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Science work sheet

…………………. is the amount of matter in an object.

…………………..is the amount of space an object occupies.

The unit of mass is ……………. And …………………………

The unit of volume is ……………………… and ………………………..

Matter has …………………… states.

The states of matter are ………………………… ……………………………… and ………………………………..

Solid is the state of matter that takes the shape and volume of whatever container it is in.

Liquid how cold or warm something is

Gas is the state of matter that keeps the same volume but takes the shape change

Temperature is the state of matter that keeps the same shape and volume no matter what container

…………………. Do not have fixed shape and volume

…………………. Have fixed shape and volume

………………… have fixed volume but have a not fixed shape

………………. can also be compressed to fit into a smaller container.

The particles of the …………………….. can move freely.

The particles of the ……………………… are fixed.

The examples of liquid are …………………………. And ……………………………………

The examples of gas are ………………………………and ………………………………………

The examples of solid are ……………………………. And ……………………………

…………………. Do not have fixed shape and volume

…………………. Have fixed shape and volume

………………… have fixed volume but have a not fixed shape

………………. can also be compressed to fit into a smaller container.

Chose the correct word for the below sentences

Evaporate Melt dissolve Condense

To change from a gas to a liquid is to…………………..

To change from a liquid to a gas below the boiling point is to……………………

To change from a solid to a liquid is to ………………………………..

To spread out evenly in a solution is to………………………………..

Change of matter can happen when matter is …………………………… and ……………………….

………………….. makes particles movement in matter fast

………………….. makes particles movement in matter slow

Freeze is to change from a gas to liquid

Evaporate is to change from a liquid to solid

Condense is to change from a liquid to a gas

……………………... happen when matter is cooled enough.

The boiling point of water is ………………….

The bubbles that form in the water at the bottom of the pan are made of hot gas called ………………………

…………………. Do not have fixed shape and volume

…………………. Have fixed shape and volume

………………… have fixed volume but have a not fixed shape

………………. can also be compressed to fit into a smaller container.

The particles of the …………………….. can move freely.

The particles of the ……………………… are fixed.

…………………. is the amount of matter in an object.

………………….. is the amount of space an object occupies.

The unit of mass is ……………. And …………………………

The unit of volume is ……………………… and ………………………..

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