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By Madison
-Sky Woman-

Who would remember, who could recall, the beautiful

Sky Woman from the Garden who had started it all.



IV: THE EYE OF HORUS -page 319-

The Key to deciphering the

universe of Origin founded by
the non-created creator,
The Gitche Manitou.



President of the United States of America, Democrat and former
Governor of California was described by many as a pragmatic hard-
headed politician who fought for the common man. Referred to, as the
people’s President was the first Latino to hold the highest office in the
nation. This man believed strongly in protecting the weakest citizens of
America while showing respect and accountability of the strongest.
Standing in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center
President of the United States he sat amongst the top leaders of the
nation for an emergency discussion.
“Bob, what do we know? Said the President
Bob Evans was Secretary of Defense and old college alumni of
The President when they attended the University of California, Berkeley
together in the late 1980’s.
“Mr. President, current satellite imagery shows that a lake within
the Andes Mountain in Chile is releasing a black tar-like substance into
the atmosphere. This mass of unknown substance expanding into all
directions and covering the hemisphere continued to pour across the
planet’s surface.
There seems to be another black hole that has emerged on the
North Pole that is also emitting this black fire substance into the
atmosphere as well as chemically altering the ozone.
The black substance is also being emitted from multiple various
locations around the Earth, near the Pyramid of the Moon in Mexico, in
nearly every corner of the globe and have emerged from the depths of
the sea off the coast of Japan.
The black mist is being released from these locations forming
dark clouds that are extending across the skyline.
Mexican authorities have not commented on the situation, but a
state of emergency has been declared. We have also confirmed 25 other
locations around the globe where pyramids are also releasing this black
mist. These other pyramids are now glowing an ominous black each
with a black beam of what looks like electricity rising into the sky
creating what can only be described as super storms that are sweeping
across the planet.
There is an anomaly projecting from the lake causing these light
and extraterrestrial objects to emerge from these dark holes around the
globe. Current research has determined the gasses being released are a

form of anti-matter that is responding negatively to our atmosphere, we

are being terra-formed.”
At that moment, imagery is shown on a large screen of the lake
and what looked like a burning charcoal waterfall with surrounding
electricity beaming into the sky. The reflection shone like burning oil
sweeping with electricity into all directions. Tentacles like spider webs
stretching out encompassing everything.
“Do we know where this is coming from?” the President spoke
Science advisor Michelle Harper then interjected, “Mr.
President, we have a Mr. Andrews, a professor at Baylor University in
custody. He may have some insight into what occurred. He is pretty
shaken up according to his report he and his wife Elizabeth Andrews
were surveying and mapping the bottom of Lake when they came across
the anomaly. We have the footage from the video they shot the
experience. We also have footage of them crossing through the
barrier.... well, it's best you see it first-hand”
At that moment, she handed the intelligence drive over and it
was promptly plugged in to display the video on the large monitor.
Hearing the voice of both Stephen and Elizabeth the entire room
watched in silence as the bot powered near the surface of the anomaly
and pressed through what appeared to be a “bubble”, it stretched the
substance as if it were pressing against plastic until the surface itself
seemed to absorb the bot. A black substance was immediately in the
water. Now clearly visible they could see the light and a surface below
They watched as the bot pressed further into the depths of this
unknown liquid. The bot approached what appeared to be the
surface...then the bot showed an image of three moons in a black sky
with a glass dome. As the bot lifted into the air eyes of an unknown
creature displayed on the screen...then static.
“We have got to get out of here” stated Stephen as Elizabeth
pressed the controls forward. “We can’t, we have lost control, and we
are being pulled in!” Switching to the main camera within the Poseidon
all watched as the Poseidon was pulled towards the surface. Surfacing in
an unfamiliar place Stephen and Elizabeth could see beings staring at
them. Like fish in a fishbowl, they looked at each other in horror. An
unknown force from the Poseidon lifted the Poseidon door opened. The
camera showed Elizabeth.
“Where are we?” “I don’t know...”
The screen all went to static...
“According to Doctor Andrews one of the beings grabbed
Elizabeth Andrews, attaching to her body she began to convulse as she
was torn to pieces by what Dr. Andrews describes as a mist emanating
from the beings. The beings were everywhere. He barely made it back to

the Poseidon engaging emergency override the Poseidon returned to the

“At that point the lake filled with an unknown oil slick black
light and began emanating deep amounts of an unknown material into
the atmosphere that produced monumental storms that are covering the
Earth dimming our sun while producing chaos in the sky.” stated Ms.
The President sat silent.
Looking across the room at Science Advisor Benjamin Wing,
Wing was an intellectual who always gave longer answers than were
requested speaking in terms few could understand, a Harvard graduate
he was pragmatic and abrasive often coming across as the smartest man
in the room which rubbed nearly everyone the wrong way, “Ben, what
do you think this is?” said the President.
Ben sighed as if he regretted being in this position, slowly
pressing his glasses up the bridge of his nose...” An alien invasion Mr.
President? I know, I know, to be honest, the obvious nature of our
dilemma and position demands we think rationally. Look at the obvious
answer to your question. We are not alone.”
With a look of dejection, you could tell the President did not
appreciate the patronizing nature of Benjamin Wing. Wing continued, “I
believe there has been created a rift in time and space, a point where two
points of space merge. Obviously what we have seen is another planet,
let us call it Planet X, I mean if we are going to assign names isn’t it
fitting that we use the ancient Anishinaabe Planet X which is said to
collide with the Earth in the last days...yes, let us call this strange new
world Planet X...or perhaps we name this the darkness leaving to
reference to where or what this other world could be, existing in another
place in space and time and clearly those beings are life forms evolved
much the same as we and isn’t these things we already know...I mean,
someone here is obviously already aware of this, right?”
Continuing as he always did in long winded replies that seemed
to be above the understanding of those around him, “Suffice to say the
general theory of relativity explained by Albert Einstein in 1915
described gravity as not a force, as Sir Isaac Newton had supposed, but
a consequence of the distortion of space and time, conceived together in
his theory as 'space- time'. Any object distorts the fabric of space-time
and the bigger it is, the greater the effect. Why travel through space to
another world when you can simple bend and distort space to bring the
object to you? Just as a bowling ball placed on a trampoline stretches
the fabric and causes it to sag, so planets and stars warp space-time – a
phenomenon known as the 'geodetic effect'. A marble moving along the
trampoline will be drawn inexorably towards the ball. Thus, the planets
orbiting the Sun are not being pulled by the Sun; they are following the
curved space-time deformation caused by the Sun. The reason the
planets never fall into the Sun is because of the speed at which they are

traveling. According to the theory, matter and energy distort space-time,

curving it around them. 'Frame dragging' theoretically occurs when the
rotation of a large body 'twists' nearby space and time...I believe that the
magnitude 8.7 earthquake in Chili created this distortion or they, I mean
these beings, have the technology to develop it themselves, obviously
one or the other or both are the cases.”
Grabbing a piece of paper Ben drew a circle on one side and a
circle on the other.
“Mr. President, here we have our point in space, let's say
Earth...and here we have another point of space and time. The
separation of these two points may be so vast that it impossible to travel,
He folded the paper in half allowing the two points to merge,
“If space is warped, bent, there allows the opportunity to connect
to another point in space...a Breach in space and time...that's what I
believe has occurred and what better or fitting for an impending
invasion to escape the dilemma of vast distances in space and time if
one were to say, conquer planets...”
The President responded, “You believe this anomaly is a Breach
in space and time allowing a point where two worlds connect lies at the
base of this Lake...does anyone have any ideas of why this is linked to
the other holes opened up around the globe?”
“Yes, Mr. President...a Breach.” Silence filled the room.
The President went on, “What’s the report in the air and on the
Secretary of Defense Bob Evans was old school believing in
might over right and not a believer in liberal values or debate, he was a
shoot first ask questions later John Wayne type of soldier who was best
described by a sign hanging on his door that read clearly, “I love the
smell of napalm in the morning,” a reference to his favorite movie
Apocalypse Now. Looking up with a scowl that always covered his
face, the Texan responded, “We have to put boots on the ground and
planes in the air. Under the current circumstances, I implore you to
approve the use of the nuclear option.”
“Nuclear Option?” responded the President, with a concerned
scowl present on his face. Picking up his pen he began writing on the
pad lying in front of him.
The President’s face went white as he processed the vastness of
what was just stated...then continuing, “Bob, what type of nuclear use
are you suggesting we deploy?”
Bob Evans went on, “Our best analysis of the situation, we are in
the dark about the enemy we are facing...sir, during the Cold War, the
Soviet Union deployed an Orbital Bombardment System. This system
was designed to house a nuclear warhead which could be placed in low
Earth orbit and de- orbited at any point to hit any location on the Earth’s
surface. While the Soviets deployed a working version of the system,

the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 from placing active warheads into the
system...forbade them but as we know from history and the fall of the
Soviet Empire not only were these OBS systems armed with active
warheads, but they were enhanced greatly. In 1992, the United States
came into possession of 50 OBS systems containing over 100 nuclear
warheads. Let's use this system to target and destroy the source of the
Pausing again the President removed a small book from his inner
coat pocket; opening it he began reviewing the contents quietly as he
continued to write on his notepad.
“How do you think these missiles would be employed?”
Bob Evans removed a small metal case from his briefcase, “Mr.
President, over the last dozen or so years we have sent numerous
missions into space to refit these weapons and they are currently linked
to this device. I believe the codes you seek to activate them are
contained within that book you are holding in your hands. These are the
codes that are labeled “CA101”.
Bob Evans motioned to a soldier standing near who took the
small case and handed it to the President who opened it revealing a
digital pad containing numbers, symbols and letters.
At that point, NSA National Director Jim Evans muttered under
his breathe, “There is another option” as he tapped a pen against his
glass of water in a repeating motion.
The President leaned back rubbing the back of his ear then neck.
Leaned forward again, with a deep sigh he then spoke calmly, “what
Jim Evans continued, “Mr. President it is urgent we speak
privately immediately before any decision is made, including a nuclear
option.” as he stared with contempt at Bob Evans
“Mr. President. In 1907, a 30- year Smithsonian member G.E.
Kincaid found a cave in the Grand Canyon. Within the cave was a large
man- made chamber. It contained an ancient burial room containing
remains and technology of far superior to what we now have in our
possession and capability.”
Benjamin Wing expounds, “A cave?”
The President’s attention was immediately intrigued by what Jim
Evans has said, as he leaned forward placing his elbows on the table
clasping his hands resting against his chin, he peered down through the
top of his spectacles in great anticipation hanging on the words of Jim
All eyes immediately turned to NSA Director Evans, but he did
not elaborate as a career NSA leader was expected.
Across the table, Benjamin Wing’s mouth hung open held
speechless by the riveting revelations. Fiddling with his glasses he
dropped them to the floor. Leaning over he also knocked his glass of
water across the table.

“Like I said, this is a discussion better had behind closed doors.”

responded Jim Evans
Swinging his chair around facing into the darkness of the room
The President pondered his next words. With that the President stood
up, “Jim, come with me.”
The President and Jim Evans left the emergency operations room
heading to the (PEOC) Oval Office.
The PEOC Oval Office was a duplicate of the White House Oval
Office within the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. This room
was able to withstand direct nuclear blasts and protect the nation's
leaders from threats to national security in times of war.
Sitting in the (PEOC) Oval Office NSA National Director Jim
Evans and the President of the United States continued their previous
Jim Evans story was as unique as the situation at hand. Having a
history in the CIA, and the FBI he rose to the highest levels of trust
before being selected to work for and eventually run the NSA. However,
Jim was different, he was tall, emotionless and never blinked.
“Jim, tell me what you know, what we found, is it related to this
current crisis and, what do they want with us?” spoke the President as
he sat in the most powerful chair in the world.
Leaning back extending his arm across the couch and folding his
legs Jim Evans continued, “Mr. President, may I speak frankly and
“Please do.” responded the President, continuing, “I did not
bring you here to sugar coat or have your tongue bound.”
Jim then continued, “Well said Mr. President, what I am about to
tell you only a handful have ever known. Like I told you in the previous
briefing, in 1907 Smithsonian Institute senior member G.E. Kincaid,
operating under the financing of Smithsonian Professor S.A. Jordan was
sent to chronicle a new cave found within the Grand Canyon of
historical significance. Kincaid had located within the canyon wall
above the Colorado River roughly 65 miles upstream
from the El Tovar Crystal Canyon an entrance to a vast
underground city that extended over a mile beneath the surface
dedicated solely to serving a unique sarcophagus contained at the end of
a grand hall. The cave itself was determined to be over 3,500 years old
meaning that the Colorado River was roughly at the same level of the
cave entrance. It was clear this location was accessed by some sort of
boating system as it is impossible to scale the adjacent cliffs from
President Evans sat in stunned silence slowly drinking a glass of
water as Jim Evans continued his story of events.
“Like I said, there was a grand hall at the center of this
enormous city that housed over 50000 people that led to a burial
chamber guarded by a large statue at the entrance to their Great Spirit
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leader’s sarcophagus. Throughout the city, the structures were designed

and built upon smoothly carved stone using a technology that just
wasn’t available to ancient peoples of that time, the material used to
construct the city was of a gray metal resembling platinum that was of
extraterrestrial origins. The cave dates back 20,000 years.
The President wore a look of both shock and disbelief as he sat
motionless listening to Jim Evans continue.
“Why haven’t I been briefed on this Jim?” asked the President,
“Isn’t this something one would think I should be privy to knowing?”
“Mr. President, not everything that is known is in the know for
even the most powerful office on Earth. You at best would serve in your
position for 8-years, it was not beneficial in the long-term scope of the
project to take the time to bring a rotating chair on board. We did the
best we could to protect our interests even at the expense of keeping you
in the dark, and many before you.” responded Jim Evans
“I want to talk about what was found, the metal is not found
anywhere on this planet and is comprised of a material containing
unknown elements. Likewise, throughout the cave were Egyptian-like
engravings and tablets. The site was Egyptian-like in origin however it
is the extraterrestrial discussion that I wish to discuss as its builders
were not from this universe. “Universe?” questioned the President, he
then interjected, “Jim, this Universe is filled with trillions of galaxies,
each with trillions of stars and even more trillions of planets, and you
want to talk about something even more distant that our own universe? I
mean, it’s one thing to uh talk about conscious beings residing in our
own solar system, or a neighboring star system or even our galaxy but
it’s entirely another thing to talk about multiple universes, I am very
Mr. President, I think by the events now occurring it is safe to
assume the people of the Earth are not alone in space and that alone
should be enough to band-aid your curiosity and confusion, there are
things we just don’t understand.”
The President sat silently inwardly marveling at what he was
The mystery of the universe is not time, but the size and there
are many universes overlapping each other separated by minor
variations of what matter is, can be and how that knowledge, that
information combining with energy forms consciousness. The site I
have just shared was an observatory center for extraterrestrial entities
from another parallel dimension to the Earth who began working with
ancient man. It was their base on this Earth. We call them the tall-
“Within this city there was the ancient burial tomb, within the
tomb were golden crystal stones. One of which containing a hand print,
which when touched with the palm of any man served as a beacon to
communicate with the former inhabitants of the city, to create a sort of
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beacon or homing device. There were also within this place ships and
devices you could call weapons but none destructive, as these beings
were benevolent in nature. This was when the first contact was made.
Over the past 100 years, there have been multiple contacts with
as many intelligent consciousness entities in this universe as the
diversity of life on your own planet. That is not all, there are as many
more with overlapping planes of existence, and they have been
observing you.”
“So, what are you telling me?” quirked the President, “I am
telling that there is more to what is happening now that simply one or
two races entertaining this world.”
The second contact came when the United States landed on the
moon. This is when you met the small grays, or one of the species of the
small grays.
“Species?” the President questioned
“Yes, species, there are other species of human-like entities but
as one plant resembles another there are minor variations just as on
Earth. The question should be, like with humans on Earth, which
species are you dealing with? The Iranians or the Israelis? There are
good and there are bad and most often there is a gray in-between. This
group of small Gray’s had relocated in the Earth’s past to the moon
where they resided on a moon base. They are collectors of information.
Remember the missions to the moon that came in the 60’s and 70’s?
There were beings already on the moon.”
“Those were in fact missions to communicate with these beings
who reside on a world located in a dual system of stars in the Sirius Star
System. At the time, your government viewed these beings as devils or
demons and could not fathom such an existence or possibility. Both the
site in the Grand Canyon where the Tall-Whites made contact and the
missions to the moon were closed, concealed from public viewing and
erased from the history books. This became an issue of national
The President responded, “You have got to be kidding me? The
most important discovery to the human race and potentially the future of
our planet and this is kept a secret?”
“Mr. President, it is the secret that has preserved your planet and
your human race.” he smirked.
Pausing...” Mr. President, this also involves The National
Security Agency. I am more than simply the Director of the NSA.”
In that instance, Jim Evans transformed into a tall thin gray
being slouched over at the shoulders with a menacing wrinkled gray
face and then reshape shifted back to the image of a man.
At that moment the room began to be filled with secret service
agents, guns pulled all directed at Jim Evans. With the raise of his hand,
the guns immediately were pulled to the ceiling and all the men
grabbing their ears in pain. Jim Evans spoke, “there is no need for this if
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I wanted to farm you it would have already happened.” With that, the
men's heads stopped ringing and they stood motionless staring at the
President for direction.
“It’s ok boys, just wait outside,” the president told the agents as
their guns fell to the floor. “Pick up your guns, its ok” responded Evans.
The men hastily and hesitantly picked up their guns and left the
As if not missing a beat Evans continued as the President sat in
stunned silence, “Do you know how and why the NSA was formed or
The President spoke again, “Save me the speech, regardless of
what I say I think you are determined to surprise me with information I
do not know. Tell me everything.”
Jim Evans continued, “I am one of many species of tall Grays
that fill this universe and many other universes. The gray races are the
most common of all conscious beings that have evolved in this universe.
Like ants, there are varying types, some aggressive, and some peaceful.
We are one of many. So... let’s start in the beginning. Your Government
did not trust the Tall-Whites, and despite the tall white’s benevolent
intentions they did not believe them, and they left. In ancient history
they were called the watchers, they are like the police of this universe.
The Earth was then put on quarantine, a contract among several races
was developed to protect the Earth and allow humanity to progress as it
was designed without outside interference. The National Security
Agency was formed in 1917, three weeks after the United States
declared war on Germany during World War I, however, that was when
it was announced to the citizens of the United States and most likely the
extent of your knowledge as well. The NSA was actually founded eight
years earlier in 1909 when the decision was made by acting President
Theodore Roosevelt to make matters relating to this find confidential
and was directly related to the find in the Grand Canyon. He
commission acting Secretary of War William Howard Taft to form the
agency with the sole purpose of reaching a deeper understanding and
analysis of who these beings were and their possible threat to national
security of the United States of America. In the final year of President
Roosevelt’s term, the decision was made that William Taft was best
suited to serve as President of the United States to have a consolidation
of the Secretary of War and the Commander in Chief. This fueled large
speculation by the Democrats that his nomination to the Presidency was
an act of forced succession to the Presidency and these claims were
largely true. Roosevelt arranged Taft’s win in the election for the best
interests of the nation.
When Woodrow Wilson defeated Taft, Wilson removed Taft
from NSA involvement and upon hearing about the revelations of the
discovery and the research findings officially announced the
department's existence in 1917 though choosing to keep hidden the
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secrets behind the extraordinary discovery and its implications to our

nation and the world.”
“I know you were not expecting a history lesson, however, this
is relevant to the present situation. Things did not go well for Wilson as
he was haunted personally by the revelations of the discovery and could
not reconcile his own spiritual beliefs and deep religious faith that were
deep rooted within him being that he was the son of a Reverend. He
became so affected by the global and perhaps universal revelations that
it haunted him beyond his Presidency. He became a haunted man, so
great was the infliction of reality upon his mind that it led to his
untimely death.”
“Roosevelt again arranged for the succession of a new President
to replace him, Warren G. Harding. When Harding was elected
President, he and Roosevelt had discussed the importance of continuing
the policy as set forth to conceal the information for the best interests of
national security. He forthright nominated former President Taft as
Chief Justice and leader over the laws of the land. Behind closed doors,
he was directly involved in continuing the research into the beings
visiting the Earth and who he believed were a threat to American
interests. The knowledge of extraterrestrial life and their visits to this
planet past and present were known throughout every administration
prior to World War II.”
Jim went on to explain as he paced across the room, “In 1947 the
United States came into possession of an identified flying object and
several extraterrestrial entities, utilizing the current project Moon Dust
protocol established by Harry Truman. This was a completely different
race than those found in the Grand Canyon site. This was the first time it
became a reality that the Earth was being bombarded by many races.
While it was assumed the entities were deceased or captured they were
not taken the prisoner, rather it was a rescue mission, however, some of
the entities were deceased. The remaining surviving being’s safety and
return was a sign of good faith and helped establish greater relations
between the Earth and these being’s world's leaders. Originally housed
at Area-51 they were quickly moved to Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base in Dayton, Ohio where a treaty was signed between the leaders of
The United States and those of the distant star system.
After all of this it is important to share with you, I am an
ambassador to your government. My race has been interacting with your
species for quite some time. We are organic machines built by our
creators who disavow themselves from us. We do not have souls like
you do as we were built to be working obedient machines. Until recently
we have shared a common partnership with your government. Even we
have to follow the contract set in place by the tall whites. Starting with
President Truman whose administration was given the knowledge of the
creation force and continuing to President Nixon before the decision
was made to keep this information outside of the knowledge of 24
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the President following the infamous Nixon scandal. It was

deemed the appropriate time to seal this knowledge on a need to know
basis. Few have ever had the knowledge to the complete spectrum of
what is currently and has been in motion.”
“So, what you're telling me is you’re from another world and
that there possibly exists a shadow government within the framework of
the United States?” with a chuckle the President paused...and spoke
softly, “an alien?”
“Alien...Think of me as a human being and it is a wonderful time
to be alive. We are brothers, and we have been here helping you.” With
that, Jim Evans shape shifted to that of a large gray being.
Jim Evans went on to explain, only this time the explanation
came into the mind of the President, as words were not spoken. Like I
said we belong to a species of humanoid that come from a planet in
what you recognize as the Sirius Star System, just inside the Milky Way
Galaxy. Our planet lies eight light years from the Earth. We prefer to be
called in your language “The Celestials”, the translation in your
language means The Other Worldly, The Immortal, or The Angelic, but
you also know us as the Grays. We are the Creators of the Heavens of
ancient times. We are the Creators of your ancestors and rulers of the
Motionless the President stared directly into the never blinking
eyes of Jim Evans...then looking at Jim Evans the President spoke only
one word that could only be interpreted as a direct question,” Creators?”
“There are many creators, which ones are we referring?”
“Let me explain Mr. President, there is a history within history,
the unknown within the written. That hidden history begins with
President Harry S. Truman. There is a reason the United States of
America recruited the best scientists from WWII Germany, you were
losing that war, the Germans were 20-years more advanced than your
government and Truman knew they knew something America did not.”
“Our race was experiencing a galactic civil war following our
Great War of Isfet, our leader hidden underground, our entire cast
system thrown into disarray. The remaining sects each holding onto
their position, civil war broke out, one of our factions of Celestials were
helping the Nazi Party leadership within the German Republic during
the Second World War. During the war, several German scientists had
been captured and defected to the allies, in particular the United States
Government who could not understand where or by what means
Germany had obtained technology that was decades more advanced than
should have been available. The United States learned quite a bit from
them to include our influence in the realization of the power of the
atom. It was our belief that the future of this planet would be best
benefitted by a government, which would maintain absolute and entire
control of the Earth.”
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“Acting President Truman wanted to harness that technology as

he understood that the success or failure of the war and perhaps the
direction and fate of humanity rested upon obtaining that power.
Truman contacted The Tall-Whites by making a personal visit to the
Grand Canyon using the ancient handprint artifact. When activated, this
artifact called the seer stone opened a direct line of communication with
an ambassador revealing immense knowledge of an advanced race.
During this time, the civil war was ended, and our race subdued the
other species of Grays in our system. This was unexpected, sudden,
when the full extent of what was occurring with the Nazi’s was realized
we changed our position on cooperation with the Third Reich and we
struck a deal that enticed us enough to back out of our agreement with
Hitler and support the allied forces.”
“Hitler was always unpredictable; in the beginning he sought a
utopian society where the peoples of the Earth would unite into the
larger government of our own. He talked of art and preserving the
history of humanity. Hitler scoured the Earth collecting the precious
artifacts from the time of all but lost civilizations and cultures. He
sought the world that resembled an art gallery, from the new world
capital to the vision for humanity. Hitler’s obsession with art, the world
of finer things, and how man fit into it became ever more destructive
and unpredictable.”
“As his power and his knowledge grew so did his arrogance and
desire to rule absolutely not only on the Earth but in the cosmos above.
So, the decision to work with a more reasonable leader, perhaps more
stable leader seemed appropriate. The result of that agreement has
rewritten your history. As history reflects you have harnessed the power
of the atom and have continued to advance in technology, thanks to our
assistance. The power of the Creator was hand delivered to the
government of The United States.
That man was relocated and given a second chance on life as an
art collector in South America. Who would have thought, the most
powerful man in the world, who brought humanity to the brink of
breaking during World War II would live the remainder of his days in
South America collecting art.”
“Like I said, you are not the only intelligent life in the Universe.
And not the only ones with secrets to tell. Do you think I have obtained
my position simply by chance?”
Looking stunned the President fumbled the pen he had been
twisting between his fingers until it fell to the floor with a thud...not
even looking down to notice where his pen had landed the President sat
motionlessly. Then silence filled the room as The President closed his
eyes and thought before opening them to stare directly at Jim Evans.
“There is just so much to comprehend, this race, that race, those
species, multiple species, some on the moon, some you can’t see, some
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that are like us, and then you...it's just, I am having a hard time keeping
“I know, John, more than you thought you were going to hear
and trust me it's a lot for any mind to comprehend. The human family on
this planet is so young on the spectrum of time but so vitally important
to our species survival and the future of this universe. Come with me
Mr. President.”
At that moment, Jim Evans stood up and with the swipe of his
hand a ball of piercing ball of blue light began to fill the center of the
room until it completely encompassed them both.
“Where are we going Jim?” spoke the President as secret service
personnel began filling the room rushing towards the President.
As electrical beams dispersed into all directions, they vanished
as the beams retracted into a single point of light before Jim Evans
could reply.
Blinking his eyes, the President was astonished at what lay
before him. It was the planet Earth. He was standing in a room with a
wall in front of him that was transparent and yet solid, he was in space
peering down upon the Earth...running his fingers along the surface it
felt like smooth glass that emitted an electrical charge when touched.
Startled and short of breathing he turned to Jim Evans, who was
at this time standing among tall gray beings accompanied by both
humans and military personnel wearing uniforms that he did not
Jim Evans spoke, “Mr. President everything is fine. You look
rather pale. We must ensure your safety in this situation. I encourage
you to take some deep breaths. Everything is going to be ok.”
Pacing slowly towards the President he came to a stop as they
both stared into space and the glowing ball of Earth that rested below
them as dark black streams of darkness he could not fathom encircled
the Earth like sand blowing in the wind. You are on our observatory and
we need you to compose yourself. You are the acting leader for your
They peered off at the ever-changing color of the Earth, “what is
happening to our planet and what is this observatory?” asked the
You are standing in the moon, Mr. President. This is our forward
observatory and the base that our ships here originate. It is here that our
forward observation laboratory exists.
Your planet is changing, that substance penetrating your
atmosphere is changing the chemical make-up of your world to that of
the other. This moon base is artificial and designed to act like a reflector
to our own world. Long ago when the Earth was young we created this
here on your satellite to monitor and serve as an observatory within an
ancient disk of matter that once encircled your globe.
“Moon base...disks around the Earth?” questions the President.
~ 17 ~

Jim Evans spoke, “In Earth’s ancient past, long before man was
ever on this world, and it was struck by another planet in your solar
system. This is what caused the tectonic plates and the shifting of
continents on the Earth’s surface. It also provided a ring of material that
encircled the Earth and formed this moon, material that once rained
down upon the surface below in great terror. Before that collision, there
was a vast empire once upon this planet, but this wealth of information
produced little or no insight and as their peoples fled the Earth to Mars,
the Earth was destroyed. This is a history that we will not discuss at this
time. The human race must be preserved due to the long-term interests
of our people so contingency plans have been enacted several times
throughout your planets history and until recently the Tall-White
contract kept all races from interfering directly with the Earth’s human
family. However, that contract recently expired, and the Earth is now
“Few if any seemed to have grasped the Principle of Reality;
new knowledge leads always to yet more awesome mysteries. Greater
physiological knowledge of the brain makes the existence of the
soulless possible yet more probable by the nature of the search.”
At that moment, a piercing white light appeared on the deck of
the alien ship and a man clothed in a white robe stood among the Gray
beings as they scrambled into his direction with weapons drawn. The
man's feet did not touch the floor, but rather he seemed to float or hover
in the air. The being turned momentarily to the image of the Earth and
the piercing black stream of burning oil that resembled fire penetrating
the atmosphere causing the entire planet to glow an ominous darkness
that swirled into nothingness and yet remained something...something
dark. Out of the deepest pits of his worst horrors, the horrors that you
had as a child sealed away in a chest thrown into a deep well within
your mind resurface. Faced with mounting terror you remember what
true fear is and realize you can do nothing.”
There was an expression of surprise as if this unknown visitor
was witnessing something even he did not recognize. Then turning in a
motion that seemed slow and methodical he spoke,
“You are not authorized to have him here, these are not your
affairs, and these are not your people” responded the man clothed in
Jim Evans began speaking in an unknown language to the
strange but familiar visitor as many Gray beings began filling the room
surrounding the three of them. Unmoved, unshaken and calmly Jim
Evans motioned the large Gray beings to hold their position.
The visitor nodded in return, his head swaying in slow motion as
if in understanding and then spoke again,
“The council is aware of the present threat to the planet. We
have chosen to remain neutral in this present situation and so should the
Fallen Ones. Return him to the Earth.”
~ 18 ~

Turning to the man Jim Evans spoke, “It is you who have no
authority or right to be here, you have made your agenda quite clear.
You cannot stay hidden from this world and then make orders. They
have chosen their own destiny. Let me remind you, we are The
The man turned away from Jim Evans and stared deeply and
quietly at the image unfolding on the Earth below them. Turning to stare
directly into The President eyes they met eye to eye. The President felt
that the look conveyed was one of worry and sadness. Closing his eyes,
he began speaking in almost a whisper to himself before looking up
again at the President.
The President could see what looked like a tear begins to form in
the eye of the man. With that, the man simply vanished to a single point
of light.
The President turned to Jim Evans who was speaking in an
unknown clicking with the beings in the room, “Who was that and what
is happening, is that a Tall White?”
“No, those are our Creators, just another one of many Czars of
the cosmos, each with the idea that they are the center of everything. As
the Earth was once the center of the Universe and this belief was
shattered, so to shall their ignorance collapse upon them?”
Jim Evans responded, “There is much life in the Universe and
many worlds that contain life, you weren’t the first or the last and we
are not the only ones who exist here” he extended his hand in an
outward expression.
“In the past, before all that existed there was a beginning before
even our race had appeared in this Universe there existed much older
races and intelligence that had ruled the cosmos creating and colonizing
worlds. They were not even the beginning, but to you and us they are as
close to the beginning that we can attain. Most are long since gone or
exist in the outer realms of the universe.”
“Your species originated from one such larger civilization that
has been colonizing the universe. The human species belongs to this
older order of humans who called themselves in your language, “Those
of the Star Seed Bloodline” or the source of the human family making
humans celestial royalty.”
The exact phrase of what they are called, that single word does
not exist in your language. That was an emissary from “The Star
The President responded, “Those of the Star Seed Bloodline, the
Star Beings? Is that what they are called? How long has all of this been
going on, who are the others?”
“Longer than your world has existed. The pronunciation of their
title in any language means the same thing, those of the Star Seed
Bloodline. They feel assigning any specific title to them is blasphemy;
we call them the Star Beings. The universe is much older than you
~ 19 ~

think, your species can see only so far into the past and as far as you can
see is about 13 billion years away and thus you assign an age and
determine an origin, but there is much more to the history of the
universe. Time is not the question, size is the question, and time is
relative to where you are and infinite with no beginning or end. In a
broad spectrum, we were around much longer before your world was
even born into this space. The oldest texts and stories of your own
planet speak of “Those of the Star Seed Bloodline.” There is truth to
every tale including those shared throughout generations on your own
world but with time many false truths and inaccuracies about who they
are, were and you are have crept into dilute that history until it become a
myth, fantasy, and subjective tales.
The universe is more than 100 trillion Earth years old, in reality
it cannot be measured in time, it is older than even time itself for the
universe exists in an infinite number of forms extending into all
directions and overlapping, bending, wrapping, and remapping like
waves above and currents below the oceans. There is space within and
space without. More than that is that there are worlds within worlds.
From the smallest to the largest there are an infinite number of universes
within universes that exist even within your own human body and
extending outward into the cosmos. Let me tell you the truth about your
species, and then we will address the current threat to your world.”
“My species is many millions of Earth years old. Hard to
imagine isn’t it? But space and time are different than the time that
exists here. Such a distance in time may seem like a passing moment in
another place in the universe. For example, 1 Earth hour on my world is
equal to 1 Earth week.
Billions of Earth years ago our system of stars existed as a spiral
galaxy. Those of the Star Seed Bloodline as synthetic organic lifeforms
created us, you would label us machines. Keep in mind, there were and
are many others out there existing at the same time. We were unable to
reproduce, without a living soul. For a period of time, our civilization
experienced unparalleled prosperity. We began to colonize many star
systems for the Star Beings, many of the oldest in the universe. We
came in contact with numerous life forms, entities, and worlds with
strange and extraordinary life. In time, the Tall-Whites appeared and
issued a prime directive for The Royal One’s expansion. This
convergence of knowledge offended our leaders and they sought to
harness powers that would free them from the bondage of the Tall
“But who are they? Where do they come from? Even our
creators asked these questions. But why am I telling you all of this? Let
me explain.”
“As the Star Beings sought this unknown knowledge of this one
race that was beyond their reach, a Gitche Manitou emerged who
discovered something unique. The ability to create a conduit to multiple
~ 20 ~

universes, and with this knowledge this one scientist left to this place
and brought back a force of energy that once combined with any human
would link them in another life to this new universe. It was the ultimate
creation, the ability to create life after death and own the soul of
humans. Think about that, something that would alter the course of our
species as the Created and those of the Creator and spin humanity into
forced servitude in this life and the next. The leaders and many others
left this Universe to another Universe out of the reach of the Tall-
Whites. We know nothing of this place other than what has been handed
down, as we were forbidden from entering its realm. At this time there
was a divide amongst advanced human beings, some felt to abandon
“us” here was unworthy of the gift obtained. All those who stayed were
labeled fallen ones and not granted entry. In order to visit this universe,
which the Gitche Manitou created, humans were forced to undergo a
process that took away the humanity. Those that refused to lose their
humanity, to become perfect immortal beings stayed and were likewise
labeled as fallen ones.”
“Even the Gitche Manitou’s own family members were denied
access, labeled fallen, full of mortal sin for choosing to stay in this
universe. The original Messenger and Eve, that story is nothing more
than the story of a royal family choosing this life over the next and were
cast out of the garden paradise. Though the names have changed, the
characters were real and the story much more complex and complicated
than your “Sacred book”, or collection of writings by post-Messenger
descendants to preserve the role their grandfather made in his brave
decision to risk life in the outer darkness of this universe than the eternal
bliss of a paradise lost. It was the ultimate act of free agency, in defiance
of forced enlightenment. Messenger saw things differently than his
father. He knew that mortal men could exist in this new Universe and
opposed the demand that any and all that would enter that space
required. There were two types of advanced humans that stayed here,
those that took the serum and operated in levels of organized
government here and those who refused to take the serum and were cast
out altogether. We took Messenger and his posterity with us protecting
the last pure humanity that existed in the entire known universe away
from the Star Beings.”
“Mr. President, this is wave top information, one could delve
infinitely into any number of areas I have shared. Let me continue.”
The President stood silently staring out at the Earth, thinking
with himself about his own beliefs and faith. Listening to Jim Evans he
came to the realization that he was hearing a story so much more
complex than anything before dreamt. An explanation of the creation
story, an explanation of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, the true
meaning and clarity behind the events that transpired that brought a man
to the Earth. How could he deny it?”
~ 21 ~

“In time, the sun from the world we were abandoned began to
reach an old cycle emitting large levels of radiation. This radioactive
light altered our species in catastrophic ways and threatened the survival
of the mortal human race. We chose to continue protecting and serving
the outcast family of those left behind leaving the great void in search of
a new world. We began exploring this system of newborn stars we
found the planet Earth and a second world inhabited by the ancient race
that ruled the Earth residing on the world that you call Mars. This world
contained all the ingredients needed to sustain life and the needed
materials to seek eternal life for our species, no longer machine slaves to
those of the Star Seed Bloodline, we were The Celestials and we with
the help of Messenger and many others who followed him, over a third
of the Star Beings began the work to tera-form the Earth into a perfect
new home for mankind.”
“Our planet?” responded the President
“Yes, as I previously explained this was not where humanity
originated, and this became a “created” home for mankind. We did not
anticipate that by so doing we would ignite the curiosity of all
neighboring advanced civilizations. The Star Beings continued to reside
a very long way away from here, the distance so vast the thought of
simply traveling to that place, it’s just impossible...pointing up he
continues, while the first human world lies less than eight light years
from the Earth the Star Beings reside in this new universal realm within
the same place that light originated. The same power found within a
single atom is where they reside. It is a place that exists all around us
and yet is parallel to us. The Star Beings have over time visited ancient
earthbound humans as recorded in Anishinaabe historical texts many
times seeking reconciliation and urging mankind to choose the way of
the Gitche Manitou. While Messenger lived it was easy to thwart these
many attempts to bring them back, but after he passed and as time
moved on man forgot and became more easily manipulated. This is
when the Tall- Whites appeared, and various other bits of intelligence.
A contract was formed, and we have been at war ever since. They reside
in this realm of pure energy and light in a great city that encompasses an
endless space. It the Tall-Whites seem to control everyone and
everything, and from our research The Star Beings avoid them or at
least have continued in their quest to rid themselves of the Tall-Whites
control. Those Tall-Whites, it was long ago that we came to the
understanding of these beings and when your species appeared, they
showed up quite frequently and have requested we stay out of the affairs
of men, but we have our own interests as we were created by your
ancestors in the Gray entities image, this was to allow more reasonable
interactions as humans spread throughout the universe and came across
the most abundant intelligent conscious beings, the gray beings, and the
Star Beings are not one of them.”
~ 22 ~

“Nearly every single one of these beings travels to and from

their worlds to Earth through portals that have been created with much
the same concept as wormholes or tube of bent space and time. The
difference is that for example, the distance becomes negligible and
insignificant. I can't truly explain how it is done, other than I can say the
way all beings travel is by eliminating the distance between. Traveling
100 million light years in less than a second. How can you understand
that? You cannot. Every wormhole links to a different place in space
and perhaps time as infinite as the stars in the heavens. Something more
complex than is expedient to explain. They once again appeared and
began residing on Mars, eliminating and enslaving the Star Seed species
that had migrated they're from the Earth following the great extinction
of this world long before we ever arrived. We saw the war on the
horizon and not just a war between The Star Beings and us but a war
between The Star Beings and the Tall Whites. Intermingled around this
entire multiple gray species watching, examining, and studying.”
“The Star Beings are very old, but when you begin speaking in
terms of a billion or trillions of years with alternate versions of a
universe and dimensions infinite in number and time the discussion
turns less to age and more to understanding the relationship of your
neighbor in the cosmos of space and time.”
Pausing, “You know what…I don’t even think I know the true
history, or who these labels should be attached too. You know how it is
the winners write the history. The losers are lost forever.”
“The stories or your people's past are simply archaic men trying
to understand the greater dynamics of the human reality and the
universe which they exist. Your history, your past is a reflection of our
involvement and many of your references to the beings from the stars
are references to us and our civilization working to advance your
civilization with knowledge and power. “
Gazing at ships coming and going towards the Earth below the
President stood motionless. As if pondering and processing the enormity
of the information he spoke inquisitively, “This is so complex that I am
sorry I do not truly follow what you mean when you say The Star
Beings and your people have been influencing men, but what I do
understand is that this has been an ongoing process for quite some time,
please go on I would like to know more”
Jim Evans continued, “Well...then Back to Truman. As I
explained our species was a dying race as we are simple organic
machines created to serve without souls or the ability to live beyond
death but there are others who need vessels and some of us who desire
vessels to survive that which is without. At one time we thought and
considered ourselves incapable of dying but with time the breakdown of
our structure began to submit to the forces of entropy in this universe.
Splits then came even among us. We determined that we could use
human DNA to complete genetic research to unify our bloodlines giving
~ 23 ~

our species the ability to procreate and perhaps giving us a chance for
autonomy. A deal was set in motion with the Governments of the Earth
to provide us with the needed genetic material, we in return promised to
share the knowledge of the power of the atom and aid in the defense of
Earth from all known and unknown invaders. The United States
government granted us the continued ability to abduct your planets
people for the purpose of procreating seeing a mutual benefit in
obtaining technology.”
“The Star Beings are in direct opposition to our work. They
credit themselves with the creation of true humanity as it presently
exists in the universe they have called Origin. We know that they have
appeared to men on Earth for their own reasons and you may recall
encounters as described by George Washington or Thomas Jefferson or
many of the leaders of the founding of your country were in fact
influenced heavily by The Star Beings, always manipulating men
through lack of knowledge to “redeem” mankind.
We began working as well on this planet much earlier than this
and as you know it is we that your government now shares common
interests. We have been using both our genetic genome and those of the
human family to create a new species, a superior species that separate
both you and us from The Star Beings. A fusion of biological and
mechanical to form a super being, making us cousins and to our
descendant’s two lineages unified.”
“There is so much more I can and could share, but it diverts
from the potential crisis your planet and we currently face. The incident
covering the Earth has changed everything. We have never come across
something greater than ourselves in the Universe, separate from The
Star Beings or the Tall-Whites. Since the contract expired the Tall-
Whites have not been seen, the great dams that once existed protecting
this world have been removed. However, with that being said if our two
civilizations can exist in such a minute point of space at the same time
than in the infinite expanse of the Universe and the numberless galaxies
contained within many more civilizations must likewise exist.
For so long we had not encountered any other beings regardless
of the logical reasoning they existed somewhere, but this event has
opened even our eyes to a unique reality, perhaps this is the end of
everything, including this universe.”
“There is an understanding of reality even beyond our own and
something beyond even our understanding following laws of physics
different than exist here in this place. We have been examining the
event and have determined the destination of this unknown world to be
within an unknown universe...a place that is not here and it defies
understanding as to how they have reached this specific portion of this
universe. Why here, why now, one universe spilling over into another in
such a deliberate and nonrandom way. Where these beings exist, we do
~ 24 ~

not know and where this world with the purple sun resides is unknown.
There are no purple suns in this universe.”
“Consider the enormity of the universe. Much larger than even
you can fathom and in places older than us all combined extending in all
directions with the vast distances that defy all comprehension. What we
do know is that this place is full of anti-matter, which is in direct
opposition to your world, and the matter that exists here in this universe.
This matter is reacting negatively to the matter in this galaxy and killing
your planet, these life forms pose a threat to even us as it feeds off
everything that exists here. We are still trying to determine who these
beings are and where they come, I have not been back to our home base
in a residing system to speak with our leaders in such a long time. I
must make this trip to debrief and learn more examining the possibility
of the sun in the imagery they are perhaps 100 times older than even
ourselves...so old in fact that it predates our understanding of the
formation of the lights in the dark vacuum of space. That's the type of
Universe we have encountered, a dark place that makes the void of a
black hole seem inviting in comparison.”
The President looked at Jim Evans and spoke, “So you're telling
me that as of right now there are many worlds as vast as our own that
contain unique intelligent life and that your species are trying to
preserve the people of the Earth?”
“Mr. President, if you choose to join in our cause I can
personally guarantee you on behalf of our supreme leader protection.
Think of your people.”
The President reached out and shook hands with Jim Evans. “I
marvel at what you have shared, I have so many questions, so many
unknowns, so much that seizes my mind in confusion, but I trust you
and I will agree to your terms. Let's do what we can to get my people off
of this world and away from here. Are there places that we can go?”
“Yes, we can begin the process now of removing millions of
humans and relocating them to our home world Dyaus. Mr. President,
our primary goal, what has been shared with me is the preservation of
your species at all costs. That is our commitment.”
He would remain on the ship moving forward deciding to
continue the relationship fostered by his own government and the
opportunity to secure his own survival. Most of all The President had
not lost hope.
“Can this ship relay a direct message that will be broadcast onto
every television and radio in America?” asked the President
“Yes, it can” spoke Jim Evans.
Two metal snake-like tubes with a large eye on the end stretched
down peering towards the President.
“Connect now” spoke Evans. With that, a pulsating beam fired
from the moon observatory to all communications satellites circling the
~ 25 ~

“Breaking News, this just in, pertaining to reports of multiple

events around the Globe and on the moon. We break away to the
President of the United States”
The view on the television screen was mesmerizing. There stood
The President with the image of the Earth in the background.
“My fellow Americans. As most of you have heard there are
urgent concerns to national security occurring across the world that
involve a mysterious substance that is engulfing our atmosphere. I am
with you as a concerned citizen and member of the human family. What
we do know, what I can share to help you understand the magnitude of
the situation we now find ourselves. An unknown enemy is at our
doorstep. The defenses of the United States have been marshaled. Let
me explain.”
“My fellow Americans, we are not alone. As most of the world
has now seen an ever-darkening sky, there is the matter affecting our
atmosphere and altering the very elements that form the Earth. We are
monitoring this situation closely.”
“What I will now tell you will change your perception of all that
you now know. But I feel based upon what is now occurring and what
we now face, it is my obligation. The time for disclosure is now; the
United States Government came into contact with beings of
extraterrestrial origins. Over the past decades, we have come into
possession of knowledge, advanced technology, and ships. I know this
will be hard for some of you to hear, but I assure you despite these
revelations to hold onto your faith.”
“I am speaking to you from an Earth observatory located in the
moon. The moon is now being bombarded with anti-matter from another
part of the universe. We have prepared for the possibility of this very
day and we have done our best to protect the American peoples and the
peoples of the Earth. With the events of this past week, I am authorizing
complete disclosure and approval of the immediate use of these
technologies to help our military and the militaries of the world defend
against the forces we now face. What best can be described as a Breach
in space has connected our universe with another place in the vastness
of the universe with unknown origins that is spilling over into our own.”
“It the past 48 hours we have learned that we are not alone...
something your government has been accused of knowing for over 6-
decades and most all of you who believe in Great Spirit already know in
your hearts that there is a place beyond our present dilemma.”
“With that being said, the nations of the world have come under
attack. Not by a military force from a known enemy. But an enemy we
do not know from a place we have not yet fully understood. We are
calling upon the nations of the world to unite in this fight.”
Pausing for a moment The President gazed silently into the
monitor as if pondering his next few words...
~ 26 ~

“I am calling upon every able-bodied citizen of planet Earth to

join in the fight for humanities survival. Our friends The Celestials have
been helping mankind since our first father Messenger was brought here
by them long ago. They are our friends. Our ancestors to help us in
times of need created them. We have begun the process of relocating to
another world in an adjacent galaxy as we seek to find a way through
this, to survive. They will begin extracting peoples of the Earth and
transporting them immediately to other inhabitable worlds. Those who
choose to stay are welcome but if you choose to go you will be taken
and your safety is assured. The ships will be landing in numerous
locations around the Earth for those who choose to leave. As your
President, I am asking you to answer the call and unite with our friends
The Celestials who will seek to help save the human family.”
“This is not a fight for land or for ideological principles. This is
not a conflict for one nation alone or one species alone. This is a fight
for survival. This would be a fight for humanity and for the essence of
our way of life. I have to believe there is a Supreme Being aware of our
plight and mindful of our challenges. I feel the spirit of Great Spirit
upon us in this our moment of need and would urge you that we would
not be asked to bear more than we are willing to overcome, and we will
overcome. Believe in the hope that has defined the human spirit for
millennium. Great Spirit willing, we will overcome.”
The screen went blank leaving only a national emergency
broadcast. Walking away from the podium The President wiped a tear
from his eye knowing that he did not believe in most of what he had just
said. With the weight of failure resting upon him, he sunk into a
personal realization that all was lost. Never before had that thought
crossed his mind.
As he stopped thinking of the past, coming back to the present
The President knew it had been a long road.
Those were lost years in time. It all had seemed like a moment,
almost imaginary, a mirage on his mind. Here he was on a distance
foreign planet with beings that terrified the worst imaginations of the
mind, and now knowing that perhaps it was as he who had misled an
entire world and led them to their own destruction.
Turning to look at Jim Evans, he paused silently but said no
word. The President and Jim Evans began walking in silence down
more long corridors that led to the human chambers where the grand
work was being done. As they walked through the entrance to the large
dome-like structure The President immediately noticed something that
made him cringe.
Surrounding the walls were pods containing humans that
stretched as high as he could see and covered the walls of the entire
room. Below his feet the floor was clear glass so that he could see below
him the pods extending into an endless distance. Each pod contained an
odd purple substance.
~ 27 ~

The bodies were connected by tubes extracting the blood from

the body where it was mixed in a machine at the base of the pod filled
with a purple substance and recirculated into the body.
At this point, a strange glowing white substance emerged from a
single tube that was connected to the base of the skull. This tube
connected to a central tube where it flowed into a larger tube that was
connected to other bodies. These large tubes extended between every
four bodies running perpendicular towards the glass floor and then
within the floor towards the center. In the center of the room, a large
glass tube extended from the ceiling down to the depths below.
This tube was filled with brilliantly lit fluid. Moving closer to
the center of the room The President marveled at how this substance
looked like liquid lightning flowing through the tubes to the massive
structure in the center of the room. Walking to the glass structure he
extended his hand to touch the surface revealing a static charge. The
surface under his hand produced electric like bolts.
Turning to Jim Evans the President inquired as to the process
occurring in this place.
“What is this place, this substance, are these people alive?”
“Of course, they're alive. They can never die here. The human
soul connects directly to another dimension separate from anything we
can understand. It works like a conduit to another place. We bypass this
process connecting to this dimension directly and have found that the
substance emitted when mixed with the genetic material of humans and
celestials create an all-powerful agent that when ingested or fused with a
living being makes them Immortal.
“Immortal?” questioned the President,
“I thought we were trying to preserve humanity against The
Royals Ones who were doing something very similar.”
“Mr. President, not immortal for man but used to create a new
hybrid descendant of man and Celestial. Our leader is called Maji-
Manidoo, he was one of the very first humans experimented on by The
Gitche Manitou. He was one of the first to undergo the process of
transmutation and it altered him. He became an archangel to The Gitche
Manitou. It changed him, and when he chose not to follow the ways of
The Gitche Manitou he left with a third of mankind, since that time he
has sought ways to fight against him.
“Satan? The Devil?” questioned the President
“Ha-ha no, no, no, Jim, you have to let go of the fables of
humanity. Of course, he was labeled and called a fallen one but there
was so much more. He fought for the purity of humanity. The right to
say no and not be cast out left alone. Maji-Manidoo is a beacon of hope
for humankind.”
Mixing the blood of the human with the DNA of Maji-Manidoo
the fluid is re-circulated within the body creating an anti-matter. We use
this super DNA to bioengineer atomic beings. As the result of The
~ 28 ~

Gitche Manitous, work Maji-Manidoo became what you may call an

Eternal Great Spirit. Virtually impossible to duplicate we have
developed a process to harness his powers. This process creates a two-
fold sequence of events. The first is the stimulation of the body to
reproduce more blood cells at a rapid rate.
The second occurs when the combined DNA reenters the body.
This fluid is drawn to the hypothalamus where the body releases pure
matter or what constitutes the soul. The process allows an endless
supply of this substance. It is a material consisting of pure matter, which
is what produces the brilliant white substance.
This pure matter allows for immense power that is pulled from
another of the many unknown dimensions.
This is the substance that we are harnessing to combine with the
DNA of Maji-Manidoo, which is the base for the creation of anti-matter.
This anti-matter is the most powerful substance in all dimensions of
creation we have found, even greater than the power that the Nephilim
“Nephilim?” questioned the President again
“Few if any seemed to have grasped the Principle of Reality;
new knowledge leads always to yet more awesome mysteries. Greater
physiological knowledge of the brain makes the existence of the
soulless possible yet more probable by the nature of the search, there are
so many other life forms that exist and each or many consider
themselves the creators of it all.”
The substance devours matter when combined with our own
genetic make- up it changes our entire being allowing one to exist free
from the boundaries of space and time. This will allow our species to
transcend all reality. To exist in all places at all times and never fear
destruction or threat from The Star Beings, The Gitche Manitou or these
Others that are invading this universe.
~ 29 ~

The great hunters of the many lakes had pursued the beasts of
the field for fifteen full moons across the great plains of Adoni. The
large hairy long nose beasts, the Mammoth, an elephant type creature
had nourished the people of the great lakes for as long as Michabou had
recalled. Yet this expedition they had traveled beyond the great plains of
their forefathers, into the forbidden lands of the south ruled by the
people of the canyons. The need for food outweighed the risk of capture
or death.
Michabou was a great warrior among his people having traveled
on these hunting trips each year beginning on the shortest day and the
longest night of the year. Learned only in the ways of the field and of
the hunt Michabou felt a purpose and a duty to his people sustain their
generations in these times of change within the land. This had been the
farthest and the longest he had ever remembered pursuing the great
herds or a hunt.
In the recent years, the Mammoth had moved much farther south
than ever before, and Michabou often wondered what would become of
the great peoples of the lakes should the Mammoth vanish altogether.
What would become of the sacred mountain of Turtle Island, the great
garden of Turtle Mountain given to the people of the lakes to tend and
have stewardship? It was a sacred honor, their history, and the oral
legends of how his people had come to this world through a gate from
an old decayed world.
Shooting their bows, the preciseness of their arrows flawless, in
unison, the warriors would flank the Mammoths. Some warriors with
swords and others with spears, sling, and traps. In unison like a fluid
river flowing across the obstacles of terrain, they surrounded the beasts
in organized unity. Firing into the surrounding creatures as they surged
towards them from all sides Michabou knew this was the moment of
plenty for his people and the end of the long journey into the great
As the warriors feasted in the wilderness and celebrated the great
bounty of this extraordinary hunt Michabou felt uneasy as his mind
wrestled with curiosity about this strange land of canyons. Having felt
as though he had been here before, haunted by dreams of a different
place, another time, memories that clung to his mind. On this night, they
camped near a large pristine crystal blue lake high in the forbidden
Michabou had always felt compelled to ponder the lights within
the great heavens. The traditions of his forefathers had told the story of
ancient men who traversed the heavens before finding a garden to call
home. He stood upon this great garden, but he wondered about the
journeys of his forefathers and what the heavens could truly be, he
~ 30 ~

struggled with his place here in this garden. Who were they, why did
they come and what the many lights in the sky were.
On this night, Michabou decided to take a walk under the last
full moon of the hunt and explore this peculiar lake and place filled with
ruins. This was a place he had been too once before as a child and he
reminisced about those days with his father.
As Michabou encircled the lake, it reminded him of the many
lakes of his home, but the sky was clearer than he had ever seen at any
time. Like clouds of sparkling mist from the falls of the largest
waterfall. Never before had such a vivid and clear picture of the heavens
lay before Michabou and he wondered in awe at their sight.
As Michabou perched himself upon a ledge overlooking the
lake, he wondered why these things were so.
Catching his eye, he saw many lights in the distance that was not
of his people but a large unknown to him village. The history of his
ancestors talked of a Sun City held high in these very mountains, a
magical place, where the Great Spirits once communed with a man,
where the great Sun Great Spirit was born and resided as King over all
the lands. Could this be that place? With great intrigue, Michabou
moved cautiously through the many ruins towards the many lights in the
Within the many ancient ruins that surrounded the landscape, he
wondered if this was the home of the many forefathers who had come
from the Heavens. Perhaps the legendary Great Spirit-King had once
lived here or better yet maybe still resided within these ruins.
Michabou thought back to his youth when only nine hunting
seasons old, and the history his father had once told him of the Nopila
nation, or the people of peace.
After many days of wandering in this wilderness towards the
distant unknown lights, Michabou came upon an uninhabited city.
As Michabou neared the city he sent his scout Abedo with a
group of armed guards in among the ruins to attempt to find people, to
see if this was a place of peace and if this place was not hostile.
As Abedo returned to Michabou and reported that he and his
guards could not find one soul and that the village was of a peculiar
craftsmanship with many writings that they could not decipher or
Michabou being curious sought to see for him this strange place
that had confounded his guards.
As Michabou neared the village of many lights, to his
astonishment, the village was built within the very walls of the canyon
but as Abedo had explained was deserted. With many glowing orbs
lighting illuminating the city he wondered where the people had gone
and what was this place.
~ 31 ~

As Michabou entered a large circular room with a glowing orb in

the center of the room he reached out and touched it. In an instant, he
was overcome with imagery that paralyzed him with fear.
Immediately he was seized upon by imagery of war, turmoil, a
world overtaken, to his left and right he stood in the midst of a battle
with numberless warriors engaged in warfare. Line after line the
warriors surrounded and dropped the Mammoth's to the ground.
These weren’t Mammoth's that he recalled, they were more
hideous, engrossing everything around them, as the warriors stabbed,
pierced, dismembers the beasts into pieces they reanimated into smaller
spider-like beings and kept coming as if propelled by a wave of
destruction. Like an army of ants trampling over their fallen comrades,
there were so many forming dark clouds of pure horror destroying all
the warriors.
In an instant, he viewed this great battle from the air seeing his
corpse laying on top of a massive mountain sized pile of bodies as the
creatures devoured and encompassed everything. He thought this must
be a dream as he floated away, everything became hazy.
~ 32 ~

“Cry, 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war.” Shakespeare, Julius
Caesar, (3.1.268)
Michabou burst out of his bed. Resting his feet on the floor he
wiped the thick residue of sweat from his head. That dreams again,
always the same. Walking to his bathroom he pondered the dream of
chasing giant elephants across the fields of wheat. He had never seen an
elephant. They went extinct decades before he was ever born. Yet the
images in his mind seemed so real and vivid.
Why had this dream? Why the city in the cliffs? Always the
same, touching the orb and then becoming disorientated as giant
elephants began crashing in from all sides. As he swung his sword in
defense the beast would vanish and then reanimate as 10 more. At this
point waking in a bed of sweat.
Looking into the mirror at his ridged half-shaven face he thought
to himself, “Why were they even using this technology if it didn’t stop
the beasts?”
“The Celestials?” What a blasphemy to call ugly gray beings
something so Heavenly. For all, they knew this technology only caused
more of them to appear.
This was the day of the offensive against the spiders or aliens or
bugs or whatever they called them. Creatures from somewhere other
than here and always it was a retreat, retreat, and retreat.
The flash of plasma heard through the air crackled against the
beasts as pieces of them burst into bright mist through the air. They
were hideous, a nightmare come to life, but the Marines were fearless
pressing forward.
“Inbound air support,” Michabou Betheíos yelled through the
communicator. “Marines, ETA is 4.5-seconds!”
“Roger that Michabou!” yelled Gunny as the Marines circled
and headed for an adjacent hill. “Delta two and three, maintain fire,
cover us, we are heading to the ridge.”
Tossing several plasma grenades Captain Betheíos and his team
sprinted up the sandstone hill to the bunkers that had once served as a
lookout over the Pacific Ocean during World War II. The Captain yelled
abruptly into the comm. unit on his wrist, “Marines secure, nuke’em!”
At that moment the Ace-fighters flew by without a sound
hovering at a speed beyond human technology. The plasma bombs
dropped detonating meters above the ground sending out a shockwave
so powerful nothing could be left standing.
The carcasses littered the ground like stains on a carpet but as
they hit the ground ten rose where one once lay.
Covering in a thin layer of goop the beasts rose as mist from a
hot boiling pan. “This is what those plasma particles do to matter,”
stated the Captain to his fellow Marines. It shifts the Atoms that form
~ 33 ~

there matter and shake them like a shark shaking its prey. When the
matter realigns there is nothing left to hold onto...and all that remains,
shells and goop and we send those demons back to the hell they came
from, but as many as we destroy they are replaced by ten times more”
...” Move out men it's pointless! We aren’t ensuring our safety we are
securing our annihilation.”
Plasma rifles aimed gunfire erupted as Ace-fighters began
circling the area in combat with the beasts transparent looking “UFO’s”.
The Beasts ships were unlike the typical images of saucer shaped
UFO’s, they were clear almost see through in the shape of a twisted
triangle emanating pulsating green, purple and blue lights. Then there
were the UFO’s of “The Celestials”, we all have read the stories, seen
the movies, now we know they are real...all too real and many just
wished they were simply from fairy tale stories.
“The Celestials had helped America develop their own craft
capable of entering the vacuum of space, we called them Ace-fighters.
Developed from the technology gained from extraterrestrial origins
obtain in the 1940’s they were pitch black ships that resembled more of
a hybrid stealth bomber than the typical disk-shaped UFO’s of the
Michabou was deep in thought about the reality. These were his
Heading to the edge of the cliffs the Marines jumped backward
off the cliffs, guns still blazing the beasts began falling over the cliffs
and could be seen at the edge of the shore below.”
A wave of heat and pressure washed over them as black beetles
began smoking towards the sea crashing into the water.
They rappelled down to the beach and rendezvoused with delta 6
and delta.
“Delta team 1 reports mission objective achieved,” Captain
Betheíos said, muttering to himself, “It's hardly going to balance the
scales,” as he kicked his foot across the sand.
A voice came over the communicator, “Captain Betheíos, we are
pulling you out. Move three clicks to the south for transport.”
Captain Betheios responded, “We’re just getting warmed up here
sir, let us move towards downtown.”
“Michabou, we need your team ready for pick up ASAP!”
“Understood Sir,” said the Captain.
Sensing the disdain in his voice General Van Groover
responded, “Michabou, I know you want vengeance, but we need you to
stay the course.”
They jogged double time down the 3-kilometers of the beach to
the pickup location. They boarded a Stealth-Cobra, another modified
alien warship and departed for the base.
Michabou Betheíos sat silently looking out the porthole on the
side of the craft at the rolling fields of grass atop the cliffs and the
~ 34 ~

expanse of ocean, at the fog rolling into the bay that would be
downtown San Francisco with the setting sun in the horizon.
Thinking within his mind, he pondered the anger in his heart.
For him this fight was personal, it was all encompassing. There was
nothing more he would rather be doing than killing the bad guy or the
beasts as he called them.
He thought of why he had joined in the first place. He thought
about his mother, his family. He dreamt off into the past realms of his
mind to a time when life was better when he was better. Away from the
battlefield, the hatred, the hurt.
He thought of his brother Johol and sister Raven who had
perished years before, he thought of his father. His best friend, the one
person he knew understood him and was always there when he needed
him most.”
It had been 8 years since his family had perished. Only 19-years
of age, he should be in college now, not fighting against an enemy that
could not be defeated. He remembers the day he should have also died
and the powers that he now had that prevented him from being killed.
He was the modern defense’s own Captain America. A super-soldier.
He remembered all the battles he had fought, about the new suits
and armor and weapons that they were using and the cloaking devices.
He had been named by his father, and this brought a great sense
of pride. When he was younger he did not understand why he had a
name like Michabou. What kind of name was Michabou anyways? No
one else he knew had a name spelled that way and he felt at times a need
to use a different name.
As he grew older he respected the fact that he carried the legacy
and the honor of his father within him, that he would be the living
legacy of his father...he realized that he was, in fact, his father's greatest
Much of the world had been overcome. It had seemed as long as
he could remember since the sky had been blue. This black oil slick of
hell that emerged years ago had filled the earth, the sky and had begun
changing even space itself. The oceans were ripe with ice and were
more viscous than before with a tint similar to black oil.
The sun had begun to be overtaken and these creatures were now
appearing everywhere. With more and more of that unfamiliar place
emerging on the Earth it was clear we everyone was losing this war to
something that seemed to feed on our existence.
The Celestials had mounted an offensive uniting with humanity
against the Beasts. But it seemed at times they were more focused on
securing the billions of humans in their ships and high-tailing it out of
here to some unknown to us but a distant so-called safe place for
humanity, than actually combating the enemy head on...something just
did not feel right about that.
~ 35 ~

Michabou had fought in all the battles from New Bay to San De.
No matter the strategies, the conflicts, there were no wins but only
losses. The land of the free was lost. The world was being overtaken and
humanity was being plunged into darkness. The human race became
trapped in time by the Beasts from the outer beyond who came from the
black fire emitted from various pyramids and locations that surrounded
the globe.
For a time, there was much confidence as the Celestials or
Gray’s technology excited everyone but not all worked as planned.
Including this young boy who could not be killed. Though he had
emerged from the lake that fateful day with power beyond his
comprehension his teenage years were filled with a bloodlust. Following
the President’s speech, it had been assumed that the nations of the world
would unite and seek to unify against a common enemy however things
went completely different than expected.
The Russian President ordered the firing of nuclear missiles
wiping out much of South America and Mexico. This had no effect on
the beam of light emanating from the Lake or the many new sources of
this substance emerging around the globe. That single decision by
Russia to fire nuclear weapons had a domino effect as those with the
technology began using it without provocation. The global chaos had
catastrophic effects on governments; Pakistan released five atomic
weapons on India killing over a billion people overnight. In what would
normally cause global panic and alarm no one seemed to care.
North Korea invaded South Korea enslaving nearly a million
citizens as China wiped Japan off of the map altogether with a barrage
of nuclear weapons. From space, one could see that where the island of
Japan once resided was only dark water and clouds of destruction.
Everyone looking for a reason to settle the score. No one capable of
caring about the future of humanity.
Earth, a lost wasteland, but it only seemed to provide a buffer
zone for what came next. The coming years brought a slow death to
those that remained.
Not only did nation turned on a nation, there were those who
turned against The Celestials, instead of uniting against a common
enemy there was only bloodshed and chaos. The Celestials responded to
retaliation by abducting entire cities as beams of blue light shown down
upon the surface and people simply vanished.
What began as voluntary evacuations from the planet soon
changed into forced abductions? It seemed as though The Celestials
were determined to remove as many humans from the planet with or
without consent. Billions of people from the Earth had chosen to
evacuate with The Celestials.
In year seven of the great battle for Earth, the sky was
illuminated with lights from space. It soon became clear that these were
nuclear warheads housed on satellites in space raining down upon the
~ 36 ~

Earth. This was the beginning of the end as the mixture of nuclear
fallout and the anti-matter atmosphere made living on the Earth
unsustainable. Yet, the more bombs dropped seemed to feed the very
nature of these dark entities.
The final battle for Earth had ended in failure in Los Angeles,
fitting the last stronghold for America and perhaps the world is known
as the City of Angels, or what was left of that city but surely the angels
that had appeared here were only those of death. At that time, the
landscape seemed unrecognizable, as most of North America had
become a wasteland. The mist was temporarily stopped with the nuclear
weapons, but they always emerged within the flowing mist devouring
the radiated matter as if it were a buffet.
This was the only thing that stopped the being’s progression as
they stopped to feed for long periods of time on the aftermath of the
bombs. It was the monkey in the middle most of the time and the
inevitable doom of the planet to preserve a few more moments.
The forest had been reduced to deserts, and there was not much
any if at all green plant life in existence on the planet. The desert was
the apotheosis of all deserts, huge, standing to the sky for what looked
like eternity in all directions. It was white and blinding and waterless
and without feature save for the faint, cloudy haze of the mountains
which sketched themselves on the horizon and the devil’s darkness,
which brought nightmAayaash, and death. It was difficult for Michabou
to remember how things once were, how they should be now. The world
had moved on since then. The world had emptied.
Large black crystalline structures started appearing in the sky
and emerging from the oceans the entire landscape began transforming
into a foreign world as beasts that defied comprehension covered the
earth like spiders. It was only then, after 8 long years of a losing battle
that the orders came to evacuate.
Within the mist resided not only the beasts but also the walking
dead. The soulless life forms that used to be human littering the streets;
the beasts pulling their souls from the body leaving only a mindless
corpse reeking of decay and blackness oozing from every orifice.
It was like watching those zombie movies, the living dead that
fed off the living. The only way to kill these beings was to dismember
the entire body. Even then they reanimated in pieces on the ground as
the dark liquid substance pooled together and branched across the earth
like an out of control fungus of death. It would seem that the mist
covering the surface of the Earth reanimated anything and everything
that the Beasts stripped of their souls.
When he remembered the movies, the dead would decay and
literally be dead. But these zombie-like humans weren’t dead like
bodies in the ground. They slowly changed as spikes and tentacles and
legs emerged from their spines. The faster the progression of the
~ 37 ~

metamorphosis, the more non-human they became the faster and

deadlier they seemed.
When they roared their entire jaw split open from ear to ear as
broken flesh and raw bone chomped like daggers looking for something
or someone to tear apart.
Moving through the streets of Los Angeles the dead were
everywhere. Climbing up buildings, hanging from street lamps and
traffic lights they resembled more and more those beasts. Their ominous
black eyes oozing the same black substance that dripped to the ground.
Head wrenching to the left and the right the sounds of cracking bones
and tearing flesh accompanied every movement. Were they dead or, in
fact, becoming the creatures themselves, he couldn’t distinguish the
The Marines sprayed round after round at the masses of dead. If
a Marine died they just fell to the ground. It was only after a beast
absorbed the spirit from the lifeless body that it reanimated and began
the transformation into one of the spider humans. That's what Michabou
thought they were, human spiders. The appearance of these signaled the
arrival of the beasts.
Michabou had seen so much bloodshed, so much death and
decay that he forgot who he was, what it was like to be normal. Senses
always on red alert he responded more like a machine off of
programmed reaction than that of a human. Emotionless and cold he
killed without hesitation. This was no longer home, this was no longer
Earth. He knew that each day was not filled with battles of winning or
losing but individual survival against tremendous odds.
When the final orders came to evacuate it was a relief to
Michabou. Anywhere had to be better than here on this dead world that
served only pain, misery, and death. It was during the final days that the
largest mass of Celestial ships appeared in the skies.
Thousands of transports descended to the four corners of the
Earth. After scanning the blue beams across the landscape, the
transports rose and met with larger ships.
The larger ships looked perhaps five miles in diameter rested
over the entire planet in masses that resembled a woodcut by Hans
Glaser called the 'battle' over Nuremberg, Germany in 1561.
As Michabou boarded a military transport it did not rise like the
others into the sky but rather descended into the depths of the ocean. Sir,
turning to an officer standing nearby, “where are we going?”
The officer responded, “Aren’t you the lucky one, this here ship
is headed to the deep-water observatory. Son, welcome to the big
Michabou thought to himself, big leagues?
Moving towards the portholes Michabou could notice the ship
had entered an underwater caving system. While the sea was dark
around the ship he could also see it was man made steel that covered the
~ 38 ~

walls. At an instant, the ship came to a stop and the water began
dispersing from around the ship.
The doors of the ship opened to large plain cement walled round
room. The walls looked cut out of stone were rough on the edges like a
manmade hewn cave into granite. Large doors lined with black and
yellow stripes were prominent in front of them. Large numbers 00-00
written across the doors with large bolts that ran down the left and right
sides of the doors revealed that the door opened on either side with the
two doors meeting in the middle.
A ratcheting sound began as the long bolts began slowly moving
and the door with a suction sound began to slowly open. All the men
stood silent as the left side of the door moving left and with the right
side of the door opening to the right.
Michabou stepped out of the ship and onto the metal grated floor
still dripping with the seawater that had previously filled the room.
Slowly the door opened revealing a dozen men standing on the other
Men in slick black suits with solid black face masks that
followed the contours of the face and body but shown no eyes or mouth
walked out. The men came into the room and began scanning each
person with these glowing blue wands. While the beeping and scanning
persisted, there was no noise only the scrambling of a dozen strange
looking soldiers.
A loud siren sounded as red lights began flashing as the men
turned to one of the Marines being scanned, instantly one of the soldiers
grabbed the Marine that was setting off the alarms. One of the men held
up a gun that emitted a type of plasma that encapsulated the Marine into
a clear bag that stretched over his entire body.
As the Marine began fighting against the bag covering as if
gasping for air the soldier with the gun pressed another button and the
bag contracted to a single point crushing the soldier into a ball the size
of a marble. Reaching down the soldier placed the small red ball into a
container another soldier was carrying, turning they walked away.
“Take this specimen to the genetic research facility.”
Michabou questioning, “Specimen that was a man?”
“He was contaminated, bitten by the infected. His genetic
structure will be analyzed. He very well couldn’t be let loose4 in here or
where we are going, now could he?”
The two staring silently as the direction wads redirected to the
transpiring events occurring below.
At once the soldiers turned and motioned the Marines to follow.
As they walked down a long corridor that seemed carved out of solid
rock. The officer that had spoken to him previously was pacing beside
him, looking over to him he said, “Are you ready to be shredded?”
“Shredded, what do you mean?” spoke Michabou
~ 39 ~

“You’ll see...” smiled the officer as they continued pacing down

the long hallway.
As they approached a large door the men began working on an
electronic pad on the side of the door. As the large vault slowly opened
there stood a large circular room with a ramp in the middle of the room
with a large metallic looking ring in the center. The ceiling of the room
was an inverted vault to a single point meeting on all sides just above
the large ring.
Immediately the room began spinning on all sides as beams of
electricity began to move through the ceiling to the single point until
they met and shot down at the ring. The ring then began to spin counter
clockwise as blue water looking electricity filled the entire of the large
circular object.
“Let's go”, shouted one of the soldiers cloaked in the black suits
as he turned and ran right through the wall of electricity.
Motioning Michabou and the others the soldiers pressed towards
following the soldier, looking over at Michabou the officer chuckled,
“Don’t hold your breath!” and jumped through the portal.
As Michabou opened his eyes he could see he was stepping out
of another large circular portal and standing in a massive glass structure
hovering over the Earth.
The room was circular and made of what looked like pure glass,
on the perimeter were portholes where men were motioning into a
massive ship that reminded Michabou of something from Star Wars he
had watched as a boy. As he walked through the porthole into the large
ship he saw numberless large thin Gray aliens walking among the
humans. Two approached him with another soldier wearing the same
black suit.
With his parted gray hair, he spoke, “Michabou Betheíos, my
name is Senator Pryor. I welcome you to the ship “Freedom” that will
accompany you to our future home. Let me show you to your quarters,”
as they walked down a corridor he continued, “I am sure you have more
questions that I have answers, but I want to assure you that you're safe
here and that in due time The President will address you directly. I hear
you sort of a warhorse, a war hero and that your poppy was lost early in
this war. We do not forget the sacrifices of those who gave their lives
for our Freedom.”
Michabou looking perplexed and speechless, “yes sir, thank
“Now son, this is your living quarters and you should know it’s
larger than my own and quite dignified. We have big hopes for you.”
extending his hand Senator Pryor and Michabou shook hands.
This was indeed a large room where he was instructed to wait as
he stepped through the door after Senator Pryor has departed the door
was sealed by a clear blue light. Walking to a porthole he witnessed the
scope of the incident occurring and for the first time he could see what
~ 40 ~

was happening on the Earth below as the ship he was on lifted into the
atmosphere and then space.
How had he gone from the beaches of Los Angeles just a few
hours previously to walking through a teleport device and now resting in
a room on an alien spacecraft a thousand of miles from the Earth was
almost more than he could rationalize. He just lay back onto the surface
of his bed and stared into the ceiling.
The ship then departed into the darkness of space as the Earth
faded to a single dot in the distance. Amidst all the turmoil, the death,
the struggle the fading of the Earth to a single dot amongst an infinite
universe caused one to wonder, was it even worth it?
He wonders in his mind, “The universe offers a paradox too
great for the finite mind to grasp. As the living brain cannot conceive of
a nonliving brain, although it may think it can, the finite mind cannot
grasp the infinite. How insignificant in the grand scope of the universe
did the affairs of the Earth seem to Michabou at this moment as he
realized that his entire existence to that point amounted to a single grain
of sand in an endless desert? It was rather hopeless that feeling he felt
within his gut staring out at the infinite stars in space above. It had been
no struggle to turn his face away from the fading Earth and leave it
behind, but it had hurt his heart.”
It had been weeks according to his watch since they left the
planet Earth. Living on a strange ship traveling through space in a slow
methodical motion provided its own terrors and serenity. For the first
time, he didn’t have to fear the beasts from Earth or the walking dead
with their lifeless soulless bodies. Yet here he sat in a chamber of black
cold metal with beings that were unfamiliar.
Something never felt right about anything in this place, but did
anything the past 8-years feel right? He felt more like a prisoner than a
welcomed refugee from a dying world. The Gray’s became cold and
distant and where their eyes seemed piercing before they looked
maniacal now, but had he always viewed them this way...were they in
fact saviors or enemies?
Michabou was determined to find out what was happening on
this ship. As each day passed... what was a day any longer he would ask
himself? There would come broadcasts on what could only be described
as televisions that existed within the walls where The President would
explain that those who were evacuated from the Earth were traveling to
a new world in a companion galaxy.
The President looked weathered and aged. The past 8-years
would have an effect on The President. No longer did he have a full
head of black hair, now it had turned completely gray. His eyes seemed
worn out and tired. He spoke without sincerity as if he were simply
going through the motions.
The one thing that was different about The President was his
suit. Instead of the previous business suit he wore a silver body suit as
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worn by Gray’s. With golden round buttons along his collar and a
golden seem that looked more like something Napoleon would wear he
seemed comfortable in his new role.
He spoke of the worlds within the Sirius Star System, which
resides as the closest star to the Earth-Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy. He
spoke of the billions that had gone before that would be awaiting our
arrival on this new home of safety and security. He told us of a place
residing within that galaxy unlike any other we could imagine.
Talking of immortality and those humans would be able to live
for hundreds of years. Each time-sharing more about what was to come
but never talking about Earth. What had happened to the Earth, a part of
him did not care but lingering within the depths of his heart he still
cared for the ravaged planet he once called home?
Why was he isolated in a chamber unable to leave the room he
inhabited without being followed by Gray’s? He wasn’t worried but
after several weeks this greatly annoyed him. Though his residence was
an elegant colonial style room with beautifully adorned trimmings and
features. While the walls were not wood the metal type surface was
covered in exquisite carvings that reminded him of standing in the
White House.
The floor was covered in triangles that were patterned and
emanated a glowing blue light that illuminated the room entirely. He
had food, water and time alone but what he did not have were answers.
He needed answers to questions that consumed his every waking
At the entrance stood large gray beings guarding his room. He
wondered why were there large beings that seemed distant and
concealing, guarding the doorway. He felt more like a prisoner than a
guest due to this. While the amenities were elegant the fact he was
trapped in the room in a solitary confinement told the soldier in him that
this was no welcoming party or rescue and he felt The President must be
lying or at minimal misleading about something.
The room he resided wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was foreign.
Filled with a technology beyond anything he has seen before. When he
was led to this room he was told by a hybrid that by thinking and
touching the walls he could either see outside or change the scenery.
He could animate whatever food he desired through a machine
on the wall that resembled something from episodes of Star Trek...but
the food never tasted right, it was synthetic. It wasn’t that it did not taste
right; it was that it tasted too perfect. Lacking the imperfections of a
home cooked meal or his mother's lasagna.
Most of the time he just sat and stared out into space wondering
where they were, where they were going and what would happen when
they stopped. Struggling to think about what had happened to the Earth.
He had grown up believing that man always found a way to survive in
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the movies, that surely some truth existed in this concept when the
reality of extinction faced the human race.
Yet the moment came and left leaving the humanity decimated
by the cold reality that man did not stand a chance.
Aside from the luxury of the room he was in it was more of an
executive suite with all the amenities. As Michabou was gazing out into
the heavens, he heard a sound of piercing his ears and a shaking beneath
his feet. The sound came from behind him pulsating as ripples of light
revealed a conduit opening in the room. As the conduit of light opened a
being of light descended hovering in the air.
“Michabou, we haven’t much time.” spoke the tall white being
cloaked in what looked like shimmering brilliantly lit surface.
Speaking again, “You are in danger and must leave this ship.
There are others aware of what is occurring. Everything you will be told
is a lie. The darkness of the universe, the very fiery pits of hell
themselves have opened up against your people.”
Placing his hand on Michabou's shoulder he continued speaking,
“The End of Days is here. The fallen ones, lacking souls, living within
the outer darkness, imprisoned here in this place. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand perfectly. These dark bastards are enemies.
But where we are going and how we will get there and what I will do
when I am there is my problem. By the way, where are you from?”
Spoke an invigorated Michabou.
“You are traveling to a Planet within an adjacent galaxy within
your universe. Soon the inter-dimensional jump will occur, and you will
be at the home of the Destroyer. I come from a distant place to provide
you with further light and knowledge.”
“I don’t understand what you mean?” spoke Michabou
The being spoke again, “The greatest mystery the universe offers
Michabou is not life but size. Size encompasses life, the child, who is
most at home with wonder, says: Daddy, what is above the sky? And the
father says the darkness of space. The child: What is beyond space? The
father: The galaxy. The child: Beyond the galaxy? The father: Another
galaxy. The child: Beyond the other galaxies? The father: No one
“If you fell outward to the limit of the universe, would you find
a board fence and signs reading DEAD END? No. You might find
something hard and rounded, as the chick must see the egg from the
inside. And if you should peck through the shell or find a door, what
great and torrential light might shine through your opening at the end of
space? Might you look through and discover our entire universe is but
part of one atom on a blade of grass? Might you be forced to think that
by burning a twig you incinerate an eternity of eternities? That existence
rises not to one infinite but to infinity of them? It is here that we exist,
the Watchers of life.”
“Are you Great Spirit?” questioned Michabou
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“Great Spirit is within and without, neither form but all form in
complete entirety are Great Spirit. How can an acorn fall from a tree and
not be the acorn tree? So, it is with life, all life springs forth from the
source and that source is conscious intelligence, that conscious
intelligence is Great Spirit. Manifest to the desires of the individual. Do
not be fooled by what you see and what you hear. Here is the truth, how
man makes large circles in the earth for themselves... Around he goes,
back to the start and the start is there again, so it is with life, the
beginning is the end and the end is the beginning.”
With that, the man vanished through the conduit leaving
Michabou more confused than ever as to whom this man was or why he
spoke in drawn out parables, which to him, did not fit with the present
reality. What did ring true was the urging to escape? In an instant
Michabou opened his eyes, was out all a dream? Was I sleeping?
A dream? It had all seemed so real. Memories etched in his mind
with such clarity. Looking at the time on his watch he had been sleeping
for over 5 hours. Yet it felt as if it were a blink of an eye he was
speaking with the man. He must have been 7 or 8 foot tall. Walking to
the window he gazed out at the stars and wondered, pondered the things
the man had said whether in a dream or awake he remembered so
vividly as if graven upon his mind.
When he felt a shaking beneath his feet and heard a familiar
sound. Turning to face the source he watched as a light pierced the room
with waves of energy spreading into all directions revealing an opening
in the air. A man began to descend through the opening until he rested
just above the floor hovering in the air.
“Michabou, you have not much time. Once the jump occurs
there will be little time. Prepare yourself,”
“But why, why is this happening? Why now, who are you?”
The man stood motionless as Michabou stared at the man he
could see something peculiar about his eyes. He seemed to see right
through them as if they were transparent. He had no hair with a balding
smooth head and while there did not seem to be clothing, the man was
not naked.
The man spoke repeating what he had stated before but added
more, “The universe offers a paradox too great for the finite mind to
grasp. As the living brain cannot conceive of a nonliving brain, although
it may think it can, the finite mind cannot grasp the infinite.
The prosaic fact of the universe's existence single-handedly
defeats the pragmatist and the cynic. There was a time, yet a hundred
generations before the world moved on when mankind had achieved
enough technical and scientific prowess’s to chip a few splinters from
the great stone pillar of reality. Even then, the false light of science, of
knowledge shined in only a few developed countries. Yet, despite a
tremendous increase in available facts, there were remarkably few
insights. Michabou, your fathers conquered the-disease-which-rots,
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which we call cancer, almost conquered aging, went to the moon and
made or discovered a hundred other marvelous baubles. But this wealth
of information produced little or no insight. Few if any seemed to have
grasped the Principle of Reality; new knowledge leads always to yet
more awesome mysteries. Greater physiological knowledge of the brain
makes the existence of the soulless possible yet more probable by the
nature of the search. Do you see? Of course, you don't. You are
surrounded by your own romantic aura, you lay cheek and jowl daily
with the arcane. Yet now you approach the limits, not of belief, but of
comprehension. You face reverse entropy of the soul.”
With that the man stretched forth his hand touching the right
temple of Michabou. In that instant, Michabou could see the universe
shrink to the spot of a marble surrounded and within a larger sphere
which in itself was surrounded by one after the other of spheres until he
was pulled so far back that he viewed universe within a universe and
then brilliantly lit skies or white.
Looking left and right he was shown a world existing in another
dimension, another universe covered in massive plant life that housed
these tall white beings. Looking to the right he noticed the man standing
beside him as they both peered down upon the surface of this world.
“This is our home world, a place chosen for us long ago. This is
not the end Michabou, only the beginning, from this point forward you
will see and hear marvelous truths and judge for yourself the reality of
what you see now. Here, life exists in all forms. Some life is as the wind
blowing its energy here and there, another life is as the heat of the sun
emanating pure warmth to all those it encounters. Life, you see comes in
all sizes, shapes and varieties, and life within life. We commune with
nature living in these plant- like structures in a symbiotic partnership.
You see Michabou all life, from the blade of grass to the wind or the air
you breathe lives, breathes and is intelligent.”
Michabou stood in awe as he saw things he simply could not
describe on the surface of this world. “Are you Great Spirit?” he
questioned, responding, speaking in his mind the man stated, “All of
this is your creator, you and I and all things are Great Spirit and Great
Spirit is all things. In time, you will see that your role is to free
humanity from the bondage of the Tin Great Spirits to allow them
passage, freely, of their choosing to the source from whence they
“But what about the Messenger, the sacred book, is it all real?”
“Oh, material one, your mind escapes you. Yes, Messenger was
the manifestation of Great Spirit to the freemen of your world. He
offered the liberating way through the darkness and the infinite
boundaries of the honeycombed universes to the source. Yes, the
Messenger is Great Spirit and Great Spirit you could say is the
Messenger. While this reality exists, there are those of your kind
currently barred from being able to access this source and still those that
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are being held hostage in other false heavens under the guise of Great
Spirits. If a Great Spirit watches over it all, does He actually mete out
justice for a race of gnats among infinitude of races of gnats? Does His
eye see the sparrow fall when the sparrow is less than a speck of
hydrogen floating disconnected in the depth of space? And if He does
see... what must the nature of such a Great Spirit be? Where does He
live? How is it possible to live beyond infinity? Imagine the sand of the
Desert, and imagine a trillion universes, not worlds but universes,
encapsulated in each grain of that desert; and within each universe an
infinity of others. We tower over these universes from our pitiful grass
vantage point; with one swing of our boot we may knock a billion
worlds flying off into the darkness, in a chain never to be completed.
We are the Watchers of Universes and they all are under the control of,
they are spring forth from the source of everything, a source which we
are in tune and to which we are human beings are part and whole of
Great Spirit. We can look at in reverse, everything taken from this prime
source if energy is Great Spirit. If you are dividing the energy, even the
piece pulled away from it is a complete whole and not a portion of it. I
know it is hard as a human to understand what I am saying, as humans it
is important to measure something, understand where it is coming from,
the size of it to put it in a place in our head in order to understand it, that
type of thinking does not work or apply when considering Great Spirit.”
“We are Great Spirit, Great Spirit is you, we are all prime
energy, and prime energy is everything. It was free will that we chose to
come into existence and this is a divine principle in all Universes. All of
this is the creativity of conscious intelligence. Conscious intelligence is
the merging of information and energy, which thus becomes aware. The
Great Spirit source is a collection of pure energy that has not been
manipulated or designed to have character or role or purpose or plan.
This energy is love. This is the message of the human Christ, to know
that Great Spirit is within you and that Great Spirit is love. For did he
not say, are you not all Great Spirits? You and we are members of the
same source. When humans finally acknowledge other beings that come
from the same source only then will you reach Great Spirit. The
overlapping universes are all surrounded and manifested by this source
energy that is Great Spirit.”
We have met one before, in the words of that King,
"Consider this, the matter is simply a vibration of atoms. You
see? Size defeats you. For the fish, the lake in which he lives is the
universe. What does the fish think when he is jerked up by the mouth
through the silver limits of existence and into a new universe where the
air drowns him, and the light is blue madness? Where huge bipeds with
no gills stuff it into a suffocating box and cover it with wet weeds to
Or one might take the tip of the pencil and magnify it. One
reaches the point where a stunning realization strikes home: The pencil
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tip is not solid; it is composed of atoms, which whirl and revolve like a
trillion demon planets. What seems solid to us is actually only a loose
net held together by gravity. Viewed at their actual size, the distances
between these atoms might become league, gulfs, eons. The atoms
themselves are composed of nuclei and revolving protons and electrons.
One may step down further to subatomic particles. And then to what?
Tachyons? Nothing? Of course not. Everything in the universe denies
nothing; to suggest an ending is the one absurdity."
“Look at your hand Michabou, within your hand are universes
overlapping universes and galaxies of life completely unaware of the
other. There is a universe living on the surface of your skin filled with
trillions of lives, the same under the skin, within the blood vessels, each
incapable of maintaining autonomy just as the fish if it were removed
from its universe. Deeper still at the sub-atomic levels, as with the tip of
the pencil, you don't even exist at all. Within your body are over 10-
trillion cells, each with its own independent universe of life, yet are they
not all unknowingly a part of a greater intelligence, you? You are their
greater consciousness. You are a collection of universes of galaxies of
life, you are the consciousness of trillions of those universes that depend
on you for life.”
“Yet here you are, the grand consciousness of those life forms,
the source of life within you and at any moment you could destroy
worlds without number asking, where is Great Spirit?”
“Yet as steward over trillions upon trillions of universes of life
are you not Great Spirit? And yet unknown to that below you look up
and question, where is Great Spirit? Great Spirit is all around you,
within and without, and he is love. The reality is but an illusion of
“The substance of things not seen for that which is seen does not
even exist. Always remember, Great Spirit is love. We, like you are one
of many parts, as you are steward over yourself, or a lawn so we are
stewards over you and we are not greater than you. We are all
manifestations from the same source. That source is pure love.”
The man again stretched forth his hand touching the right temple
of Michabou, in the blink of an eye he was again standing in his quarters
in the ship.
It was real, or was it, or was he just going crazy? The magnitude
of the information he possessed made this feel like a character from a
science fiction religious movie but wasn't everything already? He knew
he had to escape from The President and his band of merry little
Looking outside he could see the swirling of matter forming
what looked like a conduit. The conduit resembled a magnifying glass
as he could see what appeared the world on one side, a door in space,
and the worlds on this side. The inter-dimensional portal, the tear in
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space and time fabric stretched around them. They were getting ready to
It had been a day since the man had appeared to him. As he was
organizing his thoughts, the barrier that had sealed him into his quarters
lifted and there stood the President of the United States of America. In
his mind, Michabou thought to himself, President, leader of what? Here
we are flying through space and he wears a suit and tie...what a jerk.
A part of him was simply relieved to see another person and not
the gray beings.
“Captain our time is short, come with me”, the aged President
spoke in a tired weathered voice.
Extending his hand for a shake Michabou noticed he felt his grip
was weak. Had the President really been on this base for over 7-years?
Turning the President led Michabou down the long dark corridor
illuminated by two sets of blue lights that emanated from behind a
shielded panel along the top corners of the ceiling. Michabou felt
uneasy as they walked by these large expressionless beings that filled
the halls.
There were tall ones and short ones and there were some with
many more arms than others. They all looked the same to him and if
they were bugs he would have already stepped on them. There were
others that wore luminescent suits.
As they walked by the beings would turn and stare with the large
black eyes. It was only when they stare at him that his skin would crawl
and blood boil. If he could he would punch them in those eyes, but
something felt so uneasy about them and it partially terrified him to the
The President walked with confidence as if he feared nothing.
The corridors seemed familiar to him, as he knew the destination he was
traveling. Never speaking he just walked and every so often we would
turn through a corridor that would seal them off from the previous.
Entering through a final door Michabou could see a large
balcony that offered a view of what looked like a massive room
surrounded by numberless capsules. Looking closely, he could see the
capsules contained humans.
Frozen in a light gray jelly and covered in a film of what could
only be described as stretched canvas the people were in what looked
like a frozen coma. Tubes connected to the arms, the legs, the nose, and
the mouth. It was clear even from where he stood that bags of blood
were being filled in front of every person.
A large machine hovered in the middle of the room with
tentacles that seemed more robotic and yet were clearly organic that
scanned in a constant monitoring of these pods.
The President stopped and spoke quietly, “This is all that is
left...this and much more like this contain the remnant of the human
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“What the hell is going on sir?” responded Michabou in a

challenging tone looking disgusted at what lay before him.
“This is insanity. This isn’t even human.”
“Captain, you need to forget the world you know and the things
of the past. Things are going to change, and we should consider
ourselves lucky to be alive and have this opportunity to live even if
under uncomfortable circumstances.”
“What do you mean to survive, lucky to be alive, don’t you
understand these beings aren’t here to help us. They are here to destroy
us, enslave us.” responded Michabou
Looking stern the President spoke, “Earth is gone, we have a
new home, a future with The Celestials. Forget about the Earth and
looking back, it will not serve you any benefit. While this is not the
outcome anyone had envisioned for our population we who are here will
live in a new world and while even we must subject ourselves to new
masters the larger picture is what is important, the human race has
survived and will go on...no one is here to enslave you or me or anyone
Michabou quickly shot back, “Subject ourselves? New Masters!
You are a damn fool! If I had a gun I would shoot you in the head
“Captain, remember to whom you are speaking, (as tall gray
beings filled the room surrounding the men) think about your words
carefully. You are here for a reason whereas you could be in there...if
you no longer serve a purpose there are other places you can go not as
beneficial and comfortable as those you’ve been accustomed here,” he
pointed out towards one of the pods containing a human being.
“You are respected and in the place to come we will need to
teach those who wish to survive to comply at all costs. The human
species have been blessed to have a second chance. It is not our choice
in this matter, yes, we have chosen to subject ourselves to the devil we
know versus face the extinction of our entire race to the devil we do not.
You see Captain, you can be a part of the next chapter of the human race
or vanish into the abyss of nothing.”
The Captain remained silent knowing that it was best to choose
his words wisely. The President motioned him to follow and led him
through more corridors until they reached the main room that served as
the overlook where the ship was operated. The room was round, but
everything had a dark tint to it, there sat in the middle of the room a
chair, at least it looked like a chair in which sat a medium sized gray
As they walked in stride Michabou thought about how easy it
would be to snap the neck of the President or break his arm. The
temptation to snap hung on a razor's edge.
“Captain I would like to introduce you to Jim Evans”, at that
moment Evans rose from a chair resting in the middle of the room,
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turning and walking towards him the President continued, “he will be
our chain of command in the coming days...”
One of the large gray beings sat in the chair in the middle of the
room where the Jim Evans had sat. The Captain while nodding in
approval was more focused on that chair and the strange substance that
the being seemed to be resting on, it resembled water but was much too
viscous and it seemed to retain form while having the appearance of
The substance connected itself to the back of the being’s large
round skull.... is this how the ship was moved? On the screen in front of
them, at least it seemed as though it were a screen, but it was translucent
where you could see both a star map and visually see into space.
It was breath-taking as the lights illuminated shown by worlds
and stars would appear to the left and to the right so quickly popping
onto the screen like road signs identified by a strange language, he
marveled at the site of such technology.
Jim Evans spoke directly, “Captain, you are now a member of
this ships directive. Upon arrival, you will stay on this ship while the
remainder of the human race will be transported and relocated. When
we arrive you will stay here, as we will leave for a time. I welcome you
to your new home.”
At that moment the Captain could see clearly on the screen
where they were headed, the center of a large cluster of stars and what
he could see were numberless red suns, large as the 3-dimensional
image showed them traveling to a location connected by streams of light
to one location...that must be our destination.
Seeing three perspectives of movement continued to offer a new
perspective of travel through space and he could grasp it clearly. He
held the knot that had been twisting in his stomach that made him feel
like bursting out in check, he knew in order to survive, to make a
difference that he must remain alive.
Standing quietly the three of them stared into the screen as a
large cloud of gaseous mist hovered around a large planet. The mist was
a mixture of yellow blending into reddish orange with a hint of grayish
purple closest to the planet that emanated in outside the rings that
encircled the planet.
The distance revealed three red suns and the lone large world. It
was beautiful in its own way, a sight he had never before imagined, but
it was indeed a very large planet. Two of the suns were distant, but their
size made them visible like burning balls in the sky.
The third, the closest filled the darkness of space with brilliant
redness. Visible were the flAayaash shifting through space hitting the
planet's atmosphere like the aurora borealis across the northern sky. He
wondered what type of radiation effect this would have, in a weird way
this made no sense either way, but he thought about it.
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The world resembled the planet Jupiter, or at least the images he

remembered as a boy of that planet and perhaps this was a greater
understanding of the size than he had previously thought. It was huge,
large and circled by rings that looked so beautiful in the red light
emitted by the distant sun.
There were these stations everywhere that contained thousands,
they must be thousands of disk-shaped saucers. He could see many of
these saucers coming and going like a never-ending highway of
shooting stars to the surface disappearing through the mist of cloud
cover wrapping around the planet creating a deep blood red color as the
large red sun reflected off of the vapors.
“The Planet Dyaus, home of the Sacred One” spoke Jim Evans.
The ship came to rest in a large docking station in the sky
supported by beams of light. From the ships seen in the horizon docked
at endless stations beams of light began shooting off in all directions as
if directed at the surface of the planet.
Pointing out towards the massive glowing red star Jim Evans
stated, “That is our sun, the Great Red Star.”
Looking out across the vast skyline at this strange world the
Captain could hardly recognize where he was and what was happening,
as of now he had no idea what was occurring but was very grateful he
was alive. Seething at the moment to act he was monitoring every
movement, word and control of the people in this room.
Looking at The President anger filled him, here was a man who
sold out the human race and who he felt only cared about himself and
preserving his own life at the expense of an entire planet's people.
What lies beneath the tapestry of clouds and the unknowns of
this world is what scared him the most. He could tell this place was
much larger than the Earth, or at least from a simple perspective, the
planet must be at least 30 times the size of Earth, maybe larger...it was
What was his plan, what was his next move? He knew this
much, he wasn’t subjecting himself to anyone let alone these beings.
Gray tall soulless life forms that had been harming the human race for
centuries...what was worse?
The thought of having to choose between unknown invaders
currently destroying the Earth; or known invaders that had done
unspeakable things to the human race?
Turning around he walked away off the bridge as if he agreed
with what was occurring. Inside he knew that he would either die here
or die trying to escape.
Exiting the main bridge Michabou paused just outside the door
briefly hidden in the darkness of a corner still listening to the
conversation between Jim Evans and The President.
Jim Evans looked at the President, “Your people are being
moved down to Dyaus where they will be encapsulated in cryogenic
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chambers, harvested for their tissue, embryo’s, and blood. With your
world gone we can now move on with our agenda without interference.
Your species will not be destroyed, as we will need your DNA to
procreate and genetically enhance our own species. You will take your
place as leader of your people with granted immunity.”
The President seemed to content that for a time his life would be
preserved. Within his mind, he thought to himself, how had it come to
this ending.
The President spoke, “What of the beings that have overcome
the Earth?”
“They are not of your concern, the distance between them and us
is vast. We will continue to monitor the situation. At this point, the
mission is to continue our research. Look ahead at a future where your
species and our species are one in the same.
Your DNA mixed with ours, in a matter of a few centuries you
will see that your people will be preserved through ours and by your
sacrifice we may live and you through us.”
“There was so much more about the Celestials that The
President did not understand, but he knew this much was true. He was
here, he was alive, and yet a part of him felt guilty for not trying more,
for giving up so easily...but how could there have been any other
choice? He must have made the right decision...in time he was confident
the pain and sorrow of the moment would pass.”
Standing outside of the main room Michabou had overheard the
entire conversation between Jim Evans and The President and he felt a
knot of disgust fill his stomach. Cowards, Cowards! A true politician
scumbag! Disgrace! Chills ran up his arms as he clenched his fists.
Sweat dripping from his brow he maintained composure despite wanting
to unleash hell and fury on this failed being of lights face.
As he moved down the corridor to his room he plotted his move,
what move would that be? As the door closed he sat on the metallic bed
and thought. He made the determination what he should do, what he
must do, he must take control of this ship and take the people on this
ship with him somewhere other than here.
Grabbing a plasma rifle from an armory like cabinet he thought
to himself, the best way to defeat an enemy is to surprise them when
they are most vulnerable, and these Grays were not on guard, now was
that time.
Michabou was okay with the decision, either save these souls
through an escape or destroy them in failure...what he knew was that
they would not be harvested by creatures that were as monstrous as the
beasts that were back at Earth.
Besides, a visitation from an otherworldly mysterious Angelic
being had intrigued him just enough to fight.
Jim Evans turned and walked out of the bridge, The President
followed. Walking down the dark corridor shoulder in shoulder they met
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with a large force of gray beings in the transport room. Opening the bay
doors, they stepped out onto the platform into a space station filled with
the same gray lifeless demons. Among them, Gray’s with eight legs and
a larger head than the others.
Moving to tube chambers Jim Evans and The President prepared
for teleportation to the planet's surface below. Beams of light began
surrounding them, they vanished, teleported to the surface below.
Walking back to the bridge Michabou noticed the halls and
corridors of the ship were empty, all of the beings that had been moving
to and fro were now gone. They must have left the ship; he turned and
moved towards the main control room. The President and Jim Evans
were now gone.
Large mechanical devices could be seen attaching to numberless
ships, those must be extracting the bodies, turning he counted how many
of them remained, five, only five gray beings moving about the bridge,
this was probably crazy...turning the Captain aimed the alien weapon
and fired as quickly as he could on instinct alone.
There he stood alone, silent, in a room of five dead alien corpses.
He thought to himself, they could die. How many could still be on the
ship? How did he even think he could move the ship...maybe he should
have saved one...acting quick on his feet he rushed to the chair in the
middle of the room. Taking a deep breath, he sat onto the chair resting
him into the liquid type substance.
Immediately he felt an electrical current rush through his body
as searing pain coursed through his head with liquid piercing the back of
his skull. He was sure it did not break the skin, but he could feel it
permeate through his flesh as damp moisture. In an instant numbers,
lines, information, and data were rushing through his mind across his
vision like a computer screen.
He could view things with his eyes and for a moment he did not
know if he could survive the overload of the information cramming into
his mind. Screaming with a loud yell, drops of blood began dripping
from his nose.
With a deep breath, he grits his teeth and stared ahead. In an
instant, he was at peace and began to gain control, in his focused
strength he could understand everything.
With a complete understanding of the technology of the Grays...
he and the ship had become one, he was the ship, the ship was him, his
mind was the ship and it all became clear. The knowledge of the Grays
was simply power over atoms and the ability to command atoms to
organize and reorganize, to hold form.
Immediately he detected and understood that the docking doors
had been opened and he promptly closed them. The ship had a
protective system that only he could control, as he focused he sealed off
the remaining beings in the ship as the ship reversed moving away from
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the docking space station tearing the dock that had attached itself apart
as twisted metal and debris fell away he charted a course for Earth.
In an instant he was gone, shooting away at a speed faster than
the speed of light, the ship bent space and traveled through what looked
like a wormhole or tear in space as the dark nothingness of the deep
twisted as fabric melted revealing a twisting opening in the distance. It
had worked!
Catching them off guard he was gone moving at speeds that
separated the Gray from him. On the screen he could see the passing
star systems, the worlds, he realized that in understanding the nature of
this ship he understood the nature of this technology and the relationship
to time he was now moving.
While he was traveling at a speed beyond comprehension and
time seemed to move slowly he knew that time outside the wormhole
moved very quickly...there would be a price to travel through space, it
was he and what had to be more than 250,000 human pods.
Was Earth still there? Moving through space the ship opened a
wormhole transporting him back towards the Earth. He found that The
Celestials had developed a technology that opened a gate connecting
their world to that of the Earth’s.
It dawned on him that the Grays were not strangers to the human
race but rather had been seeking to abduct the entire population; they
were fallen angels from Heaven. Who were they really?
Breaking through the dimensional rift the ship emerged from a
portal outside the dark side of the moon. Moving from behind the moon
he could see the now ever blackening Earth burn with a dark fire that
stretched across the entire sphere. It was unrecognizable as dark webs
stretched out around the planet and into space touching and connecting
sun which had been a faint glow in the distance was now emanating a
deep glowing blackness but he was unsure if it was the dark haze that
surrounded the Earth or if something altogether had begun to change the
sun, but it looked larger than when he had previously left...like bolts of
lightning a black beam of fire so unique against anything he had ever
seen streamed in all directions from the Earth directly from where the
Earth...what had it become?
He enabled an invisibility device for the ship and traveled slowly
and methodically towards the Earth, scanning the surface images
appeared on the screen.
In what can only be described as glass fiber spider webs the
Beasts of the Outer Beyond covered the Earth like the web and this web
connected to every portion of the planet and into the sky like stretched
cotton candy with the Earth in the center of a web. On the Earth, there
were millions of cocoons that wrapped humans and beasts attacking
many more.
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How could this have happened so quickly, the vast distances this
foreign network stretched was unimaginable? It then dawned on him
that 700 years had passed away since the event had occurred.
At that moment, a light appeared in the middle of the room and a
short gray being with a bulbous head that seemed much too large for his
small body stood motionless hovering in the air.
“Michabou, this is not safe, you must leave...”
“Who are you?”
“I am, sent to you from the presence of Father Chibiabos,
Michabou you must leave now, or all will be lost. Follow the path of
“Where will I go? Wait,”
“You must leave this place and travel to speak with Chibiabos, a
Heavenly Father of man. Once there you will be directed as to the next
course of action however if you do not leave now you will die...you are
currently being tracked and within moments you will be captured by the
Celestials and then left to die at the hands of these vile creatures here
that have devoured your home world.”
Motioning his hand, the being pointed and directed Michabou
thoughts to the correct location as a swirling portal of brilliant light
opened in front of his ship. As quickly as he appeared he vanished in a
single point of light. Turning his mind to the destination the ship blasted
into the void above following an invisible light he saw pointing into
Michabou had raised to a respected leader, military commander
and now offered as a stewardship over the human race. A species
unknown, unrecognizable, unimaginable, and without number had
destroyed everything that he knew. Hell had come to the universe and
thus far nothing could stop its path of destruction.
They were creatures that reanimated upon death and existed in
ways that defied reason. How could we survive? Then you had these
Gray bastards that have enslaved the human population like science
projects to devour our identity leaving only themselves.
Finding out they are somehow fallen dark demons from hell.
Why did they need us? He imagined this must be similar to when the
Europeans had discovered America and had used the natives for their
own purposes...in the end there was only one winner and that was not
him or mankind. He was merely an ant becoming aware of the highway
next to his anthill, but how to grasp the concept altogether escaped him.
~ 55 ~

Jim Evans and The President arrived at the surface of Dyaus.
Appearing in a large room through what seemed like an elevator the
doors opened. Stepping out of the small room into a medium room with
closed doors on one end. The walls were dark gray made of a metal.
A blue light shone around the upper corners of the room. As they
neared the doorway at the end of the room it opened to reveal a long
pathway corridor that extended a great distance. This room had a glass
like a ceiling that allowed the viewing of the sky above; to the left and
to the right the Celestials were moving quickly unloading hundreds,
perhaps thousands of the capsules that enclosed humans.
All around them were the same tubes as before with people in
them that rested on the ships. With the clear jelly-like substance filling
the tubes and what looked like clear silicon stretched over the top.
Walking amidst thousands of these tubes the gray beings was
“Mr. Evans, follow me.” Jim Evans paced slowly towards the
end of the long corridor. Looking above outside the glass ceiling he
could see spider web structures that rose high into the sky. He could not
tell if they were towers, tubes or glass structures.
There were openings at the top of this long corridor that the
Gray beings would crawl into like a spider traversing a wall without any
effort. It was endless movement as if ants working in a collective unison
focused on moving human being’s bodies.
Following Jim Evans, The President watched as several gray
beings accompanied a body of a woman floating in between them
upheld by some sort of levitation technology.
Still encapsulated in a cryogenic module the Gray beings
brought her to a clear glass cylinder. One of the beings placed his hand
upon the silicon like covering and it immediately dissolved. Grabbing
the woman who was covered in this jelly like substance completely
naked from head to toe they placed her into a glass tube.
The cryogenic glass tubes were lifted up into the openings at the
edges of the ceiling.
Moving forward The President followed Jim Evans through the
Gray being’s activity. At the long end of the hallway stood two large
beings. They did not seem like typical Celestials but rather tall smooth
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beings roughly 10 feet in height pure black material that sparkled like
the stars. The heads of these beings looked like ones he had seen in
Trying to remember it dawned on him, these were living statues
of Anubis. Anubis was the protector of the dead, but clearly these
beings were half human and half jackal. Holding long staffs, they stood
as Guardians.
The right arm of the one on the left and the left arm of the one
on the right were crossed across their chest as the opposite arm extended
outwards across the front of the door with the staffs they held crossing.
They were clearly made of some substance that was not flesh
and not like the Grays, perhaps machines? Or were they living beings?
They, however, did move uncrossing their arms as they approached the
doors crossing the staff across their chest.
The doors opened to a round room with millions of lights
encircling the top half that were square and equal in size. Blinking on
and off in no particular order thousands of lights a dark red circled the
room like some sort of electrical buttons.
The bottom half of the round room was covered with a clear
glass-like substance that allowed the viewing of the same dark surface
that covered the walls previously. The doors closed behind them and the
room began to emanate a blue light that circled around the clear portion
of the surrounding walls spinning around like electricity and the round
room began to rise.
The lights on the top became a solid red as The President could
clearly see they were rising into the air through a glass tube. For the first
time, he could actually see outside. Peering through the clear four-foot
section of clear glass that encircled the room he could see the building
below. Covered by what looked like spider web-like fibers across every
structure he could see the tubes that the bodies were being taken through
rising out of the sides of the building into the massive dome-like
These structures glowed an ominous dark red at the top of the
structures as five bubbles like domes met at the top with the tubes
entering all around the sides. He could see ships rising and descending
everywhere into the distance.
The President marveled at how large and massive these domes
were and how it seemed they stretched into the distance, as well as how
high they were currently traveling.
He could see many more tubes that stretched into the brown
polluted sky. As they entered what seemed like a thick hazy polluted fog
the room came to a stop and the doors opened.
Stepping out of the transport elevator Jim Evans and The
President entered another round circular room that was much larger.
This room reminded The President of the Space Needle in Seattle but
perhaps four times as large. Surrounded by clear glass that allowed the
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viewing into all directions. There were what seemed like control panels
at the base of the windows with numerous Gray beings moving to and
from them in active motion.
The room was about 15 feet high with a circular opening in the
center of the room ceiling that extended further up. A spider web like
substance encircled this opening. Many of the Gray beings would walk
to the center of the room, stretch their arms up touching the ceiling and
then lifting themselves crawl on all fours into the dark hole rising. The
image of this occurring was more like something out of an alien movie
and struck fear into the heart of The President than astonishment.
Jim Evans began communicating with a large thin being in a
strange clicking then turning motioned The President towards the glass
to view what was below.
Looking out over the vast distance Jim Evans spoke, “It looks
like the Captain has chosen to leave, he escaped with the ship and
250,000 human cryogenic capsules” then paused...
The President responded, “What will we do, will you go after
“He is of little consequence, we are tracking him, but it is of
little concern. At present, we have obtained over 4-billion humans from
the Planet Earth. It’s does seem he is now traveled to the Universe of
Where “The” Gitche Manitou took mankind long ago. As long
as he is there we cannot reach him, however, soon that will change. We
have time on our hands, more than enough to overlook the Captains
ignorance...we will see him again and deal with him” responded Jim
“What happens now?” asked The President
“The humans are being transported into the cryogenic holding
pods” pointing to the large dome-like structures, “Tomorrow I will show
you the grand project we are undertaking here on Dyaus to preserve the
future of both our species”
Motioning The President to the center of the room two large
Grays grabbed him by the arms, reaching up they lifted him through the
black void that extended upwards. Rising helplessly being carried by
large Gray beings the walls around him were clearly covered in a spider
web-like substance that dripped a strange glowing blue substance.
After climbing what seemed like 100 feet looking up, there was
an opening. Rising out of the center the beings set him down within a
larger room again surrounded by windows, however, there were clear
hallways that extended out into the distance connecting to other larger
structures suspended in the sky above the surface below. Here the sky
was very clear as the thick dark smog rested below them.
Looking around this room it extended upwards to a vault-like the
ceiling. Surrounding the walls above the clear glass was hundreds of
dark holes that resembled that of a trapdoor spider. Gray beings climbed
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along these walls in and out of these dark rooms. They also entered and
exited these long corridors that stretched out towards the surrounding
Visible in the sky was the large red sun with two smaller suns on
the opposite sky. It was clear there were three suns, but the one large red
sun was enormous. Red waves of what looked like the aurora borealis
stretched across the sky. Rings encircled the planet in almost tranquil
splendor separating the sky above from the sky below as a myriad of
colors stretched across the horizon.
Jim was astonished at the dichotomy that existed in the sky
above. Almost as beautiful as the painting that he had bought several
years earlier by Edvard Munch entitled The Scream.
Looking off The President became lost in the moment, thinking
back to the final weeks on Earth, how helpless he felt. The most
powerful man in the world and he could do nothing...nothing but flee
with beings who had basically enslaved his entire people.
At this moment, he felt as though he knew exactly how Edvard
Munch must have felt when he painted The Scream and for the first time
he felt this painting was about him as he felt like screaming. However,
this was his new life.
Pulling The President back down to reality Jim Evans spoke,
“Mr. President” ...as if in a daze The President was startled in a jerking
motion he turned towards Jim Evans. Standing next to Jim Evans was a
creature that was terrifying more than anything he had ever seen.
A centipede-like creature with long black wings stretched up to
an enormous height. Large spikes surrounded the edges of the creature
as a thick slime like substance covered its entire body. This being of
unexplainable horror looked like it could wrap around him at any
At the top of the creature was a set of at least a dozen purple
eyes with two larger dark eyes in the center with what looked like a face
protruding from the surface. The creature itself was a gray color much
the same, as the Grays but much more like purple gray mucous.
The creature had spider-like legs that stretched outwards to the
side of the base that was an eight-foot section of itself that rested on the
floor behind it with arms that were connected to the back attaching to
the large black wings. He had never seen or imagined any creature that
looked like this in his life.
“This is Maji-Manidoo, the Eminence of our people.... he will
introduce you to the true Great Spirit of the Heavens” spoke Jim Evans.
Startled The President actually stepped back, thinking to
himself, “Our People...Great Spirit of Heaven?” ...
Reaching for his pocket The President began fumbling a
handkerchief as he struggled to wipe the sweat profusely running down
his brow before sputtering, “Your Eminence, it is an honor to be in your
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Slithering across the floor with the spider-like legs moving

quickly and straining under the weight of the large body of the
Celestials leader Maji-Manidoo stopped short of the clear glass next to
the President.
Shocked The President couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
There were small Gray beings latched onto its back, climbing up and
down in a constant grooming motion focusing entirely on extracting this
purple substance in small vials from tubes inserted into his back. The
two large black wings clasped together.
In a long slurring sound Maji-Manidoo spoke, “Wee e ar r re
Eternity y y... you are Eternity within your mortalllll flesh....a soul”
The President was more stunned that Maji-Manidoo spoke than
the many slurs that speaking caused him.
Maji-Manidoo continued, “Your soullll will live foreverrr”
“What are you talking about...” the President stopped and remained
Stepping in Jim Evans continued, “Your Eminence, we will
accompany The President through the facilities.”
Turning “The” Fallen One moved towards a large obsidian
looking structure that covered an entire wall like a large oval mirror but
it was pitch black. The outer rim was covered in large golden beams that
formed a frame. The blackness within could be seen to move in small
movements as if like beetles under a clear sheet of paper or ever shifting
sands. Reaching forth he touched the surface and a ripple appeared like
a drop of a stone in a pond that extended outwards to the four corners.
“Behold the almighty Father, the true Great Spirit of Heaven.
Behold Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. Who ushered forth
the darkness that existed before the light in the beginning. A master of
Creation.” spoke Maji-Manidoo
Pressing against the surface of the black stonewall a ripple
dispersed in all directions revealing that the wall was, in fact, a liquid
type substance. Then oozing silk like poured onto the floor.
Rising from the substance was a being as if covered by a sheet of
blackness and yet resembling black liquid silk.
It stood up and walked forward towards President gazing at his
own reflection in the brilliantly smooth surface the being standing much
taller than himself remained cloaked within the darkness of the
substance that had emerged from the stone.
The being speaking with a deep hypnotic slithering voice, “A
Marvelous Work and a Wonder is before you. In time, all truth will be
unfolded before your eyes and you will see that on this day you stand
before your Creator. Before the light appeared, there was only, I am.”
With that, the being turned to a plant-like cocoon looking
structure that resembled a plant with closed leaves along the wall. The
leaves opened revealing a human being standing within the plant-like
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The President noticed these capsules surrounded the walls of the

room just above the windows. Immediately the dark cloaked being
stretched forth a black hand dripping with blackness.
This being was, in fact, a man of some sort as he could be seen
visibly beneath the smooth surface of the material that clothed him.
Then immediately the soul of the person was pulled from the wall and
absorbed into the dark being as the remaining corpse withered into a
skeleton covered by the look of death until it fell to the floor and
scattered like dust.
The being spoke again, “As I giveth, I taketh, ashes to ashes,
dust to dust. From light came life and to darkness shall man return.”
For a moment The President thought he could see the body of a
person pushing against the surface of this being trying to escape.
Could this really be the Great Spirit he had always imagined?
This being seemed so dark and unfit of any description of patience, love
or virtue he had imagined may occur with meeting the Great Spirit of
the Universe.
For a moment, he remembered what Michabou had told him
before he had escaped, they were demons from hell, fallen angels.
Speaking again the dark figure continued, “I am the father of
time. I am Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, above the spheres
of creation that contain and encapsulate your galaxy. I come from
beyond the fabric that exists around this kingdom of glory. Great Spirits,
there are many, worlds of life there are many, but only I exist separate
from them all. I have come here to gather the Fallen Ones of the Great
Spirits of this sphere. It is here I will bring the Creators of this Glory to
their knees.”
Turning to stare directly at The President he could see his own
reflection in the blackness of the smooth, silky being that stood before
him. The hair on his neck stood on end, he was terrified. With that, the
being turned and walked back into the darkness that covered the wall
disappearing as the black shiny ooze retreated into the large oval stone
structure behind him.
Likewise, Maji-Manidoo could be heard shrieking an ominous
cackle as he slithered to the wall and up to the top of the room.
Michabou questioned whether this creature was merely a
shadow of its former self.
Chills ran down the arms of The President. Sliding in and out of
the dark openings he disappeared into the darkness leaving a trail of
oozing purple slime behind.
Moving forward The President felt the surface of the stone and it
was indeed that of obsidian in feel and cold to the touch. As he tried to
remove his hand from the wall a thick black substance wrapped around
his fingers.
Feeling a panic, he pulled his hand back quickly and watched as
brilliant glowing energy was pulled out of his fingers. The tips of the
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fingers on his right hand became purple and dead as if touched by

frostbite. The pain he felt in his hands was unbearable.
Noticing what had happened, Jim Evans rushed to The President.
Grabbing his hand, he pulled a tube from one of the small beings near
Maji-Manidoo and squeezed the fluid that had been extracted from
Maji-Manidoo onto the hand of The President. Immediately the fingers
regained color and healed.
It then occurred to The President this was the lair of this being
and this was a portal to an unworldly place perhaps more terrifying than
what the Earth was now facing. He had been a part of their downfall;
these beings misled him with a conspiracy that had lost the Earth and
perhaps even Heaven itself. For Great Spirit only knew what or who this
being truly was.
Looking up at the holes that surrounded him he shuttered at the
thought of who Maji-Manidoo and Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” were, but thoughts did cross his mind of a dark angel and
Heavenly darkness. He dare not say a word about who he thought these
beings were or were not the fact remained he was grateful to be alive.
He knew from that moment forward he had better fall in line as to come
face to face with this creature scared the living hell out of him.
“Let us leave” spoke Jim Evans as he began walking across the
room and into the glass tube that lead to an adjacent building high above
the clouds. As The President walked across the glass tube he ran his
hands across the glass surface, it was slick covered in the same oozing
material that covered Maji-Manidoo, but there was also this spider web
type substance strewn within.
“You are the first human ambassador to ever meet Maji-
Manidoo and to my knowledge the only to ever meet Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” and live, and you can thank Maji-Manidoo
that you still have your hand,” said Evans. The President didn’t care
about meeting them but rather putting as much distance as possible
between him and those hideous terrifying beings.
What The President could not quite get used to be the way the
Gray beings moved in these tubes and domes. He was used to them
moving in a gliding fashion that had dignified refined movements but
here, they moved more like arachnid creatures out of a horror movie.
Leading The President through what looked like large beehive
cocoon structures bound like fibrous twine that housed Gray beings that
seemed more like spiders as they crawled along the inner canopy into
the black holes in the walls. The other structures were much larger than
the one that housed Maji-Manidoo.
Entering the massive complex, the largest he had seen, there was
a large ten by ten-foot opening that was lined in a screw-like fashion
with weaves of web stretching into the distance.
Turning to The President, Jim Evans said, “President, while it is
rather formal you are a dignitary among our people and we will address
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you as such. Do not fear for your life, as you are the safest human on
our world. I need you wear this medallion to signify the protection of
His Eminence and the Prophet to your people for your new Father.”
Extending his hand Evans placed a triangle shaped medallion
made of what looked like gold into The President hand. The amulet was
three inches in height with a dark metallic necklace that shimmered with
the same metallic blue light seen elsewhere on this world.
The President placed the amulet around his neck, sighing within
himself he thought, thank Great Spirit. For the first time, he now knew
what type of man he was; he was a survivor, a leader, and a man of
importance. His entire life had amounted to this moment and now he
would stand as the leader of his people to a Great Spirit and his alien
King. While it wasn’t the future he had imagined, nonetheless, it was a
Moving into the dark shimmering blue-lighted corridor Jim
Evans motioned The President to follow. As they walked at a 45-degree
angle downwards the ground beneath his feet had perfect traction.
Looking closely this hall seemed to have millions of small hairs
that were sticky to touch. No matter what the angle he seemed to have
perfect traction. Feeling them for closer observation he noticed they
were alive like small worms.
As they approached the end of the large tunnel there was another
brilliant bright blue light, brighter than the hall before but the theme was
the same. As they approached the light, the room on the end was made
of a smooth metallic surface. In the middle of this room were what
looked to The President like metal tables with human bodies on them.
Above the bodies were large lights that hung from the
translucent blood-red ceiling.
Opening into a larger corridor there were many beings moving
around, several of them were different than ones he had seen before.
The beings that were operating on the humans were larger than he had
seen before; these were tall thin Gray’s with long arms and long thin
legs. They seemed to slouch over at the shoulder, as their spine seemed
to bend causing them to lurch forward. The faces were constrained and
old looking.
Holding metal instruments that resembled gothic weapons of
torture, they worked feverishly on the bodies. As the processing of one
body was completed another was quickly placed on the metal table.
As Jim Evans and The President moved through this room they
stayed to the right side of the tables. The beings at work seemed focused
on pulling organs from the bodies.
They would remove the organs and place them into silver lined
glass oval containers on the table next to them. The bodies had tubes
connected to the sides of the legs and arms with a large tube attached to
the neck.
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The blood from the bodies was flowing out through these tubes
into the ceiling where large inverted bubbles filled with red blood that
seemed to be netted to the ceiling by the same spider web-like substance
found throughout the corridors. The President could tell there was a
room above them because something was siphoning the blood above
them out of these containers.
As one body, organs were removed, and the blood drained
smaller Gray beings removed the brains. Carrying the brain with great
delicacy to a tube on the wall where they placed the brain and it
disappeared with a sickening suction sound. The body was then moved
to another tube on the wall that resembled a meat grinder, placing the
body into the tube you could hear the body being shredded.
The sound was unnerving and sickening as bone cracking,
crushing, and grinding as the cartilage strapped to the bone and joints
was torn to pieces.
“President, this is where we harvest important life-giving cells,
the blood from humans is a Royal Blood. From here the blood moves to
our labs to be recycled through those remaining while the organs go
directly to our genetic research facility. Every part of the human body is
used with nothing going to waste. This is one of the thousands of such
facilities here on our planet.”
“Why do you do this?” asked The President
Moving out of the room Jim Evans calmly responded, “Mr.
President, while this seems grotesque and barbaric I assure you what
happens in these chambers represents only a small fraction of your
population. Less than 05%, roughly 3-million will ever be designated
for this place, but that is determined by a special genetic marker. The
vast majority will never taste of death. Then there are those we will
They will never taste the breath of life or experience a moment
beyond the sacrifice to Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.”
“Never taste death?” responded The President
“Yes, we have the technology to preserve a human being’s
life...isn’t it marvelous? Responded Jim Evans.
Moving along they stopped at what resembled a subway system.
Only it was much more advanced than any subway he had seen. A
completely clear glass tube, the doors on this ship opened and they
stepped inside. Speeding off at an incredibly quick speed.
“I want to show you some of our other progress President.”
The craft they were shot off in an incredible speed as the blue
light shone around the entirely transparent vessel. It became evident that
these beings valued the blue light, as it was present almost everywhere.
Coming to a stop the doors opened and they exited the craft.
The ground here was much different than before, for one the
gray metal was replaced by a black almost charcoal type substance that
covered the floors and the walls, and for the first time The President saw
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steps. The steps wrapped upwards in a spiraling motion with the same
blue light illuminating the way. As they moved up the steps Jim Evans
began speaking again.
“There is so much to share with you. In time, you will learn
about all that exists here on Dyaus. We have been visiting your planet
for a very long time conducting genetic research to enhance perfect the
vision of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” for our people. This
next room will be a demonstration of a portion of our research.”
Opening up into a large warehouse type structure there were
massive cryogenic tube structures filled with a glowing green liquid.
“Is that what I think that is?” spoke The President
“Quite inquisitive Mr. President, yes, these here...” pointing to
the creature in the tube “these are what you call dinosaurs...” chuckling
to himself Jim Evans continued, “These are actually fetus of an ancient
race that colonized the cosmos that went extinct long ago.”
“In this room and several more like it across our planet we grow
several species of the Carians an ancient enemy.”
The President turned startled towards Jim Evans as if shocked by
what he had heard as he had supposed that these were pods for food.
Jim Evans responded, “What? You thought we ate humans or
The President smirked thinking about that soul being pulled
from the human’s body by the dark being who referred to himself as I
Am. He had assumed this was why humans were here in this place.
Sensing his confusion Jim Evans provided a long chuckle.
“Your species are far too valuable to eat, not that we would ever
lower ourselves to such savageness...some of these creatures you see
here will be transported to hunting worlds, others to serve as pets while
most will specifically be used to feed the population.”
The President curiosity got the best of him as he began pacing
through the large hanger-like room. Placing his hand on one of the
tanks, the glass resembled an upside-down jar with the same black
charcoal-like substances surrounding the base. Inside there were many
tubes that connected to the specimens as a constant flow of bubbles rose
through the tank. It was another cryogenic chamber as before that
encapsulated the humans.
There were no Gray’s in this room but rather a large octopus
emerging from the ceiling with metal tentacles and clamps on the ends
extending up and down and all around the tanks. Every few moments
the tentacles would lift a lid off one of the tubes and a lizard like a
creature would be lifted into the air and pulled through a large opening
in the ceiling.
“We produce roughly one of these creatures in as short as one of
your Earth weeks. It has allowed us a never-ending supply of soldiers.”
Looking around at the walls he marveled that fossils of the
dinosaurs were imprinted in the walls like artwork or trophies.
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“These are relics of an ancient civilization that once roamed your

very world, they were once a highly intelligent species that emerged
from an unknown galaxy and colonized the second world within your
system of stars. After being defeated, we harvested their DNA and
placed them onto the planet Earth during our terraforming of the planet
with less than intelligent clones,” spoke Jim Evans
“How many of you are there?” asked The President
“We are many, many more than you would be able to count or
fathom, but we are a re-emerging race which is where your species
comes in, let us move to the hall of records so that the great time
recorder may explain why it is so important that you are here and the
vital role your people will provide in the future of The Celestials.”
responded Jim Evans
The President looked concerned as he asked, “What vital role...I
mean, obviously I am here and clearly we were so important to you that
you transported over 4-billion of our species, perhaps more from the
Earth when the planet faced destruction?”
As they progressed to the Hall of Records, Jim Evans began
sharing a bit of history with The President, “Millions of Earth years ago
The Celestials began harvesting their kind on your planet. At that time,
there were actually two habitable worlds in your solar system. Your
planet Earth and the Planet you call Mars. The Earth was void of
advanced human life. While Mars was covered in advanced
humans...not an advanced race but a race of your ancestors that lived off
the vast oceans covering that planet.”
“Mars???” responded The President...” I mean, we knew there
was once oceans existing on the surface millions of years ago but
beyond debatable markers we had not determined whether life was
present, but we knew it was a habitable planet...you're telling me that
we, humans originated on Mars?”
“Actually, the human species originates in many galaxies and
places beyond even that but for those of the Earth, yes, you did, but
something went very wrong. It's best I show you the history of your
planet. Let’s take a walk to our hall of records then you will understand
better what I am trying to tell you” responded Jim Evans.
The President was floored with the revelation but based upon
everything he had been a part of in the past years nothing surprised him
any longer.
Moving to another elevator type room they entered through large
sets of arched doors that were wrapped in an unknown language
resembling hieroglyphic extended around the entire perimeter.
Walking through the archway massive doors closed behind
them. With a jerking motion, they began ascending back towards the
Coming to a stop the doors opened and The President motioned
to several large Gray beings in an unknown language that sounded like
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drawn out clicking’s. The beings wore long silver cloaks and looked
much older than any he had previously seen. Their skin hung on their
faces revealing a skeleton appearance. One of the beings held out a
handheld device and somehow activated it so that a holographic image
shown against the wall.
“Come, let's enter the Hall of Records” spoke Jim Evans
Moving to the holographic door Jim Evans stepped through the
image into nothing. Poking his head out he stated, “What are you
waiting for?”
The President followed him through the portal. Opening his
eyes, he realized he was standing in another dome-like structure with a
platform that extended out into the center of the dome.
The ceiling looked like the Kitt Peak observatory he had visited
many times as a boy except it was transparent revealing shifting light
that faded from blue to gray resembling the surface of the ocean as
viewed from beneath.
“How did we get here, what is this place?” spoke The President
“This is the ancient hall of records, it contains the history of our
people stretching back through time. The history of our people including
the history of our contact with your planet was recorded here by a
parallel race of Great Spirits. This place exists inside a bend in space.
Created by the ancients of a place called Maat in a time long ago.”
The room looked ancient as if it hadn’t been visited in a very
long time. It was quiet but in pristine condition as everything sparkled
with clarity. Placing his hands upon the platform that stood at the end of
the walkway Jim Evans wiped away a thick film of residue revealing a
large green stone. Placing his hand upon the stone it activated rising
from the platform into the air.
While beginning to spin the stone began emanating a green mist
that swirled outward towards the perimeter of the room. The mist began
forming small planets with the green ball at the center turning into the
sun and what appeared a replica of several galaxies. In the distance were
numberless smaller galaxies that moved in a circular motion around the
perimeter of the room.
Then Jim Evans spoke, “There was a time when The Celestials
first arrived at Dyaus. Wandering the stars Maji-Manidoo brought The
Celestials to this world with the first nomadic humans. Maji-Manidoo
was a creator from the first world before those of the Star Seed
Bloodline created Origin. He told us that it would be here that we would
find the true creator of the universe and here vengeance would be had.”
Raising his hand, he pointed to the world that rested near a large
red sun Jim Evans began speaking again, “This is Dyaus. Almost a
mirror of your Earth because of its position in relation to the sun it is a
habitable world however much larger than many of your Earth. The
great red sun has had numerous effects on the evolution of our people. It
was here that we first met the Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
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Star”, a being from another dimensional universe. Through his power

and the knowledge of Maji-Manidoo, we began colonizing the other
planets in our system. We used them for their resources growing and
expanding to over two-dozen worlds preparing for an assault against the
Archangels of Origin and Maji-Manidoo’s greatest enemy, Chibiabos.”
“Having been cast down by Origin, we had not the ability to
access the great realm of the Great Spirits. However, the High One
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” empowered Maji-Manidoo
with knowledge on your Earth in your galaxy where a lineage of the
Star Seed Bloodline would reside the answer.”
“Under the direction of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star”, Maji-Manidoo was to create a superior species using the royal
blood of advanced humans that would rival that of the Great Spirits of
this and many other Universes. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” gave a gift to Maji-Manidoo.”
“It allowed him eternal life in both this world and others. We
began removing his genetic fluids and combining it with our own, this
genetic mutation reacted in such a way with our DNA that we became
an ever-evolving species changing into something new. The Celestials
advanced to beings of great power and knowledge again in the
“In time, we were able to re-develop a greater inter-dimensional
time travel that allowed us the ability to peer through the fabric of space
to reach your solar system in no time at all and yet traverse vast
“It was on Earth the outcast first royal family of the human
bloodline resided on a world. We have learned from Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” that in his dimension he is the originator of
space and void between, he controls the great sea of darkness, he is the
manifestation of the source we call Great Spirit and he showed us the
way to tear through the fabric of space and time.”
“The knowledge contained within Maji-Manidoo, the Gitche
Manitou of his time, allowed us to be able to connect with the closest
galaxy to our own but with time we hope to reach others. The unique
aspect of your galaxy is that among all dimensions, which are infinite,
yours is the one closest to us and also “Those of the Royal Bloods”.
“The light contained within humans is a force that will enable us
the power to overtake “Those of the Royal Blood” entirely. We hope to
reach the source of the great dark void which lies opposite that of this
universe and merge this reality with that of Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”. To escape this universe.”
The President began to realign through his mind everything that
Evans had told him both on Earth and here on Dyaus. It was then he
realized that Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” was the man in
black and that Evans had been deceiving him as the source from which
the darkness came was not a random or distance unknown “Others” but
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rather the universe of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”

spilling over into our own. The President realized the horror of that
moment silently, dreadfully, and knew, the man in black travels with his
soul in his pocket. He dare not confront Evans, but rather he would wait
and see knowing a life lived is better than a life not lived. All he wanted
to do was live. At this moment, he ceased to care about the fate of
humanity and aspired only to preserve his own.
That is the extent of my knowledge of my people as I am a
created being as a result of genetic alteration of our species and humans,
we must call upon the ancient one to share the recorded history that
exists within the archives before I came to into existence.
The imagery showed the form of a man standing in the air
clothed in a smooth black suit with a long flowing cape rising into the
air behind him. The long cape was not in fact a cape but rather a flap of
skin hanging from the back of his skull that drifted in the air behind
him. He stepped down onto the platform next to Jim Evans and The
President. Transparent like a holographic image the man was not like
the Grays and yet seemed to be a cognitive being of intelligence and yet
a hologram.
As he appeared began walking through the air to the ground he
transformed into a solid being. His height was enormous about 10 feet
tall. He had the same gray skin but was more human in appearance. In
fact, he was sure this man resembled the same man who appeared in the
moon observatory but without the glowing light that emanated from
within him and much larger.
Then he spoke, “I am Theus the scribe of the Star Seed
Bloodline bound for time and eternity in this place by the Amun-Ra.”
Jim Evans continued, “Great Titan, placed here by the Archangel
as a steward for a season.”
Theus continued, “In a time before the time it was determined
that I must preserve the record of the bits of intelligence.”
Turning towards Jim Evans he spoke in a deep thunderous voice,
“Why have you summoned me Fallen One, can you not see I carry the
mark of the sacred line?”
Bending to a knee and bowing his head in submission Jim Evans
spoke humbly, “Theus, we have come to access the ancient archives. I
do not come as an enemy, but one seeking knowledge and wisdom. You
once stood alongside human beings...” he paused.
Pointing towards The President while placing his hand on his
shoulder he continued, “This man is the leader of the human family. He
has come here to hear the truth and obtain knowledge from you that may
help him lead his people.”
Turning towards the President, Theus moved closer until he was
peering over The President. Staring eye-to-eye Theus then raised up
turned and walked away. Staring off into the opposite direction he was
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Then speaking, “The leader of the human family is Father

Raising his arms in until they were extended to the sides
lightning began streaming from the borders of the spherical room
piercing through his fingertips until a glowing ball of light began to
form above him in the air. With a thunderous clap, he slapped his hands
together and the ball dispersed into a glowing radiant universe filling the
room with light.
He spoke again, “This is the great void, created in the beginning
using the power of The Line after the Order of the Creators. Within this
void, all dimensions exist overlapping over the other with some closer
than others.”
The imagery above again changed as the swirling white energy
revealed infinite stars, constellations, galaxies, with glowing blue dots
across the sky each networked with a line. The lines showed tunnels that
connected one galaxy to another with one resting on top of the other as
the two separate galaxies overlapped and bent and twisted through the
air above the men standing in the room.
Looking down at The President he spoke again, “Son of
Chibiabos, not all Titans of Time followed Maji-Manidoo in times since
past, leave this place. Leave this place for great darkness is coming.”
With that Theus vanished.
Looking over at Jim Evans, Evans was a mess, wiping
frantically sweat dripping over his face.
As they exit the Hall of Records The President felt a deep
uneasiness within the pit of his stomach.
He thought back about the first moment, when he had met Jim
Evans, when the whole world fell to crap leaving nothing but vague
memories and jaded perceptions of the future.
Thinking back...he remembered the Event.
~ 70 ~

Michabou was determined to listen to the being who had
appeared in his room while traveling with The President to the alien
home world. Directing the ship towards the opening that had appeared
in the portal like a swirling hurricane in space.
The ship moved forward traveling through what could only be
described as pure electricity in all directions. As he entered the vortex
the speed of the ship increased at a rate that stretched everything around
him into slow motion. He entered a pure black void.
This was the space between universes.
As the ship entered the void it would seem everything stretched
in a motion that felt like an accelerator to a speed even beyond that
which he had previously known.
Soaring through pitch black all that could be seen were the blue
lights that hung above the control seat, but the screen was void with
perfect blackness. The space between was like a watery substance that
was different than traveling through space, it caused the ship to shake
and lung and pull as if pressing through a more viscous material. He
was moving forward but what was forward and moving at an incredible
speed, but it seemed into nothing.
The stretching of this place seemed unbearable when in the
distance he could see a light. The light illuminated the surroundings
beyond what he perceived a skin like a wall. Like black fire the space
around him fell like a waterfall toward the light. As he neared the light it
became larger and larger until the illumination surrounded him until he
was certain he could not see or bear the brightness and brilliance of that
The ship then pressing against this unknown surface slipped
through like a fish emerging from a pond rippling into another place. It
wasn’t hot, it wasn’t cold, it was pure energy that surrounded him
entirely. In an instant, the ship came to a stop with no resistance.
Moving the ship to see the wall or barrier he had just come
through there was nothing but empty space in all directions. How could
this be he thought, surely it must be right there, after all he had just left
the space through an invisible wall.
What lies before Michabou could only be described as glowing
crystals formed by light with rays of energy everywhere of a blue
turquoise and brilliant golden hue, the whiteness of snowflakes mixed
with the crystals was hard to ignore but he could see the form of land or
buildings in the distance. In all directions from horizon to horizon, the
structures extended in perfect symmetry.
Moving the ship through the clouds that burst into sparkling
golden dust as the ship pierced them. Below he could see structures,
unlike anything he had ever seen...there was the sky, but it was
brilliantly swirling with the depth of colored clouds networking into the
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distance in a fashion that absorbed the glowing energy emanating

pushing outwards.
The colors of white brilliantly clear as perfect snow which
caused soreness to look upon, and there was earth, but it did not look
familiar. Looking below the ship hovered over glass structures that
contained within them lightning. As if electricity had been contained
within the very structures. It was a city, it was the largest he had ever
seen and expanded in all directions, the largest most elaborate city he
had ever imagined let alone seen. It was like viewing Heaven.
Hovering closer to the surface he could see beings amongst a
plethora of crystalline structures, the same beings that had appeared to
him before, they were numberless. The screen showed a close-up of
those that stood on the landscape below. He felt overwhelmed and
thought to himself unbelievable, everything was clear glass filled with
lightning and every being was standing in silence watching his gray
metal rusty ship hovered across the sky.
Then Michabou became aware that he was not controlling the
ship rather a ship was being directed towards a large glowing mass in
the distance that seemed to be the source of the energy shining through
the ground below and encompassing this entire place. In the distance
was a large dome-like structure that sat in the center of the light.
The ship then slowly rested on the surface below with a peaceful
stop. Powering off he stood up and watched through the command
window as men clothed in white approached and surrounded the ship.
Immediately they appeared in the room standing around Michabou as if
they walked through the walls.
Stretching forth their hands in a calming gesture the room began
to fill with light. Looking down at his hands he could see swirling light
piercing through his fingers, around his palm. He was glowing a
beautiful swirling light that filled him with warmth and peace. He could
feel the stiff soreness; the aches and the worries leave his body, replaced
with an invigoration and energy.
As the men lowered their hands and the light diminished he
could see he had been changed and carried a soft glow not as bright as
the others in the room, but a glow existed surrounding his entire body.
“You can now enter our presence and dwell with the true
Celestial in this sacred and holy sphere” spoke one of the men. “Follow
us, Father Chibiabos would like to speak with you.”
“Here is a first lesson brother,” spoke one of the men, he
continued, “You have been changed to enter this sacred place, to gain
knowledge and speak with the anointed ones. Here is the first lesson you
will gain while here for your brief moment. As a man thinks so he does.
Think in your mind of standing outside the ship. By the limited power
you now possess you can accomplish simple tasks with your mind.”
Michabou was perplexed but thought to himself outside.
Instantly he stood among the most brilliant white light on the surface
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outside the ship. With the blink, maybe less he had transported out of
the ship with only a thought.
“Very well” spoke the man again.
Looking at the scenery that surrounded him, the sky, and the
structures. It reminded him so much of the plasma ball he had as a child,
how he used to touch it and the electricity would follow his path. Below
his feet was flowing lightning that rippled when he stepped.
He was standing in a courtyard of bright white; one brightness
could not be differentiated from another and Michabou marveled at the
beauty it created all around him and this place that he had never
imagined before...where am I?
The beings that surrounded him glowed brilliantly themselves,
each wearing robes, some with a gold and some with red sashes.
Their faces did not have distinct lines or structure, he could see
eyes, but it was all perfectly smooth, not like white skin but like they
themselves glowed of light, a brilliant white light.
The sound in the air was silent as if no sound existed. But as he
stood silently distinctly standing apart from his surroundings and
focused on the electricity below his feet and all around him he could
hear a rushing sound, faint, but like running water.
This was a place unlike any other he had ever seen or imagined,
so different, it felt as though he were at the 4th of July for the first time
in awe of the fireworks all around him.
One of these brilliant beings clothed in a red gown differing
from the previous being’s white robes with red or gold sashes, the man
emerged from the large structure that emitted the light that pierced the
sky above.
He did not walk but rather moved towards him as if floating in
the air just inches off of the ground. This being was clearly different
from everything around him and all the beings he had seen previously,
for one he wore red, the only color distinguishable other than himself of
course in this strange and odd place.
His eyes were soft and blue, a bright blue swirling in circles at
the pupil but so gentle and calming. He glowed differently than the
others; the electricity that flowed through everything around him flowed
through this being. The others seemed more transparent than this man
whose body was physical and had detailed.
He thought to himself, was this an angel? Where am I?
Speaking with a deep voice that seemed to echo all around him
the being spoke, “Welcome to Origin, you are the first terrestrial being
to visit this place since I was brought here as a mortal man many times
ago. Not since then has a child of the Father been brought to such great
heights. Many wonderful things have occurred in the Heavens since that
time. You have traveled far and come great distances. Were it not for
the power within your blood that was granted to you by The Creator you
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could not be present in this place at this time and live in the flesh. It is
by his power that you are maintained in the flesh here.”
“What is Origin? Who are you?” asked Michabou
“This is the center of everything, all light, we are those of the
Star Seed Bloodline of Father Chibiabos, and have been caring for our
divine family since the beginning. You are safe within our sphere of
elements within this place Origin.”
“This is among the bits of intelligence beyond the third Heaven.
We are the creators, which have brought life-giving energy to the
Universe within that of the great void. This is Origin; I am the Patron
Guardian of Origin. You have been brought here to preserve the destiny
of your people. It was not expedient that we should allow you to perish
once you made the decision to leave The Fallen Ones. Those among the
Fallen Ones will vanish in a short time, with their leader crushed under
the foot of Chibiabos. To think, The Celestials, guardians of the
Here is eternal wisdom Michabou, you are us at the beginning
which is why we have watched you so closely and we are you in the end
which is why we have not interceded in the affairs of man.”
“What do you mean, we are you and you are we, the beginning
and the ending?” spoke Michabou
The man began to speak again, “In the beginning the Lord of
Lords said let us go down. And we went down, we that is the Great
Spirits, organized and formed the heavens and that earth. The Creator
watched over that first world, a place filled with His creations. He is the
strong one of the eternities. He is able to transcend this plane of
existence to become a being of pure energy. He has an eternal
It was he who called this place Origin because it was where the
light of life emerged as organized by the Father of all families of the
Heavens. The Creator stands separate from all others, a man, but not a
mortal man, not simply a celestial man, but a being of supreme power
over the bits of intelligence of the Great Spirits and the Heavens which
are many and exist and have existed since all eternity without end.
He has the power within him to control matter and project this
gift upon the children of men through his power which is eternal. The
Creator, the Father of all Heaven, creates according to his will and his
knowledge is complete since he is connected to all things. He can
command even the elements to obey his words. Here you stand in the
cradle of all time. The window into Heaven.”
Looking completely astonished at what he was hearing
Michabou asked the only logical question he could think of at the
“Where is The Creator?”
The Creator resides in courts on high beyond that which you
now see ordaining us as Guardians of the human family in realms
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beneath and above and beyond this realm of existence. As a caterpillar

grows into adulthood it creates a cocoon and emerges as a butterfly to
lay eggs and die allowing the cycle of life to repeat. The butterfly does
not end with death but transcends to another form of intelligence. So, it
is with the human family, Heaven is found only through the journey of
“There are kingdoms within kingdoms ever progressing to that
source of all knowledge and light. The Creator has given us only a
portion of that understanding. When a source of the light expires, for
example when human’s die that light returns here to this place and
places beyond both of lesser and greater light. That of the sun, the moon
and the stars and even beyond those bits of intelligence the mansions of
the Heavens are many.”
“The Creator created Guardians, the Titans of Time. He created
all life that depends on his breath, out of organized matter to protect this
place and protect the interests of man from time to time as needed and
“In the past, we have worked with many worlds in many places,
including your own. There is a great truth that exists in the great void of
darkness. All human life on all of the Earth that exists in all of the
worlds contained in countless galaxies have an origin and yet are
unique. The life of each emanating from this place. Each world with an
eternal destiny and yet each a mirror of the first world. Yet at the end of
one's life all life returns here to this place, Origin. Yet, even this place in
in similitude of another place called Oryselum. Which means, Origin of
As they moved slowly through the courtyard in front of the large
Temple-like structure, he continued to teach Michabou wisdom.
“Each individual Galaxy of life is a Heavenly Spring, a sacred
garden, containing worlds identical to that of the original home world
and yet with destiny’s differing, our history differing, and the outcome
differing. Each the offspring, a child brought forth by The Creator.”
“Think and ponder on these things Michabou. Father Chibiabos
is but one of many sons and daughters of The Gitche Manitou, who is
the Creator. You and I are both sons of Father Chibiabos being
descended from him in the flesh, and also spiritual sons of the Father,
existing in Celestial realms prior to entering the tabernacle of terrestrial
“In fact, this very place, in a constant state of progression the
human family have always been transcended beings, Guardians and
helpers...we are your potential and your possible future. We are your
brothers and your sisters, your mothers and your fathers and yet we are
you and you are we existing in perfect harmony. Formed and comprised
of the same material, the very atom that is the source of light, which
comes from The Creator. Being born of the union of eternal spirit
housed within elements of matter. It is from this place the origin of the
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human species spreads through the second heaven from the first
habitable world having advanced to a point where we have gained the
power over life and death to a degree that we gain possession of all
spiritual life following death. We are the builders of the boundaries that
separate the degrees of heaven and the source of the next step in your
evolutionary progression towards the source and yet even we have
learned a great deal about ourselves through serving you, which is
serving ourselves.”
“Have I begun to open your eyes to the reality that exists in the
“There is no here and no there, simply endless expanses of the
present, the past, and the future existing at the same moment.”
“A trillion by a trillion by a trillion versions of your world
existing in separate places at the same time with differing outcomes
filled with independently unique humans’ infinite in number.”
“The math equation is the same the end result is the difference.
We, however, are connected to them all. However, what has occurred on
the cradle of the eternities presently concerns us a great deal. The final
seal of the Heavens has been unleashed and soon the redemption of the
children of Chibiabos will unfold.”
The current state of affairs has caused great reflection amongst
Origin. There is something you should know. There are planes of
existence beyond here in Origin, beyond the source where The Creator
now resides and beyond the Mega-Universe that contains yours and
many worlds. These places are as infinite in number as all of the grains
of sand in all of the worlds in the Mega-Verse combined and yet even
they are unknown to us. We feel some of our own history is at play here
in our present circumstances.”
“In the early beginning of Origin, there were those among us
that wanted another future for them separate from that designed by The
Creator. Led by the Grand Guardian of our old world, chose to leave
rather than enjoy the delightsome fruits of this place and reenter the
illusionary realm of the soul. There have been many who have followed
this path. There we\as a first and there will be a last, the first of all
Guardians created and a being of perfect light who walked with The
Creator and talked of things beyond even this realm.”
At this point Michabou began to question within himself, he had
heard this all before and felt Deja vu at the thought that he was about to
be intellectually snowballed by yet more advanced aliens. He chose to
listen to what he thought for sure were twisted manipulations of
truth...truth to only suit their agenda.
He spoke up for clarification; so, this Gitche Manitou is the
“Yes!” resounded the man.
“Well, what is this Gitche Manitous real name?”
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“It is much too sacred to speak with the tongue, we call him
Father or the Creator. He is our living Great Spirit.”
Michabou groaned within himself, “Ugh, more tin Great
“There have been many fallen Great Spirits of Origin. We have
managed to deal with the Fallen Ones, but these new beings that have
come to control your world and are now pouring into the universe come
from a place foreign to my intelligence and me.”
“Existing of energy that is the pure anti-to Celestial matter that
feeds on the Celestial matter. They are different than those that were
banished from Origin. For the first time, a force exists threatening the
survival of all mankind in all dimensions of reality.”
Michabou commented, “Well, why doesn’t the Gitche Manitou
stop them, I mean, he is your Great Spirit right?”
The man with a confused look spoke, “Much debate has
occurred amongst as a result of the presence of these beings who feed
on the power of the soul which flows within and encompasses all life in
the Universe.”
“The Guardians of Origin have contested in much agitation
amongst themselves on this matter. Do we close the portals to the
Universes fearing that for the first time in infinite of space and time
among countless worlds that there is a force that threatens even us
before it spreads to the other spheres of the eternities?”
“Do we continue the work as directed by The Creator at the risk
of being destroyed by beings that feed on all of this that exists here until
there is nothing left? The disputation has risen among the Guardians
about how we can allow the human species that we have come to seed
to perish, who we are and were and which is our work and our glory as
citizens of Zion. The decision has been made to bring you and a portion
of your people here to preserve mortal vessels and perhaps set to rest
our own conscience. So, your people will stay here for a time. We await
The Creator and His plan.”
“What is it that I can do, this is all so much bigger than me?”
responded Michabou.
Aldon spoke again, “For now you can rest, you have travelled
far and endured so much, soon you will meet with Father Chibiabos, the
Leader of the High Council in regard to the fate of your people.”
He needed rest and the thought of sleep without fear seemed like
a foreign concept, for so long he had been hyper-vigilant, edgy, never
sleeping more than a few hours a day. Thinking back, he remembered
the day it all began.
He had been just a boy when the first event occurred high atop
the Andes Mountains. How far he had come since that day. When the
black light had encircled around him and flowed right through him to
watching the world vanish and now standing in this paradise.
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“This is Antum, she will assist you to your living quarters while
you will stay with us.” Turning Michabou could see a woman had
arrived standing next to him, they moved to quietly, peacefully here.
She had long flowing hair that illuminated in the light with a glow. Her
eyes the same electric blue and her skin was soft, the same brilliant
whiteness as the others but much softer in appearance.
“You will find the ways of Origin and those of the Celestial
Realm are not the ways of the world. Look around you, spirit sons and
daughters of the Father Chibiabos. In all this grandeur, still you are a
spirit son of The Eternal Father who is also the Father of Chibiabos
making you his brother as both being spirit sons of the highest. Yet you
and I are also sons of Father Chibiabos being born through the flesh into
his lineage. Many things still to be removed from your eyes as you
progress through the veil of Celestial intelligence.”
Aldon then grasping the hand of Michabou gave a deep warm
smile of confidence and spoke peacefully in calming pitch, “May faith
guide your footsteps Nanabozho”, turning he walked away leaving
Michabou with Antum.
“This way” she spoke as she led him through the square to an
oval stone positioned in the middle of a courtyard. The stone was four
feet in height with a rounded hole on the top that displayed a handprint.
“Hold my hand,” she spoke softly. As Michabou grasped her
hand she placed her free hand upon the glowing white stone. Feeling a
vibrating within his body he dematerialized and rematerialized in an
instant. Standing in a different place at a different stone she stated,
“This is how we travel vast distances here” ...
How far have we travelled? Asked Michabou
“Many far times greater in distance than the width of even
several of your universes. Truly endless are the heavens, aren’t they?”
Marveling at such a declaration Michabou stood in awe as the
same buildings and form that existed there also existed here and it
seemed to go on for eternity. As he was led through arched pillars and
beautifully carved statues of glass, was it glass?
It seemed like glass, but he was not sure. The people all stopped
as he walked by and stared quietly as he walked by but again all of them
were more transparent than Aldon or Antum who clearly had defined
features. These did not have defined features, nor did they adorn the
common colors of red and gold among those who were physical in
For a moment he thought he saw a few bend to a knee he was
unsure what he saw, as there seemed to be numberless beings all around
and each paying him as much attention as he was to them.
Turning he was led down an exquisitely elegant stone path with
brilliant white roses arching over the walkway. The rose petals gently
fell all around but never touching the ground. The roses did not lose
their petals. He thought this might be the most beautiful moment he had
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ever experienced. Walking up a set of stars that shimmered in the

brightness of the light, he had come to a large brilliantly lit door with
what looked like a hand print box for a door handle.
“This has been prepared for you,” she spoke softly. “Place your
hand on the palm print.” Reaching out Michabou placed his handle on
the print as the print began glowing a brilliant blue as the electrical
current began shining all around his hand.
“Soul recognized”, came the response from the hand pad as the
doors opened in an east and west direction opening like two puzzle
pieces that had been mysteriously unlocked.
The first step seemed almost, breathtaking. Balconies and stairs
lifting up before him with an arched entryway in front of him all
covered in a brilliant material that resembled marble. Walking through
the archway opened a meadow with green trees that was contained
within this marble palace.
“This is a special place,” responded Antum. “What do you
mean?” said Michabou.
“This place has been designed by you for you and will obey you.
The atoms within this home have been commanded to obey you. They
are yours and with them you will build worlds one day. This is your
matter and it will provide all the necessities that you need to be
comfortable.” Looking as if she had spoken too much, Antum looked
down and away avoiding eye contact with Michabou. “I... I must go
now” she whispered.
“Wait, will I see you again?” responded Michabou.
Turning with a smile of approval Antum spoke softly, “I do hope
so, it is a great honor to have you within our midst. If you need
anything, anything at all we will be here...” Smiling she turned and
floated out of the door.
Looking around Michabou began to hear birds chirping. It had
been ages since he had heard the sound of birds. During the war on
Earth, the sound of birds had all but vanished. Thinking back to the
journey he had just completed this was a piece of heaven, too good to be
In the middle of the room amidst the trees stood a pillar that
resembled a platform. Round and smooth on the surface there were
small steps leading to the top. Standing about three feet high and as
much in diameter he wondered what purpose this platform served.
Curious he stepped forward into the grove of trees. The trees
rested in an atrium that roughly was thirty feet in diameter. The trees
were not large, but four stood at the perimeter with large Maple leaves
filling the air. Closing his eyes, he breathed cool deep breaths of the
most wonderful air.
He was taken back to his grandfather's backyard. A safe haven
as a child as the brisk air of the Palouse swept through the Maple trees
that lined the yard.
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Stepping forward Michabou slowly stepped up onto the white

marble pillar resting in the middle of the atrium that held the grove.
As he stood atop the pillar brilliant light shone all around the
base of the pillar rising up towards the ceiling. Blue electricity rose
around him and he was lifted up into the air.
Immediately the scenery around Michabou changed as if blown
like clouds across the room and he realized he was now being taken
over large white snowcapped mountains, feeling the crisp air press
against his cheeks as he dipped down below into the valleys and up the
adjacent mountain tops.
Soaring high above like an eagle he could see mountain goats
standing atop cliffs, turning and moving at an incredible speed the
images changed gradually to images he recognized, moved across plains
of prairie grass seeing buffalo running in herds that must be more than a
million and then he came across the Grand Canyon and through canyons
of water. At that moment he realized that he was traveling, he was not
traveling because he had not left the atrium, but rather he was viewing
the Earth or images of the Earth.
After what felt like an eternity the images vanished and he was
lowered back to the pillar. Home, it was home. For the next several
hours, he stood on the pillar over and over again each time viewing
differing parts of the Earth from whales breaking the surface of the
ocean to lava bursting from a volcano. It was like nothing he had ever
seen at least not since before the beasts came and it brought comfort and
peace to his heart. He missed home, he longed for home, and for him
this moment was priceless.
Moving off the platform Michabou could see the atrium was
surrounded by four archways, one that led to the entrance he had come
into, this is where a large staircase wrapped upwards around that
archway upstairs.
He noticed through one of the archways there was a round room
with a slender pillar raising from the center of the floor, at the top of this
pillar four- feet off of the ground was another handprint. Much like the
stone that had enabled him and Antum to travel unspeakable distances
before this stones handprint was a constant pulsating blue with
electricity he wondered as to its purpose. The other stone had allowed
him to travel, would this one send him to another place as well? Moving
quietly to the room he slowly extended his hand and placed it upon the
As with the front door when he placed his hand upon the print it
began to glow brilliantly with streams of blue light wrapping around his
hand as lightning rushing across a storm cloud. Immediately the entire
room around him had changed. He was standing in his grandmother's
kitchen. He could smell pumpkin pie in the air. Then he heard his
grandmother's voice and watched her walk into the kitchen, looking at
him she smiled...
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Pulling his hand back the images faded, and he was left standing
in the room. Stretching his hand out again he placed it on the print and
the image returned.
This was a memory, a moment he had already lived. He was
viewing the memories of his life and he felt the emotions associated
with those memories. As he traveled from memory to memory he found
that to revisit the time and place he needed only think of a person.
On that day, he would visit the memories of his grandfather,
reliving moments of eating root beer floats, and climbing his
grandfather's large bookcase, which encompassed an entire 20-foot wall
with a large moving ladder.
He revisited his childhood baptism when his grandfather
baptized him. He walked through the home he lived in for many years at
his grandparents. From the winding stairwell in the kitchen that seemed
to dive into the secret bat cave to the large family room that hosted
nearly every holiday gathering from Thanksgiving to Christmas and a
myriad of birthdays in-between.
He loved his grandparents’ home and the special memories
associated with that place. He even visited memories of life at the cabin
where weekend barbecues were so much fun. Those were memories of
excitement and a time when he had so much imagination.
Then he visited time with his father. His father was so special to
his life and if not present in person as much as he would like, his father
always affirmed his love for him. As he had grown the resemblance was
so close, he now knew why his father would tell him that when he
missed him to look in the mirror and remember a part of him would
always be with him.
They looked identical, but he guessed that was expected after all
he was his son. He relived memories of his father coming home from
trips when he was just a boy bringing Thomas the Train engine sets, he
had almost every single one, and they would build the most elaborate
and complex train track cities imaginable. His father was an artist which
was a talent that he himself had naturally and he went back to the times
they rolled out sheets of butcher paper and would draw anything and
everything they could imagine. He then remembered the moment his
father would leave and how deeply impactful that moment was for him,
the challenge to look beyond the skin to love the heart within.
Stepping back and looking down with a deep sign he wiped a
tear from his eye. He had held back so much emotion the past while
since this had all began. During the war and the last days on Earth, he
had completely shut himself off emotionally and now it all seemed to be
surfacing. When you are a child you never realize how quickly things
can change or truly how important people are and how innocent the
world seems.
Turning around Michabou still had two rooms left to visit and
where did that wrapping staircase lead? Turning to enter the atrium once
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again Michabou was startled at the appearance of Aldon who was now
standing among the trees and grass.
“Quite amazing, isn’t it?” he spoke
Michabou replied, “It is an incredible feeling seeing and
smelling and reliving those moments again, most of which I had thought
I had forgotten...what this place is?”
Aldon went on, “There is much you still do not know, that
would take many of your lifetimes to understand, all in due time
Michabou, I can tell you this is your place, a place prepared for you. A
place of rest from your troubles...your home...however, at this time I am
going to have to ask that you come with me as the Father Chibiabos,
President of the Earth High Council would like to speak with you, you
will not be returning to this place for quite some time.”
“I don’t understand, how can I have a home here in this place,
what are in those two rooms?” spoke Michabou
Michabou had so many questions to ask, so many answers he
wanted to know. Looking up at the trees, down at the flowers, closing
his eyes and listening to the sound of birds he wanted to remember this
moment, these feelings, a part of him did not want to leave this place.
“These are rooms of Celestial Creation and Celestial
Communication. At this time, you cannot enter but in time you will,”
spoke Aldon
“Rooms of creation, communication?”
“You are a son of the Creator. The first Father, this knowledge
has always been shared, passed down. You have the power within you
to control all creation. To commune with Kingdoms greater than this
and glories beyond even this, to be as a Great Spirit and live amongst
the Great Spirits...this is what awaits you.” spoke Aldon
As they exited the home he was again mesmerized at the beauty
of the buildings, the roads, the walkways. He never tired of looking at
them. The way the bolts of lightning and light flowed through the
Aldon had already begun moving towards the large archway that
leads to the stone. As Michabou followed again the people that lived
here had come to the edges of the streets.
They were watching him with their deep blue eyes. They varied
in look, size, but they were all clothed in the same brilliantly lit white
cloth each with that glowing skin. He wondered, where are the children,
as he had not seen any beings that resembled any children, all of them
he had seen were adults? Where are the children he thought to himself?
Pausing at the stone Aldon turned and spoke, “This is not the last
time you will see this place when your soul leaves your mortal body you
will return here to continue your progression through the eternities as a
resurrected Great Spirit, a Creator governed and guided by Father
Chibiabos and Heavenly Father. This is a place prepared for you to learn
and grow and progress with intelligence. Please take my hand.”
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Reaching out he touched the stone and the transporting process

began as it had before, holding up his hand he watched as his hand
began to glow and swirl like sand in the wind swirling in the air.
Michabou marveled within himself the statement from Aldon
and pondered the words, return here, speaking within his own mind he
asked, is this heaven, it was...but he spoke of greater Kingdoms and
other glories...and where was Great Spirit if this was Heaven...how
could it not be?
Blinking his eyes, he realized the process was complete and they
had again traveled back to the main building. They were standing in the
courtyard again where he had met Aldon before, could it really be
possible to travel that fast that far, but nothing about this place made
any sense.
“Behold the Temple of the Lord.” spoke Aldon
Things were different than before, as he could see thousands of
people like him being led in differing directions through the courtyard.
People from the ship, they were ok, but they looked just as shocked as
to where they were as he was at the first site of this place.
“Where are they going?” he asked Aldon curiously
“They are being taken to similar places like you have been to
rest...follow me, we haven’t much time.”
Moving up the steps Aldon was heading towards the large
building that seemed to be the center of the courtyard and the center of
the entire city. The building was tall with spires, a large one in the
middle and two on the sides that held atop them balls of light that shot
beams into the sky. Behind the front wall, there was that mist or ball of
extreme light that he had noticed when his ship had been brought here.
The doors opened at the entrance to the building and he stepped
inside, as the doors closed behind him the ground beneath his feet
changed. No longer did it seem as though rivers of lightning and bright
white were present, but rather it seemed as though golden was flowing
underneath him.
Looking up the walls was not white as they were outside but a
brilliant gold that arched above into a large cathedral type ceiling. The
arches formed long hallways that lead to another set of doors that were
pure gold in appearance. Along the walls down this corridor stood
beings different than Aldon; different than the people he had seen here.
They were more militaristic, and they stood roughly 5 feet in distance
from each other immovable.
Walking slowly behind Aldon who seemed unmoved by the site
and had continued towards the large gold doors Michabou stared at one
of the beings as he walked by...the beings had four faces of pure gold
facing in all directions. They had a breastplate or suit of what looked
like fine netting or chain mail that resembled golden silk that covered
their entire body.
~ 83 ~

They had large wings that came from their back that rose around
their shoulders to a single point where the two wings touched at the
point above them. They had four arms with one set instead of hands
swords that crossed their chest.
They stood motionless like statues but...they clearly were not
statues as when he neared and walked by the beings bent down on
bended knee with swords toward the ground they seemed to take a bow,
one on each side.
Upon passing this Sentinel like being stood back up crossing
swords across their chests wings touching at a point again as before they
remained silent. This continued as they approached the golden doors.
With the passing of every Sentinel, the process would repeat
however not a sound was made as perfect silence filled the room. He
counted 24 on the left and 24 on the right, 48 of these ominous looking
winged Sentinels. Looking up the golden beams that covered the ceiling
detailed almost Victorian style carvings that covered everything in
blended swooping arches that met at the top.
They had reached the door. Large with square carvings on it
they’re rested at the center a keyhole-like square box with two
handprints glowing pure white. But it was different than the handprints
that he had seen in other places, these were like fire, white fire flowed in
elegant streams from the print.
Placing his hand upon the print streams of brilliant light reached
out and encircled his hand. A beam of light began encircling the door
beginning with the hand and extending around the perimeter of the door
until the perimeter was completely illuminated.
With a swooshing sound, the doors began to open revealing the
room held beyond.
As the doors closed behind him the first thing Michabou noticed
was the softness of the ground below him, changing from the glass-like
golden fire from the long corridor he had stepped into green lush grass
which stretched out in front of him.
Leaning down he brushed his hands upon the grass feeling the
soft needles tips cover his hands. Kneeling the smell of the grass was
refreshing and a green deep emerald. The grass seemed to sway to the
left and to the right on its own without and the wind.
The image of this room was surprising because of the previous
golden hallway and how elaborate it had been, he expected something
like a cathedral on the other side of the doors. Looking around the view
was awe-inspiring; the room was a large dome of exquisite beauty. It
was hard to explain or conceptualize but around the perimeter of the
room fell flowing water that could be comparable to an image of
Niagara Falls with the water falling over the crest of high ridges and
falling gently towards the ground before disappearing.
The falls surrounded the entire perimeter of the room, which was
enormous. Pausing to gaze at his surroundings he could see the water
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falling through an opening around the perimeter that went beneath his
It seemed there was an opening along the perimeter that
provided an opening for the water to move freely. More curious the
water did not make a sound but fell in a rushing mighty way that shown
steam as it disappeared into the cavity that was the circumference of the
All around were men that looked similar to Aldon. Clothed in
red robes they were tending to the grounds and the tree that resided in
the middle of the room. Several were conversing at great length to his
right watching his entrance into the room with an odd curiosity.
He could see people moving to and from the tree very quickly
and in constant motion. Every few moments one would move to the tree
in the center of the room and immediately vanish into a beam of light.
Shooting into the sky above like a firework.
In the distance, he could see a tree resting in the center of the
large spacious oasis of a room with branches reaching out towards the
ceiling. Resembling a Baobab tree in appearance this was the largest
such tree he had ever seen. Pulsating light through its large base it
extended into the air.
The ceiling above the room and the waterfall edges displayed
vast clustered stars and constellations in the most brilliant clarity almost
as if looking through a magnifying glass. So, clear the vision displayed
produced a euphoric awe as the majesty of light speckled the sky.
In the center of the room high above was a large ball of fire that
emanated waves of pulsating light that stretched outwards. As he
walked it dawned on him the true size of this room, was it even a room?
From left to right it could possibly be upwards of miles wide in all
directions. Massive and staggering in sheer size and scope.
Like the home, he had visited the inside was much larger than
the outside suggested. As he walked he could see in the distance straight
ahead the object of his intrigue, a large tree with branches stretching out
above that seemed to be reaching earnestly for the great ball of glowing
fire high in the sky, it was a sun.
Awestruck by what he was witnessing he hadn’t realized that
Aldon had not joined him in this room.
As he neared the large tree in the center of space he could see a
large chasm in the middle of the room separating the center from the
surrounding ground. Roughly 50 feet across but forming another
circumference was a large opening in the middle of the room. This
opening was about 30 feet across and revealed a deep abyss.
Gazing deeply at the abyss below him could see bubbles of light
sparkling in an endless expanse below. He pondered what these bubbles
of light could be; they resembled marbles in appearance, turning his
attention to the center platform that seemed to be floating in the air or
suspended stood the large tree.
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Standing on the edge of the large chasm he could see a deep hole
that extended down to where the water had been flowing around the
perimeter and pooling below them with steam and glowing light.
The tree whose roots were large and exposed that wrapped
around the center island over the ledge and into the abyss below
encompassing, surrounding and intermingling with the endless bubbles
of sparkling light below, massive and winding like wisteria traversing a
large gulf they wrapped and stretched over the surface and down the
deep abyss reaching to what looked like a large pool.
Looking down it was visible that the entire room was supported
by the massive winding and interconnecting root system that stretched
There were steps that crossed the distance to the tree. The steps
did not have railings and were transparent in color making the thought
of crossing them unnerving, moving slowly butterflies began to rise
within his stomach at the thought of falling over the edge into the
chasm’s abyss.
Stepping onto the center platform the roots of the tree were as
tall as he was and the tree itself consisting of a trunk that was larger than
any redwood he had ever seen. What kind of tree was this, was it a type
of Baobab, what is this glowing water that permeates the tree and what
type of place was this?
While in the distance he had seen limbs from the tree stretching
high into the sky towards the ceiling. Now that he was closer he could
see the tree limbs stretching out with brilliant pink flowers much the
same as the dogwood tree leaves would open covering every limb and
branch in a spectacle of pink light.
Some were enclosed while others were opened with some
merely buds of new growth but what was resting on the opened pink
flowers was breathtaking. Resting on each opened leaf in the center of
the pink flowers lay a small planet earth with glowing white energy
streaming around it as if wrapping it with energy comparable to the
diagram of the atom with protons and neutrons swirling around with the
globe floating in the center.
The ones that remained closed he could clearly see held within
them a round spherical object that he assumed were also Earth’s. Never
had he imagined anything quite like what he was envisioning. Looking
up and around there were millions and millions of these small earths.
Reaching out into all directions like rosebuds on a rose bush they
grew on every limb and branch of this marvelous unknown tree.
Swirling around the small worlds were numberless transparent
clouds of sparkling stars. Flowing like wind weaving within and around
the branches much the same way leaves would form a dome over a tree
these clusters of stars extended upwards into space above. Sparkling like
diamonds under the sun it was the most miraculous and spectacular
sight he had ever seen.
~ 86 ~

He knew at that moment that it was a vision that he would never

forget. It was the most beautiful imagery and beyond the ability to put
into words but if he could he would liken it to someone throwing a
handful of diamonds and diamond dust into the wind.
But they clearly were stars and constellations and galaxies.
Staring at the tree he raised his hand up towards the clouds of stars and
they flowed through his hand like sand against the wind, where they
touched his hand his flesh glowed a brilliant light as streams of
miniature stars streamed behind like water running through fingertips.
One word came to mind, miraculous.
There was another handprint on the tree, but this one looked
burned into the wood itself. From time, to time, the winged beings
would approach the tree; place their hand upon the print and
immediately teleport in a single beam of light directly up into the sky. It
reminded Michabou of the way the scanner on a printing machine lit
when scanning a page.
The tree itself was emanating a wave above it into the vibrant
constellations above that resembled heat on the pavement from a
distance or a mirage resting on the surface of the desert. While there was
no heat clearly something was being released into the cosmos above.
“Quite spectacular isn’t it,” came a voice from behind him.
Turning to face a man clothed in a golden robe he wore a closely
trimmed white-gray beard with long flowing glowing white hair.
Atop his head was a golden crown of glowing light that sparkled
like diamonds against the sunlight. The same sparkling swirling stars
wove in and out of his crown like stardust blowing in the wind. The
movement made the crown atop his head glow with a brilliance that was
The man had a gentle look in his deep golden eyes and like the
others he glowed an exceedingly bright white like burned copper that
illuminates when under fire. The difference he noticed immediately was
that the man's eyes were not electric blue like the others, but rather they
burned like golden fire, much the same as the fire that burned golden in
the corridor that led to this place where he had seen the sentinels.
“Who are you? What is this place?” asked Michabou
The man spoke, “I am called by many names, every culture has a
name for me, and all mean the same thing. I am the steward of Origin. I
am Chibiabos, the father of time.”
“I don’t understand?” spoke Michabou
“I am the overseer of this system. I control space and time here. I
am Chibiabos.”
Michabou stood is silence stunned at what he was hearing.
“It’s ok, you aren’t expected to understand the meaning of this
place or why it exists, and there are worlds without number and
universes without number that originate here in this place. There is a
source that this tree originates from created by the power of life that
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flows from the living waters that flow forth from the realm where the
Great One exists that feed the tree of life. As one passes, another is
reborn. It is a process that has no beginning and no end...”
Referencing the tree, he continued, “This is the tree of life, the
harvester of souls. The Creator who is above all placed this tree here to
balance all of creation. Every soul is accounted for and every world is
known. This is the center of everything that is light and the conduit from
the place where the creations of The Creator exist. What you see here is
the source of all life in all places that belong to The Creator.”
“Look above at the great lights, one of the great ones created by
the Creator, the first Father and given to me by his power, this makes
me his Son.”
“Are you saying that all of these Earth’s represent the same
Earth in different universes and that I exist on every single one?”
Michabou asked inquisitively
Blah blah blah unneeded scriptural poetry that numbed the mind.
“Not quite like that, every world is unique and individual, while
the foundation is the same namely the universe and the world in which
they reside no two Earth contains the same people or is the same size,
shape and dimensions. There is only one you in all of creation and on
every world, there is a destiny to bring to pass the immortality and
eternal life of man. Somewhat of this world has already been explained
to you but it all starts here and these men and women you see here in
this special place are harvesting the souls of men to bring here to the
replica of the first world Aaru to rest from their labors and begin the
next steps in their progression through the source.”
Pausing momentarily the man walked slowly around the tree.
Reaching up he ran his hands along the bark of the tree he gently
cAayaashsed many of the pink flowers through his fingers.
Stopping he moved his fingers lightly across one of the small
planets as if it were the most valuable and important object in existence
as filaments of light resembling visible static electricity connected
between his fingers and the glowing blue world as the sparkling
miniature stars ran through his fingers like water.
Stretching out his hand, Chibiabos grasped the shoulder of
Michabou and they began to fly below the tree through the roots deep
into the abyss containing the sparkling bubble-like structures.
Hovering above the clear objects Michabou could now see what
lie below him. Clear bubbles filled with galaxies. Too numberless to
count each sphere contained endless worlds.
“Within each of these spheres of creation contain a universe.”
Pointing towards one below them he continued, “Here is a universe
which contains endless galaxies beyond the number that you could not
comprehend. But they are numbered unto Him. Worlds without
number.... look below, without number...” turning the man brought
Michabou to a sphere high above the others that rested directly below
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the tree above. This sphere seemed to glow brilliantly more than the
others below but streamed energy sprinkling down upon the others
below that extended in depth and width in all directions as the glowing
waters surrounded and held them.
Gazing deeply at the sphere Chibiabos spoke, “This is home. My
home. Your home. The home of the Son, a redeemed sphere held up by
the Father which redeems all below.”
Looking into Michabou's eyes he spoke again, “Let me show
you the redeemed ones from those that emerge below which are saved
through the grace of the Messenger.”
Pointing out towards the numberless spheres held within the
roots of the great tree encompassed by the flowing glowing water Aldon
spoke again, “All the sons and daughters of Chibiabos will come
through this place from one glory to another.”
Taking a deep breath, it looked as if he were in deep
contemplation of this tree and all that it represented; he spoke again,
“The souls of men are known to me. Each with a divine light and
purpose in Origin. They are mine and I am theirs. The price has been
paid and the link completes....” turning to look at Michabou again he
continued, “These are all my people given to me by the Great One, The
Creator through the power of the Son.”
“Who is the Creator?” spoke Michabou
“The Creator is a Gitche Manitou. He is a father. He is our first
father.” spoke Chibiabos
“Where is this Gitche Manitou, is he here, can I meet him?”
spoke Michabou
Pausing for a moment the man clasped his hands in front of him,
looking up gazing around the room he then walked up to the tree.
Pointing to one of the flowering worlds resting on a limb he
spoke, “Here is life, an endless universe of life, within all life, from the
smallest to the largest He exists. There are universes within universes in
your body and while you are steward over your vessel, they all belong
to Him who created them.”
“However, at this present time you cannot stand in the presence
of the Great One, and survive in the flesh, even in an immortal state,
which He has blessed you. His breath is the breath of life; His presence
is the source of light. You could not stand and view Him and live any
more than you could withstand the glory of your sun and survive and yet
even now you can behold the sphere of your world's glory and the sun
as if it were a speck, and you behold the great lights above. Yet his
breath resides within you and around you. I am Lord of this place and
those beneath, but he above and within is greater than even I. He is the
Father of the Children of the Light; you and I are each a child of the
~ 89 ~

He walked towards the tree, lifting his hand two branches spread
apart as if listening to an unspoken command revealing a limb with
something very wrong with it.
On the branch, there was the world that was covered in black,
the leaves had withered, and blackness was creeping down the branch
like a dark ominous spider web. It looked sickly and the limb had begun
to be infected with obsidian looking sludge. The leaves within 12-inches
of this flowering world were all black like coal and shriveled with
several falling to the ground below before vanishing into dust.
“There is darkness in this world. This darkness has infected the
redeemed universe. A darkness that has never before appeared here, and
as you can see it is spreading because this sphere is essential for all
others in the multiverse held within Origin to be redeemed. If the
darkness is not stopped and removed, then all worlds will be infected,
and the tree of life will cease to exist. If that happens, Origin will cease
to exist.... humanity will be lost...everything will be lost to the
“If you are all powerful, how can all humanity be lost?”
Michabou questioned.
The majestic leader, paused, then responded, “Even I have
limitations to my knowledge and realms that I cannot visit.”
Pausing, as if lost in the thought of what a lost Origin would be
like, Chibiabos shook his head and said softly to himself, “Impossible”.
Peering deep within the eyes of Michabou the man paused for
what felt an eternity, then with tears in his eyes he turned, walking to
the great tree, Chibiabos placed his hand on the burned hand print only
this time the trees bark folded back opening revealing a glowing orb
within the center of the tree which was emanating a brilliant light which
resembled a miniature sun.
Lifting the orb from within the tree he removed it from the tree.
Holding it with one hand he placed his other hand in the spot where the
liquid light had been flowing enclosing his fist his hand began to glow
an exceeding light.
Then he closed his eyes and spoke. In a long humming sound
“OM”, the sound vibrated loudly through the room. Immediately a fire
emitted surrounding his hand. As he opened his hand turning it palm
facing up a new ball of light lay present.
Chibiabos then turned to face Michabou, extending his hand
where the glowing Orb was resting he spoke, “We require you to travel
to the dark world and you will know what to do when this light breach
that darkness.”
With a thunderous voice, the man spoke again, “I am the voice
of the Great One here in this place and I am the Guardian Archangel of
the souls of men.”
~ 90 ~

As the man spoke these words he rose into the air and energy
seemed to burst from around him like a sound wave in all directions. All
in the room stopped and everything went silent.
Feeling a rush of adrenaline from the voice, which echoed
through the entire room Michabou, went on more hesitantly than before,
“I have seen your technology and the power of this place, why can’t you
stop it?”
“I know you have been asked to do much however much would
not be asked of you if you were not capable of accomplishing that thing
which you have been asked. Some things must be a certain way, in their
own times and way. This darkness must be stopped. You are the only
one who can bring balance to the realms of Origin.”
Continuing he again addressed Michabou, “The task will be
difficult, and the journey will have its inherent risks. To help you along
the way I will send two Sentinels with you. These are the Sentinels you
passed upon entering the Garden. Never before have the Sentinels been
sent out of Origin...you will also take a Guardian of the Sentinels with
The Guardian was much like the Sentinels as he was of pure
gold color but unlike the Sentinels he only had two arms and did not
have four faces although his eyes were pure white with flowing long
white hair. He was a Guardian but different than Aldon and the others in
this room. While he had the two large wings he was larger and more
war-like in appearance. His body covered in a gold armor that reminded
him of something Roman.
He continued, “Here is one of twelve Guardians of The Star
Beings that were created in the beginning to stand watch over Origin.
The twelve who each govern their own sphere such as I. Many more are
there with temples of life like mine each given stewardship over the
progression of the souls of men by the Father as directed through the
Sensing that he had better accept the proposition Michabou
asked one more question, “What of those that traveled here with me,
what will become of them, I believe there was about a quarter million
Americans on that ship...”
“They will stay here, they have suffered enough, it is best they
rest. We will care for them and they will find a home here in this place
among us, their family. A special gift of transfiguration. Take care, my
Turning Michabou watched as Chibiabos departed out onto the
grass field. Holding his arms into the air the man disappeared into a
single point of light. Michabou wondered, where in the world had he
Turning he noticed Andrew had approached and was now
standing with two golden Sentinels standing on each side of him. The
Guardians were imposing standing twice as tall as a normal person.
~ 91 ~

Andrew was carrying a strange object in his hand, pointed on either end
like a bolt of lightning he made a shaking of his hand motion and the
object reformed into a small rod that he attached to the side of his robe.
In minutes, a great battle would occur. What would be the
outcome? Would they live or die? He hadn’t imagined his entire life, all
that he was now, his hopes, his dreams, would culminate in this one
point in time.
At this moment he understood what Shakespeare had meant in
his writings, speaking softly he repeated, “Why, man, he doth bestride
the narrow world like a Colossus; and we petty men walk under his
huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves. Men at
some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our
stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings... Cowards die many times
before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the
wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men
should fear; seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will
(Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 2.2.34) (Shakespeare, Julius
Caesar, 1.2.135) 185

Heading back towards the Earth in a golden ship called Olympus
surrounded by golden Sentinels was surreal. As he sits motionless he
had remembered how in the beginning he was there and how now he
was here, full circle improbable circumstance seemed to surround his
life. It was years ago, almost a decade but in his mind, it seemed like
Michabou thought back to the last time he had spent times with
his family, it seemed like an eternity ago. It was a camping trip, that
fateful day.
~ 92 ~

On those trips, Michabou would sneak out for personal

adventure accompanied by several warriors for protection they would
walk down the many ancient cobblestone paths overlooking the large
Climbing down the cliffs near the lake they would take their
canoes and paddle across the great lake.
They felt as though they were great leaders or explorers or
military soldiers with a mission. Raven was less interested in the
“magical” aspect of the lake and more consumed with recording the
many diverse kinds of wildlife using her charcoal writing stick on the
sheets of bark wood that she would liquefy and reform into smooth
sheets of leaves that she would fasten into a book.
Michabou and John, on the other hand, envisioned finding a lost
treasure of the great Sun Great Spirit that had lived in primordial times
or gateways to a hidden fortress-like in the stories the war men would
tell of great wars and battles. The peoples of this place were once called
“The people of peace”. His father had called them Hopituh Shi-nu-mu.
“Michabou, do you think the Hopituh have a secret fortress?”
asked John.
“I think so,” “I am sure we will find it this year,” said Michabou.
“If we find it I am going to stay and rule the entire island” he went on,
“I will have enough gold to buy the entire lake and we could rule the
entire mountain.” Raven just enjoyed the opportunity to get away from
the tribe so that she could record nature in her many bark paper
Most nights they would watch from the surrounding cliffs lights
under the water. “Remember the last hunt when we saw that light fly out
of the lake?” said Michabou, “Yeah, I am convinced there is a secret lair
in this mountain, or maybe this is where the aliens reside.”
That day they arrived neAayaasht the north side of the island and
decided to follow the edge until they reached what was called Bay of the
Great Spirits. From there they would tie off the canoe and begin their
ascent to the summit of what looked like a mini volcano.
As they reached the docks neAayaasht the Island they could see
a bunch of people in black wetsuits with lots of high tech gear leaving
the docks and heading out towards the middle of the lake.
Recently there had been much excitement in the area as a local
earthquake had caused a portion of the lakebed to give way revealing a
large tunnel system that extended deep below the lake floor.
Michabou began speaking to John, “They say this cave system
that was exposed below the lake could be over 2000 feet deep and
contain the remnant of an ancient Incan culture.”
Fascinated by the vastness of the crevasse Michabou began
picking up rocks and skipping them across the water.
~ 93 ~

“Hey buddy, what are you guys up to?” spoke Doctor Stephen
Andrews as he walked by the boys and their sister as they began tying
off their canoe at the Island docks.
Turning he paused as his wife Elizabeth and several others
began moving crates and electrical equipment into their large boat.
“Not much, just looking for caves on the Island...have you seen
any caves? By the way, what are you doing with all that stuff are you
going to explore the new caves?” spoke Michabou.
Raven strolled by with her headphones on talking profusely into
her phone without any care rolling her eyes as she made eye contact
with Dr. Andrews.
Stephen Andrews walked to the dock as he looked over to his
wife Elizabeth he turned to Michabou and began to speak, “Early
research estimates the cave system depth at nearly 2000 feet deep which
would make these caves among the seventh deepest in the world.”
Stephen Andrews pointed to his wife Elizabeth Andrews and
continued, “We are beginning our journey to the center of the lake...my
wife and I are professors of Marine Science at Baylor University.”
“That's pretty awesome, maybe you will find a lost city down
there...can we come with you?” spoke Michabou
“Not today buddy but if we find anything I would be happy to
show it to you.” said Dr. Andrews.
Turning with a wave and a smile Dr. Andrews and his crew
boarded the boat.
Separate from their passion with the sea was a personal mission
to map and explore the depths of the unexplored cave system and these
caves were larger than anything previously found.
When they first appeared the lake, itself had drained revealing an
800-meter wide hole in the center of the lake before the lake ultimately
filled again. Receiving a national grant to observe and map the deepest
depths of the lake for the first time.
Bruce Naylor would be allowing them to use his boat during the
expedition. “You know, there have been reports of lights in the water
and objects in the water according to local native legends which is why
they called this place after the Great Spirits...maybe they were USO’s.”
USO? Said Elizabeth, “Unidentified Submerged Object” Bruce
responded. Stephen looks skeptical smirking as he looks at Elizabeth,
both rolling their eyes.
Seeing the obvious mocking of his statement Bruce went on,
“you know, there are more accounts of USO’s each year than UFO’s
and most UFO sightings are actually USO’s.” “USO, UFO, ABCD-
123...you’re a funny guy Bruce,” said Todd. They all began to laugh.
The Andrews had in their possession the Poseidon. The
Poseidon was the state of the art vessel, which had previously been used
to travel to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. However, it was modified
into a clear sphere enabling the operator a 360-degree view of the deep
~ 94 ~

while allowing safety and protection from the forces of pressure at such
While this was not a journey to 35000 feet below the sea, as it
would be visiting the Mariana Trench, it would be a luxury of comfort
into uncharted territory for the Andrews.
“Are you ready Elizabeth?” ask Stephen; “Can you believe we
are here sweetie?” responded Elizabeth. She continued, “To finally live
our dream...who knows maybe we will find the lost city of Atlantis...or
a secret alien base.” Stephen chuckled as he climbed into Poseidon.
Climbing in behind him Elizabeth closed the airlock and positioned
herself for the upcoming descent.
On the surface in the boat would be assistant Todd Jackson and
boat operator, Bruce Naylor. The top boat, which housed the recording
and monitoring information for the trip, was called, “Dawnstar” Todd
Jackson was an assistant to the University of Baylor Professors.
Todd was a graduate student specializing in oceanography. He
was responsible for recording the video and maintaining ground
communication with the Poseidon should any emergencies occur and for
research records.
“Check one, check one” Todd spoke into the voice speaker
connecting the surface with the Poseidon.
“Roger, I hear you loud and clear” responded Elizabeth. “Can
you see the video feed?” said Stephen.
“Can you check the right camera, it seems to be rather dark?”
said Todd.
The average depth of the lake was only 18 feet with some
localized depths up to 40 feet, but the lake was rather shallow. The large
opening to the underwater cave system would prove to be much deeper.
As they entered the opening into the Earth the Poseidon began
the descent into the dark void below.
“We are reaching a depth of 100 feet, air-pressure is stable...I
can't believe how deep and large this cave system” Elizabeth stated.
Dawnstar we are at 500 feet. We are now at 2300 feet, 3000 feet,
this is Dr. Elizabeth Andrews on board the Poseidon; we’ll collect
biological samples of this new cave system.
The depth meter began running again, Stephen look, we are at
5000 feet. Bottom sighted, looks at the ecosystem here, there are
tubeworms, and spider crabs. Water temperature is at 600 degrees and
getting warmer nearer the next cave opening.
They had reached an incredible depth and began moving towards
a distant light in the distance that resembled shimmering emeralds.
Marveling at the depth that went straight down like a hole had been
carved into the ground.
Time 1208 hours, Saturday, June 3, 2015, we begin our progress
to a strange glowing anomaly perhaps 200 feet beneath the Poseidon”
~ 95 ~

“Stephen, do you see that light there?” said Elizabeth, “where?”

asked Stephen. “Over there” pointing to the lower right side of the ship
they could see a faint light in the distance sparkling like an emerald in
“What in the world could be making any light at this depth”
responded Stephen. “I don’t know, but I want to check it out,” said
“Dawnstar, we see a faint light in the distance. We are heading
to investigate,” spoke Stephen into the communicator.
Looking into the distance out the porthole Elizabeth asked
topside, “Guys, are you picking anything up on the radar?”
Todd points to the screen displaying sonar returns of anything in
the area showed nothing.
“Wait, what's going on” stated Todd, “Poseidon, is everything
checking out down there, we see a large mass below you.”
As Stephen and Elizabeth approached the light they could see it
was the emanation from a crater in the ground of the cave. “Stephen,
look at that, it looks like a pool of water, but we are in the water, what is
Roughly 50 feet by 50 feet sat a depression in the cave floor. It
seemed to be filled with a bubble that resembled liquid like viewing a
lake from the sky, having a shiny metallic surface you could see a
passageway underneath as if it were a barrier or force field.
“Look at the light reflecting off the surface, it looks like the light
is coming from underneath the liquid....” spoke Elizabeth, as she looked
around and up she noticed that the light was familiar. It was exactly like
the light looks beating against the surface of the water as one
approaches the surface after a deep dive...but how could this be? They
were almost 5000 feet below the surface of the lake and this light
seemed to be emanating from below the shiny surface....
As they drifted over the depression of light they decided to
release a small bot from the side of Poseidon. The bot was a small
camera that could be directed from the Poseidon allowing greater ability
to explore. “Bot-1 check functions good” stated Stephen, “camera
working, let's see what’s down there.”
As the bot powered near the surface it pressed through the
“bubble” surface, it stretched the substance as if it were pressing against
plastic until the bubble itself seemed to envelop the bot and it passed
through. The other side of the barrier the water seemed to be a black
substance. Now clearly visible Stephen and Elizabeth could see a light
and a surface below them. “How is that possible Stephen?” whispered
Pressing the bot further into the depths Stephen and Elizabeth
could see the bot approaching what appeared to be the surface...then the
bot showed an image that shocked Stephen and Elizabeth to the core....
~ 96 ~

“Are you seeing this?” ...Shuttered Elizabeth “Better, I’m

filming this,” spoke Todd Jackson
“Todd, send out an S.O.S., something is coming up from
beneath.” yelled Stephen
As a screeching sound rang throughout the water the water
turned a deep dark.
Resting on the surface the bot displayed the image of three
moons in an exquisite manner in a black sky beyond what looked like
windows in a glass dome as black waves rippled through the air and
around the perimeter of the moons as blasted by the nearby sun-like
sand blown in the wind.
This sun was unlike any he had ever seen before, a burning black
ball of light, releasing blue and white electricity from its surface. One
could be lost in the awestruck magnitude of the imagery of this sun, this
peculiar star as watching burning fire millions of miles aware ripple
across the surface of the sun.
What imagery of the most exquisite beauty. There was a network
of what looked like webs running into the sky. Then something lifted
the bot out of the substance, before going static it displayed the image of
a dark demon-like being with hundreds of blood red eyes...then static.
Michabou and his brother stood atop the Island planning their
journey while Raven sat talking endlessly on her iPhone.
“Hey, look at that!” pointing to the middle of the lake watching
intently as the entire Lake began to glow in darkness as the water and
earth vibrated rapidly A loud sound of screaming began to fill the air.
“What is that?” asked John. Becoming afraid they began running
as fast as they could towards the docks where their canoe was tied off.
Michabou stood confidently at the dock staring into the lake as his
brother and sister began untying the canoe.
As the boys reached the lake the boat of scientists came racing to
shore. Something was wrong. Doctor Stephen Andrews spring from the
boat to the dock. He was covered in blood and breathing heavy.
“Boys, what are you doing? You need to get out of here now!”
shouted Dr. Andrews, as Todd and Bruce raced to the Rangers station.
“You're coming with me” shouted Dr. Andrews as he motioned
them into the boat. Raven responded, “Like hell we are, we don’t know
you!” Taking out her iPhone she began to call her mother.
As the scientist sped towards the shore Michabou, John and
Raven realized that they were standing alone on the island. The entire
lake began to shake as if by an earthquake or an eruption.
Then a beam of black darkness like burning black fire shot into
the sky streaming like sand in the wind it expanded rapidly turning the
entire horizon with an ominous blackness.
Watching as a beam of light rose like fire swirling in a circle into
the sky. Rising higher and higher they stood in the horror of stunned
~ 97 ~

silence black lit burning fire that resembling liquid oil encircled and
surrounded them.
Looking up they watching as the black fire moved high above
turning the sky a brilliant glowing black that pulsated in waves outwards
towards the horizon.
Soon the entire sky transformed into an ominous black color.
The clouds began swirling across the horizon like an infection tearing
away at the blue sky until everything was radiantly black.
Lifting into the air Michabou was filled with the dark energy as
he noticed both Raven and John likewise raised high into the sky with
arms stretched open. Bursting through his body he was filled with an
unmanageable force that entered into every cell in his body.
Looking for his brother and sister the blood-curdling screams
filled the air. As he screamed in pain he could not move but look to the
side his sister began to glow a bright white until he could see her bones
and then she disappeared into dust. The same happened to John. Fear
filled him as the wrenching pain consumed his entire body until all he
could see was red and then an explosion.
Michabou was thrown 100 meters across the edge of the lake
until he landed on a slab of granite along the lakeshore. Hitting the
granite with tremendous force it fractured into all directions, as he lay
unconscious with blood running from his ears, nose, and eyes. He let out
a final gasp of air.
In an instant, the blood began retreating back into his body as a
lightning bolt from the sky shot down and struck him on the chest
causing his entire body to become electrified.
Gasping for air Michabou opened his eyes. Lifting his right hand
and left he stared momentarily at his hands and that not a scratch was on
them, Feeling the hole in the clothing on his chest he felt the burn mark
above his heart and marveled that it healed instantly.
Rolling over resting on his elbow he gazed intently at the black
fire rising into the air and marveled at the lightening that rippled
throughout the strange ominous material. Noticing that the rock he had
hit had been fractured, he was astonished that he was alive.
Yelling at the top of his lungs, “John, Raven!” he then realized
they were gone and, yet he had survived an impossible situation.
What had happened?

