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Time l 2·h s-curve lagged by (cot 4· Ord,ol 6·h
additions 512-Curve
UH ord.
(hi orc:J,(
m 3/s) 6 hours COl.5) UH (m3ts)
(m1/s) (m1/S)
0 0 0 0 0
6 10 10 0 10 20
12 37 0 37 10 27 54
18 76 10 86 37 49 98
24 111 37 148 86 62 124
30 138 86 222 148 74 148
36 150 148 298 222 76 1S2
42 153 222 37S 298 77 154

72 84 558 642 604 38 76
78 71 604 67S 642 33 66
84 58 642 700 67S 2S so
90 46 675 721 700 21 42
96 35 700 735 721 14 26
102 2S 721 746 73S 11 22
108 17 735 752 746 6 12
114 12 748 7S8 7S2 6 10
120 8 7S2 760 758 2 6
764 •
138 2 704 766 763 3 0
144 0 763 763 766
[Col.7 = (Col.6)1(6112)]
Faired values of 6-h UH are shown in bold.

6. 19
3·hUH s-curve lagged Ord.of
Time additions Srcurve (COi. ~.
o<d. by9 9·h UH
(h> (m3/s) (m3/S)
ord.(m3/s) hours col.SJ (m'ts)
0 0 0 0 0
3 12 0 12 12 4
6 75 12 87 87 29
9 132 87 219 0 219 73
12 180 219 399 12 387 129
15 210 399 609 87 522 174
18 183 609 792 219 573 191
21 158 792 948 399 549 183
24 135 948 1083 609 474 158
27 114 1083 1197 792 405 135
ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

30 96 1197 1293 948 345 115

33 87 1293 1380 1083 297 99
36 66 1380 1446 1197 249 83
39 54 14.t6 1500 1293 207 89
42 42 1500 1542 1380 162 54
45 33 1542 1575 1446 129 43
48 24 1575 1599 1500 99 33
51 18 1599 1617 I 542 75 25
54 12 1617 1629 1575 54 18
57 6 1629 1635 1599 36 12
60 0 1635 1635 1617 18 6
63 1835 1629 6 2
66 1635 1635 0 0

Time interval (h) 010 6 610 12 12 10 18
Rainfall in the irncrval (cm} 4.0 1.0 5.0
Losses tee x 6) 1.0 1.0 1.0
Effective rainfall (cm} 3.0 0 4.0

6·h UH Oi1oc1 Runoff cfuo to Base Flood

Time Old. ER :3 ER :4 !low Hyd~raph
(h) ER :oO
(m3/s) cm em (m3/s) (m IS)
•0 s
6 20 60 0 0 20 80
12 60 180 0 0 20 200
18 150 450 0 80 20 550
24 120 360 0 240 20 620
30 90 270 0 600 20 890
36 66 198 0 480 20 698
42 so 150 0 380 20 530
48 32 96 0 264 20 380
5' 20 60 0 200 20 280
60 10 30 0 128 20 178
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

0 0 0 20 100
0 20 60
20 20

6.21 vorumc orun = !x72'X3600)(100= 12.96)()0° 1u3

(Ax 10<•) xl/100 = 12.96xl06, hence- A= 1296 kin?

6·h UH Direct Runoff due to Base Flood

Or(f. ER• 2 ER. 4 llOV1 H~1ograph
(m3fs> cm cm (m31$) (m3/s)
0 0 0 25 25
6 25 50 0 25 75
12 50 100 100 25 225
18 75 150 200 25 375
24 100 200 300 25 525
30 87.5 175 400 25 600
36 75 150 350 25 525
42 62.5 125 300 25 450
46 50 100 250 25 375
54 37.5 75 200 25 300
60 25 50 150 25 225
66 12.5 25 100 25 150
72 0 0 50 25 75
78 0 0 25 25

24 h
6·h UH
Fig. P • 6.21

6.22 Vofume of'Uf-l e -)(69x3600xQ m3=(l000x IO~)xl/)00
2 '
Hence Q_p = 80. 5 mJ/s

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Tlme interval (h) Oto 4 4 to S S to 12
Rainfall in the intervallcm) 3.5 2.2 1.8
Losses(-·" x 4} 1.0 1.0 1.0
Etfecrive rainfall (c1n) 2.5 1.2 0.8

Oi1ecl Aunolf c:tue 10 Ol(ect

Time ER• Runoff
Oist1ibulion ER• 1.2 ER• 0.6
{nJ (%) 2.5 Hyd1ograph
cm cm (cm)
0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
010 4 5 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.125
4108 20 0.500 0.060 0.000 0.560
810 12 40 1.000 0.240 0.040 1.280
12tOl6 20 0.500 0.480 0.160 1.140
16 to 20 10 0.250 0.240 0.320 0.810
2010 24 5 0.l25 0.120 0.160 0.405
24 10 28 0 0.000 0.060 0.080 0.140
28to 32 0 o.ooo 0.000 0.040 0.040
32 to 36 0 o.ooo o.ooo o.ooo o.ooo
Sum- 4.500

Runoff rare corresponding to I cm rainfall excess in 4 hours

= 50"Xl0(, X'-X =34.72 Ill /s
100 4x3600
The ORH corresponding IQ runoff rates of Col.6 in Tnbte p·6.23 are !1$ (QllO'''S:

Time Ch) IQ 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34
DR crd. /m·Jsl 10 4.3 19.4 44.4 39.6 28.1 14.1 4.9 1.4 0

INotc that the DR mies an: entered ;:i1 mid values of tbc time iutervals.l

6.24 Areaof6-hUll= 1-x48x3600xQ, =86400P

86400 Q, = 259.2 x 10' x( 11100)

Qr= 30 01.l/s.
Uni! interval= 6 hours: Arca of UH= ( 1/2) x 48 x 30 = 120 units

I Unit Tinle I
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Hyd1'0IO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill EOvc-.a11on
(India) Pvt lid. This resource materialis lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

I st (112) x I 5VI 20 6.25%

2nd I 15 + 30112]1120 18.75%
3rd (30 + 25)121/120 22.92%
4Lh 25 + 20)/21/120 18.75%
5Lh 1(20 + 15)1211120 14.58%
61h 1115 + 10)/21/120 10.42
7Lh I( 10 + 5)12Jll 20 6.25%
81h (5 + Ol/211120 2.08%
Total = 100%

' uram h ercentaees
Time (units of6
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 s
Distribution graph
6.25 18.75 22.92 18.75 14.58 10.42 6.25 2.0S


10 30

0 12 24 30 42 48 Houis

6· hUH
Fig. p. 6.24


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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

3.6 cm
o.1cm o.1cm

• ER
• 2



Fig. P·6.25(•J

Oirecl Runoff
l·h UH due to OR
Time Ord, HydrOg1:lph
(m3/s) ER· ER· {m31S)
3.3cm z.a cm
0 o.oo 0 o.oo
1 1.20 3.96 0 3.96
2 2.40 7.92 2.76 10.68
3 3.60 11.88 5.52 17.40
4 3.00 9.9 8.28 18.18
5 2.40 7.92 6.9 14.82
6 1.80 5.94 5.52 11.46
7 1.20 3.96 -<!. 1 <!! 8.10
8 0.60 1.98 2.76 4.74
9 o.oo 0 1.38 t.38
10 0 0 0 0.00
Total= 90.72
Tl)tal volume of DRH = 90.72 (m3/s).h = 326592 m3
After Urbanisation:

""" 2.&¢m

0.4em e.e cm
1.5 h
6.0 h • ER ' 2


Fig. P· 6,25(b)

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Dlrect Runoff
1·hUH due to OR
Time Ord, Hyd1ograph
(h) ER• ER•
{m3/s) (m3/s)
3.6cm 2.6cm
0 0.00 o.oo o.oo
1 4.00 14.40 o.oo 14.40
1.5 6.00 21.60 10.40 32.00
2 5.33 19.19 15.60 34.79
3 4.00 14.40 13.86 28.26
4 2.67 9.61 10 ..:iO 20.01
5 1.33 4.79 6.94 11.73
6 0.00 0.00 3.46 3."16
7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tota.I: 144.65

Total volume of DRH = 144.65 (m.l/s).h = 520725.6 1n3

Hence. increase in the llocxl volume= 520725.6 - 326592 = 194133.6 m3
Percentage increase = ( 194133.6 / 326592) x JOO= 59.44%
lnc-reaseinthcpeak=34.79-IS.18= 16.61 m'Js=91.4 %

6.26 Consider 3 hour intervals.

k1=2cn1 Q1= 120m3/s
01 =R1 U1
120 = 2 U1 U1=601n3/s
R2=4c-n1 Q2=480=2 lJ2-+4XU1
=2U2+4x60: U2= 120m3/s
2xU3+4:xt20 =660: u, = 90 m3/s
2 x U-1+ 4:x 90 = 460: u.. = 50 1n-,./s
2xUs+4x50 =260: Us= 30 m3/s
2xU,+4x30 = 160: U<>= 20 1n-,./s
2xU,+4x20 = 100: u, = 10 m-,./s
2xUii+4>< 10 :50: Ua = 5 1n3/s
2xU.,+4><5 :20: U->= O 1n3/s

Time (h) 0 3 6 9 12 15 IS 21 24 27
3·h UH ord. (m'/s) 0 60 120 90 50 30 20 10 5 0

6.27 For catchment [\'I:

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Hyd1·01C>l)y, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

t» •
2 r
=37 h·•
I' p =34 h = (21/22) Ir+ IH. /4 Hence 111= 34.05 h

,,. = l·,(1~ L,..)0·' 34.05=c·,<143 x 16)11.l : c·, = 2.014

2.78 x.Cr x.2718
Q,= =200: C,= 0.90
For catchment 1-.:: (;, = 2.074: (,~ = 0.90
1, = 2.074 ( 106 x S2)" = 27.S h
1, = 27.S 15.5 = 5.0 h
Using rs e 6.0 h. 1', = (27.5 x 21122) + (6/4) = 27.75 h
Q = l.7S><0.9xl400=126.2: say 126 m'ts
I' 2.7
IV = 5.87 =79h
"' (12611400)"
w,, = 79/1.75 = 45 h
Time base: r, = (72 + (3 x 27.75)) = 155 h
or = 5(27.75 + 3) = 154 h.
Use rt>= 156 hours as a convenient time base.

6.28 1,. = C,(l l,,,)°'= 1.5 x (35 x IO)..,= S.7 h

I,= 8.115.5 = l.55h
t'o• =(21/22)xS,7+(3.0/4)=9.0h
2.78x0.70,400 S ,,
Q • •<86 . 1n1S
I' 9.0
IV = = 30.7 h
" (86.S/ 400)••
IV15=30.711.75= 17.Sh
Time base: '/'0 = (72 + (3 x 9)) = 99 h
Or = 5(9 + 1.5) = 52.5 h.
U$C f;. = 52 hours as a convenient rime base.

6.29 Q,. = 126 m~/s

T•• = l',, T lit/2 = 27.75 T 3 = 30.75 h
Muniply the coordinates of SC Dimensionless l{H given in Table 6.10 (Text) by
the respectivescales.

G!: I Qf00 I (ho~rs) I (m~s) I lfT. I 010. I (ho:rs) I (m~s) I

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

o.oo o.ooo o.oo o.oo 1.50 0.660 46.13 83.16

0.10 0.015 3.08 1.89 1.60 0.560 49.20 70.56
0.20 0.075 6.15 9.45 1.80 0.420 55.35 52.92
0.30 0.160 9.23 20.16 2.00 0.320 SI.SO 40.32
0.40 0.280 12.30 I 35.28 2.20 0.240 67.65 30.24
o.so 0.430 15.38 54.18 2.40 0.180 73.80 22.68
0.60 0.600 18.45 75.60 2.60 0.130 79.95 16.38
0.70 0.770 21.53 97.02 2.80 0.098 86.10 12.35
0.80 0.890 24.60 112.14 3.00 0.074 92.25 9.32
0.90 0.970 27.68 122.22 3.50 0.036 107.63 4.54
l.00 1.000 30.75 126.00 4.00 0.018 123.00 2.27
l .10 0.980 33.83 123.48 4.50 0.009 136.38 1.13
1.20 0.920 36.90 115.92 5.00 0.004 153.75 0.50
1.30 0.840 39.$8 10-5.84 5.50 o.ooo 169.13 o.oo
1,40 0.750 43.05 94.50


Fig.6.30(a) shows •he ERH and DRH.

(i) Ordinates of 4-h UH nrc obtained by dividing the DR.H ordinates by 6.0. The
rcsultin 4 .h UH. rs as bcl ow IF12. o- 6 30(b)I
Time (h) 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ordinate of DRl·I ('eru/h) 0 6 12 IS 24 18 12 6 0
Ordinate of 4~h UH (crn/h) 0 I 2 3 4 3 2 I 0
DRH of Probf1m1 p ,,3.0

~ 30 6om
';' 20

! 10
i3 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (h)

Fig.p- 6.JO(a) Gtven DRH or 6 cm ER

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

!;' as
!!' e

".'!!" u
0 '05

Time (h}

Fig. P·6.3-0(b)

Derivation of me Scurve is shown in Table p-6.30(b).

