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Creative People Who Inspire Me

One of my favorite musicians is Drake. Not only is his music catchy, a lot of it is

inspiring as he was born into an average life but worked his way to the top. Doing this, is my

biggest goal in life therefore he inspires me. The following is a link of an interview with Drake

discussing his creative process that makes his music so unique. Basically, Drake just tries to be

genuine and himself and that can be seen through the lyrics in his music. This is why he is so

successful because many rappers try to act like things they aren’t to impress their fans but Drake

doesn’t do that because he is genuine.


Another creative person who inspires me is Jennifer Lawrence. I love watching her

movies and in every role she has she absolutely dominates. She takes on universal roles and she

is able to shape her character into all of them. What helps her is her passion for taking her roles

as shown in the following link. She loves what she does and that


The final creative person who inspires me Beyoncé. Not only is she extremely talented

but she always promoting female power and that is a message I feel strongly about. She

describes her creating process by basically taking the initiative in everything she does. The

following link shows her discussion of her creative process. A quote that stands out to me is her

saying “To me, power is making things happen without asking for permission. It's affecting the
way people perceive themselves and the world around them." This quote also goes along with

her message of female power because she is independent.



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