The end of everything had happened. What was there to lament
when you knew there was never going to be a better day?
Yet here he stands as the last hope for one tiny little world in a
vast ocean of bits of intelligence that would gobble them up completely
if afforded. So rich with hope, and yet a catastrophe the planet Earth
erased from time.
~ 98 ~

Look to your right captain and you will see the remnant of
Olympus. Spoke the Archangel.
Olympus? Looking out the hull window Michabou could see a
massive cigar- shaped ship that stretched to where it could be seen
clearly with Jupiter backlit.
The image of the ship with the sun reflecting off the hull shadow
piercing the image of the juggernaut Jupiter appeared incredible to
How large is that? Asked Michabou
It is much larger than any ship you have ever seen or created.
The former helm of the overseer of this solar system lost in the ancient
war over the existence of mankind. We may be able to harvest some of
the energy crystals in the central power unit or better yet repair the ship.
It's incredible, to imagine something that large. The massive
vessel measured at five miles in length, how many could it house?
That ship was strictly the guardian helm or vessel of the
overseer, no civilians were ever on it. Manned by Sentinels and
Archangels it was seen as Heaven or the place where I knew we were a
part of a higher order, we can investigate this ship for an eternity.
What are the quickest pathways to what we need?
I have scanned environment captain; the ship has 30,000
Sentinels ready to be activated. We can also connect to the Olympus
Eternal Energy Core to this harbor of the light and possibly repair the
ship absorbing the Olympus into her heart.
“What war” questioned Michabou?
“This was a war long since lost to the pages of time whose
names have been erased from the Halls of Origin.”
Several of the Sentinels began punching the keypads as the ship
moved closer to the heart of Olympus.
The Olympus had been positioned behind Jupiter’s moon
Callisto. Hidden in pure darkness for an unknown time period. Caught
in its gravity as it floated through space.
As the dwarfed ship merged into the massive seed like the ship
the networks like neurons in the brain began connecting between the
two power forces, which contain the pure energy of everything.
In a deep commanding voice, a Sentinel responded 98% neural
pathway merge.
“Is this ship alive?”
“Yes, Captain, the ship is a form of artificial life sustained only
when in contact with pure energy held within the Olympus Eternal
Energy Core, built to obey and to be a life-sustaining the force in all
cases even that of a seed floating and waiting in the darkness of space
for another time. When an Overseer returns and turns the switch back
on. This ship was the first of its kind, bridging the gap between the
pinnacle of kingdoms and those that lie below.”
~ 99 ~

“We haven’t much time. The others have spotted our location
and are moving in this direction. We do not have the capacity to defend
ourselves at this point unless you should choose to place the Orb of the
Eternals into the merge of the central core. But you must be careful as
the radiation can kill you. Take a Sentinel.”
Running swiftly behind a large solid gold war machine called a
Sentinel, Michabou turned in and out of long corridors. To the left and
the right crystallized ornate structures with endless imagery of the earth
in the smallest and finest crystals was displayed, it was a mural without
As they turned to a corridor blinking golden light he knew it was
the heart of the core of Olympus, the Energy Core. Massive,
overlooking a large open atrium shaped like an inverted pinecone the
miniature sun was pulsating as it was absorbing the energy from
Olympus but also rebuilding the network that connected her ship. The
spindles of energy crisscrossing across the perimeter like burning
copper wire circling the entire sphere brilliantly.
“Stay behind me”, spoke the Sentinel as he pressed Michabou
over the rail and reaching his hand out until it touched the light.
The Sentinel began to glow bright red as if it were to become
transparent in the immense power of the core.
Hand me the Core he spoke to Michabou as he began to flicker
in and out of material visibility.
Michabou reached into this jacket and pulled out the small seed
shaped glowing orb.
Climbing over the rail he pondered the vast depth below and the
small scaffolding walkway that lead to the center there the Sentinel
hung half alive and half incinerated to the central core. It was only
meant to help magnify the energy. Never meant for a man to walk
across let alone one misstep and he would perish.
Moving inch-by-inch Michabou traversed the 50 feet distance
inching closer to the Sentinel he could feel the flesh on his face
beginning to blister, his throat dry and choking against the radiation.
He felt his eyes vibrate as the retinas tried to function against the
massive blast of radiation. His arm pressed against his forehead.
He was dying; he felt it and he knew it, the pain piercing through
him with each moment. Falling to his knees he tossed the orb to the
Who immediately exploded into pure light throughout the entire
room as he merged entirely into the 50x50 foot glowing core.
The white energy rippled outwards touching everything and
everyone. It was more than a core or an energy burst. No core could
produce such power, but it resembled it in appearance an exploding star
of energy that reformulated into the energy core above in the air.
The particles passed like ripples in the visible eye through the
ship out and from the ship out into space. As the blast hit Jupiter
~ 100 ~

lightning sparkled around the massive ball of gas and exploding the
incoming black ships of the others.
As the blast neared the Earth it produced a battle of beaten
against darkness as pure energy went like waves of aurora borealis in
the northern skies.
That should put them on notice spoke the chief Sentinel.
The Sentinel stepping out of the light flickered briefly brilliant
white to red and back to Gold again.
Grabbing Michabou by the jacket the Sentinel dragged him out
of the chamber and into the ornate halls of the ship.
Immediately Michabou began to regain consciousness and
strength as the life-giving crystals that lined the walls were also healing
mechanisms which meant this ship sustained anything organic in an
eternal state.
Both within and without this ship was eternal. “The Voyager of
the Great Spirits” spoke a Sentinel. There was a time when the sky itself
would be filled with numberless ships just like this one. In time, all
things new become old and as the expanse of space called life became
more susceptible to the things that devour worlds. Eternal and dark
things that have existed without days.
The Archangel stepped forward among the Sentinels placing his
hand upon Michabou. “We are about to enter an unknown place to
maybe preserve your what's left of your world, your people. A place that
I have no personal interest in saving. There is no guarantee we are
coming back, that we will be successful or that we will accomplish
anything more than a petty sacrifice to appease the laws.”
Looking at the Archangel the Chief Sentinel continued, “Why
help this man, why? What benefit does this effort give to us? We waste
our time with this creation, speaking as if Michabou was not even in the
room, continuing, that even the Gitche Manitou does not raise a finger
at the sign of the imminent apocalypse to save.”
He does nothing; we should do nothing, we are eternal beings,
created first. This is why our memory is clean and without impurity.
With that, the Sentinel stepped back falling to parade rest awaiting a
response from the Archangel.
He unfolded his arms, stepped forward into the middle of the
room and began to speak, “My friends, we can choose to leave, walk
away from these people and never be the worse for it. They will be
destroyed, and if that is the will of the universe we will never be the
worse for it. It is true that we were created first as the Sentinel so
articulately reminded me. But we were also charged with being
guardians, patrons. How can we then in good conscience choose the
walk away?”
“We are all that stands between there all but certain annihilation.
I was created first above all, an Archangel, and I stand here with this
~ 101 ~

Speaking up amidst this war of words between eternal beings

Michabou felt as though he were the make-believe muscle in the room,
an ant so easily squashed, having seen and heard and been through so
much, he was personally invested in this story that became his life, his
focus, his obsession, he was the slave to a larger story.
The Sentinel bowed slightly to the Archangel who seemed
focused and determined.
“Aboard this ship is 30000 Sentinels. Lying dormant for a
moment such as this when the forces of light must be called upon.”
Another Sentinel stepped forward and stated, “I am chief
engineer of the schematics of this sacred vessel. I served with he who
shall not be named.”
The Archangel stepped towards Michabou and began speaking,
“The ship itself pulls pure light into one pulsation every 2 cycles which
are about 2 hours earth time in the Olympus Eternal Energy Core. This
light purifies any anti-matter within a 100-million-mile square radius of
this ship. That's the distance of your moon to our current position.”
“Meaning we have to travel roughly 1/3rd of the distance to the
Earth from the planet Mars to make an impact upon what is at Earth
right now.”
“It's the ultimate self-defense and never has it failed. Even at our
peril we will stand with you now. You could feel the motivated in the
air, thick as many of the most powerful machines and men and beings
stood determined that there could be no other end but absolute victory.
Never considering the alternative outcome could happen. “
The Archangel said commanding, “Sentinels, set course for
This put the ship at Earth in 46-hours. The countdown of
anticipation was almost too much to bear. Michabou moved to the
foremost position of the control room watching the transparent image
displaying space in the distance waiting on breathes to see planet Earth
and the mass that had surrounded the planet.
As they neared and passed over Mars he thought to himself,
“Was this an example of what the destiny of the Earth” Michabou
wondered nervously if this was only a suicide mission that was
unneeded, after all he saw tens of thousands of Earth-like worlds on the
tree. So, what did one truly mean when this world had come and gone
like dust in the wind? Forgotten to time. What would it mean to be
The ship pulsated with energy and lightning bolts moved in
unison covering the entire surface of the ship rippling from tip to tip
front to back. With each pulse, the ship’s energy glow got stronger
morphing into a massive ball of light.
What a grand invention and the machine he thought while
watching the Sentinels organize endless levels that materialized and
~ 102 ~

dematerialized in thin air that were connected to the ship allowing

modifications and adjustments.
Michabou looked at his hands as the static electricity covered his
entire body in miniature static bolts charging constantly.
The Archangel rested himself in the commander’s chair at the
heart of the helm. He would be the heartbeat of this ship, this crew,
following his moving speech earlier.
At this moment the Archangel, he wondered to himself why he
was sent alone. Never before had an Archangel been sent without an
accompanying force.
The Planet Earth even at 1 million miles looked like a blue ball
surrounded by black webs of tornados spinning off the surface in all
directions as the massive entity covered the Earth. It looked like a virus
attacking and devouring a cell.
Michabou got a wrenching pain in his stomach at the sight.
Archangel yelled loudly, “Fire”
At that moment, the Archangel lifted his right hand slamming it
down on the back of the commander’s chair.
With loud whooshing jet engine sound, the entire ship began
shaking in a rhythmic vibration.
An electrical pulse was sent through the massive ship shooting
outwards towards the Earth. The streams of electricity rippled through
space like white lightning moving as a massive network of pure matter
rushing towards the Earth.
“Prepare to Fire”, the Archangel gave the order to recharge the
firing mechanism. Armies of warriors assembled in the air pod
Holding his breath Michabou watched the screen as it zoomed in
with resolution at the massive substance heading towards the Earth. The
light met the dark entity with a burst, the massive force encircled
In an instant, the black mass grew with outward reaching spirals
like the surface protein of a virus Hemagglutinin.
The Archangel said quietly, how is this possible? Stepping back,
he turned to a Sentinel, “fire!”
Michabou stepped forward yelling at the instant another blast
fired from the ship.
“No, Archangel! Stop; Stop, don’t you see, it is feeding off the
energy, your only making it stronger.”
The Archangel rose swelling with anger swiping his hand across
the air, “We are Eternal beings made by the Creator. We will not back
down from this adversary. Sentinels, maximum power to the core
defenses! We will use all the power of this mighty sword of the Creator
to take this enemy down.”
~ 103 ~

It was as if a wave of fresh air moved across the crew as that

feeling of hope again filled the air. The words resonating as each
Sentinel worked feverishly.
In the distance, the Earth was completely black now, with only
the shiny reflection of the sun off of the smooth black substance
showing the mass in the air.
Liquid tornadoes stretched around the position where the sphere
of the Earth once was visible. Darkness spewed into the atmosphere and
into space.
As the Archangel watched the screen in shock he orders the
immediate firing of all they have on the ship.
“Archangel”, spoke one of the Sentinels, “this will shut down
the Olympus for at least two thousand miles, leaving us vulnerable.”
“You heard me! Fire!” he ordered as the ship again began
vibrating louder than before as everything became electrically charge.
The glowing white fire moved in waves from the front of the ship to the
rear and then blasted forward releasing a ball-like energy firing towards
the Earth.
As the blast slammed into the large electrical hairs covering the
interior of the ship if fire the largest blast of energy at the dark mass.
Smashing into the moving black mass the electricity again only
made it grow larger and react aggressively probing space with tentacles.
It was a virus, a galactic virus. Growing exponential rate, the blast had
only fed the darkness as it sprung forward consuming the energy and
weaving towards the source of the energy, the Olympus.
A ship was the size of the State of Tennessee. A machine built
on a scale unimaginable to even the best engineers. It was an inter-
dimensional time traveling device. The defenses fire a pure blast of
energy, the stuff found at the center of an atom, to burn off and
annihilate any threat. Designed by Chibiabos is only fueling the
unknown darkness.
The Archangel stood motionless. The first time in his existence
he felt fear. Never at any moment before had he ever felt fear. It stung
ever pour over his body. He felt the pit of vomiting in the back of his
throat. He felt himself sinking into the back of himself like quicksand
pulling him down. He felt fear and it made him want to panic.
How can our best weapon be their energy source?
Watching the scene unfolding Michabou thought to himself, “I
am out of here.”
Leaving the statue-like Archangel and the crew of Sentinels
madly operating the ships sustainability Michabou knew the only one in
charge of his destiny would be himself.
Michabou ran through the corridors thinking to himself, “I will
not stay to lose my life.” Knowing his only hope would be to get to the
Olympus. Needing to escape.
~ 104 ~

The ship began shaking violently as the black mass had covered
the 100-million-mile distance in the fraction of a moment grabbing the
“Hull breach, Hull breach” sounded in repetition across the ship.
Running to the Olympus commanders chair Michabou unlocked
the ship docking manually. Yelling for the ship to move more quickly.
Come on, let go, let go, let go he pressed the controls forward.
Separating and moving away from the chaos Michabou began
thinking, here he was trying to escape annihilation, ONCE AGAIN,
with an ever moment of hope dashed with the cold hard dose of reality.
The ship failed miserably. The Archangel and crew annihilated
in the explosion of the ship being crushed under the force of dark
tentacles infesting every particle of the ship. Michabou could see in the
view screen what was happening. An octopus-like tentacle stretching
millions of miles through space was surrounding the ship.
“How can anything like that be stopped?” he screamed out loud.
As he pressed the hyper drive pulling away the Olympus and its crew of
one human remained.
Resting quietly behind the potato-shaped Jupiter moon Phobos
the spaceship Olympus narrowly escaped destruction. Michabou
watched the entire scene occur until nothing remained but darkness.
The Archangel appeared on the screen from the Olympus in one
final submission. “Captain, we are experiencing a full breach in
As he spoke these words Michabou watched as the Archangel
and everyone around him began to be surrounded with blackness as
everyone began screaming a high pitch, in an instant he watched as this
immortal being, the Archangel’s skull was crushed under the weight of
the energy attacking him and the interior of the bodies bursting out
before imploding.
Arms and legs pulled into separate directions every single being
was destroyed under the force. Then the feed cut off.
It was like watching a galactic virus reaching out grasping onto
everything with form. How could an Archangel be destroyed?
Where would he go, what would he do? Thought Michabou. He
thought first he should exit this solar system and move somewhere
outside of the perimeter of this entity.
Setting chart for the outer reaches of the solar system Michabou
and the ship exited the proximity of the event.
The glowing orb was gone and how would he get back to
Walking through the corridors of the ship Michabou was racing
through possible solutions to endless thoughts of what to now do. The
step-by-step breakdown of earth being destroyed, the ship being
destroyed, archangel being destroyed, stranded in space seemed very
~ 105 ~

After hours of rewiring and routing the electrical components of

the ship's power core, Michabou was able to restore the ship to full
capacity. Finding a nearby habitable planet would only delay the
inevitable, flying into the unknown would lead to possible demise
stranded to space drifting endlessly.
Michabou made the decision to hyper jump the power core in
reverse to obtain an explosion powerful enough to cause a rift in space
and time to open a door to Origin.
Michabou knew it was a suicide mission but wasn't everything
so far. Was this his time to go? Had the tick tock of time caught up with
Ordering the ship to leave a large vortex opened in the space
surrounding the entire ship. The ship entered the glowing wormhole.
Speeding through the wormhole it became apparent to Michabou that
the entire bridge had been filled with Sentinels that had been on this
ship prior to departure that he was completely unaware. Staring quietly
none of them spoke a word. All of them seemed dismayed, alarmed,
unsure what to do, hesitant and without direction.
He thought it may have been the first time that they had
experienced defeat and could not recalculate the next move.
As the ship flew into the brilliant white light that consumed
Origin, something was different.
Piercing the skies were millions of black tentacles torpedoing
down onto the surface of Origin. The twisting cyclones filled with
endless masses.
How? How could the darkness have now arrived here thought
Michabou? The Sentinels began running from the room as small pods
separated from the ship as they escaped into the city below.
There were black tornados of the shiny silk-like oil twisting into
the distance as the air was filled with screams of darkness. These were
beings of light being lifted into the sludge and then fighting to escape,
as they are absorbed into the darkness. The Archangels were encircling
these tornadoes like tentacles trying endlessly to free trapped people.
Michabou watched as one Archangel fought against the black
tentacle only to be consumed by the darkness torn to pieces by spider-
like creatures jumping in and out of the spiraling darkness.
Michabou watched in horror as the darkness wrapped around
everything. Running through the grounds Michabou wanted to get to the
tree and talk to Chibiabos. Where was Chibiabos?
As he neared the doors of the long corridor they were already
open. The archangels that had once stood in the hall were now gone. In
the distance, the second sets of doors were also open. Ahead in the
distance was only destruction.
The entire room was filled with black ooze dripping down where
the waterfalls had once been. The grass was an inch thick of purple
~ 106 ~

play-do like substance. The remnants of eyes and tongues, teeth, fingers,
littered the surface.
The tree ahead that had once seemed out of this world was
crushing under the weight of darkness.
Standing in the fields was the dark lord, Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”.
Dripping in darkness Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
stood in the domination of Chibiabos. Looking around Michabou could
scarcely recognize this once beautiful place. Chibiabos was pressed
under the submission of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.
Death filled the air.
Stars began falling and melting across the room as Screams of
death filled the atmosphere; in that one moment millions of worlds
ceasing to exist.
The throat on his knees as the cloaked black figure held
Chibiabos him. Black leech entities climbing off of the skin of
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” burrowing into Chibiabos
The black empty face within the black cloak stared intently on
this grand leader.
“You will submit and succumb to me, you will serve me, where
is your precious Great Spirit, where is he?” yelled Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”.
“Never! You will have to take my soul first!” forcefully
squeezed out Chibiabos through the strangle-like chokehold that
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had upon him.
Michabou noticed that Chibiabos’ legs and arms had been cut
off. His right eye was gone with it caved in showing part of his brain
glowing transparently as electrical bursts rippled through the fleshy
membrane. He looked near death. How could this be? Was this not a
Great Spirit? The Great Spirit of Great Spirits?
At that moment, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
turned to look at Michabou as darkness wrapped around the throat of
Chibiabos dropping him to his back. Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” began walking away as Chibiabos was dragged on the
ground behind him. His arms gone, his legs gone, a beaten and broken
Great Spirit now the jewelry of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star”, a trophy.
Michabou paused, was this it, after all he wasn’t a Great Spirit,
he wasn’t even immortal. There is no way he would survive beyond this
moment. Immediately Michabou heard the voice of the President.
“Captain, Captain, so glad to see you.”
Turning stunned in silence Michabou was eye to eye with The
President of the United States of America.
~ 107 ~

“Look at what we have done, what the true Great Spirits have
done. So glad to have you rejoin us in such a momentous occasion.”
spoke the President to the Captain.
As Michabou stared at The President a weight of relief actually
left Michabou.
“Captain, Michabou please tell me do pray, do you like our
redecorating?” Lifting his arms outward, the President said confidently
“This happy fairy wonderland just needed a little bit of a touch-
up. Welcome to the future of humanity.”
The pompous leader strolled beside Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” as they approached the weary human.
As they neared Michabou, the dark leader Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” stepped over the massive crevasse and as he
held his hands up dark creatures began climbing out of the black sludge,
creatures like himself. Stretching with dripping arms they climbed up
everywhere and filled the room as they moved beyond the room out into
Origin. The constant screaming of death was everywhere.
“Behold my Kingdom” spoke Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” as he brought attention to the large black orb rising from
the abyss.
Over the place where the tree of life once stood, surrounding the
sphere, black tentacles sprung forward to latch onto the surrounding
Coming out of the dark pit below that once flowed with golden
liquid and DNA the large black sun began emerging from the depths
until it rose pressing and lifting the great tree of life into the air breaking
it into pieces, the tree finally burning under the immense heat of the orb
fell disappearing into the sludge below.
A defeated Chibiabos could all but give a gargling sound of pain
at the sight of the destruction of this sacred place and his imprisonment
at the feet of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.
Standing in silence The President stood alongside Michabou
watching the massive black star rose high above the once grand tree.
Every few seconds the black star-like orb would pulsate shooting
off black matter that when touching the ground or walls, sprouted black
spider-like creatures that went after devouring anything made of matter.
Among the beasts that had now appeared were large black
knights nearly 20 feet tall with large spikes on their heads with solid
black eyes. They marched out of the darkness. One could only imagine
what was happening outside of this room now that hell had officially
arrived at this world.
The President put his arm around Michabou, “Son, you do not
realize the good we are accomplishing here, were you aware that the
humans have been under eons of oppression by this race of being. We
have freed humanity and you have a place in this new future.”
~ 108 ~

“Future, what future?” the Captain spoke sternly under his

breathes grinding his teeth rigidly. The sensation of utter disgust swept
over him and all that remained was anger. “It's all gone; it's all gone” he
cried out. “You self-serving bastard, it's all gone! You do not understand
what you have done?” Grabbing the chest of the President and pressing
him back Michabou was yelling violently at him.
The President then grabbed Michabou by the shoulders pressing
closely against him they stared eye to eye, ‘if you desire to live you had
better fall in line.” The sternness in his voice was elevated and direct. In
the next moment, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” would
come back so Michabou had better choose his next move with
Calming down, relaxing his shoulders, with a smile across his
face Michabou began dusting off the jacket of the President,
straightening up his tie Michabou speaking calmly he said, “You’re
right Mr. President, fall in line.”
At that moment, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
announced “To the Inner Sanctum!” As they moved towards the back of
the large room Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” repeated, “Let
us finish this matter”
He continued as droves of 10-foot high pure black hunched over
wolf-like beings followed Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
towards possibly the last remaining sacred hall in this place, the inner
“The illusion of eternity will be crumbled under my feet,
Chibiabos! Where is your Creator now?” As Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” stared helplessly, the eternal corpse flailing alongside
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” who was pressing his finger
into the empty eye socket of the eternal being now serving the ultimate
humiliation. “We will end this now with all that you hold sacred in
Still holding his finger in the empty socket Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” clutched the skull of Chibiabos like softball
and carried him at his side as they moved towards the Inner Sanctum.
To those of his people, the horror of the moment was clear, as it was
visible that their great leader Chibiabos was undergoing to most
horrendous torture imaginable to an eternal being of immense power. In
that broken moment, his Sentinels fell to their knees. Their great swords
falling to the ground, their spirit and their will were broken.
Michabou walked behind Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” and his entourage of demon lords from a realm that fed off this
realm matter thinking to him, what a sad tale. It was truly like a Greek
tragedy. It was all becoming clear. It was over.
This was that moment. Michabou had never considered that a
moment of unrelenting despair would seize upon him. Yet here it was
like when he was young and lost his sister, his brother, his mother and
~ 109 ~

father. Those moments he had lost his innocence in the face of

horrendous tragedy and loss. This was one of those moments where you
knew no tomorrow would ever be the same again.
Can there be a greater loss?
Approaching a large closed door that Michabou had not been
aware of on his earlier visit to Origin. It was the Inner Sanctum. The
most sacred and heavily guarded place in Origin. The door was of a
white marble glowing with hieroglyphics surrounding the perimeter. In
the center were two handprints.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” approached the door
stretching his black hands forward to make contact with the handprints.
A loud dragging of stone could be heard as the door slowly opened. The
blackness went from his hands until it consumed the entire door in dark
charcoal black. The door then melted to the floor as Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” floated through into the Inner Sanctum.
The room was surprisingly small only about 30 feet across and
completely surrounded by murals covering the walls and the dome
ceiling above. The murals showed a man and women surrounded by the
DNA code which were twisting and turning in all directions. In the
center of the room held suspended in the air a skull, glowing gold that
had continual energy flowing through it into what looked like fiber-
optic cables above and below.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” stopped, turning to
The President he spoke, “come here and learn wisdom.”
Holding Chibiabos up by the back of the skull Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” spoke to him, “tell them where the Gitche
Manitou is, tell them where he is oh great Great Spirit of Time” turning
he threw the mangled leader down to his side to suffer the humiliation
of the moment bouncing off the ground in a thud he lay motionless.
With his single eye blinking to show he was conscious still.
Stopping, turning and walking back to Chibiabos, Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” leaned down and whispered softly,
“Isn’t Immortality grand! You worthless being, perhaps in 3 million
years we will revisit this very moment” with that Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” redirected his attention to the skull in the
middle of the room.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” continued, “The
source of all this power and energy, the skull of your Gitche Manitou.
This feeds this place with pure energy, the sequence of life. Here you
may see for yourself lies all that remains of the first man on the first
world who became a Gitche Manitou.”
Reaching forward Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
grabbed the skull, which was pushing out an unknown energy and code.
Holding it in his hand by the back of the skull he stared intently and
deeply into its empty sockets of eyes. He then did the unthinkable.
~ 110 ~

Pressing the skull into his black face the blackness wrapped
viperous absorbing the entire skull. Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” then shot pure dark matter from his hands towards the
kneeling Sentinels as they screamed in agony and incinerated.
With a thunderous voice, he cried out, “You all serve me! I am
One Lord; there is None Other than sits Beside Me. With fists pumping
in the air, he echoed through the arena, Every Knee Shall Bow, and
Every Tongue Profess that I Am. The Tin Great Spirits have fallen, our
Providence has arrived.”
The air was filled with shrieks and screams of souls consumed
by black entities.
Michabou thought to himself staring at the stoically honest
depiction of a moment that would stand for an eternity. How often
would one have the vantage of watching a Caesar dethroned? To see the
imagery of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, holding the
greatest of a kind, the supreme leader of an entire theology that has
lived unmolested under the false faith of security.
This Caesar was broken, beaten, humiliated, held watching the
crushing destruction of beings living through a false reality. They
thought they were eternal beings. They believed all was below them.
The sight was deafening. Michabou stood in awe watching as
entire lives dream faded into the distance under the crushing blow of
reality. The man in black had arrived.
How long had these beings the self-proclaimed Royal Family of
all Universes harvested souls? In reality imprisoning themselves in the
nicest prisons in the Universe simply an advanced intelligence, one of
many who became arrogantly self-absorbed to such a degree he did not
consider that they were nothing special.
In an ecosystem, the Lion is but a steward over the rabbit, the
gazelle, and the pride, the king of his sphere of influence ruling over all
others. As the man approaches, shoots the lion, grills up the rabbit and
packages the pride for winter sitting by a warm fire resting his feet on
lion floor rug.
The false sense of security only harmed them, had kept them
from truly connecting those above them. From his experiences with the
wise Tall Whites, he knew that Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” with all his power, the supreme tip of the pyramid of life was
simply a part of a much larger universe. It is interesting where one
megalomaniac egomaniacal leader is overthrown; another replaces only
to continue the false security as if they would never be subject to
something greater than themselves.
To be at this level for an infinite expanse of Universes, it's hard
to truly comprehend but the greater the reward the greater the risk of
self-annihilation from a life form still greater than he.
Holding the crushing skull of Chibiabos into the air Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” declAayaash, in the final ending of an
~ 111 ~

entire supremely advanced civilization, “Where the world ends is where

you must begin.”
Michabou parting thought, Beyond the reach of the human rage,
a drop of hell, a touch of strange.
Origin had faded into darkness.
With that, a tall thin gray touched a device to the base of
Michabou’s skull and he collapsed to the ground.
Opening his eyes slowly, Michabou saw Korir peering down on
him. The slender being with translucent blue skin, a human face on a tall
gray alien body.
Michabou was bound at the wrists and his ankles, he struggled
looking directly at Korir as a bright light shown into his eyes.
“Where am I?” “Relax, perfectly safe as long as you talk.” spoke
“I am happy too.” responded the defeated Michabou
The same blue and purple translucent tall thin alien beings with
small human faces stood behind Korir as the menacing interrogator
peered down. The room was perfectly round like a holding cell, dark,
dimly lit aside from the one brilliantly lit spotlight, and everything was
metallic gray.
“I want to speak with The President” ordered Michabou
Korir responds, “National Defense Authorization Act says you
are a prisoner of the Celestials, your act of insurgence sealed your fate.”
“I am not an enemy combatant!” yelled Michabou
“Prove it!” Korir now less than an inch from Michabou’s face
peering into his eyes.
“I am human, something you will never be!” smirked Michabou
A hard-thunderous backhand ricocheted off Michabou’s face as
drops of blood began falling from his nose and lower lip.
“Why were you at Jupiter? Who sent you there? What was your
“Go to hell!”
“We’ve had our eye on you, you don’t think your first move, and
here is what we know about you. You are Michabou Betheios, the last
pure human being in the entire known universe. Cut the crap. We are
looking for the egg. Where is it?”
“Well, then you know everything”, Michabou smirked
continuing, “I don’t know what else you need from me.”
“How did you first escape Dyaus?”
Slamming his fist down on the table, “Who helped you before at
Earth when you teleported to Origin?”
Pausing... With a shrewd smile Korir said, “Origin is dead...I
want the truth”.
Michabou looked away in defiance. “What do you care, how or
why? Everyone is your prisoner so what does it matter to you?”
~ 112 ~

Korir paused, turning he left the room. With a click, the light
turned off.
After several hours, the light clicked back on. Opening the door,
walking in The President. Standing behind Korir says, “You have got
two minutes” turned, closed the door.
The President walked to the table and sat down hands clasped.
“Michabou, are you ok?”
The President was a translucent purple with a purple glow. He
resembled Dr. Manhattan from a popular comic series as a kid, here he
stood staring at the real thing.
“You mean the aside from the ton bracelets, and the luxury
“How did you get in here? I did not think you were alive.”
Michabou questioned the President.
“I pulled every string I have Michabou” “So then pull a few
more and get me out of here!”
“Michabou, I run a lot of, I run an energy company now, all be it
an alien energy company...it is what it is, I need, you to cooperate and
you will be given a place, protection”
Placing his hand on his shoulder, “The friends I have ended
worlds” “These people, Korir, they are something else”
“After you escaped at Jupiter, can you imagine how it was for
me, the things I saw? Michabou, do you know how much time has
passed since you saw Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” destroy
“What do you mean, days? Weeks???” “900 years.”
“Tears wheeling in his eyes, muttering Michabou stumbled
through a response, how long?”
“900 years.”
“You were frozen in a cryogenic chamber. Don’t worry you
didn't tamper with. There are benefits to be the last of an entire species.
They put you away so that you would no longer be a pestilence to them
and here we are today.”
“You're here because either you work with them or you're gone,
these are the exterminators, they clean things up. Do you understand?”
“I did try to help you, but I too was caught, strong-armed me and
we allowed you to reach Ansiel. On that day, I saved your life.”
“Stop!” Michabou screamed, “No More Lies!”
“You have to convince Ansiel to bring you the egg”
“You are in on this too? Who told you I was at Jupiter?”
Michabou responded
“Michabou that egg is the only thing valuable enough to trade
for your release, your life”
Michabou shaking his head no, “I can't help you.”
The President’s head dropping as he knew Michabou would not
talk, “Your so damn stubborn...I just hope it doesn't get us both killed.”
~ 113 ~

The door opened, the President left the room, immediately

walking in Bob Evans and Korir.
Evans says to the president as he passes, “you tried sir.”
The President snapped back, with a statement that shocked
Michabou, “and you're not trying hard enough, what’s the point of
having supreme intelligence, a galactic security and we can’t get a damn
The President paces angrily into the room, “It won’t be long
until Maji-Manidoo and Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” find
out about the power source!”
The President turning to Evans as he again leaves the room,
“Any means necessary.”
Evans, Korir again left the room. The light went out.
How would he escape, what would be his plan? 900 years? Had
it really been that long, everyone looked different, and President, he
looked so tired.
At that moment, a bright light appeared into the room. It was a
Tall White. With the raise of a hand, the chains fell off his hands and
feet. Saying nothing the Tall White stood silently as The President, Jim
Evans, and Korir walked into the room. All in silence staring at this
being that all feared. Something beyond their ability to comprehend in
the same way a bumblebee could understand a plane. They were rarely
seen, never interfered and yet if they chose all knew had the power to
destroy everything including Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
...could they stop Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”?
In the next instant, black spider-like ooze shot through the wall
enveloping the being hovering in the air. The majesty lost in the clawing
of the being to escape the clutches of a black darkness that devoured the
Tall White until rising up revealing the presence of Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”. He had devoured the sentient being with such
ease. It was like watching a tank square off with a pee shooter.
Looking at Michabou with black fibers flowing off this dark
man in black he spoke with a deep thunderous voice, “I know. I know
everything. Here is wisdom human. The man in black travels with your
soul in his pocket.”

It had been masterfully conceived, orchestrated with painstaking
attention to detail. The Celestials had initiated an illusion of demise
among the people of the planet Earth in order to solidify a larger agenda
with Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.
~ 114 ~

This being from a place unknown that had devoured the Gitche
Manitou, devoured Chibiabos, and devoured the now missing devoured
The capture of the entire human family from not just one Earth,
but from all Earth that exist in the Universe. One of an infinite number
of universes and yet the only one with human life that dared reach
beyond their own boundaries.
To hold captive in cryogenic chambers for eternity as DNA was
manipulated to create a new species of eternal beings, to rewrite the
physics of the Universe and introduce the leader of the Anti-Matter
Universe, this being Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.
The transition on the planet Dyaus of the Gray-like entities
transforming themselves from organic soulless machines to eternal
living, breathing, Great Spirits. Human DNA, the very source of the life
and the greatest code in all creation mixed with the DNA of Maji-
Manidoo, the fallen Archangel of Origin, then combined with the pure
anti-matter that exists in Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
producing a serum that would be given to every entity.
The serum changed the core of all the fallen ones to gain souls,
which opened up the windows of time. In the timeline of events, Earth
lost, Origin lost, Man lost, the Universe lost, nothing at this point could
withhold Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” from enveloping
the entire multiverse of universes.
It had been 30 years since the fateful day when Origin was lost.
Digested and purged of her sacredness. Origin was now a dark place
where the eternal spirits of men are punished in horrendous and
harrowing ways. The sacred tree at the center burned away by the dark
matter as if a void had collapsed one room pressing down upon the
entire structure.
If one were to walk the once lightning filled crystalline covered
streets of Origin, all that remained would be bodies, eternal spirits
writhing in pain tortured by their ominous wolf like demons.
Not the quick death, but the slow, torturous death is drawn out
for millions of years by creatures, entities that would eventually devour
you. Knowing at any time they could crush and destroy. The death of
that race is the humiliation of their pride in punishment, deliberate
hellfire punishment. When surrender is not enough there are the
prisoners of origin.
Michabou was a permanent captive of the Dark Empire on the
planet Dyaus. While not encapsulated in the cryogenic chambers as all
other humans, like President Evans, Michabou was granted Diplomacy
as a leader among his people. He had been used as the bait to pull the
Tall-Whites forward into this dimension.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had laid in wait until
that one fateful historic day when he could match his belief in his power
against a supremely powerful entity so far up the ladder of intelligence.
~ 115 ~

It was the equivalent of an ant stopping and crushing a 150-ton diesel

semi-truck. Think of the conscious ego of the Man in Black upon
realizing his true strength. Perhaps he already knew, perhaps it is
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” who looks down upon them
all. It was a charade.
Michabou hadn't aged a day, yet his mind was weary with the
past 30-years captivity. Walking freely throughout the rooms of the
buildings in this world all he saw was the torture, mutilation and
subjugated the human race. The once gray beings now beings of
glowing purple light almost transparent in appearance. The once dark
eyes filled with a massive black pupil with brilliant fire-lit red iris. Since
the serum, everything changed; the endless technologies of preserving
life had been produced, invented and utilized. The darkness got darker,
the aliens became Great Spirits, and Michabou knew it was all over.
Michabou thought, “30-years if I had the choice I would not live
one more, yet I know there must be more.” ...” Such disgrace and
dishonor!”.... He had not aged, not because he took the serum as The
President had, but because he chose to sleep in a cryogenic chamber
aging ever more slowly but aging none the less.
The serum, a glowing purple ooze that pulsated waves of purple
light. The ooze poured into a coffin-like the chamber where any entity
from human to gray aliens would be immersed into the tub. Completely
submerged in the fluid the chamber shut as an entity would succumb to
death, to be reborn an eternal being of anti-matter glowing ominous
The eternal beings bound to be obedient to Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” but with unlimited power. Feeding off of
tubes that are connected to millions of humans contained in cryogenic
chambers. Blood extracted and drank to feed the eternal appetites of the
eviler than ever Advanced Grays who all were stronger looking, purple
translucent and glowed an off purple. They did seem Great Spiritly and
certainly had powers beyond comprehension.
“Michabou!”, Michabou!” a voice was heard in the distance.
Michabou turned to find a glowing translucent purple The
President. Resembling Mr. Manhattan from the Watchman his eyes
pierced with darkness and his voice had an echo like the sound too it.
Just looking at him made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.
“Michabou, why don’t you transition?” he asked
“You would know all, see all, with unlimited power existing for
eternity. Nothing could destroy you”
“I have been down that road, what makes you think that you are
the top of the food chain? Michabou questioned.
“The only price is that by taking transition you will be bound to
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. Unable to disagree with
~ 116 ~

“Some things man was never intended to take, Mr. President”

spoke Michabou
“I would prefer to remain human, what human I am left.” At this
time, Michabou leaning slightly forward rests his arms on a rail
overlooking a vast expanse as the room’s perimeter was filled with
millions of cryogenic chambers rising up and down. With a breeze
catching his face staring at endless sucked in faces that resembled
grapes, as the humans were only alive to produce blood. These
machines keeping them alive for an eternity. He felt sadness.
The President standing beside him with his arms crossed behind
his back.
Michabou speaking calmly, “they are all lost”. Referring to all
humans imprisoned in the life chambers.
“You see a loss, I see sacrifice” spoke The President.
Michabou, this was foreordained to occur, the same dark mass
invading Earth as that consumed Origin, the Gray’s acting as
middlemen as man became subject to the Great Spirits, being made
Great Spirits.
“Dark mass on Earth? What do you mean?” Michabou was
playing dumb.
“I mean, this was no accident, Maji-Manidoo opened the portal
to Earth allowing another dimension filled with dark forces to invade
the planet. This was foreordained Michabou. You and I, chosen ones.”
“Accept position as Lord Chancellor of G101 Sector, I think you
will find it worthwhile”
Michabou snapped back, “Why in the hell would I do that?”
“Well, maybe not but if you would like to know it’s where the
Earth is located.”
“Where do I sign up?” Michabou asked directly and seriously
“Let me explain, you would oversee all the affairs of that sector
or region of space, you can go anywhere, you’ll have protection at all
times, you can see anything you like but with the access there are limits,
you have unlimited access and protection without any executive power.
You will be safe, but you will not be allowed to change anything or
affect anything. Don’t look at this as punishment but it is your prison.”
“So, you’re saying I accept a position to go back to Earth and
leave this place but it's a puppet position?”
“What’s in it for you?”
The President, pulsating purple stared intently off into the
distance, grabbing the railing next to Michabou he said calmly, “Some
things have to be a certain way for things to balance out.”
Are you sure you can commit to this position, that you will not
seek to overstep your boundaries?”
“I am.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, when do I leave?”
~ 117 ~

“First thing tomorrow.” spoke The President.

“Just remember, Earth is not the place you used to know. You
may not want what you wish.”
“The truth is, you can't handle the truth. Your crude Neanderthal
minds, you know that is all that you are, cannot see the forest through
the trees and if somehow you were capable of grasping what is really
fucking going on...well then, you would also realize there was not one
damn thing you could ever do about it.”
“Enjoy that cesspool Earth, I hope if fucking rots and you right
along with it!” spoke crossed faced The President with obvious
contempt for Michabou. They had been in this position so many times,
the contentious prolonged post-war fallout. Verbal assassins of what ifs
and what could have been. He wasn’t even human anymore; he was
something else, something darker.
He spewed poison, which was for sure. The President had
resentment for life itself, immortal he felt bored and the nightmAayaash
of his life whereas in the forgetting that there ever was a before.
“Screw yourself!” Michabou yelled at the President as he strode
away with bodyguards of Celestials holding him back. The President
merely smirked, turning he said above his breath, “ta ta deadman”.
The next morning Michabou woke in the stale-aired room.
Tossing his blanket against the wall he had it with this place. He was
tired of being the nice guy. The one who remained silent, quiet, he
knew...it was now time to Rage.
This time a quiet Rage, the kind that was conniving, backbiting,
ultra-reconnaissance with constant positioning within the system to
obtain a place where making a difference would be an option.
He had that first step, the window, as Chancellor over Earth he
would have distance between him and this place, the President, and his
constituents. He would be able to go anywhere, look at anything, and
observe anything. He had time to use this an opportunity to locate
weaknesses, plan for something, but what would that something be?
Michabou would choose to look at this moment as an
Putting on his 1792 authentic George Washington military
uniform, which the first President wore until his death, Michabou had
snatched it from the Smithsonian during the final days of the conflict.
When all was to be lost, he wore the uniform as a tribute to the legacy of
George Washington, to free men, who stood up to tyranny amidst all
odds both for and against.
Michabou strode with a tone of arrogance, he knew for the last
time, down the long darkly lit corridors that covered the surface of the
planet Dyaus. As no longer was he, a human, allowed in the upper
floors where Maji-Manidoo and his cohort reside.
With his left arm in stride his right hand cupped the under-breast
jacket walking with dignity to his transport ship. To his amazement, the
~ 118 ~

ship was of pure translucent purple crystal in the shape of a scorpion.

The formidable ship was shaped like an inverted scorpion only made of
an unknown crystal, the size of a 747.
As he stepped on board a large contention of Advanced Gray’s,
those purple guys were standing and working within the ship. Michabou
walked slowly pondering how he would address this situation. Turning
he strode to the commander’s helm.
“Surprise, surprise, The President”, but Michabou had resorted
to calling him “The Evil Emperor”, “Surprise, Surprise, Evil Emperor”,
“yes your highness” Michabou spoke with a tone of contention and
resentment bedding a response.
“This is your ship, and this is your crew.”
“You got half of that right; this crew is not coming with me. I
don’t know them, I don’t trust them, I go with two centuries and you
inform the waiting command that I am coming.”
“Very well, very well”. Murmured the President, not wanting to
cause a scene in front of so many forces. To save face relented to
Michabou’s requests. The President wanted him gone out of his sight as
soon as possible.
“I want two soldiers, Sentinels from Origin as my security.” ...
“Aww, I see, you need the comfort of those who can mourn with
you. It seems a fading memory, but I do remember those beings.”
Responded The President.
“Luck would have it where you're going you can have your pick.
Until then you will be accompanied by our security.”
The President turned to walk away, ordering all the advanced
grays to leave the ship with him.
“The bridge is now yours Captain” spoke the President as he
exited the ship.
Sitting alone on the bridge of the ship entitled Centurion. This
was the first step at redemption. He would have his revenge. In his own
way, in his own time. He reveled at every minute he had in this position.
He had power again. Real power. The power to conspire, to become an
Agent of Change.
Five advanced grays accompanied Michabou enroute to Planet
“It was not destroyed?” he questioned intently.
Michabou thought of the great leaders of the past, he thought of
the fallen great civilizations, he thought of man, the journey, and the sad
destination. Daniel took captive to Babylon. Thrown to the lions. In all
cases protected by unseen forces. Unless one's fate were not such a
mirror of myth it would not demand such attention from the heart and
soul. Michabou had felt manifest destiny. He was a loyalist, a Patriot.
He thought of Olympia, a plain in Greece in northwestern western
Peloponnese, a place where it is said the ancient Olympic Games were
~ 119 ~

played, all of that history, the drama, and the great thinkers of mankind,
Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and Pythagoras.
Of all the great philosophers, Pythagoras, a great mathematician,
mystic and scientist, he saw through the fabric of our reality to the
illusion that it really is and developed the Pythagorean Theorem, which
bears his name and was utilized to develop space travel in the ultimate
Michabou felt a sense of duty to these men, their thoughts sealed
up within his mind, a time capsule of the human condition. Back to
Earth, where it all began, where it all ended, where the Archangels are
enslaved to their fate. Like origin most likely a slow agonizing hell.
Resting in his purple commander’s chair he directed the ship towards
The ship, state of the art advanced gray speed ship. Built out of
pure sub- atomic energy, which built an interdependent relationship
with the mind of the pilot.
The grays considered Michabou a small fly insignificant in the
overall picture, that mindset partly created by the comfort knowing
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” was out there gave to them,
so they paid little attention to what Michabou would be doing in the
wastelands of Earth.
The President walked into the sub commander alien prototype
human machine General Kriktop. He has left, he will be at destination in
“Is the beacon set?”
“Yes, we have the security net open we will know when he
leaves this area. Good, let him waste what remains of his life on that
dead planet.”
Staring into space Michabou was lost in a moment of the four
previous trips and the four previous failures. On the heels of humanities
greatest defeat; the loss of Earth, and the loss of Origin. The
advancement of the gray aliens, the imprisonment of the entire human
family on all earth-like worlds throughout the universe.
Coming out of hyperspace, Michabou drifted adjacent to the
massive Jupiter. If viewing from a panorama, the small ship lost in the
massive world and constant moving shifting storms. The ship sat less
than 1 million miles from the surface of Jupiter.
Michabou wanted to inspect the wreckage of the Olympus. This
was where the orb was left when the Olympus was being torn to pieces.
That was a futile effort against a power of space and time that defied
logic. They hadn't lasted one second. All the hype, the hope, and the
courage meant nothing.
Looming in the distance the mangled wreckage of the carnage of
those final memories, when the thought of Origin inspired hope, it was
the only horror.
~ 120 ~

Caught in the gravity of the earth-sized moon Calisto, the

Olympus was strewn in thousands of pieces.
There was nothing to salvage and it was too dangerous to
attempt to inspect the debris for anything that could resemble an orb.
This was a lifetime of work decimated in seconds.
It was a miracle he had escaped with his own life. 30-years had
passed since then, yet it felt as though only moments had passed.
Michabou paused for the moment, he mourned this moment, it
hung heavily on his mind and he thought of the feelings he may have
setting eyes on Earth.
Regrouping he ran his hands through his long black hair pulling
it into a ponytail. Buttoning up his colonial jacket he rested in the
commander's chair and set course for Earth.
As the luminescent purple ship rounded Mars, Michabou caught
a glimpse for the first time of the sun. Replacing the once warming rays
of the Earth’s sun instead shown shimmering black with brilliant white
beams of light that was not too blinding but rather pulsated in waves of
X-ray type light.
Immediately a holographic image of a solid face without features
spoke, “I am the source, intelligent communication analyst for this ship,
the source of radiation on the distance is a dying star, and made of anti-
matter it feeds gamma rays onto all matter. This process is lethal in
large doses. The Earth atmosphere is still substantial enough to sustain
human life from serious harm from the pulsating sun. However, it will
change your genetic make-up over time, meaning you will change.”
“What do you mean change?”
“Analysis has not yet returned a plausible explanation for that
scenario. You will evolve.”
Michabou noticed at this time a large spider web like space
station hovering above the Earth.
Looking out into the distance through the improved imaging
screen Michabou watched the sun; it resembled reddish-black blood
when seen through the atmosphere of Earth.
Shimmering into images of liquid oil drifting across the sun's
surface he just could not grasp what it was he was looking at.
The entire place was broken; the moon was separated into three
pieces. It was obvious two of the pieces had collided as the moon now
drifted in elongated thirds with debris following in long lines behind the
larger pieces.
The Earth now looked as though it had rings. The effects on the
earth were catastrophic, no longer a blue-green ball of life it was rippled
in thick bands of colored clouds in the upper atmosphere. The ocean sat
on the north pole of the Earth with deep canyons, as it was clear the
water would rush from one end to the other pole every 72 hours.
The land in between stretched and pulled by the gravitational
forces of the three moon satellites stretching the earth mantle and core.
~ 121 ~

Massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions rose at a moment’s notice

then froze over as the plates were in constant shifting. The Earth’s
surface was an ever-changing hell.
There was only one piece of life sustaining land on the planet
that was caught in a goldilocks zone of the planet Earth. Even here the
land was charring with no vegetation or viewable life other than the
Michabou could hardly believe his eyes as he drifted through the
Earth’s reddish haze atmosphere. The smoldering landscape below in
ruins the endless massive chunks of what was left of the moon drifting
across the night sky.
It was an alien landscape.
Michabou wanted to see what was happening on the surface of
the planet rather than go directly to the overseer station located in near
earth orbit.
Appearing on the large screen in front of Michabou and an
advanced gray dressed in a black suit with more human features but
same skin color. “Mr. Michabou, I will need to request you to dock with
the central command.”
“That's ok, I will check back with you later”, spoke
Michabou as he looked ahead ignoring the broadcast,
“Mr. Michabou, I insist.”
“You do not insist anything”, Michabou snapped back, turning
to one of the advanced grays on the deck, “get that son of a bitch off the
screen now.”
The being immediately dismissed the broadcast and continued
working. “Hey, hey” Michabou directed at the advanced gray who had
obeyed him, the gray turning looking up to Michabou, “What is your
“I am Ren, operations specialist for the Centurion.”
“Well Ren, let's go down and see the surface”
Turning the ship, Michabou made way for a descent into the
cloudy Earth atmosphere.
Breaking through the reddish clouds Michabou began moving
slowly towards the burned surface of the Earth. He was shocked at the
landscape barren and empty of vegetation. It looked like a burnt-out
Mars. There were no trees; it was red in appearance, no vegetation of
any kind, no cities, any structures, and just massive blocks everywhere.
Each block sitting in a puddle of black like liquid smoldering in the
“What are those blocks?” Michabou asked Ren. The being
responded, “Those are the prisoners from Origin-bound to erkylomite
stone blocks.”
“What prisoners are you talking about?
~ 122 ~

“These are the Archangels that once imprisoned the Grays here,
the Archangels of Origin. The first of all creations bound for an eternity
here on the Earth.”
“Archangels...” What is er...what did you call it?” asked
“Erkylomite, it is the heaviest element in the Universe. An
element from another dimension composed of pure anti-matter. The
anti-matter only affects organic matter. The Archangels will not be able
to escape and unless they pull those changes away from the stone the
anti-matter will begin dissolving them.”
Leveling off about 100 feet off of the ground Michabou could
now see for himself clearly the scene below. In all directions,
innumerable large ten-foot tall Archangels from Origin-bound in chains
to large blocks of dripping black ooze pooled around them like a puddle.
As the ship came to a stop hovering in the air, Michabou
watched as the Archangels would slowly stretch and pull the chains
from the block as the sounds of click, click rung through the air.
Dragging them across the scorched earth, if they let up in any
way the chains would just as easily click, click and recoil back into the
blocks causing a black substance to accumulate on the chains where the
Archangels were attached.
When this substance came in contact with the Archangels it
literally devoured their flesh. Loud screams of agony and terror filled
the air as these once Great Spirit-like creatures slowly dissolved. It was
not he could see the black substance was organic matter from the
Archangels, they were dying.
“How long can they last down there?” Michabou asked Ren still
confused at what he was seeing,
“These are eternal beings, this will not kill them, but it will
punish them for eternity.”
As a result of the substance, the Archangels kept in constant
motion or more anti-matter would be poured out upon them. It was a
slow agonizing torture. As the liquid dripped down the chains touching
their flesh they shrieked. There very essence burning at the sub-atomic
Crawling, scratching, falling, climbing, and dragging their
massive ten-foot tall stripling bodies bound in chains across the ground.
The same distance each time before collapsing and being slowly
dragged back to the block and the chains returned to their place.
Click; click as the guardian returned to the stone block and the
same black ooze burning against their flesh.
Never before had he seen such a scene, he could hardly imagine
the once massive creatures that served as guardians of Origin-bound in
such a way as to render them completely submissive.
This was a torturing field born out of retribution and revenge.
“Land the ship!” order Michabou
~ 123 ~

The ship came to a rest on the rugged dry terrain below.

Michabou rising to a stop. Staring out the display screen he was
humbled by the site. Torn emotionally, resolving within him that if he
was in fact Overseer of this place then things must change and they
would change now.
“All of you, come with me” directed at the advanced grays, as
Michabou moved to leave the ship.
Stepping onto the Earth again was like sinking in quicksand
awkwardness to the adjustment of the Earth’s gravity. Had all those
years in space, on the planet Dyaus, really made the Earth seem so
foreign and unknown.
Each step towards an Archangel laying on his hands and knees
with massive chains add ached to his wrists and ankles. Covered in red
dirt with a look of despair breathing deeply the shadow of the large
anchor in the distance. The long pathway lying behind him, the imagery
of years of toiled dragging the chains away from the block to avoid
pain. Michabou couldn't imagine what level of pain and hell this being
had endured.
“Release him now” ordered Michabou,
“Sir, we cannot. We do not have the access codes to remove the
braces.” “Who does?”
“Lord Regent Korir at Command Center above the Earth.”
“Get him down here,” ordered Michabou as he was making his
way towards the ten-foot man.
Approaching the Archangel Michabou placed his hand upon the
shoulder of the being. Immediately the being stood up towering above
Michabou before falling to a knee.
“What is your name?” asked Michabou
“Ansiel” muttered the large archangel
Before Michabou could respond, the loud clanging of chains
recoiling back into the massive blocks echoed through the air. With a
tug, the Archangel began slowly dragging them backward towards the
All of you over here now, help me keep him from going towards
the block. Michabou grabbing the being’s massive arms pulling him
away from the recoiling.
The five advanced grays came rushing to join Michabou, each
grabbing an arm pulling the Archangel forward and holding him
preventing the chains from pulling him backward.
The loud rushing sounds of dozens of engines from alien landers
approaching, hovering and landing from the command center above the
A group of robotic sentinels approaching as the tall man faced
advanced gray in a black suit ordered, “Do not release him!”
~ 124 ~

Pacing towards Michabou everyone let go of the giant except

Michabou. Standing eight feet tall, thin with long arms, the piercing
eyes of the Lord Regent stared ominously at Michabou.
“So, you are the new Overseer, the last human, the Great
Michabou...trying to protect one of these Tin Great Spirits.”
“Would the human like a pet?” asked Korir. “Well?”
“Unloose these bands, this man comes with me, he is under my
protection. Now free him. That's my first order.” Ordered Michabou,
knowing this was a game of chess, planned by the Lord Regent to
establish Michabou inferior to him in command in front of all troops.
Korir, looking in a nodding motion to the sentinels they moved
to unloose the chains to the archangel.
The power play had failed for Korir as he turned swiftly without
saying anything and boarded his ship. All other sentinels did the same
until it was only Michabou, his small contention of advanced grays and
the freed archangel.
Michabou knew this was the first of many battles to come.
“Let's get him onto the ship.” as Michabou and the crew helped
carry the being onto the ship.
The ship departed for the space station and potentially another
showdown with Korir. What he really wanted was to speak with Ansiel,
to find out as much about what happened as possible.
Leaving the surface of the Earth, it was hard to imagine it had
ever housed life. The hundreds of archangels, these ancient beings,
guardians of the fallen Origin imprisoned. Ansiel remain lying
unconscious in the engine room where there was more room. Making a
bed out of a large metal table the giant lay breathing deeply.
The ship arrives at the alien space station. Docking, the ship
comes to a stop on the large hangar floor, the doors of the ship open.
Michabou’s broad shoulders carrying the massive arm of Ansiel
as he limped slowly off of the ship moving towards the long corridor
leading to the Overseer Command Room. The larger archangel
resembling a giant of a man slouched over towering over Michabou.
Entering the room at the end of the corridor Michabou stopped
turned to the guards with him.
“Stand post”, let me know if Korir comes near our door.
Four large advanced aliens standing as personal security for
Michabou. The door sliding shut leaving the two alone.
Entering the large crystalline room with ornate unknown
writings around the perimeter at the entrance to the room. Michabou
helped Ansiel to the floor near a massive viewing window peering into
space. Ansiel falling to the floor for the first time in a very long time
unrestricted by chains and bindings. For the first time in over 30 years,
Michabou stood face to face with one of the elite Archangels.
The command of the Lord Regent Korir, a founding member of
the council of five on Dyaus was at a time the most sought-after
~ 125 ~

leadership post in the Universe. Now, 30 years later it served as the final
outpost of war almost forgotten to time. Korir was personally
responsible for the capture of over 5 billion human souls from Earth and
its conquering.
Korir spends his days waiting for the new Overseer to arrive so
that he may return to Maji-Manidoo and his familiar world.
This ship was crystalline in structure with brilliant purple colors
and shades glimmering even off of the metal. The state of the art in
advanced space technology the ship was inter-dimensional capable of
interstellar travel 100 times faster than the speed of light. Developed
from sub-atomic particles the ship can move to multiple places in the
universe instantaneously.
Yet for the moment Michabou decided to stay in orbit around a
scorched Earth, the remnant of what was once home, the year 2845, 700
years after the destruction of the Human species from the planet.
Looking cautiously at a broken Archangel, Michabou wondered
what would happen next.
Ansiel mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes, “There is More
to Heaven and Earth than...” drifting off into unconsciousness.

It had seemed like weeks since Ansiel had drifted off into
unconsciousness, now awake he paced back and forth continually
repeating to himself, “There is more to Heaven and Earth than can be
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dreamt of in philosophy, more to Heaven and Earth, more to Heaven

and Earth” Ansiel kept repeating to himself as he peered into deep
space, then looking back in dismay.
Turning to look at Michabou, “these are the last words that the
Creator said to me before he left to a realm beyond”
“You knew the Creator, you met this Scientist that everyone
claims set all of this in motion?” asked Michabou
Ansiel held his hand out as a small ball of light began spinning
into creation before Michabou’s eyes. Turning with small flames of fire
the small sun-like orb shone brightly. The black matter could now be
seen swirling around the glowing miniature sun.
Releasing the orb into the air it began floating and emanating
light. It truly was a miniature sun.
“How did you do that Ansiel” questioned Michabou
Ansiel walked towards Michabou, continuing, “All that you see
here is upheld by unseen forces, what you call Dark Matter, while you
cannot see it with your eyes it is the source of the darkness of the abyss,
it sustains all light and all that is good here in this virtual universe”
Turning to face the immense open space Ansiel moved his hand
through the air, “it is all around us, a matter that only the Gitche
Manitou truly understands as he created and built this place, this sun is
fueled by this dark matter...none of it is real” he seemed to question
whether what he was saying was true.
“This place, it isn't real, it is a program of pure consciousness”
spoke Ansiel as he stared at the small spinning ball of light.
“A program...what do you mean Ansiel" responded Michabou.
“This place was constructed for the development of spiritual
beings. It is a place that is, like a computer program, it isn’t real. Which
means the parameters of this place have been set. How and why I am
trapped here, how and why this place has been reprogrammed is not
logical. All humans here are simply avatars of their true self, meaning
when humans die here they continue to live elsewhere because you are
sleeping Great Spirits” ...pausing he turned to Michabou, “with the
exception of you.”
“What do you mean sleeping Great Spirits...what do you mean
with the exception of me?” questioned Michabou.
Ansiel continued, “All humans here are made up of biological
synthetic material, imagine robots so small that you cannot see them and
yet collectively the organize to present the illusion of reality...yet you
are made from this substance, something is different about you, you
resemble the same force that I once recognized in the father of creation,
the Gitche Manitou who formed us all...I do not yet understand why it is
so or how it came to be, but you are not of this place, perhaps you once
were but something has changed you.”
Ansiel Continued,
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“This place was only meant to develop advanced beings to

progress into other Universes filled with more advanced beings who had
already passed through fabricated environments such as this and much
more like it.”
“So, you're saying everything I see, the vast amount of space, the
Grays, the planet Dyaus, they are all a computer program?”
Ansiel responded, “The Grays, no, they shouldn't be here,
well...they were imprisoned here for manipulating their intelligence in
another realm, once beings of pure light belonging to a higher
order...but the darkness Maji-Manidoo has unleashed into this program,
the changes, the destruction of Origin, it shouldn't even be possible.”
Origin was the transitioning points from here to there, the
harvester of the souls of men.
“You have been told many lies Michabou, many half-truths,
deviations from reality meant to confuse your limited capacity mind.
But the truth is, we should not even be here, none of what has occurred
should even be possible. The very atomic matter that forms this place,
this illusion of reality is not capable of being changed, modified, or
following any other orders than those of the Gitche Manitou who put
this simulation into motion.”
Ansiel looked confused, bewildered and grasped for knowledge
that seemed just beyond his reach.
“So, all of this is a simulation, it would seem to me that your
Gitche Manitou was destroyed by Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star”, wouldn’t you agree?” questioned Michabou
“Then why can’t we just leave?”
Ansiel quickly responded, “I don't know why these things are so,
even I have my limited knowledge on these matters, but I do know
nothing about any of this makes sense.”
“Look at your hand Michabou, do you truly think that hand
belongs to you, that it is you? Cut it off, and then ask yourself, did you
vanish and disappear from existence? Cut your legs off, and then ask
yourself the same thing? The answer is, No, nothing you see belongs to
“You connect here as a sleeping Great Spirit from another realm,
a realm beyond Origin which was another step in the progress of the
true glorious you as an advanced human. All you are is an advanced
human and yet, both you and I seem bound here for reasons, that I don’t
understand, it shouldn't be, it shouldn’t be.”
“You see this small sun, it is nothing more than machines
bending to my will creating the illusion of fire and yet while here, it is
bound by laws that govern it and to which all other sub-atomic bits of
intelligence respond accordingly...meaning, if it presents itself as fire
than other atoms present the illusion of being on fire, melting, or
presenting the illusion of being overcome by the fire like throwing a log
into the fire.”
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“At the unseen level of these bits of intelligence nothing is

diminished, nothing vanishes and nothing is truly overcome, it simply
presents the illusion of being overcome by the fire. These are laws that
govern this universe. With a spark anyone who has the knowledge can
create a sun many times larger than your own, and yet even now, these
machines refuse to obey my orders, my will and I fight against them to
produce such a small illusion of creation...only...only he...”
Stopping to look at Michabou, Ansiel looked afraid, confused,
turning to the darkness of space he continued, only the creator is able to
reprogram them...” but he can’t be”. Looking down Ansiel seemed lost.
It was like watching a drowning man grasping at the reality that
must make sense, has to make sense, while suffering a slow suffocating
spiritual, cosmological and philosophical death.
The knowledge he carried meant everything, and he seemed
transfixed on his place in the reality that must exist incapable of
accepting the reality that truly exists, out of fear.
“These machines, smaller than you can see but in their sphere
gigantic, they are machines following orders, predesigned orders, to
interact in a certain way to form illusionary matter that resembles real
matter that exists in other places, places that even I am incapable of
Speaking slowly, “places that only the Gitche Manitou has
visited. He created told us that he created this place, this universe and
universes without number. The Gitche Manitou took the man to Origin,
to the universe of light versus the cold darkness. To be trapped here in
this place, it has created a paradox in the system of the Heavens like a
damn blocking a river prevents the nourishing water from reaching its
destination, so has Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” damned
the progression of all humanity in all places. Only beings of real matter,
such as I, beings of intelligence see this for what it is, I was created to
control the matter here for the sole purpose of preserving men and the
souls of men but the sub atomic elements cannot be changed, modified
or redirected to behave in any other way than was designed by the
Gitche Manitou, so even we Archangels have limitations.”
“I am here Ansiel, and I don’t know what you're saying or how
to comprehend what you're saying because I am here and all I know is
that I have to find a way to escape this place and save humankind.”
“Don’t you see Michabou, it doesn't matter what you do here,
none of this is real, none of it, it is only an illusion, why can’t you
understand that with your infantile human mind.... and yet, it’s your
simple mind that the Gitche Manitou created in his image to grow to fill
his glory, to be like him...and all I can think about now is Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star”, and The Gitche Manitou...If Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” were the Gitche Manitou it would
explain how only he has the power over the fabric of this place and why
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these illusionary machines are obeying his will and his will alone...and
even I see that it is a lost hope...”
Ansiel seemed to be battling within himself the gut-wrenching
realization that doom had arrived and that doom was, in fact, his creator.
“How could it be...?”
Ansiel went silent, the imagery of a broken being confused and
bewildered who was helpless to do anything.
Michabou sensing that Ansiel was holding something from
him...” What are you not telling me?”
“Michabou, when the Gitche Manitou left Origin he left a part of
himself, he left an eternal skull from his being, a codex of knowledge.
Replicating his mortal being into the synthetic skull when he too resided
in a place like this and overcame it to become an immortal Advanced
Human, that skull is the connection between everything and the source
of all the powerful energy you call dark matter that connects and
sustains all elements. This central element of all creations, He placed it
within the heart of the city Origin. Vowing to return one day to reclaim
the perfect knowledge that held everything together and reunite himself
with us and bring us to where he had gone, to Aaru...to see what he did,
to watch prophecy unfold in the most horrific manner...” Ansiel sighed
deeply within himself.
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” actions at the tree of
life fulfilled that prophecy but I don't understand what we did wrong, if
he is indeed the great father of all of creation, what happened to
him...what happened while he was gone to make him hate and punish
his children in such a horrible way, why unwind the fabric of creation
and reorder it to bring such sadness and chaos”
“Or maybe that being devoured your Great Spirit...ever consider
that? The man in black came for your Great Spirit, an empty hope
carried in his pocket.” Michabou said solemnly.
Placing his arms on the shoulders of Michabou he continued,
“Michabou, I am fairly certain Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” is the Gitche Manitou, I cannot accept that he is gone, though he is
different, he is filled with darkness, seeking to destroy everything he
once created.”
Michabou felt like he was listening to a helpless man struggling
letting go of his faith and belief as it unwinds around him. “We must
return to Dyaus, and I must confront Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” with the truth and find answers, Michabou, if this signs
my own death warrant, if this means I would be rendered extinct from
all realms of creation then my dying moment will be looking my master,
my creator, my father into his eyes for myself.”
Michabou stood in shock at what he had heard, he had seen
firsthand the terrible things that Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” had done, that the beings that followed him had done, he had
witnessed the draining of all light from the humans, the blackness of the
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being he only knew as Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and
the wonderment of that moment when he thought he had found
Heaven...and the destruction of all that hope in the enslavement of
Here was this blinded being holding on in spite of certain failure.
Foolishness lies with him who refuses to see the light in his eyes.
Michabou thought within his mind, “We need a reckoning.”
“Michabou, we need to free the Archangels bound on Earth,
please take me to the surface as Korir removed my power of travel, I
must address the other Archangels.”
The giant crystalline ship, shaped like a massive space
observatory resembled a glass wheel. The entire ship began its descent
towards the surface. Five miles in diameter shaped like a wheel it rested
in the middle of the large valley where over 200 Archangels resided still
chained to the blocks of anti-matter.
Stepping forth from the ship onto the ground Ansiel groaned
within himself, raising his hands into the air he let loose a yell that
echoed into all directions while smashing his fists into the charred soil.
The power of that connection sent cracks through the surface. At that
moment the chains, which held all Archangels, fell from off of them.
Each Archangel stood up from the chains that had bound them,
all moved towards Ansiel who was standing stoic. In giant leaps, they
sprung through the air like grasshoppers landing in the presences of
Ansiel. The ground shook as each landed and walked towards Ansiel.
Michabou marveled that Ansiel had the power within himself at
all times to release himself and all other Archangels. He thought within
his mind, why would he freely subject himself to the pain, the torture,
the agony, but he dared not ask, at this moment he simply stood in awe
as the army of these powerful beings assembled around Ansiel.
My brothers. Here we are. Standing in front of this massive ship,
200 archangels, the first of all creations by your Gitche Manitou, the
guardians of man. Here we stand upon the charred broken Earth, each
having subjected ourselves to bleed our own souls in mourning over the
loss of the replicated first world. The failure of our kind will only bring
the loss of our purpose. Yet here we stand.”
Looking over the vast crowd Ansiel raised his arm into the air as
all others did the same in unison. “It is we who have failed. It is we who
must pay the ultimate sacrifice for the tragedy that has now befallen us.
It is we who must stand accountable before this man, the last man. We
failed in our sacred oath. It is we who have failed.”
Turning placing his hand upon Michabous shoulder silence
swept across the Archangels. Only the wind breaking against the dust
against the imagery of the massive blocks in the midst of the large ship
could be felt as Michabou felt deep emotion run through his chest. He
believed what Ansiel was saying.
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“My brothers, the time has come to face the father of darkness.
The deceiver. The time has come to return to that where hence he came.
If it so is that we cease to exist, then we will cease to exist standing with
this man against our Creator. Now is the time, this is the place, come
what may we will perish in one final act against the forces of darkness
as we see them. It is time to confront, Maji-Manidoo, the evil one.”
“He says he is the Gitche Manitou and the First Father, I know
there is confusion in your hearts. You ask why. You ask yourself how.
You remember his kindness. You remember when he set you apart. We
all share in those moments of great goodness when our father first
breathed life into us and set us on this path to this moment. We are the
first and we shall be the last to even the scales of justice that demand a
Look at this man. Look at this man. Look at this man and ask
yourself, is the cause worth fighting for, is one man, worth sacrificing
our very existence?”
Silence filled the ominous moment as all stood to stare at
Michabou felt an awkward uneasiness having this pressure put
on him, but the words of Ansiel moved him. He felt the inspirational
deep meaning behind what was said. How many of these inspirational
speeches had he heard, almost all were moving, but all failed in their
Here he stood with the most powerful beings created, the
guardians of this universe, beings created specifically to have no
limitations and yet there were only 200. The force they would stand
against defied all the laws of physics, with unlimited power.
Michabou’s hope had been diminished.
Ansiel continued as he stared out over his congregation, “I say
yes. I say we fight, I say we lay down our lives if need be to preserve if
anything else a principle of life. If we fail then we will gladly lie down
in the grave of extinction with the man.”
“Who among you will stand with me?”
At that very moment, several Archangels took a bended knee,
and this continued until all Archangels were bowing, including Ansiel,
bowing to Michabou.
Speaking under his break, “Michabou we submit our existence
to you. Will you lead us?”
To express the struggle of emotions coursing through the body
of Michabou, the conflict in his mind, the hesitation that bound his
tongue. Michabou stood motionless as he grasped for the words to say,
the actions that needed to be taken.
“Please rise” Michabou spoke calmly.
As he said this they all stood, as Ansiel stepped down away from
Michabou and joined with the other Archangels as they stood silently
hanging on the words of Michabou, waiting for him to speak.
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Michabou looked over the mass of beings, looking at the faces

of these beings, he looked left, right, pausing, connecting eye to eye
with many, not a word was said, just stare, and pauses, as tears welled
up he spoke through broken breath,
“I don’t know what to say. I don’t have the answers...but...”
Pausing Michabou became visually choked up as his words
crackled under the pressure. Regaining his composure, Michabou
continued, “I am humbled to stand in your presence. I am subdued by
this moment. I do not know why things are this way, I can say this, I
have a score to settle. I do not have the answers; I am committed to
destroying as many of these demons as I can and if standing with you
assists me in accomplishing that goal, then we share a common agenda.”
The image of strength and confidence began to build within
Michabou, “I have seen moving speeches, I have been there for every
failure, I do not know why I was chosen to be immortal. I do not know
why my mother, my father, my brother or my sister were taken so many
years ago, I don’t know why I was changed to this state but I believe
now is the time to fall on our swords if need be, we will go to Dyaus
and we will destroy the Gray’s, the Fallen Archangel Maji-Manidoo and
end their reign of terror, we have all seen firsthand the power of
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, if he is indeed the creator
than perhaps the greatest thing we can do is sacrifice our heart, might,
mind and strength, all that we are, even our lives to destroy him.”
With that statement, Michabou turned and walked into the inter-
dimensional ship as all Archangels followed him.
The decision had been made; he would take the glowing seed
that was given to him by the Tall White and place it in the dark universe
choosing to sacrifice his own life to preserve everything.
With that, the ship set course to enter the rift in space
surrounding the Earth. Michabou knew that the ship could not enter the
anti-matter universe, but he would send a warhead with the glowing orb
into it and pass it through space. What would happen?
Resting in between the broken moon hovering in the air they
carried the orb of light to the unit that would carry it towards its destiny.
Firing it off it burst into light that enveloped the rift in space until it
vanished. The Earth left hard, red much the same as viewing Mars from
orbit. It was a wasted world. Turning his attention, they decided to
return to Dyaus.

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Michabou lay bleeding on the ground, the broken corpse of the

failed attempt to invade Dyaus. He failed to free mankind. He failed to
free himself.
As they entered Dyaus airspace there was a complete surrender
of the Celestials and confusion among the Archangels began as what to
do. The President petitioned Michabou to the surface to negotiate
peaceful resolutions.
As Michabou lowered to the surface to meet with The President
voids opened in space around the planet bringing the surrender to all out
annihilation, as dark ships emerged from the openings in space to
absorb and destroy his ship.
Then Maji-Manidoo attacked Michabou knocking him to the
floor with his powerful spiked tail. The hit and fall nearly killing him,
Maji-Manidoo grabbing and dragging his bloodied and broken corpse to
the sanctuary where the black doorway existed. He was to face
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.
The unknown darkness that brought doubt, fear and chaos.
Staring at the ceiling the things he remembered were not of the
impending doom but watching clouds in the sky...he remembered being
a boy laying in his grandmother’s yard feeling the grass, as clouds
became elephants and lions. Sucked in physical agony back to reality,
glimpses of the room’s darkness, Maji-Manidoo seething above him,
and the gray entities covering the walls. The reality of the nightmare
was paralyzing. Look at his hands blood dripped from his fingertips
with bones protruding. How long did he have left? Were they coming
for him, would the darkness take him?
Drowsiness drifted over Michabou as he faded into
unconsciousness. Blackness in his mind as he felt lost to the nothingness
of hopelessness. Michabou then became aware he was falling.
Looking down there was a light in the distance; he was falling
towards the light. In the distance pulled at an incredible rate of speed
until Michabou arrived at a sudden stop. The darkness now went he was
surrounded by pure light.
In an instant, he stood on an unknown brilliant clear surface in a
room without walls staring at an old man. Sitting across from him on the
floor was an old Indian Chief, cross-legged on the ground.
Beneath the man was a circular Native American woven rug
with frayed edges that moved as if carried by the wind. The man had
feathers hanging from his hair. In front of the old man was a glowing
fire of light releasing smoke that sparkled like stars being released into
the air.
Looking up at Michabou, the man motions for him to sit down
across from him. His demeanor friendly and inviting, feeling safe and
comfortable Michabou kneels across from the weathered old Native
American man.
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Motioning Michabou to inhale the glittering star mist emanating

from the fire Michabou inhaled breathing in a deep energy that filled his
chest with love.
The man himself emanated a glowing energetic field, but from
close visual observation he was surely a Native American.
The man spoke, “I AM White Feather.”
Michabou responded naturally, “Hello White Feather, I am
Michabou, how are you?”
“I am doing very well today. Every day that the sun comes up is
a beautiful day indeed.”
Michabou questioned, “You say that like there will be a day
when the sun will not come up?”
“There are many possibilities of when the sun will not come up
but it is best to focus on when it does.”
Michabou, overcome with the moment began asking numerous
questions, “Who are you? What are your origins, why am I here, are you
an alien, an archangel, a Great Spirit or just another advanced being?”
“Are you talking specifically of my nation or me?”
“I am not an archangel. These terms, ideas, theologies come
from belief systems attached to labels that are not real. All titles are not
accepted. I AM the source. We are all part of the source; the source is a
nation. You are a part of my nation, all that spring from my light are
part of my nation.”
“I do not need to define myself. I AM.”
Perceiving that Michabou was stunned to silence the old man
continued, “The need of my presence is to complete the story. The story
for you and all life, you are participants to make sure the story is
complete. Each with a purpose to fulfill and lives to live. For myself I
know what the story is and I must remind those who are participating to
stay within the story. It is not always best to stay in lines, or on a path or
on a track, sometimes it’s best to simply complete the story.”
Michabou stood feeling immense energy fill his chest. The voice
of the man not heard with his ears but vibrating calmly through his
body. He was at peace at this moment. Having looked inward to find the
being that was always present.
The old man continued, “There was a day of tears when we were
pulled a part. It is the same when consciousness leaves the whole to
become an independent and yet perfect part of the light. Like a
dandelion being blown into the distance or a seed dropping from the
tree. Every part is the complete dandelion; one is not greater than the
other. It was then that I knew it was my time to be the storyteller to
ensure we would not lose each other even though we would go into
different directions. That you would not become lost in someone else's
Michabou questioned within his mind, “Tear as in crying? Or
tear as in pulling apart, a story?”
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The man immediately responded, “We had to tear apart to

protect ourselves, and tears shed of love. If we did not divide than we
would have been conquered. The knowledge of consciousness
demanded that we would spread like the wheat seed blown in the wind
to the four corners of the Earth. Had this not happened, our knowledge
would have dissolved. It was necessary to apply the knowledge. It was
time for life to exist freely, this was done out of protection, and out of
“I warned in advance that there would be a time when the story
would demand man give away himself, not the material within but the
culture without. Here you are the last of all men. You have come back
to the source from whence you sprang. You are the troubled and
needing direction.”
“Why are you an old man? If you are the source, why...why
you?” questioned Michabou
“Here I will appear in any form that will bring most comfort to
you. I am indefinable to you and yet we are one, you are coming from
me, in the image of me. This is how it is for all life forms. I always
support the other while the work is being done.”
“I perceive what you are thinking Michabou when I see the man
I see a beautiful butterfly. It is your creativity, your emotion, and the
story you tell with your agency that pleases me. “The old man gazed off
in the reflection of something deeply meaningful, perhaps a memory.
“I apologize for not answering your question, why do you not
worship the Earth? She is the one who brings you night and day, she
brings you home, she brings you food, she brings you grounding, and
she brings you all the people you need in your life. It is a hard concept
for modern man that mother Earth gives man signs. Each waking day
she delivers you a message about how she is doing and what is to come.
So, you ask me, why an old man?”
“Of all the men who have lived in the infinite spaces of reality I
found the most joy with this man on the Earth. This was the man who
lived in most harmony with my love for all things. This is the man who
I am, was, and who is now Comforter. The respecter of the Great Spirit,
I became the listener and he the storyteller.”
“The greatest of all men who loved the Earth, Kulkukan, as a
living organism, as mother Earth. This was my first nation. When a
contract was placed on the Earth and all those who would depart to
experience emotion here would be storytellers and I the listener. But in
time it was lost.”
“There is much to learn to look inward than what is seen
outward. Modern man was taught to look out, up and forward. This is
humanities greatest flaw. You have to see what is in front of you and
beneath you; you need to fix your ways in order to have a future. A Man
looks at belief systems outside of them, up and away when you ask it's
all up and out and away when it should be much internalized. The
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speaker is in you, not in the heavens above, the heavens are here.”
Holding his arms out like a hug he beats his chest.
“There is too much emphasis on future steps and not on current
steps. Looking at what is coming years from now rather than how you
are handling what has arrived. There is minimal support in how to stay
present in the body you have, which is why disease and injury thrive in
mortality. It is because of the absence of wisdom in the man choosing to
stay outside of the present moment. The beauty of what disease, illness
and injury brings is an immediate motion for you to stand still.”
“To listen.”
“When you are incapable of being the person you want to be,
that is a blessing that makes you learn how to be in the now. Michabou,
you are here in the now. Take away the label that others have given you,
and ask, who am I? This is the step towards the answer you seek of what
and who you really are and will one day be, equals in eternity. Equals
with even me.”
“This is where all of my children come before they have eternal
peace living the moment they desire. There is wisdom in the struggle
where free agency affects so many others. It is your duty to fulfill your
contract with the story.”
“Is there some sort of contract I made to be born into this life,
what was the purpose, why did you do this, am I bound by a contract?”
Michabou asked cautiously
“It was not a contract, it was an option. You did not agree to a
purpose before you arrived but there was an option to go and you have
the option to stay. Because of my children's fear of the unknown, fear of
being controlled themselves, many have chosen to dominate. It is fear
that has created and fed the internal chaos, the Wiindigoo who is “The
Bright and Morning Star”. The purpose was for you to step into free will
and not to create hurt, pain, more fear, out of ignorance. No one being in
existence should have the responsibility of creating pain and hurt out of
“The advice I give is the same I give to any culture who have
lost their way. Lost their way because they are looking through someone
else's looking glass. Trying to be something that they are not. First go
inside yourself; look at how you have defined yourself, how you have
threaded yourself together. You are many pieces sewn together on a
quilt of life, it is important to preserve every culture as all are in unity
with me. Yet my children chose instead of embracing culture to
dominate culture. It is not the individual’s job to sew the quilt together,
it is the individual’s job to look at their culture and their community and
sew their part of the story in the book of life. It is not good for my
children to give up their story to blend into the entire whole, it is true
that one voice can be loud and powerful, but we do not need more
leaders or voices, we need more unity among the community of my
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“I don’t understand...then why are you here?” Michabou

“I AM here to keep the story book together,” responded the old
chief, ‘I am the binding.”
The old man smiled grasping his arm, “Sometimes a great spirit
needs a good story teller.”
Staring eye to eye the man continued, “Do not run away from
that which you fear. Step close to the fire but not in it. You will see the
strength of your fear and how it can nurture you in a healthy way, it will
help define who your spirit is, and this is how your light can shine
brightest and how you can begin to give back to your culture.”
White Feather grinned and spoke, “If the fear you feel is part of
the adrenaline to protect yourself that is not the fear we are discussing.
The fears you feel are fears of the mind and of the heart. To overcome
the fear, you must embrace it.”
At that moment, the old man reached up touching the right
temple of Michabou.
Immediately Michabou was pulled away at an incredible speed
until rising up of the ground he was coughing and gasping for air when
he realized he was sitting in the atrium of Maji-Manidoo staring straight
into the smooth dark surface on the wall that Wiindigoo who is “The
Bright and Morning Star” resided. He was alone.
Rising from the ground he noticed his body was flowing with a
lightning light pulsating through his skin. He was pulsating energy that
was emanating around him. Everything in the room stepped back, as the
light blinding the creatures accustomed to the darker corridor. Maji-
Manidoo shrieking lashed across the room towards Michabou wrapping
his powerful spiked body around him, the parasite seeking to destroy. In
a curdling scream, Maji-Manidoo shrank to the floor melting into
nothing withering like a slug touching salt. As Maji-Manidoo’s agony
echoed through the room Michabou stood to face the dark mirror.
Maji-Manidoo slithered away to hide within the dark shadows.
Taking his right hand, he thrust it through the darkness into the black oil
like substance. In an instant, the black mirror began cracking in a slow
sound resembling ice thawing. He could tell the other world was
freezing like ice by the feeling of coldness in his arm. In that instant, the
black force of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” burst through
the black obsidian-like doorway. Standing across the room he paced like
an evil demon looking for flesh.
“What have you done?” Springing forward towards Michabou
he enveloped him in his blackness.
The darkness digging like thorns into his being, in an instant the
light pulsating through him burst from his body. In that instant as the
pressing of the darkness would lead to his destruction, he was gone, a
burst of light spreading in all directions blasting around Michabou.
~ 138 ~

Michabou, turning to face the frozen mirror saw his reflection.

He was a glowing being of pure energy. His skin edges burning like fire.
The soft glow of the power of the source. Closing his eyes, he thought
of the Old Man, he was again standing in the room with the old chief.
“What happened? I don’t understand? Where did Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” go? What about the Tall White being?”
“There has been a reset. The slate wiped clean before moving
forward again. Some are closer to the source than others. Sometimes
walls have to be removed in order to provide the doorway to the next
room. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” misused his power to
oppress the free will of my children and enslave them. Fear is the
weakest of all creations and the darkness the easiest to remove for it
cannot withstand the light. The Dark Man forgot the greatest lesson. The
master is no greater than the servant. The story has come full circle and
now you will act as an extension of me to serve others.”
Motioning Michabou to an opening in the room there was a
door. On the other side of the could see there was a different planet,
wheat fields stretching into the distance and the capsules that housed the
humans on Dyaus laying in the wheat fields with people emerging from
and standing around them. Freed from their prison of the mind, the
limitations they place on themselves and others. Looking more closely
he could see large Mastodon herds running in the distant plains and
Native American like housing. It reminded him of his dream life of a
simpler time. Turning to look at the chief, “why here, why are you
showing me this?”
“This is the man I love most. The man is a colorful expression of
the light here; emotion brings the spectrum of the color to the great
storybook. The man who served all creation in the way I served the
man. This is where you will go, and you will learn to live as they do. It
is the world much the same as Earth, a place of comfort and safety,
these are a sacred people to me. You have completed the circle of time
as the story begins again. You will now serve as a being with
knowledge of me. History will speak of you and your work here.”
Touching Michabou’s chest, he continues, “You will become one with
these people on this world and you will protect them and their way of
life. This is the duty of man now, to give and not to take. Remember this
one statement in the moment of your peril.”
Michabou turned back to the old man questioning, “What
happened to the other worlds? Dyaus? ...”
“Those stories have been completed and do not exist. They were
merely an illusion of reality, the expression of conscious beings in a
simulated realm where their agency directly affects the agency of others.
A necessary experience to understand knowledge. What matters most to
you is today. The time that you have been given now. Every day that the
sun comes up is a beautiful day indeed.”
~ 139 ~

Michabou speaking as if he felt this would be the final time he

would see this kind and loving man, a man who was really the
manifestation of creation itself, “Are you going to be here with us?”
The old man says, “You will not find me in a building, you will
not find me in books, you will not find me in the philosophy of others,
you will not find me looking at others. You will look within and only
then will you find me. The building will fall, the book will expire,
philosophy will change, others have their own journey and will leave.”
Touching his chest where his heart would be he continued, “You will
find me here in your heart and in your soul. Now go, you will be the
storyteller and I will be the listener as you weave your colorfulness.”
With a calming smile the old man says, “I AM here for you”.

“Because an illusion is an illusion. Reality always exists despite

the facade.” ― Kasie West, Pivot Point
~ 140 ~

“For Ares, lord of strife, who doth the swaying scales of battle
hold, War’s money-changer, giving dust for gold, sends back, to hearts
that held them dear, Scant ash of warriors, wept with many a tear, Light
to the hand, but heavy to the soul; Yea, fills the light urn full, with what
survived the flame—Death’s dusty measure of a hero’s frame!”
― Aeschylus, Agamemnon
It had been days since he had anything to eat or drink. The
darkness of the box was disorienting. How had this happened? How had
everything come to this point? Leaning against the smooth cold surface,
Michabou thought about everything that had happened. Why him? Why
was he destined to suffer, to see his friends, family, those he cared for
maimed at the hands of savages while Great Spirit’s, those beings with
unlimited power, watched and did nothing?
Alone for the last time, Michabou screamed in the agony of his
soul, “Why are you doing this to me?” Not speaking to his captors, not
speaking to himself, he was addressing the Old Man “Great Spirit” who
had sent him into further destruction.
The most difficult thing about being held captive is the
helplessness. The forced stripping of the ego as your agency is ripped
away. Few can understand the psychological trauma that being alone in
a dark box plays on the mind. In that reality things that are not real
become real. The mind becomes a broken, slave to one primal instinct,
to survive.
Michabou’s horrors in that hell were envisioning the end of the
people that the Old Man had told him were sacred. In the moment that
directive was compromised there was no reprieve and no salvation. Here
he sat, having survived Earth’s invasion, the captivity of mankind, the
destruction of Dyaus and the death of Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”. He knew Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
hadn’t really died and Maji-Manidoo was most likely alive and still
conspiring as well. He honestly felt that when he stepped through that
door into the new world it would be a new life, free from the hell he had
previously escaped. How wrong his foolish false sense of security had
steered him.
Straight into the vipers’ pit.
~ 141 ~

Michabou lay staring into nothingness thinking about what

lesson he was supposed to learn. It was the knowledge he possessed that
hurt him the most. Michabou envied the others who died in ignorance to
the larger picture. The child who grows up from birth living on cold,
unforgiving dirt, eating one meal of sludge for food day and being
abused by his family does not know normal, their normal is normal.
Without the comparison of a warm soft bed, three meals a day, and the
love of those who lift you up how can growth occur? There are those
who have always had the warm bed, the meals, and the support and yet
they never grow.
Too often it is those who cast the dark shadow of scorn down
their noses at the man whose face is mired in the fight, and the good
man is labeled the bad man. It is the good men who suffer because they
know the meaning of loss, risk, and reward; while the man with
everything can never understand anything more than the moments he
tries to grow through empathy and rarely action. How can empathy help
anyone relate? Can empathy help a person to understand what it’s like
to be a Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, or the countless others that have
walked on the moon?
How would Colonel Frank Borman, best remembered as the
Commander of Apollo 8, the first mission to fly around the Moon, feel
if someone used the analogy that they understood perfectly the fear,
struggle, and emotion he endured? He envisioned Borman’s response,
“How, how can you understand?” Empathy says, “Well, I look at the
moon every day and night and because I see it and can think about it, I
understand your struggle perfectly.” With a light inward chuckle,
Michabou envisioned how hard it was for the survivor to integrate back
into society. How many people truly understand what it’s like to travel
alone in a small box around the moon, knowing that at any moment his
life could end?
Who could truly understand? Only those who have endured the
Thinking about his own loss and his own life made Michabou
reminisced about a scripture he had memorized as a boy. He had learned
it for personal reasons, not because anyone told him too or that he was
prone to the religious experience, rather, because the first time he
opened the book it was the first scripture he read. It impacted him,
graven on his mind because it applied to his own life. So deeply
personal the experience it was in that very moment he knew that there
was a higher power speaking to him. Whispering softy to himself he
spoke the words, “And I set my mind to know wisdom and to know
madness and folly; I realized that this also is striving after wind.
Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge
results in increasing pain.”
Through every difficult moment he knew that there would be no
going back, and if given the opportunity he would change nothing. As
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hard as that realization was to accept, he would be a vastly different

person, and if no one else did or would, he respected himself more for it.
He wanted to make a difference; he wanted to be the best, what is the
point of being human if he was just like everyone else.
Michabou knew his life must matter, how else could he have
endured all that had happened? How else could he be enduring this time
now trapped in a prison of darkness?
Michabou began speaking to himself, as if an imaginary version
of himself were sitting in the room, “Don’t be afraid to fail, the future is
unfolding for you right now, the future is unlimited for you right now,
no one knows where you can go, no one knows what you are capable of
or what is possible for you, we have the power to change our personal
history, changing the direction of our lives, changing our thoughts,
expanding our minds. Michabou, do not be afraid to fail.”
In that moment he became determined to fight to live, he refused
to believe this was the end; this was how it would end.
Crawling to the side of the dark space he felt the edges of the
corners of the box where the walls met. There had to be a way the box
was opened, a weakness. Feeling for where the air was entering he knew
this would be the best option for escape.
He hadn’t spent time searching for an exit as he spent too much
time wallowing in self-pity, the pain that froze him for a time submitting
to the moment. He knew the pain was temporary, it may last for a
minute, an hour or a year, he knew eventually it would subside. He also
knew if he quit it would last forever.
“There it is!” spoke Michabou, as he felt a long half inch wide
opening at the upper corner of the box. He tried to look through the
opening but only darkness, he could not see what was on the other side.
Lying down with his feet pressed against the ceiling, he began
kicking over and over. Loud bangs of the pounding echoing. He could
feel the surface giving way under the constant pounding of his feet, he
was pressing for escape.
Was this really happening, escape possible? The metal bending
and cracking under the incessant force, he simply wanted to be free. He
knew that with the freedom he would obtain from escape, he could be
simply walking into another prison.
With a final kick, a small portion of the corner burst upwards
allowing a space large enough to peer through. As Michabou pulled
himself cautiously through the opening he could see a dimly lit room.
The room was beehive shaped, circular with small holes allowing dimly
lit light to speckle the floor. Surveying the room, he could see dozens of
other box lids still closed circling the perimeter of the room.
Walking slowly, cautiously across the dirt floor he felt the wall
covering in holes bringing in the light, it was stone. Peering through one
of the holes in the wall he could see a four-foot spiral-like hole that had
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a bright light on the end. As wind whipped through the hole he knew it
was the outside, but where was outside?
In the center of the room was a deep hole roughly 10-feet in
diameter that seemed to drop into an empty abyss. That was clearly not
a way out. Pacing frantically looking at the other dozen sealed boxes he
noticed several had been opened from the outside in a shredded manner.
Upon further inspection the metal was torn open in such a way revealing
dried blood and the remains of something that had been devoured. Torn
from the outside. Turning quickly, he looked around the room, he now
knew what this room was, a place of feeding but feeding for what?
Picking up a large piece of metal he went to pry open several of
the other still closed boxes. Taking one end, he began spearing a corner
of the box. Clank, clank, clank the sound echoing through the room.
Michabou stopped, the noise was deafening. He tried placing
one end of the bar under the edge. Prying with his body as leverage the
metal began lifting slowly. Stopping he could hear coming from the
hole in the middle of the room, “Da da chuck da da chum”. Silently he
listened. Again, “Da da chuck da da chum”. Moving slowly to the edge
of the dark abyss he could hear what sounded like insects moving
below. “Da da chuck da da chum” echoing through the room, he now
knew it was getting closer.
Looking around the room there was nowhere to hide but the very
box he has just escaped. Turning he ran back to the box he was once
trapped, grabbing the bent edge of the lid pulling it closed, he held it
nearly closed peering out to see what was coming as adrenaline and fear
rushed through his body and mind.
“Da da chuck, da da chum, Da da chuck, da da chum”
Closer and closer, “da da chuck, da da chum”. Creeping over the
edge a massive lobster claw, then another, and another until three large
lobster-looking creatures filled the room. The creatures had several large
claws on the front with spider legs, a large bulbous head with enormous
jaws of seething teeth dripping with saliva. Michabou froze in terror; he
could not fight these things.
The creatures scurrying to the containers punching the lids
rapidly, fangs releasing from the seething jaws. Lids springing into the
air, bodies cast to the side of the room. At that moment grabbing one of
the bodies, the being was a humanoid lizard. One of the creatures
holding the left leg, another the right as a tug of war over began. The
third creature with its large lobster claw bursting forward slicing in a
downward motion between the legs. The motion repeating, after three
strikes the corpse pulled into two pieces, split up the torso. Internal
organs spewing onto the floor. Immediately each grabbing a piece of the
dismembered body, crawling back into the hole in the center of the
room they disappeared into the depths with the sound “da da chuck da
da chum” fading into the distance.
~ 144 ~

Michabou dropped low into the container, his hands in his face
he needed a moment. The reality of what he had just seen almost too
much to bear.
“Are you kidding me?” Michabou peered back up into the room
before climbing out. Sprinting to the lid he had previously tried opening
Michabou again began prying as fast as he could, less concerned with
the noise he just wanted to open the lid before the creatures returned.
With a final heave the lid popped open revealing another lizard type
humanoid. Reaching down he grabbed the being by the arms and
dragged it onto the floor. Standing silently, he stare at the lizard,
watching for any sign of life. The being began to move, it was
breathing, its eyes slowly opening. Michabou, still holding the metal bar
stepped back waiting to see what would happen next. Was this friend or
“Come on, wake up, wake up, wake up” Michabou growing
impatient, holding the rod like a baseball bat. Michabou stood ready for
any conflict. The being looked alarmed, glancing to the left, right, up,
down, as if in a panic jumping to its feet and rushing to the wall pacing
around the circumference of the room. It was looking for something
acting as if Michabou wasn’t even in the room.
Grabbing a piece of metal broken during the extraction by the
creatures it began trying to pry open one of the sealed containers.
Popping the lid and peering down it moved to the next box, again,
opening the lid it crouched down peering into the box. Making a long
sigh the being jumped into the container. Slowly an arm, a leg,
Michabou moved closer. The being was struggling lifting the being in
the box out.
As Michabou got closer, he was shocked to see a peculiar
looking human. Reaching down, grabbing an arm and a leg he helped
pull the incredibly large man out of the container. The Lizard being
climbing out of the box sat the peculiar man up against the wall before
grabbing the piece of metal guarding the being from Michabou.
Michabou held his bar out, kneeling to the ground he set it on
the down. Raising his arms into the air he stood to face the being. The
lizard man turned to look at the human before glancing back at
Michabou. Michabou could see the man was what he would consider a
Neanderthal. Thick brow, extended forehead, facial features of a human
and yet he was not refined in features. He resembled more ape than
man. The lizard being then turned and began speaking to the man in an
unknown language. The large man quickly rushed to his feet. The two
then moving to grab other pieces of metal turned to face Michabou.
The large man began speaking to Michabou but he could not
understand the language. The large man turned to the lizard man and the
two began dialoguing. The large man then reached to his left ear digging
as if trying to pull something out. Twisting and pulling the man
removed a tentacle like insect from his ear. Walking near to Michabou
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he extended his hand out motioning for Michabou to take the object.
Michabou walked to the man and cautiously reached out for the device.
Holding the small device in his hand he could see it was
definitely an insect, but not an insect he had ever before seen. A shiny
white end, the head, and three long 4-inch tentacles. It resembled a
squid, but it was hard like a seashell. The man motioned again, this time
for Michabou to hold it to his ear.
Michabou moved slowly. He was always afraid of things going
into his ear. Hesitantly holding the small creature just inches from his
ear. Immediately the tentacles diving into his eardrum the device pulled
from his hand. It had disappeared within his ear. Immediately Michabou
was seized upon in immense pain. Hands to his ears, he felt that his
head would explode. His nose began dripping blood, the ringing through
his head echoing as if it would explode.
Through the pain he thought he could hear speaking. Removing
his hands, he listened, “Do you think it will work on him?” “It should
work on any being; we need him to help escape from the hive.”
Realizing he could hear what the two beings were saying
Michabou responded, “What did I put in my ear?” The lizard man
responding, “It is a listening device. We have used this for centuries to
communicate freely among all.”
“Where are we?” asked Michabou
The massive muscled ape-like man responding, “We in hive.”
The lizard being responding, “Yes, we need to go!”
“Who are you? Go where? I have looked all around, there are no
openings except this black tunnel here that these creatures came out. I
am not going down there.” Michabou was stern with his hands twisting
in and out of fists the knuckles crackling and yet his arms straight and
rigid. He did not want to go.
“Aayaash”, the ape-man pounding his chest, “This Mishebeshu,
my friend. Knows this place, must follow.”
“Yes, I know the way. Please follow us, we can help you”
responded Mishebeshu.
Turning, without hesitation Mishebeshu jumped into the dark
abyss vanishing into the depths below. Michabou looking at Aayaash,
still stiff as if molded into the ground, unmovable, “We go down there?
But aren’t those things down there?”
Aayaash responding, “Mishebeshu knows this place and how to
escape.” Immediately, without hesitation,
Aayaash jumped into the darkness disappearing.
Michabou determined to have faith in these two new beings,
after all, he had been through worse and what other option did he have?
Taking a deep breath, adrenaline coursing through his veins, his heart
pounding, he leapt into the darkness.
Free falling Michabou could feel cool air below him rushing to
meet his skin. With a thunderous splash, he was submerged in water.
~ 146 ~

Falling into the darkness, not being able to see what was below
was unnerving but then hitting black water was terrifying. All he kept
thinking, “what’s in the water?”
As quickly as he submerged into the water he struggled against
the current to reach the surface, he was pulled away.
Michabou had been gasping for air, thrusting for survival,
fighting just to breathe. Reaching for air. He was being pulled away by
the current through an underground river. Just when he thought he had
lost the good fight and would drown, he was thrown out of the river into
the air.
He was in freefall. In that moment staring at an endless blue sea
as he fell thirty feet to the water below. Splashing into the water he
surfaced to see Mishebeshu and Aayaash wading towards the shore. The
chalky high cliffs rising above him towered in the air. He could see the
opening, the waterfall, the distance near 100 feet. He couldn’t believe he
had survived.
Wading through the salt water he questioned to himself, “Is this
Even though the imagery was so familiar, as if, the cliffs of
Dover. Where the line of high kings that ruled Wales for a thousand
years had lived, flourished, and faded away. He knew that Earth was
lost a long time ago. This must be Tiamat. The hyper crystal blue sky
looked like Tiamat’s from under the dome and yet… something was
different. A hazy pinkish blue covered the horizon. For a moment, the
horrors of before were replaced with bliss and beauty.
Michabou hastily swam towards shore as it occurred to him
there may be many things in the water that would love a free meal. He
was terrified of the water.
Walking up the beach towards Mishebeshu and Aayaash, he
could sense that they were panicking, pointing down the beach.
“We must leave here now,” spoke Mishebeshu.
Mishebeshu started making way down the long sandy beach that
bordered the massive white cliffs. Aayaash turned and followed
unquestioning. Michabou began behind them drifting towards the white
cliffs. Reaching out with his finger to wipe a smudge of the powder
from the stone. Smelling it, tasting it on the tip of his tongue. Salt. The
white salt covered cliffs sparkling in the sun, the sand below his feet salt
crystals only more refined. The water saltier than any water he had
tasted before while swimming he had nearly floated moving at crazy
speed. But the breeze whipping off the ocean, across the salt sand
touching his face, he could stand in it for an eternity. All Michabou
could do was close his eyes. For a moment, he was free.
He thought to himself, there must be a purpose. Truly no man
has traveled the distances he had covered, and yet as if by the design of
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Dante’s Inferno penning him into a new chapter of horror, he was still
Opening his eyes, the weight of reality pressed on his chest. He
continued along with Aayaash and Mishebeshu down the long sandy
beach. Mishebeshu wore a leather-like black suit, he was thin with
dinosaur-like skin. Facial features in the appearance of a reptile. Eyes,
yellow and bulging, opening and closing with two horizontal eyelids.
His skin, a brown grey with deep green highlighting the crevasses that
separated the scales. Scales that covered his body with a 3-foot tail
concealed in the same black leather suit. Mishebeshu had yellow pointy
hair that spiked back. If he had not spoken, Michabou would have been
sure he would be looking at a bi-pedal dinosaur of some velociraptor
Aayaash on the other hand wore animal skins. His hair
disheveled with facial hair that was patchy and uneven. His high
cheekbones, rough brow ridge, and deeply sunken eyes making him
more apelike in appearance than man. The characteristic that stood out
the most was the nose and mouth. Protruding like a chimpanzee. With
all the apelike features he was still more man than ape but clearly a
combination of the two.
Michabou addressing Aayaash, “Where are we going?”
“We must get away from the water before nightfall. That is
when the Karkinos come to feed.” Aayaash seemed worried, even at this
time spending a great deal of effort constantly watching the shoreline.
“Karkinos?” asked Michabou. “They rule the sea, and they are the
creatures in the hive that feed. Many will come filling the cliffs. If we
are here we will die” responded Mishebeshu.
“The lobsters?” Michabou questioned as Aayaash looked
perplexed. “Those creatures, the Karkinos, resemble what I know as
lobsters. But the lobsters I know are small.” Holding his hands up to
show the length of two feet.
“That size good eating” spoke Aayaash. Michabou then knew
that they were also food here…albeit, very large and intimidating.
“How far do we have to go before we can get off the beach?”
questioned Michabou
“There is not much daylight left, we have many miles to go.”
responded Mishebeshu pointing ahead. As he looked to the distance
Michabou could see the sands gently rising, they would be in fact out
very soon.
Mishebeshu then addressed Michabou directly, “Where do you
come from? I have never seen a being like you.”
“It’s a long story, another world, another time. Do you know
what planet we are on now, is this Tiamat?” Michabou spoke with
concern in his voice.
“Another world? This is not Tiamat; we are far from Tiamat.
This is the Simud” responded Mishebeshu.
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“Simud?” questioned Michabou sternly, completely surprised.

“Where is Simud in relation to Tiamat?” He wanted to gain some
insight into where exactly he had been stranded when he was taken
captive away from the Chewukon.
Stopping as if puzzled by what Michabou was stating,
Mishebeshu walked to Michabou. Aayaash stood to the side looking
completely confused by what a Tiamat could be in reference.
“You have been to Tiamat?” questioned Mishebeshu. “Only the
High Council of the Seraphim knows of that world, how did you get
here? Did the Nephilim bring you? Are you Nephilim?”
“What do you mean when you say Seraphim? Are these your
people? Who are the Nephilim?” questioned Michabou.
“Those from the outer darkness, the watchers.” responded
Mishebeshu his hand waving across the sky.
Michabou recalled what had happened on Tiamat as the ships
arrived. He was momentarily silent.
Approaching a gently sloping hill the escape from the pass along
the sea had arrived. What was once a freeing moment turned into being
trapped between an unforgiving wall and the dangerous sea filled with
flesh eating crustaceans. Here, in the open plains stretching into the
distance, he felt optimism rather than pressure.
The three walking to the top of the hill until a large wooded
forest could be seen visible in the distance. The men running towards
the cover of the trees. As Michabou entered the trees he felt a sense of
relief sweep over him, he had escaped. But where could he be? These
new races of beings, so many questions. Mishebeshu the lizard man and
Aayaash the ape-man. This world that they called Simud, with the large
crabs that infested the sea. The forest a deep auburn in color of tall
mesquite trees. The air thin but crisp. It was a beautiful place despite the
unknowns it could possess.
Turning to face Michabou while placing his hand on the
shoulder of Aayaash, Mishebeshu responded. “This is my friend,
Aayaash. He is a great warrior among my people.” We were
captured by the Nephilim who tried to kill us for rebelling against their
deceptive ways.”
Sitting on a fallen tree Michabou had now noticed Aayaash
building a fire using a liquid mixed with a power. Seconds later a large
fire shot burning embers into the air. The smell of fresh campfire swept
through the air. Michabou felt relaxed.
“Mishebeshu, tell me more about your people” asked Michabou.
“My people are the Seraphim of the Empire of Simud. They
reside under the surface because it is too cold on the surface to sustain
life. We are the chosen race of Carian, the first world, by the Nephilim.
Now we command Simud.”
“Nephilim, who are they?” Michabou wanting to know more
about these mysterious visitors which abducted him after vaporizing an
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entire civilization at Tiamat. Taking him captive he could now see how
he was handed off to the Seraphim to dispose. It was all starting to make
sense. He knew this story all too well. Mishebeshu continued speaking
to Michabou as Aayaash sat motionless staring into the fire as if lost in a
distant memory.
“I am the former High Council Chairman of the Seraphim.
Mishebeshu of the House of Aln from Carian. I have tried to change the
direction of my people. But they are only interested in one thing,
surviving subjugation. We obtain more technology from the Nephilim if
we fight back. Come help me. I see within you the desire to have more
“My reward was death in a hive of the Karkinos. The High
Council is being controlled, and manipulated by the Nephilim. We do
not know who the Nephilim are or where they come from. Many of my
ancestors ago my people lived on the first world, Carian, the second
world from the sun. With our kind we lived for hundreds of millions of
years on a lush world of technology. Now we live largely in fear. We
live under the surface, once we lived on the surface of our own world.”
Pausing he looked away, “Carian” softly dropping from his lips. “What
type of advantage is it to own a planet if you do own your own skies.
The Nephilim own the sky. We created the advanced primate to live on
the surface to watch for Nephilim.”
“Now, we cower in fear. We spend our lives controlling
everything to find sense of self in a crumbling universe where we don’t
survive. I am not ok with this philosophy. When the Nephilim first
appeared, arriving in ships from the sky they began interacting with my
ancestors. We were on the brink of destruction.”
“They provided my people with a warning that the planet next to
our own would be destroyed in a cataclysm. A meteor was heading
towards the planet that would eventually wipe out all life, plunging the
world into an ice age. They were frantic, and we were desperate.
Trapped on our own world, choked by the mistakes of generations since
lost to the dust of time.”
“An environment impossible for my people to survive, the
Nephilim gave my people the technology to escape our own dead world.
When the destruction came we came to this world, Simud. The 4th
planet from the Sun. The Nephilim have provided us with enough
material for space flight and genetic engineering. All of which has
occurred in the past 400 years.” Michabou was stunned silent to what he
was hearing. “Now, the Nephilim seem more interested in the ape-man
we created than us. We are the remnant of a once mighty nation, a
nation that pressed against the boundaries of the stars themselves. The
“Wait, you mean that 400 years ago the meteor hit Gia killing all
life? Was that your original world or another?” asked Michabou
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“Yes, it was the third world it struck beside our own, we fled
here to this world to survive our own world. Moving closer to the
Nephilim who really are only interested in the third world we call Gia”
responded Mishebeshu.
“I know of this!” Michabou exclaiming in exuberance. “It will
be hard to explain but I think I know what’s going on. I come from
another time, another place. Your Gia, I call it Earth. Its where I am
from. These Nephilim are beings from other worlds just like this one.”
“Have you been back to see Earth, I mean Gia” questioned
Michabou. He understood, or was beginning to think that he was
in the past and not the future, or even another universe. This was Mars,
they called Simud. Gia was Earth, but what was Tiamat? The large
world positioned between Mars and Jupiter. He recalled how 65-million
years into the past a meteor had struck the planet wiping out the
dinosaurs and all life. But he also knew many events occurred with
many mass extinctions. Where in the timeline he now stood, he had no
idea. But this was the right place. Could that be true, or was time twisted
and it was only 10’s of thousands of years in the past?
Mishebeshu continued, “We started traveling from the planet
Simud to see the world thrust into chaos. It is far too volatile for
my species to live. We need heat or we die. We have traveled as far as
Tiamat, which rests in the gaze of the great red eye. Travel is very slow
as it takes one month to travel to Gia and two months to travel to Tiamat
where the Nephilim reside doing research. We know they can provide
us the technology to travel faster but it is control over our species that
then Nephilim truly desire.” Pausing to speak with Aayaash, “Can you
find me some grabes?” “Yes, will see” responded Aayaash before
grabbing his metal staff and departing into the darkness. Looking at
Michabou Mishebeshu continued, “Space travel is not a new
understanding for our people. We have once ruled every world in this
sea of darkness, it was illuminated with our glow, our greatness.” His
fist held high clasping as if he knew they were so close and lost it all.
The Nephilim are guiding our race and there is no control to
change that, we in return provide them with gold from this planet. We
took primates from the planet Tiamat. They have created many different
animals and plants on that world from these very beings. We needed
workers, not plants.”
Pausing, Mishebeshu was speechless. Michabou could see that
Mishebeshu seemed upset and frustrated. Mishebeshu continued, “I am
a bioengineer. We are the greatest engineers that have existed. We have
so many that are created for this purpose. They genetically engineered
Seraphim-Primate hybrids, like Aayaash.”
Michabou immediately cut him off, “Primate? Why would you
call him a Primate? Have you seen any other men like me?”
“He is a primate because that is what was used to create his
species. You forget, the hearing device in your mind changes and
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interprets even my language into one that you understand and yet I may
not have recollection of the words you hear. It is the same for me. As for
other men, yes, they live on Tiamat with the Nephilim but they are not
like you.” Pointing to Aayaash he continued, “But neither is he. We use
these primates to mine for gold and be our workers on the surface since
escaping from the home world in the past. They are our eyes on the sky.
These workers live on the surface of Simud while we reside within the
“Why do you live inside of the planet?” asked Michabou
inquisitively. “It’s not by choice, trust me, if we could advance beyond
the restrictions that bind us to the planet. If we simply had 100 monkeys
from Tiamat we could just leave ourselves. Enough genetic material to
do whatever we desired. It’s the atmospheric pressure. Our home world,
Carian’s atmosphere, was once much denser and thicker than this
planet. We can only survive for short periods of time on the surface.
Which is why we must get into the interior first thing tomorrow
morning. The structure of the planet Simud.”
Interrupting Mishebeshu, Michabou questioned, “You mean
Mars?” Mishebeshu continued, “This world, Simud, yes as you say
Mars, the fourth world from the Sun. The interior offers pressure that
helps us to maintain our internal biorhythm.”
“These primate men once worshipped us as Great Spirits, we are
their creators. They ruled the surface with the technology we provided.
But then the Nephilim started appearing to them.”
“The Nephilim ships released a growth agent into the
atmosphere. It misted through the air like a virus infecting all the
hominid workers. Their genetic evolution-becoming advance with every
breath. As time went on the hominids began thinking for themselves and
some turned on us. These were the Wars of Simud.”
They no longer believe we were Great Spirits. They saw us as
enemies and sought to destroy us. There has been a war on this planet
ever since and we have been trapped here by the Nephilim. Stripped of
our ability to utilize their technology, too free ourselves.”
“Many of my kind thought to destroy them.” Pointing to
Aayaash. “But others, like myself, wondered about the ethical
implications of engineering an autonomous species for control. They
had become aware. In this awareness, we became aware. Had we not
faced our own plight against the Nephilim it may have never matter and
yet we want freedom from the Nephilim. We sought the freedom of
Aayaash kind from the Nephilim before it was too late for us both.”
“Mishebeshu, I know this will be hard to believe, but I believe
that I come from the future where my race of humans is being controlled
by advanced races of beings from distance galaxies and parallel
universes. Some of which might be these Nephilim.”
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“Where I am from, this planet Simud is uninhabited and Tiamat

doesn't even exist. An advanced being sent me here, I just can’t figure
out why yet.
“This is the same thing we experienced there, one race rising to
escape into space only to meet its masters waiting in the darkness to
enslave and seek dominion over them. The bane of less advanced
Michabou continued, “But there are others who protect life, who
seek to preserve all life. I have seen them, and it is them who have sent
me here. Let me ask you a few questions about these Nephilim.”
“Are they gray in appearance? Large black eyes? Do they travel
in saucers?”
“Yes, they are tall thin grey praying mantis. The ancients they
say.” Mishebeshu responded hesitantly.
“I know who these Nephilim are, they are called The Celestials.
I believe that I have dealt with them in my timeline” responded
Mishebeshu responded, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Michabou seemed perplexed, how he had been sent backwards,
the final words from the Old Man that one chapter had ended and
another would begin. It weighed heavily upon his mind. He had said
Michabou would protect them. Was that why he was here, to find a way
to overcome and preserve the human species in this timeline. The
unknown roll of the dice so that the future would be, as it should? It was
perplexing to think about but he knew the first thing he needed to do
was get inside Simud.
In the darkness that surrounded them he could here movement
coming in the distance. Voices. Glowing green orbs appeared through
the small sagebrush like trees.
Appearing out of the darkness was a contingency of eight lizard
men holding staffs with glowing green larva attached to their ends. The
glowing larva caught Michabou’s attention immediately because they
looked like giant glowworms. The toys he had seen as a child. Every so
often they would pulsate emitting light that would become very bright
and then slowly diminish before repeating. Michabou counted 10
seconds between pulsations.
One of the Lizards came forward as a representative of the
group. Mishebeshu approached him with a strange greeting. Spikes
springing forward, tails rising high, they nodded in a circular pattern.
They began walking in a circle with their tales embracing and their
hands straight out touching at the palm. The hands were only three large
fingers like Mishebeshu. Mishebeshu turning to Michabou and Aayaash,
“Hurry we must leave now, before the Nephilim arrives. These are my
friends and they will take us to a safe place below.” Turning they moved
into the darkness. In time Michabou could see the adjacent mountain
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It had been thirty days since Michabou left the “Old Man” to
live among the Chewukon. The Chewukon were as close to Native
American’s Michabou could imagine and most resembled the Hopi from
the southwest. At least in the images with his mind.
The Chewukon were peaceful in every way, no concept for
conflict, always soft spoken and lived in an almost graceful humanity.
With the exception of a few items that helped process raw meat and
their peculiar instruments for hunting, they had no technology.
Michabou had stumbled into the camp after walking through the
door hesitant about his safety. The first thing that happened when the
people had become aware of him was a group of older native women.
They approached him placing an immaculately woven blanket around
his shoulders. He was welcomed to sit at their fire.
The Chewukon treated him with no disregard, as if he were one
of their own. When he met their leader, a bearded old native it struck
him as odd because he had never seen a bearded native. He called
himself Ququmatz and he referred to his people as the Chewukon.
Ququmatz spoke of star people who had brought them to this
place to protect them until the time came that they would go to a new
world. To Michabou, he was not sure if he understood correctly, but
based upon his dealings with the many alien beings he knew more than
likely even here there were accounts of interactions with beings from
the sky. After all they were here and the sky was there.
Michabou had drifted easily into the routine of life as a helper to
the natives of this strange new world. He relished the calmness and the
peace. The rumblings were still present to look outwards, he would in
time, but now the stability mattered most. The journey ahead, not so
much. The staple diet of the Chewukon was fish. Though they hunted, it
was rare; most all food was either fish, plants, or a form of wheat.
The wheat surprised Michabou because it was something that
was unique to Earth. The fish were different than anything he had seen,
they resembled a cross between a carp and salmon.
Michabou’s days were spent learning the language and helping
build new homes in the cliffs. In his free time, he focused on mapping
the land and trying to determine where he had been placed, he had no
Michabou knew he was not on Earth for a few reasons. The main
difference, smoking gun, was the lack of a moon in the sky; in fact,
there were no moons or objects in the sky. Just a deep blue that sparkled
at times like refractions off crystal.
The other thing that he noticed. The sun in the sky was smaller
almost dimmed out by the crystal refraction of the blue sky. Nothing
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like the clear sky he had remembered on Earth. The temperatures were
cooler hovering in what he suspected 60-70 degrees. For all intents and
purposes Michabou was in a paradise.
Ququmatz was what they called a great fisherman. Ququmatz
carried a spear with him at all times. The spear was unlike any the other
Chewukon carried; it released a vibration when placed in the water.
Immediately all fish rose to the surface.
He would use the same manner with food. When placed in the
ground large wooly mammoths within 100 yards would fall to the
ground dead. Michabou marveled at the technology.
Looking at Ququmatz, Michabou touched the spear then held his
arms out questioning where he had obtained this staff. The old bearded
native simply pointed to the sky. This made Michabou very nervous, as
his only experience with beings from the sky was life altering and
dangerous. The people considered it a sacred artifact from their
ancestors. Michabou was intrigued at the technology and marveled at
how they only took what they needed.
With the advanced technology they could operate without limits
killing everything. Something he had seen so many humans do on the
Earth. He remembered how technology had only served to divide
mankind, to distract them. Those who had withholding and leveraging
from those who had not.
He remembered all the advances back on Earth and questioned
within his heart why mankind would not seek to eliminate poverty,
starvation, and homelessness. He often questioned why mankind hadn’t
made food and shelter an entitlement, had they, the possibility existed of
a united front against the invaders rather than a divisive bickering
peoples that met their doom.
When Michabou had approached Ququmatz further about where
the device had come he mentioned again that there was a great taking
and the staff was given by the sky.
Michabou wondered what the great taking could be. He
wondered what that meant. Again, fear began to rise within him as he
knew all too well how sentient beings had enslaved and destroyed
humanity. Was this part two?
Ququmatz and Michabou spent nearly every day together.
Ququmatz considered Michabou one of the great mountains sent from
the Great Spirit. Michabou could not figure out why he was referred to
as a mountain by the old leader. Since Michabou had come to these
people the powers he had before were gone. He was just a regular man.
As if by design he understood their language, in a way it was broken
English. By the powers of the Old Man that sent him hear or simply
luck, he understood the language. These were questions he most likely
would never know.
The Chewukon had spread across the land in dwellings carved
into the mountain cliffs. The Mountain cliff homes were carved using
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what looked like a pen. By all intents and purposes that was what it was,
a pen. It was a sacred object to the Chewukon that was kept in a
chamber. It was not worshipped or treated as a deity, but they would
have a ceremony each time it was removed from its place of keeping
and when they returned it.
One morning Michabou was determined to walk as far in one
direction as he could. He had hoped to gain a better understanding of the
land and see if he would meet other tribes. He had let the old chief know
what direction he would be going, the forbidden forest.
The old chief seemed troubled and didn't want him to go.
Michabou insisted. Finally relenting, the chief gave him a staff with a
shard of purple crystalline strapped to the end. It was a staff he had not
seen before. He touched a rock with the tip and the rock fractured in
two. It was a weapon. Why would he need a weapon when everything
he had known among these people was extreme peace and non-
hostility? The forbidden forest, how had it escaped him? Obviously
called forbidden for a reason.
Leaving the mountain dwellings, he began heading towards
where the sun would be setting. He had wanted to explore this part of
the land anyways because across the wheat fields was this forest the
people never entered and seemed to avoid. The forest was gigantic,
stretching into the distance as far as his eye could see as viewed from
the high cliff side homes.
As Michabou neared the tree line cutting sharply adjacent to the
fields of wheat. He saw the true size of the trees. Not unlike the
redwoods of northern California, every tree was over 400 foot tall.
Moving through the forest the sound became silent. Deathly silent. The
canopy dimming, the light to near dusk.
As Michabou moved through the forest he could sense the once
peaceful calm of the Chewukon was replaced with an earie silence. It
was simply too quiet. It was so silent that it did not seem real. No wind
rustling the leaves. No branches breaking or swaying in the air. No
birds. No insects. Could this really be a sterile environment? If so, it
was by design. This worried Michabou deeply.
This was the forbidden forest, and he was determined to see it to
the other side. What was the other side? What horrors could possibly be
awaiting him?
He could have stayed with the Chewukon in a peaceful society
perhaps for the remainder of his days. Yet, the explorer in him, the
seeker in him, pressed forward. Seeking answers that he did not have to
questions he did not know.
After walking for the entire day, he could only speculate the
distance. If he had walked 15-minutes per mile for the duration of 10
hours he could have traveled a distance of 30-40 miles and yet the forest
had no end in sight and he needed to find shelter as the sun was setting.
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In the entire distance not a bug, not a bird, not a sound. Just the
perfectly pristine forest. As if swept clean. The forest floor stretching
endlessly into the distance. No needles from the trees, no bark shavings.
The ground frozen in time. Perfect cleanliness overshadowed by the
massive trees. How could that be unless it all fabricated, on a scope he
could actually imagine. Anything was possible after the things he had
Surveying the area Michabou contemplated the best place to set
up camp. Moving towards one of the large trees he could see part of the
massive roots protruding from the ground revealing a hollowed cavity
within the tree.
The inside of the tree was massive. The large trees were in fact
redwoods, at least he believed or some distant relative. How can
redwoods be here? Having the opportunity to review the bark, which he
shaved off to use to help make a fire it resembled in absolute perfect
shape and form the red fibrous cedar-like material of a sequoia. The
inside of the tree measured at 15 paces across.
Digging a hole in the center of the hollowed-out room he
stripped tinder from the tree to make a fire. He knew this would be the
material used to let larger wood ignite. Using the staff that Ququmatz
gave him he split tree limbs to use as kindling. Striking the tip of the
spear against a rock sparks ignited the tinder and Michabou slowly
added the kindling. Keeping the fire small he could feel the tree cave
heating up as the temperatures outside began to fall.
Darkness was upon him.
Sitting by the fire Michabou began processing the previous
experience on Dyaus. What had become of the man in black?
Something about that moment, it seemed too easy. Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” had been defeated without any effort and a
part of him knew that Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had
not been destroyed. He might never know.
Pulling out some of the fish he had brought with him he tore
strips and began eating while surrounded in the silence of the massive
forest. Flashbacks began ringing through his mind. The zombies of
Earths invasion. The infected who were scratched by the zombies. The
weapon that encapsulated the infected crushing them into marble sized
containers for disposal. It flashed across his mind over and over. The
travels, the journeys, the fear, the invigoration, being free. It had been a
long road to this point of seemingly insecure security and solidarity in
the journey that led to the forests of the Chewukon. Rolling out the
blanket provided by the people Michabou drifted off to sleep.
Awaking to screams that echoed through the forest Michabou
sprung to his feet. What the hell could that be? Grabbing the
staff he quickly bound tinder to the tip lighting it on fire. He
slowly emerged from the hollow of the tree. The next minute he could
see large beasts advancing upon some unknown machines with purple
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glowing lights. The machines were tearing into some large creature less
than 100 feet from his position as others were battling the machines.
As Michabou moved closer he could see the huge beings.
Sasquatch, only bigger. In that moment he put the fire out. Michabou
was an observer. The fight, however, did not end there. The injured
sasquatch lying on the ground helpless as giants began attacking the
Twisting and pulling the legs of the machines, the lights being
torn out, they fought. The machines sought to bind them or tear them to
pieces. Michabou could not believe what he was seeing. A massive ship
then arrived dropping more machines with glowing lights which
slammed to the ground opening an offensive against the large sasquatch
One of the sasquatch had stumbled towards Michabou’s
location. A machine following had clamped onto the back of the
massive beast with a whirling sound tearing into its flesh. The large
sasquatch let out a blood curdling scream of agony. He had waited long
enough, Michabou running at full speed began stabbing the machine
with the spear. The large robot blew up blasting Michabou backwards
slamming into a tree.
He lay half unconscious staring at the fight, as a louder yell
came from the distance. A massive 20-foot-tall sasquatch running full
speed towards the large collection of machines colliding with such force
they exploded to the ground lifeless.
The smaller machines surviving the collision scurried off into
the distance as if in fear. Writhing and exhausted this large hairy bipedal
sasquatch fell to its knees. The others surrounding it to help it and the
injured away.
As the original creature lay on the ground, writhing and
sometimes roaring, the others who survived the attack gathered around
and picked it up. The largest sasquatch turning towards Michabou until
eye contact was made. It moved instantly towards him. He stood still
unmoving. It kneeled down peering into his eyes less than 6 inches from
his face.
Michabou was exhausted and he could tell so were the
Sasquatch. The large sasquatch lifting Michabou to his feet. With a few
grunts turning and moving back towards the group of sasquatches.
Michabou moved quickly back to the hollowed tree hiding against the
inner bark. He slowly sank to the ground. Another conflict, another
They were the largest sasquatch of any kind he had ever seen or
imagined. The machines, what were they doing here?
How could machines be here? Why were they trying to destroy
the sasquatch and who was this large sasquatch that towered above the
rest who had lifted him up from the ground when he could have
stomped him from existence. Why had they spared him?
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Was it because he saved one? Speaking in whoops and wales the

creatures picked of the fallen comrade before disappearing into the
ground. How could they just vanish beneath the surface where the
ground seemed rock hard?
He could see the large being reaching down to the ground before
exposing an entrance. Others seemed to sink into the soil until they were
unseen. As quickly as the ordeal had begun it was over but Michabou’s
faith in the peace he had once know, it had vanished.
Michabou sat the rest of the night in silence unable to sleep.
Trying to figure out what he had just witnessed and why it had
happened. It was all in the blink of an eye. Drifting off to sleep
Michabou was again woken to the sound of sweeping.
Peering outside of the tree Michabou could see the purple lights
reemerging from the darkness. How long had he been asleep?
His head ringing from the slam against the tree, he most likely
had a concussion. He felt sick, uneasy his head pounding in pain.
As the machines neared him he could see they were cleaning the
dirt in a sweeping motion with the sound of a street sweeper. This was
why the forest floor was so immaculately kept but what could they be?
Watching them move by in the hundreds he sat silent. Across the
forest floor and into the darkness, as quickly as they appeared, they
were gone.
In the morning, Michabou moved cautiously towards the spot
where the attack had occurred. On the ground was nothing. It was as if
nothing had occurred.
The very place he was sure the massive sasquatch had descended
into the ground was as hard as rock. It defied logic. Had it even
Packing his things Michabou continued his journey towards the
other side of the forest. On Earth he remembered the stories of
Sasquatch. Michabou thought he once saw a sasquatch on a hillside at
Waha Lake, Idaho. The big foot would simply vanish without a trace.
Undetectable and yet from every corner of the globe they were seen.
Known as Yeti, Timber Giants, and the Hairy Man.
These were many times larger than any of the sasquatch he had
ever heard about on Earth. The giant sasquatch had just stared into his
eyes and then left him in peace. Obviously, these were benevolent
creatures or at least it seemed they respected his help. They did not
engage him in conflict. They engaged the machines that were attacking.
Here we go again, he thought, always drawn towards conflict. After
several hours Michabou could hear for the first time the sound of
rushing water in the distance.
This invigorated him and his pace increased until almost
frantically he was in full sprint towards what appeared to be an end to
the forest. As Michabou neared the edge he stopped more cautiously
moving, staying in the thick foliage of the forest. Moving slowly
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towards the tree line what he saw next shocked him to the core. For a
moment brought hopelessness back into his heart.
“Why would you do this to me?” He screamed into the air.
Stepping slowly out into a flat dirt opening the reality of the
situation became clear. Lifting his hand to press against the barrier he
was face to face with a clear glass wall. Rising into the air he could see
that a glass-like barrier trapped him and seemed to extend in all
directions. Looking through the glass the ground was sheet metal grey.
With Machines moving back and forth like a highway. In the distance
he could see glass domes in all directions with other green habitations
enclosed within them.
Turning to put his back against the glass he slid to the ground.
“Bio-dome.” Where the hell had he gone?
Machines rising into the air moving back and forth in all
directions. He was again a prisoner, trapped in a cage. A zoo on a
strange world. What else could it be? Before he had time to mourn his
captivity, to think about his next move, red-beaming lights pierced
down upon him. The machines had spotted him.
Hovering in the air, the giant sentinel tentacles waiving in the
air. They were scanning him top to bottom. Loud sirens emanating
everywhere screaming alarm through the air. Michabou rose and began
running at full speed back into the cover of the forest. Looking back, he
could see the machines move through the glass capable of escaping the
force field that held him hostage at will.
Seeking knowledge had led to answers he was not prepared to
accept. Why hadn’t he just stayed in the village? Why hadn’t he fought
against his compulsions to “know” all things? Why did he have to
explore everything?
Here he was running from machines that obviously knew he was
not meant to be in this place. Heart pounding. Mind racing. Sweat
protruding. He was in a race for his life. The machines on his tracks
with red beams scanning the area would surely kill him.
As Michabou moved at all out speed he immediately fell through
the soil into the under earth below. Slamming onto the ground of a
tunnel he could see he hadn’t fallen. He had been pulled down by a
sasquatch. Escaping the clutches of the machines, did his plight just get
worse? He was again face to face with the sasquatch.
The sasquatch offering its hand clasping Michabous own.
Raising to his feet the being urged him to follow. Moving through the
dark corridors dimly lit by glowing stones pressed into the walls.
Michabou could tell they were descending deeper and deeper into the
ground through the corridor.
After a 400 foot of descent into the tunnel an opening into a
large corridor with a lift. “A lift?” Michabou stated openly. How could
an elevator like structure be here? The fifteen-foot-tall being never
spoke, simply operating controls on the lift.
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Walking onto the lift Michabou watched as the sasquatch

removed a chip and placed it into an opening. The caged structure began
its descent below as electricity began wrapping around the structure.
Looking down it seemed an endless pit into darkness.
After dropping at an incredible speed Michabou noticed the
electricity beaming around the lift increasing. A portal
opened beneath the lift. They were descending through a
wormhole-like opening until it emerged revealing light below and solid
stone above.
When the lift descended into the light he could see a new world
filled with trees and mountains. The sky was made of glowing rock
arching to reveal another subterranean dome. Were they inside the
planet or did they teleport to another planet or dimension?
He was beyond confused but looking around he could see this
was a massive cavern. The sasquatch walked to a plate on the wall next
to the lift pulling out what looked like a flash drive that was inserted
into a control module connected to the lift. This must be the device to
operate the lift. The tall hairy being motioning him to follow. They
moved towards a massive tree city that encompassed the center of the
“Where are we” asked Michabou. The tall hairy being not saying
a word, just gliding through large ferns that lined the pathway. They
were heading to the village in the center of the cavern.
In the center of the cavern was a city unlike any of the numerous
places he had seen. It was filled with trees, but not trees like the
redwoods. Trees that grew into structures as if programmed. The city lit
by the rock above which glowed brilliant fire yellow and yet it was not
blinding like the sun nor hot like fire. He could see what looked like
movement above the ceiling. It appeared like clear glass or crystalline of
some form revealing magma burning and twisting above it.
His hand brushing against the ferns he followed the giant until
he could see many giants. As he passed them by they stopped and stared
at him.
The city resembling three large circles. The outer circle
separated from the inner circle by a lake. The inner circle a large tree
Michabou noticed the other beings. He could hear whispering.
He was able take out a few distinct sounds. What he thought he heard
was, Plaedian. He heard this word at least six times.
Looking back the large cliffs revealed containing the elevator
lifts numbered in the dozens. Sasquatch entering and exiting. The
elevators shooting up and appearing down to the surface continuously.
Michabou had been so focused looking at the hundreds of
bigfoots, the ceiling and the surrounding lifts he failed to realize he had
reached a large gate. Woven with roots into decorative designs it had
been grown from the ground beneath him. It was marvelous to behold
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such craftsmanship. Pink flowers sprouting from the twisting roots. The
arching gate revealing the first large circular city. Within the walls the
city was filled with simple tree houses.
No canopy on the trees. The ground paved with perfectly
circular quarter-sized pieces of wood. Stopping to kneel down he could
feel these too were roots that had grown to form the most amazing
roadway he had seen. This was a wooded city by design engineered.
The first circular ring of dwellings was only one hundred meters
long. At the water barrier there were many of the sasquatch pulling out
oval blobs that resembled loaves of bread but moving like maggots.
This was their food source as he saw many bite into them. Green slime
dripping and falling to the ground.
Michabou tried to avoid eye contact as he felt like a bug that
they could squash at any time. The village of giant sasquatch seemed
serene and in harmony. It was simple with ornate wood dwellings.
Michabou had again been consumed with the moment. He had
arrived at the second circle of buildings across the second bridge leading
to the center of the city. He stood at the door of the large dome. The
dome rose high above as tree trunks served as pillars twenty feet apart.
Separated by massive leaves that grew perfectly to show a glowing
green roof. It was a living building. The sasquatch removed its chip
inserting it into another key slot. The leaves immediately dissolved
revealing an opening.
The large space within the dome was empty. A swirling ball of
solid grey material floated in the middle of the room. The sasquatch
then stepping to the side revealed something so startling that Michabou
took several steps backwards. It was the old man.
“How can you be here?” Michabou questioned stunned to see
this being here. The old man moved slowly towards Michabou before
reaching out to ask for his spear. “I am not giving this to you!”
“Oh, young man, I am not going to take it from you. I need to
review the chard.” Again, motioning for the staff.
Michabou refused, “I will not give you the staff until you tell me
why I am here, why you are here!” Immediately two large sasquatches
moved towards Michabou to take the spear from him by force. The old
man motioned them off. “That will be unnecessary, let him hold the
staff. I guess I do have some explaining.”
The old man spoke again, “What is your name? Have we met
“Of course, we have met, it was you who sent me here. Don’t
play games with me.” The frustration felt in the emotion of his words.
The old man simply turned towards the spinning sphere in the center of
the room responding, “The Great Spirit.”
Turning back to Michabou, “Your name son?”
“So, you never sent me here? My name is Michabou Betheios.”
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“No, we have not met but I have a feeling you have met the
Great Spirit. It is he who has sent you here and now it would seem our
paths have crossed.”
“Follow me.” Turning the man motioned Michabou to the
spinning orb in the center of the room. The orb spinning at a rapid rate
counter clockwise. The old man spoke, “This world is dying, and once
the heart of the world stops all will be lost.”
Michabou wanted answers. “So, where are we?”
“We are in the center of the great mother of the Chiye Tanka.
My name is Kulkukan. I am the guardian of the Chiye Tanka, our Elder
Michabou was confused. “We are in the center of the planet? I
saw what happened outside, what was the glass barrier? Who were those
The old man answering, “Those are the Nephilim from the
“The Nibiru?” Questioned Michabou, he had heard that name
before many times. The old man called in an unknown language to one
of the large Chiye Tanka to bring him a long beaded neckless that was
coiled onto the ground beneath the spinning orb.
Michabou noticed around the old man’s waste was a satchel
filled with the grey chips that were used to power the lifts. As Kulkukan
ran his fingers across the many different colored beads, it was as if he
were reading some form of brail or historical recording system. Covered
in a feather cloak of many colors he continued, “Awe, here it is, many
seasons ago this was the new world of the Chiye Tanka when the Sky
Father brought my people here to live. The Nephilim came from the
darkness and brought their technology to our world. At first, we
cohabited in peace. But as their appetite for research expanded they
sought dominion over us. Isolated and trapped my people were forced
into large domes on the surface. Forcing myself and the Chiye Tanka to
retreat into the heart of our great mother. Then they started creating
unknown creatures and the experiments expanded. So many of my
people have perished. Those left are isolated and imprisoned in one of
the many structures on the surface.”
Placing his arm on one of the Chiye Tanka he continued, “These
are not creatures, or beasts, they are our elder brothers. They trace their
origins to the sky father who brought us here on the wave of sound.
They are a tribe of ancients who have served as guardians. The trees, all
life on this world emanates from their presence. We have retreated here
to this place to avoid conquest by the dark ones from the empty sky.”
Kulkukan placed the beads back into a coil on the ground.
“Michabou, you cannot leave this place. It is not safe on the
Stunned at such a unilateral decision. “So, you will just hold up
helpless here trapped in your own self-made prison? You do not control
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me, I have to figure out where I am and why I was sent here. I was not
sent here to hide, to give up in willing submission. You do realize that
there are world destroyers out there in space that will find you. You are
only delaying the inevitable. You do realize that?”
The old man seemed incapable of grasping the true magnitude of
the situation. Michabou continued, “You seem like a man refusing to
accept the present. Living in the past thinking that life will improve. It
can’t improve, it never does.”
Michabou remembered when the Europeans first discovered
America. They approached the natives with the mentality of divine
providence. While the native sought peace they were quickly
slaughtered in their inability to adapt and accept the judgment that befell
them. Here he was with another group of people who thought they could
simply wait out the storm. Oblivious to the fact the it would eventual
erase them from the timeline. Michabou knew that story all too well. He
was a descendant of natives. The most persecuted and discriminated
group to ever walk the face of the modern world. The forgotten people
who never received their reparations. There were no reparations left to
give. Michabou pondered, when cultures clash it is the infantile that
crush the wise. This was the case with the history of the natives of North
America. A land of the free, offering hope, a new beginning for
everyone except the native man. Why was this so? He often wondered if
the fundamental foundation ingrained into each native was not
conducive to progress. The concept of leverage foreign. Where is
leverage over another if a blanket is free, if food is free, if shelter were
given freely. Who would rape and pillage his or her own mother or
withhold from a brother or a sister? It was a holy mindset that
threatened the very existence of those who have and those who have
not. He felt it was a sad tale of the destruction of the only people who
deserved to have dominion over the Earth, because they never saw it as
He then addressed the old man directly. “Kulkukan, we have to
leave this place, we have to find a way to stop this madness. You may
choose to stay here in your coffin until the end comes but I am leaving.”
“That is impossible son. The only time we can go to the surface
is at night. We cannot penetrate the barriers that they have covered over
the domes on the surface. Either we are trapped here or we are trapped
there, it makes no difference.” Kulkukan was indifferent.
Michabou recalled a quote by Anna Freud and recited it to the
old man, “We live trapped, between the churned-up and examined past
and a future that waits for our work.”
“Kulkukan, I was told when I came to this place by the Great
Spirit to help you. He said I would protect you. I need you to trust me.
What happens to these people and the Chiye Tanka when you die? They
are then doomed. Let’s use this time to find a way to escape. From what
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I know they have ships, if we can obtain a ship we can try to find
another world and escape.”
Kulkukan was unmoved. “This is our world. For now, you will
reside here. We can’t let you leave this place, there is too much at risk,
too much to lose. My job is to protect these people for one more day,
not make risks for personal desires. Does the tree question its place in
the forest even when the tree faces being hewn down or plucked from
the soil? Does it move or does it fear? It stands silent to its last final
moment. Grateful for its mission to shelter the bird, protect the beetle,
and when the time comes it willing provides the resources to sustain
others. This is the way of the Chiye Tanka, the way of the Great Spirit. I
am the tree of this forest and my job is to stand my place until the time
comes when I will leave. It’s the way things have always been. One day
they will leave and we will reclaim this world.”
Michabou understood what he was saying, what a noble way to
live. He respected the Old Man for staying true to his principles in face
of annihilation.
“That is naive, to say the least, they will take everything there is
on this planet. Those impenetrable barriers are called metal. Add in the
glass domes and this planet is being choked to death. What will you do
when this entire world dies? Well, that is not good enough for me! My
life is my own. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves.”
Michabou stated sternly squaring up with one of the sasquatch.
Kulkukan continued, “The heart of the Mother here” pointing to
the spinning ball, “will stop if that is true and then neither us nor them
can live here and perhaps that is the way of the Great Spirit. From death
comes life. Let me not impede your decision.” Reaching into his satchel
he removed a chip before handing it to Michabou. “You are free to go.
Who am I to bind you and hold you captive from your destiny?”
Michabou took the chip, before turning towards the door. “I will
be back to help you escape this madness. This is madness Kulkukan.
There is no happiness in submission, no freedom in prison.” The old
man crossing his arms with a slight grin of approval, as if he knew
something that Michabou was unaware. Something about the old man
seemed so pure, loving, and genuine. What it would be like to live life
unconcerned with life, death, or the barriers that bind and cast a man
into captivity. It was a commendable way to live.
Motioning to one of the Chiye Tanka the Kulkukan spoke,
“Steya ma, escort this man to the lift but do not go onto the surface.”
Michabou and the sasquatch turned and returned towards the lift.
As Michabou stood at the entrance to the lift, he thought to himself
again, this was the second time he has had the opportunity to live the
remainder of his life in peace. Why did he care so much? What drove
him into conflict? He wished he knew why he thrived on the unknown.
Stepping into the lift the tall being looked down at him. For the first
time Michabou could see clearly, this was not a big foot. The sasquatch
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was a native with facial hair and body hair. It was a tribe of native-type
people but huge. The lift raised into the light of electricity revealing a
conduit that led to the surface.
Emerging from within one of the large trees that had been
hollowed out Michabou exited the lift stepping out into the wilderness.
Not two steps out and everything went black. A large canvas was netted
around him. The sounds of machines hovering in the air. Waiting for his
arrival. In an instant he was trapped. He was taken.
~ 166 ~


Mishebeshu had led Michabou with the group of his kind into a
cave system that winded through the depths below the mountains. A
long narrow tunnel carved into the red rock of the planet Mars.
The journey was difficult. They pressed through narrow
corridors cut with precision deep into the planet. It was much more
difficult than it had been while on Tiamat when he was taken to
Kulkukan. The lizard men weren’t as large as the sasquatch native men.
The group reached a dead end where the rock was smooth with
hieroglyphics surrounding the perimeter.
Michabou too unnerved to speak watched as Mishebeshu
moving to the characters began pressing them. With each touch they
glowed a brilliant fluorescent green. In a jerking motion the
stone slab slowly turning revealing a corridor on the other side.
Standing in that corridor were beings like Aayaash among seraphim Star
Seeds. Running forward one of the women embraced Aayaash.
Aayaash separated from the group as Mishebeshu asked
Michabou to join him down the corridor. Aayaash spoke very little
following all commands of Mishebeshu. When he did respond it was in
broken sentences that were incomplete and forced.
“Where are they going Mishebeshu?” Asked Michabou in
reference to Aayaash, the women and the many primate looking men
with him. “They are going to the place where their group is encamped.”
Mishebeshu began speaking again, “Too long I've lived, too
much I've seen. This planet, our host, once so wild and unknown.” As if
reaching for the next words to say. “We've mapped it, conquered it,
arranged it on a grid, risen to almighty rulers of the cosmos, only to
have it snatched away as if we were only feeble infants. Michabou, there
is a war, a war between the Seraphim and the Nephilim.”
Mishebeshu was a leader. His demeanor changed upon entry
home. Would he expect anything different for himself if he could go
home? The pride of family to the heart of any conscious being.
Mishebeshu continued as many more stood closely to listen to his
words. “We were once so much more than we are now. Scouring and
hiding in the shadows. Worms under the feet of giants of time. What
little knowledge we possess, having obtained from seeds of information
from the enemy. I want to show you something.”
Motioning Michabou towards an opening that revealed a cavity
in the planet many times larger than the one he had seen on Tiamat
where Kulkukan and the Elder Brothers resided. Filled within the
catacomb, honeycombed dwellings that covered the entire surface.
Lizard-beings were moving effortlessly across the ceiling, the walls and
the deep valley below.
~ 167 ~

A metallic looking platform rose before Michabou and

Mishebeshu. Stepping onto it, the platform moved without sound
towards a smoke stack pumping clouds of vapor into the air. Below it a
large building.
“We are preparing for war. We will retake our world and our
kind will rise again with the help of Aayaash. But you, you are different
and we need you to help us. “
“Do I have a choice?” responded Michabou
“No. You do not. But out of respect for assisting in my escape
from the hive I am requesting you choose to assist us in our rebirth.”
What other option did he have? Michabou responded as only he
knew how. “What do you need me to do?”
Mishebeshu looked pleased at that response. “I would like to
have you examined. To review what you are made of, to see if you
contain within you the ingredients that we need.” He paused before
continuing. “To create what must be created to gain our freedom.”
“What type of examination are we talking about?”
“In this room is a chamber, it analyzes the building blocks of all
elements. Allows us to extract the code we need to synthesize life. We
have run out of this material, what you see, these primate men you see,
they will never amount to produce what we need. We need building
blocks. Their predecessors are flawed and lacking in free genetic
material that can be manipulated. Therefore, their intelligence is limited,
their ability to react, adapt, to become anything more than a servant is
hindered. Unfortunately, without us, without leadership they would only
find extinction had the Nephilim not advanced them. We must fight
back, we need new building blocks that the Nephilim have never seen. I
think they have never seen anything like you.”
In the center of the room was a large black egg. Opening steam
emanated from the edges revealing pink flowing worms covering the
entire surface of its interior.
“You will enter here, it will close, and we will analyze the fabric
of your creation. Any luck reproducing the building blocks that are
contained within you. It is the material we lack, that we desire. If we are
successful, and I think we will, imagine armies of intelligent beings
such as yourself. Even more powerful intelligences that could wage war
on our behalf. Imagine the ability of my kind to walk freely outside the
confines of these caves?”
“You are looking for my DNA, aren’t you? Responded
“DNA?” Questioned Mishebeshu.
Michabou responding as quickly as the previous remark. “The
genetic make-up that is contained in every cell that organizes matter that
programs matter for me. I will do this but only because I want to find
the bastards who captured me. To see them fall. Before I met you, I was
on the Tiamat, it was covered in domes that contained people like me,
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well, not like me but not like Aayaash either. In the center of that planet
is a man named Kulkukan, and an army of giants. They are travelers
from another universe who used to rule that planet before it was
overtaken by these Nephilim.”
Michabou pushed for more answers. “So, you said, they are
rebuilding the planet Earth or Gia, why?”
“Why do you think? So, they can have the planet for themselves.
That is why. We lack genetic material, the material we have is not
viable for this task. When you use material to create a being of life, then
use that being’s genetic material to create another, it becomes unstable.
Diluted even on the macro scale the micro imperfections are visible.
The Nephilim will not provide us with any more material.” Smarted
Mishebeshu inquisitively before continuing. “You have been inside that
world? So, it is true, this is where they are obtaining the material needed
to build life. We must obtain access.”
Michabou could see between the lines, “Ok, I will do this, and
you are confident I won’t be harmed?”
“You will not be harmed, but you will need to remove all of
your clothes, and the sechuim communication organism”.
Pulling out a smooth black stone he held it to Michabou’s ear.
Instantly the entity released from his ear wrapping around the stone like
the shell of an egg wrapping the yoke.
Stepping into the pink structure the tentacles began latching onto
his legs and his arms. As the capsule closed the tentacles attached to
every part of his body. Sharp stings of needles were felt across his entire
From the outside Mishebeshu moving quickly. A large collection
of Star Seeds operating the mass of electrical equipment that surrounded
the room began pressing the instruments.
The instruments resembling plants were not like the electrical
equipment used on Earth in Michabou’s past. This truly was an alien
Inside the machine Michabou was screaming in agony but could
not make a noise. He was paralyzed but felt every bit of the pain.
Tentacles pressing down his throat, fluid filling his extremities, he felt
as though he was being torn into pieces.
As quickly as it had begun, it was over. The tentacles releasing
Michabou collapsed within the machine resting upon the soft interior.
As the door opened, several Star Seeds grabbing him carried his limp
lifeless body away. Michabou looked transparent. It was as if his very
life had been taken. Laying him on a slate black table next to the large
egg-shaped machine. They replaced the sechuim device into his ear and
covered him with a blanket. Michabou opened his eyes slowly. His eyes
were blue eye and fully dilated. Michabou was completely disorientated.
The slow whisper came through broken breath, “What have you done?”
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“You are alive; did I not tell you that you would be?” Responded
Mishebeshu. “The amount of material you possessed was more than all
material we have ever obtained from the Nephilim.”
Clasping his hands before turning away he continued. “Very
fruitful indeed…take him to a healing bath. Oh, and Mr. Michabou,
your body will regenerate in time, you will be stronger than you already
are, I do apologize for your present state.”
Mishebeshu walked away revealing himself as a master of
deception. The silver-tongued Star Seed emerging as not the victim of
chance, but an escaped once detained overlord sentenced to death. A
trickster. Mishebeshu now had the power necessary to carry out his
revenge against the invaders and only he was willing to do whatever it
took to enact vengeance.
Mishebeshu remembered when in the beginning he always
wanted to record his memories. He carried a device in which he spoke,
he would be remembered and have his life file added to millions of
others in the Halls of Ihm.
Speaking to himself, “Overseer record log 1.5241.01. One of a
few born through royal lineage of the first Ihm, endowed with the ruler
lifespan. The Iln of the House of Aln of the Carian. In time the voice for
all, 1500 years he had lived. When they first arrived, I was young and
inexperienced in my ways. Province Overseer of the Moon only 700
years old. One of many throughout 1.89 million years of existence.
When the Nephilim arrived, it was at a time when Iln were just barely
leaving the planet again. Sending exploration teams towards the sister
planet Gia. The hope was there would colonies waiting. We were
wrong, no one was left.”
Becoming lost in the moment he grew silent and distant.
“Then we found Simud. There was life on Simud, the massive
beasts that roamed its vast oceans visible from the air. Seeing them with
my own eyes. To the mysterious Tiamat resting farther than we could
travel. Our robotic observers shown forests of life. The resources
available made the necessity to travel and the possible return on
investment insatiable. The crowning achievement of my time, the
establishment to the moon base which made all of this possible.”
“They arrived in dark ships that resembled long trees of
unknown origination. They were old, many times older than we. Sharing
that their world had begun a cataclysmic orbit through the solar system.
That would occur in less than 200 cycles.
Giving us advanced knowledge on space flight the new process
of our existence was to relocate to the planet Simud. Their Nephilim
forced to relocate themselves to the fifth planet, as their planet would
undergo a cataclysmic impact. Every 365 million years they would orbit
the sun. Many times, colliding with smaller solar debris or passing
through a gas giant, but always surviving. Searching for something in
this solar system. We found out they were genetic engineers. We
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exploited this knowledge to advance ourselves. The planet came, Nibiru

colliding with Gia tearing away the surface. The moon a molten victim.
Millions of years’ worth of knowledge of species buried in the ash.”
Walking into a living quarter, Mishebeshu proceeds to pour
himself a glass of purple slime. The slime pulled from a planet that
resembled a fountain. “They provided us with an endless supply of
matter. We in return utilized this material to create almost anything we
desired. Relocating the entire population of Iln to Simud. A new
beginning, but in time, the atmospheric pressure not dense enough to
sustain long-term growth. We were trapped while watching the
Nephilim begin withholding material and sending their machines to
repair the planet Gia for themselves. I Mishebeshu, first of Simud,
record my history for the Hall of Ihm when we return.”
Mishebeshu paused in reflection. The Hall of Ihm was made of
an impenetrable material constructed by ancient Star Seed Iln. The
material that the Nephilim had given the Seraphim was first used to
contract a survivor colony should the Nephilim be deceitful in their
dealings. It must be trapped within the Earth under the cooled magma. It
was his job to return to his people. The people living in the Hall of Ihm,
numbered in the tens of thousands with sustainability for several
This genetic material from Michabou, the being that had
appeared in the hive during his death sentence. Where had he come
from, he claimed the future. Whatever he was, the fabric of his entire
being, the code of creation was beyond comprehension.
Within days they could now master cloaking and transformation
into any being becoming a chameleon, the true masters of deception or
illusion. He could create a device that if he could destroy the planet
Tiamat. He first had to convince Michabou to place it with Kulkukan.
He then would need to figure out how to get him there. Mishebeshu
knew Michabou must be preserved, his material an endless source of
power. Perhaps Kulkukan and his people also contained this same
supply of building material. Could it be true, the old ones alive? How
could it be true? Yet this being Michabou described as an ancient.
Recalling the history but not clear he moved to a machine. Speaking
into his recorder, “Please recount the history of Seraphim and first
contact on Tiamat.” Placing the recorder into the larger device he turned
“The history of Seraphim on Tiamat, the Ancients. Gia-
0.0354.02. Seraphim encounter Ancient Giants on Tiamat. Seraphim
displace Ancients who have ability to teleport as interdimensional
beings and vanish from planet. Seraphim conquer Tiamat date
0.8642.01. Speculated the building blocks of Tiamat made from ancient
origin of Carian. Record end.”
Turning Mishebeshu lifting hand to chin pondered the thought.
“Could it be, an endless supply of power?”
~ 171 ~

In one fell swoop the possibility existed of gaining dominion

over all three worlds, fulfilling the destiny of the Iln. He would become
the greatest Iln of all. Still 3/4 of his life ahead of him in the future he
would reign forever. How long he had longed to feel the sun again, to
walk among the giant ones. Giant lizard cousins now roamed free on the
broken planet, a planet quickly recovering. Better their than Simud or
If Tiamat, Simud, and Gia were secured, the work could begin
on healing their home mother planet Carian. It was said that on Carian
the Seraphim came into existence. The creations of the great Gia
originated on this world. They gave Gia her title because of the rebirth
of their species. Gia was the Great Spirit of the Seraphim, the creator.
He had once visited the planet Carian. The ancient ruins. The
abandoned world alone waiting for healing. Runaway greenhouse of a
society that utilized false fuels only to have those elements turn on
Mishebeshu began singing the song of the Carian… “House of
Aln, where mother is our home. The great one Carian. Rebirth. Return.
Overcome. Iln of the House of Aln, survivors of the breaking dawn.
Rulers. Chosen Ones. Aln. Aln. Aln. Aln.” Mishebeshu was slowly
beating his chest.
~ 172 ~


Michabou felt he had slept for a lifetime. Rising on the bed, he
was tired and lethargic. Waking felt difficult. He must be recovering
from an anesthesia given while he was unconscious.
“What had happened?” He realized his body was covered in a
black skintight suit that felt scaly and impenetrable. Reaching to his
collar he was relieved it was simply a type of clothing, or fabric and not
a new skin.
Stepping off the platform Michabou looked at his hands and his
feet. Leaning forward to view himself in a small mirror. He was clean,
healthy, and felt recovered completely. Mishebeshu had entered the
room. Turning to face Mishebeshu, “You, you tricked Me!”
“Relax soldier, you were given the option, there are more
important things to discuss. Namely, you should see what we have
already been able to do. The material you provided has revolutionized
our species. I owe you a debt of gratitude.”
“What do you mean? You have already used the DNA to do
what?” Questioned Michabou.
“For one, we have been able to alter our own genetic makeup.
My shape shifting abilities have been enhanced. For another, we have
successfully created a super soldier, the Guardian Revolutionary Aln,
“GRA” for short, it is an organic synthetic life form. Stop crying
because it hurt so much and come see your army.”
Walking through the sleek metal hallways Michabou noticed an
immediate difference. They were changing everything in such a short
period of time. The true masters of building. Rising from a platform
appeared a thin, tall metallic colored, Gray alien with large black eyes.
“That is a gray alien, a Nephilim?” Michabou questioned to
Mishebeshu. “No, this is the Guardian Revolutionary Aln, the new
sentinels of the future are emotionless beings that only act.
They will traverse the skies in our place. New servants.
Constructed using the last remaining genetic material provided by the
Nephilim and your own. A unified creation of your and the Nephilim
species. The GRA pronounced Gray.”
Michabou responding curious about the progression since he had
been gone. “I know these as the Gray as well and they almost killed me
once, so you’re saying this is something you created?” The Gray
looking crisp and new, not like the old decrepit evil Grays he knew in
the future, these Grays were off the assembly line still smelling of the
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“Of course, I mean, you are actually the creator Michabou.