Table .
O· 630( a) Dertvauon
' o rs •• curve
Time in ordina:e ct 4·h S-.curve S~·CUfVG
hOurs OI OAH UH• a<jjltion ordinate
0 0 0 0
1 6 1 0 1
2 12 2 0 2
3 18 3 0 3
5 18 '
1 I '
6 12 2 2 4
7 s I 3 4
8 0 0

s. Curve·

problem p·
' 6.30

2 4 6 8 10
Time (h)

Fig. P·6.30(c) s,. curve

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

(ii) Ccmputmion of 3· h UH using Sa-curve:

Table o-j)-~b) Comnutation of 3- h UH
s~-curve due ER
Time ii\ s-ccrve l~ged by OI (314) Ord. OI
fours <>tdinale 3 nours cm 3·hUH
0 0 0 0.00

3 3 0 3 4.00
4 4 l 3 4.00
s 2
' 3
2 2.67
7 '' 4
0 0.00

a-n UH OI Problem p-6.30

0 2 4 6 8
Time (h)

Fig. p·6.30 (c) 3·h UH

·111c cajculmions relating to Sccurvc and d-h UH arc shown in Table p-6.31 (:1)
Table p· 6.3J(a)

Tiine 2-h s-cu-ve Sr-Curve Si-curve DRH of 4-h UH

(h) UH addition ordinate ordinates 2c1n (in ordinate
(cnllb) (lllJll) {in mm) lagged by mm) (11111'1/h)
'1 hours (in

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.25

I 0.5 0 0.5 0.S 0.25
2 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.25
3 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25
4 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25
5 0.5 0.5 0.5
6 0.5 0.5 0.5
7 0.5 0.5 0.5
8 0.5 0.5 0.5

2-h UH

0 2 4 Tirnc Ih) ~

S, ·CUr'llO

0 2 4 5
Tlmc Ih) ~

4·h UH
0 2 3 4 5
Time Ih) ~
F;g. p-6.31 (a) S, Curve and 4 - h Ul:I or Problem 6.31


Time Ol) DRH due to 3 ORH due to 0 cm ORH due to 5 Ordinate or

cm ER (in nrl/s) ER (in nl3/s) cm ER (in 1n3/s) final DRH
(in nr'Js)
O+t: 300 300
I 300 0 0 300
2 300 0 0 300
3 300 0 500 800
4 0 0 500 500
5 0 0 500 500

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

5+ e 0 0 0 0

3cm I Scm

">- OAH
c >
>- IP"
500 500
300 3-00

0 2 J 4 5 6
~fhnt(h) ~
Jiig. 1>·6.32 .1£RH and Resulting ORH of Problem 6.32

(;) A=750ha=7.5km'
11= 15 min= 0.25 h
1<'. = 90 111in = 1.5 h
lag Lime Ip= 0.6 t<'. = 0.6 x 1.5 = 0.9 h
T,. = ( ~ +1,) = 0.125 +0.90 = 1.025 h
1\ 1.5 }
Q,. = 2.08-T= 2.08 x = 20.48 m /s
,. 1 . -)
Ti.=2.61T,=2.67 x 1.025 =2.74 h (say 2.75 h)
(ii) The DRH due 10 40 mrn in IS min. on the watershed would be a triangle of
Base width = 2.75
Peak =4x 20.48= 81.92 nr'zs cccurring aL T,.= 1.025 h frorn c.he start of the


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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Ord. of U(t)
Ot(i. QI
Time IUH lagged tceia- 2·h UH
(hi by 2 COl.3)
(m /s) hour

0 o.oo 0.00 0.00

2 5.00 o.o 5.00 2.50
4 10,00 s.o 15.00 7.50
6 15.00 10.0 25.00 12.50
9 20.00 15.0 35.00 17.50
10 18.57 20.0 38.57 19.29
12 17.14 18.6 I 35.71 17.86
14 15.?1 1?' 1 32.86 16.43
16 14.29 15.7 30.00 15.00
19 12.86 14.3 27.14 13.57
20 11.43 12.9 24.29 12.14
22 10.00 11.4 21.-13 I 0.71
24 8.57 10.0 18.57 9.29
26 1.14 8.6 15.71 7.86
28 5.71 7.1 12.86 6.43
30 4.29 5.7 10.00 5.00
32 2.86 4.3 7.14 3.57
34 '.-13 2.9 ~.29 2.1~
36 0.00 1.4 1.43 0.?1
36 o.oo 0.0 I o.oo I o.oo
6.35 Since the ordinates arc given at uneven time interval, by interpolation the ordinates
of IUH nre assembled at regular interval of one- hour. Calculations arc shown in
Table p-6.35.

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Hydr'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGtav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

·'able .ji .JS
u(t) l·h UH l·h UH Ord.
Ofd. Of Sum of
Time •(V, lagged lagged lagged of 3·h
1·• Cols.4,
(h) m I< by 1 by 1 by 2 UH
hour UH hOUI hou1s 5&6 (m3{s)
0 o.o o.oo o.oo o.o
1 11.0 0.0 5.50 0 5.50 1.8
2 37.0 11.0 24.00 5.50 0.00 29.50 9.8
3 60.0 37.0 48.SO 24.00 5.50 78.00 26.0
4 71.0 60.0 65.50 48.50 24.00 138.00 46.0
5 75.0 71.0 73.00 65.50 I 48.50 187.00 62.3
6 72.0 75.0 73.50 73.00 65.50 212.00 70.7
7 66.0 72.0 69.00 73.50 73.00 215.50 71.8
8 60.0 66.0 63.00 69.00 73.50 205.50 68.5
9 52.5 60.0 56.25 63.00 69.00 188.25 62.8
10 45.0 52.5 48.75 56.25 63.00 168.00 56.0
11 39.0 45.0 42.00 48.75 56.25 147.00 49.0
12 33.0 39.0 36.00 42.00 46.75 126.75 42.3
13 27.0 33.0 30.00 36.00 42.00 108.00 36.0
14 21.0 27.0 24.00 30.00 36.00 90.00 30.0
15 16.5 21.0 18.75 24.00 30.00 72.75 2-1.3
16 12.0 16.5 14.25 18.75 I 24.00 57.00 19.0
17 9.0 12.0 10.50 14.25 18.75 43.SO 14.5
18 6.0 9.0 7.50 10.50 14.25 32.25 10.8
19 3.0 6.0 4.50 7.50 10.50 22.50 7.5
20 0.0 3.0 1.50 4.50 7.50 13.50 4.5
21 0.0 0.00 I.SO 4.50 6.00 2.0
22 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.5
23 0.00 0.00 0.0
Sum• 716.00
votumeof l-h UH = 716 (m°'/s. hour) e 716 x 3600 1n3
If A= Area of catchment in km". Ax 106 x ( 1/100) = 716 x 3600
A= 257.76 km'

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


7.1 i= = 401nmlh
Catchment area A = 120 ha = 1.20 km~
By Eq. 7.2. Q,,= ( 1/3.6) x 0.3 x 40 x 1.20 = 4.0 m'ts

7.2 The Kirpicb formula (Eq. 7.4) gives

1,. = 0.01947 l071 S"°J~ = 0.01947 ( 1250)11.n x (0.001).i>.)IJS = 67.45 min

From given data maximum lntenshy of rainfnll of SO year return period and of
duration 67.45 min is. by interpolation .

,_ IOJ.25 - 90 07
-.mn1 /h
By Eq. 7.2. Q,,= ( 113.6) x 0.2 x 2.0 x 90.07 = 10.0 m'ls

7.3 Refer to Fig. P-7.3. The coruribuuons of the runoff would be as fo1IO\\'S:
l'1bour: l.7cm/hrainon ..\
2n.j hour: 1.7 cin/11 rain on Band 1-\
3"' hour: I. 7 cmlh rain on C and B: and 1.25 cnsb rain on A
4ih hour: 1.7 c-m/h ruin on D and C : and 1.25 cm/h rain on B and A
51h hour: 1.7 cnVh rain on D: and 1.25 cn\/h rain on C. Band 1-\

The discharge :11 the end of vnlious nintervnls arc calculated by the Ra1iQn:1I
Q,= ( 1/3.6) x 0.5 xix,\

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

•h ~ A 200 ha

! B

! c 350ha

l D 170 ha

Fig. P-7.3

At me Total O
endol o. o. 0- o. rmJls'
1h 4.014 I I 4.014
2h 4,014 8.26'1 12.276
3h 2.951 8.264 5.903 17 .116
2.951 6.076 4.722 19.652
Sh 2.951 6.076
4.3~ 4.722 18.08.9

The peak rate of runoff is 19.652 nf1/s and occurs at the end of 411' hour.

7.4 From Table 7.l(a)(Text),

A 52% 20% 18% 10%
c 0.85 0.075 0.70 0.65
weighted C = C = (0.85 x 052) + (0.075 x 0.2) + (0.70 x 0.18) + (0.65 x O. IO) =
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource materialis lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

. 85 ,
r1e"' = ---=
I 02 mm/h : A= 3 km'

Q,= ( 1/3.6) x 3 x 102 x 0.648 = 55.0S m'ls

7.5 The peak flow from tbe nreas:

QA:(J/3.6))(6XCi : l.667Ci n1J/s
Q•= (113.6) x 7.5 x Ci= 2.083C; m'ls
Qc=(l/3.6)x 10 x Ci= 2.778 Ci m'ts
QlJ= ( J/3.6) x 12 X C; = 3.333 Ci IUJ/S
The contributions or the various sub-areas at different times are shown below:
ln1ensily Aunoft Tota1Q
of factor, a, a, a. Do (Ord. of
Rainfall c OAH)
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 25 0.5 20.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.SA
2 50 0.7 58.35 26.04 0.00 0.00 84.38
3 50 0.0 66.66 72.91 34.73 o.oo 17~.31
•5 23.5 0.85 33.30 83.32
4 1.66
6 55.49 133.32 188B1
7 66.58 66.58
8 0

Total peak now= DRH peak + Base flow

= 269.38 + 42.50 = 311.88 m-'I.
This peak occurs at the end of the 5111 hour fro the SHI.rt of the. storm.
7.6 1o = 20 minutes; Area A = 20 ha= 0.2 k1112; T = 25 years
Dun1ti(111 0 e Iirnc of concentration = 20 ruin = 0.333 h

i•.., = 0·693x(2S)o.l!r) = 15 cm/h = 1501nmlh

(0.333 +0.50)61111
Qr= ( 113.6) x 0.25 x 0.2 x I SO= 2.08 m'is

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

7.7 Equivalent runoff coefficient C; = -''~-
((0.25x 30) +(0.16 x 10) + (0.40x 60)) = 0.331
Area A= IOOha = 1.0 km'

By Eq.(7 .4-a) time of concentration 1( = 0.01947 (K, }°'"

Since. L = 3500 rn and i.lH = 6.'l m

K,=~(3 5:)' =25633

1,. = 0.01947 (25683)°'" = 48.4 min= 0.806 h

. 3.97 (25)"'"
r= , } ,,, = 6.752/0.968 = 6.978cm/h = 69. 78 mmlh
Peak Flow Q,. = (113.6)(C,; A)
= 0.331x69.78x.l =6•4210,1s
7.8(a) Referring 10 Fig.P· 7.8 (a)


1( (min) 0 5 30 25


' lsocnrones
" 450

0 5 10 15 20 25 min

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or'suse onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

fiig. P-7.S(a) lsochroncs

of rmvel 1c8 = '™ = 25 ruin. Dividing BC and .Ad in to five parts
The 1i111e
the 5 min interval isocbrones arc shown in Fig. P- 7 .3 [n].
(b) For 5 - min rain. area ccntnburing to now 111 5 min:
A,= (In) x ( 15()/5) x 450 = 675() m'
Q,r- 0.8x[71(100 x 3600)) x 6750 = 0.105 m'ts
Sirnilnrty Orl = 2 x Q"1=0.210 n1l/s
Or• is reached in 5 min..; Ori is reached in 10 min: Q..z remains constant up
10 20 ruin. Then onwards ii decreasesto reach zero at 1 = IOtal I.:+ duration of rain=
30 min.
The idealized bydrograph is shown in Fig:.P- 7 .S(b-1 ).

2~ 0.210
0 0.105

0 10 20 30 Time (min)

Fig. P- 7.8(b·l) l>lll:f for 5-nlin. R:ainfaU

For 30 111in rain:
1,. = 30 min.: Q,.= 0.8x(71(100 x 3600)) x (150 x 450) = I.OS m'/s
The entire area contributes to the peak runoff of I .05 m)/s. The peak occurs at 30
min. As 0 = 40 min. the peak will remain constant Lill 1 = 40 ruin and then onwards
decreases for another 1.. = 30 min to reach zero al 1 = 70 min. The idealized
hydrcgrapb is shown in Fig. P-7.8(b-2).

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

~ ~

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 minutes

Fig. 7.8 (b-2) ORR for 40 min. Rninfnll-min

7.9 For D= 10 minutes. Maximum area having I.:= IOmin

(=Area marked (ADCD and (>\'D:C'D')in Fig. P- 7.9J is
A=(l/2)x J50x300=22500m'
Q,= 0.92 x (6/( 100 x 3600)) x 22500 = 0.345 m'ls
75 m I 75 m I
25 20 15 10 5 10 15 20 2L
a· 'II~ B


. c· D
20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20

Fig. p. 7.9 Catchment c~ Isochrones of Problem 7.9

7. JO (a) "=0.025
(b) For au occurrence of at least once in 20 years
P1 = I -(I -11)" = I - (0.975)"' = 0.397

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HV(il'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

(c) q = I - p = 0.975

7.11 (a) P1= I -(l-11)'= 1-(1-0. 1)'=0.41

(bl Fol' an occurrence of at least once in 20 years
P1 = I -(I -p)"' = I -(0.05)'' = 0.642
Probability tltat the event \viii not occur in next 20 years= I - p1 =
I - 0.642 = 0.358
(c) p = 1150 = 0.02

(d) p=0.02.r= ...>. n =IO, By Eq.

