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HR was always viewed as a paper-intensive area, where salary decisions are made, people get
hired or fired and where team building sessions are organized. But behind the scenes, the
industry is changing and incorporating technology at a rapid pace. If utilized correctly,
technology can have a good impact on the HR practices of any company. Training is one area
that stands to benefit greatly from technological advances. It can do so by making the Human
Resource department more systematic, organized and efficient.
How is human resources changing with technology?


The arrival of the digital age has transformed human resources. Human resources professionals
no longer have to be bogged down by manual processes or overwhelming amounts of data. HR
departments, now quicker through technology, have greater freedom to make a significant
impact on corporate culture and productivity thanks to new solutions that improve human capital
management and development. Cloud-based systems provide HR with enormous benefits. The
cloud reduces IT costs, improves business continuity, and provides teams with greater flexibility.
Some specific ways your company can benefit include:

● Going paperless. Not only does the cloud help centralize data and protect you from a
loss in the event of a disaster or crisis, but it also enables you to reduce waste, free up
physical office space (fewer rows of file cabinets), and limit “lost” files.
● Creating transparency. When you store data in the cloud, anyone with appropriate
credentials can access data at anytime from anywhere.
● Improving productivity. With a cloud-based HR system, you can empower employees
to take action by allowing them access to update contact information, submit leave
requests, and access other pertinent data. This reduces manual data entry you or your
team would otherwise have to do


Recruiting new hires is a time-consuming and costly process, but thanks to automation and AI
it’s getting easier to find skilled people who are a great fit for a job placement. From automated
resume screeners to robot interviewers, a wave of these tech solutions for recruiting has hit the
market. “AI is starting to outperform humans at making hiring decisions in certain areas, such as
evaluating hard skills, AI then frees up recruiters to focus more on conducting soft-skill and
culture-fit evaluation in a more structured way they able to reach out directly via email versus
posting on LinkedIn, and subsequently increased our candidate pool.


Performance management has long been an important HR function. HR pros have driven the
process, monitoring performance, collecting supervisory feedback and facilitating regular
employee reviews. Technology has streamlined the process and eliminated a lot of unnecessary
steps, but the next data-driven phase of performance management is upon us.
HR teams can apply analytics to sentiment data generated from hundreds of interactions
between employees and managers as part of the performance management process. Analyzing
sentiment data helps HR to identify opportunities for coaching.
There’s a positive correlation between a more ethnically and gender-diverse leadership team
and an increase in profits. Consumers are also more frequently looking for companies that value
diversity, and that will have an impact on recruiting strategies. As awareness of the value of
diverse teams grows, organizations will increasingly leverage workforce analytics to tackle
diversity and inclusion issues.


However, there are many practitioners, including employee trainers, who are not technologically
literate. Professionals who want to improve their knowledge of technology would do well to
understand the important delivery methods, including the Internet, intranet, multimedia, virtual
reality, distance learning and electronic performance support systems. These practitioners can
also become more technologically prepared by looking for mentors or people with technological
expertise within or outside the company. Contacts can be found via different organizations.
They can also communicate with trainers and HRD people in companies with technology-
adapted HRD departments. Other possible sources are tutorials, seminars, training programs,
conferences, courses, books, journals, magazines and online resources.

Technology has given HR professionals tools that reduce the time they have to spend on
administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on issues that require more hands-on attention. By
simplifying responsibilities like recruitment, record keeping and payroll, technology has
significantly improved efficiency, accuracy and even employee morale. Training is one area that
stands to benefit greatly from technological advances. From recruitment through retention,
human resources professionals now have more solutions at their disposal than ever to make HR
more efficient and effective. Companies that wish to compete for and keep the best talent must
prioritize technology awareness and skills in the human resources department.

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