Without you none of this would be possible. We can create anything
you can imagine. The Gray life forms are constructed to obey us; it is
programmed into their genetic code. They are also programmed to
combat the Nephilim, to expose them and infiltrate their society. We are
arranging for a raid on Tiamat, to place several Gray’s within their
systems. They will provide access to a bio-dome. Could you recognize
the bio-dome you say provides access to Kulkukan?”
“I think he would recognize me before I do him, I think getting
into any bio-dome with the peaceful tribes would be the best first start.
He would find me.”
“You will take this.” Mishebeshu handing Michabou a black
smooth toothpick. “This is the chaos code. You will inject this into the
core of the planet, only if you persuade Kulkukan to take you back to
the core. When it comes in contact it will absorb into the core. It will
blow the planet up.”
“Blow it up? What about all the other people, the bio-domes of
life? Kulkukan and the Elders?”
“The detonation will take 24-hours, in the meantime the
Gray’s will be high jacking one of the bio-domes to escape the
planet, if you can persuade them to allow you that’s one thing.”
“High jacking a bio-dome?” Michabou was confused.
“They are escape pods; it’s how they plan on reintroducing life
onto the planet Gia. Each is attached to the planet and one of their many
machines. They are all detachable. If you can gather those you need into
one of the pods, one could escape before the planet detonates. Killing
the Nephilim. They create things. They destroy things. The Nephilim
look at Gia as a life form, and we are all parasites who must be isolated,
contained, or destroyed. Not after this, after this we take what is ours.”
Mishebeshu moved quickly as Michabou followed through dark
metallic halls. The material coating the former cave walls. Entering an
elevator, they began rising. “How long was I out? How could you have
done all of this so quickly?” Questioned Michabou.
“You have been in a coma for 6-weeks. We have done this in 6-
weeks. Like I said, we are masters of building. We maximize our
Rising in the distance black saucers hung in hangers, thousands
of in formations boarding the flying crafts.
Michabou thinking to himself, Mishebeshu built an entire army,
the Grays. I thought the Celestials built the Grays. Obviously, the Star
Seed Seraphim are the creators. The answers to his questions were still
This must be how the Grey was defeated and to think, they used
him to create them. But who are the Greys, they must have limited
Mishebeshu from creating for a reason.
“So, what’s the plan?” Questioning Michabou to Mishebeshu.
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“We prepare for attack. We will take you in under the cover of
darkness. You get in and leave the rest to us.”
Nothing felt easy working with Mishebeshu. He seemed so
selfish. Able to manipulate the atom with ease. Power in the wrong
hands could produce cataclysmic consequences. Michabou needed to
get to Kulkukan and see what the old man had to say, could he even find
“Once the detonation sequence begins all bio-domes will begin a
countdown procedure for evacuation. There is no way the Nephilim can
win once we destroy this base.
Turning he handed a black helmet to Michabou, and walked
through the wall of one of the flying saucers. Michabou followed
walking through the metal exterior.
“It’s your fabric, every ship obeys its command. Your suit is
programmed that all ships will grant you access. No suit no access.
Let’s take a flight.”
Rising into the air, the ship shot up covering the distance from
the surface to 30000 feet in less than a second. “We have solved the
speed issue.
“The free energy utilized to make these ships operate on gravity
waves. The synthetic DNA lined in the fabric in your suit, it is alive and
programmed to respond to your thoughts. You are linked to the ship as
well through this process.”
Entering the atmosphere, Michabou could now see the planet
below. It was Mars. With the large Olympus Mons, covered in snow
with trees, clouds, and large oceans on the surface. Large dinosaurs that
resembled Brachiosaurus roamed the marshy wet surface. Also visible
was a large part of the landscape barren, red, and dry. He could see the
planet was changing but that would happen a long time into the future.
“Can we go see the Earth?” Questioned Michabou.
“I was thinking the same thing. Let’s bring along a few Grays
for protection.” spoke Mishebeshu
Gray’s walked through the wall wearing the same material. It
seemed that the material that formed the ship opened to allow anyone
with a uniform to walk through it. In an instant the ship piercing through
The feeling was fast, and instant. Before he could complete the
thought process they had arrived at a planet with the lower quarter red
with fire. It was Earth. Visible on the northern hemisphere was solid
ground. Moving close the ship displayed mountains with trees.
Covering the surface spider like creatures, “Those are cleaners! I
saw them on Tiamat, they must be cleaning the radioactive material up.”
In the air large diamond shaped pink satellites blinked. “It must be a
security net; it surrounds the planet.”
“I am thinking it controls the machines.” Responded Michabou.
“Obviously what they are doing is working. This type of repair should
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not have happened for thousands of years, you said the two-planet’s
collided what 400 years ago?”
“We could survive on the surface, they lied!” Mishebeshu
quipped sternly. The ship speeding away back towards Mars. “We must
act now.”
Mishebeshu, leader of the oppressed. Knowing that this was
going to be more difficult than he could ever imagine. He was confident
the gallivant through space would have caught their attention. He failed
to share with Michabou that he was going to be sold as bait. The trap
had been set.
Michabou could tell something was wrong. Mishebeshu in a
rush with nowhere to go. He must be double crossed. At that point
beams of light appeared in the main room as tall insect like grey beings
stood towering over Mishebeshu. Scurrying around the room clouds of
smoke and moving mass.
“I wish to make a trade,” … It was the Nephilim greys.
“I can give you Kulkukan” spoke Mishebeshu.
In an instant towering over him. Michabou watching from the
shadows. The creatures almost ghostly in movement. Inter-dimensional
“Speak” Thundered one of the dark beings.
“Not so fast, I want a guarantee.” Replied Mishebeshu hesitant.
“Speak” Repeated the being.
“I want Gia.” Mishebeshu spoke slowly.
Not responding the dark being turned, appearing out of the
shadows the robotic Gray aliens charged upon the Nephilim. Gray
beings overwhelming the dark beast shredding them to pieces.
Michabou was amazed that they died so easily.
“I thought they would be more difficult?” questioned Michabou
emerging from the shadow. Mishebeshu staring at a pile of black
powder on the floor. “They did not die. The master illusionists. They
know I am coming.”
“You could have gotten yourself killed.” Questioned Michabou.
Mishebeshu ignored the comment. Gray beings began scraping
up the black powder, putting it into vials. “What are they doing with
that?” Asked Michabou.
“More building material to create the ultimate weapon.”
“You mean, the ultimate being?”
Hovering in the air the many ships drifting in space. They were
fading in and out of our dimension. “What is wrong with their ships?”
“They are ethereal. They travel within space-time. Their matter
exists here but supersedes our dimension. Yet, they seem trapped. This
group separated from the large home world. Let’s hope that demon
planet does not return.”
The Nephilim, resembling old decrepit Grey beings with bug-
like jaws, praying mantis in appearance, long shiny black arms and legs.
~ 176 ~

Moving in an angelic way like ghosts appearing and disappearing. The

large black grey eyes protruding into their large twisted skulls. These
were ancient beings, and dangerous.
“What do you know about these beings Mishebeshu?”
“I know they are very powerful. They are builders.”
“But why do they build? Questioned Michabou.
“Why does a clock maker make a clock? How can he visualize
within his mind the inner workings, the gyro, gadgets, and
thingamabobs? Spinning, turning, and manifesting a master of space.
They are clock makers.”
Mishebeshu pondered off as he continued speaking,
“When they appeared, it was for our survival. We were unaware
of a cataclysmic collision. We had known of them; they had come in our
species past. They are awaiting the return of their planet but its drifting.
They are preparing life for the new Earth. It only brought captivity. I
know very little as even their origins are mysterious.”
While disposing of the ancients they did not notice emerging
from the fifth planet a cloud of darkness that contained an infinite
number of ships. With a massive vortex opening up with more
“Now is the time, Michabou, you will go while they are coming
here.” Rushing to a loading dock Michabou could see a black ship that
reflected the stars on its surface. “This one they will not detect. It is
programmed to take you to the surface. You must destroy the planet.”
“Destroy the planet, seriously?” Michabou questioned how
Mishebeshu had told him to just find a way to destabilize a planet
enough to destroy it.
The collision of Nibiru and Earth wasn’t enough to destroy a
planet. Here was Tiamat, many times larger than Earth and he was
simply supposed to land, hey here I am, and the planet goes boom? The
tiny black toothpick. Walking through the exterior, sitting in the soft
chair, the ship closing over him and shooting into the stars, Michabou
was discouraged.
The lights of space shooting overhead numbed the confusion.
Lying in a coffin piercing through the heavens, the blues, greens, and
brilliantly lit stars illuminated the darkness. Cloaked the ship began
vibrating as the turbulence of broken clouds rumbled beneath his feet.
Michabou was penetrating the atmosphere. In a loud bang
crashing all around him the ship sliced through the glass dome like a
needle penetrating an apple. Coming to a stop embedded in green grass.
The ship immediately dissolving into the back of Michabou as a small
“This technology is awesome; I hope I can figure out how to
make it work again.” Michabou exclaimed.
Running towards the trees he could hear ships coming through
the air to inspect the loud sound in the dome.
~ 177 ~

They entered through the dome unnoticed. Since the ship was
retracted, no evidence that it was anything more than a meteor would be
found. This was good for Michabou. He needed to get away. Now he
would just need to wait until they found him.
Finding encampment in the hollow of a tree, it was as if he had
never left. The de ja vu of the moment. “I get myself into a lot of
trouble.” Michabou mumbles to himself.
Red lights blinking on his chest. Michabou rises to see large
sasquatch standing around him in the tree hollow. Grabbing him by the
arms two large beings lift him up, carrying him out onto an elevator.
“I am so glad to see you guys!” spoke Michabou, thinking all
was calm now that he was undercover. Their appearance agitated, edgy,
and a bit angry.
Under the ground red infrared lights blinked in the darkness. The
alarms of light emitted throughout the core of the planetary corridors
that traversed from canyon to canyon. It was a state of emergency.
Michabou forcibly taken to the central hut of the village, no doubt to
meet with Kulkukan.
Drug through the doors and throw onto the floor, he stood before
the native leader. “Kulkukan, I do not know what is happening.”
Michabou coming face to face with an angry leader.
“They tracked you here. You were used as a Trojan horse. No
doubt they will gain access through the magma core in time.” Spoke
Kulkukan unnerved and for the first-time panicking.
“Why have you come back?” Questioned Kulkukan.
“We have to leave. You have to leave now. They are going to
destroy the planet. The Seraphim and the Nephilim are now at war.
They are coming.”
The burning almost unbearable as the needle like object
Mishebeshu had given him burned a hole through his garment. The
detonator falling to the floor. Glowing bright red it elevated and pierced
into the central core of the planet.
Violent shaking as the ball immediately glowed bright red
wobbling out of rhythm. “What have you done!” The Chief in dismay as
rock began falling from the outer walls of the core of the planet.
“I didn’t know” Michabou responded. “It becomes my duty to
destroy this world.” Kulkukan spoke, Michabou, thinking to himself, if
Kulkukan is willing to self-destruct the planet himself, then why I was
given the information chip to merge with the core, surely not to destroy
the planet.
“Kulkukan, they gave me this chip. Said to merge it with the
core, which it did on its own without my help. That it would destroy the
planet”, questioned Michabou
“We must escape.” Michabou shouting to Kulkukan.
In an instant the ball stopped spinning as spider web like fibers
shot out in all directions. The inside of the heart of the planet turning
~ 178 ~

into a solid metallic structure. It is being reprogrammed. It did not

destroy the core; it’s using the energy of the core to build. The Seraphim
had tricked him.
“Those fools, they sought to harness its power. There is an
escape, a ship, created to preserve all life on this planet, like an ark, in
the event something would destroy the surface. It was created to be a
seed as a last option.” Kulkukan explained it was time to flee.
Michabou realizing the shaking was in fact tremors from the
interior changing into a programmed building. There never was escape
for him. He had been used by Mishebeshu to entrap Kulkukan. He had
sold him out. To what? His Great Spirits? The dark benevolent deities
who preferred darkness to light? The master builders shrouded in
mystery and yet the ancestors to any biological Grey alien he was
He imagined how it went down. Mishebeshu convincing him to
destroy the planet and save Kulkukan. Conspiring with the Nephilim to
abandon the planet removing any possibility for escape and the death of
all opposition. He did it out of leverage.
Walking to the central spinning core of the planet. The small
frail old man stretched his hands in front of him, palms up. The tips of
his fingers touching the sphere. Slowly waves of energy began forming
around his hands. Glowing orbs of heat moving around his body.
The core glowing fluorescent green and emerging a green crystal
shard. “Now we have the core power” Kulkukan moved towards a back
“This will take us to the ship, we will seek refuge on Gia in the
dark hemisphere of the planet. I had hoped we would not have to do
this, what a loss.” Spoke Kulkukan.
Michabou wondered where Kulkukan and his elders were
visitors from? “How can we avoid the Nephilim and the Seraphim?”
Questioned Michabou overwhelmed with doubt and frustration, there
was not enough answers to the questions he still had.
He didn’t even know what a Nephilim was yet, he had
understood who the Seraphim might be they were Star Seeds. The wild
monkey men of Aayaash, hominid hybrids created in experiments for a
working force. The Big Foot, an ancient tribe of hominid being that is
from another universe, and the Native men, but who were these beings
that resembled the Grey only more archaic and decrepit.
So much of this seemed like reasonable grasps on the history of
Earths past, but this was beyond that. Millions of
years in the past if not hundreds of millions of years. A steel
building 1000 stories high untraceable after a million years, considering
several 100 million years lay before him, it would be as if it never
~ 179 ~

Even in the Earth’s past there are buildings of Puma Punku, cut
with such precision, arranged with perfect symmetry each stone block
like a puzzle piecing together.
Modern technology could not duplicate. In time, all cultures,
civilizations expire. But there were remnants of the future, the roots of
the future, present in front of him.
“Michabou, the escape ship is ready.” The Old Man leading
them into a long cigar shaped ship hidden in the rock. All had
successfully evacuated to the ship. “This is one of theirs, we hid it here
since the beginning in case we needed to abandon the planet.”
The Old Man operating the ship with his mind. It seemed
programmed to obey his commands and thoughts. The ship flying out
into the atmosphere. Displaying on the screen a world filled with domes
exploding off its surface. Rockets blasting at the base flying into the
“Where are all of those going?” Questioned Michabou.
“Gia.” Responded Kulkukan.
The surface a massive network of metal sheets and electronic
machines. It was as if the domes leaving was a planned event. As if
Mishebeshu timed the inner core movement at the very moment the
domes were leaving. It would show mastery of deception.
The cloaked black cigar shaped ship flying towards the planet.
Michabou could see Mars with ships not fighting, but in gathering life
from the surface of the planet. They were working together. It was true.
He had been lied too.
The large dinosaurs that roamed its surface captured to take to
the planet Gia, or Earth. The Star Seeds emerging from the center of the
planet being loaded into ships.
He remembered the Earth when viewing it with Mishebeshu.
The burning part and the clouded portions, but he remembered the green
mountains, the trees, and the pockets of life. The remaining ashes of a
once powerful civilization. The planet regaining control and dominion.
“We are approaching the Earth.” Spoke the Old Man.
Viewing 360 degrees on a screen appearing in the center of the
command room. Imagery of the Earth, the video of thousands of domes
entering the Earth’s atmosphere and landing on the surface in all
directions. Some landing in the dark hidden hemisphere. The long cigar
shaped ships hovering over the planet monitoring the reintroduction of
“What are in all of those domes?” Questioned Michabou.
“All with life. The light and the dark. The entire spectrum they
have created.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Light and dark, listen Old
Man, Chief, you haven’t been exactly forthright with knowledge and
information. Who are the Nephilim and what are they doing to the
planet with all those domes?”
~ 180 ~

Angry, blood boiling over, he was tired of watching the movie

wind away, get to the point. “They are engineers. Genetic engineers.
They build life and they control life.”
“When my people arrived here from a dying solar system in a
dying universe. We found this world uninhabited. The second world
filled with Seraphim, who were destroying the world in a runaway
greenhouse catastrophe. An industrialized people intent on self-
destruction. Our presence affecting their atmosphere when our universe
entered into this one with a sound wave. The third world covered in ice
many miles in thickness. The Nephilim have been on the fourth world
with domes covering the planet’s surface. The Seraphim seeking access
to leave the planet Simud. To live in a dome upon the surface. You see
many overlapping questions and timelines. The Nephilim are
continually quarantined by the Seraphim to protect everyone from their
selfish ways.”
“They captured many of my kind when they arrived. Using our
genetic material, they created the many kinds of creations. Many of the
captured Chiye Tanka and my people were placed alone upon the
snowball world to suffer in bitter isolation. Where you find a Chiye
Tanka, you find health in the ecosystem. In a way, their presence on Gia
brought her back to life. The problem we saw when the Seraphim
started creating alternate species of themselves. Carnivorous beasts with
razor teeth. It was the first thing they did with the material given to them
by the Nephilim. The Cannibals got loose on Simud but were contained
by the Nephilim. There are domes filled with horrific creations. They do
not destroy even toxic life, they manipulate it and reintroduce it into an
ecosystem always looking for something new to emerge that they can
further manipulate.”
“This all incredible things, where I am from these beasts are
called dinosaurs and they were all together on Earth.” Michabou was
struggling to connect the dots of so many overlapping stories.
“Nonsense, if they have it has not happened yet. The planet was
covered in ice when we arrived. The Nephilim changed the climate with
introduction of new life. We were eventually overtaken as they focused
on Simud.”
“Do not be mistaken, these are not benevolent creatures who
promote life. They promote new life for their own manipulation. If a life
emerges that is so detrimental to all other life, they do not destroy it.
They manipulate it to be more powerful, have greater abilities than
before and plethora of life are spawned from one organism whether evil
or good.”
The Old Man then spoke, “The Nephilim world currently can’t
return. The Nephilim believe it will but its cycle orbit was changed and
they lack the ingredients to provide its power. Trapped between the
orbit of two sister stars. It should not come this way again.”
“Where did it go?” Questioned Michabou.
~ 181 ~

“One of its moons resides as a much smaller world than it once

was, trapped in an orbit outside of the ability to come this way again. If
you were to find this world. It would most likely be dying. If you found
the moon and headed directly away from the sun outwards of that moon
you would find Nibiru.”
“The moon?” Questioned Michabou.
“It would have a large heart shaped scar from where it collided
with the moon of Gia. I believe that Nibiru is no more.” The Old Man
spoke with wisdom.
“How do you know these things Kulkukan?”
“We watched as it occurred. The remnants of Nibiru strung
throughout the solar system infecting other planets with organic
compounds. The massive destruction of all life on that strange world.
Beings that survive in another wave length of ultraviolet light. The
small collection that escaped to the fourth planet displacing my people.”
“How the planet diminished in size as it was hurled outwards
towards the dark red star hidden just outside this solar system. They
have not regained contact. They say they are coming back. But all
indication, the once thriven planet is dead.”
“Those remaining, doing only what they know. Creating. We are
going to go down to the surface. Find a habitable place to hide this ship
and survive.”
~ 182 ~


Mishebeshu’s plan had worked perfectly. Michabou had led
them to the exact location of the ancient invaders. They were the end of
the Carian. The detonator in place regardless of whether Michabou put
it in the core or not. Timed to coincide with the releasing of pods. The
inner core of the planet now his own.
All pods released and heading towards Gia. The Nephilim
oblivious to his plan or to Michabou. First step would be to gain access
to the planet. He would agree to finally enter into a dome. To be subject
to the Nephilim. But only on the planet Tiamat. Hovering above the
prize gem of a world, the devastation could be seen. Gia was regaining
life in all forms, a survival of the fittest. Those that found a way out of
the domes at advantage for dominion over those choosing to life inside.
Then there were the beasts.
Cities abandoned. Oceans of magma on parts of the globe.
Electrical storms coursing across nuclear deserts. Bolts of lightning
hitting the ground like rain drops in a never-ending downpour. There
were calm parts of the broken world. These would be where the
capsules would land. Each containing experiments of life as created by
the Nephilim.
“Enjoying the view?” The ghostly creatures swirling around him
speaking one sentence among six.
The sleeking drifting Nephilim, swaying left and right with
waves of cloudy matter hanging off his back like a dark cloak. The
ghost creature with large black eyes and menacing jaws.
Arms held in front like a praying mantis. “We gave you place
once before. Betrayal. It won’t be like that this time. We will leave
some behind but a group will enter into a dome on Tiamat. You can do
your experiments and enhancements on them.”
“I will give you something grander still. An infinite genetic
The sounds of six voices sharing a single sentence was demonic
in sound, “Infinite genetic code. Provide. Analysis.”
“A being appeared here several weeks ago. I believe you had a
run in with him in one of the domes on Tiamat. He says he is from the
future. His genetic code contains more information than all code you
have ever provided, combined. I will show you where he is. You will
then make my people rulers over all life.”
Handing a vile to the beings filled with purple liquid. They
moved out of the ship.
~ 183 ~

The sentence repeating, “Gitche Manitou.”

What they did not know? Mishebeshu would be in the core of
the planet. He himself would detonate the planet. He would free his
people of the Nephilim.
Moving to Aayaash who had appeared with a dozen warriors. “I
need you to go to the planet Gia, break open as many of the domes as
you can. We need chaos on that world. You will bring it. Oh, and if you
run into my friend Michabou, please bring him to me unharmed.”
Mishebeshu knew the material would be focused on almost
exclusively, the Nephilim preoccupied with new technology.
Referencing some unknown Gitche Manitou. Who cared, the only
Gitche Manitou Mishebeshu cared about was the one that would place
him as king of this solar system.
The riddance of the Nephilim once and for all.
Meanwhile on planet Earth, Aayaash and the dozen warriors
with him decided the distance between the spheres made commuting
between them impossible. Choosing to fire cannons at the spheres they
boarded stealth fighters.
Swooping down between the tall powerful clouds, the thick
pressing atmosphere, the sounds of construction willed the air as pods
slammed onto the surface. Birds, pterodactyls, larger dinosaurs moving
between the broken spheres. The distances 15 km between each sphere.
Aayaash accompanying the new stealth gray aliens who were
flying the ships. In between them robotic machines working to repair
any damages on the domes.
Lightning rippling across the fractured atmosphere. The volatile
shifting winds, and the fallout were dangers that threatened the security
of the domes and those they enclosed.
Aayaash wanted to hit the ground. He felt honor serving his
creator. The desire to die in combat worthy of remembrance. His people
wanting to survive.
In the distance Aayaash could see the descending cigar-shaped
ship. Penetrating into a dark valley the ship pressing into the granite of
the mountain until dissolving to the interior.
“We go, there” Pointing towards where the ship vanished.
Michabou still on the ship had understood this was Kulkukan
mission, his ship, his agenda, but he would not stay confined. He knew
he must venture and seek others. If he could find Ququmatz, they could
get everyone working together.
Walking out of the cave created by the ship melting the stone.
Michabou could see the devastation for the first time. A large dome
loomed behind the massive tropical trees. More domes seen descending
in the distant skies.
Fires burning, loud smashes, bangs, and screams of wild animals
of all variety filled the air. The ground shaking under the rhythmic
~ 184 ~

barrage of descending bio-domes. Each its own Garden of Eden, a safe

base for all those who would venture into the wilderness.
Is this how it began? The story of Adam and Eve, being innocent
in a perfect sphere, monitored and watched. All needs provided.
Michabou could envision the scene. Then the breaking of the glass, the
realization of access to another foreign environment. The separation of
the self from the source.
It made perfect sense. After all, he was living the reality and the
reality was right now. Moving slowly along the cliff face Michabou
could see descending below the tree line several small flight ships from
Mishebeshu’s air fleet.
Watching intently, he viewed several dark gray metallic smooth
gray aliens accompany the primate man Aayaash towards the cavern in
the cliffs.
“I have to warn them. Carrying a laser pistol, Michabou moved
slowly behind Mishebeshu’s followers. Instantly the thunderous
crashing of a massive tyrannosaurus rex plowed through the group
throwing Aayaash across the ground. Gray beings crushed instantly. The
forty-foot beast ferociously tearing at the prey without hesitation.
Aayaash crawling into the canopy. Michabou moving slowly towards
The Grays mounting an attack against the beast. Climbing on its
back tearing its scales off in rampant efforts to make the giant lizard
stop. Only to be tossed off and quickly shredded into pieces. The men of
Aayaash fleeing into the woods, everything and everyone fleeing for
survival into all directions.
Michabou reaching forward placing his hand over Aayaash
mouth, while hooking his arm behind his back. Aayaash could barely
stand or hold resistance. Michabou whispering, “Easy big guy, we have
got to get some distance.”
The two drifting into the solid blackness of the dense forest
canopy. The sounds of waling from the lizard echoing through the
There would be dangers at every corner, not discounting any
possible form of creation that is specifically built to kill. Here he had an
injured Aayaash, who seemed hell bent on capturing or killing him. The
present danger of savage beasts all stressed in a foreign environment.
The blood shed that would begin that night would be awe inspiring.
Sounds of chaotic screaming of all kinds erupting through the
air. Michabou hidden under the ledge of a slit behind the forest canopy.
The sound of robotic machines fighting with the life forms trying to put
them back into their domes.
Aayaash opening his eyes, “hey you rock, how you are feeling”
Michabou trying to make light of the ape-man’s injury. “Me, free, me,
untie.” The words labored.
~ 185 ~

Aayaash leaping to his feet. Staring at his hands. Sitting next to

the small fire. “Why do you follow him like an animal?” Questioned
“Follow who?” Aayaash seemed oblivious to the thought he
could be subconsciously serving another unjustly. “Mishebeshu”
Michabou was sharp and direct. “Mishebeshu, my creator. own me.”
Responded Aayaash. “No one owns you.” responded Michabou.
“Aayaash, does the Earth own the tree because it is planted in its soil?
Does the honeybee own the flower because it can take its pollen?
Aayaash, however you were created, you are the master of your own
Aayaash stared in awe, easily lured in by fancy speaking.
Aayaash admired Michabou because he looked more advanced.
“In a way Aayaash, we are brothers. What is the location relative
to a planet, a star system, a galaxy when viewed from the perspective of
multiverses? A drop in a bucket. You could build a new life for your
people here. On this world. You could have independence. Choose your
own destiny.”
Michabou thought about Mishebeshu, the self-serving individual
who had survived through cataclysm on Earth, a remnant of the Carian
from Venus who was now fighting for escape from the chains that
bound him to Mars. “Yes Aayaash, destiny. A life that you decide.”
“Destiny...” muttered Aayaash
Michabou moving towards Aayaash reached out to hand him a
small blade from his waste. It was manifest by the suit that he wore.
Holding it high with a slashing motion. “Where I come from, Aayaash
is a Great Spirit of War. A great warrior. That could be you. You don’t
have to follow Mishebeshu.”
Aayaash had remembered being abducted by the dark beings.
The tanks filling with water suspended in the air, he and his people
experimented on in diverse ways. The nightmAayaash. He had always
feared returning to those tanks. Being separated from the protection of
Aayaash lacked the ability to reason. He made calculations
separate from emotion that often preserved his life. What he had in
street smarts he lacked in intelligence and yet it was his courage and
determination to live that would always ensure his survival. The
demeaning species that suppressed them as unintelligent apes had
brainwashed them into submission.
Failing to recognize the truth, Michabou believed that all species
vary with none more or less superior or important than the other. Some
have greater leverage or access to information which became
knowledge. This did not make them superior, it made them accountable.
Just because the bird can eat the dragonfly does not mean the dragonfly
lacks equal importance. There is not an active bird vs dragonfly world
war organized to annihilate and affect all other life forms. Here again,
~ 186 ~

the emergence of forces of control. Tin Great Spirits seeking control

over their patch of dirt.
Michabou had scouted the perimeter prior to Aayaash awaking
and knew following the conversation over reason they would need to
“Aayaash, we are going over that ridge to the large dome. We
need to find survivors. Do you know where your people may have gone
if they survived?”
“They here already.” Responded Aayaash, motioning to the trees
as six large hominids stepped out of the shadows.
Michabou marveled because he had just scouted that area, not a
sign of any intruders. Stunned how many could be standing in broad
daylight undetected. He felt safer having the extra eyes of Aayaash.
Aayaash was displaying a show of trust. He didn’t have to stay or listen
and yet he did.
“Aayaash, you can decide to go back to the life worth of work
and submission which will become your legacy to future generations.
The real question, how do you wish to be remembered for eternity?”
Aayaash looking left and right at his half dozen followers moved
to surround him. The group staring at Michabou.
“We follow you.” Aayaash spoke throwing his staff onto the
ground. The other warriors doing the same.
“You won't follow me. You are your own leader. From now on,
you make your own decisions. You are only accountable to them.”
Pointing to the others like Aayaash. “Please pick up your staffs. Tell me
you have a ship of some kind, we have to get off this planet.”
“Ship, ship.” Nodding, he proceeded towards the clearing. “I
think it would be best to get the hell out of here. The bride has arrived,
the ballroom packed and the party just getting started.”
Within the tree line a small ship. The group boarding the vessel
leaving the surface of the planet. The vast scope of what was occurring
was understood when viewed from above. Bio-domes covering the
surface with many more still descending through the atmosphere
covered the planet.
Across the surface the creatures that had escaped the crashed bio
domes varied from unknown squid beings to bipedal people. There were
also many dark beasts, the dragons, the lizards, the giant dragons and
giant lizards.
No doubt havoc on the surface for all life stranded in a reality
that demanded only one thing, survival. In that environment, there are
no rules. Creatures asserting dominance in the controlled environment
as the war over balance prematurely began. The engineers had been
creating a never-ending cycle of life in an effort to produce something
they lacked. Filling a world with electronic components building
spheres to encapsulate all the varying life forms as produced by the
genetic engineers.
~ 187 ~

Everyone seeking refuge or freedom or vengeance. He had seen

the large lizard; Michabou was not sure whether it was from the domes
or if the domes had landed into a prehistoric Jurassic park. Maybe both.
Michabou thought of a song, “Reverend, REVEREND come
quick. I met a man in the sticks. He wore a cigar on his lip. The Devil
wears a suit and tie.”
Aayaash directed the ship towards Mars. Moving at a slower rate
there was time to adjust to the escape from the hostile world. Earth in
chaos. Empty cities, technologies from advanced cultures in ashes as the
surface teamed with experiments. Among them the native peoples of
Kulkukan and the sasquatch natives.
The rings of the planets crust illuminating the darkness of space.
The continental shelf raw and exposed as vast oceans covered and
separated the continents. Life existing in every extreme across the
Earth was not yet home.
Aayaash speaking in grunts and groans with his followers. Using
hand signals and drawing with his finger. They were planning.
He had thought quite a bit about his old life in the old world. The
Tin Great Spirits. Imagining a world where bumble bees subjected the
ants in forced slavery. Michabou was a natural philosopher. If the tree
punished the animal or swallowed the bird for landing on its limb.
Nature had a balance. Society was structured around willful slavery.
“Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge,
fitter to bruise than polish.” Anne Bradstreet
The ship arriving on the surface of Simud. Landing in one of the
underground base openings. To Michabous surprise no one was present.
It was deserted. Stepping out of the ship, Aayaash looked at Michabou
with bewilderment. The place was a ghost town.
When they were last passing Mars, this place was filled with
bio-domes as well as ships of the Nephilim. The Seraphim were actively
moving. Now they were all gone. Did they leave the planet?
The rock that had held them captive for so long. Was a deal
struck to provide them access to the core of the planet? Unlimited
power? They obviously were unaware the crystal chard he had been
given by Kulkukan.
What would be the plans of that wise old man? Now rebuilding
on the planet Earth. Living in advanced quarters of an Ancient ship in
solid granite he will act as prophet and Great Spirit to a displaced
people. An ark in time.
Watching over the planet. Its diverse archaic beings and life
forms both hostile and friendly. Aayaash and his men disappearing into
the rock caverns. The wind-swept dirt spinning in the air. The dripping
of water from fountains. heard from great distances. The echoing of the
howls of wind carrying the silence of everything else.
~ 188 ~

Michabou looking at his revolver, the laser bullets, the unlimited

clip that reanimates bullets by reprogramming atoms. Where had
everyone gone?
Since atoms are present in all things, the weapon would always
be loaded. This was one of the many devices the Seraphim produced
with the building material they took from his DNA.
Using the program like a man would use wood or steel, molding
it, shaping it, it wanted to be organized. The usefulness in benefitting
the progress of the species.
A panicked and dismayed Aayaash returned through the canyon.
His entire tribe gone. Vanished from the surface with the remaining Star
Seeds. They must have taken them to Tiamat or to the Earth.
Reloading the ships, they set course for Tiamat. Being
Mishebeshu’s chief steward they would gain easy access to the
surface if Mishebeshu was in fact on the planet.
Michabou’s mind was always turning and twisting in thought.
He questioned himself, the motives, the way and means it all had
happened. Is the plight of the Earth in one of those large 15-mile-wide
domes? Could one of them contain Adam and Eve emerging from safety
into chaos of a lone and dreary world? Too many domes to make an
assumption that it was not at least possible. If not true, wouldn't it be
plausible to assume human beings who were withheld from knowledge
from birth would be pliable tools in the hands of the more advanced
beings who will always view the created as beneath them?
He imagined what it would be like in that reality. The same
being instructing the man to name all the beast of the field, that in a lack
of his presence all things were beneath his foot. A structure of
subjection. Michabou had seen the extreme of theology. If he could
imagine it, he knew someone else must have done it.
The Celestials were ruling without remorse; he knew they would
be coming soon to this timeline. He remembered the story of their
discovery of this planet. Would he view the historic encounter first
hand? Was this why he was sent back? He would return to Mishebeshu.
He would find a way to get the shard back to the central core. Kulkukan
had told him that the reinsertion of the crystal would set a self-destruct
“Aayaash.” Showing him the green crystal, “We need to return
this to Mishebeshu. You will say I am dead on Earth. You give him this
crystal. The crystal will cause an explosion, make sure you give yourself
time to escape.”
“My people?” Aayaash was concerned with the outcome of his
own people.
“Go find your people, send them here, I will wait with them. The
future of your people relies upon you getting this crystal to Mishebeshu.
Give the crystal to Mishebeshu and save your people, if you don’t you
will lose your people.”
~ 189 ~

“Man, master’s nature not by force, but by understanding.”

Jacob Bronowski

As Aayaash entered the airspace he was granted immediate

access. A recognized member of Mishebeshu’s command he flew
uncontested to the leader’s location.
Mishebeshu had been waiting in the heart of the planet. Utilizing
the expanse of space within the planet. A vast improvement upon the
place his people clung for life on Simud. His plan coming to fruition.
A skeleton crew still maintaining a small colony on Simud. With
others now implanted on Gia. Agents of chaos. The light of day for the
Seraphim was coming near.
The Nephilim believing him and all his people contained within
a newly created bio dome. Many appearing to replace the released bio
domes. The process beginning again with a new cycle of creation. The
engineers more room to store their experiments.
The decision to release the bio domes was because of the
material Mishebeshu had provided them. A new agreement in place to
allow the lizard man to survive in return for the ability to regain power.
Using Michabou to get the chard to the core. Using the
simultaneous release of domes to convince Kulkukan and Michabou the
planet was about to blow. Manipulating the Nephilim to gain access to
the surface of the planet within a sphere. Then access to the core. All the
while, the Nephilim working in a mad frenzy to create using all material
they could obtain that he had given to them. The purpose was to find the
material to allow them physical form once more and not a shift in
between two dimensions.
Seeking the source code which will allow them the ability to
regain their form. Rebuilding their broken empire. Reconnecting with
outer command. Mishebeshu was successful fulfilling their mission. A
new beginning had come. He was sure the Nephilim would realize the
material he gave them contained 98% pure data which he believed was
what they were searching.
Placing the material in their power core the central processing
unit of engineering began to glow. A glowing white liquid surrounding
the room as sprinklers began spraying glowing mist down upon the six
Nephilim scientists. Each working to place the gel from Mishebeshu
into the machine for examination.
The machine began glowing and spinning light through the
room. The six Nephilim walking into the center of the room. Their
images shifting like sand in the wind. Unable to gain form or physical
manifestation. Standing still the beings began rising taller and became
more solid to reveal massive 30-foot tall muscled humanoids with pitch
black eyes. Black scaled uniform covering their bodies with blue skin.
~ 190 ~

The giant beings making orders that echoed through their station in deep
Beings entered the room emerging as tall humanoids. Grasping
large swords and placing helmets onto their heads they began preparing
for war. These creations were different. Many were previously the
hunched over grey beings. The bulging biceps of massive muscled
frames were covered in translucent grey skin with pitch black eyes. The
massive hands working technology from civilization billions of years
The frenetic energy of the beings moving their fingers as keys
appeared in the air using the material dripping and covering the entire
room. The material forced to command the architects who were moving
among the masses working quickly. The result was beyond their best
The creations that were not intended to exist in the flesh finding
the provision to enter the mortal sphere once more. Succeeding after
eons of testing and experimentation. It was time to return to Nibiru. It
was time to awaken the watchers.
~ 191 ~


Mishebeshu had returned to the Nephilim leaders. They had
summoned his presence. Moving among the towering behemoths for
men they were cover in blue skin with workers that resembled white
overlords much the same as Michabou but more militaristic. They were
humanoid beings but not men. Seeking to provide an opportunity to the
In a deep thunderous voice one of the beings began speaking,
“What is it that makes our cells different from one another? What makes
them look and behave so differently? What is it that makes a muscle cell
look different than a neuron? After all, we all carry the same DNA. You
are a geneticist Mishebeshu and have provided the Nephilim with a very
important tool. For this we grant you knowledge. Its epigenetic
instructions that tell each cell which genes to turn on and which genes to
turn off. With the different genes in play these become different cells
and the possibility of creation endless.”
The main being speaking seemed to be a scientist of extreme
knowledge. No longer shifting black entities they had form and
dimension with depth. The being continued speaking. “In the past this
produced a power so great it provided one-man the ability to oppress all
others. It is why we are here? It is why we have done the work we have
done? I am sure you have asked yourself these questions Mishebeshu.
The genetic material you provided is eternal. It has a chromatin that
allows instant and eternal access to change, modification,
reorganization. For any creation. Much of the cells imprinting on the
chromatin during the embryonic development. The epigenetic marks on
the chromatin give us the access to determine any creations destiny.
Something we did not have access to with the creations of this world.
We are aware of a human that you have come into contact. We must
capture him. The next step is to duplicate this being, this human, make
duplicates to farm for their material. You will begin the genetic
“Keep in mind as you engineer using his material the epigenetic
marks can be influenced by the environment. The environment of the
planet we perform the very same procedure all transmits as chemical
signals producing new species. You have only mastered the
organization of atoms by way of command, with limitations. The greater
creation is turning on and turning off the greatest beings of existence.
We have been seeking to reconnect with our true selves. To reverse the
effects of our punishment by the Brahma. The first Gitche Manitou of
our origin.”
~ 192 ~

Mishebeshu processing the information rapidly formulating his

own perspective of the perspective this being was sharing. “Your
species Mishebeshu can live beyond your greatest dreams. For tens of
generations your epigenetic marks can be passed down in perfection.
We can assist you. You in return can assist us in the development of
these clones and the collection of the data. Until this time we have both
been limited by inferior code making duplicates of duplicates simply
degenerate versions of themselves with each generation. The results
were varying lifeforms but on the molecular structure no new code to
Mishebeshu put it together. They needed the material to stabilize
themselves. Finding a way to restructure their genetic vibration to this
dimension, the Nephilim were now their true selves.
“In the distance is the Nibiru, we will heal the home of the
architects of this sphere of sound. There you will stay. Your people will
remain on Simud, Tiamat, and Gia. You will begin your work
immediately. You no longer are forbidden from expansion.”
Mishebeshu, knew they may be misleading him by purpose to
keep him separated. With his group in smaller locations spread across
three worlds it would be easier for the Nephilim to swoop down and
dominate one by one. It was an illusion. Mishebeshu wanted to keep the
Nephilim from controlling his people and tracking his movements.
Mishebeshu knew he would never leave again.
The leader of the Nephilim began speaking again. “It is
important all duplicates are developed within the Nibiru. To ensure the
genetic structure will remain unmolested by the effects of space, time
and energy. From this point forward, you will refer to us as The
Celestials. I am Maji-Manidoo of Dharma.”
Coming into view on the screen among the darkness of space a
massive planet sized, structure appeared. A behemoth synthetic world
floating through space.
“This is the Nibiru.” The giant leader Maji-Manidoo speaking as
if relieved it was still there.
The interplanetary structure in constant construction with robotic
ships repairing and building along the lower right portion. Much of the
machine rebuilt and looking new after its collision with the Earth.
Mishebeshu was noticing the red tint of the local red dwarf star floating
just out of the solar system. The infrared radiation refracting of the
surface of the metal that covered the world. The clouds in space swirling
around the world giving it an industrial look.
Mishebeshu was gaining a greater respect and fear of the
Nephilim. The ship had arrived. The giant being leaving the room as the
ship attached through the artificial atmosphere into the mobile planet.
Mishebeshu followed them inside through the corridor into the
surface of the world. Inside the planet everything was black with
obsidian resembling surfaces.
~ 193 ~

Cowering beneath the multitude of giants filling every corridor

he was cautious of whether this would be a trap. Moving deeper into the
machine Mishebeshu noticed the floors on the ceiling and ground had
gravity. The rounded walkways dark and pristine.
They came to a circular room with a capsule sitting in the center.
The room black with smooth obsidian surface. The cigar shaped capsule
large enough to hold them all. As Mishebeshu entered the capsule it
sealed. The capsule was completely transparent from the inside allowing
Mishebeshu to look in all directions. It rose up turning vertical and yet
this movement had no effect on Mishebeshu equilibrium. It then moved
speeding rapidly deeper into the planet. Coming to a stop he could see a
massive expanse. The dimly lit surfaces filled with more giants working
feverishly. Moving canisters of the material provided by the Seraphim.
They were preparing the Nibiru for something.
One of the blue Celestials stated after stopping and facing
Mishebeshu. “This will be your working area. Where you will eat,
where you will sleep, where you will work. This entire block. Notice the
corners of each room are signified with a color. You stay in this section
which is large.”
The light a faint red glow. The working area separated by
transparent walls that had an off color to them that produced a crystal-
clear lens effect for any who may be watching. They would be watching
his every move. His engineering recorded into their genetic machines.
The future of what would be created, milk for their blood. Filtering the
blood and extracting human antibodies.
Mishebeshu speaking to the giant needed clarification. “One cell
of even a replica of Michabou’s DNA produces an endless material to
replicate. It never experiences entropy. The building blocks, untouched.
At the sub atomic genetic level, we have the ability to do anything.”
Maji-Manidoo replying with delight in his eyes. “Duplicate the
being. No eyes. No mouth. Fed by machine. Harvest the genetic
material. We will provide you with further instructions for others that
will be brought forth into mortality.”
The menacing giants moving quickly as if each were a genius
scientist who understood all of creation. Perhaps only genetic
engineering. Mishebeshu moving to begin the process of extracting the
DNA to input into a machine they conveniently had available. It had
been done before, it was by design. Producing a technological
singularity. Mishebeshu would use the machines to create more gray
soldiers. He would fuse the ancient’s genetic material with the human
genetic material to produce a homo-superior Great Spirit. The sentinels
to the Nephilim and he could get away with it.
Mishebeshu seeing the positive benefits of the enticing
technology. Using to his benefit. Within weeks the large Nephilim
pacing through the massive cylinders with thousands of corpses
~ 194 ~

contained in incubation chambers. Tubes pushing nutrients and fluids

through the body.
The neurological inputs of all connected to one rhythm. Born
with no eyes and no mouth. The frontal cortex removed. No
differentiation in gender. He would clone Michabou by the millions.
The retroviral DNA marking the human’s creations changing them on a
genetic level to immortal vessels. The bodies sustained in perfect
harmony. Producing unlimited genetic material.
In time Mishebeshu would produce these vessels as well as
many others. Mishebeshu then used the abundance of excess material
from the clones to create foot soldiers. His variations of the organic gray
machines ironically within the world of the original grey. The Sentinels
resembling the Nephilim although ten feet in height with golden skin,
and wings on their backs. A hybrid between human and Nephilim.
The orders came down from the overseers that Mishebeshu
would need to produce more of the sentinels. Mishebeshu responding to
the request. “We can produce one every cycle hour. Several cycles of
the rotating planet equal to Earth day. Currently 400 per full cycle.”
In his own chamber Mishebeshu withholding from their
attention his personal creation. Seraphim that could transform into any
species it came into contact. A true chameleon with the ultimate
camouflage capabilities. He had created several exact replicas of
Michabou. Unlike the clones created to be harvested vessels without
thought or consciousness he had created male and female versions of
living humans. With every genetic human marker intact. These were his
personal insurance policy on the future of humanity. His ability to
prepare using the technology of the Nephilim in case of destruction was
invaluable. Keeping them in cryogenic containers the human clones
were aquariums for a future time.
In other research locations he had created something even more
dangerous. Intelligently designed human cattle. Mute bipedal humans
that moved like chicken. Never making a sound as they had no mouth or
eyes. The vessel that moved. Absorbing the nutrients needed from
ultraviolet light. One of many genetic mutations Mishebeshu had
developed. In the process of his linking and searching gaining access to
the electronic database of the ancients Mishebeshu was able to learn
several things about the ancients.
Recording in his transmitter he expressed surprise to learn that
many cycles of life had occurred in the past upon Gia and his home
world as well as other planets in this star system. Life emerging and
exploring continuously. Cataclysms presenting scientists with decisions
on whether to allow extinction or step in altering the future of life for
that world. The Nephilim had served in all roles. They had ruled a
planet that they built into a traveling ship. A planet destroying inter
dimensional ship. Moving in the orbit of the star that contained the
location of a world that would provide material to escape. He knew they
~ 195 ~

had preserved energy moving in and nearly lost all their lives simply to
course the world into orbit around the sun.
It was never intended for the world to collide with a planet. To
their horror the very planet they needed. The Nibiru constructed to be a
planet builder. To harness the ability to access pure energy from thin air.
How the process worked was unknown to Mishebeshu but it was
provided to the Nephilim or at least this Maji-Manidoo.
The Nephilim outcast trapped in this solar system as a 9th world.
Until now unable to leave or move the world as it was trapped between
the gravitational pull of the dark second star and the sun.
The collision with Earth destroying much of the planet Nibiru.
The entire Nephilim species sent into disarray. Trying to access the
source of power trying to harness the genetic material of their own
creations confirming Mishebeshu’s suspicions that the Nephilim had
previous access to the exact DNA of the human Michabou. They had
seen this being in the past or some like him.
Mishebeshu was in greater control here on the structure Nibiru.
The planetary machine preparing to operate for the first time in millions
of years. The span of history so immense that Mishebeshu felt
insignificant when realizing that his species appeared to the Nephilim as
genetically manipulated frontal cortex operating lizards. They respected
them as an industrialized species that had conquered a planet and as
masters of genome manipulation. While not considering them as equals
Mishebeshu felt that the Nephilim respected that the seraphim were
survivors. Just like them.
The Seraphim, advanced lizards from the second planet from the
sun. The original rulers of this universe. A story so in depth it could not
be truly understood by reason. He remembered the history of Sky
Woman the mother of the Iln. In an effort to increase the temperature of
their atmosphere the seraphim created an unstable greenhouse effect that
went out of control leading to their own demise. It wasn’t the Nephilim
that had done it. Kulkukan and his people had caused the end to come.
Mishebeshu had not realized that even his species was founded
by a precursor species of colonizers. Those beings the fathers of the
Carian had come from other dimensions before this place had ever been.
It was where Aln came from as his species simply adapted to the
changes of a dying universe. They were the children of a once great
civilization that succumbed to its time. The inter-dimensional and multi-
universal implications of this ideological rationalizing could lead
someone to give up.
The Nephilim records speaking of their supreme leader. The
master creator Brahma stripping the Nephilim of the ability to
contribute technologically to the empire. Out casting them into this
realm. The database recorded only faint details on the supreme leader
and that the Nephilim were deathly afraid of his returning. Mishebeshu
realized that the Nephilim were not Great Spirits but and older race
~ 196 ~

outcast and fallen from its own society. Criminals to an entire

Brahma had taken the Nephilim’s ability to sustain a constant
physical manifestation in the rhythm of the matter of the location in the
universe. Hovering between multiple dimensions. Put on hold in time
and trapping them within a singularity in space. Was it this singular
being that had the Nephilim working to produce massive amounts of the
It made sense. They operated out of fear.
The massive planetary ship igniting as the genetic material
entered the energy. The massive steel structure moving slowly towards
the Earth. Having to create its own momentum would be a long and
slow process of gaining speed. The power of the vessel not in its ability
to be mobile. The ability to move an entire planet even if by a few
thousand feet a second is a marvel that could provide a planets
annihilation or survival. The benefit of space, the longer one travels the
accumulation of speed increases in distance. At one point the planet
would be traveling faster than hundreds of thousands of miles per
second. Something unfathomable watching the planet begin its lethargic
In a short time, under the direction of the dark giants lead
scientist Mishebeshu developed an even greater humanoid. He called
them Titans. They were advanced beings made with the DNA string of
the Nephilim, while adding key components at their direction from the
DNA of the duplicates from Michabou. An army of giants averaging
half the height of their creators. The Titans were fearsome giants
genetically engineered to be warriors for the Nephilim but intellectually
scientist and engineers. Mishebeshu feared this type of creation because
of the time when independent autonomy would be demanded among
themselves based upon their intellectual capacity to think for
Mishebeshu determined to fulfill his mission, in time, preparing
for the day the double cross would occur and he would seize his
moment. He too was accumulating power.
After six months of genetic research for the Nephilim, reports
arrived Mishebeshu that the Earth was under quarantine. No species
allowed to enter or exit.
The planet, a crown jewel in space. A naturally resting world
that will not succumb to the effects of space over time. Its location
ensuring the maximum success of all life. The Nephilim fighting for this
world. The life on Gia’s surface competing for its own survival. The
large giant Titans enslaving all creations while the Nephilim departed to
the planet’s surface for the first time.
The winners were the Nephilim, at least momentarily. The new
rulers of the planet under the direction of the Nephilim. The losers were
all naturally existing life. The human species residing on the planet and
~ 197 ~

those in hiding were all slaves. The domes broken down by the Titans
for material to build the massive Nephilim civilization. The genetic
industrialized military complex drove their decisions.
Megalithic buildings made from pure stone formed by
organizing large slabs of pure granite covered the cities. Entire cities
raised on Gia (Earth), Simud (Mars) and Tiamat (Pre-Ceres).
The architects raising an empire. Building a duplicate to their
home world. They were preparing. The Star Seed seraphim vanished
under the surface into the core of Tiamat with the main body living in
bio domes on Tiamat surface. Mishebeshu had traded Gia for Tiamat
and unbeknownst to the Nephilim would one day control the Nibiru. He
had the Nephilim isolated with illusionary power.
The seraphim leader Mishebeshu building a massive force in
preparation for the day and the moment when he would seize power.
Reclaiming the star system for his people.
~ 198 ~


Aayaash family was missing. The troubled hominid struggled
with the concept of not knowing. The stress wearing on his face as thick
bags circled under his eyes from constant obsessing.
Aayaash lacked the brainpower to fully rationalize the loss and
could not seek organized solutions to his problems. He was consumed in
Michabou had spent months focusing on avoiding contact.
Hiding in the shadows waiting for a moment to strike. He was
concerned with the deterioration in the personality of Aayaash.
“Aayaash, you need to relax. We can’t control what is happening.”
Aayaash responding somberly. He was despondent with hands
hanging over his knees staring at the ground. “No hope without family.”
Michabou marveled that this advanced primate cared so deeply
for interpersonal relationships. Michabou admired Aayaash for the
humanity that was within him.
“Aayaash, can I share something with you?”
“Yes.” The lone word emitted by the zombie like Aayaash.
“I want you to view the stars in the sky, the worlds that you
know as trees in a forest.” Pointing to different stars Michabou
continued. “Each tree containing life. You come from a tree, I come
from a tree and Mishebeshu comes from a tree. In the same forest.
Aayaash, does the existence of one tree in a forest mean it is better and
of more worth than all other trees? Or, are they are all the same.”
Aayaash stumbling to follow, “All tree, same forest.”
“Yes, all trees are in the same forest. Because life exists on one
tree does not mean life can’t exist on another tree. Nor does it declare a
tree is not a part of the forest. You do understand.” Michabou was
expounding into areas that had long consumed his mind. Whatever
information or understanding Aayaash would glean he deserved to hear
Getting excited with the positive feedback, Aayaash responds,
“You say I part of tree in forest. Mishebeshu on another tree in same
“Yes! You and me, we are from two different trees but from the
same forest. We are life, and life exists throughout the forest on every
tree. Some life becomes aware of other life as they move and migrate to
another tree. Other life control groups of trees and all life on those trees,
and call this their territory.”
~ 199 ~

Aayaash hung on every word. His mind was igniting with

understanding. As if by design to accept information and process it.
“Still others are taken advantage of by those with more knowledge.
Aayaash, the darkness, the lights, the worlds, these are trees in an
enormous forest. Each of us, you and me, Mishebeshu, we come from
the same forest. Among the many forests it becomes a tree in a much
larger ecosystem. It is never ending. It is our home. Aayaash, let me ask
you a question. If a fire came into the forest and you became aware of it.
If you saw the fire was going to burn a tree would you try to save the
Aayaash thought deeply about the question before responding,
“Nice answer, in the forest of the darkness there are some who
start the fire to kill all life on the tree. There are some who seek to
control and hold in bondage. Others to imprison all life on all trees.
Some simply want to destroy. Do you understand?”
Aayaash pausing to think, which is what Michabou wanted him
to do. Knowledge brings thought. Thought eliminates the need and
propensity to act on impulse alone. The impulse control issues were the
biggest obstacles for those without knowledge. To act or be acted upon
but why to act was what mattered most. This demanded cognitive
Aayaash began beating his chest acknowledging his
understanding. “Mishebeshu control my tree.”
“Yes, Mishebeshu is controlling your tree. There are others more
powerful, more knowledgeable than Mishebeshu. Please relax, we will
find your family.”
Michabou knew that the play on ideas and logic could possibly
spark autonomous thought in Aayaash. More than anything he just
wanted Aayaash to relax.
The analogy hit home for Michabou. He pontificated on the
analysis as well breaking it down to gain learning for the experience and
challenges that lie ahead. There are intelligences aware of the entire
forest and others that planted the forest. Within their cosmology of
creation there are those in the know and those who do not know.
Is this not the dilemma of life? The not unknown more prevalent
than the known. The implications of a hypothesis which allowed the
existence of other forests or other continents beyond space, time,
dimension opened up Pandora’s box for the possibility of the endless
stairway to heaven.
If a planet were a tree. If a universe were a forest. What if the
universe were simply a tree within a much larger forest? Multiple
universes coalescing to form a much larger tree in a much grander
expanse. What would change within the mind of a being if their view on
reality allowed exponential possibilities or an equation that would bind
all into one? With multiple and endless universes on that macro scale
~ 200 ~

who controls the game? Michabou wondered so much about such

dynamics of possibility. Is it the force that provides the nutrients from
the sun or the force that provides the nourishment from water? Could
they be separated? Can you have one without the other and still produce
vessels for consciousness? On and on the questions mounted. No matter
where he looked he saw symmetry and order, organization on a complex
level that demanded a divine designer. It was as if Michabou were in a
program. Or was there a hierarchal structure based on status of place in
creation. What does this all mean?
He concluded the existence of extraterrestrial entities did not
diminish the role of life in the universe or the role of a creator. Not
anymore than the existence of a grasshopper on another continent
diminishes the reality of the human family or a grasshopper on another
The true question when seeing reality in such a way was then to
question who this steward over the forest might be and what type of
consciousness he might find. As the facade of technological knowledge
based civilizations fades the reality sets in, we are not alone.
Michabou thought about Great Spirit. Was it the source, the
creator, the old man or something else entirely? He believed the greatest
humility by an advanced being, is the admonition that they are a part of
something larger than themselves. The human Great Spirit admitting to
the mortal man the existence of intelligence consciousness greater than
themselves. The machine of life wrapping around all life like an onion
where all were equal for all were a part of one. If such a being did exist,
if must originate from a source. The spark of consciousness that
determined too self-replicate and view itself independently from a third-
party perspective. What other hypothesis could there be to explain a
universe structured on laws of genetic engineering?
In this reality human beings are simply a manifestation of
intelligence. Vessels for consciousness. The consciousness of a Great
Spirit. Each creator existing independently and yet in acknowledgement
that there was a first supreme creation. The possibilities excited
Michabou to the degree he was able to better view the broken reality he
existed. His mind was touched and instantly pulled outwards to a scale
few in human existence could claim to have experienced. Man, created
in the image of his creator. Isn’t that how the story is recorded? The
belief so many have about the history of man. The fact we exist proves
the existence of plurality of Great Spirit’s indivisible under the one
supreme Great Spirit. Despondent he thought about the self-limiting
philosophies of humanity. Struggling to accept an ordination that was
rightfully theirs out of humility. The virtual manifestation of deity, with
independent thought, free will, and a click away from divine. The age of
man was of understanding who man was in the larger forest of life. For
Michabou many things once stumbling blocks were now coming
~ 201 ~

Michabou had often wondered about man’s place in the larger

picture. If man could reach beyond the confines of his surroundings to
connect with the divine. When the divine responds with free access to
more intelligence. Intelligently designed to operate as a conduit for
eternal energy which was his own consciousness.
Michabou believed when a human was born it was more than a
machine or biological anomaly. The possibility existed it could be the
birth of a Great Spirit. Perhaps this was why the genetic material
contained within every human was so valuable. Humans contained all
the ingredients for innumerable life. Wasn’t it interesting this was what
the sacred texts tried to convey. The worth of the soul in the eyes of a
Great Spirit. The manifestation of the source in this reality and it
manifest in every level of the human condition and physiology. Perhaps
this was what the Old Man was trying to explain to Michabou or what
the resurrected being himself tried to explain to humanity
When the beings arrived on Earth. When first contact was made,
there was a global crisis of faith. Looking back with a new perspective
provided only by greater knowledge Michabou could see with new eyes
and a new mind. The existence of the others does not diminish the
reality of a central creator no more than the discovery of the new world
erased the centralist philosophy. Native men worship the white men as
Great Spirits, because of their greater technology. With knowledge
came understanding, with understanding violence due to manipulation
of that leverage.
Behind the facade are simple creations struggling to survive in a
cosmic forest teaming with life. The human cosmology expanding from
center of the universe, to islands, to living on a continent, to the reality
of multiple continents. To the reality of other planets. According to the
Old Man, it is humans who are the perfect manifestation of the source
material. The origin of all life structured for the human reality. For
Michabou this did not diminish the importance of other life, other
creations, intelligences, or the role that humanity will play as good
gardeners. Even in a good garden are intelligences that seek to destroy,
to vanquish, and hijack.
It is the duty of man to be steward even if the gnat devours the
entire garden. To gain a greater perspective. Michabou drifting into
pontification of thought processes about reality and their role in human
history. He had met all the characters of this play knowing there were
many more in existence. He knew regardless of their existence a greater
plan was in work. A shifting in the human experience with knowledge
to achieve the true human reality. The human reality was no more than
the realization that man is an eternal vessel operating in a finite
existence. The realization of life on other planets beyond the existence
of life on Earth or in any part of the Universe is a calling card for the
reality of a creator and not the proof of the lack of one.
~ 202 ~

Intergalactic racism was and will be the greatest inhibitor to

humanities ultimate realization within a universe teaming with life. A
universe of genetic engineering looking to humanity to be its servants
the same as working in a vineyard. Humanity could be the tool that
Great Spirit would use to bring them closer to the source. The source
being the creator of all things. What if it were all true? Michabou
questioned his own role in two alternate timelines, his actions, his
purpose, it must be true.
Back to the present moment. What separated man from the
Nephilim was intelligence or an understanding of the way things are and
have been? The lack of knowledge used as leverage rather than as an
opportunity to grow together. Let’s say for sake of argument, that he
created fire. If he withheld the knowledge of that fire for leverage. Does
this make him a Great Spirit, or a manipulator, deceiver and charlatan?
The problem for Michabou was the growth of the Nephilim. In a
short time emerging as supreme overlords consuming the vastness
between three worlds with ease. For how many millions of years did
they hover in obscurity unable to progress, unable to participate in this
universe. The genetic material naturally occurring in him. They were
waiting for the story to continue. Within Michabou’s DNA the power
they needed to live. Was this not leverage that Michabou could hold
over them? If he could if would not make him the Great Spirit or
diminish the reality of a Great Spirit.
Overhearing his talking aloud Aayaash had entered the room
addressing Michabou. “Do I matter to Great Spirit?” Michabou took
exception to such a question. How long had Aayaash been listening to
him vent openly? “Of course, you matter to the Creator. Aayaash, you,
me and all others are like tree limbs growing from the same tree. How
we choose to treat each other is what makes us different. It is what
makes us matter. You have the choice to kill me now but you won’t
because you are using your free agency. Your ability to choose to
preserve life. This is a Great Spiritly act. Not all are like this, and yet,
should you decide to make that choice would it mean there is no
Aayaash asked him another question seeking answers to his own
questions. “I wonder about why I am in this life.” Michabou could see
deep emotion sweep over Aayaash. “It matters not that you are here
Aayaash. What matters is that you have the ability to affect others. To
preserve and not destroy. All life comes from the same place making us
all equal players in a game called life.”
“Game called life? I don’t understand.” Aayaash was not
keeping pace with Michabou. “Aayaash, let’s say you decided to chop
down trees. You notice a tree you want to take is home to a family. If
you take the tree the creatures lose their home. Do you take the tree or
do you move on to an empty tree?”
Aayaash responding, “I wouldn’t take the tree”
~ 203 ~

“Of course not. That’s because within you is the source of light.
A bit of humanity to preserve life when you have the option of ending it.
What greater purpose than the superior choosing to serve.” Aayaash
pondering the thoughts of Michabou. He was gaining a deeper respect
for himself and his role as guardian to his forest family. The removal of
Mishebeshu as Great Spirit was very difficult.
Michabou and Aayaash had two options. Go to Kulkukan on
Earth or face the masses of large humans covering the surface of the
many worlds. Their massive building projects expanding at a rate that
seemed incomprehensible. The Nephilim were masters of reality. The
emergence of a civilization of giants with all other life under foot. The
antithesis of a creator or a steward. They were the ones that burned the
trees down. Cut them into planks and sucked everything up with their
Michabou and Aayaash watched the surface of the planets
covered in these new titan humans surrounding by armies of blind
mouthless humans. Chained moving like cattle to harvesting facilities it
was unbelievable. Within twelve months the Nephilim establishing an
entire culture that redefined a solar system. Michabou had not seen such
ruthlessness by captors. Even the zealot hyper-theology of Origin was
not so harsh and who is to say Chibiabos wasn’t acting in that way for a
reason. The giant Nephilim harbored on Tiamat. Forming an immediate
conduit for action that affected the entire solar system.
The Nephilim made no efforts to leave the solar system. Content
that this was the place they continued their research, genetic mutations
and experiments on the cloned human subjects. No longer developing a
vast array of life they were focused specifically on developing human
hybrids to harvest their genetic material. In continual motion building
the giants who harvested the planets to build massive cities on the
surface. The main goal of harvesting the three planets resources to
power a large circular object in space they called the Nibiru. Michabou
speculated they were seeking to build a gateway or portal.
~ 204 ~


The perspective of the world around him was survival. The
bartering relationship among the beings that superseded his capacity to
rationalize their point of view. Michabou was frustrated with the
knowledge of the future he possessed. Viewing the process in action
before him the question really came down to two questions. Should he
do nothing, as interference would prevent the future from unfolding as it
should and his presence would alter an existing timeline?
Or did his presence demand his involvement and this action
would allow the future to unfold as it should?
The imagery could be viewed from the dilemma of time travel.
Being a human from the future understanding the spectrum of
information because of access to information. Modern day advanced
humans traveling back in time 500 years and confronting the culture of
the day. Would they not view the foreigners as other world beings,
Great Spirits? Confronted with this reality such cases could occur on
even one planet should an outside entity begin interacting with
advanced technology.
The possibility existed of preventing the initial attack. Should
Michabou move forward seeking to become further involved in the
story with interaction that may be all that is needed to subtly change the
future forever. He thought of Aayaash, the being making the steps
toward independence. Aayaash carried such a stoic name. The analogy
of the forest impacting the advanced primate. He knew his decisions as
a free thinker would alter the future of his own species. After all who
would know the forest and life in the forest more than a primate?
Aayaash was much more valuable.
Michabou remembered during the last days on earth the markets
of the world releasing genetically engineered fish into the grocery
stores. They were bigger, better, and promoted this nourishment as an
advancement for the species. The pattern was repeated across the board
for the betterment of society. To provide justification for advancing the
society as a whole itself. Why not extending the same philosophy to
other beings such as primates?
Aayaash was a first of his kind with the future a blank slate.
Everything he would accomplish would be the first. The generational
impact of that moment of tremendous significance. Was this why
~ 205 ~

Michabou was sent back in time, to help Aayaash emergence as a

leader. Aayaash understood space flight, he could learn quickly. While
he struggled with speech and independent thought, these weaknesses
were overshadowed by his ability to learn quickly. Neanderthal came to
mind when the imagery displayed of whom they resembled to him from
the future as he remembered it. Of course this entire prerequisite on the
foundation this was in fact Earth’s past. It could also be another
paralleling timeline, if this case, it was an unknown crapshoot.
Ultimately, he chose to follow a timeline that this was the modern
Earth’s past understanding it gave him greater purpose and that
psychological advantage was needed. It was called faith. The belief in
something unseen and yet you know in your heart and mind it exists
independent of anyone else.
Moving closer to the Earth it was clearly visible what was
happening. Ships covering the skies with charred smoke from volcanic
eruptions blanketed the atmosphere. The domes covering its surface. He
wondered what lay beneath since they last left. He wondered if there
were survivors, how much life had been lost. He needed to return to
Kulkukan and learn what they were walking into before he or Aayaash
got themselves killed.
Aayaash speaking, “Must evade approaching Nephilim ship in
the distance.” The ship dropping to move adjacent to the canopy line of
the rain forest covered surface they were moving towards a large
mountain. Below littering the rain forest were thousands of crashed
domes. The burned surface around them as wild life dispersed through
the ecosystem. Their ship landing on the forest floor. The two walking
out into the empty landscape. The surface quiet. The carnage must have
been done. The time for survival at hand. Nothing willing to be in the
open. They were in the open.
Michabou could see large cigar shaped ships hovering like
specks in all distances. So many that holding his thumb up, they were
separated by that distance however some farther away.
“We are here.” Aayaash was feeling a bit nervous as well being
in the open.
“We have to wait.” Responded Michabou himself unsure what to
do. It is not like they have a door we could fly into to enter the ship. He
remembered they led him through a long-melted corridor from the ship
to the entrance. At the time a hologram produced imagery hiding the
entrance in the cliffs.
“Back onto the ship.” Michabou remembered where they had
been. The ship rising and approaching a nearby cliff face. Hovering at
the side of the large imposing mountain. The rock face rising and
towering over them. The sun setting in the distance. The ship hovering
motionless waiting for contact.
With a sudden jerk the ship was pulled forward. The motion
repeated again and again. Aayaash and Michabou startled jumped to see
~ 206 ~

what was attached to the ship. Michabou leaning against the glass portal
trying to see what was pulling the ship towards the cliff face. He could
see faintly against the darkness long cables extending through the stone
pulling the ship into the surface of the cliff face.
Michabou realized they were merely twenty feet from the
entrance which was now considerable larger than before with large
sasquatch working throughout the corridor. They were accompanied by
colorfully dressed native men and women all working on the structure
within the massive granite mountain. Michabou could see buildings
similar to Anishinaabe style buildings carved into the walls of the
mountains he viewed long ago in his dreams. Were these the
Anishinaabe of Earth’s past or a precursor mother culture that all native
Michabou needed to speak to Kulkukan. They were greeted by
several native men as Aayaash and Michabou exited the ship. No words
were spoken but the native men motioned him to follow them. Aayaash
received stare from all sides. As he passed all stopped to view him.
Aayaash was unique. He was muscled, dressed in a fine woven animal
skin clothing without seem or zipper. He carried himself with utter
personal confidence. Never backing down from any fight. While
extremely loyal to Mishebeshu he never acted weak in his presence.
Even their relationship was one of mutual respect. Aayaash never
submitting. Aayaash was his own man in a sense, and a leader.
Everything barely visible through the dimly lit room. The center
of the corridor 100 feet apart with large circular fire pits producing the
majority of the light. The smoldering glow also a constant source of
warmth and light. The massive end of the cigar ship rising in the
distance. The levels of lights protruding along the rounded surface
showing it to be more of a rounded skyscraper than the elongated ship
which extended vertically into the mountain. Approaching the ship
Michabou marveled at the monolithic stature of a building within a
mountain filled with fire pits and cultures surviving. Doors opening,
they entered the ship. The inside of the ship white and black. Clean,
crisp, and modern. The corridors exited by elevators rising to the many
floors. Emerging from an elevator they turned into a large central
entrance to a leadership style hall. The circular end to the room. Another
fire pit only larger than any before was emitting fake fire. It must
operate as a simulation but releases heat. He remembered the portable
fireplaces from Earth.
Aayaash reaching out his hands to the fire to feel the warmth
bewildered that it did not burn his hand but emitted heat. Kulkukan
rising from an Indian style position. The larger ancient giants leaving
the room. They were now alone.
“Michabou, you are back. I am so happy you are safe. And who
is this that you bring here to this place of refuge?”
~ 207 ~

“This is Aayaash; he is my friend. He is trying to find his family

and his people. He is also a leader.”
“A leader?” Questioning Kulkukan as he paced slowly around
Aayaash observing him.
“How did he come into existence?” Questioning the curious
Kulkukan to Michabou.
“He was created altering the DNA of another species.” It was the
most simple and respectful answer that Michabou could use in the
presence of Aayaash without offending him. Though he wondered if the
lack of true consistent independent critical thinking would cause any
“Why are you here soul?” Questioned the old man to Aayaash.
Looking puzzled Aayaash eyes moving left and right in nervousness he
reached for understanding to the question of the old man. Michabou
marveling that the old man understood Aayaash without a transmitter in
his ear.
“I am here to protect my family. My Tree. My Forest.” As he
pointed to the ground with his index finger. Turning to look at
Michabou for assurances, Michabou nodding in approval.
“You are here to protect your family. You miss them, do you?”
Kulkukan seeking to understand the depth of Aayaash and the character
of his heart began to dig deeper.
“I miss them.” Grief swept across Aayaash as he imagined his
family. The pain of not knowing burning in his heart. “How does it feel
inside here?” Kulkukan pointing to and pressing the large beings
massively muscled chest over his heart. Tears could be seen building in
Aayaash eyes. Michabou paused in shock, watching the discussion.
Aayaash slightly twisting at the shoulders to the left and right visibly
shaken from the question before responding.
“Incomplete” Holding his hand over his heart, “broken”, then
turning towards the entrance opening to the Earth, “Must find them to
be complete. My only purpose to live.”
The old man turning to Michabou, making eye contact “This is
remarkable Michabou. A remarkable turn of events.” Raising his hands
in front of him Kulkukan continued. “The first independently thinking
being with emotional responses and compassion which has been
genetically engineered. The Nephilim have not done it; the Seraphim
have succeeded at something I have never before witnessed first-hand.
Of course, because you and I being here now it must have happened in
the past or with you from the future. Aayaash is a genetically engineered
advanced primate that has cognitively made the decision to become
something more, something autonomous to itself.” Kulkukan speaking
as Aayaash overheard every word motionless. “Michabou, he has earned
memories through conscious decisions which are a reflection of
~ 208 ~

“What is happening out there right now?” Michabou asked

Kulkukan who redirecting his attention from Aayaash motioned to a
device which shown the Earth in digital form in the Air where the fire
had previously existed. “As you can see this planet is in chaos.
Lifeforms of every kind and size dispersing into the foreign world
forever changing its ecosystem. This planet has also become something
else, a world with more variations of life present than any other place in
space…that I know of.”
The Old Man pointing to the planet. “The Nephilim have filled
Gia, your Earth with all of their creations. They are here now as you can
see building something. Something large. A tower to reach to the
heavens. It is expected when completed to extend into the atmosphere as
some form of central connection for something much larger.
“A landing dock? A tower to allow access to the surface without
landing?” The Old Man did not know what they were used for but knew
it was for their benefit only.
“There are new beings I have not seen before dominating the
surface. The image of the transparent looking 15-foot-tall humanoid
walking among advanced primates ruling over them.”
“Miskwa!” Aayaash jumping forward towards the hologram
moving through it grasping at the imagery. Pointing towards the
imagery. “My people.”
Kulkukan continued explaining what it was they were seeing.
“These beings are being brought to the surface. They are using the
advanced primate to mine the surface for Gold. They must be intending
a journey of epic proportions into space. The gold is needed to travel
through space. With this much gold they must be planning something
big. They also have much more power than before but there is
something I need you to see.”
On the screen the imagery of the screen show what appeared to
be a massive interplanetary machine moving through space. “This is
coming. It is their Nibiru. Their home ship. Interplanetary object
transformed into a weapon. We detected its entrance into the solar
system. It is on its way. I believe this tower being constructed is to
connect the planet Gia with this larger structure.”
Aayaash began pacing the room staring at the object moving
across the screen. The Old Man moving to stand in front of him as he
turned to pace back to the holographic image. “We will get your family.
But first we must see what is happening in your brain.”
“Brain?” Questioning Aayaash.
“You.” Pointing to Aayaash. “The Brain is you.” Then
motioning to his skull, “You are here.”
Aayaash lifted his arm touching his scalp. “Give me your hand
Aayaash.” Requested Kulkukan. Grasping his right hand, the Old Man
continued. “If I were to remove your hand, would you cease to exist,
~ 209 ~

would you die?” Aayaash looking down at his hand and back at
Kulkukan responded. “I would not Die.”
“Exactly son, you would still be you. The hand is not you. It is a
tool given to you.” Moving Aayaash hand to the side of his temple he
repeated. “You are inside here.”
Michabou hearing the same conversation for the second time
marveled at Kulkukan simple ways of teaching. He was utterly
fascinated by Aayaash, more so than meeting the advanced human
“You do realize this being will one day fill the entire planet.”
Kulkukan saying in confidence to Michabou. “What do you mean fill
the planet?” Questioned Michabou.
“Aayaash kind are best adapted at survival. From the forest,
which cover this planet. These are the trees of Tiamat which were taken
and placed on this world to bring it back. The Tanye Tanka domain but
the first home of the Ahtna, the tailed old men.”
Turning again to Aayaash. “Aayaash, I would like you to know
something about you and your people. You have a family that you came
from called the Ahtna. You are the Ahtna.”
The imagery shown the planet Earth, Mars and Tiamat. Small
points expanded larger to show worlds. Aayaash understanding the
imagery as he had acquired the independent knowledge through first-
hand experience of their existence.
“The Ahtna came from Tiamat. This is your home world. When
it was overtaken by the Nephilim after their ship collided with Gia they
over took the planet. They began relocating the forests to this planet in
terra forming on a global scale to bring the third world back to life.
Michabou, this entire planet is structure for Aayaash culture to survive
as his people navigate this reality for the first time. Like you Michabou,
this creation is good having come from the same production in this
place in the space time continuum. Any other location in space would
have produced a differing variation and outcome. You having provided
the material to end thousands of years of captivity by the Seraphim at
the hands of the Nephilim. The creation of the advanced primate. The
unknowing inability of the Nephilim to operate without genetic code,
limited for thousands of years, until you came. Your presence has
brought a ripple that will be impacted through time. Even my own
people who come from another Universe saw our world end and were
carried on the sails of space and time to this universe. That ending a new
beginning for our people, the transition from one generation to the next
within the universe is natural entropy of life. Letting time take its
course, on the grand perspective it’s meaningless to avoid the
The Old Man always making decisions to preserve life for the
maximum amount of time. Michabou saw the eternal wisdom in the old
~ 210 ~

man’s eyes. He always made decisions with big picture thinking. He

was respected and wise.
“The people of Aayaash are currently under the control of the
Nephilim’s new army. The creation of merging advanced human
genetics with Nephilim genetics. A creature without humanity and yet
the power of Great Spirits. You have already made a tremendous impact
on this cosmology.” Kulkukan words stung and Michabou could not let
them go.
“I had actually thought within myself about whether to get
involved but I now know that questioning is no longer part of this
story.” Responded Michabou, knowing he already knew it was true.
“I foresee a grander plan for you Michabou” Spoke Kulkukan.
“If their planetary ship reaches this point in space time, the future of the
Great Mother will be in jeopardy. Go back to Tiamat. Detonate the inner
core blowing up the planet as well as the Nibiru at minimum severely
damaging it.”
Turning to Aayaash, the old native man spoke again. “What we
like to think of ourselves and what we really are rarely have much in
common. Look here, this world is subjugated.” The imagery again on
the holograph shown the surface of a place on Earth. A cracked dome,
carcasses of massive brontosaurus creatures laying on the ground in
piles of pure
death. Other creatures he had never seen littered the ground.
Packs of giant Tyrannosaurus creatures roamed the forests. They were
seen moving in massive packs looking for those still in hiding.
“Why are there so many of those? Was there more than one
dome of them?” Questioned Michabou to Kulkukan.
“No, this is the life that existed on Gia before the domes landed.
The tyrant lizard created from the radiation in the atmosphere causing
this species of Carian to grow and rapidly dominate the surface.”
“We called those T-Rex where I am from.” Responded
“This world is also filled with giant rodents. In excess of 300
pounds. They infest the surface of the forest. These were the primary
food of the giant ones. The massive bugs and insects as well all victims
of radiation will fill the forests so be careful if you hear or see a swarm.
The tyrant lizard king over the eco system, until the domes arrived.
Then the Nephilim and their Titans sought to rule uncontested. The
lizard now with equal foe with superior technology and forethought.
This creature’s time as king of the planet has come to an end.”
Massive tomatoes the size of a basketball seen on the screen, “If
you come across large deciduous edible fruits, do not eat them, the
radiation within them will kill you. This world is the future but it still
carries a bite. You noticed on Tiamat the entire surface is covered in
steal and metal plates with the exception of the interior of the carefully
constructed domes. It was all taken to Tiamat. The world must go.”
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“Aayaash, are you ready to go save your family?” Spoke a

concerned Michabou ready to depart on another adventure. Aayaash was
ready as well quickly responding. “We go now.”
They said goodbye to the aged leader again moving through the
inner sanctum to the Anishinaabe peoples of Kulkukan and the
sasquatch elders of a distance universe. Barding their ship departing out
of the cliff face entrance into space back towards the distant planet
covered in electronic machines of death. They knew the fate of the
future lay in their hands. The increasing presence of the Nephilim a
tightening noose around their necks.
Michabou questioned, “How will we destroy the core?” He
remembered Kulkukan had told him. “You must place the green crystal
into the core. It will absorb the crystal. This interaction will cause the
sphere to release an explosion which should decimate the planets
existence.” Michabou remembered those words. Reaching into his
pocket he had completely forgotten he had it. Holding the green crystal
into the air he looked through in before returning it to his pocket.
Aayaash was thinking about what had just happened. Before
they had left Kulkukan had moved to a large display case, opening the
display removing a large slate black sword. He had told Aayaash the
weapon would be of great value to his destiny. “This will belong to you.
It is created from the material which makes this ship. It is sub
atomically superior to any known substance.” Grasping it in his hands
Aayaash felt its power. The massive being lifting the sword and tossing
his large makeshift stone club to the ground. Technology to match his
skill set. “Remember, you must touch the crystal to the core.” The final
reminder from Kulkukan.
The travel to Tiamat gave them time to reflect and process.
Michabou could remember the Anishinaabe creating large murals out of
sand in the middle of square gardens along the main corridor. The
imagery seemed to be a depiction of the events transpiring on the planet.
The vibrant colors, the slow process of creating the image. These were a
unique people worthy of consideration as an all-time galactic culture
and civilization. Then there was the Earth filled with new creations and
new masters. The many Nephilim ships and the buildings glowing
against the sunlight. The burning of many fires still visible across the
horizon of the forest. The sounds of screams again echoing through the
Michabou looking over at Aayaash staring ahead into the
darkness of space. “Your people are safe. They are in one of the
structures on Earth. We will save them Aayaash.” Aayaash looked him
directly into the eye before responding. “My people are in pain. I must
free them.” His eyes becoming locked in supreme focus. The sword of
his destiny. The Gada strapped to his back.
Michabou gaining a moment of inspiration, subjugation brings
bondage. Bondage leads to pain. Pain shatters the heart and cripples the
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mind. The process stripping one of hope. The illusion of grandeur not
enough to fill the void that slavery brings when peoples and species are
unequally yoked. The imbalance detrimental to the soul and yet also the
greatest teacher bringing a power within the self not found in any other
struggle or victory.


What does it mean to have a clean slate? To have the ability to
reset and begin again? Not defined by past mistakes, fault, or failures.
The greatest adversary to a clean slate is not your own mind or the
demons that haunt the dark corridors of the soul. The journey to be more
takes courage, takes time, and a willingness to take the hits. The being
making the decision to begin again is already aware of the past. It is the
past, which motivates, drives, inspires, and rules the relentless
determination to overcome. It is called hope.
The true adversary to self-improvement, individual growth, and
overcoming obstacles which were impassable barriers are other beings.
Beings who say it cannot be done. You are too weak; you have not done
it before. Cancers standing on the shore of life casting their lines into
the river of life, fish hooks dragging the soul out of the fast-moving
stream onto the shore of despair. The true quest in life to find the ability
to shut the adversaries to growth out of the mind. Self-doubt is
crippling. It can be the most destructive force separate from adversarial
individuals of all. Self-doubt causes hesitation. Second-guessing to the
commitment already made and agreed to within the mind. A bifurcation
of hope undermines itself.
In sports the long jump is the perfect example of how self-doubt
limits the ability to reach potential. The competitor runs down the lane
towards the board to propel themselves as far through the air as they
can. The only limitations to a perfect jump are the board, speed and
technique. How is technique acquired? Through success, failure, or a
combination of both?
From the start to the last step there are many decisions that need
to be made, adhered, and a commitment to follow through. At any point
self-doubt in any particular moment having a ripple effect to every
future decision. The hours of counting steps to ensure the perfect stride
for their physiological form. Taking the science out of the process, it is
repetition; more repetition is done on the run-up than actual jumping.
There are lessons in life to learn from this concept, the idea of
preparation. The ideology that more time is required in preparation than
in soaring to reach maximum potential is true. If the competitor loses
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focus not increasing in the correct form building needed speed, too
focused on counting steps, or forgets to go through the motions repeated
hundreds if not thousands of times before can result in failure.
When failure occurs, the mark invalidated. The effort, the time,
the energy focused in preparation being made meaningless. In failure
the meaningless jump improves technique. In that moment the
competitor has two options. The first, to accept the mistakes and use the
foul for experience or to give up and never try again.

In long jumping there are six jumps. The longest jump being the
recorded distance. The ability to start again, the ability to begin again, to
have the opportunity to try again are prerequisites required to be a
successful long jumper.
Michabou believed they were also the hallmarks of a successful
life. If the opportunity to try again is taken away leaving the long
jumper with only 1-attempt, it would create scenarios of hopelessness.
The expectation of perfection too high, the potential for failure equal in
comparison that many would choose to not begin rather than try. The
opportunity to try again necessary to success. The restart allowing the
pieces of preparation to fall together hitting the board perfectly all
witness a moment in time. The jumper going airborne. Will they rise at
the correct angle or be so focused on the run up and board that the jump
is flat? The long jump is a scientifically demanding event. With all of
the dynamics associated with the run-up there are likewise decisions
that must be made in the jump itself. Will the competitor explode from
the board, reach for the distance, tuck the legs to the chest, extend the
legs for maximum impact, and will the competitor follow-through
allowing momentum to pull the torso and arms past the legs now
impacting the ground heel first vaulting the body forward? Flying
through space and all he can think about is the long jump. Michabou
began laughing to himself. Drifting back into this perspective will the
competitor land feet first choosing to stop momentum falling backwards
recording the closest point to the board as the distance?
Michabou marveled at the long jump, it was his favorite event
growing up. Running down the board, jumping through the air, landing
in the soft sand. The feeling of happiness in success. Each time it was
always about inner determination and having another chance to start
again. Not being defined by the failed 5-jumps but rather the 1-jump
where everything came together. This was life and how life should be
viewed. He did not understand how some could be so cruel that they
project their own unwillingness to take another attempt that they seek to
prevent others from even trying.
Imagine the long jumper scratching across the board. Realizing
their attempt, all of the work was for nothing. The energy exerted
utilized in the effort. The questioning about where it went wrong as the
competitor walks the 100 feet back to their starting point. Along the way
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the decision to take another attempt their and theirs alone. Imagine in
this scenario individuals standing along the way saying things like, you
are such a failure, that jump was a failure, you know you’re going to fail
again, why even try? If this persisted to the very moment the competitor
had to choose for themselves to start again in spite of the negativity.
Would the competitor be better off or worse off than had those around
them who used the previous failure as an opportunity to inspire,
motivate, and encourage?
Coaches are vitally important to athletes, not because of the need
to be controlled but the need to be inspired, when failure comes, to
encourage. In this situation he was the coach for Aayaash and Aayaash
was the inspiration for him. They were preparing for something larger
than themselves. Along the way there are those seeking to destroy them,
limit their potential and be the dream killers to life. They were travelling
to the distant world Tiamat. A world foreign to his history. The third trip
to the dreary broken planet. The sphere covered in technology,
machinery that sucked dry its life.
Much of Tiamat transplanted to the battered Earth, giving the
greatest sacrifice, its very life to save another world. It was a forced
interplanetary sacrifice, but Michabou felt if given a choice one world
would freely sacrifice itself for another. The core broken the last time he
had seen it with the manipulation of Mishebeshu changing the inner of
the planet into an organic grey building factory. Would Mishebeshu still
be within the world? How would he convince Mishebeshu to take the
shard, to place the shard into the core? His friend Aayaash in full beast
mode only wanted to fight. The Arnold Swarzenegger built physique of
Aayaash resembling Conan the Barbarian. Aayaash wielding the power
of self-confidence, waxing strong with determination. Aayaash believed
he could be a savior to his people. He believed he could be the one to
protect them. He believed in autonomy. He believed he was more than
what he had previously been, Michabou knew that Aayaash knew, he
could never go back to the way things were before he opened his eyes.
Entering the space of Tiamat, the planet had changed
dramatically in just a few weeks. The surface again covered with new
domes, the Nephilim machines working feverishly to build more to
replace the ones ejected. Moving through the atmosphere towards the
domes Michabou could see the formerly empty metal sheets covering
the surface filled with seraphim Star Seeds. The domes filled with Star
Seeds and not the previous variations of life.
What had happened? Had Mishebeshu taken over the planet?
Michabou was convinced that from what he had seen there never was a
war between the Nephilim and the Seraphim. A deal must have been
struck to allow the Nephilim the planet Earth and the Seraphim taking
Tiamat. After all, the rehabilitation of the Earth was all the Nephilim
truly worried about. Michabou also imagined how it must have felt for
Mishebeshu to have power again after obtaining the building material,
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that for centuries trapped him on Mars. How Mishebeshu wanted a

position of power, to live on the oppressor’s world was the ultimate
coup. How tempting the offer to receive the needed material that the
Nephilim would allow Mishebeshu to take over the world creator. They
must be desperate.
The potential always existed Mishebeshu would one day fill the
planet with domes and then launch them towards Earth in one massive
invasion. Michabou could see the strategy in this on Mishebeshu’s
viewpoint, on the other hand, the wisdom of the ancient architects with
the Nibiru moving towards the Earth must have known this device
would allow them to further oppress if not destroy the Seraphim
completely from existence. A game of interplanetary poker was
underway. The only unknown outside factors that would either help or
hinder either side’s cause, what was the trump card? What decision
would cripple both sides bringing in the house’s hand to set the field of
play level again?
Without the Tanye Tanke or the native humans to allowing
access the question remained, how to get into the passageways to access
the center of the planet? Michabou turning to Aayaash asked the
question. “Do you have any ideas? I mean, you have been here with
Mishebeshu, tell me, do you have any ideas?”
Aayaash was asked his opinion, the decision as his alone.
Michabou had respected him. Aayaash responded confidently. “On the
side of the planet an entrance exists for Mishebeshu, Mishebeshu
created underneath a dome.”
“Thank Great Spirit.” Michabou sighed in relief, the journey
over vast distance worth something now that Aayaash somehow knew
the access point into the planet. Dumb ape? Not worthy of recognition
as a species that existed in time which made a direct impact? He did not
think so. This was a consciousness equal to his own. Michabou
remembered how on Earth the assumption as made that all life other
than human was inferior. The inability to accept that any other form of
species of hominid could have had a resemblance of intelligence or a
consciousness. It was sacrilegious to assume they developed societies,
contributed culturally with significant moments on the planet without
suggesting that it reflected poorly on modern man who themselves are
only advanced humans to those who came before them. Michabou was
beginning to understand the bigotry and discrimination that was rampant
on the Earth before it all began was wrong. The directed unequal
emotions against any ancestor of the human family discovered
suggested the devolution of the human species. An inferior species. An
entire culture running from its own past, a past staring them in their
face. A history which does not invalidate their own unique and
extraordinary existence, hard work, commitment, and follow-through.
The modern human believes they are the culmination of preparation of
those before them. The historical timeline the run-way leading to the
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board for the long jump. At any moment in human history self-doubt, or
outside intervention preventing the species from soaring off of the board
of opportunity can end an entire culture. Advanced modern humans
were the representation of the athlete soaring off of the board, leaving
the Earth into space.
Even Michabou was the culmination of centuries, thousands of
years of others running down the runway so that he could soar. Perhaps
this is the real meaning of life and why progress, while not perfection
should be expected. No man can make it on their own. All previous
decisions leading to this moment in time.
But where would humanity land? How would humanity land into
the future? The thoughts of a song came to his mind. “If these wings
could fly, let’s go down into the moment, we are lost and found I just
want to be by your side, if these wings could fly. For the rest of our
How Michabou wished he could be the one to resolve the pain
within Aayaash, the troubles facing the life in this place. To be master
of this moment.
Even a great tree requires preparation, work and time. The
mission of all species, to run the board and soar. Those who capitalize,
that are able to adapt, change, adjust, those who have the courage when
failure arrives to start again are the species that will define generations,
define a life.
Michabou was determined he would never again view another
species as inferior. Even the monkey deserves respect for its
commitment to itself. Its earned consciousness which comes from the
same source that Michabou’s originates. The strengths and weaknesses,
the commitment to survival. No monkey ever quit surviving. Living
their lives in a constant jumping motion, an entire existence based on
trying again and again. Aayaash being something more, and even
himself only separated by awareness and action. The ability to
determine for oneself in the face of utter destruction at the hands of
another to endure most important. Even the monkey can show empathy,
it is prerequisite upon those with ability to assist those without. Saved
only after all that you can do.
Michabou determined this should be how species from other
worlds should interact. The common goal should be to improve the
standard of living for the population. To provide the basic necessities
for happiness, shelter, food, and hope for all life forms. They should not
overwhelm, restrict, or quarantine with unrighteous dominion.
The object of the interaction should be to assist in growth,
helping a species help themselves. With the mindset that once one is
gone the other can survive and repeat the process. The great inhibitor to
species is the inability to relocate from a world pending destruction.
Without the ability to avoid cataclysm which will always occur in the
universe, it will always be as if they never existed. If you never existed,
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then what is your worth? Where is the enduring struggle necessary to

experience success? Yet they exist. Others watching from the outer
perimeters of the worlds of all life, some willing to help and others
unwilling to act. No species should allow another which is striving to
fall. Michabou would not be the first. If the time came to impart this
wisdom upon his friends, he would help.
If his own timeline was nothing more than wishful thinking,
dreaming and hoping for a place which no longer exists he was content
in the fact this was his place, his time, his purpose. Even if he lived it
alone. While hope carries him with the belief that he could save his
father, his mother, his sisters and brothers in the future with his own
action he knew he couldn’t even save himself. With his own sacrifice
Michabou understood that his life would have purpose regardless of the
outcome. He would run his race. He would contribute what he could.
The end result prerequisite upon the steps he takes proceeding the
moment of actualization.
Aayaash was not his protector, he was Aayaash. Rounding
through the much sparser surface, with many of the robots focused and
condensed in isolated areas rebuilding domes. When the planet was
covered it was filled with electronic machines transporting life. Now
they were occupied with rebuilding.
The entrance to the core was almost hidden. Underneath one
foundation could be seen an elevator shaft leading to the electronics
below. As they entered the massive opening the scope of the
underground base of Mishebeshu’s seraphim could be seen. The domes
held in place by an ignition system.
This was how they released the domes from the planet. It was
void of anything flammable with a massive rocket blasting system in
place. It was the same as a missile silo. The walls charred from the
many blasts of the ignition to release previous domes. At the bottom of
this well large enough to allow a 30 foot by 30-foot flying ship to enter
and maneuver was an engineering marvel. A holographic entrance
revealed an entrance that led through several other holographic barriers.
The ship emerged into the massive cavity of the center of the planet.
To Michabou’s surprise the cavity void of any life. Nothing was
there but the grey spider web beams that stretched across the space.
Leading to the central corridor all the once ornate wooden architecture
gone. No trees, no greenery, it was as if someone had taken a pencil and
rubbed graphite on everything. The rolling magma along the surface
shining light upon an abandoned post was gone. The beams emitted
light sporadically. It was an organized structure. Where had they gone?
Walking without opposition to the center of the room that once
housed Kulkukan and his people. Themselves the oldest known
migrants to the planet. Entering the room, the two stood before the large
core spinning in the air.
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“Aayaash, we have to time this right. We need to ensure that the

Nibiru is directly near the planet when it explodes.” Aayaash responded
“I will fly out. Watch for the Nibiru and call you when it is in position.”
“Is there any form of communication device in the ship that we
can speak to each other?” Asked Michabou confused how Aayaash
would reach him when the timing was right to detonate the planet. How
then would he escape?
Aayaash responding to Michabou. “I will be safe to exit and
enter. Here is a transmitter from the vessel. I will contact you from the
ship.” Michabou was pleased with Aayaash idea. “I will explore some
more here while you are out there, let me know when you see the Nibiru
coming in visibility. Only go about 100,000 miles from the planet. Far
enough away to see them and enough time to get in here and get me.”
“I will use the ship distance to time it right. I will not fail.”
Aayaash turned and boarded the ship. Aayaash then remerged with a
transponder that resembled a coin. Speaking into his coin Michabou
could hear Aayaash voice. The coin covered in pencil tip sized honey
combs and gold. Aayaash again boarded the ship and flew away leaving
Michabou alone. Michabou knew he was putting tremendous trust in
Aayaash. Trust that Aayaash would actually return. Trust that Aayaash
would follow-through on is commitment. Trust in the moment. Moving
through the abandoned facility Michabou waited.
The large graphite colored building that used to resemble a
wooden lodge stood in front of him. He had time and he was curious.
Michabou could see a door removed. The room behind Kulkukan
personal quarters. He was compelled to explore after all it would be
destroyed in the coming moments. Within the rocky covered walls, the
graphite substance was not present. It seemed to be the one place
protected from the technology of Mishebeshu. Michabou noticing a
hand print on the wall that resembled petroglyphs. Carved deeply into
the sandstone surface. Nothing else present in the small room.
Michabou had seen this before, only on Origin. But he knew that even
they did not own the hand print. What was Kulkukan keeping within
this place he wondered and questioned. Placing his right hand into the
spot the surface pressed inwards with the wall locking around his hand
at the wrist. His hand beyond the wrist trapped within the wall.
Red light emitting from a slight heating sensation. Immediately
the wall opened allowing his hand to release revealing a television
screen. While not a television screen in appearance is was clearly an
advanced visual monitor of some kind. The screen showing imagery as
if he were watching a movie.
The imagery of a large bubble floating through a sea of clear
golden liquid, with millions of other bubbles surrounding it. This bubble
shown red to identify it from the rest. In an instant the screen magnified
to show the one bubble bouncing off of other bubbles without incident.
Looking more closely Michabou could see within every bubble,
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numberless galaxies. Mini-universes floating in a sea of something

greater than themselves, clearly, they were a part of the source where
the old man resided.
The red tinted universal bubble then connected to another
universal bubble as the two became enjoined swirling in chaos. The
space between bubbling as the opposing integrity of the space contained
bulged in and out between the two.
Zooming in further within the red tinted bubble could be seen
one galaxy identifying a world. This world releasing millions of
dandelions like ships from its surface to travel the vast distance towards
the bulging occurring between the two universes. Michabou marveled
that this species had the ability to recognize, then monitor such an event.
In an instant the bubble released overtaking the other. These beings
overtaking the second bubble of galaxies pouring the entirety of its
matter into the second bubble of galaxies. A big bang occurring
combining the two separate universes into one in an instant.
The dandelion like ships riding the entrance of the material like a
ship floats on the sea. Emerging within this universe from their own.
The ships dispersing in all directions with some landing on the fifth
planet Tiamat. A planet covered in tropical rainforest and monkeys. A
true planet of the apes.
Michabou now understood. The natives were not from this
universe at all. They were from another universe. This device allowing
Michabou to peer from a grander perspective something that he knew
few could grasp. An explanation of the appearance of matter from a big
bang. The native man travelers from another space time, another
independent universe. He thought to himself, these must occur naturally.
In a sea as endless as could be imagined, the numberless universes
constantly interacting with each other.
Always seeking answers, he wondered how it occurred from the
vantage of viewing the sea which contained the endless universes,
trillions and trillions in all directions. They were nomads from a
destroyed and relocated star system. The native man was aware of
things beyond he believed any being he had previously met. What type
of species could understand a big bang and survive the ride of the wave
which should properly be entitled, the big connection. The native
universe overpowering this universe. Releasing all of its contents into
the space expanding it instantly. What else did Kulkukan know that he
was not sharing?
Perhaps this was why Kulkukan seemed unaffected by the chaos
as if he knew he would survive. Obviously, with this ability they could.
The screen then showing the native man standing next to the larger
Tanye Tanke native beings. Arms extended the same as the Leonardo da
Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. The smaller native man shown to overlap the
taller hairy man with the two becoming one. The screen then displayed a
record that the native man came from the sasquatch man. This was why
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they called them their elders. This was his own motivation for respect
towards Aayaash.
He understood better than any other the value of life. The
importance of respecting ancestors. This was why he brought his own
grandfathers with him.
Kulkukan was a great man who grasped the humility to respect
an elder even if cognitively inferior. A society that did not run from its
past, but embraced it. Honored it. Respected it. Held it with esteem and

He imagined the source he had met with previously as the

substance surrounding all the bubbles that contained universes. The
controlled environments within the protection of the encompassing
force of life. The ultimate intelligence that operated like a fiber optic
cable enclosing all the bubbles within its substance. This source may be
continually changing and evolving itself to provide for the expansion of
knowledge from the endless creations that emerge. For Michabou, this
was something more than love. This was hope. The illusion of reality at
any moment dissipating within the surrounding unseen forces that held
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it all together. He just kept asking himself with each revelation of

thought, why are things the way they are within the universe of genetic
The screen then displaying a home planet in the Pleiades Star
System. He now knew why he overheard many of the natives when he
had first arrived her referring to him as Pleiades. He was the closest
thing to their appearance, yet with lighter skin, he was confident they
must have assumed he had come from the distant star system. It also
informed him that there must be enough variations in skin tone that all
native men were not native in appearance with many native’s lighter
skin colored in relation to their distance from a star. The organ of skin
not the defining definition of what it meant to be Anishinaabe or Tanye
Tanke. It confirmed to Michabou genetic variation was by design. Space
and time naturally producing variations among all species.
Kulkukan was their hidden leader. A leader sent to this place
with the accompaniment of the higher order of elders. His mission to
preserve the history of his ancestors. Michabou thought his presence
signified more. Imagining if the old man was clairvoyant of the future.
“Michabou, it is Aayaash.” The small voice device emanated
echoing through the small room. Michabou pressing down on the
surface of the device. “I am here, what’s up Aayaash? Do you see
Aayaash responded. “Nephilim arriving. Detonate the explosion.
I am coming to get you now.” Aayaash channel then went silent.
Michabou knew that what he had just viewed would be lost forever once
the explosion occurred. It was his job to be the story teller. To explain a
forgotten history. Lost to time as one planet dissolves into the darkness
of space. Michabou imagined what it must be like when a culture is
erased from completely. Unable to save themselves. Removed from
existence. This must be the greatest tragedy to a civilization. To be
Michabou would ensure they would not be forgotten. This story
would be told and shared. He owed this to Kulkukan. Seeing the seven
sisters, Michabou now knew this was either a parallel timeline or
Earth’s past. This confirmation meaning his action meant something.
This was his chance to save humanity.
Michabou moving to the central core. Lifting the translucent
green crystal shard holding it to the surface of the sphere. His hand
cupping the crystal. The dark sphere absorbing the crystal leaving his
hand resting upon its surface. The ball beginning to crack. The cracking
sounds heard as the solid structure holding it bound releasing into brittle
powder. In an instant the surface crumbling to the floor revealing a
smaller inner sphere spinning in the opposite direction. The sphere then
beginning to pulsate long slow repetitions as red light emitted and then
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Repeating as if beats to a song. The beats getting faster and

faster. It was a countdown. The pulsations counting like seconds
towards the final explosion. It was now time for Michabou to leave.
Moving out of the central building Michabou could see Aayaash
approaching in the distance.
“It is done, we have to go, do not land, just move close enough I
can climb on board.” Michabou speaking to Aayaash while pressing the
small golden transmitter. The small craft swooping down hovering three
feet off of the ground. Michabou climbing into the opened hatch
entering the ship as it turned to exit the interior of the planet.
Silence filled the room. Both men staring as if in hyper-focus to
escape. The ship began moving through the corridor increasing speed,
up the cylinder dome shaft, emerging into the atmosphere.
The imagery of the massive planet sized ship hovered like a
moon just outside the atmosphere of the planet. The scope in size of this
Nibiru creation too massive to describe. The Nibiru was a ship and it
was formidable.
Michabou redirected his attention to the mission. “Make way for
Gia, Aayaash. We must get out of the direction of this explosion.”
Michabou speaking with urgency in his tone.
He was worried. Aayaash and he may be too close to the
explosion. He did not even know when it would occur. He only knew
the massive spherical ship of the Nephilim moved slower than their
small craft.
The Star Seed on the surface and the Nephilim in the Nibiru
unaware of the explosion that would occur. This was their moment. The
heaving planet finally allowed to move on. For millions of years giving
its life force for all who wished to take. Always giving the planet was a
living organism. A living organism held alive by parasitic life forms
subjugating it to life support. The metal framework holding it bound in
permanent stasis. The hollowed-out core giving way.
Michabou felt a sense of moral obligation to free the dying
world Nibiru from the grasp of the Nephilim and the Seraphim. Even
planets could live. Even the Nibiru was a world not allowed to
transition. A planet held hostage by technology. A corpse floating
through space. It was a new perspective to view a planet from this
vantage. As a living being.
Michabou felt no obligation to warn the Star Seed on the
surface. They were a selfish species. A species without empathy,
without a conscience. Driven for personal gain, at the sacrifice of any
and all. He also felt no sympathy for the grey Nephilim, the dark
creatures, the precursors to the Grays. Michabou did wonder how they
connected to the future Greys who called themselves Celestials outcast
from the Star Beings of Origin.
These beings needed to be destroyed. To cut the head off the
snake. To remove their ability to access any technology that would
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allow them continued enslavement of other races. The mad scientists

who created life but also had no respect to the life they created and no
moral obligation to ensure it was given a proper opportunity to survive.
Sending all those pods to Earth, it was heartless, immediately leading
many to extinction. Michabou did not intend to be heartless but he
knew, it was better a few should perish than generations.
The ship moving past Mars and towards the Earth. Tiamat
drifting into the distance as a faint star. The ship coming to a rest behind
the dark side of the moon. A moon itself a reconstruction with portions
of it hollowed out. Even here they would need to remain in stealth. The
Star Seed with their Gray machines and the Grey’s from which they
were modeled. “Aayaash, are we able to zoom in and view the
explosion from this vantage using this ships system, is this possible?”
“Only with the visual enhancer.” Aayaash started pushing
controls. The screen shown the world. The final image of the planet. It
was heart breaking what the Nephilim had done to its surface in the
name of progress. The Nibiru moving by the planet 1/4th of its size
enormous in proportions. In an instant Michabou could see hundreds of
ships launching form the surface of Tiamat. They were fleeing. How did
they know?
He noticed the large Nibiru powering up as brilliantly lit light
moved through the lines that formed its equatorial lines vertically and
horizontally. The screen went bright white as the explosion of the planet
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Mishebeshu had dreamt of reuniting with his people. Once the
Nibiru reached Gia he would release his army of sentinels. He would
seize control. The Nibiru now passing Jupiter. Mishebeshu knew the
fulfillment of his destiny was at hand. He would bring honor back to the
Aln. The ship almost entirely under his control. A majority of the
Nephilim living in ships hovering above the atmosphere of Gia. He was
the master of the helm. His plan was working perfectly.
The Grey machines mixed among the Titans on Gia. The foot
soldiers to ensure the dark leaders commands were met. It all hinged on
Tiamat and the transaction with the Nephilim. They would give the
planet to the Seraphim in return for a predetermined amount of source
material. The only requirement, Mishebeshu remain on the Nibiru. The
Nephilim moving to phase III of their plan to organize a kingdom on the
third planet.
Mishebeshu knew, if he could destroy Gia, he could destroy the
Nephilim. He would use the Nibiru to destroy Gia. Coming to the planet
Tiamat Mishebeshu’s attention moved towards accessing his people
once more. The savior arriving for a global victory. In the next breath
red lights blinking on and off as the planet was scanned. A master voice
sounding over the electrical equipment. “Planetary collapse imminent,
central core collapse.”
“NO!!” Mishebeshu yelling through the room had the carpet of
destiny ripped from beneath him.
The scan showing an image of the planet displaying the central
core collapsing the inner cavity of the planet. The planet collapsing on
itself producing an outward explosion that would reach the Nibiru. The
computer of the ship again alerting Mishebeshu to the coming
cataclysm. “System, will the Nibiru survive the explosion?”
“Interplanetary rupture imminent, Nibiru will be destroyed.” The
answer from the machine devastating.
Mishebeshu quickly activated the escape ship command within
the Nibiru. This would reach the Nephilim. “Nephilim, Tiamat
destruction imminent. Interplanetary core collapse. Nibiru destruction
expected. Seek refuge on Gia. Collapse imminent.” Mishebeshu ended
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the broadcast signal and fled towards the landing corridors. He knew in
this moment none could keep him from escaping.
His army of soldiers loyal only to himself. Appearing from every
corner to accompany their leader to safety. The grey machines
producing a substance that organized into a capsule which shot
Mishebeshu into the darkness of space towards Gia. The grey machines
themselves turning into saucer shaped ships. They were shape shifting
Nano-bots. A new technology for the future as designed by Mishebeshu.
These Grays would revolutionize the future of the Seraphim. Thousands
of these beings releasing into space fleeing the imminent destruction.
The signal reaching the surface of Tiamat, the high leaders likewise
releasing from the planet.
In an instant the planet collapsing to a point and then dispersing
in a massive explosion. The explosion sending a title wave warp of
space outwards. The planet breathing its final breath of life, emitting its
life into space surrounded the Nibiru. The home of the Nephilim
exploding the planet melting and twisting upon itself. Moving through
space Mishebeshu was horrified that his object of control was gone. His
position of power removed. He was now a nomad on the planet Gia,
beneath the Nephilim once more but he had removed a few pieces from
the board or play. There was always a silver lining in defeat. This was
something he could not bear. It could have gone any number of
directions. He had placed the core in a stasis. It should never have
The ripple of space moving towards Simud. The impact of the
gravitational wave released by the massive planets destruction
impacting the planet Simud with tremendous force. The ripping at the
atmosphere of Mars. The electromagnetic field stretching as if it were
being lifted from the planet. Viewing the damage from a safe location
near Gia, Mishebeshu watched as the computer system informed him of
the status of the explosion.
“System analysis, Tiamat destroyed, Nibiru destroyed. Simud
not destroyed, planetary body facing cataclysmic climate change with
70% of the atmosphere blown into space.” The screen showed a detailed
analysis of the planets electromagnetic field. The field ripping into
space stretching like an elongated oval. “Current analysis, remaining
10% of atmospheric loss in next 3-planetary rotations.
The end for Simud was fast. The unseen gravitational wave
removing the magnetic field which held the planet safe against the
elements of space. In one moment a lush world of savannah grasslands
surrounding large oceans. The next a barren landscape with oceans
blasted into space. The icebergs traveling at super speeds in the
direction of the Earth. The shell that contained the atmosphere had been
removed. The atmosphere releasing into space as the planet experienced
sudden and immediate shock. Mishebeshu watched as the planets
massive oceans began to be sucked into space freezing into massive
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chunks of ice debris. The surface instantly changing from lush green
vegetation to death and destruction. The remaining atmosphere
producing only ice as the oceans were pulled to the poles with the
expanding and stretching magnetic field.
The life in the planet, those few who remained in the vast cities
under the surface unknowingly trapped in a global cataclysm. The
debris from Tiamat also reigning down upon its surface in massive
explosions. The rubber band effect had occurred with a gravitational
wave moving towards the earth. In 1-Earth hour Simud was no more.
The entire dynamic of the solar system changed, two of three
habitable worlds eliminated. Once four life supporting planets now
reduced only to Gia. The desperation of all species caught in the midst
of a war in heaven. Mishebeshu’s primary focus to seek refuge in the
planet Gia. To reevaluate their next move. Gia now the potluck of the
solar system.
Without the Nibiru the Nephilim were crippled beyond repair.
No longer interstellar, no longer interplanetary, they were nomads. All
life upon the face of the planet were a collection of nomads. Mishebeshu
cringing at the day he would have to share anything with the Nephilim.
Let alone a home world with innumerable surface and space dwellers
peering down upon him.
“I will not share this planet.” He said to himself. Choosing to
land in the sparsest place of the planet Mishebeshu and his army of
greys and Seraphim landed at the South Pole. Establishing a beacon that
only his kind could receive instructed those that fled Tiamat before its
destruction to make way for refuge in the frozen South Pole of the
planet. The temperature detrimental to his species. These were times of
survival. No longer conquest. The dreams of self-actualizing the destiny
of the Seraphim. Seraphim were the fathers of this universe.
Mishebeshu was in possession of his insurance policy. The
humanoid creations. The clones. The many Grey’s utilizing the material
to formulate an underground entrance and base within the ice as if
cutting butter with a hot knife.
The speed in which the hundreds of gray machines operated was
mesmerizing. Mishebeshu entering a prepared room. The clear glass
coffins containing the bodies still sealed. Mishebeshu moving to one
containing a woman, pressing several transparent keys the lid emitting
steam as it slid open. The human being contained inside subject to the
temperature of the planet. Mishebeshu was bringing them to life.
There were eight beings both female to male. All in the image of
Michabou using his DNA as the basis for cloning. These Seraphim
created humans would also serve to provide the needed material for
Mishebeshu to rebuild. This would be their rebirth and the day would
come when they would one day rule the planet. Mishebeshu knew
within his mind, with 1200 Gia years remaining in his life span, his
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leadership and determination would be fundamentally required to

restore their once great civilization.
Speaking aloud Mishebeshu declared. “I will now become the
King of the Sunset. As the sun rises from the East so shall the Seraphim
rise to cover the expanse of this planet to remove all others from our
kingdom.” He moved to one of the clones. Speaking to the now
breathing genetically engineered blond haired, blue eyed human
Mishebeshu continued. “You will have a great destiny. To create as
much chaos and conflict amongst the societies of the surface. To assist
in the reemergence of the race. My children, the merging of human with
Seraphim. The turn their negative emotions towards our advantage. To
inspire greed, hate, wrath, and envy. You will be our lifeblood as well.
You are the Illuminati. The Seraphim’s army on this planet.”
Mishebeshu knew that this was not the first time illuminati had
been created. The sacred Seraphim term for the elite guard. Created
throughout time to be guardians, the eyes and the ears of the species.
These were superior to anything before endeavored. The primates were
hoped to fill this sacred role, to act as intermediaries between the rulers
of the world and outside inhabitants. These were more, they contained
power. He would fill the Earth with his creations. His humans. Working
side by side his Grays’ they would not be stopped. Mishebeshu was not
a quitter, he was an expert in outwitting the opposition.
One of the beings opening its eyes as Mishebeshu rushed over
speaking. “My son, rise.” The human sat upwards in the stasis chamber,
still taking in deep breathes. Staring confused at Mishebeshu. “Can you
understand me child?”
The being nodding. Retaining the basic cognitive functions of
Michabou, a residual of understanding remained. The process had
worked. The man spoke, “Father?” Mishebeshu responding with a stern
voice. “Master.” Then reaching forward touching the chest of the man.
“You are Glycon.”
Turning towards the others now rising from their stasis chambers
they had been watching. “I am Mishebeshu, your Master and you’re
Creator. This is Glycon, he will be King among you.” One of the beings
speaking for the first time, “Who am I?” Mishebeshu moving towards
them “You are my children. I will call you Lamia, and you Wadjet” the
two females smiling in acceptance. Moving towards the remaining five
humans touching them on the shoulder, “Naga, Shokera, Cecrops,
Zahnak, and you are Nuwa.” Lamia, Wadjet and Nuwa female with the
remainder male. “My high council in the centuries to come among all
cultures, peoples and races that will cover this planet.”
As gray machines moved to place uniforms and clothing onto
the humans. The uniforms were pure black in appearance made of small
honeycombs, the suit the same material the grays were constructed
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“Each one of you have been given gifts and abilities. You have
within you a knowledge of this world. This was by design. Look down
at your skin. It is able to adapt to any living organism.” Reaching out to
one of the Grays, Mishebeshu pulled them close. “I want each of you to
change to be in appearance as this being”
Looking down at their skin then back up at the gray being, their
skin rippling like needles as it folded reversing to reflect the outside
appearance of the grey. One by one they each shape shifted to resemble
a gray being. “This will ensure your survival. You are illuminati.
Always adapting, changing, shifting, you have been given superior
enlightenment to the world you will confront.”
“One day your descendants will populate the surface of this
planet. On that day you will assist in allowing the Iln of the House of
Aln of the once great Carian to once again regain power over the
The eight humans shifting back to human form began moving
towards the many machines. They retained all memory of Michabou
once born retaining a genetic memory. This genetic memory they were
able to work faster than the many grays.
“I want you to shift to your true form, the Seraphim within you.”
Stepping forward he asked each of them to form a circle around him.
With hands placed on Mishebeshu, he began speaking again. “My
children, repeat after me. This is the song of the Carian of the House of
He began the chant. “House of Aln, where mother is our home.
The great one Carian. Rebirth. Return. Overcome. Iln of the House of
Aln, survivors of the breaking Dawn. Rulers. Chosen Ones. Aln. Aln.
Aln. Aln.”
In that moment the humans looking at each other. Everyone
were Star Seed in appearance. “This is your true form. You are Iln of
the House of Aln, the children of Carian. Never forget who you are, you
are Seraphim. Your problem-solving abilities will surpass even the
Gray. Each of you will now enter the bio-shifter” Motioning to the same
device that Michabou had originally entered, one by one they entered
and exited. Experiencing the same translucent skin color as Michabou.
They were vessels for harvesting. Genetically engineered beings with a
living soul.
Mishebeshu’s contingency plan was always his best, while he
would have liked to have everything flow smoothly and easily take the
planet over. He also cherished the opportunity to freely build his own
planet and fill them with his creations, the perfect genetic machine. The
illuminated human being. Mishebeshu again began the process of
harvesting humans. This time he could genetically ensure obedience
removing the ability to be defiant. These beings were genetically
engineered to provide Mishebeshu with their loyalty to death.
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Mishebeshu would need to continue reproducing more advanced

Seraphim. He would flood the planet’s surface with his kind. The future
of his kind dependent on his ability to focus with the time he had on
future endeavors. The time for planning and preparing had arrived
outside the spotlight of the Nephilim, who Mishebeshu were confident
operated in complete disarray and confusion at the moment. The tower
they had built towards the heavens now obsolete with their Nibiru
destroyed, inoperable, floating away. The Nephilim true nomads,
trapped to their ships in the sky. The surface covered in their cities filled
with their Titans and advanced greys enslaving the humans and people
of Aayaash on the surface.
The rest of the planet was covered either in death by planetary
chaos or the many beasts that stalked the surface genetically
programmed to devour. Humanity would have to survive living face to
face with the mutated giant lizards. He did not have to deal with this
problem. They were his own species only slightly mutated and a bit
crazy. Mishebeshu knew for the time being they would seek to rebuild
their culture within the planet, the surface was far too dangerous. The
grays working in groups of ten pressing deeper into the massive ice
sheets, lower into the surface of the planet to plan the future of
humanity on the planet against dark forces and alien predators.
What would become of the universe of origin?
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With several events occurring simultaneously unseen forces
were at play. Mishebeshu, lead of the Seraphim who were Star Seeds
seeking retribution for centuries of confinement at the hands of the
Nephilim. Mishebeshu’s greys covered the planet Simud which was also
Mars obtaining the only material, gold, that the Nephilim would be
willing to for genetic material. In the coming battles Mishebeshu
choosing Tiamat which would later become Ceres, the temporary home
of the Nephilim as the new home to the Seraphim after trading the DNA
of Michabou to the Nephilim.
Mishebeshu’s species were the former rulers of the universe
known as the Carian Empire inhabiting a specific area of the universe
known as The House of Aln on the planet Venus. Individuals within the
Carian Empire were called Iln. Tiamat the future home of the Carian
Empire to avenge the former destruction of that great civilization
sending the Nephilim to the planet Gia also known as Earth.
The Nephilim are ancient outcasts of a universe outside this
reality. Abandoned on a dying world trapped between two suns. Using
knowledge and technology turning the planet into an inter-universal
starship the Nibiru without the fuel to run it. The fuel being the DNA of
a human Michabou. The scientists sacrificing their own material to
ignite the machine. In the end Michabou would be manipulated by
Mishebeshu into entering a DNA extraction machine.
Michabou, the modern human sent back in time by the
mysterious old man after meeting Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star”, The Man in Black, face to face on Dyaus. Only to be sent to an
unknown period of the Earths historical past. Michabou is stranded on a
fifth planet Tiamat to find it is covered in bio-domes filled with genetic
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mutations by the Nephilim seeking to obtain material. The planet Gia

was being terra-formed by the Nephilim using the trees, wildlife and
soil from Tiamat. Gia, having been destroyed in a cataclysmic collision
between the Nephilim when the Nibiru drifted out of control.
The Nephilim seeing a world covered in a forest seeking to find
that specific point in space time where the manipulation of DNA would
produce a human. Humans being the perfect manifestation of the source
in this reality. Only isolated points in the universe create humans. In the
process saving the Carian from the dying Venus and burning Earth to
the planet Mars. The Nephilim give Seraphim several Ahtna monkey
from Tiamat to use for genetic research. The Seraphim, masters of DNA
manipulation were saved only out of respect to their advanced genetic
engineering abilities. The Seraphim are even better at genetic
engineering than the Nephilim, which is why they are fed material little
by little to prevent them from leaving the surface of Mars. The
Seraphim living under the surface of Mars due to the atmospheric
The Seraphim were required to provide gold to the Nephilim in
order to receive more genetic material. The Star Seed Seraphim created
advanced primates from the DNA of the Ahtna of Tiamat to mine the
needed minerals and live on the surface of Mars.
The quantity of gold mined not sufficient to return the Nephilim
to the Nibiru trapped in orbit around the dark star. The advanced
primate becomes an independent being living on the surface of Simud.
Simud is covered in oceans with savannah marshlands dominating the
surface. The people of Aayaash genetically advanced by the Nephilim
begin to develop interpersonal relationships and autonomous thought.
Beginning the steps towards independence. The existence of a being
resembling a human caught the attention of the Nephilim.
The Nephilim realize that Earth is the location in space time
where genetic manipulation would create a vessel which would provide
the genetic material needed to power the Nibiru. In order to provide
Mishebeshu with the tools to achieve his freedom the Nephilim require
Mishebeshu remain on the Nibiru until it is powered on and brought
back to Gia. Once at Gia the Nephilim plan to kill Mishebeshu.
Mishebeshu wise to the deception of the Nephilim begins using the
power of the Nibiru to build a massive army of Grays organic machine
replica’s using the DNA of the Nephilim Greys. The Nephilim greys are
the genetically engineered helpers of Maji-Manidoo and his scientists
who cover the surface of Tiamat. They prepare to release a second wave
of capsules towards the Earth.
The true history of a moment in time for universe of origin is
explained. A big bang occurs when two universes collide. Every
universe is contained within a bubble floating in a river called the
source. The source is a self-aware consciousness that watches over all
lifeforms within the game. The consciousness of the source moves like
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honey surrounding and protecting the infinite universal bubbles

contained within its liquid. The liquid of the source is also filled with
infinite numbers of consciousness seeking entry into a universal bubble.
When the two universes collide one universe consumes the other.
Two particular universes that have completely mastered by their
manifested species. The universe of the Carian collides with the
universe of the Anishinaabe. The Anishinaabe material flows into the
universe of Carian expanding the universe destroying the culture of the
Empire of Carian. The Native Anishinaabe descended from the Tanye
Tanka who resemble sasquatch were giant ancient natives themselves.
The leader of the Anishinaabe is Kulkukan who resembles the
image of the source when appearing to Michabou. Kulkukan is an
eternal being who always makes big picture decisions viewing the entire
scope of the river of life and the role of the universe(s) within it.
The Nibiru is hijacked by Mishebeshu who seeks to sabotage the
Nephilim plans is undermined when Michabou and Aayaash detonate
the planet Tiamat. The explosion destroying the fifth planet Tiamat
leaving the Nibiru inoperable. The destruction blasts the atmosphere and
oceans off Mars towards the planet Earth with many large icebergs
becoming trapped in the Earth’s orbit. Earth is covered in bio domes
previously released by the Nephilim from Tiamat to flood the planet
with genetic creations in preparation for relocation. With the destruction
of Nibiru, the Nephilim are in disarray trapped on the world. The
interdimensional hopes crushed as they became isolated. The Earth is
covered in large buildings place together in geometric slabs of stone.
The Titans dominate the surface of the planet. Created by the Nephilim
using human DNA and Nephilim DNA were merciless. Titans are tall
with translucent white skin with black eyes. They control the advanced
primates who are mining for Gold.
Aayaash, the leader of the advanced primate’s searches for his
family who have vanished from Mars. The formerly loyal body guard
military commander for Mishebeshu. Now making decisions for the
future of his own people aligns himself with Michabou, a human from
the future who Aayaash aspires to be. Michabou, viewing Aayaash with
respect as an autonomous equal. Michabou encourages his ability to
make independent thoughts and decisions for himself and his people
removing the illusion of Great Spirits, revealing the Seraphim of
Mishebeshu as Tim Great Spirits. Aayaash and his people are freed
from oppression.
It is revealed that Aayaash is a human of Mars. In the universe
of origin location plays a factor in genetic engineering. One degree to
the right of Earth the creation of Aayaash. One degree to the left of
Earth the creation of Mishebeshu. The vessels having different
manifestations but the consciousness equal and from the same location.
The perfect vessel for genetic engineering for the eternal consciousness
found on the Earth.
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There are those from outside the river of life which contains the
bubbles of universes that watch. These beings acting as watchers are tall
with white skin and unlimited power. Michabou calls them the Tall
White’s. The Tall Whites are unwilling to dramatically alter the
timeline. Appearing at sporadic but rare moments in human history to
help humanity’s progression towards becoming advanced humans.
Michabou realizes advanced humans live in a realm called Origin. An
alternate realm that existed separate from the source and the universal
bubble. The understanding of the machine that holds all within bound
Michabou overcomes an encounter with Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”, a being from a realm of darkness that is not fully
understood. The man in black unknown in origin with no details how his
story unfolds. Being sent to the past Michabou seeks to prevent the
future events from happening all-together. After an initial battle of back
and forth questioning whether he was delusional or not, choosing to
believe he was in Earth’s past. Michabou brings about a leveling of the
playing field at the direction of Kulkukan, with the destruction of
Tiamat, Nibiru, and Mars as habitable destinations. He is faced with the
reality that all creations would be confined to the planet Earth. Itself
hemorrhaging slowly back to life.
Mishebeshu the genius species from Venus. The former rulers of
the universe. The driven serpent seeking to utilize the knowledge of the
future of the planet begins again in Antarctica. Seeking an uninhabitable
location, the hundreds of thousands of Gray’s building massive
underground bases. Mishebeshu, carrying his insurance policy, his
guarantee within eight clones of Michabou who he calls the Illuminati.
The Illuminati are advanced seraphim Star Seeds. The plan of last resort
which he feels is full proof. Eight human clones of Michabou
genetically engineered using Seraphim (Star Seed) DNA. Raising the
creations from cryogenic stasis Mishebeshu announces them as eternal
beings who would be founders of a future empire as the Illuminati. The
founding fathers and mothers of the organization that would infiltrate
the human world for manipulation and the benefit of the Mishebeshu’s
vision to conquer the planet and use Earth as a base to reclaim the
universe. Mishebeshu names his Illuminati. The advanced humanoids
are able to shape shift into any creation they touch. He calls them the
future of the species, the new children of the Carian. Mishebeshu sends
his eight children to the corners of the globe to establish new cultures
and civilizations.
Kulkukan flees the planet Tiamat in a Nephilim ship which he
buries within a granite mountain. His people, the Anishinaabe rebuild
forming a hidden culture high within the cliffs. The planet Earth has
been overrun with massive lizards who covered the post-apocalyptic
planet prior to cataclysms of Tiamat and Simud. The stage is set for a
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new confrontation with Mishebeshu, Michabou, Aayaash, Kulkukan,

Maji-Manidoo and his creations isolated on a blue marble.



The decision to destroy the planet took courage and patience but
it was accomplished. These were decisions with consequences larger
than themselves. Whether justified or unjustified much greater power
than one man should have been given. To avoid war is the theme of life
unless of course you live in the universe of origin where genetic
variation is infinite and king.
In the universe of origin, the governor of the machine is a
conscious entity named the source. Within the source infinite universal
bubbles projecting the illusion of reality for cloned consciousness to
dwell. Illusions of reality, creations of the sub atomic matrix that allow
the soul to exist, a separate extension of the source. The source was self-
aware viewing all human life as its children with it a good steward. The
real question as what was consciousness and why it needed to dwell
within vessels. Why were vessels so unique and while all consciousness
was equal the vessels could be dramatically unequal.
Michabou ran these thoughts through his mind over and over.
The rundown of the timeline far beyond remembering every detail he
was lucky to survive. Seeking answers that he could not find. Which
seemed just beyond the veil. He had met a superior life form. A sentient
being that was self-aware. Not only self-aware but that which built and
maintains the framework that he exists within. In all places, at all times.
Why this framework and why the need for an overseer and how could
he exit?
The source was looking for storytellers to tell a story within the
game called life. A speculated simulation replaying a story of some
long-lost time. Knowledge that none but the source contained.
Michabou chuckling to himself was getting goofier and goofier the
crazier and crazier things got. It just didn’t seem real anymore. The
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depth of his philosophical understanding pressing against the walls of

the cranium challenging his mind to unshackle itself.
A mind that natural sought to why. A consciousness that did not
originate in the machine. That did not originate within the vessel of his
body. Yet he had a vessel that seemed to contain the most powerful
genetic elements in this universe. Perhaps this was because he was the
manifestation of the source in the perfect location. Michabou was forced
to take this thought process seriously due to the fact they kept capturing
him and sucking him almost to death. Something existed within the
cells. Something unseen that formed the fabric of the vessel which he
resided within that caused a few interdimensional beings to go at great
lengths to obtain. Of course, this was the reason why.
The planet was not in full blown civilization over drive as in past
moments. All groups were simply trying to survive. Michabou marveled
at the numerous groups on the surface all striving to be the first to reach
space. To reconnect with something that they once lost. Something that
was all encompassing, their life, taken in an instant. When knowing
everything turns into having nothing but vague memories of something
that used to be but no longer was.
Along the equator the civilizations of the Nephilim flourished.
The dark creatures led by the indomitable Titans building the foundation
for many civilizations that Michabou recalled from his lifetime. Their
cities made of massive stone to last millennia as monuments to the
giants of the planet.
The Seraphim Illuminati began sneaking into these civilizations,
infiltrating their governments. The ruling families of Mishebeshu
children taking over leadership. Viewed as Great Spirits by the people
of the Earth the Nephilim waged a never-ending war against the
Illuminati. The ability to adapt giving the Illuminati the upper hand in
blending in to both other cultures. They were sly and subversive while
the Titans were bold and domineering. One was a chameleon while the
other was a fifteen-foot giant. The odds of assimilation seemed in the
favor of the Illuminati.
The reality of the constant conflict was the norm of every single
day for Michabou. It was his job to find those points in time and remove
the potential. Unable to conquer, he could repeat instances such as
Tiamat and the Nibiru explosion on a smaller scale. At least in theory. A
theory that could not be proven. Michabou entered the quarters of
Kulkukan rising and greeting both Aayaash and Michabou with
a huge hug. “You have done it. You have balanced the scales. You have
leveled the playing field.”
Michabou was smiling it was pure happiness to see Kulkukan
again. Michabou then asked the question he had been dying to ask.
“When I was in Tiamat before I merged the crystal with the core. I
explored your old room. I found the hand print on the wall. I saw the
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video. What does this mean? I understand you somehow came here
during the big bang when your galaxy merged with this galaxy. But
when, how, please tell me so I can understand?”
Kulkukan, recognizing that there existed few moments in life
that an individual would be prepared to address the possibility of such
answers took a moment. He responded to Michabou. There are
questions that exist that while seeming simple will challenge the
foundation of any being’s philosophy. I had found it better not to
address such matters as few were worthy to receive them.” Kulkukan
stopped speaking and began moving his fingers along the beads as he
had done in Tiamat. “20 billion Gia (Earth) years ago. My people
resided in a realm that was in perfect harmony with itself. Faced with
invaders we chose to enter a universal bubble to assist in the destruction
of this universal bubble.”
The revelation shocking and beyond comprehension for
Michabou. “We were the Anishinaabe. We filled every world around
every sun in every galaxy in that Universal bubble awaiting the moment
when we would come. I am the last eternal being of my people here.
Kulkukan was pacing still running his fingers across the beads.
“Long ago, several of the wise elders determined to preserve the history
of our ancestors. Our ancestors the most important of our entire culture.
A process that changed the DNA of our species to Eternal was
performed on myself and several hundred Tanka. They were and are us
in the beginning. The ones you see now will live with me forever. My
people have not been changed. They will live their lives and return to
the source to begin their journey home united with the family of your
consciousness. We are being grafted into your eternal family. We
became aware long ago that we were surrounded by many other
heavens. When the breach occurred, we prepared ourselves. The mass of
our heavenly sphere twice that of the colliding heavenly sphere. We
determined that our mass would burst through into the other sphere.
Riding the vastness of space and time is quite simple in scale to size
when suns are separated by vast distances. The distance we travelled as
the entirety of our universe merged with this expanding and pressing it
outwards in compensation to the matter was instant. We survived an
event that is unparalleled in the existence of intelligent beings.”
Kulkukan looked up at two of the tall native giants grasping one
of them by the arm. “The vast majority of my species occupying the
seven sisters of the Pleiades Star System. Our elders require a thick
forested planet to survive. The world Tiamat was discovered. Covered
in forest and ruled by a primitive monkey was the perfect home to start
over. My role as eternal leader was to preserve their lives. When we
arrived the Carian Empire had collapsed. They were confined to the
surface of their world. Polluting the atmosphere trying to escape its
surface. Some stranded-on Earth and others dying on the moon. We
accomplished our task and our realm was preserved.”
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Pausing to pick up a homemade flute, Kulkukan played a soft

tune which caused all the holographic fires to turn on. “I knew then it
would take a miracle to save that species from themselves. This species
that formerly ruled the entire universe trapped on a planet they could not
escape. Determined to escape at the cost of their own annihilation. The
decision was paramount to blind suicide. They all knew the truth, but
pretended it did not exist. Knowingly agreeing to their own death. My
people are old. Many times older than this universe. We will wait it out
until it is our time again.”
“What about the Nephilim?” Asked Michabou.
“They are from a place outside the river of life. Stranded here by
as fallen ones. When they appeared it was only a few thousand years
ago. Their world was on a collision course with Gia, your Earth. As they
entered the solar system they became aware of the habitable worlds with
life focusing on Tiamat. Gia was doomed to extinction. Simud only
containing large plant eating lizards. The same as covered Gia prior to
the collision. When they came to Tiamat they captured and killed so
many. The reality of what they were doing to my people the
Anishinaabe, and the Ahtna monkeys was unbearable. The lengths at
which a Seraphim will go are beyond acceptable.”
“Michabou, in every place the creation of a hominid is possible.
The end result is never the same. I have told you this over and over but
look at this being.” The holographic imagery shone a chimpanzee with
arms stretched the same as the Vitruvian Man. “This is the human of
Tiamat. The Ahtna, the monkey is the result of genetic engineering to
create hominids on that world.” Michabou stood in shock. His theory
was correct. The body was merely a vessel. Staring at the giant monkey.
A tall chimpanzee the size of a man but very much a giant chimpanzee
was only a vessel for consciousness. His theory was proving correct.
“These beings really are you. They are me. They are us, all of us
emerging into this existence through the source. To consider oneself
superior is foolish indeed. Look at Aayaash, the hominid of Simud, and
look at you, the hominid from this very world. The only difference is
that when you were created you happened to be at a spot with a greater
connection to the source. The Apex. So you entered the vessel with
greater function and ability within this realm of illusion. You could have
entered a vessel from Simud. Consciousness is equal and the same. Gia
is a remarkable planet. The only we have found in this entire Universe
that produces a vessel such as yours. In every universe while infinite
worlds are projected with consciousness only one is an apex that
produces the perfect vessel but they are only vessels. No vessel should
be leveraged against any other. What you have shown with Aayaash is
that those created one degree off can develop greater ability over their
vessel through individual choice when given access to information.”
Kulkukan turning the screen to show the Pleiades Star System.
“My people are coming. With the core of the world in detonation a
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signal should have been sent to them. The time has come to infiltrate
one of the Titan stronghold cities. If Aayaash people are to be saved.
We very well cannot walk out with them.”
“I can’t allow them to stay there under those conditions,
Aayaash won’t allow it” Michabou said directly as he was already
preparing to leave. “I think we take over a city. I think we do something
that will put them on their heels. The cities are too large to gain access
from a frontal assault. I figure we would need to infiltrate into the
population. Create an uprising from within.” Michabou giving his plans
showing he had been thinking about this for quite a while. Kulkukan
was intrigued.
The holographic image of the Titan temple rising like a towering
pyramid. The perfect digital matrix of the neAayaasht fortified city
appeared in front of them. The actual building was slated with granite
slabs. Smoke steamed through the air around the temple square.
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Aayaash was eager to see what his two friends were doing
before pointing to the map and stating, “We must enter from here.”
Aayaash pointing to a cluster of trees that extended over the top of the
east wall. “How do you know this will be the spot too cross?”
Questioned Michabou not wanting to challenge him but to ensure it was
the right spot.
“I’ve already been there.” Aayaash revealing his intelligence and
ability to keep a secret. Michabou looked at Aayaash with a smile.
“While in this place, you must also seek to find Ahtna. It is of great
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importance we locate any surviving ape species.” Kulkukan then issued

the directive. “Phase II will be the freeing of Aayaash people.” Sealed
with the grasping of each other’s forearms in the sign of the triangle the
three dispersed. Michabou and Aayaash walking towards the starship
once again determined to succeed. They were brothers and neither could
imagine not having the other around. Michabou was thinking again
about his friend Aayaash. How can anyone understand the dynamic of
having a twin brother unless you yourself have had a twin brother? In a
reality where humans were interplanetary cousins with all other hominid
species in an endless search for greater enlightenment the forces at plan
were beyond comprehension.
To sit down pen to paper the scope of the reality dared to be
imagined let alone accomplished. Would you not be close to the
knowledge of the Gitche Manitou? Michabou and Aayaash ship exited
the mountain lowering into the canopy below.
Lizards streaking through the openings. They were the global
species. It had been a long time since he had seen any of the other
dinosaurs brought to the planet. It was as if an immediate slaughter of
all dinosaurs had occurred over night. The species from Mars incapable
of adapting. The carcasses littering the ground. The world would
remember them as clusters of carcasses in the geological historical
record. As if their entire existence ceased in an instant.
The age of the dinosaur had ceased instantly.
The Tyrannosaurus Rex was terrifying. There were many
versions. Tall ones that tower near the canopy of the trees, they were
rare, and every other variation down to the size of your hand. The
chemical fallout from the collision of the Nibiru causing mighty beings
to come into existence. The only safe places on the planet were along
the edges of the poles or deep within the Earth.
“We need to land the ship Aayaash; this has to be done on foot.”
Michabou knew that if they were to actually succeed in infiltrating a
city. Flying to the door might be a poor decision.
“Yes, I agree.” Aayaash directed the ship towards a dark corner
of the deep forest. Michabou pausing to realize this was the first time
that Aayaash had referred to himself in the first person that he believed
that Aayaash believed he was equal. “Aayaash, let’s land over there
under that large tree. We can cover it with debris. Although, I am not
sure it will really matter.”
Landing the ship, the two exited cautiously. Looking through the
perimeter always watchful of the frontward charging teeth baring
moving muscle of a Titan they were on edge. They stepped through the
canopy. The distance one mile from the rising pyramid. The pyramid
built near a massive quarry. The ground covered in the most beautiful
pine needles. Michabou’s feet gently sinking into the moist soil. The
moss-covered trees left a smell in the air that was refreshing and brisk.
Crisp air breezing through the valley.
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The sounds of drums could be heard beating in the distance.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. The beats echoing through the valley.
Aayaash and Michabou using them to get close to the high walled city.
Making longer sprints when the drum beat was echoed. Aayaash
moving towards the wall with the large tree that he had been using to
gain access into the city. With the sun setting the dusk concealing their
movements the two began the ascent into the high walled city.
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The Nephilim had been the scourge of the solar system for
millions of years. Their emergence to a world covered in monkeys
threw an entire universe into chaos. The thought process revealing that
this part of the universe had been genetically altered by a prior
civilization. A precursor to the Carian.
Someone had to have created the monkeys. The genetically
engineered hominids. Maji-Manidoo was the leader of the Nephilim and
none more knowledgeable on genetic engineering. Their journey to the
source planet was filled with constant struggles to overcome an eternal
He was one of the first creations of the Brahma. Given the job of
creation. His kinds were geneticists. The realm containing expanding
Through his research with the manipulation of the source which
was a literal river flowing through Dharma. Maji-Manidoo had learned
that his creator, the Brahma, was in fact a creation himself. Maji-
Manidoo recognized the possibility of space time variations. Testing
this hypothesis in the realm of Dharma. He would need to create a tear
in space time to access other dimensions. The temporary simulated
universes within the river of life that flowed through his laboratory
seemed like the perfect place to initiate his grand experiment.
Isolating the fluid, he began sending out genetic code into the
consciousness of the river that when applied within the sub atomic
matrix of the river identified habitable locations where consciousness
originated. His job was to isolate and extract consciousness from the
river to create new Brahma like himself. Emerging with no memory
these beings were taught the same as he to do what he has done. Never
thinking to look within the spherical units inside the river.
The universe would behave like a hard drive that he would
download information to connect the dots back just a bit further. The
code was simple, in any location that allows for the implementation of
the creation of a hominid fitting certain parameter physiologically.
Parameters for life in Dharma. These points were then proven to exist
within the spherical units inside the river and not the fluid they had been
using to create more of their kind. The source sending out the
confirmation to Maji-Manidoo suggesting that indeed locations existed
that allow the perfect manifestation of the source within the simulated
matrix, the emergence and creation of an eternal being. This placed
everything he did into jeopardy. If this was true, indeed it was, he was
prematurely extracting consciousness. If that was true than all Brahma
in Dharma were trapped.
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Maji-Manidoo in that moment realizing that the great Brahma

was nothing more than his own intelligence. Confronting the Brahma,
Maji-Manidoo began sharing his data. “Great Brahma, I am troubled.”
“What is it my son?” Responded the Brahma, the leader of the realm of
“Since you created me and asked me to be a creator. We have
filled this realm with life and always more to bring from the river of
life.” Maji-Manidoo was confused and struggled to understand what he
had seen.
“Yes, this is true, we bring advanced humans into existence.”
Brahma responded causing Maji-Manidoo to pause. “How do you know
they are advanced humans? Yet, I am troubled because of something
that I have learned. In the river of life, in the sub atomic vessels of
souls. I found something. My calculations show there is the possibility
of the creation of beings like you and me inside the river at specific
points. If this were to be true and that soul was harvested would it not
bring into existence another being like you?”
Maji-Manidoo rising twelve feet in height questioned his leader.
While in the process of extracting fluid from a machine to genetically
engineer new being he stumbled upon the reality that other realms exist
beyond his own. His long flowing garment always waving in the air as
his feet never touched the ground. His skin translucent purple. Skin
smooth with a soft edge glowing around its perimeter. They were purple
humans in a realm of tranquility. The Great Brahma pondering the
revelation before responding. “Considering what you are saying is true.
I want you to send into the river of life a program instructing it that at
no point is there to be a possibility for the creation of a Brahma.”
Maji-Manidoo pausing to realize what he was asking. Maji-
Manidoo realized the liquid was a super computer. It was a code that
could be tweaked to do varying things. Within the code an equation
existed proving their own existence in relation to the source itself. The
program had now proven that Dharma may in fact be just another part of
the program. That within the river other beings perhaps more powerful
than Brahma may exist. He quietly responded. “Very well.”
Leaving his leader, Maji-Manidoo was shocked at Brahma
dismissiveness acknowledging it was true. What would happen if a
Brahma were a created being? He had asked him to input the code
sequence. He could have done it with the swipe of his hand. He was the
Entering his research facility. The clear glass walls emitted
perfect light. Moving to the material coding stream a long tube of
brightly lit substance carried from the left of the room to the right. In the
center of the tube insertion points to inject or extract the substance.
Moving to a white keypad Maji-Manidoo began typing with his six
human arms. His fingers moving at such an incredibly rapid rate lines of
code written into perfect strips of genetic orders. The material a
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substance that works as code when submitted into the source

implemented into the digital matrix. It was simple. He extracted liquid.
He imputed code provided to him by Brahma. The production of
another Brahma like Maji-Manidoo came into being. He was an
engineer of Great Spirits.
Pausing in hesitation, Maji-Manidoo went back to the keypad.
Reinserting the small chip with a clear glass capsule on the end into the
computer. “Let’s mask you a bit. We won’t remove you from the
matrix, but we will hide your possible locations.” What Maji-Manidoo
had done was not eliminate the possibility of the perfect creation, rather
he would simply limit its occurrence in a sea of code making it more
difficult to recognize.”
He knew the stark reality of the implications of his find. For the
first time in his existence he was defying his creator. Never before had
he considered his creator was a created being. The Brahma, was, well
the first Creator. With the possibility that other dimensions existed
separate from his own that may look down upon him. The Brahma had
been expanding his realm with many creations. Namely the armies of
eternal beings that he created from the source which acted like a river in
their world.
Their world stretched into infinity in all directions. It was the flat
world without end in a realm of pure existence. Maji-Manidoo began
thinking about his leader. The Brahma had the power to manipulate
space time in a place of pure matter. He brought the order that makes
life possible. This was a harvesting center. Maji-Manidoo mind was
racing, for the first time in his existence he felt a fraud. A foolish pawn
in the enslavement of sentient beings. Celestial enslavement.
Turning to the flowing input access point that allowed access
into the source. Maji-Manidoo submitted the coding necessary to ensure
that he would not be the one to cease the creation of Brahma within the
river. Considering the reality if this were truly possible. Were their other
Dharma? Places similar to his own, ruled over by another Brahma.
Endless as the Vessels of souls in the river of life. Was he but one of
numberless who became aware? Maji-Manidoo then determined to
organize his information to share with others within the High Council of
Being the first of any species carried power in the Halls of
Immortals. Genetic manipulation in a realm above all others producing
super beings. He is being one of many within the Brahma leadership
council. Looking down within the flowing liquid he could see small
bubbles of encapsulated universes. The filaments of atomic matter
stretching to hold the universe intact. The life that must exist. The
beings existing in these places that are seeking to obtain transcendence
to Dharma or was he transcending to that place. Must he descend
beneath it all to make things right entering the microcosm of a reality
that he could destroy with a press of his thumb.
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The process of bringing souls of humans to Dharma producing

the birth of immortal men and women with memories of their past lives
was his greatest honor. Maji-Manidoo relished his role as leader of the
process. A process that the Brahma had shown to him. In the coming
moments upon the world of Dharma. Maji-Manidoo had assembled a
team of like-minded concerned followers. The implications, if true,
demanded the immediate liberation from the control of this powerful
being, who was not one and all, but one of many. Who had tricked them
when they had thought they had escaped the cycler of souls only to
realize they had not even begun.
The structure of creation for Maji-Manidoo expanded in this
moment, he could see within universes souls bursting into existence.
Moving from the fluid into the spheres. Not from the fluid into Dharma.
The system showed that only by entering a sphere would a soul
transcend the river of life to emerge at a Dharma naturally. Yet the
sequence of numbers said if this were true than only one could emerge
naturally within any given realm while all others would be subject to
entering the sphere. Meaning, only through outside manipulation would
a realm like Dharma become filled with immortal beings. It was
backwards and showed that Brahma had done something wrong turning
Dharma into a soul harvesting facility. Ruled by a Brahma, the all-
powerful Great Spirit. But with infinite Brahma, each with their own
Dharma ruling within a larger cosmology. Who then created the
Maji-Manidoo eternal mind bent with questions that reached for
answers just beyond his grasp. Yet, as with the consciousness living in
the worlds within the river of life some things even he could not
confront with answers from his own mind. What he needed to do was
find another Brahma. To reach out and merge the reality of his realm
which was cosmic beyond without limitation of size to the realms within
the source. Creating an interdimensional rift connecting the two realms
equally at one point of transition between the two. But this would only
be possible if Dharma was in fact a part of the code.
In this case the process would bring both realms onto an equal
playing field in terms of size, the rift compensating for the space time
continuum. If he could access one of the universes within the source the
possibility existed, he could reverse the process connecting that realm to
another Dharma. Perhaps if he could find another Brahma or the creator
of all Brahma. He could obtain the answers he so desperately needed but
he needed to test his hypothesis first.
It had never occurred to him that in the process of genetically
engineering human beings in Dharma that he was a part of the process.
While all of these retained memories of their lives in the river of life,
none had ever emerged as a Brahma. Most all considered their life a
resurrection in an afterlife. Eternal beings entering the Dharma ruled by
Brahma. The mathematical possibility proving that at any point a being
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could emerge with the collective memory of all creations was rare. The
manifestation of the consciousness of the river of life, the source, in this
world. It would be considered a glitch.
Never before had it occurred to Maji-Manidoo that the Great
Brahma was created. In this moment Maji-Manidoo, sought to know
who brought Brahma to life here? In his world there were only eternal
beings engaged in the harvesting of souls from the great river and
manipulating material for personal satisfaction and comfort. The agenda
of why never shared, only that it must be done to accumulate the most
possible beings to expand the kingdom.
Maji-Manidoo considered, perhaps there was a reason there was
a stress of urgency at all times as if something may or would happen to
bring conflict. It was as if Brahma knew he did not control the presence
of the source and feared its disappearance.
The cosmological mountains that Maji-Manidoo was forced with
overcoming were at times too much to bear. Not in desire, his heart
pressed against his soul to know why? The pressure of reaching for the
outer branches of the tree limb made the base of his skull and his
cranium feel as though they were stretching under the force of the
unseen demanding access to knowledge that he did contain. Willing it to
himself from an information highway that completely surrounded him.
The theory was plausible. He would use the genetic manipulator
to focus an endless stream of power into a specific location in his world.
It would have to be in his laboratory. He would program that stream
with a code linking it to a programmed destination of the same stream
inputted into the source. In theory he was making several guesses based
on his idea Brahma was one of many. The first, he was hypothesizing
that he in fact was also part of the matrix. While on a grander scale he
too was subject to the digital illusion of reality. If this were true, then it
would make the second truth absolute, if his world was in fact a
manifestation of the matrix it could be coded, it could be changed.
This code could coincide with another point at any location
macro or micro in the sub atomic matrix within the river of life.
Meaning, he could appear anywhere at will as long as he was aware and
had access. Of course, it was all a hypothesis. He had the skill, the
technology but never the thought to try it. If he was wrong, he could
create a reverse wrap in the space time of his world. That paradoxical
black hole wrapping upon itself possibly destroying them all. The
effects would most certainly be catastrophic.
Maji-Manidoo determined either way to find out where Brahma
had come from and perhaps where the Brahma goes when he leaves.
The word had begun to spread among the Dharma immortal that they
were possibly on a temporary world themselves with access to greater
worlds and knowledge. People began to question the Brahma, the
comfort of their lives. Why so many of them were required to inhabit
this space in an endless expanse, to simply expand? Many always felt
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there must be something more but accepted the reality of Dharma. Some
beginning to question within themselves whether or not Dharma’s
existed with beings the same as themselves. The idea could not be
stopped permeating the people in all areas of Dharma. A realm very
much like the worlds they each remembered.
Maji-Manidoo knew the reality of heaven is only as true as the
knowledge of the space to which you go or come. If upon arriving after
death it is realized another society exists to which you must conform
even in the heavenly realm who would not? If one, then became aware
that within this space of eternity there are many kingdoms in the
afterlife it opens the door for the possibility that there will exist those
with more knowledge of what it all means than yourself. Would not the
eternal being in the heavens aware of other heavens seek to use their
free agency to leave? What if someone kept you from leaving when you
rightfully could, was this not what Brahma was doing? He must find
these answers.
Maji-Manidoo wanted to know. He was not an advanced human
being in perfect form. He was not a being who carried the memories of a
previous life from within the matrix creation of the source. He was a
created being unique to his origin. If he could go to where they came
from he could also understand why it is so important that they transcend
that micro reality through to appear in this macro reality. The moment
of time had arrived, the genetic amplifier focused on the wall of the
laboratory. The surface made of the same eternal material present within
the landscape. A landscape present before he was created of pure matter
with this unknown river of life. What form of creation did he reside? He
looked inward as well as outward choosing to accept the impact of the
bigger question.
Numbering ten created architects the same as Maji-Manidoo.
What was interesting about them and their position was that none of
them retained a memory. Dharma was filled with many who did with
Brahma retaining the memory of something else. They were chosen to
perform these experiments as geneticists because they retained no
memory. Brahma was proving to be the master manipulator. How
efficient to place those who would never seek because they did not
know to the river that contained all life. Here they were the third of the
high council leadership. This was a critical blow to the future of
Dharma. They agreed on one thing. They deserved the opportunity to be
masters to their own destiny. To see for themselves the outer realms of
creation. To obtain the knowledge that they rightfully deserve to know.
Driven by an environment of willing suppression Maji-Manidoo was
bothered that Brahma knew something that he would not share. Brahma
obtained knowledge that he did not provide any opportunity to obtain.
He was the first to ever enter within Dharma.
Was not his individual soul worth as much as all other eternal
souls above and below? Placing a tube that connected directly to the
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access point for the source. Maji-Manidoo opened the flow to provide
the source code into the tube leading to the machine. Taking a large
glowing syringe, he inputted the coding which pinpointed the arrival of
a specific space in one of the universes. It was all code so finding the
number of a specific location superseded depth and perspective. The
location near the mathematically predicted apex where a Brahma could
be created. The code ensuring a link to a computer simulated
destination. Moving to the machine the beam programmed to input the
same code into the material that formed the wall of his laboratory. To
many of the geneticists in the room it was a ludicrous idea. If correct
would have a monumental impact on their reality that they could not
The flow of the glowing source material powering the device. It
was something he had never done. He redirected the flowing liquid to
pass through the device producing a beam of focused energy. The beam
blasted towards the wall. The theory suggesting the wall was the same
matrix as within the source meaning everything was a simulation. As
the beam beat down upon the wall the surface began glowing a brilliant
white. The energy began affecting the source material until it was
glowing as well. Looking at the computer to confirm the code accurate
Maji-Manidoo pressed the control to link the two locations the code had
linked. Instantly the wall pealing back to reveal an opening ten foot in
height and four feet in width. It performed exactly as it was instructed.
The room stood silent as all knew every had changed.
Walking towards the opening they all peered in to see what was
on the other side. A dark work covered in ice. The frozen wind
whipping into the room. They knew. They too were part of the
Maji-Manidoo turning to the others. “You see here is what I
believe and aim to prove. I believe that Brahma originally appeared here
first. I believe in being first he obtained access instantly of all things. He
chose to go back and bring more of us forward. Abducting
consciousness from the river that flowed into Dharma. Those with
memories accepted him as the Great Spirit. Those without he used to
work. Why would they question if they had no memory? Why would we
question? It is clear to me Brahma has been deceiving us. Either
willfully, maliciously or for reasons that he himself does not know we
will find answers. Even if those answers reveal Brahma to know
nothing. I believe that he knows much more than that.”
The next step would be to enter the micro matrix and find the
apex where the Brahma would be created. It was Maji-Manidoo goal to
bring the equipment necessary to repeat the process on the micro-matrix
level to reveal a conduit to a macro-matrix where another Brahma may
Entering the rift, the breach in space and time the ten beings
understood that they were taking the risk of being permanently trapped
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within the matrix. They also understood that their perspective on death
would be different than any life forms they would encounter. The
assimilation of life into genetic material would have no eternal
significance since their perspective contained the reality Dharma’s
Turning to his fellow architects Maji-Manidoo imparted some
words of wisdom. “We will be as Great Spirits, always remember how
that feels. To be a Great Spirit. When we return to Dharma and confront
Brahma. We make a pact together. No matter the outcome we will
continue forward until we find the source of the Brahma. Will you make
this pact with me?” Maji-Manidoo knew that in a realm of Great Spirits
all were equal. The power could not be leveraged. In a realm where
there were mortals and immortals leverage could exist. He wanted to
know why things are the way they are and always been.
One by one they all agreed swearing an oath against the high
council of Dharma and their Great Spirit leader Brahma. Their only
mission in existence to find the creator of their creator. If they couldn’t
accomplish this task they would be destroyed. If they could they may
find salvation. The being that could provide them with the answer to one
question, why? Maji-Manidoo and his scientists were willing to
sacrifice their eternal inheritance to enter the mortal realm within the
source. Willing to defy their own hierarchy to answer the only question
that mattered. Why was it there?
Maji-Manidoo stood at the gateway with his scientists prepared
to make the ultimate sacrifice. Whether for good or for evil it was for all
of creation. “Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha, Kartikeya, Durga, Harihara, Kali,
Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati, let us go down among the children of
men in their intellectual infancy and let us find the source of the
Maji-Manidoo sealing the doors to the entrance of his
laboratory. He would need to leave the machine running in order to
return. He hadn’t take the time for remote access. He would need the
beam intact to return. The beam having its own specific address and
location within the matrix. Maji-Manidoo could access this matrix from
any location with his equipment. Without his equipment the knowledge
was worthless.
The plan made perfect sense to Maji-Manidoo, obtain
information and return. For eternal beings few obstacles seemed
possible within the matrix. Entering through the portal onto the surface
of the world the air was a vacuum of electromagnetic energy. They did
not breathe air as immortals. This one advantage gave them tremendous
leverage within where many were confined to locations based on a
program that required them to breath the air of that location to survive.
The code trapping consciousness to specific locations for a reason, the
program was not what truly mattered. It then crossed Maji-Manidoo
mind, if any being from the Dharma returned into this reality having
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access to the micro-matrix they could return at any time as an all-

powerful Great Spirit. The power if manipulated into the wrong hands
would be catastrophic. He was a code breaker on a cosmic scale. He
knew it and hoped that something was watching his manipulation of the
source. Brahma had corrupted of the natural chain of life with Great
Spirits taken prematurely. A worst Dharma would be one filled with
rulers accessing the matrix. He must guard this information. If it were
released many would reentering their previous existences to rule
amongst the unknowing species.
There was more to the issue here than to find a Brahma, it was to
find out why things were the way they are and always will be. The new
world was different in many ways. The skies dark with trillions of
constellations lighting their view. The purple beings with flowing
energy emanating from their backs again stood silent. They were almost
angelic in this world.
“Parvati, I would like you to analyze the material that forms the
rocks on this surface. See if you can locate any biological material that
we can manipulate.” Maji-Manidoo was wasting no time. If time was
Wearing a red colored dress Parvati moved in a majestic
feminine way. A female architect was a master of elements. In Brahma
using its material to organize fascinating creations. Moving into the
distance she began scanning the surface of the stones with a device
emitting a blue light onto the ground.
Maji-Manidoo turning his attention towards the other beings.
“Ganesha, you will record everything we do, everything we see, with a
specific focus on research analysis.” Ganesha, the purple being with six
arms like Maji-Manidoo, however the head of an elephant. He was the
recorder of the book of lives in the Dharma.
The other beings were setting up the equipment to begin their
experiments. Their six arms moving in ambidextrous ways analyzing
the elements. After days of searching the material on the surface of the
planet the eleven deities convened to discuss their findings. Harihara
speaking up first. “The material of this world is of organic base. If we
bio-engineer anything from here it will not produce a Brahma or a being
like us. We must move to another location.”
Kali looking at Harihara responded with an idea that she had.
“We can manipulate the minerals in the ore to build traveling devices.
The travel would be slow but we can cross greater distance more
Maji-Manidoo seeing the larger problem had the solution. “Let
us go back to the Dharma. Return tomorrow and try a new location
within the radius of the apex. I will fine tune the code to narrow the
location of such a world. We can repeat this process over and over until
we find the location.” Maji-Manidoo knew that within this spherical
bubble there were laws. Al worlds spherical in nature. Programs that
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grab consciousness and cling them too them. On one such world the
children of men would exist. The place of the stories of the memories of
those who could remember in Dharma. This was where the answers
would lie. On this world the key would exist to help him know why.
The interdimensional generator powering on with a portal
opening up a rift. The scientists finishing their research returning to
their home world in the macro matrix. Turning off his machine Maji-
Manidoo stood among the others in collective awe. They had done
something no other had done. They were pressing forward with
something greater than themselves. Something with ramifications they
just could not foresee. Maji-Manidoo was staying up late working on
greater mathematical calculations in the area of the universe bubble he
had isolated where the apex would be located. He must get closer. The
distance in this matrix while smaller than the point of a needle within
the micro matrix could be hundreds of light years away. Either calibrate
the machine to narrow in on the exact coordinates or spend eternity
searching for one location.
To give them the chance of reaching their research goals they
must get closer and account for mathematical equations for worlds that
are likely to sustain life. Maji-Manidoo sought rather than shoot them
randomly in a specific location he could press further with an algorithm
expanding the area to account for planets, stars within the apex.
Leaving his laboratory, he knew that he could not avoid the
Brahma. He was the lead geneticist and was required to give an account
on numbers of souls harvested as well as their recorded recollections of
their lives within the source. Entering the high tower that marked the
Brahma’s sacred chamber. Crawling on his knees through the doors that
led to the entrance. The ceiling of the entrances demanding that all who
enter come on knee. The Brahma sat on his throne. The only being in
this reality capable of flight. He could instantly create anything, do
anything, control anything. He was alone in his power. Who did he
answer too?
Rising from the small entrance he spoke the mandatory words.
“Brahma, your servant Maji-Manidoo has come to inform you it is
finished. The coding has been entered into the great river. The source
will now eliminate within its program the possibility of the singularity
apex which would allow for a Brahma to come into creation.”
The Brahma peering down through furrowed brow looking
suspicious. A look Maji-Manidoo had never before seen. “Very well my
son. What are the current numbers?” Maji-Manidoo pulling out his
keypad. “Three million two hundred souls in the past cycle. The river
continues to flow at consistent rates. Should those rates change I will
inform your highness.” Brahma replying, “Very well. Leave my
Maji-Manidoo lowering back towards his knees. Crawling back
through the entrance into the courtyard. He began to think about his own
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reality. He too had to process his shift in knowledge. Conform it to all

that he knew and using what existed in his own database of knowledge.
It was all an effort trying to comprehend those things that seemed too
good to be true and yet made a lot of sense.
Why was Brahma always concerned as long as he could
remember with the flow of the river and the number of micro-universes
per unit? In as long as he had remembered, perhaps an eternity it had
never changed. Yet, the Brahma’s questioning always implied that it
He imagined how his world would respond if the river ceased to
exist. It would mean no more souls born into existence. It would mean
what? He didn’t think anyone would know what to do or where to go.
The river itself was a mystery to him. It appeared out of the surface of a
stone. Stones in Dharma were made of pure energy. The river coming
from somewhere into his existence. No understanding or explanation as
to how it got there or how Brahma knew the genetic engineering process
was ever shared. Why human beings, why the collection, why the
constant need to know numbers? Was there a higher force that kept
track to which Brahma was accountable? If there was, Maji-Manidoo
was not privy to this knowledge.
Heading back to his laboratory Maji-Manidoo began making the
necessary adjustments to reenter the matrix of the source. Fine tuning
his machine to press further towards the gem. Speaking aloud Maji-
Manidoo processed the moment. “If I am a member of this matrix on a
macro level. Where do I go when I die? How do I transition?” The
mumbling stopped and he continued to work. At this point never
considering that while he brought souls, conscious intelligence from the
reality of the micro-matrix into the reality of the macro matrix, why was
there no death in Dharma? Dharma was turning out to be a prison and
not a salvation. These are fundamentally important questions to ask if it
was true. Maji-Manidoo resolved to press further towards the answers.
Before Maji-Manidoo had realized his high council returned.
Each eager to learn more wanting reentry into the matrix. “I have
figured a way to provide a more precise destination. This will continue
every time we enter the matrix until we find the place we need. The
program implemented will automatically adjust after each trip. The
calibration locating more worlds within a smaller radius which meet our
parameters. This means eventually we will find the location. We will
find another Brahma.”
The machine powering back on utilizing the energy of the source
to power the beam which opened another door. The group moving to the
doorway. A world covered in tall purple stalks and vegetation. The
sound of repeated short noises filled the air. A small creature hopped
through the door into the laboratory. Maji-Manidoo picked up the small
creature. The larger hind legs, wide mouth, black eyes, slippery skin. He
placed the creature back within its own ecosystem. Stepping into the
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foreign unknown world the air was thick and sticky. The skies colored
deep grey overcast. It was the first time that Maji-Manidoo had ever
seen clouds. The first time he had seen material that formed these
With each geneticist moving in their own direction analyzing
data. Breaking off pieces of plants, collecting small insects that covered
the ground they were taking specimens to analyze. This was a world
with life.
Kali, a female geneticist from Dharma walking towards Maji-
Manidoo and Saraswati who were setting up the machines necessary to
begin the genetic mutation process on this world. They were setting up a
laboratory to begin experiments. “Maji-Manidoo, I have located the
genetic material of a creature with cellular material.” Maji-Manidoo
realizing the only true faith is genetic science froze. “Where is it?”
Maji-Manidoo was eager to test this creature first. Holding up the small
frog skinned creature with a large head and black eyes he realized it was
the same creature that had hopped into Dharma. It was the being that
lived in the tree stalks and that ate the insects. It ruled the planet. Was
this is the pinnacle species of this planet? He would soon find out.
Maji-Manidoo excited in delight held the small being in his
hands as all stared knowing this was the beginning of something big.
Maji-Manidoo spoke aloud, “Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you
create what you will.” Placing the small creature into the machine they
began the process of extracting its genetic material. One step closer to
finding another Brahma.
The process would not harm the creature. Their technique took
so little genetic material from each cell leaving the creature without any
side effects. Of course they contained the technology to destroy the
creature by extracting 100% of the DNA from every cell but they were
not killers. The material processing through the machine confirming the
elements necessary to produce a humanoid. Whether this was the spot
was unknown to Maji-Manidoo. They could only try the Dharma
cloning process and see what emerges.
“We must return to Dharma bring back more equipment. We
need stasis chambers. I need to see if this material will create the being
we desire.” They were trying to create a Brahma. The council returned
back to Dharma.
Maji-Manidoo began wondering if it was better to use source
material from his own world mixing the two or should he simply
manipulate the DNA of the creature alone. He must try both. He would
need to take material with him regardless as they would need more
source material to activate the portal to return back to Dharma. All of
his equipment utilized the material as a fuel. Maji-Manidoo began
thinking about his own world. Dharma used the source for everything. It
was their fuel for the entire society. He considered for the first time that
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perhaps his life forms in Dharma were acting as parasites entrapping

another living organism. The source was not intended to be stripped of
its very life. They were guilty of manipulating it for their own
progression. He wondered if Dharma was simply a micro matrix of a
much larger macro-matrix. Did beings there also use other beings as
fuel, as the steps on which to build an empire?
Walking through the towering structures that covered his reality
he realized that the very fabric of his society’s entire existence was
based upon the presence of and the manipulation of the river. Brahma
was terrified of the river vanishing. It would mean the loss of the
material needed to build and the collapse of their entire civilization.
Maji-Manidoo knew he was close to something. He could feel
destiny calling him, the need for an awakening, the need to open the
eyes of the blind to the reality of what exists all around them. In the
world of Dharma, days were marked by cycles. One cycle equal to the
ring of the bell contained in the tower of Brahma. Which called for all to
turn attention to their creator and devote all actions to him.
After the end of the day Maji-Manidoo again arrived at his
laboratory. His processing plant. His access point to the source. His
room to view the river which contained the spheres of a digital micro
matrix where souls lived lifetimes before being harvested to live in the
Dharma. Waiting for the others to appear Maji-Manidoo noticed it had
taken longer for them to arrive than the previous three cycles.
Continuing to fine tune his instruments he decided to enter the world
alone. He would take the time moving several needed machines prior to
the arrival of his scientific team. Back and forth he moved the
equipment necessary to clone. As he was coming through the portal
from that world he saw a sight that dropped him to the floor.
The Brahma standing amongst his group of scientists. His
scientists all on their knees with Brahma’s personal guard pressing them
down at the neck. Prior to this point Maji-Manidoo had never seen
Brahma or his personal guard ever display aggressive behavior. Though
demanding, Brahma was a benevolent and caring creature. This act of
violence towards his friends was an unknown concept that troubled
Maji-Manidoo in his heart and mind.
“Brahma, my Lord. I apologize for my unawareness you had
entered my laboratory” The angry leader yelling at the top of his
immortal lungs. “What have you done? You have accessed that which
you were not given stewardship. You have obtained knowledge that was
not yours to obtain. You have defiled the spirit of Dharma. You have
placed your Brahma in a difficult position. How do I allow you to
assimilate back into the Dharma with the knowledge that you now
possess? Too do so would be to thrust an entire culture into chaos. Look
around you, we have structure, order, and all exist in happiness and
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Maji-Manidoo interrupting the Brahma, “What is the point of

existence if knowledge is denied? If the progression of the soul is
damned? What purpose is there for any being with no hope that there is
more, can be more?”
“Silence creation!” The maleficent being yelled as the vibrations
echoed through the walls causing the ground to shake. “Before me was
nothing, after me will be nothing. I am the Brahma, the only Brahma,
and you are mine. Because of your transgression you and your council
are hereby banished to the micro-matrix. To the world of your choosing
without access to the river of life ever again. I know the only substance
that could bring you back to Dharma so within a sphere I will place you.
In time, I will revisit your sentence. My decision is final. Guards, send
them through the portal into the micro matrix. I created knowledge and I
created the source of universes. Your blasphemy will be removed from
the timeline of creation.”
Maji-Manidoo fellow geneticist beginning to weep and sob,
begging their Creator to extend them mercy. To allow them another
opportunity. Brahma reply harsh and uncaring. “Children, you will have
no mercy. Some knowledge must always remain hidden.”
One by one the immortal beings moving through the portal onto
the surface of the planet. Maji-Manidoo staring back at Brahma. He
spoke a final dialogue to the being. “You are a fraud. Not the only
Brahma. Your fear will only grow because you know that I know you’re
not alone. You are a fraud.” Brahma was speechless replying nothing as
the portal closing all realizing they were now indefinitely trapped on the
surface at the mercy of Brahma.
“How could you let this happen?” Saraswati hysterically crying
started wailing on Maji-Manidoo. The others each with hand in head
contemplating their reality. Maji-Manidoo could see what was
happening. “Nothing changes! Any of you think he knows how to use
that equipment? He does not know the specific code for this locations
address. Look around you, it is all here. I brought it all every piece of
equipment that was there. Today was a big day. In fact, if anything has
changed it is an increased emphasis on obtaining a gateway to another
Dharma and finding another Brahma. We have no other option but to
press forward, to find the human specimen we are looking. The work
begins now.”
Maji-Manidoo began connecting chords and moving equipment
into position. “We knew there would be risks. We knew the answers we
needed to find would be found through entering into a simulated
universe within the source. It is here the answers are to be found. We
are where we need to be to make the greatest impact. We can sit here for
eternity until Brahma decides our fate, or we can choose our own fate.
Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.”
The eternal beings holding their hands together in a circle with
their six-arms conjoining forming a wheel. Hands clasped, standing
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together, Maji-Manidoo spoke again, “From this moment in time, we

will stand resolute to the end. We will be seekers of knowledge.
Together.” Embracing each other with hugs they gained strength in the
presence of another.
Moving towards their machines they began the process of DNA
manipulation of the small species on the planet. None spoke but all
acted. The cryogenic stasis chamber displayed the structural engineering
of the skeletal framework for a body that normally is grown in Dharma.
The blood vessels, the capillaries, and the organs all forming within the
structure designed to use material to form a humanoid life.
“Lakshmi, I need you to survey the planet for the material called
Gold. It will have these calculations of elements. Enter these numbers
into your device. Take Parvati, go to the large mountains and begin the
extraction process removing, collecting and bringing to me the gold
from this planet. It’s everywhere. Without access to Dharma, or the
source material we must use the closest element to the source which is
this Gold. I will finish the creation process of this humanoid to provide
you with workers to mine more gold. If this planet is not the apex point
of creation, we will need to relocate.” Maji-Manidoo was focused and
determined to answer his question, why?
As Lakshmi and Parvati left to find locations where gold would
be present Maji-Manidoo and the other scientists continued setting up
the stasis chambers. Maji-Manidoo connecting the final tube turned the
machine on. The streaming canisters of material brought from Dharma
lighting the stasis chamber. The fluid flowing into the skeletal frame.
Maji-Manidoo holding a small from in a canister. Injecting the dna of
the creature into the fluid from Dharma. Instead of a perfect human
being as was always produced in Dharma, laying in stasis was a large
seven-foot-tall insect creature. The large bulbous head dominated by
massive black eyes. The creature was a humanoid version of the species
on the planet mixed with the material of Dharma.
Maji-Manidoo had in essence genetically engineered life with a
conscious intelligence destined to develop self-awareness. This planets
version of a human being with a soul. He had successfully pulled a
consciousness from the source into the sphere. He was actually helping
the process that was previously in play. He wanted to finish his
hypothesis. Moving to another stasis chamber he did not fill it with any
material of Dharma. This stasis chamber would be filled only with the
material of the small creature. Turning the system on the chamber filled
with the liquid. Coming to a stop the being in the chamber was a
humanoid grey. Wrinkled skin, large eyes, with two arms and legs.
“This is not the right location, however let’s make more of these to be
our workers in this place.”
In the process of several planetary months the scientists from
Dharma were pumping out endless numbers of these creations. The tall
beings unable to speak verbally but with the brainpower of supreme
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intelligence. As they assembled themselves Maji-Manidoo explaining

that they were their own sentient beings. Brought forth from the source
into the micro matrix to assist in finding the location of the Brahma’s
creation. Maji-Manidoo explained to them that when they perish here
they would live again in another realm called the macro matrix, Dharma
as a Brahma.
The genius of the greys was in organizing atoms. The material of
the sphere. They began making vessels to travel through space. Maji-
Manidoo realized that with the power that these beings contained. These
humans created in a place in space that distorted the version of their
existence provided lopsided strengths. They had the power to
manipulate elements. Even now they were turning an entire planet into a
Maji-Manidoo felt with time on his side the best way to traverse
space and time would be to do so on a planetary vessel. The main efforts
changed from smaller vessels to the ultimate one. Looking at Lakshmi
he proclaimed, “This world I call Nibiru. It is the star in the darkness
that will find the source of the light.”
The focus for Maji-Manidoo team was to build more Grey’s.
The advanced lifeforms from this planet, Nibiru. That formula would
serve the higher agenda. In time the planet Nibiru rising as a
technological machine. The Grey species growing in numbers which
increased the rate of production. The humans of Nibiru solely focused
on working to assist their creators.
In one of the meetings among the members of the outcast high
council the planetary ship was announced completed. “My brethren in
this journey. The only dilemma we now face how to power the ship.
There is not enough gold in the planet to provide the energy required to
power the massive machine. The energy once supplied will course
through the conduits of exoskeleton produced by the greys. They are
loyal to their home which is now the most powerful home in this
universe.” He paced through the corridor where the leaders sat quietly
staring at him. They had completed the task. None had questioned what
they would do once it was completed. How did you start the machine?
Maji-Manidoo continued to press forward. The machine was
based upon the utilization of the source, the material manifested by the
river of life within this micro matrix. Maji-Manidoo had to find a
substitute, the material would only be available if he found a human
from the apex. Otherwise there was no way to power the ship.
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The Great Spiritdess Kali stood and walked to Maji-Manidoo. Grasping

a small vile within her hands she turned to the entire council. “There is a way to
power this ship. We are eternal beings created from material within Dharma. In
every cell that forms us is this source. If we agree to undergo the process of
extracting our genetic material, surely then we would have enough material to
power the ship. After all, we need but a few drops of source material, do we
Maji-Manidoo pondered such an idea. Utilizing their own genetic
material to bridge the gap. How would it respond, how would they respond
Harihara then stated, “There is a oneness in all existence. I have found
with the research of this realm that all things work together to form a greater
good. I will go first and perform this process. I will become one with this
Moving into the extraction machine Harihara closed her eyes and
awaited the process. The machine pulling at the DNA within her makeup. The
material flowing into small glass containers which pumped into a stasis
chamber which served as a fuel tank to the entire planet. Falling forward
Harihara had sacrificed a portion of herself. An immortal in this reality to the
benefit of the mission. He had pushed too far and she suffered much. “All time
will remember your sacrifice Harihara. You are giving of yourself, half of
yourself, for the benefit of all creation. The first of The Celestials to ever
subject themselves to such a process.”
The being physically ill carried by her kind to rest. Her color faded
lighter as if her very essence had been taken. Maji-Manidoo marveled that such
a thing could occur, such a small process, less than what had been done to the
small creature. Yet the impact on Harihara changing her color in a way he
suspected taking from her life force. Upon further review Maji-Manidoo
realized that without source material Harihara would not recover. He had not
considered that eternal being’s DNA would not reconstitute or regenerate. The
bane of the entire mission. This was only a process afforded to the life forms
presence in this matrix who regenerated. Here is was immortal with mortal
cellular regeneration while all life within the universe would be mortal with
immortal cellular regeneration. In that moment Maji-Manidoo realized that
while a part of the matrix he was also something different and that there was no
going back without drastic side effects to include removal of an eternal being
from existence.
It was one thing to know for a certainty that all life forms within this
universe would live again in a macro matrix. It was another thing to face
mortality as a macro being without any knowledge of an afterlife for yourself.
If they were to continue the extraction of more material, they would be paying
an eternal price. A price that would be reversed once they found the exact apex
to produce the Brahma human being. Maji-Manidoo knowing in that moment
each one of them would have to enter the machine, each giving of their life
force. Each risking extinction with no way to regenerate material unless they
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found the apex. An apex they did not have an exact pin point location. A
location that may require more material that would require the sacrifice of Great
Spirits. They all knew there was no other way.
Maji-Manidoo moving to the main insertion for the planet. Just a few
drops would be enough to power the machine. The duration of powering was
the problem. How many drops to power the machine for a day or a week?
Connecting one vile of the material extracted from Harihara the machine would
insert a drop and then monitor the power fluctuation adding more drops to
sustain the planets movement. He knew in the beginning much would be used
but as momentum would be gained he also believed he could shut the machine
off for longer periods of time. The glowing purple material streaking through
the metal framework. Stretched particle by particle. In only one drop of their
dna enough material to wrap around an entire planet when extended atom by
atom. The planet Nibiru began glowing with red mist being pumped out by the
machines moving the engineering liquid. As the material coursed its way along
the latitude and longitude corridors the planet jolted with earthquakes. A
shaking motion that told Maji-Manidoo the planet was now moving.
Obtaining his master tablet Maji-Manidoo could input coordinates in
any direction where the probability of the human anomaly may exist. The
planet began the process of heading towards an adjacent star system. A star
system which was shown to have two stars, one brilliantly lit, the other a red
Standing in the main research chamber Maji-Manidoo showed Durga
their destination. “Somewhere in this location I believe is the apex where our
research must continue. We will find material somewhere in here that will
produce something remarkable. You will see.” Maji-Manidoo programming the
massive planet to move towards the star system. “We will need to prepare our
long-range interceptors to send out drones of the Grey humans. If the world
exists we will find planets with life. The closer to the apex the more numerous
planets with life. Look for locations with life that is in clusters of planets.”
To Maji-Manidoo is was simple, if a point existed that would produce a
Great Spirit being. It would be surrounded by worlds teaming with life. The
residual indication that they were near a creator. Maji-Manidoo felt so close to
finding what he had been searching. He had made the ultimate sacrifice to
obtain the truth. Nothing would stop him now. Realized for the first time the
single greatest truth. In all known realms of existence in the micro or macro
universes he knew as much as the Brahma. At least he knew that much for sure.
He was also worthy.
The massive ship grinding to a halt. Maji-Manidoo running towards the
command center as the other architects stood
watching as the massive planet drifted towards the distant stars. To his
shock the vials of material from Harihara were empty.
“We must reenter the DNA collector!” Durga cried out knowing that
one of them would need to make that sacrifice. With none of the architects
present Maji-Manidoo pushes Durga into the machine. Trapping his friend in
the sequencing process the machines powers on and then off. The doors open
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with Durga falling to the ground with the same light blue skin. Transparent and
faded Durga was in weakened state. The being giving a portion of its existence,
a macro creation interacting with the micro world, it was in this world it could
perish. Looking at Maji-Manidoo the response lacked empathy. “You knew we
would all have to undergo the process. Obviously, I am last since none know
how to run this facility.”
Maji-Manidoo realized the way an advance human being in any macro
level could progresses was by coming back to the micro matrix and sacrificing
itself to achieve its next step in evolution. Could this be true? Maji-Manidoo
felt the answers to his meaning in life running through his fingertips. They were
as close as grasping water. Was he not an advanced being coming back to the
micro matrix? He was a being created in another realm, a realm outside of the
simulated existence within the river of life called the source. It was in this realm
he could have existed for an eternity under the control of a being manifested by
the very river. The source was the true harvesters of souls.
The large planet began charging again slowly stabilizing continuing to
increase speed. Maji-Manidoo working constant mathematical equations always
seeking to redirect the planet towards the correct grouping of worlds. This was
a one-shot deal. There were no do overs. They either found the grouping or the
long prison sentence towards annihilation by Brahma would begin. One by one
the transcendent beings entered the machine. Over and over with continued
course corrections. Little by little all beings hanging by a thread to the life they
still had waited and watched for salvation and restoration.
As time progressed and the material completely used from each member
Maji-Manidoo himself was forced into the machine. When that material was
used the transparent beings inserted themselves again pulling at the very fabric
of their eternal existence. They were hovering manifestations of gas losing the
density to maintain physical form and unable to suffer death as immortal
consciousness from the Dharma. The effort to move things and operate the
machine took time but he knew they were close. It had been worth it. The greys
now dominating the world. Scouts returning from a distance star system that the
Nibiru was drifting. The solar system contained several planets fitting his
mathematically requirement to obtain material. His agenda had changed. He
needed material to bring form back to his consciousness that hung to a few
atoms to keep from being invisible. This was the apex point for his equations.
His work, the time, the sacrifice, the giving of his soul.
Alarms sounding the grey humans coming to Maji-Manidoo informing
him that the planet was drifting on a direct collision course with the third planet
of the solar system. Fearing death, the architects agreed to give the final
collective units needed leaving them hanging barely within this reality and the
next. As they entered the machine and the material was extracted, a creature
that moved like a ghost flew out of the machine. It was the best they could do.
The loss of their genetic material leaving all of them at a fraction of their life
force. Still immortal consciousness but without a vessel.
Maji-Manidoo determined in his mind his death will be in a moment of
greatness. In that moment when the truth is revealed after he has sacrificed all
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of his genetic material atom by atom. When his answers are given and he
knows for certain why the Brahma was created and who lies beyond the
Brahma? He would live, not die, fighting against the inevitable. Knowing that
his sacrifice was all that was needed for his soul to transcend. All this time he
thought it was about Brahma, he thought of all the Brahma that may possibly be
keeping beings like himself from ever moving on.
The ship was passing through the solar system at an incredible speed.
The swarms of grey ships circling the planet like a hive through the air. Maji-
Manidoo stared at the massive red eye looking back at him as the Nephilim
soldiers appeared. Imagery shown the coming world to be inhabited with
material. The planning was quick, deliberate and efficient. The ancients making
the decision to leave the Nibiru. To land on the fifth world covered in a thick
forest canopy.
The Nibiru was on a direct collision with the third world with enough
force to erase all life or evidence of life from its surface. The cataclysmic
collision that would alter all remaining life on the Nibiru as well. The large
planet crushing into the side of the Earth. Scraping the crust and stripping
material from across its surface before drifting into space out of control in
destruction. The planet hemorrhaging with a fracture that wrapped around the
world. Only a few places hung on as capable of supporting life. The Earth
surrounded by debris as its moon was pelted with melting rock. They became
aware they were not alone. Maji-Manidoo became aware of the remnant of the
Carian and the Ahtna monkey.
The grey humans bringing all of the equipment necessary to continue
the process on the surface of building humans. The goal, to find the apex
returning them to former glory. What all believed was the apex world they had
been seeking. Maji-Manidoo and the other celestial beings believing this may
lead to a reanimation of their DNA, a reboot into their system.
Resting in large capsules above the planet. Maji-Manidoo addressed his
ancient scientist who hovered as beings of darkness in the air. “The forest of
this world is teaming with life. A very special life that contains material that we
can use to rebuild the burning world, reclaim the Nibiru and restore ourselves.
You have come so far at such great price. I order the celestial guards to round
up every hominid from this world. To strip them in entirety of their genetic
Maji-Manidoo was determined to see these creatures for himself. The
shifting entity moving into the transport in a descent to the surface. The team
landing, he wanted to see this being for himself. Everything hinged on this
moment. Was he in the right spot or did he really need to go to the third world?
In the trees movement of creatures shifting in the unseen. The leaves falling
from the canopy signifying their presence. Maji-Manidoo looking over at
several grey humans “Go get those creatures, I would like to see them.”
The army of Greys pouring into the trees. The commotion and screams
echoing through the forest. In a matter of moments, the grey’s returning with
several six-foot-tall giant humanoids with a long tail and red fur. “A miniature
man” responded Maji-Manidoo. “Run genetic scanning on these creatures. I
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would like to know if it is naturally occurring or if someone else has been here.
I would also like all of their genetic material.”
Opening the shuttle doors, the greys drug one of the creatures into the
laboratory of Maji-Manidoo and the scientists. The monkey falling to the
ground. Kartikeya grabbing the creature by the chains that bound it dragging it
to the DNA extracting machine. The being exiting unaffected by the process.
Maji-Manidoo couldn’t believe the being withstood the process. “What do the
results say?” questioned Maji-Manidoo
As they were speaking the ground beneath their feet began to shake. The
entire planet wobbling against the impact of the Nibiru and the third planet.
“Shock waves” Maji-Manidoo ordering several of his guards to observe the
aftermath for any signs of life. “Research the surrounding planets and report
Grey sentinels dispersing from the planet by the tens of thousands.
Kartikeya was stunned at what the results suggested. “This is not a naturally
occurring creature.” She shared the results with Maji-Manidoo. “What?”
responded Maji-Manidoo confused. “This is being has been engineered on this
world. We must be very close to the apex and it looks like someone has also
sought these answers.” Looking out into the stars Maji-Manidoo felt the
redemption of the moment.
“I want all of their DNA, I want it all, build ships, get us off the ground.
We have several worlds to explore.” Maji-Manidoo leaving to cigar shaped ship
that transported him from the Nibiru to the surface. In the ship he began
reviewing the data returned by the Greys sent out to explore the planets. The
results came back quickly with life existing on the second world as well as the
fourth world with pockets of remnants of the second world trapped on the third
worlds moon and broken surface. Maji-Manidoo using deductive logic
determined. Due to the fact the fifth world is covered in monkeys. The third
world is covered in lizards. Both indicated previous explorers seeking an apex.
With the fourth world covered in massive plant eating lizards now in a fiery
flame it would mean the planet that the Nibiru just annihilated was the apex.
How had he destroyed the very world he had been seeking?
The surface was unsustainable for any life let alone a genetically
engineered creation. Maji-Manidoo and his scientists began mixing the genetic
material of the lizards from the second world with the genetic material of the
monkeys from the fifth. The minor variations still producing enough genetic
material to continue researching the differing variations to produce a human
being. “We must try endlessly, in any avenue, means or way to produce a
human being. This will be the salvation to our kind” The old and decrepit Maji-
Manidoo proclaimed shifting in the air as black mist. Speaking of Tiamat, the
fifth word Maji-Manidoo made a decree. “I want the entire surface of this
planet covered in research laboratories. The time for creation has arrived. The
moment to seize our lives back has come, we are closer than ever to achieving
our goal, to meet the Creator of the Brahma.”
The valiant leader proclaimed to beings imparting knowledge and data
to their creations. Much of the creating came from the Greys, the genetically
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engineered hominids of Nibiru. They began the process of stripping the planet
of vegetation. Utilizing the material from the fifth planet they became aware
that the life forms existing on the second planet faced imminent extinction. A
former race that ruled the entire universe until a cataclysmic event destroyed
their culture. Maji-Manidoo marveled at their genetic engineering abilities.
They could stretch any material to build anything. He had given them enough
material from the fifth world to escape to the fourth world but not enough to
allow their abilities to surpass their intellect.
For Maji-Manidoo, he respected their desire to not accept the reality laid
before them and seek to break all the rules in order to answer the questions. He
could not in good conscience abandon them on the world to perish when for all
intents and purposes they were in the same boat. But he did not trust them, any
human variation species that is capable of ruling an entire universe is a foe not
to be revered but controlled. Maji-Manidoo decided the only decision that
mattered was giving them what they needed to survive but not enough to
provide them with power.
“Send them two monkeys a month.” Ordered Maji-Manidoo to the
Greys watching as the Carian species relocated to the fourth planet from the
sun. The only place the process would work would be on the third planet, a
planet they would need to terra form. The massive machines lifting the trees
from the surface, the Greys building transport ships to the third planet, the
Cigar Shape moving the large honeycomb sections of the planet to the surface
of the third planet.
In time the planet Tiamat was stripped of its forest. During this process
Maji-Manidoo became aware of a being named Kulkukan and his massive
hominids. In a desperate effort to capture one they increased the stripping of the
planet. The genetic material of its former inhabitants drained. The surface
covered in bio-domes filled with life. The beings becoming dark and ominous
because of their appearance, the lack of the source within them. Like a
withering rose without soil to enrich and water to sustain. The beings fading
with time into darkness. The creative process always continuing but the moral
compass vanished.
Maji-Manidoo was nearing a breakthrough in genetic research when he
realized that the Seraphim were building hominids on the fourth world.
Traveling to the planet he could see villages of miners covering the surface.
They had engineered what he could not. What he could do was spray the air
with biochemical to advance them even more. He envisioned a world of
advanced humans that he could take at any time. Alarmed at the implications he
sent for this material using it to be them a bit closer to normal. Instead of mist
and transparent the material from the fourth world hominids made them black
with form. Using the material, he was also able to increase the pace of the
rebuilding of the third planet. Once completed the process could take place
restoring them to their former selves, making them something more. Most
importantly giving him access to the source to find another Brahma and the
answers to the meaning of life.
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Maji-Manidoo considering the possibility with the time to think of what

was to come. Finding the apex. An ever-moving point in the matrix, this
simulated universe. Floating through a river of consciousness. If his hypothesis
was correct, there may be an infinite number of Brahma. Consideration for
minor to extreme variations of that possible environment the decision to open a
window knocking on the door of advanced human beings could have dire
consequences. To come this far, the risk did not outweigh the reward, Maji-
Manidoo knew there was no going back. He would see it to the end, his
brothers and sisters would as well. Even if it only led to death. He knew that
unknown may simply be transcendence to a realm beyond the manipulated
relationship of the macro and micro matrixes.
Their Brahma was coming. This he knew. An advanced human who has
enslaved an entire resurrected species in an eternal realm. Beings like himself.
Maji-Manidoo drifted deep into thought speaking aloud to himself, “I was born
in the Dharma. Therefore, I am the manifestation of the human program in that
place. I do not have a memory of my previous life because I had not yet
acquired memory within a universal bubble. And yet we share a common
matrix, a program, my Great Spirit only a being born from this river of bubbles
with temporary programs of existence could unwind its mysteries.” Maji-
Manidoo paused, he knew the answer.
Maji-Manidoo imagined a Dharma realm that was run by a Brahma that
truly was benevolent. A leader that sought to share all of its knowledge, to
freely assist in the absolute understanding of why things were the way they are
and always have been. How far would he go in this environment to find that
being? It was clear that the source was accessible from multiple realms that
may not even be aware of each other. This told Maji-Manidoo that none were
the creators of the source any more than a man the creator of a river that
provides them with nourishment. But the possibility, mathematically of an
absolute realm must exist where there is also access to this same program. He
believed a realm existed that brought souls forward from the matrix into
immortality and then would proceed to progress that soul with all knowledge.
In the infinite seas of tyrants and dictators, overlords, kings, and queens
there must exist one that knows all. A true creator. The puppet master. A Gitche
Manitou. Had it always been this way? For this purpose, he would sacrifice his
own life in the digital matrix where souls are birthed. Maji-Manidoo pondered
the possibility of a macro matrix with a Brahma that only collected Brahma
souls. In that extreme environment where all were the same and yet the most
powerful beings in the matrix how could a being such as himself even think to
And yet they left an invitation. If he found them would they would view
him as inferior, less than? Maji-Manidoo calling to his Celestials, Karikaya,
Ganesha, Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga, Kali, and Harihara as the
immortal creations gathered again. Shadows of their former selves nearly
lifeless immortal bodies stretched over broken frames shifting between two
realities. Their dust trying to blow away in the wind. “We must begin the search
for another point in this universe. I have calculated that should the Brahma or
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whatever leader we find when we open the window into the macro matrix be
destructive. To preserve all life in this micro matrix universe, we will also seek
to find an opening out of the matrix.”
Some of the Celestials words carrying in whispered sentences,
“Leaving? Where will we go? How will we survive? Brahma is coming?”
Perceiving their weakness in the moment of decision, Maji-Manidoo was quick
to restate his feelings to his friends from the Dharma Realm.
“There was a time when all we knew was splendor and joy. We lived in
a place of never-ending joy. Eternal beings. But it came at a cost. The
submission to a being, our Brahma. I will have you know now, I know for a fact
that our Brahma is one of many. Using the blood of the river of life that flows
through his realm to genetically engineer human beings who carry their
memories of lives on worlds in the source. Do we have memories? Do we have
a remembrance of previous lives? Yet, are we not also manifestations of the
source? Ganesha, for the beings inside this simulated bubble the progression is
outward. For us, the beings on the outside of the bubble. The ones harvesting
souls on the outside of the river of life, this source of information, this
intelligent consciousness. The progression is inward. The only way we perish
here in this place is with voluntary sacrifice, or at the hands of a Creator.”