' 2.12 p, =-(0.02)
10! 1 ' 1
(0.98) = 0 . 0008 334
(e) p = 0.02.111 = I -(I - 0.02)"' = 0.636

7.12 K = -·-• where y = - In. ln(Tl(T- l)f
N T )'r Y.. s. K

35 1000 6.907255 0.5402 1.1285 5.6421

45 1000 6.907255 0.5463 1.1519 5.5221
55 1000 6.907255 0.5504 1.1681 5.4420
60 1000 6.907255 0.5521 1.1747 5.4100
65 1000 6.907255 0.5535 1.1803 5.3832

7.13 (a) N = 13 years. X = 2703.5 nfl/s, oe.r= 898.6 m"ts

From Table 7 .3 {Text) for N= 13 years )',, = 0.5070 ands .. = 0.9971
v -V
yr= - In. ln(T/(T-1)): K=·1
... andx1=.T+Ka,
Values of xrnrc calculated for various T values as below:
'r years )'< K xr
50 3.901939 3.404813 5763

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-HillEdvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

100 4.600149 4.105054 6392

1000 6.907255 6.4l887 8471

(b) Log Pearson Type J: Tbe values of z-variate z. «tog ;I,' are calculated for
various flood magnitude as in Table 7.13(b)
Table 7.13 (b)
Year Flood s z e jca x
1963 3210 3.5065
1964 4000 3.6021
1965 1250 3.0969
1966 3300 3.5185
1967 24$0 3.3945
1968 1780 3.2504
1969 1860 3.2695
1970 4130 3.6160
1971 3110 3.4928
1972 2320 3.3655
1973 24$0 3.3945
1974 3405 3.5321
1975 1820 3.2601
Froru this. Table ;:- = 3.40763
ts. c, = 0.15552 rn.\/s and

C.. = Cocff't. of skew= ·0.0375. Values of Kt for C.. = -0.0375 arc read from Table
7.6 rrexn. Values ofzrandxrarc calculated by using Bqs. 7.25 and 7.26 and arc
given below.
T'years so 100 IOOO
2.034 2.299 3.038
0.3163 0.3575 0.4725
3.7240 3.7652 3.8800
5296 5823 7588

(c) Log - Normal Distribution

l = 3.40763 1n'ts. c, = 0.15552 1n'ts and c.. = 0

T'years so 100 1000

K, 2.0;4 2.326 3.090

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Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subtamanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

0.3194 0.3617 0.4806

3.7271 3.7674 3.8882
5334 5880 7730

7.14 N=20years .. i= 121 rn3/s.

From Table 7.3 I'Text) for N= 20 years )'. = 0.5236 ands,= 1.0628
From cq, 7.20 350= 121 +60K

K = 3.8167 = y, -0.5236
)'r = 4.57995 = • In . ln[T/(T- I )J: giving T = 98 years
Hence a return period of the design flood is 100 y~1r.s.

7.15 X= J.65crna.nd er,, ,=0.45c1n

.rr-= X-t K er,,.1
3.0 = 1.65+ K (0.45)
K = 3.0= y, -0.577
Hence yr= 4.4245
Also. Yr= 4.4245 =·[In . In--)
.·. -
= 1.0120522
T= 84.0 years. say 85 years

7.16 X=4200m}/sa.nd a.,_1= 1705 m}/s

.YT= X
Ker ,,_1

9500 = 4200 + K (1705)

K = 3.1085 = y,
Hence Yr= 4.56366
Also. Yr= 4.56366 =·[In. In T- I]

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

:. T:i'= 1.001048
T = 96.4 years, say 100 years

7, 17 l.A:ig Pearson 'fype 3 distribution:

z = 2..510
m"ls.. Oi = 0.162 m"ls and C, = Ccefft. of skew = 0.70. Values of
for(,~= 0.70 11.n: read from Table 7.6 {Text]. values of er and ,,·r arc cnlculnred
by using Eqs. 7.25 and 7.26 and 91'1! given below.
T years 50 100 200 1000
K:. 2.407 2.$24 3.223 4.105
K:. Ox 0.3899 0.4575 0.5221 0.6506
zr 2.8999 2.9675 3.032 3.175
:tr (111"/s) 794 928 ion 1496

Log - Norrnal Dlscrlbution

r yc-J1rs 50 100 200 1000

K:. 2.054 2.326 2.576 3.090
K~Ox 0.3327 0.3768 0.4173 0.5006
~r 2.8427 2.8868 2.9173 3.0106
.tr (111"/s) 696 771 846 1025

r years Q

50 10000 4.00000 2.261

200 15000 4.17009 2.949

.,r .. ~~
4.17609 = i + 2.949 ,,,
4.00000=: +2.261 v,
0.17609 =0.688 o,
a, = 0.25595 and z = 4.000 - (2.261 x 0.25595) = 3.4213
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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

When T = 1000 years. K~ = 3.670

zr= 3.4213 + ( 3.670 x 0.25595) = 4.36064
Q =:inti log zr = 22943 m3/s , ~Y 2·29somJ/s

7. 19 Log normal dtstributien: C5 = 0, K: = 2.054 (for T = 50 years· from Table

z,. = 3.2736 + ( 2.054 x 0.3037) = 3.8974
Qs.-,= enntcg ZJIJ= 78961n3/s
l..og Pe-arson Type 3 distribution:
C, = 0.07. K,= 2.091 (for T = 50 years- from Table 7.6 of Text)
z,. = 3.2736 + ( 2.091 x 0.3037) = 3.90864
Q.si>= anti log zsi>-= 8103 n1J/s

7.20 River- Ganga:

N = 92 years. .i = 6437 1n3/s. 0 •. 1-= 295 I ru3/s

From Table 7.3 (TeXI) for N= 92 years Y. = 0.5589 ands,= 1.2020

r 100 1000

Yr 4.6000 6.9073

Kr 3.362 5.2815

xr 16359 22023

b =..,1+1.JK+l.lK· • 4.2195 6.2088

ba •., 1298 1910

.f,. = ..{ii

x11~ = x., ±/(c).f,.

f(c) = 1.96

.r, 18903 25767

-'2 13815 18279

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

lli\ er Yarnuna:

N = 54 years. X = 5627 m3/s,

From Table 7 .3 (Text) for N= 54 years ~.. = 0.5501 ands,,= 1.1667
T 100 IOOO

y, 4.6000 6.9073

Kr 3.4735 5.4488

17298 23935

4.3344 6.3829

1982 2919

.l'11: = .t'r ± J (c)s..

)tc) = J.96

XJ 21182 29656

·" 13413 18214

7.21 .t"T=x + Kru••,

435 = X + K1oo<T,._,
395 = X+ KJo<f.. 1
(Kl(~-KSf!)<T. ,=40 .... (1)
andK= )'r -Y,,
100 50
Y100 =·(In. In I= 4.6001 and s» =·(In. In- ( = 3.9019
99 49

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

(>100-Yso) = 0.6982 and from (Eq. I) u,.,= 40
1 tence a-,._, = 57.29

6 9073- j'
when T = I 000 year. K 1000 = · • ..
" " 6.9073-4.6001 = 2.3072
1'J@- n100=
·'· .'.
01000- 435 = "·-· = 2.3072 x 57.29 = 132

7.22 N = 30 years
.t-r= X + Kro- ~-•
1200= .i+ K1()(J'7., I
1060 = .i + K$d<T,..,
(K100-Kw)o ... r= 140 .... (1)

andK7:·7 }' - ·•v

100 50
r100 = ·[In. ln - J
= 4.600 I and y., =·[In. hi-)= 3.9019
K = 4.6001-0.532 = 3.6533
I(~ l.l 124

K = 3.9019-0.5362 = 3.0257
,, 1.1124

(K100-Kso)o ... , = ( 3.6533- 3.0257) o ... , = 140

cr,,_1 = 140/0.6276 = 223 1n-'/s

1200 = .i + (3.6533 x 223) giving X = 3851n3/s
(b) K = 6.2136-0.5362 =S.I034
,,, 1.1124
Xm = 385 + ( 5.1034 X 223) = 1523 m'fs
7.23 Calculation of Design Stenn

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Curnul. 12-h l;irst lnfihr<11ion excess or
Time tif Deslgn
rainfall increment arrange- (crn in 12 o~';'Sign
(h) 12--h sequence
[cm] (cn1) flJCl11 IM>ur$.) storm
UH ltn1)
0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
12 10.2 10.2 32 3.5 1.8 1.7
24 30.5 20.3 96 2.0 10.2 1.8 8.4
36 34.0 3.5 130 20.3 20.3 1.8 18.5
4$ 38.0 2.0 126 10.2 2.0 1.6 0.2
60 98 3.5
72 75
84 50
96 30
106 15
120 7
132 0
Note: Col. 6 rs reversed sequence cl Col. J - -
lnflhraticn loss= 0.15 cn\/h = 1.8 cm per 12 hour interval

CIa cu I nuon ofFlodHd

0 I'!' 1'02.1'30 h
Excess rainfall or Design
storm (cm)
ord. of ord. of
12-h Base Flood
Tin1c: UH now Hydroyaph
(h) (1n3/s) 1.7 8.• 18.5 0.2 (n1l/s) Cm"Js)
0 0 0 50 50
12 32 $4.4 0 50 104
24 96 163.2 266.6 0 50 462
36 130 221 806.4 592 0 50 1669
48 126 214.2 1092 1n6 6.• 50 3139
60 98 1&6.6 1058 2405 19.2 50 3699
72 75 121.S 823.2 2331 26 50 3358
84 50 65 630 1613 25.2 50 2603
96 30 51 420 1388 19.6 50 1928
108 15 25.5 252 925 15 50 1268
120 7 11.9 126 555 10 50 753
132 0 0 58.8 277.5 6 50 392
1<4 0 129.5 3 50 183
156 0 1.4 50 51
168 0 50 50

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

7.24 I I I° o f
Carcurauon . SIonn:
Cumul 12·h lnfillrali
First excess of
Time inc.re 01d. of arrange
Oesign ontcm Design
(h) 1ainlal men I 6·h UH sequence in 12
ment sto1m
(cm) (cm) hours)
0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
6 5.0 5.0 12.5 2.6 0.6 2.0
12 12.0 7.0 25 3.0 5.0 0.6 4.4
16 15.0 3.0 37.5 1.0 7.0 0.6 6.4
24 l 7.6 2.6 50 5.0 3.0 o.s 2.4
30 40 as
36 30
42 20
46 10
S4 0

Calculation of Flood Hydrogrnph:

Excess Rainfall of Design


ord. or
ord or Buse Flood
Time 6-hUH now 1-i yc.Jrogr..tph
(h) (n1l/s) 2.0 4.4 6.4 1.4 (ml/S) (m>fs)
0 0 0 20 20
6 12.S 25 0 20 45
12 25.0 50 55 0 20 125
18 37.5 75 110 80 0 20 285
24 50.0 100 165 I 60 30 20 475
30 40.0 80 220 240 60 20 620
36 30.0 60 176 320 90 20 666
42 20.0 40 132 256 120 20 566
48 10.0 20 88 I 92 96 20 416
54 0 0 44 128 72 20 264
60 0 0 64 48 20 132
66 0 0 0 24 20 44
72 0 0 0 20 20

7.25 (a) -R,=1-(1-T) I •

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

I » . 0.95=(1-_I_)"
1' = 390 years

(b) - I " =0.12

. 390
R, = 12%
7.26 R =(1--1 )" = 0.603
' 50
- I
7.27 R,=1-(1-7)"

(a) O.IO•l-(1-7)': T=!Oyea.s
(bl 0.10=1-(I--)": T=190YearS
T .

7.28 if =1-0-.!..r
' T
When T= 11. R1=1-(1-!)"
• n(n-1) ": n(n-1)(11-2 _J A
(I -.t ) =l-11x+ ,I{ - ;r+
2! 3!
When .r = //11
I). I n r1(11-I) 11(11-1)(11-2
( I -- = --+ - +-1\
JI Jl 2!.Jll ].1rJ
= l-l+_l_ __ l__ _I_+ (Jn-2) _ _l_A
2! 2!n 3! 3!.n~ 4!

For large values of 11

I, I I I
(1--) =1-1+---+-A =e· 1
11 2! 3! 4!
7f, = 1-e·• =I -(2.71828)'' = I· 0.3678 = 0.6322

7.29 X = 1200 ml/sand <T.,~, = 650 1n:i/s

Reliability R. = 0.95 = (I - ;)"'

1-; = (0.95)""' = 0.9989746
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

T = 975.29 =say 975 years

.l:T= x + K 0-... 1
K = Yr -053622
Also, ~·r = -Hn . In J
. (975-1)
= 6.881925
K = 5.7046
.rr= 1200 + (5.7046)x650 = 4908 m'ts
7.30 X = 8520 m}/s and 0'.,.1 = 3900 1n}/s. N-= 21 years. 11 = 40 years

Reliability R~ = 0.35 = (I - ~)•>

T= 247 years
For using Gumbels method: From Tables 7.3 and 7.4, for N-= 21 years
Y. = o.5252 ands.= 1.0696
sr =-[In .111246 I= 5.50736

K= 5.5()736-0.5252 =4.657966
.tr= 8520 + (4.657966)x 3900 = 26686 1n~/s, sav 26700 11fl/s
XT = C11r = 26700 nrvs: Caf = 1.3 x 26700 = 34710 111 /s . '
Safety n1argin = 34710 - 26700 = 8010 nr1/s

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(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Chapter 8

8.1 Goodrich Method is used IOr routing. By Bq. 8.7

(I, +l,)+(2S, -Q,)=<2S, +Q,)
tl.1 tit
J.\ time interval of at= 3 hours= 0.0108 Ms is chosen. Following table is prepared
10 construct various curves.

S (Mm')
Elev. (mj Q (rn)/s) ( 2S +Q)
300.7 6.0 IS 1126.1
301.2 6.6 40 1262.2
301.7 7.2 75 1408.3
302.2 7.9 115 1578.0
302.7 8.8 160 1789.6

Fig. p, 8. l(tl} shows the plot of Elevation us ( 2S +Q) ~and Elevation \'SQ curves. For an
initial reservoir elevation or 300.00 the inflow hydrograph is routed through the reservoir
as in Table p-8. I.
Goodrich method: 61 = 3 hours= 0.0108 Ms

I 1111·'/s) Cl1 + 1,) C2S/i1U • (1 (2S/.itl+ 0
(111) ~lr'ls)
0 10 995.0 300.00 0.00
3 20 30 995.0 1025.0 300.30 1.00
6 52 72 1023.0 1095.0 300.45 10.00
9 60 112 1075.0 1187.0 300.95 27.60
12 53 113 1131.8 1244.8 301.17 38.29
15 43 96 1168.2 1264.2 301.24 41.88
18 32 75 1180.5 1255.5 301.21 40.26
21 22 54 1174.9 1228.9 301.11 35.35
24 16 36 1158.2 1196.2 300.99 29.30
27 10 26 1137.6 1163.6 300.87 23.27

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

ecc ... "" . .. 1:?00

1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

ElllWl!IOA\'l; ,.,,..-
g 3'11.!I
Oi~h.vge ~

.g 301 Ele•'lllion~
i ~ r l12SfAl).0
... 3'!0.!I
,,. /
'" /
'" 0 20 ... " .. ... ,,.
.... ... . .
•·ig. 1'-8.l(a) Basic plots for routing by Goodrich Method

Tbe inflow and omflow hydrographs are sbown in Fig. P-3. l(b). The variation of etevariun
with rime is shown in Fig. P-8. I (c}.

