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Analyzing Data Assessment Based on Excel Test Scores

1. How well is the class doing as a whole group? Provide two statements.

Based on the test scores and the data from excel, it is evident that most of the class scored
below 70%. This data is troubling because the class appears to be struggling with the material.
Nine of the sixteen students are scoring below 70% and only seven of the students are scoring
70% and above. In addition, the class average is only 67%. The class as whole needs additional
support on the material they were tested on. If this is not successful, perhaps the level of
difficulty needs to be addressed.

2. Which individuals are doing well and in what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Juan is exceeding expectations in all topics. He was the only student who scored 100%. It is
evident that Juan has a clear understanding of all the topics he was tested on and at this point is
not in need of extra support.

Cody is also doing very well scoring 93% on his math test. Cody only had difficulty with question
number one and it might be beneficial to review his test to see if this might have been a careless
error since he scored correctly on the rest of the addition questions.

Hugh is also doing well scoring 80% on his math test. He has strong addition skills based on this
test score. Hugh is also scoring above the class average on subtraction questions. Hugh
appeared to have a little difficulty with the last two division questions on the math test but so
did many other students. This could be attributed to the level of difficulty of the question or it
could be that the question was poorly written.

3. Who may need extra support and on what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Luke appears to be struggling with addition, subtraction, and division. He will need additional
support on all these topics. Luke’s average on the addition and subtraction questions was only
40%. He also struggled with the division questions. Luke’s test scores indicate he has failed in all
subjects on the math test.

Nathan is also in need of extra support. Nathan’s average on addition questions was 60%, on
subtraction he averaged 20%. It appears that he needs the most extra support with subtraction,
but it will benefit him to receive extra support with addition as well. His average on the math
test was only 47% which indicates he has failed the test.

Molly needs extra support with subtraction and perhaps division. She is doing well with addition
but her average scores for the subtraction questions was only 20%. Molly scored an average of
53% on her math test due to her difficulty with the subtraction questions. Her scores also
indicate she has failed the test.

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