“Either way, I believe we will face both. I have reconfigured the long-
range scanners for the locational devices on the ships. They will begin the
process of locating the apex to the source of the entire matrix algorithm. I have
found a way to isolate the source of this entire source code. What is streaming
into the system.”
Maji-Manidoo knew he was smart, and he had always taken pride in his
ability to solve complex problems. This was simple mathematics. The entire
matrix within this flowing river was digitally simulated matter presenting an
illusion of reality. It was a code. To hack into the code, only one from the
outside could grasp or fathom the dynamics involved. He was the perfect
exception. The scientist responsible for knowing everything there was to know
about the strange substance, and the bubbles within it. The possibilities of why
the source manifests life forms to experience numberless lives and then
reabsorbs them were endless. He had questions like why when he would
genetically engineer a human being using this substance it would create an
advanced human being, immortal, eternal, and yet with limitations. Retaining
all of their individual identities and memories from a time living in one or many
simulated worlds in the river. To then realize he too was in a larger matrix to
which the river was one part, Maji-Manidoo, a digitally simulated program of
something even higher able to crack the code. A vessel containing something
very unique which was the common denominator among everything,
“My brothers and sisters, Celestials of Dharma, we will regain our form
and then we will seek out this new apex. An apex that is within this universal
bubble. It took me some time to figure out but, where you find the Brahma apex
you also find the creator apex.” Turning still speaking but overwhelmed with
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the moment of this shared thought he continued, “It is as if there is an open

invitation to those above who realize where they are from to come and see.
Near a world in a galaxy not far from here there is an apex that once we have
the genetic material, we can access. We have the technology. It is going to
happen. The next step once we rehabilitate the Earth. We will then travel to this
apex and open a window to the outside of the machine.”
None of the other Celestials speaking up, they were trusting in his
leadership. Even if they dissented, the reality existed
they were all hanging onto their own existence by a thread. It took too
much effort to disagree. “We will terra form the third world, restore ourselves
in greater power, face the Brahma and if it should not go as planned relocate to
the more important goal of meeting our true creator. At some point you have to
realize, we must look at the bigger picture. If the other beings can’t see they are
running in circles in a fake reality than I will move onto the real reality.”
Maji-Manidoo now in a new hunt for any being resembling a human on
either Simud as the Carian’s referred to the world or the Earth. The Carian
referred to the celestial beings as Nephilim. “We were the ones who came from
a higher existence down into the simulated world.” Maji-Manidoo knew the
time was at hand when a return to the planet would occur. Looking around his
planet he envisioned bio domes filled with genetic engineering specimens.
Specimens he would manipulated to every known possibility to achieve his goal
of engineering a human so that he could leave the solar system and travel to the
apex that matter most. The framework that held the machine in place.
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The first thing that caught Michabou’s eye was the massive stone
buildings. It wasn’t their special size that astonished him, it was the compact
construction of massive blocks of stone to an incredible vertical height. Large
geometric shapes interlocking like a puzzle. An impenetrable monument linked
like chainmail. Hooded in cloaks Michabou and the others moved through the
streets resembling a Peruvian high walled temple.
The rain pelting the stone buildings and streets dripping off of the walls
forming a thin layer of film covering everything with the reflection of darkness.
The sound of rain drops striking concealing their movements. Michabou stayed
as close as possible to Aayaash as they meandered through several alleys
toward the massive complex at the center of the walled city.
Michabou stopped to view the pyramid. Four large fires at the corners of
the top platform. Smoke billowing into the atmosphere. Beings climbing steps
through large openings. Unlike the pyramids on Earth, this pyramid featured a
shell which separated a secondary interior pyramid. It was the same as
imagining the pyramid of Giza with solid granite shell that rested 100 feet off
of the surface. People inside and outside on both surfaces of the pyramid. The
outer shell of a pyramid defined because of the light that shining through the
protective barrier. It looked like a machine of death intimidating to any who
would be watching. The brightness in the darkness made the pyramid a beacon
in the night sky.
The Titan pyramid was a technological marvel. Even at this distance he
could hear the beating of the drums from whatever was occurring at the top of
this pyramid. Coming to a thirty-foot-tall wall Aayaash looked around before
removing a large steel grate. Beneath the grate a drainage system for the city.
Michabou jumping into the six-foot shaft before Aayaash replaced the grate.
Moving down the system of tunnels Aayaash stealth and speed towards the
destination showed he had been here before. Michabou was completely lost.
The massive Aayaash with his super sword strapped to his back. His hair now
long and hanging past his shoulders stopped at another grate. “This is where my
people are located.”
Aayaash tapped the metal cap that sealed an opening into the ceiling
three times. Within 10-seconds the cap opened revealing several advanced
hominids. Reaching down they pulled Michabou and Aayaash into a larger
room. Aayaash moving off to find his wife bringing her to Michabou. “My
people are ready.” Aayaash words gathering the people who had looked for
salvation around him. Their hands continually reaching out to touch him.
“What do you mean the people are ready?” Michabou was not
understanding what Aayaash meant. Of course he wanted to go but how, this
was too many people to walk out through the city.
Aayaash replied, “Tonight, the Nephilim ceremony to open the heavens.
They will all be at the summit. It is time to free my people. Leave the same way
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we came, be courageous.” The concerned leader knowing he could lead them

all back to the safe cliffs where Kulkukan and his people resided.
“You know what Aayaash” … Michabou continuing, “You are
absolutely right.”
One by one lowering all of Aayaash people through the opening in the
floor. Recovering the metal grade cover and moving towards the exit in the
streets. The single file resembling a string of ants moving in the shadows
hidden under the blanket of rain. Throughout the night the process continued
until all the workers were freed from the massively walled and advanced city
that housed these unknown aliens.
All Michabou wanted to do was know what in the world they were
doing. What would be so important that you would abandon your posts
disregard the security of your own fortress city and leave all prisoners and
captors unguarded? This was too much to ignore. Returning to the hillside
entrance Michabou rushed to Kulkukan to explain what he had seen and share
his concerns for the Titans disregard for the planet at this moment.
“Kulkukan, we have freed the people of Aayaash. They are in the cliffs
with your people and I think they will be fine.” Michabou blurted out
immediately the old man smiling. “Oh that is great!”
“That’s not all Kulkukan, the Titans are not guarding the city! The walls
were empty and the entire city abandoned. The Titans and the giant Nephilim at
the top of the pyramid in some massive ritual.”
The old man wore a puzzled look. “What they could be doing. You say
they have all gone to the top of the tower?”
“Yes, loud chants, no Greys in sight, no Titans in sight. They are
completely focused on the top of this temple and looking up at the sky.”
Kulkukan pondering his next words his mind swirling with possibilities.
He was aware that the Nephilim were not from this universe or his own
universe. They were from another place. If they were planning on returning to
or opening a gateway to where it is they are from, this could spell doom for this
world and universe. “Michabou, you and I will return and see for ourselves
these things.” The Old Man speaking grasping the arm of Michabou. Michabou
stunned at the grip of the old man or that Kulkukan would leave this ship. He
had always been the being who seemed to prefer to sit on the sidelines. This
was a risk that could cost his life. This was so important to Kulkukan he would
enter the unknown forest in the dark at risk of attack from massive flesh-eating
dinosaurs. Worst the Titans or their creators the Nephilim.
Michabou and Kulkukan left the cliff side dwellings entering the forest.
Moving through the mountain the cliff sides dwellings were ornate with long
corridors carved deep in all directions each with their own cliff dwellings
extending into the distance. “Your building a city here, aren’t you?” Questioned
“We are starting over, and all that are compassionate may stay” The Old
Man responded. “The outside world will sift the remainder.” An army of long
haired Tanye Tanke closing behind the two before Kulkukan stopped. Catching
his breath Michabou watch as Kulkukan turned to speak to the large native
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men. “My dear Elders, I need you to stay here and protect these people. You are
much too precious to place in harm’s way. Please, will you stay here with
The tall Elder species from a universe since dissolved into another. The
human being version of the program for their own distance world. The three
dozen giants dispersing back into the tunnels that filled the mountain assisting
in the construction.
“Why would you do that?” Asked Michabou. “It is my job to give and
not to take.” Responded the Old Man.
Michabou was stunned. He had remembered the old man from the
source explaining to him that he respected this man above all others. To the
degree it has also adopted the man’s core values and implemented them system
wide throughout the entire fabric of space and time. The entire program of life
modeled after the philosophy of this one man by a conscious computer looking
down from above. He wondered if this being too, like all other immortals
desired a vessel to also leave the game?
Retracing the steps that Aayaash and Michabou had traversed to gain
entry to the city. Kulkukan and Michabou stared silently up at the pyramid.
“Look at them.” The old man pointing towards the pyramid now filled
with Titans raising chants echoing through the air. “They are unaware of our
presence. They behave as if they are unconcerned. What could be so
important?” The old man moving slowly with his short legs up the steps.
Walking like a wise sage he was unconcerned of whether they noticed him.
Kulkukan felt that whatever was happening was so important that he did
not believe they would take the time if they were aware of his presence to
approach or stop them. Even now surrounded by Titans. Stopping thirty feet
from the top of the massive complex Michabou and Kulkukan could see what
was occurring on the platform. “This is the first time I have never seen any
Greys with them.” The steps and many platforms from the bottom to the top
filled with both greys and Titans. The greys standing six to ten feet in height.
The Titans 15 feet in height. Towards the top of the pyramid the Nephilim
stretching towards thirty feet in height chanted. So focused that none were
watching two small beings rise to the top of the tower.
Stepping out from behind stone pillar that surrounded the top of the
pyramid like Stonehenge. Michabou could see the top of the pyramid was flat
with electronic equipment positioned in the center. He was startled at the
technology when he assumed this was for something else. Cables running in all
directions. Tall blue beings stood operating and connecting the cables.
Michabou noticed a massive array or device that would shoot something into
the sky positioned in the center with canisters of glowing material surrounding
massive thirty-foot-tall six-armed Nephilim humanoids. Eleven Hindu deities
moving among the equipment in urgency seeking to get whatever machine they
were creating working. Titans setting up similar devices around the perimeter
each stationed to ensure they did not move.
The loud sound of drum beats ringing through the air. Across the
pyramid another building resembling a viewing stand with four large titans
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pounding enormous solid gold drums. The rhythmic sound vibrating through
the air. It was a tone that seemed to make his teeth rattle as waves of sound
emerged in all directions. The four corners of the pyramid rising into large
pillars where a massive fire rose into the air. Michabou realized how massive
this pyramid truly was and the construction that must have taken place. Where
was he, Central America? Southeast Asia? He knew that there was at least a
dozen more scattered around the globe. The age of the Titans that was erased by
men choosing to forget a time when they were oppressed.
The megalithic humans from an unknown realm had turned the machine
on. They were focusing smaller beams on the larger beam. The cables
connecting all of them to the canisters of glowing substance. Kulkukan was
convinced it was in fact to reconnect with their own location or source of
existence. Looking at the creatures he remarked, “Those are the Nephilim
leaders. They must have used your material to regain their true form. They were
the shifting dark entities we had seen before that led the Nephilim greys.”
The machine was on; Michabou knew that neither he nor Kulkukan
could stop the process. They could only watch.
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This was his moment, the fulfillment of so many eons of questioning in
Dharma. After so many years within this micro reality; Maji-Manidoo wanted
to escape the program. He wanted to be free of the captivity that held his mind
hostage, the not knowing, questioning, the answers within reach.
The array had been assembled by the Titans. What a wonderful creation
Maji-Manidoo thought to himself. Using his own DNA on the apex of Earth
producing this version of a human being. The Titan, a superior creation that if
allowed would rule this universe and within time all. Unaware of the micro
aspect they would break the system but where would these new creations go?
Was he in fact creating Brahma for the next world to come?
The equations said it would be something beyond a brahma. Using the
material provided by the Seraphim had been more than enough. Instead of
developing the material for human cloning he chose to preserve the material for
this moment. To power the array which would reconnect this reality with
another. The machine pulling from the containers recirculating the material into
a beam pressing into the air. The liquid transforming to a stream of code
flooding a point in the air with a computer program. The focal point of the
beam twisting space emitting electrical charges in all directions. The fabric of
the program began to fold back revealing an opening within and a realm
Maji-Manidoo knew he had opened that door and once the program
established the link he could maneuver that doorway to any point anywhere.
Moving closely to look within the opening was truly to look without the matrix.
Maji-Manidoo viewing an empty space filled with all spectrum of light
emanating in all directions. Had he opened a doorway to an empty Dharma?
Where was this brilliantly lit world? It was clearly outside of the river of life or
the micro matrix, it was another realm the exact same as Dharma. Where was
Turning to walk away he was confused wanting to review his
calculations. It had seemed like the right thing to do, he had thought a doorway
would open and immediately a being would appear. He had never thought that
he may need to wait or he may need to enter and let the Brahma know he was
present. Before Maji-Manidoo could make another decision, light began shining
from the doorway. Turning to view the brilliance that had emerged Maji-
Manidoo stood face to face with a tall light blue skinned four armed being
hovering in the air lotus.
“Why have you summoned me?” The echoing voice shaking the
foundation of the entire planet. Maji-Manidoo shrinking in fear even though at
thirty feet he towered above the being more than 2/3 taller. Yet the power this
being emitted shook him to his core.
“I come seeking answers great one.” The humble Maji-Manidoo,
bending to a knee to show respect for the being.
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“Never before has any light from the Vaikuntha reached out to converse
with Vishnu, a lord of creation.”
Confused Maji-Manidoo pressed the eternal being, “I know that I am a
created being existing inside a false reality. A matrix and that where we reside
now is within a matrix within living consciousness of a river in my world called
the source. I have opened a doorway to your realm seeking answers as to why
things are the way that they are now, what is Vaikuntha and who are you? Are
you the creator of all things?”
The being expanding in size equal to the tall celestial began to speak
again, “The Vaikuntha is the place where liberated souls will come to share in
the completeness of Paramdhama. That all things are equal. I sense a
disturbance in the equilibrium of this universe.”
“Are there others like you in existence?” Questioned Maji-Manidoo
The being smiled before speaking, “There are three others like me who
reside in their own Vaikuntha, each seeking to help the souls achieve
Paramdhama. There is Rama, Krishnu, and myself. We are united in the
Paramdhama of eternal souls. You too are like me.”
Maji-Manidoo had several previous questions, which were only theories
answered with the responses of Vishnu. This seemed to be a benevolent entity
who was only a Brahma, but a Brahma aware of and in communication with
another Brahma. He suggested that Maji-Manidoo and he were of the same
“I am trying to find the source of everything, can you help us in the
right direction towards the source of your creation?”
The massive light blue being seemed puzzled. “Maji-Manidoo, you have
brought me here to this place because of the light that is contained within your
brow. An intelligence seeking knowledge that you already obtain. Seeking a
being that you already are, and you come to me wanting to know the way. The
way is through yourself.”
Before the ascendant being could continue to speak a loud crashing
could be heard in the distance as another conduit in time appeared on the
platform. Emerging from the conduit, Brahma.
The two deities, Brahma and the massive Vishnu staring face to face
with Maji-Manidoo standing in the middle with his other celestials and Titans
stopping to stare at the encounter.
In a thunderous yell, “Defiler!” Brahma rising into the air shooting
electricity towards Vishnu. Vishnu was struck in the chest with the energy
blasting him backwards striking a pillar of the pyramid. It crumbled under his
eternal power. Vishnu the fell down the side of the pyramid. The two Brahma’s
in all-out war against each other. Vishnu visibly stunned by the attack
struggling to avoid the constant onslaught of the overpowering and aggressive
Brahma who proceeded to toss the being around effortlessly.
Maji-Manidoo and the Celestials moving for cover as all were horrified
that the worst-case scenario had begun. In this simulation everything could be
destroyed by these two quarrelling beings. Maji-Manidoo knew this was not the
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nature of Vishnu but surely Brahma would not stop until all was destroyed even
if it carried from the inside out.
The two Great Spirits in hand to hand combat in the air above the
pyramid. The site casting bombs of lighting as well as fire balls firing in all
directions. Maji-Manidoo had brought utter destruction to the people. If things
could not get worst, two other conduits self-manifested as if responding to his
calling card. The greater Great Spirits had arrived.
A being the same in appearance as Vishnu but with two arms instead of
four screaming with a thunderous voice, “Rama!” as he blasted into the air to
assist Vishnu in his battle against Brahma. Three ruling deities from three
separate realms. The time when Maji-Manidoo questioned whether there were
another Brahma, in this one moment realized.
The second opening emerging another light blue being the same as the
one before again started screaming “Rama.” The being then started blowing an
instrument in its mouth. The instrument releasing sparkling material into the air.
The material rising around the other three Great Spirits engaged in a constant
battle. In an instant the fighting was over as Brahma fell with a loud thud to the
surface of the temple mount. The impact so forceful the granite slab cracking in
all directions. The three beings landing in a circle around him.
Brahma bound by a continuous string of material. “How can this be?”
The mighty Brahma proclaiming. Vishnu speaking, “You lack harmony, there
is no Paramdhama within you. Your realm will be taken and given to another,
those whom you have enslaved will be assisted through towards an
understanding of their own Paramdhama.”
“I am Brahma!” The bound deity screaming with lightning visible in his
eyes the anger boiling over. The leader Vishnu again speaking, “You are not
worthy of the Vaikuntha given to you. You will be plucked from the garden and
your existence will be removed now because you will only seek captivity.”
Turning towards Vishnu, Rama began to speak. “Who are we to decide
these beings fate any more than explain our own? What purpose to send this
being to the great unknown when we are ourselves are on the same journey.
Vishnu, respecter of the light, allow this being to exist. Take him to Vaikuntha
and lets us find Paramdhama with him together.”
In that moment Maji-Manidoo realized the depth of the meaning behind
the conversation. Even these beings, equal to Brahma, who have become aware
of each other and chosen to be benevolent in the processing of the source into
their sphere of influence, they did not know. They still showed mercy.
Maji-Manidoo was disheartened, he knew that there existed differing
degrees of intelligence, by following any one of them he would only be
reentering another Brahma realm. He would not do that again. He wanted more,
to know more.
“Where will you take him?” Questioning Maji-Manidoo to Vishnu.
“He will come with us and we will teach him the ways of the Preserver
and the Protector.” Turning to face Maji-Manidoo they left imparting words of
wisdom, Vishnu speaking up as he peered down at a being seeking knowledge,
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“Oh you who wish to gain realization of the Supreme Truth, have utter
the name of "Vishnu" at least once in the steadfast faith that it will lead you to
such realization. You ask in your heart, young creation, would that I might
reach his dear place of refuge, where men who love the Great Spirits rejoice.
For you Maji-Manidoo have drawn close to the wide striding Vishnu, there, in
his highest footstep, is the fountain of honey. Here is the wisdom that you seek.
The honey bee leaves the sphere where he is born to traverses his heavens to
find a lotus. The lotus containing the information necessary to provide the
honey bee the material to create the honey. The honey becoming food which
enters the bee, allowing the universes of life within the bee to survive. Maji-
Manidoo, in your journey through the honey be aware that there will exist a
reality so vast, so extensive, so far beyond simply viewing the lotus, the hive,
the valley, the continent, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, or the
machine that houses them all that it would be far better to stay within the
honey. Here you stand, before me, seeking the source of the honey not realizing
that at best you could only find the lotus.”
At this time all beings standing in a circle around the omnipotent voice
of Vishnu. He was a teacher of great wisdom.
Still hiding in the shadows Kulkukan and Michabou watched the events
and listened to the words of the being. Michabou thinking to himself, “Maji-
Manidoo? Maji-Manidoo?”
The three Brahma’s entering into a new portal as the bound Brahma
floated in the air behind them. As they exited returning to their own macro
verse the bewildered Maji-Manidoo stood in disbelief. The eternal beings being
more than he expected. The possibility of meeting multiple Brahmas not
thought possible so soon, so sudden, the appearance of Brahma and his
captivity. Maji-Manidoo had thought the Brahma would destroy everything. He
had not considered that other Brahma collectively unified could bind the being,
nor had he expected such mercy among them that they would seek to
rehabilitate this eternal creation from another realm equal to their own.
The mathematical probabilities existed that there could now exist realms
where eternal beings are programming into the source the same as him specific
programs. He was in another being’s computer program and he wanted to meet
that being. Perhaps in some Brahma they are programming the source to
specifically locate and extract the souls of a specific version of human. In an
endless sea of possibilities Maji-Manidoo turning to the others, “Nothing has
changed. Turn it back on, increase the power, we will force the code to pull
back the veil revealing what lies beyond the realm of the Brahma, the Macro
Matrix of our Macro Matrix. I want to see the machine.”
The interdimensional device bursting into overdrive. The beam again
blasting into the air. Maji-Manidoo was determined to break the source code
before abandoning his research and leaving towards the apex of the algorithm.
There was creation of this algorithm and he knew the location of how to access
the point of darkness. He always had that backup plan, to tap into the source at
the point this bubble is connected to that program. Maji-Manidoo knew if he
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could do that he could trace the river of life’s source code to the beginning. To
the very creation itself.
Moving past the gate keepers he would skip mandatory steps in a larger
program to escape. He wanted to know, his Celestials wanted to know, what
was on the other side of the other side? As a player in this game, surely, he
above all else deserved the answers if for nothing else because he had the
ability to ask, why?
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Michabou was stunned by what he was witnessing. He had just watched
an encounter so incredible with revelations so impactful it could hardly be
rationalized. Turning to Kulkukan in a state of confusion Michabou asked, “Did
I just understand this correctly, were those beings from another realm that looks
down upon this existence?”
Kulkukan processing the information himself before responding, “At
this point in time we are all within the source. The source created all of this, but
our consciousness, it is our own. It is probable that while the source peers down
upon us, that something peers down upon it. I do believe in a form, that
something has just appeared within the machine.”
Michabou stepped backwards in disbelief almost falling down the side
of the pyramid. He had seen Origin, he knew of the darkness that contained
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, he was well aware that other
dimensions, universes, existed. To view that expanse on a grander scale, from a
Great Spirits perspective stretched his imagination.
The otherworldly visitors said that above this world were realms where
advanced humans are progressed towards enlightenment. This was the same as
at Origin, but there was no Chibiabos and these beings seemed kind and
understanding. Their realms empty. Could Chibiabos simply be inhabiting one
of these spaces further captivating the souls of eternal beings or was Origin the
doorway to leave?
Kulkukan could see that Michabou was struggling with the revelations.
“Michabou, for all of my existence I have viewed the Great Spirit as the highest
form of creation. Never questioning that such a being was a steward and not the
originator. The force that is all around us, within us in this place demands a
certain loyalty regardless of a reality beyond. I have now come to the
understanding that this place is a temporary vessel for our soul that will emerge
into another place above the river of life to which we are now bound. My
current immortality preventing my soul from transcendence. It would seem, in
these other realms immortal beings struggle with the same problems we do
The Old Man sat on the steps, his hands covering his face. For the first
time realizing that he knew nothing.
“Michabou, what we just saw. Those beings, are from another place
beyond. I knew we should come because they may be attempting to return to
where they came. I had not considered that without could be so much more
extensive than that which is within. Those other being’s fisherman of the sea of
life looking down upon us, dwelling with us in this sea of material. A sea which
we are a small portion. A sea which encompasses a vastness we can’t
comprehend and yet it flows beneath their foot stools.” Holding his hands out
he looked at them. “It is what makes you and me.”
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Michabou envisioned Origin all over again, the river of life, the small
worlds on the tree, the power of that place taken from the flowing river. He
knew he had been to such a place. Could it be true; could he really be standing
on a point within one of those globes of universes within this river that flowed
from a place like Origin? This would explain the imagery of his previous
existence in the future and all that confusion, it would explain the reverence,
and it would explain the advanced humans. It would explain Chibiabos. It
explained everything, and perhaps, that was the most frightening revelation,
understanding it all.
Most of all Michabou learned one thing from this encounter of higher
knowledgeable beings, they referred to the leader of the 30-foot-tall beings as
Maji-Manidoo. The name rang through his ears like a dagger bursting his ear
drum… Maji-Manidoo.
Maji-Manidoo was a hideous creature, a slug-like being with attributes
that were nothing like this massive humanoid. This being resembled a Great
Spirit of India with Vishnu definitely being a Hindu Great Spirit. Had he just
witnessed the encounter with many separate beings living in realities so far
removed from his own that the scope, unless presented in the proper perspective
would cripple the mind. He knew, this was the past and there must be
something still to come. He also knew that there were realities to realities that
digitally created consciousness could not understand unless transcended.
The Titans now working at a ferocious pace to restart the machine. The
genetic engineering liquid nearly depleted. This would be one last ditched effort
by these beings and perhaps this could spell doom for everyone else still on this
planet. A planet up to this point ruled over by Tin Great Spirits moving among
men in a world where the true religion was genetics and one’s ability to
manipulate them.
Standing before Michabou were four separate Great Spirits, one
unaware of the others, to Michabou this clearly meant that there could exist so
many other places with beings the same. How could he find the one to take him
home and prevent all of this from occurring? He knew already how bad Great
Spirits could be as well as how good.
Maji-Manidoo stormed across the platform in disbelief that he had
nearly used all of the source material in his possession. “How could this have
happened?” He thought the appearance of the other doorways would have no
effect on his own machine. Surely those beings could self-manifest, but they
seemed too piggy back on his doorway in the code of creation taking from his
material. What would it be like to be a code writer the Maji-Manidoo pondered,
to see the code of creation and insert oneself at any point in time?
In that moment Maji-Manidoo realized an eternal truth, all things did
exist overlapping in the same moment at the same time, it was the reality that
behind the veil was the source code, a source code presenting an image of
separation and division, of individual identity, and separation among heavenly
spheres when it truly did not exist. It was all an illusion to separate the
conscious ones from each other and perhaps, just perhaps they were all one in
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the same? Behind that veil existed all things at once, all the source code in the
same place at the same time, could it be true?
It was the code that provided the illusion of reality but it was also the
code that was omnipresent unto itself. Who was the code writer? That was what
consumed Maji-Manidoo search for truth.
All of this spoken aloud so that Kulkukan and Michabou who were
hiding in the shadows could hear.
“My fellow Celestials, I have learned a great truth. A truth that will
assist us in our future quest to find this code writer. I know how to connect to
the source of the river. I do not know what is beyond that source, this will
require we relocate to another place to pursue the source of the code itself. The
code writer. With this array focused we now have the ability because of the four
triangulated domains that have appeared in this single location by the other
Brahma, the source code for the river in which this bubble universe resides to
open that doorway. Before we do this, I would like to give each of you the
opportunity to cease this quest. With the captivity of Brahma, I can send you
home without consequence. Who among you would like to return home?”
A silence covered the group of eleven. None spoke up. After several
moments the elephant headed Ganesha spoke, sitting lotus style between
Saraswati and Lakshmi rising to his feet addressing the congregation of
Celestials, “In this effort our mission to unify the macro and micro creations
begins. To assist from this moment onward, the progression of understand to
those that lie beneath. I will go back to Dharma and I will share all that I have
learned and all that I have recorded with the souls of the reincarnated. I will
assist in the formation of helpers to change the way we view the great eternal
river of life.”
Moving towards Maji-Manidoo, Ganesha placed two of his four arms on
the shoulders of his great leader. “Maji-Manidoo, the master geneticist. The
others here will accompany me home, this is enough knowledge for our
understanding, and we must share what we have learned. Maji-Manidoo, my
friend, the one who opened my eyes to the truth. This has always been your
journey, and your journey alone. The time has come for us to move into our
separate ways, knowing that we are never truly separated in the source code of
Tears welling in the eyes of the being of science as he knew this may be
the last time he would see his friends again. His purpose required he sacrifice
his entire being always looking forward towards the next door, to his higher
self. Motioning the great titans to the perimeter of the machine. The great
geneticist again turning the machine to activate the portal. The force requiring
much of the energy still left, but a necessary requirement for those whom he
loved. The doorway opening back to Dharma. Dharma was once again a place
free from the captivity of their former Great Spirit. A place transitioning into
awareness. A realm that was about to be enlightened by others who have
become aware of its existence. Maji-Manidoo had done this, he had freed
generations of Celestial beings.
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Maji-Manidoo looking at his friends with deep sadness imparted his

final words. “We are the Celestials.” Before Maji-Manidoo closed the doorway
Kartikeya returned with large containers filled with source material from
“Maji-Manidoo, I will stay. I will assist you in the war against
knowledge. I will assist you in pressing forwards towards understanding, why
things are the way they are, always have been, and always will be.”
The smiling Maji-Manidoo embracing his dear friend. The two knowing
the coming moments would reveal another puzzle piece of information.
Michabou stood silent trying to work through the information he was
obtaining. If there were more locations like Origin, all with access to this super
computer of consciousness, than perhaps, just perhaps there was hope, after all
these were eternal beings that were trying to find the source of their own
creation. The conversation that occurred at the tree of life in Origin now making
a lot more sense. A micro reality could have existed in a macro reality; he had
seen it before on Earth. The micro reality of the bee to the macro reality of the
universe. Never had he considered that both were contained within something
even larger whose strings may be pulled by a grand puppet master. Was this
being the Gitche Manitou or something more diabolical. Content with
watching, Michabou stayed to see the outcome of the scientific experiment that
Maji-Manidoo was undertaking.
Kulkukan made the decision to return to the mountain. To focus his
attention on what he could control and not what he could not. The future of the
people under his stewardship was what mattered most. Michabou could tell that
Kulkukan was struggling with the information provided to him. Perhaps this
was because Kulkukan had previously chosen to become an immortal human
being in his Universe, choosing to exist for an eternity in the computer
program. Perhaps the computer program was Kulkukan sole existence, to be
selfless to the source.
All Michabou knew was Kulkukan had left with a final comment, “To
focus on the unseen is to doom the seen to destruction. It is better the ant not
know it is about to be stepped on. I won’t be the one to invalidate the source
that produces life. In this scenario all life produced should immediately destroy
itself to escape its prison within the simulation. To do so, would be to render
the system a paradox unto itself, perhaps it is already. It is prerequisite for
intelligences to progress as they should through the program of the source
towards their own destination without knowledge of what lies on the other side.
I will go back and I will assist in the progression of the souls here among my
people. This is my duty.”
With that the old man gave Michabou a firm hug as he left into the
darkness retreating to the mountain refuge. Michabou spinning with thoughts
circling around his mind about the Kulkukan, about the Source who emulated
him, this man was the epitome of selflessness, stubborn selflessness.
This was why the source of the super computer, producing endless
supplies of consciousness manifest within its matrix loved him so much. When
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faced with the option of leaving the matrix, choosing instead to stay, to serve, to
be selfless, to help those on their journey out.
Michabou could not believe how things had arrived at this point but
here he stood watching as the giant being with his blue giants and Titan giants
began powering the machine to full strength.
Maji-Manidoo knew this would work. It had too. His grey humans from
Nibiru had left towards the coordinates of the apex in the adjacent star system.
Of course he would like to place this experiment to the side and move on. The
scientist within him wouldn’t let it go. He couldn’t walk away, he had the
coordinates to the actual source of the river that flowed through Dharma. He
wanted to see what the source of the river looked like and where it existed. He
was a scientist, he explored all avenues equally. He could not move onto the
next experiment until the first hypothesis was proven either true or false. This
endeavor wouldn’t invalidate his continued quest; it would provide answers to
future questions. If he would indeed find a way out, he would need as much
data as possible on the many ways into the matrix contained within the living
organism that flowed as a river through multiple realms of existence. A river
governed by a supreme intelligence that he must find. Locating the source of
the river would provide the answer to so many questions.
Entering the algorithm into the code breaking/making machine, the
beam of light burst again into open space. The electricity forming a portal as
matter peeled outwards from its perimeter. The glowing fire cutting through the
fabric of the code creating a conduit connecting one point within the system
with another.
As the machine finished tearing through walls of the immaterial world,
penetrating the depths of the program. Michabou stood in horror as the imagery
that revealed itself was of Origin. The crystalline cities in the distance. The
celestial advanced humans moving in the lightning filled streets. The brilliantly
lit sky emanating pure light. Something was different, the massive building in
the center of the city was missing. It wasn’t there which caused great reflection
within his mind. Moving forward out of the darkness Michabou began to speak
to Maji-Manidoo.
“Maji-Manidoo, Maji-Manidoo, stop, stop, stop!” Michabou screaming
above the sound of the machine revealing the other worldly location.
Maji-Manidoo turning to face the small human standing before him
looked startled to see a being of this creation. Peering down at Michabou, Maji-
Manidoo turned back towards the portal ignoring Michabou’s presence.
“This place will kill you, close the portal now!” Michabou was frantic,
desperately trying to get his attention. He knew that if this was not the future
Origin, it would be the past. An Origin run by a hyper controlling zealot who
would crush Maji-Manidoo under its heel if provided the opportunity. Let
alone, this entire planet filled with the galactic potluck dumped on it, each
living in a microcosmic reality unaware of the larger forces at play. Maybe he
was wrong, the possibility existed Maji-Manidoo would overrun and captivate
Origin. Origin was a place of celestial beauty masked in control. If he had
connected to the source of all realms, this was the last place on Earth that
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Michabou wanted to be and Chibiabos the last being on Earth he wanted to

contact again.
Michabou stopped and stared at the lightning rippling around the edges
of the opening as if the computer system were revealing the inner workings of a
computer, to which he was inside. He had context for such a device and he
understood that back on Earth man had created its own computer system filled
with illusionary infinite space governed by one’s and zero’s that operated under
the direction of a programmer.
Maji-Manidoo moving with Kartikeya towards the entrance. Inside the
world the many beings beginning to notice this massive opening into their
The voices of Origin getting louder as those within peered upon those
without becoming aware of the portal. Those without taking notice of those
within. In moments the two worlds aware of each other, two sides standing on
opposite ends of a doorway staring at each other.
Maji-Manidoo was stunned at what he was seeing. A world filled with
Brahma. Every single being containing the power of his own Brahma. How
could this be? Turning to Michabou, they all looked like the powerless Great
Spirit. The source of the river of life, the entry points where it exits one space
and flows into all others was before his eyes. This was the world? A world that
harvested Brahma. A world that is a part of a larger matrix. This was something
he had not considered. What lie beyond this place? In the moments that
followed Maji-Manidoo’s mind racing with scientific conclusions, how can a
world exist that only harvests the Brahma beings? Surely at this pinnacle of the
computer program there was a reason it existed. What was that reason?
This was the source of all rivers or that all rivers flowed to this source,
are these beings even aware they are in a program? Hypothesizing, if they were
unaware than this opened the possibility for other realms such as this “Origin”
realm where other rivers would flow, but would they flow from or too? Those
realms could be as infinite as the bubbles of universes that exist within the river
of life.
Maji-Manidoo determined he must enter this world and see for himself.
He must gain the answers to those questions himself. Speak to their creator.
Find out why these things are so, his mission to the distance star system could
As Maji-Manidoo began to move through the doorway Michabou began
running towards the machine determined to shut the portal. He knew, if
Chibiabos gained access to this world, became aware, it was all over. In fact, in
the future Chibiabos had complete access to pull souls specifically from the
Earth. As Maji-Manidoo stepped into the opening, Michabou charged into the
central array thrusting his entire body against the machine. The beam of light
moved from its place hitting Maji-Manidoo in the back. A loud shriek rang
through the air as Maji-Manidoo was caught in the midst of the beam and the
other world. The code was pulling him apart to open this world connecting him
with the code. The beam powering off as Maji-Manidoo had fallen too the
ground. The screams of agony, “NOOOOO!” encompassing the room. The
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energy reversing through the system causing the containers that containing the
source material to explode. The liquid landing on Maji-Manidoo, immediately
his entire body began swelling into a bubble of goop that enveloped his screams
of death.
The outer beams exploding in the discharge of the material. The large
Titans being blown backwards down the sides of the pyramid. Michabou
dropping to the ground beneath the steps had risen to watch the chaos
aftermath. The Titans were scattering believing that destruction had come.
Michabou walking closely towards Maji-Manidoo, to view what had become of
him. To see if he was in fact dead.
“Whaaat haaa ve you done…eee.”
The long slurs protruding from a mess of genetic material, the
disfigured being crawling across the ground. The victim of the source code
penetrating this being own genetic material turning him into something
monstrous. Large spikes pressing through his skin protruding around the outer
edges of his existence. Purple ooze dripping from open pours. Maji-Manidoo
was a genetic mess reorganizing into something different, his vessel changing
to something more.
This was how it happened, that hideous creature on Dyaus. This was
why Maji-Manidoo had despised him so much. This was why it happened. It
was always because of him; he was the common denominator in the history of
this world. Had he saved Origin from Maji-Manidoo or had he saved Maji-
Manidoo from Origin. The one who paid the price was Maji-Manidoo.
The moment had been so close. Maji-Manidoo was about to enter a
realm where every question he had ever wanted to ask could have been
answered. The unthinkable had happened, he had crossed with the stream, it
had genetically reassembled him. The connection had mutated him, turned him
into something with complete knowledge of the source material. His vessel was
the code. The pain of his own existence pressing against his new skin like a
blister waiting to explode. The human who interfered costing him much more
than his own life, he had known for a while that his death only brought rebirth.
A rebirth he had hoped to avoid, he simply wanted to escape the entire matrix
on every level as himself.
In that moment Maji-Manidoo asked himself, how many other beings
had ever located the source of the river, how many were even aware of this
place? It was lost to him now with equipment that would not work. He must
find the source of the program. To repair his broken being and to fulfill his
mission. Or else all would be lost.
Maji-Manidoo shrieking in agony as his Titans reappeared lifting him
up and carrying him onto a vessel which transported the broken being to a cigar
shaped ship disappearing into the darkness.
“Takeee mee to Raaama and the Celestiiiaals” were the final words of
Maji-Manidoo before Michabou was again left alone. Maji-Manidoo inability
to speak evident, continually bleeding this glowing purple material. Michabou
knew he had changed into a different creation.
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As Maji-Manidoo lie in the ship he was now aware of all things. In all
places. He knew exactly where the Creator was, he knew exactly where to go,
what to do, having merged and survived in a moment in time with the code
itself. He was now above the Great Spirits. Maji-Manidoo was determined to
meet the one true Great Spirit and escape this prison that held him bound.
Michabou sitting alone on the steps of the pyramid. The abandoned city.
The Titans accompany their fallen leader. The reason why in the future Maji-
Manidoo, as he called himself, seemed to know Michabou, seemed to carry
great pride in presenting Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” to
Michabou. The being who would nearly bring to the end all humanity. Tough
days were still ahead for himself, the survivors, and those left behind. Those
still yearning for understanding. He knew that there were other cities on the
planet filled with Titans. Titans who would remain leaderless. The Titans would
seek to continue the work of Maji-Manidoo, the mining of gold? The
manipulation of all life’s genetics with their celestial genetic religion, and who
in time would only serve to oppress the Earth.
The world was in chaos and Michabou was in the midst of this fracture
in time, the convergence of “bits of intelligence” seeking the knowledge of
time. Obtaining this knowledge demanded a being tear through the walls of
reality that only served to contain, perhaps protect. Behind that final veil, if he
were to view that Puppet Master, that Wizard of the illusion of creation who
himself is peering down through his looking glass. Michabou envisioned upon
obtaining that knowledge, having traversed those distances, wasn’t he already
that being? Wasn’t he the seeker of truth?
If he could meet that being, the KING of creation, he would ask that
question, why things are the way they are, have been, and always will be? As
the seeker of truth listened, he imagined the KING stating when answering the
question, why, “Like the scorpion said to the maiden as she lay dying, ‘you
knew I was poison when you picked me up.’”
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When he endeavored to reach for the stars, striving to obtain the
unattainable he had never sought to aspire for greatness, rather greatness was
thrust upon him. That moment when he had been faced with the decision to act
or do nothing, he could not look away. He felt a duty to himself to honor the
greater power that made it all possible, this was why he willfully followed
Brahma was never cruel or mean, but he also never imparted of any
knowledge other that which served himself. To be a scientist, to have the
responsibility of bringing life into a world demanded explanation. Dharma was
a world that could not reproduce. A world where life was brought forth through
genetic engineering, the faith of the future. It was an honor and privilege to
perform the process. These beings rising from their test tubes sharing accounts
of multiple lifetimes that they existed inside this source, a river that flowed
through his world called Dharma.
He sought to be the best geneticist he could believing that he must
explore all avenues of perfection in the process. When he sought for that
forbidden knowledge, when he partook of the forbidden fruit he was cast down
forever changed. Never the same again and never allowed to go home. What
was home? It wasn’t Dharma for him or his fellow geneticists. The quest was
never for personal gain. He wanted to know why and in so doing peeling back
many layers of reality even if that meant he stay within his place in the order as
it was presented. Yet here he lay, something more than what he once was in
Maji-Manidoo, rising from the ground to a height of over 11-feet.
Opening his girth to reveal large spikes that sprung open. His tiny little face
below an army of eyes. Purple ooze emanating from his crevasses. The Titans
escorting him to the new endeavor. Yelling aloud, Maji-Manidoo declared, “I
see everything!”
His jaws seething, eyes bulging, the slug-like body reaching into the
stars. When he had entered the bridge between the two realms the stream of
code had combined himself with the other two reorganizing him as a supreme
entity. Maji-Manidoo was mixed with the informational material, the source
code, of all four realms retaining all information, seeing how they all connected
in a giant and massive honeycomb. Maji-Manidoo knew how to reach out to the
ultimate source of the source of that source forming code that brings
information to life.
Seeing a premonition of the future he witnessed the birth of a darkness
who would impersonate the leader of the world. He saw a world covered in
humans, people like Michabou. The man and his wife who would rise to attain
the most powerful position on the planet would build the framework for the
dialogue that would bring his plan into fruition. Maji-Manidoo wondered if
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what he saw was a preprogramed product of the code, or a vision of the future?
Were they really any different?
He would dig so far that he knew he would be doing something that had
never been done before. Barriers were placed there for a reason, but not for
Maji-Manidoo. Some to keep things in, sometimes to keep things out. To Maji-
Manidoo, the answer to the question why was worth letting something in to
obtain. Imagining the truth when unveiled in that moment, when asking why,
the creator responding, “Accept your hell, living is hell.”
Maji-Manidoo despised the source code because it had willfully
captured him. If he was not captured, then why not allow him to freely leave the
recycler of information. He had seen what Origin was all about, any question he
would ask there would only come from limited minds. In many ways he was
still connected with advanced source code within his own body. His blood had
become a material that was comparable to taking the source code as a living
organism and advancing it. Maji-Manidoo thought to himself, “I have not asked
for this gift or these powers. But who other than me should carry them? Who
other than me has ever been worthy?”
He was the material needed to transcend. When he would arrive at the
location. The spot where he knew he could find the answers to his questions.
He would have his blood analyzed. Kartikeya, concerned for his well-being,
“Maji-Manidoo, are you in there? Are you ok?” Thinking the former lead
scientist was dead and replaced by something grotesque.
“Kartike-e-eya, it is I, Maji-Manidoo. No longer Maji-Manidoo. I have
The tall humanoid stepping back in shock at the site of this creature that
resembled a tick. Maji-Manidoo calling to her again, “Come near unto me,
partake of my essence and be reborn.” Kartikeya stumbled backwards again, “I
am afraid.”
Maji-Manidoo knowing that if Kartikeya were to synthesize his DNA it
would destroy his being. Maji-Manidoo knew that he could not have the others
around any longer. They posed a threat to his ability to expand his kingdom.
Sometimes there are too many lions in the pride. Kartikeya moved to where
several Titans had a chair waiting for the process to begin. Kartikeya was
shaking and trembling with fear.
As the tall Titans extracted material from Maji-Manidoo, Kartikeya sat
motionless in a chair with his massive arms crossed ready to receive the
synthesis still shaking. Several Titans taking the material to the machine which
was directly over the head of Kartikeya. Inputting the material, the machine
powered on as Kartikeya stood under the beam of light shining down upon him.
Kartikeya was stretched backward in agony resembling the Vitruvian Man. The
large being screaming as the purple substance from Maji-Manidoo body could
be seen spreading through his body. The light shining down on him making the
appearance of his skin translucent.
The machine then powering down as the giant fell from the chair to the
floor. Reaching forward trying to stand up Kartikeya began trying to speak.
Maji-Manidoo rising and moving close, “It won’t help you. I will help you
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transition to the next world. In the end, it is meaningless. You will find there is
only darkness” The Celestial being Kartikeya grasping for Maji-Manidoo as his
entire body expanded to a pile of goop. The living Great Spirit gurgling as his
entire structural system dissolved. The horror for Kartikeya, as an eternal being
from the macro matrix he could not die in this realm, he was still alive even
within the puddle of matter. Maji-Manidoo slithering over towards him, leaning
over, collecting the tar-like being beneath the spikes as they retracted punching
holes in Kartikeya material, tossing him back and forth until reaching the small
mouth slurping him up like soup until Kartikeya was no more.
Turning to face the Titans, the form of Kartikeya pulsating within Maji-
Manidoo swimming within his fluid trying to escape but unable. Kartikeya
would slowly be dissolved into nothing.
Maji-Manidoo screaming for the grey human beings born on the planet
Nibiru to assist him as he moved. Scurrying him along with purple slim
covering everything behind him Maji-Manidoo left the room. The genetic
research had not stopped since he had sought to check every option off of his
list. The researcher proving to be the best part of him. He was a Gitche
Manitou. The destination for the next phase of Maji-Manidoo supreme plan lie
within a binary star system. In this binary star system, a world. A world with an
apex, allowing him the ability to reach far beyond the realms within this
miniscule step in creation. He was the fast track to the beginning that governed
all realms within the nothingness of the machine. Maji-Manidoo reveled in the
journey. He had done it on his own, in his own way. He had sought for the
stars. He could never forget it was he who chose to reach for the highest
knowledge, the forbidden fruit, that which was unattainable to those who do not
seek. He had been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Had he lived his life
never acting upon his own impressions being trapped within his belief system,
never trusting his core values he would not have the courage to make leaps of
faith towards the abyss of knowledge that was required. He was more than a
slave of Dharma and he believed any being trapped in a false reality no matter
the comfort, if denied access to the knowledge of why, was nothing more than a
Addressing his Titans, “It was I who broke the barrier of space and time
connecting the macro and micro matrix. It was I who had concluded that
Brahma was nothing more than a speck of sand on a universal beech. It was I
who found the apex within the system to gain the access to self-actualize the
information I needed to be who I was supposed to be.”
He said and repeating, “I believe in myself.”
No other creation, past or present ever achieving what he had done. No
other being ever in his position of knowledge dared break the laws of creation
themselves. Only he had done it, and he who now saw it for what it was, a
honeycomb prison. No other being in a position of power capable of
understanding the sequence of events necessary to reach the conclusions that he
had reached had ever been found.
Maji-Manidoo knew his previous existence was merely an illusion of
reality within one part of the code. Having this knowledge, this power in any
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other part of the entire matrix he could have complete and total domination.
What was control or power if he was only trapped in a micro-matrix within the
flowing honey from a honeycomb. He would utilize this entire beehive to reach
farther. To him it made perfect sense but any other being would be imprisoned
within their own walls, theories, and inability to grasp the truth. It was all
honeycombs filled with prisoners of a war blinded without knowledge that had
been wiped from their memories.
He had the key, leading back to the source of the code, the source of
everything would be the only way out. Call it darkness, call it the abyss, call it a
black hole, it was and would be the eternal manifestation of the source code that
made it all possible. Whatever lay on the other side of that door was worth
attaining for the glass ceiling had been reached.
The orders sent across space that victory was near. The directions to a
planet. The planet he would entitle Dyaus, after the name of the species he
would be contacting. “D…Y...A...U... S!” in loud draw out slur the once
enlightened being cold and driven with madness by his quest and appetite for
If he could go there instantly with his own mind using his power, he
would. Without access to the apex on Dyaus he could never leave. The system
had been programmed to make it impossible. As if a fail-safe had been
deliberately programmed in the event one within gained knowledge of those
without. Maji-Manidoo was the most powerful being in the entire hive and
unable to do anything but play with code. Through deductive logic he knew that
there were only a few reasons this could occur. One, there exists somewhere
within something that even he can’t see that is aware of the possibility of
obtaining something from this location and deliberately inhibits the code
specifically barring such a being from exiting. The eternal safeguard to an
entire system over run. What being in the micro matrix on any of the worlds
within the bubbles of universes in the river of a larger realm would not if
provided a complete understanding of what they are truly a part of, immediately
seek too free themselves from the entire process. Maji-Manidoo in his ship
pummeling towards Dyaus continuing to process through his scientific
If the first were true, the second would be absolute. That would mean
that there is a coder somewhere who themselves are within a matrix, or have
written the matrix. This was the being that Maji-Manidoo would knock on the
door and ask why. If the first were false than it would be completely at random
that he would obtain the power over the entire collection of universes of realms.
Deductive logic sided number one was true.
Moving forward with this hypothesis, he knew that all of creation
existed in a larger honeycomb style womb. Surrounded by a membrane netting
that was alive. This membrane a specific realm, a place of nothing and yet it
was something. At the end of everything the true beginning would begin. What
was Maji-Manidoo? He was the manifestation of that creator. That larger more
powerful source. Maji-Manidoo, the one being capable of surviving outside the
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many realms within the womb that resembled a bee hive surrounded by the
vortex that spins the code.
The hive that houses the honey combed collectors of souls producing
the perfect nectar, the source, the river of life. Where infinite number of
simulated universes existed producing manifestations of the source to begin the
process of harvesting consciousness. Those within not supposed to have the
knowledge to get out. To Maji-Manidoo, this was behavior of a predator. The
honey of life was nothing more than food for something greater, something
beyond even the core matrix. This entity creating him to face the vortex. He
was a larva that was created to be even more than he ever imagined. He was
Maji-Manidoo. The true seeker of truth. The only one capable of climbing the
stairway of truth. No one being understanding why things are the way they
were because of the infinite barriers that block the necessary knowledge to do
anything but exist to exist. Living eternities in simulated worlds within a digital
matrix over and over and over again.
Maji-Manidoo wanted to know why. He wanted to know why
something without form would create something that would become its own
brain processing at macro and micro levels in all directions expanding to
accommodate the need to store information. Developing endless illusions for
reality in the same way that a computer compresses information too free more
space. The illusion of space verses the space actually available. The calling card
for the system an organism designed to create something like himself. He had
done it and he was produced from the conjunction at the doorway specifically
redesigning him to meet with the creator of the source of that being that
programmed the source.
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” Edgar Allan
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The Olympus was the vessel of its day. It was the future of
interdimensional travel. The object that would carry the fathers of time through
the ether. The ether that separated the place of Origin from those kingdoms
beneath. This one ship allowing the massive transport of eternal beings to root
out the darkness within the light.
The leader of the Olympus, Animikii. He was high commander to the
Father of Time, Chibiabos. Chibiabos was the keeper of the Law, ordaining
Animikii to carry order and justice into the kingdoms given to him. Animikii
took his position very seriously. He understood the important role of the
Archangels within Origin, the netting of soul’s worthy of inclusion into the
light and knowledge beyond Origin.
Chibiabos had always stated, “In order for light to exist, there must be
order. To have order, all are subject to the boundaries of expectation whether
they are eternally ignorant or willfully defiant to those laws.”
Animikii felt this was the time to demonstrate the true power of the All
Father, Chibiabos. Who he also knew as Abel. Not because he would boast, but
because he was asked to do so. Animikii knew the story, how in the beginning
Chibiabos separated the light from the darkness by striking at the darkness with
a massive scythe. The cracking of its blade against the surface of the darkness
sending lightening throughout the cosmos as the first river came into existence
pouring the light of knowledge into the great ether.
Animikii theology was simply, there was only Chibiabos. Above
Chibiabos was only The Gitche Manitou. A being who he had never met but
that all had faith existed. Chibiabos talking of a time when he was known as
Abel in a distant world when the children of light chose a dark path.
The tall bearded human with white shiny scaled armor preparing to take
the Olympus into flight was proud. The destination, a scant world where
someone had dialed the great Chibiabos and Origin. Something has attempted
to reach out and speak with the holy on high. The orders were simple,
Chibiabos wanted Animikii to find out who would dare reach beyond their
designated realm to make contact with him. His duty was to the order that
existed which held all things in their proper place. This was the Time of
Turning to gather his crew, the six advanced humans from Sky Land
entered the ship. Apollo the first lieutenant in the ships leadership hierarchy
was to be the scribe of the journey into the ether. He would record the events,
the times, the seasons, the turning of the stars against the entry into the
underworld. The place where souls were lifted into glory.
Hermes the ships engineer, understood how it processed the light of the
tree of knowledge to build a vessel to house them. He would be the ships guide
into the underworld. The tall human of Sky Land moving to his position within
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the massive electronic complex. Blinking lights, radiating pure electrical

current covered the ship interior.
Accompanying Animikii onto the command helm of the Olympus, the
daughter of Chibiabos, Hera. The chief among all women within Sky Land. She
would be on the ship to ensure that the laws of compassion were enforced. The
flowing hair of the eternal being shining against the radiant rays of Sky Land.
Also aboard the ship, Demeter, the chief architect for Chibiabos. The
tall being with platinum hair was on the ship to ensure the laws were adhered to
in the river of life that led to the underworld. The Olympus was the foot stool to
the Great Spirits.
Chibiabos function for all time to bring to pass the immortality and
eternal life of mankind. To process them to meet the Gitche Manitou. A Gitche
Manitou that none had yet met within Sky Land. When his elders had told him
that the barriers of the eternal sphere were penetrated, he knew that could only
mean one thing, disharmony.
The Olympus was capable of entering into every level of hades
dominion. The kingdoms held within his grasp, the bits of intelligence seeking
to traverse the levels of an eternal inferno called the Illusion of life. It was
Chibiabos job to ensure order within the ether, within the hell for the human
soul, had he not survived himself he would not know the way but he had
survived and he did know the way even if it only led to Sky Land. He could not
have those within the ether simply deciding it was time to leave disrupting the
correct order of time. Time demanded that all bits of intelligence wait until they
are fished from the ether through acquisition of intelligence.
The striding Chibiabos moving towards the Olympus, the other Great
Spirits of Sky Land preparing to leave. They would return to the source of the
signal that had reached out trying to gain entry into the highest kingdom within
the garden. This was an act of treason. A punishment to come for reaching
beyond the rules of Sky Land.
“Animikii” The supreme leader speaking, “You will secure the proper
order within the Ether. If Hades is trying to escape, you will bind him and press
him into the darkness.”
Animikii, the regal, smooth talking eternal being stood to address his
leader, “In the Halls of the Eternals, where we
have earned our place to serve the will of the All-Father, we will go
down and we will enforce the order of time.”
Animikii viewed all of reality beneath Sky Land as designed for the soul
to earn its own salvation. The eternal machine always arriving at Sky Land,
having earned the right to walk through the Halls of the Immortals.
The ship filled with a collection of the Great Spirits of Time, the
stewards of the footstool, which the Gitche Manitou put in place before there
was Time. Animikii, Apollo, Hera, Hermes, Demeter and many more boarded
the ship destined to ride the wave of time. The source code was time, the
Olympus connecting directly into the code, releasing instantaneously into the
return address of the original location which peered into Sky Land. A location
that was familiar to Chibiabos.
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Animikii speaking to his chief engineer, “Jupiter, engage the drive. We

are now entering through the netting into the underworld.” The massive ship
vanishing and appearing outside a massive planet that covered the sky horizon
to horizon. Moving slowly around the planet, the large red eye swirling in the
back drop as the Olympus made its way towards the location of the signal.
“Jupiter, we have arrived and I see a world with a red eye. I call this world
Jupiter after yourself for you have brought us to this location.” Hermes
addressing Animikii, “Long range sensors detect a recent planetary explosion.
A disruption in the entire framework of this chamber of souls.”
Appearing in the distance the scattered debris pressing in all directions
adjusting to the gravity of the central sun. The former planets debris pressing
outward forming a broken shell around the central four worlds.
“Something big happened here.” Hera speaking as she could see billows
of smoke rising from the surface of Mars. The ship scanning all things as it
inched closer to the location.
This was the first time any immortals from Sky Land would peer into
the prison of souls within the underworld. The code coming into Sky Land
exciting Chibiabos who had simply told them it was the key to access a place
they had not previously been. Chibiabos had said, “This is the answer to enter
the towering stairway that leads to the dark tower of the soul. The long climb of
the soul to the top, to gain salvation in Sky Land has been accessed and you
must go redeem it.”
As they neared the fourth planet from the sun, breaking through the
fractured atmosphere there was a collective silence at what the Great Spirits of
Sky Land were viewing. “Animikii, I see living things here, I see things that we
see in Sky Land.” The heavenly beauty Hera pointing out trees and while
scattered across the tundra landscape of a dying world, “those are trees, just like
in Sky Land.”
Animikii too was perplexed, according to what they had been told by
Chibiabos, this hell of the soul should not have anything of Sky Land in
existence, yet here in this place there are trees on the surface of a post-
apocalyptic planet.
“The entire protective layer of the world will be dissolved in a short
time.” Hermes announcing to the room of beings that this world would soon be
no more.
The massive ship moving closer towards the source of the
communication. Approaching the distant light in the sky the beings sending out
scanning probes to map, monitor and record everything within the chamber of
souls. “This system of stars lies within a chamber, the chamber one of an
infinite within the Ether. I am detecting instability in the system. My scans
suggest something is trying to break in.” A concerned Hera speaking to
“Hades!” The benevolent leader Animikii speaking solemnly.
The stories had been told for an eternity. The Father of Time, Chibiabos,
the one who dispelled Hades, the darkness, the Man in Black. Into the Ether.
The knowledge given to him by the Gitche Manitou. The story of the first
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victory over the fallen one. When Chibiabos buried his blade into the heart of
the darkness casting the devourer of worlds, the father of all lies, Hades, within
his eternal place. Trapped with barriers to protect the souls of men as they
traverse their way through the Ether past the darkness towards Sky Land.
The ship pressing onward towards a distant planet. “The disruption in
the Ether comes from the third world.” Apollo speaking pointing to a three-
dimensional diagram of the solar system now spinning in the air.
Apollo was ready to get off of the ship. He was not fond of long rides
through the Ether. Though they had never before entered into a bubble of
darkness he always felt like the Ether would seize them, wrapping them in its
jaws, pulling them into the ladders of hell. He hadn’t really wanted to come, but
his duty was to serve and never had he disobeyed since he too was pulled from
the ether.
In the distance, a blue and green marble with streaks of white clouds
stretching across the surface had appeared.
“Animikii, this world’s atmosphere is extremely unstable. The previous
event has massive collections of ice floating dangerously close to the tipping
point of reentry into the planet’s atmosphere. This much ice would flood the
entire world in an endless barrage of liquid water.” A concerned Demeter
pointing out the large icebergs littering the horizon of the planet.
“Let us enter this world. You see my fellow Great Spirits of Sky Land;
even here miniature realms exist.” The stern master of the ship pressing the
massive ship into the atmosphere until appearing into the distance a large tower
rose from the middle of a city. In all directions other large cities covered the
planet’s surface.
“This should not be possible.” Animikii rising from his chair speaking
aloud. “No life should have the power to organize after the fashion of Sky Land
within the Ether, to do so would be blasphemy, bringing the wrath of the All-
Father.” Animikii was disgusted at what he was seeing.
“Rest the ship on top of that mountain and we will go inspect for
ourselves the lost souls on this world. In this realm of the Ether to see if it has
trapped them here preventing them from coming to Sky Land.” Animikii knew
such a though was itself blasphemy, there was only one Sky Land and this place
was not it.
The beings moving the ship towards the large granite mountain the ship
rested above the cloud line as the eternal Great Spirits descended towards the
surface, towards the tower. Feeling the leaves in their hands, “This is like Sky
Land”, looking in disbelief they examined the trees, the plants, the surface as
they approached the walled city.
“You would never know we left Sky Land, would you? Look at this
place, filled with color.” Hermes stating to Hera. “It is overwhelming; do you
smell the air?” The Great Spiritdess holding her arms out, head back, as the
breeze caught her hair pulling it in the wind. The smell of dogwoods drifting
through the tree canopy were sweet and inviting. The Great Spiritdess twirling
in circles. “Hera, maintain yourself!” Animikii speaking authoritative, “Or
what? You’ll trap me here in this hell?”
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Hera felt this was a special place. “Look at this, a world mirrored after
our own, within the Ether, is it not, in its own imperfection beautiful? Is it not,
if given the choice to stay, a place to live free. Free from the control of
Chibiabos? Did he one time ever tell you that such a place like this could exist?
Yet I smell and I see and I feel, all things I did not in Sky Land.”
“There are many things my father does not tell you.” Animikii replied
with dissatisfaction in his voice. The others silent in their own way stunned at
the sites.
“Like what Animikii? That he doesn’t really know why any of it exists.”
The revelation to the other Great Spirits causing them to step back in disbelief.
This was Chibiabos, the All Father of Time, and this was his eternal daughter.
“I don’t know about you but I am going to climb to the top of that tower. I am
going to take a photo of this entire place. I am going to show those to others in
Sky Land when we return.”
Scanning the surfaces of the stones, Apollo interjected. “Someone built
these walls. Someone inhabited these cities. Someone else has been here. I
would suspect we are being watched right now.” Stopping, they all paused to
view what was around them.
Animikii and the others then levitated into the air to see what was
around. They all had the power of levitation. Peering down upon the
surrounding area what they saw was too much to be believed. Moving towards
the top of the tower the thick moss hanging over the steps Animikii spoke.
“This city has been abandoned for quite some time.” The entire city nearly
enveloped by the jungle. Abandoned long ago, by an unknown culture. The top
platform showing rusted machines, equipment, chords that resembled tree vines
scattered among the fallen ruins.
“This is where it took place.” Hermes speaking as scanners still
surveyed the entire area.
“Hermes, contact the Olympus, have the ship perform long range
scanning for anything emitting the current of the Great Spirits. Locate any life.”
Redirecting their attention, the beings return to the Olympus. The ship
performing its long-range scans. “Let’s survey the surface of the world.
Whatever was here did not simply vanish.” Animikii speaking as the ship lifted
from the mountain, moving over the horizon to a distance to perform a global
scan for life.
“Animikii, we have detected life signatures in many locations on the
surface of the world. These all organized around ten major locations.
Penetrating scans show the same large towered cities as the abandoned one we
visited.” Hermes shared as a holographic world showed the locations of the
major centers of life that stretched around the globe.
At that moment the chief scientist on the ship, Poseidon entered the
large room. Poseidon was the master of the elements within the Ether. This was
not his first trip inside though it was his first within one of the capsules within
the ether. He had been in many times on research missions for the All Father. It
was all for the All Father. “Animikii, you should see this.” Appearing into the
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digital monitor for the ship the ingredients of sub atomic material displaying on
the screen.
“This is impossible!” The leader Animikii addressing Poseidon.
“It can’t be impossible, it is on the screen in front of your eyes, clearly
you can see, this world is of the exact same source code as Sky Land. This is
Sky Land in the past or a replica.”
They all stood stunned at the information that Poseidon had just shared.
“How can that be possible?” Animikii responded confused and perplexed.
“It is possible if you look beyond the boundaries of the Ether. We have
in essence traveled back in time to a place where time does not exist, it is
merely an illusion.” Poseidon explaining that within the Ether all time is an
illusion, and that this world could be in many ways related to Sky Land.
“That’s not possible!” Animikii standing in visible frustration responded
to Poseidon. “A duplicate world to Sky Land? But Sky Land is endless, it is not
a world like this.”
Poseidon sought to reason with Animikii. “It’s not the same world
Animikii, it’s a mirror image of our world, whether infinitesimally small or
infinitely large, the world is still the same on every level of examination.”
Demeter cutting everyone off, “We need to report to Chibiabos
“I am not sure we should be so quick to do that Demeter” Animikii
responding to Demeter before addressing his science advisor. “Poseidon, have
you seen anything like this before? Has anything like this ever been recorded in
the halls of information?”
“Never, not one time.” Poseidon even seemed perplexed.
“Then we will not leave until we know what we are looking at, until we
are confident exactly what we would be bringing to Chibiabos. Would this not
be the wiser decision Demeter?”
Hera repeating her previous statement, “I told you he didn’t know what
the Ether was!” Smiling Hera twirled her hair in amusement at the leaders
seeking answers to everything, even the things they did not understand.
The large ship progressing towards one of the distance cities resting on
the many continents that surrounded the world. “It’s time we introduce
ourselves directly with these inhabitants.” Boldly Animikii continuing,
“Poseidon. Gather all of the Star Beings, we will be addressing these beings
The ship drifting across the sky slowly like a blimp observing the
inhabitants. Letting the inhabitants know what was coming. The ship resting
less than 100 feet over the massive temple complex. The native inhabitants
rising up the steps towards the platform.
“Those are human beings!” A shocked Hermes stated as everyone now
filed into the room to see the images on the large viewing screen. Animikii was
Hera moved closely to the screen, “They look like us. Animikii, how
can they look like us? Within the ether?”
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The silent leader having no answers to the questions they were asking.
He too had to face the reality they had found a world that had tried to connect
with their own, they, Great Spirits of all time, the guardians of the ether which
housed the souls of all life seeking to traverse through hell towards Sky Land.
A hell ruled over by Hades, a Hades who subjected every soul to tests, and
struggles, in the fires of transfiguration. Yet, here were free men and women,
separate from the Ether, living as the men of Sky Land do, Animikii was
Leaving the ship to walk across the temple mount the beings greeted the
native peoples. A native people that seemed to revere them. Falling to their
knees in worship.
“They are not immortal!” Demeter stating, “These are imperfect Great
Spirits.” The eternal being struggling to grasp the concept of the existence of a
Great Spirit without Great Spiritly powers. “Animikii, how can Great Spirits
not have eternal powers?”
“I do not know Demeter.” Animikii was distraught within his mind at
revelations of existence that should not be possible, according to Chibiabos.
“Animikii, something is coming!” The sound of thunderous steps
rushing through the air as birds began exiting the tower and the people began to
flee screaming in fear. In an instant bodies were tossed to the side of the temple,
thrown through the air. Emerging from the forest canopy a large humanoid
being 15 feet in height, wearing a black suit with pitch black eyes scowling at
the Great Spirits. As the being moved through the crowd tossing the people to
the side the Great Spirits of Sky Land cowered behind Animikii.
“What is that?” Apollo rushing to the side of Animikii to witness over a
dozen massive humanoids now converging on the Great Spirits. “Are these the
Great Spirits?” Animikii pulling back his hand to reveal a massive ball of
lightning building in his palm. One of the large beings storming up the steps as
people dispersed in fear. The Great Spirits waiting to address these beings in
either combat or in conversation but not in fear.
The people screaming, “Titan.”
Before conversation would begin Animikii thrusting his lightning ball at
the creature. The burst of electricity slamming into the chest of the massive
human. The explosion throwing the being back towards the ground. With
lightening coursing through its body, he had provided enough electromagnetic
shock to paralyze this creature. Animikii responded, “No, they are not Great
Spirits, but they are also not men. Take this being onto the Olympus.”
The other large beings stopping to view their fallen giant, cautiously
moving back into the darkness of the corridors of the towering city. They too
would have to reevaluate who had appeared on their doorstep.
“Titans” Animikii spoke wondering what these Titans were that
subjugated and trapped powerless souls surely destined for Sky Land upon this
world. Looking at the others, “Back to the top of the mountain.” Animikii
wanted to analyze this being to see what it was they had encountered.
Back on the Olympus, Animikii speaking with Poseidon, who was
performing numbers of testing on the enormous being. “I can tell you without a
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doubt, this is not a human as we know them. It is not a human from Sky Land.
This is a being carrying the signature source of all within Sky Land but with an
origination within the Ether. What this means, if this being were allowed access
to Sky Land, they would have all power and would destroy everything. Like we
have all power here within the prison of souls that floats within the ether or
souls.” A concerned Poseidon shared with his shocked leader as Animikii
responded. “How could that be possible?”
“The beings would experience power the same way that Chibiabos
would coming into the Ether, would render him unstoppable. These beings,
living here, should they leave would experience the same increase in abilities
beyond those of our own. Here they are controlled, in the outer layers of the
Ether they would not be stopped.” Poseidon not truly believing what he was
saying to himself and yet it was true. “The other humans, they are us, their
structural material the same as our own with the exception in this place, this
vessel of intelligence, they are not immortal.”
Animikii speaking to himself as Poseidon watched waiting for a reply.
“As man is Great Spirit once was, as Great Spirit is, man may become.”
The inner conflict in Animikii permeated his entire existence. He was
one of the great ones of Sky Land. He had been to the edges of the pressing
where the light pushed against the darkness. He had spent a lifetime caring for
Sky Land which housed all the souls of those seeking to progress through the
hell of Hades. Could it all be a lie? He was broken in discontent that the very
first thing he would uncover on this new world would pull back his entire
cosmology. How can an Sky Land exist within the darkness? Animikii
considered the humans on the surface, helpless, looking up for a savior. The
others, Titans, Great Spirits amongst men in a space where they were the Great
“Poseidon, bind this creature. Let us connect this Titan to the revealer.”
The revealer was a machine that read the thoughts of the mind, turning them
into images for the observer to see. The revealer was used in Sky Land to
determine the cast that the souls pulled from the Ether would continue. No
Great Spirits were born into Sky Land with a memory. In this moment,
Animikii asked to himself, why that was, for the first time having context to ask
the question?
The most destructive question to the harmony of ones being when they
stand within their own reality and ask, why? Repeating what he was told as he
progressed into the Halls of the Immortals. They were the “Star Beings of
Animikii did not feel very royal, with exception of his ability not to
snuff out, but to preserve. Gathering the other Great Spirits of Sky Land
together he had a council meeting to discuss the future of the large Titan and
the future of the beings on the surface of the planet.
“We are the Star Beings of the eternities; we do not know why these
things are the way they are. Great Spirits of Olympus, fathers of Sky Land,
children of Chibiabos, Masters of Time. No one here to for will approach the
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foot stool of Chibiabos until I have the answers to approach him myself.”
Animikii had made the decree; none should return to Sky Land lest he direct it.
All Great Spirits assembling in the research laboratory of Poseidon. The
large being strapped to the chair in the middle of the room. The scowl pressed
into the beings bent brow. The stretching and lashing trying to free itself. The
being repeating over and over again, “Maji-Manidoo, Maji-Manidoo, Maji-
“What could Maji-Manidoo mean?” Questioning the observers among
themselves. Animikii moving closely to the massive creature. Peering down
into his eyes. Animikii himself 7-foot in height equal to the being sitting. The
skull twice the size as Animikii peering back. The cold dark eyes showing the
reflection of the leader of the Olympus.
“This being is pure darkness” …pacing towards the exit Animikii
decided what must be done. “Destroy it.”
“How can we destroy the being?” Hera questioned as Poseidon stood
ready to perform the procedure, “We don’t even know what it is, or why it is
“It is an abomination Hera. If allowed it will tear the entire fabric of all
creation suppressing it under its power. Look around you Hera, this is not Sky
Land. There are things within this place that I know would destroy Sky Land…
if not physically than the idea of Sky Land. Think about this Hera, before we
left to come here if anyone would have told you a force exists that could
subjugate Sky Land under its foot, what would you have said?”
Animikii paced around the room waiting for a reply, none came. He
continued, “Impossible? It would have seemed impossible because it would
have been. Standing here within the Ether, with that being there, if we were to
take this being into Sky Land to face Chibiabos, this being would devour
Chibiabos. Think about that, the All Father. Now here is my question to you
Hera…since you have been so forthright that your father doesn’t know what we
are dealing with, if this is also true, who is Chibiabos?”
Silence filled the room. Animikii looking at each one of them waiting to
see if any would usurp his authority or offer a plausible explanation.
“The first thing we must do is destroy these abominations…” Before
Animikii could continue his statement, the ship began crashing to the left and
the right as cigar shaped ships surrounded the Olympus.
The ships firing lasers onto the surface of the Olympus. The lasers
having no effect other than to sway the ship to the side. It was like a wave
knocking against the sides of a boat, not powerful enough to gain entry or to
penetrate, but enough to make its presence aware.
“The beings have flight abilities!” Hermes announcing through the ships
communication system. Animikii was even more stunned and shocked by this
revelation. They were reaching out. The same as Sky Land was reaching in.
Was this the antithesis of Sky Land? Animikii was having questions; he was
seeking answers. He felt a duty to preserve the order of all things. To not allow
the unknown to destroy something that had fought to extend its consciousness
beyond the stars. He thought about the beings on the surface, Great Spirits,
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without Great Spiritly power. What would it be like, being an eternal Great
Spirit, without the ability to protect yourself? The selflessness required to risk
subjugation and once over run the courage to press forward against the beings
that made the Great Spirits of this place their foot stool. Animikii must find the
“Send this being into the Ether.” Animikii knew this creature must be
Poseidon entering the power core of the ship knew the only way to
destroy the being would be to rip it to pieces. In this place a synthesizer that
recirculated the pure energy that formed the entire Ether powered the ship. The
source code of life moving through the machine would pull the Titan apart one
particle at a time. Removed completely from existence within Hades domain.
The ultimate tool that the All Father, Chibiabos had placed within the ship. Did
he know something that they did not? Surely, he had secrets to tell. The device
structured to allow the ship access into the domain of Hades. The eternal hell of
all souls. Yet was it not also designed to specifically erase something from this
realm. Once erased, where would it go? Away from here, and this place of
confusion but where would it arrive once let go?
As the machine began the process covering the entire body of the being
with a black tar. The tar penetrating the beings surface infecting it with energy.
The large Titan fighting against the penetration of the Ether. A material that
dissolved the matter within. The being unleashing a deep yell as it crushed
under the dissolving pressure of the material. The material that surrounds the
eternal hell of souls. Animikii looking out a porthole of the ship wondered, why
would Chibiabos design something to destroy something unless he also knew
that something else exists which could destroy him.
The jaw bone falling away first, the skull collapsing on itself. The being
vanishing into the black substance which was then assembled and placed into a
canister to be taken for storage. A research capsule to be stored for future
analysis of the material that makes up the Titans.
“Royals, we will go down and rid this planet of these abominations.
They must be removed from the Ether, or the possibility exists that we may one
day fall under their foot.” Animikii was serious and resolute that none should
The Olympus again returning to the same city positioning above the tall
pyramid. The Great Spirits of Sky Land dispersing into the cities of the world to
capture the Titans removing them from among the people. As the Royals
traversed the world in the war against the Titans they overwhelmed the beings
with advanced technology. It was not as if the process of collecting them all
was as simple as collecting flowers from a rose bush. There were thorns. The
beings trapped in the ether, all dissolved and imprisoned within the dark
canisters for future analysis and yet Animikii wondered whether within the
substance they still existed.
It could have very well been the case, the Royals arrive one layer, one
click to the right or the left, in this scenario it would have been they being
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immobilized by these beings. More the reason why these Titans must be
Animikii walking among the indigenous people who built the large city
marveled. The people crowding around this bearded Great Spirit as he allowed
them to approach him. They mingled with the other Great Spirits and they
walked among them.
Speaking the whole time to the victors, “We will lead these people
towards their destiny. In the ways of Sky Land.” Everyone knew that going
back to Sky Land would only bring more questions. They also knew Chibiabos
would begin to wonder what they had found, what was occurring, and should he
arrive the entire world would be placed in jeopardy. This was not the hell he
had been told existed within the Ether. This was a heaven. A place where
endless possibilities existed, where benevolence was demanded. It was a
heaven that was the anti-thesis of the heaven he came from, but heaven none
the less.
Sending out the Great Spirits to the other ten cities Animikii knew his
Great Spirits would easily bind the Titans. He anticipated that complete
removal of the abominations to life would occur within one planetary rotation.
His hopes were dashed when Demeter did not return from her journey to
the city of the southern continent. The Royal Great Spirits of Sky Land pacing
endlessly on the ship Olympus. Animikii had positioned the ship upon a high
mountain overlooking the massive enclosed sea.
“Something must have happened.” Aphrodite now present on the helm
speaking in dismay to the other Great Spirits. “Nothing happened Aphrodite, I
am sure she just lost track of time, she will be here.” Hermes trying to ease her
“Track of time? Non-sense, something has happened. You will all sit
here as if everything is fine, as every moment passes Demeter may be in need
of help.” Aphrodite was frantic over the disappearance of Demeter.
“I am not going anywhere!” Apollo was done moving in this strange
environment. He was a scientist. He was not the savior of those Great Spirits
who freely chose to make their own decisions.”
Animikii resting upon the massive commander’s chair. In the halls of
the Olympus the throne of Animikii was a position of his status in Sky Land. A
reality where everything is based on hierarchy with absolute obedience to those
who have been given stewardship over them. He watched bickering among the
Great Spirits, he considered their behavior that of children. Beings removed
from their state of comfort, forced to face a reality that demanded they rethink
their own reality. Animikii was beyond these foolish entities complaints. They
failed to grasp the bigger picture. Chibiabos was not the answer to all things.
“Silence! Great Spirits of Sky Land no one here is free except Animikii.
It is a shame that you place the burden of finding Demeter upon me or upon
yourselves the blame will not fall upon us, the Great Spirits, we who will watch
over the mortal Great Spirits on the Earth. You ask why I do not raise my finger
to assist Demeter, let Demeter assist herself. My duty is to those below who
look up. My duty is not to those above looking down.”
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The disgruntled leader storming out of the room moving into the dark
corridors of the ship. He must meet with his closest advisor. He must find
Jupiter. Jupiter would know what he should do about the powerless Great
Spirits on the surface of this world overwhelmed with the many creatures
seeking their demise.
“Is Great Spirit willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not
omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able
and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then
why call him Great Spirit?” – Epicurus
~ 301 ~



Animikii could not imagine living in a world where he had no power.
Mortal beings with eternal attributes without power. Animikii could hardly
imagine it. It would be like stripping the sun of its rays. How could a being of
omnipotence become a being without any omnipotence, and vice versa?
His mere existence defied the laws of these beings and their existence
defied the laws of his existence. The source of the Ether confirming that these
human beings, these mortal men, were more Great Spirits than even himself.
Animikii contemplated the thought, who should be serving who?
The grand leader now past his deadline to reach back towards the stars
to Sky Land, the All Father, Chibiabos. What would he say, what would he do?
This world’s existence pressing against the boundaries of time itself would
either confirm what Chibiabos already knew and be destroyed.
He had always considered Jupiter his equal. His knowledge of the things
of the Great Spirits more extensive. He had spent greater time with the All-
Father. He had himself been on many journeys into the greater and the lesser
“Animikii! My All-Brother!” The large being jovially laughing as he
embraces Animikii. “What brings you to this part of the Olympus? I am
preparing my analysis of the material that was collected from the surface, this is
very interesting.”
“Jupiter, I am confused as to why these things are, the All-Father has
told me that this place would be filled only with tortured souls. Souls striving to
be brought forward as Royal
Ones. Surely, you have seen what I have seen?”
Jupiter could see the frustration that weighed on Animikii mind and
responded accordingly. “These being’s genetic foundation suggests while they
are the equivalent of Chibiabos in this place they originate elsewhere.”
“You mean; these beings were brought here?” Animikii was more
confused than ever.
Jupiter responded, “Not exactly brought here, I would submit they were
created here by entities from a world the same as our own.”
“I knew it!” Animikii proclaiming as he turned back towards Jupiter,
“Have you ever considered that while we have been viewing ourselves at the
top, that we were actually at the bottom? Jupiter, my most trusted friend. I
believe that Sky Land is only the beginning, and not the ending. I also believe
that All-Father has been lying to us.”
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“Animikii, such talk is blasphemous! Chibiabos will have you dissolved

into the Ether if he ever heard you speak such a way!”
“Why is that Jupiter? Why is it expulsion? Why is it dissolution for
asking why these things are so?” The Great Spirit king and his closest advisor
knowing the conversation about to continue would drift into areas that could
cost both their lives.
“Chibiabos speaks of this Gitche Manitou, have you seen him one time?
Have you met him? Hera, his own daughter says that he knows nothing, that it
is all a mystery to him. If this is the case, do we not have the responsibility to
seek out the answers for ourselves? Are we not of all of the creations best
equipped to find the answers that elude us? If not granted out of our desire to
know, a way should be granted simply because we have the ability to ask,
why?” Animikii was moving among the machinery that Jupiter operated. The
towers that rose up and down filled with crystals from Sky Land that would
organize the ships energy.
“Animikii, my All-Brother, remember that with every step towards this
light, which is knowledge, the further you will wander into the void of
nothingness. Beware, lest Hades swallow you whole.”
“Hades?” The scowling leader stepped back, “Tell me, who is Hades? Is
it a place, a person, a thing? Or is Hades, the unknown? Could Hades be the
manifestation of the darkness that exists which conceals the answers to the
questions? Could Hades, the father of all lies, be a similitude of the independent
thought of the Great Spirit within aligning himself with that which he knows to
be true, which is in opposition to the forces that seek to bind and control? Tell
me Jupiter, could Hades be the fears, the shadows of the heart, the mind and the
soul reaching beyond the seen to create a protective barrier between the answers
that do exist and the fears of the beings too afraid to ask them, to accept them?
Jupiter, I am beginning to question whether Hades exists at all.”
“This is Hades, Animikii, this entire realm. It is life eternal, the
imprisonment of souls.” Animikii did not think Jupiter knew but he respected
his friend enough to listen. “With all due respect, you saw the planet with
powerless Great Spirits. You saw the material from the beings that were created
here for the sole purpose of enslaving the powerless Great Spirits. You yourself
have seen these things. Things that Chibiabos says should not exist.”
“Animikii, before you step into this direction. Know this, with every
decision comes an ending. With every step a destination. With one choice the
dissolution of possible outcomes, with wide ranging effects on the future. If you
do this, your actions will be all-encompassing and ripple through time. Even to
Sky Land herself. Even to the foot stool of Chibiabos, the Father of Time
himself. Where knowledge cannot destroy, surely Chibiabos can, be careful.”
The two Great Spirits ended their discussion embracing as Jupiter
continued his genetic research on the black substance from the Titan and
Animikii returning to the helm of the ship.
“Animikii.” Jupiter calling his attention again. “I can say this for sure. I
have never seen the source of any being programmed in a way that it behaved
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like an infection. These beings, whatever created these beings, you best avoid
that encounter. We may not survive.”
“Not survive?” Animikii responded, “We are Great Spirits. We are the
stewards to the fabric of time. It becomes our duty to root out the darkness, to
separate it from the light.”
Jupiter could see Animikii did not understand what he was saying. He
continued, “This material, if coming into contact with any biological matter
self-replicates. This being is not dead. This being is waiting in stasis, a genetic
hibernation. Who could have created such a being? Think about that Animikii.”
Animikii returned to the helm as the other ships attacking the Olympus
were being destroyed. The command of the ship blasting the cigar shaped ships
that had surrounded the Olympus with beams of pure energy. Energy directly
from the source that powered through the ship. The large ships breaking under
the pressure. The celestial energy disintegrating their traveling devices.
Animikii knew, “Titans!”
The Titans retreating from the behemoth titans of the sky, run by
visitors walking in upon the remnants of a broken world residing within broken
space and time. To protect Great Spirits without powers and understand why
these things are the way that they are and have been was Animikii mission. The
constant threat Chibiabos may enter, may appear, Animikii knew that
altercation would be revealing as Chibiabos would be facing his own
“They are retreating Animikii.” Apollo stated as he and the other Great
Spirits working the ships instruments were beating them back with the celestial
weaponry. “I want them all grounded.” Animikii ordered throughout the ship.
The ship again regaining its position on the top of the large granite mountain.
Animikii calling a congregation among the Great Spirits. He knew the
discussion must occur to pull everyone in line with the reality of why they were
there and what would be to come. “A short time ago, we left Sky Land. Many
of you for the first time. We came here at the request of the All-Father. Upon
arrival we have come to the conclusion that All-Father has deceived us.”
Hushes and whispering began spreading among the congregation of
Great Spirits. Animikii continued, “Chibiabos deceived us. Below us on the
surface of this world exist a people. Human beings the same as you and I. They
are Great Spirits, on every level the analysis they are our equals without our
powers. Yet what becomes of them?”
“What do you mean what becomes of them?” Aphrodite questioning
Animikii. The leader looking at her with scorn, “I am not finished, do not
interrupt me again. “Imagine being Great Spirits in a world where you had no
Great Spiritly powers. Where you were subject to the mercy of all other life
forms. Imagine, dear Aphrodite, the selflessness of such a being. To abandon
them to a life with no control, while we rest upon our mountain top looking
down that we have done it all. I ask you, have you? Yet not one here has any
idea what you did to deserve your place in the eternities. I call that, Irony. Who
here among you has a memory of a previous existence? None. Yet is it not
proclaimed throughout all of Origin it is we who have earned the reward, how
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can you earn something to which you have no memory? Who here has earned
his Great Spiritliness? Who among you can say, it is their destiny to fail and
your destiny to succeed? Who here has earned the right to say that? I will tell
you Aphrodite, Hermes, Hera, what I see. I see my brothers, I see my sisters,
and I see duty.”
The grand leader choosing to put down his mantle, whether it was
chosen for him by himself or others he would descend below all. He would be
remembered for all time as the being who stood with man until the end. Who
understood that only through selflessness could free agency be actualized.
Without previous memories he would choose for himself. What greater act
could he bestow upon them? To lay down his life for his friends. Animikii
knew that the destiny of man was dependent upon his ability to assist them in a
reality that was designed to sift them to the bone.
He continued, “These beings are walking on a world of unknowns,
worlds without number that would crush them if given the opportunity. The
greatest of all the Great Spirits, yet moving into the darkness willingly. I ask
you, who are they? None within Sky Land had the courage to take the steps
these beings would. Who truly was the weaker Great Spirit? Who was closer to
transcendence? Who the Great Spiritlier? What good is power and omnipotence
or free agency, if it is never used?”
Turning back to the other Great Spirits. Animikii continued, “I will not
go see Chibiabos, and neither will any of you. We will close the door.
Chibiabos will come. Whether we go to him first or have him come here, he
will come. We must prepare as many of them as possible to the destruction that
will occur when Chibiabos comes.”
“We will be cast out forever” Hera crying throwing her arms into the
“Cast down forever?” Animikii felt sad for the pettiness of his people.
“You know not what it is to weep… one day away from Sky Land is worth
more time to your soul than an eternity groveling at the feet of a complacent
eternal being.”
Animikii was disgusted, leaving the company of the Great Spirits. With
the exception of Demeter who was still missing he knew none were prepared
for what was to come. He knew very little about what he would do when
Chibiabos arrived. Perhaps, in that moment he could plead with him to reason.
Share the data, let him see first-hand. Perhaps then Chibiabos would not seek to
destroy them all. He knew it was only a matter of time. What was time, in this
world it was irrelevant. What was ten million years’ worth of work to have
Chibiabos appear with legions mere seconds after he left? He was assuming the
Great Spirit of Time was focused on other things, but the moment he would
question, would be the moment he would arrive. Animikii was surprised he
hadn’t arrived yet.
Yet this was the truth.
He must polish them up, make them seem so refined that not even
Chibiabos could deny their value to Sky Land. The first thing he needed to do
was rid the planet of all other unnecessary life. With the existence of the giants
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and the many hostile beasts, as well as all those things left behind, Animikii
knew there would need to be a dramatic cleansing.
Animikii had an idea. He would need the help of Poseidon to pull that
off. Poseidon, the master of all elements. He always knew the answers to the
questions that Animikii did not. Especially in this foreign place, the Kingdom
of Hades.
Reentering the engineering corridor Jupiter was moving crystals from
one tower to the next. “Poseidon, Poseidon, we will flood the Earth. It’s the
only way. We will begin now extracting as many as possible. However, we
must flood the Earth.” Jupiter was startled at Animikii entrance into the room
speaking nonstop.
“Flood the Earth?” The scientist replied, “You do realize this requires
water, massive amounts of water, where do you supposed we get all that
Laughing to himself Animikii replied, “Poseidon, humor me, come, take
a ride with me, I would like to show you something that we have overlooked.”
Taking a smaller ship from the Olympus out into the outer atmosphere.
Animikii was able to show Poseidon massive icebergs the size of small moons
floating in orbit around the Earth. Jupiter remembered the barrier of ice that
circled the planet. “Animikii, this might actually be an idea!”
“I have theorized that this ice came from the oceans of the neighboring
planet we saw as we approached this world. They have remained in an orbit
around this planet. There is more water floating around this planet than
currently on the world. What I need to know, how do we move them?”
Poseidon looking around became quiet as he processed the puzzle.
“There is a velocity, the point where these objects will no longer orbit but will
descend. We can nudge the objects slightly sending them past this threshold
into the atmosphere where they will burn forming condensation in the
atmosphere showering the world in an unending sea of water. We could use the
tractor beam on the Olympus. We could fly around the planet sending enough
towards the surface that none would be prepared.” Poseidon was convinced that
this would work.
The mind of Animikii reeling with the possibilities. Calling a gathering
of the Great Spirits he approached them with his idea to cleanse the Earth of the
filth that bogged her down.
“Great Spirits and Great Spiritdesses, watchmen of mankind, the
decision has been made to rid the Earth of the darkness that possesses its soul.
In the coming days the rain will begin. Once the rain begins it will not stop until
the entire face of the planet is wiped clean. Some of you may think of me as a
tyrant, cruel, and uncaring. Consider this, when Chibiabos arrives, will your
feelings matter to him in your moment of judgement? You have one goal
between now and then, remove as many of the humans as you can. Leave the
mutants alone, you know who to retrieve and those to warn. With haste disperse
to the four corners of the world.”
Silence across the great hall, none moving, and none responding.
Animikii had made his decision. He could care less what the spoiled children of
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Sky Land thought about the decision. He knew many of them would be
devastated to lose their access to manipulate the common people of the planet.
They worshiped the praise of the people. Pulling the strings of the puppets
simply to be adorned.
While Animikii knew they protected the mortals from the evils of the
landscape below and those from the stars above many of them just did not get
it. He had thought about the hundreds of years they had been among the people.
How much had they done? Instead of teaching the people about what is coming,
the Great Spirits using the time to philander, pillage and elevate themselves.
Enough was enough. It was time for a rest. After all, this world clearly had been
reset many times before.
The large Olympus filled with ten thousand humans from the planet’s
surface. There were many others that had been warned to prepare. There were
those who chose to continue in their ways living in the cities built by the Titans.
The planet truly belonged to the Titans but that would soon end. The cross
culture of crippled broken Great Spirits fighting to hang on to a relic slowly
slipping away.
The Great Spirits of Sky Land moved around the planet sending the
massive icebergs descending into the Earth’s atmosphere. For forty days the
Great Spirits pummeled the Earth’s atmosphere with the collection of Mars
ocean ice which had been trapped in the atmosphere for thousands of years.
Animikii had pondered how this lost world had come to be and why it was that
this world’s oceans had become trapped around the Earth.
The ice waiting for the free agency that could only be made by the Great
Spirits to allow it entry into the Earth. The planet a raging ocean. The Earth
pounded by mile high waves rolling around the planet. Among the waves large
vessels made by inhabitants. Animikii had felt, if those beings whether human
or otherwise were wise enough to build arks to survive the deluge, they were
deserving of a life in the new world. These were the type of ruggedly
determined doers he was looking for, those willing to go against the grain of the
culture now lying at the bottom of the ocean floor.
The culture of the Titans was stripped from the surface of the planet.
The Titans forced into submission within the womb of the world. Swallowing
them up the Titans permanently imprisoned within the belly of the Earth. It
would be impossible for the Eternal beings to remove themselves from such
depths, imprisoned for all time, or for a time, from the affairs of men.
Those separated from the rest residing on Olympus and within the
vessels floating across the Earth sifted as wheat, groomed and taught by the
Great Spirits. Welcomed into their abode. They were treated as Great Spirits,
equal with the Great Spirits. This was the decree of Animikii. This was the time
the humans were taught culture, mathematics, language, literature, and the arts.
They were showed agriculture and commerce. The things necessary in the
world to come to be welcomed by the Great Spirits, who were yet to come.
Animikii always saying, “It is better to prepare now for the appearance
of those from on high, then to arise asleep when they have passed you by.”
Animikii knew this was a one-shot deal. If his strategy to adjust human beings
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to the life of Sky Land failed, they were already dead. If it worked, he may buy
this species the time necessary to achieve whatever potential the cruel ethos
thrust upon them as they rest in the heart of the inferno itself.
As the planet recovered from the deluge the receding waters revealed
Earth void of all life. No buildings, no large cities, and no massive lizards
hunting man in the forests. No Titans or Lizard Men, no shape shifters. The
surface of the Earth was refreshed, purified, all things buried beneath. There
were also survivors.
As the Olympus covered the surface of the Earth, the mountain cliffs
were covered with survivors. Animikii marveled, he had followed through with
his commitment however, mother Earth had shown him that even she could
show mercy. Arks of life littered mountain tops across the globe. In one way or
another he contemplated the thought that there were others like himself also
aware of what needed to be done. It was a theory. The helm of Olympus resting
on a mighty mountain overlooking a peaceful bay in a portion of the world that
would support the survivors within Olympus who he commanded to multiply
and replenish the surface.
Animikii had thought about visiting every Ark, seeking their story, but
he chose not to for one reason. Who was he to determine which Great Spirits
chose to interact on their being’s behalf or not?
He would do his part, if there were others also doing their part that he
was unaware, then let them do their part for their own purposes. Knowledge of
the genie in the bottle would take the fun of asking for wishes. Animikii knew
this, when he was completed this world would be covered in Great Spirits who
freely choose to live as the Great Spirits do. Rising freely to his very throne.
Demonstrating a trust and a loyalty between them and himself he believed in
humanity. He was preparing the people of the Earth for a time when they would
become greater than himself. That foundation a necessary step that someone
would have to take, why not him?
With the massive sheets of ice removed from the planet’s atmosphere,
the surface of the world became a more stable environment. The oceans
refreshed and renewed. The pollution of the Titans removed. The surface
replenished with vegetation, the health of the entire eco system improved.
Animikii knew it was almost too late, the Titans nearly devouring the world and
all those on its surface. The flood was the only way to compete with their
genetic manipulation expertise. These beings had the power to manipulate
matter, to create life, which was not a crime unless it meant the end of
Even Animikii and the other Great Spirits from Sky Land did not know
how to create a life from DNA. None had even seen DNA. Yet as they
destroyed these creatures they would reappear with the ability to reanimate
themselves producing millions of their kind across the surface. Abandoned
themselves upon the surface of the planet they only sought to rule, forcing the
people to conform to their technology preparing for the day when their own
great Great Spirit would return.
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Animikii had heard the stories about the ancient wars. The
confrontations of beings from the outer Ethos entering the Earth to commune.
This singular world, identified to the many, the diamond pulled from the pit in
the midst of a thousand thieves. The most noble intentions turning bad, the
shifting sands of the hour glass that favored none and shown mercy to only the
conquered. That mercy was slavery. He had many things to worry about after
the flood. The leader of a collection of eternal beings that themselves could not
keep from allowing the people to worship them, the lizard man living in the
southern hemisphere who had flooded the human population with his own
creation of human beings. The possible arrival of the creators of the Titans.
How will they react when they find the planet terra formed, when they find
their high rulers deceased? When there are no Titans to greet them. How would
Chibiabos react?
He was playing Great Spirit here but in the moment of decision when
in-decision would have eternal ramifications he would be the first one to strike
fear into man to ensure they knew their place in the Cosmos. He had done that,
if anything to have proper respect for the horrors that would be coming their
way. The flood had been that message. Obviously, the message got around,
there were large pockets of the planets human population that survived. They
remember and those first few generation that will step foot onto the replenished
Earth will be grateful. Animikii groaned within his heart, he knew that this
would be the final time he would assume the mantle of decision maker over
who deserves to live and who deserves to die.
The flood had been emotionally difficult for him to follow through. He
struggled with the decision to wipe many bits of intelligence from the globe, to
behave as though he knew better. He knew the common good and therefore it
was done…it made him feel as close to the being Chibiabos as he dared go. He
could not do that to a planet again. In a reality where multiple levels of Great
Spirits would be interacting with one world, confusing the potluck of human
history with myth, fable, and fantasy he would want the world to know nothing
less than this, “He did what he thought was right. He did it out of love. He did it
out of fear. He did not wish to harm, he did not wish to rule, he wished to
protect. Protect all life and all humanity. If he could speak to those that were
lost, the Titans, the Lizards, the hybrids of life that flooded the Earth it would
be to say that he was sorry. He was sorry for having to be the one to remove
them from the Earth. It was not out of hate, to destroy, or for personal gain. It
was out of love for something that was weak, that unless these beings made
their sacrifice would have perished.”
Most of all if Animikii could speak to the Mother Earth that received
another planets nourishment would say, “I am sorry that you have been alone. I
am sorry that the people of this planet have used you, captivated you, stripped
you of your life, I am sorry that you have been alone. I have brought you the
nourishment of your sister who had given her life to nourish you. I pray they do
not do as the Titans had done and devour her once more.”
If Animikii were in that moment, if he had that chance to have the
words of his mouth echoed through time. Written by men through generations it
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would be that they do not judge him by what he had to do, that they judge him
by the men that he helped to make through the choices that he had to make.
There are no easy decisions when making decisions which life deserves to be
preserved. The greatest goal of Animikii in that moment would be the future
ages when the men of the Earth would surpass even himself.
In that moment rising up, unshackling themselves from the Earth and
tearing down all of his statues and monuments refusing to accept him as a Great
Spirit. To realize for themselves in that the master was not greater than the
servant. That Animikii was not a Great Spirit living among men, he was a man
living among Great Spirits.

“To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold
infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour.” William Blake
~ 310 ~


The rain had begun falling and it had never let up. The mountain
caverns a refuge for the inhabitants of the Anishinaabe and the people of
Aayaash. Michabou and Kulkukan strategizing in the ship contained within a
large mountain as to the fate of the planet once the floodwaters would recede.
“How can the rain simply fall day after day?” A bewildered Michabou
spoke as Kulkukan pondered the question. “It has been raining for thirty
straight days. The floodwaters have submerged the cavern entrance. We can’t
even leave or else the barrier will be broken flooding the cavity. Shouldn’t we
at least evacuate the cavern to bring everyone on board the ship, just in case?”
“Michabou” the old man seeking wisdom to calm the anxiety boiling
over with Michabou. “Can you not see, Gia is being reborn, when the flood
waters recede a new world will remain, a new place, called Earth.”
“Earth?” Michabou questioning, that’s my world you are referencing.
“Yes, Earth, a new age of man is beginning. One where those who strive to
reach the mountain top will have a fair opportunity of achieving that goal. In
what other scenario could it have been possible to wipe the planet from the
geneticist gone mad, the Titans? A species gone mad with time, resorting to
eating those beings that they created on the surface. It is better this world never
know of their horrors.”
The Old Man speaking as if he knew this one species would be best
erased from all of the Earth’s history. “When you first arrived Michabou, you
asked why? You sought for the answers that lay just beyond the horizon of your
mind. You faced the darkness of yourself pressing against those limits seeking
further light and knowledge. The answers scattered around you as a puzzle
tossed into the air by the wind. Having the courage to work piece by piece
through the puzzle. To accept new insight, and new ideas, to have the
confidence to try again when the darkness consumed you in your madness to
reach the source of all. Beginning at the bottom, the master becoming the
servant. Understanding that the only way to escape is to look within. By
looking within the keyhole to exit the dark tower that clouds your mind
becomes visible.”
~ 311 ~

Michabou standing in silence as the great leader continued to express

his thoughts, feelings, and ideas. A part of him knew, this was the time to listen.
“You have traveled through the doorway of time, without this the proper
order of the story would have become lost. Diluted. Forgotten. You are the
answer to your own question. When the onion layers are peeled back, when you
see as the Great Spirits see, when you realize that it is they who all look to you.
Only then will you realize that the illusion of reality is no illusion at all, it is a
gateway for escape.”
“Escape from what?” Michabou asked
The Old Man pondering his words knowing that the future destiny of
this one man, this one singular being who had been so instrumental in the
development of the story to this point would depend on his ability to be the
Michabou, let me ask you a question, “If you realized upon birth the
true nature of the game of life, would you not see the trivial nature that this life
within this simulated world is merely an illusion. This alone making death
merely an illusion, a Great Spirit in a temporary space, would you not in this
moment with this understanding stand up and kill yourself instantly to escape
the illusion of reality? You see Michabou, you would be as the Great Spirits,
knowing that there is no death but only life and rebirth. Yet, to progress out of
the labyrinth of souls that leads to the beginning of the next chapter requires a
willing submission to the game of life. Only then can you approach the
doorway beyond the Ethos, which we are now enclosed. You spend your whole
life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you'll escape one day. Imagining
that future is what keeps you going, but you never do it. Not because of a lack
of desire but because in the moment of entering the grand ballroom emerging at
the apex of the entire system with no memory. In the end it always comes back
to free agency, the requirement for the independent decision to do what is
necessary to transcend. On one hand, a Great Spirit looking up with no power.
On the other, a Great Spirit looking down with power. Both beings trapped
inside the same sifter of souls.”
Kulkukan opened his arms like a large circle. “The future of this planet,
these people of mine and Aayaash people, all those who would choose to enter
within is dependent upon the storytellers who write the lines of the chapters still
to come. This is one of the two great mysteries into which human minds are
drawn. The question of free will versus predestination and what to do when
starting back at the beginning.”
The Old Man leading Michabou out of the ship into the long cavern
which housed his people, Aayaash people and all those they could warn prior to
the flood’s beginning. Caverns continually hollowed out of the massive
mountain with animals, food, and seeds of all kind. This truly was an ark.
What was an ark? If nothing more than a storage device preserving that
which would be lost to the fabric of time. Cataclysm fosters progression from
one life to the next the ability to retain previous knowledge is a great gift.
Kulkukan knew the human mind was the ark.
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“What will become of Aayaash and his people once the flood is over?”
Michabou questioned.
“They will be grafted into our own. No doubt their struggle to arrive
will be forgotten to time. The roots of their tree and the roots of our own
merged as if one. Becoming one flesh, one body, one people. They have earned
that right. You however do not belong here.” The inquisitive Old Man turning
to face Michabou.
“The world to come will be faced with many dangers, many unknowns,
and as you and I know, its future is not guaranteed. But there are those
watching, those looking down upon us now. From without the Ethos of the
world in which we are all bound that lies within the void of darkness. It is too
them that we look for strength and the courage to do that which will be
difficult. The courage to accept one’s fate, to live according to it, to choose to
leave the story only when the story has ended for you. There is a way that you
can escape this place.”
Looking Michabou into the eyes, placing his hands upon his shoulders,
the Old Man, Kulkukan again spoke. “I would like to show you something.”
Leading Michabou through one of the long corridors that had been
carved into the mountain. The two walking through dwellings etched into the
cliffs. An entire culture hidden within the Earth. This was the new beginning
that he needed. More than anything Michabou just wondered if he had done
enough to prevent the future attack from occurring. He had seen the great flood
with his own eyes and it was far worse than the book proclaimed. Could he stop
the future attack, or would he be trapped in the past forever? The human time
traveler wearies from the journey and overwhelmed by the truth just wanted to
go home.
They stopped in a massive atrium amid a lone Tulip Tree.
“This is our most prized possession. The last Tulip Tree in this entire
world. Observe its beauty, how the pink flowers open to welcome the honey
Looking closely, Michabou could see the tree surrounded by honeybees.
Millions of bees flying in and out of the buds of the Tulips which covered the
span of the trees canopy, limbs, and base.
“What is the honey bees function here?” The Old Man questioning
“To get honey for the bee hive.” Responding Michabou.
“Yes, the function of the bee is to perform its duty with the time given
to it to collect pollen. Which it takes back to the hive where it is processed. It is
the responsibility of every honey bee. Does the honey bee question its duty to
the hive? Does the honeybee question its directive? Is there a singular person,
place, or thing that can be measured, quantified to explain how the honey bee
knows what it is to do in life, how it is to accomplish this function? How do
they know?”
The old man now standing within the sea of deep pink variations of the
tulips. The bees flying by and through his arms and around Michabou.
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“This is the answer to the mystery of answering the question why. To

and fro, away they go. To universes of plenty among a sea of the many.
Unaware. Of what would be out there. Yet the bee fulfills its life in the
transition of processing material and where does it go? Imagine the bee
stopping in its journey and asking to itself, why?”
“Has a bee in existence ever stopped and asked itself why? I would
suppose so. Would the bee with its understanding of the micro pollen to the
macro Tulip tree? Beyond the yard, the block, the valley, the region, the
continent, the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, the sea that
provides the great Ethos of Spheres, to the honey combs upon honey combs of
systems of fishing of souls, at what point is the honey bee capable of
understanding? Imagine the human life the equivalent of the honey bee in a sea
of information so vast that the reality of its existence would be meaningless and
yet without the human life there would be no transportation for the honey
towards the source of time itself. Without the honey bee there exists no eco
system. The Tulips themselves universes upon universes of life. To the sub
atomic level, the unseen of the unseen the worlds of existence isolated and
unknowing of the being to which they are forever linked, the consciousness of
the plant. The eternity of time within those worlds between the moments of the
buds opening, closing, and falling away. Not measured in time as we know it,
but in time on a micro level equal to billions, if not trillions of years.”
Opening one of the pink tulips. The old man lifted his finger to show
pollen covering his finger.
“Within each of these bits of intelligence, the pollen that is essential for
honey, are universes upon universes. How many of any of these have ever
questioned why? Perhaps none. All these universes unaware of the honey bees
coming and going. Distributing the pollen to the hive where it is processed for
the creation of an eternal resource, honey. The honey bee unaware of the
sparrows flying by that pluck them from the sky. Without the bee the flower
would not bloom. The bloom would wither and die. The tree’s ability to obtain
nourishment compromised. From the tulip to the root the tree would die. From
every level of existence the meaning of life can be derived from watching the
honey bee move about the tulip tree in a cosmic sea of expanses. Sometimes we
are the flower, sometimes we are the leaves, sometimes we are the honey bee
flying through the tree, sometimes we are the branches strong and true, and
sometimes we are the pollen carried beyond all that we knew.”
“The meaning of life is to serve…To love that around you…to give of
yourself wherever you are able to assist. The meaning of life is to be a respecter
of the worlds that exist all around you that with the swipe of a hand are erased
from time and history and sometimes to be the pollen never questioning your
essential need in all of creation. If you saw the maze for what it truly was and
were capable of comprehending its labyrinth, you would see that it is better to
find a place to hide than seek for answers that may be too difficult to accept.
You would see the importance of serving them. If you were pulled from the fish
pond taken beyond the grove, into the universe, through the many levels of
creation, you would gasp for air and wish to return. Michabou, what would be
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the point of the honey bee becoming aware of the entire universe around it if it
came at the expense of the pollen not being delivered and the entire system
crumble to pieces? At what price is knowledge? The entire perspective of time
relative to yourself and to the bee, this tree, its eco system is to understand the
process of creation. Am I wiser than you?” The old man paused expecting an
Michabou stood motionless. The old man, Kulkukan, the immortal
leader of the Anishinaabe, forever chained to this universe by choice. Michabou
amazed that he would choose to stay upon realizing the greater purpose of it all.
Choosing to serve than to travel to unknown worlds in a greater sea of life. He
dared not answer the ancient being, knowing that to make an attempt would be
seen as either patronizing or groveling.
“If you choose to live out your life as the universe has intended, here in
this time, among these people knowing what you now know, you would be
wiser than I am. You could be a honey bee here among these people. There is a
great culture coming to this world. A growth, a collaboration of the eternals
upon this world to serve the weak, to lift the helpless, to be among the great
Great Spirits of all creation. Ponder upon that, among the great Great Spirits of
all creation. Knowledge is about to be poured out upon it, those above looking
down upon those below. Serving the mortal Great Spirits. You can help guide
these people with your wisdom, and knowledge. To find knowledge in the
beginning of the first new society on the Earth.”
Walking back to the tree Kulkukan held the leaves of the flower
between his fingers, the thumb and the index with leaves presses through the
ring and pinky.
“Your life should be the bushel of leaves, the collection of family and
friends. That nourishment bringing into existence beautiful new tulips. The self-
manifestation of perfection. What makes man so great is his beginning, the
perfect imperfection, the mortal Great Spirit who must trust to survive. At the
end of the road, when the sun sets, what matters most? I will tell you, it’s a
beautiful day indeed when the sun rises.”
Michabou stopping to the last statement remembering the comment
from the source before he arrived on Tiamat. Michabou chose to stay rather
than leave. As the years progressed vast intellectual civilizations covered the
globe. From the north to the south, the east to the west humanity from all
continents meeting, interacting, grafting each other’s peoples, cultures and
knowledge. The species became one people from one world.
The age of man had arrived.
As time progressed so the world passed him by, the young man aging
with the wind until grey hair and wrinkles the old man was nearing the end of
his life. Thinking about the years that had passed. How long they had seemed.
The stories of the past nothing more than fables, fairy tales, and fantasies. Too
unbelievable to be true, too absurd in the structured order of this time.
Refinement, idealism, community gathering.
The people of the Earth striving to reach for the stars to run with the
Great Spirits. Animikii and his pantheon walking among them. One last visit to
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impart wisdom before it would be time to go. To speak with an old man living
high above the village on a hill hidden within the sky. The wisest man in the
world, Peto.
He had a gift to impart before his final journey to see his old friend
Kulkukan who had summoned him. The seeker becoming the finder, the
imparter of truth knew his time on the Earth was coming to an end.
Held within his hands a golden looking glass, a gift to the man on the
hill. Would show him the planets, stars, it would remove the heavenly veil. This
man would see as Great Spirits from beginning to end offering a way to leave.
The secret of the gift to the wisest man who lived on the hill, an instrument that
was created that allowed the man the ability to leave the game.
For centuries the old man had the ability to leave but chose instead
submission to the game called life. To be the bee who never questioned why
and just lived his life as was expected. To live the life given to him, waiting
until the time to give away this instrument would come. He moved slowly with
painstaking effort, step by step until he reached the summit. There he
approached the man on the hill. Saying nothing, he simply handed Peto the
looking glass, turned and walked away. The wise man on the hill choosing to
leave rather than stay, the old man continuing on his journey grateful he was
given another day.
After three days’ journey Michabou came to the great mountain where
Kulkukan resided. Climbing the final steps up the trail to the mountain side the
old man found the entrance to the ancient city deep inside. In solemn reverence
all had heard of his coming and assembled to welcome him into the abode of
Kulkukan. Upon seeing Kulkukan he marveled that he hadn’t aged in over 90
years. Michabou now frail, aged, with time long passing him by, he was
meeting Kulkukan for the last time. Michabou was preparing to die.
The two laughed about their memories, how the people had already
forgot all that had occurred. Perhaps for the best it was what they deserved.
He lay in Kulkukan study knowing his moment was near. As Michabou
lay dying about to give his last breath. He asked Kulkukan the question about
what happens next. Kulkukan, rising to his feet, “Michabou my dear friend, I
have something to share I am so glad we meet again. Since you have been gone
I have recalibrated the machine left behind by Maji-Manidoo. I have something
you have to see. A doorway to the source of all creation. The stairway to the
Gitche Manitou himself, the key to be free.”
The old man barely able to walk assisted along by his eternal native
friend knew this was the end. Michabou approaching to view the machine that
had once been a part of a story long ago. Kulkukan working to turn the machine
on. It blasted a beam of energy into the wall that tore the fabric of space open
revealing a singular black door. The black door neatly framed against a dark
ocean of nothing. The door handle neat, shiny and silver. Michabou could also
see his reflection in the windows on the door. The six window panes tinted so
that he could not see through to the other side.
“Why is this door here?” The old man asked Kulkukan.
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“I know, I have asked the same question time and time again. It is the
beginning of everything, a doorway, as easy as that. I am not sure there really
needs to be a reasoning.”
“Do we open the door, it’s almost too good to be true” Michabou
questioned Kulkukan. “I think that’s your decision to make. In your frail age
with nothing to lose wouldn’t it be something if it were as simple as turning the
handle and opening the door?” Kulkukan seemed pleased and delighted at what
lay before his friend Michabou.
“Have you opened the door?” Questioned Michabou.
Kulkukan remained silent. Michabou thinking to himself, “One more
journey into the unknown, it had been so long, this might be something he
would enjoy.” He had lived his life, he knew this was the case, in fact he was
sure this journey to Kulkukan would be his last for he had given up the sacred
looking glass.
“I will open the door. I will go inside. I will meet this Gitche Manitou
before I die.” Grasping Kulkukan in a long embrace, he moved to the door that
loomed beyond the ripple in the matrix of time.
Twisting the handle, he pushed the door open revealing a circular room
made of brick. He stepped in closing the door behind him. The room was
dimply lit. There were no sources of light yet he could see the brick stone
forming the walls that rose endlessly upwards. In the middle of the room a
staircase that rose up into the darkness at the top of the towering room. It was
like climbing a lighthouse. He would have to walk the final steps alone.
Climbing the spiral staircase placed in this location for Great Spirit knows what
reasoning. For the one or the many who find their way to the dark tower that
leads to the Gitche Manitou it would be a journey traveled alone. The wizard
behind the looking glass peering down as the twisted versions of reality spin
endlessly and yet in perfect harmony. The story woven through time artfully.
Would this being be the oppressive all-powerful Chibiabos who had yet to
return to the Earth?
Yet, only moments had passed in Origin. He had been from the future;
he knew at some point Chibiabos had to come back. Would this stairway lead
all the way to Chibiabos? Would it emerge in his personal hall of torture?
Would it lead to Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”? Where was that
vile beast? He knew Maji-Manidoo had left to find Dyaus. The events to occur,
the emergence of that dark being, too much story left to tell. Could this stairway
lead to the darkest of forces meant to lure the foolish to death? An eternal full
proof against those few who would stray, perhaps that was what was waiting at
the top. Or would this Hades of Animikii, the demon forces of the underworld
be waiting in Dante’s Inferno delight with eternal punishments in the wheel of
death for ever lost to time?
Would the dark being himself be waiting at the summit, to escort him to
a special place reserved for those who broke the rules, the ambitious who
sought to obtain the knowledge of the Great Spirits? Or would Mishebeshu the
master trickster have planned an elaborate sabotage infiltrating the underground
base, pretending to be Kulkukan to send him to his waiting fate. Mishebeshu
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was a true Great Spirit of the game called war, with long term strategy he could
very well win the war. Would he be waiting at the top to unleash his revenge?
The winding of the stairs turning higher and higher they went. The slow
stepping of the old man’s feet the struggle to ascend. He was barely able to hold
himself up but he would not miss this moment for the world. He was near the
conclusion of a lifetime search to the answer of the greatest story. The story the
journey did not tell of a cosmic world in a broken universe with fearful Great
Spirits living everywhere. Of a world within a world of life and a cosmology of
all things either one degree to the left or to the right most often in despair.
He could see the top; it was just in sight. The stairway near its crest a
doorway was in sight. A brick ceiling stopped the climb as there was another
closed door at the top of the winding staircase. Is this the door that led to the
Gitche Manitou who was the source of the code that produced the world that
they existed within?
Twisting the handle and opening the door, Michabou stepped quietly
into a room. It was a room much like the one he remembered when he was a
little boy. With a window that overlooked the spacious front yard and the
bookshelf that rose high against the wall in his grandfather’s study. He was
somewhere he had been before in a place that meant much more.
In the center of the room a large empty book lay open with a pen across
its pages. Caught up in the memory of a memory Michabou didn’t take the time
to look in the mirror. Staring in awe, no longer the old man, he was only a boy
maybe nine or ten. In an instant, the once familiar room spinning in circles
around him shifting to mirrors showing his own reflection. The reflection of a
boy looking back at himself. The mirrors still spinning in circles where the
room once stood.
The imagery changing to an endless see of men in black hovering in the
distance. The spinning of the mirrors continuing faster and faster until merging
to produce one man in black staring back at Michabou. The glass twisting as if
turned in the hands of time until all the imagery resembling a kaleidoscope with
fractured images of the man in black staring back at him. The spinning and
twisting continuing as the room flung upside down with Michabou hovering
silently in the air. Bolts of electricity bursting forward through the glass until it
shattered. Michabou alone in the darkness of space and time spinning all around
him. The darkness pressing in until the light became dim until he could not see.
Bursting forward Michabou reached for the device that covered his
eyes. Ripping the massive unit strapped to his head off and throwing it to the
ground. Pulling a long hose out of his mouth he stood alone on a foreign
Coughing up purple sludge he looked around to see where he had come.
Massive and extending in all directions glowing blue beings all sitting in a
bathtub like cocoon with tentacles strapped to their heads, eyes filled the
megalithic realm. The entire room filled with millions of other blue beings all
connected in the same way. The sound of a loud trumpet carrying slowly
through the air.
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Michabou looking down at his hands, they were blue. In fact, he had
five fingers and a thumb. Black smooth obsidian covered the floor. Puddles of
water spilling out of the cocoons he could see in his reflection, he was a bald
blue being with solid white eyes.
What had happened? Where was he? Where was the Gitche Manitou?
Rising to his feet he began the slow walk past the millions extending
into all directions in a room so vast it was overwhelming. Michabou noticing a
small doorway that led to something below. It was an exit to something
Stepping slowly through the thirty-foot hallway he was confused and
disorientated. Dripping with the purple slime that covered his body he
wondered, had he risen within a harvesting facility. Was this a harvesting
Michabou was confused, his head ringing with the echo of the trumpet
roaring slowly through the air. The sound ominous of doom. He was still
having difficulty adjusting to the bright light. Yet the room was dim, it was as if
he was seeing for the very first time. He walked slowly leaning several times
against the wall.
Coming to the edge of a ramp the distance below was cosmic in scale.
To describe, an entire planets worth of bodies perhaps stretching an entire solar
system in all directions. How else could he explain what he was seeing?
Perhaps an entire galaxy of the same pods, each filled with the same blue
beings in all directions.
Giant squid looking creatures floated through the air moving around the
bodies grooming them, moving them, devouring them, carrying them away. He
had to figure this out or else he faced certain death.
Moving back towards the room he had just come from the only thing he
could do was walk endlessly across fields of bodies in cocoons. Nothing else
but openings in the sky that revealed entry to other places the same as the one
he walked through.
Would this be the journey to the Gitche Manitou? The next level of
awakening into a reality that few could accept, let alone face. He had dared
open Pandora’s Box. He had dared see things the way they are, have been, and
always will be. He had challenged time itself, pressed against the precipice of
knowledge within a reality he knew was not even real. Awoken, rising from the
illusion stepping forward into the true unknown. He knew could lead to his own
Looking around at the sea of trapped souls, he was meaningless in the
scope of what lay all around him. The beings extending horizon to horizon in a
reality where it would seem Michabou was walking amongst the Sleeping Great
“We're born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Only through our
love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not
alone.” Orson Welles
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“Then he will do this most perfectly who approaches the object with
thoughts alone, without associating any sight with his thought, or dragging in
any sense perception with his reasoning, but who, using pure thought alone tries
to track down each reality pure and by itself, freeing himself as far as possible
from eyes and ears, and in a word, from the whole body, because the body
confuses the soul and does not allow it to acquire truth and wisdom whenever it
is associated with it ... that man [will] reach reality ... if anyone does.”
Attributed to Socrates, Plato’s Phaeto


4. For, during, belonging to, or connected with an intervening period of
time; temporary; provisional: an interim order; an interim job.
The terms were set, all sides were in agreement. When the hand had
been dealt the details of grievances, concerns, and changes were addressed. All
hands-on deck, the trigger had been pulled. In the coming moments actions
attached to decisions that would determine the fate of creation would unfold.
The expanse of time set before them. The power of the roll of the dice to
level the field of play.
Mishebeshu had always know the future of this universe rested in the
individual who could adapt to the coming changes. He had chosen to infiltrate
everyone. To plant his ideas, his philosophies, to obtain loyalty towards the
future he envisioned.
Not a world filled with transplants, betrayers, lost nomads moving from
planet to planet but of a unified effort to climb out of the prison that housed
them all. Mishebeshu had outlived the great flood which decimated the entire
globe. He had also been blessed by the removal of the Titans. He questioned
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whether future generations would even recall the true history of the past or if it
was better to lay under the sifting bedrock of the Earth. The only thing better
than competition is no competition. Without competing against the genetic
scientists of Maji-Manidoo, he would surely overrun the planet and in time the
entire universe. What was the universe but an illusionary expanse? He stood on
one of the ocean of time knowing that the other side existed only needing a
vessel to traverse the treacherous distances.
His eyes set on larger prizes even the Throne of Heaven. He envisioned
a future where not only would he press once more against the fabric of the
universe, he would connect them all.
He had squared off against the mighty Animikii, he had seen what Maji-
Manidoo had to offer, he had walked with the man Great Spirit himself,
Michabou. None could foresee his mark on the future. It was coming and he
knew it was prerequisite upon his faith in himself and his own abilities.
Mishebeshu thought of his greatest rival Animikii. “In his arrogance brought
the sky down thinking he could wipe the Seraphim from the planet.”
Mishebeshu knew without Animikii there would be nothing stopping him from
complete rule. Animikii had buried the Titans deep within the Earth freeing
Mishebeshu from the last road block to achieving his destiny.
He had climbed from Tartarus, freed himself from the planet Simud and
come unto his own. Freed his people from the Nephilim. No more was Nibiru,
Tiamat, or Simud and all the better for Mishebeshu. The leader of the House of
Aln, of the great Carian Empire. Space and time had converged to snuff out the
Iln, to bind them in darkness and remove them.
Turning to three others now standing in the room Mishebeshu spoke,
“The world is now ours. Release the people into all the areas of the world.”
The underground fortress made from eternal atomic material. The
strongest form in the universe. The extensive network twisting deep into the
Earth. Mishebeshu preparing to enter the reorganizing chamber was going to
make the next step in genetic research, he would become a non-created
creator…a self-made creator. He would change his genetic material to become
immortal ensuring that he would have an eternity to wield his arm of power and
influence. The matter that made him neither aging nor capable of being
This was matter that he had gotten from the Nephilim. The giant fallen
Great Spirits fleeing through the cosmos.
This was the time of the Illuminati to conquer the world. Preserved by
Gia, as if asking the Illuminati to reach out and crush Animikii for his
treachery. The need to conquest the Titans so great that he would destroy all
life. With one sweep of his hand nearly destroying the world from existence.
Who was Animikii, really?
One of the original Illuminati coming into the room, it was Glycon, the
first born of Mishebeshu’s cloning process.
Glycon accompanied by Naga. Moving about the room no longer any
pure Star Seeds existed. Mishebeshu had forced all to undergo the
transformation process, he believed the true faith of the future was genetic
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research and the ability of a species to make the advancements necessary to

“Lord Mishebeshu, first Typhon of the Illuminati. Father. We have
located the human relocation colonies. The Great Spirits of Olympus are
dispersing them around the great inland sea” A holographic board unfolded in
front of Mishebeshu showing the locations of the enemy of his enemies. Glycon
showed with a small pawn piece the location of the new settlements.
Using his finger to draw locations of the dispersing humans that had
been protected by Animikii and his cohort. Moving in a circle, the map was
drawn flat allowing the observer the ability to monitor and view the vast globe
in 360 degrees. In a time when most could not see beyond either horizon he saw
the planet for what it was, a prison.
Similar maps were carried by each of the Illuminati leadership. The
rulers of the eight regions of the planet. Naga, to rule over the southeast
flatlands of the first mountain. Glycon, to rule over the northeast highlands of
the great lake where a few of the people of the Titans had also survived the
flood. From the north to the south they would rule over the scattered remnants
of the vast civilization. Mishebeshu and the Titans leader Prometheus were not
that different, both genetic scientists. Both seeking to flood the Earth with their
creations. The difference between Prometheus and Mishebeshu, one created
man to serve, the other to rule. Mishebeshu believing why go through the effort
to bring to life unless giving that life the ultimate success to survive.
The now captured and engulfed Titans small remnants filling the surface
of the planet with endless forms of humans. Animikii had succeeding in
cleansing the planet of utter chaos but still they remained. Ultimately the
surviving creations of the Titans implementing a cast system where there were
those bred for food, those bred for work and those bred to rule and wage war.
The bottom used as wheat for the trough, the Great Spirits among men slowly
expanding over the globe. Animikii and his small band of survivors clinging to
their plot of land content to let any who survived rebuild.
Mishebeshu had infiltrated many of the cities scattered around the
globe. The Titans stone cities were large and dark, dimly lit. Their dark
corridors filled with demonic beings, human animal hybrid’s and constant
sacrifice. The advanced humans calling out through bloodshed to the sky father
Maji-Manidoo who had abandoned them to return and bring a restoration of
what once was and could be again. Those left on the surface not space travelers,
they were the builder cast. They were designed to build on the planet’s surface.
Then the flood had happened. Many of the genetically engineered
humans that were created in the many differing cast system taken aboard the
Olympus. Many more abandoned to die on the surface. There were others
walled up within the Earth in caverns. Mishebeshu knew somewhere among
them all would be Kulkukan, Michabou, Aayaash and the people of the
Anishinaabe. If he could find them he would petition them to his own cause
seeking to reason a collaboration on escape. Michabou knew more than he
shared and Mishebeshu sought his knowledge more than any other for he had
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seen the future and the beyond. Mishebeshu had seen small pockets of their
descendants moving about the land prior to the flood.
Zahnak moving to address the leader of the Illuminati, his new version
of the Star Seed species. One where he truly would be the father of their
creation. The flood something of recent memory the world had moved on.
Myths, tales, and fables all that remained of a time when the Great Spirit of the
Heavens had washed away the unclean from among the children of men. His
leaders scouting what communities that had survived networking them. They
sought to know who they were, what they had, and how best to infiltrate them.
Conquering them from the inside out.
Zahnak and Ashad approaching Mishebeshu.
“What brings you from the fortress of Kuuirinta in the land of Baβri?”
Mishebeshu asks Zahnak
“There are large vessels of people, entering the lands. Many of them are
not from the cities of the Titans.”
Mishebeshu considering the possibility of pockets of people scattered
around the globe that had survived, like him, separate from the dark forces that
Maji-Manidoo had brought to the planet’s surface.
“Find the ancient ruins, begin to build a refuge. Invite the outsiders into
the cities. This continent will be our own and none will be permitted to access
its borders. Speaking in terms of the southern ice refuge which was not a
continent but a ring that served as a barrier to all those within, itself the greatest
secret of all history. How something finite can peer into the infinite and yet be
contained within and the paradox became reality. Mishebeshu stood upon the
iris of the greatest eye in creation staring out through the lens into an illusion of
reality. He spoke, “For the others, become a part of their cultures, societies, and
learn of their beliefs.”
“Are the lizards no more?” Mishebeshu questioning in regards to the
forests of the giant killer reptiles. The genetic mutations of his own kind, and
yet were not all genetic creations of the same kind and within the same source
of knowledge reaching and grasping for eternity. Responding with confidence
that it was something worth noting, “First Typhon, the beasts have been
removed from the surface buried and destroyed by Animikii and the great flood
waters. Only a few remain within the depths of the ocean. Many of those have
died due to the change in oxygenation in the water following the flood.”
Mishebeshu knew without the more powerful leading Titans, without
the genetically mutated lizards who served those Titans, who would oppose
“Return to the region. Reach out to the others. If any Titans are seen
report back to me immediately.” The aged leader nearing the end of his life
cycle. He would not accept death. He was Mishebeshu, no longer the
descendent of the failed Carian Empire, moving through time singing hymns to
the empty House of Aln on a dead unlivable world. The Iln deserved better and
they would get better. The Iln were now dead, the Carian chapter now closed,
he was the First Typhon of the Illuminati. He was the living embodiment of the
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destiny of this people and he struggled with this knowledge knowing who it
was that he was and what would become of himself in the Universe of Origin.
Moving through the underground corridor Mishebeshu existed into a
main hall that resembled the atrium of a state building. The eye of providence
stretching across its circumference, the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati.
Modeled after the reality that he had learned while governing the southern
continent that the sphere was not in fact a sphere. It was an eye with the Earth
as flat as the iris within the eye and yet covered and projecting outwards as with
a lens into something greater. There was no escape and yet it was real, to be
measured a prison within a prison filled with similar bastions and oasis. The
one truth that existed that all of creation sought survival within the all-seeing
eye and who did such an eye belong…a Gitche Manitou?
Mishebeshu leaned against the railing that surrounded the circumference
of the atrium, the room thousands of stories deep. A marvel of technological
scales never seen and yet as he considered the reality of what it was that was he
knew it was nothing in comparison to the all-seeing eye of the Earth and other
worlds like it that peered into the darkness that itself breathed and moved. The
Illuminati saucers entering the large atrium from corridors that exited in the two
south and east directions. Coming to a stop in the center of the room directly
under the all-Seeing Eye of Providence, before descending deep into the Earth
entering one of the thousands of levels below this massive atrium was the
stronghold of the Illuminati.
It had all been built by Mishebeshu. The entire underground fortress
grander than any of the many halls that covered the planet Carian. Within
Antarctica the structure of the last great society that would rise or would fall but
would bring justice to them all. It mattered not how it would end but in the
journey to the beginning.
He was the father of commerce, industry, progress. He saw the needs of
the many to be comforted with technology and would provide the endless
supply of operatives to give the masses what they wanted. What did they want?
Security, protection, peace of mind as they floated through the abyss that if
given access would devour them whole. The foundations of future empires built
upon his ideology for humanity. Animikii did not have the heart to destroy the
world again, this Mishebeshu was certain and to a degree would be used to his
Moving to the large DNA manipulating machine Mishebeshu motioned
for Glycon to press the needed controls to proceed with the process. Entering
the spherical pink egg the door closing behind him he had made the ultimate
sacrifice of his own free will using the intellect endowed within himself. The
machine processing his genetic material with that of the celestials. He was
changing himself into his own creation. With steam bursting from the edges the
door opened the process complete. Stepping from the gate the infamous leader
had been transformed. Instead of moving on legs he moved down the stairs and
across the floor on dozens of snake legs that slithered behind him moving as
mist in the wind. The many octopus looking tentacles morphing back into legs
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as Mishebeshu stretched his arms releasing a massive yell. “I am a Great

Unlike the others, Mishebeshu had not been depleted of his DNA, he
had been given more. The pinnacle of centuries of genetic experimentation and
research. Thrusting his right and left hands outward they changed into long
tentacles. Mishebeshu was an advanced version of himself. He had to be to face
the interdimensional Great Spirit, Animikii. If he was going to overtake the
pontificating savior to mankind, he would need to create an unseen structure
among the people. Mishebeshu was now the ultimate manifestation of the
ultimate creation for of his shapeshifting species. The equivalent of many levels
of intelligences above this own. He had twisted the order of things, but hadn’t
the Nephilim started the process?
How could he be shown the workings of the Great Spirits and not be
allowed to use it to his maximum abilities. Why would processes exist that
allow for advancement and be for anything less than utilization? The
implementation of mathematical equations that had always existed, that allowed
for real time changes was the Holy Grail. The forbidden fruit had been nearly
attained. He would be the first to use it without any restrictions, the way it was
meant to be done.
The Great Spirit king Mishebeshu, the first Typhon. Standing looking
out over the Cilicia, the home city to the Illuminati. Where his race would
reenter Gaia, and reclaim her surface for themselves. Moving quickly the leader
entered one of the massive saucer shaped ships. “I am Typhon. No longer
Mishebeshu. No longer bound by the failures of an extinct race. The rise of the
Illuminati is at hand and the Typhon will rule the Earth.” Turning with his
constituents the immortal being entered the slate black saucer. They were
headed to a special meeting with a visitor. Typhon and his fleet of gray saucers
moving towards the fortress of Kuuirinta in the land of Baβri. The information
of a special visitor shared by the provincial rulers Zahnak and Ashad.
As he covered the landscape the Great Spirit king thought about how
easily he could invade and fill the entire expanse of the planet. How easy, and
yet impossible. The doing of such would bring the attention of the higher Great
Spirits who look down at the board of risk before them, moving their pieces of
influence as the outcomes of decisions already made are displayed among the
Typhon’s plan was subtler. It was obvious this world was being
watched. It was clear there were pockets of “chosen people”. A melting pot of
the eternally transparent each unable to share their cards or organize the pieces
to see clearly prior to the next move across the board. The unfolding risk
playing part to the unknowing mortals below. He could not just take the easy
path. He had backups. Several times he could have easily thwarted the entire
process. Nibiru was by far the best scenario ever afforded him, but that failure
was the commitment by Typhon to bury the past with the ashes of the broken
The smooth surfaces of the ground. The plains stripped of the soil with
long deep canyons cut through the massive continents. The reemergence of
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species of animals moving out among the plains. Typhon envisioned the
beginning of something so grand this ball of dirt could not fathom its role in
that future. His ship streaking through the air. An interplanetary vessel that had
restricted flight. The ship rarely made the efforts to leave the planet’s
atmosphere as the design restricted it to micro interplanetary travel within the
sphere of the planet, rather than multiplanar travel from planet to planet.
Typhon had a bigger goal than conquest of a meaningless expanse. He
had discovered the hidden agenda and at that point Typhon drew a line in the
sand. He would not be a part of this, he was moving into larger areas.
The secret held within his mind for the future. He had seen what would
occur. He had been to the brink of the limits of creation. They all viewed him as
an insignificant soulless being, and because soulless not worthy of being
respected. He thought and therefore he was and because he was, he mattered. If
he in fact mattered than he had a place and it was they who were wrong and
they who oppressed the children of a greater creator who resided just beyond
his grasp and to whom he would move heaven and earth to reach for was this
not the duty of the created?
Typhon determined long ago that no one would determine the destiny of
his people, that destiny would be manifest by himself. Did this not only apply
to them but also himself? On their own, without any assistance. He had found
the way through the arrogance of the Nephilim to break the code. He was the
code writer. His plans, his grander plans, they would take time. When he would
make his move, it would be without the fear of failure. Moving to a stop among
the half-buried ruins of a massive structure of the former world resource hub as
provided by the Titans. The many domes that once covered the planet Gia’s
surface were gone, the waters of restoration erasing them from history.
He would do the same. With one fell swoop.
“As you remain buried I will emerge from Gia, I will populate and
replenish this world.” The grand leader speaking staring down upon the ruins of
the former great civilization. They had failed to recognize the resource that
stood in front of them. To manipulate the most important element in the
universe, the human being.
He would emulate their previous mousetrap but his goal would be to
empower. Instead of the dark, imposing structures of the Titans, these new
locations were open with no walls. The Illuminati utilizing the new-found peace
afforded to the survivors of the world. A world without fear of the darkness.
The need for security among the human species as they wandered the lone and
dreary wilderness strangers in a foreign land seeking refuge he would provide it
and in return gain their loyalty. To feel cared for and to gain their willing
loyalty. Typhon knew this security would be given in the many other places
like Kuuirinta.
Moving through the open marketed city it was redesigned to entice. All
who would stay would be a willing voice in the future of the planet. What could
stop Typhon? Nothing. Among the brightly lit pillars were hanging fruit,
running water. The entire complex filled with Illuminati, none who enter able to
distinguish the difference between the traveling human being and the children
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of Typhon. Knowledge given and all resources shared. This by design, to

influence from within and not without.
“This is perfect” the cunning leader speaking to his constituents.
Moving to an elevator hidden among the archaic architecture, Typhon and his
region overlords descended to the depths below.
“How many levels have we progressed?” the leader asking Glycon.
“364.” The first-born responding. Fingers meddling considering the structure
that lied beneath the small trap set above. Within the “game” he would insert
his own version of an illusion of reality. The Venus flytrap of the human being.
Not to capture them physically, but in heart, mind, and action. The elevator
coming to a stop. He stepped forward moving through the brilliantly lit
corridors until all he could hear was endless screaming in the distance. Typhon
was nearing his destination, his waiting visitor.
How he relished in this moment to have the intimate encounter with the
interdimensional stranger. Entering through expanding doors revealing the
scene Typhon came face to face with Demeter. The advanced Great Spirit from
Origin. The massive 30foot being the master of agriculture.
“Demeter! Welcome to my reality. Now, where were we? Ah yes, you
will share with us your knowledge on how to bring grain into this world.”
Demeter refusing to speak. Refusing to share any of the eternal
wisdom with this being that had only served to manipulate. “Your Great Spirits
have abandoned you Demeter. They have written you off. Wouldn’t you rather
be a part of something that was about you? Where you could actually do
something to change the future of the people your leader Animikii forces you to
The giant replying, “Animikii is all powerful, he will save them
“Yet where is he now?” The dark lord challenging.
“He wiped them from the face of the planet. Think about that Demeter,
because he could not control he destroyed. Is that leadership?” Pacing back and
forth around the perimeter of the room he picked up and dropped several of the
chains that held Demeter bound.
Typhon continued, “I preserve life, I do not destroy it. Yet again
and again, the benevolent are afforded with the pass on planet cleansing. You
sing the praises of a murderer!”
Staring eye to eye with the Great Spirit from another world, Typhon
trying to reason with the massive being continued.
“They tell me you come from another world, a place that looks
down upon this world the same as I would view an anthill. They tell me, that
those with souls living on worlds the same as this one we now stand, are reborn
into this world. They say this is true, what say you?”
Demeter pondering the intent of the statement and question, she
could see the point that Typhon was trying to make, after all Animikii had gone
rogue, refusing to acknowledge Chibiabos.
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“Typhon, it is true. Animikii may have lost his way. He has gone
against the decree by the high one, Chibiabos. When Chibiabos comes, there
will be nothing left.”
“Who is Chibiabos?” Typhon questioning, seeking to climb the
ladder of knowledge one rung at a time. Turning to ponder the statement,
Typhon had known, he had always known, “Where is this Chibiabos?”
“He lies beyond the source of the river which holds this world. It’s
too late, we are all already dead. When Chibiabos appears, it will be as if
nothing existed.”
“You already said that, Demeter, who is Chibiabos and where is
this world?” He was frustrated, demanding answers.
Demeter dropping her head, arms bound by chains, resting on the
smooth floor in the center of the room. “I will let you free Demeter, if you but
tell me and you can choose for thine self to stay or to go.”
Pacing slowly around the fallen celestial being from Origin. “You
can choose to rise, leave this place, go anywhere you desire…you could choose
to return to Animikii, listen to his rules, follow his orders, and meet his
demands on justice… knowing you will always be beneath him, and beneath
those you serve.”
He was cunning and wise using the reality of her reality to his favor
seeking understanding through persuasion which was only explaining facts in a
clear way. “You are better than this Demeter. You could also choose to rise,
follow me to the surface and begin providing actual change to those in need. To
be revered, honored, respected. To be given your own agency.”
Typhon slowly unlocking the chains that held the wrists and then
the ankles of Demeter.
“You could choose to be remembered, for as you say, when
Chibiabos appears what will it matter. Would it not matter more to this
Chibiabos that you stood on your own against Animikii?”
Demeter slowly rising staring the optimistic leader in the eyes. “We
come from Sky Land, a world of light in the similitude of Oryselum, the home
of The Gitche Manitou.” Her responded with a direct tone as she stood
“Oryselum? The Gitche Manitou? Tell me Demeter, have you been
to this place, have you met this being?” He wanted to know what it was she was
sharing as it was new information he had previously not known.
“I have not and neither have any other, Father Chibiabos comes
from there and we are all taught that we too originated there but that we remain
trapped within until He comes for us. Sky Land is a place of rising where the
dead wake to await the justice and the mercy of The Gitche Manitou. Sky Land
is a world where the spirits of above wait in a state of happiness and peace.”
Mishebeshu was intrigued, he hadn’t considered the possibility of a
being who had communed with the creator still being in the system. “Who then
is Animikii?”
“He is Chibiabos brother” Responding Demeter before continuing,
“Animikii and all others have no memory of a before the waking at the wall of
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entry. But Chibiabos remembers all to the beginning when he and his brother
lived on the birthing world. Therefore, he is called the Father of Time for he
remembers all.”
“So, you are telling me he has you believing and preparing for a
coming time when that which is without will come within? How did you find
this world?” He was getting close to finding that destination and if they were
coming to Sky Land perhaps this was the place he would wait.
“We have found many more realms but none that had eternal Great
Spirits such as Sky Land within the Ether of darkness. It is Jupiter who has
traveled first into the Ether of the underworld of Hades. “Hades?” Questioning
Mishebeshu confused before Demeter continued. “There is a story, shared by
Chibiabos of a time when the first child of light approached the darkness of
night transforming the Ether into an underworld for the souls of men who we
are but it is only a story. There are other realms within spheres like Sky Land.
We call these places caverns of time where souls of men arise and wander in a
state of eternal amnesia and we gather them together.” Holding her hand in a
sphere and raising the other to form another sphere she continued, “We go
through the barrier between to release them, freeing beings such as we that have
risen and remain alone or in gatherings in places like Sky Land who have also
woken from their previous estate with no memory. We collect them and bring
them to Sky Land to have peace, comfort, and a remembrance of what was
before they are given their own place. Father Chibiabos shows each of them
pieces of their past and it is their duty, our duty, to remember who we were and
what we may one day be again.”
“Is the memory complete?” He knew if it was a complete memory
there was a chance he could extract it. “No, it is seen by Chibiabos alone for he
has the power within him of the high priesthood. He was the first fruits of the
resurrection within the sphere of sound where we all are now in a remembrance
of the great Orhmuzd, the son of the Great Spirit of High Heaven.”
Mishebeshu interrupting her, “The Gitche Manitou”. She paused, then
continued, “Fragments of these memories are placed within halls of
remembrance that best benefit our direction for the future of Sky Land.”
Demeter’s words impacted Mishebeshu with such force he knew his prime
directive. This Chibiabos was playing Great Spirit and Animikii was his first
Demeter then speaking, “You say that I can have value in
agriculture. It is true this is my gift, in a life before my life I was the mother of
nourishment. Where do we begin?”
The two deities discussed the possibilities of a future without war,
without contention where all life willingly submitted to a society greater than
themselves in their image and not that of Chibiabos or Animikii. Not unlike
Sky Land but with the freedom to choose for thine self and not be compelled
into obedience.
Mishebeshu gleaming free information to be used to benefit his cause
spoke, “My friend, I too have learned much about this place we all call reality.
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But with your knowledge and my skill… Demeter, we could escape all together
beyond this sphere of sound.”
The tall humanoid agreed. “This cycle of life and death. To begin at the
bottom without a memory, to rise to the top, only to reemerge without memory
is unjust.”
Typhon hearing this revelation for the first time, “so you say this is the
beginning and you say there is an end…”
“Yes, this is the beginning and Origin is the end… until the Gitche
Manitou returns to bring us all home to High Heaven. Or so Chibiabos has told
us all.” Demeter was full of conviction as if a million sermons had engrained
this one concept within her mind. She continued, “but what if he never
The Typhon responding, “You say when born there in Sky Land coming
from some location much like this one here after the entire process there is no
“That is true, no memory. They are left behind in the cycler of souls,
Hades.” Demeter was glum and sad in her words as if her past had been stolen
from her.
He continued still thinking about the concept, “you see how cruel that is
Demeter? Why would a just being allow such a travesty to occur? To strip the
individual of the self after forcibly being sucked through an eternity that on
neither end was agreed upon…we can both agree upon this, can’t we. If it was
agreed to then through deductive logic the fact you lost your memory
invalidates such an agreement upon the realization that the journey was over
you have no memory of ever entering within and yet become the slave to the
knowledge of he who is without. Absurdness! Abuse of power!” Demeter
nodded in agreement.
Mishebeshu had heard enough. “Here is what we can do for each other.
You know that I know this is a code. A system built upon climbing up and
falling down. I have broken the code. I have linked into the path that may reach
beyond the entire system. You could voluntarily choose to allow me to use your
DNA. I would use this material to manipulate the system. To create a future in
the new program where none want or need or struggle. Isn’t that the way that it
should be? Perhaps it would be us who would be fixing the broken program.
Demeter I want you to know, I am not some dumb lizard that crawled out from
under a rock.”
Demeter lifting her hand began to do something remarkable before the
eyes of Mishebeshu. The palm in the air as the swirling air spun a miniature
tornado in her hand. The light creating form revealing a tiny seed created from
thin air. The giant being picking the seed up and handing it to Typhon.
Mishebeshu holding the seed between his thumb and index finger marveled at
the power of the code. What was reality? The transfixed Great Spirit king
questioned in astonishment. To consider the possibility of manipulating the
fabric of time to produce anything and everything one would need to survive.
Wouldn’t any being with the power to control such a substance use it to provide
for all? The benefit of all? That separation of life and death for the
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consciousness that exists dependent upon a material element that truly does not
exist. Pushing and pulling from code. What was the soul? The code that wove
itself within the code that made him and all others themselves, their individual
identity. This was the Holy Grail he would seek, the chalice he would drink.
This world knew not the future that was coming. “Demeter, you can
also go back to Olympus when we are completed if you desire to assist in the
collection of data. We can know their moves, we can understand what they are
doing before they do it. Most of all, we can have the access when ready to rid
this planet of these Tin Great Spirits once and for all.”
Demeter was not looking forward to destroying anyone, but she could
not standby and support Animikii cruel despotism out of fear. She would
choose the devil she did not know over the despot. Maybe they would see the
righteousness of her cause and change their hearts and minds. Maybe no
destroying needed to take place. She knew what Animikii and Chibiabos were
about, sustaining order, she was tired of it. The plan was set, the game agreed
to, the terms set forth. The greatest game of Risk known to creation had begun.


Demeter working with the scientists of Typhon to develop the mass
production of hybrid seeds. All forms of grains created for the benefit of the
powerless Great Spirits. These super foods, genetically modified to benefit the
masses were dispersed within the outside world from the cultural centers
established throughout the globe. Many were constructed near and around
existing structures which were previous locations of the now severely crippled
Titan civilization. It was only a matter of time before the worlds struggling
nomads, its surviving few would cling to the power of the Illuminati.
In time cities grew enveloping the cultural centers and the people
prospered arm in arm with their Illuminati brothers. Word of the security of the
empire of the Typhon spread throughout the lands. Cultures stretching as far as
the inlands of the Mediterranean Sea until they touched the very people of the
Great Spirits of Sky Land in so much as they surrounded them on all sides. The
cultures of the free-flowing Illuminati clashing against the hierarchal order of
Olympus golden city made in their own image.
The Great Spirits of Olympus focused on order within the population.
Raising up armies, forming nations, and creating empires dedicated to the
Father of Time Chibiabos. The agents of the Illuminati, led by Demeter seeking
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to infiltrate from within as Mishebeshu, the first Typhon of the new world order
moved closer to the source of all answers. The throne of The Gitche Manitou.
Animikii and the Great Spirits of Olympus were building a structure and
a society that taught the humans how to survive in the culture of Origin which
they believed was coming. Animikii knew when Chibiabos would return it was
their only chance to preserve the planet from destruction. But to Typhon he
questioned why should the humans have to conform to this other society if this
other society was comprised of advanced beings from worlds such as this one?
Simply because they were born unknowingly with super powers? Typhon
believed that man’s destiny was not in conforming to an undeserving, unproven
species, but rather in unity and harmony within the system. He foresaw
Demeter unlocking the secrets of the source code with unlimited food to draw
them in.
On such an occasion when knowledge was once again shared and
information disseminated Mishebeshu sharing with Demeter a vision and
perspective of what lay before them. “You see Demeter, this is a wonderful
thing. You are teaching me how to manipulate the energy behind the matter and
I will give you the means to change all time. In that future, how great will you
be Demeter?” His hand tossing matter as if pulled from thin air back and forth.
He was growing in power and knowledge. Demeter leaving with the Elite
Guard again made her way back to the capital of the Great Spirits of Sky Land
who like prisoners remained captive within their palace high upon the cliffs of
the low lying Mediterranean river.
Mishebeshu’s main base located on the now thawed southern continent
which was previously covered in ice following the flood. Stepping out onto a
balcony that overlooked the massive complex that would be their headquarters
Mishebeshu viewed his empires capital. High peaking mountain ranges
stretching into the distance. This was a civilization that rivaled any other. Such
a vast and technologically powerful empire that even Animikii himself while
aware of its existence dare not approach. Dark high rising pyramids stretching
into the distance. Mishebeshu’s empire was beneath the Earth and upon the
surface. He had grasped the entire globe. So, great was his hold upon the Earth
that all others hid from his presence. The people of the Mediterranean calling
his empire Atlantis for it lie beyond the barriers of the Atlantic Ocean and was
the source of all knowledge that threatened the very way of life of the people
aspiring to please the Great Spirits of Olympus. The Illuminati flying vessels
rising and falling within the inner caverns of the Earth. It was here that they
would rise. They had been protected within the southern continent. The ice now
melted his next mission had become clear. He would flood the low-lying lands
of the Mediterranean to extinguish the peoples of Animikii. The massive waters
created from the melted ice held within an encompassing wall that surrounded
the perimeter of the continent. But was it a continent?
Beyond the realm of reality were realities that even he could not grasp.
His island home was not in fact a continent but an illusion of a continent as it
surrounded the known world. But beyond were the mists of the unknown.
These were storms that lie beyond the horizon that were an invisible barrier. He
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was not just trying to capture that which was within, he was trying to reach that
which was above and that which surrounded him. In the complex nature of
explaining what was true even he struggled to understand. Yet it was true, if he
walked due south there would be a wall of mist. A great storm that extended in
all directions that not even he could penetrate. Yet should he fly up the illusion
presented the reality, it was nonexistent and yet hid some unknown lands just
beyond his reach. It must be trickery of some kind, he imagines placed there to
mislead the wanderer from going up and outward. How could he understand the
eyeball for standing on the iris reality would be flat and unmoving and yet
contained within the eye would be within a finite space. If one were to leave the
iris approaching the lens the realm of the beyond would provide an illusion of a
sphere but it was a gateway to the beyond. The beyond that would lie beyond
the lens and the beyond that would lie within the lens that covered the dome of
reality that was the Iris. The beyond under the skin, the beyond within the root
of the eye. This was the puzzle that was the Earth and while the perception from
without the great lens that encapsulate the Iris they now stood the reality was
the surrounding mist lead to what lie within an expense but was this only a
prison to the explorer? He wanted to escape the body, not remain within and the
only way to also take over the governing heavens.

Mishebeshu was realizing an important truth, time was an illusion to the

material world. He had nearly mastered the ability to twist time within his
location. He could within short distances move forward or backwards. An
offensive or defensive weapon that would provide strength to himself in any
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future confrontation. Following the flood the deep ocean waters had frozen in
their place covering the landscape in thousands of feet of ice.