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya



.§. 40

~ 30



O• ... .., .. ••
• 10 1$

Time (Hours)
20 30

Fig. P·S.l(b) Inflow and Outflovl' Hydrographs

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

.,,,,.- -......_ I
/ --........ I
/ I
~ I

-- /

• "

' "
Tim• (Hot,1••1 "

Fig. 1> 8. l(c) Reservoir \\'S Elevation

0 \'S Outtlow

8.2 Goodrich Method is used for routing. A time interval of L\t = 3 hours = 0.0108 f\.1s
is chosen for routing.

Titt.C I (ln'\/s) (11+1:) (2Sl&t) • Q (lS/~I)+ Q E"'''nlion Q (Jn>/s)

0 10 1358.824 301.50 60..84
3 20 30 I 1231.1 1267.1 301.19 39.41
6 52 72 1188.3 1260.3 301.17 36.25
9 60 112 1183.8 1295.6 301.29 45.86
12 53 113 1204.1 1317.1 301.36 50.92
15 43 96 1215.3 1311.3 301.3 .. .. 9.53
18 32 75 1212.2 1287.2 301.26 43..81
21 22 5• 1199.6 1253.6 301.20 39.91
24 16 36 1173.8 1211.a 301.04 32.17
27 10 26 1147.4 1173.4 300.90 25.08

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

.... lnflO\\'

..- •


....... 'II
·. . .y
~ •
.s~ •
• ••
~ 30
... •

' ••
rme "
. "
Fig. J•·8.2(a) lnflo"' & Ourncw Hydrographs

.... 301.S
!. 301.4 -'\
s 301.3
'\. /
~ 301.i
~ 301.1
~ 301.0
" "'
• s •• "
Tlmo (hours)

Fig. 1•.s.2 (b) Variation of Reservoir \\1.S. Elevation with 'rime

8.3 Goodrich ~fc«hod is used for routing. A time interval of .1.t = 6 hours = 0.0216 t\.1s
is chosen for routing.
Q = JSH''~ m-'/s

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

S (Mm·')
Elev. (m} Q (nl'l/s} (2S +Q)
;5.00 0.25 0 23.1
58.00 0.65 0 60.2
60.00 J.00 0 92.6
61.00 1.25 15.0 130.7
62.00 1.50 42.4 181.3
63.00 1.$1) 78.0 244.7

1'a ble I -83..

I (roJ/s) (I,+ ll) (?.l\fAt} • Q (2.SIAt)+ Q
Elt,•:11lon Q
(b) (nl) (rn'ts)
0 5 60.2 58.00 o.oo
6 20 25 60.2 85.2 59.54 0.00
12 •O 60 85.2 1-tS.2 61.29 22.03
18 60 100 l 01.1 201.1 62.32 52.94
2< 50 110 95.3 20S.3 62.38 55.19
30 32 82 94.9 176.9 61.92 39.89
36 15 47 97.1 144.1 61.27 21,48
42 10 25 101.2 126.2 60.98 14.45

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1 .. ·"'ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource materialis lot lns1ruc1or'suse onty."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

.. • 50 ... ...
, .. 250 300

•• ;;;::: ••
., 62

•• ••
~ ~
60 §'

/ e
59 ~

.. I
57 ~Elevtuioo vs Disdiarg!!

--Elev:ition vs (2Sf1\l)•O

.. • ••
SS -
30 40
Oil1eh~r9e • 0 (mtls)
5~ .. 70


Fig. p·8.3(a) Basic plots for routing by Goodrich Method

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource material supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
HV(ir'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

•• -
/~-~- '\. ..
.. ti .. OlllHOw

,. / •
• ~',·
- . • ••

/ •


" Tlm.(Hours)
" .
Fig. P~ 8.3(b) LnOo,,· & Oulflo'v Elydrographs

..... 61.5 ,. /
- .....,
! $1,0
-~ 00.5
t; 6().0
!! $9,5
0 10 20 30 40 so
Time (hours)

Fig. P·S.3(c) vartatleu or \V .S. Elevation in the Rcscevotr-, Problem 8.3

Peak outnow = 55.20 11,-'/s

Attenuation = 4.80 111J/s
Etevauon of reservoir \\1.S. al peak outflow= 62.38 111

ftcopyrlghted Ma1er1a1'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied wi1h the boOk El'lgineemo
Hyd1·01C>lly, Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1ltten by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGrav1-Hill Edvc-.a1t0n
(India) Pvt lid. This resource material is lot lns1ruc1or's use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

8.4 Change of \V.S. elevation: 101.00 tO 100.50 111

L\$ = 100,000 m;; Average discharge= ( 1$ + 25)/2 = 21.5 m;./s
I = 10.0 1n'ls constant.
Lil= LIS /(Average Q- Average J) = I 000001(21.5- 10.0)
= $696 $C'C()l1dS= 2 h 25 min
8.S = 2 hours = 7200 s.
2SI41 (72000 +36000 y )n200 = 10 + 5 y;
Q = io.
(2Sl4t) + Q= 10+ !Sy

(11 + I:) (2..-1\/AU • Q (?S/At)+

Q )' (lu)


2 10 10 10.00 20.00 0.67 200.67 6.67
4 2Q 30 6.67 36.67 1.78 201.78 17.78
6 30 50 1 . 11 51.11 2.74 202.74 27.41
8 27 57 ·3.70 53.30 2.89 202.89 28.86
10 24 51 ·4.43 46.57 2.44 202.44 24.3$
12 21 45 ·2.19 42.81 2.19 202.19 21.87
14 18 39 ·0.94 38.06 1.67 201.87 18.71
16 15 33 0.65 33.65 1.58 201.58 15.76
18 12 27 2. 12 29.12 1.27 201.27 12.75
20 9 21 3.63 24.63 0.98 200.98 9.75
22 6 15 5.12 20.12 0.67 200.67 6.75
24 3 9 6.63 15.63 0.38 200.38 3.75
26 0 3 8.12 11.12 0.07 200.07 0.75

ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramanya & p1.1blished by McGr'3.w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1. L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

" ...


•; '
c rs
" •
. '

0 • .. "
Time (Hours)
'' 30

Fig. p·8.5(a) Variation of Innow and Ourncw with Time

g 202.5 ....
·-~2020 . II ~

- 201.5
w / -.....
(/) 201.0 . '
3' 200.5 I/'
200.0 " ~

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (hours)

Fig. P-8.S(b) Variilti•·1n of Reservoir \'7.S. Elevation with Ti111e

Sh For storasc routino S. -S =(I, + '~) /jJ - (Q, +Q~)

~ l:' • I 2 2

ftcopytlghted Maletlal'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGr'3.w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

. (l,+i.) -
SinceS = KQand · =I,
S1- S, = K Qi-KQ, = t, tit - CQ, ;Q,l 61

KQi+ Q!iJt/2 = i,LJ1-Q,t11!2+KQ1

Q2(K + 41/2) = i, tit+ Q,(K -41/2)
/jf - ?
Q2= 11+ - Q1 =C1i,+C2Q,
(K+6t) (K+6t)
2 2
\\'here c. = tl1 = _2~ru
(K + 6t) (2K +61)

_ ( K - !JJ 12) _(~2~K_-_ll1-'-)

C... - -""'."":
· (K + ll1) (2K + 61)
In the present problem C, = - = 0.4
C. = (2x4-2) -0.6
· (2x4+2)
Q,:0.4 t, +0.6Q,

'ttme I, t, =
(h) (111J/~) (l1+l1\f2 0.4 I, 0.6Q, ~f'/s)
0 0 0 0.00
2 20 10 4 0.00 4.00
60 <O 16 2.40 18.40
'6 100 60 32 11.04 43.04
B BO 90 36 25.82 61.82
10 60 70 28 37.09 65.09
12 40 50 20 39.06 59.06

25 10 " 35.43
18 10 15 6 23.80 29.80
20 0 5 2 17.88 19.88
22 0 0 11.93 11.93
2• 0 0 7.16 7 .16
26 0 0 4.29 4.29
28 0 0 2.58 2.58

ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

1''ig. p-8.6 Inflow and Outncw Hydrographs

8.7 4)t = 6 hours

As a first trial x = 0.2 is selected and values of [x I + (l·X) Q) are calculated and
ploued againsl values of S in Fig. P-8.7. As a looped curve is obtained other lrials have (O
be made, Aflel' trial and error a value of x = 0.3 is taken as final value as it gives a nearly
Slraight line. 'The best fining Slraigt1l line is Y: 0.0992 X + 17.194 \Vilh R? = 0.9947. Tile
inverse slope= K = 10.08. say JO hours.

t.\S • IC.I.~
Tin1e I Q A,·1:1:tgt •6 •I s =
'h\ f1n.'!/s) 'n1;/s\ n- 0) ii. n\ l1n)/s.h\ !l\S x = 0.2 x =0.3
0 20 20 0 0 0 20 20
6 80 20 60 3() 180 180 32 38
12 210 50 160 110 660 840 82 98
18 240 150 90 125 750 1590 168 177
24 215 200 15 52.5 315 1905 203 204.5
3() 170 210 -40 ·12.5 ·75 183() 202 196
ftcopytlghted Maletlal'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

36 130 185 ·55 ·47.5 ·.265 1545 174 166.5

42 90 155 ·65 ·60 -360 1185 142 135.5
48 60 120 ·60 ·62.5 .375 810 108 102
54 40 85 ·•5 ·52.5 -315 495 76 71.5
60 28 55 ·27 -36 ·216 279 49.6 46.9
66 16 23 .7 ·17 ·102 177 21.6 2<).9


2<)0 ·•·x=.3

~ 100


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Storage S (m11s.h)

Fig. 1'-8.7 Determination of Kand x ror the channel reach

8.S K = 22 h and x = 0.25 Take i.\t = 12 hours.

C = (-22><0.25)+(0.5xl2) =0.0222
C, = (22x0.25)+(0.5xl2) =O.Sl II
22-(22x0.25)+(0.S xl2)
C1= 1.o-co.0222 +0.5111) =0.4667
Routing equation is Q'l = C"o/2 + C'1 t, + Cz Q1

ftcopytlghted Maletial'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

seo Lag :21 h

.... ·1

•~E • •a

e rso •
• •

•• '
i5 100
• ...
•• 40
Tim• (hour$) ''° rao .. •••

Fi~. p. 8.8 Inflow and Outflo,v hydrographs or the reach

From Fig, p·S.S. Peak Jag= 21 hand auenuaucn = 35 n1J/s

8.9 K=l.6days=38.4ha11dx=0.2S Take at e e hours.

c, = (-38.4x0.2S)+(O.Sx6) =-0.253
38.4-(3S.4x0.2S) +(0.5x6)
C, = (38.4x0.28)+(0.5x6) =0.449
384 -(38.4x0.28) +(0.5 x6)
C1= 1.0- ( ·.0.253 + 0.449) = 0.804
Routing equation is Q2 =Cst:+ C1 I,+ Ci Qi

ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramanya & p1,1blished by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a11on
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Table p-8.9:

Time I
·0.25J 1, 0.449 '· 0.804 Q, Q (m'ts)
(h) (m'/s)
0 35.o 35
6 55.0 ·13.92 15.72 28.14 29.94
12 92.0 ·23.28 24.70 24.07 25.49
18 130.0 ·32.89 41.31 20.49 28.91
2• 160.0 ·40.-48 58.37 2325 41.14
30 140.0 ·3.S.42 71.84 33.07 69.49

S. 10 K =8.0 hand x = 0.2.~ Take at= 4 bcurs.

C, = (-8.0x0.25)+(0.5x4) =O
8.0-(8.0x0.25)+(0.5 x4)
C, = (8.0x0.2S)+(0.5x4) =O.S
8.0-(8.0x0.25) +(0.Sx4)
C,= 1.0-(0+0_5)=0.5
Routing, equation is Q.: = Co/2 + C111 + C2 Q1=0.5 f 1 + 0.5 Q1

Tin1c I 0.5 1, 0.5 Q, Q

(h) (1n'ts) (111J/s}
0 8.0 8.00
4 16.0 4.00 I •.OO 8.00
6 30.0 8.00 4.00 12.00
12 30.0 15.00 8.00 21.00
16 25.0 15.00 10.50 25.50
20 20.0 12.50 12.75 25.25
24 15.0 10.00 12.63 22.63
26 10.0 7.50 11.31 18.81

8.11 K = 10.0 hand x = 0. 'fake at= 3 bcurs.

C, = (O.SxJ) =0.1304
C, = (0.5x3) =0.1304
Ci= t.0-(0.1304+01304)=0.7392
Routing equation is Qi= Col2 + C1 /1 + C2 Q1 = 0.1304 (11+ Ii)+ 0. 7392 Q,
ftcopytlghted Maletlal'" ·"'ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

1'able n..~8.I I
Time I 0.1304 x Q
(I,+!,) 0.7392 Qi
(h) (m3/s) (Col. 3) (m'ls)
0 10.0 0.00 10
3 40.0 50.0 6.52 7.39 I 13.91
6 70.0 t 10.0 14.34 10.28 24.63
9 62.5 132.5 17.28 18.20 I 35. .a
12 55.0 117 ,5 15.32 26.23 41.55
15 47.5 102.5 13.37 30.71 144.06
18 40.0 87.5 11.41 32.58 43.99
21 32.S 72.5 9.45 32.52 I 41.97
24 25.0 57.5 7.50 31.03 38.53
27 17.5 42.5 5.5~ 28.48 I 34.02
30 10.0 27.S 3.59 25.15 128.73

