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Hernandez Kindergarten Schedule

7:45-8:00 Calendar Time 11:50- Lunch

8:00-9:00 Guided Reading, Small 12:20- Interactive Read Aloud

Group, and Literacy 12:30

9:00-9:40 Specials 12:30- Word Study


9:40-9:55 Shared Reading 12:45- Music and Movement


9:55- Snack 12:55- Play Centers

10:05 1:30

10:05- Writing Workshop 1:30-1:45 Science


10:35- Shared Writing 1:45-2:00 Social Studies


10:50- Interactive Writing 2:00-2:30 Whole Group Math


11:15- Recess 2:30-3:15 Math Stations

Developmental and Best Practice Justification
Calendar Time- 7:45-8:00- I placed Calendar time as the first thing we will go over in our class because it will tell them what day while learning
math skills.
Guided Reading- 8:00-9:00-During this time I can take advantage and go ahead and work with smaller groups on whatever it is they were struggling
the day before. This is a good time because they have not yet been introduced to new topics or lessons of the day that will make them get further
Specials-9:00-9:40- Students at this time will go to P.E. music, art or the computer lab. This is important because while they are working on their
imagination, creative skills or doing physical activity I can have time for conferences or get things together for students.
Shared Reading- 9:40-9:55-Students will interact with each other by reading something together. This is important because it allows students to
help each other out while also engaging those that learn by listening.
Snacks- 9:55-10:05-Not only will students be eating to help them be focused they will also be learning and discovering foods. This is also a good
time to teach about eating healthy and keeping our area clean.
Writing Workshop- 10:05-10:35-During this time students will be guided on how to illustrate and write about their illustrations.
Shared Writing- 10:35-10:50-Together the students and I will write about what they tell me. They will all contribute their ideas.
Interactive Writing- 10:50-11:15-In this section students will write individually. I will help them to transcribe their thoughts on paper, but they
will have to tell me what to write, I can correct grammatical errors. During this time, I can also teach them that what we are wanting is to get our
ideas written.
Recess- 11:15-11:50-It is so important to allow students a break from school. During this time, they are to run wild and no student will be punished
or asked to complete any work because this is their personal time.
Lunch- 11:50-12:20-Students are to eat during this time to have better energy for the rest of the day. Students will also consume more food
because lunch was held after recess. This will also prevent students from having to waste their recess time going to the restroom.
Interactive Read Aloud- 12:20-12:30-The entire class will come together on the big rug to have a book read to them. This allows the students to
come back to a learning mentality and calm down.
Word Study- 12:30-12:45-Students will look further into the make-up of words. They can learn so much during this time like rhyming. This is so
important because it is so important to focus on the essentials that help students learn to read.
Music and Movement- 12:45-12:55-Not only is this a great way to have a brain break but it is also a great time to teach something because students
learn better when there is movement involved.
Play Centers- 12:55-1:30-During this time student scan interact with each other and that is the best way to learn certain things. Students can also
develop their imagination as well as social skills.
Science- 1:30-1:45-This is the time to teach students the fun is discovering and observing new things in different ways.
Social Studies- 1:45-2:00-Students will learn about being a community member, responsibilities and relationships. They will also learn about cultures.
Whole Group Math- 2:00-2:30-I will take this time to go over any math lesson with the entire group. This is where I will instruct them on what
they are to do with smaller groups and the purpose of the activity so they can know what they are supposed to be learning.
Math Station- 2:30-3:15-In smaller groups students will work on what was taught in whole group math. Different materials will constantly be used
which will make the activities fun. This is left at the end because it will be their reward since they will love it so much.
Brewer, J. A. (2014). Introduction to early childhood education: Preschool through primary
grade. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education.
Center for Responsive Schools. (2015). The first six weeks of school (2nd ed.). Turnes Falls.

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