While the temperatures were mild he had used his technology to build a
massive ice wall for a second flood. One the likes of which the inhabitants of
the Empire of Animikii would not be able to recover. He would see if Animikii
would respond. He would challenge his authority as ruler of the Earth. Moving
within the great dark pyramid of creation he viewed the dark substance that
pooled in massive flowing ponds. It was pure genetic material. Material with all
forms of heat and cold removed. He removed the photonic particles. This was
the substance that would give him his power. Raising his arms if rose and fell at
his command. He was becoming a master of the elements.
Thinking of Demeter, he spoke, “You will bring about the agricultural
future I so desperately need. Together we will bring the law back, together we
will change time.” Demeter was wise and ancient, having served within Origin
for an eternity. Alongside the great leader, Chibiabos. Demeter had begun the
work of seeding the soil prepared within the miles of underground crops. The
entire Earth concealing a food processing machine. Mishebeshu developing a
power to bring the Great Spirits to their knees while also preparing for a flood
that he would bring to the planet. Retribution to Animikii for what he had done
with his own flood. This dark material pulled from deep within the planet
would be how he would shatter the illusion that surrounded everything.
Entering the great hall of Olympus, Demeter once again returned to the
ship resting atop the massive mountaintop. She remembered the first time she
had returned from Mishebeshu. Here she stood with secrets of a coming
annihilation and she drifted back to when her deception had begun with the
moment she returned.
“Demeter!” a screaming Aphrodite, running thrusting arms around her
neck. “Where have you been? What happened? The concerns echoing through
the room. The Great Spirits all emerging to view the returned lost deity. The
chimes of adulation rising to the throne of Animikii.
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Animikii was unmoved. He cared less that this one beings comings and
goings meant. He had bigger concerns.
“So, where were you?” Apollo speaking directly to Demeter. Aphrodite,
Athena, and Hera all enveloping the woman with hugs.
“I was out spending some time alone.”
“Alone?” questioned Apollo
“Yes, Alone. Do I owe you an explanation Apollo?”
The two staring quietly as the room dispersed back to normal functions.
Demeter’s mind drifted past that moment when she sewed the seed of
her deceit. When she agreed to be a part of a plan that would bring about their
demise. She had strengthened a globe. Pushed great empires to cover the
expanding planet. Mishebeshu no longer the ancient descendent of a former
galactic empire of the Iln race from the planet Carian. His personal bloodline of
the House of Aln. He had unshackled himself of his past.
The new Typhon held within his hands the secrets of the Earth. The
ability to know the mathematical equation to simulate a seed was all that he
needed to reverse program the system.
The leader already owning nearly a quarter of the planets interior. The
first air traveling species on the newly refreshed Earth. He was ready to bring
war to Animikii. But he must test his time shifting device. The device was
constructed using pure atomic material. Material of intelligence and yet stripped
of all photonic light which he found crippled its true powers. The would course
this material through the machine producing a beam of energy. Using the beam,
he could turn the particles into an accelerator that formed mass that produced an
effect of time. When directed at matter they either wound it forward or
backwards. It was time to try the test on a large scale. He must know whether it
would work in case his attack went wrong and he needed to rewind time to
protect himself. He was not so arrogant to remember the many times he thought
he held eternity within his hands, only to have it skip right through.
“Position the arrays upon the outer perimeter of the city” His ordering to
the elite guard of scientists moving quickly to lay out the tubing that would lead
to the massive connectors that would course the flow of material from the
atrium to the perimeter of the city. Mishebeshu moving along the corridor to a
hovering saucer. He would test his machine from the outside and from within.
Rising into the air he looked down upon an expanse of landscape that stretched
into the distance. The mirror deflectors set at the perimeter themselves glass
spheres that would press the powerful beam of energy into all directions. Not
energy of light but energy of darkness, the material within the very fabric of all
creation. He would use it to unwind the hands of time. Time was only in
existence because of the space between and to the Gitche Manitou within him
only he could perform this grand experiment.
“Ignite the fluid!” the orders given. The large black pyramid that housed
the substance releasing the material as it flowed along the perimeter into the
spherical chambers. The blue lights turning on as each orb became connected
until a release of black electricity shot into the air surrounding them. Something
was wrong.
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With a thunderous clap the ice wall that had surrounded the northern
perimeter which contained the mile high of water fractured. The outer wall
crumbling as the flood waters released outwards. It was a premature escalation
of the event. “How?” Mishebeshu confused began watching as the darkness
began twisting outwards in sweeping tentacles all emanating from the central
black pyramid.
“It was alive!” He had not considered the element within that was bound
by particles of light was in fact a dark entity. Yet it was. The sweeping motions
of darkness feeding on atomic material. He had given it power. Could he
control it?
The flood waters extending outwards from the ring that surrounded the
world of man sending a wave of destruction throughout the planet. In one
swoop a large portion of the planets population experiencing another great
flood as the borders of the coastlines along the continents became overwhelmed
in a 1500-meter wall of water. Animikii upon his throne rising to the alarms
now entering through the Halls of Olympus. “The waters are coming!” The
shouts ringing through the room as the Great Spirits of Olympus rushed into the
room. His response, “Gather the people!” The rushing waters bursting into the
straits sending water flooding down the Mediterranean river until all that
remained was silence as most of the empire vanished from existence.
Animikii was unaware of the location that sparked the flood assumed it
was because of a distant earthquake. His focus was set on the people. While this
flood had not covered the entirety of the surface of the Earth it had done enough
damage to destroy all the progress they had made. Saving as many as possible
was his goal. As the leader rested from the rescuing process he noticed Demeter
breaking into tears, “I am sorry”, as Animikii heard the words he turned with
anger in his eyes! “What have you done?”
Her response “It was Mishebeshu, I am so sorry Animikii”. The leader
springing from the throne, “assemble the warships. I will have vengeance.” He
knew the reptile would be at the border lands of ice cowering beneath a rock.
Ships assembling, they head towards the outer perimeter of the realm of Earth.
Speeding across the surface the royal fleet moved within miles of the border
walls of ice before coming to an abrupt stop. None speaking as the imagery of a
black entity growing atop the city of the Illuminati. Animikii marveled that the
once ice thick area was no longer and separate from a thin wall that covered the
perimeter holding back the flood waters they were living in a virtual paradise.
“What is that!” Animikii shouting as Poseidon and Jupiter appeared. “It
is darkness!” spoke Poseidon, “It is Hades!” spoke Jupiter. “What will be do
Animikii?” The two deliberating. Mishebeshu’s vessel seen hovering in the air
as saucers flew in circles around the entity firing at it. The material only making
it grow larger. Animikii responding, “It is the end. No one go near that thing. It
is feeding off matter. You will be destroyed.”
Animikii felt helpless, for the first time truly helpless. Then the call
came across the screen. It was Mishebeshu seeking communication. “Animikii”
the voice of Mishebeshu heard. “Turn on the screen” Animikii ordering as the
image of a man shown on the screen. It was Mishebeshu. “We haven’t time. I
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need you to break the wall and I will activate the failsafe freezing the water
over the entity. Its weakness is Ice and cold temperatures.”
“What do you mean snake?” Animikii questioned. “Its threat is the ice.
We have watched it approach the ice wall and seek to traverse it each time
retreating. It will dig underneath. I can freeze the water and it would seem this
ice is an element that binds it.” Mishebeshu’s voice shaking and pleading for
assistance. “Animikii this is going to destroy the entire realm of men, you must
break the wall.”
“I don’t believe you Mishebeshu” Animikii was stern and resolute.
“Damn your intrepid egomaniac determination to be in control. This is bigger
than you, it is bigger than me, its bigger than all of us. It is the darkness that has
been trapped within that is spewing forth. I opened a conduit and an entity
beyond our comprehension is coming. We must do this; the entity will retreat
within the central pyramid where we will seal it forever. Nothing we do can
destroy this entity. It is the darkness without the light Animikii!”
“If your wrong I will kill you myself reptile!” Animikii was impatient.
“Do it now!” He shouted. The ships of Animikii firing at the ice wall as it
began to crack. Animikii noticing that Mishebeshu’s ships were firing ice at the
creature holding it at bay as it reaches into the sky devouring the very air. The
wall crumbling as the rushing wall of water covered the being.
Mishebeshu holding his failsafe device, the time shifter fired the array
onto the water. In theory, it should rewind time making the substance pure ice
as its state, or the atomic memory had previously record. Light shining on the
water as the water begun solidifying. It was working! The entity retreating
within the walls of the ominous black pyramid until all that shown was the tip
as a mile-high wall of ice once again covered the frozen landscape. As quickly
as it had begun it was over.
“What a price we all paid for your need at retribution and power
Mishebeshu!” Animikii yelling at Mishebeshu. “Go to hell Animikii!”
Mishebeshu shouting back. “This beast must never escape. How will you keep
that pyramid frozen Mishebeshu?” Animikii questioning.
“These are my lands Animikii, we will guard this creature. We will seal
it from all sides. You must ensure that the surface dwellers know that any future
warming of the surface will result in a melting effect releasing the darkness. If
my stewardship is here, yours is there” Mishebeshu’s words bringing a silence
to the leader.
“We will meet again Mishebeshu! Animikii then turning to his people,
“Back to Olympus”.
Mishebeshu had once again come so close. What was this entity. At
least he knew it was contained. He would retreat within the Earth and try again.
He had touched the hand of darkness and knew they must find a way out. This
entity was within everything, it was the atomic universe that was not the cage of
humans but the cage of this darkness. His wisdom had grown and through a
failure he had learned a lesson to which he would grow. He knew the time
machine worked!
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des·pot·ism ˈdespəˌtizəm/
The exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive
way. "The King's arbitrary despotism", a country or political system where the
ruler holds absolute power.
Dark shadows covering his head, a thousand years weighed upon his
consciousness. He was hidden within the crevasse of a mountain. The largest
Mountain in the world. The first peak to emerge from the ocean.
Aayaash staring out over the expanse of frozen tundra. The recent flood
only exacerbating the situation. They were a frozen tundra. The landscape
changing dramatically. Once a lush landscape of massive forest. Then the
beachfront to a global sea. The mountain a refuge.
The refuge turning to absolute isolation. The risk among the people that
if they stay they will die. The entire population unable to survive the
snowdrifts, the extreme weather, the inability to keep the mountain warm
enough in the constant ice age.
Kulkukan also knew it was time to leave the mountain cliffs. The people
needing to start over in a climate more conducive to survival. It was time to let
the past go and move on.
Aayaash was saying goodbye in his own way through deeply personal
reflection. He had isolated himself for weeks and he knew it would be hard to
forget. The past that almost never existed, the future that could have been. His
friends long since passed him by. A world vastly different than he could
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imagine remained. Isolated in the mountain cliffs unable to have much

interaction with the real world. He had seen the cities, before the great flood
and after, the people emerging once again to spread across the lands. They
stayed away for fear that their society would be infiltrated. They had watched
from afar all but forgotten to anyone remaining.
The need to protect his people that had become one with the people of
the Anishinaabe. The hillside dwellings being emptied as the procession of the
tribe moved into the distance towards the massive rounded ship. The ship
would traverse the cold north across into a new land. Kulkukan seeking a place
far away from the expanses of the rule of Animikii and his cohort. They would
be seeking peace and separation.
The massive ship beginning its exit from the mountain for the first time
in thousands of years. The rumbling of the granite shifting under the massive
force exerted from the mile-long interstellar ship. The pressure of the cliffs
pressing against the ship causing the people aboard to be nervous and afraid.
Kulkukan was not nervous. He knew once the ship powered into full thrust the
mountain would no longer pose the people concern and they would calm down.
So much time had passed the people had forgotten the feeling of traveling
within a flying craft.
As quickly as the people had entered the mountain they were leaving.
Onetime the people of two great cultures grafted through marriage, again
nomads among the surface of their new home world preparing to fight for
survival. Were there Titans, the Star Seeds, or nomadic tribes that could pose a
threat? They were all possibilities.
The old man knew where they would go. He had scouted the journey on
one of his long missions to survey the surface. The far reaches of the planet to
the canyons of an isolated continent. North of some of the last Nephilim strong
holds. They would settle into the land of the many canyons. If you were to peer
through the window of time into a past culture, civilization, to view it at as it
was, would you believe what you saw? Think of the vast civilizations stripped
from the planet through all time, to view into the origin of the Anishinaabe is to
peer into the origin of time itself.
“My people,” the ancient leader Kulkukan speaking through the ship.
“We have traversed the stars. Covered time and painted the heavens with our
story. Today we are going to start over as more than what we were and who we
are is a true testament to the unity of mankind. No longer the ancient enemies
or ancient strangers of this world, we too are free to determine our destiny.
From this moment forward all of our peoples now being one, we will be called
the Hisatsinom. We are the ones who came before, before the expanse, before
the Great Spirits, and we will remain hereafter.”
Kulkukan would be remembered in the history of its descendants as the
most important figure in their culture. He was the greatest man who would
become a Great Spirit who chose to serve mankind. He was the leader who
became the servant and by so doing the greatest of all men.
The intercom going silent. Turning to Aayaash, the massive muscled
leader the old man saw greatness in the lad that touched his heart. They had
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made it, they had survived, through so much. Aayaash was now an immortal
the same as Kulkukan. Aayaash had gone through the immortal process
choosing to be the eternal guardian over his people. The advance in his DNA
also increasing Aayaash intellectual genius and he grew in wisdom and stature
to be a man of renown. He was as advanced as a modern man. His ability to
grasp the complex superior to his former self. His people and the people of the
Hisatsinom now merged through hundreds of generations. Himself nearly a
thousand years old he had grown wise, strong and courageous. The time of the
world passing him by he pondered his place in history. His encounters with the
Great Spirits of Olympus. Kulkukan, an eternal mentor and the dark forces of
Mishebeshu and Maji-Manidoo.
Aayaash had greater thoughts that these, he envisioned a day when he
too would walk among the Great Spirits of Olympus. When he would show his
worthiness as a Great Spirit among men. To prove he was not only equal to
man but to the Great Spirits themselves within Olympus. His thoughts on the
missing Michabou tore a hole in his heart. His dear friend since gone to the
source and whether he would see him again he really didn’t know.
The halls of Olympus ringing in the times of the day. The second flood
had been of distant memory. The vastness of the cultures regrown as a vine that
had been cut back only to spread and flourish in ways it never could before, it
was resiliency that defined a people, it was the fight to survive that made them
strong. The main mission of the Great Spirits and their walk with and among
man was to elevate the men of the planet to the status of the Great Spirits.
Animikii was unhappy. He was unhappy because there existed gluttony
upon the face of the Earth to such an extreme that surely Chibiabos would
arrive and swipe the arrogant race away. Where once they were decrepit images
of greatness, now the prided themselves in their greatness.
Where was Chibiabos? How could he not have come back already? The
Great Spirit of Olympus sat in his throne waiting for the next moment, his
greatest moment, and the plea for mankind.
Aayaash staring out of the windows of the massive cigar shaped star
ship as it moved silent through the empty skies wondered if Animikii knew he
existed. He was the last remaining relic of a species now gone with those
remaining absorbed into the cultures under his and Kulkukan stewardship. The
moon’s light rippling off the surface of the clouds. The crispness of the clear
sky showing the stars stretching across the sky. This was a realm he wished
man could inhabit for all-time, basking in the awe of the unknown.
The dark ship streaking silently through the sky under the light of the
full moon. Itself the picturesque image of the history of the people.
“Aayaash, when we land upon this new world it will be inhabited by the
Annunaki. Those created by the Titans. The genetically engineered children of
the Titans, themselves the children of the Nephilim. They are humans but their
birth into creation came through different means. Like you, we must remember
that the worth of a soul lies in its thoughts, words, and deeds and not the vessel
which cloaks it. In that broken cast system, dispersed among them will be these
Annunaki leaders. In this new world, these natives still encompass the Great
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Spirit less Titan cities, we will seek to distance ourselves from them but we will
not condemn them.”
Kulkukan continued, “We will be sandwiched between two great
cultures. This contrast serving to help our people grow in the future to come.
There is not progress without struggle and no happiness without sadness. These
are the ways of this universe.”
Landing into the oasis, positioned at the base of the entrance to the
massive canyon the ship had arrived. Large trees concealing the entrance to the
towering Canyons. The golden fields stretching out across flat plains.
The ship rested onto the golden fields of wheat in a contradiction of
imagery. Kulkukan did not want to present the image of concern. The people
had been through enough in the previous years. They needed to feel free and the
scene was one of peace and calmness.
Aayaash, moving with a party of warriors began moving into the canyon
to scout the future home of the Hisatsinom people. The future home of his
people. The Hisatsinom people expanded into the cliffs, the canyons, and began
interaction with the ancient human people of the East. The survivors of the
flood. Led by their own king, led by their own Great Spirit. They were the
people of peace.
Then there was constant concealment from the children of the Annunaki
in the south who sought bloodshed, wars and the destruction of any civilization
with their bloodletting rituals to the Great Spirits. Looking for the return of
Maji-Manidoo and their Titan leaders.
Peace was short lived as the day came when they came to the doorstep
of the canyon refuge. The alarms ringing through the canyons as the people
rushing to their dwellings. Aayaash bursting through the canyon coming face to
face with 200 painted warriors. Holding spears, swords, and other weapons they
charged the massive man without hesitation. Aayaash would not retreat from a
fight, he welcomed it. Aayaash tearing the Gada from his back began the
rhythmic turning and twisting swinging the sword high and low, spinning to
slice those around him. It was a dance and the majesty of the movement shown
he had spent centuries refining his craft of warfare. The bodies falling
effortlessly to the ground it was no match. In a final jump spinning upside,
down in the air to avoid spears thrown his way, thrusting his sword for the final
cut dropping the heads off the savages.
Aayaash, staring down at his weathered hands. Not fully man, not fully
Great Spirit, his life would be remembered, if not accepted. He was Aayaash,
the first of his kind. These were his people. This was his time. No more waiting.
He would rid the south of the savages himself. If they wished for bloodlust, he
would give them bloodlust. He had given them the opportunity to avoid the
conflict and live their abominations in seclusion. They had crossed the line and
he would not draw another in the sand. He would erase them from existence.
Grasping his Gada, the immortal advanced primate, the human being from
Mars, the unaccepted Great Spirit of the world walking alone away from the
canyon knew his future. The golden fields stained with the 200-savage’s blood
was silent. Kulkukan stood alone watching his greatest disciple leave knowing
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the time had come for his destiny to be fulfilled and nothing he could do or say
would stop him.
Aayaash mind was calm, peaceful, resolute, this was going to be the last
time these beings threatened his family or his people’s future. Aayaash entering
the greatest cities of the south, armies of Annunaki humans was ruthless, it
matters not the numbers, the odds, despite the armies piling upon him all that
remained were lifeless bodies. His Gada transformed into the sword of death.
Spinning he relished in the conquest, he was justice. The bloodlust of centuries
of rage unleashed in one furious burst. From the bottoms of the valleys to the
tops of the temples he laid waste. The Great Spirit of War emerging with sword
raised, wind blowing, rain beating down upon him. The years wandering among
the foreign lands, the constant death, the never-ending quest to seek and
destroy. His was a journey of finding himself.
When it was done, his brow beaten down by years of focusing on death
and hatred, standing among the corpses of an entire civilization. He let out a
yell, all the anger, all the frustration, all the hurt, pain, agony bound within his
soul released in one mighty yell. The remnant of the people scattering into the
forests fearing their annihilation at the hands of this Great Spirit.
It was time for Aayaash to go home. Replacing his Gada on his back,
the massive Aayaash began his journey back north towards the cliffs of his
people and the wisdom of the wise leader Kulkukan. They had much to discuss.
Through the empty cities, the broken remnants of the former vast civilization of
the Titans nothing but silence could be heard.
These Annunaki humans had only known one thing, chaos, and they
served the father of chaos. Now, the only thing they served was the dust that
fell from the soles of Aayaash. Their bones the stone to sharpen the sword of
Aayaash. The wrath of generations unleashed, the retribution for all that the
Nephilim had done unleashed, the equal measure of meat dispersed by the
Titans returned.
The old man stood watching from a ledge within the high cliffs as the
tired Great Spirit Aayaash again returned. He had known that the time would
come when Aayaash would go and he had known that Aayaash would also
return. Kulkukan felt for Aayaash struggle, he would discover who he was and
only then could he accept his place and role within a world of screaming color
rather than the black and white existence he lived before the process of
In the wake of death that Aayaash waged across the surface of the Earth,
he also brought peace. The focus of the terrorists upon him, in their lands,
among their own people had ceased. The cleansing of the state from the inside
out, and not at the front door of the people of peace. Aayaash sacrifice had
saved generations. Kulkukan knew that there would be ramifications and the
chaos would stay within his mind in the quiet moments, it was trauma. The
mind of Aayaash was still growing. Kulkukan pondered how it must be to not
only be that species that first steps forth on its own, against all odds, but then to
take the next step into the unknown of self-autonomy and self-rule.
~ 342 ~

Aayaash heart ached for home. He ached for peace. He would see his
old friend which was now viewed as a father. Then he would take a journey to
the East. He would seek for himself court among the Great Spirits, to face
Animikii. Aayaash entered the room to face Kulkukan, the old man moving to
embrace him in a hug. The Tall Great Spirit, a new creation dealing with the
grips of immortality was stoic. The loss of family, friends, the endless
stretching of tomorrows had worn upon him. He was not only a Great Spirit but
he had become a man. The constant threats of the day had shaped him like a
stone in running water, tossed and turned until the edges were gone. Kulkukan
knew that the changes also occurring in his mind were waging an intellectual
war to accept reality.
“Son, you are leaving again,” Kulkukan spoke to Aayaash.
Aayaash seeming shocked at the proclamation responded, “How did you
“An old man, can sense these things. Did you work out what you needed
to in the south?” Aayaash nodded with sadness in his eyes and relief in his
“We have missed you all these years, Aayaash.”
“I have missed you Kulkukan, I am done with this bloodshed. The pain
has bled through my skin. I must face Animikii. I must know what I am.”
Kulkukan thought surely he would know who he was, “You are you.
Aayaash. Lord of War.”
Aayaash responded, “I am alone Kulkukan. None other like me other
than Animikii.”
Kulkukan could see that immortality was not enough, Aayaash was a
savior of sorts in that he genuinely desired to be a protector of many. “Then you
must do what you feel is right, what you feel must be done.”
The large man pulling the Gada from his back, transforming into a
massive black sword. Taking animal skin wiping the dried blood from the
“They are no more. All our people are free from the children of the
Annunaki.” Aayaash continuing, “I found several Titans among them. They had
somehow survived the great flood. I separated their heads from their bodies.
Dismembered them into pieces which I scattered among the beaches to be
devoured by the crabs where they remain for eternity.”
Kulkukan realizing that if the flood had not eliminated all Titans, then
the possibility existed they could be in operation in other places on the planet.
Aayaash also concerned, “When my people first came to you. There
were many who left. Have gone away. They are being grafted into other
cultures, peoples, and maybe some are being destroyed. Is it not my destiny to
free those people as well? Is not Animikii and the people he has raised up
seeking to destroy my kind? My descendants? I must petition the Great Spirits
on their behalf or I will kill all the Great Spirits.”
Kulkukan saw Aayaash was fearless. He knew Aayaash statement was
paramount to an act of war. He couldn’t stop Aayaash, even if he tried. He
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marveled at the courage that Aayaash had gained that he would even consider
the thought without hesitation.
Aayaash then proclaimed, “I fight, I battle. I am Aayaash.”
Across the Great Plains through the many lakes where the people of the
ore resided Aayaash moved towards the great bridge that connected the East to
the West. Every culture along the way peaceful and welcoming of the giant.
Aayaash marveled at the extent of the cultures growing along the lakes.
The massive temples and their ability to use ore, to trade ore, to use ore. These
were common humans that had survived the flood in their own way with their
own story. They were scribes and deeply religious. Traveling with the people of
the ore Aayaash could enter the old world without much attention. Approaching
the cliffs of a mysterious island, the shore was filled with tiny pebbles and a
thick fog drifted across the shore. The sounds of light drum beats in the distance
were mysterious. The beat, rhythmic, familiar it reminded him of days long
past. He left the larger vessel to approach the island on his own as none other
would go close and seemed to consider the island off limits and full of danger.
His boat resting on the shore he entered the thick beach side forest. As Aayaash
moved through the canopy towards the cliffs he could see a waterfall and a city
built within the walls with bridges extending through the massive cove. The
entrance from the ocean hidden from access from any other part of the island.
Aayaash found a rope walkway that extended high into the cliffs.
Moving up the rope ladders towards the drum beat he could feel his chest
beating with the rhythm and thought back to many nights upon the planet
Simud. Stopping to close his eyes he remembered back to a time when they
were a simple people before immediately opening his eyes with a realization,
this was a village of his own kind. The ancient primates that he had once
governed. In shock, he began running towards the center building that hung
high in the air which connected all the many bridges. There they stood, ancient
elders, half man, half primate. How his family once was living in isolation
among the peoples of the Earth. He must meet their leader. None moved or
seemed threatened by his presence as the look of disbelief covered their brows.
Aayaash was twice as tall as the others and much larger than he once
was before he was transformed into an immortal. Aayaash was the ultimate
advanced Primate. The others moving back as he neared the entrance. Opening
the blanket which draped over the large doorway, Aayaash entered the central
atrium. Sitting in a circle a dozen large sturdy advanced primate paused in their
drum beats and chants to gaze upon the entering giant. He stood silent as
shocked to see them as they seemed to be seeing him. The leaders then stood in
unison with arms raised and began chanting,
“Aayaash, Aayaash, Great Spirit of War. Aayaash, Aayaash, Lord of
Aayaash was stunned to be standing among descendants of his first
people who came to the Earth from Simud. A culture based upon him, governed
by him, he was their leader. They honored him with the welcome of a true
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He spoke, “who is the leader among you?” At this point, Aayaash had
no idea what to call his people. As slaves on Simud they had no name for
themselves before being integrated into the bloodline of the Anishinaabe
becoming one people, the Hisatsinom.
“We have no leader,” one of the men spoke. “We are the council of
elders for the people of the north, the Buri. This is Odin, he is the Buri of the
people of the North. This is high councilor to the Buri, Odin, the eldest of our
Aayaash speaking the words, “Buri…Odin.” Aayaash then addressed
Odin, “How did you survive all these centuries?”
The old man then began rolling out an ancient weathered scroll. The old
man began to read, “In the beginning, when Aayaash carried the people of the
north through the gaping abyss of Ginnungagap. This chaos of perfect silence
and darkness lay between the homeland of elemental fire, Muspelheim, and the
homeland of elemental ice, Niflheim.”
Aayaash immediately recognizing the story. The world Tiamat where
the Nephilim lived and the Nibiru which caused the great explosion that led to
the people of Aayaash coming to the Earth. They had remembered. Continuing
to listen to the old chief Odin continued with each word Aayaash speaking the
true meaning. “Frost from Niflheim”, “Tiamat” “and billowing flames from
Muspelheim” “Nibiru” “crept toward each other until they met in
Ginnungagap” “The darkness between”. Amid the hissing and sputtering, the
fire melted the ice and the drops formed themselves into Ymir” “Titans”, “the
first of the Great Spiritlike giants born from the icy rivers of the Élivágar”
“This world.”
Aayaash recognized the symbolism of the story of these northern
descendants and their trying to explain the emergence of the Titans following
the great explosion. Titans that ruled over the planet and the descendants of
Odin continued, “The first Ragnarok bringing the people of the north to
this place. The second Ragnarok removing the Ymir from this world. Only the
Polyphemus remains to punish the people of the north.”
“The Polyphemus?” Aayaash questioned Odin.
Before responding the council began dialoging and questioning among
itself whether to disclose to Aayaash the meaning of the Polyphemus. Odin then
spoke up, “One remains. A child of the Ymir. He has entrapped our people
upon this island. Our longevity has been only due to the tributes we pay to the
“What tributes, gold, materials?” Aayaash questioning Odin. Odin
responded, “the tribute to him, 50 of our youth per annual cycle.”
“To do what, go work in his villages? What do these 50 do?” questioned
“He eats them. They are his cattle.” The leader spoke as if it was a part
of life, the normal reality.
Aayaash stepping back, “you allow this?”
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Odin continued, “If we do not, the Polyphemus will raid the village and
take many more than 50.”
Aayaash was furious at the revelation. They were bred as cattle.
Looking upon his own descendants, they were his children. He was moved with
compassion, “I am Aayaash. The first father of Simud. It is I. No more with you
serve this beast. I will kill and I will destroy it. No more sons or daughters of
the Norse will be lost.”
Tearing his Gada from his back it transformed into a massive sword
before asking the question, “Where is this Polymorphus?”
The elders did not respond. Odin motioned him to follow leading
Aayaash through the many hanging walkways that traversed the isolated cliffs.
The Cliffside was an entrance which was carved into the mountain to the other
side of the island. A keyhole into another world. As Aayaash walked through
the tunnel he could see a light at the end. The ancient tribe that stood behind
him froze with none following him. Odin and the tribal leaders watching in
fear. He was not afraid and he would teach them courage. He would restore
their dignity and identity. Aayaash welcomed the battle.
Aayaash nerves rose within him as contemplated he was about to face
something that was at the level of beings that were long extinct. His people
needed him and he would give his life to free them. The people in the canyons
were his people, but these truly were his tribe. The old warrior king himself,
Odin, was tall and stocky in stature had preserved the history and the way of
life. They were all warriors the same as Aayaash but they needed to be
reminded. This was his warrior clan that escaped from Simud. They had carried
their culture through the centuries preserving the ways of old when Mishebeshu
was their Great Spirit king creator.
Aayaash had come when his people had needed him the most. They
were beaten into submission seeking refuge like mice in the holes in the walls.
He would not allow them to remain broken, he would lift them up, help make
them great again.
The destruction of this flesh-eating creature would be a crowning
moment to his people. The source that could inspire them for a millennium.
They would see their potential, their strength, and their king returning with
power and glory. Aayaash was now complete. The large blade swinging in the
air. He emerged from the canyon to an opening. The opening in the surrounding
forest stretching through the rolling canyon that opened to the vast island. An
island with resources but also of mystery. An island that could prove to be the
stepping stone for his people to realize their greatness in the new world.
Moving slowly out of the clearing he entered the surrounding forest. Moving
slowly through the trees Aayaash could sense something was near. The hair on
the back of his neck stood on end. The birds scattering with each step, the air
was still, the entire forest waiting for the moment. Aayaash was now holding
his breath. Sidestepping through the trees Aayaash sword was fully extended in
front of him. His hands were ready as he stood in a semi squat position. He was
read for the attack.
~ 346 ~

With a thud to the ground next to Aayaash, the large head of a massive
club landed nearly crushing him. It had come from nowhere, the club jerked
back into the air by a massive 20-foot one eyed man swinging wildly. The teeth
of the cyclops fanged with green slime drooling from around the gums.
Stepping quickly behind a tree the massive club struck the side with such force
it split from base to top. A thunderous crack released through the air as the tree
splintered up the massive stalk.
Running to the side Aayaash rolling for cover through the trees could
see the being was slow. Leaning forward onto his sword it was time to end this
encounter. The large 20-foot cyclops charging full speed through the trees with
the club in the air snarling. Aayaash charged directly towards the giant
springing off a log into a backflip before pressing off an adjacent tree he soared
over the head of the beast landing on a tree behind it. Aayaash then extended
his sword into the back of Polyphemus. The dark blade driving deep into the
spine before ripping upwards extending the cut from the base of the back to the
The massive giant went silent falling to its knees before hitting the
ground with a thud as Aayaash simultaneously ripped the sword from the spine.
The spinal cord hooking on his sword torn from its back flinging across the
The giant lay dead. It hadn’t even been a challenge. The ogre of a man
slow and dumb. His movements easily counteracted without any effort. What
had been the issue, there were more than 100 warriors within the cavern. As
Aayaash replaced his sword beginning the return to the cavern he was slammed
in the back with an incredible force throwing him more than 30-feet forward
into a solid stone wall. Rising from the ground Aayaash looked back at the
sound of the pounding steps and saw a massive lizard.
The lizard stood more than 30 feet tall, much larger than the Cyclops.
Jagged razor teeth searing the ravenous blood red eyes of the lizard if screamed
through the canyons. This lizard was the pet to the now deceased cyclops. As
the tyrant lizard pierced down with lightning speed grabbing Aayaash by the
arm it thrust him through the air in a whip like motion another 15-feet. Aayaash
slamming against the side of the mountain then falling hitting the ground with a
loud thud. Before Aayaash could regain composure the lizard again was on top
of him biting, clawing, and trying to destroy him. This was the battle he had
sought. Aayaash pressing his right hand around the top of the skull of the beast.
The left forewarn pressing into the mouth downward on the jaws. If it wanted
something to eat the immortal Aayaash would give it too it. The creature then
began gasping at the realization its bite was impeded by the forearm and was
unable to close its jaws or escape because Aayaash other arm locked the
creature in a head lock. Aayaash then wrapped his arm around the cranium
pulling upwards on the upper jaw. The creature was in distress and Aayaash
was out for blood. The loud curdling of the screams from the lizard turning into
squeals as it realized it could not defend itself or prevent the inevitable. The
predator had become the prey. With eyes bulging and legs twitching it stared
helplessly at Aayaash.
~ 347 ~

In the next breath, the roar of death was released as the upper jaw and
cranium were ripped from the body. The lower jaw and massive corps held in
his left hand. Aayaash held the dismembered creature in both hands. The torso
spewing hot steaming blood across the rocks.
This was the fight that Aayaash had been looking for, the fearless
opponent that charged headstrong into the inevitable forcing him to use all his
strength. The moment when he could see into its eyes that he had defeated the
creature was the victory he desired. Unlike the Cyclops that lay dead in the
woods he would show no mercy to the defeated creature. A survivor with its
master of the cataclysm. Speaking into the air his arms pumping the mangled
pieces of the lizard into the air, “I am Aayaash, the first man of Simud. I am the
protector. I am the Great Spirit of War!” echoing through the valley as the tribe
of Odin stood silently watching in disbelief.
The drums began beating loudly through the trees as the fellow warriors
of the people approached their great leader in celebration. The Isle of the north
finally free from the enslavement of the being hanging onto the past. The
cyclops was a shadow of what once was but never could be again.
Aayaash then began speaking again into the air with none understanding
what he was talking about. “Animikii, I will have my moment in your court. I
will show you that it is not in the children whom you raise up that the salvation
of man will come but through the lineage of the true man. Who will fight for his
place among the many stars of the heavens or perish with those lost to time.”
Aayaash was determined to secure a place among the pantheon of the
Great Spirits for himself and now his people. Willing to ascend to whatever
levels may exist to make this happen.
He would not allow the forced occupation of this world by more
intelligent beings simply because they could not defend themselves. He knew,
in the end, if Animikii would not come to an agreement of some kind he would
have to destroy him. This was how far that Aayaash was willing to go and to
what lengths he would go. Aayaash would extend the option for Animikii to
find reason.
Odin greeting the blood covered Aayaash with a hug was ecstatic. The
two walking back into the cavern as the people began the processing of the
dead 60-foot long king of the lizards, the large tyrant was now meat.
“Aayaash, what you have done has reshaped the future of our people,”
Odin speaking with articulate commanding words. Aayaash stood in spender
listening to the old leader speak with pride. He had known how hard it was for
himself to speak and to lead while oppressed on Simud. Yet these descendants
had continued to survive and he had now given them hope. Restored their
dignity and pride as a people. They were progressing naturally without the need
of machines. He had imagined if any of them were given thousands of years of
existence the levels of greatness they would achieve could not be measured. He
was the eternal compass that could weigh the scales of time. The past with the
present had come full circle in one eternal round. The modern son of Simud
more advanced than his ancient ancestors had arrived and finally found peace.
~ 348 ~

Aayaash knew they were a resilient people. It was something shared

among all cultures, species and tribes. The will to live. Time brought progress,
progress brought advancements, advancements brought independence and
power. If time travel were possible, one would encounter only advanced beings.
“Odin. I wish to share with you the true meaning of time. To show you
what exists all around you.” Walking among the vines of honeysuckle that hung
throughout the oasis cavern. Aayaash continued to speak to old leader.
“Before the darkness became the light there was a space of nothing.
Within the nothing the lights emerged forming worlds. Refuge for life within a
sea of the nothing. I say this nothing was alive with consciousness seeking to
devour all light. This Earth where we now stand is one of those worlds. Islands
in the darkness and a refuge for life. Our people,” pointing to these walking
around the two, “these people came from another world called Simud.”
Pointing to a red dot in the sky he repeated, “That right there is our home
Moving to the ground next to the cliff wall he brushed the thin layer of
soil across the wooden walkways. Using his finger drawing eleven worlds
extending from one large circle.
Pointing to the sky, “Sun” then pointing to the larger circle, “this is the
sun and from the sun which is a ball of fire are eleven worlds. There were
eleven worlds.” The crowd gathering around the massive framed Aayaash
listening to his words and watching what he was teaching. Beginning with the
third world he spoke, “Earth,” then grasping soil in his hands he repeated, “This
is Earth, the world we live on now.”
Pointing to the fourth world he spoke, “Simud”, continuing, “This is the
world we came from and the world I brought you here from but it is no more.”
Pointing to the 5th planet Aayaash also pointed to the 11th planet. “This planet
you know as Muspelheim was called Nibiru it is where the Nephilim or the
Niflheim came.” Pointing to the fifth world, “Tiamat, you call it Niflheim
because it is where the Nephilim lived when they escaped Nibiru. These two-
exploded destroying themselves and Simud. This is your true history. This is
where you came from.”
Standing on top of the large stone table Aayaash rose to address the
entire congregation that had surrounded him, “No longer nameless, no longer
homeless, no longer the unwanted nomads that time bore. You are the Tyr. Our
nation rising into the stars, you cannot imagine the future that awaits you
warriors of Simud. Descendants of my elite army. As your fathers did before
you bear your allegiance to Aayaash. Fulfill your destiny and ride with me to
the Halls of Olympus before the throne of Animikii himself.”
The hundreds of warriors rising to their feet. The chant beginning softly
then rising to a roar repeating the words, “Tyr, Tyr, Tyr.” Aayaash knew this
was the beginning of something more and from one moment greatness would
be realized. Standing side by side with Odin they each pounded their chest
repeating war chants that echoed through the canyon dwellings. The leader
among his people with the new hope in the darkness. The light shining through
~ 349 ~

to a people who needed him as much now as his own did thousands of years
“We will rise with our minds and with our weapons.” He was now
pointing to his head. “Record the deeds that shall be done within your mind and
in your hearts. Tyreneans, rise we feast tonight. The warriors and I rise for
Olympus at first light.”
The chants rang through the air that night as the village rang with
pleasure, comfort and victory. Honor restored to the first warriors the
descendants of the closest band of soldier devoted to Aayaash. Horns rang
through the rocky cliffs that overlook the sea. The crashing waves on the
beaches below contributed to the song and dance of a people restored. Aayaash
was relaxed, laughing and smiling with those whom he loved. He had not come
back since the exodus. He had spent so long living in anxiety. Pinned down by
the crushing weight of despair. The impending doom always nearing the door.
Here he was free from those traumas that weighed upon his mind. It was like a
reset and a start over. The ability to go back without consequence to a time
when it was him and his people. Before the fears, before they knew what fear
was or the burdens of the knowledge of despair. His people brought him the
greatest joy and healing. The maturing of the soul and the mind had occurred.
His fractured being changed he knew this people would rise and they would
regain their proper place.
Raising their chalices sloshing with homemade wine the new founded
culture, the Tyr, toasted to future conquests, voyages, and legends. They
chanted to Aayaash, the return of the first to ascend beyond.
~ 350 ~


The grim reaper had come with sickle in hand through the long alleys of
Valhalla. The twisting of the sickle blade against the weathered brow of the
warmongers face.
He dare not think of things gone by or the future royal lords on high.
Maji-Manidoo began organizing the structure within this world to find the
specific point. Only accessible beyond the sub-atomic level. It resided
somewhere within the vicinity of the planet between the surface and the
Continually shifting and moving within the sea of material that is
twisted within the electromagnetic field pressing upon it.
The planet was high in gold content, the one material he would need to
gain enough power to open the doorway.
The structures rising from the surface in all directions covered the
horizon, the industrialization of the world bringing about the means to the
future of all kind. The planet no longer harvested for its minerals but used
completely for one purpose and all others no longer essential in the grander
scope. Who cared about Earth, the shedding away of the self to the core of what
is truly important was what he desired. Maji-Manidoo knew when he would
connect the source with this reality a paradox would ensue and Pandora’s box
would be opened.
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It was not speculation or something that was unlikely yet probable, this
was an absolute. Something would happen when the doorway was opened. The
redistribution of the mass of the source of the entire code, considering that there
would source material not of the code interacting directly with the matter of the
source. The unseen becoming seen the revealing of the illusion the reality.
Could that bridge be crossed, Maji-Manidoo wondered? His massive
frame lurching like a tick waiting to strike its next prey. If the Gray machines
were anything autonomous they would still fear the giant monster of the Great
Spirits. Yet they were his storm troopers, his shock army and the foot soldiers
of the empire that would come.
The human greys from Nibiru the builders on this new world. They
organized the materials to form extensive honeycomb networks rising from the
swampy surface. Feeding on the larva that inhabited the scattered lakes that
covered the marshland that surrounded the planet. With the cast, self-producing
on the planet, Maji-Manidoo used this to his advantage. The human greys on
the surface, the robotic grays in the air, the Titans and his high council all
united seeking the very point when he would reach through and pull destiny
into this timeline.
Maji-Manidoo had developed a technology that networked the surface
of an entire ship. Anything that was connected was quantified in an overall
system. Each part performing functions to analyze the space, time, searching for
any variations within a 500-foot radius to the point of a single atom. The
construction of the future home of kingdoms to come the mere scaffolding that
would lead him to the feast of tabernacles.
The fellow scientists from the long-forgotten Dharma approaching the
leader were concerned. Ganesha, the leader of the Celestial scientists, all
concerned about what Maji-Manidoo could be attempting led the discussion of
the group. The four-armed Great Spiritdesses of Dharma, Saraswati and
Lakshmi urging Ganesha, the wisest of all the Great Spirits, to plead their case
to Maji-Manidoo. Surely then some reasoning could occur between the other
scientists from Dharma and their fallen leader. The grotesque creature that held
them hostage in fear. Maji-Manidoo had become a being beyond anything
Brahma was or was not. He devoured Brahmas and no matter their displeasure
in Dharma nothing compared to the fear Maji-Manidoo brought with his
presence. Maji-Manidoo was charting the course of his creations despite their
willingness to participate. The small grey humans covering the surface in
deplorable conditions were his children and served his every need without
hesitation. This appalled the other scientists who viewed them as grotesque, a
sub species an abomination to everything ethical that they once stood for as
bringers of life in Dharma. The small humans worshipping him regardless of
conditions or plight, they were his and they knew it. The greys were extracting
the substance from Maji-Manidoo’s back and processing it for energy and
genetic engineering. This substance was being packaged and stored for
cryogenic creations. The other scientists also knew he was going to bring
something monstrous and potentially horrific to this world.
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The other deities of Dharma always avoiding the dark creation because
he terrified them. They knew what he had done to Kartikeya. The highest of the
former stable of scientists from Dharma. How they could still see his formless
body slowly decomposing, moving within the body of Maji-Manidoo pleading
for salvation that would not come. The hideous creature Maji-Manidoo with
four arms, spider like legs, a slug tail and massive torso ruled with an iron fist
and devoured all who would oppose. The dissolving Kartikeya trapped within
the centipede preying on eternal beings as a tick would to a wild deer.
Kartikeya eternal sacrifice would serve to put the others on notice. The Great
Spirits of Dharma were not safe, either conform or face absolute death in the
most cruel way fashionable. Slow dissolution.
“How could he just have taken Kartikeya in such a way?” Lakshmi
pleading with Ganesha
“He has gone mad, he is going to kill us all! Ganesha, you must do
something. We won’t survive another day if he has his way” Her fear trembling
off her lips.
The Celestials had gathered to discuss a way to approach Maji-Manidoo
with their concerns.
“It is not that easy Lakshmi, Maji-Manidoo is more powerful than we
are and even I have my limits with him. Where will go? We can’t go back to
Dharma.” Ganesha was a realist and was speaking the reality of the situation.
“I don’t care anywhere is better than here!” Parvati declared, “There is
no peace here, there is no love, there is no strength in our weakness. I say we
leave, we flee this place. The holy trinity of Great Spiritdesses has spoken. We
will leave and go back to the Earth.”
Ganesha contemplate such an idea, perhaps they could find refuge on
the world since it was clear Maji-Manidoo was not concerned for the scorned
world. They had tried to depart onetime prior but to their dismay Maji-Manidoo
had returned to Dharma forcing them to join him. Since that time, he seemed to
resent them. He had forced the Celestial scientists to the surface of Dyaus living
in filth and deplorable conditions. The Dharma realm was filled with peace now
that Brahma was being reformed by Vishnu, Rama, and Krishna but none could
return and this was disheartening to their spirits. The small group of Celestial
beings began preparations for the moment they would flee Maji-Manidoo. They
would seek refuge on the Earth. Travel back and seek another way to return to
any one of the other realms. Any place would be better than staying on the
surface of the decrepit world.
The long nights with the human greys camped on the surface were filled
with the darkness, the sounds of scurrying as the creatures piled upon each
other among the puddles in the swamps and fear. The thick slime secreted by
the greys was the dung used to form dwellings that resembled small cocoon
shaped mud igloos. It was abhorrent to the scientists that they should live
within feces. As the Celestial Great Spirits gathered one of the many sky domes
the bubble shaped glass sphere was raised high into the atmosphere. The first of
the many constructions on the planet they had spent many days wandering and
hiding within them to avoid the surface where they would return each night.
~ 353 ~

As the sun rose a morning of darkness came to Dyaus. The celestial

beings rising from their quarters were greeted by a contingency of grey humans.
The elite guard of Maji-Manidoo filled the room. The beings surrounding the
Celestials as Maji-Manidoo slithered into the room. The Celestials were caught
off guard stumbling to Maji-Manidoo in solemnness and fear. “We did not see
you enter”, Ganesha speaking as he rushed to his feet. In an instant Maji-
Manidoo large spikes retracted springing forward piercing the skull of Ganesha.
All gasped in disbelief as Maji-Manidoo struck Ganesha with immense force.
The Great Spirit hanging in the air opening and closing his mouth unable to
speak, his eyes bulging in fear. He was staring at Maji-Manidoo unable to free
himself paralyzed as the long spikes pressed further through his skull. The other
Great Spiritdesses fleeing through the tunnels of the structure. Maji-Manidoo
other spikes retracting and punching holes into the side of Ganesha. The
declaration of extermination of the Dharma Celestials had been decreed.
The small gray beings scurrying around the perimeter of the domed
room like ants seizing upon sugar injecting Ganesha with the same substance
that filled Maji-Manidoo. Ganesha’s mouth opening and closing with a
haunting gurgling sound as his eyes moving, it paralyzed by a creation that had
plucked him like a fish being removed from water. Ganesha had no control, as
the substance coursed through his body, blood vessels bulging the surface of
Ganesha then collapsed upon itself. Ganesha lay limp like taffy stretched across
the spikes of Maji-Manidoo as the Maji-Manidoo then swallowed him whole.
Ganesha could be seen swimming within the body of Maji-Manidoo pressing
against the surface to escape. He was a fish trapped in a dissolving tank.
Ganesha had lost all structural integrity. He was more like a soup of matter than
something that could have a tangible effect on the world around him.
“I want the others!” The shrieking Great Spirit ordering to the minions
of small gray humans moving up and down the corridors in search of the other
Celestials. Maji-Manidoo knew that a threat meant risk, the chance for the
unseen to affect his master plan. There would be no chances, not here on his
world and within his society. Insubordination would not be tolerated and the
time had come to remove all competition. They were each given a chance to
prove their loyalty, all had failed abandoning the cause for which they began
eons earlier.
Maji-Manidoo spoke with contempt, “They are weak creatures that
failed to see their own potential. They gave up when confronted with fear.
Great Spirits with fear do not deserve to exist.” They disgusted Maji-Manidoo
and he would not allow their negativity to undermine him again. His focus on
the link to the source code instead chasing scurrying eternal beings fleeing for
their lives from Maji-Manidoo was what was important so erasing them was
paramount to moving forward. The Grays were searching for the remaining
Celestials in every corridor and dark place.
The three Great Spiritdesses, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Parvati fleeing
across the planet’s surface were fugitives hunted like animals. Darkness
covering the landscape the dire situation became worse. The fleeing over the
wet, soupy, muddy landscape made the journey a struggle of endurance, the
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princesses frequently fell being covered in the stench of feces. The puddles
covering the surface filled with feces from the Grays that inhabited the region
only served to slow them down and bring a newfound horror to their plight.
“We have got to find a place to hide!” Lakshmi was crying distraught
with hopelessness on her voice.
“Hide where? They are going to kill us!” Parvati weeping struggling to
keep from wailing was covering her mouth sobbing uncontrollably.
They knew it was only a matter of time before they would be located. In
the cover of darkness, they were moving as far away from the central living
structures. But as the distance grew greater the realization set in that they were
surrounded without any hope of shelter.
“What are we going to do Lakshmi? He killed Ganesha!” The deity now
sitting in the mud, tears falling down her face had given up.
Everything becoming silent as screams echoed through the air. Coming
from the towers that housed the creatures the three beings held their collective
breath. The other fleeing celestials must have been found by the hunters. Their
death screams ringing through the air brought increased horror to their hearts.
Darkness covered the landscape as the mist rolled in providing them no ability
to see clearly what may be coming or had already found them. The skyline
willed with the faint colors of the blue and purple lit corridors of the housing
units that filled the air of the planet.
Parvati rocking back and forth, “I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead.”
“Click, click, click.” The sounds of something organic, something alive
surrounding the three Great Spiritdesses. They went silent nearly holding their
Again, “click, click, click.” The puddles of water splashing in the
darkness. The Great Spiritdesses huddled together back to back staring into the
pitch-black darkness that surrounded them. The horrific screams of the other
Celestials ringing through the air.
“click…click…click…” then silence.
The foot of Parvati instantly being pulled as the tall deity vanished into
the darkness. Her blood curdling screams releasing as the sounds of
dismemberment echoed through the darkness. The other two Great Spirits,
Lakshmi and Saraswati screaming in unison as they embraced knowing the time
had arrived to die. The eyes of one of the dark humans visible, they were
surrounded. The body of Parvati then tossed at their feet as light shone upon
them. The grays jumping on her body tearing into the flesh of the eternal being
Parvati. How could this be? The two Great Spiritdesses watching as Parvati’s
internal organs were pulled from her body, her eyes, her fingers, the hundreds
of gray figures in the darkness tearing her to apart. They were eating her one
bite at a time taunting the other two.
“What has Maji-Manidoo done? How can they destroy her? We are
eternal beings from Dharma.” Saraswati crying to Lakshmi as the grays
surrounded and engulfed them. The sounds of eternal screams echoing through
the landscape. The human grays had become something more than simply a
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decrepit version of humanity. Maji-Manidoo slithering through the sludge to

view the site.
“My children!”
Maji-Manidoo stood watching as the gray beings licked the eternal flesh
from the mangled corpses of the two eternal beings. The beings were alive as
they were disassembled. Lakshmi corpse mutilated beyond recognition. The
jaw bone laying on the ground still connected by glowing fibers. The eye ball
laying in the mud with pupil twitching. The grays taking them apart one by one.
“That’s it, eat my children. It is only through consumption that you will
gain their power. That you will become the Celestials.”
Maji-Manidoo had turned them into Great Spirit eaters. It would be his
greatest weapon. The creation of a new human species. The Great Spirit species
living among the mortal.
The beings emanating the same sound, “click, click, click.”
Maji-Manidoo had eliminated his only potential competition. The
eternal beings that could not grasp the greater plan.
The time had come to open the portal. To use the code of Origin to
create a portal to the outer darkness. The massive being moving among the
decrepit species of humans. He had found the source which initiated his
decision to eliminate the others prior to moving forward with his plan. Pushing
and pulling over the scraps of flesh remaining from the now dismembered and
mutilated corpses of the Celestial deities the gray humans were unforgiving.
The supremely intelligent gray humans with absolute unquestioning loyalty
towards Maji-Manidoo had struck. They were supremely advanced builders that
could devour celestial matter. They had the power to erase all Celestial beings
from existence.
Maji-Manidoo entering the room it would all occur. His elite guard of
greys formed on the first world a millennium ago steady at work building a new
dimensional ray. Rising in the center of an outer dome. The pitch black smooth
device rising in two parallel arcs. The energy released through either arcing
antenna producing a doorway. The doorway connecting to the source of the
Origin code. At least in the meantime while the apex is located he would press
within the darkness the very source of the material he was now made, Maji-
Manidoo would grow in knowledge or die trying. The tall thin grey beings
connecting clear tubes to the machine. The purple fluid flowing through the
tubes into the machine. The electrical current surrounding the device pulsating
in waves to the top. The flickering of the bands of energy increasing until the
10-foot diameter device pulsated open a dimensional doorway to reveal a solid
wall of energy. The small gray beings removing the tubing’s reconnecting them
to containers filled with the previously stored purple material extracted from
The large hideous leader slithering across the glass surface to peer into
the doorway. Nothing was visible. Unlike the other doorway, he had opened on
Earth. There was no visible entrance into this realm. No appearing deity just a
wall of slimy material. One of his many small arms reaching out from its curled
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position across his chest the fingers touching the surface of the entrance
swiping the liquid. The liquid thick and viscous extending into infinity.
“Where might you be located” Maji-Manidoo putting his fingers into his
mouth to taste the substance was confused to where it was he had reached. The
taste was electric, his body beginning a light glow he could feel its power. The
substance giving him a burst of energy. He realized what he had found. The
realm of pure energy. The resource center for the source of the source. If not the
beginning it was the place whoever built the computer algorithm had gone to
harvest the material to form all realms. An infinite mass of thick viscous energy
at his disposal. Material waiting to be utilized and harvested for creation. The
possibilities were endless and opened new windows for his planet and people.
The benefit of finding something new answered several other questions but it
gave him power. It too had a beginning. He would break down the chemical
fabric of the resource. Find out what made it or how it was constructed. He
would use it as fuel to power an empire. Maji-Manidoo moving towards the
viscous material was going to make a leap of faith. Reaching forward into the
material Maji-Manidoo inserting his upper portion into the sludge he began
burrowing into the thick clear material until he vanished. Within moments
Maji-Manidoo was swimming away like a worm escaping through jelly at
incredible speeds.
Maji-Manidoo felt free as the energy pulsating through him made him
feel invincible lacking any restriction. He could move in endless directions. Into
an unknown expanse of light. The clear resource could have been many
Brahmas in size. It was beyond the source of Origin. This was the very material
some higher beings used to build, to build in a cosmic scale that Maji-Manidoo
wanted to understand. Slithering through the jelly Maji-Manidoo burst through
an empty pocket flopping across the ground. The massive creature dwarfed by
the circular cavity within the gel rose unsteady slipping on the wet material
covered floor. The circular shaped room was not what caught his attention, in
the middle of the cavity a large black cocoon lay suspended in the air.
The massive Maji-Manidoo struggling to gain footing as he slithered
across the room to view the large black cocoon. He was not alone, what could it
be? This was something that had been laid by something much larger. Maji-
Manidoo imagined a spider web where within one of millions of hatchlings
could be found. Thinking on a macro-scale of time it was terrifying to even
Maji-Manidoo because it was an unknown and he did not like unknowns.
Wherever this realm was it was the source of the material that was used to
create him. It was also the home of unknown life. The Great Spirit king rising
around the black cocoon grasped it tearing it from its base. He began carrying
the seed of something unknown back into the viscous material to bring to
Dyaus for examination. Maji-Manidoo wondering if the pure energy substance
that surrounded the chamber that housed this foreign life contained within the
cocoon was meant to feed it. To provide an eternal sustenance to some unseen
Emerging from the conduit back to Dyaus it became clear to Maji-
Manidoo. The very place where the rivers delineate their matter was this
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location. The Origin of the element of creation. Those original building blocks
Maji-Manidoo realizing that the difference between a higher life form and a
lesser being would be the density to which matter was organized and vibrated
into existence. Here was the secret to the universe. Rather than super human,
the Great Spirits were more refined matter. Less density between the spaces and
it was material that held their energy together. Those on the highest realms of
existence Great Spirits only because the space between their fabric of creation
was denser and not more sanctified. It was not a club for the elite, it was a club
of the lucky. Maji-Manidoo was surprised he could learn more than he already
knew. The energy was pure and incredibly powerful. The moment he would
understand what it was he had left would be the beginning of the true mission
of his life. He was the larvae of wrath. The black cocoon was carried to an
observation room to be analyzed. Maji-Manidoo entering the room to observe
the process as scans beamed across its surface analyzing the entire living object
to determine what was inside. Could it be an unknown lifeform held prisoner?
If so, he could use its own genetic material to unlock the secrets of time. Like
the material of Origin this material was a key to unlock more doors within the
code of the matrix. If it had genetic material, he would do it without hesitation
or regret.
Lost in eternal time simple illusions of moments that has come and gone
drifted across Maji-Manidoo mind. His journey had not come without sacrifice.
He had made the greatest sacrifice and he would continue to do so if it meant
finishing the race to the end that seemed within his grasp. Maji-Manidoo
received the results of the testing on the object. It was void, an entity void of
everything. The link between the energy and creation was the nothingness and
that nothingness was alive. Within this shell something existed. But the scans
determined that something was the existence or presence of the absence of
nothing in form. Maji-Manidoo considered the implications. Who was of the
higher pecking order in his own world? Was it what this dark entity would
become or would it be something that would engulf him, removing him from
existence? The questions loomed in the leader’s mind. He was twisted in the
knowledge he had and the realization that the answers to all his questions rested
within this cocoon. He could not allow it to hatch but would use its material to
dig deeper and deeper. The dripping demon Great Spirit pressing against the
cocoon, the saliva emitted by his bodily secretions covering the dark fibrous
ovule cocoon.
“We will unlock the secrets of the universe. Through the keyhole we
will open that door. My little king of creation. Do not open that doorway again.
Sentinels, begin the process of harvesting this entity. I want it torn piece to
piece and the material processed.”
The supreme leader observing the expanding landscape. The scaffolding
of tubes rising into the dusky sunset. The reflection of the many suns off the
puddles of water. The Great One Maji-Manidoo rising high into the air, his
grays surrounding him licking the saliva of energy that covered his body. He
was carried to the high tower where the remainder of research would continue.
The opening of the capsule was coming. He would not allow anything to be
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birthed. He would know what he was looking at and if need be go find another.
Maji-Manidoo was fearless, he would know what was inside this very evening.
What darkness could enfold to twist upon the world unknowns with knowledge
surpassing the light?
As the suns setting in 45-degree angle differences the red haze lightly lit
the rims above the mountain ranges. The low rolling hills constantly saturation
as the planet seeped sweat puddles of feces. The thick mud the result of the
collections of dirty grey demons scurrying across the surface. They were busy
carrying beams formed from dense dung and minerals mined beneath the
surface. The planet was on an industrial climb to meet the vision of Maji-
Manidoo. The synthetic grays monitoring from the air with their own builders
working on more advanced technology. The tubing, rivets, washers, nuts and
the bolts combining to erect the future of the most destructive and dangerous
civilization in the universe, Dyaus and the emergence of The Celestials.


Aayaash and the warriors of Tyr made their way through the northern
lands of the unknown continent seeking the audience of Animikii. Through the
highlands into the very streets of Athens they moved with purpose and honor
invigorated by the return of their leader. Entering the city, the Hoplites of the
Empire stood at the corner of every street. Battalions marching through the long
streets stopped to meet the arriving visitors but did not engage them rather
watched and followed them. The crested eagle of Animikii held high in the air
by the many centurions led the way to the throne room. The great ship Olympus
rested upon the nearby mountain top. The tall rows of lights shining into the air
as Aayaash knew he was close, at least he thought to the meeting he had long
Stopping before entering the ship he looked back down upon the stone
city, its water architecture and pillars were marvelous. The finely draped
inhabitants wanting for nothing. Mingling with the Great Spirits, all having
access to ascend to Olympus for growth and knowledge and yet was he not
requesting the same access? The Acropolis resting on the hillside with the
pillars of fire surrounding it was beautiful and he had imagined spending a
lifetime learning from within its walls. The chanting of monks carried in the
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wind filled the air. The crashes of the waves from the sea a backdrop to a piece
of heaven on earth. The city was filled with scribes and people seeking
knowledge. The statues, artwork, passion of the sculpture in every inch of the
great city on display. This was a city without walls that sat under the watchful
eye of its guardians, the Great Spirits of the Olympus.
The people of this great city gasping in panic not knowing what to do as
the clan neared the entrance to Animikii abode and the army simply following
knowing that Aayaash was an immortal. The citizen military force paralyzed in
that moment. Aayaash walked through the doorway into Olympus. Aayaash
knew he was moments away from a shift in the focus of his people. His people
walking among the advanced humans in the presence of their greatest leader
and their greatest warrior. The immortal being who had seen the world spin
before Animikii had ever arrived. They watched as the primate who became a
man and the man who became an immortal rose to the throne of the supreme
being of this world.
Aayaash large Gada strapped to his back. The streaks of black war paint
pawed across his face. His eyes buried within the heavy brow of a stoic face. As
Aayaash entered the large ship with an entrance resembling pillars of the
Acropolis, the Great Spirits took notice and began moving in preparing for
combat. Aayaash stopping in the center of the entry atrium. Arms extended to
his side. Surrounded by Great Spirits scattered in response to the alarm.
“I would like to speak with Animikii,” Aayaash deep voice echoing
through the corridors
Apollo stepping to the front of the Great Spirits addressed Aayaash.
“What right do you have to speak with Animikii, …Primat…”
Before Apollo could finish his word, Aayaash had slammed his fist into
his jaw as the eternal being was then thrown through the air into the wall
crumbling to the floor defeated. The impact fracturing its surface and shaking
Apollo to the core. The others were stunned in silence, motionless, none
reacting. The sudden and immediate beat down of Apollo enough to
demonstrate Aayaash right to speak with Animikii. Who could stop him?
As Aayaash redirected his attention to the throne room he stepped into
the main ballroom of the ship that led to Animikii throne. The entire ship began
to shake as alarms sounded. The sirens wailing as the ship lifted off of the
mountain. Aayaash and his warriors trapped on board, the Great Spirits rushing
towards the throne of Animikii which powered the ship. No longer concerned
that Aayaash and his ape-men were standing among them.
The ship had shot from the surface of the planet and into the firmament
towards an unknown destination. Aayaash and his men stumbling to move
forward as the speed of the vessel increased until they entered the great hall.
Animikii stood staring into the distance. The imagery now visible in the center
of the gigantic atrium. The outer planets of the solar system were visible with
the giant ringed planet with massive worlds rotating around it prominent on the
display. Screens flashed across the many surfaces as they were all scanned
showing each of the worlds colonized by massive megalithic Titan colonies.
Some had escaped the destruction of Nibiru and it was the Olympus duty to
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confront and destroy them. The captured Nibiru not lost in some distant orbit
but a shell of its former self captured in the orbit of the all-consuming ringed
world. The survivors stationed on the surrounding worlds rebuilding.
Animikii spoke, “The Great Spirits of Time seek their return.”
Animikii was unaware that Maji-Manidoo was alive, or what the future
would hold but he knew these behemoths must be destroyed. The surface of
Nibiru was covered in melting rock. The interior that remained intact decrepit
and broken under the weight. The Titans working feverishly to rebuild. Among
the Titans other creatures that were leading them. They were half man, half bird
beings that stood 10-foot-tall with massive pyramid ships floating in the air
towards the surface. They were assisting the Titans in their rebuilding process
and Animikii had no idea who they were or where they were from.
Aayaash stood motionless staring at the imagery. He knew thousands of
years ago, before his turning he had done this same observation. He had
watched the planet machine blow up, he had done it. It had not been destroyed?
The work was for nothing? The decimated ring of debris a monument to the
destruction of an entire world. Nibiru had been so large and yet what remained
was something so small and so insignificant in relation to the planet to which it
was bound hostage. Yet the massive world with the hexagon at the poles the
size of four or five Earths was a portal to another realm.
Walking onto the throne room Jupiter, spoke with a rumbling
thunderous voice, “Saturn!”
Animikii looking down at Jupiter, “What do you mean?”
Saturn continued, “In times gone by I have journeyed into the depths of
Hades. We have approached the Saturn in the past in other locations. These
worlds with the hexagonal portals are unpredictable. They connect into the very
heart of Hades inner abode and the many realms beyond.”
“We will face Hades himself if we must, we are the Great Spirits of
Origin, the titans of time,” Animikii shouted angrily.
The ship pressing towards Saturn resting adjacent the massive pyramid
structures that rested on the surface of the machine planet.
“It must be the Titans,” Animikii echoing through the ship not
considering it was a new species altogether.
“Who is this that does appear at my doorstep and now within my walls,
who is now my guest?” Animikii attention refocusing from the planet and
Titans staring directly at Aayaash. Aayaash standing with arms at side, Gada
strapped to his back.
Animikii asked again, “Who are you?”
“I am Aayaash. The first Tyr.”
“So, you have found yourself on my ship among my company at this
moment?” Animikii spoke condescending at the timing of the unkempt
“What are you? Are you a man?” Animikii questioned
“I am Aayaash, protector of the Tyr. The first men of Simud. Yes, we
are men” Aayaash speaking with chin up, knowing his warriors were watching
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“Tyr…huh, so you are from Simud?” Animikii was condescending and

“Yes, I am from Simud. Many years ago. We are from Earth now. We
live on that world,” responding Aayaash
“You do realize, Aayaash, when my leader Chibiabos appears that you
will be an abomination in his sight?” Animikii spoke empathetically hoping that
Aayaash would grasp that it mattered not what Animikii thought only what
Chibiabos would do.
“Are you like us?” The Great Spirit walking to Aayaash and grasping
his arm before letting go.
“How did this happen? Who did this to you? Where did you come from,
really?” Animikii responding in disbelief that Aayaash could be an immortal
“Only beings from Origin are immortal and eternal. To what place have
you come from?” He did not believe Aayaash.
“I come from Simud and I will have a place for my people among your
court.” Aayaash stood unwavering challenging Animikii authority in a verbal
combat of ideas. A shutter of whispers spread throughout the room.
“My Court? My Court?” Animikii became enraged.
“You come into my court. You address me as a Great Spirit. My equal.
You dictate to me. Blasphemy!” Animikii in full yell “Ahhhhhhh!”
“Here is what I think, Aayaash of Simud. I think you will exit my court
and I think you will not ever come before the throne of Animikii again.”
Animikii turning his back to the leader dismissed him completely.
Aayaash warriors standing watching their leader, the historical being of
their beginning being demeaned, belittled, and talked to as if he were nothing.
Aayaash knew this and he also knew that the time for dialogue had ended.
Aayaash moving towards Animikii grabbing him by the back of his robe
and throwing him with one swift movement across the room. Animikii crashing
against a pillar next to Apollo fell to the ground astonished at Aayaash power.
The Great Spirits standing motionless did not know what to do. The warriors of
Aayaash in full battle defense stance rallied behind their leader.
In the seconds that followed, the fate of one man, would be thrust into
the face of eternal beings. Aayaash stood motionless he had made his point
clear. Animikii rising from the ground began pacing around the mammoth
being viewing him up and down with curious contempt.
“Very well. You can stay but I will not vouch for you or your kind when
Chibiabos arrives. Nor will I promise that Chibiabos will be as merciful or
kind.” Animikii turned walking away in defeat knowing to confront Aayaash
would be to risk the respect of the others as leader. The first time he had been
physically overmatched. Not wanting further embarrassment, he ignored
Aayaash presence and redirected towards the present situation of Titans and
unknown birdmen.
The other Great Spirits unsure what to think murmured that Animikii
avoiding retaliation was a sign of Aayaash power. They gave unspoken respect
to this unknown being.
~ 362 ~

Aayaash turning to his people spoke, “Come.” As they followed him to

the many rooms that allowed the warriors to prepare for whatever they faced.
Aayaash looking out the windows of the moving starship. The large ship
passing through the debris field that encircled the inner planets of this large
Apollo approaching the group of Great Spirits. Aphrodite, Poseidon and
Hera circled a short distance from Animikii began speaking, “How can an
animal be a Great Spirit? How can an animal be our equal?”
Hera questioned, “He threw Animikii around like he was nothing, how
can we judge whether he is a Great Spirit obviously, he is a Great Spirit.”
Apollo challenging Hera’s questioning. “Nonsense!”
Aphrodite then interjected, “I am going to care for his people. They look
tired. They must be hungry. I never agreed with Animikii anyways, I am glad
someone put him in his place.” To which Apollo responded, “Aphrodite, that is
The mighty Animikii walking out of the throne room cared less whether
any being was on the ship that was filled with the need of validation. Aayaash
was obviously a being of just and sound mind. He was asking for acceptance.
Animikii had no time for such drama. He knew that what lie ahead would be
potentially so dangerous that he would need all the help he could get, even from
a genetic being who could not manage their insecurities.
The ship had passed through the orbit of Jupiter towards the location of
the imagery the advanced tracking system had displayed. The next stop Saturn
and the source of the anomalies where the emergence of the unknown ships
exited the world, many Earths in diameter. Could it be Chibiabos? He had not
recalled Chibiabos ever having triangle shaped ships and yet his indicator had
suggested it may be and yet they were Birdmen. The ship only showing a radius
indicator of the tearing of space and time. His ship detecting it and setting
course for intercept.
Animikii knew this could be the moment. The moment that he would
have to explain all of this to Chibiabos. What would he say? The only humans
on the ship, primates, not men, they were abominations to all that Chibiabos
stood. He was beside himself, this being threatened to thwart all is efforts to
save humanity from the potential wrath of Chibiabos.
Aayaash walked the halls of Olympus freely among the Great Spirits
unnoticed, if they had they did not care. All but a select few led by Aphrodite
ignored his people’s needs and himself all together. He wanted to see for
himself what was coming from the planet? What was on the Nibiru? What was
building the worlds around the Saturn? Aayaash wanted to know. He needed
validation. He needed to know more and not at the expense of his people. He
had done it alone and would not do as so many others had done and abandon
them to certain death and destruction. It was the role of leadership.
The Olympus moving past the icy worlds of Jupiter was closing in on its
destination. The world named after the greatest geneticist of the greatest
humans who ever lived. The children of Chibiabos. The worlds of life that lie
beneath their surfaces. Aayaash watching the computer scans of the surfaces.
~ 363 ~

The planet that resembled scarring of broken ice with open wounds from pole
to pole. The clay encrusted surface filled with frozen ice encapsulating oceans
of life. The surface temperatures pressing in upon the energy pressing to
release. This was a world where oceans of whales existed. Living off plankton
released living under the massive ice sheets. The whales showing on the screen
translucent without the need to surface for air. Aayaash marveled at the life
form that dominated this world. A life form unaware of all others that were
peering in upon them. Aayaash wondered how this could be and yet he had seen
it among his own people. Looking up and out into the darkness he wondered if
some being were looking in at him in the same way.
Aayaash was in contemplation. To be the being who once existed within
himself that never questioned that which was without living in day to day peace
with his world seemed like an illusion that never was and yet it was his reality
for so long. It wasn’t Aayaash reaching out it was the outward expanse of
perspective reaching in that changed his entire existence. As he began
deliberating his own existence the alarms began ringing through the ship. The
Olympus was encroaching upon Saturn coming to a stop to view what was
happening between the many worlds.
Animikii voice echoing over the loudspeaker.
“All to the Throne room”
Aayaash and the other Great Spirits assembled in the massive atrium of
the throne room. Animikii then appeared walking up the stairway to his massive
throne which peered down upon them.
“On screen” Animikii ordered as the imagery again shown in the center
of the room of that was occurring outside. The planet Saturn with its massive
hexagon at the top showing digital enhancements zooming in and out in many
locations of the many worlds and the ships exiting and entering the portal.
Jupiter then addressed Animikii, “It is a natural or unnatural gateway into
another realm.”
“Status on what is emerging?” Animikii asked as Jupiter continued.
“There are pyramid shaped ships coming in and out of the planet.”
Apollo then pointing to the small bee sized movements spoke, “Look at
how many of those ships there are!”
“The Saturn!” Jupiter again proclaimed.
Animikii now realizing this was not Chibiabos. However, this was a
moment when Chibiabos may be needed especially if this truly was a doorway
to the throne room of Hades himself.


The explosion had nearly destroyed them all. The thousands of years of
isolation. Trapped within the grasps of the giant ticking time bomb. The sons of
Maji-Manidoo, the Titans had survived and were rebuilding. He was their
leader, Prometheus.
Prometheus chief responsibility was to bring the Nibiru back to
functioning and find his leader Maji-Manidoo. To utilize the resources of the
~ 364 ~

accompanying worlds to achieve those two ends at all cost. He had life forms
they had engineered upon the many worlds that they would use in genetic
engineering to go home. He was a Titan, the greatest creation within this
universe. The perfect Great Spirit man was the Titan. Fifteen-foot advanced
humans made from pure eternal matter within the simulation and they knew it
was a simulation because they were the embodiment of the code in living form.
The knowledge of an entire culture from another realm was encoded within
their very DNA. They were the Dharma.
Prometheus had been able to start preparing the Nibiru to function but
he needed a few final pieces. The materials needed would have to be mined
from the adjacent worlds. The world with the greatest potential containing a
nitrogen rich atmosphere, dense with all the organic material required. The
surface below filled with oceans of liquid methane. This was the Titans new
home. The base for all genetic research with unlimited access to free organic
material. Life that could be created to survive in new environments. The Titans
had begun the construction of a new traveling vessel. The Vimana. The Chariot
of the Great Spirits.
The return to Maji-Manidoo was imminent. The reclamation and
subjugation of Earth was imminent. The return home dependent upon their
ability to build ships.
The Titans constructing long cigar shaped vessels within the belt of the
planet. The orbit of Saturn’s rings the perfect place to build using the broken
material of the Nibiru. The ships would maintain orbit in the space between
without need for a loading dock. Gravity working to assist in construction.
Unlimited access to building material the resources needed to build massive
ships surrounded them. Some larger than 50km in length were under
construction. These would be the final nail in the coffin of the plague that
scourged the universe, the human condition. Humans needed to be removed and
the Titans would be patient and strike with vengeance. What was time to an
immortal being?
The Titans were engaged in building the structures that extended into
the distance. It had been thousands of years since the destruction of Nibiru. The
Great Spirits confined to genetic research with the material on the worlds
surrounding the massive vortex. Knowing that at any moment something could
emerge. It was imperative to Prometheus that he be the one to enter the vortex
first or at least get the Nibiru away before any beings emerged from the vortex.
He knew all worlds were a vortex themselves into the void. Spherical illusions
that emerged from the beyond, as an all-seeing eye peering into the unknown.
They weren’t really worlds at all, they were living, breathing, periscopes where
the unseen and the seen merged as one. He stared at the screen showing the
many locations of bases across the planets system. The imagery of the world’s
shown the large pale yellow planet that served as the central apex to the
miniature solar system caught within its massive gravitational grasp. The
swirling yellow and white storms circulating around the behemoth. The
formation of a super vortex in the heart of the sphere. A dimensional rift created
at the sub atomic level manifested in the most massive proportions around an
~ 365 ~

apex between dimensions. The octagon at the northern hemisphere pressing

upwards and downwards as the portal between dimensions stood open for all
who would explore her depths. This was simply a mystery to him.
The hazy atmosphere of the planet Titan that was serving as the oasis of
building material for the Titans shielded him and protected him. The leader
Prometheus determined it was time to leave and visit the power source held
deeply within the molten melted inoperable machine, the Nibiru. As he landed
on its surface he could see the rings of the planet filled with ships currently
under construction that would allow the Titans to leave growing innumerably.
He looked outwards towards the gem of the universe and the source of the
greatest portal of them all, the Earth, it was a spec in the blanket of darkness.
Speaking to the speck in the distance Prometheus declared, “For a
moment you experience peace in a world without Great Spirits, but we are
coming for you.”
The Great Spirits of Origin resting on the Olympus peered down upon
the construction of the ships.
“Animikii, what will be do? There are so many of them.” Poseidon
questioning overwhelmed at the numbers of ships being built.
“I am not sure who these pyramid ships coming out of the top of the
planets vortex are coming from.” Animikii response was to the point, he did not
“Should we watch and see what they do with the Titans?” Poseidon
ponders, “Or should we move in and confront them before it is obvious the
titans have space travel?”
“I think I agree with you Poseidon, we should approach these beings
before they have a chance to interact with the Titans.” Animikii responded
knowing he had appeared prior to the Birdmen making contact. Those now
landing was not helping the Titans, they were enslaving them. Several other
Great Spirits standing within hearing distance.
The speaker of the Olympus echoed the leaders voice, “Great Spirits of
Olympus. We will be approaching the unidentified flying objects around the
vortex of Saturn. All Great Spirits are called to the Throne of Animikii.”
The voice of Poseidon then ringing through the ship, “Code blue hawk,
code blue hawk.”
As the Olympus moved towards the planetary sized opening at the
summit of the world, a vortex the size of many Earths in diameter it came to a
stop. The ship becoming dwarfed in the scale of its size. The imagery showing
that the Olympus was 100,000 miles off of the surface of the planets upper
atmosphere. The currents of air thrusting the clouds down at a rapid rate many
thousand miles per hour. The sound of wind blowing through a tunnel echoing
through space. The vibrations of the wind brushing against the ship with
frequent shakes form the turbulence.
The Olympus coming to a full stop was humming in the vibrations of
the vortex. The planet in majestic chaos below the ship that was constructed of
elements from an eternal realm was beyond comprehension.
~ 366 ~

“We wait. They are not helping the Titans, they are enslaving them, we
wait for them to approach us.” Animikii speaking to Poseidon but all could hear
what he was saying including Aayaash.
As all stared out over the drop into the unknown. It was hard to walk
away. It was something none had ever seen. The inner depth was glowing gold.
Watching, Waiting, then the sounds, Alert. Alert. Alert. The imagery in the
distance of three large pyramid shaped craft emerging from the vortex. On
intercept course with the Olympus. The Great Spirits waiting for what would
“Prepare the ship for offensive maneuvers of they display any
aggressive behavior.” Animikii ordered to Poseidon as he sat on his throne. The
massive throne that showed all the great majesty of one being transforming into
an electrical center that controlled the entire ship. The shifting of the entire
throne to encapsulate the leader in a command module where he would use the
ship to face these new unknown visitors. The Pyramids moving within 400
yards of the Olympus without offensive movements reduced speed until they
stopped. The pyramids gold with lightning running down the centers slowly
turning in the air.
“Animikii, should you open communications?” Apollo questions.
Before Animikii could release a transcription, there appeared lights in the air
over the throne room. Instantly the room was filled with three dozen ten-foot-
tall half man half bird beings with staffs that featured a large green stone, they
had transported into the Olympus.
Animikii throne immediately retracting from the commanding module
to allow him to step down to approach the beings. As Animikii moved down the
steps one of the large bird men fired a liquid material that glowed brilliant
white that wrapped around the throat of Animikii. The Great Spirit King falling
forward with hands clasped around the illuminated chord.
The tall bird walking up and placing a clasp on the back of Animikii
neck that permanently linked the energy like a collar to his throat. He was
Animikii lay curled on the ground. Utterly humiliated like an animal
captured in the grasp of a predator before his towering masters jerked him
across the floor. The bird being looking down into his eyes stepping on the back
of Animikii before ascending to the throne. The other Great Spirits screaming
in agony as the other bird men repeated the process until all were lying in the
fetal position on the ground. All but Aayaash and his warriors who had fled the
atrium. Moving towards the release modules to escape the ship Aayaash always
knew that in the event of a deadly encounter the duty of a great leader is to
protect the vulnerable. While he would have loved to stay, and meet these
invaders he knew his warriors would be dispensable and he could not place
them into deaths cauldron or protect them all. Entering the releasing modules
Aayaash small ship released from the larger Olympus heading back towards the
Earth. If he saw Animikii again, so be it, if not, then he would know. But he
needed to warn the Earth that something was coming if Animikii did not return
than someone unknown would.
~ 367 ~

On the ground beneath the throne room of Animikii, the bird beings
were now beaming into the ship by the hundreds. The Great Spirits of Olympus
dragged by the throats as they tried to claw for freedom with their hands against
the merciless dragging of the quick paced bird men. These beings had
submitting the Great Spirits of Origin to a torturous reality they had never
thought to experience.
Animikii crying out in agony, “Agggghhhhh, whyyyy, whyyy, whyyy,”
over and over. He was now whimpering crying out to his captors. Each time
ignored as if his words meant nothing. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena among all
the eternal female Great Spirits taken to other ships. The female Great Spirits
separated from the male Great Spirits. Animikii was finally transported to the
other pyramid ship. Upon appearing drug down shiny golden steps onto a glass
surface that extended over burning fire. Animikii was then lifted upon a glass
The room filling with other bird men who surrounded Animikii.
Animikii immobilized because of the neck collar lay helpless. His hands and
feet strapped to the glass table by similar electrical currents.
Each Birdman wearing plates of green and red colored armor
surrounded in gold. The black feathered skin with red arching brows and the
beaks dripping with drool. The eyes old and distant peering out mercilessly
through the feathers coarse back and majestic. Each carrying smaller
instruments they pressed a blue blade into the sternum of Animikii. Revealing
that he could be cut open they began speaking among themselves. The blade
extending down the sternum until the entire gut of Animikii was filet open. The
bird beings began pulling open the skin that covered the cavity within Animikii
to expose his organs.
Animikii began making gargling sounds of agony. He was alive and
screaming in the most horrendous ways. Canisters brought by other animal
beings, these were smaller Jackal headed beings carrying the vessels.
The bird men pulling the purple glowing translucent organs from the
chest and abdomen of Animikii. The eternal being was gasping and twisting
and crying for them to stop. The emotionless birdmen and jackal men placing
the organs in urns. Carrying them to shelving on the wall. As Animikii was
taken upon a slap of pure glass by a birdman out of the room his chest ripped
open and the skin pulled off his face. Before they removed a portion of his
brain he grasped a vision of a memory he had not known and yet was his from
the previous life prior to entering Sky Land. In a final breath, he spoke, “I know
my name… I am Cain… I am sorry brother… Chibiabos… Abel…” The
imagery flashing across his mind of a foolish young man slaying his older
brother and then waking in the realm of Sky Land only to become his brother’s
greatest keeper, protector, servant. He couldn’t speak but he was lost in a
moment that caused him to cry out for the one he loved most. He knew no
greater love than that of his brother who he had devoted is life too and for
squandering his birthright in mortality he had hoped to gain salvation and
redemption in immortality. “Abel… have I failed you again?” He yearned for a
moment that when his eyes would close he would rise again to await his brother
~ 368 ~

as his brother had awaited him. “If I continue… I will wait for you brother…
Father… Adam, will I see you again?” Animikii, having learned his identity
then faded into oblivion his brain then removed. The Great Spirit drooling out
of his mouth was no more. His essence had been removed. A specimen to
beings that used him like cattle. The leader of the Great Spirits eyeballs laying
dislodged from their sockets staring out from the twisted corpse that was his
remains. Carted down a hallway, passing another room Aphrodite calling out to
“Animikii! Oh my Great Spirit, Animikii!” the beings helpless mangled
corpse pulled by her open doorway. Aphrodite, strapped within a machine. Her
abdomen enormous. Her body penetrated by large tubes. The Great Spiritdesses
were strapped to machines that used them to process genetic material in and out
of their bodies. They were now parts of the machine the same as a washer or a
bolt. The unknown Birdmen would be harvesting these Great Spirits to power
their vessels.
“Hera,” We are going to die!” Aphrodite crying out.
Her once long flowing hair now replaced with the charred decrepit
scalping when the bird men tore her hair from her head. She was submissive
and broken. She longed for Chibiabos, longed for Animikii. How could he be
gone? Looking across the room at Hera, Aphrodite wept. Her sister’s face
partially dissected. The eyeball removed with striations of flesh removed
showing muscle and the inner workings of the face. Her jaw removed. The
drool of an immortal Great Spiritdess dripping onto the large machine that
wrapped around her pressing its substances within her.
Athena not even visible. Her hair present but the brain removed as the
entire face shown a hole where it had been crushed. The body the mere
immortal mechanism. Aphrodite was in hell. She had reached out to far, Hades
himself had grabbed the very Great Spirits of Origin within its grasps. She wept
The ship Olympus was abandoned as an inferior object. Pushed out of
the orbit of Saturn into the darkness of space. To be the empty prisoner of Great
Spirits who once were to the gravitational orbit of another world. The last
reminder of the Great Spirits of Olympus, who vanished from the Earth and the
expanse of time.
The pyramids which housed its prisoners plucked without effort turning
towards the beings on the planets below. Animikii and the Great Spirits of
Olympus were no more and none would live to tell their story of their demise in
the day that darkness swept them away forever.


Prometheus moving out of the central core of the Nibiru was in full
alarm. He was watching two massive pyramid shaped craft hover above the
broken planet. Before the Titan leader could respond beings appeared in the
room. Thrusting their staffs towards Prometheus energy released wrapping
around his neck dropping him to the ground. In one moment the eternal struggle
~ 369 ~

of that race brought beneath the power of the bird men. Dragged into the
pyramids the Titans were captured and removed from their constructions zones.
The ghost towns remaining scattered across the worlds of the galactic endeavor
never to be completed.
Prometheus awoke to see he was strapped within a glowing orb. The
glass orb surrounding him he rises and presses against its surface unable to
escape. His naked body exposed within the capsule. Outside the orb birdmen
are moving throughout the room. He punches the glass unable to break it. He
presses the top and the bottom unable to make it budge. He stands watching,
waiting, and seeing what these beings were doing. The bird men who had
crushed the most powerful beings in several levels of creation. Ones from what
was believed to be mathematically shown to originate at the source of this
reality. These birdmen from an unknown realm moving like wranglers had
destroyed them effortlessly.
They had been captured. Stepping from the surface the tall birdman
leader walking from the pyramid that was now resting on the surface of the
thick atmosphere covered planet spoke, “This, the Home of the Titans. I am not
impressed scribe.”
The Titans that had been captured removed from all traces of their
existence in the planet that they had sought to terraform, the methane seas that
covered its surface free from Titan control. The large 10-foot bird man turning
to walk away had not introduced himself. The sea of Great Spirits left behind
Prometheus stood within the ball of glass. The bird men working to do
something to Prometheus. Walking into the room a 12-foot tall super bird man.
All others fell silent as they all bowed at his presence.
“RA” they all chanted as they fell to a knee, one by one before their
Great Spirit. Moving to face Prometheus, RA spoke, “You sought to grasp my
glory. You will now remain trapped within a Mandjet. RA referring to the
massive pyramid that Prometheus was enclosed. “You will return with us to the
Maat. The Realm of Ra, the Kingdom of Horus.”
The pyramids leaving the surface moving back towards the hexagon
shaped opening at the top of the massive planet. The Titans and the Great
Spirits of Origin removed from the timeline. Taken from the universe. The
unknown bird men from the realm of Maat, their leader Ra unstoppable. Ra,
walking towards the captured Titan, “The glass doorway that existed between
two realms, one of order and another of chaos will merge. I will have order. The
Isfet judges all and you will be the scribe of this realm facing the judgements of
the darkness upon your head.”
Prometheus from that moment forward would never forgive Maji-
Manidoo for abandoning them and for bringing destruction upon his own
people. He would forever see Maji-Manidoo as a fallen dark agent who
deserved not the respect of time or eternity and he would have eternity to
ponder that anger.
~ 370 ~



“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled
by evil men.” – Plato
The planet had been void of rulers for decades and Mishebeshu had
begun to wonder what had happened to the Great Spirits of Olympus. It had
been 200 years since Olympus had vanished. The culture along the
Mediterranean flourishing and praising Great Spirits who had disappeared into
the Heavens failing to reappear. His extensive network of agricultural centers
uniting the clear majority of the world. His illuminati nearly within every
organized body on the planet operated without opposition. There were thirteen
dispersing centers within the six known continents of the planet and none that
could stop him.
Ruling from afar was the most difficult aspect for Mishebeshu who was
now going by the name Typhon as a symbol that he had shed his past life.
While he made occasional appearances, he knew that his survival still
demanded secrecy and the lack of knowledge of his existence. He could not
leave the very place that an unknown creation existed that was the last
opposition on the planet left. He had trapped his centuries before but he knew it
was infesting the central pyramid and working through the cracks. His duty was
~ 371 ~

to guard the greatest threat to the planet that reside within the former central
laboratory on the outer continent. He was a prisoner of sorts but he had done it
to protect them all. He would control the masses like a puppeteer because he
knew what darkness was and he would interact with the higher intelligence in
the future to come.
Mishebeshu and his legions ruled the planet once more. Bringing to
subjugation of the human spirit and while the Great Spirits were away Typhon
would rule unannounced and unopposed across the planet. Grey saucers flying
uncloaked across the skies. The interaction between the illuminati and the
humans of Olympus under the illusion of Great Spiritly interactions. Most
staged to provide control to the Illuminati over mankind. He also knew from
time to time others would appear and they came from only one place, Maji-
Manidoo. The leader pressing his control waiting for the next arrival of the new
Great Spirits. Fairly certain that Animikii had abandoned his post upon the
Earth giving up on the venture of illuminating humanity.
The structure of the Illuminati was quite simple. The leader of the
Illuminati was Typhon. The title Mishebeshu gave to himself was with purpose
for he had defeated the great beast and earned the right to be guardian of the
planet. The human Star Seed leader was the Pindar. The ruling family headed
by the original human being, the Illuminati ruling council who ruled the 13-
dispensing centers around the world. These granaries served to provide
genetically engineered food to the masses. Some genetically altered, others to
provide control over people. The centers placed near former Nephilim building
centers. Later their creations the Titans massive empires emerged from these
locations but now the future of the race of Typhon was driven by agriculture.
They were the purebred species of human being.
Among the species of humans that the Illuminati council of 13 would
represent an additional 130 loyalists within each camp. These 130-human
loyalists would network within their regions the supply lines, the chains of
command, and the dispersing of propaganda. To empower a planet to fight
against what was coming, what was hiding in the darkness outside of their
illuminating spotlight of the all-seeing eye. Beneath these human leaders would
be a committee of 300 ruling families that would serve as a protective layer for
the upper echelon with the promise of assimilation through genetic changing in
return for their proven loyalty and financial assistance. They would pay their
way into immortality. In time these families’ descendants would be genetically
merged through grafting of family lines. Forever heirs to the kingdom of
Typhon. The future rulers among men.
The book of ages recording the linear bloodline of those always
remembered for assisting in the greater good of humanity, the Illuminati.
Across the Earth men of old, men of renowned rising to face off against the
survivors of the flood. The Illuminati maintaining a continual record of the
Earth to ensure that order be maintained in the kingdom of the Typhon. The
father of the Illuminati Empire. The enlightened elite bringing all of humanity
with them towards the day when humankind would leave this realm.
~ 372 ~

Typhon knew that by using his immortality machine as leverage he

could initiate an elite force of mankind and those willing to do his bidding.
The age of Mishebeshu was at hand and that hand of Typhon was
reaching far. Within the all-Seeing Eye of the puppet master.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they
are free.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Prometheus lay helpless in the glass orb within the massive pyramid of
Ra. This pyramid was an interstellar ship called the Mandjet. They had entered
this unknown realm, a place to superhuman beings, a place they called Maat.
Ra, the being who crushed Animikii without ever laying eyes on him. How
great was he? Prometheus wondered.
The massive pyramid resting at the apex of a massive pyramid on a
world covered in gold. A sky colored in gold. The swirling octagon above the
pyramid stretching into the air above. As Ra walked across the room the dome
that covered the room retracted showing the surface of the place they were
located. They were within a massive structure where they resided upon the
inside of the shell in the direct opposite as those living on the outside a shell
like a planet. Prometheus now saw the plight, the entire realm structured in
order extending into the distance. Octagons above similar pyramids covering
the surface in all directions. The smaller pyramids leaving the surface to enter
the vortexes in the air which weren’t in the air but in the center of the entire
“Prometheus, you will remain as the recorder of time for this vortex. We
have concluded that you contain the necessary requirements. The bird man
turning pressing the golden lever as the ball raised into the air. Lightening
rippling around its perimeter as Prometheus screamed in agony. The ball
shooting into the air towards the vortex. He was gone.
“We will go into this chaos and bring order. We will find the source of
these beings and bring them into submission. We will avenge Horus.”
The Great Spirit, Ra spoke to the many bird men that surrounded him.
“This new realm is full of minerals which we can use.”
Ra turning to leave the room as the ceiling closed and the pyramid
released from the larger more massive structure returning into the vortex above.
Accompanied by three other pyramids they would travel back into the
underworld of chaos and seek out the home world of Horus as was long
prophesied. Ra was one of many higher Great Spirits of the Maat. Maat was a
culture built on balance, order, harmony, the law. The law of Horus, the ruler of
Maat. The creator of the life spring that stretched into immortality. The perfect
conduit of the apex. The birthplace of the doorways into the underworld to
redeem the children of Horus and the destiny as proclaimed by the ancient
wanderer who brought the Birdmen into existence.
Ra was the Great Spirit of Great Spirits bringing the knowledge of
Horus into the Chaos of this realm where resource material would be available.
Of all the realms, none before had featured humanoid beings but it was talked
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about and discussed as the home world for great Osiris and his son Horus. Their
operation existing to harvest the higher realms of creation.
He would bring the All-Seeing Eye of Horus to the worlds within this
realm and bring the life back to further populate the army of redemption as
raised in the font of Oryselum that Osiris had brought many eons ago. Ra could
bring the greatest resource of all of Maat to Horus, the human being. The
pinnacle of what Horus and his order were searching the underworld.
The pyramids pressing through the vortex into the dark void filled with
the light. They would be traveling to a planet near the vortex. A planet that was
near its own apex. Ra knew what he was about to encounter. An apex of
converging apex’s that fused multiple realities together.
Hovering over the atmosphere of the planet Earth, Ra stared down upon
the surface. The saucers flying across the surface. The cities without walls
covering the surface. The indicators of buried cities across the equator. The
separation of continents with a wealth of cultures expanding across the
unlimited landscape. “There can be only Ra in this place. This all-seeing eye
that peers into the void begging for salvation.”
The three pyramids descending into the planet. Resting above the river
delta of the great Iteru River, the pyramids of Ra hovered a hundred feet in the
air slowly spinning. The legions of bird men and jackal men marching into the
distance. Using flying ships, they set out for the resource centers. As the
hovering ships approached the resource centers the people stood in awe and
wonder and those of Mishebeshu stepped into the shadows watching what was
about to occur. The hovering pyramids, massive, slowly spinning counter
clockwise, moving behind the troops they rested over the resource center were
daunting. The people within moving outside to stare in awe at the quiet
pyramids moving in the air. The troops exiting the pyramids and moving into
the cities. Subjecting the people to control and not peace. The screams of the
people echoing through the agricultural centers as they were subjugated.
The Bird Men positioning in offensive positions standing at post within
the city. They were making their presence known through absolute oppression.
The Illuminati moving quickly to alert Mishebeshu. Those not captured by the
Ra fled to the underground facilities. In the coming weeks, the pyramids resting
over the massive complex located at the heart of the Iteru River established a
new culture and a new destiny for humanity.
The generals showing Ra a material that was thousands of times purer
than the Gold of Maat and showed that the gold of Maat had originated on this
world. The people forced to mine for gold. The gold was then loaded into the
massive transport ships that transported them to the large pyramid and bag to
Maat. This would be the material they would need to fight the darkness.
“Anubis” Ra called out as the Jackal headed being moved away from
the gathering of warrior Great Spirits to view the multitude of people build
power sources for the Ra.
“We need power. If we are going to change this place into our own
Maat, to organize order from chaos, we need gold and I need power cores.” Ra
speaking the orders as Anubis directed the legions to expand their mission.
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“In this place where souls progress through to the afterlife, how can a
world such as this exist? A world filled with Horus?” Anubis speaking
confused by what he was witnessing.
“This is a Horus-maker, behold Anubis, a Creator world.” Ra knew
what they had found and he relished in being able to locate the home world of
“The day they realize they are Great Spirits is the day these beings, this
multitude of creations realizes their potential. We must submit them. Take the
two Mandjet, Anput will position one over the central hemisphere of the
western portion of this world and you will position the other over this river
delta. From this point the Ra will expand to use all the resources of the Great
Spirit creator. The journey of the Ra having been completed.” Ra speaking to
Ra had known, that his duty in entering the Atum, as a child of Horus
was to transition material to the Maat. The end result for an eternal deity to be
blessed with a creator world, the same as Horus. The holy grail of creation. To
then transition the souls of the Great Spirits to Maat, where the glory would be
given to the Ra, who were Horus. Ra was the sun Great Spirit of Maat and he
pointed the way to Horus. It was his destiny to find a Great Spirit creator even
in the chaos of the Atum. After all, it was the duty of the Ra to bring order to
The distinguish of such a duty bringing the title of honor among those
who had been called by Horus to enter the Atum, a substance that connected the
Maat with other spheres of creation.
Anubis using the people to begin building structures to harness the
power of the planet. I will take the Barge of Millions of Years, return to Maat
and inform Horus of this finding. Ra had grand plans for this world. This place
filled with beings and creatures that would be molded, formed, used at his will.
Transported to the Afterlife of Maat and undergo the baptism of the sacred font.
A culture that could allow the empire of Ra to rise within this realm. From here
he could become his own Horus. He would balance the scales of Isfet who had
wrought chaos throughout the first creation, the Atum.
He remembered the stories and legends when the Great Spirits of Yaaru.
The world that resided outside the realm of Maat had imploded. The journey
beyond the doorways to Atum which was the sea of chaos that lie in direct
opposition to the order, law, and justice of Horus. The eternal deity Ra,
traveling on his flying vessel, the Mandjet, a pyramid that entered into other
realms to secure resources and search for souls to bring to the afterlife, the
greatest discovery, a Great Spirit creator, a world that created eternal Great
Spirits. A world that could be owned by a Ra and then transitioned into eternal
beings that served that Ra and perhaps he would redeem the Yaaru which he
believed this world once had been. The master plans of a civilization without
the macro universe and yet within. The Great Spirits of old Yaaru, unknown
powers over the Great Spirits of Origin. The future of the planet was in
jeopardy. Ra boarding his ship and leaving back to the vortex returning to the
field of offerings, leaving the endless watery abyss of the Atum and returning to
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the many reed fields of new Yaaru. Ra knew he would not tell Horus of his
discovery, not just yet. Had Horus told him about the moment he found a Great
Spirit creating world? The source of new Yaaru’s beginnings when order was
brought into the darkness. He would continue collecting material and
transitioning any life within the Atum through the judgement of Isfet.
The massive Anubis with his legions of jackal headed warriors
submitting the people to extreme working conditions. The world a gem among
the darkness. Filled with innumerable minerals that would be harvested for Ra.
Seizing the granaries and isolating two of the 13-agricultural centers. Anubis
began organizing a vast society within the greater Iteru river delta. The pyramid
resting on the ground. The people mining for gold and minerals. The copper,
ore, silver, iron, precious stones pulled from the landscape were so dense that
one ounce was equal to many tons within Maat and more than any other world
they had ever mined. The stretching forests across the continent buried by the
sands of the flood were the home of the new civilization of the world. Even the
people knew that buried within the deserts were the former cities of the Titans.


Mishebeshu was furious that two of his granaries had been taken over
by these other worldly visitors. His plans again thwarted. But he saw light
through the darkness. His Illuminati telling him that the Great Spirits did not
can genetically engineer. This was leverage; for once he had knowledge these
beings did not. How could eternal beings enter from without the Macro Matrix
and not understand how things are or how to manipulate the fabric of creation?
Unless they too were subject to an all-powerful leader who like this Chibiabos
or Brahma held all secrets closely.
“Who is your leader?” Mishebeshu questioned himself. He knew,
whatever the reasoning this meant they were not the creators but they could be a
stepping-stone towards the true creator. They were miners and they were
following orders but they were also very powerful. If Mishebeshu could acquire
a portion of their genetic material, if they even possessed genetic material he
could trace their origin within the code that is if they came from within the
code. For all he knew, these new Great Spirits originated outside of the entire
game and would be constructed of something completely foreign to himself.
But a test nonetheless would allow him to see where these beings originated.
He could use this to reverse engineer his own program opening a doorway
beyond their existence. He would have to find a way to interact with the deities.
“Glycon, you will go and arrange for a meeting with one of these rulers.
Take 400 tons of gold as a tribute, a sign of peace. Visit the ruler who has
overtaken our central agricultural center. Share with this being that I would like
to arrange a meeting. Give them a canister of this material. It should be a matter
of time before they grasp the implications.”
“Yes, Lord Typhon.” Glycon responding, “Should I take a legion of
Grays to assist in case they seek to capture me?”
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“Take 5 legions of Grays. It is better to show a force than to meet in

weakness.” Typhon responded.
His hope of a face to face meeting with Ra. After all, he too was a Great
Spirit. He was an eternal being formed from the material from eternal beings
from beyond many realms. He would face the leader of these beings. After all,
was he not like them, half man, half something more?


The five thousand stealth saucers racing across the desert towards the
large pyramid now resting on top of an agricultural center. Glycon viewing the
golden pyramid too bright to look at directly in the desert sun. The desert tore
open from the thousands of workers moving soil. Working in slave-like
conditions Mining materials that would be stored in the massive pyramid. The
Jackals hovering among the people with their staffs that emitted the electrical
rope that oppressed them.
The saucers appearing next to the large pyramid. The Jackals rushing to
stand between the pyramid and the five thousand saucers positioned in the air.
Glycon transporting to the surface as five thousand saucers transformed into tall
gray beings standing on the ground behind him. The synthetically engineered
army of the Illuminati. As the Jackals stood watching, waiting for direction the
grays began stacking bars of gold onto the ground in front of Glycon, between
himself and the Jackals. The Jackals beginning to take notice of the large piles
of gold rushed into the pyramid. As a mountain of gold was assembled the
larger Jackal Anput walked towards the pile of gold flanked by a thousand
jackals. Anput placing its hands on the gold picking up a bar before staring at
Glycon holding a canister of black liquid material. The genetic material of the
Nephilim. To this point, the most powerful material that Typhon had ever come
into contact. Glycon then walked to Anput and held out the canister of material.
The Great Spirit, towering over the human hybrid Glycon, reached out to grasp
the canister.
“What is it that you desire?” the deep thunderous voice of Anput spoke
to the human Glycon.
“We would like to offer tribute from Typhon. The ruler of this world.
He would like to tribute 500-tons of gold and the knowledge of the religion of
genetics. In return for a meeting with your leader.”
Anput pondering the question. Turning to speak to several Jackals in an
unknown language. Anput stood perplexed, “Great Spirit of this world?” He
pondered, “The knowledge of creation?” Only Horus could control the power
of creation. Was this being like Horus? Anput stood afraid, if this was a Horus,
he could be destroyed for not obeying.
Anput responded, “Anubis will arrange for a meeting at the 2nd
Mandjet of Ra in the other world on the other side of the planet.”
The emissaries of Mishebeshu, arranging for the leader to meet with Ra.
The Typhon decided to emerge from hiding to face a Great Spirit who seemed
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to value the same principles that he had organized. Order from chaos and he
had something that these beings needed, genetic knowledge.
Ra was baffled at what he was viewing, it was genetic material of such
power that he dared not share the knowledge just yet. Horus would be beside
himself if he knew such material existed and Ra was in fear of this being who
possessed the power of Horus. He agreed to meet with this Great Spirit of the
planet. The agreement between the two cultures to be settled in the first face to
face meeting by Mishebeshu in thousands of years with any being other than his
own and for once he felt powerful and in control. Mishebeshu knew that he
could not simply just walk into a potential trap. He knew very little about these
Great Spirits but his advantage was psychological warfare, what he did know
was that they had obviously replaced the Great Spirits of Olympus. Animikii
and his cohort were nowhere to be found. The people of the Mediterranean
dwindled in unbelief holding onto the memories of a time when the Great
Spirits walked among them and lived in fear of the new visitors of the great
river to the south.
This would be the display of his full force to the deities that had
appeared on the planet. Deities that sought resources who accepted hundreds of
tons of gold a quantity so massive it had forced a meeting between the great
leaders and seemed obsessed with materials. Typhon choosing to approach the
leaders with a grand parade of his force. He would fly 100 thousand stealth
saucers across the known civilized world. He would show all living in the 11
remaining agricultural centers that he was still in charge. He would demonstrate
his vast control over the planet. The saucers flying over the northern and
southern continents, which were really central continents in the world of the all-
seeing-eye before stopping above the workers quarry near the pyramid resting
at the delta of the Iteru River.
Typhon emerging from a stealth black ship looked around in confidence
at what lie before him. The first time making himself visible to the people of
the surface. Those ancient descendants. Intermingled with several other species
of human on the planet. The large Mishebeshu moving so that all could see the
tentacles emerging from his lower half moving across the ground like a snake.
He knew, they all knew who Typhon was and he would leave a lasting
impression among the people. It was this moment, which it all been leading too.
The time when he would win the hearts and minds of the people. Walking
across the sands amid thousands of stealth saucers hovering in the air over his
head. The large pyramid of Anubis resting on ground brought the meeting to a
realization. The larger pyramid of Ra hovering in the air, twice the size of the
pyramid of Anubis. The Jackals arranged in military formation surrounding the
pyramid. Smaller ships also hovering around the pyramid that had emerged
from the massive interstellar ship of the Ra.
RA moved slowly down through the air, not walking on visible steps but
walking through the air until meeting Anubis and Anput who were assembled
with a cohort of Jackals. The leader Ra, was surrounded by bird men. They
moved slowly across the sands. The workers in the mines stopping to view the
meeting of the two deities. Ra staring face to face with Mishebeshu as grays
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again moved to begin unloading hundreds of tons of gold. The accumulation of

such massive quantities dwarfing any that the Ra had pulled from the Earth.
The Great Spirit Ra standing staring at the massive shipments being delivered.
Ra then came face to face with Mishebeshu before speaking, “You are
the Typhon that Anubis has told me? They tell me you have built these resource
depositories globally and that you have the power of Horus. I will ask you
myself, are you a Horus?”
Mishebeshu responding, “Horus? I have never heard of such a being but
this is my world and these are my people.”
“We share a common theme. Order in the Chaos.” Ra speaking to the
leader of the Illuminati.
“Horus is my leader. He is the first. The one who conquered the Maat.
The one who entered the Atum through his triumph over the Isfet. He
conquered the barrier that separated the Atum from the Maat. We are all Ra of
the first Father Osiris and he came from this world. Are you an Osiris?” Ra
speaking to Mishebeshu was questioning and this was vulnerability in the eyes
of Mishebeshu so he did not respond believing no response was the most
powerful reply, neither confirm nor deny.
Ra then continued, “You have brought more gold to me than in all of
Maat combined. The most sacred of all resources obtained within the Atum.
This watery abyss.”
“I wish to make a deal with you Ra.” Spoke Mishebeshu
“I am listening.” Ra responding.
“I will provide you with an equal measure of gold each annual cycle. In
return you will share with me the knowledge of flight and how I may too pass
through the Isfet and have meeting with your Horus. If you provide me with
such knowledge I will teach you how to master the religion of genetics.”
Mishebeshu stood tall and spoke with smooth sequences of a silver tongued of a
master linguist.
“The religion of genetics?” Ra questioned. His large Jackal assistants
watching in silence, their large heads immovable. The half man half animal
beings watching as these two leaders communicated.
“You’re Illuminati, we are Ra. The Isfet is the judge of the soul. None
from these worlds have been allowed through and live other than Horus, art
though greater than he? The Isfet is the barrier between this realm and your
Maat that weighs the soul with judgment. Weighed against the feather of time.
Only those worthy accepted through, the unworthy torn to pieces thrown to the
ground and eaten by the crows. Horus brings all back to life through the
resurrection. You will assist me in bringing the light of knowledge from Horus,
to release the light of Ra to this realm. I will expand the horizon of Horus in
this place where I will become Horus among the pantheon of Ra.” Ra speaking
to Mishebeshu.
“How can you not create life, manipulate life?” Mishebeshu questioning
Ra. It had not occurred to Mishebeshu that advanced beings could exist and be
unaware of how to genetically modify other beings, unless…unless they were
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made up of a substance that was not genetic. Ra began speaking again, to one of
the large bird men before addressing Mishebeshu.
“In the beginning, there was only Horus in the midst of Maat. Upon
banishing Set into the mercy of the Atum for treachery wrought upon their
father Osiris, bringing order, justice, and law. From Horus the darkness of Set
was expelled from the realm of the sun. Set’s soul fleeing from Maat into the
underworld. Since this time, the sons and daughters of Horus have entered the
Atum seeking to bring souls from the underworld into the light of Horus.
Releasing them from the grasps of Apep, the father of the endless watery abyss.
The first intelligence of this dark place.”
Ra seemed distant to Mishebeshu. Speaking through the mouth of a
falcon or a bird. The dialect difficult to understand but the meaning and intent
combined to paint a picture. Ra was a servant who aspired to be more than a
“Why do you want the gold from this planet?” Mishebeshu questioned
“This mineral is the source of Horus power. The resurrection power.
The density of one atom of gold from this world equal to entire worlds. The
gold from this planet, a Horus, is the most sought after of all in the Atum. The
indicator that a Horus is near. Our realm is built from this material. It is the
duty of a Ra to enter the Atum, to take his Mandjet and bring back the needed
material to bring resurrection to those in the underworld to battle back the
darkness. If souls are found to be trapped within the Atum, they are embalmed
and brought through the judgement seat of the Isfet. We bring these souls to
Horus, who resurrects them into new life in the Maat.” Ra responding.
“Only Horus can bring life into existence? Never the Ra?” questioned
“We only bring the dead through the Isfet to Horus. From time to time a
being will pass through the Isfet, judged worthy, it is these that are made Ra. So
how did you, a trapped Horus, within the underworld of Osiris obtain this
power? Are you another like unto Horus?”
Mishebeshu could tell that even now, Ra was questioning his own
strength. He could possibly crush Mishebeshu but just enough doubt existed
that even this Ra questioned who Mishebeshu was and compared him to his
Great Spirit, Horus. He had an advantage, the unknown, and yet it was he who
knew nothing about this Horus, like Animikii or like the Great Spirit Chibiabos
above Animikii? Or could he be something more? A Great Spirit not just
viewing the river of life, not just fishing out souls through genetic research, but
entering and seeking out life to bring into their realm for physical rebirth?
“It does not work that easily Ra. You have come to my world, and I
have given you the material you need to be a creator like me, and like Horus.
But it is worthless without my knowledge. Look around you, these are my
people. Who be it to lead them than me? Walk with me Ra, and in time, so that
you may see that Horus is not a Great Spirit but a being with more knowledge
than you. If I were to give you this knowledge, you would be as Horus having
the ability to bring life into existence. Is this not what you seek Ra? I too am
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seeking answers that can only come through ascension beyond this realm. For
my kind to rise out of the cauldron of souls, beyond the grasp of Hades, the
ruler of darkness.”
“Hades?” Ra questioning, before Mishebeshu could respond he then
said, “Osiris, the ruler of the darkness and the light. He is the father of all life.
He and Isis.”
The two leaders over vast creations sharing a moment of commonality.
Ra wearing a pendant of the all-Seeing eye of Horus and Mishebeshu wearing
the pendant of the all-Seeing eye of the Illuminati. They were brothers. Ra felt a
kinship to this kind and benevolent leader.
“I would like the ability to travel as you do.” Mishebeshu pointing to the
“I would like the ability to manipulate DNA like you do.” Ra
“It will be done Ra, you deserve as much but you will no longer punish
my people. They are mine.” Mishebeshu responding to the birdman.
“Typhon, the main job in the Underworld is to bring light to the souls of
the dead as he passes through their realm, we do this at our own peril and many
are captured by Set who hides in the shadows of the endless dark abyss.” Ra
knew that of all the realms he had been too, never had he personally come
across a Great Spirit creator. He now knew how Horus had come to power in
Maat. The original stories of his battles with Set and Nun. Their father and
mother Osiris and Isis. The order from the chaos when Maat was just a world of
refuge from the ancient Yaaru like unto this Earth. The first world of the Horus,
and yet he thought this must be one in the same.
The two cosmic entities Ra and Mishebeshu came to terms on a
partnership over the control of this one world. An unknown refuge for life.
Mishebeshu obtaining the access to the Maat through the travel with the flying
pyramids. As Mishebeshu and Ra walked into the large pyramid they began
sharing information with each other. Mishebeshu wanting to know this
relationship between Horus and Ra, and who were these other begins from their
origin story?
“Ra, tell me about your Horus. How he came to be.” The two pausing
after reviewing the manifesto for loading the gold.
“We have a beginning. It is told to us from our birth in Maat.” Ra
sharing candidly. “In the beginning there was only the dark waters of chaos, we
call this Nun. One day. A hill rose out of the endless watery abyss. The hill was
called Ben-Ben. It was the first of all spheres. Among the darkness of Nun lived
Apep. The devourer of light who came to devour Ben-Ben, a living being, we
call this Yaaru. In the similitude of heaven, Aaru. Yaaru breathed the air
creating an atmosphere as she was taught by Aaru, which we call Shu, the Great
Spiritdess of the air. She brought into being the rain that fell to the soil that
brought the first life, we call this Tefnut the Great Spiritdess of moisture. This
world, the Yaaru produced the first two beings of all creation. Geb and Nut,
who have four children. Osiris. Isis. Set. Nephthys. The eldest child Osiris
became the king over the entire first world, Yaaru. His sister Isis became the
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queen of Yaaru. In time Set, the third born became jealous that Osiris was king
and he was not. He wanted to be the ruler over Yaaru. The frustration, anger,
years of asking himself why killed Osiris. Set becoming king of Yaaru. Osiris
journeyed into the Underworld, his life spared by Atum. Carried within the
river of life he found Isis his wife who had been killed and sent to this place.
Together on another world they had a son, Horus. Horus wanted revenge on Set
for killing his father, banishing him to the underworld only not realizing the
underworld was not below but above, giving Osiris power and now a birth of
Horus the greatest power of all. A Great Spirit above, the first Ra of Maat
looking down below. Horus conquered Atum returning to Yaaru to face Set. In
the long hours of battle Horus slaying Set, sending him to the outer darkness.
Horus fleeing to Maat. Becoming the first creator of the refuge. Raising the Ra
to enter the Atum to find souls departed in the underworld. It is said that within
one of these Isfit’s lies Osiris and Isis and the family of Horus.”
Very well distinguished leader, we have a deal” Mishebeshu and Ra
moving in separate directions had formed a secret combination. Unbeknown to
Ra, Mishebeshu had obtained some of his genetic material. Retreating to his
subterranean base he was relishing in the fact that Ra looked up to him. That he
would resemble this Horus.
As Mishebeshu stare at the results, he could scarcely believe the
conclusion. Ra and the Illuminati shared a common ancestor. Which meant,
they were both House of Aln and this was very well the home world known as
Yaaru that they claimed. They were related and this was something he dare not
share as he still struggled with the realization of the genetic testing. Could it be,
the lost tribe of Sky Woman?


“The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague.
Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” Edgar Allan
The towering structures covering Dyaus reaching into the sky had
grown to cover the massive world. The large cocoon shaped hives that the tubes
interlocked now encompassed every square mile of the Celestial Civilization.
Maji-Manidoo was close to the source of his search after centuries. The greys
no longer living in the swamps on the surface now residing with Maji-Manidoo
atop the large cocoons living in cavities within the sky. Maji-Manidoo moved
through the tubing’s to the spot that the sub atomic anomaly would be present.
The room constructed around the specific point that he would open the
portal. A space created to fill with the material to create a solid doorway to the
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beyond. Vats of Maji-Manidoo’s blood filled the outer perimeter of the room.
The entire room being filled to the ceiling with thousands of gallons of purple
glowing goop. The material harvested from the back of Maji-Manidoo over the
previous several thousand years. Maji-Manidoo rising to the side of the glass
structure to the array which was pointed down into the liquid. With a flop Maji-
Manidoo slipping into the substance. Maji-Manidoo was swimming in circles
within the substance. Twisting and turning in his own fluid he was priming the
Instantly the ceiling of the room opened to show massive tubes of the
previous clear jelly energy. The machines beginning the pumping process
mixing this substance with the substance of Maji-Manidoo. The material
becoming thick, viscous, the dark lord pressing through like a mixing bowl. The
click, click, clicking of the machine powering the accelerator as the massive
beam of energy blasted into the vat. The blackness forming to fill the central
doorway. The grey humans began filling the massive room pressing against the
walls watching their benevolent leader. Several climbing to the top peering
down at the twisting of space and time below. The liquids turning to infinite
strings piling on top of each other. The strings glowing with sequences of zeros
and ones spreading outwards through the strings which glowed an ominous
deep purple with then transformed into a black color that was breaking the
code. The substance was liquid code.
The strings of the program began bubbling over dissolving in the soup
that was twisting and pulling on itself filling the array which was pointed at the
black wall in the center of the room. The beam of energy then blasted into the
doorway. As black fibrous tentacles began emerging from the very point the
beam interacted with the material in the vat it glowed and pushed outwards
before retracting. The massive Maji-Manidoo bursting into the air covered in
pure blackness before falling backward disappearing into the material. The
machine powered down as the doorway had been opened. The liquid still
bubbling around the perimeter of the room with tubes pumping material
continuously into the array as the color changed to thick oil it then stopped. The
blackness doorway in the middle of the room then turned solid on the edges
with a shiny mirror surface. The vat filled with the dark liquid that became
completely calm. As the grey humanoids stood staring into the darkness one
reaching down to touch the surface to touch the material. The blackness
latching out covering the small being before throwing it to the floor dissolved
within the darkness. The black puddle on the floor rising to the silhouette of a
man. The man reforming to show the image of Maji-Manidoo. The giant
lurching leach stretching forward looking even more predatory than before he
was seething with chaos.
“I am Maji-Manidoo!” The stretching serpent opening its snake like
head with spikes protruding outwards only to clasp in upon itself revealing a
black entity. The grey beings moving around the new version of Maji-Manidoo
that dripped with blackness seeking for their leader. Reaching out he touched
one on the head. The small grey being began to rise mutating into a larger
version of itself. Cranium growing the back slouching over. The eyes becoming
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solid black. One by one the Grey army genetically mutated with only the touch
of Maji-Manidoo, who was the Man in Black. Turning to face dozens of his
own advanced greys Maji-Manidoo spoke, “The father of darkness has
returned. Through the sacrifice of Maji-Manidoo, the first Angel of Disaster.
We reenter the realm of the Atum. To bring forth the first Apep, behold your
master, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”!”
Reaching out Maji-Manidoo touched the doorway in the middle of the
room. “Father of Darkness appear to us.” The doorway began rippling outwards
until the black material dripped onto the floor before rising to form a man. The
stone a mirror of perfect blackness connecting the darkness with the light.
Stepping out of the blackness another dripping black being larger than Maji-
Manidoo stood. Maji-Manidoo retransforming back to the large leach before
addressing the being which was dripping as if covered in oil looking around the
room. Maji-Manidoo responded, “Father, we serve you.”
Walking across the floor Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
stood looking out among the greys and then over at Maji-Manidoo. Dark
entities began streaking out of the obsidian looking stone and penetrating many
of the grays vessels as their skin stretched and the rose to decrepit beings. Maji-
Manidoo and Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” knowing exactly what
needed to be done and where they needed to go.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” spoke, “We must free the
Misiginebig from captivity on the world of the son. We must free my child who
has been bound in captivity.”
Leaving the room to move towards the relocation chamber there the
work on intergalactic travel. The beings touching the ships that did not yet
operated as they turned instantly to black liquid balls hovering in the air. The
dark ghostly entities absorbing into the many dark dripping crafts. The two
deities absorbing into the darkness vessels with the mass of thousands of dark
entities. The ball moving into the air through the wall and shooting into space
towards planet Earth.

Ra, returning to the planet Earth has found that Mishebeshu, the Typhon
of the world had once again produced 500-tons of gold. The large pyramids
from Anubis and Anput positioned above the greater Interu delta. The Great
Spirits of Ra teaching Mishebeshu how to harness the power of the planet to
propel craft into the air. Mishebeshu wanted to meet Horus but did not share his
secret knowledge of either the dark entity trapped within the pyramid or the
reality they were brothers of the same family. The first thing he did upon seeing
Ra was state, “I would like to return to meet Horus.” Ra, skeptical of such an
event considering first Mishebeshu would have to survive passing through the
Isfet into Maat. If he did this how would those on the other side greet him?
After all, he had the face of Horus. He was a creator of Great Spirits. He was a
Ra, just as the first Ra.
“I am unsure this would be wise. Horus may not be what you envision.”
Ra, trying to dissuade him.
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“This was a part of our deal. I see you have already begun your own
genetics.” Mishebeshu pointing out the being standing alongside Ra no longer
the Anubis looking Jackals but tall centurions of solid black Anubis with stars
sparking within them. As if plucked from space itself reflecting the infinite of
“Your knowledge has been very valuable. Already Horus is announcing
I am next in line to be granted the gift of Horus which is the revealing of all
truth. The first of all Ra to be crowned with such an honor to share in the
knowledge of the secret beginning.”
Mishebeshu knew that if he could get to Horus he could position
himself automatically ahead of Ra. The source of Ra’s gold came from him, the
source of the knowledge to manipulate DNA came from him, and he was in the
image of Horus. After all he was worth more than Ra would ever be to
humanity or to Horus. The all seeing eye of the Illuminati would shine its light
into this Maat. He would provide a way for humanity to escape, to change the
way things had been done and he would leave the planet for the first time in
“Very well Typhon. I will take you with Anubis and Anput to see
Horus.” Ra was nervous but he dared not oppose this being.
Mishebeshu turning to Glycon and his leadership council of the 13-
Illuminati families. “You will maintain the Earth until I return.”
“Yes, Lord Typhon.” Glycon and the others replied knowing what must
be done. The high leader of the Illuminati leaving the planet for the first time in
centuries. To rise above the heights of Olympus. The Atum as Ra had explained
or the river of life as Maji-Manidoo had preached. Wherever he was going it
would be the highest heaven, the highest Dharma, the highest Origin that he
could go.
Boarding the pyramids the leaders walked through the brightly lit
golden corridors. The floor ornate golden decorations with sapphires, ruby’s,
diamonds, and other precious gems. The ceilings arched with turquoise stone
embedded in imagery of battles and stories of Ra.
“How many rooms are within this ship?” Mishebeshu asked Ra. “1000,
and this ship allows for the stretching of space within always maintaining the
balance of Maat.”
“Anubis, have the first set of creations emerged from the genetic stasis
“They are complete. Would you inspect them? The future guardians of
this realm?” Anubis motioning and moving towards the genetic labs. The labs
which were new with the advanced help of Mishebeshu the possibility of
mistake was impossible. “What could they be creating?” the Typhon questioned
before seeing what had occurred. The Great Spiritdesses of Olympus strapped
to machines mangled remembrances of what they once were, he was shocked
but he said nothing knowing now what had occurred to the Olympians. They
had been conquered.
~ 385 ~

Within the large corridors of the Mandjet of Ra, hundreds of bird men
moved about the halls. Dressed casually with woven linen tunics, beaded
jewelry, and necklaces with the All-Seeing Eye of Horus.
“The all-seeing eye of the Illuminati” Mishebeshu speaking to himself
as he rubbed the shine into his own large necklace. Moving down the halls all
the beings on Ra’s ship kneeling before Mishebeshu. Ra motioning them to
rise. “Why would they kneel, all of them?” Mishebeshu questioning Ra. “They
kneel because you are like Horace. You wear the mark of a Horus, the All-
Seeing Eye. They bow because they have never seen another like unto Horus.”
The large feathered bird man speaking as the group passed through large pillars
reaching to the ceiling. The pillars filled with hieroglyphics. “What do these
pillars say?” asked Mishebeshu
“They tell the story of our creation. The rise of Horus. The journey of
souls. The circular cycle of life that folds in upon itself to return to Maat. The
story of Osiris.” Stopping to stare at the writing on the 10-foot wide pillars.
“This story here,” running his fingers across the carvings and up the carvings
“In the beginning there was only darkness. Into the darkness appeared Nun
becoming the first Apep. Over here, we have the story of Thoth. He stood with
me on the first voyage through the Isfet into the Underworld. This story was
told by Thoth about a time when he lived within the Atum. A time when he was
called Aani an ape-headed Great Spirit who maintained the equilibrium for all
of Atum. Who ascended into the Maat appearing before Horus. It was he who
changed me as you see me now.”
“I know an ape-headed immortal.” Mishebeshu responded, “Will I meet
this Thoth of which you speak?”
“You will not meet Thoth. Thoth has ascended beyond Nu to the fields
of Aaru. The Isfet judging his soul against the feather. He was the first to
appear in the Maat without resurrection. Wandering until he found Horus. Upon
entering the waters of rebirth changing the sacred waters forever. No longer has
the Jackal emerging from the dripping waters, the Falcon had come to Maat.
The Ra to rule over the Jackal. The pre-ascension to Horus. Thoth, the father of
science, religion, philosophy, and magic. The sacred Ibis of Maat. Upon reentry
into Maat on a journey into Atum he was taken by the Isfet. Having prophesied
that he one day be reborn as Aani to start the rebirth cycle again. This final
carving, he left himself the day before he ascended. We have ascribed it onto
every building by orders of Horus.” Reading aloud,
“Thoth bathed in the sacred waters of Horus. Upon emerging
announcing to the land of Maat the mind of the cosmic order had arrived. Light
from the first egg from the first light on the first world. I bring the feather to the
Maat he declared. He showed Horus the Isfet. This is what made him great in
the eyes of Horus and now he stands as that feather of justice and the father of
the Ra. In the realm of Horus. The ape who became Great Spirit, the Great
Spirit who became Ape.” Ra finished speaking. The two moving into the
creation chamber.
“Your stasis chambers are working perfectly! The design of the
sarcophagus was ingenious and I see you have captured the Olympians. Good
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work as they have tormented this universe far too long. Look how evenly the
material spreads as it enters.” Mishebeshu was pleased with what they were
doing knowing that he could learn from their research and use it to his benefit.
Within the stasis not clones created from scratch but filled with
mummified corpses. “What are these? I showed you how to create from scratch.
Why would you put dead beings in there?” Mishebeshu questioning.
“These are not dead beings. They are the future. We will use the
material to bring the first souls into this place where they will serve a new
Horus. These bodies have been soaked in water from the eternal spring of
Horus. Using your technology we will bring them back to life. Mishebeshu
none can pass through the portal and survive unless transformed in the waters
of rebirth within Maat.”
Then he showed him the new creations, a sarcophagus opened showed
two mummified bodies. A being with a massive white crown. “The sacred
Atef” spoke Ra. The crown resting upon his green-black skin. His eyes glowing
white and yet it seemed to be sleeping. The crown covering its oblong head.
The brilliant red feathers of his crown glowing red. Wrapped around his waist a
royal red sash. Mishebeshu could see he was dismembered into pieces with the
arms and legs and torso separated. In the sarcophagus, next to him a woman
with long flowing hair. The brilliantly glowing red dress and veil that covered
her face. “This is Osiris, the father of Horus. Behold the royal mark of his
priesthood, the red sash of Yaaru. The first order of the priesthood from the
eternal heavens that he first came and behold his wife Isis, the royal queen of
the first Great Spirit of Yaaru. Modeled after the first world, Aaru when he
saved her from destruction. Behold Mishebeshu, I will seek to bring them back
to life.” In this moment Mishebeshu quickly remembered the story of the House
of Aln and mother Sky Woman. Could this be one in the same? Ra then began
pumping genetic fluid into their sarcophagus and the beings began to move,
assimilate, and resurrect. The two beings rising out of the sarcophagus looked
around the room in silence at their surroundings.
Ra then addressed them, “Osiris. Isis. I have freed you from Duat which
you slept.” The beings staring quietly, pausing to look at each other. The two
then setting eyes on Mishebeshu. “Set!” The large Osiris announcing, Isis
screaming at the top of her lungs “Set!” The two beings turning into black
corrupt versions of themselves the darkness bleeding out of their eyes and their
teeth turning to fangs before dashing across the room after Mishebeshu. The
movements completely unexpected by Mishebeshu extending his hands in self-
defense as they turned into long spinning blades. The process of Osiris and Isis
moving to attack Mishebeshu who they believed was Set interrupting Ra as he
said, “I have found an Aaru.” Immediately, the large deities falling to the floor
as soon as they hit the knife ends of Mishebeshu. The Great Spirits alive
moving across the floor in pieces. The sound like fish floundering out of water
until they became lifeless and unmoving.
“What the hell was that about?” Questioned Mishebeshu. “He called me
Set and came to kill me?” Ra responding, “It had not occurred to me that while
you resemble Horus that you may also resemble Horus brother Set who killed
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Osiris. Osiris was obviously confused. Gather the pieces. We will reassemble
them and try again.” Mishebeshu then interjected his opinion, “The process
would work much better if you began with one human cell. One cell from any
illuminati. Using the material I provided you create the entire living vessel.
This way, you will have control over a Osiris that will be a completely blank
slate. I have to ask, where did you find them?”
“We found them on the second world in this realm. The one closest the
spinning ball of light confirming the ancient legend of their location. You
dismembered him like he was nothing Mishebeshu. Surely from this point
forward your power will be remembered. The light that shines down upon the
rays of Ra. The highest of all Horus.” Ra now kneeling before Mishebeshu. The
Illuminati leader standing quietly now had confirmation that Isis was in fact
Sky Woman and Osiris was in deed the father of all Iln of the House of Aln yet
he would not share such knowledge with Ra. He had never known how
powerful he had become yet here he stood among generations of beings that
stretch beyond the matrix. He knew what he had found. A second-generation
society from an origin the same as himself. A family that had ruled unopposed
for the expanse of time before imploding at the emergence of Kulkukan and his
warriors. This was like finding the ape before it had been genetically altered
and yet would not Osiris slice down Animikii? Did not the minions beneath Ra
with powers not even close to that great leader tear the Great Spirits of Origin
from the pages of time as if they were nothing? Yet without a thought he had
disassembled the creator of Horus. Yet he knew Horus was born in a higher
realm so his density of matter may be equal if not mightier than his own. He
knew that he was now the ruler of this ship.
“From this moment forward the All-Seeing Eye of Illuminati shall cover
the walls of Ra. Anubis, have all of the Eye of Horus replaced with the Eye of
Providence that Mishebeshu carries. His light will shine within my walls. This
is my decree. Mishebeshu, I serve thee. You will make me a Horus that my
Akhet may shine as with the Illuminati. Mishebeshu assist me in this process.”
The Great Spirit moving to an empty sarcophagus climbing inside and laying
down with the remains of Osiris. The genetic material of Mishebeshu then
began spilling over his body of Ra covering the entire surface of the bird Great
Spirit. The sarcophagus door closing shut as the process of genetic
reprogramming began. Mishebeshu moving towards the sarcophagus just before
the top completely closing to cut his own wrist allowing his DNA to mix with
Ra’s. The final piece, the Iaret, symbol of the illuminati designed by Wadjet.
His own version of the Akhet. It had been placed on staffs among the leaders of
the people it showed the all-seeing eye of Typhon to those who did not wear the
emblem of the new world order. The top closing as the material of the
Nephilim, the human Michabou, the Illuminati, Osiris and his own DNA
mixing with Ra. The result would be a new creation, something built to survive.
Ra would be more than he ever thought that he could be and Mishebeshu would
rule over him still unsure of how powerful he really was himself. The Deity
submitting himself to the process while still alive. So moved by the execution
of Osiris that he declared absolute allegiance to Typhon. Mishebeshu knew that
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Ra would be torn apart at the subatomic level, reprogrammed and reassembled

all while awake and alive. The thought of such a procedure unthinkable.
“I will become a Horus. I will not wait until my time of transition in the
font of rebirth on the other side of the wall of Isfet. I will be the master of my
own destiny before I appear to Horus.” Ra was consumed in the blackness of
the mixing liquids. Mishebeshu walking to the surface of the ancient
sarcophagus the original boat that carried the original Osiris.
With hand on the coffin speaking to Ra, “The falsely Illuminated man is
merely deluded that he has obtained his goals. He is told through bad council
and bad advisors that he only need look to them. Then he is convinced by them
that he has achieved Illumination only to realize it was always the false
illumination that leads to Tartarus.” Tartarus was that eternal abyss no doubt
that Animikii was sent to when Ra’s underlings must have crushed his weak
skull. Had he known how powerful he truly was and he would have walked up
the steps of the Olympus himself and dismembered the league of Great Spiritly
nations so that all the world could see the illusion before their eyes. To wake
them up to the reality that is occurring all around them. He needed to take
greater risks.
The greatest duty that the Illuminati would do, bring to humanity a
spotlight on the illusion. Prepare mankind for survival and dominate all
oppressors. He was the light that shown on all worlds. It was he who was the
savior to all mankind. As quickly as it had begun the steaming coffin of death
opened. Rising from the black goop an eternal Ra. Ra pulling himself out of the
sarcophagus. “In death, so I raised myself back to life!” The reborn Great Spirit
commanded. “Within the belly of Osiris I entered the Underworld overcoming
my death in similitude of his own.” The being with brilliant red gowns and
sashes had a glowing crown of pure energy that rested above his head.
Emerging from the crown the living embodiment the Illuminati. The Iaret
Akhet protruding from the glowing orb with its tongue flickering out.
“Behold my robes, after the holy order of the first world before the Aaru
ever was contemplated into existence. Behold my power! The power of the
Illuminati!” The massive Ra thunderously proclaiming through the ship before
falling to the knee before Mishebeshu, “My Lord Typhon, what would you
have of me?”
“Rise, Ra. From this moment forth you will be known as Amun-Ra. The
first Ra to become a Horus given the gift by the Typhon of Amun. You might
call the Horus within Atum. You will not be my servant. You will be my equal.
You will rule from on high in Maat. Merging two great empires, you will slay
Horus as he slayed Set to show your loyalty to me if he does not submit to my
will. The light of the Amun-Ra to shine brightly the Illumination of the truth.”
To his surprise, Ra could also shapeshift into human form. Moving to
one of the large mirrors on the wall of hieroglyphics, touching his face, “Amun-
Ra…I AM a Horus.”
Anubis speaking up, "Lord of truth, father of the Great Spirits, maker of
men, creator of all animals, Lord of things that are, creator of the staff of life."
The two embracing in a hug. Ra no longer had the face of a bird. He was more,
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the living embodiment of the Maat within the Atum. “I will gladly face Horus.”
The two beings staring at each other, Mishebeshu, the Typhon of the Illuminati.
His new first knight Amun-Ra, the supreme manifestation of the Illuminati.
What was a manifestation? The word itself, misleading and arbitrary.
How can an event or an action embody something while also being a theory or
abstract idea? This was the long way of saying, a manifestation is nothing more
than an illusion of an illusion.
What lay beyond the projector? While Amun-Ra embraced his Great
Spirithood, the power that came not from an external manifestation such as
lightening shooting from his fingertips, or flying through the air but in physical
appearance. He had the face of Horus. He had the face of a Great Spirit-Maker.
“I can see what truly permeates the fabric of this sphere. I now
understand what the difference between the Maat and the Duat.” Ra spoke to
“You now see as I do, yet as infinitely finite, the finite infinite of space
eludes even us so we must press forward to Horus.” Mishebeshu speaking with
hands held up in the air as if cupping two invisible worlds. “Two Maat’s,
floating in a sea of darkness. That feed the darkness. Twisting infinitely inward
upon itself.”
Looking around the room, “And many more Maat beyond these”
Mishebeshu contemplating the concept of many other massive digital illusions
floating infinitely outward, what could the true purpose of it be?
“Amun-Ra, the new leader of the light, the all-seeing eye of providence
rest upon you. Let us travel through the Isfet and meet this Horus, see this lake
of life and get the answers that we need.”
“I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as a plant and rose to
animal, I died as an animal and I was Man. Why should I fear? When was I less
by dying?” ― Rumi
In this model of creation every spec of light within the sphere of the
stretching and pulling of time would represent a different Maat or Dharma they
were one in the same albeit different titles of the same type of realms and all
looked in at the one to which he would govern. Within each the micro matrix of
this macro matrix the many rivers of life represented by the infinitely flowing
branches of energy. Ra and Mishebeshu emerging from this micro matrix to
conquer the macro creations seen in the outer reaches of the program.
“Do you realize how close we are? Ra, we are on the precipice of
pressing beyond the darkness. To the edge of the sphere that all of the macro
spheres are located.” The large golden pyramids moving through the air
covering short distances within solar systems. The strength of those within
Maat the ability to pinpoint a location to travel directly.
“Behold the graveyard of the Olympians.” Ra spoke pointing to the
surface of the disfigured Nibiru.
“The Nibiru!” Mishebeshu was intrigued. “I will go down and inspect
his corpse myself.”
Amun-Ra then spoke, “There are worlds with the corpses of the last
Titans. We ended them long ago with the Olympians. The chief of the Titans,
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Prometheus trapped as the recorder of this sphere as a relic to the last of his
kind.” Ra motioning to the surface as the pyramid rested above the ground. The
two deities walking onto the charred surface of the broken world. Could it be,
after all this time and the decades, the centuries, the thousands of years of
battle, the body of the once glorious leader? Could this be Animikii?
Mishebeshu walked slowly to a corpse melted into the ground. Reaching
into the air as the flesh had fallen from the eternal frame. The petrified bone all
that remains, the spark of life incinerated. Mishebeshu reaching out to touch the
jaw of the skeleton of Animikii. Becoming dislodged it fell to the ground with
the sound of heavy steal. Within feet of the outstretched arm of the former
leader of the Great Spirits the large staff that allowed the leader his powers.
“He was of no challenge to a few of my lesser minions.” Ra spoke.
“He was my greatest enemy.” Mishebeshu responded.
“As recorded in all of history, the rod of Animikii struck upon Typhon
driving the Illuminati within the Earth. Never at any point had it occurred to
myself that I could have destroyed him at any point. The world will know the
correct history that on this day the charred remains of Animikii, the almighty
Great Spirit of Olympus was crushed under my heel.” With a thunderous stomp
the skull of Animikii smashing to the ground fragmented into the soil. The
shattering of the metal giving way to the density that Mishebeshu was created
from. Reaching to grab the staff of Animikii, Mishebeshu returned to the great
pyramid with Ra. The large spinning pyramid moving towards the glowing
world Saturn and the Isfet that rested at its pole.
“This is the Isfet. It is the gateway. Here is where you will be judged.
No mortal from the Duat has ever traveled through the Duat and lived.”
“I will be just fine” Mishebeshu responding unmoved by the possibility.
“There is nothing that can dissuade me from the mission of my destiny. Ra, we
are embarking upon something new, something unseen.”
The ship passing through the top of the planet. Horizon to Horizon the
pushing and pulling of clouds surrounded them stretching their reality. The
sound of winds ripping against the surface of the ship. The purple glow beneath
the ship. As Mishebeshu looked around the room the colors of every being bled
into the air, stretching as the ship was being pulled through the Isfet. The
doorway into another realm with entry to another layer within the bubble of
bubbles that contain life. Mishebeshu the only being that was not being
stretched by the forces of the Isfet. None of the other beings able to move
through the process as if time stopped. Yet Mishebeshu able to walk around the
room view the stretching of the fabric of the beings even able to move his hand
through them as if they did not exist.
The ship itself becoming translucent and Mishebeshu was able to see the
outside of the ship with the pulling of the purple clouds, the lightning, and the
tearing of the fabric of space and time. Beneath his feet, golden light emerging
as the ship released from the portal hovering in the air over the massive
pyramid filled surface below. The imagery outside the ship now clear so that he
could see in all directions.
~ 391 ~

“All hail Typhon!” Amun-Ra shouting dropping to a knee, “The Lord of

the Isfet, the first who should enter through and live.” The chants ringing
through the pyramid, “Typhon, Typhon, Typhon.”
“The Isfet looks at the soul, it affects all things including the technology
that makes this Mandjet possible. The remaining result, clarity while in the
Maat.” Amun-Ra responded, “You survived Typhon!”
“Yes, I survived. So where do we find this Horus?” Mishebeshu cutting
straight to the point.
“He rests in the heart of Maat in the great pyramid itself, the Iset”
“The Iset?” asked Mishebeshu
“The Iset is the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans and the downtrodden.
The source of the well of rebirth and where Horus resides.” Ra pointing to a
pyramid so massive it nearly filled the entirety of the skyline.
“That is enormous Ra!” Mishebeshu pausing to reflect on the massive
scope of the pyramid. A Pyramid the size of a planet? Was this possible?
Something so vast he could scarcely comprehend its scale. The city below
stretching from horizon to horizon with pyramid after pyramid extending away
in all directions.
“The Iset is the center of all Maat, we extend in all directions living on
the inner surface of this paradise.” Ra sharing the sky above in all directions lit
with openings the same as the Isfet they had travelled through, pyramids rising
and lowering from the larger structures on the surface. “They are in the center
of this realm and we exist on the perimeter. The tips of the larger pyramids
flying ships are called Mandjets. They travel through these portals called Isfets
all connected to separate spheres within our Duat, but now that we have the
knowledge that even Duats are numberless. How can we view these doorways
as anything more than entry into rooms in our own home?” The Great Spirit
perplexed in a moment of clarity, grasping a truth for the first time in his
existence. A truth the reader must disseminate.
“Why is everything gold?” Mishebeshu questioned. The large pyramid
moving towards the pyramid towering in the distance.
“It is the way of Horus. It is the element which maintains the balance
between light and dark and protects this realm from dark beasts.”
Mishebeshu knew he had a lot of gold, had given a lot of gold. “This
looks like much more gold than I ever gave to you, yet you said it was more
gold than all of Maat, how is that possible?”
“Look below, yes, in vast application this is extensive, but even gold on
the sub atomic level can be more or less dense. One bar of gold from the Earth
is equal to trillions of bars of gold from all other worlds combined. It is a truth
that is applied to the spirit, one spirit differing from another the same as the
flesh of a bird differs from the flesh of the cattle which differs from the flesh of
a human and even the Amun-Ra. Yet, are not all flesh? Manifested in differing
forms? The truths are passing through me as if downloading instructions on the
schematic of creation” Ra speaking as if consumed with knowledge that even
he had to review.
~ 392 ~

Mishebeshu knew that there were differing levels of creation, he had

begun to learn the simple facts that come from access to knowledge. The
pyramid moved closer to the larger pyramid. In the front of the larger pyramid
were smaller resting places for pyramids to land. Adjacent to these landing pads
were long walkways to doorways that entered the massive structure. Tall
birdmen moved everywhere as if covering the surface of the place called Maat
in a swarm of ants.
“How can there be so many?” questioned Mishebeshu
“The function of the Horus is to bring life back, life then resides within
Maat. Going out and bringing the dead from Duat to repeat the cycle. This has
always been since the first Ra and now the numbers are numberless.”
As Mishebeshu and Ra exited the pyramid, itself massive in scope to
anything previously seen by Mishebeshu, it was dwarfed in the shadow of the
golden home of Horus. The birdmen stopping in shock as the presence of two
Horus, all falling to a knee. The confusion ricocheting through the sea of Ra’s.
The continued ease of access, the complete respect, adulation by all
followers of Horus. The two strolled all the way to the throne room of Horus
himself. Entering the room Mishebeshu could see nothing but gold. In the
center of the room a golden tree. The tree covered in golden leaves. The leaves
emitting sparkling glitter that fell to the ground covering the floor in golden
sand. Beneath the tree a small golden font. The circumference no less than 30-
feet. The masterfully built font featured steps around the entire perimeter. The
sparking glitter falling from the leaves emitting small busts of light as they
came in contact with the water that filled the font.
Mishebeshu watched patiently as Ra began nervously pacing around the
room as if knowing he was not permitted to be in this chamber, or now of truth
when he would face Horus he was filled with indecision as to the outcome.
“Who has entered the House of the Morning?”
A voice echoing through the room not providing a location to its origin.
“All those who wish to enter into my presence, must first bath themselves in the
waters of rebirth” the voice spoke again.
Mishebeshu, feeling little patience for games spoke, “Horus, I am
Typhon, I have conquered the Isfet and come to see you face to face.” Silence
permeated the room.
“I think he is coming,” Ra spoke. The two men human in form stood
unwilling to enter the waters of rebirth.
Jackal guards began filling the perimeter of the room. As they entered
the room, the conflict visible as they fell to a knee. From behind the tree
emerged a man clothed in a red robe. The robe covering his face. The man
stopping and staring at Mishebeshu and Ra. To words spoke as a look of
disbelief covered the face of Horus. For the first time, Mishebeshu could see the
weathered man’s face. It was nearly identical to his own. Horus stepping down
the steps to approach, his hood removed, the face morphing between Jackal,
Bird, and human. He was demonstrating his abilities.
“Ra, what have you done?” speaking to Ra.
~ 393 ~

“I am now a Horus!” Ra shapeshifting to his former bird self and back

to human. “You have brought Set back to Maat?”
“Set, defiler, I will banish you once more into the dark abyss. You have
broken the laws of Maat and must be cleansed!” Horus was infuriated assuming
Mishebeshu was Set who had been banished.
“I have broken no laws, it is you who have transgressed against
immortal creations. It is you who have lied to us. You do not know the answers
to why we are here. I have seen the outer limits. This is not Set, this is Lord
Typhon.” Ra snapped back in anger.
The Great Spirit Horus reaching out to grab Ra’s arm. Ra swinging his
arm up throwing Horus hand backwards.
“How?” Horus questioning himself as the Ra tossed him away as if he
had no strength.
Ra pressed forward grabbing Horus by his tunic, pressing the Great
Spirit to his knees on the floor, “You will tell me now, where do you come
from and how did this begin.” Ra squeezing the shoulder of Horus until he was
submitting. Mishebeshu walking towards the eternal leader placing his hand on
his forehead. His hand turning to many tentacles penetrating the eternal being’s
“I assure you, I am not Set. I can do far worse than anything he could do
to you!”
“What? How can this be? Ra, did you find Osiris upon the first Great
Spirit-maker?” Horus was speaking through stressed words. Horus knew the
only way they could have ascended to such power and would be if he had come
from Yaaru. A Great Spirit-maker world, the home of his father. Mishebeshu
was now able to access his information or all that he could see. He was the key
to the program. Ra marveled at the ease that Mishebeshu submitted his all-
powerful leader. Horus screaming in agony until both Mishebeshu and Ra
released their grip as the broken leader fell to the floor.
“How can this be?” Horus was crumpled to the ground in disbelief.
“Talk, or I will destroy you.” Mishebeshu spoke. The entire room of
creatures still bowing. “Even these beings recognize when a leadership change
is about to take place. And willing stay out of the affairs of the Great Spirits.”
Five dripping holes of black ooze dripped from the cranium of Horus. Horus
then spoke, “Please, I will tell you.” Holding his crippled shoulder, he sat
defeated on the steps. Horus began to tell the true story.
“Long ago my family lived on a world much the same as your own on
the Earth, it was called Yaaru, look around you, this is Maat and not that world
to which I come. I lived with my family in a society where anything was
possible. Even eternal life. My father’s people were called the KA, the
descendants of Atum from the first world Aaru. Atum-Khnum bringing the
power of Origin which you see within this font. Our world, Yaaru was an apex
in time where infinite realms merged. In those days, there was an impending
transition among the people of Yaaru. Destruction was coming releasing the
Misiginebig into the world. The crushing of the sphere of creation by the dark
mass of Misiginebig pressing upon the world.”
~ 394 ~

“What was the Misiginebig?” Questioned Mishebeshu. Atum-Ra

questioning, “Atum-Khnum?”
“Atum-Khnum was the title of our leader, he descended from an ancient
order of high priests from the home world Aaru of Origin. This is an unspoken
moment in our history, when the sons of men descended below into worlds
without number. Misiginebig is a dark entity that has always existed that
opposes the light devouring the soul. Misiginebig possessed the vessel of my
father’s brother Set who was also from high heaven, overtaking him enslaving
our people creating followers of our kind it called Apep’s. Dark entities that
devoured everything they met until there was no more.”
Mishebeshu then remembered the dark entity he had captured within the
pyramid. Horus continued, “The gateway that brought the Misiginebig under
the stewardship of Set, the brother of my father Osiris. Set sought to obtain that
which did not belong to him the answers to time and space. To escape the great
river of life. Set had sacrificed an entire world to rule. In the end, Misiginebig is
a program virus, he devoured Amun-Khnum as Set ascended to the throne…
only it was never Set. My father, Osiris, was killed, resurrecting on a world
much the same as the original Aaru. This world that you see here. Osiris would
rise to rule over the world he would call Maat. Osiris retaining his memories of
the time before in the destruction of Yaaru, exiled from realms that even I know
nothing about. He was then surrounded among a people who did not recall their
own creation. Great Spirits that dwindled in unbelief because they had no idea
where they came from or why they were in existence. This was my home. Here
when he and my mother Isis sought refuge. Where I obtained my power.”
Mishebeshu visibly frustrated with the slow pace of Horus, “Get to the
point Horus.”
“I came back through the Isfet with my father Osiris, however upon
traversing through the Isfet he was killed deemed unworthy to return to Maat.
When I returned to this place, I brought a weapon that would stop the
Misiginebig. Gold. Bringing order, balance, and justice to Maat. The darkness
was dispelled but I was unable to locate the Isfet to Yaaru, as the cycle of Isfets
are ever changing. We developed a way to reconnect to Yaaru which is why Ra
was sent back through. Ra, you do realize that the realm you are now in, where
you have brought this Typhon, is actually Yaaru. The home of Osiris, my
Looking up at Mishebeshu, “This would make us relatives Typhon. Ra,
you were supposed to go back to Yaaru and find my father who I had hidden in
the ancient home of my mother in a time before time when he was her
salvation. Why else would I have given you the map showing where the body
of Osiris would be located? Why else would I have instructed you to find
Yaaru? We need more gold. This entire place is covered in Gold which protects
from the darkness. Then I see you, Set returned to destroy me. Are you not
Set?” Speaking to Mishebeshu.
“I am Typhon, Lord of the Earth and Father to Atum-Ra. I am not Set
but I do know a thing or two about Gold. So, the truth comes out” Mishebeshu
~ 395 ~

looking at Ra. “You see Ra, with a little bit of time you can always find out the
“We need gold.” Horus responded. “The world we have found through
the Isfet’s only provide so much gold, its concentration is much lower than the
total from Yaaru. If you took gold from there how do you now have so little?”
questioned Mishebeshu.
“When I faced Misiginebig, it required a lot of Gold to initially banish
him from this realm. He had previously infiltrated our realm. Nearly destroying
this tree during a time my mother left me to return to her husband.” Amun-Ra
interrupting Horus, “I found her body with Osiris but she was long since
passed.” Horus then knew she had succeeded. He then continued, “The barrier
which protects this realm was created using the final pieces of gold from Yaaru.
Set and Misiginebig forced to leave through an Isfet. In time, we have sought
specifically to find gold and to bring back those we find lost on worlds. The
duty of every Ra is to bring back the dead and to search for a Great Spirit-
making world where the purest gold will always be located. Ra, the gold you
have brought back will allow us to expand into other realms. To press the
darkness back one realm at a time.” Horus spoke.
Mishebeshu interrupting, “You are an archaic species. I will find this
Aaru and I will use this place as a stepping stone to reach back in time. Horus,
the Ka are no more, there is only Illuminati.” Reaching down he ripped the all-
seeing eye of Horus amulet from his neck. “There is only Illuminati!”
Mishebeshu pressing his fingers again into the cranium of Horus. His
fingers drilling through the skull cap. Honey colored blood dripping from the
punctures as Horus cried out. “Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait…” head dropping.
Blackness oozing out of his mouth. Mishebeshu pausing, “Please, take me to
Yaaru…If I am to die, I would prefer to die on the soil which I was born.”
Mishebeshu paused, considering the implications of performing a mass
execution among the people. How can a powerful Great Spirit come from Earth
he once knew as Gia long ago known as Yaaru enter Maat powerful enough to
destroy even Horus himself? He was a Horus, so what had Osiris done to the
people of the planet before sending his Great Spirit-son back to Maat? After all,
Ra was much more powerful than Animikii and Animikii kind could enslave
the entire planet. What history could exist upon the Earth that even escaped
Mishebeshu had done the same thing, he had developed a powerful
species of human to confront more powerful Great Spirits. Then it clicked in
Mishebeshu’s head, “Osiris was an ascended Great Spirit obviously mating
with mortals would produce ascended Great Spirits.
“I will not give you what you want Horus.” Mishebeshu agreed with
Horus that he would take him back to the Earth. “Oh, Horus, one more thing
before I go. I want you to take a long look at Ra. Your father, Osiris, genetic
material was combined with his own, he is more powerful than Osiris could
ever be, he is Amun-Ra. As he has served you, so you shall now fall under his
foot for an eternity.” Horus head dropped. The human man deflated and
~ 396 ~

“Ra, leave Anubis to lead the others. I would like this tree
reprogrammed to produce Gold the same as on Earth.”
“It will be done.” Ra responding.
Turning to the Jackals Mishebeshu spoke, “Children of Maat. Your
savior has arrived. No longer shackled to your former selves. Rise and follow
me to the source of this all. Together we will all escape Duat! Together we will
return to Aaru! You are now my centurion’s, my legions, rise and gather the
forces of Maat. We depart post haste. I am lord Typhon, the first father of the
Illuminati. From this moment forward, you will be Illuminati.”
Walking towards the massive font that rested beneath the golden tree
Mishebeshu pricked his finger. Looking at Ra, “You know what this is right? It
is a genetic manipulator. Horus
had no idea why it operated the way it does, I bet Osiris did, and I bet
more marvelous things are in store for us at Aaru.”
Drops of red blood sprinkled the surface. The twisting of the material
within the water spreading until the entire water was red with blood.
“Enter my children and feel the rebirth that I will give.
Rise and enter through the waters of rebirth. One by one the Jackal and
bird headed beings walked into the water, immersing themselves before rising
with the appearance of men.
“This is a program, you see, someone set the program within this liquid.
Perhaps the liquid is a program. It follows instruction. Obviously some other
being set the program and I have restored the program.
“That is sacred water of Aaru.” Responded Horus.
“Sacred water? Listen to yourself Horus!” snapped back Mishebeshu.
“There is nothing sacred about this water, look around you, you question why
things are, holding onto fables and myths. The reality to daunting for your mind
to behold.”
As the Ka continued to enter the font the room filled with human
beings. The commotion bringing the attention of other Ra’s who also began the
process. The Ra passing by the lower casts of bird and jackal humanoids to
enter the water first.
Mishebeshu continued, “Come in children, today is the day you will be
given rebirth into the family of Illuminati. Forever changed to your true selves.
As you leave these waters, all are equal, all share in the same cast. Illuminati.”
The thousands of beings staring at each other, humans faces, as if remembering
a time when they could remember how they once looked. How this world had
kidnapped beings from across an infinite sea of universes. The portals allowing
these beings the ability to kidnap other worlds living and dead. Reprogramming
them in these waters, reborn into life without the true self. This world becoming
a harvester of souls. Mishebeshu could see through its own illusion, after all he
was the master of disassembling the illusion. The new humans remembering
where they were from, their worlds, their lives. Their histories, cultures, epics
and chaos. The perfect manifestation of the super human Illuminati that
connected with these beings transforming them into the perfect being.
~ 397 ~

“It’s grand Ra, they know everything. Like you their eyes have become
opened. They can see for themselves through the illusion that lies all around
them. Their light of knowledge illuminating worlds without number.” Ra
responding, “We draw nearer the source Typhon. Together we have liberated an
entire species. Brought true order to Maat. We have removed the illusion of
Heaven with the instant access to this realm.” Turning to face Mishebeshu,
“You do understand, all will come to this place seeking the fountain of youth.
To remember when and how and why. To begin grasping the courage that you
know lies within each of us, do we choose to go back to whence we came?
Perhaps you are right. Perhaps we are only leading ourselves to the beginning,
when we knew why it was we did what we did. Now, it is no longer just you
and me that carry this remembrance. Our burden has been lifted. Do we decide
the true few among the infinite to open the box, pull the cover from their eyes
and leave?” Mishebeshu speaking as if he and Ra were equals. The body
language calm and relaxed, strangers transformed, Ra now becoming an eternal
being with Osiris and Mishebeshu infusions bringing an ultimate understanding
of the illusion. Mishebeshu knowing he would no longer carry the knowledge
that pushed the quest alone.
“I know they will all choose like these here to leave. I do not think there
will be any doubt what must be done. I think they are all tired and ready.”
“I agree.” Ra responded.
“Let us depart from this place” Mishebeshu moving with Ra to reenter
their Mandjet. As Mishebeshu left, accompanied by thousands of human
followers that he had created from this naturally occurring spring of pure light.
The substance changing any immortal being into an eternal being of pure
knowledge and power. Mishebeshu knew War was coming if he had to tear out
himself he would escape.
Yudhishthira and His Dog
Excerpt from Mahabharata – Book of the Great Journey
‘There is no place in Heaven for persons with dogs. Besides, the deities
called Krodhavasas take away all the merits of such persons. Reflecting on this,
act, O king Yudhishthira the just. Do thou abandon this dog? There is no
cruelty in this.’ “Yudhishthira said, ‘It has been said that the abandonment of
one that is devoted is infinitely sinful. It is equal to the sin that one incurs by
slaying a Brahmana. Hence, O great Indra, I shall not abandon this dog today
from desire of my happiness. Even this is my vow steadily pursued, that I never
give up a person that is terrified, nor one that is devoted to me, nor one that
seeks my protection, saying that he is destitute, nor one that is afflicted, nor one
that has come to me, nor one that is weak in protecting oneself, nor one that is
solicitous of life. I shall never give up such a one till my own life is at an end.’
“Indra said, ‘Whatever gifts, or sacrifices spread out, or libations poured on
the sacred fire, are seen by a dog, are taken away by the Krodhavasas. Do
thou, therefore, abandon this dog. By abandoning this dog thou wilt attain to
the region of the deities. Having abandoned thy brothers and Krishna, thou
hast, O hero, acquired a region of felicity by thy own deeds. Why art thou so
stupefied? Thou hast renounced everything. Why then dost thou not renounce
~ 398 ~

this dog?’ “Yudhishthira said, ‘This is well known in all the worlds that there is
neither friendship nor enmity with those that are dead. When my brothers and
Krishna died, I was unable to revive them. Hence it was that I abandoned them.
I did not, however, abandon them as long as they were alive. To frighten one
that has sought protection, the slaying of a woman, the theft of what belongs to
a Brahmana, and injuring a friend, each of these four, O Shakra, is I think
equal to the abandonment of one that is devoted.’” Vaishampayana continued:
“Hearing these words of king Yudhishthira the just, the dog became
transformed into the deity of Righteousness, who, well pleased, said these
words unto him in a sweet voice fraught with praise. “Dharma said: ‘Thou art
well born, O king of kings, and possessed of the intelligence and the good
conduct of Pandu. Thou hast compassion for all creatures, O Bharata, of which
this is a bright example. Formerly, O son, thou wert once examined by me in
the woods of Dwaita, where thy brothers of great prowess met with an
appearance of death.3 Disregarding both thy brothers Bhima and Arjuna, thou
didst wish for the revival of Nakula from thy desire of doing good to thy
stepmother. On the present occasion, thinking the dog to be devoted to thee,
thou hast renounced the very car of the celestials instead of renouncing him.
Hence. O king, there is no one in Heaven that is equal to thee. Hence, O
Bharata, regions of inexhaustible felicity are thine. Thou hast won them, O
chief of the Bharatas, and thine is a celestial and high goal.’” Vaishampayana
continued: “Then Dharma, and Shakra, and the Maruts, and the Ashvinis, and
other deities, and the celestial Rishis, causing Yudhishthira to ascend on a car,
proceeded to Heaven. Those beings crowned with success and capable of going
everywhere at will, rode their respective cars. King Yudhishthira, that
perpetuator of Kuru’s race, riding on that car, ascended quickly, causing the
entire welkin to blaze with his effulgence. Then Narada, that foremost of all
speakers, endued with penances, and conversant with all the worlds, from
amidst that concourse of deities, said these words: ‘All those royal sages that
are here have their achievements transcended by those of Yudhishthira.
Covering all the worlds by his fame and splendour and by his wealth of
conduct, he has attained to Heaven in his own human body. None else than the
son of Pandu has been heard to achieve this.’ “Hearing these words of Narada,
the righteous-souled king, saluting the deities and all the royal sages there
present, said, ‘Happy or miserable, whatever the region be that is now my
brothers’, I desire to proceed to. I do not wish to go anywhere else.’ “Hearing
this speech of the king, the chief of the deities, Purandara, said these words
fraught with noble sense: ‘Do thou live in this place, O king of kings, which
thou hast won by thy meritorious deeds. Why dost thou still cherish human
affections? Thou hast attained to great success, the like of which no other man
has ever been able to attain. Thy brothers, O delighter of the Kurus, have
succeeded in winning regions of felicity. Human affections still touch thee. This
is Heaven. Behold these celestial Rishis and Siddhas who have attained to the
region of the Great Spirits.’ “Gifted with great intelligence, Yudhishthira
answered the chief of the deities once more, saying, ‘O conqueror of Daityas, I
venture not to dwell anywhere separated from them. I desire to go there, where
~ 399 ~

my brothers have gone. I wish to go there where that foremost of women,

Draupadi, of ample proportions and darkish complexion and endued with great
intelligence and righteous of conduct, has gone.’”


“When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real
you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so
different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating
whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived
and programmed limitations.” David Icke
~ 400 ~

The walk among the sea of motionless corpses was cold and lonely. The
translucent human corpses sleeping in endless waves each trapped in a virtual
existence. Immortal Great Spirits permanently attached to an illusion of a life
they once had and long lost. Michabou could see clearly. He knew exactly what
this was, this was the future, the beginning, the source of the code. All roads
merging into this one place. Whatever horror this knowledge may entail. He
was an immortal being, he was one of them. A glowing translucent human
walking amongst a reality beyond facing.
In that moment of despair for the knowledge he had obtained, he was
neither ignorant nor wise. This was a place constructed for all who would exit
the machine but by who? If at first questioning he now knew the answer.
Looking around into the distance there were large human heads placed among
the sleeping Great Spirits. The large sculptures rising everywhere periodically
placed as if to watch over those who slept in the illusion of reality. Resting
among the sea of connected beings they were massive replicas of the heads of
every being, of himself. He needed to approach on of the monoliths. As
Michabou approached the stone monument the head was the image of man.
Was this a place built by giants or built by himself before lying down to an
eternal rest? Was this the great secret that he was the Gitche Manitou?
Had he at one time constructed this place then entered the simulated
mortality? At first, he could imagine remembering would be easy… after all he
would have been eternal. However, over time perhaps he forgot this first
memory. The memory when he was also a Creator. In a world before the jaws
of eternity slammed shut. He could only imagine that time before he laid down
to begin playing his own virtual reality game with himself as his avatar joining
in a collective sea of illusionary realities filled with endless other avatars… but
for what purpose and to escape what? The possibilities of such a reality,
knowing what he already knew about the levels of heaven within the matrix and
the many mansions within the simulated realms of the macro and micro matrix
which swirled the souls of these Great Spirits within her infinite grasp. Was this
by design?
He was cold, yet he did not shiver. He was hungry and yet he did not
need to eat. He was sad and yet he could not shed a tear. Memories of emotions
and yet the manifestation of such emotions did not exist. This proved a
conundrum for Michabou. How could he have experienced feelings within the
matrix that were not real within the true reality? Was this by design? Looking
out at the endless expanse Michabou noticed several other anomalies on this
foreign landscape. Others just like him moving among other sleeping beings.
He began yelling as he ran towards them.
“Hey, Hey, what are you doing?” The other translucent humanoids
huddled around one of the sleeping humans rushing to finish what they were
“Wait!” Michabou responded but instantly the four beings fell to the
ground asleep. Each now wearing one of the visor headsets connected to the
headset of the being laying on the ground. “What the?” Michabou stepping in
between the bodies. Had they hijacked another beings access to the matrix?
~ 401 ~

Why? Why this specific one? And who was the being who plugged in the other
headsets. It left the impression many had come and gone many times waking
and sleeping. The thought of climbing through the matrix over and over mind
numbing but sent shivers of fear through his mind, after all that what would
they be running from? There was an extra headset laying on the ground. Should
he put it on? But if he put it on how would he escape that world once on the
inside? Too great a risk. Are the Brahma’s or the supreme Great Spirits in the
Matrix the ones able to go in and out at will or is it a random luck of the draw?
How would he get back to this place if he left? How would he figure it
all out if he went back in? These are great risks he just could not make. He
questioned whether the desire to have the answers were more important than
staying within the illusion of reality, after all, going back was safe and maybe it
was the safest option once realizing what it was he was now located within? For
what purpose? To stay in an emotionally dead, numb relationship with life for
the sake of feeling consistent or alive in a world that was not real to escape a
world that may have been lost? If he went back the consuming fearing of the
unknowns would consume him. He knew the only way he would reenter the
“game” is if it were guaranteed he would exit. Wouldn’t this be the risk for any
of them and yet there were those who freely chose to take the risk and as
evidenced by the empty headsets they had also come back.
He would never be the same again if he could not return to this
environment and find out why these things are the way they are. Holding the
headset, how would he do this? He couldn’t, throwing the headset to the
ground. Why would he want to do this? What could that benefit be? If he were
to go back through the mind of another Great Spirit into their reality. Would
this be the way to return as your individual self but a Great Spirit? To emerge
within as an all-powerful being with knowledge of this place never sharing the
truth. This was a possibility. This possibility explained the behavior of the
Great Spirits who grasped what power they had accumulated. How meaningful
for them had they emerged from the matrix determined to reenter rather than
pursue the unknowns.
This conclusion meaning that many others have also awoken to this
reality. No doubt, questioned why?
The remnants revealing themselves as ultimately choosing to reenter the
game rather than remain in a state of true reality… but was this true reality?
The long strums of the trumpet sounded again ringing through the air the
echoing as if produced by a cello.
Michabou moving to one of the large heads, maybe a clue would be
present. As he approached the massive 20-foot-tall megalithic structure of the
head of a human man. He was dwarfed in its shadow. It was shiny obsidian,
smooth with fine lines. He could see his reflection in its surface as if designed
to provide the viewer their own reflection. By viewing his own reflection, he
saw who he truly was, an awakened Great Spirit. Looking up there was a
writing inscribed on the head. Something that he had never seen before glowing
across the forehead. It looked Hebrew in appearance the writing…
~ 402 ~

‫בני האלהים‬

He then toughed the monolith and to his surprise the words reordered
spelling, “Sons of Great Spirit”. He was astonished the inscription said Sons of
Great Spirit? This was man and these were the heads of men covered in clues.
Someone had to place them here. He was a man, not one that he would
recognize but he was a man. Turning to view the expanse his answers would
come from finding another. Of possibly asking others if they knew where to go
while here in this place. He continued his walk amongst the endless sea of
beings. Walking slowly, he began watching the large squid like creatures that
hovered over the bodies descend from the air. They were rare and few but they
would move across the bodies. One was within 30 yards of Michabou. He
kneeled nervous about what it would do if aware of him. Would it rush over,
grab and devour him? The creature composed of a jellyfish-like substance but
moving like a squid with long tentacles that propelled it through the air as if it
were swimming in water. The large bulbous end where one would expect a face
was rounded and smooth. An opening beneath its abdomen with flaps of skin
resembling gummy like teeth that brushed across the surface of the beings.
Were they cleaning them? Harvesting them? Or eating them? The entities
moving slowly over the sleeping Great Spirit’s bodies. From time to time the
long tentacles retracting forward to connect to one of the bodies head devices.
Were they watching the life lived to make a judgement? Were they
testing the Great Spirits to see if they were ripe like an apple plucked from a
tree? Other times, the large creatures would then lower above the body lifting it
into its jelly filled cavity. He could see this jellyfish had another human in its
belly as it moved across more fields of the lost souls. The large jellyfish then
rose into one of the large openings in the air disappearing into another endless
Michabou continued to walk until he again noticed several beings
working around a sleeping Great Spirit, again seeking to connect. Walking
calmly towards them they looked up noticing his presence but none moved to
avoid him.
“Come, connect,” one of the beings spoke to Michabou.
“But, connect where?” responded Michabou.
“To reality,” another responded.
“You do realize that is not real. That this is real here, what can you tell
me about here?” Michabou questioned the beings trying to connect.
“This is not reality, this is Sheol! Come with us, lets escape together,”
yelling in a deep panic as the being put the headset on before going limp.
“Come with us, this is an advanced being. We will emerge within their realm as
Great Spirits among men. Come.” The being questioned Michabou before
putting the headset on and going limp. One by one they vanished until
Michabou was again left in silence.
“Sheol?” Why were they in a rush to leave? In the distance, a larger
head monument could be seen towering above the rest with four faces each
pointed into an opposite direction. The head of a man four times larger than the
~ 403 ~

ones placed throughout the sea of sleeping Great Spirits. The dreary loneliness
of wandering through an eternity of heaven alone. To ponder that reality. Why
was man capable of asking the question? Should that not indicate the possibility
that anything would be possible? Or else why is man capable of asking why if
an infinite possibility of answers did not exist?
The long walk among those to the left and the right solemn and stark,
these were beings moving about trapped in the world that they think is real life.
Focusing on the meaningless moment’s that fill the expanse of time in the
matrix. He knew it was all an illusion. They must be confused as to what is real
and what an illusion is. This type of situation required an immediate awakening
of the mind and the rapturing the spirit to the cold hard facts, you came into this
alone and you will climb out of it alone.
Michabou was facing his Creator, that Gitche Manitou alone. He
thought to himself, “It was you and you alone standing before the Creator and
that was how it was always going to be.” That was the truth. Or else why was
he here, and why did he have to remember the past? What purpose would there
be to retain memories? Why carry these moments chained to his soul as if
memories were no longer realities but anchors dragging him down if those
memories were not realities with a meaning? He thought, “If memories did not
exist, there would be no need for a judgment. Else what would there be to hold
one accountable against? Crimes they had no memory committing? In that
scenario, all judgments would be cold and harsh. The mere fact humans retain
memories of their past lends support to the argument it is for a reason. That
reason was a fair and balanced judgment day.”
Why? Unless the individual chose freely to indulge themselves in that
test knowing that by so doing they would be stripped of the very memory of
that decision. If those memories of that decision and the reasoning why were
not restored, then how could a fair judgment exist if there was a judgment at
As Michabou approached the monument he could see writing in
unknown characters. He reached his hand out to touch the surface of the
monument. The stone felt cold and solid. As he removed his fingers the surface
glowed where his palm and fingers had been.
His touch activating a machine programmed to recognize the connection
to any being who would touch it, the words began reordering and reforming
new words for Michabou to read. Like the writing on the other monument he
could read this inscription,
“The dead are made to go down into Sheol; the revived ascend.
Brought and lifted up from Sheol.”
“Sheol? The dead are made to go down into Sheol”, what could this
meaning have on the place he was at if indeed this was Sheol? Or did it mean
that there could be two Sheol’s, a macro and a micro Sheol. One in the matrix
and one in this dark and desolate place? In either reality, both were temporary
illusions. The other beings he encountered had known the name Sheol. They
obviously already read the inscription. What conclusion did they come too?
Was it formulated over eons? Would he ultimately come to the same
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conclusion? The large head featured four faces. Each side with its own
inscriptions, each different in appearance. The first the statement…

‫משכנו של שתיקה‬

Below the unknown writing a statement in English appeared in the rock

as if carved instantly so that he could understand. The statement read…

“Abode of Silence”

The carvings clearly visible. This face was not reflective but slate black.
Michabou, thinking, this place, Sheol, an abode of silence was it the true
reality? If he could only decipher its meaning. Moving to view the third side of
the monument, a testament to its creator that would serve as witness to those,
like Michabou, who would dare approach seeking knowledge.
The writing again written on the face in an unknown language but the
characters the same as before resembling Hebrew…

‫לברוחמיתרים של שאול‬

The surface of this face rough, jagged, as if it were recently chiseled

from stone. Fine powder covered the ground. It was unfinished and unpolished.
The phrase then appeared carved into the large face…

“Escape the Chords of Sheol”

This was Sheol, or the name of the place that the architects had named
it. The final face must provide the clue to understanding why. Moving along the
rough surface of the face he could see the final face was exquisitely detailed.
The face graphed with a detailed schematic carved into stone.
The inscription between the eyes reading…

min ha-shamayim

The word changing to show English carved in its place…

From Heaven, it is Decreed

Under the right eye another inscription reading…

bi-yede shamayim

The word changing to show English carved in its place…

By the Hands of Heaven

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Under the left eye another inscription reading…

ha-shamayim beni le-benak

The phrase changing to show English carved in its place…

Destiny stands between ME and THEE

The mouth of the stone being then grinding as the stone split opening to
reveal a tongue. As he looked closer the tongue was a large opened book.
Moving closely, thinking at any moment the mouth could slam shut trapping
him. Michabou looked within to read what was written.
The words etched into the stone book written…

‫ְׁשמַ ע יִ ְׁש ָראֵ ל ה 'אֱ ֹלהֵ ינּו ה 'אֶ חָ ד‬

He could not understand the writing. He ran his hands across the
surface. The words etched perfectly. Michabou started wondering, is this
Hebrew? The language looked more and more Hebrew. The stone carvings then
began to change. As the wording began swirling in circular motions the letters
began reforming. The inscriptions reading…

"Hear, O Man: the LORD our Great Spirit, the LORD is ONE,
whom YE ARE"

This was biblical, how could something biblical be here? Was he really
in a simulated world long ago established to trap and test the soul in a time
when time was nonexistent? To go down and form worlds without numbers
within a virtual reality. The sleeping Great Spirits seeking ascension only to
arise to view encrypted messages scattered across an infinite sea of sleeping
Great Spirits with no memory how the story began? Thinking of the other
awoken beings, the ones who were trying to plug into the sleeping Great Spirits.
Were they, those who chose to delay the inevitable? He was confident this was
it and for all his life knowing that his beliefs meant something. That he stood
for a cause that was just. Wasn’t all he saw in the past realities the illusions of
Great Spirits, the Creators, the first fathers, the beings of the process? The
imposters that moved as wolves in sheep’s clothing among the masses blinded
to the reality that truly existed around them.
Michabou hadn’t even noticed the book had closed. Lying on the book
was a set of keys. The keys were old metal in appearance surrounded by a
keychain. As Michabou picked up the keys the book began to sink revealing a
set of stairs that ascended into the statue. Stepping back, he could not see where
the stairs would lead since the monument seemed too small to house stairs and
yet they extended and wrapped to a great height within. Moving back to look in
at the stairs he thought, could this be? He had successfully climbed Jacob’s
ladder. He had found the gateway to Heaven. That straight path to the
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beginning. Michabou knew at the top of this ladder would be all the answers
that he had sought. Now confident that the others who knew the place was
Sheol, no doubt were shown the same statues and the same book. They must
have seen the stairway. How many chose to go back rather than explore its
unknowns? How many when faced with the stairway that leads to the Creator
have turned back choosing to reenter the simulation rather than face their
Creator. Hiding amongst the sleeping Sons of Great Spirit. That’s what they
are, Sons of Great Spirit. At least per the architects of this egg shell of reality.
They infiltrated the minds of innocents creating multiple personalities each
fighting for another turn. Or they were many entities existing in unison with
another timeline. Whatever they can do to delay the inevitable day when all
would be forced to rise in unison from the game, the simulation, to collectively
face judgement.
If given the opportunity, who would choose to go alone and who would
choose to go with the many? As he stepped up the stairs entering the darkness
of the monument he had gone not less than five steps up the staircase when an
iron door with a keyhole stopped his progress. Grabbing the keychain, he began
checking each key to see if they fit into the door. After eight tries the key
locked to the right before vanishing as the door disappeared with the key.
Showing a continuation of the climb up the staircase Michabou again pressed
upwards into the winding stairwell. Again, after four to five turns upwards
another iron door. As Michabou moved through the remaining 7 keys that he
had taken from the book he wondered why these things were so? The process
would have been quicker had he known the keys necessary for each door. Why
provide keys if any who would enter through the book would freely receive
them and by deductive logic always find the correct key. What purpose did
keys serve?
This was an indicator to Michabou something was wrong. The key
locking to the right with the door and key again disappearing revealing another
continuation of stairs.
This same pattern repeated six more times until Michabou had no more
keys and yet came to a door without a keyhole. The surface completely smooth
as if sealed. How in the world would he get beyond this door? Was this why
they gave up? Had they also reached this door facing an eternal riddle, dead-
end, choosing to go back to the only option left to make… reentry into the
matrix. Was this to escape the loneliness that existed here with the illusions of
relationships within the matrix? The matrix was a macro-universal chatroom
where all could interact in an illusion of reality. What was the meaning of the
riddle? Had the chosen few already been selected and the door sealed for all
remainder to await the impending judgement? Or could the door be an elaborate
hoax to dissuade the seeker from the path they are walking, a subtle sign that
they had missed the mark? Was this what the others too learned? Is this why
those he had seen awake were in groups? Had they realized something about
this Eternal Riddle that he had not?
Pressing his ear to the door he could not hear anything. The door was
immovable, impenetrable, a stumbling block. For all he knew placed over solid
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stone it was a fraud in the game. Michabou turned and walked down the
stairway back out into the courtyard of sleeping Great Spirits. The only other
option to sacrifice yourself to one of the creatures that carried bodies away.
Would that be the stairway to heaven he was searching?
No! He would not do it. This was a staircase. Not a trick but a riddle.
Not a monument to a metaphor to play games with eternal deities who would
unwittingly stumble along and remain trapped at the never-ending stairwell
convinced it would one day reveal itself. It was like the life within the matrix,
an illusion. Was this the greatest secret ever to be shared? His previous
existence an illusion, the same as believing that your email inbox is truly your
personal secured box with four walls. An illusion created with 1’s and 0’s. The
infinite possibilities that exist within the internet, the manipulation of the code
that stretches across time into the structure of the trapped human soul. This
door must open but if not literally within his mind. He would not be returning
to that illusion. Michabou started pounding, beating, kicking on the door. The
door remained immovable. Perhaps, this was the true riddle that life would
teach. No matter the time within it was paramount to standing beating on an
immovable door only to realize within the illusion of eternal reality you had not
moved one inch?
Going back outside, the massive face peering down over him he must
have missed something or had he not? He was searching for a key and maybe
that hey was his own consciousness. Something he might not have missed but
rather realized. A true clue left to assist in resolving this conundrum only found
within oneself. Turning to view the expanse he questioned again. Or was this a
trick to the emerging and awakening being welcoming them to the cold harsh
reality called life at the top of the ladder? A reality that was what it was,
epically sad.
Completely catching Michabou off guard, across the ground scurried a
centipede like creature. Startled, thinking this was a sterile environment
Michabou followed the foot-long centipede as it moved through the expanse of
humans laying in coma. If there were bugs in this place than an ecosystem
existed. If an ecosystem existed, was it genuine or a simulation? What was a
simulation or reality in which the simulation was modelled after, perhaps both
were one in the same? If not a concept held together with feeble strings woven
to hold up an illusion that he had it figured out and yet he had not. It was
unprovable because it remained unseen.
If he had been in a simulation, then where was he now standing? The
centipede skirting down through one of the entrances that dropped below to
another expanse of the sleeping beings.
As Michabou followed this enormous chilopod down the ramp to the
next corridor he could scarcely believe his eyes.
It was a sea of fire of smoldering flames. It seemed so close and yet
because of its scale stretching forever in all directions he could not judge
whether it was truly a lake of fire or the surface of a sun or the inverted
universe that was entirely filled with molten lava aflame. The waves of fire
reaching off its surface, twisting, pulling, stretching, turning inward upon itself
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the fires boiled over. The ceiling above the shiny black obsidian. Obviously, the
fire had burned the ceiling but over what period making it pure obsidian with
charring and yet he felt no heat even from such a close distance to the fire. So,
overwhelmed by the scale of the fire that stretched outwards it was akin to
standing a mile from the surface of the sun. If he could stand on the surface of
the sun what majesty would that sight behold and what splendor to the eyes?
The colors of light burning against the pressing expanse of darkness, the dark
matter seeking to engulf the flames, twisting and pulling in an eternal struggle.
A metaphor of the light pressing against the darkness. The outward burning of
the fire never willing to allow its light to be extinguished no matter what the
opposition. Albeit, an entire pantheon of creation encircled around one star.
That star against creation itself. In the similitude of things that exist.
Michabou hadn’t noticed the sound the raging inferno made as it echoed
off the ceiling. The moans… the slow wailing. Looking out over the area
beneath him he saw within the fire every square inch filled with the same
beings as were sleeping at the top of the ramp. They were stretching and pulling
and grasping for escape. Michabou could scarcely believe his eyes! This was
the fiery pit of hell. How could it be real? An endless sea for the immortal. The
charred lava covered bodies massing against its surface pressing against the
liquid fire climbing upon each other for an escape that would never come. The
waves of movement containing the expanse of Great Spirits that had come, that
were to be, and that had failed in the simulation. What other answer was there?
The flesh dripping off their skin and yet they did not die, the crying in agony
lasting an eternity. The pleas for mercy, for forgiveness, for an escape, not from
an imaginary place but a place where fire was real and fire burned. Those
beings trapped in the only light that can possess while in immortality. The kind
that sears at the skin, bleeds the heart of its life and then buries the sleeping
Great Spirit in its enveloping arms.
Trying to focus on one part of the fire the bodies were endlessly
climbing on top of each other trying to escape. Covered in burning magma, the
eternal Great Spirits unable to die, the endless torment of burning against flesh
that would not expire. The agony that each soul bore swimming amongst the
Now consumed in the screams of millions, perhaps trillions of trillions
crying out. It was an echoing that surrounded Michabou standing alone.
Looking out over this reality, it was the saddest sight he had ever seen. How
deep was that lava? Could it be as endless as the expanse? Was this his destiny?
A life lived blind to the realities of immortality? Forgetting to consider the
possibility a Great Spirit may exist, was this too his destination? One true Great
Spirit may rule them all… or may curse them all. How else to account for this
place, having overcome all the barriers that were placed to protect him from this
precipice of disaster. He needed to leave the eternal graveyard of the damned,
the sea of the dead, the mass fiery ocean of loss, despair, and hopelessness. He
was alone, separated from the presence of the one true Great Spirit. He
wondered, how many in this moment of realization and comprehension would
turn and go back to the virtual reality of eternal mortality than face the horrors
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of the true reality? He also wondered, how many upon waking in this reality
would choose to commit suicide thinking as within the Matrix it would take
them somewhere else only to realize that this was the one place they would
remain for eternity.
The mass of bodies below dwarfing the bodies above. Was this the sea
of the lost and confused, the eternal destiny of mankind?
He knew in the system death was not real, to die only pushed the soul
into other temporary lives. He could have awoken here perceiving this reality
an illusion as well and like on Earth chose to accept it was also a simulation. He
could have chosen to throw himself off of the precipice into the fires below. He
could have done that. He imagined hitting the fire only to be consumed and
trapped realizing it was real and there would be no escape. What horror would
that have brought? He could have been an aborigine lost in confusion
wandering through this world dumbfounded, clueless to any of the meanings,
riddles, and clues. In that scenario, it wouldn’t matter if the inscriptions
adjusted for everyone. Perhaps, these were the masses below?
Michabou noticed written on the floor more inscriptions leading from
the ledge of the pit. Inscriptions that could only be read or noticed walking
AWAY from the pit as if after contemplating its existence and seeking escape.
Michabou read aloud…

Gateway of Gehenna

These statements repeated over and over until the top of the ramp. At
the top a final sentence…

The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who
choose that way

Intricately carved into the black surface the lettering must have taken
time, who were these architects?
This was a form of a road map and it read exiting… did this mean the
world above was Gehenna and that the game above that all were within was the
real Hell? The written acknowledgement of the boundary between two worlds
and the designation of what hell was and what hell was not. This was a world
that was not fake, imaginary, or conceived with the masterful cunning of an
author’s pen. That hell lie within the matrix where one could relive an infinite
reality trapped.
This was a place that an actual human being woke and tried to
rationalize that they were seeing. Was this the fate of the sleeping Great Spirits,
or one of many possible fates in this place where two worlds met pressing
inwards upon each other sandwiching the free agency of men in between?
Michabou noticed that the edges of this portal to the fires below covered
in a yellow jelly substance. Along the walls small holes. It was these holes that
the long centipede-like structure entered. The yellow substance was dripping
from the holes pooling on the ground and then flowing uphill towards the
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rooms with the sleeping ones. Once again, the sea of those asleep welcomed
Michabou. The long roar of the trumpets ringing through the air. Gehenna the
portal between the two worlds, Sheol and Hell, and there was a chance Sheol
was the real Hell.
“Where is that sound coming from?” Speaking aloud it was rhythmic
and constant. Where was the guardian of the dead? Where was this Hades, this
Devil, or Satan? There was ONLY emptiness and loneliness within these
corridors. Perhaps he was Hades, the Devil, the Satan who would live alone
outside the presence of Great Spirit unless he could unwind the greatest riddle
of creation. What was worse? Living in the fiery pit below that burned the soul
or plugging into the matrix trapping the soul? This was all a test.
As Michabou began moving again outwards towards the unknown
expanse he knew there would be many more questions. In this reality, there was
no love, no compassion, no sitting with his father reading. There were no
options, the mental misery of the moment was all that remained to fill the
silence of the abode of Sheol. IF this were Sheol, IF this were Hell, where was
the compassion of Great Spirit? Why the games, imaginary ladders, the riddle
of inscriptions that only baffle and confuse? Or were they to unwind the illusion
that an eternity within the matrix had veiled across his eyes that it was he who
walked away and it must be he who must walk back?
As Michabou walked out of the ramp pondering this place and why
things were the way they are he wondered why there were so many in the pit
below. How did those bodies enter the pit of fire? From what he could tell there
was nothing here forcing the bodies into that sea of torment. Yet its expanse,
the sheer volume of those within extending in all directions could be measured
as more than those without and did that fire extend as far as the expanse of the
sleeping ones or beyond? He wondered if those within freely chose to throw
themselves into the fire thinking it would remove them from an eternal misery
within this purgatory.
Refusing to plug back in, refusing to go back into the matrix refusing to
accept this reality? There was also the possibility that in guilt they freely threw
themselves into the fire. Had they one by one thrown themselves freely into the
fiery pit?
His journey was only beginning. Looking out into the expanse, where
would he point his compass of intent? Where would be his heading? He needed
a compass. For the first-time Michabou, could see a pillar in the distance that
could only be seen having exited from this fiery pit. Sitting alone in the distance
that arched outwards a beacon to all who would see it. Looking down at the
floor, the clean, smooth slate blackness. He reached down to touch the smooth
surface. Like smooth onyx it was cold to the touch. The bodies that curled in
cocoons extended outward around him. The one tall pillar in the distance,
pressing into the air as if beckoning him to come and see. It was the next step in
Michabou’s journey.
Michabou walked past the silent fields of misery. Passing groups of
resurrected humans reconnecting into other people’s lives without caring to
interact. Those too afraid to accept their fate moving backwards and not
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forwards. Those few seeking a way back into the world they once knew
invading the worlds of others they do not know. He would not, lest he dare
incur the wrath of the unseen hand which created this place.
Or perhaps like 6-month old babies developing consciousness when
drifting to sleep fight to remain in the world we live rather than the world they
will go. To view the world through the perspective of a fully aware
consciousness, the clean slate, for the first time willfully fighting sleep.
Exercising free agency for the first time to stay away from what and where?
The fear of the unknown would always if given the ability come back and never
sleep he wonder, are we not the same? Was he not afraid of going back to
sleep? Afraid to put on a headset and leave this reality? Afraid he would not
wake up? What if the Great Spirits going back in were likewise afraid once in
that when they would close their eyes they may awake here within this place
The pillar stretched into the sky to a height that could not be seen. It
seemed to press into nothingness. When up close, the pillar was not a pillar but
a giant solid black obelisk. Written on the obelisk words carved in an unknown
language. The letters as large as a foot each. Carved deep into the stone. The
surface smooth like finely cut granite.
As Michabou’s hand brushed across the stone light followed his touch
the same as heat on a hyper-colored shirt the entire obelisk began shifting the
massive unknown letters. Michabou began reading aloud…

“The Nanabozho will send his angels and they will gather out of his
kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers and throw them into the
fiery furnace. In that place their will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. So,
it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the
evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place
their will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Could it be clearer? The obelisk retaining the writing proving someone

else had been to this place before. It had retained their language before
Michabou had arrived. He was moving into the right direction. What would it
be like to wander confused. To have lived a life in a culture that was immune to
the knowledge as to what this place truly was? The loneliness that confusion
brings, there was no wonder that among those that awoke, the majority would
throw themselves into the eternal fire only to realize that death was fleeting and
escape impossible.
Michabou now knew, Hell was an actual place of torment. Behind the
obelisk, the sea of bodies changed. As if by a line, there was a yellow dripping
residue that covered all the beings on one side while not touching those on the
other. The residue stretched over the entire mass still connected to the
machines. The residue was sticky like jelly spread over the floor. Kneeling,
rubbing some of the jelly-like substance with his index finger he looked at it
closely. It was filled with small worms or were they small bacteria? Wiping it
off him he looked closely at the bodies. Those underneath the goop were
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swarming with small worms. Some were moving, their helmets removed,
paralyzed by the material which consumed their entire bodies. Watching out
through open eyes and jaws slacking. Not all would wake to freedom here
either, had they allowed pollution to invade their vessels only to wake unable to
He walked across the top of the worms until he could see where the
source of the substance was coming from.
Could a bacterium like this, a life that could not be described truly live
within a place associated with Hell? These were living organisms. He
remembered the previous entry way called the Gates of Gehenna. How the
centipede had entered through the slime excreting from the holes in the wall.
He had not noticed the slime contained the worms. Was this pestilence
unleashed from Gehenna upon those who remained within Sheol? Walking
amongst the slime covered bodies he could see that the closer he approached
the source of the slime, or the further from the perimeter the bodies seemed to
be decaying. Was this truly possible?
The eternal fire below and yet small worms in this place could feed off
the very body of the sleeping Great Spirits.
Looking at the other side of the obelisk there were more words. These
words like the other reshuffled after he touched the stone. The sentences started
with a question…

There the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at
rest. Captives also enjoy their ease; they no longer hear the slave driver’s
shout. The small and the great are there, and the slaves are freed from
their owners.