8.12 K =9.5 hand r.. = 70 h. Take 6t.:.= I hours.

C = (0.5xl) =0.05
' 9.5+(0.5<1)
C, = 9.S-0.5 =0.90
. 9.5+0.5=
Routing equation is Q~ = 2 c, /1 +Ci Q1 = 0. 10 11 + 0.90 Q1 <ordinate of IUH
Al 1=0,Qo=O
/0 =2.78A/l.0=2.78A, m'ls
Catculancn of IUH and I -h UH arc shown in Table p·S.12.
Table p-8.12
Ord. Col.6 Ord. or
,\#(krnJ) I (n1.l/s) 01 1, (t.9 o, IUll

I • 11
+ ••• IJI I.
(Cut& 12)
lag n1'1s
0 o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.oo o.eo
1 10.00 27.80 2.78 0.00 2.78 0.00 2.78 1.39
2 38.00 105.64 10.56 2.50 13.07 2.78 15.85 7.92
3 20.00 55.60 5.56 11.76 17.3:2 13.07 30.39 15.19
45.00 125.10 12.51 15.59 28.10 17.32 -45.-42 22.71
5 ' 32.00 88.96 8.90 25.29 34.18 28.10 62.28 31.14
6 10.00 27.60 2.78 '30.77 33.55 34.18 07.73 33.86
7 2.00 5.56 0.56 30.19 30.75 33.55 $4..29 32.15
8 27.67 27.67 30.75 58.-42 29.21
9 24.90 24.90 27.67 52.58 26.29
ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thild EcMiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramal'lya & p1.1blished by MCGr'3_w-Hlll ECvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

10 22.41 2'2.41 24.90 47.32 23.U

11 20.17 20.17 22.41 42.59 21.29
12 18.16 18.16 20.17 38.33 19.16
13 16.34 16.34 16.16 34.50 17.25
14 14.71 14.71 16.34 3t.05 15.52
15 13.24 13.241 14.71 27.94 13.97

S.13 K= 10.0h~ndx=O, 61=3hours,andx=0.5

C = -K+ll.i = -I0+3 :0.5385
(I K+tl1 10.0+3
c, =1.0
C1= Co= 0.538:>
Q, = 0.538:> (I,- Q,) +I,

Time (nfl/s) 0.5386 X(lz·Q,) Q 1n3/s
0 10.00 1 o.o
1 40.00 16.t6 26.16
2 70.00 23.61 63.61
3 62.50 -0.60 69.40
4 55.00 ·7.76 54.74
5 47.50 ·3.9 51.10
6 40.00 ·6.0 41.52
7 32.50 -4.86 35.14
8 25.00 -5.416 27.04
9 17.50 ·5.14 19.86
10 10.00 ·5.31 12.19

Peak Las= 3 hours. Auenuation = 0.60 1nJ/s

tlS = 1-Q

For a linear reservoir S = K Q. As such

KdQ =1-Q

dQ +aQ=a/
(II -

\\'he.n J=l(l+p1

ftcopytlghted Maletial'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl"l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1. L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Q=[10+p1-p +c,·•1
When l =O. Q = o. Hence C = p - I6
a a

11(1)= I (t/K)" I e ofK
Herc K = 6.0 and n = 4,0
rr ..) = 1'(4) = 3!=6.0

u(t) in cru/h e -1-(1/6)"-1 «:" = 0.02778 (r /6)' e '''

Values of u(c) in cnllh for various values of 1 in hours is shown ot 3 hours interval
in Table p·S.15. f\1u11iplying 11(1) in cmlh by ( 27Sx area of the catchment) = 2.78 x 500 =
1390 the value of 14(1) in 1113/s is obtained.

TinlC 11(1> in U(I) in Time 11(1) in 11(1) in

(h) cm/h IU3/s (h) crnzh m~/s

0 0 0.00 33 0.018889 26.26

3 0.002106 2.9G 36 0.014874 20.67
6 0.01022 14.21 39 0.01147 1S.94
9 0.02092 29.08 42 0.008689 12.08
12 0.030077 41.81 45 0.006482 9.01
15 0.03563 49.53 46 o.004n1 6.63
18 0.037343 51.91 51 0.003471 4.83
21 0.035967 49.99 54 0.002~99 3.47
24 0.032564 4S.20 57 0.001783 2.48
27 0.026122 39.09 60 0.001261 1.75
30 0.023-398 32.52 63 0.000886 1.23

8. 16 11(1) = (1 / K)"-1 e·•'K
AlpeakOO\v-= I (t" I I
e ' IK (--)+e' nc1"·(11-l))=O

dt r(11)K" K

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

--- I l I _, e_,,,( -- I ) +e -•IK t -·(

• u- l)J = 0
r(11)K" K
Al peak J/K =(rt· I) or Ip= K(n·I)

( )
111= I (I(' I K)""' -o»
r f'{rt)K "

= I (u-1)""1 t'-1..-u == _ 1 {n-1)""1 t'1 .....

r(u)K r(11)K

= 1 K)~-• t·-11"
S.17 B)' Nash model 11(r) (s /
Hert' K = 1.69 hand 11 = 3.3. Area of Catchment= 250 km"?
f(11) = r(J.3) = 2.3x l .3x r(l .3)
(from Tobie 8.6(Tcxi))
ro .3> = o.897471
r(3.3J = 2.6834
11(1> in cn1/h = (s/l.69):J t!_,,.~
2.6834 x 1.69
= 0.220Sx(1 /I .69)'!J e·•11-"'

11(1) in ml/s = (11(1) in cmlh] x 2.78 x 2.SO = 69S x tr(I) in <.·-111/h

values of u(t) art calculated for various t values. Values of u(t) in m~/s are lagged
by I-hour and ordinates of l-h UI I are shown col. 5 of Table p-8.17.

' or I - II Ull b v N nsh M• d cI

Ta bl e n, 8.17 - C.I cu Ianon

u(l) u(l)
u(J) l-bour U.H.
lagged by (nfl/s)
(h) (cm/h) (m'ts)
I-hour LCol.3 + Col.41/2
0 0.000 0.000 0.00
1 0.036 25.367 0.000 12.68
2 0.099 69.130 25.367 47.25
3 0.140 97.207 69.130 83.17
4 0.150 104.250 97.207 100.73
5 0.139 96.381 104.250 100.32
6 0.) 17 81.120 96.381 86.75
7 0.092 63.992 61,120 72.56
6 0.069 46.143 63.992 56.07
9 0.050 34.930 46.143 41.54
10 0.035 24.630 3'1.930 29.78
ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1 .. ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

11 0.024 16.970 24.630 20.80

12 0.017 11.472 16.970 14.22

13 0.011
15 0.005 3.24$ 5.006 4.13
16 0.003 2.065 3.248 2.67
17 0.002 1.326 2.085 1.71
18 0.001 0.837 1.326 1.08
19 0.001 0.525 0.837 0.68
20 0.000 0.327 0.525 0.43

S.IS ~ln= II.Oh MQ1=2S.O

Mu=l70h MQ1=730
11K=t-.1Q1-1'<111:25.0-11.0:14 ,
~IQ! - f\11! = 11 (n+ I) K· + 2 uK r-.tu
= (11Ki' + (nKJ K + 2 ~1K) Mu
Hence 730- 170 = (14)'+ (14) K + (2 xl4 x 11)
K = 4.0 '1.1\d II= 3.5
r(n) = r(J.5) = 2.5x I .3x ru.5)
1'(1.5) = 0.886227
r(J.5) = 3.3233
11(1)• (1/K)""' e"'"'
u(1> in cnVh = (1/ K)?.~ e""' = 0.075226(1/4),,'e-'''
11(1) in m>ts = 2.78 x 100 x 11(1) in cm/h = 20.91(t/4)~.s «:"

Tiow: u(1) in Ti1ne u(1) in

(h) rn~/s (h) 1n3/s
0 o.ooo 22 •.002
2 2.2'12 24 4.571
4 7.692 2• 3.386
6 12.857 28 2.472
8 16.008 30 1.7$2
10 16.962 32 1.270
12 16.228 34 0.696
14 14,471 36 0.627
16 12.255 36 0.435
18 9.978 40 0.300
20 7.876 •2 0.206

8.19 Calculation of 1\111 and Af1i

ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramanya & p1.1blished by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

a C~'.819()a

' 2
Rain tall
..I s
mere. Moment
t.u (h} area Olm mcmem (Pait· aJ (Pan • b)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 4,3 6 25.8 3 77.4 232.2 77.4
12 2.8 6 16.8 9 151.2 1360.8 50.4
18 3.9 6 23.4 15 351 5265 70.2
24 2.7 6 16.2 21 340.2 7144.2 48.6
SUM I 82.2 I 919.s I 14002.2 2.tS.6

In Tobie p-8.19 (o)

Col 6 =first moment of the incremental area about the origin = (Col. 4 x xCol.SJ
Col. 7 =Col 4 x (Col. 5)'
Col.$= second moment of the incremental area about its own centroid=
= ( 1112) x (Col. 3)' x (Col. 2)
Mu =(Som of Col. 6)/(Som of Col 4) = 919.8182.2 = 11.19
Mu = ((Sum of Col. 7)+ (Sum of Col.S)Y(Sum of Col 4) = ( 14248.8 + 246.8)11\2.2
= 173.34
Calculation of l\1Q1 and l\.'IQ1

1 2 3
• 5 6 7 6
O<d. ol OR rate Moment Momeni
Time ORH ;n bl fnervaJ lncre. Momeni First {Part . (Part .


12 140 80 6 480 9 4.320 38880 1440
18 368 254 6 I 524 15 22860 342900 4572
24 380 374 6 2244 21 47124 989604 6732
30 280 330 6 1980 27 53460 1443420 5940
36 160 220 6 1320 33 43560 1437480 3960
42 75 117.5 6 705 39 27495 1072$05 2115
48 30 52.5 6 315 45 14175 637875 945
54 10 20 8 '20 51 6120 312120 360
80 0 5 8 30 57 1710 97470 90
88 0 0 8 0 63 0 0 0
SUM 8778 3'13 221004 6372594 26334

In Table p-8.19 (b)

Col 7 = F'irSI moment of the incremental area of DRH about the origin=
(Col. 5 x Col.6]
Col. 8 e Col. 5 x (Col. 6)'
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Col. 9 e Seccnd moment of the incremental area cf DRH about it$ own centroid=
= ( 1112) x (Col. 4)' x (Col. 3)
Moo= (Sum of Col. 7)/(Sum of Col. 5) = 22100418778 = 25.18
Mu= ((Sum of Col. SJ+ (Sum ofCol.9)Jl(Sum of Col. S)
= (6372594+ 26334)18778 = 728.97

Determination or 11 and K
11K=MQi-Mn =25.18-11.19=13.99
1'ilQ2 - f\•lu = 11 (tr+ J) K~ + 2 uK ri.111
= (11K)!+ (nKJ K + 2 (nK) f\.tu
Hence 728.97 - 173.34 = ( 13.99)' + (13.99) K + (2x1399 x 11.19)
K = 46.82113.99 = 3.35 and 11 = 13.9913.35 = 4.18

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


9.1 \\'eigh1 of water drained by gravity = 105 - 97 = 8 N

votume of water drained= 819790 = 0.817 x 10·} 1n3/s = O.S l 7 liters
Specific yield= (0.817/5) x 100 = 16.34%
votumeof pores= (105 - 93)19790 = l.22574x 10'3 nr>= 1.225'74 liters
votume of solids= 5.0 - 1.2257 = 3.7743 liters; Wt of solids= 93 N
Density of solids= 93/ (3.7743 x JO'')= 24642 Nim'
Relative density of solids= 2464219790 = 2.517

9.2 i=(45.0-39.5)12000=2.75x 10"'

(a) Q = 2000 x 25 x 30 x 2.75 x 10 ·J = 4125 m'tday
(b) h=45-(2.75x IO''x300)=44.175m

9.3 Va= 421(6 x 60 x 60) = 1.9444 x 10·' mis

\I= II. Va= 0.2 x I .9444 x JO.}= 3.889 x 10 ... n1/s;
i = 0.85 x 0.42 = 0.020238 ;
K= VI i =0.0192 mis= J.92cm/s

9.4 s = 1(11P+a)
t= 9. 81 x lo':~= llEw = 1/(2.2 xJO'J cm1/N = 4.5455 x 10·1• m1/N
a= l/E~ = 1/7800 cm?/N = 1.2821 x 104 m2/N
S = 9. Six 101 x(0.32 x 4.5455 x 10·00 + 1.2821 x 104) x 30 = 3.816 x 10'3
a.= -In. Jli(" + n. ~)
=-I 0.32x4.5455xl0'" I =-00112 =-1.12 %
(1.2821l<I0~11) +(0.32x4.5455x10~11•)

9.5 Refer10 Fig.P·9.5. l', = \t sin8 = V sin 30<> = 0.5\'

v.=Vcos8 =Vcos30°=0.866V
i =(157.00-156.50) =-1-
. 800 1600
\~.=Ki= K/1600
K/1600 = 0.866 v 01' v = K/1847.5
Similarly i..:.. =Ki= 0.5 V=0.5 x (K/1847.5) = Kf3695
;, = 1/3695 = (-aH,)12000
• <IH, = 2000/3685 = 0.541 = H., • H,
H., = Elevation of water table at C = 157000 -0.541 = 1545.459 m

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


GJEL 158.00


GL: El.160.00 GL: El. 159.00
\VT: El. 157.00 WT: El. 156.00

f·;g. P-9.5 Problem 9.5

9.6 Refer to Fig.P·9.6. T = K~ B = '£.K18,

Ke x 12 = (3.5 x 45) + (3.5 x20) + (5 x 30)
Ke= 377.5112 = 31.46 m/d:ty

J,5m 1 K.= 45 mis

12.0 m 35m 2 1<;,.._20 mid

l••m - 3 I<>· 30 m/dl

Fig. p·9.6 Problem 9.6

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

9. 7 Refer to Fig.f>-9.7. The flow is normal to the stratification. Hence,

K = !L, = (IOO+L+50)
'!(L,IK,) (100+_!:_+50)
JO 0.1 50
K = 150+L
' IOL+ll
Q = O.S m31s = Vx ("'4) x ( 1.2)1
V = 0. 707 m/day = K,. i = K, x (20/( 120+l)(

1oom l som I

K, Sihy Sand K3 I(,

10 m/day 0.1 m/day SOm!dav

Fig. P·9.7

1~) 20
Substituting for K,., ( J50+ x( ) = 0.707
l= 20-7.7$= J.7301
9.8 Referring to Pig. P-9.8. 111) = 30 + 15 = 45 m
11,= 10+ 15:25rn
Gross velocity V = K (h.. -h,) = 20x ( 45- 25) =0.267 rnzday
L 1500
Actual velocity of seepage= V., = Vin= 0.267/0.3 = 0.889 m/day
Time 10 travel t = (1500/0.889) = 1687 days= 4.6 years

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

., I I
30 m

.. 10 m IN'
15 m Flow K=20m/d

150() m

Fig. P·9.8 Problem 9.8

9.9 Refer to Fig. P· 9.9.

q e discharge per unit length of gallery = K ~ x.2
50 • • j
= xl(3.2)· -(0.S)· J = 3.2 m Is per meter len~lh

- "'

fig. P-9.9 Ptoblotn 9..9

,J:h 2R
9. 10 rt,,.; = -K
In the present case the impervious surface is ti units below the bouom or the drain.

