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Distributions Products: The basics

Carlos Alberto Rojas Mora

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – Sena

Technology in Logistic Management
Virtual Mode – 1672975
Group 4
Year 2018

Distributions Products: The basics

Carlos Alberto Rojas Mora

Sandra Milena Navarro Sierra

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – Sena

Technology in Logistic Management
Virtual Mode – 1672975
Group 4
Year 2018

1 Content
2 Introduction .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3 Justification ................................................................................................................... 5

4 Objectives ....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

5 Summary. .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


7 Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 8

8 References ................................................................................................................ 100


2 Introduction

The present work, is elaborated with reference to the reading of distributions of products,

the basics, which is found within the platform of Sena.

It is also made to improve our knowledge in the English language.


3 Justification

Design strategies in order to identify and improved competitiveness in the English

language, all this within the study in logistics management technology.


4 Objectives

To the offer the opportunity to learn a new language, improving ourselves for the daily


5 Summary

In the present summary and with reference to reading the text distributions of products

the basics, reference to the author who either in a small city, or a seller of a particular product,

must transport at some point of the sales process, their products and it also states that the correct

choice of mode of transport to be used in this process is typical of the balance that lies between

the time of the process and budget to be used within it.

Then the materials instructs us in the considerations that must be taken to choose the

mode of transport, mentioning that the time of choosing the mode of transport the main thing is

to take into account the budget for this, also the speed and reliability in order to comply with the

shipping of the products in excellent conditions and on time to satisfy even more if they are

perishable products. We can also refer to variables such as maritime insurance, vehicle tracking

systems, packaging and labeling that assures us depending on the size and time of shipping,

compliance with the process without excessive cost overruns, it also informs us that depending

on the product that is intended to be transported, the road, height, weight and length restrictions

must be taken into account.

The text tells us characteristics corresponding to rain transport within which we observe

mainly that “according to the rail operator NETWORK RAIL the shipment of cargo by this

means becomes economically viable with loads of 300 or more tons per train over distances

greater than 150 miles”.


Undoubtedly air transport is the fastest way to transport products but this is expensive

and not eco-friendly, its cargo is measured in kilograms and must take into account the customs

laws and costs that involve export or import through this means of transport.

The brief tells us that maritime transport is a great option to transport large quantities of

products over long distances, transporting form continent to continent in a safe and economical

way, being used largely by multinationals.

For all the above we can show that the products to be distribute depend on their place of

origin, type of product and quantity to be transported and shipping cost in order to choose the

best option to transport the products.

6 Conclusion

For the information contained in the text “distributions Products: The basics”, it is

evident without a doubt that the most important thing to take into account in the transportation

process of our product should be the budget for this.

7 Glossary

Above: Anterior – Position

Also: Ademas

Assures: Asegura

Brief: Breve

Budget: Presupuesto

Choose: Elegir – Escoger

Fastest: Rapido

Insurance: Asegurado

Labeling: Etiquetado

Large: Grande

Laws: Leyes

Long: Largo

Main: Principal

Mainly: Principalmente

Measure: Medida

Order: Orden

Perishable: Perecedero


Safe: Seguro

Shipping: Envio

Such: Tal como

Taken: Tomado

Tells: Contar – Narrar

Undoubtedly: Indudablemente

8 References


Dictionary Spanish - English

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