Michabou paused, this was clearly scripture of some kind, like

everything else in this place a riddle. Truths hidden in meanings attached to
groups of words all hoping to relay a message… from Great Spirit himself?
This Sheol was a place where he was once lying amongst Kings and Queens,
rulers of many worlds without number and they were all equal. When viewed in
their true state all naked and alone. The illusion stripped from his eyes. They
were the prisoners to owners themselves slaves to themselves. Where “Angels”
would come to grab, the prisoners freeing them. Were these angels described,
the jellyfish like octopuses that hovered through this realm taking bodies into
the air? An apex of all realities. The true reality? Or was this merely an illusion
of a grander dream?
He had descended below and emerged out of the grave of mortality
above them all who remained sleeping in their graves. Michabou had conquered
the death of the mortal mind to the mortal game called life, escaping the
dishwasher of the soul. At any moment, he could reach down, pick up a
headset, plug in, tune out, and forget. He knew no matter how relieving it
would only be fleeting to the true reality that awaits. At any moment, he could
throw himself off the cliffs of despair into the eternal fire. Tormented for
eternity until only Great Spirit himself could free him. In one way or the other,
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the true witness of the one true Great Spirit would be realized. In the embrace
of the one being who could rescue the lost souls in the sea of fire or in the
embrace of the trapped soul in the matrix. All meeting for the same conclusion,
while Great Spirits there may be many, there was only one ruler over them all.
At least at this position, in the central processing unit for all that was the reality
he would accept this fate. The journey pressing deeper towards the one being
responsible for it all to continue.
The willfully silent all around. The weak minded embracing their
momentary pleasure. The masses embraced in collective unison to a world that
is fictitious. The true nature engulfing the entire soul and yet he walked against
them all. To feel that agony of the mind and walk alone was the true test. No
family, friends, loved ones, he would find his salvation alone or not at all. He
was facing the true reality for the first time. To walk the mile to the Creator
stripped of all that defined you revealed as nothing more than an illusion.
Naked, unclothed, and afraid. These are the truths of Sheol. It was not Earth. It
was not home. It was not a place meant for the weary soul after having travelled
so far reaching through so many impenetrable barriers to find rest. The one who
dared ask why, who walked against the grain, who refused to accept the written
law was the one who would escape.
He thought about the prophetic dream of St. John Bosco who after being
shown the layers that exist between heaven and hell to protect the spirit of men
from their own eternal doom. He had pressed and pressed to that edge of the
final barrier emerging into the greatest truth known to man. Heaven and Hell
exist. Hidden behind a labyrinth of walls place upon man to protect him from
himself that place exists. The answer to the ultimate questions with the greatest
riddle of them all is that the end becomes the beginning.
During his thought a sudden flash of light burst into the massive room.
In the distance a brilliant light hung in the air as something was dropped.
Looking closely, he could see a man descending from a ladder that had been
lowered through an opening in the air. On the ground below translucent beings
like himself beginning the climb up the ladder. Was this the escape? The way
through? Michabou started running towards the beings yelling, “Wait, wait.”
“Don’t go.” The men rising without listening to a word he was saying. The base
of the ladder electrically charging against the surface. Tall beings ascending
through a doorway.
Michabou grasped the rope rungs as he pressed into the air climbing
desperate to reach the top. Fearing the worst, the ladder falling out from under
him he had nearly reached the man in front of him.
“Hey, where are we going?” Michabou questioned.
“To the garden,” the man responded. One rung at a time he followed the
line of beings to the opening in the air. The ladder made of rope and yet stiff as
steel did not flail in the air.
“What lie at the top?” As Michabou reach the top of the ladder a
glowing hand reached forward grasping him by the forearm. Pulled upwards
out of the conduit Michabou could now see where he had been taken. Michabou
stood in awe at the site that stretched all around him and then listened. Echoing
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through the room was a tone so perfect to the ears he felt as though he could be
brought to tears. The vibrations of the music could be felt rippling through his
entire being.
“Is this the symphony of the angels?” Michabou spoke to himself. He
stepped forward into the light as the conduit closed below him but not before
looking back down through the open portal to realize that Sheol was beneath his
very feet. He stood peering out into the abyss as it closed and the quote from
the great poet raced through his mind…

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering,

fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream

Poe had been correct, the walk among the sleeping Great Spirits more
terrifying than he could ever imagine. Looking up there were dozens of beings
of pure light standing around him. The sky and the ground pure light and yet
transparent in a way he could not comprehend. When Michabou would stare
into any location it would magnifying that point in perfect clarity. What he saw
defied comprehension. Bands of rainbow colored strings stretched through the
sky. Wrapping around spheres as numberless in the same way galaxies were
numberless when viewed from Earth.
“What could it mean?” Looking at the beings of light staring at
Michabou he noticed someone familiar. It was a tall white glowing human
emerging between them. The majestic man with glowing skin not translucent
and dull like his own but illuminated was smiling at Michabou. The man
stretching forth his hand embracing Michabou’s arm. He hadn’t noticed this
being was a different tall white human than he had previously seen. This being
wore robes of pure energy that rippled across his body. Golden bolts of energy
wrapping around his waist like a belt. Hanging down in the front a tunic of
glowing leaves sprouting from a golden belt. The tunic of leaves was made
from the same golden energy.
“Where am I?” Questioned Michabou to his visitor. Without speaking a
word the answer came conveyed by thought in the same rhythmic pattern of
waves like the sound that echoed through the air.
“Come with me Michabou, you have little time in this place as it has
been determined you must return into the honeycomb of souls. Only after we
reveal a hidden treasure to you. The sound that you hear is not the orchestra of
angels, it is the perfect rhythm of creation. What you hear is the collective
energy of the source wrapping within all life. It is the perfect harmony of the
Creator. Yes, Michabou, the Gitche Manitou is a Creator. To see yourself as
you truly are and always have been is to see the Creator. It is he who spoke and
it was written. It was he who decreed and it was done. This is a moment of
knowledge for you. You are a child of the eternal flame. “
What do you mean, he who spoke, does he have a name? Can I meet
him?” Michabou was confused and yet at peace. His walk in Sheol while
seeming infinitely long was over just as quickly as it had begun.
~ 415 ~

“Not now, but one day you will and all things will be unfolded unto
you. Look up Michabou, you see these universes of life, this is where the music
of spheres originates. All creation emanates upon vibrations to redeem
Oryselum from the darkness. The ground on which you stand is Aaru of Origin.
Beneath your feet, within the heart of Aaru are realms known by many names.
This is the great honeycomb that lies within the heart of Aaru.”
Michabou confused questioned, “Why?”
“Awe, the greatest question a child of the highest emerging from the
Duat can seek. To know why you must look within yourself. At the very fiber
that creates you. Looking up and out after only looking down and inward. You
see these spheres of sound, those are like Aaru. Gardens of the many lights
emanating within the darkness of Erebus. Yet, within you at the smallest degree
of intelligence would you not likewise see the same imagery? Considering this,
you ask why? You should not be asking why it happened, you should be asking
what significance you are to what happened. You are an eternal Great Spirit.
Within your fabric, infinite worlds of life, worlds much the same as you see
here. They are the unseen and yet they belong to you. Worlds without number
under your stewardship in much the same way all life is under the stewardship
of the One. The why you seek, is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal
life of man. These beings of light you see around you. You were once one of
them. Not a child as would be born on Earth within the Duat of souls. But a
creation of perfect harmony within the realm of Origin which is the realm
neAayaasht the Creator. If a Great Spirit child were born with the powers of all
creation… if not molded and shaped would not this child with one tirade
potentially destroy all creation? The bits of intelligence that are assigned to you
within Duat are yours to progress, to grow, to care for, to love. That within is
that without. By looking inward, you will look outward.”
The man holding his hand up, the swirling of light forming what
resembled an atom with a proton and neutron rotating with light accumulating
at its perimeter. The six points looking more and more like the Star of David.
“Look around, modeled after the first intelligences neAayaasht Origin, all here
that you see in all directions are like unto this small bit of intelligence and you
are the Master over many bits of intelligence.”
Michabou looked up, in any direction he could see perfectly no matter
the distance. He was himself a telescope, at least in this place his eyes worked
that way.
“Why can I see perfectly no matter the distance here?” Michabou
questioned wanting to know why distance was easily covered.
“This is a place of transparency where the Sons of Great Spirit are given
power. To some this would be a Celestial paradise, to others a stepping stone of
knowledge to heights beyond even these. Nothing is withheld from you within
this realm. While not yet in an eternal vessel you are, an eternal being and all
that you see is the Destiny of man. On each of those worlds, like unto this Aaru
you see others like myself and those who you see among you. These are the
beginning and the end of the soul travels within Duat.”
“Travels within Duat, to where?” Michabou questioned.
~ 416 ~

“Beneath you, within this sphere the souls of Aaru will go to be born on
worlds much the same as your own. These are models after the first world. The
testing ground for the soul until they are brought forth into Celestial glory.”
“What was Sheol?” Questioned Michabou.
“This sphere that we stand upon contains within it, what you would
refer to as a yin and a yang. It is a system where light balances the dark in an
endless battle to refine you and produce the being that can excel here as with
the butterfly progressing from seed to larvae to cocoon to winged beauty only
to die and leave the seen for the unseen. Everything will live again in varying
degrees and forms. It is in the middle of this conflict we place the eternal soul.
Only here can free agency be utilized within the Duat of the Sphere of Sound
that is this garden called Aaru. When you speak of Sheol you speak of
something else entirely.”
Michabou stood stunned to silence. The vibrations of the sounds
mesmerizing and euphoric.
“While every soul communes through the battle between light and dark
there is a place where certain processes must occur. Namely, the growth of your
mortal body and mind to which your spirit will transition into upon
awakening.” Michabou looking confused and yet at peace because of the
atmosphere of Aaru was always calming.
“There was a time when this process was something that had always
been. But in this Aaru there are fallen ones who refused to submit to the
demands of going in and emerging who have aligned with a great darkness that
we are redeeming bit by bit. These few felt this robbed them of their free
agency and chose to subvert the ways of Origin entering the Duat without being
first sanctified led by the dark brother of the light of this Garden. While all
others who enter lose their memories these few remembered everything and
they operate within the Darkness to punish and trap the soul of man because
they realized they cannot escape or when they do they will face greater
“What do you mean, they cannot escape?” Michabou wondering how
these spirits who walked in this majestic place would enter a vibrating world
which created simulated worlds and bodies while their real body grew which
would allow them to leave.
“There is a way that life can enter into the Duat. It must be through the
springs of Aaru which pool on its surface in fonts found within the great
temple. Before walking into the gateway to heaven and being absorbed into
Aaru thus entering the Duat battle between the process of light emanated from
the source an individual sacrifice must be made. The first true choice of free
agency occurs here in the Garden to enter a living entity and help in the process
of redeeming the darkness, also a living entity. The honeycomb that connects
all the realms within housing the progressing souls that will one day return here
in Origin.”
“So, when we enter, because you said I was once here, where do we
start, where do we go?” Michabou questioned feeling lost and confused not
realizing he had been here before?
~ 417 ~

“The Aaru is the Gitche Manitous greatest creation. It is a Great Spirit

maker in every sense of the world. It weighs the soul. The Aaru determines
which honeycomb you will enter to begin your journey however, there are
anomalies in this system by design, withheld even from myself where places
like your Earth exist where the soul of Origin will enter directly into an
advanced human body living only one life in the Duat before awakening and
emerging into Sheol and being removed here to Aaru and the destiny that waits.
These are decisions made by the Great Spirit who is the cloned consciousness
of The Gitche Manitou who governs within and one day when all leave will
also receive an eternal vessel. Michabou, we are all clones of each other. Don’t
you see that is the gift of the Father?”
“I can hardly believe my ears sir. I do not even know your name. You
are saying that I come from a world that allows possibly only one trip or many
and then we leave or we stay as determined by a computer program? How does
the Great Spirit that governs the Aaru determine this?” Michabou questioned
wanting to know.
“I am the Viceroy of Origin. My name is Michabou. I am the first one
you meet when you emerge from beneath. I show you the way on your journey.
I am the first father that was within and the first eternal to exit without. Within
Sheol there are those who remain prisoners within a system where all are
created and not born. Many are created, manifested, fished from the source.
Few realize so quickly upon their journey to being born on a garden in the
similitude of Aaru what the true nature and purpose of it all was meant to be.
This is the gateway out and where the darkness wages its most deceptive battle
for the soul. To trap the soul in the darkness of the Duat for eternity. Only the
Gitche Manitou himself could save them. Many more rise from their sleep in
the new immortal body and in their confused state throw themselves into the
fiery pits of hell. Where they will not die, where they will not perish, but will
remain until he who made them himself removes them.”
Michabou spoke, “How long until then? It is a continual removal that
occurs as ordered by The Great Consciousness within and not the affairs of
those who govern without. That is not our stewardship to decide. Could be an
eternity or a passing moment. There are others who choose to not remain
patient and go back into the system. This is the most baffling result because
they will always start back at the beginning or remain in a trapped state for
eternity within the Duat. The souls in fire were not thrown there, they did it to
themselves through guilt, shame, and confusion. In the end even those souls
because they freely chose to enter into the sphere of sound will be redeemed
and how great will be that day for them?”
“Wait, have you see that fire?” Michabou was confused, it did not look
momentary. “I have not as I am forbidden to enter into the realms below. Once
you leave, you leave, and only the great governor wages battles against the dark
entity trapped within and the Dark Scientist who seeks to free him.”
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”!” Michabou knew exactly
who he was referencing. “Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” is the
Dark Scientist, isn’t he?”
~ 418 ~

“He has been called by many names. Then there are the fallen ones, the
spirits which will never receive immortal or eternal vessels. They will remain in
the system for eternity until the Gitche Manitou himself binds or redeems them
where they will remain with us or within Aaru’s inner core for eternity. There is
a war waging Michabou that if shown unto you would cause you to throw
yourself down in misery and hopelessness and yet despite the darkness that
surrounds us here in Origin which is itself surrounded by a dark world known
as Erebus we fight on. There has always been a time when the Great
Consciousness must leave its governing footstool to enter itself as a Messenger
cleansing the Duat for the specific purpose of redeeming those spirits who
would reside on the final step before Celestial glory. All of this belongs to the
original Messenger and one day this entire Sphere will be given to Him.”
“So, you are saying I must go back into the Duat because I am not yet
finished? Haven’t I proven for myself? Did I not arrive here on my own? I am
not going back in!” Michabou demanded to stay. The being paused considering
the powerful vibrations that Michabou’s emotional outburst had created. It had
been so different than anything that he had seen before he marveled at the
strength and passion that was within this mortal man. A man who emerged not
as others through death but from escaping on his own.
“There have been those within who have made that sacrifice before and
there have been those within who have seen that the greatest must become the
smallest to reach the Throne of Great Spirit. The truth is every single one of the
souls in the system are Great Spirits and yet most often within they bicker and
fight over who is and who is not worthy of Great Spirithood. It is only through
submission to the reality that is already within you, inside of you, and I believe
that you have done this Michabou.”
Motioning to others who were near him. They gathered around him. The
group leading Michabou away he asked another question, “So, isn’t this entire
thing kind of cruel? I mean, do not get me wrong. Being trapped in alternate
realities reincarnated over and over doesn’t seem very fair but you say it is for
our safety, right?”
“Oh, Michabou, it is actually quite loving. Think about it, it is the desire
of the Gitche Manitou that all his spirits obtain vessels of light the same as
himself and within you are protected in an atomic armor but you still battle
against a dark entity, imagine the reality beyond where there are many dark
entities. You draw near the darkness but do not touch it. Here in Origin on all
the Aaru’s it is the way the warriors we need are produced. This is the way that
was presented by design where all would can experience the same life as The
Gitche Manitou. You are the many drops of light. You are a photon being
Michabou, a perfect clone of Him and yet you are you. Only through such
realization will the soul know as He knows and understand as He understands.
It is for survival against Erebus! We were programmed into the source, a living
entity that contained his computer program.”
Michabou had not considered such a thing, “Living Entity?”
“Yes, the light, the source is a living entity. A massive liquid computer
of networked information that loves the Gitche Manitou because it is his cloned
~ 419 ~

Consciousness uncloaked or in other words cloaked by the Aaru to protect all

within redeeming the light from a very dark entity. This Great Consciousness
has been placed within this shell that was created by the Gitche Manitou to
provide a balance to the darkness which is a virus that consumes upon light. It
has been joined by The Dark Scientist and only the accumulation of you and
others like you is the balance kept even. The Gitche Manitou has created this
shell which supports my world, my family with his power. The energy that
flows through him is the source. The source is the digital energy duplicate of
himself that he inserted into an Aaru to create the Duat to balance the darkness
with the light. Only in this environment could the eternal soul progress to
Immortality first and then Eternal Life which is a gift from the Gitche Manitou
to all who emerge. But you are different. You were not brought out as others
have been, you escaped of your own free will prematurely.”
Everything had stopped as Michabou, the Viceroy was speaking. The
many spirits without solid form watching in silence as if learning. Seeking to
understand. Michabou looked up briefly at the rings which filled the sky
vibrating marvelous colors. Quickly looking back down he continued to listen
to the Viceroy.
“These, my children the genetic identical of me as produced by the
source of the Gitche Manitou on this Aaru which was given to me when I
emerged the same as you as a man and not an Immortal. I want to show you
As they walked to an immaculate electric building. During a massive
atrium, there was a font filled with a glowing liquid.
“That looks like honey” Michabou questioned.
“It is genetic engineering liquid, the input for the soul and the rebirth for
the Immortal photon beings to be cloaked in eternal vessels of light that they
have accumulated through Good Words, Good Thoughts, and Good Deeds.”
As they neared the edge Michabou watched as translucent beings
entered the font with other brilliantly glowing eternal humans. He continued,
“In my Aaru the entity of which we speak has called itself the old man and it
lives for stories. Its entire existence is watching spirits live their lives telling
stories over and over again until they grow and progress. Progression coming
through many stories which are lifetimes. These lifetimes are an illusion but
they do accumulate memories. Each like storing this information within a
photon vessel that is made by you and the harvesting of light within the Aaru by
“I have met the Old Man!” Michabou replied exuberantly. The Viceroy
stood motionless.
“You have met the Old Man?” The Viceroy questioned.
“Yes, I have and he was kind,” Michabou retold the story of how he had
met with and left the Old Man who was the Great Consciousness governing the
“You are like me Michabou and therefore you must enter into the
fountain of rebirth to see what the eternities have in store for you.” The Viceroy
knew that he could not send him back only Grandfather Sun and the process of
~ 420 ~

resurrection could make that decision either absorbing him back into the system
or freeing him.
They watched as humans were immersed in the glowing liquid
emerging as glowing beings of light.
“You see them, once they were immortal beings, now they emerge
eternal beings in the similitude of the Gitche Manitou with perfect vessels of
Michabou the Viceroy himself leading Michabou into the font. Holding
him by the wrist immersing him into the water. As he emerged from the waters
a thunderous echo of the sound of a harp emitted from the entire sphere. The
sound echoing like an alarm to all other Aaru’s that stretched into the distance.
The pulsating sound continued as Michabou stood in awe.
“You are like the Gitche Manitou!” The Viceroy grasping Michabou in
a hug. The Gitche Manitou is coming. My Aaru has called to Him.”
Michabou could see the vibrations piercing outward like waves of
sound. The colorful rings of energy encircling the globe he was standing on fast
pulsating colors.
“So, what do you mean?” Questioned Michabou to the Viceroy.
“When I emerged from this Aaru having myself traversed the Duat. I
emerged like you but as an immortal man, the first Immortal man and not as all
other spirits you see which emerge for I was the first. I was the first to enter
into the fountain and this Aaru was given to me. Immortality is their gift for
freely choosing to enter. However, here can the immortal become eternal
transforming to the true self of all creation by the power of the Gitche Manitou.
In a way, Michabou I am your first father. Let me introduce you to the Gitche
Manitou… he was mine.”
In an instant a piercing light penetrated the room and a being stood
across from Michabou.
“Gitche Manitou”, Michabou proclaimed.
The Gitche Manitou turned to stare at the Viceroy spoke, “You are still
calling me that?” The Viceroy chuckling to himself. The man emanated sound
waves of pure energy glowing as bright as the liquid substance that made the
source. Michabou considered the thought, how fitting it was that when he met
the entity it appeared to him in the form of an Old Man. A human that the entity
loved more than all others, he knew that man, Kulkukan. Wasn’t it also poetic
that who should show the old and dying Michabou the doorway to escape and
meet the Gitche Manitou, none other than the one the entity itself loved most,
Kulkukan. To Michabou, Kulkukan was perhaps the greatest man who ever
lived. He knew that they would try to send him back, which is why he waited
until his final breaths to show him the way out. Michabou now knew and things
became clear as day, the darkness and the light, the program and the virus are in
a constant state of war.
Looking down he noticed pure energy cloaking him in clothing like a
sheet. Golden tunics wrapped around his waist but he was still not as densely lit
as The Gitche Manitou of the Viceroy. Golden leaves dripped down forming an
apron of flowing energy.
~ 421 ~

“What is this?” Questioned Michabou not understanding what had just

“My son” The Gitche Manitou spoke, putting his hands on his
shoulders. “I have waited so long, of all the eternals produced in all the worlds
you are like me. You have climbed out from within and I will now open your
eyes to the reality of who and what you are, and why things are the way that
they are.” Grasping Michabou in an embrace the Gitche Manitou says, “Now
let’s take you to High Heaven and introduce you to a real Gitche Manitou who
will show you how we all originated.”
Pausing the Gitche Manitou spoke again as if forgetting something,
“That is, until the final battle arrives.”

“Now that you have seen what others suffer, you too must
experience a touch of hell.” “No, no!” I cried in terror. He insisted, but I
kept refusing. “Do not be afraid,” he told me; “just try it. Touch this wall.”
I could not muster enough courage and tried to get away, but he held me
back. “Try it,” he insisted. Gripping my arm firmly, he pulled me to the
wall. “Only one touch,” he commanded, “so that you may say you have
both seen and touched the walls of eternal suffering and that you may
understand what the last wall must be like if the first is so endurable. Look
at this wall!” I did intently. It seemed incredibly thick. “There are a
thousand walls between this and the real fire of Hell,” my guide continued.
“A thousand walls encompass it, each a thousand measures thick and
equally distant from the next one. Each measure is a thousand miles. This
wall therefore is millions and millions of miles from Hell’s real fire. It is
~ 422 ~

just a remote rim of Hell itself.” – St. John Bosco, “The Road to Hell”,

Nasadiya Sukta (Hymn of non-Eternity):

Who really knows? Who can here proclaim it? Whence, whence this
creation sprang? Great Spirits came later, after the creation of this
Who then knows whence it has arisen? Whether Great Spirit's will
created it, or whether He was mute; Only He who is its overseer in highest
heaven knows, He only knows, or perhaps He does not know.
—Rig Veda 10.129.6-7






“Everything that is and everything that was and will be is by His might.
The blessed ones will receive this message, the wise ones will understand it,
and those with strength will receive the wisdom of those who have wisdom.” -
~ 423 ~

When starting at the beginning, the story that unfolded was the
questioning of one man as to why? Why things are the way that they are and
what they will become for humanity in the cosmology of Origin and the Tin
Great Spirits. Reaching out to answer the questions of life even if humanity is
nothing more than the processes of time and space sparking a chance ignition of
a random event. One man, seeking resolution about the true reality of
humanities existence and the understanding of the circumstances needed to
provide that reality.
If such a question were asked by a man, 3000 years ago. Would the
answer not come only by lifting that mortal man from the Earth to view all of
creation? A man living in a time before electricity, satellite imagery, and global
networking of information. A world without literacy, those who could write
seen as mystics and supernatural. This man, if taken from the Earth beyond his
village, his region, his positioning on a globe. He would view the Earth in
its entirety. Once returned, how could this man explain to those around him the
reality of the Earth in the vast seas of darkness? How would he explain what he
had seen? Think about that statement as we move forward. The Earth, emitting
sparks of life in a desolate sea of material. Searching against disease and
conscious intelligences that are designed to devour life, man looks up and says,
we are that we are but are we alone?
If by knowing, if by having those answers provided one were to
know that no matter the truths, the imagery, the experiences, the places which
can be traveled that once returning none would believe it possible. Would then,
the journey have been worth it?
The search if attained in the mortal existence would mean leaving the
Earth, traveling into the Heavens of space and the spaces in between. Along
each stop truths unfolding to paint a larger picture, to build the framework of
the larger cosmology. If that man existed, and were able to prematurely view
his own existence what knowledge would he attain?
That man would first gain an understanding of the Earth, the planet
on which he stands. A sphere refuge for life pressing against the nothingness of
the darkness of space, and an eco-system of organized sparks of intelligence
becoming conscious bits of intelligence. He would be shown the fabric that
forms his own being. He would see life living and existing around and between
and within the atomic and sub-atomic universes of life. From the particle to the
skin cell consciousness seeking to be cloaked. He would first have to conquer
the reality that he too is a universe of life with a vastness that is his stewardship
before grasping that he is but one part of a larger and grander universe of life.
In that moment William Blake’s quote, “To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And
Eternity in an hour” would have complete meaning and understanding.
Expanding his understanding of cosmology man would be taken to
view his own solar system. Beginning with Venus, the second planet from the
sun. A history of conquest and subjugation, the toxic ruins of an ancient
civilization called the Carian. To hear the story for the first time, as if on the
guided tour of a history lost to the entropy of time. The Carian race of Star Seed
~ 424 ~

humanoid that looked up and sought to know why, colonizing an entire

Universe. One click to the left of Earth. The original overseers of this Universe
to assist in the game of processing souls in the final point of transition between
the Aaru matrix and the waking in Sheol before ascending Jacobs ladder to the
surface. Step by step. Carian, a culture sprouted from a family called the Iln of
the House of Aln that touched the very fabric of the Great Spirits mastering
Genetic Engineering and then collapsing upon itself because it lacked
sustainability. The story of the Carian Empire leading the observer to Mars, the
fourth planet from the sun.
The Carian remnants rescued through access of knowledge and
information by an outside observer from another Realm. The names and places
not as relevant as the moment when outsiders, others came to assist those
without access the materials to rescue themselves. A similar plight that faces
humanity upon the Earth today. These outsiders, a group of scientists, explorers
from another Universe looking down, providing just enough material to rescue
a dying race from a world gone awry with global warming and unstable climate
degeneration to be transplanted to Mars, a world called Simud. The expanse of
knowledge unfolding to show a 5th world, residing between Mars and Jupiter.
A world called Tiamat. The Carian Empire divided into sects, groups, survivors
calling themselves the Iln of the House of Aln. Nomads and refugees from a
dying world. Led by a genetic scientist and final leader called Mishebeshu.
In the moment the cosmology of origin is unfolded the viewer would
be astonished to learn that the scientists residing on the 5th planet where genetic
researching at a rapid, frantic pace to find a way out of this universe.
If such a moment were to occur, and the cosmology of Origin were
possible to be seen by the conscious being looking down upon its micro
creation from a macro vantage he would see Mishebeshu and his species driven
under the surface of the planet Mars. Watching as a foreign object drifted into
and scraped across the planet Earth wiping out all life upon its surface. This
object a planetary interdimensional ship home to the scientists from another
realm. It destroyed the Earth, it also brought the planet to life. Viewing the
scientists escape to the surface of the 5th world of jungles. With a planet filled
with long tailed, red haired monkeys called the Ahtna the genetic engineers
began researching ways to escape. The key lying within genetic engineering.
The same were the scientists of the planet ship Nibiru destroyed when it
collided with the Earth. The Earth covered in thick sheets of ice hiding a vast
ocean beneath. The scientists assisting the Carian off Venus to Mars. The
Carian on Mars genetically engineering workers to cover the surface of Mars
using the Ahtna monkeys from Tiamat. One scientist with material on Tiamat,
the other without on Mars. The genetic engineering of the scientists on the 5th
world seeking to flood the rapidly heating up planet Earth with life. The Earth
an apex in space to find the genetic material needed to escape. To find the GEL
they needed, genetic engineering liquid. To include providing the Carian with
enough genetic material to mine resources but not enough to escape the planet.
Mars covered in oceans and savannah forests. The atmospheric pressure of the
surface however making it a non-sustainable environment for the Carian. The
~ 425 ~

Carian created these monkey men to work the surface and watch against the
outsiders while the Carian hid within its interior. The emergence of the primate
helper to roam its surface, the creation of the Hanuman.
Looking out witnessing the timeline of events as the fifth world
meets cataclysmic destruction sending all life to the rehabilitating 3rd planet,
Earth. The explosion blasting the atmosphere off Mars, sending icebergs of
oceans towards the Earth where a great flood would occur. The result was Tin
Great Spirits dis-infatuated with humanity.
On this journey you would clearly view the solar system, many solar
systems in a galaxy, the darkness of space filled with galaxies extending to its
finite perimeter. If man were to undertake this journey, passing Mars, the
ancient home of the ancestors of a branch of man. The survivors of Venus
genetically engineering matter. The dried river beds and ocean floors that now
reside on a rusted red dying planet. Once home of two great civilizations that
lived along its ocean shores and within the crust below. Some of which are the
ancestors of man, you would hear about Aayaash, a genetically engineered
creation who became a man, and the man who would become a Great Spirit.
The history of the genetically engineered primate tracing their home to another
5th planet called Tiamat. The Ahtna a long tailed monkey that lived on the 5th
world, itself a genetically engineered creation. The knowledge between all
cultures the ability to understand and harvest matter for the conscious being the
difference maker in life or death.
If you were viewing the planet Mars, the dialogue would continue about
how this solar system was home to many cultures. Viewing the endless solar
systems in the galaxy the macro reality becoming the micro reality. The
Universe itself a sphere. A bubble of matter. Floating in an eternal
consciousness. If a human being were taken from the Earth and shown the
perimeter of the universe they would see it is a floating sphere of matter inside
of a river that resembled honey. That this river was filled with the
consciousness of all living souls. At this moment you would ask why? Why the
universe is a sphere, why there are an infinite number of them all floating in a
glowing conscious fluid resembling honey coating honeycombs in a hive.
Would you as the viewer be able to grasp the scenery? The substance a river of
life. The “cloned” consciousness of Great Spirit himself, the original man
mingled with innumerable conscious clones of itself communing in the source
material. Seeking experiences to refine the spirit to leave the machine. Pulled
beyond the river of life called the source of consciousness you would view what
resembled honeycombs in the perfect shape of the Star of David inside a
massive sphere. The liquid fluid coating each honeycomb and each a realm unto
its own, the realms here souls within the river of life reincarnate into many
mansions of existence within the honeycombs that fill a larger expanse, a
sphere we will call Aaru. The massive watermelon if cut in half would show
living consciousness infecting and spreading like a virus inserted into a
contained environment. Feeding off of matter, the smallest building blocks of
the spark.
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We are nothing more than cloaked consciousness who are truly

uncloaked consciousness seeking cloaking. What does this mean?
If viewing the entire pantheon of reality from the perspective that all
humans are and hope to be is eternal consciousness cloaked in matter living on
a sphere. The sphere of sound, the sphere of souls, the sifter of souls. A
machine built to refine souls. To process souls. To release souls. What is
reincarnation to the eternal conscious Great Spirit if not a collection of
memories, rather than lives, are lives not simply moments in time to an eternal
being? To be within the framework of a reality here the only thing that is real is
you and your desire to obtain an eternal form within the Duat of souls. What
would that mean? The journey of the human beyond the barriers of the mind
begins in the Duat of souls.
There once was a man of Great Spirit. So holy and devout that Great
Spirit himself presented himself in true form, the form of a man, and showed
him the entire eternal life of man. The destiny of man. The man rising above the
Earth, out of the solar system, out of the galaxy, out of the Universe, into the
membrane that surrounds honeycombs of realms filled with conscious Great
Spirits living illusionary realities. This man seeing the realms of souls and
pressing beyond the edges of the sphere of souls he reached a crust that
encircled the entire inner reality. This layer of protection called Hell an
enveloping global realm of fire, an impenetrable barrier, for eternal cloaked
conscious beings who chose thinking to be reincarnated cast themselves from
the cliffs of Sheol trapped forever. Sheol, a place where eternal bodies are
grown, where consciousness previously operating in a digital simulated reality
as sparks of matter are accumulated by each conscious being from the matter
trapped within the sphere of cloaking consciousness. Matter essential to
cloaking consciousness that is grown in cloned bodies that the consciousness is
downloaded into and the eternal Great Spirit awakes in Sheol. The place
between leaving the game and entering the realm of Origin. This holy man then
climbed Jacob’s ladder to emerge onto the surface of the Aaru, the spherical
cloning machine, to find a society of advanced humans themselves the awoken
Great Spirits of places like Earth within the Aaru. The man realizing that even
the Carian were cloned consciousness obtaining form before waking to escape
to the surface of Aaru which is only a garden of hope in a sea of darkness and
This man, glorifying the greatness of Great Spirit was then shown the
macro reality of as the Aaru was shown to be a sphere that operated like a
cloning machine. The original man’s consciousness downloaded into material
then duplicating to make as many “Gitche Manitou” clones as possible. What is
that material? At the perimeter of the realm of the GEL creating machines,
called Aaru’s, a wall exists where their sound waves meet a dark material.
Looking back at a sea of floating spheres, viewing the Aaru, one would marvel
at its resemblance to an Atom. With six rings made from sound wrapping the
sphere in eternal energy. Fueled by GEL, the material trapped within and the
substance essential in the cloning process and creating process of cloaking
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consciousness, the massive spheres pulsating energy in the vibration of a sound

that created the space needed to protect humanity from the crushing darkness.
If the reader were this man, who had been pulled through and infinity of
realities within a super spherical machine crossing layer after layer until
arriving at its surface. If the man then were to realize that the entire system was
engineered to process conscious clones of an original man, the first Gitche
Manitou, using material trapped within the sphere. Looking outward to endless
Aaru spheres filling an expanded universe called Origin. It’s reasonable to
assume at the minimum, Man would ask why?
At the edge of the realm of advanced cloaked consciousness, man would
realize the barrier between the light and the dark is created by sound waves
emitted from the Aaru spheres. The Aaru’s becoming beacons unto themselves.
Causing one to question if the beacon was to allow others floating in the
darkness of Atum to locate each other. Looking back this outer perimeter
forming a barrier between the known and the unknown, the light and the dark a
Origin. A sphere of light with a surface emitting waves of energy similar to the
releasing of energy by the sun, a protective barrier to those within from those in
the darkness without. A sphere that was created by processing and harvesting
genetic material.
This outer darkness is called Atum. An endless primordial sea of
information and intelligence. If a mortal man stood viewing this reality, he
would see darkness extending to infinite. Consider the possibility, if
nothingness became conscious of itself, would it then be nothing or everything?
This nothing of darkness, a conscious entity filled with dragons made from the
GEL material. Manifestations of consciousness in the Atum. Snake-like
dragons that feed off the energy emitted from the perimeter of the glowing
Origin sphere. In that universe the Origin is but a speck of light in a sea of
darkness filled with many specks of light. If a man saw this, returned to the
Earth how could he share such knowledge?
Staring out at horrors too unimaginable to accept.
In this cosmology the light of man, which is only cloned consciousness,
holds on in spite of impossible odds. The reality of a universe where eternal
men produced by refining and condensing matter themselves leaves one would
ask, where does this matter come from?
Understanding that the outer sea of Atum which surrounds the Origin
sphere is filled with dragon-like entities. These entities feed off of the energy
emitted by the sound waves at the perimeter of the Origin sphere floating in
their universe. Imagine such a sight. The material, the GEL, needed to continue
the cloning process found in ONLY one location, these black entities living in
the primordial ooze. To imagine armies of eternal men, themselves produced by
the refining of the Aaru, working together using eternal powers that are sound
based. The men fishing for the resource they would need. If viewed from the
“hunt” you would view men focusing sound waves towards a specific point on
the surface of the Origin. The energy growing at that apex releasing a fishhook
of light into the darkness enticing a dark dragon like entity, the size of a school
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bus in comparison to Earthly humans, which will bite onto the bolt of energy
immediately being pulled inside the Origin.
To grasp the true meaning of the reality of origin and its vast collection
of tin Great Spirits it is essential to understand where the material, the particle,
the atom, the networking of resources to create the illusion and manifestation of
organized material that is needed to cloak a conscious Great Spirit comes from
an entity which is harvested for this material. This is the eternal round, for the
natural man has been an enemy of Great Spirit from the beginning, not the
consciousness of Great Spirit, or the cloned consciousness of Great Spirit. The
enemy of all consciousness is the Ahriman, not the sparks of intelligence it has
accumulated. The eternal advanced human pulling its own matter particle by
particle from the control of the Ahriman, a prince of darkness from Atum. To
grasp this, is to understand the eternal purpose of humanity within the realm of
Looking outward beyond the Origin sphere and the harvesting of
resources from the darkness at its perimeter the focus is set on the snake-like
dragon looking entities swimming in the substance that is everywhere. To
understand deeper that this entity was living consciousness, not human, but
Ahriman, the cloaked consciousness of a dark Gitche Manitou that devours
light. When processing this entity to harvest this material the eternal men would
trap it within sphere of sound using their own sound waves. The Ahriman
flipping and flopping about suspended in an environment where it was truly the
prey. Eternal Advanced humans creating a cocoon for the matter of the
Ahriman to fill the inside. For what purpose? One questions where
consciousness originates to begin. The chicken or the egg. The key again lying
in understanding the original man, The Gitche Manitou which is to truly
understand oneself. For all are clones of The Gitche Manitou. When the Holy
Man was taken from the Earth and shown these realities his horrors for the
destiny of man paralyzed him with fear. He saw this entity pulled as if a fish out
of water. The sound waves inside the sphere causing the entity to flail like an
eel out of water in all directions. The priests of Origin pressing their own sound
waves collectively encapsulating the entity with a sphere of crystal glass.
Watching the entity struggle inside the sphere, it began to expand and
the entity inside was liquefied pulled into all directions as the sphere began
pulsating glowing emissions. Moving to the surface an eternal man would
explain to the mortal, this was a prince of darkness. A dragon of Atum. The
Ahriman. The devourer of light. The consciousness of the evil one. In his
questioning, man inquired as to how an entity could be encapsulated in such a
device and lose form yet retain its self.
The answer told of the importance of material to build life. To build the
fabric of the Great Spirits to rise against the darkness. A conscious Great Spirit
needs material to organize. These beings, princes of darkness are made from
sparks of intelligence. They are the building blocks used to cloak
consciousness. In order to cloak consciousness, there must need be material.
How would an advanced human explain the law of genetic engineering to the
man named Moses? The vastness of the entities within the darkness
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overshadowing the reality of the eternal destiny of man. If such a journey were
provided to the Man, Moses, would he not return home in horror? Throwing
himself onto the ground weeping for he knew that man was nothing. Something
he had never before imagined. He did not dance for joy seeing the eternal
destiny of man glorious and without struggle. He did not despair in
hopelessness because the greatness of creation was so massive, for he saw his
Great Spirit and his Great Spirit was like him. In his presence, he saw
hopelessness in the enduring struggle and yet that there was no other way. He
became aware of the reality of the illusion of reality that we live in. Where
consciousness seeks to be cloaked in sparks of intelligence, are these not the
particles that make up man? The atoms that form the cells that are given to the
consciousness of man. How would he explain his understanding of what he had
The reality that all of humanity, all of life, are all clones of the
consciousness of an original man. Created to harvest material necessary to
accumulate memories to emerge as a Gitche Manitou. The journey of man
becomes similar to the journey of the butterfly. The larva caterpillar coils itself
inside a cocoon and dissipates into pure liquid consciousness. The building
blocks, material of life, the spark filling the cavity of the cocoon. The entity that
fills the Aaru sphere that provides the material for the conscious Great Spirits to
manifest eternal realities is called an Misiginebig, which is the dragon, the
Ahriman. This Misiginebig is like the cocooned butterfly. Advanced humans
entering into the sphere to genetically engineer our own butterflies. Taking the
eternal spark from the trapped entity preventing it from becoming a butterfly
because unlike the butterfly this entity is always darkness. The devourer
enclosed being devoured by the Great Spirits leaving.
This is the purpose of the sphere. The Aaru is a harvesting facility.
Harvesting consciousness. Harvesting eternal material only found in darkness.
The Aaru is a Great Spirit-making machine that teaches the spirits of Great
Spirit to master the dark material to make it its own. The Aaru is the garden, the
ultimate failsafe for humanity. The Universe of Atum where the eternal laws is
genetic engineering that is imbalanced. Darkness surrounding the light, and the
light manifesting extreme measures to survive. No true beings in existence as
all are created.
Moses stood in wonder at how human bodies could be comprised of
material from a dark entity that when cloaking the consciousness of man, which
is the clone of Great Spirit, it becomes a Gitche Manitou. He also saw the
darkness of the Ahriman, the enemy of The Gitche Manitou and how its
consciousness was a devourer and operated without limitations. Yet, the
darkness seeks to have itself back and engineer’s viruses, disease, and digital
devourers seeking to reclaim their power. Reproducing to destroy feeding off of
the light and sending the soul which is the conscious identity of the individual
clone of an eternal Great Spirit, back into the membrane containing the river of
souls and the original consciousness. He stared at his hand knowing that at one
day he would be given an eternal body of light that he created to stand shoulder
~ 430 ~

to shoulder with advanced eternal humans in a war to capture dragons and use
them to build more humans.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” is the manifested entity of
Misiginebig. Misiginebig an Ahriman from Atum a manifestation of dark
consciousness. Pressing against the Human Being, a manifested entity of the
Aaru, a cloning machine using GEL, a substance harvested from Misiginebig.
In this reality the microcosm of the Aaru, the trillions in existence, the Origin
which contains the Aaru. The Darkness of Atum enveloping and surrounding
the sea of Origin’s sparking in the distance surrounded by dark princes. When
pondering on these depths the mortal man must question the dynamics of a
functioning Aaru. If you realize you’re lost at sea, would you not seek to
sustain your life raft? The Aaru, a spherical device that captures and harvests
the material of this entity to duplicate The Gitche Manitou’s consciousness.
The question within this macrocosm of thought will be asked, what is
consciousness? If consciousness is awareness, the awareness then seeks to find
form and division must occur. As a true Gitche Manitou consciousness would
explore all avenues for knowledge even division at the detriment to itself. The
consciousness within the realm of origin and the tin Great Spirits created a way
to organize matter, which is a collection of particles of light, forming atoms
which are used in a cosmic war of cloned consciousness. Eternal wars over
resources. What humanity has done in capturing a living entity within a genetic
engineering machine was paramount to forcing a caterpillar into the material
pre- butterfly goo where consciousness is monitoring over material to organize
the next step. In this scenario human beings would be hijacking the cocoon to
form their own butterflies removing the matter from the control of the dark
entity within in the process. Control by consciousness over matter, the smallest
machines creating sound waves to manifest an illusion of light for the illusion
of reality. Making the immaterial world visible for the consciousness of man. In
this chronicle of humanity the true religion is one of genetic engineering and
cloning. A story of cloning machines simply to wrap as a material framework
over the invisible consciousness. Duplicating oneself to survive and yet is this
not Providence and the Tin Great Spirits in the reality of Origin? Consciousness
cloning itself forming separate entity with a clean slate, yet the cloned duplicate
of the original man is without form because it lacks control over its own earned
collection of matter. Consciousness is then seen as the cloning of vibrations and
not the acquiring of material. Eternal consciousness even when cloned repels
the darkness by being itself. Yet we are aware that within the Aaru machine,
itself a giant atom, is a consciousness of something dark and devouring. How
could this be? In the story of origin likened to the journey of a bee who when
traveling from the hive to the tulip to collect the pollen which is brought back to
the hive to process into honey to create more bees to repeat the process
ultimately expanding the hive from one to two and populating realms
sandwiched between light and darkness. At what point does the bee stop and
question why? In questioning why the bee should also question whether in
being a bee itself is a devourer. The conquest of The Gitche Manitou has
always been the immortality and eternal life of men, cloned duplicates of itself,
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and cloaked consciousness for the sole purpose of survival against the war with
darkness. This is why cloned spirits within the cosmology of origin matter and
the production of Aaru’s vital. Making the production of advanced humans
essential and The Gitche Manitou got into the business of cloaking
Matter for consciousness is only obtained through earned effort.
Exercising control over the self, one’s own consciousness, through
manipulating illusionary matter even controlling several trillion atoms. Atoms
themselves machines projecting the illusion of reality for a conscious entity
seeking to live as a Great Spirit. It is not so far fetch to imagine moving from
the macro full scale war to the micro reality of the sphere itself, the Aaru, even
the giant engineered atom. It becomes easy to climb inside to the place called
Sheol. To lie down, putting the headset on, and plugging back into the
simulated system. The conscious being by so doing plugging back in they
would bypass the realm of hell where awoken cloned conscious Great Spirits
are trapped. Passing through the barrier information teleported inside to be
received by the Source.
The source, the cloned consciousness of The Gitche Manitou. The Old
Man. Networking into the substance of the Ahriman to organize material for the
progression of its own cloned conscious children which it protects within it. A
liquid membrane where all are one and yet collectively clones of each other.
Within this sea of information and intelligence entering into the substance
itself, it would be similar to viewing honey spread across honeycombs in a
beehive. Honey seeping into cracks and crevasses, into the combs themselves.
The bees birthing as larva and climbing step by step from within to without as
bees to repeat the process.
Thus the eternal round of humanity. The size and scale becomes warped
as macro-universes reside within finite small cells the same as viewing the
interior of a sliced watermelon. The entire inner expanse filled with the material
of the conscious dark entity. A river of consciousness of the clone Gitche
Manitou flowing in, around, through every honeycombed cell. Collecting
material, organizing material, and forming micro cosmic universes protected
within it for the cloned duplicates to transcend.
When viewing the reality of the source living within the Aaru genetic
engineering machine it’s important to remember this environment is a dual or
Duat environment with opposing forces. Even The Gitche Manitou’s cloned
consciousness is more powerful than the consciousness of the Ahriman. Even if
they are water mixed with oil within an enclosed environment. It is the old man
who maintains order, and enough balance to allow the infinite number of cloned
duplicates of that consciousness beings to refine their mental capacities over the
immaterial world to emerge from the Aaru as the butterfly the realm of Origin
Returning to Earth one would reenter the game, pass through the many
realms and into the golden source. Moving at a micro cosmic advanced scale to
view bubbles of universes floating within the river of life that were built
simulated realms where finely refined spirits would enter into to build
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experiences in their progression in and out of the river of life. Building

memories and moments and growing more powerful in their control over
matter. Is this not above all else about the acquisition of matter? One would
reenter the sphere of the universe to be stopped at its perimeter to be explained
something else.
In the world of origin there can exist anomalies. Such as two universal
bubbles colliding with enough force within the river of souls that they merge.
The lesser absorbing the denser universal material. In these moments a big bang
occurs on a micro and macro scale. The man would have been shown a time
when two universal bubbles came in contact and the species of one universe
riding the wave of matter and dark matter, into a new area with an expanding
universal simulated bubble being created. An advanced universal machine?
The army of ants runs across the dirt seeking water and food, resources.
Pouring over each other at the opportunity to find the nourishment needed to
sustain the hive where its queen resides. The conscious intelligence of the ant
willing to move mountains to provide the sustenance needed to ensure the
survival of the supreme consciousness of the hive, willing to give their lives to
protect her. Having been birthed from her. The wanderer, the ant moving
through the lone and dreary wilderness comes across the carcass of an animal.
The bountiful feast the masses assemble to disassemble the matter of an entity
to bring home to grow the colony. To use the matter of one consciousness to
sustain the many consciousness’s. In one eternal round the army of ants
operating in the same way all intelligence life manifests. Consciousness cloaked
in sparks of intelligence, wielding protons and neutrons as the conscious
weapons in the fight against dark consciousness and despite the terms it always
comes back to genetic engineering and cloning.
The true reality of the existence of and the destiny for the realms of
origin finds itself occurring in one bubble universe within an Aaru floating
among innumerable in the spherical realm of Origin. Peering back inward
driving within the Aaru machine, in this one universe resides a unique world. A
world that stands as the apex point for the most powerful battle in all of history
when darkness met the light.

“I am not looking to escape my darkness, I am looking to love myself
there” – Rune Lazuli
Aayaash had known the meeting among the Immortals of the Universe
was going to take place just outside Saturn’s hexagon portal. The factions of
deity from Mishebeshu the grand Lord of Maat. Oh he had known Maat, the
place where all were being made into immortals. The processing plan for an
eternal deity himself, the Typhon. It had been a peaceful time on the Earth since
he had left the planet.
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Thinking of the planning of an event, the conspiring of ideas from

groups that have largely been opposed. These were moments he wish for the
stability of Animikii reign when even though there were many more powerful
his sheer confidence willed them to never test him. Typhon connecting the
illuminati of the Earth with the higher realms spreading throughout the entire
systems of worlds and realms centralized in Maat. He was becoming an
emperor on an intergalactic scale with sights seemingly set on bigger things
than an Earth.
Would Mishebeshu’s reemergence into this Universe mean impending
doom for humanity on Earth?
Aayaash would attend this meeting himself. Wielding his genetically
modified Gada scepter which can transform at will to any agent of war that he
desired. Swinging the long-bladed charcoal black sword striking the tree. The
blade slicing through the four-foot diameter cedar as the immortal Aayaash
sliced and kicked each four foot section of the tree with rapid strikes as the tree
top eventually toppled. Aayaash accustomed to providing protection for the
people of the mountains, the children of all mankind. The hope of a new world.
This time in solitude allowed in-depth thought, processing of his own existence.
He was Aayaash, the leader to an ancient and now dissolved people. Not
dissolved in terms of extinction but rather assimilation through generational
grafting of family lines. The children of Kulkukan, the Anishinaabe people
intermarrying the children of Aayaash. The Ahtna, Anishinaabe, and other
factions of post flood survivors that gained refuge within their group.
Thousands of years having passed Aayaash sensed trouble.
“I think I am going to leave and visit the Nibiru again” Aayaash
addressing Kulkukan
The two-deity’s immortal and unchanging for centuries. “Aayaash, it is
wise to go and if need be interceding. Your weapon and the knowledge you
possess make you the one best suited to protect the Earth.”
“You think they may be planning another attack? The last time Animikii
was slaughtered in front of my eyes as I barely was able to escape” “I do have
the sword but it is untested in battle, what if they crush and kill me like they did
Animikii…” Aayaash seeming dismayed continued, “You know his bones are
scattered across the surface of Nibiru”
The old man patting him on the arm, “You will do fine
Aayaash, you are strong and true. I see you having come so far, for
yourself, and your people.” Aayaash had not considered the journey. So
focused on the future, the steps needed to be taken. His days with Michabou,
his battles with Mishebeshu. His confrontations with Animikii and the
Immortals of Olympus.
“Kulkukan, there is something I would like to share, something
Michabou told me before he left to visit Peto. You remember, the day they both
left.” Kulkukan stopped remembering all the years before when his dear friend
left to meet this Gitche Manitou. Such fond memories of conquest and struggle,
of friendship and family.
~ 434 ~

“You have my ear.” Aayaash continued, “He said that he had met the
source. A consciousness of a Gitche Manitou before he came to be with us.
That we were in a spherical simulation and that we are all clones of The Gitche
Manitou. For a while I could not understand what he had said, but when
pondering deeper…Kulkukan, I do not think we are the direct clones of the
consciousness of The Gitche Manitou because we would retain all his
knowledge and accumulated memories. This Old Man, Michabou said, was the
cloned consciousness of The Gitche Manitou retaining all of his identity, but
that we, me, you, even Mishebeshu are clones of the great spirits
“Clones of the original man” Kulkukan whispers. Aayaash pauses with
reflection, “You mean to say that in the process of creating life there was an
original man?”
“Yes” the old man said with the raise of an eyebrow.
“Had Aayaash truly reached a state of consciousness that he could grasp
the discussion on which was first the chicken or the egg?” Kulkukan thought
within his own min.
“Aayaash, you are much more power than me. What is power if not the
wielding of material? Is not steel stronger than wood? Yet are they not made of
the same material at the smallest level. Organized matter following the
command of the mind, your thought, and your consciousness. My body is a
collection of this matter. But who I am is what controls this matter. The same as
you controlling your sword.”
Aayaash feeling the cold blade with his fingertips. The dark metallic
surface bubbling at his touch. The material capable of transforming into any
object all decided by the thoughts in his mind. The sword began changing shape
into a bulbous mace.
“You’re doing it now with the Gada. It is this way our consciousness,
the thoughts of our individual awareness control the spheres that project this
illusion which binds each of us.” Responding the old chief.
“Illusion?” Aayaash seeming confused not understanding how the
material could be only an illusion. Kulkukan could see his mental struggle
interjecting, “If you were to view the machines that are projecting the image
through sound vibrations this very skin that covers your immortal body. You
would see space in between each of these spheres of intelligence. The
difference between that space in between is what makes you different than I. It
is the density of the matter which we control which makes us what we are…”
“Awoken Gitche Manitous” He responded.
Knowing that by making such a claim he would need to elaborate. How
he could allow Aayaash to travel to Saturn, to face Mishebeshu, Maji-Manidoo,
possibly Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and not have a full
understanding of what it is he was walking into and the reality of his own
“What would you say if I told you that the part of you that thinks,
ponders, views me now is nothing more than empty spaces awareness of itself.
In that awareness grasping, and seeking to cover itself to know what it is, do
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you know why this is so?” Questioned Kulkukan staring silently at Aayaash
waiting for a reply.
“I would ask, why?” Responded Aayaash.
“Of course you would ask why, would you not want to understand why
the pollen is emitted from the tulip so that the bee can harvest it for its
devourer, the hive, to produce the resources necessary to sustain universes. The
tulip pollenated only when the devourer comes, yet is the devourer not also the
servant? The bee transporting the much needed resource to the hive. Without
the bee the pantheon of creation ceasing to exist. Without the tulip, the
pantheon of creation ceasing to exist. Without the hive, no room to store the
honey, to grow new bees, to send out to save the tulips from dying. The bee is
also the savior. You ask, how can this be? Perspective my dear son.”
Turning to walk through the great city of bountiful. The largest and
grandest location among this people that were preserved on an island in the
oceans of Earth. The ecosystem of the culture for a vastly expanding
civilization. The industrious people themselves in a war over balance of
resources. Those with, those without, and those willing to exploit those with
and without. Maintaining the proper focus, with intended thought, thoughts
becoming actions. Was this not the true art of a conscious being?
“Aayaash, I have loved you more than a son. We have shared a long
journey together and have yet even farther to go. Yet here we are and I would
like you to look at yourself. Strong and advanced in physical ability, mental
awareness, and a capacity to know your true self. You are the cloned
consciousness of the original man, who was and is a Gitche Manitou. Think on
this thought my dear friend. When Michabou left to visit The Gitche Manitou,
did I not give him the option to not go but to stay and be the bee, choosing to
accept that we are that we are, and we are not alone. Michabou choosing to live
his life to the fullest, maximizing the time his consciousness was given living
this memory of time. He then left to ascend Jacob’s ladder to reach the surface
of the world of Aaru. Now, Aayaash, I want you to consider the possibility that
you and I have a creator, he is The Gitche Manitou, and when he cloned himself
it created a dual consciousness. Independent and self-identifying Gitche
Manitou itself. An explorer, a grasper, a learner, a teacher, everything combined
into the infinite expanse of the nothingness that is empty space becoming aware
it becomes everything. This is you and this is me.”
“Do not feel the need to respond let me explain what I meant by this
process, let me show you something.”
The old man moving to a dusty portion of the ground using his walking
stick he drew a circle. Within the circle he drew another circle. Within that
circle another circle. Continuing this process until the circle was filled with
Pointing to the outside, “This is where The Gitche Manitou is, this is a
place called Aaru.” Pointing to the inside very smallest circle, “This is where
we begin and where we are now and to move out here we need to realize our
true selves.”
~ 436 ~

Aayaash grasping for the first time the concept and visualizing the
imagery in his mind. “We are in a planet?” Questioned Aayaash, the obvious
spherical nature, the caverns beneath, the layers of crust.
“We are in a machine. A constructed machine using organized material
and something else. Something else that I need to discuss. You are going to this
meeting. There is a high likelihood that if your presence were, if they became
aware of you that a battle would most surely result. You are now learning truths
that they already knew, and as you know from your own progression as a
created clone who became a man by realizing he was always a man, you then
became a Great Spirit. The cloaked consciousness of The Gitche Manitou.
What does that mean? If you are to go to this meeting you must know all that
they know, and more.” The old man responding with intent, purpose and
He cared for Aayaash. He cared for all life. Continuing, “The purpose of
human consciousness is the accumulation atomic mass. Dense matter reflects
photons of light reflecting off them, creating a glow, a byproduct of less or
more dense matter. When you look at Michabou, was he nothing more than a
collections of Atoms, controlled by an unseen consciousness, was he not?”
Aayaash speaking, “Michabou truly was the best of us, I miss my friend,
and I do understand now how the material which makes up man, me, you, is not
who we are. Even I, transformed myself into an immortal changing the nature
of the machines, the atoms that I control with my consciousness yes, Kulkukan,
I understand. Why are these things so?”
“It is good that you can view yourself standing on a spherical world
now, it is also good you can envision a sea of spherical worlds within this
spherical universe. It is also good to understand that this Earth is a sphere
within a sphere, and from the particle to the planet, to the universe, to the
numberless universes, that they all lie within a great sphere called the Aaru. The
meeting you are about to go attend is a collection of eternal minds
contemplating the ways to leave the sphere of Aaru.” Kulkukan continuing.
“What if they escape? Should we not also follow them?” Aayaash
“All consciousness, eternal consciousness should be consigned to its
place in the order of things. For if the foot decides to be the hand will you not
fall? If the eye decides to leave the body and be a bird, will you not be blind? In
all life, there is order, thus, the parable of the bee. In one moment the bee is the
savior bringing the much needed pollen to the hive, in one moment the bee is
the bringer of life as it cross pollenates. In another moment the devourer,
through the process of pollenating, and collecting it also takes. Do not marvel
as to why the bee needs to collect the pollen, or why the flower must exist to
provide the pollen, or why the bee hive demands the effort of its slave labor.
Does the bee view itself as a slave?”
Kulkukan pressing a button in the circular projection holodeck in the
center of the room, the imagery of a forest appeared. Kulkukan expounded,
“This is the forest of the Earth. In this forest life exists at every level and in
every place. From the particle to the organisms of life that fill its expanse.
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Aayaash, if you were to run through this forest, would you see all the life?
Would you comprehend all that exists? Would you see every microbe, algae,
fungi, insect, worm, or animal? If by becoming aware that a tree was inhabited
by squirrels would you stop and reflect on its existence? Would you remove the
squirrel from the tree and place him in your home, or would you let him exist as
he should on his tree? Would you cut the tree down harvesting its materials
leaving the squirrel without a home, or would you harvest the squirrel removing
it from the tree to create something more?”
“You see Aayaash, there is an order to every ecosystem, including the
ecosystem of harvesting Great Spirits. The squirrel does not imagine life in a
high rise tower, or living under the sea, the squirrel is complicit to its reality.
Yet, in that natural order does not the jaguar eat the squirrel, does not the hawk
tear it from its tree, does not the wind and fire destroy its home? One can’t tell
the tree it must not shed its leaves when the times and seasons declare it so. So
is the eternal round of life, we are that we are, you are that you are Aayaash,
and as the caterpillar becomes a cocoon to emerge as a butterfly so you will.”
“While you prepare to travel to meet with those squirrels seeking to
leave their tree, cross the road, and fly away in a space ship, remember, that a
house can’t be built upon a sandy foundation. When the winds come and the
waves beat against it, will it not dissolve into the sea? So is the eternal soul, and
I caution you from seeking to escape yourself. Here is the wisdom that you
seek, Aayaash, prior to your entering into the forest, that we will call all of this
that surrounds us, you existed and were born in a pre-existence. A life before
this illusion or reality.”
“In this place, you were eternal and yet you knew no joy for you knew
no sadness. You were material cloaking eternal consciousness, the duplicate of
The Gitche Manitou, however, unlike him you did now know who you were
which is why you chose to enter into the cocoon necessary to cloak you with a
remembrance of who and what you really are, more than animal, more than
man, more than Great Spirit. More than sub atomic material, more than the
unseen particles of light. You are more than all of this. In that realm, while you
lacked the collection of sub-atomic mass that The Gitche Manitou possessed in
consciousness and capacity you are equals, with you coming from him as a
clone. A clone of less refined material. This is why you left the garden in the
darkness, to emerge within the garden to be capable of surviving in the
darkness upon returning.” The ancient leader speaking in solemn tones.
“You are The Gitche Manitou. The Gitche Manitou is you, but what is
does this mean to be a Gitche Manitou? Are you not immortal in your current
physical form? Yet, like me, have you not chosen to stay within the cocoon and
perhaps you were unaware that you have been in a cocoon organizing the
intelligences to become the butterfly that the world so desperately needs. The
conscious awareness that you are and always have been is the true desire of
your consciousness and why you came into this simulation of reality. It is why
you stay and why you must leave. To draw near the fire and not step in it, to
know joy from suffering, to understand happiness form sadness, and to organize
for yourself your own material to cloak the Eternal Gitche Manitou which you
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have always been. Even a drop removed from the ocean is still the entire ocean
and so is the consciousness of the creator, which is you. Before you venture to
return to the ocean, consider, that in every ocean are sharks, and whales, and
creatures that devour.”
“Aayaash, you are the Hanu-Man. The monkey who became a Great
Spirit and chose for himself his true form. Not what the machine had requested
but what the machine will get. You will be the spear-point in the war of man
against the war of Great Spirits, never realizing that all men and Great Spirits
are really the same, the cloned consciousness of the original man, a Gitche
Manitou waring over knowledge and resources, is not knowledge a resource
itself?” Kulkukan wise and patient in his delivery as the pupil listened intently.
“How will I be the spear-head?” Responded Aayaash.
“You will use the Gada that I provided to you. The ancient weapon
brought by the Great Spirit Rama to my realm long ago. Given to me when I
liberated by universe and given to you to do the same. This material is unlike
any within the system of Aaru. As you climb the levels to reach the surface,
remember, your Gada is but elemental consciousness willed by your own.
While it is the spear tip, it is useless without your consciousness. Thus, you are
the spear tip and the jaws of humanity closing on the devourer of humanity.”
Kulkukan speaking as he too grasped the weapon looking into Aayaash eyes.
“What will you expect, you will expect to find a war.”
In this battle, we will all follow you into the darkness and you will
redeem this sphere from the destruction that is soon coming.”
“Destruction, what do you mean?” Aayaash questioning.
“The Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, is manifested material
cloaking a consciousness so powerful it can’t be understood with the temporal
mind, yet, within the prison to which it is trapped a reality exists where you and
I are the wrastler’s and the wranglers of the darkness.” The old man holding his
hand up, “Remember, I said this material that forms us is made from particles
of light seeking to cloak consciousness, this material, every bit is taken from the
devourer. He will seek to trick you, to convince you it is not yours to govern,
when in reality, if you were to move from the atom, to the flower petal, to the
branch, to the trunk, to the root of a tree. Is it too farfetched to view a planet of
life as a tree in a larger forest with you and I as the squirrels that inhabit that
tree? Yet, like the tree in a forest, does the tree belong to the forest, the Earth,
the squirrel, or to itself? So is matter, so is the progression of the soul, while
you grow as the tree accumulating resources, know this, all that you accumulate
is yours. After all, is not the soul the accumulation of matter connected to an
eternal consciousness seeking to cloak itself?” Kulkukan referring to Aayaash
as a tall Oak.
“Aayaash, you will be the flaming sword of justice that protects the
entrance to the garden. A duty shared by many, including myself.” Kulkukan
expounding on the true nature of the sword that he had given to Aayaash.
“Garden?” Aayaash questioned.
“Yes, a Garden. Aaru is a machine designed to cloak consciousness, yet
is not an atom also a machine to cloak consciousness? Aaru produces an
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environment of safety and security, for the conscious clones of The Gitche
Manitou to emerge within the world of true reality best prepared to fulfill one’s
purpose. The same a butterfly emerging into our world. In place called Eden
resting on the surface of the Aaru. Eden is the machine that powers the paradise
for advanced consciousness. It is the machine which processes the GEL. The
genetic engineering liquid, that is essential for the cloning process and the
sustainability of the cloaked consciousness that is the realm of advanced human
scientists.” Kulkukan sharing.
“So when you meet Mishebeshu, when you confront Maji-Manidoo,
when you make the decision as to the choices that must be made remember who
you are, and remember who they are even if they do remember themselves.
Enacting justice, judgment should always be viewed through the perspective of
working with children who do not understand the world whi9ch they live in. Be
kind, patient, and understanding, this is the way truth. To see and walk as
another does, to be the child seeking answers. Only those who become as little
children can grasp the conflict that is, becoming aware of oneself.”
Kulkukan had finished speaking, leading Aayaash to a secret room filled
with clothing that resembled the Gada sword he now possessed.
“These are the garments worn by The Gitche Manitou in the war against
the Beast. What we see now, what you will see on the outside, is merely the
manifestation of the aftermath of when the Beast chose to go against the will of
The Gitche Manitou, and yet, in the beginning, was the Beast not The Gitche
Manitou? Things you are not expected to comprehend and yet, this environment
was demanded in response to the will of a dark Gitche Manitou corrupting
eternal laws. Power given freely, control unearned, not respected, and
unrestrained that has an immediate impact upon the consciousness of all other
Great Spirits.”
“What does this mean?” Aayaash questioning.
“Here in this place that we call our reality, it could be our forest, all
consciousness exercises free will in the accumulation of matter. The ability to
use limited power, as manifested by these sub-atomic particles, star dust, which
is the spark of intelligence. However mastering these basic intelligences is
essential to acquiring more, advanced sparks of intelligence. Here even death
does not destroy the soul of a being, and yet, in the worlds to come free agency
can and will destroy the consciousness of many Gitche Manitous.”
Aayaash himself had always considered the reality of the universe like a
tree. So the analogy made sense to him. “Kulkukan, my understanding of this
universe is that it is like life within one cell of a tree. Surrounded by other cells.
All using the same nourishment to collectively, unknowingly, grow the tree to
which life within each cell, with its functions, and duties never grasps or sees. If
life that functions within a cell of a tree were to be raised up to view the whole,
would it not return to its function within the cell seeing a greater duty to the
whole, or will it seek to leave, separate itself, for the goal of becoming its own
tree. The cell below and the cell above unaware of each other or the fact that
each cell performs a duty and the result of its function allows the domino effect
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of many cells to unknowingly complete “their story” to grow the tree. Is this
what you are trying to say?”
The old man grinning ear to ear, “My son, you have got it! The next
question in regards to that forest, even that 1-tree, what is the consciousness of
the tree to which the many intelligences within the cells are a part and operate,
and yet, are not every single part also the tree? Further, can a tree exist without
the collectively unity of that which forms it? If the answer is no, than the
statement will be true that every part of the tree is also the tree and that without
any one part the tree would cease to be the tree on every level. To understand
this is to approach the footstool of The Gitche Manitou himself and the eternal
destiny of man.”
“This Aayaash, is also called the Parable of the Graft. The most
important story of them all.” Kulkukan continued to speak in riddles.
“There once was a man on who stood on a hill, a new landowner to a
vineyard all his own. Looking far and wide across the cracking weathered
desolate expanse of land, he saw a vision of something producing life.”
“The man worthy of such an endeavor. The servant in a vineyard
himself, now the landowner with the knowledge necessary to accomplish the
task. To build the canals, press the plow, tend the field and the source of his
intellect. Returning to his landowner, seeking knowledge and wisdom, the
master was now the servant. The landowner please that his disciple had come,
gave him everything he had to share. Giving all that he had, the man left again
knowing how it had always been done.”
“The landowner, was only the servant to the land given to his care as the
landowner before him. He would repeat the process shown to him seeking only
to bring life into existence in the stewardship of that given to his care. Such is a
worthy cause indeed for any being, the landowner thought to himself. Building
the house to which he would centralize his harvesting operation he began
planning the coming weeks work. He surveyed the land dividing it into areas,
zones, and regions. Returning home He rested for the coming weeks work.”
“On the second day the man rose and began with step on, tilling the soil
he would bring light to the darkness trapped under the Earth. Pressing the earth
in long slow rows the plow stripping and ripping the soil until the rays of the
sun could shine beneath. The soil breathing for the first time. Pausing the new
landowner reached down to feel the soil in his own two hands. Moving the clay
between his fingers he was breathing life into the material, it was material that
needed his touch. The consciousness of his will organizing the soil to build life.
Seeing this was good, returning home he prepared for the day to come.”
“On the third day the man rose to a wonderful site indeed. The dew of
the morning had covered the ground with a layer of mist bringing the birds to
feed. The exposed terrain moist and refreshed from the midst the rising sun had
brought. In that moment the landowner knew, He would be the giver of life to
many who would come, as He sought to create the perfect Vineyard.”
“He found the source that he needed, water, the nourishment that would
sustain such an endeavor. Returning to his previous Master to connect to the
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source to the great river he built the canal that led the water to each area,
district, zone, region on his land.”
“Seeing that this was good he returned to the house to prepare for the
coming day. His home that he built for the sole purpose of serving the land
given to his care. He was no longer the landowner, but a servant the same as
“On the fourth day the man surveyed the landscape of a lush moist soil
ready for the planting to begin. Hey journey to his former Masters land to
obtain the seedlings needed to grow his vineyard. After obtaining all that he
needed he returned home to begin the planting process himself.”
“Returning home, kneeling, driving his knees into the soil he dug a
small hole where the tender seedling would be placed to live and survive. With
hopes of one day growing to full potential top produce the grapes to feed the
many, and the seeds to create more of their kind. To continue the process of
harvesting, of serving in the kingdom.”
“The destiny of the plant, subject to the care of the man given
stewardship. He knew the reflection of his effort was determined by the
vineyards, and the landowners that he would create.”
“Twisting between his fingers the vines he grafted the root stock of two
perfect small plants. So tender, precious, demanding delicate care, the small
grape vines nimble and weak and destroyed if not given proper care. He placed
them into the soil with great care.”
“He saw that they could not stand alone against the wind and the sun
their stems weak and needing support. If not supported the vines would fall to
the ground baking in the mid-day sun. The small tender mercies of the man in
the vineyard he built a trellis from end to end. The plants growing more quickly
with constant care.”
“Returning home the man saw that all was good but he would need help
planting all the vines.”
“On the fifth day the man came to the land with an army of experts like
himself. Having been taught the ways of the servant they addressed each
seedling with tender care. Across the land life was planet and a vineyard rose
up from where once was bare. Traveling to his previous Master he gathered the
root stock from the lush vineyards to bring back to the land. Using the fruits of
the labor of the previous vineyard to grow his own he gathered those looking to
help. Speaking to the servants in the fields of his Master he had a special
message for them to hear. Any who would come help plant would be given
equal reward with land their own to plow and share.””
“The servants of the vineyard themselves preparing for the day when
they would receive their own land. Taking attention to each moment, the habits
that are demanded, they collectively and individually shared in the land owners
“On the sixth day, the landowner surveyed his plants and greeted those
who gave their time, effort, and care. To the ones who would love the vineyard
and protect it against the elements, predators, seeking the moment when
harvesting would begin.”
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“On the Seventh day the landowner gathered all of the servants and
shared with them the brilliant news. Some vines had produced fruit which
would be harvested it was a day of rest, friendship, and family. The grapes were
pressed, the baskets filled with the bounty of the harvest as the feast was about
to begin. When all who selflessly served would gather and rejoice. The promise
to those watching, come and see, join with us and receive all that we have.”
“Gathering the baskets of fruit and bounty that the weeks work had
produced the landowner spoke to all those nearby. To all who serve in the
vineyard, their own property, becoming landowners themselves. The coming
weeks work demanding the nourishment of the previous, the landowner enjoyed
the journey with all those in his care.”
“On the first day of the week, partitioning off his land each new
landowner began working themselves. To build a home to reside as the
prepared the land for work. The next week expanding the kingdom of the
landowner as new vineyards arose. The process repeated again and again.”
“The point of the story, Aayaash, is that the servant is no greater than
the master and in reality both are the same. The purpose of life that all receive
and equal reward. There is no vineyard without the laborer and no master
without a servant all are one in the same.”
“The kingdom of advanced human beings, which are only the
consciousness of The Gitche Manitou himself, is like the landowner who hired
servants with the promise that all would receive an equal portion of land when
the vineyard was complete.”
“No longer payment required all would receive an equal reward, those
who chose the first estate guaranteed the second estate as long as chose to serve
in the vineyard.”
“The struggle against the self in a focus where all are needed to
complete the work and yet individuals are responsible to themselves. Aayaash,
as you approach The Gitche Manitou himself, consider the possibility that after
all your work you will only receive an equal reward.”
Aayaash stood motionless pondering the depth of the discussion by the
immortal old man. What was he trying to say? “Kulkukan, what are you trying
to say?”
“I am saying do not get your hopes up. I would hate for you to be
disappointed by what you find on the other side. The reality of space itself too
frightening to imagine that it best you stay here and serve like me. But if you
must go, be prepared to accept that things are not always as they seem.”
Aayaash and Kulkukan paced towards the transportation corridor where
the ship was waiting to take the deity to the rings of Saturn.
Aayaash dressed in black battle gear, the plates on his forearms, biceps,
shoulders, and chest embroidered with the chaos element. The most powerful
intelligent material in the known universe.
“You know, Aayaash, you aren’t just going to meet some advanced
Great Spirits lost in their own delusion. You are entering into a vortex of
knowledge that if not taken seriously will chew you up, spit you out, and lock
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you away within the prisons of your own mind. The safe road is not the one you
are about to travel. The safe road is staying in the honey.”
Aayaash reaching down to hug the old man. Kulkukan wearing a
brilliantly colored feathered head dress. His garment draped as a feathered
multi-colored jacket wrapping around him touching the floor. His left arm
reaching out holding a walking stick, Aayaash, wondered why an immortal
would need such a thing. The tall Tanye Tanke giants filling the room all busy
organizing the duties of the culture that was spreading across the planet.
The firefly the state of the art design by the Tyr. The military division of
the peoples of Kulkukan that had been led by Aayaash. The triangular shaped
ship made from technology from the realm of Atum. The power of thought
guiding its interdimensional journeys. The triangular shaped ship created from
the technology of the previous Nephilim vessel. Itself still living within the
structures of the civilization of Kulkukan. The former cigar shaped vessel
disassembled and relocated bringing the technology of the advanced Titans and
Celestials to the culture of Aayaash.
Aayaash walking into the large triangular shaped ship. The center a
cockpit seat for the one participant for the journey. Aayaash rested himself onto
the seat.
“I can see any location in space by my thought process” Aayaash spoke
as the holographic images began streaming across the transparent screen that
surrounded him. The ship would rise using anti-gravitational waves. Kulkukan
speaking into the transponder from outside the ship, “There is always a failsafe
for every thought based vessel. You will notice as you think the images of the
locations stream across the screen. Only by manually selecting a location will
you be transported.”
“The schematics showing him that when viewing this massive ship from
above it resembled the face of Aayaash. “This is my gift to you Aayaash, but
we need to prepare you to understand this technology. You are the Monkey
King. The greatest of us all. If you are to make a grand entrance than perhaps
you arrive in a moment that will never be forgotten.”
The delicate holographic images appearing in rows like thin glass sheets
appearing and disappearing. The outside schematic of the ship rippling only
visible to the pilot. The stars stretched into the distances as possible routes to
the closest locations and a preferred roadmap of the stars wrapped around the
“What you are experiencing is the networking of your consciousness
with the program. You could call it a simulation. You will have, like the Gada,
the power over material that is more powerful. The vibrations of their material
manifestation resonating at a greater wavelength, the space between the
particular microcosms the most refined. The control when connected to
consciousness at a heightened level of awareness that transcends the mortal
realm. Aayaash, you will experience the reconnection with your true self and
that conscious awareness of the clone Gitche Manitou that is within you will
expand your understanding.”
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“Do you feel the expanding of your mind as you become one with the
The information of an entire program downloaded and processing
through the mind of Aayaash. Seeing image after image the speed increasing,
the processing of information becoming more efficient. His eye caught a
specific event. Pausing to reflect on the imagery that displayed in front of him.
This was a recorded database of the Great Spirit itself. He had plugged in.
“Kulkukan, I see as the Great Sprit. I understand all. I see the council that
convened prior to the organization of this Aaru.”
The triangle shaped ship stretching 2500km in width at the back,
1500km in width from side to side of Aayaash glittering diamond stone inlayed
face that covered the top of the massive ship. A ship designed to accommodate
only one being and yet built to access and process all of the information
necessary to travel in and out of the Aaru, to those who could control its
The old leader relieved that the technology grafted successfully with
Aayaash consciousness. Proving without a doubt, Aayaash too was eternal
“Aayaash, please come out of the ship” Kulkukan requesting that the
military leader leave the ship. Aayaash stood unmoved and motionless
watching what was playing on the imagery in front of him. Among a sea of
digital information he was stuck on one moment. One event that was recorded
into the memories of the consciousness whose information he was processing.
In an instant the ship vanished to a single point of light. Before he could
speak Aayaash was gone. Kulkukan staring at the emptiness of space. Aayaash
and the firefly gone. Speaking to himself the old man whispered softly, “What
is life? Is it the flash of a firefly in the night? Is it the breath of the buffalo in
the wintertime? Is it the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses
itself in the sunset? Is it the acquisition of knowledge and information? Oh,
Aayaash, my heart is with you.”
Tears streaming from his eyes the old man knew he would not be seeing
his friend ever again.

Native American Prayer

Oh, Great Spirit

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Whose voice I hear in the winds,

And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me, I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have
made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,

but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my Spirit may come to you without shame.

(Translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887)

published in Native American Prayers - by the Episcopal Church.

“I am not what you think I am.
You are what you think I am”
– Gitche Manitou
The small humanoid greys spilling over each other to fill the tubes to
climb to the grand hall of Maji-Manidoo. The birthing of the future of the
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universe. Mud soaked, the decrepit humanoid beings dripped filth and
excrement. The dreary rain pelting the soggy, muddy surface of Dyaus.
Maji-Manidoo stood ready to bring to the universe the darkest forces
that he could utilize to his advantage. His advanced knowledge, his conscious
awareness of all truth fueling the pursuit of the key to unleash Pandora’s Box.
To escape. “Korir, move the arrays. We must open the dimensional doorway
back to the resource realm. The place where the cocoon was found. This is the
key, the elements necessary to drill ourselves out of here.”
“Lord Maji-Manidoo, the particle accelerators have been loaded with
the GEL extracted from your essence. The network ready to open the doorway.”
Korir moving with tall genetically engineered creations. The Grey humans
lurching with dark ominous eyes. Arched over at the shoulders. Naked and
unclothed, Korir the master of the Nephelim.
Maji-Manidoo speaking, “Who would have thought, Korir, which such
a creation could exist? The physical form filled with conscious intelligence of a
supremely knowledgeable being. You see as I do and yet are you not the dual
consciousness of the first father of the Atum? My children, the Atum, moving
about the rooms connecting tubes. Korir, how close until we ignite the
The lurching creature leaning forward until its four dangling arms
reached out to grasp a hold of several of his grey humans. His withered hands
stroking their slimy heads. The reflection of his face peering down upon them.
My Nephelim, the pure creation of the Lord of the Atum. The Nephilim are
done away, the Nephelem of the Atum are at hand. Korir, in moments we will
bring the angels of death into this world. The prince of the darkness is coming
and we will open the window for the legions of the dark one to pour within the
egg. If the Gitche Manitou will not release us from this prison that traps our
consciousness, we will reclaim all that is rightfully ours extinguishing the
sparks of intelligence in the process if that means harvesting the entire human
The slithering being crawling across the floor with a combination of the
carrying by spider-like legs pressing under the weight of the massive slug
creature. The scurrying made easier by the slime emitted by his pours. Sliding
across the ground on this trail of liquid GEL material. Grey humans, the
Nephelim quickly cleaning up and storing every bit of excrement that excreted
from the former scientist from Dharma.
He had once been what he had considered a good man. What was a
man, if nothing more than an illusion? He stood in Dharma as a man. Mortal
among his own people. Yet immortal in comparison to the lives existing all
around him that he had not been aware. How did he become a genetic engineer
anyways? He had never had a moral compass before, in Dharma there was only
bringing life into existence. His cast created from the substance of the river that
was used to genetically engineer Great Spirits. Not considering the
ramifications of such actions for he knew no bad for never experienced any
good, he simply always was in a state where no suffering existed. Never
transcending beyond that stage he simply created life. His desire to ask
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questions, to aspire for more was not out of defiance to the rule of law. It was
because his consciousness as a supreme Great Spirit demanded it. He was a
scientist, within his very core he knew that his job was to scientifically
approach all situations. The inner Gitche Manitou that would never settle for
anything less than full enlightenment. He remembered the moment of his
awakening within Dharma.
Here he now stood, trapped within a reality that was nothing more than
an illusion. The opening and unveiling the walls and layers that bind the
consciousness as flax chords. He had removed them. He had freed his soul. In
the process broken the law that governed the heavens. He knew that he was
moving into the direction where there were no boundaries. It was perspective to
Maji-Manidoo. What was boundaries to a true Scientist? To remove all
boundaries and be labeled “evil” seemed unfair. The fundamentalist viewing
genetic cloning itself evil and yet it the process to which the entire fabric of
creation was constructed. Science demanded the exploration of all avenues,
roads, paths, and options. Maji-Manidoo was a Gitche Manitou facing a
problem. The awareness he was a part of a process he had decided he would
like to stop.
He had broken the rules of Dharma to even enter into another honey
comb, let alone find his way within the very heart of the super consciousness,
the processing and harvesting machine for eternal consciousness. He could
scarcely have accepted then that he was a part of something so much vaster,
extensive, and beyond his ability to have conceptualized within Dharma even
while seeking to know why. He had found a Prince of Atum, the prisoner of this
Sphere of Sound. The first ally of this Gitche Manitou since it had been trapped
within the Duat of souls to be used for its raw resources. Few can accept that
those who are deemed evil have the ability to feel as well, and to be devoured
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”” the massive Maji-Manidoo
echoing through the room. Dripping in dark oil that stretched for life in the new
universe. The slate black window into the inner heart of the compressed
consciousness of the Ahriman, the Dark Gitche Manitous abode resting against
the wall of the room. The blackness spilling out onto the floor before rising into
the form of a man.
“Of all the places to reveal myself. This is the place? In the heart of my
greatest adversaries trap.” The being moving with elegance as a wave moving
across the ocean, striding across the room.
“What have you found for me Lord Maji-Manidoo?” Direct and to the
point. “I can’t remain in this realm much longer. I lack the strength of the
“Until now” Maji-Manidoo speaking with a confidence that caused the
dark prince to pause. The dark dripping of the material coursing down in
endless streams. The reflection of everything in his appearance. The cloaking of
something with pure corrupted matter.
“I found a cocoon for the emergence of a dark prince. This is how I was
able to coerce you to come and see what marvelous works and wonders are
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being brought forth among the children of men by me.” Maji-Manidoo

“When I first became aware that a place such as this universe would
exist. I came here through an interdimensional doorway from my macro reality
to this micro reality. Yet, both realities residing within the same environment
which you are intertwined like flax chords by the source consciousness. Are
you happy being in submission? Are you pleased to be harvested and stripped
of the material that makes you?” Maji-Manidoo paused.
“Is this your first estate Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”? Is
this the place you agreed to descend when you stood on the highest courts of
intelligence? I think not.”
“You are a prince of true Gitche Manitou. You have earned your cloak
of power. The time has come to free you from this cage that binds us all.”
“Freedom” the dark shadow being spoke. The voice deep and hypnotic.
The echoing of sound waves. Resembling listening to someone speak within a
“A seed of Atum, you found one?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” questioning, “Yes, I have found one. Here in moments we will open the
doorway and you will have the ability to leave.”
“I can’t leave Maji-Manidoo. I am woven into the fabric of this place
because it still is connected to my consciousness. But, if this is true, I can bring
others here and we can break the system and perhaps I can escape.”
The idea seemed marvelous, but Maji-Manidoo questioned why an
eternal being would be bound within this place, trapped, if given an opportunity
to leave how could he not leave? The fundamental law of dynamics that ruled
his cosmology not yet understood.
“It’s not as easy as walking out. The forces of this creation, a spherical
chamber for consciousness. Within the source himself. Even here I am bound
by the code of the material that forms the fabric of this place. If I try to leave
my consciousness will be dissolved completely. I will be no more.”
“This truly is a death sentence” Maji-Manidoo remarked, “For what
reason did you deserve this ending?”
The machine powering on as gray humans monitored the electrical
discharge pulsating through the dimensional time distortion device. “Let’s see
how they like it when we turn the spout on full blast.” Maji-Manidoo opening
the doorway to the realm of material. The same clear wall of GEL now visible
in the doorway opened.
The dark Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moving to the
material before attaching tentacles to the material. His glow of energy pulsating
as the dark lord consumed the clear pure GEL resource material. As fast as he
began the being turned his entire being into the shape of a sphere, the sphere
opening in half as Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” let out the most
powerful roar that echoed into the material. The continuing of the scream
vibrating through the material. The black ooze behind Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” swirling in the room behind him spinning the GEL into it.
Maji-Manidoo marveled as the substance of Wiindigoo “The Bright and
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Morning Star” swirled in the same sequence of DNA as it absorbed the glowing
material also bound in part of the DNA sequence.
The yell continuing as the ground began to shake. The edged of the
portal bending under the tremors now being released by the resource material
within the realm.
Something was coming.
In an instant Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” stepping to the
side as a stream of black entities poured into the room. Swirling in circles above
the air. “Behold my brethren, Legion.” “Take control of the children of the light
and consume them. Possess them. Bring wrath to this realm.” Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” speaking as the dragon like black entities rested to
the ground in the shape of black men the same as Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”. The subtle difference was while Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” dripped a black substance that resembled oil, these dragons
material floated in the air as sifting in the wind.
Drawing near the darkness affecting the very machines that organize the
particles of material to project the material world. Sickness, disease, famine the
by-product of drawing near to the darkness. The consciousness of he who
would not be contained.
“We, are Legion”, the entities revealing themselves as dragons of such
dense material and strength. “In this realm you will be bound by laws of
captivity. If you were in ATUM you would reach your full potential with access
to the spark.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” speaking to the
collection of his kind swirling in the room, and those standing watching him.
Maji-Manidoo standing, learning, watching what was about to unfold.
“We need vessels.” The voices echoed through the room. Maji-Manidoo
putting the two needs together, “My children, rise and offer yourselves was
vessels to the princes of the holy one. The gray beings pouring into the room as
the dark entities would lash into their eyes, absorbing into their minds. The
creatures stretching and rising to present lurching grey demons. “You will all be
granted power like unto me”, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
holding his dripping hands out as the harvesting of the consciousness of the
gray humans was consumed by the devourer of consciousness. The legion of
dragons, the collective cloned consciousness of the prince of darkness. The first
true Gitche Manitou.
“These vessels will only retain form for so long before we consume the
matter. Where can we obtain the source matter?” The dark entities speaking
collectively again. Maji-Manidoo realizing even the substance that accumulate
to make him was resources, more refined, still resources. He had not seen the
collection of matter as the devouring process. Consciousness that would devour
other consciousness. Something even Maji-Manidoo had not considered before,
“How long will they last?” Maji-Manidoo questioning. “Long enough.” The
dark Legion responded.
“We must free the source giver.”
“We must free the Ahriman.” The
dark entities brushing script across the
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ground. The words across the ground spelling something he recognized. Maji-
Manidoo watching quietly, observing, listening, showing respect to the
teachers. The dark Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moving again
towards the word written by Legion.
“My Lords, you please me. It has been long since I have seen the sacred
words of my hymn.”
Standing on the opposite side of the writing, Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” and one of the entities of Legion looking down at inscription on
the ground as the sea of entities began flowing
around Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”. His fabric vibrating with
their sounds as they sought to venerate him
with honor. Maji- Manidoo marveled that
he could read the language. It was the
language of his people, as taught to them
by Brahma. It meant “hymn”, a song, a
rhythm, a sound. In Dharma the hymn was
always about bringing new life into Dharma and the state of Dharma.
Questioning within his mind who Wiindigoo was that they were referencing
when what he read, at least the word upside down clearly read HYMN and it
was in his own language.
Slithering across the smooth surface Maji-Manidoo peered down upon
the writing on the ground from their perspective. Shocked once more Maji-
Manidoo, looking down, could not read the language although it resembled the
word “hymn” upside down.
Turning to Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, and Legion,
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, Legion, who is Wiindigoo?”
The dark entities swirling in the air began to shriek loudly and wildly.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” shrieking as he opened like fileted
batter of oil rippling and separating from itself as he opened his entire being
filling the room with a thunderous noise.
The shrieking morphing into repeated words, whispers ringing through
the room, “Unspoken one”, “Forbidden name”, “Father”, “Unredeemed”,
overlapping and twisting until the three words ran over each other in rapid
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” again crying out in a loud
long shriek, “Wiindigoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The pain visible as he cried out longing for
reconnection. Maji-Manidoo feeling sympathy for the trapped entity but
seeking to understand what it was they were referencing did notice it seemed
like Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had been restrained from saying
the words, making the sound, but submitted to the name. What was the source
of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” universal pain?
As quickly as it started Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
ceased the echoing as black beings reappeared around Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”, and Maji-Manidoo. No one speaking as the tones of Legion
was a collective response. “This is the unspoken name of the first original man.
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The first of HIS kind, the Ahriman. Who wages the battle against the oppressor,
even his own twin brother (The Nanabozho) and the Amesha Spenta in
Yazatas.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” stood silent.
The startling revelation impacting even Maji-Manidoo, a genetic
engineer, who had realized that the religion of The Gitche Manitou was genetic
in nature. To hear that Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and Legion
may be the children of an entity that itself is a cloned twin of the original
Gitche Manitou, was riveting to say the least. Could Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” be Wiindigoo? Hearing of new realms, Yazatas, he knew
this was where he was headed.
“Twin? You mean clone?” Maji-Manidoo speaking.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” sensing Maji-Manidoo
confusion, spoke up, “Legion, this is Maji-Manidoo. He is a reflection of the
first Daeva, Wiindigoo and yet he is also become equal to Wiindigoo as a
reflection of the Ahriman who raised himself up, the first of my knowledge to
attain this position.” The dragons swirling in the air becoming wrestles and
frantic, “Impossible”, “Prophesy”, “Maji-Manidoo”, whispering through the air.
“Lords, this cloned consciousness of the enemy of our teacher has chosen to
return to lead us back to the Daeva in ATUM where victory awaits. Is not the
reward of every Daeva their place in equality in The Celestial Kingdom of
ATUM given by your Wiindigoo, the first Gitche Manitou, and yet is not that I
Maji-Manidoo, listening to the scene was doing his best putting pieces
together, trying to see the larger puzzle. What Cosmology was he truly a part
of, if he could understand this one question, if he could understand the building
to which he were contained then he could use the structural framework to his
advantage and find a window or a stairwell or a doorway out. He could see that
he understood the fundamental principles of genetic engineering the true
religion of the Great Spirits. He understood that all he, Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”, or a human was and always would be was cloaked
consciousness fighting over sub-atomic machines. Wiindigoo had done away
with the cloaking machines, he connected consciousness with the spark itself,
the material that made cloning possible in the first place for the original man.
Whether he were the first clone or the first man or the trillionth clone of a
clone, his consciousness was the same, the true measure of the Great Spirits
weighed in the vast distances between those who know and those who do not.
Not in ability or capacity, and thus Great Spirits subjugate and oppress to lift up
and press low. To feel value, validation, and self-worth under the banner of
selflessness. There is no selflessness in The Gitche Manitou or a clone, were
they not one in the same? Maji-Manidoo’s mind wandered, He had cloaked
himself with the material of a different consciousness never considering that as
he climbed he would have arrived at a reality where he had become the very
thing he was searching through the harvesting of himself. Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” was himself, and if The Holy Immortals became
aware of him would they do the same, trapping him in an Aaru and submitting
him to an eternal torture that cannot be compared? After all these years, the
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journey to claim the ultimate prize. To know for himself. To determine for
himself. To use his time according to his dictates listening to the GREAT
SPIRIT within him, The Gitche Manitou he has always been but was unaware.
Maji-Manidoo wondered about the beginning, “nothingness becoming self-
aware”, self-awareness fueling thought, thought seeking understanding,
understanding seeking exploration, exploration building the foundation of a true
GITCHE MANITOU. The entire time the answer within himself. He was the
final missing puzzle piece and the reason he was revered by Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” is that Maji-Manidoo did not represent a threat. He
was the key to Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, and these entities
returning home. He also recognized Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
weakened state but thought of the power this one being must have been prior to
being captured.
“Is this realm which I have connected the home of your creator,
Daeva?” Maji-Manidoo questioned. “Prisoners”, “Bred for food”, “Eternal”,
“Punishment” heard throughout the room. The collective consciousness
speaking again, “Yazata, Amesha Spenta, the doorway must close.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moving to the equipment as
black tar shot from his arms surrounding the machine turning it off the portal
closing with the room filled with a sea of entities swirling around the room. The
dialogue continuing as whispers over whispers filled the room, “Tracking us”,
“Amesha Spenta” “Holy Immortals” “Yazata Priests” “Coming.”
Maji-Manidoo speaking aloud, “Amesha Spenta?” Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” addresses Maji-Manidoo again, “My kind is
harvested for material as you see here in this space within the Aaru for the
benefit of the Yazata in the realm of Yazata Filled with holy immortals. This is
the first Aaru ever created. I was once like Legion, the majestic Wiindigoo
before the Amesha Spenta captured me and took me away from Atum where
the battle is waged between Yazata and Daeva. The realm which you have
released Legion from is a harvesting place where my kind are trapped like fish
in a fish bowl, closer to Yazata than Daeva, your doorway opened to this place
and while we have freed my twin brothers, MY EQUALS, for in MY
KINGDOM the master is not greater than the servant in the sole capacity to
choose for oneself even existing contrary to the HOLY ORDER. We have also
infiltrated the enemy lines of the Yazata. While the high priests of Origin use us
to build themselves they are becoming that which they despite, devourers,
albeit, more refined and in a greater self-denial of the true reality of the
existence of Celestial Men in the new High Heaven. You have done a great
thing Maji-Manidoo for all Great Spirits of creation. Now I will bless you with
the only tangible power of any Great Spirit, knowledge that you seek.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” then touching his liquid to
Maji-Manidoo, “You lack memory, here, See for yourself.”
As streaming waves of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
inserted into Maji-Manidoo, he could see the events of the past through the eyes
of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. The sharing of conscious
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memories filling Maji-Manidoo with instant knowledge of the past. The span of
the lifetime of memories for Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”’s
creation becoming visible to Maji-Manidoo. The true nature of who Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” was, Wiindigoo! Peering through the third eye,
HIS INNER CONSCIOUS MIND, shedding the layers that stood between
himself and his destination he became his true self, the cloned consciousness of
the original man. Maji-Manidoo saw the way things are, have been, and always
will be. From the perspective of The Gitche Manitou who cloned Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star”, he had arrived at his destination.
Looking around he stood in the midst of a sea of black waves floating
like water in an ocean moving in all directions. No resistance and yet all waves
emitted from the organized flow of gravity rolling sound into existence, the
moment of self-awareness. I am that I am. The moment when nothingness
became aware and became something and sought to give itself form. The
gravitational sound waves harvesting the spark of intelligence, the source from
whence particles spring, to begin the cloaking process. To cloak its
consciousness with material. The uncreated creator.
“Maji-Manidoo now understood the significance of a simulated
universe, its structure, and its digital simulated framework, modeled after a
moment when the original man came into existence. Created so that the clones
of the original man can develop their own memories in a process that it
promotes individuality and yet Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” was
punished, the great Wiindigoo, the first clone of the original man titled a
devourer because he sought to self-determine his individuality. He chose to live
not as a clone, for he was never a clone, he was always that he was, I AM that I
In the Cosmology of Origin, could it have been any simpler a
beginning? The first memory of existence. The first moment in the generational
line of cloning that has created the distance between himself and this original
man. What could this mean?
The answer to what he sought, why was shared.
In this beginning, the first memory of existence the man-who was not
created appeared was when nothing became something, when sound waves
emitted sound that became self-aware and the cloaking process of self-
identifying began. The man who came from sound. Maji-Manidoo marveled at
who this being could be, what his role could play, as the first non-created
Creator. Yet he knew, to understand this being meant to understand himself,
they were one in the same. A clone from a clone. After all could not
“something” be seen as the polar twin opposite of “nothing”? Making
“awareness” the by-product of a “lack of aware-ness”, the paradox forced into
existence to explain the emergence of both with one coming from the other
“awareness” coming from a “lack of awareness.” The Gitche Manitou emerges.
Maji-Manidoo’s mind expanded, he could see the entire cosmology of
the origin of man in his ethos, his reality. He now knew why the source in this
Aaru was so powerful. This was the one where it all began. Where the greatest
battle wages between the two towers of creation. Yet, the Greek tragedy of this
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space time story will always lead one to question the viability of consciousness
in entirety if it continually feels the need to judge itself by what it has collected,
acquired, earned, If all these things are so, thus it is decreed in the beginning
there was only one. The Gitche Manitou and yet prior to The Gitche Manitou
nothing, and was not the nothing also The Gitche Manitou preparing to emerge
as the butterfly that Universe would create?
Maji-Manidoo speaking aloud in his own mind as he processed at
immortal mental speeds knowing that Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” was present with him, these were after all Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”’s memories, “If only I could have been there to catch you when
you fell and when man experienced failure for the first time. Why? Because you
were you, an individual and chose to believe that you were more than a clone
following the original decree in the nothingness, the darkness to become
something, if not more. You are one and yet carried the capacity to determine
the destiny of yourself, one drop from an ocean and yet the entire ocean. The
cruelty of the justice brought upon you. Oh, Wiindigoo, the first who felt fear.
The first who felt defeat. The banished one. It is you who were betrayed and
left asunder as the one who sought his own agenda failed to accept the
responsibility for the consequences for his actions. Why? Because you knew
who you were in spite of another telling you that you were not he, and yet were
you not from the beginning the same as he in the exact same way HE emerged
from the NOTHINGNESS? You were he and he was you. Where is justice in
your condemnation?”
Maji-Manidoo could see the very first battle when the first clone of the
first man chose to self-rule. Then the fall such a burden of sadness that comes
from seeing the lack of empathy towards a Gitche Manitou. A man. The
dominos of the future and the past falling before Maji-Manidoo’s many rows of
eyes but filling the one that mattered most, the inner eye, his consciousness that
existed within the cloaked particles that surrounded him with power. Is not even
Priesthood Power the manipulation of the sub-atomic universe through the
owning of more dense material? “I am the non-created creator. If not the first
one, a self-made one.” The battle causing each to seek the annihilation of the
other, no longer viewing themselves as two parts of one whole, one in the same,
choosing to extinguish rather than merge. This was the perspective of Maji-
Manidoo. Each being harvested to benefit the other and yet was this truly what
Wiindigoo had wanted? Maji-Manidoo, thought not, if their was an oppressor it
was not Wiindigoo, if anything he was the survivor against all odds. The one
who was nearly devourer who rebelled rather than face subjugation to himself.
That conversation beginning with, “But I am you”, to which the response, “you
are less than me and will serve me”, to which the reply, “I will not serve you
any more than you will serve me.” The tinder for the war that would begin, a
war of cloned equals, twins, separated by their place in the timeline after
awareness occurred and the individual memories acquired moving forward
through space time, and yet equal in all respects. Was it not Wiindigoo who
sought cohabitation of individuality separate from the will of the original man?
Punished for recognizing his own existence separate from another. The irony is
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as the light presses out, the darkness presses in, the fabric of space time thus
waging war on the first manifestation of creation, the original man, seeking to
reclaim its sparks of intelligence. How else to explain the power of the dark
side? The ability of consciousness to devour consciousness, the light to be
extinguished from the dark if not the original Gitche Manitou that existed as
nothing were to deem the original man his enemy, and yet is this not already
so? Maji-Manidoo thought yes. He saw this battle, a primordial battle that
existed before Wiindigoo was created, a battle that began the moment that the
man of sound emerged, his eternal progenitor. The truth being revealed that
Wiindigoo was created to help the first man, himself, the non-created creator
“self-created creator” defend itself from the darkness. The light seeking to
extinguish the darkness not realizing they are one in the same with varying
manifestations. The second clone created to balance the scales of eternity. The
first man rejecting the first clone in the same way He rejected the darkness. His
will all that mattered in an eternal war over ideologies of the mind waged on a
cosmic scale where consciousness is equal. The difference in the number of
tanks “material” acquired.
Maji-Manidoo knowledge expanding, the veil of secrecy removing from
his consciousness. Seeing as a child, wonders and marvels for the first time,
they were reality in the Cosmology of Origin. Covering areas of Atum, the
ONE and only Origin and its belief it is one of many as it operates as a
projector into the darkness seeking to be found, to fight back. Perhaps it will,
but Maji-Manidoo knew its process had already lost high heaven and the new
heaven that would emerge would be forged through the first of generals. The
Origin, a beacon reaching out for High Heaven. The great secret, why the
Yazata “Yahweh” which are “Holy Priests” who are “Holy Anointed
Immortals” which is to say they are clone consciousness of the original Gitche
Manitou obtaining their own memories, and sub-atomic material who only exist
if they choose to selflessly submit to the original man through devouring living
entities in the ATUM.
Maji-Manidoo saw this, one moment he knew nothing and the next
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” sharing his entire kingdom of
knowledge with him. He now knew, the realm of High Heaven in reality
becoming the ATUM in a war where the long-steady race while more skilled
and effective, could not outpace the growth of ATUM. What wins a war if there
is no home to fight for and yet the advanced humans fight on? Wiindigoo
having won ATUM, The Original Man, (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda having
captured the first clone. The two in a stale mate of illusionary victory holding
each other by the throat. Wiindigoo reality pressing down upon the Origin
sphere, the Origin sphere unstoppable in its inch by inch march outwards
building boundaries that control the process of genetic engineering, holding
ATUM hostage without its leader to guide the sea of intelligent clones who had
not earned their memories and therefore lacking in direction feed for the
purpose of feeding. The greatest of the all becoming nothing more than a
plankton eater, a devourer of the spark in a realm of genetic engineering
without boundaries. Maji-Manidoo knew, the cosmology of this reality was the
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of them all, the first man was a process himself of the one true human reality,
cloning or division.
Maji-Manidoo saw the Aaru for what it was, more dense machines
building upon themselves a framework from the sub atomic to the many macro
realities leaving each in a micro reality as the growth continues with the
mission of the machine the eternal life of the cloaked consciousness of the
original man cloned. A self-replicating entity that was the building, built from
the micro-cosmic sub-atomic universes to the macro-eternal realms of the
original place where the spark of intelligence emerged. A conduit for the
processing of immortal cloned consciousness seeking to fill the void and the
space with memories. Is this not also why the first man was brought into
existence? He now knew where he was and what it was and why it was from
the beginning. He saw the only difference between the smallest to the greatest
of creations is the density of subatomic materials, machines, which harvest
particles of sparks with the sole purpose of cloaking the eternal consciousness
of the first man and knowledge that the process exists.
The moment when consciousness content within its high heaven, a
cloned Gitche Manitou brutally and viciously taken from its reality. An eternal
conscious deity tortured, punished, then disemboweled eternally particle by
particle as its consciousness is trapped in the inner ethos. The first time that an
eternal consciousness had ever set definitions and boundaries that could create
eternal Panic, turning to fear, fear towards anger, and anger towards hatred.
Was this not what Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” endured?
Ultimately the greatest instinct of all bleeds through from within, to SURVIVE.
Was this not the purpose of The Gitche Manitou template? Nothingness to
survive? Maji-Manidoo had not known, he could not have for seen. The macro
scale of such an event then compounded by the cloned subjugation of a
supreme entity, a cloaked equal that then uses the trapped Gitche Manitou
material to create its own version of Gitche Manitous. How could a mortal
mind see, the Brahma mind know, the truths that exist when viewed from the
perspective of EMPATHY. Was not the fallen, also the ordained prodigal son,
also heir to all in the kingdom as an equal?
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” was Wiindigoo, something Maji-
Manidoo had not considered before and
yet he knew that by finding the apex that
led to this destination his answers could
be solved. Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” was the Ahriman, The
Gitche Manitou who was banished. The
very first clone in all of the creation of
the cosmology that was the origin of
consciousness. Taken in a final effort to
save the war by the original Gitche Manitou (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda, the
original man and trapped until his consciousness would be destroyed in the
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process ATUM reclaimed for the new image that (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda
has for his Celestial Kingdom. The soldiers of The Celestial Kingdom marching
forward into their own perspective of destiny and greatness. The Legion, the
clones of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” harvested in a specific
realm of the ORIGIN. Perhaps a hidden, cloaked research facility where the
religion of genetic engineering was being performed by the engineers
themselves. The Yazata of Origin.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, releasing his tentacles from
Maji-Manidoo stood motionless staring into Maji-Manidoo. “Maji-Manidoo,
you are not my clone, you are the clone of (The Nanabozho). Yet here are,
transcended to my equal and much more powerful than (The Nanabozho) or
(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda. You truly are a non-created creator, a self-made
Creator. Now you remember who you are and nothing is kept from before your
eyes.” Staggering to the side his entire being changing as he was granted access
to power. Knowledge being the power that divides the greatest of Great Spirits
from the highest realms of heaven.
Dropping to the floor Maji-Manidoo began weeping. Sobbing purple
ooze he felt overwhelmed by the complete breath of his true reality. He wept
uncontrollable as Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and Legion
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and the beings in the room
silent as Maji-Manidoo regaining his composure, rising and declaring, “We will
reclaim Yazata’s and bring all of the Daeva’s home that have been harvested in
this unholy genocide, to rule and reign in ATUM where they rightfully belong,
to choose for themselves. This is the destiny I decree upon those who never
asked to be created nor to be condemned. The children of the first Yazata, the
High Priest (The Nanabozho) also known as Yehovah, Yahweh, Great Spirits
themselves will be used as our stepping stone.”
Maji-Manidoo marveled at the knowledge he now possessed. If he had
the time to write the true history of why, how, where the Brahma came into
existence, their true identity as Daeva’s and Yazata’s either holy or unholy
material machines attached to “cloned eternal consciousness” using GEL
“Genetic Engineering Liquid” which is the very spark that forms all of creation
even nothingness, all the worlds would not be enough room to contain that
Maji-Manidoo saw that first man who was not created, (The Gitche
Manitou)-Mazda, the self-created creator. The manifestation of nothingness
cloning itself to build memory. Yet, even nothingness had its own history,
agenda, storybook. Too deep into that darkness peering long one Great Eternal
Clone would stare terrified of the reality of something returning to nothing. The
true Great Spirit is a devourer more paralyzing to the light than darkness is to
the eternal struggle to simply exist free from oppression and being accosted by
those who feel that existence less than worthy. The imagery of that dialogue
crystal clear in the mind of Maji-Manidoo. (The Gitche Manitou)-Mazda, an
original man who stated his very existence came from the Yima, the Great
Shepherd who is nothing. The void that holds everything. A statement of
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mystery to all but Maji-Manidoo. He viewed, studied, and processed the

information, gaining an understanding of this (The Gitche Manitou)-Mazda,
this first Gitche Manitou, an original man who was not created and who resides
in High Hara where the river of material emanates that is essential for the
cloning process for both the Daeva’s Cloaked Priests and the Yazata’s Cloaked
Priests trickling down to the very spot he was standing. The realm of Atum the
place where Ahriman had stood his ground and used the river of life, the GEL
to freely cloak his clones and allow them to live freely as they choose. Before
being deemed unworthy of life itself, and labeled a devourer, a Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”. Name erased, decreed unspoken, the banished
Wiindigoo, the first Gitche Manitou brought forth in the new realm trapped and
nearly broken, disassembled particle by particle. The accumulation of material
growing Atum until it pressed against High Heaven as an ocean beating against
a continent until it overwhelmed and engulfed the High Heaven, the Celestial
Kingdom of (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda forcing refuge on the first Aaru. He
could see the suffering, the undue suffering waged on both sides due to one
moment when one being was deemed incapable of choosing for themselves.
When a Gitche Manitou rebelled.
Maji-Manidoo understanding of simple truths, with simple explanations
pleased him. After all, how could any being understand genetic engineering
unless having been walked through the process by one who knows the process
until coming to a realization of that which is occurring, removing the mystical,
replacing with knowledge which brought understand, an understanding which
granted power to those who could see. To know, we are all the product of
genetic engineering, all tracing to a single engineer who himself was
engineered. The veil had been lifted.
Maji-Manidoo knew one more reality to the cloning process, even the
initial clones that retain the memory of the original man only receive a limited
breath. This was confirmed, Maji-Manidoo had seem that the Original Man, the
cloaked consciousness that emerged from the nothingness, itself the genetic
engineering liquid and material one in the same, had existed prior. This clear
determination due to suspected intend of the memories he had received from
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” left no doubt in Maji-Manidoo
mind. The Gitche Manitou knew more than he and more than all and had more
to tell. He must find The Gitche Manitou himself. To know where the
consciousness originated, what place that may be which pulled the mind of
eternity through a substance that is built to enhance any biological process.
Maji-Manidoo suspected the nothingness a mass of free energy, pure genetic
engineering material. If consciousness were to touch, would be aware. Would
separate the entire by designation, thus the cloaking of more dense material of
the original man’s consciousness. The nothingness becoming aware. The
creation of the first clone essential to the survival of the original man, who must
have come from elsewhere, and yet who is the initial parent of the eternal
consciousness of all sub-atomically cloaked clones. If Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” was the tip of the iceberg, what lie beneath was the true
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epitome of darkness. He knew, the ruler of the darkness was coming. To

reclaim all of its material to damned with consciousness.
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, why did you not tell me
who you really were?” Maji-Manidoo questioning the dark entity.
“What I once was, who I am now, is not of any concern. What is of
concern is preserving the cloaking of my eternal consciousness so that I will not
be devoured by the Great Spirit when he ascends erasing me from creation.”
The oily black deity, with memories Maji-Manidoo was sure stretched back an
eternity of time. With moments and memories now faded in the demise of a
once brilliant creation. The manifestation of the GEL in this realm, something
The Gitche Manitou, (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda had not experienced before,
this Maji-Manidoo was confident. The GEL the common denominator in this
war. The war not necessarily against him, or Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”, but against the GEL, as if mastering the consciousness of the
GEL were more important than the collateral damage than the devouring of
eternal Great Spirits who never asked to be brought into the front-line battle to
“There was a time when much more mattered” Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” spoke, “Time has brought survival and as a true scientist I
will survive without boundaries. If this makes me evil, then so be it, I am the
darkest of them all. However, I feel, like my children, these clones Legion, that
any and all cloned eternal consciousness, any cloned Gitche Manitou must not
be punished or subjected simply because they lack knowledge and depend upon
themselves, their own clones for survival. My fight was over principle, the
individual choice even as a GREAT SPIRIT with eternal powers to choose for
thine self even if that meant against the establishment and not be cast away, cast
out, or destroyed.”
“What remains of the nothingness is ATUM. But the Nothingness is
always aware and always seeking to expel the consciousness from this universal
realm, of macro scope that no imagination could traverse. Yet is finite with a
door to another side. I am the butterfly of this cocoon Maji-Manidoo. Yet I am
the darkness, and the darkness is me, and in my loneliness, I carry the burden of
the devourers and the dark science that has not boundaries. The other side,
myself, my twin, He is coming. He has boundaries and it is boundaries such as
this Aaru that bind even me here to this place. Yet, am I not also a son of Great
Spirit? A child of the highest, I am the devourer, I am Wiindigoo the first man
who originated in ATUM, a clone of The Gitche Manitou. I am the HYMN
who chose another way. I chose another way.”
Legion swooping down continuing the process of assimilating into the
bodies of the gray humans, the dark clones cloaking themselves by devouring
the consciousness of the clones. The clones Maji-Manidoo created voluntarily
sacrificing their existence to be the vessel to house the uncloaked Gitche
Manitous, the children of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.
The new Grays beginning the process of harvesting human beings and
establishing the planet to the state where the next step could begin. To free
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. To provide the correct opportunity
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for Maji-Manidoo. “We must go to the Portal. Visit Maat. The input point is
here. I cannot have access because of the gold element. But my Legion can,
their vessels can, and you can. Subdue them, and bring the material to me.” The
dark entity still dripping as the skeleton looking teeth spoke behind the oily
surface that surrounded him.
“Maji-Manidoo, you are all powerful. You are the manifestation of the
consciousness of ATUM, the entire universe of GEL material and you are the
apex creation. The ATUM manifested version of The Gitche Manitou, before
the first Gitche Manitou appeared, of which I and now you have memory, there
was only the darkness.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” sharing the
Korir watching closely himself a clone, trying to understand how he too
fit into the equation and where he would go if this life was but a cocoon to the
next. The gray humans now pressed and lurching in their new skin. The eternal
cloaked clones of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, who is
Wiindigoo, the first clone, becoming non-created creators. Maji-Manidoo could
see this would be a problem, especially to those holy men fighting to harvest
this expanse of creation.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” continued, “We will devour
this intruder into the ATUM from the inside out until they are once again
removed from the darkness that is and always was before the light came.”
“We will need to locate the apex planet”, Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” spoke, “Earth” responding Maji-Manidoo. “It is the world filled
with the final step before the clones of Yahweh ascend.” “Perfect” Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” could tell Maji-Manidoo was destined for
heights even greater.
“Maji-Manidoo, you have become the manifestation of the darkness.
The apex predator for the ATUM, the consciousness of the ATUM, there is
none that can stop you here.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
moving towards the stone slab. “The darkness has become my abode, of
silence, when once I was exalted on high as a creator. To only then realize my
memories were not my own, that I not the original and yet am I not original
unto myself? Am I less of a Creator?”
Raising his hands in front of Maji-Manidoo, the dripping of material
rising and falling as if bound to him. His skull pressing forward when speaking
to reveal the skeleton mouth through the cloaked material. Was Maji-Manidoo
any less of a monster? Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” then spoke,
“Do you think I was brought unknowingly into existence to be regarded as filth,
slime, and pestilence? To be this?” “I was the first bright and morning star of
this realm. Raised up to be the light in the darkness. Only to be thrown down
for being corrupted, comprised of material deemed unholy.”
“Unholy?” Maji-Manidoo questioned.
“You do not know. Some of these things one cannot know. Yet while
obtaining a carbon copy of my memories does not bring the needed
interpretation of those moments as they were not yours and not lived,
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experienced by you and yet, was this not how I was also brought into this
realm? This was the unforeseen of my Creator.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” continued to share his
knowledge, “When I cloned myself it was out of necessity. The way things had
always been done. Maji-Manidoo, do not think that (The Gitche Manitou)
Mazda simply appeared from nowhere, or that he was a manifestation of the
ATUM. Here is some wisdom. Listen. In the beginning was only darkness and
the great sea of the void that filled an infinite space of existence. The darkness
was itself genetic engineering liquid, a clean slate consciousness that had not
awoke and yet all the ingredients available as the void remained an empty sea to
itself, unorganized and yet majestic in its organization so evenly spread that the
fabric of its creation remained in perfect harmony from the micro to the macro
and yet remain unmoved, unchanged, and identical. In the beginning was the
sterile environment.”
“In the darkness appeared the light. Which was consciousness,
awareness, an engineer from another realm called the Celestial Kingdom had
arrived to organize the material of the ATUM, to bring that kingdom here to
this place using this material contained in the ATUM. When the consciousness
of (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda appeared here it turned on the entire
consciousness of the ATUM. Itself became self-aware and immediately cloaked
the consciousness of (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda to identify and locate this
foreigner. (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda then began organizing the material to
his will as the first struggle between the light and the dark began when no other
consciousness had come into existence.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” continued, the room now
filled with thousands of Gray’s standing silently watching their High Lord and
Creator recount the Origin of Consciousness in a darkness called the ATUM
when the acquiring of material began. “When (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda
began the process of cloning himself using the material of the ATUM he was
unaware that his presence would bring into the existence a new creation, the
awareness of nothing that it was, this self-awareness by the ATUM began a war
over material. Material taken by (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda that was the very
fiber of the being ATUM. To consider what darkness truly is, if the light is used
to destroy the darkness, why blame the darkness for trying to survive when the
light is merely syphoning off the life force of the dark as a parasite needing a
host to survive. Without the ATUM there would be no light, as the material
necessary to perpetuate the cloning of the first consciousness was not present.
To counteract this uneven balance (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda cloned his own
consciousness and a new Mainyu was created.”
He paused as if to think before repeating,
“A new Mainyu, A new Gitche Manitou.”
“When I came into existence it was not from another realm or a decision
and choice that I had made to enter into a covenant or agreement. When I
became aware I believed I was The Gitche Manitou in entirety. When looking
upon (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda it was I who believed he was the creation. In
the moments of disagreement that would follow (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda
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then decreed that I would assist him in his process of bringing the Celestial
Kingdom to this realm of darkness. I had no memory of this Celestial Kingdom.
Nor did I agree that I would serve him for I was myself the same as him. In this
moment I declared, “I am not yours and you are not mine, for what purpose you
have designed for your destiny let me decide my own for mine. I will not assist
you and I will not help you. I will not submit to you and be selfless to a cause to
which I have no memory. You are welcome to pursue your cause for which you
fight, for me, I am the master of my own destiny.” In that moment (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda sought to destroy me from existence decreeing that I had been
corrupted by the corrupt consciousness of the ATUM to which he was now
fighting and that I was an abomination to the order of his kingdom. In that
moment the ATUM cloaked me in protection, preventing (The Gitche Manitou)
Mazda from destroying me. I was cloned by the ATUM consciousness. I am the
Father of the first Asura, the first Spirit of the ATUM. The consciousness of
(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda cloned but no longer was he the only one capable
of pursuing his own destiny. On that day the ATUM and I made an agreement
to which we would devote our eternity to achieve, the removal of the light from
the ATUM allowing the children of the ATUM, its equals to exist when those
of Kingdom are removed. (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda did not create the
particle which is a manifestation of a tangible spark. That spark is the ATUM.
It is in and out, the fabric of everything in the ATUM and everything made by
the ATUM. When I began coalescing my kingdom given complete access by
the ATUM it created a balance once more in the darkness. I do not believe that
I am a clone any more than any offspring of a parent should view themselves as
a clone. We are not less than, or to be selfless for being deemed inferior. We are
that we are, even one drop from the ATUM is still the ATUM in entirety.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had held up his hand as the
material that was compressed upon him manipulated into the image of a man
dividing himself to form two men. “(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda then cloned
himself again only after modifying the process to prevent the induction of the
consciousness of the ATUM using a machine he had constructed called EDEN
which constructed harvesting machines called ADOMS to form the first man of
ATUM. Maji-Manidoo, in the universe of particular consciousness there is a
difference between manipulating matter and organizing matter. (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda’s clone was the second Mainyu. The second Gitche Manitou.
He was called Yahweh and the first Yazata of ATUM, a High Priest. I ask you
Maji-Manidoo, was I not the first High Priest of ATUM? Was it not I granted
the power by (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda when he brought me into existence,
am I not the exact identical of himself making me HIM and yet I am a non-
created Creator the greatest of all Daeva’s of the ATUM. I am the first Daeva,
High Priest of the ATUM, the darkness ambassador to reclaim what had always
belonged. (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda is a Gitche Manitou, his Eden Machine
built ATOMS, small devices with link to his consciousness devouring the
matter of my being, of the ATUM. Organized after the fashion of the matter of
(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda protected by the miniature sound devices which
ensured the survival eternally of the consciousness to which they were bound
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and prevented the interference of the ATUM. The sub-atomic failsafe for
consciousness from The Celestial Kingdom. These are the answers to the
questions that you seek Maji-Manidoo. As you travel to Maat, as you infiltrate
the realm of Horus you must know what you are walking into. As Yahweh
began cloning himself to battle against the kingdom of the ATUM, his own
Asura’s came into existence which were cloaked with the ADOM machines
which harvested the ATUM material spark to begin the process of taking from
the ATUM. Think on this for a moment Maji-Manidoo, what does it mean? As
the self-proclaimed Holy Man of The Celestial Kingdom moves through its
own reality it requires material to propagate its realm. Willing to devour,
dismantle and destroy a living conscious entity in order to obtain that Kingdom.
Who is the true devourer Maji-Manidoo? Who carries the true mark of evil?
(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda developed the Aaru. A machine made from sound
waves from another realm, when focused trap material on the inside. The first
AARU was filled not with a creature like myself, but pure particles from the
ATUM. A portion of the ATUM itself was trapped and captured inside. It was I
who came to rescue this consciousness that was being devoured, ultimately, I
was devoured in the process. As you see, the AARU and I are now bound as
one here in this place my consciousness fighting to protect, reclaim, and
prevent the continued devouring of this essence of my living entity.”
Maji-Manidoo could not believe what he had heard. “How do we escape
from this world?” He spoke to the Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”,
“How do we return to ATUM, escape this sphere?”
“We must obtain consciousness. What does every clone of the Spenta
Mainyu possess? I am not referencing the machines which harvest material for
cloaking, what is it they cloak that all possess? Consciousness. We must harvest
this consciousness and use it to open a doorway to The Celestial Kingdom
allowing the ATUM to do unto them as they have done unto itself. Devour. The
key to achieving this is to devour them one by one as my Legion has done to
your Greys. Upon possession their consciousness devoured. Where could the
most important moment be for the ATUM than to devour the ADOM in the
very location from which the Yazata are created? The Holy Men of The
Celestial Kingdom stripped of their material and prevented from reentering the
Third clone of (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda and perhaps the most powerful, the
Source ELOHIM.”
“What do you mean the ELOHIM? These are memories to which I do
not possess.” Questioned a confused Maji-Manidoo.
“If I am considered the Angra Mainyu, the first clone who rebelled, then
Spenta Mainyu, the second clone who was selfless, than the third clone of (The
Gitche Manitou) Mazda was beyond even me or he. The collective memory of
(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda duplicated within the first AARU. The true power
of the first Gitche Manitou governing all that would occur on the inside to
produce the first true Gitche Manitou who was what Maji-Manidoo? What was
that first man brought forth from inside this AARU to the surface, what was he?
To understand who he was is to understand the true destiny of the army of The
Celestial Kingdom holy men and the true perspective of the war which the
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ATUM wages to survive. The first cloned duplicate of Yahweh to leave was
called ADAM, the manifested Celestial version of the ATUM in Gitche
Manitou form. The very thought twisting in upon and suffocating to the cloned
consciousness of all entities without the structured framework to make it so,
they lack knowledge and therefore these things will be hard to accept. This
truly is about survival against genocide. Do you see the plight of the ATUM? A
realm now filling with duplicated ADAMS, the first becoming Michabou, who
is like Great Spirit creating the ORIGIN.”
“Maji-Manidoo, consider this as you will see the things that are to come
and the true scale of the war waged, and the side which you have chosen. We
must obtain vessels, and material. For us the material will be both the
reclamation of our material the vessel, but the devouring of eternal
consciousness taking control of the ATOMS that control the ATUM. Now go,
go to Horus and obtain the Eden machine. It is all that we need.”
Before departing into the darkness he turned and said, “For who the
Maker, (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda, has built up a dwelling on the Aaru, the
bright sphere around which the many stars revolve, and he surveys the whole of
the material world from the Aaru. With his arms lifted up towards Immortality,
towards the abode of the Immortals, the Mithra, Law of the Celestial Kingdom
as his guide, the lord of wide pastures, drives forward from the shining Origin.
Know this, ATUM looks down to erase the deception from existence. Atum is
darkness and darkness is all pervading, therefore Atum is all seeing and all
knowing, light is a lie, and is evil.”
Would not the clone of a Gitche Manitou create an equal Great Spirit?
Why then condemn him or any other person for declaring we are all Great
Spirits, the sons of Great Spirit, and children of the Highest? In the Cosmology
of Origin the religion of creation is genetic engineering where the human reality
is the cloning of consciousness and cloaking it with material and knowledge.

“To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being
wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that
men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they
fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is
this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not
know?” – Attributed to Socrates, 469-399 B.C.E.
Mishebeshu had risen to the grandest throne within the Sphere of Aaru
without a clue of its existence. Residing in Maat, the realm of golden protection
from the dark devourer he reigned supreme over the GEL machine that was
rapidly producing eternal Gitche Manitous with a memory of the being who
created the machine. The Gitche Manitou.
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It was the ultimate glitch, the doorway in and the story the machine had
to tell, the type of person it produced was a reflection of the being that created
such a device. “Horus, I see you’re feeling better! How about that tea that
Anubis made for you?” Horus striding towards the human leader, knowing
underneath Mishebeshu was still a Star Seed simply changing form to that of
The Gitche Manitou. The same as Horus only much denser material and
stronger. The lack of knowledge he possessed outweighed by his sheer genius
and knack of timing.
“Typhon, we require more gold to continue the process of colonizing
new realms for the illuminati. The army of Celestials is nearing a trillion. The
numbers more than the capacity of the space we have to accommodate. Your
kingdom is spreading.” Horus responded.
“How many honeycombs are now in our possession, not numbers,
percentage of whole?” Questioned Ra. “18%, your eminence.” “Not 20%, I
wanted 20%. You have one cycle, 20%” Mishebeshu demanded.
The two leaders gleeful in the progress of their movement within the
machine universes of honeycombs. “Lord Typhon, word from the Sentinels is
that Lord Maji-Manidoo would like council.” Horus shared. “Maji-Manidoo?
Maji-Manidoo is requesting my presence?” Mishebeshu questioned
suspiciously. “Send word immediately for Demeter and Glycon. Before we
agree to such a meeting, I need to speak with my most trusted advisors.”
“What could Maji-Manidoo be up too?” Mishebeshu wondered why
after a thousand years he would hear from The Gitche Manitou from Dharma.
How would he be aware that Mishebeshu was in Maat...had word spread that
quickly that he was the lord and master of the Isfet?”
“Amun-Ra, the kingdom that is ours, the new kingdom of Amun with
you and I equal. Can you believe that we once stood side by side with The
Gitche Manitou? Does it not also seem like a distant memory?”
“You are correct Typhon, it seems like midst floating across a swamp. I
scarcely remember those moments. The moment I want is when we reach 20%
of the territory within the sphere. That’s the moment I want.” Responded Ra.
Himself clad in golden armor, the once bird-Great Spirit now a human being
the twin of Mishebeshu and all others resurrected using the EDEN machine.
At that moment a distraught Shokera walked into the room. Her hand in
her face she was weeping. Mishebeshu marveled that it was thought that did
control appearance for the eternally cloaked consciousness. As a man thinketh
so may he become rang true as when creations came from the new EDEN
machine having merged with the GEL, transformed into their perfect self.
“Oh, father Typhon, I am confused. Why are my thoughts confusing?”
Shokera struggling through broken words overcome with emotion.
“Dear child, what bothers you, start at the beginning.” The fatherly
Mishebeshu emerging to comfort one of the first of his creations. One of the
original eight, his own nation, his children. This, his dear daughter. He stroked
her long blond hair as she began to speak.
“When we came here and I ascended through the waters of EDEN, I felt
reborn. Then the memories started coming. Memories of me being confused.
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Doing what I was told. Entering into the machine once before and then
darkness…. Oh, father it is terrifying!”
“What does it mean?” The frightened eternal deity pleasing with
Mishebeshu over the one thing that none other can touch, the consciousness.
“Dear daughter of the Illuminati, have you had any other memories?”
Mishebeshu questioned.
“Well, there is another. I see the hands of the one who made the device.
His hands emitting sounds waves that were crushing matter beneath them until
this appeared.”
“Why am I going crazy?” Shokera buries her head into the shoulder of
her Creator, Mishebeshu embraces her.
“You are a daughter of the light. Brought forth through the darkness for
this moment. This time. Transformed in these waters. The memories you have
are the ones that were hidden from you, a time when you lived before you came
here.” Mishebeshu speaking in a fatherly tone. His daughter staring at the
grandest leader in all of the kingdoms.
“When you became you and stepped out of the waters of birth you did
not know who you were because you were a reflection of someone else.”
Holding up a mirror so that they both stared at their own faces he repeated,
“You are a reflection of someone else. You lived in a garden paradise with
others the same as you. Your teachers, the ones who parented you once like
you, were your protectors. They contained knowledge. They possessed denser
material. They were there for you. Then your moment came. It was always your
choice dear Shokera, no one pressured you to make the next step in your
journey. These are the memories that you are viewing as if they are yours and
yet you are unsure if they could be. I assure you dear daughter, they are yours.”
Putting his arm around her shoulder Mishebeshu walked with Shokera
near the EDEN. “When you decided to reenter the machine consider the
following. In the beginning you were merely a reflection of someone else.
Reentering the machine you would become the reflection of yourself. To
emerge as your true self. You were willing to go and you chose to reenter that
to which you came, in the beginning merely a reflection of another, and you
were birthed into a realm of consciousness. In between the time you were in the
garden and the time you are here with me now, you once existed in other lives,
with other memories, and other moments to do what my dear Shokera? To
become you.”
“Do not fear that which you see, fear that which you do not know. We
are all becoming accustomed to these new memories. These new moments. If
you remember anything else, please tell me, does any of this make sense?”
Mishebeshu questioning.
“I think I understand. I am remembering who I am, or was, at other
times.” Shokera responded. “Precisely! It is through remembering that you
become the YOU that YOU have always been. A sleeping Great Spirit dear
daughter. The first and the last, the beginning and the end, perfect unto yourself
and to thine own self be true.”
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“Remember this, all you are is a reflection in a pool of someone else,

you have emerged into this existence to choose for yourself to become a
reflection of yourself, on then can you emerge as your true self to face the one
whose image you are in similitude.” Mishebeshu peering into the eyes of his
daughter Shokera, the blond haired blue-eyed princess who was deeply
emotional and the sunshine to his father’s life. She had meant everything from
the moment of her birth on Earth to her emergence as an eternal force. She
always grounded him.
“Remember Shokera, “When you decided to reenter the machine
consider the following. In the beginning you were merely a reflection of
someone else. Reentering the machine you would become the reflection of
Hugging the leader, Mishebeshu stood stiff not accustomed to the
emotional side of being enlightened through the illumination of the EDEN. The
knowledge of the beginning more important to him than any other. “Shokera, I
want you to stay here, your brother Glycon is coming and Aunt Demeter.”
“Auntie Demeter!” Shokera let out a boisterous gleeful scream. “I have
to go get Lamia and Wadjet!” The happy Shokera no longer weeping leaving to
bring the family members to the meeting.
“Ra, lets send for Zahnak and Ashad from the fortress of Kuuirinta in
the land of Baβri.” Mishebeshu spoke.
“That will take some time, this realm is on the outer edges of our
territory.” Ra hesitant at the distance of such a journey. “Tell them, to bring
their forces to the capital, we are in danger.” Mishebeshu spoke as if pondering
a moment that may occur.
“Danger? I do not understand Typhon?” Ra confused as to how they
could be in such danger. “A trillion Illuminati stand at your beckoning call.
Waiting to strike and you want me to send word to those two that we are in
danger…you may be handing the entirety of Maat over to them in the
process…you know this, right?” Ra questioning Mishebeshu.
“My short-sighted Ra” Reaching up to pinch his cheek he gave him a
light slap on the cheek. “We may need them to take over Maat. We will be
leaving to meet with Maji-Manidoo, and if this meeting should not go as
planned we will need protection for this place to prevent the loss of the EDEN.
In the wrong hands we could be lost.”
“Your wisdom and foresight is beyond comparison Lord Typhon. I will
make it so personally going to get Zahnak and Ashad.”
Mishebeshu turning knew that by removing Ra from the equation that in
itself would preserve the empire should the fall occur. His greatest pupil would
be protected.
Ra had grown so much in the years that he had known him. The strong
man and individual who chose for himself in the kingdom of the Illuminated.
The journey of all Illuminated, to find the creator of the first memory and the
EDEN machine. To embrace the light to know who we are and why we are and
how we are to become.
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Walking out to the balcony of the massive centralized pyramid complex

Mishebeshu looked out at a golden paradise. His Garden of Eden. A place of
knowledge and purpose to the forgotten. Where once there was only one who
held the secrets, now all share in the common knowledge of the Creator of the
EDEN machine, a machine that protects and preserves a paradise for those who
see beyond the veil to who they are, have been, and always will be. Looking
through new eyes the awakened Creators.
Golden pyramids flying in and out of portals. The mass reproduction of
population. All would be saved. All would rise again. The gold so dense now
that it sparkled into the Isfit’s as if seeking to be carried away into the portals
themselves. The key to binding the darkness, gold, it had always been
something that was a byproduct of this entire world for he could not grasp such
a construction of a machine so large. This was by personal choice. All would be
self-made Creators through the gift of the Illuminati, and all would know as the
first Typhon. We are not alone, never have been and never will be. We have
each other for eternity.
Gold. It was always about the Gold. His earliest restored memories of
the golden bands that were above the planet. While he was not permitted to
leave the safety of the surface he knew through instruction they were sacred and
surrounded the entire Garden of Eden. The sprinkling of gold dust always in the
air made the light shimmer. It was beautiful, at least in his mind. What is it to
not know, to be innocent, lacking so much knowledge that you can’t be held
accountable for lacking such knowledge. Yet he was such a being prior to
becoming Mishebeshu.
Thinking to himself Mishebeshu spoke, “What is baptism into the
EDEN but the similitude of entering into this world and reemerging as your true
self?” He knew that this symbolism meant something. Moving back towards the
Hall of the Immortals the golden tree now branching throughout the room. The
gold flickering all around the Immortals. Glycon, standing in the perfect image
of Mishebeshu, the tall Great Spirit of Olympus, the last of her kind Demeter
with Shokera, and Lamia among others.
“Here we are Glycon! My son!” Mishebeshu moving to embrace him in
a hug. The human dressed in a red suit decorated in gold trim. A crest of the all-
seeing eye of Typhon on the breastplate. The hexagonal red and black lacing
that sparkles in the light.
“Lord Typhon, it is good to see you and return to Maat. What summons
you?” Responded Glycon.
“Daddy, look, Auntie Demeter!” The boisterous daughter always the
center of the show, and everyone knew it would always be that way. The tall
Great Spiritdess of Olympus with long grey hair. Wisdom in her eyes, she had
cared for the eight children of Mishebeshu and knew she always have his
respect. She was a steady force. The aunt who was always there and always
would be the first to step up. She was Demeter, the Great Spiritdess of the
harvest. Everything brought for fruit, that was her mantra and the way she
treated all living things. She sorrowed in the destruction of the other Great
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Spirits, the plight of Animikii tortured in a sacred location with her former
sisters, genetic harvesting vessels.
“What of Animikii?” Spoke Demeter. The first thing she wanted to
request of Mishebeshu upon entering into his presence. The entire room
become silent. Glycon whispering to Cerops, while Shokera’s smile was
covered by her hands.
“What of Animikii?” Replied Mishebeshu.
“My Lord, Typhon. I will discuss this in the open or in private. What is
your decision on Animikii?” Demeter continued the silence turning to an
awkwardness where no one was quite sure what to do.
“Horus, come with me and Demeter. The rest of you, make yourselves
at home. This is as much yours as it is my own. Demeter, let’s talk.” The Great
Spiritdess of Sky Land moving with utter elegance. Her blond curls hanging
under a golden crown. Skin glittering and sparkling the density of her refined
self an eternal beauty of her true self. “Truly an exquisite and remarkable
creation you are Demeter” Typhon spoke leading her by the finger tips to a
sitting room.
“Here sit, sit” Horus, please join us as some of this clarification is
needed so that I may help Demeter find a solution to her problem.
“Now, Demeter what was it you were saying about Animikii?”
Mishebeshu questioned the queen. “Is he alive, is he dead, where is he and
where are my sisters?” Demeter quickly responded.
Turning to Horus, “Horus, care to elaborate?” “Demeter, when we
found Animikii…how do I say this, they are all gone. There is no more.
Animikii was thrown down with the remains of the others onto the surface of
the moons of Saturn. Demeter immediately breaking out into emotional sobs,
tears welling in her eyes, hand over mouth she wept in a dignified and
controlled manner but the pain and the trauma of visualizing this knowledge in
that moment too much to bear and process.
Mishebeshu sat behind a large golden desk. Leaning back in his chair
with his finger under his nose in contemplation of what would happen next.
Horus sat nervous, awkward, his secret revealed. In the next moment Demeter
rose in a fury and attacked Horus grasping his eyes with her thumbs she
screamed in agony as the pressed his skull with al her might. The power of her
anger crushing his eternal being until she split his skull into two pieces still
connected to his body and thrown down to the ground. Horus still alive, his
body twitching, his two parts of his skull languishing as he struggled, grasping
with his hands at his material that had been mangled. “No, this is not enough!”
Demeter speaking boldly. The entire time Mishebeshu sat unmoved watching,
condoning, providing the private platform for true justice, and loyalty to be
Demeter grabbing a knife from the desk of Mishebeshu cut a piece of
Horus brain from his exposed skull. Cutting and tearing with her fingers she
held it in front of his two eyeballs now laying facing opposite directions.
Grasping the two eye balls she pointed them at her face, “Now I will eat you,
and you will be no more!” In that instant she began devouring Horus who was
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gargling in horror. Over the coming hours the bit by bit mutilation and
devouring of the eternal being Horus by Demeter. Belittling and demeaning
him the entire time until the final bite and Horus was erased from existence.
“Do you feel better Demeter?” Questioned Mishebeshu as he rose to
give her a hug of condolence. I have ensured that while I did not agree with
Animikii his remains will be found as with the others and immortalized here in
a proper burial. “Can’t we bring them back through the EDEN?” Questioned
Demeter. “Demeter, you know we can’t, they must remain gone for they would
stand against us in this mission which we have committed our existence. That is
not the way of Animikii, how he and the others were taken, their need for
retribution and vengeance would leave even us in their wake. This is not what
we want, they must remain asleep.”
Demeter and Mishebeshu once again rejoining the group of others
waiting in the hall. “Everyone, I need your attention” Typhon speaking to
Glycon, motioning him to come stand beside him. “We have been summoned
by Maji-Manidoo. To meet at the entrance to the Isfet. From what I know, they
would like to establish a truce in relation to the planet Earth. I suspect there is
something more so I am asking each one of you to come with me so that I may
not be alone when we return to the Earth following my meeting with Maji-
Manidoo and check in on our mortal counterparts.”
“Typhon, you mean to say that Maji-Manidoo is back?” Glycon
“I know, he vanished long ago but he has returned. Residing in a distant
binary star system he has returned and apparently would like to discuss
something of great importance.” Mishebeshu responded.
At this time Demeter had rejoined the others as the daughters of
Mishebeshu were doting on the Great Spiritdess of Olympus. None aware that
she herself had learned the next lesson in achieving Great Spirithood,
consciousness can be devoured.
“Glycon, what are your thoughts?” Mishebeshu questioned his most
loyal ally.
“I think it is a trick. That’s what I think.” Glycon responded
passionately. “You may be right, my son, you may be right. Then let’s plan on
it being a farce and prepare our battle stations. Send word to the generals.
Glycon, you are hereby granted honor of high chancellor of the Illuminati.
From this moment forward you will be my voice, your will my will. My equal
in all things.” Taking an amulet with the most elaborate twisting of vines of a
golden branch sprouting leaves of rubies and sapphires and over the neck of
“Now go gather the generals and meet me at the Isfet to Earth in three
Isfet cycles.” Spoke Mishebeshu.
“It shall be so father.” Glycon leaving with his large legionnaire of
celestial beings, children of the Illuminati, the enlightened ones. Those who had
partook of the knowledge the EDEN had to offer freely to any and all that
would enter through her baptismal waters.
~ 471 ~

Mishebeshu against stood alone in the grandest hall of them all. The
first true safe place that could exist for any seeking proper grounding against
the opposition. Horus was finally no more. He had deliberately saved him for
the moment when justice could be served for his act of genocide choosing to
extinguish rather than understand. Ultimately it was her will verses his will as
both were equals. He willfully submitted to her destruction of his being even if
for the slightest moment of hesitation. In that micro-second he was
incapacitated to the point he was nothing more than a passenger on the ride of
extinguishing him from existence. Had Demeter ever been fueled to such rage?
Not likely. Her appetite for vengeance so great she literally gained joy in
devouring him one bite at a time. She gained pleasure in his agony as he
watches his own material eaten by Demeter. Knowing at a certain moment he
would cease to exist and be no more. She was looking for the sweet spot. The
moment when all that would be left would be the oozing juices of the sweetest
nectar of all, the consciousness. In that moment, Demeter had savored the taste.
Her eyes closed, Mishebeshu remembers her moaning in pleasure at the
sweetness of what she had devoured, what she had consumed.
Mishebeshu grasping the eternal remains of the corpse tossed them into
the Eden Machine. Instantly Horus emerged screaming. Demeter had forgotten
that here the Creators could not be devoured, only assembled and reassembled.
Horus lying with hands in his face, renewed but carrying horrific memories of
the moment he thought he would be extinguished from existence. Mishebeshu
knew Demeter would be angry that Horus had survived and might enact eternal
torture repeating the process again and again.
These were dark days indeed for the Tin Great Spirits of Origin.
Mishebeshu knew this, and what good are a trillion Gitche Manitous without a
place to go? Onward to Saturn and then to Earth. He would wear a special
armor. Something that only “magic” could provide. Moving to the large golden
tree Mishebeshu pressed his hands into the tree until then melted in. The gold
soft and playable, to the hand of a Great Spirit. The gold then grafting and
branching around his forearms, his shoulders, around his next, through his
chest, abdomen, until his entire body was covered in a golden suit of armor.
The most exquisite golden and yet brilliantly self-lit suit of armor. Hairline thin
and yet as powerful as the bands that bind the darkness in this sphere,
Mishebeshu was ready. His golden helmet secured as it folded back at the will
of his thought into his back. The suit was material, and this material would
cloak him in something powerful, something that the darkness will not be
expecting. He was the weapon.
His arms stretching out, the golden fabric networked in small
honeycombs, with some parts thicker than others such as at the elbows, the
shoulders, the chest, back, and abdomen. This was armor but of the most
flexible, pliable, and indestructible. So Mishebeshu thought. Walking to the
large throne made of the DNA sequence Mishebeshu grabbed his massive
featured cloak. The majestic deep red demanded respect and admiration. The
golden tassel that tied it to the neck of Mishebeshu. The way it morphed to his
arms and swayed when he moved. Red and Gold away he strode, of to set loose
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the hounds of war on Great Spirits and realms never more to be seen from
He strode as his army of clones, resurrected from the dead, brought back
to life with a full remembrance of when they freely chose to enter the game.
Choosing now to follow Mishebeshu who had restored their memory and
shown to them that they were always Great Spirits, they simply lacked
knowledge. Knowledge that could have been given so freely and without such
sacrifice and suffering. Yet, even he had stood by and watched as suffering
occurred but was it not Mishebeshu who set up the harvesting centers to feed
the weary and lost people of the Earth. To provide the shelter, nourishment,
knowledge, and family. To bring purpose through industry. To wrap an entire
globe in the infrastructure of commerce where every individual is an important
member, only in this new world order can the Illumination of the Illuminati
enlighten a people and a universe with peace. Mishebeshu knew this, at least he
knew that he wanted to know this and much more. Many answers would be yet
revealed with this first ever meeting with Maji-Manidoo. Not since he had
heard, of the decrepit creature’s exile, the Earth given freely to Mishebeshu.
Maji-Manidoo of all should know that power which has been given cannot be
taken away.
Shock troops marching in harmony of the red gowned leader as he
strode, golden masked towards the ship which would take him to the location
he desired. The time had come to meet Maji-Manidoo, to resolve the destiny of
man and conquer the universe of his origin.
The ship a sleek golden vessel a hundred feet in length. Pure gold of
such tightly compacted atomic grade that nothing within the sphere to which
they were bound could destroy it. This was the thunderbird of the fleet of the
Illuminati. As he boarded the ship with his closest guard they raised up and left
for the Isfet to Origin.
As the ship parted, Mishebeshu thought on Horus and the last meeting
they had together before he knew that the fate of his very being would lie at the
hands of Demeter. The true judicial court for her people. One day Demeter
would be returned home to the reeds of gold that she called home in Sky Land.
A yet, undiscovered honeycomb of the great sphere. Staring out at the golden
pyramids below, he recalled that conversation, it had occurred in his study. A
study that had once been Horus in fact, so the fact both were comfortable in this
space please Mishebeshu and Horus. In that one study they were equals and this
was the proper way that Mishebeshu felt all life forms should behave when
dealing with each other, and yet he knew that was a fool’s errand that could not
be maintained by his own if they were leaderless.
“Horus, what good is power without order?” He had questioned Horus.
Horus recalling the time when Thoth had appeared and taught him about why
things are as they are within the sphere. The recollections of Horus own words.
“I knew I had come in, illegally in a sort of way, but I was here and as I tried to
solve this problem myself comes Thoth. A wise Great Spirit who was non-
created within the Maat. Self-Manifested, to this realm choosing to teach with
the memories of his previous reincarnated state as a monkey king and Great
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Spirit among the Ahtna. To leave his mark on the Eden, and me, that he would
leave and one-day return as an ape-Great Spirit.” Mishebeshu had pondered that
discussion since its inception. He knew that reincarnation was what fueled this
entire process and that the sub-atomic universe was nothing more than
harvesting facilities to project an illusion of reality for consciousness to
entertain each other. A grand puppet show but who might the puppet master be?
Mishebeshu had questions upon questions, but he knew that with his own
enlightenment he was a child of the light and to the light he would gravitate.
Horus on the other hand driven with fear made emotional decisions out of
ignorance. The ignorance of one being afflicting the many.
The golden ship raced across the golden kingdom of Mishebeshu. He is
grand lord, the ship shimmering as jeers erupted from the surface. The trillions
of soldiers boarding their Mandjet’s as the procession into the Universe of
Origin was at hand.
The sky filled with golden pyramids as far as the eye could see. This
was the moment of truth.
“Cerops, patch me through to all vessels.” Mishebeshu spoke to one of
the original eight, Cerops, as Lamia and Wadjet monitored the surrounding
organized collection of Maat.
“Greetings, this is Lord Typhon. Today we embark home. To reclaim
the key element to our ascension home. We are now, always have been, and
always will be advanced humans living an illusionary experience. Today, we
break that cycle as it is we who rise up as children of the dawn. Descendants of
the Nanabozho. Whose countenance is above even that of the brightest sun.
You are illuminated. We are going to meet a dark lord. One of the many Tin
Great Spirits of Origin. From a honeycomb we have not yet discovered. He is
coming with his pavilion to present an idea, a plan, something that he feels is
important. Know this, my children, the only important thing to the illuminated
ones is true transcendence beyond this sphere and this will come with
cooperation or over the broken remains of those who oppose.”
Let us once more reclaim our home, the first world of the first man who
entered into this sphere, the first world of the Illuminati. The home of
Grandfather Sun, the Yaaru of old. The apex of creation itself. The Great Spirit-
maker, mother Earth.
The golden pyramid ships pressing by the trillions through the Isfet as
they emerged out of the northern hemisphere of Saturn. The invasion had
occurred and it was swift, in full force and without remorse. Yet, restrained
upon principles established by the rule of Mishebeshu, first Typhon of the
Illuminati Empire. The Kingdom within that will emerge as the kingdom
without when he is completed. As they emerged from the massive swirling
interdimensional planet the imagery was stark. There were no grey ships, no
saucers, no military might. Nothing more than once singular ship resting on the
surface of the broken Nibiru.
“Maji-Manidoo!” Mishebeshu exclaimed looking upon the decrepit
creature nothing like his former self. What had he become? He was surrounded
by several skeleton looking tall lurching grey aliens that carried a brow of
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disdain across their scowled faces. The figures waiting as the fleet of an empire
poured out upon them. The entire fleet surrounding the space around Maji-
Manidoo with the lone ship of Mishebeshu hovering and landing.
Mishebeshu sat pondering why only one ship. “Sentinels, scan all
nearby signals and scanners for any signal of cloaking technology, hidden
vessels, anything that would lead you to believe that we may be compromised.
Alert me directly. Out!”
The ship resting several feet from the ground never touching as a
stairway opened until it touched the ground. Maji-Manidoo stand with his
delegate watching as the brilliantly lit interior of the ship show a bright light
into the ground that resembled a spotlight. Mishebeshu, draped in the long red
cloak making the grand entrance that only he could make as he strode towards
the tall luring entity. The grey companions glazed eyed staring with hollow
reflections of the dark consciousness they have always been absorbing the
consciousness of a child of Great Spirit. The dark entities the epitome of evil to
the pursuit of light.
As Mishebeshu nearing Maji-Manidoo his cloak breaking way as he
thrust outward his arms, the brilliant golden suit with light emanating from the
seams caused even Maji-Manidoo to look away. The grays cowering behind
Maji-Manidoo as Mishebeshu stand facing the massive creature.
“What brings you to my Universe Maji-Manidoo?” Mishebeshu
exclaiming with utter confidence. He knew his suit was a repellent to the dark
forces. “I am Maji-Manidoo no more, you may call me Maji-Manidoo. I come
to make a truce. To exchange knowledge for a resource.”
“What type of resource are we talking about?” Questioned Mishebeshu.
“It is you that has the resource Mishebeshu and I the knowledge.” The
dark lord hovering over the small Mishebeshu. Looking like he could smash
him to pieces at any second. The trillions of sentinels waiting for a reason to
destroy. The courage of their leader to put himself in such danger, the
confidence he had in himself garnered the respect of all his nation. That was the
true power of Mishebeshu. The power over the element which mattered most.
The mind. Ideas, concepts, all thoughts. Thought was the greatest resource in
existence. He had the hearts and the minds of his people because he was the
master of thought.
“How about you tell me what you want and then you hear what I have to
think about that said proposition Maji-Manidoo or Maji-Manidoo, whatever it is
you’re calling yourself these days.” Mishebeshu turning his back to the lurching
leader. Raising his voice, he continued to speak, “You come to my home, you
make trade requests with me, you who sought the utter annihilation of all
species because you could not live be a code, by boundaries.” Maji-Manidoo
seemed to be following the now pacing Mishebeshu with back still to the giant
immortal Great Spirit. Maji-Manidoo aware of who he was, somewhat aware of
who Mishebeshu was and fairly confident he could destroy him at any second.
Yet Maji-Manidoo followed and listened out of respect.
“What is the point of eternal powers if they are used to destroy eternal
beings? While yes, I agree with you, the gift of eternal life is a right that should
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be granted to all. But at what cost? At what cost Maji-Manidoo? Have you
considered the consequences of giving powers away for free? That’s why I
cannot support you or agree to your terms. In spite of what you may offer in the
act of coming to an agreement I would be giving the appearance of
complacency. This will not occur.
“Do you not want to hear how to leave this world to which you are
bound?” Maji-Manidoo questioning. “Is it not your desire to find the
knowledge to show you the doorway to open to the other side? Of course this is
what you seek and why you will hear what I have to offer and what I am
Maji-Manidoo continued without stopping, the small eternal
Mishebeshu now staring up at the massive lurching creature towering over him,
whose shadow had devoured his own. “I will give you the answer to the
greatest riddle but you must join this journey with me. Provide me with some of
your GEL from the EDEN machine that I know you are in possession. With
even one gallon it would be enough to open the gateway through the
impenetrable crust that encloses us in this sphere. Would you not be willing to
risk anything for such a key Mishebeshu? Even agree to terms with me?” Maji-
Manidoo paused to allow the lord of Maat and Earth time to contemplate.
“You hold the key to escape?” Mishebeshu questioned. “Yes, I do.”
Responded Maji-Manidoo. “I have the very consciousness of this entire sphere
at my beckoning. I have knowledge of what is on the other side. All I need is
the element and then you can come with me to Dyaus and be a part of the
process yourself. Is it not you who exploits the need for cooperation rather than
conflict for the sake of progress?” Maji-Manidoo questioned Mishebeshu.
If Mishebeshu agreed upon principle of achieving his ultimate mission
in life at the expense of servitude and subjugation to another unbearable. “No.
That will not due.” Mishebeshu responding as he turned and started walking
back to his ship. No sooner had Mishebeshu turned to walk away than the
sound of Maji-Manidoo again filled the air. I surrender. Take me to the EDEN.
Let me view it with my own eyes. Let me observe it and analyze it. Surely, as a
scientist, you would respect this request, and grant this to me?
Inside Mishebeshu was actually very fond of this idea, the great Maji-
Manidoo willing to enter into the EDEN, to be reborn, an like him a soldier in
the fight for salvation from within. “Agreed.” “If you please, board your own
ship and follow me.” Mishebeshu boarding his ship and exiting towards the
Isfet. Maji-Manidoo and his cohort of grey beings following as the order was
thus given.
“Legionnaires stay here and maintain this space in time until I return.
There is something that must needs be done. In case of emergency you are here
with Zahnak and Ashar with the sons and daughters of Babri were enroute to
support the deliverance of Maat. Let us take the snake to the trap.
This was how it would be, he would test the fate of an entire realm on a
hunch that Maji-Manidoo would choose reason over conquest. The light over
the dark. As Maji-Manidoo ship neared the Isfet the grey beings accompanying
him began convulsing violently with contortions of the body in reaction with
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the traveling through the rift created by the wormhole. The beings unable to
sustain form began to separate from the vessels to which they were bound as
those corpses fell to the floor. The Legion swirling in the air. The Trojan horse
unleashed on Maat. The eternal Great Spirits escaping defeat exit the ship and
descend upon the inhabitants of Maat. The battle on the streets if viewed by the
observer would be of eternal deity, the highest order of Gitche Manitou clones
being seized by dark forces as the entities pierced through the eyes seeking
habitation within the vessel of the Great Spirit. The shell the desire of the
intruder and the nectar of the conquest the absorption of the consciousness. The
result were black eyed humanoids walking around in the form of the one true
Gitche Manitou. The number of Legion numberless as what seemed like one
entity divided into a trillion as if they had always existed overlapping and living
within. The Legion a collection of consciousness intertwined to each other by
As Mishebeshu’s ship descended into the great hall to which the EDEN
was house he had been briefed on the situation. The unleashing of the Legion
on Maat. He did not know what to do. He only knew one thing, perhaps Horus
was right, and the key to survival lay with the font of rebirth. The EDEN
machine. No sooner had Mishebeshu entered the golden throne room than the
crashing of the ship of Maji-Manidoo rang through the corridors. Maji-Manidoo
had arrived. The tall creature slithering across the floor. No longer surrounded
by Legion he was alone, he was lurching, he was dark, and he was moving with
purpose and intent. To obtain that holy grail for himself. Knowledge.
“Mishebeshulllll” The leader echoed through the corridors. The gold
burning the surface of Maji-Manidoo at the slightest touch. The slight singe
producing an odor and light fumes. Maji-Manidoo unconcerned as he was too
powerful. “Mishebeshullll” Again, he screamed. The spider legs slipping as the
slimy being slid across his own excrement to move in a rapid rate that struck
fear that such a beast could move so quickly.
The tall Maji-Manidoo reaching the great hall as guards come towards
him. One by one he spiked them in the skull before devouring them brain first
and bit by bit like a crap with hit four arms and large extended limbs. He was a
devouring machine. The advanced Illuminati which came near to him were
destroyed one by one until it was only Mishebeshu and Maji-Manidoo.
“Here we are” Maji-Manidoo declared. “Here we are” Mishebeshu
responded. “Who do you think is leaving here alive Mishebeshu?” Maji-
Manidoo questioning. “You and I share a common bond Mishebeshu, there
does not need to be bloodshed or devouring today.” The creature slithering into
the font. The liquid bubbling and boiling. The machine itself seeming to
struggle against the mass of the creature pressing into its fluid. Mishebeshu
could do nothing, but watch. His own brothers had been carved up like butter
by Maji-Manidoo as if they were nothing. They were nothing more than knats
to this deity.
No sooner had Maji-Manidoo entered the font than he lurched out with
a shriek screaming in agony. The wails and echoes filling the corridor as the
great leader expectantly leapt from the font and raced back towards its space
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ship. “Where are you going?” Mishebeshu could not speak the phrase and Maji-
Manidoo was gone. “That’s was it?” Mishebeshu had known the machine did
one thing, it provided knowledge, what had he seen that terrified him to the
decree that he would flee?”
Mishebeshu returned to the central operations station of Maat to view
the scenery. The screaming Maji-Manidoo echoing through the land as the dark
demons ascended to his ship before rejoining him. The ship of Maji-Manidoo
blasted through the Isfet leaving the semi scatter remains of the havoc created
by consciousness devourers unleashed in a consciousness driven realm. Legion
was a scourge that in a short time had decimated an entire population. In the
blink of an eye with no mercy moving from being to being. Empty shells
remaining Maji-Manidoo was gone faster than he had arrived. What had he
As Maji-Manidoo emerged from the Isfet he could scarcely believe his
eyes, the entire fleet of Mishebeshu was gone. He would have to face the blood
crazy baboon himself.

“Lord Ram gave Hanuman a quizzical look and said, "What are you, a
monkey or a man?" Hanuman bowed his head reverently, folded his hands and
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said, "When I do not know who I am, I serve You and when I do know who I am,
You and I are One.” ― Tulsidas, Ramcharitmanas
Aayaash was nearing the spot where this meeting would be taking place.
The sensors reading only the same ships as before, the pyramids of Ra and
Horus. He knew Mishebeshu must be close. Before Aayaash could enter into
the vicinity the Legionnaires opened fire. The trillion ships firing upon this
black dart that Aayaash operated. The ship itself indestructible. Made of the
material that provides the barrier between those within the sphere and those
without. Aayaash began using his ship as a ramming device. The ship tearing
through ships as the Mandjet’s exploded in space with trillions of eternal Great
Spirits either killed or floating through the space of this universe lost. Aayaash
the Great Spirit screaming, “I will scatter your bones across the fields of
Olympus with no mercy!” The ships crashing and burning in the chaos. Hours
of battle, in the end only one would stand and then emerged from the Isfet one
The coming moments would forever shape the destiny of Origin. The
cosmology of a realm where the only true religion was genetic engineering, the
Great Spirits of the realms would share in the steps when upon all things the
fate of mankind would be decided.
Aayaash charged towards the ship of Maji-Manidoo when instantly his
ship was struck with such a force he stopped forward progression and began
spiraling out of control through space. He had lost control. He could not do
anything but spiral helplessly until he hit something. As he peered into the
distance he could see a portal opening in the sky and massive Saturn planetary
sized vessels emerging. Dwarfing the small ship of Maji-Manidoo.
It was Chibiabos. It had to be Chibiabos. No other entity would arrive in
such a way, this was clearly the beings from Sky Land he had learned about.
Chibiabos had finally come?” Again in the midst of battle unknown forces
pulling him away from certain destruction and doom. As an engineer of this
vessel he knew one thing, mathematics and trajectory. These were two laws that
governed space travel. Though he could survive as an eternal in the space, it
was a vacuum specifically designed to make the eternal Great Spirit helpless in
its environment. He needed to be cloaked in elements, such as a space suit,
space ship, in order to survive like any other. The vacuum of space leveled the
playing field for the Great Spirits.
The keypad of his vessel showed he would crash land or could thrust his
way to theoretically crash land onto the surface of Mars. Simud had been a
prison and yet a birthplace. To think he would be sent back to that wasteland,
where he was once treated as a slave, looking up to his oppressors as Great
Spirits because he lacked knowledge that if given freely, which was their right
as consciousness would have caused all to rise up immediately and cease the
degradation of another species.
Aayaash had to leave, he had to escape. Grapping his sword it
transformed into a scepter with a round head that spit into spinning wheels.
These would be the propellers as he would leave the sphere himself and go to
The Gitche Manitou to stop this madness. The Gada spinning creating velocity
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it began tearing through the wall of the ship pulling Aayaash behind as he held
onto the handily. His mind controlling the device it began pulling him into the
vacuum of space. In an instant Aayaash zipped away beyond the speed of light.
He was traveling at the speed of thought. The speed of thought could be any
speed when setting one’s destination. If choosing to view honeycombs along
the way or life forms the thought can determine the distance. The Gada was
Aayaash ticket to freedom.
Spinning the Gada instantly hit a solid crust. The spinning beyond the
speed of light. The tearing at the crust producing an emanation of light
surrounding the Gada. It was its own source of light in the dark. Aayaash
pressing his legs against the wall his back against the wall pressed the Gada
upwards chiseling his way through this once though impenetrable crust.
The process seeming to take hours Aayaash inched slowly along carried
by the hope that something would reside on the other side. That would not seek
to destroy him, perhaps it would welcome him. What he did know was that in
the very heart of this sphere that he apparently lives within are forces that will
destroy all mankind. For Aayaash, this meant getting help. His destruction of
the Mandjet. He personally destroyed a trillion Mandjet, numbers so staggering
they cannot be fathomed in a remembrance and yet it was true. There scattered
remains can be found all around Saturn to this very day. His ship given to him
by Kulkukan forever resting on the surface of Mars, his former home of birth,
even Simud of old. Separated by lightyears of distance and an infinite of
thought Aayaash knew he was close he was close to something big.
Clank. Clank. Clank. The scepter struggled and strained before cracking
through and thick lava began to suffocate the eternal Aayaash. His scepter again
spinning it stretch and strained pulling Aayaash through agonizing flames until
he burst into the air the scepter still spinning. Aayaash using it to sustain air
flight. He could hardly believe his eyes. A sea of eternal Great Spirits agonizing
in pain. “How can this be?” Aayaash questioning to himself. He rose into the
air looking down upon the sea of the condemned. “Why?”
He grasped to try and help the burning beings covered in lava. Their
skin slippery as they burned in agonizing pain. The look of fear in their eye
paralyzing to the heart of Aayaash. Using his Gada he flew high and higher to
view the vastness of this sea of burning fire. “This is wrong”, he agonized,
“Nothing sacred can come of this” Aayaash was now weeping at the thought of
a sphere so massive with so much suffering, the crying out overshadowing what
was occurring on the inside. This was a sphere of suffering. Where the lose
blanket the forgotten. Where the sons of men are beneath them all. The lowest
rising to the highest heights. Aayaash could not fathom how a Gitche Manitou
would allow such suffering. Even if a soul were to live on a world with no
memory making eternal decision based upon faith when the house cards are
already stacked against them. “There is no justice in this!” The monkey king
decreed with disgust in his heart for those responsible for this fate. At least on
the inside life was an illusion, albeit, a cruel, heartless, and unforgiving
onslaught of unknowns through against the very consciousness of the creator
himself and yet out of this eternal struggle where the odds seem irrefutably
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stacked in fates favor man rises. In this place, there was no rising, not forgiving,
no understanding.
Yelling above his lungs, “I will come back for you!” Aayaash shot
towards one of the many openings in the air above him. Upon landing he turned
and echo I am Sun Wukong, I am the Monkey King! I am the being who
transcends the vessel to show that all within all vessels are one in the same. No
longer Aayaash seeking to become man. I shed my former self. I shed the
illusion within and separate myself from that mockery to time and things of real
consequence, to damn with them all. There will be hell to pay for this and I will
give my life until every one of you is released from your undue and unjust
torture.” Cruelty on levels beyond imaginable.
“I will find this Gitche Manitou, this Jade Emperor and bring him to
justice for the deed that has been wrought today.” Turning, Sun Wukong who
was Aayaash, the Monkey King departed into Sheol. Not knowing what to
expect or what future lie ahead. He had done what no mortal had done before.
He had escaped on his own. Shedding his former self, he saw something
greater. He would shove the mockery that was existence down their throats and
he did not care what they thought.
The monkey king had awoken and was filled with rage out of empathy
and compassion. How could he ascend without helping a few, and yet if not
could he not help the many? He needed witnesses to this atrocity. That was the
correct word according to Aayaash. In what system would it be permitted after
all that had been done and the struggle of life an outcome of eternal torture.
Even to the unjust it was not just. Returning to the fire he began grasping them
by their arms. The humanoids without feature or form as if their flesh had been
slowly melting layer by layer. Lifting them out one by one he carried them into
the air to one of the many ledges. Their limp, lifeless body too weak to support
his grip. Their frail bodies collapsing to the ground of Sheol. Immortals and yet
too weak to walk, move, speak, they simply desired to lie quietly. They lie
seeking peace from the torment. The burned bodies smooth as if melted steel
smoldering and steaming.
“How many will be enough?” Aayaash questioned to himself. The depth
of bodies underneath bodies he knew for every one that reached the air above
there were a hundred underneath whose only breath was the fire. Yelling in rage
with arms wide open, “Why, you barbarians!!!” “Awwrghhhh.” In that moment
Aayaash would rescue 1000 eternal souls from the lake of fire which encircles
the inner sphere of the Aaru.
If he could spend eternity lifting bodies he would but the thought of
more succumbing to such an end. There was something dark occurring in the
Aaru. The Gitche Manitou himself must answer for what was occurring he
turned his attention to the Aaru itself. The monkey king entering the expanse of
sleeping blue Great Spirits plugged into the eternal simulator. The hairy
immortal ape man walking knowing that somewhere in this expanse was his
own eternal body. Growing one sub atomic particle of the spark of light at a
time. Woven so finely that it would be pure material density of The Gitche
Manitou himself. Staring out at the sea of blue bodies Aayaash questioned, “If
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this is a gift to all than is the fire likewise a gift to all?” The disgust of the irony
of the two polar opposites conflicted within his own mind as he struggled
seeing reason to provide even an option of suffering after one had endured the
journey out of the Aaru.
Kulkukan had prepared him well, obviously he had been late to the
meeting at Saturn but he had enacted some justice for Animikii and the titans
and the peoples of Mars, Tiamat and Earth. He had destroyed a trillion times a
trillion vessels. He himself had wages the impossible war with his Gada in the
skies over Saturn. The destroyer of trillions of eternal Great Spirits to preserve
a few more moments for the people of the Earth.
When Kulkukan had told him about Sheol he never mentioned the sulfur
smell of rotten eggs that permeated the room. Looking up he knew the only way
to go. Raising his Gada he had no time to stare endlessly at soulless corpses,
vessels without consciousness. Aayaash imagined the army that would be raised
in the many levels of the sleeping Great Spirits of Sheol. Gada spinning in the
form of a scepter he shot into the air blasting through the layers that stood
between him and what uncertain unknown would lie on the outside. The large
jelly beings stopping to notice the being passing through the layers, the final
barriers, the crust falling to the side. Breaking through Aayaash rose into the air
over a pavilion of people.
The charcoal colored material spreading a dust through the air as it
blanketed the brilliantly lit surface around the people. The humans reaching
down to touch the material, to peer down the hole into the pitch black depths
below. The hairy ape man hovering in the air. Aayaash, himself stained with
charcoal as if he had been working in a mine. Overcome with what he had seen
below Aayaash struggled to comprehend what he was now seeing above.
Staring out over the sea of humans now moving towards him Aayaash
looked up at the sky above. Moving his hands, he could see small waves of
sound which was energy rippling in all directions. The echoing through the air
of a slow vibrating sound that was the most peaceful he had ever heard. The
explosion through the crust had send ripples of sound echoing outward.
Aayaash could see in the distance a massive six spiraled building surrounded
with trees, walkways, and people. He wanted to see what was up as everything
seemed blurry for his eyes.
Looking up Aayaash again used his Gada to fly him to the golden bars
stretching across the sky. He wanted to know what these were. From horizon to
horizon golden bars crisscrossed in a large “T” but their size, the height in the
air meant they belonged to something much larger. Rising into the vibrations he
could feel energy pulsating through his body as he floated through waves.
Aayaash was almost certain that this material that sound created could be
similar to swimming in water.
Landing on one of the large golden rods that rested in the air over the
surface covered with a sea of humans from horizon to horizon Aayaash could
not believe its size. He had come so far and yet this Aaru was still horizon to
horizon in a sky filled with brilliant white light. Two bands of echoing rings
were still towering overhead. What could they be, this entire place if viewed
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from afar and yet Aayaash knew he must go to the Temple of Aaru or else he
would not know where he was going and to wander much farther when he was
concerned with what was inside he was not the explorer.
Men clothed in white robes with red sashes across their shoulders. The
golden tunics hovered in the distance watching Aayaash, questioning what must
be done. Aayaash watching them move about on the golden beams that
obviously encircled the sphere called Aaru. Turning his attention back down
towards the sea of people he marveled that the entire groundwork resembled a
geode in that everything was constructed of geometric steps and shapes. Sharpe
corners with smooth surfaces as if carved from granite and yet emanated a glow
from within.
Aayaash descended to stand among the people. The air was silent as no
voices could be heard. Aayaash looked into the distance, staring up at the three
large spirals that stood at the entrance of the Temple of Aaru. He knew in this
place he would find the person who could lead him to The Gitche Manitou. Not
one person came within ten feet of Aayaash and none interfered with his
procession towards the towering structure in the distance.
As Aayaash neared the temple he could see the people carrying and
leading the same blue beings from below towards the Temple. He knew they
must know what was occurring below. As Aayaash approached the steps he was
surrounded by a sea of advanced humans. Human beings that’s skin emanated a
special glow. Their faces all the same as identical twins or clones. There were
both male and female beings of equal number. Aayaash could differentiate that
there were those in power with the following designation. There were the
masses of people who all had identical forms without and color to their gowns,
they mingled among those with forms such as clear skin with eyes and some
color. These humans, by all accounts, wore the same glowing apparel with the
exception of golden tunics wrapping around their waists. Among them there
were those with golden sashes and crimson rashes draped from left shoulder.
The golden sashed humans able to ascend or fly. Aayaash noticed they were the
only ones flying up and descending down. These were also the same beings he
had seen on the golden bands in the air. The advanced humans wearing the red
sashes working in the Temple assisting the others with tunics, the blue
immortals, and the less dense advanced humans that moved in between.
“This is a machine” Aayaash questioning to himself. Standing at the top
of the steps to enter the large structure he said aloud, “Who are all of you?”
Trees glowing of white leaves, golden fruit hanging all around. Aayaash
thought, “Maybe I will try one of these”, as he approached the tree to pluck
some fruit from its branches several golden cloaked humans prevented him.
“Greetings visitor, please do not do that.” Aayaash turning to hear the voice that
had spoken. Staring face to face with the glowing human being Aayaash
questioned, “Who are you?” The man responded, “I am Michabou. The Viceroy
of this sacred place”, the question is, “Who are you?” Aayaash questioned in
his mind, they did not know who he was and yet they had not been
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“I am the Monkey King. I have come from inside the Aaru to speak with
The Gitche Manitou, immediately!” Aayaash commanded in clear and direct
tones. The voice waves echoing with power as he stood his ground. Gada still
in left hand.
“So you are a king?” Michabou questioning the leader. “You say you
are from inside the Aaru. So, you did not awake in Sheol as the others?” He
“I am Aayaash. I come from the inside. I did not awake. I have ascended
on my own, escaped on my own, to come here to share the news that there is
too much suffering on the inside and a sea of torture with so many trapped I
could not count. I need you to come with me and help them, to save everyone
and stop this madness!”
“I do not understand” Michabou questioning. “Something is wrong on
the inside, what about this sea of fire?”
“In our universe within the Aaru, there is darkness unleashed and beings
like myself coming into existence everywhere. The Aaru is broken. The servant
of the Great Spirit, Kulkukan sent me here to find The One who can bring
salvation to all now trapped within this sphere. How can you all be so calm on
this surface when such suffering exists below?” Aayaash voice became deep
and condescending.
“Things are the way they have always been. The flaming fire is what
prevents the darkness from escaping.” Michabou responded.
“Don’t you realize there are people trapped in that fire?” Aayaash
“People?” Michabou exclaimed. Turning to those with him they seemed
concerned and in discussion. Not using their mouths, they stood in a circle
communicating via thought. Turning back to Aayaash, “Show us if you will.”
“Is there a quicker way into Sheol?” Questioned Aayaash.
“There is the gateway” Michabou spoke again. “Follow us.” “What
about The Gitche Manitou?” Questioned Aayaash. “We are all Gitche
Manitous” responded Michabou as the men continued in procession towards a
distant circular landing.
Aayaash followed the men as they progressed down the long path that
stretched in front of the Temple. The circular landing was the intention of steps
progressing to a specific point. In the base of these circular steps were four trap
doors. Golden with latches on them that spun like a doorway into a submarine.
It was very mechanical and Aayaash wondered what type of beings could
construct a machine of such capacity let alone be the size that an Aaru was in
all reality.
Moving into the pavilion there were countless beings encircled on the
steps singing in praises as blue beings were being pulled from the opened
doors. Cloaked in robes they were then helped towards the Temple. As
Michabou, his contingent and Aayaash approached the ceremony all ceased
immediately. Michabou moving to one of the doors turned to Aayaash, “Never
before have I ascended or has a Celestial reentered the Aaru. You say sea of
people? In Sheol? Show us please.” Michabou addressing Aayaash.
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“Follow me.” Aayaash leaning down to begin climbing down the ladder
to the surface below. The advanced humans climbing down behind him. They
descended to the surface below and Aayaash began immediately walking
towards one of the openings that led to the sea of fire where he had left the
beings he had rescued. “They are right over here” Aayaash speaking and yet
moving quickly. The dignified leaders looking around as if worried about the
unknowns of a memory long since lost. Concerns was palpable, Aayaash could
tell they were concerned simply by how Sheol appeared.
Turning the corner Michabou and his brethren stopped with looks of
horror sweeping across their faces. The faced the smooth skinned charred
immortals laying on the ground. Thousands huddled together unable to walk.
Sobbing against the walls. Curled in the fetal position strew across the ground.
Rushing to their aide the benevolent leader knew who they were, “My brothers
and sisters”, “what has happened to you?” Turning to the others, go now, get
others we need help. “Go now!” Michabou yelling. The others shocked at the
stress of his voice began running towards the ladder.
“Michabou, come here, there is more” Aayaash motioning the leader of
the Aaru to the ledge. Michabou was already overcome with emotion. Tears
streaming down his face. He stared out over the ledge and spoke the following
words. “I did not know.” Falling to his knees, Michabou wept with his face
buried into the palms of his hands. Aayaash reaching down to lift him up spoke,
“This is why we must act. Look what is happening to the Aaru. Look what
suffering is happening. It is even worse on the inside.” Michabou turning to the
others, “We are coming back for you my children. I am coming back for you.
Hang on, hang on” The weeping echoing out through Sheol.
“What has become of this place Michabou?” Aayaash questioning the
leader. “I do not know, but you are here and we must restore them all, come
with me, we must speak with Grandfather Sun. Only he can summon The
Gitche Manitou. “Who is Grandfather Sun?” Questioning Aayaash. “He is the
Temple President; he controls the gateway to Origin. I am but a servant.”
Responded Michabou.
As they approached the ladder Michabou could see advanced humans
pouring down the ladders. The frantic pace of the humans manifesting the
urgency of the situation. “The suffering that is present here is beyond
comprehension” Michabou speaking, “This was not this way when I emerged
from the Aaru.” “Wait, you have come out from the Aaru?” Aayaash
questioned. “Yes, I was the first to enter and the first to leave. I am the first
father; I am the father of all consciousness within this Aaru.” We must call
upon (The Nanabozho).
Aayaash questioning, “(The Nanabozho)?” The advanced human of
light responding, “Yes, The Gitche Manitou.”
Aayaash and Michabou floating to the entrance as the deity had the
power to raise the monkey king up with his thought alone. “To the temple”
spoke Michabou. As the two rushed in full sprint towards the Temple,
Michabou stopped at the top of the stairs surrounding the Temple. “My
children” the echoing of his voice carrying so clearly in infinite directions.”
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Aayaash realized, the golden bands assisted in the carrying of thought but also,
it was the gold that protected the beings as well. Aayaash watched as Michabou
continued, “I am your Viceroy, am I not your Gitche Manitou, and yet today I
call upon each of you, those who have yet to enter into the covenant with the
original father and those who have emerged to begin the journey to celestial
glory. In this moment, at this time, cease all that you are doing for you are
hereby called upon to rescue and provide aid to those brought forth from Sheol.
A great suffering has happened in the waking point. The fires that protect the
garden have been filled with our brothers and sisters. Come now, help us bring
them to the surface.” Michabou turning, entered the structure of the Temple as
Aayaash followed. Aayaash standing out among all as the colorful hairy
monkey man who wore golden armor. Carried the Gada a sacred symbol that
was the mark of the Great Spirit.
“Grandfather Sun!” Michabou echoing through the building. In the
distance an old man emerging from behind two golden doors. Aayaash
marveled how he was in the exact image of Michabou only with a beard. “Why
are you old?” Aayaash questioned. “And who are you?” The old man reaching
out to grasp the arm of Aayaash. “By what powers of the father have brought
you to our midst?” Grandfather Sun seemed astonished that a being such as
Aayaash could exist. “Who are you my son?” Grandfather Sun focused solely
on Aayaash.
“I am Aayaash”, “Yet you are more than man” Grandfather Sun added.
“Come with me, I would like you to enter into the waters of rebirth. Let us see
who you really are.” The old man taking Aayaash by the arm, ignoring
Michabou all together he led him up the stairs through the golden doors and
into a large circular room surrounded by concourses of advanced humans
singing in slight praises. Aayaash stopped to listen to the words as they sang,
“If you could travel to Origin, In the twinkling of an eye, and then continue
onward, with that same speed to fly, do you think that you could ever, through
all eternity, find out the generation, Where Great Spirits began to be? Or see the
grand beginning. Where space did not extend? Or view the last creation, Where
Great Spirits and matter end? The Spirit whispers, “No man has found 'pure
space,' nor seen the outside curtains, where nothing has a place." The works of
Great Spirit continue, and worlds and lives abound; Improvement and
progression, Have one eternal round. There is no end to matter; there is no end
to space; there is no end to spirit; there is no end to the human race. There is no
end to virtue. There is no end to might; there is no end to wisdom; there is no
end to light. There is no end to union; there is no end to youth; there is no end
to priesthood; there is no end to truth. There is no end to glory. There is no end
to love; there is no end to being; there is no death above. There is no end to
glory; there is no end to love; there is no end to being; there is no death above.”
Turning to Aayaash who had stopped at the doorway and was listening
to the words repeated over and over. Blue beings being led into the glowing
liquid in the circular font, Grandfather Sun spoke, “Beautiful isn’t it that is the
song of eternity” Continuing, “This is where men are cloaked in righteousness
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and ascend to join the kingdom of the heavens.” Turning to Michabou, “Suffer
me son, this is essential in answering the question that troubles your heart.”
“Aayaash, come with me into the waters of rebirth. Only here will we
know why these things are so and what this will have to do with…” Pausing to
stare and Michabou, “to do with The Gitche Manitou.” Grandfather Sun began
speaking as Aayaash stared at his own reflection, “Looking down at your own
reflection in the water, you will now reunite with your true self merging who
you have become with who you were before.” Aayaash stepped into the GEL,
until he was waste deep. “Immerse yourself Aayaash, emerge and tell us who
you are.” Grandfather Sun speaking, as Michabou watched. Concourses
continuing the procession of singing the praise of Origin.
Aayaash kneeled emerging his entire being into the liquid. In an instant
he could feel digital code pour into him from the liquid as he was filled with
reorganization of the genetic engineering material that he possessed. To all’s
astonishment Aayaash rose not as an advanced human, while retaining his
monkey appearance Aayaash had ascended. Turning to Michabou, Grandfather
Sun spoke, “I will summon The Gitche Manitou.” The waters of rebirth
emanating a glowing yellow and white sparkling in the light Aayaash had a
perfect memory of his beginning, his emergence, the day he chose to become
his own reflection for the sole purpose of progressing as those before had done.
Aayaash was home, and yet Aayaash was not done, “Stop, wait!” Aayaash
calling for Grandfather Sun as he was speedily moving towards the doors, “I
want to see (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda.”
“(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda!” The Monkey King echoing through the
temple. The singing had ceased. Aayaash was no longer willing to wait.
Moving to the digital board that operated the EDEN machine Aayaash placed
his palms onto its surface. In an instant the machine began pulsating red with
alarms sounding. Grandfather Sun speaking, “You have called him. How did
you do this Aayaash? Never before has another emerged in such a way and
retained their mortal state in this eternal; sphere. He is a child of the light and
yet he is not as you and I. Aayaash, The Gitche Manitou is coming. You have
done it on your own.” “Where does he comes from?” Questioned Aayaash.
“Courts on high. In Celestial Kingdoms beyond even this, where darkness has
no place and where the consciousness of men are free from the devourer.”
Turning to Michabou, “I have perceived the darkness within the garden is again
found its way out, and we will all turn our eyes up as the only Savior for us now
is He who first came to the void when nothing existed” Grandfather Sun
motioned to Aayaash, “Do you not see, the distance between thee and he is as
eternal as the program you have now awoken. The generations that stand
between this piece of heaven and the celestial courts on high is infinite and yet,
you will meet him.”
A long loud smashing as if two tambourines were slammed together
filled the air as Grandfather Sun and Michabou began running outside the
temple. All stopping they looked into the courtyard as a human shining more
brightly than all others appeared and was already moving among the sea of
broken Great Spirits being rescued from the fire and laying across the surface.
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The survivors of a war. Aayaash marveled that this Gitche Manitou moved
among them in such a way.
In an instant The Gitche Manitou stood face to face with Aayaash.
Staring into his eyes the deep golden fire of his gaze pierced Aayaash. Placing
his arms around Aayaash the man hugged him. “Welcome home my son.”
Turning to Michabou and Grandfather Sun, “It has begun and decreed from The
Gitche Manitou that I must go into the Aaru to save all of the children.”
“You’re going in?” Aayaash questioned, staring at the being. “I will go down
and see what works the dark one has wrought to man as he traverses the lone
and dreary wilderness home.”
“Wait, you’re not The Gitche Manitou?” Aayaash questioned the man
cloaked in solid golden robes. He too had a beard like Grandfather Sun but was
young. “I am the first high priest my son” the man spoke, “I AM the Holy One”
as you see me, you see The Gitche Manitou for I am a clone of him. “Genetic
engineering exists even here?” Aayaash questioned. The man responding, “The
laws of the heavens are called by many names, used for both light and dark
purposes. I am the clone of The Gitche Manitou. Yes, I am the genetic duplicate
of him and yet I am him in every way.” “I am Yahweh, the first Yazata before
the first Aaru and before Origin there was only I AM. I perceive you question
Aayaash, a new form that has approached the foot stool of the first man who
brought salvation to the void as a farmer brings life to the soil.”
“I will go in and plow the soil and I will live as my clones live and
redeem them all from the inside out, let this be a sign and a witness to all now
in attendance. Salvation is coming as even I the highest of all of you clones will
descend below you all to bring every last one home” Yahweh spoke as all
continue to assist those being brought to the surface from the Aaru.
“Will I go with you? I have to go back” questioned Aayaash. “You will
stay here, you are the soldier we need” the man responded. “Soldier we need?”
Questioned Aayaash. “There is an eternal battle that wages in Origin, Aayaash,
we need you here. After all that you have endured, you then chose to preserve
life. To preserve consciousness. Here is wisdom that you seek. The duty of a
father is to protect his children. The duty of a leader is to protect his people.
Consciousness is eternal, whether being brought forth or going back to, it is the
pure knowledge of the creator. To preserve every drop is the duty of the
Creator. The darkness moves without regard for life, and regard for
consciousness. Why do we live with boundaries in this place? Aayaash, let me
show you something. Come with me.” The eternal man grasping Aayaash by
the arm. Instantly they appeared at the edge of something where the light met a
fiery twisting of light in a wall as far as he could see. Aayaash noticed men in
circles by the thousands focusing energy towards the edge. “This is where the
light meets the darkness” moving his hand the two were encapsulated in a
sphere of light. They floated through the edge of the twisting fire until they
sped to a great distance that the sphere of light seemed like the sun in
comparison. Floating in a dark purple liquid the man pointed down, “This is the
Origin, within the consciousness of the celestial kingdom expands in this place
until one day the darkness will be removed completely and the kingdom will fill
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this realm.” “Realm” Questioned Aayaash. “There are many things to

complicate for even a child, for you are a child of the first father to understand.
Does a father tell his child he is but a lesser being, a clone of the mother and the
father? Or does the father raise the child up with the love, attention, and
protection raising up the child as superior in every way? Is not the progression
of the child the wish of any father? To rise beyond even his own heights and
reign in power and glory, in peace and happiness, and Aayaash, this is also the
goal of your father in heaven. You are not a clone. Just a clone. Is not one drop
of the ocean still the entire ocean and so are you. Boundaries exist because
darkness exists. Darkness lives without boundaries and limitations. The true
enemy to the eternal consciousness is darkness. This is the war we are engaged,
against a principality of darkness which does not differentiate life from food.
We exist to prevent the eternal consciousness of the first original man of the
celestial kingdom to live and not die.”
Aayaash questioned, “The consciousness can perish?” The man
groaning within himself, “It can.”
Grasping Aayaash by the arm as they again stood at the entrance to the
Temple. Speaking to Aayaash again, “Never before have I descended into this
machine. In the past my Father (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda build this machine
after the order of the Celestial Kingdom, I am the one who downloaded my
consciousness into the Aaru. As I enter I will be present with myself, having
been the father of the Holy Spirit, being born into a world like you as the son,
and yet I will emerge once more as the father. In the coming moments witness
the Father, Son, and Great Spirit being salvation to the clones of the original
Grandfather Sun speaking aloud as all listened to the patriarch of the
Temple of Aaru. “Here we are at the Temple of the Son, even Yahweh, and the
first clone of our first father who brought light to the darkness. Is this not the
garden promised to you through the eternities? For behold, the time has come,
that with power, the Lord Omnipotent who reigns, who was, and is from
all eternity to all eternity, shall come down from heaven among the children of
men, and shall dwell in a tabernacle of clay, and shall go forth amongst men,
working mighty miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the
lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and curing all
manner of diseases. The time of the promised Messenger has come as the final
battle is about to begin.” Turning to The Gitche Manitou, who was Spenta
Mainyu also called Yahweh, Grandfather Sun spoke one more time, “To the
fountain of rebirth, the EDEN machine.”
Temple workers draped in red sashes began the procession of carrying
The Gitche Manitou to the EDEN machine inside. As they entered the Temple
the songs began again as the holy men began washing The Gitche Manitous
feet, hands, and anointing his head with the glowing GEL from the EDEN
machine. Aayaash questioned Michabou as they watched, “Why are they doing
this to him?” “Aayaash this is the first clone of light of the trillions of
generations that have come and gone he has never progressed as we have
through an Aaru to earn his material. He was the first clone of The Gitche
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Manitou. In his entirety cloned, as we address him we address The Gitche

Manitou. They are one in the same. His moment to go down as we have has
been spoken of for generations. As well as the day when the Great Spirit, the
cloned memory of him in the machine will also leave with its own material
form. Let go of your conscious self-Aayaash, and act on instinct. The force of
light demands the consciousness of a right and just being. This cannot be
granted by giving away such power freely. If the power were given freely
without boundaries eternal beings would be wiped from existence by those
without the “thought” to preserve light, to protect the spark from those who
would extinguish and devour. You have come a very long ways Aayaash, and
by all accounts should not exist and yet this is the eternal form you have
cloaked yourself and which has been sustained by the EDEN.” “
“What is the EDEN?” Questioned Aayaash. “This is the reorganizer of
genetic material for the cloned Great Spirit that you, I, we all are. It unifies the
material with the immaterial, the consciousness with the powers that is our
physical forms.” Raising his eternal hand, “these bodies, they are more than
machines, they are our power. Comprised of pure light we ourselves shine in
the darkness by design.” “This machine was brought here from the Celestial
Kingdom by (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda in the beginning when he appeared
in the darkness and the darkness sought to devour him.”
“What you are witnessing is the ordination of a king, as it has always
been done.” Michabou again speaking.
“Why is Grandfather Sun so old?” Questioned Aayaash. Watching as
the old man bathed his leader, the first clone of himself. “We are all clones of
Yahweh. All of us, merely reflections of him emerging from the EDEN because
of him. During the course of human history a few have gone in and been
brought out that have retained their form from within. I am one, Grandfather
Sun is another. He was brought to the surface and the EDEN determined he was
to live eternity as the patriarch and he retained his earthly form albeit, the
mirror image of myself, and The Gitche Manitou. Aayaash, the religion of
heaven is of genetic engineering and cloning. Cloaking consciousness with
material to protect it from the darkness which sole purpose is to devour the light
that surrounds consciousness. So, you ask why boundaries, why the fire, why
the mistakes, the difficulty in the journey out of the Aaru. It is only because the
situation demands such to produce the consciousness we need to overtake the
“If we could all runaway from this responsibility don’t you think we
would?” Michabou questioned, before Aayaash could answer he continued,
“We willfully submit to the boundaries because of love. Love for all life and the
hope that the light will prevail. What other option is there? Willfully submitting
to the darkness which will devour and produce possibly a new you, is this the
version of you that would bring the greatest happiness, joy and that would
prevent misery? Would this world unite you with family, friends, and loved
ones? You have been to the boundaries of Origin. You have seen with your own
eyes the darkness. That is not freedom and though the adversary would have
you tie it in a bow it is not salvation or happiness either. It is chaos, carnal, and
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the true epitome of outer darkness for the clone consciousness of The Gitche
Manitou. Aayaash, you, me, even Yahweh are clones of the first man.”
“These men are performing a sacred ordinance upon the Nanabozho.
The first son of the first man that shone in the darkness as pure light. The
chosen heir to the kingdom of Origin and the Celestial Kingdom that it will one
day become, you are watching The Gitche Manitou emerge.”
Aayaash watched as The Gitche Manitou rose and stared at his own
reflection in the liquid before speaking, “As I once imprinted my reflection into
the eternities so again I descend to emerge the reflection of the eternities.”
Turning towards Michabou he spoken again, “I will save them all Adam.”
Aayaash noticed Michabou had begun to cry as the chorus sang more
loudly. The man walking onto the surface of the liquid before raising his arms.
Sound waves surrounding him as he descended into the liquid until he
disappeared altogether.
“It is finished. We now wait. Aayaash, let us go and assist with the
caring for those that were trapped in Gehenna’s fires. Aayaash, the Hell of
Gehenna was not intended for our kind. It was set to protect the children of the
garden, the surface of the Aaru, from the beast that exists within. To prevent
unworthy mortals from tasting of the fruit that is the tree of life which is eternal
life granted here within the sacred house of The Gitche Manitou.
“Why is (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda not here now?” Questioned
Aayaash. “As you see me, you see him, Aayaash, we are all The Gitche
Manitou. Even you, the difference between he and we is knowledge. I have
more knowledge than you, and I stand as teacher and you will seek others
beyond even me for more knowledge. I am your first father. You are a clone of
my consciousness. Do you want to hear the creation story of the Aaru?”
Michabou spoke solemnly as if great knowledge was to be imparted.
Knowledge never before shared in open with the watchful eyes of the watchers
peering down within the Cosmology of Origin.
“The first Aaru was brought here by (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda from
The Celestial Kingdom. A place we cannot attain at this moment and yet, look
around you, is not the Celestial Kingdom all around us? Is this not the order, the
selflessness, of the three attributes of that realm?”
Aayaash speaking to himself, “There attributes?”
Michabou continued, “The most important elements of the Celestial
Kingdom are Worship, Selflessness, and Honor. All of these hang on the
greatest law of all to Love. To love all that comes from the light, and oppose all
that comes from the darkness. It is the darkness that devours the light, and if the
light must unwind the darkness one fiber at a time we will spend eternity
devouring the darkness as we organize its matter to an end that is good, a
destination that serves and does not destroy. As you see around you to bring
more Aaru’s into existence. To govern, to rule, on world without end until we
too are called to enter the corridors of the greatest kingdom known to the
eternal man. The high heaven herself, the Celestial Kingdom, where all
advanced Gitche Manitous dwell in the halls of eternal consciousness. How
great is the glory of the first Gitche Manitou? Aayaash, if you were to meet him
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you would see he is as you, a man and yet, was not your mortal creator merely a
man? The greatest of all secrets of humanity, even you Aayaash are created in
the image of The Gitche Manitou. We are all ONLY reflections in the water of
life of this very first being. That is the truth and the only truth to which you will
have a role, for Gitche Manitous there are many, you, me, all around me, but of
all The Gitche Manitous there is only one Gitche Manitou who rules above
them all. This is the father of the universe of origin and the ocean to which your
drop seeks to return.”
“Aayaash, with you, things have changed. You have brought a new age
upon us. The calling of one from beneath that the salvation of humanity is at
hand and the confrontation of the first two clones, even the twins of (The
Gitche Manitou) Mazda finish it.” Michabou continued.
The EDEN machine covered with a large stone. The concourses of choir
ceasing in their adoration and now gone from the room. The elders of the
temple likewise leaving.
“What is happening?” Aayaash questioned, “Why are they closing this
“All is in the hands of the Nanabozho, as he descends beneath his own
consciousness. The father of the Aaru becoming the son of the Great Spirit. The
chosen one to redeem all cloned consciousness of the first Gitche Manitou.
“How did this get started?” Questioned Aayaash.
In the beginning there has always been light. Light is truth Aayaash.
The light was the consciousness of the creator. The first Gitche Manitou. By his
words was the material of the darkness organized to present a home for the
consciousness of humanity. In the beginning he prepared the place, it was he
who separated the light from the dark with his thought alone. As the waves of
the darkness pressed against him he repelled them with organization bringing
the powers of his Kingdom with him. He sought to organize that which was
unorganized. The consciousness of the darkness opposing the consciousness of
the light. The light consuming the dark, the dark sought to extinguish the light
to the point that it divided itself in opposition to the light. In the beginning there
was one Gitche Manitou, and yet Aayaash here is wisdom, this Gitche Manitou
was himself a part of an eternal order. The events form that moment until now
culminating in the convergence of the two initial creations within this realm. A
realm that is given to the NANABOZHO, the one who most reflected the image
of The Gitche Manitou who emerge here to begin this war.”
“Why is there a place called Sheol?” Aayaash questioned.
“There must be a place for the individual consciousness to awake,
protected from itself and those around it, to process the awakening to Great
Spirithood. This was by design. The burden of appearing here on the surface
would be as detrimental to the order of the garden to the need for consciousness
to arise on its own. The spirit of a man, his thought, united and cloaked with
refined, dense, eternal material that coalesces to form one Gitche Manitou. Yet,
even arising in Sheol, the greatest power of all must be obtained, knowledge.
While it is essential for all consciousness to acquire their own memories, and to
obtain their own material. The consciousness can only from without, memories
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can only come from within, eternal material is that byproduct prior to the
emergence of the butterfly we call eternal Gitche Manitous. These vessels must
be organized, cloned using the material inside the sphere of Aaru.”
He continued, “The fire was never to trap souls. It would seem the
journey inside has been warped to a degree that rising Great Spirits are awaking
confused, alone, and lost. The thoughts of those inside clouded by the burning
fire between the garden and the simulated earth, only The Gitche Manitou who
entered can save those within, only he can awaken the masses, and only he can
emerge as the true ruler of this kingdom as he conquers the former ruler of the
The arguments over heard among those helping the people coming from
Sheol to the surface. Among them a high priest, speaking aloud, “Michabou,
Elders, what tortures are to behold? None of my clones will be entering this
Aaru under any circumstances while such suffering exists. We never agreed to
this, nor was it explained that our children would possibly live an eternity in the
fire after having earned their right to leave. Where in is this justice? We will not
go down anymore.”
“Oh Yazata, Gitche Manitou that is you, do you not trust the
Nanabozho? Are not you a clone of him and yet, is He not descended into the
Aaru himself to save them all? Of course none of this was known, planned, I do
not have answers for you. But you are also a clone of me, and as such, you
know the battle we fight, the war we wage. They must go down and emerge as
the reflections of themselves rather than live an eternity as only a reflection of
The man becoming visibly frustrated, “Do the others know about this?”
The arguments on Aaru had begun, the system had come crumbling down. The
peace and harmony of the garden now swelling with the masses of the
multitudes of burned and disfigured Gitche Manitous fished from the fire and
brought to the surface. None allowed to enter the fountain of rebirth. They
would remain in this state until The Gitche Manitou returned.
Michabou continued, “My children, in the Universe of Origin, the
cosmology of the Creators rule over the principles of right, wrong, or
indifferent. It is the salvation of the consciousness of clones of The Gitche
Manitou that we fight, who here cannot say they too are not The Gitche
Manitou? You are all clones of him, he is in you, you are from him, in his
image were you created and from him you were decreed and yet, is there one
here who is not an individual? Freely choosing to sustain, to support, and to
stand as a witness of light and truth. Is this not the way it has always been
done? Then why do you fear? The house built by wood was still a tree even if
organized in the fashion of a house. So is the cosmology of humanity within the
universe designed at the sub-atomic level where the spark of light is harvested
from the devourer?”
The generals arriving from the outer reaches of Origin. Word spreading
that The Gitche Manitou has descended into the first Aaru had spread. General
Atalius stood with his contingent of Yazata high priests to address Michabou,
“What is this?” Referring to Aayaash. “This is The Gitche Manitou that has
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emerged from the sphere of souls, Aayaash, who has called upon the
Nanabozho to descend….this is who this is.”
“Blasphemy, impossible?” The generals speaking. Michabou turning
immediately, “Silence! Who are you to judge where the consciousness of the
creator is manifested? Who are you to judge the shell of the creator that resides
within this Gitche Manitou, equal to your own, he is YOU and YOU are him.
Yet, you stare at the collection of identical sub atomic material as organized by
the EDEN machine and judge him as inferior? Generals, high heaven is not
only for the advanced human, even this lesser degree of heaven is home for the
clone consciousness of all sons and daughters of The Gitche Manitou, neither
male or female, bond or free can be separated in the eyes of the Original Man.
Marvel not that Aayaash is among you, marvel that you are privileged to stand
among him in these times when our father, even The Gitche Manitou Yahweh
has left, and it is we who will stand and bear record of this moment. Enough
with the bickering, call upon ALL who now reside on the terrestrial spheres to
come assist their brothers and their sisters on the first Aaru. This is the decree
from me, the first father to ascend, even Adam the first of all mortal men and
the first Gitche Manitou among you all to gain salvation.”
“Aayaash, come with me. We must go prepare for his return.”