=-- 2R
dx: K

(It+<!) ' =--.r·

R ' +C,.\'+C:
when x = 0, h =II() c·1 = (ho-+t/)1
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

\\'hen.-:= L; 11 = h(J C1 = NUK

when .,. = in, Ji = h,,,
R l' l'
(It +(/)2 = (11,, +ti):+-(---)
•• K 2 4
, 4K , ,
t: = 111".: -h; + 2d(h. -h,)]

9.J I Refer to Fig.P-9.11. .ho= 5.0 01, lt1 = 3.0 m, l = 400 m, K = 3 mldlt)'
(I) •=- R K(l1t-111:)
3 (5' -3') 400 6
100=--x +- =----i·200h
fl 2x4()0 2 10011
R = 6 x 10°" n1J/day/n1J

J I I t 1 l I I I I f
0 /

~ n
I\. .. 5J)m
• '· ,. 3.0m

L • 4COm

Fl9. P-9.1 I Protilcm 9. 1 I

• • RL'
l lt~-1t·--
~ R11 'K ~
(2) Ji·=----( ]a+11·
... K L II

~ , (6xl0~)x(400)'
11, =-6xl0 x(IOO) -r 3 ]xlOO+S'
• 3 400
Solving for 11,.,, h,,, = 5.196 m
, , Rl:
(3) q,=K[ 2l K_]

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


= · 0.06 mJ/day/n1'''idIii
(Negative sin indicates now in (·,\')direction J

q1 = R L + q0 = ({) x I 04 x 400) -0.06 = 0.18 m.l/day/m width

9.12 "•=12.0m, 111=9.0m. l=400m. K= 1.5mld:iy

R = 20 crwyenr = (20 x 0.01)1365 = 5.49 x 10" m'ldoylm'

K (/~; -h;) t:
a=-- +-
R 2L 2
4000 -
= 1.5 x <12' -9'> = 2000-(2737.2x0.007S75)
2 0.000548 2x4000
= 1978.4 m

Rl K (I' I 'J 5.48xl0~ x4()()1) l.5x(l2'-9')

q,, =-2+ 2L 'ii - 1' = 2 + 2x4000
= ·1.0842 rn3/dny/rn width
(Negative sin indicates flow in ( ~.r}direction)

q11 = RL + q.., = (5.48 x to·" x 4000/2) - 1.0842 = l.108 n1'/day/n1 width

Q = 2;,KB(fl, -fl,)
Here K = 45 mlday = 45/(24 x 60 x 60) = 5.208 x 10" mis
= =
rr = R = 350 m: ,., r,. = 0.15 m: (h~ - lt1) = s., 4.0 m
_ 2;;x5.20SxlO-'x25x4 _004,2 ,1,_25321.1,_,,, .
Q- - . _ m .s - • 1 ersrmtnute
In (35010.15)

9.14 Here K = 35 mlday = 35/(24 x 60 x 60) = 4.051 x 10" mis

rs= R =300 m; r1 = r,, =0.10 m: (h1-h1) =s.,= 3.0 m

Q = 2Jrx4.0S I xl0-4 xJO x 3 =0.0286 nt3/s = 1716 Lpm

In (30010. IO)
(a) g,, = In (30010.10) = 1.095
Q In (300/0.20)
% change in discharge = 9.5% Increase
ftcopytlghted Maletial'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

(b) Q, =~ =2.0
Q 3
% change in discharge= 100% increase
(c) Q,=175 =0.50
Q 35.0
% change in discharge = 50% decrease

=2;rl<8(h, -h,)
9.15 Q
( 2000 )= 2~Kx35x(3.0-0.3)
1000 x60 In (120112)
K= 1.293:>( 1o·'nt1s= 11.17111/day

9.16 V = ...!l_ =gross velocity

Seepage velocity =Vs= V/n = _Q_
<Ir 2,TrB'•
v, Q

£ ti=-
J: - 2:rr811
k Q

I=- ,18n(R' _, ')

Q '

9.17 K = 20/(60 x 60x 24) = 0.0002314 mis

hi= 30.0- 4.2 = 25.S m
tn = 30.0 - 5.0 = 25.0 m
_.<x0.0002314x(2S.S'-2S.0')_00426?27 ,1 __ •• .
Q_ - . - m S - 2!'!!'! 61 •l•S
In (30115)
. II!_,,? lo(r./r)
If h,.. e Deptb of water table at the pumping well, then •. ·: = 1
11;-hl In (1~/tj)

(25.S)·' -(25.0)· .-
(25.0)' - I•,'. _ In (15.0/0.225) _
ln(30.0/15.0) -.)
6 0•9

Solving hw = 19.46 m
Drawdewn at the pumping well =s.. , = (30.0 - 19.46) = J0.54 m

ftcopytlgh1ed Ma1et1a1 .. ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramanya & p1.1blished by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

9.18 Q=2100Lpm=0.035m'ls
ht= 25.0 - 4.0 = 21.0 m, rr = 90 rn,
h, = 25.0- 5.0 = 20.0 m, r1=30111

0.035 = 17x K x(21.0' - 20.0')

In (90130)
K = 2.9852 x 10··1 mfs = 25.8 nt!day
T= KB= 25.8 ><25 = 645 nr'tdny/rn width

If h... = deplh of water table at the pumping well, !hen

"'~! _,'~.! ln(1j/r.,)
Ii; -hj ln(r:lij)

(20.?)' -11,; ' = In (30.0/0.15) = 4.8227

(21.0)" -(20.0)" In (90.0/30.0)
Solving h., = 14.22 111
Drawdown a11he pumping well =s ... = (25.0- 14.22) = J0.78 in

9.19 K=0.01 cm/s=0.001 mis

Q= IOLps=0.01 m'ls
hz = ""· r1=25 rn.
h1 = h... =10.0 m, r1=0.15 m

(a) O.OI =·•xO.OOlx(ll~ -10.0')

ln (25/0.15)
Solving Ir,..= 10.784 111
h: -Ji: In (1Blt;,)
lf hs =depth of water Table al Point 13. then ~ : = ~~~
Ir~ -h~. In (1:,/1j)

(ii,)' _ ln(40.0/0.15) = J.09IS7
(10.784)' -(10.0)' ln(25.0/0.15) ·
Solving hn= J0.853 111

(b) dJO e mcdinn size = 2.S nun= 0.0025 m

v = 10.(,
Reynolds number = R~ = (V d;cf v) =( 0.0025 x \1)/10''' = 2500 \1
At Point A: r = 25 111. and V = _Q_ = O.OI = 5.903 x I0'61n/s
2ttrh 2)(,,.x.25x:10.784

(R,),,= 2500 x 5.903 x 10~ = 0.0148

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

At Point 8: r 40 m. aod V = _g_ = O.OI
2/frll 2'X,f"X40'X(0,853
= 3.667 x 10·'> rn/s
(H,),,= 2500 x 3.667 x 10~ = 0.00917
At Pumping "·ell: 1· = 0.15 m. and \1 = _Q_ = O.OI
'2,1"11 '2x;;rx0.J5xl0.0
= t.061x10-lmfs

(R,),= 2500 x 1.061 x 10·' = 2.653

9.20 Q = 600 Lpm = 0.01 ru-'/s

fl1: 45 Ill. rr= 500 m.
ft1 :: 45.3: 42 Ill. r,= 0.225 IU

.. ! ?!
(a) 0.01 =ml: x(45 -4- )
In (500/0.225)
Solving K = 9.3984 x 10·~ = 8. 12 mzdny
Q = = K(9.3984x 10-')x( 45' -39') =0.0193 on'ts = 1159 L m
In (500/0.225) p
(a) Q.• = Q" = In (500/0.225) = 0.95
Q,, 0.01 In (500/0.15)
QJu=0.95x0.0I =9.5x 1o·ln1l/s=570Lpn1

9.21 0.005 = xK x(l 2.5' -12')

ln (30/15)
K=9.0x IO~mls=7.78m/day

9.22 K = 0.01 emfs= 0.0001 mis

/t1: 30 Ill. l'J: 20() m.
lt1=30· 12= IS1n.r1=0.2251n

: l
(a) Q = '7xO.OOO1 x(30 - I$ ) = 0.02665 m'ls = 2.W.1 m'lda ·
In (200/0.225) l


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S .1nce R = CQ. Q = "K(/1;-1~)

In (CQlr .)
? ~ In(-·)
.Qi_= (50 - 47 ) x Q. I 5 = 0.01/0.03= 113
Q1 In( CQ,) (501 -38.31)

Putting Q1 = 0.0 I n1J/sand Q1 = 0.03 m)/s.

97 x3 x ln(0.2C) = 0.333
8S.3x 11.7 h1(0.0667C)
On solving In c· = 8.6988 nnd C = 5995
for n drawdown of 6.0 m at the well,
Q, (501 -441) ln(5995x0.0l/0.15)
Mi= (50' - 471) x-1n""(-59-9-5x-Q-,-,0-.-,

IOOQo= (94x6)x 5.9906 = 11.611

97x3 In 3996.7Q1, In 3996.7Q,,
Solving by trial and error method. Q6 = 0.0252 m)/s = 1512 Lpm


Q = nK(li~-h{)
Since R = CQ.

0.025= xK(451-401) = xK(451-431)

In (Cx0.025/10) In (Cx0.025/30)

(451-401) n 1o.025C)
0025Cx , '=I
In( . - ) (45- -43·)

(85x5)x lnC-7.09 _ 1
8Sx2 lnC-5.9915
On solving In C = 7 .8662 and C = 2608

(451 -h) ln(2608x0.025/10)

(3) 1
(451 -431) x ln(260Sx0.025/0.225) =
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(-4-5-' x 1.8749 = I
45' -43' 5.6691
Solving: h11 = 27.20 and drnwdown !11 the pumping well = 45.0-27.20 = 17.80 m.

(b) O.OZ5 = ,7K(45' -40')

In (2608 x0.025110)
K = 3.5106 x 10-5 nu's= 3.033 m/day
T =KB= 3.033 x 45 = 136.5 m1/day

(c) Q = 2000 Lpm = 0.033 m'ls

0.033 = ,7x3.5106 xio-• x(45' -11;)
In (2608 x0.033/0.225)

It.,= )5.67 and drawdownat the pumping well e 45.0- 15.67 = 29.33 m.

(d) R=2608Q
when Q1 = 1500 Jpm = 0.025 1u'ts. R 1 = 65.2 111

When Qi= 2000 lpm = 0.033 m'ls, R1 = 86.1 m

9.25 A= ft x(4.S)' = 15.904m1

K,=30.012.0= 15m'ls

(i) K~ = 15,0 =0.943h'I

A 15.904
Di =5.0 m
4xs.o· ' =19.63 m,'
(ii) 1\1= ft Hi=2.5nt

Q= [ ~ xA,]xH,
Q = 0.943 x 19.43 x 2.5 = ~.3 m·'fh

9.26 Ko =~In Hi
A r, H:
H1= 117.0- 115.70 = 1.30 rn
H1= 117.0- 114.60=2.401n
A1=are.1ofv.·cll=: x3.0l =7.0686 m2

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

2·40 030661 ·1
I I n-:,
K, I
1\ 2.0 1.30
K•= 0.3066 x 7.068 = 2.167 m1/h

9.27 A= .O.x(4.0)' = 12.566 m'

Ko=_!_ In f/1
A Tr Hi
He.f't'T,.:80min= l.333h. J./1=2.51n andHz=2.5- l.S=0.70m
Ku = -1-111 2·5 = 0.9547 b.1
A 1.333 0.70
K• = 0.462 x 0.9547 = 12.0 m'lh
Q = K~H= 12.0 x 3.0 = 36.0 m'n1

9.28 The drawdown is plcued against time on a semi-fog paper. Fig. P-9.28
Frorn Ibis Figure: \\'hens= 0. 1=10= 3.0 ruin = I SO s.

~ron1 ,,i;q. 9 .58 (.1.ext ) : ~1. = 2.2SxTt,

From Bq, 9.57 (Text): (6.9 - 2.4) = O.OJ ln(IO)
T= 1.22 x 10·" m~/s = 105 1111/day
s = 2.25x 1.22 x •~o·' x ISO = 1_976 x 10 ...

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Fig. P· 9.28 Drawdown • Time Plol

Time •inc:ie SM11t(mln)

•.O 10.0 100.0
0.0 •·.
o.• ' '
•.O '· I
r.s ' I
' '

...... 2.!I <, -

!. 3.0 'I I


~ 4,0
e 4.5
I '
I I ;
"- <,
5.0 ' ' ' I ' ' ..... '
' I I :
s.s ' ' I ...... '
e.o ' ' ' 'I '' ~
'' 'I '' '
' '
' ' ;
' I I '

Hg. J'-9.28 Drawdcwn - Time plot - problem 9.29

9.29 r= IOOm, 11=4 h=~I x3600= 144,000s.. .f1= I.Sin

11= 16 h = 57600!. si= 2.0m .. fo=O m
Q I, Q I
s1-s1=4 .,.In(...:..) and S:-st> =
If• t1 4,.rln(:l.)
•• 10
s, -s, 0.50 ln(l614)
S: -$11 2.00 ln(l6/r11)

ln(~)=5.545 ; l6/1•=2.56and1p=0.0625h=22Ss
T= Sr' = (0.0003)x(IOO)' =5.925xl0''
2.2St0 2.2Sx225 .

Q 16
s; -.f1 =-0.5= -In(-)
· 4~T 4
Q = 4• x0.5 = 4.532
r ln4

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Q = 4.532 x 5.925 x 10·' = 0.0268 m3/s = 26.8 lps = 16JJ lpm

9.30 Q = 2000 lpm = 0.0333 m'is

s = 0.005 r = 480 m2/d:ty = 0.005555 111'/s

•,-- 4'ft,
r=3.0m t1=1h=3600s
,, s -- (3.0)' x 0.005 -- 5 625
ll'(u1) = ·0.5772 - ln(S.625 XlO,)
= 6.9059

.JL = 0.03333 = 0.4774

4/f/. 4 x /{ )( 0.05555

Drawdown s1 = "'("1) = 0.4774 x 6.9059 = 3.2969 m

=say 3.3 m

(ii) r=3.0m t1=8h=2S800s

_ ,'S _- (3.0)' x0.005 _7
ll1- - 0•1,... )X 10.,
4Tt, 4x0.005555x28800
\V(u1) = ·0.5772 - h1(7.03125 xlO") = 8.98536
.JL = 0.03333 = 0.4774
4n- T 4 x.n- x 0.005555

Drawdcwn ss= _Q_\\'(11:) = 0.4774 x S.93536 = 4.2896 m

: say 4,3 Ill

9.31 Q = 60 m3/11=0.01667 m'is

S = 0.0004 T = 15 m2/li = 0.0041667 m2/s

r= IOOm t1=Sh=28800s

,'s = (IOO)'x0.0004 =S.333xlO''
4Tt1 4x0.004)67 x28800
\V(u1) = ·0.5772 - ln(S.333 •JO')= 4.2103
.JL= 0.016667 =0.3184
4,f" T 4 x ,f" x 0.0041667

Drawdown = s = _Q_\\1(u~) = 0.31 $4 x 4.2103 = 1.234 rn

4;fT •

9.32 Q =100 m'ih = 0.02778 m'is

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

s, = 0.65 m, 1, = 1.0 h = 3600s

st = O.SO rn, 1,=2.0h=7200s

s = _g_\\1(11~)
4;ff •
S1l:i1 = \V(1t1)/\\1(111) =----~ 1

-0.5772-lnu1 -0.5772-lnu1
Since 11=211• S1 Is~ = = --~~~---'---
• -0.5772-ln(11!/2) -0.5772+0.69315-Jnu1
( 0.65J0.80) = 0.8125 =
On solving In u1 = · 3.58085 and 111 = 0.02764
\V(u1)= ·0.571·2 - In 111 = ·0.5772 + 3.58085=3.0113
Slnces, = Q IV(u1). T = __Q_"'(u1)
4RT 4;r s,
0.02764 '
= x3.0113= 0.01024 m·/s
4 x R" x 0.65
T = 36.87 1n'n1
111 = 0.2764 = --
4T 11
S = 0.02764 x4x0.~102x3600=4_06x10_,

Herc since 11=300111in, 1 = 11 + r·= 300 + 1·
The Lime ratio 1/1' is calculated (as shewn in the table below) and tt semi-log plot of
s' vs 1/1' is plotted, (Fig. p-9.33}.

t' I • , 5 10 20 40 90 150 200

t 301 303 305 310 320 340 390 450 500
111 • 301 101 61.0 31.0 16.0 8.5 4.33 3.00 2.50
s 1.35 I.IS I.II 1.05 0.98 0.88 0.80 0.70 0.68

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

• 0.132 Ln(Vf) • 0.1881 ,

e o.a
A1 • 0.9928
c 0.7
0 ,Y
-e 0.6 y
•e 0.5
0 /
;; 0.4
:!! 0.3
~ ~

a: 0.2
10 100 1000
Time ratio (tit')

Fig. P-9.33 Plot c·,r residual drawdown against ume rali•) (t/t 1)

A best li11ing straight line 1hroug,h the ploued points is given by the equation
s'=0.1132 ln(tit')+O.ISSI
By Eq.(9.60) slope of the bes! fit line= 0.1132 = ,JL_
40x24 i !
T= =674.9 m idoy = 28.1 m /h
O.l 132x4..-

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


10. I Kbosla's formula: Q = 0.00323

. •:II = 0 .041 7 Mrn '··1,;m· .,)'Car
• (1500)'
= 4.17 ha-in/JOO sq.knvyear
Joglekar's formula : Q = 0.005&7 = O.J032fl.11n ' :tk1t1·/year
• (1500) 0,··'
= 10.32 ho·m/100 sq.km/year

10.2 In I 1113ofscdimcnt:
volume of $0lid$ = (I -1>) m; where t' = pcroslty.
volume of water = p rn;
weight of solids= 850 =(I· p) x2.65 xlOOO
Hence p = 0.679
\\'eight of I m3 of sediment de-posit= (I - 0.679) x 2.65x1000 + 0.679 x 1000
= $50 + 679 = 1529 kg.

10.3 The unit weight (dry) of reservoir sediment deposit is given by Eq. 10.11 as
lo\',= P,.. (IV +B log'T )+ p~ (\V, +8. logT )+
J 100 I I I 00 • • I 00 (IV.I + 8l 1001·)

Herc Ps-• = 25. J>•i = 35 and J><t = 40

Referring to Table 10.7. values of coefficients 81.Bi and BJ and \1'1• \1'1 and "'J are
found and introduced in to Eq. 10.11 to obtain

IV,= (1490 )+ 35 (1265+161ogT)+ 40 (961+96.llogT)
100 100 100
II', = 1199.65 + 44.04 logT
when T = 1 year, l\'1·1=I199.65kgln1J
when T = 25 years, \Vns = 1261.2 kg/nfs

10.4 By use of Eq. 10.11andTable10.7

. IV, = ~(1490 ) + 2!_(1185+43.31ogl0)+1:_(737 + 171.4log10)
= 1539 kgtm'
Accuracy of prediction = = 0.0694.Say 7% under prediction

10.5 ByEq.10.12 IV.,:IV1+0.434xB ... [{~!ln35}-1]

1100 = IV,+ K x 2.66

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Similarly 1200 = IV1 + K x 2.9919

On Solving K = 60.26 and IV1 = Average unit weight at the end of first year=
939.7 s:iy 940 kglm'
Al the end of 100 years, lV100= 940+ 60.26 x [{1:1n100}-1]= 1160 kg/11f'

10.6 Averageunit weight is given by Eq. 10.12 as

IV.,,= w., +0.434e.[{<r~ 1)1n


FotT: IO years. \V10: IV11+ 0.4343x(I0/9)[ [ln 10) ·IJ B.

= IV11 + 0.6286 8,.
FotT=20)•eats, \l'ZtJ= = V.171+0.91248 ...
IV,.-lV,o=0.28388 .. =600-500= 100
B.. = 100/0.2838 = 352.36
\Vso = "'1'1 + I.2905 8,..
11'.w • w,,, = ( 1.2905 -0.9214) B.. = 0.3691 B.
IV.w= 600 + (0.3691 x 352.36) = 730 kglm'

l0.7 Annual sediment inflow = O. J5 rvtnl'l

Initial capacity = 50 f\•!1111 and final capacity = 0.7 x 50 = 35 t\.1m1•
Calculations arc shown in Table P. 10.7. Three steps of 6C .. s.o r.tm3 are chosen.
In 1·ablc P. 10.7:
TllbleP . 107.
I 2 3 • s I 6 7
Average Volumeol
Capacity Trap Trap Sediment Time to
c Efficiency Efficiency Depos~ed sc
!in Mm3) ~c Cll •• •• cer vear !in Years)
50 0.714 1 oo.oo
45 5.0 0.643 98.80 99.4 0.1~91 33.53
40 5.0 0.571 98.09 98.4 0.1477 33.86
35 5.0 0.500 97.68 97.7 0.1465 34.12
Total 101.52

Col.4 is the I-rap efficiency corresponding 10 (11 value of Col. 3 calculated by using
Eq. (10.10). Note that forC/I >0.7. the trap efficiency= 1.0.
Col. 5 is the a.,·er:1ge trap efficiency in a step
Col. 6 is the volume of sediment deposited in the- reservoir per year during the
event represented by the step. CoL6= 0.15 x(Col. 51100)
Col. 7 is the time in years required to fill the capacity represented by the- Step.
Col.7 = Col. 2/Col.5.

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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

'lbc sum of the tune periods represented by Col. 7 is che rime required 10 fill the
capacity by 15 r-.11113• Thus the toUtl rime required to reduce the reservoir capacity
by 35SfJ is ·r"s = I 01.52 years = s;1y I 02 years,

10.8 50~;, reduction in volume = 90000/2 = 45000 ha-111 .

.e.c • 4500015 • 9000 ha·m
Volume of
A11era9e Deposlled Time to
Capacity Trap Trap Iii 6C
fin ha•m)
lha•ml Cll



81000 9000 0.203 91.796 92.115 552.7 16.3

72000 9000 0.180 91.081 91.439 548.6 16.4
63000 9000 0.158 90.272 90.677 544.1 16.S
54000 9000 0.135 89.337 89.804 538.8 16.7
45000 9000 0.113 88.231 88.78'1 532.7 16.9
Say ye•rs
Col.4 is the trap efficiency corresponding to C/I value of Col. 3 calculated by using
~,=6.064 Lol(Cll) + 101.48
Col. 5 is the average trap efficiency ill a step
Col. 6 is the volume or sediment deposited in the reservoir per year during the
event represenied by the step. Col.6 = 600 x(Col. 5/100)
Cot 7 is the time in years required to fill the capacity represented by lhe step.
Col.7 =Col. 2/Col.5.
The sum of the time periods represented by Col. 7 is 1he umc required to fill the
capacity by 45000 ha-m. Thus the total time required to reduce the reservoir

capacity by 50% is T = 82.8 years= say 83 years.

10.9 water Yield =2660 x 0.40 = 1064 Mm)/year

Total sediment inflow per year= 360 x 2660 = 0.9576 r>.1T/year
Trial I: Assurning n dry unit weight of I.I '1'/m3,
volume of scdimem inflow per ye:lr = 0.870~11i11J/year.
'faking tmp efficiency as 1.0,
Approximate time for 40'% loss of capacity= = 16_:i years.
lilly 170 years.

Trial 2: Using Table p-10.9.

Initial unit weight ~v, = (1490 x 0.20) + ( 1185 x 0.35) +{ 737 x 0.45) = 951 kg/rn3
= 1.0444 Tonnc:-.s/m3
II,.= (p _ B, + P. B, + p.,,B,) = 10 + (0.35 x 43.3) + (0.45x171.4)1 = 91.285
ftcopytlghted Maletlal'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
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Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

II'~= 1044.4+ 0.4343 x(92.285) [{:~~In 170}-1] = 1211.3 kglm'

= 1.211 Tonncsl~'tm.\
The calcutauon for esumaring me tirne to fill (0.4 x360 = 144 tvtm"J of capacity by
sediment is performed in tabular forrn (Table P. I0.9(a}&(b)).

Table p. 10.9 (a\ Problem 10.9

Average vcwme ol Time to

Capacity Trap T•ai> Sectemen1 liU ec
c EHiciency Elfictency Deposi1ect (In
(in t.1m3)
l1C C/I

•, per veer Years)

320 40 0.301 94.19 94.55 0.747 53.51

290 30 0.273 93.60 93.90 0.742 40.42
265 25 0.2.t9 93.05 93.32 0.738 33.89
240 25 0.226 92.45 92.75 0.733 34.10
216 24 0.203 91.81 92.1$ 0.728 32.95
Tot1I 194.86

Col.4 is the trap efficiency corresponding to Cfl value of Col. 3 calculated by using:
Eq. ( 10.10). Thus Ct)I. 4 = 6.064xln (Col.3) +JO 1.48
C-01. S is the average trap efficiency in a step
Col. 6 is the volume of sediment deposited in the reservoir per year during the
event represented by the step. Col.6 = 0.9576 x(Col. 5/100)11.211
C-01. 7 is the time in years required to fill the capacity represented by 1he step.
Col.7 = COi. 2/Col.5.
The surn of the time periods represented by Col. 7 is the tin>e required to fill the
capacity by 144 ~hn}. Thus the tout time required to reduce the reservoir capacity
by40% is T40= l94.9 years e say 195 years.
Since the value ofT.w differs from the assumed value of 175 years further trials to
refine the value of \V,,., are necessary.
tu« Triill: Take T-'0 = 195 years
II'~=1044.4+ 0.4343 x(92.285) [ {::;In 195}-1] = 1216.5 kJlim'

= 1.2165 ·ronnes/ri.im3

ftcopytlghted Maletlal'" ·"ACd~ional resource material s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
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Table P 10.9 lbl Pl'Ot>lem 1 0.9 F.nal lrial

Averaoe Volume 01 Time to
Cap3city T<\l~ Ttap Sediment fm AC
c Etteiency Efficiency Deposiled (in
(in J.1m3)
bC Cll
•' cer veer Yearsl

320 40 0.301 94.19 94.55 0.744 53.74

290 30 0.273 93.60 93.90 0.739 "10.59
265 25 0.249 93.05 93.32 0.735 34.03
240 25 0.226 92..45 92.75 0.730 34.24
216 24 0.203 91.81 92.13 0.725 33.09
I 0.000 195.70
This indicates T"l'J = 196 years and which 1s practically same as assumed value of
195 years. No further trials are required and T.w = 196 yc-J1rs can be taken :t$ the
desired l't'SUIL

10.10 The Flow duration curve is shown plcued on a semi-log paper in Fig.P 10.10-(a)

• ""


0 to &ti to 100
Exco!Mlanco Probabilily (,.)