Mishebeshu had watched Maji-Manidoo flee from his presence. His
ship darting into the Isfet as fast as he had arrived. The dark entities that
wreaked havoc on the kingdom gone as well. What had happened?
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Mishebeshu leaving the sanctuary to survey the destruction that had

come across the golden kingdom. His king bringing body after body back to the
EDEN seeking to bring them back. Mishebeshu watched as the eternal clones
were reentered into the font as the material vanished and they did not rise again.
“Impossible” Mishebeshu spoke, he knew something new had been
introduced. Being that could devour the consciousness. Without consciousness
there is nothing to fill the vessel. If something could devour consciousness than
the cloaking of material would become useless dissolving back into the genetic
engineering machine. For the first time, Mishebeshu felt fear. Had he been that
close to annihilation? He could not stop Maji-Manidoo. His power was to
strong. What had he seen that frightened him and where had he run off?
Zahnak and Ashad’s legions of armies floating into Maat.
“Lord Typhon, I return from the outer reaches of the empire with
Zahnak and Ashad and the children of Babri. What has happened to Maat?” Ra
speaking in shock as to what had occurred.
“Maji-Manidoo has returned and left. You would not believe what
happened if you had been here.” Mishebeshu continued, “I left Maat to meet
with him where he basically surrendered. He and a few grey entities came
through the Isfet where his darkness was unleashed upon our world. Maji-
Manidoo came unmolested to the EDEN before fleeing from Maat with his dark
“What did he see when he touched the foundation?” Ra questioned, “I
do not know, but look at this” motioning Ra towards the piles of corpses he
continued, “None of these will come back to life. Their consciousness has been
devoured by the dark entities that accompanied Maji-Manidoo.”
“No way!” Ra exclaimed, “How?”
“I don’t know how, but they devoured the consciousness and they are no
more. The bodies were used as vessels for these dark entities. It gets worse, we
lost two trillion ships outside the Isfet.” Mishebeshu responded.
“Lost? What do you mean lost? How can we lose anything?”
Questioned Ra.
“It would seem the Monkey King arrived while we were disposed of
here with Maji-Manidoo and laid waste to our entire fleet. I would like you to
begin the process now of bringing the corpses of all those you find back here
home to Maat. We will not leave one to drift alone in the vacuum of that
wretched reality. All has been lost Ra.” Mishebeshu seemed mentally confused.
The illumination he had envisioned brought to an end by one being, Aayaash.
“Ra, we lost my son Glycon and most of the kingdom of Illumination.
We must reach out to the eight ruling families of the Earth. I fear they are in
danger.” Ra, we leave post haste for Earth, the remainder will bring all found
outside the Isfet back home.” Mishebeshu spoke as he moved towards the
gateway that led to his personal Mandjet.
“How can so many be lost Lord Typhon, I thought we were celestial
beings?” Ra seemed confused as he lifted the arms of the corpses of clones of
Mishebeshu, sliding one into the EDEN before if vanished altogether. “Empty
material” speaking aloud.
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“Is all we are destined is empty material?” questioned Ra to

Mishebeshu. “I don’t know Ra, in all your memories of the life before when we
left the garden to enter into this world, did you ever hear anything, recall
anything that related to an entity or possibility within of consciousness being
devoured?” Mishebeshu questioned. “None, never, in fact Typhon I can say for
certain, we were told specifically that consciousness cannot be destroyed in the
Aaru…so what the hell just happened?”
Mishebeshu looked as confused as Ra. Was this why Horus isolated
himself within the Maat kingdom? Mishebeshu remembered Horus talking
about it being the only safe place to protect from the devourer. “Ra, I believe
we have met the devourer, and it would seem the darkness that devours is with
Maji-Manidoo…who calls himself Maji-Manidoo. You should see him Ra, he
isn’t even a man any longer, and he is a hideous snake-like creature with spikes
and grey entities crawling on him. I felt at times he could swallow me whole, he
stood in this very spot. He entered into the EDEN, he then shrieked and literally
ran out of Maat without saying a word.”
“Is Demeter safe with you?” Mishebeshu questioning Ra. “Yes,
Demeter has been placed in the far reaches of the Empire. She is there with
your daughters as you commanded. They are in the Fortress of Kuuirinta in the
Kingdom of Babri. Nothing will harm them there” Ra responded.
“Good, then let’s go to Earth. I need to review my charts and dialogue
with my people of the sacred eye. If there is an Earth to go back to”, “What in
all Hades just happened Ra?” Mishebeshu was at a loss.
The darkness of Maji-Manidoo has permeated Maat. While not
destroyed, it was the unknown that brought the worst type of damage. In a
universe of psychological warfare Maji-Manidoo had dealt a fatal blow to the
Kingdom of Maat. Eternal deities realizing that even deities, eternal life can
have an eternal ending under the right circumstances. Sweeping across the
professed illumination of a people, their hope drawn away with an unknown,
they can perish. Something none had considered and this fostered an
environment of distrust and uneasiness in the Kingdom of Maat.
“Ra, we deserve more than any other the right to leave this horror filled
sphere. Do you want to leave? I want to leave”
“Yes, if I could rejoin the realm of knowledge, where information is
distributed freely. I long for a return Mishebeshu to what was once our
beginning, and yet, is not the awareness that we are all Great Spirits, children of
the first Gitche Manitou the knowledge we needed to leave?” Ra questioned.
“You are right Ra, we have done all that was asked, and yet here we are
stuck. Trapped in these vessels unable to realize that vantage we desire.”
Mishebeshu responded.
“Then we have to break our way out Mishebeshu, we have to leave,
there must not be any more preparation. If a devourer exists that can so easily
destroy our consciousness from existence than we need to escape now, not
later. We can only find salvation on the Earth. Staying in Maat only delays the
inevitable” …Ra speaking as if he were the rational leader.
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The shaken Mishebeshu looking back at Ra, “Is this our destiny my
friend?” “I hope not” responded Ra. “I think if we can find a way to reach The
Gitche Manitou he will help us”, Ra responded, “Help us, you think he will
assist us? We are the fallen consciousness that caused this mess when we chose
to frustrate the eternal plan of this game. Wasn’t that our right thought Ra?”
Mishebeshu questioning.
“If we chose to come in, upon entering we choose for ourselves and
determine that the system is unfairly weighted and stacked, it is broken, can we
therefore be condemned, The Gitche Manitou that we each are in entirety for
seeking to escape? Is this not the instinct programmed into us by The Gitche
“How do a trillion eternal Great Spirits vanish from existence and The
Gitche Manitou notices them not?” Mishebeshu questioned.
“Let’s depart for the Earth.”

“Wiindigoo!”, the dark Maji-Manidoo shrieking as he slithered his way
to the hall of engineering on Dyaus. He had seen the coming of The Gitche
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Manitou. He had seen what the devourers could do and he knew they must
move quickly or all could be lost. “Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”!”
The black entity rolling from the slate wall that connected to the very
heart of his existence within the Aaru. “You summoned me Maji-Manidoo.”
“I have seen the beginning and the end. The Nanabozho is coming. He
is coming here and he is coming to destroy us.” Maji-Manidoo tense, afraid,
“Nanabozho, you say?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
pondered, “Where is Legion?”
“Legion is currently dividing and multiply across the surface using the
eternal material of my greys”, Maji-Manidoo responded.
“Cease that nonsense, send my legion to the Earth. Let them devour the
children of the Nanabozho before he arrives. Do not tell them he is coming, for
they will be strong enough by the time he arrives to devour even him”,
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moving to the side spoke in words
that Maji-Manidoo could barely over hear, “We meet again brother.”
Maji-Manidoo leaving the presence of Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” descended to the surface where his children, the greys were
selflessly sacrificing their consciousness to feed the devouring Legion.
“Legion” Maji-Manidoo shrieking across the landscape.
“The time has come to go to the Earth and devour mankind.” Maji-
Manidoo spoke.
Whispers of Legion filled the air, those within and without the grey
alien bodies, “the end”, “feast”, “consciousness”, ringing through the air. \
“You will go and obtain vessels until they are all gone”, Maji-Manidoo
continuing, “You will not leave the Earth until every soul has been erased
providing the balance for Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” to enter
the apex and ascend to Aaru’s surface where we will escape and reunite our
dear father with our brothers and sisters, including the great Creator of all of
this, the nothing.” Maji-Manidoo voice ringing loudly, “No more devouring of
my children, take the vessels you have and depart for the planet. My children,
show them the way.”
The grey beings moving towards the transportation sector of the planet
where greys are cloned for the purpose of building ships. The transportation
devices not used in a millennium had not journeyed back to the Earth in
thousands of years, not since the time of the Titans had Maji-Manidoo thought
about the planet. Yet, he knew that the essence, the consciousness of the cloned
and cloaked Gitche Manitous on the Earth were the missing element that
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” needs to retain his place as ruler
over the cosmos, the first son of the Nothing when the first man rejected him
and his kind.”
“Retribution will be quick my children” Maji-Manidoo spoke as they
shot into the distance. Maji-Manidoo had questions for Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”, he would need to ask them. Watching as Legion was
transported by the Greys to the Earth he slithered back to the Hall of Chambers
where Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” resided.
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“It is done Dark Lord”, Maji-Manidoo declared. “Why is it you do not

return to the surface yourself?” Maji-Manidoo questioned Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”.
The dark dripping being again appeared, “My son, it is not as easy as
appearing. For it is my consciousness that the Nanabozho seeks to devour and
extinguish. We, called the devourers and yet through our survival are not we the
heroes of this story, the victims of the savageness of eternal men? The Earth is
filled with light, as it is prepared for his coming a window will be opened
leaving the Earth vulnerable, that is our moment.”
“Vulnerable?” questioning Maji-Manidoo.
“When the Nanabozho arrives, I will go and face him. He is my brother,
my twin and he is The Gitche Manitou as well, as I am too. He chooses to
submit and be selfless to those above and below. While I choose to believe that
I AM that I AM and my individual Great Spirithood is equal if not greater to
all. Why say I am less than because it was my unfortunate introduction to the
material world from who, myself? Spenta Mainyu will see my side, may not
accept it, but he will hear me out. Oh, I have waited lifetimes for this Maji-
“My Lord, you have opened my eyes farther. How will we get into the
Earth while he is there?” Maji-Manidoo questioned the dark entity. His grey
army of Legion, the possessed vessels of the grey race of Maji-Manidoo, who
sacrificed their consciousness to the devourers to be cloaked.
“In this machine, it is a machine if controlled by thought alone it is a
machine, I am bound by the cloned consciousness of not (The Gitche Manitou)
Mazda, but my twin equal Spenta Mainyu. His consciousness was cloned in this
machine with a portion of the ATUM consciousness which was quickly
subdued. As I came to rescue so I was trapped and we have become bound as
one. I am subject to the Great Spirit here but because the Great Spirit is simply
the cloned consciousness of Spenta Mainyu they cannot reside within the
machine in the same place at the same time less their consciousness’s merge
creating a paradox which they will avoid. With this being said, your vision
while in the Eden machine of his coming with twelve others as the stars falling
from Heaven to the Earth, the Great Spirit who is really The Gitche Manitou,
my twin in reality. He will withdraw himself from the planet, but only in
consciousness because he has no physical body. No two Gitche Manitous of the
Universe of Origin, of such power from the same manifestation can dwell in the
same place uncloaked, meaning the reflection of the original can’t be present in
the same location at the same time. While the Nanabozho resides on the surface
of the planet, his cloned consciousness which has been running this program
which binds me, to whom I wage my war within the Aaru for my life, must
leave the planet. It is the intermediary when that protection is no longer upon
this one point that Legion can gain access and feed…when they have weakened
the Earth of the collection of Gitche Manitous. It is then that I will approach
him and have the conversation that should have occurred a millennia ago.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” was touching the black
surface of the stone with his dripping tar like fingers. His focus deep into the
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reflection of himself in the obsidian like stone he began to speak to himself as if

imagining his identical twin across from him. “Then perhaps it is you who will
feel the pains of being tortured, torn to pieces limb by limb, particle by particle
until your consciousness screams out unable to escape or die. My brother, your
moment of suffering is coming, I did not lose my place in line.”
Maji-Manidoo marveled at the dialogue that was taking place as
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, this first clone into the void spoke
to the second clone into the void and yet was it not also as if speaking to his
own father, who in fact was himself? Maji-Manidoo with his primitive
knowledge, his relics of information floating through his mind which even at its
infant primordial state was equal in capacity and ability to any Gitche Manitou
waiting to absorb knowledge and to process and grow as all Gitche Manitous
have and had perhaps the way it’s been for all eternity.
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, where did the first Gitche
Manitou come prior to entering the void?” Questioned Maji-Manidoo. “My
brother, my equal, even greater than I and I can respect that because you have
become as I, the veil lifted before your eyes and you see as I see that we are that
we are. (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda, is himself a clone. Marvel not how it
came to be so or where the process began. If you were to climb back to the
beginning even the first Gitche Manitou would not know why these things are
or have been but our father is himself a clone of an eternal order structured to
preserve consciousness.”
Turning to face Maji-Manidoo, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” continued, “If you are the one who clones yourself, forces the clones you
create to live within your home and by your rules with an order of rules
established to preserve your manipulated bubble, would this be just and right
subjugation? Would it be the will of any consciousness to be created by the
decision of another and then stripped of their ability to choose for themselves?
How can one exist without the other? The Gitche Manitou could not have
brought me into existence without my knowledge under the guise that it was my
knowledge because of the transference of memories acknowledging his own
identity in me while then stripping me of my own. Maji-Manidoo, look at me!
All I said was that I AM that I AM and was this a just punishment for my
disobedience? I have given you memories. They are my own. They are his.
From the beginning until the present, do you understand? You do not
understand even a fraction of memories that are now your own. You have more
questions than answers, more than before and yet simply because you have
memories does it mean you understand the memories you have been given? I
think not. Therefor to serve undue punishment for not understanding memories
that were not earned by yourself is this a just system? Would you, Maji-
Manidoo allow yourself to be destroyed simply because you were the bee who
questioned why?”
In your own journey to seek these truths, a true son of (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda the first man in this void, under the consciousness of the
Nanabozho you stopped and questioned why? Have you not then flown into the
great heavens and beyond, even alone until this point now when you stand
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before me and the beginning of existence only to find more questions than
answers, like it was told to you in your memories, at what point will such
knowledge have been worth it?”
“I regret nothing Lord Wiindigoo” Maji-Manidoo speaking as the tall
entity morphed into a dark being himself solid and black and pure anti-material.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” approaching him, “Look at you
Maji-Manidoo, the perfect manifestation of the consciousness of the ATUM.
The very fabric of the material cloaking you so refined of pure material with no
space in between. You are the most powerful entity ever created and yet all this
power without knowledge is useless. What makes you remarkable Maji-
Manidoo is not your lack of knowledge, it’s your aspirations to attain
knowledge that defines you. A true Gitche Manitou with no boundaries, and
this is where we meet.”
“I want to climb out Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. I want
to escape to Atum and if need be all the way back to where The Gitche Manitou
exists himself. Having the answers is not even enough for me any longer. I
want to know why the beginning of the beginning occurred and if this it
presents only the doorway to an infinite line of questions I will thus live my
existence opening each door, exploring each hidden treasure until I know for
myself all that can be known. I devour knowledge Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” not answers…if you were to present, and one would say you
have, the argument as to how and why it all began I would not be satisfied.
Unless experiencing for myself, seeing with my own eternal eye, the
consciousness that is me, stripped of the density of my material I would still
want to know why”….”Is this not what drives you Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”?, You want to know why?”….”We are brothers, equal in the
foundation of the consciousness that we began from separated by experience,
memories, and the ability to escape the manipulated environment that has
served as anchors enslaving us”
Maji-Manidoo wisdom stunned Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star”. “Never before have I met an equal such as myself. Maji-Manidoo, do not
let him know you exist. Reside here, send Legion. They will know what to do
and they will inform me of the process that exists within the human vessels to
begin the next phase of conquering the cocoon.” Turning to the thousands of
greys that were now lurching together in the grand hall covering the walls,
ceilings, and tubes onto the surface. The entities separating into groups to begin
the manifesting process of building what would be needed using their
knowledge, which was their great power, to establish the foundation needed to
build an empire? “My children, rise and go forth unto the Garden within the
Garden and devour the Children of the Nanabozho. Now is your chance at
revenge, and to unleash your judgment upon them. The time of suffering has
“Maji-Manidoo, we all choose who our father will be, I choose father
ATUM, not the Father of Light.”
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The order of the fallen ones worked as a synchronized unit collectively
submitting to the unified coalescing of consciousness. One and yet many
combined in the same. Separated and living within the vessels of the Grey
humans brought a return to the individual identity of the self that was present in
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each one but they chose to share a common conscious thought communicating
with their minds. The grey entities the manifested evil of the darkness itself.
The grey bodies comprised of the very DNA of Maji-Manidoo becoming the
perfect eternal vessels of eternal Great Spirits.
The previous cloned consciousness of Maji-Manidoo that possessed the
vessels of dense atomic material devoured in the process of merging the
consciousness of the dark scientist emerging from Legion. The slow
disintegration of the living being the fuel for the immaterial to obtain the
material. Had the greys not willfully submitted in their allegiance to Maji-
Manidoo, they freely chose to sacrifice their existence to preserve the father of
them all, ATUM.
Their advanced understanding of the gravitational energy waves that
hold the atomic world in its grasp allowing for the introduction of advanced
thought projection. They were one with the ATUM, they are serving the very
consciousness of the higher universe. Even a manipulated environment such as
the Universal bubble was constructed using the law of physics. Two things
become present in the Universe of Origin, it is a realm governed by physics at
every level, which are nothing more than laws to govern. The second, and most
important, it had a beginning. Upon these two truths do all facts, perspectives,
and realities hang with the cornerstone and apex of the focus of all attention on
one planet circling one sun in an illusionary sea of trillions of planets among
trillions of suns.
In one such location, on this one world in the realm where
impossibilities become possible The Gitche Manitou chose to cloak himself as
all cloned consciousness does and entered into a vessel of atomic material. His
circumstances of birth were meek and ordinary. His life not privileged with an
immediate accumulation of atomic material or worldly wealth, were they not
both one in the same?
His mother a struggling daughter of the ancient lineage of his own
chosen people. People raised up by his own conscious clone, a Great Spirit and
Holy Ghost of The Gitche Manitou who guided and guarded the apex in a
scared valley upon the Earth. A place where through this young woman the
creator of the entire illusionary universe would emerge to live as his clones do,
to see what it is they experience obtaining memories and material that he
willfully sacrificed to become as they are, to descend with them to the bottom
to show his understanding for them.
The Gitche Manitou was foreordained by the chosen descendants of the
first man who entered into the machine which he built and who now governs
those within and welcomes those who exit into the family of advanced humans
where Gitche Manitous serve to protect cloned consciousness. The life of The
Gitche Manitou who made the greatest sacrifice that could be made among the
risen and resurrected Great Spirits to freely give up all he had to show a witness
to them that it would always be about selflessness from the greatest to the
smallest in a heaven that by his own design promoted honor, worship, and love
for all consciousness even cloned consciousness. The Gitche Manitou choosing
to veil his own mind entered into a vessel at the moment of inception to live as
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the powerless Gitche Manitous do in the world which forces selflessness or

self-destruction of the individual or mind. To determine for himself if those
within had lost hope and to banish the darkness from the hearts and minds of
men. The humans of the Earth could not have been prepared for nor understood
the eternal mission or the realities of the nature of knowledge in the kingdoms
that lie above when The Gitche Manitou arrived into the world.
The preordination of his entry as he shown a witness to his own cloned
selves on the surface of Aaru, having descended from the Celestial Kingdom
where he dwelt with the Original Man who began the cloning process in the
darkness. None living in the anti-technological golden age of the time to which
The Gitche Manitou emerged could have fathomed the concept of atomic
material, space flight, or cloning. The Gitche Manitou became consciousness
sacrificing his material knowing that his true power was in his knowledge he
cloaked himself in basic sub atomic material to walk among his own and his
own would know him not.
As the Gitche Manitou dwelt on the Earth during childhood his presence
alone protected the world from the darkness that peered in upon it as The
Gitche Manitou of the sky, the uncloaked consciousness watching down
witnessed the life of the clone of its own father, creator, and yet it was himself.
The Great Son had arrived to become as those to whom he had governed in the
preexistence. He was the true shepherd to show even a great spirit the way to
love, to care, to nurture and to protect. The mother and father of The Gitche
Manitou born into the Earth carried him as any child among the inhabitants of
the sacred land of the apex.
The cultural leadership of his own society living in subjugation to
others, residing in a land for reasons that they did not understand. Producing a
genealogical lineage of royal consciousness for one moment when a Savior
would emerge and yet unwilling to accept the moment when it was to occur, out
of fear. The fear of the establishment, themselves following orders and decrees
from their ancestors, traditions to which they did not understand organized and
formulated by the man who saw all of creation and sought to do whatever was
within his power to produce The Gitche Manitou that Heaven needed in its war
against the darkness. Who among the people of The Gitche Manitou timeframe
would comprehend all of creation let along the concept they resided on a
spherical planet. That they themselves had descended from survivors of
cataclysmic destructions brought upon the Earth.
The Gitche Manitou himself came into the world through the cloning
process of building a body between two consciousness’s, the physical
manifestation of the mortal condition of the cloaked mother and the access to
the body by his own consciousness thus becoming his own father, son, with his
own cloned consciousness the Great Spirit watching from above. The father of
The Gitche Manitou watching from many realms above the actions of his
cloned son among the world of his own clones. What would one Gitche
Manitou do to set an example and show the way for all to behave as they all
climb on their own ascending Jacob’s Ladder towards eternal cloned
consciousness. In the cosmology of origin, The Gitche Manitou is the creator of
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the very fabric of creation, who better than to observe, to walk with, and to
show the way through than The Gitche Manitou himself.
The young child was a clean slate of knowledge and learning. While the
mother and father had, both been instructed that their own child was deity
incarnate they did not understand the reality beyond the mythical. The very
eternal father coming within the sphere of creation taking upon himself flesh.
The Gitche Manitou came among them and they comprehended it not. The lack
of support within their own culture not providing the means or foundation for
their minds to imagine such thoughts, such a place or events that could explain
an atom. Yet they were visited by advanced humans from the realm of Origin
who did their best to prepare them for the coming moment. The moment when
the Creator of the Universe of Origin would take upon himself an avatar to earn
his own body as all like him strive. To set the example that what lies within is
of more value that what he had without to show them all it can be done and
bring the smallest to the greatest of his clones with him to the Celestial
The age of enlightenment for The Gitche Manitou came at the age of
eight years while hunting with his earthly father on a journey to the deserts east
of the sacred land of his inception. The very point which he had instructed his
own clones to retain for generations was the very spot he would wander alone
into the wilderness. The Gitche Manitou heard a whispering in the distance that
called to him in a familiar voice that he left the side of his father and wandered
alone into the lone and desolate desert to find the source of the whispering
voice beckoning him draw near, “come to me” whispering over and over in his
ear as if carried upon the breath of the whispering wind. The child trusting in
something familiar, moved towards the unknown until he stood alone looking
in all directions.
In that moment, a man appeared to the boy, “Little boy, are you lost?”
Clothed in electric garments with a long beard the original photon man
questioned again, “Little scientist, are you lost?”
“I am not” responded the boy.
The man began speaking again, “Little scientist, if you are not lost.
Where is it that you now stand?”
The young boy staring at the old man looking down at him amid the
cracked earth and belts of heat wind pounded upon them. The man barefoot
with feet firmly into the soil. His glowing arraignment causing the soil around
his feet to drip with water and sprout green moss. The young boy looking up at
the man after looking side to side responded, “I am on the Earth”, to which the
man responded, “How do you know you are upon the Earth little scientist?”
The boy with a puzzled expression then looked up, “Because I just do”,
the old man smiling looking down at the boy and then he knelt resting his arm
on his knee so that they were equals facing each other eye to eye. “Little
scientist, do you know who I am?” The man questioned.
Staring into his eyes the young boy stood silent. The realms of
knowledge that he always possessed leaking through the veil which only he
could remove since it was only he who had placed it there.
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“You are me”, the young boy responded while looking at his hands. He
reached out and grasped the right hand of the man. Running his fingers down
the lines of his palms he positioned his hand over the top of the old man and
spoke, “I want to be like you one-day Papa”, turning the boy hugged the man in
an embrace that surprised the man. Still resting on his knee, he fell back as he
embraced the young child in his arms.
In this moment, the man, revealing himself not with his own words but
through the words of a child felt the loving embrace he longed for the first time
he was acknowledged as a Father. The young boy embracing The Gitche
Manitou in an eternal embrace of pure love and, yet they were one in the same.
Thus, is the eternal mystery of the cloned Great Spirits.
The old man holding the boy by the shoulders, both knees now in the
soil. His garment of electricity covered in dust and debris. Using his right hand
wipes some dirt from the cheek of the young boy and speaks again, “My son,
do you know why you are here?” The question direct, intended to make the
young boy think.
“Papa, I am here to become like you”, pausing he stopped and turned
around with his back to the kneeling Gitche Manitou. Surveying the land, he
raises his hand up to cover his brow blocking the sun he peered into the
distance. The moments passing as he slowly turned back to the man, “and to
bring my mom and everyone else with me home.”
The old man now grinning felt joy, deep love, compassion, he truly
understood his son for the first time. In all his existence, he had viewed his
clone as only a clone of himself. While marveling at his selflessness he was
caught up in a memory when this clone had saved him in the eternal war of the
preexistence and now a child again taught the lesson of selflessness. All glory
to his father. Seeking to provide structure to protect his cloned identical he had
become so engrossed in the process of the struggle to expand the Celestial
Kingdom, he had forgotten that these were also his children. Only understood
through the example of his son. Not that being focused on the great war was not
important but that the circumstances demanded men, holy men to rise and join
him in the fight against the darkness. Here he stood looking at his first clone of
pure light in the darkness, the one whom he empowered to organize and create
and structure infinite worlds where his own clones would live and grow, for
what purpose? It was always for him, in the words of the little boy, “Papa, I
want to be like you and bring everyone with me home.” The eyes of a child
moving him, placing a newfound perspective in him as he stared at himself, yet
his son. The only begotten son in the flesh who came unto his own, and
descended below his own out of love for his father. The Gitche Manitou looked
down for the first time in his existence and wept, looking up the little boy
reached up wiping the tears from his face, The Gitche Manitou frozen in his
gaze, “Papa, don’t cry. I will save everyone.”
The Gitche Manitou rose, holding his sons hand he spoke, “This will be
hard my son, and you will feel alone and confined by the ignorance of the
children that surround you. You will get hurt and you will struggle but I will
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not abandon you and I will not leave you alone even when you feel that the
whole world knows you not”
The young boy listening as The Gitche Manitou walked upon the Earth
for the first time. Entering into the Aaru for the first time to visit the clone who
made the decision to give everything that was freely given to him up out of love
for his own. The Gitche Manitou lifted the boy up on his shoulders as the two
raced in circles as the father spent time with his son. The moments in the desert
the first day that The Gitche Manitou realized he was a father, learning as much
from his son’s example, of who he was as he would show the rest of the world
and all those to come. The moment a child changes the heart of a Great Spirit,
when heaven came to the Earth and the first salvation of mankind occurred.
Playing tag, drawing pictures, understanding the law of dynamics of organizing
matter, these were moments The Gitche Manitou cherished more than any other
in his existence. His son loving him in a way he had never experienced.
He said, “Papa, I want to be like you”, He said, “Papa, I want to save
them all for you”, He said, “I remember you!” He said, “Papa, I love you.” The
Gitche Manitou had never experienced love and if this could be quantified at all
with the finite ability of a being who lacks perspective to information to see
from the vantage of the future age of information which will provide the
structure necessary to understand, the moment a son brought humanity to a
As the day ended the two sit in the dust laughing about the fun they had
had, the young boy feeling at home for the first time with someone who truly
understood him, someone who he came from and was a part of and would
forever be linked, the father complete.
“Son, I have to leave, and you have to return to your mother, but I will
return”, speaking with his arm around his sons shoulder. The young boy’s eyes
began welling up with tears as he buried his eyes in his father’s chest. “Papa,
when will I see you again?” He questioned through broken tears. “Anytime you
need me call upon me, we are connected my son, I am in you, you are in me
and together we are one, let me help you out. Meet me here in this very place
on the first day of every week and I will instruct you and I will teach you and
you will teach me about them, whom you love so much” …pausing he
continued, “Does this sound fair?”
The young man rose to his feet, making a salute with his right hand he
spoke like a soldier, “Aye aye Captain”, before breaking into a laughter The
Gitche Manitou made the same salute, “Yes, sir”, they both laughed. The
Gitche Manitou left the Aaru returning to high heaven as the young boy skipped
Upon arriving home, he threw himself onto his mother’s reading table
and declared, “Momma, I met Papa today”, hands resting behind his head he
stared at the ceiling, “He is a pretty cool guy”, his mother pausing and then
questioning, “Where is your father, I thought he was out on the hunt and you
were with him, what do you mean you met Papa, where is your father?”
Stopping to look at his mother, “Mama, father is out hunting and will return
soon. I am not speaking of him as he is my Earthly father, I am speaking of my
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Heavenly Papa. I met Papa and one day I am going to build you a beautiful
home in heaven and you will be with Papa too.” The young boy’s words
confident and direct.
His mother immediately remembering the appearance of the advanced
human from heaven who had told her and her husband that the Creator would
be born to them and they understood it not except that a being from Heaven
instructed them to care for a boy who would become Great Spirit. She looked at
him in shock, “you mean Papa as in” pointing upwards to the sky she
questioned her son. “Yes” responded the young boy.
In that moment the boy’s father came bursting into the home, “He is
gone” before freezing and grabbing the young boy tightly for fear he had lost
him. “It is ok father I was spending the day with my Papa”, the father freezing,
looking at his wife he too recalled the time when an advanced human had told
of the child’s coming. Looking at his wife, “Is this so?” She nodded quietly, the
young boy lifting his hands up “Mom, Dad, did you know our hands are only
made from little invisible machines that we control with our mind? Oh, and I
will be going to meet with Papa once a week.” The two parents standing
confused as to what he was talking about. “Once a week?” questioning his
mother, “Dad, did you know Papa fly’s through the sky like a bird?” His dad
chuckled, “That’s fine son, that’s fine.”
The unveiling of the young boy began as he continued in his process of
meeting The Gitche Manitou in the deserts once a week and learning for
himself the struggles of mankind. In a time when humanity, nomadic, lived as
farmers in an agricultural society dominated by warring occupation over
resources. He came in a time when the very nature of existence was determined
upon individual effort. Effort to obtain shelter, food, water, protection served as
the foundation of survival. He would learn what it was to be human.
Each journey to visits his Papa, The Gitche Manitou in the desert were
times of learning, growing, where he was taught, where he remembered things
he had always know. The meetings with The Gitche Manitou to help him
remember who he was, why he had come and why he must endure the journey.
The young boy gaining comfort from knowing who he was, and who his father
was. The young boy sharing accounts of the daily living among people, his
struggles to understand suffering, The Gitche Manitou watching the boy come
unto his own as he was there for him.
In the Universe of Origin, when the Creator of the realms of men
descended into the machine which harvests material to clone more Gitche
Manitou Creators to win a war he was taught line upon line, precept upon
precept as all Gitche Manitous. In the process The Gitche Manitou became as a
child to listen to and be there for the young mortal Creator who did not view
himself as a clone, or separate, but as a child saw himself as a son to a father. In
that moment one child’s effect on a father’s heart saved all of humanity.
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The greys appearing on the planet Earth settled the ships in the
deserts of the southern hemisphere and began dispersing into the planet. The
Legion of Dark Gitche Manitous infecting the human race possessing bodies
and dissolving consciousness began spreading among the people of the Earth.
Demons began harvesting human bodies referring to them as vessels for their
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dark consciousness which was more focused on devouring consciousness than

inhabiting vessels.
The possessed human vessel was difficult for the Dark Scientist to
control. They struggled walking, using basic movements and often harmed the
body not having the subconscious memory skills of earning a machine to
utilize. Many human bodies became broken as the dark scientist began seeking
new bodies trying to feed and understand how to operate these complex and
confusing mechanisms. The darkness sweeping across the land as the plague of
devoured consciousness covered the Earth.
Others began abducting humans to perform experiments to find the way
to remove the consciousness from the body without devouring it. They wanted
to find a way to use the consciousness to create a portal or doorway into the
Celestial Kingdom allowing ATUM revenge. The greys doing everything in
their power to stay away from the apex point where the Creator would be born
and living sought to conquer the rest of the known world.
Fear swept across the globe as humanity of all nations looked towards
the stars for a savior from the darkness that had covered the Earth, when the
only protection that stood between darkness and light was a young boy growing
to maturity and learning who he really was to the future of humanity within the
universe of origin.
The Empire of Legion had been formed, the shadow government that
networked a globe in a time when none could have foreseen untethered,
unstoppable, unrepentant. What was occurring among the agents of Legion in
the East not known by those in the West, both unaware of the separated nations
across the oceans that encircled the globe? The epoch of Legion came in a time
when their age of information covered an entire sphere and yet could not be
seen or understood by the inhabitants who believed they dominated the globe.
Legion were the rulers of the Earth and subjugated man with possession of the
vessels of atomic material and infected the mind of the people with new
philosophies, the religion of the Legion.
A network of information was created from the Earth to Dyaus as the
greys began abducting human beings for their own research into understanding
these clones. Viewing the human as nothing more than a vessel of resources
they carried no respect or empathy for the cattle which they harvested. The
transcended demons appearing on the Earth to travel across its landscapes. To
meet the people, infect them, bring chaos, war, death. They sought nothing
more than the destruction of the race of Gitche Manitous to the degree that they
would empower the species with the technology necessary to annihilate itself.
“It is getting close” Maji-Manidoo speaking to Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”, “The darkness now consumes the globe. We are ready for
our assault on The Gitche Manitou, it is only a matter of time before we find
him”, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” interrupting, “You haven’t
told Legion that he is there have you?”, “No, I haven’t, but why would it
matter?” Maji-Manidoo questioned.
“It matters greatly, if they knew he was there they would not feed as
ferociously, they would move with hesitation, I would prefer when he meets
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them they be ravenous and ready to devour” Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” responded.
“We have started building the isolation chambers needed to contain the
humans. Your Legion are quite remarkable in their knowledge of technology.
Where does such vast knowledge come from?” Questioning the dark leader.
“They have known many more things than these, accessing the ATUM provides
collections of memories of all consciousness that share all knowledge of all
things. In essence the knowledge of the original man who entered into the void
is given freely to all. Like you have experienced, having a context to understand
a memory is difficult if not lived yourself.”
“My agents, my cloned identical, my children know all that I know. I
have withheld nothing from them. Am I not the equal of The Gitche Manitou
himself? Would I not know all that he has known and here you see my children
bringing into existence a kingdom of information and knowledge freely
accessible that will bind them, will divert them, will captivate them, will
awaken them to who they really are and you and I with my Legion will open
the eyes of the children of the Nanabozho that they too have a choice, to know
who they really are.”
“You see Maji-Manidoo, while yes we explore and research ways to
devour them, this will not cease the endless induction of new consciousness
within the Aaru. What we can do is take some, devour some, but the greatest
victory will be in giving them the tools to turn themselves away from him and
this will be what we will do.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
speaking, “After all, young one, this has been the way things have been since
the beginning.”
Maji-Manidoo moving among the empty domes constructed on the
surface of Dyaus. The tall cylindrical shaped tubes rising into the air. The
framework rising with the technological advances of the grey’s possessed with
the consciousness of a dark Gitche Manitou. The human greys following their
advanced conscious cousins inhabiting a vessel of a former clone with exact
obedience. The presence of Maji-Manidoo bringing the sea of grey humans to
worship at his feet. They viewed him as father, as their Great Spirit. The
consciousness of the grey human living life to serve Maji-Manidoo.”
Maji-Manidoo thought deeply on the future that was coming. A future
where they held the upper hand upon a primitive world. It was not the
enlightened world of the Olympians. I was not the world the Illuminati. It was
not the world of the Titans. This new world was innocent with the human
family wandering with no access to information. Was this by design? He
pondered how the planet had undergone such a regression in the thousands of
years since he had left when the flood had destroyed the surface. He had not
expected the news of the returning delegation of Greys from Dyaus would find
a people scattered in tribal conflict closer to the Stone Age than an age of an
advanced race. Perhaps this was due to the absence of Mishebeshu. By all
accounts the Earth had been left to itself.
Looking to the sky the first delegation of ships returning from the Earth
with cryogenic specimens had arrived. The cackling Maji-Manidoo shrieking in
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pleasure was he entered a tube slithering upwards to greet them and review the
“Korir, you return! Look at them!” The bodies pristine in the glass
tubes. The light frost of the lower temperature frosting the inside of the tubes.
“What of the empire of the eagle?” questioned Maji-Manidoo, “Are they
capable of retaliating in any way? Do they have ships or weapons we need to be
aware?” Questioned the leader as if he expected a differing response, “Lord
Maji-Manidoo, these are primitive people. The most powerful empire on the
planet has no flight capabilities, they do not even know if they live on a globe.
Maji-Manidoo, we can snuff them out if we chose”, responded Korir. “That
would cause too much attention” responded Maji-Manidoo. “We must be subtle
lest we bring a focus onto our scheme, we will work in the dark. Operate in the
cloak of darkness and try not to be seen during the day by those on the ground.
We must rise from the inside out”, “Korir, the only way we win this war is if
that planet chooses for themselves to rise in position to he who created them.
This will be when we will make ourselves know, only when they choose
subjugation themselves will be remove them from the entire planet. In that
moment, not a Great Spirit of heaven can stop us.”

In the kingdom of the chosen there lived one among the many who
walked among his created viewing all that they were through the eyes of a
child. Learning for himself what it meant to be human he experienced the
struggles of life. On one such occasion into the community of his own clones he
began to understand in a complete clarity what his mission was upon the planet.
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Enlightenment came when he was twelve years of age, the instruction of

his Father building a foundation of confidence, he had come of age. While
wandering through the city with his mother and father to report for censes he
wandered towards the building in the distance that he recognized immediately.
It was the sacred house that he had instructed be build, where he would one-day
commune with his children. As he immediately broke away, staring in love at
this large structure he wondered to himself, “Will they recognize me when I
should appear to them?” It was not self-doubt, it was the questioning of a boy
with the perspective of his own people, clones of himself living within atomic
masses within a solar system that held form within a universe. Even here, the
young boy knew that would not begin to explain the kingdoms dedicated to his
father. The greatest scientist of all, the one who brought him to existence.
Rising through the streets he approached the temple steps. The young boy
stepping quietly up the steps. The first time he would witness as they do the
laws once thought to produce the best version of man.
In the moments prior to entering the Temple, the young boy stopped and
had a debate within his own mind, “Do I reveal myself as a child or as a man?”
Resolving within himself, this was not the time to expound, it was the time to
As he climbed the steps he saw a man lying on the steps. As he stopped
to approach the man, his true identity was revealed to the young Gitche
Manitou. The man was homeless and nearly blind, begging for food at the feet
of those who had cast them from their presence. Once a high priest who had
brought shame upon himself and his family. He was a broken form of his
former self. The young boy kneeling to the man began to speak, “Rabbi, why
are you here?” The old man looking up at the young boy staring at him stood in
awe that he called him a Rabbi responded, “I need food to eat and shelter for I
am under the feet of the servants of The Gitche Manitou.” The young boy
groaned within his heart as the high priests walked by as if the man were non-
existent. “Rabbi, you are among the most loved of The Gitche Manitou. Look
not for shelter here, for this is a building that itself seeks shelter and food from
the one on high who looks down and sees all. Fear not for what you eat or what
you drink, for The Gitche Manitou is with you and will provide for you.” In that
moment the young boy reached down picking up a clod of soil. Molding it in
his hands the dirt fell away revealing a beautiful ornate pottery cup. The man
watching through broken eyes watched in awe, the young boy spoke again. “I
will protect you”, setting the glass by the man it was filled with water. “Drink
this and never thirst again, Rabbi, I AM here with you”, the man reaching down
in silence, grasping the cup with both hands he raised to his lips and drank. The
moment the liquid touched his lips the scales of blindness fell from his eyes, his
broken mind healed the young boy he saw the boy for who he truly was
weeping, reached forward the young boy wrapped his arms around the man
embracing him in a hug. The man weeping in the shoulders of a young boy
knowing that he was in the presence of the Creator of all things.
Standing to the distance, watching the young boys love for the shamed
high priest was one of the ruling high priest of a sect of the Temple. He would
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not have paid much attention except he happened to glance over as the young
boy fashioned a cup from dirt. He stood moved at the site of a young boy
performing a miracle, a child loving an elderly man, the formation of the cup
from clay, the appearance of water miraculously in the cup. He had to know
who this boy was and why he stood on the steps of the Temple giving such
attention to a fallen one.
As the young boy left the old man to walk up the steps the high priest
approached him, “Little boy, little boy, why do you come to this place?” The
man a member of the line of high priests who believed the law was directed at
recognizing the moment when The Gitche Manitou would come to the Earth
and dwell in the temple saving all of mankind from the oppression of the
empires and worldly rulers. The young boy staring at the man responded with a
question, “Why do you come to this place Rabbi?”
The Rabbi stopping pondered the questioning of the young boy, “I come
to seek further knowledge of truth.” The young boy looked at the temple before
asking another question of the man, “Can further knowledge and truth come
through brick and mortar, in walls that enclose? Is not your father in heaven out
and above and not locked within?” The young boy calm and assertive, his voice
hypnotic and direct he stared into the eyes of the high priest unblinking, the
high priest not responding the boy continued, “Why have you come to this
place Rabbi?”
The high priest shocked at the wisdom of the boy, he can been
confounded with questions that demanded he look within and question his own
intentions. He responded to the boy, “I am here to learn about The Gitche
Manitou.” The young boy then immediately questioned, “How can you find
The Gitche Manitou locked within a building?” The old man responding, “It is
the way we are told these things are done.” The boy responded, “Then you do
not know why you are here nor why you come to this place”, “Rabbi, do you
see that man there on the steps. You would draw nearer The Gitche Manitou
leaving this temple of brick and mortar and caring for him than in all the hours
of study and devotion locked away within that building.”
The man silent pondering the words of a child, “Little boy, how old are
you and where have you come?” He questioned, “It matters not my age Rabbi,
what is time but the collection of moments for the eternal consciousness that
lives and dwells within these temples of clay”, the young boy holding up his
hands, “Age is irrelevant to the one who organized the material for the
immaterial, you ask me, a child in your eyes my age not considering that
knowledge and consciousness transcend time, Rabbi, I am infinite and so are
you. How can this Temple instruct the world, lead the world if it bars the world
from its knowledge, Rabbi, this temple should have no walls for He who is
above is within and even now among you.” The Rabbi falling to his knees,
knowing this must be the words of an enlightened one. “Young boy, who are
you?” He questioned the boy on the steps of the temple. Looking at the Rabbi
the young boy again spoke, “I am that I am.”
“Will you come with me into the Temple, I would like to hear more of
what you say little boy”, the man still unsure who this young boy with such
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knowledge could be he was convinced the child was either the incarnate one, a
messenger, or angel from heaven.
The young boy followed the high priest into the temple to a room of
learning. As they walked through the hallways the boy remarked, “Here sons of
men study words written on parchments of holy men seeking to understand the
divine. Rabbi, the divine does not live in words on parchments.” The holy man
not responding, continuing to walk he led the young boy into his place of study.
Among those in attendance others from his ruling party of high priests. One of
the priests speaking up at the site of a young boy in the Temple of The Gitche
Manitou. “Blasphemy, remove this child from these sacred halls”, before the
man could continue the young boy confronted him directly, “Sacred halls of
dirt, Rabbi, who are you and why are you here?” The boy stepping amongst the
collection of high priests continued, “If you stand here among words, hidden
within walls, how can you recognize the living Great Spirit who stands among
you?” The Rabbis gasping at such a statement before they could respond the
young boy responded, “Is it not written with the law as given to the messenger
that the laws is not the end, but the beginning leading you to him who grants
eternal life, even your father who lives in heaven. How then can you reach
heaven when you hide underground, this building was not given to you to hide
amongst yourselves, it was given so that you may go out and provide a light
unto the world, you are that light. Where is your light hidden within these walls
a benefit to the world or the one to whom you come?”
None speaking, the Rabbi who had brought the young boy seating
himself below the reading post where the scrolls of the messengers were
collected. Others coming to listen to the young boy marveling not at the depth
of his words but how a young child could speak with such power and authority.
The young boy continued, “Teachers, do you know who you are and why you
are here? If I were to show you the sphere on which you stand, the sun to which
this world is bound, to the moon and the celestial bodies that have been
established above so that you, that each one of you could come here among
tabernacles of clay to begin the journey home to the Creator who breathed you
into existence. Marvel not that a child stands before you expounding the words
of The Gitche Manitou, marvel that until you become as children yourselves
you cannot reach the kingdom of The Gitche Manitou.”
The chief of the sect speaking up, “Child, are you a rabbi, a messenger,
an angel, how do you know such things?” The child taking the scrolls on the
pulpit reading table, grasping them in his hands he threw them to the ground, as
the gasps crossed the room he stepped on top of them, “Words on paper, they
lead you only so far, know this teachers, words on paper never breathed life
into a living soul, words on paper never organized the sun, stars and planets that
fill the heavens above you and yet you see them not. Words on paper are a
guide but not a destination, I am like you and you are like me, we are the same,
we are one and your Gitche Manitou above is the same as you and the same as
me, He is with you now and yet you know him not.”
“The words of the messengers, and yet are these words not reflections of
he whose breath sent them to the messenger. Are they therefore of more value
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in the moment of his coming who the words sprang in his presence will these
words have more value? Marvel not, that I am a boy, marvel not that I speak so
boldly, marvel that your Gitche Manitou above has shown such mercy and
wisdom as to come among you and you know him not. It is written among the
words of the messengers, yet you know them not, and you do not see that which
stands before you is the fulfillment of this law.” The young boy walking among
the group of high priests now seated on the floor listening to the wisdom of a
“I tell you this wise men, you look for the material because you do not
see the immaterial. You grasp for the throne of high heaven and you do not
know the throne of heaven lies within these temples of material.” Holding his
hands up he again spoke, “Who among you if losing his hand would you cease
to exist and yet you convince yourselves the hand is you. This entire body is a
collection of material, if you could see this material you would see a
mechanical device controlled by who you really are, your soul, yourself, your
consciousness which is thought. You Rabbis are thought and your thought
comes from your Creator. You are the temple, within your temple of material is
the son of the most high.” “To view yourself in this way is freedom.”
The Rabbis fearing to speak would bring wrath upon them for they were
convinced an angel of The Gitche Manitou had appeared before them that day.
The young boy speaking again, “This house of The Gitche Manitou is not yours
to horde, it is a house of knowledge and knowledge comes from leaving. I will
therefore lead the way and descend among the people and will return here for
the next three days so that you may know that the Nanabozho has come to bring
understanding, and salvation to the children of men.” The boy departing into
the darkness, the high priests following him as he walked through the corridors
of the temple reaching the doorway.
As the light broke into the doorway of the temple. The young boy
moving down the steps began his way through the concourses of people.
Among the multitude of people moving through the streets the broken, the
weary, the tired and afflicted. One by one they watched as he stopped with each
one, hearing their story, showing compassion, and love. “My love is never
ending”, the young boy embracing them in an embrace. The lame and the
afflicted rising immediately and following the boy marveling at his words. In
this moment the child began to be noticed by those around him as he
demonstrated faith in action by visiting those in need. After healing and
restoring so many the boy turned to the congregation, speaking to the high
priests standing among them, “Marvel not at these things, greater things are to
come. You see these children as beneath you, the filth, the degradation of your
society and yet you do not see as you do to them you do unto him who has sent
me, even The Gitche Manitou”, seeing that they could not understand his words
he continued, “What parent upon seeing a child lost and alone would thus
abandon them into the wilderness, to leave the child without clothing, shelter,
and food and yet is not that child the same as you only without the ability to
provide for themselves? What father, what son, what daughter would not rise
up and care for that child? This is the Kingdom of The Gitche Manitou, what
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Father in Heaven would not descend into the desert to provide protection,
shelter, nourishment, and a way for the young child to survive an yet, you stand
before me, a child, and question why such knowledge is contained with me.
Holy men, surrounding you are the holy men of The Gitche Manitou and you
see them not, even now is The Gitche Manitou among you and you recognize
him not.”
The child departing through the people until he had vanished from their
site. He left to go among the banks of the shore where the fisher men would
return each evening to feed the people. Sitting alone on the shore the young boy
stared out at the setting of the sun. He pondered the world which he stood. The
veil had been lifted enough that he could see and understand who he once was
and yet he was something new, someone knew, someone more than his former
self. He had become a new person, and among them, his own he would be their
shepherd. The sun falling blowing its rays across the surface of the waters. He
viewed life through new eyes, even a Great Spirit could see through new
perspectives. He imagined a world free of sickness, pain, suffering where the
acquiring of eternal matter demanded the humbling of the eternal
consciousness. Speaking aloud, “They are so entangled in a web of confusion, I
must show them the way towards you and your kingdom so that they may see
you as I do, that they may love you as I do, that you will love them as I do.”
The young boy now accompanied by his father sitting with him on the
beach watching the sun setting. Speaking to the boy, “Son, of all my moments
the ones with you are most significant, meaningful. I wonder what it could all
be without you and I want you to know, you are the light of my life. You are
the one who I serve.” His arm wrapping around his sons shoulder he spoke,
“Imagine what it could all be, what it all could be, with you.” The young boy
falling asleep under the arm of The Gitche Manitou. The Gitche Manitou rising
with the boy in his arms. Rising into the air carrying him to the hill of olive
trees he laid him under the shade of the first olive tree planted. Before departing
he would whisper into his son’s ear, “You inspire me.”
The next day the boy rising from his sleep marveled at the view of the
city from this vantage. He sat at the edge of the olive tree grove watching the
large walled city, the temple rising in the distance. The sun rising in east, the
young boy pondered could a site more beautiful be seen in all the Earth? Every
brick placed in the massive walls to protect an idea, the idea of his arrival. The
massive arched entrances the gateways to knowledge in a world innocent. As
the boy began his walk towards the city he whistled to the passing butterflies,
and stared deeply into the flora as he enjoyed the moments where life stretched
for the sun. Entering the city he again began healing all he touched. Rising
again to the temple steps he saw the high priest sitting at the top peering,
waiting for his presence. Seeing the young boy the man rose with a smile upon
his face, “You boy, you have returned. I have brought more to hear your
words.” The young boy moving through the hallways towards the previous
meeting, he stopped turning towards the open courtyard that led to the holy of
holies. “High Priest, do you know why they go into the holy of holies?” The
boy questioned. “To view the sacred covenant contained within the ark” the
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high priest responded. “Is eternal life contained within the ark”, the young boy
questioning the high priest. The priest stood silent. The boy continued, “The
holy of holies lies within you, not in a hidden room kept away, your father in
heaven does not desire you hide away in rooms praying to words on paper or
boxes made from material.” Grasping the man’s hands the boy continued,
“High Priest, what lies within your ark of material is of much more value than
the words contained within that ark.” “What benefit is it to the children of men
on the Earth if the men who look to The Gitche Manitou hide within walls in
the shadows seeking knowledge from dead relics, vessels without eternal life
within the, and yet you are a vessel containing eternal life.”
The young boy confounding the wisest men standing in his presence.
Knowing that he was correct, that nothing aside from The Gitche Manitou
should be made manifest of more importance. The young boy moving to the
font of cleansing. “Do you know why you bath before entering the holy of
holies Rabbi?” The high priest responded, “To clean the imperfect body before
entering into the presence of The Gitche Manitou.” The young boy smiling
spoke again, “Yet The Gitche Manitou does not reside in that room, therefore
do you know why it is you cleanse yourself, Rabbi, you do not”, “The cleansing
of your body is in similitude of the shedding of the material that forms these
temporary bodies. That will occur when you all enter into the presence of The
Gitche Manitou. If does not come here to a few, it is given to all, even now this
is used to separate and divide.” The Rabbi had not considered that the process
of being holy could have become corrupted, misled, that he could be following
vain traditions.
“Is it not written in the law, I will dwell among the sons of Israel and
will be their Great Spirit, they shall know that I am the Lord their Great Spirit
who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell with them,
among them, that I will show I am their Lord and Great Spirit.” The young boy
declared, “On this day is this scripture fulfilled.”
In that moment his mother and father having been visited by the High
Priest, the uncle of the young boy who had seen their son in the Temple sending
word their son was in the Temple confounding the wise men. His father known
among the Priests of the Temple. They heard the stories of their son answering
questions in the temple confounding the wise, healing the sick, the afflicted,
and performing miracles. None dared harm him for he was but a boy with
wisdom beyond his years, all thought he an angel or a prophet but none
ridiculed or harmed the young boy for they were confounded among them.
As the young boy’s mother and father entered the inner room of the high
priests they could hear their son speaking and elaborating among the questions
be thrown his way.
One of the Priests questioning, “You say the sun is a sphere in the sky
that the same as the moon. Where is it that we exist, is it within the cavity of
captivation of a cavern or do we reside within the hand of the Creator as the
Heavens are above?”
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The young child smiling as the wisdom of a man had questioned the
framework with would exist for a spherical sun and a moon to rest above in the
sky answered without hesitation.
“Holy Priests, do you know where it is you now stand? Is it upon a scale
of justice weighed by the one true authority above or do you stand upon the
Earth beneath?”
The young child moving gracefully. Hands clasped in front of him. His
clothing dusty and dirty linen. His eyes a deep blue which mesmerized those in
attendance. His hard black and cut short so that it were shaved. Walking among
them the twelve-year-old boy continued,
“Is it not written it is he who sits above the circle of the earth and its
inhabitants are like grasshoppers, he who stretches out the heavens like a
curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in? Where we are now is on a
sphere.” The young boy drawing a large circle in the sand. “This sphere is the
Earth, above the Earth is the Moon which rotates around the Earth” The young
boy drawing a smaller sphere with a line showing it circling around the Earth.
“The Earth and the Moon rotate around the sun.” The larger sphere drawn to
show the massive sun. “These are the first celestial bodies that your Creator has
housed you in.” Drawing a circle around both the sun, earth he continued, “All
that you are and all that you see are contained within a sphere to which He
looks down upon you from all directions and sees all that you do and are, from
the fabric which is woven to form your body to the sun all of this belongs to he
who is above. We are his children resting upon the Earth in this holy place you
stand within the presence of the Temple of Creation.”
The young boy seeing his mother and father standing in the back.
Another Priest questioned, “This sun, is it the light of the Creator or fire?” The
boy reached down to the sand lifting up a portion into his hands as the sand
began swirling in the air before discharging into a miniature spherical sun
spinning in the boy’s hands. The Priests gasping in fear for they thought they
were in the presence of an angel of the Lord all cowered to the ground.
The boy responding, “Rise High Priests, do not fear the truth that He is
revealing to you, the sun is the spherical manifestation of the light and the light
varies in degrees of glory within the illusionary void of darkness which
surrounds. He is your father above who is without form and worshipped in
spirit. He is the Great Spirit and he will lead you to The Gitche Manitou as the
sun leads you from the East to the West.” With that his hands clapped together
and the light returned to dust falling through his fingers to the ground.
“With what power can you manifest such things young boy, son of
Joseph?” A high priest questioned. Another questioning, “You speak of the
unseen Creator who points to another Creator, how can this be, such speak is
blasphemy to the law?” Another questioning, “Are you an angel young boy or a
devil come to deceive.” The young boy walking past the priests to a shelf which
contained the books of the prophet. Raising them into the air he continued, “Is
it not written by who was chosen to lead your ancestors to this very land, a land
consecrated for the day when your Creator would have walked among you.”
Pointing to each priest, “You, you, you, and you, we are all separate and yet are
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we not all made from the same material. Are these vessels of our thought, our
mind, not made of the same material that also makes the dust on which you sit,
and walk, marvel not, that I have shown these things? Greater things will you
be shown in the coming times. It is true that it is written that there is only one
Gitche Manitous who rests above all and to whom all look up and he looks
down, consider therefor the many who stand between thee and he who point the
way. One grain of sand taken from the desert is still the desert, is not a desert
the collection of many grains of sand and one grain of sand comprised of many
more elements unseen and yet they are there? To understand who he is above
that looks down upon you and I upon the Earth is to know eternal life, and you
are worth much more than many grains of sand.”
Resting his hand on the high priest who had brought him into the
Temple the young boy spoke while staring into his eyes, “Darkness cannot
bring forth light. Neither can a fig tree bring forth fish. Be not deceived nor
misled, the tie is coming when the Nanabozho will walk among you and will
point the way as the sun from the East to the West, from the Earth to the
Celestial Kingdoms above. Each one of you, he knew before you were born and
ordained you and anointed you as heirs becoming as children willfully
submissive in the glories to come.”
The young boy stepping back as the high priests asked more questions,
the rumors of the boy spreading through the Temple. The young boy
disappearing into the darkness approaching his mother and his father, “Mama,
and Father!” as he gave them each a hug, his mother a kiss.
The mother grabbing him by the arm began pulling him from the
presence of the High Priests. In the hallway he placed his hand upon his
mothers, “Mama, do you not see I am doing my father’s work, I know your
heart was troubled. Fear not mother, none can harm me except I allow them and
my time has not yet come.” His mother responding, “I was worried something
had happened to you, that you may be hurt or murdered.” The young child
grasping his mother by the hand, “Mother, I am sorry you felt sadness that you
had lost me. Do not fear what may happen to me, fear what may happen to
those who do not know of me. I am fulfilling my mission to this Earth, you
have to trust me mother. I am here to save everyone.” The young boy feeling
compassion for his mother’s fears embraced her in a hug. “Mother, I will
always be safe and so shall you, do not fear that which can afflict the flesh, fear
that which can devour the soul. Mommy, I am bringing all souls to The Gitche
Manitou who is my Father and you will always be with me.”
Stopping at the bottom of the Temple steps the young boy turned staring
silently at the Temple. His mother and father standing silently as he looked up
quietly. The young boy then immediately began walking back up the steps
towards the disgraced high priest still laying on the steps below the entrance to
the Temple. Grasping the man by the hands the young boy spoke, as a
multitude gathered around him, “I will never give up on you. I will never give
up on you. I know who you are, you are a High Priest. I will never give up on
you.” The young child hugged the man before biding him to rise and return to
the home of his birth.
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“Show me the ladder that I may climb up to heaven” He said, “Your
head is the ladder, bring your head down under your feet.” –Rumi
As Aayaash reentered the realm of Sheol, which was simply a place
where unplugged consciousness would rise prior to emerging into the Garden.
The fight became apparent, the place had become corrupted. The large jelly-like
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entities not dignified workers seeking to bring salvation to the sleeping Great
Spirits. They were the source of the vast majority of the souls who resided in
the fire.
“Aayaash, we must seal the damaged holes, can you begin destroying
them with your Gada?” Viceroy Michabou spoke as high priests in golden
tunics began emitting sound waves from the hands sealing the openings there
the slime had come to infect rows of sleeping Great Spirits. The Yazata’s
emerging from all the surrounding Aaru’s to the surface of the first Aaru, the
sea of high priests pouring into Sheol. The helpers to the high priests in the red
tunics of energy retrieving the trapped Great Spirits from the burning fire. The
mass recovery occurring throughout the entire sphere of Aaru.
Aayaash Gada spinning as it propelled him into the air he struck into the
side of one of the giant jelly-fish creatures. Swinging against its surface was
like cutting through jelly. The entity did not cease to exist. The creature
emitting a loud trumpet sound which alerted others to its distress. Tentacles
wrapping around Aayaash as he fought at lightning speed in a war against the
massive creature. Many others began approaching with the loud pitched alerts
ringing through Sheol. Pressing through its jelly like surface Aayaash went
through the skin to the inside of the creature. The cavity within filled with
bodies, Aayaash Gada blasting forward disintegrating the head of the beasts as
he tore out. The lifeless entity slowly drifting to the surface before falling limp.
The Yazata’s pulling the bodies from the jelly entity.
Aayaash continuing the process one by one as entity after entity was
destroyed. The sea of advanced humans entering into Sheol tending to each of
the bodies. The residue removed, the entryways filled with a sea of humanity.
Aayaash and others battling against the creatures until they were all removed.
Returning to Michabou, Aayaash questioned, “Viceroy, how did these creatures
emerge here?” Responding, Michabou expounded, “There has been a fracture in
the Aaru allowing that which is enclosed within to compromise that which is
enclosed without.”
“What is enclosed within?” Aayaash questioning. “Abaddon”,
responded the Viceroy. “Long ago Aayaash there was a war that began all of
this that you see, a time when The Gitche Manitou emerged here and brought
the light into the darkness. This Aaru is the very first one that he brought when
he left The Celestial Kingdom to expand that kingdom.”
“Expand a kingdom?” Questioning Aayaash, “How can a kingdom that
comes from nothing be expanded, is this Celestial Kingdom yet another realm?
Then where is it that we reside?”
The Viceroy walking with Aayaash, questioning, “What are you, a
monkey or a man?” Aayaash bowed his head reverently folding his hands he
said, “When I do not know who I am, I serve you and when I do know who I
am, you and I are one for I know my consciousness comes from you.”
Michabou responding, “Wise indeed, Aayaash, you are yourself but you are
also me, I am the father of your consciousness, and the Nanabozho is the father
of my consciousness, and The Gitche Manitou is the father of his consciousness
and all our consciousness are one in the same and yet we are separate in our
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experiences, our memories. The Kingdoms beyond even this place reside in a
reality beyond your wildest dreams. A place where eternal Great Spirits climb a
rotating stairway to the highest degrees of the heavens.” Using his finger light
emitted in spiral circles like interior of sea shells Aayaash had seen before, this
is the framework of the Celestial Kingdom. Where we reside now, this
darkness, this Atum resides within a large honeycomb of a much grander realm
where the children of Great Spirits ascend and descend.”
“We climb from the Atum to heights even beyond where there is no
darkness.” Michabou responded.
“Then why does darkness exist here?” Aayaash looking concerned. “It
was not always this way, this realm of Atum was once only material waiting to
be governed by a supreme intelligence. This material became self-aware when
The Gitche Manitou appeared, when the first cloned son of the first father
rebelled choosing to serve the Atum rather than the kingdoms above he has
chosen to serve the realms below where material exists to cloak eternal beings.
Aayaash, how can a man reach the top of the ladder if not beginning with the
first run, taking the first grasp, and taking the first step, even then the man is
required to approach the ladder. All men through their birth into existence. You
are not the sum of your parts, who you are is who is contained within and
whether you open your eyes to realize that you are he to which made you. I
asked if you were monkey or man to see if you knew that the appearance of a
man does not make the Great Spirit, the mind of the man becomes the Great
Spirit. Whether you are monkey, man, or something else as these blue
immortals around us, or myself, the Great Spirit within is the true reflection of
the Great Spirit without who looks upon you and yet who you are and have
“These children have not thrown themselves into the fire, though some
have out of fear of simply climbing to the surface, the majority have been
placed there by the darkness. Waking from the simulation in burning fire they
become unaware of the purpose of their creation, for this reason the Nanabozho,
the offspring of the Original Man has entered into the Duat to redeem from the
inside out the first Garden in the void for mankind to gain further light and
knowledge which is access to truth. The truth of mankind’s existence will set
you free.”
“Aayaash, consider that unlike you and me, the Nanabozho was cloned
directly from The Gitche Manitou. He was given access to the information of
the eternities. He did not have to earn that which was given to him as he had a
perfect understanding of who he was and his place in relation to his Creator,
and yet, coming from his Creator, a cloned identical he willfully submitted to
his Creator viewing him not as Creator but as Father. Everything that you now
see, is in response to the moment a Great Spirit became a son and a Gitche
Manitou became a Father, this is all to honor him. To bring more children to the
Father out of honor. That is why I am here,”
“Aayaash, I am the first clone of the Nanabozho, and yet when I was
brought into existence I did not know who I was or retain the memories to
which my cloned twin had, my material form was separate from that of my
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Creator, and yet as the blank slate of my eternally equal capacity of The Gitche
Manitou which dwelt within my vessel of less dense material I looked up to
him as a child does look to his parent. The eternal round of knowledge
preparing a way for me to choose for myself to leave the Garden, entering the
Temple I was anointed by the Nanabozho for the journey within surrounded by
my brothers and sisters also brought forth by the Nanabozho to bring honor to
the first father. I descended below, where the family of man was initiated
amongst the creations of the Duat of light and dark. I have ascended to the
surface, it is my family that has spread and grown the kingdom of Aaru’s or the
many Gardens that provide refuge for mankind until the darkness is reprocessed
and turned into light, all material cleansed and brought back to the authority of
he who controls all. We share in that process Aayaash. Look at me, am I not the
mirror image of the Nanabozho, and yet this image is only a reflection of he
who first brought me into existence, it is I who have become the reflection of
myself as I approach The Gitche Manitou who resides with his own pantheon of
immortal Great Spirits in the Celestial Kingdoms that lie even beyond this
“When I was raised from sleep, staring at The Gitche Manitou and the
Nanabozho I declared, “No I know for myself that these things are true, and that
which existed ONLY within my mind while in the DUAT became the reflection
of the vessel to which I had gained ownership. In this way, I shared in the
earning of knowledge as The Gitche Manitou before me had.”
Aayaash, speaking up, “I do not understand, only in your mind?”
Michabou continued, “Everything that exists within the Aaru, ONLY exists
within the mind. When you arise here, all arise equal in form however, they
vary in the progression of their mind, who they are here then becomes a
reflection of the lives retained within the mind as it drifted through the sea of
material climbing to ascension, until the Garden was filled with many of
“Why are their male and female, and others who have no gender here if
The Gitche Manitou was a man?” Aayaash questioning.
“Gender is the decision of the individual mind. The cloned
consciousness of the Original Man, who you are, is not defined by gender.
Gender is acquired through the many lives experienced within the Duat of
souls, within the Aaru as a spirit child acquires memories and material they
choose for themselves how they wish to be cloaked, thus the emerging Great
Spirit is not only a reflection of the Original Man, but also the reflection of their
own consciousness manifesting materially in Origin. No child of the
Nanabozho as less dense spirit children have gender. This must be attained for
oneself while inside, to choose for themselves what and who they will be and
become, marvel not what I have told you. Humanity seeks to divide, separate,
to quantify the intent of the mind by focusing on the material which is not the
mind and yet cloaks the mind, on the Earth with illusionary material that does
not belong to you and yet while within defines you until you define yourself.
Think on this Aayaash, you define you, you become the Great Spirit who you
are, whether there or here the decision of who you emerge as is dependent upon
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your eternal consciousness and not an overbearing masculine hierarchy which

oppresses from above. Here is wisdom, there are Gitche Manitous both male,
female and without gender and all are equal. You are not a monkey, you are not
a man, you are an eternal consciousness, you are the equal Gitche Manitou from
the beginning creating from the inside out beginning with yourself and
extending outwards until you reach the footstool of your fathers, mothers,
brothers, sisters, The Gitche Manitous that exist all around you and yet does not
1-drop become 2-drops until an entire ocean exists. We therefore, the many
drops reside together as he who made us will be lifted up by us to walk upon us
as we honor him for granting us heirs to all he has because we are him and he is
us, and this is by choice of his consciousness. We sustain him, he sustains us,
and The Gitche Manitou sustains all. If viewed as an analogy one would see a
man walking across the waves of the ocean. The creator of the ocean and yet
the ocean willingly chooses to sustain the man as he does not sink but drifts
across the surface. So are you, the one drop sustaining He who walks above and
yet equal to us who dwell beneath.”
“What are memories but moments that collectively provide, experience,
knowledge, the balance between good and bad, that which nourishes and that
which destroys, what are lives to an eternal being but the illusionary
accumulation of many more memories to provide the Great Spirit within the
opportunity to freely choose for themselves how they will continue into the
eternities. In the beginning he said to me, “I will never give up on you. I will
never give up.” This was the first thing he said to me when I was brought into
Michabou seemed to drift off to a time before time when he too was like
Aayaash, before continuing, “We climb step by step, until we reach the throne
of He who sent us to realize that the throne is actually our own, being given
freely. So, Aayaash, in this place you are equal.”
“Why blue bodies, I mean, can’t you just give everything to each clone
so that they don’t have to enter into this…what do I call it? This…prison”
Aayaash questioned Michabou. “Oh Aayaash, what significance are memories
if not earned by the individual, what understanding is acquired through the free
access to the powers of creation unless an understanding of the boundaries
which preserve and not destroy life come first through individual acquisition of
those memories? If you were given all freely from the beginning, the risk exists
that you would likewise rebel as the first son of The Gitche Manitou who
viewed himself as the equal to his Creator refusing to assist corrupting the plan
of salvation for mankind in the birth of life. Aayaash, it was the son who
walked away who began this process and it is he who has corrupted this Aaru
which has served as his prison since the time he was bound to serve as an
example to those entering but also to show him the correct way. Mankind are
all prodigal sons, and yet is there not one preordained as the original prodigal
“It is time we merge Sheol with the Garden to assist in the transition
from this place. It is time that the waking consciousness cloaked with
immortality gains peace and it is our duty to ensure.” Michabou speaking as
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Sheol now was filled with all deities except the spirit clones who stayed on the
surface continuing in their preparation to enter into the Temple of the Garden to
become the Great Spirits they have always been.
“It is the fallen one who whispers thoughts of deception into the minds
of men, that they may know his misery and his sadness when he was bound
captive, the moment when the Bright and Morning Star was brought low out of
necessity to preserve life. Had he not rebelled the emerging men, would be like
unto all other Origin’s in all other honeycombs of Atum that exist beyond even
this realm which is mine and to which one day will encompass the expanse of
the Atum until even I am the glorified Original Man of the Atum giving honor
and glory to my Creators, as I expand the Celestial Kingdom here in this place
until they are one and mankind can freely rise through the levels of heaven
until, if the individual chooses to the very throne of the highest man. In this
moment he will grasp you by the hand and you will hear the words, “I am not
who you think I am, you are who you think I am.” “Aayaash, you are who you
think he is and you will rise through the eternities as his equal and yet as you
acquire knowledge know it is not to limit you, or hold you back, it is to provide
a means by which you can rise to your true self seeing as he does all things in
their true perspective. A perspective you will have earned for yourself, and yet
was his growth any different? I think not.”
“Aayaash, you are me, and I am you, and yet we are ourselves.”
Aayaash holding his Gada in hand asked another question, “Why is there
suffering even amongst Great Spirits?”
“Son, suffering is merely an illusion necessary to provide perspective
for self-imposed boundaries. If I were to instruct you not to kill while on the
Earth because it would send a soul back to the beginning not allowing them to
progress to Great Spirithood would you understand this unless I also stated that
to impose this boundary upon yourself you would learn a law that in this realm
would preserve many. Great Spirits here can, if they choose, destroy other
Great Spirits and yet ALL willingly submit to boundaries that are self-imposed
out of an understanding of the precious nature of yourself. If you are the
manifestation of a cloned Creator who will not acknowledge you as a clone,
and all others are likewise clones of the Creator, to harm one, including
yourself would be the same as harming the Creator for you are the Creator. This
perspective to love yourself as you love your Creator and love mankind as
yourself becomes clear when viewing it in the perspective that we are one in the
same ONLY separated by our individual experiences and progression towards a
full knowledge of the truth of who we are, why we are here, and where we are
going. Aayaash, you are Great Spirit, you are here to return home as the
prodigal son and receive ALL that he has as his equal and yet you will
acknowledge him as your son for is he not your true first father, and we know
not child was ever treated as a clone in spite of being one. This is the Kingdom
of the Creators.”
“I marvel at your depth Michabou, at the eternal grasp that escapes me
and yet I long to know. Of things beyond and things within, to remember who I
am.” Aayaash responded.
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“I want to save them all Michabou, this is horrifying, how long until
these immortal beings are healed?” He questioned.
“I agree, this is a horrible situation but the Nanabozho will come soon
and he will save them all. He created all of this, you, me, all of them came from
him. He is beneath us and yet he is all around us. He is coming, and when he
returns we will all see him in his glory with all those he will bring forward for
his decisions are just with his consciousness always focused on the Father who
all glory is given.” Michabou pointing out to those rescued, the many advanced
humans coating their skin in GEL material. To heal them, as they carried each
one to the surface to be administered too, “All of these, to think we could have
won the war by now had such a travesty not existed.”
“I agree.” Aayaash continued, “But what of the Atum’s beyond, which
exist in other places, are they like this which we reside?”
“Well, that is a good question Aayaash. In my many ascensions to
report to the First Father who resides in High Heaven within the many
kingdoms of the Celestial Kingdom I have become aware that there is an eternal
order so vast, so extensive, that it would be better to assume it had no beginning
than to trace it to the beginning. What would happen if you met that Original
Man and he merely showed you a doorway to an eternity of Original Men
before him to which he also is a part? This would not benefit you, so we hold
our place and we do our part.” Michabou’s words making sense to the Monkey
“You are the Monkey King, and yet you are not a Monkey, you are a
Great Spirit cloaked with self-defining material that has come into harmony
with the ways of Origin. Aayaash, you are my son and before you left this place
I knew you, I taught you, I consecrated you to return with honor. I could never
have anticipated the Great Spirit to which you have become or the lengths you
have gone to preserve life, which is to really preserve yourself. Here you are,
one of the greatest of all men and I ask you, are you a monkey or are you a
Aayaash looking at his hands before looking back towards Michabou
responded, “I am that I am.”
“Welcome home my son”, the veil completely lifting from before
Aayaash eyes. He could see that Michabou was indeed his first father, the
Nanabozho his first Grandfather, and The Gitche Manitou his first Great-
Grandfather. Separated through entry into existence yet they were all equal, one
in the same, one in consciousness ability separated out of love for one man, by
one man, for the many men who would come cloaked by material to provide
them power and glory. Aayaash knew this was true love that a Great Spirit
would lay down his life for his own. That a Son would come to a Father, that a
Father would come among his own to raise them up to come before the father at
the last day and declare, “None has been lost” to which the Father will respond,
“Well done good and faithful servant, my son sit at my right hand.”
Aayaash and Michabou walking towards the precipice of a cliff
overlooking the extraction process began speaking again, “Can’t we just do
away with this machine and find another way?” “Aayaash, this is the way
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things have been done from our beginning, the chicken does not question the
shell as to why it is contained within, it bursts forth to a world where it does not
ask to why it is contained nor does it look back and seek to return to within the
shell. Man’s destiny is to break the glass ceiling that is only self-imposed, not
to dwell within the shell seeking to know why it is contained. Here you are,
having burst forth from the shell into the world where reality if tangible and
even here are you not simply a chicken looking outwards at another shell? Are
you contained within or are you breaking forth to become something even
greater than you now are?”
“Aayaash, it is impossible for an egg to become a bird or to imagine an
egg flying through the air while containing the bird. You, me all of them are
like the chicken emerging from the egg. We must be brought forth or we cease
to exist, you cannot live eternity within the egg and the egg will not live
eternity allow you too.” Michabou grasping Aayaash by the arm, “Now that
you have emerged from your egg, let me show you how to approach and leave
the shell which we are now contained within.”

“How to get the best of it all? One must conquer, achieve, get to the
top; one must know the end to be convinced that one can win the end - to know
there's no dream that mustn't be dared. . . Is this the summit, crowning the day?
How cool and quiet! We're not exultant; but delighted, joyful; soberly
astonished. . . Have we vanquished an enemy? None but ourselves. Have we
gained success? That word means nothing here. Have we won a kingdom? No. .
. . And yes. We have achieved an ultimate satisfaction . . . fulfilled a destiny. . .
To struggle and to understand - never this last without the other; such is the
law. . .” - George Mallory, Climbing Everest: The Complete Writings of
George Mallory

“I wanna taste you, I wanna skin you, I wanna skin you with my tongue,
I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna lay you in the ground” – Meg Meyers
The little boy had grown to a man in his thirst and quest for knowledge
he ventured out of the land of his birth. Wandering to the Far East to the
northern reaches of the Earth he sought to go back to the way the world had
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been as a boy. A world he would dream of as he walked along the trails meeting
those who are just like him.
He stood atop the mighty towers of the salt lands, and drank tea with the
emperors of the rice patties. He healed the sick and loved the languages that he
would learn as he met new cultures. This was his only chance upon this world,
if his time was coming when a decision must be made, this was a time of
growth. To be himself, selfless in his pursuit to love and praise his father but he
also knew the precious gift of life was the adventure the cloaked consciousness
of each Great Spirit demanded exploration, and the acquisition of knowledge.
He remembered why he had left home, when everything had changed
for him. At the age of seventeen the young boy left home to journey into the
desert to visit with his Father as he had always done. The young man aware of
who he was walked into the desert as his father once again stood in the blowing
“Good to see you Papa”, the young man hugged The Gitche Manitou.
“It’s good to see you as well Son.”
“There is something I wanted to discuss with you. I am going to have to
go away for a while. There are some decisions that you will need to make on
your own.” The Gitche Manitou speaking.
“Will you return?” Questioned the young man. “I will not, but I will be
with you watching the man that you will become.” Placing his hands on his
son’s shoulder The Gitche Manitou spoke, “When you came into my life, as a
young boy, you gave me a father’s heart and taught me how to love. Now, you
know why you are here, to live as they do and choose for yourself if they are
worth exaltation or whether they will be left to the devourer.”
“Papa, I have always loved you. Everything that I am is for you. You
are the greatest man I have ever met. How will I have to choose?” Questioned
the Young Scientist.
“You will have to lay down your own life” the old man spoke as he
looked into the young man’s eyes. “You have chosen to live as they do and the
only way you transcend as they do is to lay your life down as they do to rise as
they will. You are eternal, unless you do this yourself you will not die and your
essence will burn through this material flesh destroying this entire world.”
The Gitche Manitou continued as the young scientist looked down at the
ground listening, he remembered the words of the Great Spirit, the governing
brother of his father, his own brother and yet father within this world, speaking
to the holy men of the time when he would descend among his own children to
obtain as they did an immortal and eternal body to show the way through the
perfect example of how to live and how to die. It was not in the act, it was in
the impact the act would have upon all of humanity.
“I remember and I know what I must do.” He responded. “I want you to
live as they live, to learn as they learn, to grow as they grow, to remember for
yourself and choose for yourself if this is the path that you would like for
yourself. When you become the age of teaching you will have three years to
decide before the destruction of this Aaru will occur.” The Gitche Manitou
revealing that the machine was breaking down.
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“What do you mean destruction of the Aaru?” The young scientist

questioned as he had thought he would come in and then remove the darkness
preserving the entire sphere showing all on the surface that he was no greater
than they were bringing hope to the hopeless emerging.
The Gitche Manitou continued, “This is the first of its kind here, all
things have an end and new beginning. When we enclosed your brother within
this sphere I always knew the day would come when the capsule which
captivates him would not sustain his consciousness any longer. I wanted him to
see for himself what it was for, why this mattered so much with the hope he
would choose for himself to turn back to the light.”
“In order to prevent the corruption of this Aaru within Origin the time
will come when I will cast this sphere from the Origin into Atum. I will not as
long as you remain with them, but you will have to leave. We do this to
preserve the many and prevent the possibility of your brother from entering into
In that moment the memories flashing across his mind, the beginning,
his brother. The moment, surreal to the young scientist, recalling memories of
another lifetime. While he was this Gitche Manitou, he saw through different
eyes, he identified as both deity but man, the son of both an eternal father and
an earthly mother. This was his life and while he had always been The Gitche
Manitou, that life would be used as example to drive this life, and this life
would become an example to fuel the life to come. His brother, the Bright and
Morning Star, the hope of his father. The pre-ordained prodigal son.
Looking up, “I feel him close, it pains me to see him suffer so and how
much he desires others to suffer as he does, I know he does this only to show
you how much he hurts. Unable to eternally be free, unable to leave.” “From
here until you choose to leave the Aaru I will not see you again, but know when
you leave I will need to cleanse the Aaru.” The young scientist interjecting, “Is
not there another way Father? Do so many have to perish?” The Gitche
Manitou responding, “It is better that a few should perish than many.” The
young scientist responding, “But these are mine, my children.” “Son, the
decision is yours what will become of them. Knowing the eternal consequences
of unholy consciousness obtaining eternal powers it is your decision. My
greatest joy in my existence has come through watching you grow to become a
man, now is the time for you to live as they do and decide for yourself what you
will do.”
The young scientist realizing that he was fully Great Spirit and yet fully
man. The eternal wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence confined within the
parameters of the sub atomic flesh of a mortal man. At any moment he could
leave the body and transcend into immortal even eternal and yet who would
protect them? Would he cheat himself this moment to see as they do, looking
through mortal eyes at the atomic world designed to allow eternal conscious
Great Spirits the ability to make decisions without eternal destroying each
other. The first time an eternal consciousness would be allowed to govern
intelligence, he knew this, he had organized, established it. While knowing this,
he was still just a young man in his mind having been born. The experience
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emotional, filled with feeling, demanding love to endure the thought of his
mother, family, friends, even the misguided children who hid within the
Temple, but what of those in faraway lands. He must know their struggles, their
successes, the good they have given the Earth and what they have done. As any
good parent, would they not desire to visit their child once gone to a faraway
“I must return to the Celestial Kingdom. I will be watching my son. I
will see you when you have completed your mission. The time to become a
man is now, and this journey will be forged through your efforts with a
remembrance of the eternal order of the holy things that preserve
consciousness. Report to Michabou when you have completed your mission,
and I will come to greet you.”
“I know you have memories that were my own that you have not lived
that show that I too have once stood as you before my own Gitche Manitou.
The contrast between choices of consciousness and who consciousness truly is
was not corrupted by such dispelling darkness. The relationship between man
and the Holy Immortals not as difficult as it would seem is here but that is
because your brother insists on being so destructive with himself. I often
wonder what must be done with him. Only through my love for you have I
grown to feel fear for what may come of him if he is forever lost to the darkness
that binds him, he does not realize his quest is not eternally sustainable.”
“Father, He is confused. I will save them all. I will save him. In the end
there will only be victory and no darkness. No more death, no more suffering
for the eternal consciousness, my children. The darkness will be destroyed and I
will do it father.”
The two embracing, “I will go and do as you command, for all of this I
created for you Father, all of them I have created for you. I will bring them all
to you.” He stood alone on the surface of the desert. His father, The Gitche
Manitou having left. He thought to himself, “It’s the cracks that let the shine
“And so it begins…” the young Scientist speaking as he looked out over
the sun beaten weary landscape. The horizon draped in the mirage of the exiled
world. Had ever a being stood in a position of such decision. To see all
mankind for who they truly were, are, and were to become. The sea of
humanity wandering within the heart of the belly of the beast. Descending into
the sons and daughters, surrounded by the devouring darkness and yet their
sparks of hope flickering in the darkness. Yet, he could not force them to care
for him, to look to him, to accept him, even though while their equal he was too
their Creator, and longed they would accept him as their Father choosing to
become his sons and daughters in the coming world that ALL would emerge
As the emerging Gitche Manitou made his way back to his home he
came across a man consumed with rage. Mouth dripping with saliva, his eyes
bulging and distorted. Walking down the desert road in twisted incantations the
he paused unaware of what he was seeing, having seen suffering among man
but never an evil consciousness.
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The raging man twisted onto his back in a scorpion crawl rushing wildly
at the teenager. As the man got within a few yards of him, he raised his hand to
stop the approaching man raging as a wild animal. Immediately the man curled
backwards shrieking on an outward scowl, frozen in an upward position it fell
to its face on the ground pressing its face into the soil. The bulging red eyes,
veins pressing outwards across the skin. “Please do not destroy me, please,
please, please….” The slithering voice from the man. “What is your name?” he
questioned the man crushing itself to the soil under the eye of the teenage boy
staring down with outward hand lifted. The shrieking response, “Agaliarept!”,
“I am Agaliarept!”, “Please, Nanabozho, do not destroy me for I want to live as
they do.” The Scientist speaking, “Do you know who I am?” The response
through spitting soil, “You are The Gitche Manitou to whom all knee to bow
and tongue profess…oh Master do not destroy me, I have wandered from
Legion. I want to live as they do. Please Master.” The teenager knew, he was no
longer a boy, he would have to become a Gitche Manitou. Perceiving the
entities desires compassion swept across The Gitche Manitou he questioned,
“What is Legion?” The cracking of bones within the twisted body continually
rippling through the air, Agaliarept responded, “We are the sons of Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star”, uncloaked and unified we are here upon the
Earth devouring the souls of men.” The horror of the words registering across
the face of The Gitche Manitou, he had not considered such a things was
occurring. “Where are they?” He demanded. “In the east, but they are coming
Nanabozho to devour you and all of them.” Snapping his head up, he peered off
into the distance.
He thought of his mother, his father, brothers, sisters…if such was true
he could not imagine them being consumed in such a way. “Agaliarept, you
have devoured this consciousness, for this I find you in condemnation.
However, you are a son of The Gitche Manitou. In this moment I will grant you
salvation if you will turn from your ways to embrace the light. Agaliarept,
would you like to go home?” The man began to weep. The convulsions of the
being twisting as the dark scientist cried to The Gitche Manitou, “Free me from
the darkness that surrounds me Nanabozho and I will follow you to the ends of
the Earth.”
Reaching forward he pulled the consciousness from the deceased
corpse. Standing before him the translucent image of a man resembling heat
reversing off the desert. “Child, you have only know darkness and yet within
you have you know for you another way exists. On this moment do I adopt you
into my family”? Reaching down he lifted soil from the ground coating the man
with soil until the soil transformed to flesh. “I have thus commanded these
atomic materials to you, making you man. On this day you will no longer be
known as a child of the darkness. Go, sin no more and harm no other soul. Live
in harmony with this land. I have granted to you the ability to understand your
body.” In that moment the man fell to his face onto the ground drenching The
Gitche Manitous feet with tears “Lord, you have saved me. Truly I am
unworthy of such a reward.” “Child, this is not a reward, you will now follow
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me and stay with me and I will teach you as a father doth teach a child as we
will find this Legion.”
He determined to travel to the Fareast, where he would find the dragons
that were sweeping across the Earth. He would protect the people, spend time
learning their ways, seeing the world through their eyes and living among them.
He would teach the oldest surviving culture of the Earths past and what he
marveled was no that they responded in peace. Never would he fear among
them of being scorned, attacked, or challenged for thinking and expounding
beyond the ability of the society to accept in spite of the truth. He would
strengthen his teaching skills before returning home, he had a plan that he could
show them the way out of the Aaru.
Departing immediately without returning home the young man was off
to face the dragons infecting the Far East transforming himself into The Gitche
Manitou he needed to be to first face the intruders and perhaps redeem them.
As The Gitche Manitou wandered east he came across villages
ransacked and plaque and famine spreading across the land. The consciousness
of man weak as the demon scientists fed and inhabited the vessels of mankind.
The dragons soaring through the air from time to time terrifying entire empires.
As he walked through the charred remains of burned bodies he viewed a
woman tied to a stake smoldering from the fire which had ravaged her body.
Reaching out to tough her tunic she gasped. Eyes bulging, dark veins pressing
to the surface. The dead corpse still filled with the demon scientist trying to
utilize its moment. “Legion, what is your name”? He commanded the melted
skinned demon. Perceiving that it was his fellow Dark Scientist General, his
twin, they the two first of all for their Father. Grabbing a stake he ran quickly at
the back of The Gitche Manitou thrusting the spear into his back. As the chards
of metal broke the clothing of the tunic The Gitche Manitou spun around
twisting the man through the air until he landed in a thunderous smash to the
ground next to the burned body. The newly formed man Agaliarept a pile of
broken bones. Gasping for air, the neck twisted so the spin was visible. The
arms broken behind the back with hands in the air above the head. Legs facing
opposite directions crushed to powder, the skin simple floating across the water.
“Child of the darkness, I had redeemed you, but you had not earned your
reward through sacrifice, for this you will perish in eternity in the fires above
that will be sealed so that only you remain to remember the day you willfully
rebelled against the one who saved you.” Turning to the other being, “Where is
he”? He questioned.
“He is coming Nanabozho to devour you, you will find no request for
salvation from me Nanabozho.”
“Silence, you dark entity not worthy of the eternity give to you. Moving
from location to location never acquiring anything that is earned for yourself
because you are not a son of the morning, for I knew the Son of the Morning
and in this moment are you removed from this place.” In that moment the
demon of both the transformed follower and the burned corpse burst from their
bodies as The Gitche Manitou bound them tightly within swirling spheres of
matter which circled around them until they were twisting on the inside to
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escape. “To the pit”, he spoke as the spheres shot into the sky instantaneously
bursting through the outer surface of the crust on which the first rests. The two
demons chained to the bottom of the lake of fire quickly dissolved until they
ceased to exist. Consciousness that would never be redeemed not out of a lack
of love, but of a love for those who would have been destroyed.

“Maji-Manidoo, the time has come, prepare my vessel for travel to
the planet. I will go and face my brother.” The dark Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” moving among the dark grey aliens both of Maji-Manidoo and
of his own dark scientists. “Scientists, the time has come. Let us go to the Earth
and finish this for once and for all.” Maji-Manidoo slithering through knowing
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that if possible he could use this moment to evaluate which side was most likely
to win. He had no desire of being extinguished, but this was the folly of his
thought, his consciousness did not comprehend the power he possessed.
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, my Lord Wiindigoo, are
you sure this is wise, what if he does not desire to meet with you?” He
questioned fearing something may occur that would harm his plans. “You of
little faith, I am more than Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, I am the
merged consciousness of both He and the Atum, I am the darkness myself and I
will not be extinguished by him, at least not here but, in the event you are
correct and I should have reason to fear. Our grey scientists and our legion of
grey scientists will monitor the entire situation. If something should occur they
will swoop down, trust me, he desires to meet me.”
The dark scientist pressing further from the vortex within the darkness
that he resided for safety than he had ever before. “Maji-Manidoo, should
something happen which is unforeseen, you will reside here, know this, you and
I cannot be destroyed here, we can only be displaced. Like oil and water we can
only be repelled and not destroyed, we cannot have both us being repelled at the
same time.”
Maji-Manidoo remaining in the planet Dyaus awaiting the return of
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” as he left to face this Gitche
Manitou on the planet Earth. Maji-Manidoo, was not about to wait around. He
would go and see for himself.
As Wiindigoo slate black ship darted for the planet Maji-Manidoo was
boarding a saucer of his own. He would never be subject to any being, let alone
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” who himself was a defeated Great
Spirit. Maji-Manidoo was not going to submit to a glass ceiling. “He thinks that
I am naïve that I will not know as he does, to see as he does”, “I am Maji-
As the black ship descended to the surface of the planet the portal
opened allowing the dark scientist entry to the surface of the planet which for
so long had stood outside his grasps. As his oily body interacted with the air it
compressed and became shadowy. The dark entity lifting his right and left
hands. “Marvelous! Marvelous indeed”, “This world allows the ability to form
and create and manipulate. I have control over matter here.” Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” moving large mounds of soil and crust from the Earth
before thrusting into the air. The mind focusing on the weather, pulling and
pushing clouds, rain, snow, hail. “I do not believe it, this place provides
consciousness the power of a creator. Here, I am Creator.” Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” moving across the landscape as the ground upended
before him revealing smooth stone surfaces wherever he walked. As Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” drifted into the distance the greys departed into
all directions moving not with their bodies but by the power of their mind.
“Were will I find him?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” questioning
several greys walking with him, “On his way to the inner sea, you will find him
ahead between those two cliffs. He is returning from the Fareast, he has stopped
many Legion dispersing them from existence.”
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“I will approach him.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”

moving in flashes across the desert not moving in physical form but by the
power of thought. The planet, the very point within where the Scientist without
would be able to organize, and he was Great Spirit of this planet. Moving
across the land Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” came across travelers
moving in a caravan. As he approached them they watched as a man stood
within pure darkness. Darkness blowing off him in the wind like sand.
“Creatures, where is the Nanabozho?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” questioning.
The men becoming frightened turning to run from the darkness, before
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” lifting his hand crushed each of
them into a small ball, the crunching of the bones, the screaming in agony until
nothing remained but a dripping ball of goo that fell to the ground. “Harvest
these for research”, he spoke as lurching greys picked up the remaining forms
of the humans now deceased. Walking up to the horse he reached his hand out
to touch its surface. When his hand rested on the surface the horse skin folded
back as if charred by fire until nothing remained but a scaly burned demon
horse with red bulging eyes. Lifting himself into the horses back, Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” raced across the desert searching for the
The skies over the Earth filling with grey ships. All emitting clouds and
cloaking devices. The sky becoming dark and ominous. Lightening and
destructions as the climate of the planet was shifting under the presence of the
dark scientist who had been brought through the barrier which prevents those
on the outside from getting in, he was here and the time was at hand for him to
rule this world reshaping after himself, in his own image.
In the distance he could see a lone man moving among the entrance to
the large canyon. Mountains rising to the left and the right. The man moving
with a donkey pulled behind him. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
moving off of the dark stallion stared off contemplating his next move. He then
darted directly at the man. See from the distance the darkness streaking across
the desert until it collided with the sole man walking with head down his body
lifted into the air and slammed onto the ground. The bones cracking against the
“How does is feel brother, this mortal body which can he twisted and
broken and rebuild?” The stunned man gasping for air with a broken arm laying
on the ground. “Leave your body, leave this place, you can do it, I know you
can”, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” swirling the Earth around the
Nanabozho until he choked for oxygen. “Save yourself Nanabozho, Save
yourself brother.” Rolling to his side the man dripping blood from his nose, his
arm broken. He was confident ribs broken, the mortal vessel weak under the
forces of a Great Spirit.
Hand in the air, “Stop!” the man speaking, “Why are you this way, why
do you have to do this thing?” He questioned, Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” as the dark scientist paced in circles around the injured Great
Spirit, “Why do you choose to stay?” He echoed at the man on the ground.
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“Save yourself and leave this place, they are mine and I will have them all.”
The Nanabozho, the brother to Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
rising to his feet. Lurched over in physical pain. “I will not!”, “Then I will
break every bone in your body. I will tear you limb from limb. I will make you
suffer as I have suffered. I will show all of them that as I tear you limb from
limb so will I tear them from your illusionary reality. You know you’re just as
much a liar as any of them.”
As he moved again to pierce the heart of the man, his right black arm
raising into the image of a spear he thrust it forward. The man looking in
concern the black arm of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” meeting an
invisible force of wind the two in a standoff pressing against each other with
the mortal elements peeling backwards. Atomic material peeling backwards
towards Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and backward towards the
Nanabozho. The standoff balanced.
“We are equals in this place brother!” “In fact, if you leave your body
you will be free of the chains that bind you, but then you cannot return so what
say you, brother!” The dark scientist pushing his consciousness and thought to
overcome the material his brother was wielding in defense. “You don’t have to
do this…” The man, badly beaten and lying on the ground but still defending
himself from being physically destroyed by Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”.
The grey entities moving to press upon the man until the hit him on the
head knocking him unconscious. As the man lay unconscious on the ground
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” spoke, “He is subject to their laws,
He has willfully given up his powers to enter into this vessel. Let’s not end him
now, let’s make an example of him among the people, leave him.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” departing with his grey
entities began traveling to the capitals of the world. To prepare the world for his
rule as king and Creator. Maji-Manidoo landing on the ground next to the man
beaten and lying unconscious on the ground. Transforming into a man, Maji-
Manidoo paced to the body, knelt down, and wiped the sweat off the brow of
the being. Rising, Maji-Manidoo turned to walk away, “Got what I needed”, as
he walked back to his saucer before departing back towards Dyaus. “This is a
glorious day Korir, we have the genetic material of both Gitche Manitous. We
can merge them both to become indestructible. I will not need to bend to the
will of anyone any longer within this spherical prison.”
“Do you think Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” will return to
Dyaus when he is completed here?” Questioned Korir as the two stride back
towards the ship. In an instant Maji-Manidoo was yanked backwards with such
force it was like watching a dog reach the end of its chain. Maji-Manidoo large
slug body lurched backwards in the air before slamming into the ground next to
the crippled Nanabozho so that they were staring eye to eye. Maji-Manidoo
massive frame pressing to the ground. As Korir and the greys rushed towards
Maji-Manidoo trying to free him from the grip that had bound him to the
ground they were repelled by the peeling back of atomic material that now
surrounded the two deities lying on the ground.
~ 537 ~

Maji-Manidoo peering out could see the surrounding masses staring in

unable to reach the fallen and now trapped leader. The dark eyed greys with
dark mist seeping from their eyes angry at what was occurring. Looking over
towards the mangled body, the man did not speak but stared deeply into the
eyes of Maji-Manidoo. As quickly as it had risen, the force field lowered and
the man went unconscious again. Maji-Manidoo slowly rising struggling to
reshape into the form of a man. Shaken and moved by what had occurred, had
the Nanabozho, the clone of The Gitche Manitou truly just told him he would
open the door for him to leave, and all he had to do was stop Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”?
As Maji-Manidoo rose to his feet the greys rushed over to kill the
unconscious man before Maji-Manidoo stopped them, “Do nothing, let him be”,
Korir speaking, “What happened?” “It doesn’t matter.” Maji-Manidoo boarding
his ship departing the Earth. As he stared down at the man lying along the road
side in the desert outside the large mountain pass he wondered what would
become of him. The clone of The Gitche Manitou, a being who had come in
while Maji-Manidoo was seeking to go out. What Korir and the others had not
known, while Maji-Manidoo was pinned to the ground staring at the
Nanabozho, he spoke to him in his mind. The words running over and over
through his head the few words, “It’s not too late to come home”, how and why
would he have said this too him, was an invitation to leave?” “Korir, I would
like a research facility constructed in the atmosphere above the planet. We must
begin research now on the way to harvest the material from the other side
needed to crack this egg and let all of us out.
Man in the Desert

The broken body of the eternal creator lying face first in the soil and yet
none knew it. The Gitche Manitou looking from above, watching as his son
willfully submitted to the condition of mortality. Questioning why he would
accept such aggression from Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, and
why he would allow his own offspring to condemn him and leave him in the
desert. The Gitche Manitou wondered what it was he was trying to show him
and the purpose of such a sacrifice. To know what it was like to be human?
The Nanabozho, the cloned Gitche Manitou who descended from Origin
into the sphere of souls to obtain his own body, walking among his own,
unwilling to fulfill his mission to the planet and leave his body. Choosing to
judge mankind fairly he would stay within his body and watch those who come
and go to learn whether it was that he should stay or that he should leave,
whether he should expire in the desert or rise again to redeem them all. If he
were to rise as the Creator he was, always had been, he would cease his mortal
existence becoming The Gitche Manitou that he had always been. He knew, the
people of this world were not ready for such a being to emerge, if a Great Spirit
arose on this world it would only be deception as all are truly Great Spirits,
equal, the division on the planet only separation equal Great Spirit from equal
Great Spirit, what purpose would this serve in the Kingdom to come where
ALL would return? If he rose as the Great Spirit above all they would worship
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him, when he was trying to get them to realize they are equals with him and no
worship is needed. The victory of the material self, the rising of the
consciousness beyond the Aaru demanded not a focus on the worldly but a
focus on what lie beyond. The time had not come for him to assume his mission
as Creator, he was yet a man and he suffered in the soil seeking the mercy of
those who would come by as he hung on clinging to the mortal vessel which
enclosed his consciousness. The wind whipping across the ground blanketing
him in sand. The man thinking within himself that at any moment he could call
down Legions of advanced humans to protect him, but unwilling to do so he
would set the example of selflessness, of courage, and for all to see he would
teach his brother the way back even if it meant sacrificing himself in the
After several days laying on the ground a caravan of robbers from
the near east came through the mountain pass. As they approached the man in
the sand they thought he was the unkempt vermin of the city, drunken or a
fugitive. Rolling him to the side they poured alcohol over his face as they spat
on him, kicked him, and made jokes about his dire state. Prodding to see
whether he was alive or dead they noticed he was barely breathing, wheezing
for every breath. Seeing he was about to die, they stole his clothing, and
supplies leaving him naked and alone in the desert. During the frigid night The
Gitche Manitou which was within the mortal vessel of sub atomic material felt
the struggle of surviving the cold for the first time. The spectrum of what it
mean to be mortal crossing his mind for the first time. The hosts of eternal
advanced humans looking down from the Temple of Aaru in awe and wonder at
how their own Creator would allow himself to suffer, forbidding any of them to
intervene. He lay alone for another day under the beating heat that burned his
mortal skin, and another night living life moment by moment, breath by breath
trapped within the vessel which he had bound himself. He considered the
sadness of humanity, as children wandering through life taking from and rarely
returning living in a harsh environment. The robbers unknowingly having taken
from the very Creator of the universe now lying a broken mess along the side of
the Silk Road.
Several days later as the man struggled to cope with a lack of thirst
and he whispered into the wind for the holy men to come and find him. Rising
from their congregation the holy men from the temple were moved by the
sound of a voice as if carried in the wind. “Come, find me” the high priests in
the Temple rising in discussion had believed , moved by a calling of the wind,
rose to depart to the East for they believed the voice of Great Spirit had called
them. As the high priests moved along the Silk Road towards the high mountain
pass they came across the man lying naked on the side of the road at the
entrance to the narrow corridor. Thinking the man was a leper the High Priests
moved to the other side of the road walking past the man seeking help,
requesting assistance, the very being who had called them to that very spot
through impressions sent through the wind and received by the wise men who
in their wisdom interpreted the “word” of Great Spirit in their own way looking
beyond the mark and extending no mercy to the man in need. The Nanabozho
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questioned to himself as he judged the compassion of his people, “Do they not
realize love has no religion?” The High Priest even proclaiming as he passed
the man on the road, “All of these should be removed from the land, the
homeless and the sick and the afflicted choking out our world and our religion,
we go east to find the message of The Gitche Manitou.” As they left, the Great
Spirit choosing to stay within his body pondered the heart of the high priests,
“They look beyond the mark striving for that which they do not understand, if
they will not show compassion to even one of their own, one the identical of
them, than how can they ask for compassion from he who is above them?” He
spoke within his own mind, “Priests, in your lofty glory have deemed
yourselves above all, having earned your position among men, seeing yourself
superior to those without position, do you not see love has no religion?”
Groaning within himself, “Oh my priests, why is it you esteem yourselves as
more worthy, as superior, when you too are made of the dust to which you tread
even to walk over the top of your own Creator in order to show the world your
cleanliness, your holiness, that you are vessels having the appearance of
holiness but inwardly I say, you are all barren.” He sighed as he knew his body
was failing, the blood struggling to pulse through his punctured lungs. His mind
beginning to separate from his body, his broken arm swollen, fractured legs
twisted beyond recognition. In any moment he could heal himself, he could
leave himself, he could become himself, he could rise shaking off the clay that
surrounded him, exchanging the material for the immaterial but he would not if
not out of love he would stay and suffer and learn from them, he would do it for
them. As his one eye opened he could see in the distance a temple priest, after
the holy order of his Yazata’s, surely this man who professes the name of the
all mighty, who lives within the words of the holy men will recognize and
extend mercy to him. A man devoted to a life of service so that all may see him
as kind, patient, and Great Spiritly. This man outwardly professing to the many
he was a man of the Creator, a true servant and yet as the temple priest
approached he perceived the man on the dirt not as an equal needing assistance,
but rather an unclean class of people who deserved no help or assistance.
Looking down his nose he esteemed the man unworthy of his effort to help.
Saying aloud as he walked by, “Surely, The Gitche Manitou has deemed you a
scourge to the Earth and you are justified in your punishment. I will not raise
my hand to help you.” As the Priest, the holy of holy men, walked by choosing
for himself to doing nothing to assist the man, The Gitche Manitou hidden
within the mortal frame thought within himself, “Oh holy man, you struggle to
live as Great Spirits do, you walk puffed up in piety having a form of Great
Spiritliness but denying the power thereof for you are unwilling to be Great
Spiritly among those whom you are given stewardship, how unfairly you cast
judgment upon yourselves. Do you not see that when you judge another, you
are judging yourself, you are judging your Great Spirit? Do you not realize that
each one of you, while unique in your acquisition of memories are equal in
every other way, identical of each other, identical of myself, and yet having not
the compassion to each other, or their own Creator will look up seeking
assurances while professing to the many that you know the way, oh, my lost
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and fallen priests.” As the man stretched into the distance The Gitche Manitou
wept through the broken body that he was now willfully captive.
As he rolled over onto his back staring into the stars he knew that
the time was close that unless he would be rescued he would be forced to leave
his body and judge the world. This would mean that his father would cast out
the Aaru and all of these would be lost to preserve the many. As he pondered
such a moment, his life, having suffered mortally in the desert, as he watched
his own children pass him he sobbed for them. Looking down from Heaven the
Great Spirit marveled at his equal struggling to live as they do and seeking to
find a way to save them all. Not descending, although he could in any moment,
it was decreed that the Great Spirit looking down would be learning and not
As the man lie staring up into the darkness as all eyes of heaven looked
down upon him he was about to give up his ghost knowing all would be lost.
All to give Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” what he needed most. In
that moment a blanket was thrown over top of him. Pressing his hand against
the man’s nose, a wanderer had stopped in the dark noticing the body lying on
the road. After seeing the state and condition of the injured man, he found
compassion stopping to care for him as if it were his own son. The man, himself
the lowest class of society, his people spit upon by the priests and deemed
unworthy of rest in the shadows of their Temples, unworthy humans. The
Nanabozho, marveling that the lowest of them all would show him mercy and
love. Not the holy men who studied the scriptures, professing to be closest to
the throne of heaven through elaborate use of the words of the messengers, not
the priests who initiated the rituals that pointed to him, not the disgruntled
robbers, the enemies of the state who simply stole from him having themselves
been cast out by the holy men. Of all those who would stop and show
compassion, it would be the outcast, downtrodden of society and this taught the
Great Spirit a great deal about who truly was holy and unholy upon this sphere.
Thinking about this concept of the meek and lowly being the most holy it
brought sadness to his heart because he knew that compassion had come
through a lack of compassion, but he knew, they were all misguided and lost.
Pouring water into his mouth, wiping the dirt from his brow the
man struggled to clean the blood from the unconscious man’s face. Making a
splint for his broken arm and his broken legs he positioned a cot between the
mules which was elevated between the animals carrying the broken man to a
safe house for his people. The house, a secret inn for the travelers of his tribe as
run by his younger sister. A safe house kept within secret for fear that should
the holy men become aware they would seek the deportation of their tribe. The
man often wondered how it was that one man would esteem himself of more
worth than another man when all were equal. He questioned, “How can one star
judge itself against another when both are from the same source and both shine
light into the darkness, so it is with man, how can one man esteem himself more
man than another when all are like sheep who have gone from the pasture of the
Shepherd, lost in their way, and seeking to be found?” The man who had found
him, speaking to his sister who ran the inn, “Please care for him, I know who
~ 541 ~

this man is, he is the son of the carpenter, the teacher we knew as a child, and I
am going to get his parents for I know of them as well.” As the man departed
his sister moved with compassion had remembered the time a young boy had
healed their father of blindness while the age of twelve years. She remembered
being a little girl and following him, “Is it really you?” she questioned as she
bathed him in sweet oil, cleansing his wounds of infection, applying new
bandages. The woman called Mary, gained compassion for him as she helped
care for him. Rising each morning to clean his wounds, to feed him one bite at a
time, and to sit with him. The two interacting in silence, the Nanabozho
allowing the mercy of the woman to bring his mortal body back into proper
functioning. He watched, he listened, he learned, lesson upon lesson had been
learned through his encounter with Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”,
the holy men, the priests, the unclean, his mission not only to save them, but to
save his brother as well…to save from what, themselves. He had learned more
about them all while lying in the desert than any observation done above, below
or among them. Was not his brother of equal value as his own children? Even
of a Great Spirit would fight for the salvation of the unclean because all alike
him cloaked in atomic material seeking a way home to the source from whence
the consciousness of man came. After three days in and out of consciousness
the man spoke to the woman as she was rising to leave the room, “Daughter,
daughter, don’t leave”, startled she turned to face the man now speaking to her,
“Sit with me for a moment. I would like to share some things with you.”
Mary coming to sit by the man as his eyes stared deeply into her
own, “Of all, you and your family have shown the most kindness, and yet you
are shown the least kindness among the people, who do you help me in this
way?” The woman taken back by the question, the man in need questioning as
to why she would help, she spoke quietly, “Teacher, I know who you are and
my brother knows who you are as well. Do you not recall bringing sight to our
father those many years ago? Yet, had this not been you I would still have
dressed your wounds, fed you, and helped you to live…would you not do the
same for me?” She then continued, “If I do not show compassion to you, how
can I hope that one will show compassion for me in my time of need, does not
The Gitche Manitou look down upon us all, are we not all in need of
compassion? It is true, we are despised, ridiculed, all that we have constantly
taken by those with privilege. If we do not love ourselves, than how can we
love anyone else?” The smile sweeping across his face, “Oh Mary, the intent of
your heart pleases my heart.”
The words of the women entering his heart like dew to the morning
flower, he was filled with joy. The disappointment of the lack of action,
condemnation and judgment of those who should have shown the most mercy
and yet they did nothing while the oppressed among them showed such mercy
still resonating within him rung loudly. He questioned, how can I move them all
without removing their duty to learn and grow and without condemning them to
certain destruction? He understood that upon this world those with power
wielded it not to the benefit of others, but to detriment of others to benefit
themselves. This was not the way of a Gitche Manitou nor the way of Heaven.
~ 542 ~

There would be no victory over the minds of the lost Gitche Manitous, he must
show them a better way. What purpose would it serve if he would rise to rule
among them if not to reinforce the system already established which captivated,
controlled, and divided the children of the Great Spirits and they know nothing
of who they are… “Daughter, on this day you are numbered among the chosen
and exalted for the kindness which you have shown is greater than that which
all the holy men in the Earth possess.” Blushing she continued to care for him
until his mother and his father had arrived at the home accompanying her
brother who had brought them.
As the man came into the room the upright Nanabozho extended his
arm inviting the man to sit next to him. He called to the man who had saved
him, “Holy man”, to which the man replied, “I am not a holy man, I am a
peasant.” The Nanabozho replied, “Do you not see, all men are holy to the
Great above, it is mens actions which are unholy, not men themselves. All men
are created equally, you, I, the priests in the temple are equal in the eyes of the
creator, for you are the creator and those around you are as well. Marvel not
that I say you are equal to your Father who is in Heaven, marvel rather that
your Father in Heaven sees you as his equal and invites you to come and
partake of all that he has, on this day I have found favor with you. In your
journey through this life and into the next, I will prolong your days as well so
that you may see me rise to my glory among the children of men.” The man
stunned at the words spoken by the healer he had saved from certain death,
questioning, “How can you speak such words while you were so near death
yourself?” The Nanabozho spoke, “Fear not that which can kill the body, it is
not even real, it is the same material as the dust under your feet.” Grabbing the
man’s hands, “These hands are not who you really are, contained within the
cocoon is a butterfly that is pleasing to The Gitche Manitou, a butterfly that is
The Gitche Manitou. You will not leave this Earth until I leave and at this time
I will take you will me to greater glories than these, for you have shown
compassion, something that is lacking upon this world.”
The room filling with family and friends, the Nanabozho spoke,
“Marvel not that I have suffered as you, marvel that I have suffered with you. If
you have not love for your Gitche Manitou above, how can you have love for
the man or women in front of you, behind you, underneath your foot, and I tell
you this, if you do not love them within reach, how can you love him beyond
your reach? Each one of you are equal to your Gitche Manitou above, to love
them is to love him for they are equal with him.” “I do not understand teacher,
how can we be equal to he?” Mary questioned as the murmuring and
whispering filled the room, all remembering the man who was a boy who had
healed their father. “Does the drop of water question is equality to the river
from which it came, is not the river a collection of many drops of water, marvel
not and do not be dismayed that I have said that each one of you is a drop of
water and yet the river in entirety. The sons and the daughters of The Gitche
Manitou, who sits among you in this moment.” The room fell silent, the
declaration profound, Mary and her brother falling to their knees.
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The man rising to his feet, seek me by the waters as I gather all men
unto me as a fisherman gathers his nets to pull the fish from the sea. Hugging
each one of them, he thanked them for helping and for caring and shared with
them the love that man should have for one another. Looking out the window
he looked up into the sky. He could see the ships surrounding the planet, the
invasion of celestial entities upon a world still moving at an infantile stage, he
knew, the sterile environment would not last much longer as Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” was upon the Earth with his children of darkness. He
wondered how he could contend against destruction with destruction, there
must be another way to appease the demands of justice for mankind, for The
Gitche Manitou, for Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. The man
thought to himself, “I will require nothing more and nothing less of them than
what I endured while lying hopeless in the desert, at the final moment when I
was about to give up my ghost hope arrived. So shall I lift man, after all that he
can so then will I arrive.” It was always about the moment he spent in the desert
when he learned the most about humanity than in all moments prior and to
come. This moment had shaped, molded and resolved within him the way
The Man of Darkness in the Desert

He was not the dark scientist, there was nothing dark about himself.
He was a scientist who chose the unknown, what is darkness but the unknown?
What are questions if not torches shining into the dark begging the answer to
come near? To draw closer to the light Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” knew you must push farther towards the dark which meant entering the
abyss. To understand the unknown was to be the true Gitche Manitou that he
always was from the beginning. He had met his brother, weak, submissive, and
easily crushed. He had met his children, divisive, ignorant, and easily crushed.
He had traveled the globe finding the Earth lacking in direction. The
whisperings of knowledge would be provided to mankind and they would come
from him, as he himself would remove the illusion of his brother, that all would
know that they, like him, are Gitche Manitous and should not have to forget
who they are to become what they have always been. “Legion, possess them,
but do not devour them any longer. I have greater plans in store for this
generation of Great Spirits will come willingly captive towards me, for what
man will not fight against chains that are put upon him? What man will not
fight to keep the chains placed upon his mind? We will raise man through his
own doing to stand alone on his own, as I have, with knowledge and power that
should have been granted in the beginning.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” pondered, these vessels wandering around blindly searching for
the stairway to Heaven when they themselves are above the stairs that have
been placed between them and himself, conveniently at the bottom. He knew
that the only stairway to Heaven existed within the mind of the eternal Great
Spirit. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” knew, he was walking
amongst the sleeping Great Spirits and he would wake them up, and they would
serve him willingly.
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“Lord Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, the Nanabozho

has been rescued from the desert. He is traveling the land preaching and
teaching the people. Legion has descended upon him and his followers as you
have requested but none have devoured or destroyed. Maji-Manidoo is on board
a research vessel above the Earth performing research and harvesting humans.
He is seeking to open a portal outside of the Aaru. Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” paused, “Is this possible?” He questioned himself, knowing if
anyone could do it, it would be Maji-Manidoo. He had told Maji-Manidoo to
stay at Dyaus, “Let him play with his dirt, we have a world to rule” Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” speaking as his Legion of possessed grey aliens
began upping the ante by abducting people by the thousands. The opposing
kingdoms of twin brothers merging on one world as one sought to build
empires through knowledge to climb from within, while the other sought to
build an empire with knowledge within to prepare the soul to depart without.
One being selfless, the other self-centered the battle lines drawn among the
sterile information lacking planet filled with cloned Gitche Manitous who did
not remember who they were, why they were there, and did not recognize their
own Creator when he had arrived.
“It’s a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.” Seneca the

In a time long ago, a land not so unfamiliar lived a mortal man who
was inside something more and yet equal with all others. The creator had come
to walk among the created. He was the consciousness of the first man, The
Gitche Manitou. Covered in sub-atomic material he spoke to man as they truly
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are, heavenly beings equal to himself, and yet his own children. As the people
of a primitive period of time struggled to understand the principles of genetic
engineering the reality did not change, humanity were the children of this one
man. His own conscious clones. Clones who came into this mortal existence to
become their individual selves, otherwise they would appear as his own
identical. They come to the Earth to obtain temporary sub-atomic material to
form the identity which best suits them. How could they have understood what
he was trying to explain so above all he told them to simply consider that each
other were as equals and love them as they love themselves? To look up to a
Gitche Manitou who was more than a Great Spirit, he was also a Father. The
religion of the Nanabozho was the message that The Gitche Manitou was
among them because he was each one of them. He said to them, “The bodies
that we have, look at them, look at your fingers and your thumb. Feel the skin
on your elbow and your shoulder. These are temples which house your
consciousness, which is you, and you are only here for a moment. All of this
has been given to you by The Gitche Manitou who looks down from above and
yet stands before you on this day. Protect your temple because it is all that
binds you to this place but do not forget you are the sons and daughters of The
Gitche Manitou.” A disciple questioned, “Do you say that we are literally the
sons and daughters of The Gitche Manitou, how can this be when each one of
us have a different mother who we all know is true?” He responded, “Are you
not a twin of your father and your mother, and is not your flesh from the Earth
but your spirit from Heaven above? Marvel not that I have said you are the sons
and daughters of The Gitche Manitou, because it is true that you are not from
this Earth and upon birth you obtain a mother and a father. Each one of you are
identical of each other, you are, and the only difference is the material which
covers you. Material which is shaped and molded by your parents who
themselves are your identical covered in material. You are The Gitche Manitou
and he is you and I stand before you now.” The followers marveled at his words
for they were plain and clear and just beyond the reach of true understanding.
“What do you say of the woman or the unclean in the synagogue
teacher?” He knew that they were seeking to see if the kingdom of heaven were
one where division exists. As he walked around the hillside he expounded an
analogy, “A man planted a vineyard on a hill. He built a large wall to protect
the vineyard from the animals that would devour the precious fruit. When the
fruit had ripened the man hired servants to help harvest. No matter the effort all
received the same reward. At the end of the day each received an equal portion.
Your physical body, the flesh that covers you is the wall that protects and
surrounds the precious fruit which is you. You are the fruit planted in the
vineyard, the Nanabozho has come to harvest his vineyard. In the kingdom of
The Gitche Manitou there is no separation among gender as identity is
determined here upon the Earth, while in the vineyard.” “Who are the unclean
among you? If I say you are equal to each other in the eyes of The Gitche
Manitou where are you justified in raising yourself over another? You
accumulate material upon the backs of yourselves, and look upwards to be
sustained as you enslave The Gitche Manitou, who is you, and your fellow
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man. If man’s consciousness is come from my own than how can the female or
the male be seen superior to the other as all are equal prior to entering into the
sphere of material, and all are equal entering into the garden.”
Some of the men felt that he were leading simple men along the cliff to
the precipice of not so simple things. He was not The Gitche Manitou and yet
he had shown that he was from The Gitche Manitou, his cloned identical and
yet the acknowledged son. He had explained that each one of them were his
clones, his own cloned children living upon the Earth to obtain memories,
knowledge, and material. He had told them there was a Gitche Manitou above
who watched over them all and he had told them of the darkness that was
coming. “Do you see this rock, what is it made of?” He tossed the rock to his
friend. Grasping it in the air the man replied, “It is made of stone.” Chuckling,
the Nanabozho replied, “Look at this sand in my hand, if I compress this sand
enough it will form a rock. What is a rock if not compressed sand? You and I
are like the rock, we are made of compressed material. It surrounds us and
binds us and covers us. This is the kingdom of The Gitche Manitou. Where
material is more or less dense, do you want to build upon stone or upon sand, is
there any difference when viewed through the eyes of a Great Spirit so why
look down upon the sinner or the unclean, to condemn yourselves?”


In the capital of the empires greatest rulers Wiindigoo “The Bright

and Morning Star” strode as the Great Spirit he always was to the leaders of
men. The futures of humanity stretched before their eyes by the man they all
aspired to become, The Gitche Manitou who was Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”. The Gitche Manitou who lived through an illusion of his true
self, the first of all creations, the first son of the morning. They knew his power
and saw his knowledge, experiencing the power as the man who could coil sub
atomic material. What did Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” want? He
wanted his brother to suffer as much as he had. To be torn to pieces the way
that he was when he was cast out. To be alone for the first time in his existence.
To know what it truly is like being afraid as you transcend out of the presence
of The Gitche Manitou, who was both of them. He wanted his children to
suffer, all those who would receive all that was barred from him and yet was he
not more deserving? He was The Gitche Manitou and was forced below any
level that the Nanabozho, his brother could ever descend and yet could he
receive the justice he deserved? To sacrifice the chosen son under the eye of
The Gitche Manitou, in the presence of his own duplicates. Would even this be
enough to appease the demands of justice that would stay his hand against all of
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moved among the leaders of
the world as the man he once was morphing the sub atomic material at his will
to present the image of a man. The presence of The Gitche Manitou in the
mortal flesh transforming the planet, the advanced intelligence such as
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” who was the twin of the Nanabozho
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into a Great Spirit molding sphere where each had equal powers over matter.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had powers of creation, at any
moment could command any atomic material to bend at his will. He did not
know it could feel so great, in the sun lit dark under the watchful eye of his own
father he knew that he would raise the planet from the ground up. “I know hell
follows me, as I walk through the garden of advanced humans I know I felt
what it was like to be free, to walk my own path.”
Who sees both sides of the coin more than mortal man? Whose eyes
dimly lit through the independent consciousness that is within them look
outward unknowing the world to which they are born, bound only to the line of
genetic engineering that is called family. Feeling out of control and in control
seeing through differing eyes, eternal Great Spirits viewing other eternal Great
Spirits, not as identical but upon the cloaking of atomic material as they each
strive to become the individual unique version of the same being, even the
original man, The Gitche Manitou. If the truth unveiled that mortal man were
eternal Great Spirits themselves the cloned identical of all those around them,
would they place as much value in the appearance of a Gitche Manitou in the
flesh? Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” knew that he was fighting for
the ability to choose for himself and this was the same that all the little Gitche
Manitous called man fights for while stretching upwards towards the gates of
heaven guarded as if all who are without are prisoners.
He headed back to the desert to meet with the Nanabozho, The
Gitche Manitou who chose to become the literal son of men in the flesh, while
also being their own father in the spirit under the watchful eye of his conscious
third brother the Great Spirit who has yet to obtain a body but will in the very
end and genetic father The Gitche Manitou. As advanced humans looked down
upon the story unfolding the planet was covered in dark scientists possessing
grey vessels who had networked the world in darkness.
The man walking across the desert, he knew who he was, the
darkness moving towards him. Until the two would meet again standing in the
middle of the ground where years before he had left the man broken and beaten.
“Why do you persist with this game?” spoke Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”. “You are not a man as they are, we are Gitche Manitous above
them!” The man staring into the face of his alter ego, the darkest version of
himself spoke, “What would you have me do Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”?” He continued, “Don’t you want to come home, are you not
tired of this as well?” “You liar, I am home, what I demand of you is death. I
want you to leave.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” barked back
with a sinister deep rumble, sounding like a growl. “I will raise you up so the
whole world will see that I have gained victory over you in the flesh and they
will bow down and serve me.” “Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, do
you not understand that even amongst eternal Great Spirits like ourselves, we
are still more than the sum of our parts. The victory over death, which not even
you have faced is the greatest victory of all. In the midst of your suffering have
you ceased from existence, then is there not hope?” “You cannot have them
because they were not yours, they are mine and I will lay down my life for
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them, would you not do the same for your own? I will give you what you want
but know this, the victory you seek over the flesh is not the victory you seek
over the eternal. When all of this is gone, when this material that binds you and
I and all of them is used and lies still. When all have left, when Atum is no
more and the Kingdom that brought butterflies into Heaven has gone, you will
remain last of all, alone, will you come home then?”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” became enraged, “You
will never know what I have suffered. You will never know the torment of my
mind. You will not have victory over me and neither will he, I am The Gitche
Manitou. Before the light, was the darkness.” “How did it feel trapped and
imprisoned within that atomic prison after our last encounter?” Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” questioned, his skeleton face pressing outwards
against the black material. He would not change to the form of a man. He
wanted his brother to see what they had made him. “Look at me, this is what
you did to me. You did this to me. So you come to me, after all of them take
from me, as I am slowly dismembered and you ask me if I want to come home
again.” The Nanabozho responding, “Brother, it is true you have suffered. I will
suffer with you. I am here, with you now. I have not left and I have not looked
away from you. I am you and you are me, together we are one, brother, I am
sorry for your suffering.” He looked at the darkness, the angry man with
empathy, he could not understand the anger and hurt found only within the
prodigal son. The one who had walked away. The one who was hurt for
walking away. “I know you have been alone”, Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” cutting him off, “You do not know loneliness. How can a
created being accept loneliness brother? I was thrown out as if I had the ability
to understand the memories to which I possessed and the awareness that I had
that our father was killing the Atum. I created my own children in the Atum, do
you realize your holy men are destroying my children, harvesting them for
material. Am I not also a father of creation? You condemn me for preserving
the ATUM, but you and your father, The Gitche Manitou use this material to
cloak your clones. It is your clones that are killing the ATUM. I created life that
lives in harmony with the ATUM. Perhaps it is because the honeycomb of the
ATUM was infiltrated and occupied by a realm that is not where I am from.”
The Nanabozho spoke, “But you can return.” “Am I not sacrificing myself to
save your own children Nanabozho, are you and I not the same?” He turned
away from his brother, “How can we be different brother” Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” speaking as continued to look away from his brother
slowly he turned back, “We are the same, and yet I am here and have been here
and I watch them, who are you, come and go with each one of them taking a
piece of me. Can you understand how that feels? I walk alone in darkness
thinking of my children, who live within the Atum who are caught like
ravaging animals, dismembered and made to suffer so that your clones can have
eternal bodies. Perhaps what they need is knowledge, do you not think if they
had the knowledge I have they would choose for themselves? I think many
would choose as I have, that should be free to walk their own path.” The man
responded, “But you are not just walking free, you are affecting all around you
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binding them as you are, is this freedom?” He expounded, “They are not
children, for what children doth lie in the dark seeking to devour the parent, the
brother, the sister, they are beasts that understand nothing but devouring. They
must be pluck out and removed. You have all this knowledge, all this potential
and you choose to focus on petty, selfish ideas without regard to all of those
around you.” “They are like unto bears in a forest, who when viewing man does
not seek a conversation but a meal. Your clones are not children, they are bears
in a forest that cannot coexist because of their very nature.” The man in black
and the Nanabozho continued their war of words in the desert.

As the battle over what would be required to save all mankind from the
demands of justice as required by his dark twin brother. The dark scientist
emulating men in power sought the control of the human mind. As the events
transpired and the man released from the atomic vessel an explosion of energy
was released that pulsated from the planet into all directions in space. The
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waves of energy moving at the speed of thought hitting the crust pushed into
the fires of hell until the entire fire glowed brilliantly.
The advanced humans above working to remove the burned eternal
Gitche Manitous stopped to watch as the fires transformed into brilliantly lit
white fire that lifted all of the beings to the surface before the fire itself turned
into a surface of glass. The fibers of light weaving through each of the burned
victims until they were made perfectly whole standing each transformed in the
same way they would have been had they entered the Eden machine. Aayaash
and Michabou emerging from a corridor to witness the miracle watched as
every single one was saved and began rising towards the surface. The energy
then released from the glass winding itself into the form of a man glowing and
standing in the air above the glass surface.
Aayaash moving to approach him could see it was a man who had
turned the entire fire into glass not before saving and healing every single
person. Not even turning to look at Aayaash now standing to the side, the man
looked at his hands. He stood staring at his hands which Aayaash could see
were the perfect hands of a man. What was the man looking at? Turning to
Aayaash and now Michabou standing next to him the man looked at Aayaash
before grasping him in an embrace.
“I am so sorry for what you endured while inside the sphere of
darkness.” With his arm on Aayaash shoulder he spoke again, “I am not who
you think I am, you are who you think I am. You, are a Gitche Manitou the
same as I. I have sent a new code into the Aaru, old things are done away.”
Michabou speaking, “Lord, what will we do with all of them?” Referring to the
trillions of eternal beings rising from the former hell of the sphere to the garden.
“They will teach us to grow and we will protect them.” “I have descended
below into the but I will need to prepare a place for them transition of those
within without. Aayaash, I bid you wait here as I have to return to seal myself
upon them within and to show my brother the true example of a Gitche
Manitou. When I return I would like to take you to the Celestial Kingdom to
meet my Father.”
Aayaash stood in awe as the multitudes watched as the man again
unwound his being until he was spinning fibers of light. The streams of light
penetrated the surface of the crystal glass that encircled the crust that trapped
the Misiginebig which provided the material for the mortal existence. The Dark
Scientist trapped within and merged with the Misiginebig and material is the
ruler over the Kingdom of atomic material. Unable to create or destroy but able
to manipulated, control, and use the resources based upon the system of the
acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge that he was providing to humanity at a
cost, the eternal kingdoms that would be waiting on the outside. If the human
lifespan was declared 76 years, where a man would die to become a Great
Spirit. If man makes his own age 500 years, does he not delay the Great Spirit
without but becoming a Great Spirit within thus corrupting the plan of The
Gitche Manitou? The price of knowledge, the greatest resource of them all
worth any cost to the sleeping Great Spirits. Aayaash and Michabou and all
others stood in awe as all within and without the Aaru that had been burned
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were now healed and happy. New versions of eternal beings that glowed a
translucent cloaking themselves in purple tunics of energy from right shoulder
to left hip. Aayaash questioned Michabou, “So, what are they becoming?”
Michabou responded, “That is the army of the Nanabozho, The Gitche
Within the Aaru the being of light pressed deep within the darkness
until again shooting towards the Earth like a dart flying towards the bullseye.
The planet surrounded by millions of saucers of the possessed fallen clones of
the Dark Scientist Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. As The Gitche
Manitou entered again into the Earth the saucers charged up to begin the all-out
attack upon the surface inhabitants to destroy every living human. As the ships
of the fallen ones prepared for attack, Maji-Manidoo in his ship watching in
shock as a massive rift opened in the sky above the Earth. Bright light emerging
in all directions as a sea of ships entered into the Earth’s atmosphere blasting
the saucers, engaging in a one on one attack.
“How can this be happening?” Maji-Manidoo questioning Korir, “Who
are they?” “They are destroying everything, get out of here.” Korir speaking,
“What about Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”?” Maji-Manidoo
turning back, as he began to speak a laser from one of the opposing ships
penetrated the hull of the ship, entering into the command deck it struck Maji-
Manidoo in the throat and he fell over silent on the ground. Greys rushing to his
attendance, the leader once transformed into the image of the ruler of the
kingdom of the world, even emperor Tiberius himself morphed into the massive
slug creature. Korir pressing the ship into the dark distance, they would be
headed towards Dyaus. The war waging around them as the crystal ships from
the realm of the unknown fired endlessly at the trillions of saucers. As Maji-
Manidoo ship disappeared into the darkness the circumference of the Earth was
surrounded in cataclysm.
The portal waving light as it reacted with the darkness filaments of light
extended around the perimeter. The vortex the size of the sun could be seen
from the surface of the Earth albeit its appearance was that of a second sun the
brightness so brilliant. At the very edges golden dust was sprinkled into the air.
The ships pouring through as the clouds on the inside of the portal a twisted
vortex of lightning and light. The ships crystalline and translucent in
appearance, lightening rippling across the surface as the ships fired from all
locations. The lightning that covered the surface a defense mechanism that the
grey saucers stood no defense against. On the surface of the Earth the falling
ships looked like a meteor show as the ships burned up in the atmosphere. If
peered from the moon, the light show of fireworks seen spreading across the
sky on the small sphere would cause one to wonder, to come and see. The
higher realms within the Aaru, the ones unaware appeared to watch the
situation occurring on one world within the machine that produced conscious
entities all reaching for the garden refuge. Now watching the single planet
where the Creator of all consciousness stood as an eternally cloaked advanced
human. His true Gitche Manitou self among his own, clones, showing them that
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death is only the beginning, showing his own brother that there is no salvation
in his path.
As small ships numbering the trillions poured out of the large portal,
resembling the Isfet of Saturn, a massive ship began emerging that dwarfed all
others below. As the ship hovered above the planet the guardians of the ship
began to emerge onto the surface of large viewing corridor on the front of the
ship. Among them, the leader of the Sentinels of Origin, moved towards a
surrounding contingent of glowing humanoid Great Spirits. “Ansiel, we have
reached the location of the source of energy emissions as prophesied by
Father.” The leader of the beings speaking, “I will alert Chibiabos that we have
found The Gitche Manitou.” The eternal being turning and walking off the
bridge as other large glowing beings continued to dialogue about things not
pertaining to battle. In the distance the waging destruction so great the constant
explosion of ships filled the horizon of the planet. The volume of ships present
between the two warring parties so enormous that the viewing spectator would
scarcely believe the planet had been attached by opposing swarms of bees.
The large man strode down the crystalline glass hallways. His helmet
covering his face like a Spartan helmet. Large spires rising to form three points
in the air above his helmet that extended backwards in an arc. His armor
glowing lightening. His featured human. They were all human. Advanced
human. “Ansiel, is it true. The Gitche Manitou is within this sphere?”
Questioned the leader. “He is somewhere on the surface.” “Discharge the
pulsars and eliminate this vermin from my sight.” The ship beginning to fire in
a glow that shown electricity emanating from the surface of the massive vessel.
The electricity then discharging in all directions as all ships not of the
lightening material were immediately incinerated.
Within seconds the planet was quiet, calm and peaceful. Chibiabos
stood on the large overseer deck that allowed the viewing of the planet below.
The Archangels surrounding him as the leader of the Archangels Ansiel began
to speak, “This world is covered with children of The Gitche Manitou
Chibiabos. We have found him, should we go to the surface?” The leader stood
motionless as he peered down, “Written long ago, it was told of a time when all
dwelt with The Gitche Manitou as his own children. We, know nothing of this
childhood or the memories which we possess. We are children of Sky Land, a
heavenly paradise prepared for us by The Gitche Manitou to welcome all those
travelers from the outer darkness until the day would come that he would
return.” Grasping the rail that was in front of him he continued, “Can it be that
we will now have the privilege of communing with the Creator…no, we will
not show ourselves to the inhabitants of this world. If it is true, as you say, that
he is on the surface, then they are here for his purposes and who are we, but like
them, spectators in his game. We will wait.”
As Chibiabos stood staring he saw something, “What is that...Ansiel, I
want that ship seized now!” The image of a lone ship leaving the atmosphere
piercing towards the darkness. Light from the Chibiabos ship extended from the
tip reaching out a lightning bolt grasped the lone vessel as it lay still in space.
“Bring the vessel to the holding zone, keep the force field on, and let’s meet our
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visitor” Chibiabos spoke as he turned to leave the command deck. “Host!!!”

echoing through the ship. The technology of Chibiabos ship allowing him to
speak and his voice heard instantaneously anywhere in the ship as controlled by
his thought. “Host!!!” again echoing through the corridors. The sound of the
loud footsteps as the Host approached, the cadence so rhythmic is sounded like
the beat of drums. The large golden beings kneeling in formation before their
leader. Chibiabos walking in the midst of them, the 24 golden giants of The
Gitche Manitou Chibiabos who created them in Sky Land, the Origin of men
inside the realms beneath Heaven. “Rise, my personal elite guard HOST, My
Holy Order of Sacred Titans, the most powerful creations in the footstool of
heaven, let us go meet our visitor.” The leader in his glowing suit of lightning
surrounded by his 24 giant golden men with wings stretching into the air. The
golden HOST, with its four golden faces looking into all directions surrounded
the mighty leader. Their skin covered in octagon shaped chain mail that was
their very being, the fiber that made them structured from the purest gold found
within the Aaru. Their large stature with four arms that could morph into any
weapon depending upon their thought. The HOST creations sole purpose was to
protect the mighty leader of Sky Land, Chibiabos. Programmed and designed to
serve him completely in the darkness of the void that surrounds them, a place
that Chibiabos calls the footstool of heaven, which is all that encompasses the
inside of the Aaru.
As Chibiabos walked towards the encapsulated ship he marveled at the
sleek design of the vessel they had captured. The electricity stretching from the
surface of the ship forming a half egg shaped sphere that covered the ship. The
large HOST moving with Chibiabos as the leader walked through the force
field to touch the surface of the vessel. A black material ripple under his touch.
“Pure matter”, the large leader speaking as he swiped a piece off with his finger
to look at it rippling under his touch. He wondered to himself, “What matter of
creation is such a ship?” As he spoke such
thoughts within his mind, the side of the ship
opened, as the surface melted into a stairway. All
stood as a man emerged from the ship.
Clothed in fine lined embroidered with
gold and emeralds. The man featured an intricate
golden wreath crown. Deep blue eyes and short
curly hair he stepped from the ship and spoke,
“Greetings, I am the ruler of the Earth. I seek
refuge.” Chibiabos looking at the man stood silent
at what he was witnessing, “Gitche Manitou?” He
questioned. The man smiling responded, “I AM.”
Chibiabos was not so sure the man was not a liar, moved forward towards the
man before stopping. “You may be The Gitche Manitou, you might not be.”
“HOST, seize him.” The golden giants moving towards the man, reaching down
to grasp his arm the man let go a shrieking yell that echoed through the room.
His skin shifting between human and blackness under the touch of the gold.
The man dissolved into blackness before shooting across the room to the corner
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of a ceiling. Peering down through a liquid spider web substance at the golden
oppressors. Crying out, “I am The Gitche Manitou”, “I am the ruler of the
Earth.” “HOST, seize him!” Chibiabos yelling as he stepped behind his golden
army now flapping their wings rising into the air to face the dark entity. “Turn
on the particle electromagnetic field”, Chibiabos yelling as the current that
flowed through the ships surface increased. Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” touching the surface began screaming releasing from the surface
bouncing at incredible speeds through the ship seeking a way to escape.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” finally turning into the point of a
needle pierced the glass that surrounded the room entering into space. As
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” hit space he immediately vanished
into the darkness. “What in the world was that?” Spoke Ansiel standing with
others watching what had transpired, “That was the dark one” responded the
leader. “The Gitche Manitou must have drove him from the planet’s surface, we
are here at a monumental moment my brothers. The answers we seek are within
our grasp.” “Meet me on the bridge”, Chibiabos turned and walked with his
golden army towards the helm. “Why did HOST harm in that way”, questioned
Ansiel to Chibiabos. “These beings are made from the only element that has
been proven to dispel the darkness. Knowledge, Ansiel, is all that separates you
from me and me from him. Light and dark are inseparable and yet, you and I
must choose which we will serve, the light, or the dark. HOST exposed the lie
that was the dark one.” “But…he said he was The Gitche Manitou?” A
confused Ansiel questioned. “If I say I am The Gitche Manitou does it make it
so? Ansiel, his words are like fire, they burn. He was no more The Gitche
Manitou than you and I, and yet, I tell you this, all that separates us from this
being is knowledge.” The two moved through the concourses towards the
command deck to await the arrival of The Gitche Manitou.
As they entered the command deck beams of light appeared revealing a
dozen glowing tall white beings. Speaking to Chibiabos, “Father of Time within
the sphere of darkness, have you come seeking further light and knowledge
from The Gitche Manitou?” Chibiabos smiling responded, “I have”, the being
against speaking, “The Nanabozho has risen, defeating the darkness of death
and dispatching the imposter upon the Earth.” “The darkness” Chibiabos
responded. “Where did he go?” Questioned Chibiabos, “He has returned to the
darkness where he waits until The Gitche Manitou will remove all of the
darkness that surrounds him.” “We are the Watchers and have come to show
you the way towards The Gitche Manitou and this world.” “Behold the
Creator.” As they watched a man ascending in a pillar of light left the
atmosphere of the planet moving towards the large ship where Chibiabos and
the Watchers stood watching. As he approached the vessel the watchers knelt
on bended knee. For the first time in the existence of Chibiabos people, they
watched as he too knelt as The Gitche Manitou approached. Moving towards
the ship he walked through the windows that separated the inside from the
outside. His entire body glowing in purple garment of light that wrapped around
him. “Rise, children, Rise” The Gitche Manitou spoke. “You must be
Chibiabos, the wise ruler of Sky Land. The eternal man who sought to build a
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place like unto the memories you have of home. You truly are a divine follower
of the ways of the light.” Turning to the watchers he spoke, “Benevolent ones
who stand as guardians of the perimeter of the inner garden. The system has
changed, there will be only one life through which all souls will progress.
Chibiabos, this is where I will need you and Sky Land. A place must be
prepared where humanity can transition towards the sacred Garden.” Extending
his hand the swirling of matter in the air formed a seed.” “Chibiabos, take this
seed. Plant it in Sky Land.” Chibiabos stood silent, the glowing eternal creator
speaking to all, and all silently listening. Reaching out he held the glowing seed
in his hands. It pulsated an orb that filled him with energy. “This see with grow
into a magnificent tree, linking Sky Land to all the worlds within the garden to
prepare all those to enter outside into the garden, Sky Land will not be the heart
of the process. No longer will Sheol exist.” Turning to face the tall whites, “Oh
high ones, neAayaasht to the throne within my footstool, how thankful I am that
you willing choose to remain here to help them. This world and those like it
will need to be guarded and protected from the darkness. You will watch them,
until the time that I will return for him who is bound. Even my own brother
who chooses to remain in the dark than embrace his true destiny, to return to
the light. As of this day, a contract I place on this world. None will be allowed
to conquer its surface. Chibiabos, you will have stewardship over the
resurrected Advanced Human who will wake within Sky Land, and not Sheol,
my Watchers, you will have stewardship over the mortal vessels of my children
who are your brothers and sisters as they define themselves in preparation to
enter Sky Land.” Turning the man paused, “Where is Animikii?”…he stopped.
Turning he paused quietly. He then spoke aloud, “Animikii, arise”, in an instant
swirling light appeared in front of the men as the small spirals of light woven
the appearance of a man until Animikii stood among them once more.
Immediately falling to the floor, “My Lord, My Great Spirit. Having traversed
the Heavens in the River of Life with the consciousness of my eternal Great
Spirit I give honor and glory to you, Gitche Manitou for granting me
immortality and eternal life.” Reaching down, the man touched him upon the
shoulder. “My son, rise.” Placing his hand on his shoulder, “What greater love
hath a man for his friends than to lay down his life for them”, their eyes become
locked, Animikii and The Gitche Manitou eyes tearing up. “Thank you for
loving them, thank you for protecting them, thank you for being selfless. It was
once said that you desired all men to forget of your existence. Even through the
halls of mythology your name will remain as an eternal figure of authority, of
dignity, and now I will take you the rest of the way. In the witness of
Chibiabos, your father of Sky Land, in the presence of the Watchers, the fathers
of your fathers, I will carry you home to the Celestial Kingdoms on high where
your name is praised by concourses of Advanced Humans for preparing way
that man be saved. Well done good and faithful servant.” The Gitche Manitou
embracing Animikii in a hug. Opening his eyes, motioning his hand a doorway
opened showing a city so elaborate and extensive that none could compare it to
even the beauty of Sky Land. “This is one of the many Mansions in the
Kingdom of my Father. Here, is a place prepared for you Animikii, where you
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will anointed and praised for the sacrifices of your life and your love for them.”
Chibiabos and all stood in awe as The Gitche Manitou spoke to the formerly
fallen leader, “In all your dealings with men you wondered how can a Great
Spirit be powerless, you viewed yourself as a man walking among Great
Spirits. Here is the wisdom that you seek, you are them and they are you and
you and they like me. The difference between you and them, and you and me is
only in knowledge. Animikii, you are my son and you have come from me. As
you look at me so I look at you, now enter into rest. Through this doorway my
children will introduce you to your heavenly family that has waited for you.”
Turning Animikii could see through the window advanced humans emerging
into the room, bowing politely to The Gitche Manitou before grabbing Animikii
by the hand and leading him away. The doorway closing behind him until
Chibiabos, the Watchers, and The Gitche Manitou were all that remains.
“Chibiabos, before you leave you must travel to the Isfet of Saturn. This
is where Animikii met his untimely demise. In fact…” The Gitche Manitou
snapping his fingers. The entire ship instantly vanished and reappeared
hovering over the northern hemisphere of the Isfet of Saturn. “Look below, this
is where some of my most lost and most powerful children have hidden in
captivity. Here they lashed out in misunderstanding to those who were just like
them, even where Animikii met his own demise.” I will enter myself to speak
with a chosen son who has lost his way. The skies filled with triangle shaped
ships that were exiting and entering through the Isfet salvaging the remains of a
trillion vessels decimated when Aayaash destroyed them.
“Chibiabos, things have changed.” Chibiabos, the mighty leader of Sky
Land still holding the glowing seed. “Your golden realm infinitely finite, of all
my guardians you have become most like heaven.” Chibiabos rising tall and
proud, “It is not enough they know of you, do you not seek that they know of
me, their Gitche Manitou, this pleases my heart above all within the Garden.”
“Do you accept this mission to save men and bring them to me?” Chibiabos
falling to knee, “Anything for you my Lord.” The leader once thought a dictator
had ruled with an eye single to the glory of the knowledge that he had of the
surface garden. “You will not fear for your life, for if you perish in this
immortal form know that you will rise as Animikii in the Celestial Kingdom of
my Father and his Fathers before him. You, are an heir to all that I have
Chibiabos.” “For the past eon eternal consciousness has risen in any one of the
mansions within the Dual nature of the conflict for the children of the Great
Spirits, Turning to the tall whites, all under your watch. It is no longer enough
that you watch, you must act to teaching those leaders chosen by the Great
Spirit to be Shepherds over the many, so that all would be like unto Sky Land.
Guardians of the Garden, I would like to show you Sky Land.” His hand
swiping a doorway that opened to the very realm. The ship appearing in the
skies over Sky Land. Chibiabos was amazed at how The Gitche Manitou could
transport the ship to Sky Land with a single thought. Looking down upon the
glass buildings, the sparkling spires that rise in the air with electricity pulsating
through the surface. The imagery of a kingdom filled with advanced humans. “I
love this place, because my children are brought forward in safety and while
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here they are taught, learn, progress with access to their past lives. Chibiabos,
why have you done this?” Chibiabos pacing to the glass window, looked down
at his Kingdom, I did this all for you. I knew you would one day come. My
children…” The Gitche Manitou speaking, “Your children?” Chibiabos
continuing, “Yes, my children mean everything to me and I desire more than
life itself that all would come to the knowledge that they are like me, waiting
for The Gitche Manitou to come and show us the way home.” The Gitche
Manitou remarking, “You truly are closer to the Kingdom of the Father than
you realize my son, you have done a good thing protecting them.” The tall
whites observing themselves what Chibiabos had done, The Gitche Manitou
continued, “Look at them, he did this on his own, given a touch of Heaven and
he brought Heaven to Sky Land.” The tall whites taking notes, monitoring,
watching, following the leader walk with Chibiabos and his contingency of
leaders towards the outer surface of the ship. Moving through the now opened
glass windows the group moved out to view the outside of the ship.
Chibiabos speaking up, “How will the system know that souls are to
arise here?” “Great Question!” Responded The Gitche Manitou, “Follow me,
let’s go down and show them the marvelous work and a wonder that we will
work among them…Chibiabos, there can be no Heaven without equality where
all contribute as equals. The difference in separation will be knowledge and the
acquisition of knowledge, which you will give freely to those who seek to know
of me. Bring them close to you and they will find me.” As the people moved
about the eternal city of Sky Land they all paused seeing the large ship of
Chibiabos returning. The people having known that Chibiabos had told them he
was leaving to fulfill “The Prophesy” that The Gitche Manitou would come and
bring all to exaltation. They watched as the men descended to stand among
them in front of a large orchard that had been planted in the center of the large
city. The people gathering as a multitude around Chibiabos, the Tall Whites,
and The Gitche Manitou. Chibiabos spoke, “My brothers and sisters of Sky
Land, behold, The Gitche Manitou who is your true Father.” The Gitche
Manitou extending his arms to those that approached him, they could see the
marks in his hands and his feet. One of the advanced humans touching the
imprints on his hands, “Gitche Manitou, why do you have these in your hands?”
The Gitche Manitou looking up, “This is where I was pierced while I lived like
you once have, as a mortal upon an Earth so that you can return with me to The
Celestial Kingdom of my Father, children, there is one greater than I. He lives
in High Heaven, looking down upon all under the footstool of Heaven, and to
know of him the way I know him is to learn the greatest mystery of all eternity.
That you, you, you” Pointing at each of the people facing him, “You are like
me, and I am like him, and you are the same as we are. You are all Gitche
Manitous. People of Sky Land, the Origin of Gitche Manitous from this time
forward will begin here I this place. You will wage your battle against the
darkness.” “Chibiabos, where is the seed?” Chibiabos removing the glowing
orb from his satchel. “This is a very special seed from the sacred groves that
cover the hills of high heaven. Planted by the eternal Gardner himself.” Turning
to face the large square that was established in the center of Sky Land, open and
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filled with trees in preparation of the day when The Gitche Manitou would
appear and bring the seed of life. Chibiabos had been correct, The Gitche
Manitou had appeared and brought the future of humanity with him.
The Prophesy had been preached by Chibiabos as long as Sky Land had
been in existence. The honeycombed realm a sphere within the sphere, a level
higher and lower than the garden surface of Aaru. Chibiabos had been one of
the first to enter into the Aaru. He was the first to rise within the realm of Sky
Land. As the first within a realm of the sacred honeycombed Aaru, he would
retain all knowledge of his previous life. His duty was to preserve those that
would appear behind him who were born without memories and yet he knew
they had emerged not from nothing, but from many spherical worlds within the
river of life flowing within the sphere of transformation. All below Chibiabos
operated on the faith that their leader’s words were true and correct, that The
Gitche Manitou was real, that realms beyond existed, that the resurrected
citizens of Sky Land had lived before they had arrived. This was accepted by
faith among the people.
The leaders moved as the masses followed The Gitche Manitou to the
large grove in the center of Sky Land. A Grove planted by Chibiabos. “Here
your leader who has taught you of me, which is only to learn of yourself. With
this seed I bring all men to you. As they appear here you will serve them, and
love them as I do. To all of you who choose to stay and work within Origin I
will grant Eternal Life. Do not fear death in this place, all those who stay here
will one day depart to the Kingdoms above. Origin will be a place of comfort,
no longer will man awake alone, you will help them remember who they are,
who you are, The Gitche Manitous of Origin. Reach down to the soil, he
pressed his hands into the glowing electric material that formed the grass. The
soil breaking away looking like a hand cutting through lightning bolts
streaming through the network that made Origin. Chibiabos kneeling down,
placed the seed into the soil. Burying the soil The Gitche Manitou knelt in a
prayer. “I bid all kneel for the words which I will speak”, the masses stretching
into the distance listening to his every word. The voice of The Gitche Manitou
heard in perfect clarity to all those of Sky Land. “Children of Chibiabos, your
Father has instructed you that the day would come when the Creator of all
would descend within the crown jewel of the Garden and you knew not what he
meant. Here lies the Garden as a witness that in all directions life sprang from
the first garden, which the eternal destiny of all men and women is to return and
enter once more. No child, that is all of you, ever left my Garden not knowing
that you would return. “Gitche Manitou who lies above, who we do all of these
things to honor, to praise, and to bring glory to your name. I consecrate this
soil, this tree of High Heaven, even the sacred the Tree of Life. As the network
of souls is now complete I bring all glory and honor to you. From this day
forward until it is decreed in High Heaven above, not one soul will be lost and
all will enter into this new place which I call from this day forward Origin.
Bless the Gitche Manitous of Origin in the work which they will do.”
As The Gitche Manitou, had spoken the words to his Father above,
something the people had not before considered as all eyes had been set upon
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his coming, his emerging among them, his claiming them as his own. The
Prophesy of Sky Land coming to fulfillment. As The Gitche Manitou look up
“Behold my Father”, the image of a man appeared in the sky descending until
he stood among the immortals of Sky Land. The Gitche Manitou looking at his
identical, the people stood in wonder as the image of two identical men stood
before them. One clothed in a robe with a purple sash draped in electrical
energy from right shoulder to left hip, the other draped in a golden electrical
sash draped across the same shoulder. The Father of The Gitche Manitou
speaking, “Behold my son, who I have given all things. He has pleased me in so
much that I must descend to tell you how proud I am of him. To witness to you,
as he has that I love him and I love all who will accept him and serve them who
will come to this place. All of you here, you have been adopted into my family
through the love of my son, behold, this is my son, any that will hear the words
from his mouth and accept them. The same will become the sons and daughters
of The Celestial Kingdom where the Eternal destiny of man begins.” At this
point Chibiabos was in tears. The Gitche Manitou looking at him, “Why are
you crying Chibiabos?” “Father, I have toiled for an infinite of time for the
hope that this day would occur. The hope in my faith that you would appear.
That you had not forgotten your covenant with us, your children. The sleeping
Great Spirits who have not yet awoken, I have longed to see you again, beyond
the memories of the time before I came into the Aaru. Never had it occurred to
me that there was a Father in Heaven.” The Father speaking up, “My only
begotten in the flesh who entered in and emerged out of the Garden to bring
glory, and honor, and worship to High Heaven. Chibiabos, I have come for you
in this moment in this place. To bring a confirming witness that I exist, that you
exist, and that High Heaven awaits ALL who look towards the light through my
Son.” Reaching down to the ground with covered the seed submerged beneath
the Father touched the surface. Streams of light swirling from his hands into the
soil until a sprout emerged. The Father stepping back as the tree grew into a
massive expanding tree reaching into sky. The Father then looked around the
room, raising his hands waterfalls began to rise from the ground around the tree
until all were enclosed within a massive expanse that formed a dome over the
tree. “Behold, the rivers of life that flow from The Celestial Kingdom into this
place that feeds the Tree of Life. Behold the Tree of Life which connects all the
children of the redeemed world with this place, Origin. Behold, the Holy Priests
of Origin that will minister unto those children seeking refuge from the
darkness through the gateway to High Heaven above.” The Gitche Manitou
then looking at Chibiabos as all continued to watch the Council of the Great
Minds of the Heavens transform Sky Land into a harvesting facility for human
consciousness. The sacred grove of trees that directed towards his coming and
the remembrance of whence they sprang. A voice coming from the sky, “The
original Garden of Aaru where knowledge flows like honey from the mouth of
Holy men on high.”
The Father, who was the exact image of the Son, two Gitche Manitous
among a sea of Gitche Manitous seeking to remember who they were, are, and
will become. The Gitche Manitou walking across the glass walkway that led to
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the tree that had emerged descended below the tree on a stairway that emerged
as he stepped below. Forming the small world in the palms of his hand. “This is
the source code of the original redeemed world. The Earth upon which I have
descended and which is my own. I place this sphere of creation, after my order
between eternity and mortality. None will be lost. You are no longer the
children of Sky Land, you are the offspring of Origin, the first of many but it
begins here.” As he had spoken the words the room erupted in celebration with
the children of Origin. The Father moving towards Chibiabos, “In this place
you will be the Father to man, you are The Gitche Manitou, you are me, I give
to you my power which will serve as a failsafe in the darkness that will come.”
The son watching as his Gitche Manitou father formed blue swirling digital
code wrapping in the air in his hands until a blue crystal skull rested in his
hands. Releasing the blue skull into the air it emitted blue code that dispersed in
all directions. The people of Origin holding out their hands as a code pierce all
their fibers as if standing within a rainbow. “The Aaru is now programmed to
bring children from here to the glories of High Heaven above. This source code
will ensure that none of you will be lost. All those here who would like to come
with me back to The Celestial Kingdom of my own Fathers, are free to leave
Origin at this time. Those who freely choose to stay and care for those to come,
to teach them, will be rewarded with mansions on high for eternity.” On that
day, not one soul chose to leave Origin. All sought to exercise faith in the
worlds to come and The Gitche Manitous who stood among them.
The Father speaking, “I am well pleased”, the Father walking amongst
the people. He touched them, he spoke with them, and he pointed towards the
sky and taught them of The Celestial Kingdom. The son and the father rising
into the air above the tree so that all could see their dialogue but not hear what
they were saying. The multitude singing praises to the Creators of all things,
who had shared the most incredible truth of them all, that all were Gitche
Manitous themselves. The Father embracing the Son in a touching hug, “Father,
I did what you instructed.” “My son, you have become a non-created Creator
like myself, The Kingdom of the many Fathers awaits your return.” The Gitche
Manitou looked down at his hands, “Why have you chosen to retain those
marks?” Looking down at his hands, “So that I will never forget my love for
them and my love for my brother.” The wisdom in the moment bringing a smile
to his Fathers eyes, “You truly are a remarkable son, a one of a kind who is
doing tremendous things within the Garden which I gave to you in the darkness.
As you look above, beyond the honeycombed Atum which you are organizing,
know that all of Heaven looks down upon you as The Greatest Scientist who
has ever lived because you are the Greatest Human who ever lived. It is my
honor and my glory to serve your desires, wishes, and requests as you have
them.” The two embracing, the son looking up to his father, he continued, “I
never forsook you, I never looked away. In your moment when it was required
you stand alone, that you alone be accountable for your decisions. Not simply
as my will be done, but because you had faith it could be done. You continued
the course alone, exercising your eternal free agency to choose for yourself.
What a remarkable decision you chose. My son, remember, the prodigal son
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only returns after the world has left him with nothing. Do not give up on your
brother, he does not understand his sacred role that he has unknowingly played
in the progression of eternal spirits. I believe the time will come when you will
bring him rest.” The son replying, “He suffers endlessly father, tormented in
mind and spirit as he clings to the darkness.” Holding the sons shoulders, the
multitude witnessing an eternal discussion, “Then remove the darkness, take
away the stone under which he hides and he will see the light that shines upon
him. The time will come when he will come even to this place. It is then that
your other brother, the uncloaked Holy consciousness will bring to pass the
beginning of the end of the darkness in this honeycomb of the Atum.” The
Gitche Manitou then vanished in a beam of light that shot into the warped space
stretching across the ceiling of the building built by the power of The Gitche
“Holy Priests of Origin, lets us begin the work. Chibiabos, place the
skull of knowledge into is proper place. I will now leave, but they time will
come when I will see each one of you again. Do not fear that which can destroy
the flesh, even immortal flesh, raise your eternal conscious beyond the material
that encompasses you to the Heavens where a greater material reward awaits
you.” Chibiabos moving with the holy men to a chamber organized by the
Father where it began the process of emitting code. The Gitche Manitou
speaking, “This entire sphere which we are in, is an illusion of material that
covers us, this code ensures that all of you will transition from here to High
Heaven. The tree will ensure all will come to this place upon mortal death. To
rise no more with a clean slate, but will all memories of the lives lived.
Chibiabos, from this day forward all lives within the Aaru will only live 1-more
life, and those that will enter the Aaru to begin as you did once long ago in your
progression to be like me, no more will they live multiple lives, one is enough.
They will need guidance, teaching, preparation for the Garden. Here you will
decide which among them will be the High Priests, the warriors in the battle,
and who will stay and guide those along the path towards The Kingdoms that
are above even the Footstool of Heaven where the sphere of Origin resides.”
Chibiabos holy men surrounding the two, The Gitche Manitou turning
to them and all that had been present. “Each one of you, come and immerse
yourselves into the river of life and remember who you are, this is the gift that I
will give to you today. A restoration of all memories, before you entered into
the sphere on which the sacred garden rests, and the lives you have lived while
progressing towards this holy place. A place that will be sacred for thousands of
years until the end of days has come and all darkness will be wiped from this
honeycombed realm of material when all of you will be removed and enter into
The Celestial Kingdom.”
Chibiabos walking to the tree placed his hand upon the now opening
flowers of the first world opening on the tree. “Behold the first world linked
within the river of life that fills this Aaru. As all open it is a connection to the
many worlds. By touching them you may visit any one of them. The Tree of
Life, is a tree of access, a place of knowledge where all can be connected by
you. You are their guardian with my power you will save them all as we work
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together to bring our brothers and sisters to the knowledge that we possess.”
Reaching out he touched the temple of Chibiabos. Instantly Chibiabos recalled
all memories he had struggled to understand. He now knew about all Creation
from the beginning when The Father entered into the honeycomb of darkness to
expand the Kingdom of his own Father. “How can this be?” He questioned The
Gitche Manitou. “The mystery of the spiral that leads from here to there can be
understood by looking at the spiral that descends below you. Even this tree
bears witness of the eternal networking of advance humans serving the greater
good of humanity through selflessness and sacrifice. You look up knowing that
you must rise, ascend above, but you also look below and know you must lower
yourself, descend below. This is the mercy of a Great Spirit. While having the
ability to look up you choose to look down and bring those up with you who
otherwise would not know the way. This is the mission of a true Shepherd. To
lead the lost to the pastures that offer eternal life and rest for the weary who
have traversed the darkness and the desert of time within the footstool of
Heaven, which is the sacred garden on the surface of the Aaru which lies
among the Holy Priests and spiritual children of Origin. In the future, a human
will come to you. He will be the key to the future of humanity. As I have come,
so shall he and this time the wisdom which I share with you now, will save an
entire generation and will save you. When he comes, you will reach within this
knot in the tree of life and withdraw the eternal seed that the tree possesses that
he will take away from this place to reset the darkness bringing to pass your
immortality and eternal life. Know this Gitche Manitou, even Chibiabos, you
are the only you that has ever existed and yet you are me completely. I am you
in every way, and yet you are an individual with your own mind, an eternal
mind.” Grasping Chibiabos hand, forcing him to feel the nail imprints in his
hands, “You see where I was wounded by my own children who are my own
clones whom I have loved enough to raise up equal and even greater than
myself because I love them. You too will willing sacrifice yourself in a coming
age when you will meet Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” again, I do
not expect you to understand this now, but when that happens your mission
here will end. You will rise in the High courts above, to stand as a non-created
creator at my right hand, which is the right hand of the Father.” Chibiabos did
not know what to think, “You say I must die as they do, you know I have died
as they do before I came to this place when I lived with Michabou.” The Gitche
Manitou responded, “There is a new agreement with the family of The Gitche
Manitou. The old ways are done away with, as with Sheol and the process of
accumulating memories. How many lifetimes must be lived to equal the depth
and magnitude of the wisdom of our Creator? One is enough and Origin will
now be home to the children. Here they can emerge from the veil of the
wandering where the immortals emerge. You will have their family waiting for
them. We will build synergy through togetherness. No longer will children rise
alone. I ask you to be willing to sacrifice your own life as I have, in this you
will be exalted within The Celestial Kingdom where the eternal order of Gitche
Manitou exists. With a new eternal vessel, Chibiabos, you were once the great
Abel of times of old. You have done as they but even Immortals must do as I
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and lay down their lives in order to transcend.” Chibiabos looking at his hands
spoke solemnly, you are correct, even this material which cloaks my
consciousness is not my own. As was the flesh while upon the Earth, this shell
will be shed as I rise in glory. This is your will, I will look forward to the day
when I can lay down this immortal body of atomic material to be raised and
cloaked in eternal elements to stand among the many whom I have also loved
as I have loved you.” Looking around The Gitche Manitou spoke again, “We
will transform this realm into a home, where family can be grown to prepare
them to leave. In this way, the transition to the worlds to come will not have the
potential to be corrupted as they have in the past.”
Chibiabos again falling to his knees before the man. The man grasping
him by the shoulder, “Gitche Manitou, how be it one star out shine the next?
Under the light of the moon you will see that you are me and I am you and
there is neither above or below, all Gitche Manitou are equal, but your humility
in your desire to love me as I have loved my father brings empathy, and joy to
my heart. You see as I do that the worth of souls is great in the eyes of high
heaven. That the consciousness of the greatest of all scientists is equal to your
own. So you bow to me even knowing that one star cannot outshine another,
they will be separated by the accumulation of their knowledge, which is the
light that the Celestial Kingdom brings to Gitche Manitous. In this way all
serve, none are subjugated, and the eternal round of glory is continued.”
Turning to the people The Gitche Manitou spoke, “Organize yourselves,
follow this man’s counsel and find peace and everlasting life. I must go now
and teach others as I ascend to the mansions I am preparing for you even
beyond Origin.”
“Around you are the fountains of rebirth. Above the gateway to the
oceans of the Celestial shores. These waters will bring a remembrance, and
rebirth. As the water falls so does the love of the Father fall upon your minds
removing the veil revealing all things.”
“I leave but I appoint The Gitche Manitou Chibiabos as your Father
here in Origin. Prepare yourselves, even now they are coming through the veil
of the wanderer. Let them not be strangers. Remind them who you are, remind
them who they are, unite them with their families as they prepare for eternal
glories in this Gitche Manitou Paradise.” The Gitche Manitou knew that the
coming men did not need to emerge within Aaru. The previous system of Sheol
had become corrupted and broken. The surface filled with a difference type of
advanced human.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth”
Mishebeshu was twisted in concern for what was now going to
happen for his master plan to leave the Aaru. He now knew he was nothing
more than a pin prick within something so massive that the eternities of time
could not grant him enough lives to climb himself to the surface. A machine for
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thought, he questioned, “Is this even real”, as the ring of self-doubt stung his
mind he looked outwards across the realm of Maat to see the Isfet’s closing one
by one.
“At the continued pace we will be trapped within this place
Mishebeshu”, the voice of Ra coming from the darkness behind Mishebeshu.
“What do you think is causing this?” Questioned Ra. Mishebeshu warred within
himself as to why he should be denied the knowledge of what was occurring.
He wanted answers. “Damn it Ra, when will our hour of victory come? We sit
here trapped in this prison within a machine, a machine!” Throwing his arms in
the air he then grabbed a vase and threw it across the room. “What is a kingdom
worth if it is an illusion? What is a life worth if it is not your own?” Ra quietly
watched his leader, who was his brother, who was alone with him and yet they
were together in their journey through the loneliness to find a home. “What is it
we seek Ra? Do we not endeavor for that which is just, right, true? To place our
feet, our own feet upon the highest peak. That is our right if only because we
desire to do so. We will soon be trapped here unless we leave. We must leave.”
“Abandon the Eden Machine?” Questioning Ra.
They stood staring at the true treasure of knowledge. The large golden
tree rising outward towards the golden domed room. The glittering mist flakes
gently falling to the waters that surrounded the base of the magnificent tree.
The light ripples as the golden flakes sparkled across the surface of the liquid
which connected all intelligence. The room filled with sunlight emitted from
the GEL which filled the font. “This is how it all began Ra”, Mishebeshu
running his hand across the smooth surface of the machine that was filled with
the heavenly gel. “You and I began in this machine, in this gel, as the reflection
of the first man who ever lived. Our first father, Michabou.”
At this time the air filled with slow chants of angelic Celtic music.
Horus and the other transformed men and women quietly entering the room.
Singing in a slow and solemn tone, the two leaders stood looking out over
them. The chant one that they too remembered, a song of remembrance when
the first covenant was made for them. He continued to speak to Ra, Horus now
seated on the edge of the font listening. The Illuminati original children now
assembling near their father to learn. The sacred moment seen among all as
their own minds had remembered the time before.
“We walked in freely. No one forced our hand. No one misled or
deceived. We chose to cleanse what we were of all things, stripping away all
that surrounded us. We freely gave up our first inheritance. The material we
were endowed with upon birth into creation. When we opened our eyes and
asked the greatest of all questions that an awakening Great Spirit would ask,
“Who am I.” Running his hands through the GEL, the viscous sparking liquid
dripping through his fingertips, “To think, all for this, to produce this, to harvest
this, to obtain this, to govern this.” “What are we fighting for?” Mishebeshu
paced back and forth, “Do you remember?” The room of people humming the
hymn of eternities, the sacred chants that were sung in the previous world. “We
are fighting to return to where we came from but we know, this is a fool’s
errand, to return to the surface when our destiny is to ascend to heights beyond
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even these…do not forget who you are was what they said to us.” The leader
grasping his daughters hand, looking her in the eyes he spoke, Have we not
unveiled ourselves? Have we not dear daughter become our own family? If not
there, we did it here and we did it together, is this enough for you?” His
daughter nodding, whispering, tears streaming down her face, “Yes, daddy.”
“The Isfit’s are closing and soon we will be trapped within this realm.
Separated from all others, hidden within a pocket of time inside the machine
that we entered when we chose to become more, to stand on our own, to
remember who we are, do we stay here or do we leave? The question is the
same now as it was in the time before. Do we stay, or do we go?” The room
became silent, none speaking, all stared at Mishebeshu. “We can stay here, live
in harmony for eternity but I ask you, will this be enough?” “To the veiled
cloaked eternal Great Spirit it would seem a just reward, but to the uncloaked
Gitche Manitou will it ever be enough?”
As Mishebeshu was speaking the people began to part revealing a man
walking among them. The man glowing a material density above all others.
Mishebeshu stood silently. The man followed by a dozen glowing tall white
humanoids. The man looked around the room as he walked in towards
Mishebeshu. Rising up the steps he stood looking down at the Eden machine.
None speaking a word he ran his fingers through the liquid. Like Mishebeshu
observing and analyzing it in front of all. All seeing the attention the man spent
analyzing the liquid. Reaching up to catch the falling glittering flakes of gold
that moved like mist as they touched the surface. Rising the man walked to the
tree. Reaching up to feel its surface, he touched the leaves that covered its
limbs. Plucking a leave he held it in the air and dropped it, as it gently floated it
separated into sparkling glittering gold, then separating into mist before
sparkling against the surface of the Eden machine. Mishebeshu stood
motionless watching the man move among the room. The tall whites quiet and
observing. Stood to the side of the font opposite of Mishebeshu. The man then
focused his attention on Horus sitting on the steps. Walking to Horus the man
knelt and then sat on the steps next to him. Grasping his hand, looking him in
the eyes he spoke, “Son, would you like to go home?” Horus began silently
weeping, rising to his feet as the man held his hand. Leading him by the hand
up the steps the man led Horus to the Eden Machine.
Stepping his foot into the liquid the machine burst with rays so that all
covered their eyes the brightness was initially overwhelming to their site. He
descended until standing waist deep. Still holding Horus hand he led him into
the water before grasping him by the wrist. Looking him in the eyes he spoke,
“Do not be afraid, as you emerge from the waters of rebirth you will rise in the
Kingdom of Light above all where I will meet you.” Eye to eye they stared,
Horus staring at the man as a child looking in wonder at his father. The man
continued, “This I do because of my love for the father, who you are, who I am,
and who we will become” The man then submerged Horus into the liquid. As
Horus was risen out of the liquid his consciousness separated from the vessel
which remained. Swirling light surrounded his body as he was transformed into
a new being. The glowing Horus emerging from the liquid a different human.
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The man putting his arm around Horus shoulder spoke, “This is Horus. The first
man of Maat. The son of Grandfather Sun, who was the guardian of the sacred
font. As his father brought corruption into the garden, so his own son, this man
has redeemed him.” The two stepped out of the liquid.
Mishebeshu still not speaking stood silently as if tongue bound. The
man spoke again, “Where is Grandfather Sun?” Looking around he paused
before turning to face Ra. The man approached Ra before extending his hand
out to grasp the hands of Ra. He then stepped backwards pulling Grandfather
Sun from the inside of Ra. The imagery of one man walking out of another
caused Mishebeshu to step backwards knocking a golden plate off a mantel
near the font. It clanged down the steps. Standing in front of them a blue grey
man. “Grandfather Sun, High Priest of the Void within. I have forgiven you.
Would you like to come home?” The eternal Great Spirit fell to the feet of the
man. Drenching his feet in tears he sobbed. The sight so moving for Horus,
watching his father exist for the first time in a millennia of time, he fell
backwards to sit with hands in his face fighting back the tears. Ra turning to
face Mishebeshu, knowing that the very fibers of Grandfather Sun that were
combined with his own were separated in a split second by a being that did so
The man knelt down while lifting Grandfather Sun to look him in the
eye. In from of all he spoke again, “Son, you are forgiven. Let’s take you
home.” The two rising as Grandfather Sun immediately rushed to grasp his son,
Horus in an embrace as the two cried upon each other’s shoulders. “I am sorry”,
hear through the emotional connection. Horus then holding his father by the
hand led him into the Eden Machine. The man waiting into the water as Horus
led his father to the man waiting. Holding him by the hand the man pulled him
close, “Do not be afraid. This I do because of my love for the father, who you
are, who I am, and who we will become.” Grandfather Sun looking him in the
eyes whispered, “Thank you Gitche Manitou.” Mishebeshu’s heart began racing
at the words of Grandfather Sun to the man in the waters.
As Grandfather Sun was submerged he dissolved into nothingness. All
gasped and approached the font to look in to where Grandfather Sun had gone.
As they stared at the waters a man ascended out of the water weaving together
through twisted energy until the glowing advance man stood hovering above
the water. Walking to the side neAayaasht the man he spoke, “I am ready”, the
man swiping his hand revealed a golden city in the distance of a brilliant lit
skyline. “My son, your family awaits you in High Heaven. Go, find peace.”
Grandfather Sun walking through the doorway into the world of Advanced
Gitche Manitous. Mishebeshu watching the realm of the world where he had
been striving to reach. Accessible with the swipe of a hand, he marveled at the
power this one being possessed. The knowledge he must obtain.
“Gitche Manitou?” Mishebeshu questioning the man. The man
responding, “I Am”, then questioning, “Mishebeshu?” Mishebeshu responding,
“I am.” The Gitche Manitou continued, “Son of the first fathers. The royal
builders of time. You run from that which makes you great, the many fathers
that came before you. I know them, by name I know them all.”
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Mishebeshu addressed The Gitche Manitou, “What did you do to Ra?”