Fig. 1'-10.10 (a) Flow Duration Curve

'lhe sediment r:tling curve is plotted on log-log paper as sbown in Fig. P.10. 10-b

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1i!0 -,., 1.00E..o5
..J ~

a:-e ~c ,..,i;.o.
c c
;r I-0



10 100 1000 1000l
Water Discharge (m3fs)

Fig. P~lO. IO(b) Suspended sediment Rating curve

Considering 13 secuous of the 00\V duration curve, by suitable lnterpolatten of Pigs. P~
10.10 (o) and p- 10.10 (b), tbe following Table p-10.10 ls prepared.

a c ... 1010
1 2 3 • 5 6

>.iean -SeC11mel'll
Exceedence Dally Sediment Load per Volume of
Frequency Interval >.1idpoitu Discharge Discharge day Wa1erflow
ranae !%) f%l f%l (Cumec} (Tonnes/davl fTonnes) (cumec.dau\
"''X"''llOO f41Xf21fl00
0.5·1.S 1 1 2550 350000 3500.0 25.5
1.5·5.0 3.5 3.25 1275 14$673 5133.6 44.6
5.0·10.0 5 7.5 945 105744 5287.2 47.3
10.0·15.0 5 12.5 700 54439 2722.0 35.0
15·20 5 17.5 600 39996 1999.8 30.0
20-30 10 25 450 22497.5 2249.8 45.0
30·40 10 35 325 15934 1593.4 32.5
40-50 10 45 200 8323 832.3 20.0
50-65 15 57.5 137.5 4$41 696.2 20.6
65·80 15 72.5 77.5 I $70.$ 235.6 11.6
80·90 10 es 40 241 24.1 4.0
90·95 5 92.5 27.8 72 3.6 1.4
95·99.9 4 97.45 20 2• 1.0 0.8

ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thild EdifiOl'I w1lt1en by Or. K. Subtamanya & published by MCGr'3.w-Hlll ECvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lor lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Total 24278 I 318.32 l

Adel 1 0-o/o tor beO load 2426
Total Sediment Load 26708

lnTable. P-10.10:
The h)tal expected mean daily suspended sediment load is 24278Tl)nnes. obtained as the
sum or C-01.6 values.
Over one year. suspended sediment load yield is = 365 x 24278 = 886J470Tonnes= say
8.86 rvtilliou Tonnes
Thus suspended sediment Load yield= 8.86~1illion Tonne-sfyear.
Bed load (at 10% of suspended load yield)= 0.10 x 8.86 = 0.886 Million Tonnes
Total sediment yield = 9.75 C\fillion Tonnes/year

(ii) \\tater Vie.Id: Mean daily yield= 318.32 cumec.day

Annual yield= 365 x 318.32 = 116186.8 cumec.days
= 116186.8 x (60 x60x24)/IO•= 1003.9 Million on'.
Considering annual values
;\ verage concentrationof Suspended Load
= 8·86x:IO<> x 10"= 874.9 m
(1003.9xl0')+(8.86xl0') pp
= say 875 parts per million (ppm) by weight.

10.11 Initialreservoir capacity = 180 t\.im3

Final reservoir capacity = 0.65 x ISO= 117 ~tm"
An1Q11n1 of sediment deposit = 63 l\ l'ronnes

Fir.\·11rit1loj'tAvertige unit u eigJ11:


Assume n unit weight of 1.0 Tim".

votume of total sediment deposit = 63 t\1m3
Assuming a Cll ratio > 0.70 throughout. trap efficiency '11 = 100%
Approximate ti rue. required to fill 35% or initial capacity= 63/3.0 = 21 years.
Assume T = 21 years to calculate \V#•
Second Trial: Using Table J0.3(TexL).
Initial unit weight 1\'1 = (1490 x 0.20) + (1040 x 0.30) +{ 480 x 0.50) = 850 kg/111)
= 0.850 To1lneslnr'
8,,= (P,.. B, + 11, 8, .. P.-.81) = 10 + (0.3 x 91.3 I)+ (0.5 x 256.3)1 = 155.54 kglm'
By Eq. 10.12
IV..,= 850+ 0.4343 x( 155.54) [{~~In 21 }- I]= 995 kglm' = 0.995 Tonnes/Mm'
The calculation for estimating the time to fill I 17 ~lm3 of capacity by sediment is
performed in tabular form (Table P· 10.11 ).

ftcopytlgh1ed Ma1et1a1'" • 'ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo

Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramanya & p1.1blished by MCGr'3.w-Hlll EOvc-.a11on
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Table P-10 . II
volume Time
Capacity Average of IO fill
c Trap Trap Sedemem t.C
(in Efficiency Efficiency Deposited (in
C\•lm3) 6C C/I I\, I\, oer vcar Years)
ISO 0.45 96.6
160 20 0.40 95.9 96.28 2.902937 6.9
140 20 0.35 95.1 95.52 2.879962 6.9
125 IS 0.31 94.4 94.77 2.857395 S.2
117 8 0.29 94.0 94.23 2.840988 2.8
Sav rears

In Table P· 10.11:
Col. I gives lhe capacily of lhe reservoir. The decrease in the capacily due to
sedimentation is considered in 5 sleps.(Steps need not be equal)
Col. 2 is me decrease in capacity between two successive steps.
Col.3 is chc Capacity - Inflow ratio m tbe beginning of lhe step. Col.3 =Col. I 1400
Col.4 is the trap efficiency corresponding to C/I value of Col. 3 calculated by using
Eq. (I 0.10). Thus Col. 4 = 6.064xlo(Col.3) + 101.48
Col. 5 is me average trap efficiency in a step
Col. 6 is the volume of sediment deposited in the reservoir per yc~1r during lhe
event represented by the step. Col.6 = 3.00 x(Col. 51100)!0.995
Col. 7 is the lime in )'enrs required IQ fill the capacity represented by the step.
Col.7 =Col. 2/Col.5.
The sum of the rime periods represented by Col. 7 is the time required to fill the
capacity by 63 f\11113. Thus the toU1I time required to reduce the reservoir capacity
by 35% is T }S = '21. 9 years = Sil)' 22 years.
Since the value of T3s differs frorn the assumed value of 21 years by a very small
value TJs = 22 years can be adopted.

ftcopytlghted Maletial'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with lhe boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by McGr'3_w-Hlll Edvc-.a11on
{India) Pv1. L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

10.12 From the given elevation daia calculate the correspcndlng height above the bed
level of 560.52 mas shown Table P· 10.12.
Table P-10.12

Elov:ition Capacity in 1bovo bed
<ml Area thal tha.ml lml
560.52 0 0 0.00
56225 19.42 11.8 1.83
563.27 47.75 41.8 2.75
563.88 62.32 75.3 3.36
56'1.18 79.72 96.5 3.66
564.49 96.72 123.8 3.97
565.10 137,59 194.6 4.56
555.55 191.41 268.7 5.03
566.93 366.64 647.2 6:41
568.45 513.95 1313.3 7.93
569.97 679.06 2217.1 9.45

Plot in 3 log - log paper the height above bed as ordinate and the capacity as
abscissa. fig.P-10.12. Draw :1 best fining. straigfu through the ploued points and
measure the slope of ihe line using linear scale. ·111e slope is the value of 111 and is
found to be 3.2.

ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thild EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramanya & p1.1blished by McGr'3_w-Hlll Ecvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya


.I I


I ..

I_ "11
10 ..
-· ~· . .. ........ - ~· --
.c . ..
' .. • "
·a; I I

10 100 1000 10000

Capacity (ha-m]

Fig. P-10.12 Determination of factor sr

10.13 Table P-10.13 shows the ccmputaticns.

H = 512.06 - 35(}.52 = 161.54 m
In Tobk p-10.13,
Col.2 = Elevation in meters
Col.3 e Originnl water surface area a1 given elevation in ha
Col.4 e Original reservoir capachy in ha-m.
Col.5 = Incremental height (m)
Col.6 = Height above original bed elevation (rn):: Cumulative values of Col.5 =Ji
Col.7 e Relative depth p = 11111 = Col.6 /161.54
Col.S e FunctionA,.. calculated by Eq.10.13 as A,. = 2.4&7,,0~1(1 - µ)°"'.
A trial and error Procedure is adopted. The level up 10 which the reservoir is fully
covered by sediment at the end of 25 years is taken as 365.76 01. as per the hint
given. This would be the new datum for the bed of the reservoir at the e1KI of 25
years. 1-\t this level:
,\,..= 0.6217. Original reservoir are.a= 1\,,:: 364.0 ha.
Coefficient K (for the first trial)= K1 = 364/0.6217 = 585.4
Col.9 = Represents K Ar = 585.4x Col.7 for all elevations higher than 539.40 m.
This column represents the area covered by sedimeutaucn at a particular level
and hence called Sediment area.
ftcopytlghted Maletial'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l)y, Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by MCGr'3_w-Hlll ECvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1. L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

Col.I 0= Incremental sediment volume between two successive elevations

calculated as (average area x incremental depth).
Col. I I= Accumulated sediment volume starting from 2460 ha-m al E-1.365.76 m.
end of 25 years.
'Ille last value in Col. 10 is obtained as 92041.2 ha-rn whereas the given
sediment data indicates a deposition of 9'2250 ha-rn in 25 years. This
indicates the calculations are very near the togical final values and since
the difference is very slig.ht it requires only minor correction. This is done
by tweaking the coefficient K. Thus for second trial Ki=
Ka x92250 = 586.4. Values of this second trial (with K,=.5$6.8) are
shown in Cols. 11. 12 and 13.
Second Trial:
Col.12 = Revised sediment area with K1=5S6.S
Col.13:. Revised incremental sediment volume with K1=5S6.S
Col.14 = Revised accumulated sediment volume with K1=586.8.
Note that this trial improves the result considerably and the accumulated
sediment volume at El. 365.76 111 is 92234 ha-m. The difference between
this and the given value of 92250 ha-m is less than 0.1% and thus this
distribution could be taken as final values.
C.ol.15 = Final Reservoir area distribution at the end of25 years
Col.16 = Final Reservoir volume distribution at the end of25 years.
Col. 17 =Avan able reservoir elevations after 25 years
Note that the new bed level of the reservoir nt the cod of 25 years is
365.76 m.

ftcopytlghted Ma1et1a1'" ·"ACd~iona1 resource mate1ial s1.1pplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'OIO'l!Y. Thin:I EdifiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. $1.1bramanya & p1.1blished by MCGr'3_w-Hlll ECvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1.L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:
SOiution Manuat to Eno1neer1ng Kydrology, Third EchUon .,Y Dr. K. S11~am,nya

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"'Copyriglltod M~erlar ·"Ad:tlbn11ltet.0uree ma!et.t.11 s~)ell wtll ee bo:ii. £19n<!etroq M,Volcqy. Tllhll Edi!lonw!lnen by Or. IC. S11br11m:i!!p
& pll?ll!iflod flyMcGfilw.H!I Ed~~n(ltt:lll) P1>1. lid. llllli re~ ll'llllOflllllli lo1 hlli!NCl11f5 use cnly."
Solution Manual lo Engineering Hydrology, Third Edition by Dr. K. Subramanya

10.14 Original capechy at El. 124.97 m = 42710 ba-rn.

Sediment accumulation in 10 years= 10 000 ha-rn.
H = 124.97 - 97.53 = 27.44 m
1:1r.t1trial: Assume sedimentation up to cl. 105. 76 rn. this gives
lr.=(105.76- 97.53)=8.21 m
A..=41 l.16ha. Vo= 1171
Vs=A,(fl-/i.,)+ Vo=411.16x(27.44-8.21)+ 1171 =9077.I ha-rn
Given sediment volume = 10.000 ha-m. Hence assumption is short by
1(10.000-9077)/10.000J x 100 = 9.2%. Hence a new trial is needed.
Second trial: .Assume sedirrentaticn up to ~I. 106.68 m. this gives
"· = ( 106.68 -97.53) = 9.15 rn
By linear interpolation A .. = 464.2 ha. V,. = 1509
v.. = 1\,.(lf -11,,) + l'o = 464.2 x(2?.44 - 9.15) + 1509 = 9999 ha-in
This value is practically same as the given sediment volume = 10.000 ha-m and
hence 1)0 further trial is needed,
The distributioo of 1J1e sediment over the depth of lhe reservoir is shown in Table
p. 10.14.

Table 1>10.14 Distribution or Sedhuent by Area Increment Method

Now Bod Elevation: 106 68
1 2 3 4
• • 7

Of'igi.nal abovonow SlldimGnt atoa aftllt' Volumo aftot
Elevation 01191na1 eapaclly bed a1 El. Sedlme-nt volume 10 ye&1s 10)'Hr'S
(ml "roa (ha) (ha·m) 106.68. ;11100! (h;a) (ha·m) th•) (ha.m)
7.51 0
100.58 43.7 98 9
uiJ,63 168 4 411 4 I
105.76 411.2 1177 117
106.68 464.2 1509 464.2 150 0
109.73 720.7 3'.\21 3.0. 464.2 292. 256.S 39
112.77 1659 72.58 6.0 464.2 433 1194.8 292
'" ., ,,., 1"-1' n ' '''-' , "7:l 1'77'· 1) 7""'
118.88 3083 21300 12. 464.2 717· 2618.8 1412
121.92 4346 32550 1-,
). 464.2 858. 3881.8 2396
124.97 6206 42710 I 8.2 464.2 99" 5741.8 3271

ftcopytlghted Maletlal'" ·"ACd~ional resource mate1ial supplied with the boOk El'lgineemo
Hydl'Oll:>l!Y. Thin:I EcMiOl'l w1lt1en by Or. K. Subramanya & published by MCGr'3.w-Hlll ECvc-.a1t0n
{India) Pv1. L1d. This resource material Is lot lns1ruc1o(s use onty:

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