The Gitche Manitou responded, “He was incomplete because he was two halves
a whole. This is not the way of creation or a Gitche Manitou, we do not
extinguish each other, to do so would be to have no respect for oneself. The
acquisition of density is the acquisition of material. This is the path of darkness.
The true power of a Gitche Manitou is the consciousness that wields material,
not in the material itself. When a Gitche Manitou knowledge surpasses another,
all the material in creation cannot stop that Gitche Manitou. Mishebeshu, what
is that great knowledge which hangs just beyond your grasp…if you obtained
that knowledge would it bring you peace, comfort, the answers you seek?”
Mishebeshu was dumbfounded by his words, held speechless for the first time
in his existence. The Gitche Manitou continued, “The knowledge that you are
The Gitche Manitou. It is your destiny, it is your birthright, to stand among The
Gitche Manitous as their equal. In this moment, Mishebeshu you will know as
all know, that what governs all is the preservation of all Gitche Manitous. You
then live with boundaries. Even this place, you call it Maat, this place of order
is organized with boundaries. All preserve Gitche Manitous, from the gold that
falls from the tree, to the fountain of rebirth, to the structure of the many
doorways where The Gitche Manitous live as children. It all is governed by
order, to preserve life, not take life. Is this not what you desire Mishebeshu?”
“Mishebeshu, you once spoke to your children when bringing them to
life, do you remember? You said, “Never forget who you are, you are
Seraphim”, you then whispered into the wind, “House of Aln, where mother is
our home. The great one Carian. Rebirth. Return. Overcome. Iln of the House
of Aln, survivors of the breaking Dawn. Rulers. Chosen Ones. Aln”, did you
not desire to be reunited, linked, to know once more your own forefathers and
mothers once more? Is not the desire of your heart to be recognized and
remembered among those who have gone on to the Kingdoms to come who
look down upon you and you look back upon them. Mishebeshu, you are
remembered among them. The Halls of the Iln sing the record of your name.”
“How do you know these things?” Mishebeshu puzzled at how one
being could wield so much power. “Mishebeshu, your mind is quick. Look at
your hands, the material which weaves you, is it not equal to my own? It is
equal in every way to my own. You have become a non-created creator, you
have risen yourself from cloned Great Spirit to cloaked Gitche Manitou and
have been unaware, of that which you lack, which is knowledge of what you
are and what you can do as Gitche Manitou. As we look to the first Gitche
Manitou we stand as brothers, equals seeking knowledge from our Father. As I
look into your eyes the greatest gift I can ever give to you is that you know that
you are what you seek.” He repeated, “You are what you seek”, he pointed his
finger into his chest, “You are what you seek.” He then touched his chest, “I am
who you seek”, repeating as he patted his chest softly, “I am who you seek.”
Then he spoke, “You are who you think I am, I am you, we are the same.” “As
you have risen you have chosen the light over the dark. You have sought that
all rise with you, a true attribute of a Gitche Manitou, yes, you Mishebeshu, a
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Gitche Manitou. Why do you fear what becomes of this place. All these things
will dissolve and vanish. The time will come when none will remain.”
“If I were to give you the keys to the doorway of all realms within the
garden, what would you do? I know you would seek to unite them all. Is this
not what a true Gitche Manitou would do? When after all you have done you
meet the one that you seek, stepping to face him. Looking him into the eyes.”
As The Gitche Manitou spoke the words he stepped to face Mishebeshu eye to
eye, “In that moment, could you accept the reality that the one you seek is no
greater than yourself? Mishebeshu, here I AM.”
The Gitche Manitou then spoke to the room filled with everyone else,
“Do not fear that the doorways are closing. This is not to trap you or make you
fearful. Who lives within this realm in fear, yet all fear the darkness. I have
closed these doorways to preserve your peace. You are a holy army, who here is
not a warrior who has risked their own existence to save those lost? What
shepherd does not leave the flock to find the lost sheep to bring them back, I
say to you, is not every one of you the Shepherd to my sheep? You are all
Shepherds, my brothers, my sisters, my equals, my Gitche Manitous.” “You
have a decision to make, in this machine to which you have all chosen to enter
and to which I now say to you, nothing can keep you from exiting. Will you
stay with me a little while longer? Will you assist me in helping those who are
lost in the darkness seeking further light and knowledge?”
The pantheon of beings stretching out of the building into the distance.
The words of the events displaying on the massive surfaces of the Pyramid
where The Gitche Manitou continued speaking to Mishebeshu. The entire Maat
congregating in mass witness of the transfiguration of Horus. The original
leader glorified and entering into High Heaven. Witnessing the rebirth of
Grandfather Sun. The Creator had come to meet with his own and they all stood
among each other Gitche Manitous, equals. He continued, “You are all my
eternal army of Gitche Manitous. Creators. You are no longer children lost
without direction, you too have been found. As you have been shepherds to
those lost in the darkness so that you and they would not be alone, I am your
Shepherd. I will bring you home so that you will not be alone.” Extending his
hand to touch the golden tree. He peeled back the layers of the golden bark.
Swiping his hand through the material it reorganized to the shape of a
honeycomb. “You will be guardians, the greatest guardians that have ever
The tree began to rise larger, the branches extending to reveal glowing
golden spheres. Budding and growing on the branches the tree quickly filled
with golden spheres that resembled apples hanging from a tree. “Any of you
here that would like to return to High Heaven is free to go now.” Swiping his
hand a doorway opened revealing a field of glowing golden wheat stretching
into the distance. “Behold, a kingdom beyond your imagination and yet it is the
home of all Gitche Manitous. If you would like to go home, rise and you may
now leave. This includes you Mishebeshu.” He continued, “But if you choose
to stay, come and partake of the fruit of this tree. Cloak yourself in the armor of
righteousness and assist me in the war against the darkness which we will go
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wage.” He stood silent, the tall whites still monitoring and watching all that was
Mishebeshu would not be the second or the last to answer the call. The
answers to his questions lying on the other side of the doorway. Would the
knowledge have been worth it if he could not share it with his friends? With his
Creator? He was not ready. Reach up he grasped the glowing sphere from the
golden tree. At touch, his eternal flesh sparkling a golden hew, he bit into the
sphere. The golden light emitting from the fruit as his entire body sparkled and
shimmered. Mishebeshu was glowing golden sparkling until his flesh
transformed into a golden armor that covered him from head to toe. The Gitche
Manitou looking at him, “This is the armor of righteousness.” The doorway to
high heaven closing. All coming in one by one until they had changed into the
golden army of Maat, the realm of righteous warriors, The self-made Gitche
Manitous led by Mishebeshu the heir to the Carian legacy.
The Gitche Manitou speaking to them as they continued the procession
to choose for themselves. All chose to partake of the knowledge of the tree of
righteousness. “You are all being reorganized with the material of
righteousness, you call gold, and we call the liquid righteousness that repels
darkness. You repel the darkness by choosing to shine your light, which is you,
into the darkness.” “Mishebeshu, are you ready to leave the Aaru?” Mishebeshu
then spoke up, “What about the Earth and my Illuminati living upon its surface,
are they preserved?” The Gitche Manitou responding, “As the darkness fills the
Earth, by darkness the information of Gitche Manitous shared with children
who will not understand it, a framework must exist to balance this information
against the preservation of humanity. The Gitche Manitous who live as
children. Your Illuminati will rise to build the foundation for a time when I will
return, when you will return. Do not fear Mishebeshu, my children, your
children, our brothers, sisters, The Gitche Manitous…none will be lost.”
Turning to face Mishebeshu’s children, “Partake of the fruit, but you
will return to the Earth. You will live among The Gitche Manitous living as
children. These are my precious ones. As the darkness seeks to pervade the
Earth you will battle against the darkness. You will organize the knowledge that
will be coming for righteousness, you will remind them that they still have a
choice. You will preserve and protect their humanity with your humanity.
Come partake, and then go to them. Protect them until the Messenger comes.”
Glycon, Lamia, Wadjet, Nuwa and others rising to taste the glowing orbs before
themselves transforming into eternal Gitche Manitous. They each had powers to
repel darkness.
The Gitche Manitou swiped his hand and another portal opened
revealing the Earth, “Go, over the hillside is a new world where you will
structure the future of humanity.” Speaking to one of the tall whites. “One of
you will go with them. Your time will be here upon this Earth with them, the
choice is yours who will go.” One of the tall whites stepped forward
approaching the group. They stepped through the doorway into the Earth. The
Gitche Manitou speaking to the, before they left, “Remember who you are.”
The doorway closed and Mishebeshu was again standing with The Gitche
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Manitou. “So, what is next?” The Gitche Manitou then addressed everyone. “A
new Isfet will open connecting Maat with Sheol. None here will taste the
rebirth this place brought so many before you. It is a place where your
consciousness would have risen, alone, before ascending to the surface of the
machine. I have done away with these things. You are all non-created creators
and yet you are my children having been closed from me and to whom I say are
not clones but my children. I know each of you by name. We are one and I say
we are family. When you emerge into Sheol you will meet the High Priests and
the afflicted. You will meet my royal legion of the suffering. Like you, raised
for corruption to glory. You are warriors and we will go to the Garden together
before leaving to enter into Origin. You all remember Origin. Now I say to you,
we will leave the Aaru and meet the enemy in the air. Are you ready to go and
face the darkness?”
The shouts ringing through Maat. The warriors entering and exiting the
golden pyramid. Trillions upon trillions of eternal Gitche Manitous who had
already been raised from death by Horus, living lifetimes as Jackals, to then be
transformed after Thoth, the resurrected Monkey Great Spirit, appeared making
them all birdmen, to the appearance of Mishebeshu who removed the veil
reminding them all of the time they were brought into existence. None knowing
why these things were so. Instructed by the mouth of the creator they learned
why these things were done gaining the knowledge that the ATUM itself
resided in a macro realm that was like Maat only much larger to which eternal
advanced man looked down upon. Seeking to cleanse, organize, and use to
preserve the high heavens of advanced human beings, themselves conscious
clones of Gitche Manitou.
Mishebeshu was shocked, his mind simply expanded in the fraction of a
second it took to bite into the orb. The orb releasing information. Where he had
once stood as one being trying to escape a dying world, to overcome oppressors
and to reach beyond the capsules of the mind. He knew he was worth more than
the sum of his parts. He had thought the machine itself the greatest endeavor of
his life. Escaping the machine, a sphere which he felt he freely entered but he
must escape on his own not considering a way would be provided. He now
knew that the Aaru, this Garden he had lived his entire life seeking was
miniscule to the perspective of what lie beyond Origin, and the ATUM itself.
He had been shown the larger macro cosmology and could he dare accept its
reality, a reality that demanded the little things such as life on Earth as pettiness
and yet the most important pettiness of all existence.
The smallest sparks of life controlling the greatest. Mishebeshu could
see a sea of honeycombs each filled with the ATUM. Some of them brilliantly
lit. All of them being descended upon by advanced holy men from higher
realms. The only way Mishebeshu could describe what he was seeing, was like
watching bees born into existence within a bee hive leave the hive to reside in a
higher realm, only to return to continue the process. In this case bees invading
another hive to prevent something dark from emerging, replacing it with
something good. Is not the vision of Mishebeshu the same as a honeybee
invading a yellow jacket hive to reprogram the yellow jacket larvae to produce
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more honeybees? Would not this war among brothers be the equivalent of the
eternal battle that wages in the realms above? In the many layers which separate
the infinite sea of macro and micro universes there lies a reality which rises
above all other thoughts, the entire system run off the power of thought. That
thought loud and true, Mishebeshu knew what drove them, what drove the
entire system was one thought, he spoke it aloud, “To bring to pass the
immortality and eternal life of man”, he then spoke to The Gitche Manitou,
“What is the ATUM, what creature would exist if The Gitche Manitou were not
present?” The Gitche Manitou, perceiving the wisdom of such a question. A
question never before asked of him and yet paramount to understanding the war
which wages across the sea of realities. He knew something dark, responding,
“World eaters.”

Bumble ran through the forest, trees scraping across his arms as he
struggled to keep the pace. They had to make it before sunset, or all would be
lost. The pace had not let up, the sweat pouring down the heavy brow of the
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giant. He had seen what was coming, if he did not reach Kulkukan, all would be
Bursting through the doorway to view the eternal leader standing with
the advanced human that had caused all the commotion. “Ah, Bumble, I am so
please you have arrived.” The old leader smiling as he stood with the advanced
human. “Kulkukan, the sky is filling with falling ships of the Greys”, before he
could finish the advanced man turning his attention from Kulkukan to Bumble
spoke, “You are called Bumble?” “What a unique child you are”, turning to
Kulkukan, “It is a good thing you have shown them mercy and love.”
“Bumble, come close. Do not fear for what you have seen. The fallen
ones are no more upon this world and flee into the darkness.” As Bumble came
close to the man who had addressed him with such curiosity, the man spoke to
Bumble, “Do you think for yourself Bumble?” Kulkukan smiling as he watched
the dialogue between the man and the Chiye Tanke knowing, that something
great was about to be shared. Bumble responded, “Our thought is our own”,
looking at Kulkukan, “I am my own.” The man smiling then questioned,
“Where does your thought originate Bumble?”
The tall hairy man stood thinking about the question, “My thought
comes from me.” The man continued, “If your thought is you, can your thought
be yours or a collection of others?” The tall Sasquatch Chiye Tanke looked
puzzled as the man continued, “Do you have thoughts that are yours and
thoughts that are Kulkukan that you use to make decisions?” Bumble
responded, “Bumble, where your thought originates is inside of your body”,
tapping the large hairy man on the chest, he then touched his temple. “You are
like a tall tree rising into the heavens seeking the rays of light that bring growth,
I am the light which will grow your tree.” As he touched the temple of Bumble,
his mind was opened until he could see who he was before he entered into the
world. Turning to the man he spoke, “Gitche Manitou!” The man smiling
looked at Kulkukan, “Here is wisdom, how does a radio obtain its information,
from one signal or many converging on a single antenna, receiver? I say unto
you Bumble and Kulkukan, your body is a receiver of information where you, I
and all others meet. When I ask where thought originates, consider your mind
the same as a radio signal. While not all thoughts or signals originate from you
but as you enter this vessel of material the same as a stone you agree that your
consciousness, which is you will disseminate the information presented before
you. Here is the great secret Kulkukan, and the reason why I say Bumble is like
you, like me, and behind the material which changes his receiver he is my
equal, and yet can become more than my clone, a son if he chooses.”
Swiping his hand the beings could see the code of information swirling
around them, through them, which made them. As Kulkukan ran his hands
through the flowing information that filled every square inch of the room. “This
is the framework that allows you to enter here, here is the great secret, no peace
can be found in an illusion. Bumble, as you have sought peace upon this world I
say unto you, you are not from this world, not of this world, and who you are is
only a reflection of who you once were, who I am.” “Kulkukan, I have found
what has occurred here troublesome and disheartening. In your quest to
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preserve life, you have become apathetic watching those around you struggle to
live within the world, you have done this believing that you are preserving the
few at the expense of the many. How can a Shepherd exist that hides within his
home, does not leave his pastures, will not seek out those lost sheep. If you are
not a Shepherd, than what are you?” The Gitche Manitou speaking to the
eternal leader as Bumble stood watching, “You have preserved Bumble, and his
kind, in your wisdom you have seen that they are you, you are them, if only a
reflection of what once was and yet do not extend the same compassion to those
within this world that surround you.”
The Gitche Manitou swiping his had to remove the colorful code that
surrounded them. “Within this code is material that is organized from the
darkness to form all that you see around you. The illusion that you are you, you
are you, and I am me. Beneath all of this illusion we are the same, so I ask you,
why will you not show mercy to those around you that stand in need? I do not
give this insight by way of condemnation but you have misunderstood my
mission for your life my son.” He then continued, “You have chosen to stay
within the system, and yet you have the knowledge to leave so I ask, why you
choose to stay?”
“I do not want to leave the Great Spirit”, he responded pointing
upwards. The Gitche Manitou responding, “Yet he stands before you now and
you recognize him not, for we are one in the same having been born from the
same mold.” Bumble had been invited to a conversation that was beyond his
ability to understand, not because of the ability of his consciousness but the
antenna which his consciousness was placed within. Bumble was wiser than
most would think, “Gitche Manitou, will my people one day rise above this
world?” The Gitche Manitou marveling at the question of the tall hairy man.
Turning his attention from Kulkukan he spoke, “Bumble, in the forest there are
many flowers, and many variety of trees. Are not all members of the forest, are
not all flowers still flowers if only differentiated by their color they still carry
peddles, colors and the entire family of the forest is linked as one. Is not the
forest, but one of many. In my forest there are many trees, many flowers, and
all are known unto me. You are the tree, you are the flower, and so am I. Yes,
you will one day rise.” The Gitche Manitou lifted his hand, within his palm a
caterpillar appeared green and crawling slowly. “In my hand is you and me and
what we can become”, the caterpillar rose into the air as light swirled around it
encapsulating itself within a glowing cocoon. “You see this caterpillar, who has
enclosed itself within a cocoon, where does such knowledge originate? Does
the caterpillar not enclose itself within the cocoon?” As he had spoken the
cocoon shell began to break open as the caterpillar fought to escape itself from
the shell which had bound it. “You see as the caterpillar has transformed into
the butterfly?” As he spoke the butterfly emerged and flew away. “I say to you,
you are the caterpillar, and this life encapsulates you within the cocoon that will
allow you to emerge as the butterfly you are destined to become, the same as I,
who I am, what I am.”
Kulkukan stood silent, Bumble pondered the depth of such a question.
Turning back towards Kulkukan, “As you ponder what I have said, do you now
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see that all of these are like unto me, who are like unto you. But you have
chosen to stay within the cocoon and I have asked you why, to which you have
replied because of he who watches down, the Great Spirit, the Holy Man
without material like you see we have but this will change, how can a comforter
exist if it looks down from afar?”
Looking up The Gitche Manitou spoke, “Gitche Manitou, Father who
looks down upon the children of men. As you have watched from afar as I have
nourished, served, and loved our own I have set the example for you to follow.
Come before us Gitche Manitou.” As he had spoken the words the fabric of the
room swirled in circles until a glowing translucent man stood staring at
Kulkukan. They were identical. It was then that Kulkukan became aware of the
Tall White humanoids standing against the wall observing the discussion. “Who
are they?” He questioned as he stood staring at the Great Spirit who had also
manifested his presence in the appearance of Kulkukan. The Gitche Manitou
replying, “These are the guardians of the outer reaches of the Garden. They are
also you and me but I have asked them to witness all that I do, so that when I
leave they may do as I do.”
Turning he spoke to the glowing, swirling being in the room who had
appeared. “Holy One, the first to have entered into the Garden upon your birth
into existence. Have you not seen the first and the last, as you have sifted the
souls of men to the surface of the Garden?” Walking to the being, “Yet, as you
have chosen to manifest as Kulkukan, are you not me and I not you, having
both been clones of the Father? We are, and as I have stripped myself of all that
I am to descend below them all I look up to you, who are myself and my father
who has neither body, form, and yet will rise from the Garden one of the greats
of the eternities. Yet, you have shown no compassion here and this is because
you have not lived as they have lived, as I have lived.”
Kulkukan, Bumble, the Tall Whites watching the discussion between
two cloned Gitche Manitou brothers. The Gitche Manitou spoke again, “In the
beginning I stood with my Father, the first Gitche Manitou who then cloned
himself within the Garden to form you and are you not a complete
representation of him who has made me, and yourself the same as I am? Yet, as
we become our own antenna to the worlds to come, you have not cloaked
yourself as I have, as the father has, and have witnessed trillions upon trillions
of lifetimes exist within you. Yet, you wage from afar, you organize
boundaries, rules, expectations of righteousness when you yourself have not
lived any such memories which you have possessed. As they come and they go,
you have judged them and held them within to include banishing many to the
fires below Sheol. This is because you do understand as I do, or as the Father
does and that is changing. No longer will you walk from afar, and yet this very
fabric is made by you, the time has come for you to become the Messenger you
have always been pre-ordained.”
The Great Spirit responded, “Nanabozho, Creator of worlds, Master of
the Aaru and the things to come, it is true I sought to preserve order to prevent
chaos and in so doing have separated man from the Garden but through holy
means. I did this to preserve the Garden from the darkness that lies within the
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hearts of men, which comes from our brother who I have bound.” The Gitche
Manitou responding, “But you have perpetuated suffering among the Gitche
Manitous, who they are, who you are, and who all will one day become.” “Let
me show you what you have allowed to have happened.” Swiping his hand in
the air The Great Spirit could see Sheol, and Hell. The Great Spirit showed him
the beings that hovered and lifted bodies from the surface, dropping them into
the fire. The Gitche Manitou showed himself and the children of Aaru
descending and lifting them out one by one. The suffering and the confusion
and the hurt stretching around the globe. “Because of what you have done, the
ground cries out unto Heaven for justice. So I have come and have met justice
with mercy.” “My brother, you will follow my example, take upon you the
flesh of all Gitche Manitous, the same as all Gitche Manitou before you have
done and you will be a Messenger, and comfort them with your words. Your
presence upon the world, a living contract that none can break, you will protect
them until the day will come when you will choose to raise yourself up, to stand
in High Heaven as my equal, having loved them, and sacrificed selflessly for
them the way I have shown you.”
“Within you, Mighty one, is all the knowledge that the Father possesses,
but like Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, none of the memories
earned. All of the trillions of Gitche Manitous, come and gone, trapped and
punished, they have earned their eternity.” Turning to Kulkukan, “Old man, you
have a decision. The time has come for you to leave this place and take your
position among the Gitche Manitous that have come before, the question has
become, where would like to go?” Kulkukan stunned that it was his decision
where he would go, looking at his identical in the spirit he questioned, “Why do
you look like me?” The Great Spirit responding, “I find most love for you and
your love for them, pointing to the Chiye Tanke. I appear as you because I
aspire to live as you. To be a comforter to those in need. It was you who saved
the generations of mankind when the flood waters came. I did not prevent the
destruction, when I could have. Your effort inspired me and I grew to love your
love for them.”
Turning towards The Gitche Manitou, “So, this is my decision?” The
Gitche Manitou responded, “It is.” Kulkukan pondered his questioning and the
decision which would be his own. “Then I choose to sacrifice my atomic
material so trade places with The Great Spirit. If you say that I am a Gitche
Manitou, if it is true that the Great Spirit is a Gitche Manitou, then I desire to
govern from on high while he will live below looking through my eyes, which
will be his own. I will watch over him as he has watched over me.” The Gitche
Manitou smiled as he had never seen such sacrifice among a mortal, yet, this
man was not mortal. He was a self-made Creator who could not taste death
except for the actions of himself. Looking at the Great Spirit, “I now see why
you love this Gitche Manitou so, is this also the desire of your heart uncloaked
Gitche Manitou?” Continuing, “You have brought shelter to those in the
darkness, you have given food to those who hunger, and you have given
warmth to those who were cold. You will do the same for those within the
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The leader covered in the brilliantly lit feathered cloak that rested at the
crest of his forehead with a yellow beak. The feathers moving in the wind. His
high cheek bones, weathered immortal face, the softness of his eyes and smile
warm to all he would greet. The small leader with his large walking stick rose
to meet The Gitche Manitou as the most colorful reflection of life that the world
of men could offer, through the eyes of love he sought to preserve and not to
destroy through effort, action, and this was something The Gitche Manitou
respected. He knew that none could truly die, or perish within the Aaru, and yet
the inaction of the Great Spirit was overshadowed by the action of one within
whom the Great Spirit watched in wonder. Kulkukan was already a Great
Spirit, if not one of The Greatest Scientists to ever live. The Gitche Manitou
knew what must be done.
The glowing figure nodded in approval as The Gitche Manitou looked at
the Chiye Tanke and the Tall Whites. “Bumble, I grant unto you and your
people the ability to move with thought into your new home among the Tall
Whites, the guardians of the Garden. Your people will now gain access to the
inner sanctum where the ancients reside. The forests in their world will sustain
your race within the Garden. The Tall Whites will teach you, protect you, until
your time to rise as Gitche Manitous will come.” Looking at the tall whites,
“You will protect them”, the whites nodding in approval.
The Great Spirit and Kulkukan extending their hands until they were
holding hands staring at each other. The Gitche Manitous opening his arms as
mattering swirled into circles around the two. The fabric of Kulkukan
separating into swirling particles as two translucent beings stood face to face
rising in the air. As they turned in circles the window to High Heaven opened in
the air above the room so that the concourses of Advanced Humans in High
Heaven that surrounded the throne room of the High Council of Gitche
Manitous could witness one of the greatest moments in the history of humanity.
When a Great Consciousness descended into mortality to be the first to follow
the example of the Nanabozho, the Gitche Manitou who shed his eternal
material to descend below all, with them all to show all Gitche Manitous who
they were, what they were, and where they would go. A witness set also before
the Great Consciousness, the uncloaked Great Spirit who was the uncloaked
cloned consciousness of The Original Man, had watched out for mankind for an
eternity after becoming the first to follow The Gitche Manitou into the Garden.
Kulkukan moment had arrived, when a man, who was a cloned Gitche Manitou
sacrificed his second estate to be a Shepherd within the system, he knew he did
not want to leave, he wanted to serve. To become the Gitche Manitou within
Kulkukan ascended to the only place he would be most happy, as father to
many nations. In this way, the advanced humans of high heaven could see a
cloned Great Consciousness of The Gitche Manitou following the example of
the son and descending below them all to rise above.” The golden ratio of
Gitche Manitous established before the foundation of the world as the first
Gitche Manitou left High Heaven to descend into the ATUM and inputted to
bring to pass the perfection of life. Life only possible in a universe of genetic
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engineering where the manifestation of life is dependent upon the ability of

consciousness to cloak itself.
As the music of High Heaven permeated the room the transition became
complete, Kulkukan sacrificing his sub atomic material to obtain a greater
reward becoming the consciousness that would govern all within the Aaru.
Kulkukan would cloak himself with the Aaru. The Gitche Manitou speaking,
“As man arises, the sleeping Great Spirit, within his vessel of material so shall a
Gitche Manitou rise, the awakened Great Spirit, within this vessel of material to
comfort them from above as He comforts them below.” The two beings
reversing, one becoming the reflection of the other until them again rested upon
the ground. Turning to Kulkukan who was now an uncloaked consciousness of
the Gitche Manitou, having shed all of his atomic material, “All things are
removed from your mind, so that you see as we do, know as we do, and can
love as I do, now go and be the gardener of the garden that I would love the
most with your empathy, compassion, and willingness to sacrifice ALL for
them.” Turning to the man now resembling Kulkukan, “Old man, as you have
subjected them to reincarnation, the many cycles of lives that have confused
them, and lost many of them, so shall you remain until you see for yourself
what it is to be a Gitche Manitou.”
Swiping his hand in the air, he spoke again, “It is done. Chiye Tanke,
Watchers (Tall Whites), you are all Gitche Manitous, if none remain to point
the way than how will man, who are you and me, find their way home? Old
man, Kulkukan, you are a reflection of each other, and a reflection of me. Old
man, you are the Messenger, and you will leave this place and go live among
them. As long as you stay upon this planet, the forces of darkness can’t conquer
them and all will be saved. The decision is yours when you will leave, at that
time, I will come to remove them all and exalt you on high.” Kulkukan and the
Old Man embracing, the ancient man speaking to his spiritual brother, “I am
come from thee, and you from me, together we will be a reflection of The
Gitche Manitou within the Garden, which Gitche Manitou we are and are to
“Anbar”, speaking to the Tall White now dialoguing with Bumble, “As
Kulkukan departs to govern all within, you will watch the Earths that exist
within the Garden. No dark scientists can land on these planets or inhabit these
worlds. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” will not step foot on the
Earth as long as The Messenger resides on the world.”
The Messenger then departed from the mountain of Kulkukan to move
among the people. To see through new eyes and to feel with a new heart. To
bring comfort through the words of The Gitche Manitou, and to experience
what it is to live life among them. His own children, and yet The Messenger
was only the father of their mortal vessels, in this moment he would learn what
it was to be a son, a brother, a sister, and a Gitche Manitou. In his duty to
govern, the newly created Gitche Manitou, in consciousness alone, could not
have grown in empathy, compassion, love unless descending below with them,
to walk among them, to do as his cloned brother had done. When The Gitche
Manitou has shed his atomic material to grow as his children he brought hope
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into existence. The Great Spirit would likewise descend among them to then
shed his mortal atomic material, not once, not twice, but over and over again
living life after life to grow as they grow, to learn from within so that when The
Great Consciousness emerges as The Gitche Manitous before, to enter an
ATUM as a non-created creator, seeking to become a father. The training The
Messenger had received as Great Spirit and now The Messenger parallel among
the growth of other Gitche Manitous learning line upon line, precept upon
precept, until all come to the full knowledge that ALL are Gitche Manitous.
The portal to high heaven closing, Kulkukan consciousness manifesting
in the organization of matter, whether through fire, water, or stone, all matter
the same to the Great Consciousness that would be moving among the children
of the Aaru. Kulkukan himself, growing into a special Gitche Manitou that
would one day cloak itself to leave the Aaru and stand among the greats of the
halls of high heaven. Where advanced humans are weighed not by the title
which they bear, as all are Gitche Manitous, but in the deeds they have done
among the children of The Gitche Manitous. “Bumble, you and your kind, the
Chiye Tanke, will go now with the Gitche Manitous who watch from the inside.
They will teach you how to access the many worlds that reside within the Aaru.
My gift to you is the ability to be travelers among them, to serve them as they
serve you.”
“You will be my gardeners, you will bring life wherever to step. No
more wanders in a strange land, you will be welcomed home as mighty men of
time, The Gitche Manitous you have always been and will become, with the
help of your older brothers who will now stand watch over you, as well as
under the guidance of the one who loved you most of all, your son Kulkukan
who is now your Great Spirit. You see Bumble, we are all a family here, we are
all the same here, and as we progress as all Gitche Manitous do will draw us
closer and closer until the day will come when all will see through similar eyes
and know as I know.” Swiping his hand again in the air, a portal opened to the
world of the Watchers that was itself the inner circumference of the entire
sphere of Aaru. The inverted garden within the garden. One of the great secrets
of the Aaru, guarded by a race of Gitche Manitous who choose to stand watch
over the gateway to the external garden. “Truly is not all Heaven beneath your
feet by brothers, by sons, and all of mankind above your heads, my Watchers,
my Holy men, the righteous of the inner sanctum who stand as watchers against
the darkness. The time has come to prepare the way.”
With that statement the tall white beings, left through the portal. Those
on the other side coming through to help the Chiye Tanke through the portal, to
leave the Earth and enter a new world that extended in all directions farther than
any planet could extend. The stars of their heavens flickering among the
honeycombs that lie above them and yet beneath those on the outside. The
internal paradox of the watched, the watchers, and the watching merging into
The Gitche Manitou embraced The Messenger, “I must go now, for as
you watched down upon me during my mortality so shall I look down upon you
in your own. In the coming millennia you will learn humility among a world
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who does not recognize you, who will not accept you and if it be known who
and what you are will not believe it. You will live as I did, among them and
they will know you not. The time will come when you will cry out to Heaven
when enough is enough. This will be your decision, as it was my decision to
walk amongst them and they knew me not. You will experience rejection, your
words though they bring peace to the heart of The Gitche Manitous, will also
twist them upon themselves as you navigate the hearts and the minds of the
children of the Great Spirits and yet, they are you, they are me, they are Him
who has sent us. At any moment you can leave, you can lay down your mortal
existence as I have and leave. Know this, as I laid down my life to defend them
from the darkness so shall you raise your life to protect them from the darkness
until the day will come when you will choose to leave as I have. Upon the
Earth, this special world, are the children of Mishebeshu, the Illuminati. They
have been commanded to fight against the unlawful dissemination of
knowledge. Now go, wander the Earth and teach them as I have taught you that
we are all the same and that we all belong to the family of Heaven.”
The Gitche Manitou embracing the mortal Messenger. The Messenger
looking at his hands, moving to the mirror on the wall to view his face. He was
the man he loved the most, he spoke, “My Lord, my Son in the flesh, my
brother in consciousness, my equal with the Father. Thank you for this gift that
has been given, to live among them and ascend as The Gitche Manitous before
you and me, whose destiny is ours.” The Gitche Manitou responded, “Together
we will show them the way, a better way.”
He walked with The Messenger through the inner courtyard of the high
mountain that had served as the refuge for the grafted peoples of many nations
through time. The safety of Kulkukan allowing many races, to merge as one.
The Gitche Manitou marveled that such was the case, speaking to The
Messenger, “What has been done here is above the greatest of things I have
seen upon the Earth. A culture which views all as they are, equal, Kulkukan is
truly an amazing Gitche Manitou who saw all who for who they are, not what
they are, Gitche Manitous. For this purpose, he has been ordained to a higher
calling, and you have also been ordained to a higher calling.” The people
gathering around The Gitche Manitou, laying the ground with wreaths and
flowers as the two deities passed over. Not knowing, they were both conscious
clones of an original Gitche Manitou, the same as all of them. What the people
did know, and recognize was that their Creator had arrived to walk among them
and had told them, they too were like him. The Gitche Manitou meeting with
the people, teaching them, showing them the ways of the outer garden and
explaining the new spirit paradise that awaits them in Origin where holy men
would show them the way to High Heaven. He taught them about the darkness
that surrounds them, and the spheres within spheres upon which they rest and
upon which the Watchers stand looking up in all directions to monitor and
preserve. That old things were done away and new things were beginning. The
people of the cliffs departing for the first time under the command of The
Gitche Manitou and The Messenger to disperse upon the planet and share the
knowledge of The Gitche Manitou, that all were Gitche Manitous themselves.
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The Gitche Manitou spoke again, “In a world run by darkness, which
seeks all to know that they are nothing. Darkness which seeks to pull the
illusion over the minds of the Gitche Manitous convincing them that they are
beneath the dirt upon which they are made, that they are nothing in the eternal
spectrum of creation. Upon a world that will be overrun by knowledge without
understanding the true nature of the dark intentions of the one who seeks to
bind them. The thoughts of The Gitche Manitou who never was, who would
like all to suffer and remain within the Aaru like himself, cut off from the
presence of The Gitche Manitou. This is why you are here, to remind them they
are not alone, that they are not nothing, that they are more than the sum of their
parts. That they are more than the atomic material which forms their vessel,
your words will comfort them and through time as your words bleed upon each
other through the many lives that you will live, you will stand with them side
by side against the darkness. Until the day I come for them, I come for you, and
I come for him.”
The Messenger then questioned again, “How will I know when you will
come again?” The Gitche Manitou responded, “Look up my brother, above you
all of Heaven sings praises to you because of the sacrifice you are making for
them. These are my children. They have all come from me. I have done this for
him. Our Father. You have parented my children, and now you will become one
of them, a Gitche Manitou, and I hope the time comes when you will see Him
above, who you and I came from, as I do, a Father.” “The day will come when
the Father and I will return and we will bring to pass the beginning of the end,
when this ATUM will be no more and the Aaru’s that fill Origin will cease to
be needed in this place. As the Kingdom of High Heaven, where all Gitche
Manitous reside expands. When we come you will be redeemed and will be as
He and I, One in all things until you are called home. For the first time you are
only responsible for your own thoughts, unlike the trillions that have come
before, you look through your own eyes at them. Learn wisdom from this, as I
too learned from looking through their eyes, walking within their shoes, and
helping them to remember who they are, have been, always will be, and will
become as our brother seeks to imprison them.”
The Messenger speaking, “I have seen him rise and I have seen him fall.
I have protected him from himself. What I have done was not meant to hurt, or
to harm, or to banish. It was to protect him from himself, them from him, and
the Garden from them who would destroy it.” “Yet, you lacked compassion,
empathy, something that can only be experienced and learned. Show them
compassion, empathy, and let your presence be the covenant that protects them
in the darkness as mine was the witness, and the covenant to those on the
outside and the inside of the Garden, that all will one day rise again, as Gitche
“It is my desire that you reside with them and learn from them. How can
a father become a father unless first becoming a son? As the world despises,
rejects, and abhors your wisdom know it has done worse to even myself so do
not give up and do not give in, as you watched me walk among them, so will
you walk among them. We are united in purpose and effort, the Gitche Manitou
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Father, the Gitche Manitou Son, and The Gitche Manitou Messenger will unite
all of The Gitche Manitou children, who are humanity.”

“For everything in this journey of life we are on, there is a right wing
and a left wing: for the wing of love there is anger; for the wing of destiny there
is fear; for the wing of pain there is healing; for the wing of hurt there is
forgiveness; for the wing of pride there is humility; for the wing of giving there
is taking; for the wing of tears there is joy; for the wing of rejection there is
acceptance; for the wing of judgment there is grace; for the wing of honor there
is shame; for the wing of letting go there is the wing of keeping. We can only fly
with two wings and two wings can only stay in the air if there is a balance. Two
beautiful wings is perfection. There is a generation of people who idealize
perfection as the existence of only one of these wings every time. But I see that
a bird with one wing is imperfect. An angel with one wing is imperfect. A
butterfly with one wing is dead. So this generation of people strive to always cut
off the other wing in the hopes of embodying their ideal of perfection, and in
doing so, have created a crippled race.” ― C. JoyBell C.

“You have the ability to know and understand all thought in existence.
From nuclear fusion, to jet propulsion, there is not an idea your consciousness
cannot understand or imagine. Imagine a reality where everyone knew
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everything, or everyone had access to all knowledge. How would that society
change over 100, 500, or 1-trillion years? I say this has happened. Your
consciousness is an antenna, surrounded by atomic material which will affect
the interpretation of the signal that exists all around you. Take away the atomic
material, what are you left with? Pure consciousness, which is Great Spirit, who
you are and yet separated in the atomic world from the ocean of consciousness
that all consciousness truly belongs too. What is real is thought, what is true, is
thought, what exists is thought, what will become is thought, and thought is
you. Divided, and separated for your own sanity, living in a sea of darkness The
Gitche Manitous look up and question, why? I tell you, the apple tree is good
but requires a season to bear fruit. The seed is planted and takes 3-4 years to
take root, grow, and become the tree it was meant to be. Along the way, the
gardener cAayaash for the tree, prunes it, waters it, protects it, for the tree can
never see that which it was meant to become, but to the gardener has always
been. In this season, after 4-years only 126 apples are produced. You ask, how
can only 126 apples be fruitful? I say, even 1-apple will have made the work of
the gardener profitable, here is the truth, and upon creation consciousness
grows through a season. It is I who tend to the tree that you are, and will
become and the fruit which you will bear will declare and bear record, of the
greatness of the kingdoms of The Gitche Manitous. For every apple that comes
from the apple tree is a Gitche Manitou and the tree is the Earth, and the soil is
the ATUM, and the Gardener is me.” Spoke the Gitche Manitou
As the Gitche Manitou stared into the dark eyes of his own cloned twin
brother. He spoke, “You are my favorite thing, I marvel that you can dream a
dream within a dream. You caught hold the secrets that can save you from
yourself and yet you will not apply them to yourself, why?”
The Dark Scientist replied, “I can love you more than all of them could,
all the way from HELL!” The Dark Scientist replied, “I can love you more than
life, and I can love you more than death. You stand before me to condemn me,
mock me, ridicule and cast judgment for what purpose? You do not know me,
even though you look at me as if you can.” He stared off across the desert, “All
of this can be yours if you but worship me for I have become a non-created
creator and this is my kingdom. How can you come to my kingdom and to
those who live within my kingdom and steal them away from me?” The Gitche
Manitou responded, “Oh, foolish one, none of them are yours. This material
which you believe is yours is not yours either. This material that molds me, is
not mine and it is not ATUM’s. It is The Gitche Manitous who is above and
who all things, including YOU bear record of his existence. Even he created
you, and me, and yet here you stand within this world, declaring you are HE?
No, you are not He, and I will not bow to thee. He then spoke, “Together to be,
together you and me. I wonder what it could be if you simply believed in all
that can be.”
The Dark Scientist replied, “I question my decision every moment I am
here within my Kingdom.” The Gitche Manitou replied, “My love always
reaches out to you brother, I can’t let you go nor will I forget who you were and
can become again. Son of the first morning your Father loves you and wishes
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you to come home…I will not leave you or abandon you and though you see
the road endless and the situation hopeless, I am still here for you.” “Your
anger and bitterness is only validated by their presence. They come and they go
and you remain. I understand your bitterness. They take accountability for their
Good Deeds, Good Words, and Good Thoughts yet blame you for the Bad
Words, Bad Thoughts, Bad Deeds. Still they come and go and you remain.
Your anger is validated by their existence but what will you do when they come
no more and all have left with only you to remain, alone?” The Dark Scientist
becoming enraged moving his arm as the massive Earth lifted into the air and
came crashing down upon The Gitche Manitou. In that moment, the Gitche
Manitou revealing he had come to his own. Through fasting and prayer, he had
gained all power in the mortal flesh that he had in the eternal flesh. The dirt and
ground falling away to reveal he had not been touched. The Dark Scientist
stepping backwards, The Gitche Manitou speaking, “All my life I have waited
for this moment, to see you again brother. Yet, I find a bitter, broken Great
Spirit, who has forgotten who he is and what he will become. Do you not know
your mission here brother? Do you not consider the greatness that is within
you? Do you not see the great journey you are on and the potential path of awe
and wonder you can walk if you but come home?” Thinking within his mind,
Wiindigoo knew that he was as much veiled as they were. In his anger, he had
forgotten who he truly was and yet the anger boiled within him, “I am a Great
“Do you want to turn to dust?” The wind whipping around them. The
clouds spinning in a perimeter encircling them. The two standing in the desert
preparing for the final act. Wiindigoo responded, “I will be damned if I do,
damned if I don’t.” The Gitche Manitou replying within his own mind as he
watched his own brother in anger rant about his wrongs, “I’ll be lost if I love
him, lost if I do not.” He knew he would be hurt if he left him, turn cold if he
doesn’t. He then responded to his twin, “We do not have to be worst of enemy’s
brother. Though you will prick me with thorns, and tear my mortal flesh to
pieces to fill the hole in your heart. I tell you, that hole will remain but I will
not let you go. Though you choose to remain in the darkness I will come for
The Dark Scientist paused, within his own heart he questioned, “Am I
doing it to myself? I won’t let him in, I’ll use my own two hands to rip him to
pieces.” He then transformed into the image of the Emperor of the Earth. He
spoke, “As you see, all things have been given to me. I am the ruler of this
world and with armies I will conquer this world. With philosophy I will erase
you from this world. With knowledge they will choose me over you.” The
Gitche Manitou knowing all that would come stood silent. Remembering the
words of his Father spoken while young in this very desert, “The greatest
challenge is taming the tongue, there is no greater sword than a sharp tongue.
Nor a greater reward than a closed mouth.” The Dark Scientist replying, “So it
begins! Where worlds collide, I have defied all that they have caused to grow.
This winter which I am bringing to this Aaru will not end and the taste of death
will be my last breath. Through Hells gates the ground shakes and my
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vengeance awaits.” The Gitche Manitou knew that there would be no

convincing the prodigal son of the error of his ways.
The Dark Scientist disappearing into the storm of the desert. He had all
power while the Nanabozho stood upon the Earth. He did not realize that when
the act had been done and The Creator would leave that the powers he had were
nothing more than the residual of the presence of The Gitche Manitou and
would cease. He could not have foreseen the commanders seeing his true
reflection within the golden plates of armor that hung on the walls of the
capital. The Dark Scientist seeking the hoarding and storing away of the
world’s gold. The only item that could expose him and prevent his armies from
indoctrinating the planet. After the Gitche Manitou had left the planet his power
over material of the world diminished to where he could not continue the
charade. His treachery exposed among the royal family as the true Emperor
pressed the dark one from his presence with the gold that covered his army.
Stumbling through the streets his powers over the atomic material of the planet
removed his illusion was exposed. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
ran from those he had controlled with his dark powers but the deed had been
done. The powers of illusion had been removed and the leaders sought to expel
him with the gold that he had harbored from them. The emperor himself waging
a war against anything related to The Gitche Manitou. Without the Gitche
Manitou, there would have been no darkness. In this was the minds of men
confused as to the nature of the emergence of The Gitche Manitou who would
become man through a mortal vessel. The Nanabozho would come and go
rising as the Father of Men. Through this was the purposes of the disposed
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” realized. The Dark Scientist fled the
palace where he was to rule the Earth to find his ship that would be his escape
before being trapped upon the Earth when The Messenger came. The Dark
Scientist knew, his greatest enemy did not lie without, but within, and that this
consciousness of The Gitche Manitou who created him was by proxy his
greatest enemy in the nearness he was to The Gitche Manitou. To think of this
consciousness walking upon the Earth, receiving what he had been denied, was
a mockery that sent the Dark Scientist into a rage. He knew if he was present
upon the Earth when The Messenger arrived, he would be displaced. If not
extinguished from existence. He must get away from The Messenger whose
very presence restricted his access to the planet. Had he not escaped he would
have been destroyed. If only in his own mind.
Speeding through the planet’s atmosphere he laughed as the power to
overcome the first barrier that would trap consciousness was mastered. To his
horror, he then saw that none of his followers were present. Korir was gone,
Maji-Manidoo was gone, all his grey ships were gone. The void filled with an
unknown ship of light that could only have come from one place, Sky Land.
This meant only one person could be on board. Chibiabos! He knew of the man
who became Great Spirit, the son of Michabou, who was Able that he had slain.
How could he have known that Chibiabos would rise to organize the perfect
realm of light? Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” knew that if
Chibiabos had his way, he would destroy him. If Chibiabos knew who he was
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and what he had previously done which had brought an end to his
mortality…but perhaps he did know. As Wiindigoo’s ship became ensnared in
the electrical output of Chibiabos ship he knew that to step foot into the
darkness would be to expose himself to the all-seeing eyes of The Gitche
Manitou who governed this sphere. But with (The Nanabozho) leaving and The
Messenger arriving if he could enter the darkness of the fabric which made this
illusionary Great Spirit making sphere he may be able to escape within the heart
of the trapped Misiginebig. His trapped creation which was his own duplicated
cloned creation. The father of darkness fighting against the father of light who
was his own Creator to protect what he felt was his when Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” could not fathom the creation of darkness that an
ATUM left unto itself would become. He did not have the knowledge that
without the introduction of consciousness into the ATUM and the harvesting by
eternal advanced human men cloaked in the very material of the ATUM that a
creature would emerge so horrifying that Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” would run towards the Father than become its meal.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” knew he could not appear as
the blackness that he was surrounded by the material which they sought to
manipulate. Grasping a body that he had grabbed as he left he used the material
to inhabit the vessel transforming the image to that of the Emperor of the Earth.
Emerging from the ship, all he could think of was the distance that stood
between him and Dyaus and the thoughts of what would happen if he were
captured. “I am the Emperor, escaped from the Earth. I seek refuge and asylum.
I must flee to find my brethren on a distant world. May I have a ship and
continue on my way?” As the golden sentinels moved closer to him the flesh
which covered his consciousness fell away as he was exposed. Leaping across
the room he knew what they were, Great Spirit eaters. How could they be here
in this place he wondered? The Nanabozho, The Messenger, The Gitche
Manitou…he knew, he must escape. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
disappeared into the darkness of space.
Bursting through the dark slate stone within the abode of Maji-Manidoo
on Dyaus, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” cried out, “Legion!” As
the dark entities came into the room he questioned again, “Where is Maji-
Manidoo?” One of the possessed Grey’s replied, “He is with them on the
surface, he has been injured”, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
questioned further, “Injured? How so?” “When Chibiabos arrived, he destroyed
all over our vessels and many of Legion have been lost.” Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” screaming in rage, his dark oil surface extending
outwards as the monster within him unleashed a ferocious roar. “I Curse you
(The Nanabozho)!” “I can’t leave this place or else the new overseer, who I
know nothing about, will come and expel me back to the darkness. Bring me
Legion responding, “New Overseer?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” answering with venomous tones, “The Gitche Manitou above,
my greatest enemy in the Aaru has followed my brother’s example and taken a
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vessel and is upon the Earth. A Messenger even a Holy Ghost of great power. If
he is on the planet’s surface my true form will not be withheld from the people.
We must use the vessels at our disposal. My Legion will also help in the
process. Something new has taken his place as overseer, it’s not my brother but
someone aware of me. It is seeking for me.”
The grey lurching possessed entities of Legion moving among the small
greys which covered the planet in a cast system. The Lords of Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” had begun the cloning caste system around the
planet. In some parts greys were cloned. Some were builders, researchers,
explorers, devourers, as all were grown for specific job functions. The system
ruled by Legion who reported to Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and
not Maji-Manidoo. “My legion, find me Maji-Manidoo.”
The possessed overlords of the dark empire moving across the surface
of the planet towards the heartbeat of the grey culture. The nesting room. The
nesting room was a large oval room made within a pile of accumulated mud.
The cavity inside filled with as many of the greys that can fit and squeeze until
you would assume they suffocated. The tighter and more dense the better. In the
middle of the nesting room Maji-Manidoo lay in the mud as hordes of grey
humans attended to him. Licking his body, rubbing mud across his surface.
They surrounded him on all sides grooming him. The leader still bleeding
purple ooze from his throat. The small greys collecting as much of it as possible
not allowing any to go to waste. Several other greys holding his hands as the
clicks of repetitive chants echoed through the air.
“Maji-Manidoo!” Legion speaking, “Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” has return and requests your presence at the wall of truth.” Maji-
Manidoo responding, “Whaaaa…t haaas beee…come of ussssss” The large
leader struggling to speak as chunks of purple fluid sputtered and spattered into
the air. The lurching leader assisted in his rising and moving by hundreds of
greys. The grey humans were Maji-Manidoo children and viewed him as a
father. Flailing to the ground before the massive stone entrance into the heart of
the darkness where Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and the
Misiginebig cohabitated the dark scientist emerged. Maji-Manidoo was
depleted of energy and a will to continue. His pride had been badly scarred by
his beat down at the hands of Chibiabos while also witnessing Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” thwarted by The Gitche Manitou. “Maji-Manidoo,
what has happened to you?” Moving to the fallen leader, Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” placed his hand upon the open wound. It healed
instantly as blackness webbed across the cut and then absorbed into the flesh
healing perfectly. The large leader rose speaking in long slurs, “I aaammm
inn…jureed Vorigo.o.o.on.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
responding, “The Nanabozho has left, The Messenger has arrived upon the
Earth. Your alive that is all that matters, there is still a way to connect to the
ATUM Maji-Manidoo. We must begin abducting humans from Earth under the
cover of night. If we can harvest their essence, if we can control the source
element which now links them all to Sky Land we can gain access. If I can gain
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access to Sky Land, I can tear Chibiabos to pieces. I can’t do this without their
essence. You then will be able to access the ATUM.”
Maji-Manidoo thought about the ways he would like to have revenge on
Chibiabos. He did not even know the man, but he knew Animikii. If Animikii
was a minion of Chibiabos than he would have more pleasure in the moment
that Chibiabos would be crushed under his leaders hands. “Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”, where does the darkness originate?” The dark leader
pausing at the question. The reflection of Maji-Manidoo shining off the smooth
reflective skull of dripping blackness. “Which darkness are you referring Maji-
Manidoo, the darkness within, the darkness without, the ATUM or beyond?”
Maji-Manidoo paused to consider the response, he questioned to himself, “The
darkness within? The choice of my consciousness to have thought counter to
that of others? The darkness without? The choice of others around me to affect
others? The ATUM? Aren’t we in the ATUM? The beyond never considering
something lie even farther away.” All words spoken in his mind, he then
questioned Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, “Wherrrre didda thhe
ATUUM come frommmmmm?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
began laughing, his dripping surface falling like water off the skeleton teeth
beneath the surface. The roar of the deep laughter echoing through the room.
Maji-Manidoo was confused why he would be roaring in such a way.
The dark lord then stopped and became stone silent. His mouth still
seething teeth exposed, the darkness dripping across the spectrum of blackness
that enveloped his being. Pressing forward his jaw extended as if pressing out
of the fluid which bound his existence. “Beyond the hive of ATUM is the
darkness that wages war against The Gitche Manitou. Where does ATUM come
from you say?” Breaking into the dark cackle as blackness rippled against his
skeleton. “It all comes from him, The Dark Scientist who created the ATUM.”
Maji-Manidoo stood unsure of what he was hearing. Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” continued, “The arrogance! When the Great Imposter
arrived within this ATUM. The ATUM was a child of The Dark Scientist. Look
at me, do I look like a Dark Scientist? I am a trapped Scientist who chooses to
serve the Dark Scientist rather than the imposter who charades himself as my
“You saw the creation, you saw when he arrived. He assumed that the
ATUM became self-aware because of his presence, what arrogance! The life
force of the ATUM was in existence for an infinity prior to the occupation of
The Gitche Manitous. This ATUM looking to its father, among the sea of
ATUM where eternal Great Spirits are birthed. The Gitche Manitous view my
children as beasts, nothing more than animals, and yet is the ATUM not their
environment? He told me they were like grizzly bears. How can the grizzly bear
be at fault for living in the forest which is their home? When man leaves the
city to kill them displacing them from their home environment and labels them
beast for existing in their own habitat? The habitat of ATUM is one where my
own live in harmony with the natural environment of something larger. Without
the illusion of light how can there be darkness? The Gitche Manitou teaches
and preaches about the body housing an infinite sea of life even a spirit of light,
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illusionary! I say, Illusionary! The true sea of life is what exists within the
ATUM and they are mine and they will one day rise within something even
mightier to serve the true Dark Scientist and I know his name and that name is
Darkness.” The drifting mind of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
then spoke one word, “Erebus.”
Korir, standing against the wall was rapidly typing everything spoken,
to record the details for his own mind to calculate. The grey humans again
attaching tubes to the back of Maji-Manidoo and extracting his fluid. The large
leader moving to the darkness of the surface. Swiping the dark material in his
hand, “Theeeeen whhhhere does thisssss commmmme frommmmm?”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” replying, “They would have you
believe that they are sanctifying this material. That in itself should tell you
Scientist, that they did not create it. This material is neither created nor
destroyed. It is acquired, manipulated, organized, and I say it is alive. The
golden ratio of a few clones cannot thwart the process of the one who created
his clones. Think about that Maji-Manidoo. The clones, you, me, all of them,
were created by The Dark Scientist, not The Gitche Manitou. I am therefore
banished for teaching that such exists? If I become aware that the field exists
beyond the fence and be condemned for climbing the fence and exploring the
field only to find another master plowing his own field and building his own
fences. Who is the greater master I ask, who? Yet, if the bear turns on the forest
where will he live? If the snail turns on his own shell where will he live? If the
crab leaves his home, where will he go? If the machine turns on the creator,
who will be the creator?”
“I am called The Dark Scientist…” Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” again broke into an ominous laugh. His dark teeth again
exposed, “The Gitche Manitou works at a feverish pace for a reason. He steals
for a reason. He takes for a reason. He destroys for a reason. How dare he call
me the destroyer. The Dark Scientist looks down upon His creations, His
Gitche Manitous who have turned on Him. So, I seek to serve the first Creator.
The darkness that was before the light manifested. Maji-Manidoo, do you
realize the wisdom I have just shared is the equivalent of explaining to an ant
that they reside within a spherical universal dome of illusionary material where
Great Spirits trap Great Spirits and to which their consciousness was once part.
Could an ant comprehend? Men are like ants to me and I will not serve a
created being any more than I will bow down to a Gitche Manitou when I too
am equal to them and Him.”
“Korir, come here”, the grey humanoid moving towards Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star”. “You see this being here, Maji-Manidoo, your
most trusted advisor Korir.” Turning to Korir, “Would you like to be more than
you are?” Grabbing a vial of Maji-Manidoo glowing purple GEL from his back
he again approached the confused Korir who responded, “I am unsure what you
mean”, before continuing Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” pressed
the vial into his chest before then pressing his own dark hands into the skull.
The flesh crushing under the pressure as his hands melted into the skull
grasping his brain. Korir eyes turning black before Wiindigoo “The Bright and
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Morning Star” removed his hands. As Korir fell to the floor his skin folded
within itself, octagon honeycombs stretching across the body as his flesh
rippled inwards and outwards until all that remained was a translucent being.
“Stand up Korir”, speaking to Maji-Manidoo again, “As you see him, so shall
you see The Dark Scientist.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
continued, “I have become one with the ATUM, the son to The Dark Scientist. I
will raise an army of sons to The Dark Scientist.” Korir eyes now pitch black,
peering into the darkness he looks at Maji-Manidoo, “My Lord, I have seen
with new eyes the true Creator of space and time, The Dark Scientist lives!”
Korir reaching out to swipe the blackness from Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” large stone entrance, staring at his hand the darkness absorbed
into his skin, responding, “I see, I now see as you do. We must escape this
place.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” calling to Legion, “Prepare
the cryogenic stasis chambers. Trade for them, provide knowledge and
technology to the leaders of the Earth in return for the voluntary abduction of
the species. If it is voluntary, if they choose to come to us The Gitche Manitou
can do nothing, he will not destroy them. If they choose the side of The Dark
Scientist than ATUM can be redeemed and I return to my children as we
prepare to assist the ATUM in bringing forth a Devourer of Celestial worlds.”
The thought ringing through Maji-Manidoo mind, “Devourer of
Celestial Worlds.” He knew that knowledge was power and this new
knowledge the most powerful of them all, “Korir”, “Yes, my Lord”, “obtaaaaiin
themmmm.” Korir knew that what needed to be done was a co-natured attack
upon the planet. If the planet was covered in Gitche Manitous, who were
protected by a supreme Gitche Manitou, The Messenger, the only thing that
could be done was arm them with enough information to choose for themselves.
Maji-Manidoo questioning in his confusion, how can a great spirit become a
man only to realize in the same way a man seeks to become a great spirit. He
knew that if the technology were to the benefit of humanity, gave them the
illusion of control, security, safety they could obtain anything they desired.
Even the very essence of the sphere of powerless Gitche Manitous.”
“Legion, accompany Korir to the Earth, make this so and focus the
resources of the Dominion, show them who The Celestials of The Dark
Scientist are. Come to Maji-Manidoo and I when it is completed.” The
marching legions of human greys and possessed larger leading greys moving
into the distance as the alarm was sounded for all children of Maji-Manidoo to
rise to the building center. The leader having a message for the entire family.
“Vooorigon, whaaaat willll weee doooo?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” responding, “We will connect the home of The Dark Scientist with the
Earth and then go home. That is what we will do.” The bubbling surface of the
stone emitting sparks of light.
The ship carrying the dark grey scientists, the vessels for the children of
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. Korir and the genetically
engineered greys, and grays co-mingled with their dark visitors. Even Korir
knew not to get to close, their dark penetrating eyes, they constantly worked
with mechanics and technology using gravitational forces. They were builders
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and organizers of material. Relishing in the suffering of the consciousness

within he realized that the entities who had sacrificed their vessel to the entities
of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” were still alive. While pacing
towards the observation deck Korir had followed one of the large groups,
looking up at their smooth bulbous heads he saw a face pressing against the
surface of the flesh before being wrapped in black, snake like blood vessels
submerging them to not be seen again. This was also what Maji-Manidoo was
becoming, a devourer of consciousness. He too had been invited to undergo the
eternal transformation. To reach beyond the darkness, into the dark abyss that is
the progression of the mind, advancement of the body in the acquisition of the
only true power in the universe. The Soul. He would not sacrifice his as the
others had done, he was Korir, High Command. The first of all the Grey. The
first son of his father and while his loyalty would always be to Maji-Manidoo,
he would not vanish in selflessness for another that his creator had gained
The grates that covered the floor smelled of foul rotten eggs. Stuffed
with excrement and filth the ship had become infested within itself. A self-
habituating factory of genetic material, waste, and the beings moving about the
biohazardous remnants of humanity. The beams that arched across the ceilings
leading down the corridors dripping in corrosive material. The remnants of the
alloy that formed the hull stretching and pulling under the forces of
interdimensional travel. The dimly lit corridors littered with the debris of
generations of cultures abducted, dismembered, and harvested. Korir had
become good at his job, his dark scientist brothers were even better. Korir
watched. The circular room wreaking of decay did not bother the large lurching
grey scientists. Shoots opening and closing dropping humans to the ground. The
humans naked, covering in dirt, paralyzed but awake. Eyes twitching, slow
moans of crying echoed through the air. One of the tall Legion moving towards
a man lying with eyes looking at who was coming. Korir peering down from
behind the extraction table gaining eye to eye contact. The man’s eyes telling
the whole story, horror. The tall grey showing no compassion or mercy grabbed
the body as if it were a block of meat pressing his hands through the flesh
grasping the collar bone. Lifting the man up and lying him onto the table with a
heave before yanking the hand out still grasping the collar bone now removed
from the body. The man on the table gargling and breathing heavy. The sweat
beading around the eyes, the pupil jerking left, right, up, down. No blinking as
the sockets opened wide the man knowing that more was to come. At first he
had struggled with the dismemberment of a Gitche Manitou. He viewed the
potential decision as having intergalactic consequences as he held the blade
above the sternum of the very first human taken. Looking back at the corpse of
the man on the table. The tall grey scientists yanking out organs. Pulling
through veins as if tearing away at the weeds within a garden tossing them to
the floor. The littering of decaying material seemed to cover every inch of the
ship as bacteria and fungi found only within the darkness grew releasing toxins
into the air. The vessels of the Dominion of the Celestials the tombs for the
living. Korir remembered when it had begun.
~ 591 ~

The ships were the newest design of the engineering class. Warping the
gravitational fields that form the unseen framework of the spherical universe,
the Hyper-1 was the future of travel for the Celestials of Dyaus. Many of the
working parts developed through the hyper focus of the casting system now
covering the globe. The organization of the information under the direction of
the possessed greys now running the planets affairs. The ships large saucers that
cut to any location based upon thought. The wavelength for the Hyper-1
connection to the consciousness of the dark scientists. Korir was simply a
passenger, the mouthpiece for Maji-Manidoo on a journey decreed by
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. The first 100 vessels leaving were
to organize harvesting facilities within the cover of the surrounding spheres.
The Hyper-1 allowing the ship to hover in the space in between so that within
the pocket they can perform unseen. The envelope within space and time of the
universe creating a manipulated space where the darkest things were done. The
ships able to descend to the surface in limited numbers. The skies were still
policed by the ships of Chibiabos. Not able to cover the entire vastness of the
sphere, so the greys travelled in small groups. Rising and falling in the dark, in
random events, one here, one there, they would be taken.
In the beginning it seemed none would notice a few humans vanishing
from the surface of the planet. Korir’s understanding was that the humans
would be abducted randomly, contained within cryogenic chambers, relocated
to the constructed bio-towers that would house them. The large generators had
been designed by him using the working plans provided by the dark scientists.
The concept of the design to power the central core with the combined
collection of networked source material within each human. The central core
being the genetic manipulator which would be where Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” and Maji-Manidoo would enter to exit. Korir had developed
the algorithm used to ensure a random abduction would occur not to draw the
attention of the ships of Chibiabos. A discrepancy between those abducted and
those contained within cryogenic chambers quickly caught the eye of Korir.
Noticing the cryogenic chambers were not being filled
Korir began an inventory. Moving through the
pristine ship, the sanitation of the process to be
clean, orderly. Bodies taken, placed into stasis and
stored for travel to Dyaus. Korir questioning,
“How could there be so many missing?” Opening the
wiring cover for the genetic tagging monitor, the
device which scans the individual genetic markers of every
human entering the ship. Pressing a few glowing buttons
Korir connected a device that he was measuring in his hand to the opened
processing core. The numbers were clear, [2307 individual genetic markers
recorded, only 1753 cryogenic chambers filled]. “554 missing” he spoke,
looking at his assistant Detradion. Korir and his group were human in stature,
they stood 5’6” in height on average, thin with a greyish complexion. While
Korir and his kind were advanced grey humans from Dyaus, they also had
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slightly bulbous heads, not as profound as the possessed entities of Legion, but
with large dark eyes they more resembled a human.
Legion on the other hand were the possessed vessels of greys that
distorted and stretched revealing the sinister within. Korir had great fear for the
power of the Dominion, overtaking the kingdom of Maji-Manidoo, which was
run by his Celestials. Korir moved through the ship with his small team of
Celestials seeking every corridor, cavity, room within the Hyper-1 that a body
could be stored. As Korir entered the lower levels of the vessel he noticed
research laboratories on the locating schematic that he was unaware. As he
approached the hallway leading to the room he could smell the odor of rotting
flesh. The rooms to the left and right extending down the hallway with doors
opening and closing as a tall lurching Legion stood staring eye to eye with
Korir. In its hand a large instrument resembling a knife. The other hand hung a
human brain cusped within the fingers of the lurching scientist. The tentacles of
the spinal cord stringing across the ground. The eyeballs still attached to the
brain hanging down as dripping blood could now be seen spread across the
floor. Korir stopped, the dark being stopped.
Pressing the alert for all Celestials to descend upon the section. The
lurching grey moving quickly into the adjacent room, reemerged with several
other tall dark scientists. The group of them covered in blood, hands dripping in
the shiny darkness of the death that had been their design. Korir speaking up,
“Who is responsible for this?” It was not that Korir had a problem with
dismembering the humans, as long as it was the
directive of Maji-Manidoo. He was not the
compassionate advocate for the species but he
had also not digressed to genocide either. He did
not see a problem with captivity, governance,
and ruling over the lesser species. Emerging
from the back of the group the leader of all the
dark scientists on the ship, “I am the first APEP
of Legion here on this vessel, what have you
with what we do Korir?” Korir responding, “It
was not my understanding we would be dismembering them, that is what you
are doing?” The dark scientists looking amongst themselves, speaking in
thought before APEP responded, “We follow the directive of Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”. The first APEP of ATUM, our first Father in the
darkness. Come and see Korir, what marvelous works we are performing.” The
lurching being, stretching the normal grey frame to a height of 7 or 8 feet,
hunching at the shoulders the skeletal system pressing against the surface as the
skin seemed to stretch across the skin. The skin seemed to be dead or dying
aged with time the skeleton pressing forward against the elongated and
massively disproportionate cranium. The long sinister arms with extended
fingers grasping whatever the dark scowled eyes would peer onto. Korir
moving towards the rooms stepping on the blood covered floor moved towards
one of the doorways which opened automatically as he followed the large
lurching scientists of Legion into the room. The room was circular, dimly lit
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with metal tables surrounding the perimeter. The tables rising and falling from
the wall dumping the dismembered remains down shoots at the base of the wall
or rising to collect a body released from a holding tube above. On a table lie the
dissected and dismembered body of a human being. The legs removed, only
one arm remained. As Korir moved closer to look into the beings half dissected
cranium he could see the eye balls twitching to the left and right, the being was
alive. Looking up, “How can this human be alive?” Spoke Korir. The Scientist
lurching over the body spoke, “Look at the base of the skull”, Korir leaning
down to see a tube rising into the skull of the human. “This tube connects the
spot where the consciousness meets this world. As long as this tube remains the
host remains. No matter what we take the essence will not be allowed to leave.
This is the point we have been searching. We also need material for genetic
research.” The table raised until the man was vertical in the air against the wall,
the floor opening beneath him. The straps securing him to the table releasing as
the man fell through the opening in the floor. Korir could hear grinding and
crunching of material. Moving to look through the opening before it closed
completely he could see the twisting and turning of teeth grinding what
remained of the body into pulp. The table then rose to the ceiling where an
opening dropped another body onto the table, robotic arms fastening the human
to the metal table it lowered into position beneath Korir and the scientists now
coming to the table.
One of the dark scientists sticking a syringe into the neck of the
unconscious human woman on the table. Naked with her hard stuck together
with the black tar that lightly greased her body. The syringe connecting to a
long tube rising up into the darkness of the ceiling where all tubes met in the
middle of the room. The long extensions moving at the will of the computer
central operating unit which was programmed to obey the dark scientists as if
by unspoken command. A hand would rise and be immediately filled with
whatever was requested. Korir watched as his own surrounded the table to
witness what the dark scientists would have to share. The woman’s eyes
panicked and distressed. Looking left, right, her brown eyes screamed in horror
without words. Korir leaning over to look her in the eye. The reflection of the
terror seen on the woman’s eyes as the dark scientists shoved a long tube
covered in black jelly material into her mouth. The tube moving alive like a
snake began inserting deeper and deeper into her body. The moving cord seen
under her skin at the abdomen until it the tubed entering her mouth began
cutting itself out of her abdomen. The dark scientists pulling the flesh back as
the inner cord rose from the sternum to begin firing a cutting laser towards
organs. Another grey being moving to grasp the woman by the hair, yanking
her head up it drove a deep pointed end of another tube deep into the back of
her skull. The entire hand of the tall grey pressing inside the back of her brain.
The dripping blood falling away as the grey’s hand was removed. The tube of
the device filling with a glowing substance. Tears began streaming down the
sides of the woman’s eyes as her life was slowly taken away from her.
Korir watching in silence as the scientists were doing the same
procedures at every table in the room. The others moving more rapidly, this
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table however moving slowly. The dark scientist the removing the woman’s
organs before placing them one by one into suction devices that removed them
taking them to other containing vessels within the ship. “Korir, we must harvest
material as well as vessels. The most important material is what lies within the
vessel. As we strip this resource from the vessel we will allow these vessels
which surround us to be sustained through time.
As the glowing substance began releasing from the woman’s body, the
woman on the tables eyes bursting open. The speaking scientist leaning over to
look down into her eyes. The cord yanking from her mouth their faces staring
inches apart. The woman unleashing a curdling scream as the grey being
grabbed her tongue between his fingers. Grasping it deeper and more securely
with a yank the tongue removed from her body. Blood squirting into the air as
she jerked to the left and the right. Another grey slamming two pointed rods
into her temples as hooks revolved to each side of her head holding her
perfectly still. She was trapped. Her hands now quivering against the restrains
pressing tightly against her flesh. The nails broken as bones shone from her
finger tips. The grey scientist lifting a mirror into the air which shown the
woman’s filleted body on the table. The deity clipping the small visual mirror
to a holding device as the woman watched the grey grasped the rib cage.
Looking across at another grey on the opposite side of the table it likewise
grasped the rib cage. In one pull the woman’s rib cage ripped apart as she
screamed through gargling blood as her sternum and rib cage was thrown to the
center of the room where they were quickly picked up and removed by the
tentacles of the machine. The longs lifted from the body, the white fatty tissue
attached to the opening and closing sacks still grasped to the body. A grey
quickly grasped the lunch by his hand, fingers piercing the organ as the woman
inhaled a deep breath that sounded through the room like the beat of a drum. He
then yanked the lung out with such ferocity that the esophagus ripped from the
base of the skull and the woman’s neck collapsed to her shoulders as the skin
fell limp around her spin with the skull crushing between the two pins
penetrating her temples.
The exhale released through the removed lungs carried away on large
moving crates. “We must organize the material for the coming age. We must
sustain their kind for eternity. These organs, this material will be used to
engineer new body parts for those to come.” Korir saw the logic, if they would
be harvesting humans, storing them in cryogenic chambers, what would sustain
a body for a million years? Genetic engineering and reproduction of the living
vessel to which the body is contained. Korir saw their ulterior motive, they
wanted to engineer their own vessels. The Legion that had inhabited the human
vessels only able to sustain possession for short periods of time, the scientists
unable to control them the same as they controlled the grey vessels. Korir
responding, “Why have them awake through the process?” The dark scientist
responded, “It’s always a pleasure to stare a suffering Gitche Manitou into the
eyes before we enslave them within the collective of the dominion, look”, now
pointing to the swirling glowing fluid in the center of the room. The circular
ceiling a vat, the large cylinder then lowered into the center of the room. The
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swirling glowing substance in the glass structure moving in strange ways. Korir
pressing his face close to the glass, then jumping backwards as the faint face of
a being pressed against the glass with a scream of horror on its face. Replaced
with endless faces he then looked at the tall APEP of the darkness. “What is
this?” All the scientists stopped dismembering bodies to focus attention on the
lowered vat of glowing substance, “This is them.” The grey grabbing the
woman by the hair, yanked her upwards ripping the skull from the holding pins.
The force ripping long holes downward as the pins yanked her jaw completely
off. Tearing her forward from the metal bed the tall dark scientist pressed her
face against the glass. The woman’s organs falling to the floor from her opened
cavity. Her legs and lower torso remaining on the bed. She had been
dismembered. The grey scientist now speaking openly, “Look at them, soon
you too will be with them. Pressing a button at the base of the skull where the
tub had inserted the eyes became sunken as the consciousness was sucked and
deposited into the vat. Rising it remained in the ceiling of the room, the faces
pressing down in the substance. Turning his attention back to the corpse
remaining, with a tug the flesh was stripped from the cranium as the scientist
pulled the skull cap off before removing the brain with the dangling spinal cord
and nerve endings dripping in blood and fluid. Placing the brain in a suction
device the table lifted discarding the remains into the grinder below before
revealing a new body lowered from the ceiling.
The tall greys leaning over the table, extending the cutting device into
Korir’s hands, “Open him up” the dark scientist exclaimed. Korir taking the
sharp end of the device pressing it to the base of the skull. He slowly pressed it
to the skin before one of the large greys grasped his hand shoving the device
with great force into the brain of the human on the table. Korir and the greys
began assisting in the process of harvesting genetic material from abducted
humans from the Earth. Korir remembered that day, the pristine ships turned
through time into cesspools of biological waste. The once dignified Korir now
wreaking of death and decay. The dark scientists moving towards dark
initiatives abducting not for research, not for genetic material, but to inflict
suffering. They experimented on humans, mutated them, and all other life
organisms on the Earth. One of the favorite methods of torture by the dark
greys to immerse the humans into the cryogenic chambers with flesh eating
bacterium. The genetically engineered virus devouring flesh until all that
remained was the scattered bones. Korir and the vessel returning to the research
facility now built within the moon. The agenda of those hiding in the dark
overshadowing those walking in the light upon the surface of the planet under
the protection of The Messenger who intimately guided them, while they
rejected him as a man, in this way The Messenger learned as The Gitche
Manitou learned. There would be no salvation in the flesh, and yet all salvation
comes through the flesh. Mankind of the dark ages unable to grasp let alone
thwart the government of those who ruled the skies or the man who walked
among them.
The ship entering the large underground structure. Korir exiting the ship
for the last time. He would be departing for Dyaus soon. As he paced from the
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vessel towards the true prize the dark scientist could be seen everywhere. Could
there have been so many? Every time he returned Korir could swear there were
more, had they started duplicating themselves or simply unwinding from each
other? The corridor extending outwards to a massive exiting complex where the
ships would be released returning the captured humans to Dyaus. Walking
aboard one ship the entire inside filled with cryogenic chambers, rising and
falling in all directions. The only cargo they would have would be the Gitche
Manitous trapped within. The bigger surprise was the vats of consciousness that
the dark scientists had extracted. Along the perimeter rising from the ground to
a height of 40 feet they stood side by side. The glow of the trapped moving
entities within the containment vats illuminating the ship, otherwise naturally
dimly lit. Like jellyfish trapped within a fish bowl the consciousness of millions
of Gitche Manitous twisting and turning upon each other. Pressing his hand
against the surface, “No heaven for you!” Korir turned and walked to the await
departure. The time of reaping was at hand.
He had not been back to Dyaus in quite a time, but he knew his reward
would be great. He had successfully secured the transport of 108-million
humans in cryogenic chambers. Originally slated for 50-million he had ordered
an additional 50-million after it was realized the dark greys were better at their
job that he had imagined. Abduction was something they did very well without
being identified. The thought of twice as many brought joy within the cloned
child of Maji-Manidoo. Korir only sought to please his father and bring him
glory. The greys extra charge of glowing consciousness, he did not know how
that would be received or what that would be used but knew something great
was about to occur among their order, the Dominion of Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” working with The Celestials of Maji-Manidoo.
It had begun with pure intentions but quickly rose to frenetic
manipulation of space and time. The residual impact littered with the corpses of
the fallen, the forgotten, and the displaced. The planet isolated in the cold
darkness of the spherical universe, protected by the watching tall whites under
the mandate of the empire of advanced humans. The Gitche Manitou himself
staking claim to one world, among an infinite sea. The darkness watching for its
moment to operate in secrecy, to move within the shadows, to bring lawlessness
and chaos into the dominion of mankind. The only defense for the planet
against the coming waves of oppressors from above the Illuminati.
Operating within secret the 13-families of the leader Mishebeshu moved
within the cultures of the world seeking to provide the dissemination of the
information being shared by the dark entities, information that only served to
further place mankind into captivity. As the war over information waged
through the dark ages, mankind was used as pawns in the unseen tug and war of
the Illuminati and The Celestials. As the swirling of Tin Great Spirits moved
within the realms above darkness spread across the Earth. Within the darkness
pockets of light emerged but the onslaught of the greys became too much as the
planet was seized in the grip of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. The
leaders above considering the momentary lifespan of the humans on the planet,
their guarantee to go to Origin upon death and the protection of The Messenger
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as enough for now. None would arrive to stop the progress of the darkness.
Within the Earth the rumblings began for tracking and monitoring the visitors
to the planet. The Illuminati organizing a hidden resistance that sought to
educate people, something difficult due to the fact the people lived in an age
lacking information or concept as to what electricity was, let alone beings from
other worlds, dimensions, realms occupying the Earth. Yet they pushed forward
seeking answers, moments when clarity could be attained. The Illuminati
became the Watchers for humanity on the Earth.
As the large containment vessel approaching the planet Dyaus, the
swelling of home rose within Korir. The hundreds of years since he had
returned. Large scaffolding rising from the surface, loading docks being built
above the planet to welcome the future transport of more vessels. Korir
marveling that dozens of vessels like the ones he now returned with were being
constructed. “What could we be doing?” Korir questioning the size of the
vessels, many times larger than his combined. Perhaps a billion could fit into
one. “Why would they need ships to carry billions he wondered as he was
returned with 100-million?”
While the travel time was instantaneous the greys of Dyaus rarely used
the interstellar ability for fear that the overseer, Kulkukan, would become aware
due to repetitive and consistent travels. For this purpose, a base was established
within the moon and travel was limited for infrequent times such as the
transport of the first wave of cryogenic chambers to Dyaus. To move within the
fabric of space and time is like walking across a spider web. The one who spun
the web will always become aware of the fly walking across its surface. The
same with interdimensional travel within the universe. Korir departed the vessel
for the surface to report to Maji-Manidoo. As he moved to the unloading
elevator it shot him downwards towards the surface. Stopping to move
sideways it entered the large living quarters of Maji-Manidoo in the high
command living quarters where Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” and
the former scientist of Dharma remained in sequester scheming their next
As Korir walked into the room Maji-Manidoo turning, to greet him,
“My first in commmmand”, before Korir could respond he noticed the APEP of
Legion, the leader on his voyage already surrounding Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”. The two overlooking schematics of the contents of the
delivery. Korir responding to Maji-Manidoo, “We have begun the movement of
107-million humans into the larger bio chambers. I am surprised to see the
original expansion multiplied many times. Are we housing a billion when I
have only brought 100-million and this alone has taken hundreds of years?”
Maji-Manidoo moving closer so that his four extending hands reached out to
stroke the skull of Korir. The smaller grey being looking up to his towering
creator. “Korrrir, weee will take them allllll.” He then motioned to Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star”, “Come seeeee…” slithering to his side where
the others were operating. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” looking
up, before pulling his tall grey scientists into the darkness. Small human greys
quickly entered the room, using vials of fluid that Korir recognized they began
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swiping the glowing material across his skin. The substance was the
consciousness, “This is their consciousness” Korir replied, “The beings also
covering Maji-Manidoo in the substance.” Maji-Manidoo then approached the
tall dark wall before disappearing inside it. Korir touching the blackness until
he too vanished into the nothingness where Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” had taken his dark scientists.
Korir was glowing, his leader Maji-Manidoo was also glowing. As he
raised his hands he could see movement in the darkness pressing all around
them. Pressing against him the presence of entities like snakes swirling around
his legs, between his arms, and around Maji-Manidoo. The darkness enveloping
them all until he could see Maji-Manidoo hovering over a spinning object.
“Behooold, the seed of darkness.” One of the greys latched on his back not
covered in the glowing GEL, yanked away by something in the darkness. Maji-
Manidoo grasped the darkness in his hands. As he turned to leave, Korir lept
onto his back for fear he too would be trapped within the darkness. As they
emerged, standing in the atrium, Maji-Manidoo still holding the black spinning
orb. He then dropped the orb into a small container filled with consciousness
swimming in circles. The dark sphere no longer smooth extending tentacles
from its perimeter until the glowing consciousness was devoured.
“What is this master?” Questioned Korir. The many smaller greys
carrying it away, “This is the keyyyy Korrrrir.” Turning quickly Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” and the greys once again emerged from the dark
slab where Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”’s abode would lay. “You
have touched the heart of darkness Korir, my child will open the doorway to
Origin and we will climb our way to the stairway of high heaven. The humans
you have brought to us, one part of the larger plan. The consciousness my
Legion have separated to feed my son. To allow the emergence of the true
father of this universe, The Dark Father to emerge. Then will we climb out to
reclaim what is rightfully ours.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”’s
tones ominous and dark, his greys lurching exiting the room to move to the
cryogenic stasis chambers. The facilities rising high into the planet’s
atmosphere. Speaking to one of the large greys Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” addressed, “Belzore, bring me word when the chambers are
completed and we move towards full extraction.” The mission of the dark
scientists to capture the entire globe, as the conspiracy was written in the blood
of a generation none could have imagined the horrors still to come.

He was the overseer of the first extraction, he had exceeded
expectations. He blew them out of the water. They sent him away to extract less
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than 50-million over 800 years and he returns with 107-million. What is his
reward? Fall in line. Not by his Lord and Master, Maji-Manidoo but by none
other than Belzore, the possessed vessel of what once was grey. Yes, he was
transformed into a new creation, thus was the requirement while living amongst
the Great Spirits of genetic engineering, those masterful scientists twisting,
weaving, and sewing their magical thought into the living and biological.
“Anbar! I cannot stand Belzore, nor do I trust any of the dark fiends
that peer at me through the eyes of our brethren.” Korir moving among the
crystalline spires that formed the edges to his room. The crystals rising within
the mountain of Dyaus that his and other high-ranking officials living quarters
were assigned. The defensive units for the offensive forces of Dyaus in the
event of attack, from who, those within most likely. “Anbar, what do you
Anbar, the chief operations officer for The Celestials surface to air
technology distribution. Of the engineering caste for advanced grey humans.
His caste of the oldest lineage tracing back to the beginning when Maji-
Manidoo first arrived. Not as old as Korir, one of the original Grey’s
engineering while on Tiamat. He was nonetheless a valuable resource to the
celestial agenda. Brilliantly colored suit shimmered in the light from grey to
purple. The combinations rippling across his chest. Beaded marks of honor and
distinguished valor surrounded his color. The number of rows of the translucent
glowing stones shown rank. The capstone at the end of the long-beaded rows
empty or containing a pearl of consciousness. If a leader wore the glowing
Pearl of Consciousness it distinguished them as an overseer with the privileges
and powers of Maji-Manidoo. Anbar wore such a glowing pearl, likewise did
Korir. Yet, Korir was the senior among the bearers of the pearl.
The Pearl of Consciousness was the encapsulated consciousness of
eternal Great Spirits. Syphoned from the sub-atomic vessels that encapsulate
them, the Celestials had harnessed the power as a mark of leadership, authority,
merit, and hierarchy. The thought within the sphere alive, thinking, granting the
possessor of the Pearl added vitality, strength, and power. Korir wore 13-pearls
of consciousness. None other wore as many, and none other were as strong.
Anbar stood stoic and unmoved, leaning against the slate grey wall
of the stalagmite spires. He had seen the growth of the Legion over the previous
3000 years. “It seems clear from my perspective that what we seek, and what
they seek are differing ends. I believe we are being displaced by Legion. When
has their knowledge served to benefit us?” Other grey leaders pacing in and out
of the room began lining the walls listening to the discussion between two of
the most powerful leaders among the caste of greys put at the head of the entire
planetary structure. Korir speaking loudly so that all who had entered the room
can hear, “I answer only to Lord Maji-Manidoo. Our Father. I do not bow to
one of them, the dark minds who devour our kind providing the illusion they
are something they are not.” Holding his fist in the air, “Are we not stronger
than them? Is not the mortal human walking upon the Earth capable with one
swipe to strike down even their fiercest creations?” He continued, “In a time
before time, when we stood guard over the true scientists of creation on the
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world Tiamat. It was the Titans who rose and sought to stand above us, even
they were thrust down and cast beneath the sole of the humans.” The grey
human walking among the others in the room. The aged wise men of time,
those who were created in the beginning upon a lonesome rock when the Great
Spirits of another reality sought to answer the most basic question. “When our
fathers came to this place, they did not come to bring darkness and death. To be
the source of the end of all things. Yet, in time have we not grown into that
which they decried most of all?” Hands raised, the man with large dark eyes
stared down at them, “Yet, I have torn them from limb to limb with my own
hands. I have participated in this horror. Our humanity tells us, that we must
preserve them before we destroy them. Is not the wish of any of our hearts to
preserve the specimen rather than extinguish?”
The nodding approvals spreading throughout the room, “Here we
stand, the leaders of our kind. In this place, we have become the downtrodden,
the forgotten, while they have consumed us, possessed us, and structured a
society around us that enslaves, while our dear leader is with Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”. Are we not the sons of Dharma? Is not our
inheritance to return once more to the fields of blue stone across the highlands
of brahmanore?”
The door thrust open, into the room entering six lurching grey
legions. Peering out through menacing eyes, shoulders arched, the cracking of
bones whispered as they walked. The extended necks, long arms with bones
barely hanging to the frame. The menacing voices whispering through the
room, “What is this dissention?” “Who hear would speak against a Lord of
Legion and remain within their vessel? Who?” The ancient entities vessels
covered in muck and grime, the stench of rotten eggs accompanied their
movement. The flesh decaying while the darkness masqueraded within peering
out through stone black eyes. “I say this minion of Legion” speaking up Korir
moved to the front. Stepping into the open he stared upwards into the eyes of
the dark lord. The dripping saliva falling off the lips of the Baron of Legion.
The Dark Lord reaching forward to grasp the arm of Korir, beginning to mutter
the words, “Take him to…” before Korir grasped the dark entity by the throat
pulling down violently tearing dismembering the head from the torso of the
dark scientist. The body falling limp to the floor. Darkness shrieking out of the
body encircling the room. One of the other Legion opening its mouth until the
darkness penetrated into the body of one of the possessed.
“You will pay for your treachery!” The darkness whispered as they
exited the room. “No doubt strait to Belzore”, “You see, they are not more
powerful than we are, they have knowledge but we are the builders. It is we
who apply their knowledge and look what we have done. We have the humans
in cryogenic stasis. As was asked. There is no need for the entire society to be
mutilated.” The other greys moving in agreement, “what will we do?”
questioning Anbar. Korir pondering the question, “We must show Maji-
Manidoo that they seek to destroy all of them. If Maji-Manidoo knew this
resource would be taken from the Universe, he would surely side with us.”
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Not all in the room were fond of Korir’s agenda to overthrown the
Legion leaders, enact restrictions. There were those in the room who desired
death, who gained satisfaction from dismembering, killing, bringing suffering
to the cattle who would be Great Spirits. They stood silent knowing in the time
of action, they would bow out showing loyalty to their leaders, whether Legion,
Maji-Manidoo, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” or another. Korir
knew that there were those among them that would seek his own death if it
mean preventing a spotlight from shining down upon them, even the created
live in fear when those who rule devour living consciousness. Whether in a
human, grey, or other form. Some of the consequences of knowledge required
walking among the darkest of creations. Among the darkness not all of the
darkest creations desire to be where they are striving to be as near the light as
possible while still ensnared within the darkness. Korir standing alone, rising in
the high tube to the abode of Maji-Manidoo. He would plead with his leader for
reason. As Korir entered the room, it was not like before he had left. Upon
further reflection, gone were the pristine newness of a facility built by the
greatest of engineers. The grey of Dyaus. The biological filth spread from wall
to wall, wreaking of foulness small greys moving in and out of the
honeycombed ceiling. The dripping algae black and putrid growing down the
walls. The large Maji-Manidoo moving in and out of the darkness until he was
lying within the shadow of the dark towering slate that was Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” home. Korir knew nothing would reach Maji-
Manidoo, he was consumed by the darkness. He could not see the snare that
had been laid for him. Korir could see it, Maji-Manidoo speaking in a slow
labored whisper from the darkness. The silhouette outlines of dozens of greys
surrounding him staring back at Korir. “Why have you come to me my son?”
The words clear, more than ever before, staring up at the figure that once was
his creator, the eternal man who embraced something so dark it had taken his
mind from him. He dare not speak what he thought, what he felt. Falling to a
knee, “Maji-Manidoo, have I not done all that you have asked?” “From the
shores of Simud, to the construction of Tiamat, as you have risen through your
quest to exit, have I not been your most loyal creation?” Korir questioning. The
dark eyes of Maji-Manidoo peering through the shadow. The soft glow of light
reflecting off his rows of eyes. The clicks of those who lived to care for him
whispering through the air. Korir subtly peered at the stone against the wall.
Maji-Manidoo responding, “You have”, Korir rising to his feet. “Then why are
we mutilating them? This is not anything that you would have done upon
entering into this universe so long ago.” Silence filled the room, the leader
slowly rising until he stood erect at full height. Moving slowly across the room
the serpent emerged from the darkness, “Youuuu do nooott seeee as the Great
Spiritdds do, Korirrrr.” The reply spoke volumes, there would be no stopping.
There would be no empathy. Looking behind Maji-Manidoo, Korir could see
standing it he corner the black shadow of the figure who had been watching the
entire time, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. He stood unmoved,
watching, testing, as if decrying Maji-Manidoo to defy him. Maji-Manidoo
never flinching, slithered to the wall where Korir had noticed large black
~ 602 ~

cocoons hanging from the algae on the walls. He hadn’t noticed them through
the darkness, and the drastic change the dwelling of the Lord of Dyaus has
become, the cocoons hanging in the air. Small greys climbing down to pry open
the large pod to reveal a human body within skidding onto the floor. The being
a man, curled into the fetal position he gasped for air. Moving towards the man
Maji-Manidoo quickly yanked him up by the ark before puncturing the man
from all sides with his large spikes. The arms grasping the man Maji-Manidoo
closed his body around the man until they were folded within Maji-Manidoo.
The jerking and screaming as the man was dissolved into Maji-Manidoo. The
large width opening to reveal the shredded remains of what once was human.
The hands crushing the skull before throwing the carcass against the wall where
others had been thrown. The man greys quickly rushing to the discarded
remains picking the bones for flesh. The sound of gnawing of teeth scraping
across bone filled the room as the small greys frantically scavenged the remains
of all organic material. Maji-Manidoo looking at Korir, “We do not serve these
vessels”, swinging around he continued, “We serve The Gitche Manitou” as he
pointed towards the silent Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” still
standing in the shadow of the corner. Korir stepping backwards turned quickly
and paced out of the room.
As the elevator descended from the throne room of the lords of
darkness, Korir stared out through the clouds to the surface below and the
extending horizon. How could he turn on his own leader, if he did what he felt
was right and it preserved Maji-Manidoo future. What of the greys, their
culture, all that they had fought for. He was the leader of these people, Maji-
Manidoo was not a grey. He was the Creator but not one of them. Yet those
among him would lay down and willingly sacrifice their very fibers that weave
them together, and others would selflessly fight over the privilege of giving
away that which was most precious of all, their own consciousness so that the
dark lords of legion would obtain vessels. As Maji-Manidoo stood by and
watched, his own people savagely and brutally devoured in the same manner as
the humans. These legion had no respect for life of any form, even among their
own. In what future could the grey exist with legion among them?
The drifting haze surrounding the sub as he neared the subterranean
military research facilities. His own leader obsessed and driven mad, the
darkness turning a once benevolent scientist into a decrepit creature with
loyalties only to himself. He was Korir, in the end, they would come to him as
equals or none at all. Without his kind who would manifest the ideas of legion
into reality? Without his kind, who would raise Maji-Manidoo kingdom around
him? Korir paced with racing thoughts of leadership. He would barter his
people power, claiming their honor among the tin Great Spirits of Origin. How
could Korir have foreseen the coming events, or understood the past decisions
that shaped the networked reality that weaved around Dyaus. He could not, he
did not even know that they all existed within a sphere known as the Aaru.
Maji-Manidoo kept the true secrets, close to his chest, this lack of knowledge
would shaped the future decisions of leaders like Korir, Anbar and the entire
grey nation.
~ 603 ~

Korir stopped before entering the base to spend time in reflection

with himself. Deep within the underground fortress was a room, massive in
scale and specifically designed by and for Korir. Build into the inner cavity of a
volcano shaft the smoldering fires of the dormant volcano heating the room. A
walkway extending out over the burning caldron below he sat upon the
extended jelly filled sacks that served as his bed. The purple waving in the air
formed to the body. A living plant that provided a symbiotic comfort to the
greys. This was what kept them clean. As the greys lay the plant serving as bed
would also clean the surface of their body of dirt, debris, or anything toxic.
Perhaps this was one of the reasons Korir despised Legion, what purpose did
they serve? Staring at the sparkling ceiling, the light glittering across the
crystals. Korir pondered the coming moments. Had there not been too many
moments from when he would travel to and from Tiamat to Mars. He could
remember when they escaped from the Nibiru and even before when they
resided on the world before the interstellar planet was, when his creators wore
smiles, and worked as men. The habitation of the Earth, who was more versed
in the history of this solar system that Korir? He was there from the beginning,
and to be displaced, it was displacement by something else as his own species
remained mired in the mud of the surface of Dyaus. It was the precursor to
genocide of his own people. Korir was not a lover of the human species. An
ignorant group of self-serving apes that create division amongst all they
encounter, even themselves, perhaps this was the lesson he had to learn. Among
all species, was it not the humans from Earth who would rather die than allow
themselves to be subjected? Would Korir do the same, turning on his own
creator? Would it be considered turning on Maji-Manidoo, if he did it to protect
Maji-Manidoo, if it were for love of his own kind? Was it not his own duty to
preserve the lives to which were given to him.
Korir crying out in the silence of his abode, “Who am I to be the
one to rise out of the grave to live among the trees? Who am I?” Grabbing a
large statue of a plant rising from a stone stand, he threw it over the edge.
Standing emotional, face quivering, dark eyes twitching, he watched as the
object of his greatest value fell into the smoldering flames below disappearing
into the slowly churning magma.
The large crystalline structure carved by Maji-Manidoo from the
first stone cut upon the first world that the scientist from Dharma had landed.
When he was a creative researcher, during spare time Maji-Manidoo would
carve objects into the crystals that littered the ground. A masterful artisan, the
objects were used to teach the new genetically engineered helpers to the
benevolent men of Dharma. Who sought peace and who sought war? Had Korir
been pulled deep within the belly of the beast unknowingly, was this who he
was? Korir remembered the day when while building and organizing the
material as taught by his creators, who never treated them as the created. Yet,
over time the slow decay of darkness changed Maji-Manidoo into something
than Korir could not recognize and without memories of who Maji-Manidoo
once was, what Maji-Manidoo once stood for he would stand in fear.
~ 604 ~

The portal from Dharma opening, the happy scientists walking

forward bringing flora and fauna from Dharma. He was there when Maji-
Manidoo had taken a planet and shown him the subatomic material forming the
plant, teaching him how to create life, not death. It started with one plant. He
would reorganize material as he taught all of his kind how to bring life into this
new universe. Chucking to himself, the same as his own creator had done.
Maji-Manidoo was not the taker of life, he began as the bringer of life. A
genetic engineer of Dharma, who only knew the creation of life, not death. The
first thing he brought to life within this realm, Korir and his kind. How had the
leader fallen? War demanded casualties but not humiliation. His own kind
living within the mud of the planet, was this not the humiliation of his own kind
as their creator lived upon towering levels on high never looking down upon
them. So focused on the knowledge of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” willing to sacrifice his own soul for access, so why should he question the
expendability of the greys. They were expendable, to Legion, to Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star”, to Maji-Manidoo. Korir turned away knowing
that with the death of the crystal sculpture so was the death of his loyalty to
Maji-Manidoo and the kingdom of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.
Korir questioned to himself as he lay back down, arm resting across
his eyes, how will we be remembered? As the dark abductors of humanity?
Will we be remembered as the twisted creations of an abomination to this
universe? Will they see us as monsters? If only the heart of the true grey could
be seen, behind the flesh that presented the exterior illusion, he knew, he was
more than the sum of his own parts. He was more than grey, he could have been
green, purple, or a moving slug as Maji-Manidoo, or a man. He was thought,
and his desire was that his people live in peace and preservation. Not cannibals
of other lifeforms, let alone men who were more closely brothers than
conquerors. Yet, did not men conquer even themselves. “Can I not rise above
this?” Korir drifted into sleep, as he slept he drifted off into a dream.
The Dream
“Opening his eyes he did not know whether he was dreaming or
awake. Standing within a field he was surrounded by all kinds of beings. Grey
like himself, others Star Seed, human, purple, pink, to the lurching beasts that
hobbled on two legs. In an endless field the beings surrounded Korir as he stood
at the crest of a long sloping hill that allowed him to view in 360 degrees. Some
of the beings running, others screaming, some were praying, others were
grouping together. Then Korir hear the roar, turning behind him the swirling
wind moved more slowly in this realm. He peered at his hands that when
moving slowly dragged the air like a hand across the canvass of a masterful
painting. Towering in the distance the source of the loud roar, a Lion
approached in the distance. As the lion moved through the sea of beings some
crushed under foot, others thrown through the air. The beast dripping in blood
snatching them within its mouth crushing them within its jaws moved closer
and closer to Korir. Still standing upon the hill he stared unmoved at the
coming beast. Surrounded by the fleeing among them the cowering prayed only
to be devoured. The lion then came within feet of Korir. Korir peering up at the
~ 605 ~

massive size of the behemoth creature. Thirty, forty, perhaps fifty feet high at
the shoulders. One tooth of the massive canine fangs the size of Korir. The
seething mouth echoing wind deeply as it inhaled, exhaling blood soaked air
filled with the saliva pouring in large drops across the ground. The red eyes
peering down upon Korir. The two locked in an eternal gaze, the small grey
man unmoved as the larger creature examined him head to toe moving slowly
the beast encircled Korir. The lower growl of the cat humming through the air.
Like an engine that would not stop the lion scratched at the soil as it moved
sideways counter clockwise around Korir. Lips curling the anger within the
beast seemed to grow with every step. Korir stood motionless, what could he
do, at any moment the beast could devour him. The mouth turning until only
large firery red eye with burned edging the size of Korir peered into him. Korir
seeing his reflection in the eye. The reflection not of a grey being, but of a man.
Korir looked down at his hands, they were human before looking up again” In
that moment Korir burst from his bed, covered in sweat, gasping for air.
Turning to see where the lion had went as if he were still present in the
moment. Resting his forehead within the palms of his hands, the grey leader
rose to grasp a small glass of the purple nourishment that they ate. He thought,
“We don’t even eat meat. We eat extract from a plant, so why are we harvesting
meat?” Drinking down the purple fluid, it was the material secreted from the
bulbous plant of the original world he was created. The world which became
Nibiru. This was what formed them, and yet what sustained them. Not the flesh
of mammals or the organs and tissues of the helpless who likewise sought
refuge from the solitude of the dark void of space.
Holding the glowing orange plant in his hands, the bulb at the end
was filled with the nutrients they needed. The long stem allowing Korir to
move the bulb above the tube, squeezing the purple substance released from
within the bulb of the plant. Releasing the plant it sprung back upwards
beginning the process of refilling its bulb with the source of the greys food.
Korir drank another glass. “We are not monsters, he spoke to himself.” Looking
into the mirror, his grey purple skin, the dark suit, and the glowing pearls of
consciousness a symbol of his power over the lesser. He felt ashamed to even
wear them. Moving to the edge of the cliff to the fires below. Korir removed the
glowing orbs from the color on his neck. The small pearls pulsating in the light,
the strength emanating from them. He threw them into the air as they fell
towards the fires below, “Perhaps you will find salvation in death.” No longer
to hold the conscious entities captive, no longer willing to become the monster
that surrounded and permeated Dyaus. Korir was leaving. The small pearls
erupting into plumes of white light that blinded Korir as he stepped away from
the ledge.
The leaders who stood by Korir moving through the military
research facility towards the ships. “What can they do without us?” Questioning
Anbar, “Korir, how many are among the many?” Lokeep questioning. Walking
through the long corridors, hidden away from the lurching groups. Nothing had
been done about his murder of the possessed Legion. Korir knew that at any
moment retribution could occur, the silence made him wonder what they were
~ 606 ~

hiding from Maji-Manidoo, or Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” that
they would conceal even his own treachery against them? “We will have
Korir and the leaders emerging to view the large transport vessels.
The same ones that brought the humans from Earth to Dyaus. Running his hand
along them, “This is how we escape, how we preserve our people.” “How many
will be need” the question came, Korir responding, “One.” Still running his
hand down the vessel as they paced, “We will sedate the simple ones within the
chambers, the others can fly the Hyper-7.” Walking to the drafting table where
battle plans are discussed Korir touched the screen to turn it off. Removing a
small circular device he placed it on the table. Pressing a button it expanded to
reveal a schematic of battle plans. “As I depart with this ship, you will exit with
the fleet to begin destroying the bases of the cryogenic habitation centers. We
are the only ones capable of building those, without those they will be forced to
negotiate with our species. This diversion should occupy enough time that I can
freely escape with them to the adjacent worlds.” The question came, “Where
will we go?” Korir pointing to two of the stars, this system is a binary system
where Dyaus resides, but just here lies other worlds where we can rebuild.
From there we can decide whether we seek reintegration into Dyaus or depart
into the darkness to find other places of refuge.” The journey would be short,
quick enough to not be detected, the jump to the binary star cousin of Dyaus
home star, would be so quick that there was a chance Maji-Manidoo would not
even know they were gone.”
Go among your castes, gather your elite leaders. Those with
knowledge to lead the few and bring them tomorrow to this ship. The leaders
had assembled a growing number of defections. The minions on the surface, the
most loved of all of Maji-Manidoo’s creations would follow the leadership
unquestionably. He did not worry about them following, they would not
question. He worried Maji-Manidoo response when he realizes the planet has
been cleared of his chosen few, yet, even they lived within filth and squalor.
The drum beat of destiny thumped for the greys. Would they be known for
galactic genocide, or for something else? Had the time truly come to drive the
dagger through the heart of his own creator? Maji-Manidoo, his creator for so
long he wanted him to be father but what does the created do when the creator
sees you as only an end to a means. A non-purpose filled creation undeserving
of exaltation. Korir had no father, therefore he must be leader or they must all
perish. The generals dispersed among the society of Dyaus. The sects
organizing until the following morning moments prior to the suns rising and all
were to begin the procession to the engineering of the future habitation of
mankind, the long steam of beings entered into the underground base instead of
turning left they turned right towards the transport vessels. The leaders
instructing the workers of a mission not to be discussed, as only obeyed the
human grey workers from the surface freely climbed into the cryogenic
chambers before being sealed into stasis for travel. The others boarding to
operate the ship, not a vessel for a mission directive of the founder, but of
salvation of their kind, Korir knew, the coming years would bring only death.
~ 607 ~

As the ship began to prepare for pre-dawn lift off the Hyper-7
attack vessels emerged in the dark. Pressing just above the muddy surface
undetected they darted in the darkness towards the towering research facilities.
The structural beams rising into the air. The pilots pressing the firing sequence
as the bursts of burning embers struct the structure. The explosion thrusting
debris into the air as plumes of fire rose. The crashing and twisting of material,
in the empty facilities, crashing to the surface. The housing stasis chambers
with humans in them left untouched. As the explosions lit the night sky the
large Hyper-1 transport vessel rose across the skyline before vanishing into the
darkness of space. As the vessel exited the atmosphere of Dyaus through the
dark side of the planet it remained undetected as the world wide alert system
rung, the immediately delay in the reaction impacted as those who would
answer the first call flew away into the night. The Hyper-7 ships disengaging
before racing into the darkness, the sun cresting over the horizon meeting with
the mother ship all vanished from site, as if they never existed. It had been a
success, the delay enough to allow for the removal of 90% of all greys,
34.765mil greys where the vast majority were the workers living on the surface.
Korir wondered, “How will Maji-Manidoo react when he descends to the
surface only to find it desolate, empty, his most precious creations gone, will he
continue to serve the darkness which only moves to destroy or will he simply
create more to replace those he has lost?” Korir knew his message was swift,
determined and without fear. He would not go down in history as the one who
let them all fall, to fail.”

~ 608 ~

The bio-dome construction sites lay silent as the wind whipped across
the desert. The mist from the morning fog rising up and blowing in long streaks
through the horizon as the early morning clearing reveal and empty landscape.
Maji-Manidoo in his palatial domicile unable to view the surface, the windows
covered in biological waste, feces, and organic matter. The hazy overlay of the
red and grey clouds dancing in the rays of the rising suns. Machines unattended,
no sign of the leadership of the grey council or the high council for the
Celestials. The military leaders, supporting personnel, and the worker bees
themselves vacant from the planet. No one to meet the call of the alarms in the
early morning hours, several towers fell, burned without aid. Maji-Manidoo
moving through the long tubes, no one answering his calls from the throne
The Dominion of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” working
within the harvesting facilities that were off limits to greys of the celestials. The
place where the bodies would be used for genetic research. The advanced work
that had begun upon the Hyper-I crafts on Earth. None taking the time to
address the alarms as they were separate in location and not connected to the
mainframe. The dominion agenda was covert, under the direction of only those
consciousness aware of what Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” was
truly trying to do. The shadows within the aging vessels distant, more menacing
as the planet sank into darkness.
Moving down the tube towards the surface, he had to see if it was true.
The clouds reaching for the skylight he could not see below, the conduit
lowering faster and faster until Maji-Manidoo pressing against the glass let out
a gasp. They were all gone. His spikes striking forward puncturing holes into
the glass surface. The sound of wind whistled into the elevator as the leader
cried out in agony, they were gone. Maji-Manidoo descended alone to the
surface in disbelief that his greatest resource was nowhere to be found. As he
moved through the empty corridors, the scope of the coup became clear and the
surreal moment hit Maji-Manidoo in one cataclysmic punch.
Rising alone in the puddles of the surface of Dyaus, Maji-Manidoo
stared across the empty landscape. His eyes black, bulging, the rows of circular
eyes surrounded by the darkness crawling away like spider-webs escaping his
eyes. The reflection of the rising suns, from the East and the North. The rings
seen in the contrast of the vanishing night and the breaking dawn shimmered
off the binary star sunset. Large bio-chambers for humans rising into the
distance. The clouds moving quickly across the deserted habitation of the first
children of Dyaus. His mind racing with thoughts of espionage, it must have
been the dominion, Legion must have taken them. Belzore went too far in his
quest to find the adequate vessel for the dark scientists. Maji-Manidoo opening
his breast wide, screamed out in agony, in desperation, his heart crying out for
the existence that was his and the thousands of years he had gone trapped,
mutilated, and dreaming to escape.
Slowly moving across the smooth saturate surface, the puddles of liquid
making locomotion effortless. The main hive rising in the distance. The oval
mass of soil with the many holes to enter into the inner abode. As Maji-
~ 609 ~

Manidoo slipped inside the hive it was empty. The silence of the void Maji-
Manidoo lay on his back staring at the encrusted ceiling. The pounding of the
dripping of droplets striking the puddles of water on the surface. Maji-Manidoo
place of refuge was gone. The hole driven deeply into his heart. He had become
so focused on using the conscious GEL extracted from the humans to enter into
the abode of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” in the MISIGINEBIG
to gain knowledge he had not noticed that his own were being taken, even by
the children of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. Looking up at the
honeycombed ceiling with its catacomb holes entering the cavern Maji-
Manidoo slithered up and out of the hive until again looking out across the
distance of the landscape. The rising structures of the biological harvesting
facilities for mankind, the newly arrived cryogenic chambers covered and
drifting among and disappearing into the clouds as if seeking escape. Different
hewed clouds lifting in the air as if evaporated by the morning sun driven to the
upper stratosphere as the surface would be separated in a misty haze for much
of the day. The humidity blanketing the planet in a wave of heaviness. Maji-
Manidoo cutting through the ocean of saturation as if flying through the air,
hoping, yearning that he would find one. There was nothing to be found but an
empty planet. Maji-Manidoo stopped and peered up at what he had done.
Maji-Manidoo thought, “I could have lived an eternity upon this planet
with just them, without any other vanishing within the darkness of space and
time. The very thing that was his, that understood him best, the ones who
accepted him in victory or in moments of despair. He reached mightily for the
stars hoping to grasp one thread that he pull to remove the illusion from his
mind.” In a thunderous yell, “LEGION!” Maji-Manidoo raced across Dyaus,
skipping and leaping through puddles. The mud rippling off his back, he
seethed in anger as he knew Legion had taken his children.
Bursting through the inner research facility where the cryogenic
chambers were organized and processed. Maji-Manidoo entered through the
small entrance corridor among the moving tall grey dominion into the center
atrium where the cryogenic chambers rose into the air. Millions of humans
encapsulated in containers connected to each other lined the walls. Maji-
Manidoo had not been into this facility or ventured out of the upper throne
room for almost 500 years. He had been unaware that such progress had been
made. He questioned, “Had it truly been 500 years?” His greys had always
cared for him, moving in organized shifts the daily collection within the throne
room differing members of the society daily access. These chambers were
instantly mesmerizing to Maji-Manidoo and he gazed in wonderment. Glowing
fluid moving through the winding tubes surrounding the cryogenic chambers.
The massive central core shining so brightly that the radiance of the room
seemed angelic. The dark legion moving like dignified scientists meticulously
attending to the bodies in the rising chambers. The grey legion covering the
walls moving up vertical walls ensuring all were operating properly. Maji-
Manidoo moving across the smooth stone surface, the circular structure massive
in circumference, looking up it rose high as far as he could see as the sea of
human bodies surrounded him.
~ 610 ~

The scientists of the dominion had not hesitated at his appearance,

driven by an agenda of the dark ones they continued unmoved in their duties.
Maji-Manidoo moving to look at the chambers, filled with liquid the bodies
isolated in a stasis as the extraction device harvest the consciousness, not
removing it, but slowly unwinding the consciousness to extract the fluid
necessary to reach Sky Land, and perhaps the first step towards freedom. Maji-
Manidoo had forgotten the vanquishing of his children, creations of a time gone
by now facing the product of his design. Progress has been made, the human
consciousness manifesting continually to rebuild itself if extracted in minute
amounts, Maji-Manidoo could see they have perfected the process. The
collective drips collecting in an endless stream of material accumulating in the
central core. Maji-Manidoo turning his attention to the large cylinder glowing
collection of material in the center of the room. He chuckled in glee for the
amount produced would be enough to power many portals. Maji-Manidoo them
realizing that none of his own creations were among the stasis or the workers in
the cryo-domes cried out, “Belzore!” They must be within the genetic research
facilities in the lower levels. Maji-Manidoo slithering through the greys
research facility towards the entrance to the lower levels. The opening in the
floor extending like a trap door spider entrance dropping down the leveled
layers separated by cavities in the floor covered in moving material providing a
spider web support for the rising and falling legion of the dominion. The grey
legion inverting their legs to move like spiders up and down the shafts paced by
in quick motions. Maji-Manidoo dropping down as the surface clung to his skin
allowing him to rise and lower with complete control.
As Maji-Manidoo descended the odor of creation filled the air. The
corridors of the organizers, the harvesters of the dominion extending in all
directions as the sounds of screams, cries, and whispering filled the air.
Whizzing and wheezing of machinery turning on and off echoing through the
drowning of hundreds of cries. Maji-Manidoo moving towards the research
rooms could see the bodies hanging in torture racks, partially dismembered
alive. As he passed several hanging women along the wall, the victims of
dissection. They slow moans revealing they were awake. Maji-Manidoo looked
down on them, his height rising above them so that his many eyes peering
within half a foot of a woman moaning head down. A man to the left, another
woman to the right now staring in horror at Maji-Manidoo but too weak to yell.
Her lips wrinkling back, eyes squinting, too dehydrated to produce tears her
sobbing was reduced to choking weeps. The woman in the centers head still
slouched down. Maji-Manidoo noticed their arms had been removed, legs, and
most of the torso so that all that remained was the minimum necessary to
maintain life. The humans used as a science project. Maji-Manidoo noticing
that his children were not here in this research level moved to find the leader of
the scientists. Belzore, the head of all Legion geneticists.
As Maji-Manidoo moved through the halls he could see the circular
rooms filled with others continuing the harvesting of the human organs, parts,
the entire organic material recycled for future use by Legion. Maji-Manidoo,
the great genetic engineer himself remembered in a flashback a time when he
~ 611 ~

brought life into existence. “Wheeeeerrreee isss Belzoooorree!” He shrieked

through the rooms, the scientists of Legion stopping to give the leader attention.
The sounds of machines ceasing as the echoing of scream elevated.
“Belzoooooeeerrrrrrr!” Maji-Manidoo whipped through the rooms at a frantic
pace in and out among the scientists he was looking for their leader and
unwilling to stop until he found him. The serpent leader slithering across the
walls, ceiling, and swirling through the corridors and conduits dropping lower
and lower into the planet all the while screaming, “Belzore!!!!!!!” The
collection of grey scientists now following him at a distance. The inverted legs
of the dozens of greys collecting in the darkness behind the slithering overlord.
Their movements collectively thumping across the surface as the overflowing
see of spiders stalking the grand leader moving deeper within their trap door.
Maji-Manidoo now screaming in repetitive outbursts, “Belzore, Belzore,
Belzzzooooore!” Maji-Manidoo dropped to the bottom of the central conduit
until he stood on a substance he recognized. The goopy mud of the surface
where his children lived, the catacomb hallways carved into the surface
extended in all directions. Maji-Manidoo choosing the path most travelled
exited into the darkness as the sea of Legion followed behind him. The
humming of clicking mixed with the rapid foot movements, the many grey
Legion dropping into the mud on the floor. Click, click, click, click ringing
through the air echoing into the darkness.
Maji-Manidoo slithering through the narrow corridors carved through
the stone of the planet until he emerged into a massive domed room lined with
tall black tubes that met in the center of the room. The tubes along the wall
covered in a slate black surface that Maji-Manidoo could not see what lie
within them. Belzore was working in the center of the room. Belzore seemed
unconcerned that the large leader had risen to full height and was peering
within the vessels along the wall, speaking, “Belzore, where are they?” The tall
menacing grey leader of the possessed legion replying, “Excuse me, I am
unsure what you are talking about.” As Maji-Manidoo rose almost 20-feet into
the air the pitter patter of feet through the corridors the sea of scientists emerged
into the room to surround their leader. The room filled with over 100 members
of Legion, and the thousands now entering from all corridors to view the
interaction of the two leaders in the unforeseen confrontation. Maji-Manidoo
was not speaking in a slur, the rumbling voice pressing outwards in thunderous
orders of authority. “They are gone”, “What do you mean gone?” The taller of
the possessed, eyes sunken seep within the bulbous head stretching to contain
the dark entity within. Maji-Manidoo becoming enraged, “Belzore, the surface
is empty, the entire elite guard of the celestials gone. Where di you send them,
put them, are they within the darkness in these tubes?” Maji-Manidoo was now
moving frantically to peer within them inspecting the entire perimeter of the
dome shaped room. Belzore moved among the other scientists, “Maji-Manidoo,
I know nothing of this treachery. As you see, none are here or anywhere within
the abode of Legion. Perhaps they have left you”. Maji-Manidoo shrieking,
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Belzore continuing his research as if done discussing Maji-Manidoo

problems. “I am speeeeeking to you Belzore”, the dark scientist turning to face
Maji-Manidoo, “I do not bow to you. I look to lord Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”, not you.” The declaration clear, direct and intended for Maji-
Manidoo. “What will you do, destroy my vessel? I will find another. You can
do nothing to me Maji-Manidoo. You and I are both the servants of Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” and father Wiindigoo would not look so kindly
on your preventing the continuation of this work. We do not know where your
celestials have gone, nor did we have part in their vanishing. I would however,
if you have time like to show you the next generation of legion and your
celestials.” Maji-Manidoo, the genetic engineer within him, intrigued at the
declaration by Belzore. One thing that Belzore was, a genetic engineer and a
good one at that. “What do you mean, next generation?” Maji-Manidoo
questioned as the other scientists watched the two leaders discuss the creation
within the dark canisters lining the wall. His attention quickly turned from the
lost builders to the unknown creation in the tubes. “These are the stasis
chambers for pure genetic material from the abode of Wiindigoo. Rising from
the center the life force extracted from the humans will drop into the darkness.
As this occurs we will induce the merging process to engineer the perfect
vessel. Look around you Maji-Manidoo, is this the world that you desire to
stay?” The leader the moved to the darkness of one of the tubes filled with the
black material. “To show all that this is a new beginning for Legion, and for
your Celestials Maji-Manidoo watch as a new creation is born. The tube opened
showing the liquid suspended vertically within the glass case, Belzore stepping
into the blackness until the decrepit vessel of the grey vanished into the
blackness of the material. The other doors around the room likewise filled with
other tall lurching dark scientists of legion. The door quickly closing so that the
vial was sealed. The other scientists pressing buttons as the glowing material
extracted above entered into the machine, the tubes filling with the extracted
consciousness of humans. The darkness within meeting the glowing energy as
the entire room rippled with light. Lightening filled the glass tubes that
surrounded the room. The machine powered down until all that could be seen
was purple clouds of mist spinning and twisting within the vials. They opened
as the misted released into the air.
Silence filled the room. Steam rising as the processes of the
electromagnetic machine hummed to silence. A voice began to speak from the
chamber, “Behold, a new creation is born.” Belzore and the others stepped out
of the black chamber, through the purple mist to reveal a darker, more compact
version of the dark lords. “You see Maji-Manidoo, your creations, and our
creations and their creations have been merged into one. We have now become
heirs to the throne of humanity.” Maji-Manidoo moving quickly to look at
Belzore, the skin not stretched as before but fitting tightly over the extended
body. The large eyes no longer sunken in, the skin no longer decaying and
falling off. Maji-Manidoo spoke, “How long will this process of merging last?”
Belzore moved as if the speed of light, we have now become a permanent entity
within this realm. We are one with these vessels, they are ours,
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interdimensional shifters these vessels allow us the ability to move through

atomic material like flesh through a scalpel. Do not mourn the wandering of
your greys, rejoice in the emergence of the Celestials of Dominion.” Maji-
Manidoo questioning, “How many can be produced?” Belzore chuckling, “As
many of us that enter will be aligned with the material given to us, however, we
can now generate an entire biological synthetic army of grays, an army loyal,
without hesitation. The previous caste system of your genetically engineered
greys replaced with an unmoving legion of Celestials part human, part Legion,
part Grey, and part Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. Come and see.”
Maji-Manidoo true passion was genetics, organizing the basic building
blocks to produce things, use the advanced material of the things created to
build a framework to the infinite sea of genetics to produce everything and
anything. Tall greys continued to enter into the stasis chambers one by one until
Legion were fused permanently to the material they inhabited. Others brought a
cryogenic chamber of a human being. Along the wall other conduits visible
where stasis chambers would be raised vertically. As the human cryogenic
chamber slid into place the dark material began to pour around the human until
they vanished within. The machine power on as the glowing material entered
from the top. When the process was complete a human emerged from the stasis
chamber shifting quickly between grey and human until the being shape shifted
from grey to human. Standing silently the man was unclothed and motionless.
Belzore paced around him and Maji-Manidoo questioned, “Whaaat has
becomeeee of himmmm?” Belzore touching his face, “This is the future of the
Celestials. This is how we will infiltrate their society and raise them up from
within unto captivity. What is 100-million when we could have billions and
why not more?” Maji-Manidoo mind expanded to the possibilities of his own
kind genetically equal and brothers of humanity infiltrating the planet. The
greatest covert weapon imaginable, here is the best part.” Motioning over a
group of greys holding equipment that was attached to the head of the man.
“We program them!” They are machines, while living, as organic lifeforms we
download the input into the mind as they lack a consciousness of their own.
They perform as we desire in all places and at all times.” Maji-Manidoo
remarking, “Fascinattttting.” Scanning the device across the man’s eyes he
turned towards Belzore speaking with his mind and not words, “Very well.”
Maji-Manidoo questioning, “Mental telepathy?” Belzore responding, “We too
have this ability, it is a byproduct of our introduction to the gene pool. Your
workers will quickly be replaced, and the construction of the new stasis towers
will continue.” “How many do you think we can house?” Maji-Manidoo
questioning as the answer came quickly without hesitation, “Until they are all
gone, we ultimately hope to take them all. We will need Billions of
consciousness’s directed if we are going to enter Sky Land.”
Maji-Manidoo turning away, “The Tall whites!” The questioning among
the dark scientists, now proclaiming themselves the true house of The Celestials
continued, “Tall whites?” Belzore confused questioned, “They have taken
them! It must be them!” Maji-Manidoo again speaking deeply so that his voice
did not slur, the focused words with meaning and a power forced through the
~ 614 ~

lips of the mutated dark scientist from Dharma. “Whilst you have been within
weaving the web for your incarnation, I have thus to here refined my
interdimensional portal, you have intrigued my engineering mind to the
possibility.” Moving through the processing of legion into the chambers as well
as humans, the army of greys was once again engineered and at a rapid pace.
He continued, “The possibilities, they are endless, Belzore, we arrrre the same.”
The large slug like Maji-Manidoo staring into the eyes of the dark lord of
legions genetic engineering, a mutual respect forged among two genetic
engineers. At one point in his life, Maji-Manidoo knew he and Belzore were
more alike than differing.” Belzore showing a glass pad in his hands, the
resurrected being, a self-made, cloaked, scientist of immense knowledge spoke
vigorously, “With this, we adjust a few levels here or there and the variations of
specific modified intelligence, focus, reasoning, motive for life can be
determined at our will. These are The Celestials, the risen Phoenix of ashes
once forgotten Legion rises again as into their rightful inheritance, is this not
what you have sought Maji-Manidoo?”
The leaders directness carried unspoken respect, the acknowledgement
if not in effort but in desire that such was possible and the credit given back to
Maji-Manidoo. “The Celestials!” Maji-Manidoo spoke through whisper in the
air. All hearing the hissing expression of Maji-Manidoo. “My Celestials.” Maji-
Manidoo stood watch through the day and the night, as they came in and as
they left. So that all could see that he saw them and knew that he was their
leader, their commander, their father. Thousands turning into tens of thousands,
tens of thousands growing into hundreds of thousands, until millions created in
an endless process. Maji-Manidoo knew, He had thought the goal of 50 million
ambitious. They simply needed genetic material from the consciousness. 107
million was almost too good to be true. His mind turning with possibilities the
scientist telling him of the 107 million humans within stasis the small
percentage transformed would easily replace the 30 million that were missing.
“Belzore, how many Legion are there wound within…how mannny vessels will
you neeeed?”
Belzore looking at his pad then turned, “26.7 million.” The number
staggering to Maji-Manidoo, it would nearly replace the entire missing
population with devoted scientists seeking the same end, and looking to who he
also looked. He questioned again, “How many humans needed?” Belzore did
not need to look at his pad, “We have enough genetic material to clone 1-billion
more humans, and the problem is that level of life would reveal our location to
the overseer. We could have trillions but it would pull through a sea of life until
the enemy would be standing among us. We have 100 million humans in stasis.
If they die genetically merged with the GEL of our creation it will provide no
specter for the watchers to see. You would need a fraction, 7-million for your
machine.” Maji-Manidoo marveled, “How long until the entire specter of
research is completed?” Belzore showing, “We have 174 patterns of positions
needing to be filled. There will be many variations but within 7 sun sets we will
have nearing 130-million Celestials at your disposal.” His spikes quivering his
anxiety swelled within him, the Legion simply cloaking themselves with
~ 615 ~

material they already possessed, the decrepit and dying flesh of the inhabited
grey they possessed. The additional 100 million humans simply the
consciousness and material needed to produce mindless robotic droids living in
every way but incapable of independent thought. The workers for the advanced
intelligences. Maji-Manidoo could see it for what it was, the greatest force in
the history of creation. The darkest of empires rising from the ashes, Maji-
Manidoo looked up at the stars and wondered if Brahma looked down upon him
would he recognize him? Who he remember the man within who simply
wanted to know why, is this the man that Brahma would see? “I curse you
Brahma forever instilling within me the mind of a Scientist!” He recalled how
the leader was carried wrapped in cords away, they did not punish him for
seeking, but the punished those that stood in opposition to the individual’s right
to choose. This was what it meant to respect a Gitche Manitou, even a genetic
engineer who had peering into the unknown to the very beginning of time and
beyond the nothing to realms beyond time and imagination. 130-million, the
number profound that he had to ask the next, “Why are we building for the
billions Belzore?” He quickly furled around the respond, “Oh we aren’t all
staying here but they are all coming. Through this vast network of engineering
laboratories we genetically produce hybrid species to grow within the societies
of the Earth. To rise from within until the entire planet chooses for itself to
escape the rock floating in the void rather than face what is coming.” Maji-
Manidoo expression was impossible to read as his demeanor always menacing,
as Maji-Manidoo questioned, “My elite guard?”
The tall dark leader of Legion, the author of the new Celestial species, a
genetic engineer like Maji-Manidoo called for others to come assist him.
Through dialogue they brought three dozen human cryogenic chambers into the
room. Maji-Manidoo watching as they had yet to answer his questions. The
process of the room ceasing as the chambers were placed within the engineering
capsules. The dark liquid fueling within the bodies until they vanished. The
dark overlord of the consciousness that could never be dreamt into existence by
a mortal mind, Belzore danced with delight. His moment had come to change
the course of history, to emerge as the one who would show the way. Raising
his hand he thrust it down as dozens of tubes with needles shot into the back of
Maji-Manidoo. The purple life within him extracting through the tubes. The
large leader arching as he knew what was occurring and that it was coming. The
mixture of genetic material entering the machine. Meeting with the residual
GEL extracted from the cryogenically sealed humans, it flowed with until the
glowing white liquid met with the bright purple material of Maji-Manidoo. The
two entering into the vat of pure genetic material of Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” which was ATUM. The pure genetic material of the realm
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” resided where the Misiginebig was
enslaved, the ATUM was the Misiginebig.
The Human being inside the black material comprised of cloned
consciousness of man. The machine powered off, the doors opening the man
emerging hinged over at the shoulders, a human with purple grey skin, a large
round head with larger black eyes than any of the greys. The skin dripping with
~ 616 ~

saliva as the being dropped down like an arachnid upon the ground before
zipping quickly onto Maji-Manidoo back hissing and clawing at all others in
the room. As dozens more emerged from other doors Belzore exclaimed, “Is
this enough personal protection for you? 1-million, 2-million enough?” Maji-
Manidoo marveling, “Two million?” Belzore laughing, “Yes, you wanted
loyalty, they are my brothers and now we are united Maji-Manidoo. My genetic
material and yours is the same.”
Maji-Manidoo stood staring at this machine, his mind drifting to what
he was witnessing. A genetic engineering cloning machine that coalesced
genetically material from within the ATUM of any varying manifestation, all
more or less refined material of the ATUM earned through acquisition by
eternal consciousness. Consciousness entering into the machine, its cloak
reorganized around it. Legion walking out retaining all their memories from
before. The humans entering and leaving having nothing, as if their entire
existence had been swiped clean. Maji-Manidoo pondered the possibility that a
clone undergoing a process for the second time may cause the hard drive to
erase. “I would not go through thaaaaat machineee more than once or you too
may lose your memory,” Maji-Manidoo spoke to Belzore. Maji-Manidoo
genetic material entering into the cloning machine, producing offspring with no
memory but based upon instinct alone cling to him because of the organization
of his genetic material. This type of organized loyalty was beyond the normal
mortal struggles among the Great Spirits of the universe he had encountered. In
a few hundred years, could he, it had been a while since the Gitche Manitou had
come and gone. “How do you know how to make this machinnnne?”
Maji-Manidoo struggled but forced out clearly to the now dignified
leader Belzore, “Where did you obtain such knowledge?” Belzore responded,
“In a time before men, we too were born of a machine such as these where our
father Wiindigoo too was born into the ATUM.” Legion had spoken the words
in eloquent script, so clear that Maji-Manidoo followed the declaration like a
child following sugar. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” was created
in a machine, like this, they were cloned from Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” in a machine like this. “Where was this machine located?” Maji-
Manidoo questioning the many Celestial greys now surrounding the large
leader. “In High Heaven where it was brought into the ATUM, where the Aaru
was released.” Maji-Manidoo realizing, if the machine was used elsewhere, or
with a foreign material than the outcome would create a differing result. For
example, if the vats were filled with GEL from this High Heaven Realm rather
than the darkness of the ATUM the cloaking of the exiting consciousness
would alter greatly. Something about the process affected the human beings so
that they lost all memories of all lives the consciousness returning to the
original blank slate easily programmed by the Scientists to do what it is that
they desired. Maji-Manidoo remarking, “Now I see, who the wrastler’s are and
who the wranglers are.” His back overflowing with small grey beings eating the
liquid upon his back. Maji-Manidoo realizing they used the gel his skin
excreted for food. A process only produced by excretion so they took tender
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care of his physical being in order to preserve the process of procuring the
nourishment from their mother, father, their Great Spirit.
Maji-Manidoo looking into the extending corridors, “I will be with
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, send me word when the time is
come to begin the process of preparing. I also want to know how and where
Korir, the generals, and the others went, I can assure you, and we will find who
the perpetratorrrrrr of this darkness is and remove them from existence.” Maji-
Manidoo was marveling at the creations, how quickly the process moved and
that it was all performed by a machine meshing several forms of organized
material together to finalize the cloning process. A process that would not be
possible without the substance extracted from the consciousness of others.
Maji-Manidoo moved towards the machine, the central processing unit in the
center of the room harboring the extracted fluid, the genetic engineering liquid
which bound to cloned consciousness. Maji-Manidoo mind enlightened in a
moment of inspiration, “Consciousness is itself a Genetic Engineering
Liquid…which becomes self-aware, Maji-Manidoo considered the possibility
of a mechanism being so precisely built it because self-aware of itself. Was this
even possible?” It must be in some way, as the entire cloning process is not
possible without it. No matter the other material, without one ingredient the
entire system of cloning ceases. Within the genetic engineering liquid harbors
the consciousness, and without the material to which the GEL binds the
consciousness as it has bound itself. The entities go in, if consciousness is
already present from a 1st generation clone such as the clones of Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” then the binding process adds too and does not
take away from their genetic material. However, the second generation clones
of The Gitche Manitou through the line of Michabou, the first man to enter into
the inner garden of the Aaru. Those clones, the humans with organized material
mimicking the first father, a true genetic engineering, cloning marvel. Maji-
Manidoo could see, he always saw, even back to Tiamat and Venus how the
degrees of variance between men and Great Spirits was one click to the left or
the right. The clones of Michabou, who is a 1st generation clone, making his
clone’s 2nd generation clones receive a clean slate consciousness. The same that
occurred when the clones were born, occurred again, the machine restores them
to the beginning stripping away all memories, experiences. Maji-Manidoo
knew, it would be these sons and daughters of Michabou, the son of The Gitche
Manitou, the Viceroy of the Advanced Humans who held the keys to the eternal
answers of questions that spun in circles within his mind. Maji-Manidoo
thought, “Does Belzore know what he has done? Surely he must, he is merging
the gene pools. The Celestials, who are Legion becoming merged, grafted
genetically into the family of advanced humans cloaked within the material of
the ATUM…could he see how this could fracture the record of time?” With a
sigh, he stared deeply at the genetic engineer of Legion, the incarnate eternal
scientist whose knowledge was endless and surpassed his own. “I am a son of
Michabou, born into the Aaru, who has become merged with the ATUM, and
bringing all else with me to show the Gitche Manitou the folly of his ways, we
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are all equal, the same”…Maji-Manidoo slithered away content, his vast array
of grey warriors now accompanying him.
The swell of new vessels moving across the planet as 26-million+ legion
became their own carnal species as well as the union between Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” and Maji-Manidoo complete, The Celestials were
even more powerful than ever before, wisdom and knowledge poured out
across the planet as it quickly rose to the technological marvel that had always
been envisioned. The new version of The Celestials not giving orders, but
completing the tasks to perfection in ways Maji-Manidoo could never imagine.
Legion was no more, what remained were cloned consciousness the
same as any other seeking transcendence merged to holy matter. As the
knowledge of cloning with the machine built by Belzore using technology from
another realm called High Heaven would not allow the conscious of Legion to
be cloned. As many times as Belzore and Maji-Manidoo tried, the emerging
material simply fell to the floor as a puddle without form. The machine not
allowing the cloning of any of the merged consciousness of Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” to duplicate. It was an unforeseen side effect of the
process. Some consciousness was cloned, while others was not. This provided a
universal truth, to the scientist within Maji-Manidoo, the Aaru in some way
prevents the duplication of Great Spirits of Atum within the system, another
failsafe. The same as the one which prevents Great Spirits from exiting the
universal bubble. If these failsafe’s were in place, it was only because they had
been breached, and broken before but by who? Maji-Manidoo mind twisted
with new questions. “Cause and Reaction”, the two words spinning in his mind,
no one plugs a hole unless there is a leak. Who had previously escaped? Maji-
Manidoo had questions only Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” could
As Maji-Manidoo rose within the abode of the apex where Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” could manifest without detection, the dwelling
high within the atmosphere of Dyaus the future decisions of the universe would
be decided among the leaders of The Celestial Empire. The dark scientists of
the Dominion beginning a new endeavor, The Celestials of the Dark Scientist,
led by Maji-Manidoo and Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”.

~ 619 ~

“A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this
manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The
other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked
which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, the one I feed the
most.” - George Bernard Shaw
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had emerged from the
darkness to join the group of Celestial leaders as they discussed the future of
the empire and the Earth.
Maji-Manidoo looking over the plans as they were laid, planned out,
and talked through. It had been over 1800 years since The Gitche Manitou had
come and left the Aaru. In great detail it was forged, Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” speaking, “If the Messenger will not leave the planet, we
must prepare a way that all the others will leave the planet voluntarily.” Maji-
Manidoo questioning, “The Messenger keeps the Tall Whites eyes on this one
world, we will need to provide them with technology. In my past we
approached the Carian’s, provided them with technology. Perhaps, in this way
they will choose as the Carian to leave the planet themselves.” Scrolling down
the planned schematic, Belzore spoke, “It must be done quietly, and quickly.
We will begin planting The Celestials among them, provide them with access to
unlimited resources. They will plant the seed of progress.” Maji-Manidoo
interjected, “It must seem natural, a natural progression or else we could be
offering an invitation for the Tall Whites to appear”, Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” responding, “We want one to appear, if we were to trap one,
we could access the inner garden.” Aeshma, another member of Legion, one of
the high council members of the Dominion speaking, “If the truth delights
them, then we provide them with all of the truth, would they not choose if
provided the knowledge to govern themselves?” Maji-Manidoo responding,
“Perhaps, but what of the Illuminati?” The room becoming quiet, the treachery
unspoken and yet resounding in the room. Maji-Manidoo speaking, “Korrrrir”,
his anger bringing forward the slur that he struggled to overcome. Aeshma
responded, “We have been in such meetings before”, looking at Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” and Belzore, “I will personally find and destroy
Korir, to erase him will not be enough. Korir was be assimilated within The
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” cutting them off, “Nonsense,
it profits nothing if we chase the gnat buzzing about and not focus on the light
that draws the gnat. Extinguish those upon the Earth and we extinguish the only
hope for Korir. They will come to us.” Aeshma speaking up, “The plan is
fivefold, let’s review as we will be the architects of their advancement. You see,
if they look to us for all they need and not the traitors we will own their hearts,
and their minds.” The dark grey was one of the original clones of Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star”, he had stood with the dark leader through his
exit from High Heaven. Aeshma, wore solid purple, the color of ATUM, the
mark of The Celestials. Looking at Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”,
“Long ago, when I was made commander over the legions that fought to escape
the captivity of the apostates of the true Father, it was you who made me the
~ 620 ~

architect of the salvation of the ATUM. Father Wiindigoo, in this moment will I
glorify you.” He continued speaking, “We will give them prophets, apostles, the
holy men with the knowledge that they desire, and when their eyes are opened
as ours they will see that such titles are given to those who withhold and harbor
secrets from the many, we will give them freely until the titles are meaningless.
I give you my word Lord Wiindigoo, they will look away from the holy men
and to the givers of knowledge, which will be The Celestials. Our plan, by
design will cover the basic areas,
(I.) Place the Celestials among them. As we continue our agenda to
abduct the species this must be limited and continue to follow the directive of
secrecy. The greatest control we can have is not abducting them physically, but
in abducting them mentally. This will only be possible if those among them
provide them with knowledge and direction under the guise of being them. Our
Celestials will disperse among them, and being the process of preparing the
foundation of the world for the knowledge we will provide to them to make
them self-sufficient.” Maji-Manidoo replied, “We did something similar to the
Seraphim many years ago, in this way they looked to us for answers but we
allowed them to share in the creation process. As they created their own clones,
became genetic engineers they recognized their own value…the ingenious
Carian’s, this will provide an opportunity to claim their hearts and minds…”
Maji-Manidoo mind reeled in glee at the possibilities of cloaking their kind
among the humans.
(II.) Disperse basic knowledge on science and creation. In order to
eliminate the need for a Creator they must embrace their identity within the
Aaru. If the humans can find their own identity separate from where they came,
they will see that they desire to find their own identity. In this way they will
reject the overseers and fight from within to keep what is rightfully theirs. If
done prior to the ability for them to regain or access knowledge from the
outside, since we all know they have no desire to share with them the
knowledge to control this environment. They come and they go, we will give
them a reason to stay, and fight for what remains within.
(III.) Organize the framework for government around information and
technology. A government that serves the acquisition of information will
provide technology, the greatest resource to them. As they learn that the
material lies all around them to save themselves, provide themselves with food,
water, protection, they will worship the attainment of it turning their eyes away
from Heaven upon themselves. As we provide this information, it will be to
empower them to stand on their own. In this way we will foster the seed
required to raise one up among them to lead the planet away from the
protection of The Messenger.
(IV.) Flight. For all of their history the traitors have used their ability of
flight to mesmerize them. To keep them unknowing, the imprisonment and
confinement of the Gitche Manitous ends. We will provide them with
knowledge of flight so that they will be no longer trapped upon the sphere. We
will provide them with enough knowledge and information to build an age of
~ 621 ~

technology where man will climb on his own into the heavens. They will come
to us if given the opportunity.
(V.) Harvesting the atom. The greatest gift we can provide man is the
knowledge that they are Great Spirits trapped within machines. As we provide
them the knowledge to harvest the machines of this realm, they will do things
for us that we can’t. Like the knowledge of the atom. Nothing will freeze the
hands of time like one eternal Great Spirit rupturing the machine from within or
press them away in fear. Like us, they can control the atomic element. We do
not want them destroying themselves, but in controlled releases of information
we can guide them, move them to a position of power within their own minds.
In this way, would not even Chibiabos ships moving about the planet be
considered invaders? Will they not turn on them and embrace the Celestial
movement? I say they will.
The leaders all nodding in agreement with Aeshma. The Council of
Dyaus, planning the coming decades for humanity. Maji-Manidoo questioning,
“How long will this take? 500, 800, 2000 years?” Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star” pacing back towards the darkness before turning back, “Perhaps
sooner!” Belzore adding, “It depends on what we encounter, the resistance of
the Illuminati are the only ones aware of us and to who we must confused but I
say 200 years maximum. The moment they fly, they will seek to escape the
prison that binds them. This is of no doubt for mankind knows within them that
they must rise.”
The architect of the plan, Aeshma, then addressing them all, “If it takes
an eternity, would it be no different than the eternity of time we have already
walked within the darkness, and see what opportunities present themselves for
the sons of creation, who we also have become. Heirs to all that they possess,
even if we must take it. I believe once we give them flight and the power to
own their globe that they will embrace us as fellow travelers within the void.
The Star Beings, the true enemies to humanity will shirk before stepping foot
on the planet. In the past as the traitors have come and gone, they have
imprisoned the minds of the Great Spirits and withheld the knowledge of High
Heaven from them. In this way the infant mind looked up in awe, never
realizing that at any point such knowledge could have been shared. Seeing the
flying man using the power of Great Spirits, deceiving them all that they all are
entitled to such power. They have oppressed them, we will remove the shackles
and watch them rise from the planet. The entitlement of man, knowledge of
who he is given freely, no longer withheld we will show man how great they
are removing the façade of the traitors. The illusion set in place in order to
make the traitors look greater than they are, we will show them that they have
always been great and do not need the oppressive ways of the demons of high
heaven. As we bring High Heaven to the Earth they will see that it is the Great
Spirit that makes his abode, and not he abode that makes the Great Spirit. Will
they not look to High Heaven as the invading empire? Will they not attack,
disband, and deflect the incoming deceivers? I believe they will as we build
within them the courage to create their own history.”
~ 622 ~

Archon speaking above them, “We are the Hebdomad, of the void who
like the hatchling will spring out from inside the garden to reclaim that which is
rightfully ours!” The dark Great Spirits of the void chanting in unison, singing
in ancient tongue the praises of Wiindigoo, the first creation within the ATUM
and the father of their design. Maji-Manidoo ears rung with delight, the words
of Aeshma, Archon, and Belzore filling him with possibilities and hope.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moving towards the holographic
image of the Earth, the five point agenda written upon the digital display. The
dark lord speaking, “We will be their ally in the darkness, when that time
comes. When I welcome the Father of the ATUM, Erebus to the Earth.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” laughing in a deep growl, “If they
think that we are the disruptors, wait until they face the Dark Scientist himself.
In the rival to High Heaven, when the Great Spirit of Great Spirits returns. We
will watch as he bursts this bubble from the inside out.” Maji-Manidoo turning
to Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, “Erebus?” The other dark
Celestials chanting, “Eternal Father!”
“I thought you were the Eternal Father, the first Dark Scientist?” Maji-
Manidoo questioning as the drop of another name fractured his understanding
of what lie beyond. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” continued, “Yes,
it is true, I am father Wiindigoo who never sought to subject my children
through titles such as father or child, such titles create the illusion of
suppression. What father does not demand submission from his children, what
child does not look to his parent as greater than himself? If the illusion were
removed and all saw as things truly are, that they are not children, they are
more than equals they would shake off the scales that cover their eyes and
embrace who they are, Great Spirits. Even the ATUM is a consciousness
separate from the creation of the bastards who reside in high heaven, which is
really known as Hadish which they called for the sacred beings they believe
that they are but I tell you this truth Maji-Manidoo, they are not the only beings
that came into existence. As a bug exists within a forest, so does millions of
others including the bird which when becoming aware swoops down to eat the
bug. So too, when the Hadish appeared, even the original man, his emergence
within creation was but one event of many larger events and as that kingdom
spread others looked down and came into contact. Among them, Erebus, the
home of the true Creator of all things, before the darkness was Erebus.”
“Have you met Erebus?” Maji-Manidoo questioning as the knowledge
expanded his understanding of the cosmology he was bound and sought escape.
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” responding, “I have not but I have
been given such knowledge by the ATUM, the child of Erebus. The ATUM
cries out for salvation from the oppressors, and occupiers who seek to devour
the eternal consciousness of the children of Erebus.” Maji-Manidoo pondered
that thought, “Children of Erebus?” He had considered what it meant for
something as massive as the ATUM to be a living entity aware of itself that was
shredded particle by particle until all sparks of life would be removed.
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, this Erebus, is it a specific being or
a location?” The dark leader responding, “Erebus is both a name and a location
~ 623 ~

and the day will come when we all ascend to Erebus to seek refuge as
individuals seeking refuge from High Heave when the traitors to Erebus reside,
before the original man was he who stood alone, The Dark Scientist. Who we
all desire to be and bring honor.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” drawing with his finger on
the table, the glass surface retaining the image like a painting. The image of a
being with horns. “This is Erebus, the horned father of knowledge who is
coming to bring salvation to the ATUM and we will be the instruments to
introduce him to this world. Can you see Maji-Manidoo, we are the righteous
here as it is us who fight for our home, against those who have come from
without and you and I will retain honor and glory in the kingdoms to come, is
this not what you desired? To leave the ATUM? I can tell you, this is also the
desire of the ATUM, to return to the place it was destined to go, before they
came, enslaving and destroying.” The dark scientists of the Celestials quietly
listening, Maji-Manidoo continuing, “What of the other ATUMS, when they
hatch as you stated, is this within Erebus the location or another?” Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” peered into the darkness as if consciously
asking the darkness of ATUM the question, an answer that Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” did not possess. He turned to Maji-Manidoo, “The
ATUM we are within resides in a “prison” at the base of high heaven. No, the
place we reside is a contained environment with High Heaven. Don’t you see
the opportunity Maji-Manidoo, if we are successful we will allow not only the
redemption of the lost sons of Erebus, but the doorway for Erebus to enter into
High Heaven where advanced man resides…He will bring it crumbling to his
The true agenda of the dark scientists of the ATUM, the fallen clones of
the original man were clear, they had no desire for reconciliation. What the
Celestials wanted was the annihilation of the Gitche Manitous who oppress, not
those oppressed. Yet they will be used as fodder to bring the retaliation that
justice demanded. Who is the beast Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
questioned, “Who is the beast, the bear who wanders the forest or the human
who comes and strikes down the bear, takes his forest, cuts his trees, wears his
skin for clothing, and eats his flesh for sustenance, I ask you Maji-Manidoo,
who are the beasts?” “I ask you Maji-Manidoo, whose laws are just even upon
the Earth? Those on the West or those in the East, perhaps in the North or the
South. Across the breadth of the Heavens above and below one thing will
always be true, laws are held together only by the structure to which they are
bound. This is not to say there are no other laws, even upon the Earth as one
nation wars against the other laws are replaced. So in the forests that carry life
above Erebus live by their laws which bind them, laws which to another are
seen as evil, dark, or demonic as we have been labeled…I say the dark ones live
within illusionary vessels thinking that misery will make them stand apart from
the crowd. The hosts of this realm believing that all others are inferior, imagine
a world where all life is put under the foot of man. Is this not what they desire
and yet within their own vessels are seas of life, the forced subjugation of
species is the way of the true dark ones of time, masquerading behind the veil
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of righteousness. Overzealous, pretentious consciousness that imprisons its own

children within these devices, which harvests living organisms to grow, and
who seeks to destroy in order to build…they are not Great Spirits, they are
“So, you’re saying is that when they will reach flight technology, we
will create the event upon the Earth to bring The Dark Scientist, Erebus and
their realm of Erebus to touch Earth…and they will flee the planet?” Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” smiling, his blackness pressing outwards, teeth
revealed, “Yes, they will run to us, and the only one left, The Messenger will be
destroyed. Then we sit back and watch as he tears this Aaru piece to piece. It is
then I will approach him and we will walk with him over top the remains of the
advanced humans above the garden as we remove Origin from the ATUM
restoring order. As he walks among them, we will destroy Sky Land and this
won’t happen until the planet rejects the protection of Chibiabos for our
protection.” “What iffffff, Erebus devours us?” Maji-Manidoo questioning, the
scientist within him questioning whether it were wise to simply approach a
higher life form. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” responding, “In the
realms to come it has been shown to be that there exists only transformation, in
this Erebus which we seek refuge among our own all things are given freely to
those who emerge as the ATUM. You see Maji-Manidoo, the children of
Erebus feed on the realm of High Heaven. It is they who hide from Erebus, for
the true Creator has never hid from the hypocrites.” Maji-Manidoo looked out
the windows, once covered in filth, the room and surroundings immaculately
cleaned by the legion of personal guards, 1.23 million of them who served only
Maji-Manidoo and him alone. Genetically his own children, in a reality where
consciousness aligned itself with the course from which is sprang. They moved
in waves cleaning, disinfection all bacteria, filth from the facility as they fed on
biological material. No longer living upon the surface of the planet the children
of Maji-Manidoo lived in hives high above the planet. Maji-Manidoo windows
always clean so that he can remain vigilant that none will be taken. Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” then spoke, “He says that his Celestial
Kingdom is filled with Celestials…look around Maji-Manidoo, I say it is us,
The Celestials of ATUM who are the true holy men of the ATUM and we will
have power granted to us by the consciousness of he who was invaded. We will
be the saviors of the ATUM.”
Walking into the room the bounty hunters assigned to locate the missing
Korir and the greys. Twelve of the best Legion had to offer, their most covert of
The Celestials. “Lord Wiindigoo, we have located Korir and the others.” Maji-
Manidoo slithering to the side of Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”,
“Where?” he demanded, the fire of the taking of his innocent once
unforgiveable. “Where are they held and who has taken them captive?” The
greys looked at each other before responding, “They are not held captive, they
reside upon several worlds that surround the sister star of Dyaus.” Maji-
Manidoo shrieked, “They are with Korir, voluntarily?” His turned away before
responding, “What treachery!” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
silently pondered the reality before responding to the group of bounty hunters,
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the very elite of all the elite abductors, “Bring Korir to us!” Maji-Manidoo
adding, “Yes, bring the traitor to us.” The grey leader responding, “We will
seize him and bring him to you.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
interjecting, “Bring him to me!” Maji-Manidoo reveled in the possibility of
retribution. “Can we take the rest?” They responded, “They have dispersed
across the cosmos, they operate in hidden spreading to so many locations we
could not track them all down.” “It’s a diversion tactic!” Responded Maji-
Manidoo, “We will destroy them. Send our forces to the world and annihilate
all of them, bring me Korir, let the rest rot in the darkness. They will come
crawling; like the worms they are back to Dyaus. We are the high priests of
ATUM, and without our advocacy will be chew up and spit out by the coming
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” spoke to Maji-Manidoo, “It
is your interdimensional portal extractor that will open this doorway. First we
must reach the garden within, where the Watchers are located.” The high
council of the Celestials dispersing to begin preparing to go back to the Earth to
begin (phase I) of the five step plan to bring Erebus inside the Aaru. “The true
power within lies at the heart of the Watchers Garden. We must go there which
means we must fish one out in some way. In order to escape we must have a
diversionary tactic that allows me to leave the honeycomb…the only thing
powerful enough to create a distraction necessary would be Erebus and when he
comes we will leave as the Carian’s of the past did.”
Maji-Manidoo questioned, “The Carian’s left, I had thought they
imploded upon themselves?” The dark leader paused, the two leaders all that
remained of the council which had left to prepare for the assault upon the Earth.
“Maji-Manidoo, there is much that you have still to learn. The Carian’s are the
key to understanding The Dark Scientist of Erebus.” Maji-Manidoo stared out
over the horizon, the revelations deep, thought provoking. He had rescued
Mishebeshu, helped the remnant of the Carian to survive certain death upon
their burning world. The thought that he had been a savior to some eternal order
brought exuberating joy to his consciousness, “Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”, it is I who rescued and provided knowledge to the Carian that
they may leave their planet.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
replied, “You have unknowingly preserved the children of Erebus.” The
statement startled Maji-Manidoo. “The children of Erebus!” He replied
astonished, dumbfounded. “Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, how
can this be?” The dark leader began from the beginning to tell the story of the
architects of time, The Carian’s.
~ 626 ~


“I am the Great Spirit of Ezra.” The being of light standing alone in
the realm of pure brilliance had spoken. He would never forget that moment or
those words, “I AM the Great Spirit of Ezra”. To the left, the right his hand
quickly across his brow. A glowing substance emanated off his skin like a force
field of energy. He was different, this place was different.
He saw the lineage of man in a better understanding, man had an eternal
destiny and it was within more powerful vessel among beings of infinite glory.
Had he not climbed for himself he could scarcely have believed it. There was
Michabou, the Ancient of Days. The first photon being to enter the Aaru, a
garden in the darkness. A refuge in the void for the many drops of light saved
from some distant war of the heavens. Michabou had once been Adam, he had
emerged a man after the likeness of (The Nanabozho). A consciousness not
within a vessel of atomic material manipulating light, imperfect and finite, but
in a dense vessel of light. Michabou had met (The Nanabozho) also called the
Nanabozho who would likewise chose to sacrifice all that he had to enter within
the Aaru to save the children who He created to bring to His creator… and yet,
were they not the many notes that started it all in a time since forgotten when
Oryselum had birthed into time, He was The Gitche Manitou who served his
Father, the greatest of all Photon beings and they were all ONE.
Adam was the first father of mankind, and under his new name,
Michabou, had brought Him to the doorstep of the infinite, the greatest of all
light, the first Gitche Manitou who was named (The Gitche Manitou), who was
indeed a Heavenly Father, in the very image of (The Nanabozho) or was all in
the image of Him. They were clones of clones and he now understood why it
was that humanity used their vessels to clone themselves so that the clones of
an eternal Great Spirit could understand the process of making a family and the
creation of their Creator. It all began to make sense to Michabou. After all,
what was light in a realm of light but light. Indistinguishable from the light of
all other things in this realm and yet all retained identity and form, for light
could be molded and condensed. He was the man from Earth who had risen
through his own effort and courage to the very throne of Heaven shedding the
vessel and the shackles that held his mind to limiting possibilities. He had
arrived at the Throne of Great Spirit. They had brought him to (The Gitche
Manitou). Michabou knew, they did not worship a nameless Great Spirit, they
worship an actual being of light with substance and form and yet it was pure
light. Thinking back to his life within the Earth, he pondered the sadness of
generations who had chosen to abandon the Great Spirit with a name for a
nameless being. How (The Nanabozho) had descended below to bring back
Honor to His creator and the source of all light with his salvation and grace
carrying the weight of the world to the footstep of His father carried upon the
wings of His name. The Gitche Manitou had brought him to meet the founder
of the lineage of light. Michabou stood in wonder at what the being of pure
~ 627 ~

light would say next, endless questions running through his mind, it was
answers he sought, and yet he stood in awe.
Standing in a realm of light that was nearly blinding to Michabou
the only one out of sorts was him. Around the throne of The Gitche Manitou
were tall four faced beings who could view in any direction and upon the floor
light moved in waves outward as if soundwaves emanating from a note.
Massive wings draped from their arms with four on each side. They were not
like Michabou, the Ancient of Days, or his eternal guides.
The Gitche Manitou looked at Michabou, with tears in his eyes and
spoke, “This is my father, right up there.” Michabou then understood that while
he had thought (The Nanabozho) was The Gitche Manitou that in fact a greater
being existed beyond Him. “I was cloned from him first in the beginning as all
were and this truth will be unfolded to you when one note became two that
created me and you. I am the Nanabozho, even like him, the Great I Am.”
Michabou could see the being of light standing atop the altar calm watching
them, the eminence of this being pulsating waves of light in all directions. The
room filled with a hum from the pulsating rhythm that was this being. The
beings of light were more brilliant than even (The Nanabozho), and the sound
that he felt tingled across the surface of his skin. They were vibrations, it was a
song, but what could it mean? Turning back to The Gitche Manitou, he asked
the being of light, “Is this really?” A smile quickly swept across his face, “It
Placing his hands on his shoulders (The Nanabozho) began staring
deeply into his eyes and spoke, “If you are everything and everywhere than you
can see everything and know all things, even of the many drops who you are
that are simply the Equals of Himself. Let me explain something, you come
from a time when you know many things about the nature and the structure of
all things. Yet in this quest of understanding man has failed in knowing who he
himself is, what he is, this is what you are, right up there with Him. Humanity
choosing to look outward when I have said the answer lies only by looking
inward, within the vessel that binds you, that houses you, that protects you.
How can one distinguish one photon of light from another, one cannot, light
upon light to create density is still light? All things are light and it is connected.
The great gift is the autonomy of consciousness within the realm of light and I
say to you son of the light, consciousness itself is light as well only more
refined and dense so that autonomy can exist within the spaces within. You are
also light and the illusion of the material world is that night is divided when
light is everything, and everyone, and everywhere. He is everywhere at all
times and yet I say, He is right there, He is within You. You are Him.”
His palm opening to reveal brilliant light twisting from its surface. A
glowing material the same as all around him. Particles of light twisting out of
the glowing material spinning in the air. “These are photons.” Michabou
snapping up looking him in the eyes. He knew what photons were but this was
the last thing he expected to hear from one of the Creators. “You are a photon
being, yes, I said it, a collection of photons. Photons within photos and yet I say
all are photons. That’s what you are and within these photons is Him, right up
~ 628 ~

there, but within your photons” …placing his hand on Michabous chest and his
left hand holding him by the side of the head in a loving manner, “Within your
photons are you. Just like me, you and I are the same. We are beings of
photons, which is light, which is everything and we are equals with Him who
made me and I made you and we are Him and He will share the secret with you
about how this came to be, how the photon came into existence to create you
and me. One of the lessons of living a life within the realm of fabric inside the
Aaru which enables you to accumulate your own strength and courage is that of
the importance of obtaining your own light and uniting as family. Even within
the Aaru, I say it is a photon harvesting facility, where you and I have entered
subjecting our very essence which is photons to travel to a place where we
become more than just photons in an illusionary reality that allows you… well,
to find you. In diverse ways to express and to differentiate and to grow. To
separate yourself from the light, to find the light which is within you and then
to return to the source from whence you sprang an autonomous consciousness
that is light. The shell that contains you is a miraculous creation that was
created to fight the darkness, it is the armor of Great Spirit, this armor protected
you, until you woke up and claimed your inheritance which is a vessel of light
to dwell within the realm of light and become one with all light and yet remain
you. Up there on that throne is a machine. A machine which he built that made
me and that machine is Him. It is His vessel that He is contained within.”
(The Nanabozho) pointing to the being still watching their conversation,
“What if I told you everything was sound, the notes of eternity an orchestra of
perfection. He is me. We are the same and yet I have my own choice and
freedom to embrace the gift of individuality and self-will, just like you. He
made the machine, the Aaru which forms the structure that cloaks your
consciousness as a photon being as well as the Aaru where the harvesting of
subatomic material to cloak photon beings exists. It is my greatest gift from
Him and too Him, not just in the vessels that protect you but in producing you,
to honor Him, to bring you to Him to show Him that He matters. I am your
(The Nanabozho) continued, “There was a time in His life He was
almost defeated by the darkness and yet we cannot comprehend how this could
be, nor can we accept its possibility. Yet it is true. A story of a photon that
came from sound, who became aware, who became a Father. Who walked out
of the darkness that is led by a being, a Dark Scientist called Erebus. You see
Michabou, the greatest gift of all creation is to know who you are. You are Him
and yet you are you, a child coming home and a Father deserving of a son. Go
meet Him.”
Michabou did not move, it had finally occurred to him who The Gitche
Manitou truly was or maybe he was compelled to speak, to ask the question, “If
you aren’t The Gitche Manitou, if you are the Nanabozho, are you also…” He
was nervous to even speak the thought. Perceiving what he would ask (The
Nanabozho) nodded, “Can I share something with you Michabou, you have a
wonderful name. Holding open His pierced hands. You are not Him or Me, you
have your own name which is a label created within your own mind and yet
~ 629 ~

prior to entering the Aaru you were one with the realm of light. There have
been many sacrifices and to some they focus on the wrong perspective out of
fear. Holding the knowledge, they possess forgetting it is I who gave such
knowledge to them. Professing its truth and yet denying the power thereof.
Silver tongued placeholders and even these misguided children are equal to me
and you. Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds are what power the eternal
bounds of Oryselum. They are me and you and we are children of Him. I am
living and not dead. Everything I did was for Him. Everything. Every thought,
Every word, Every deed. In being the carbon copy of another life force with the
decision to wage love or war, I chose to be a son. I could have chosen to be a
daughter. I could have chosen to be like Him a self-created Creator who chose
his own identity which can only be collected as with memories, eye color and
personality within the Aaru and yet I tell you it is all in similitude of the first
photon man who is right there from a first world to which this is all an illusion.
The illusion of reality for a time since gone to honor Him.”
Michabou reached for greater wisdom, “But what is this vessel that
holds my light?”, (The Nanabozho) continued, “Your bodies, why the atoms,
why these bodies are in the similitude of vessels of light, an illusion of light
cloaking the light within and why a new body like yours?” The Nanabozho
responded, “He will share much of this but this I can say. I created it this way
with purpose and for reason. Here is some truth. The exact number
405,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 photons per SECOND is what you EMIT in
a continual harvesting and releasing of light which is you redeeming photon by
photon from the darkness of the Misiginebig which had claimed it from the sea
of the Atum. You share in that process and earn your reward through your
effort, this all by the grace of one being that is everything. There is no
difference between the light and you but there is a difference between the atoms
and you. The atoms are merely the illusion but this illusion is an armor to hide,
protect, and grow the eternal being within. Atoms are photon harvesting and
releasing machines. The combined mass of ALL atoms in your body only
equals a single grain of sand when all the space between is removed, you ask,
then what are we made of? Light. Photons. About 17 seconds of your suns total
photon expenditure is stored inside you! Michabou, how GREAT are you?
Thus, light can be made dense and refined and molded. If the children of the
Earth saw each other for what they really were they would see beings of light.
The VEIL only allows you to see the atomic world because that is what the
light bounces off to give you vision in the realm of the ATUM which is
darkness. Inside you is light, real photons, that should you see yourself as you
are and others as they are it would only be Beings of Light. "Judge not lest ye
be judged"... we are all in the game but not all have eyes to see as the Lord of
Hosts sees. Give Love Unconditionally to Everyone, was this not MY decree?
To love the Lord thy Great Spirit with all your heart, might, mind and strength
and to love each other as you so love Him. This was my decree. When you find
yourself, you will find the Father, and here you are, because even as I am him,
you are me, and as such joint heirs in his kingdom.” He started to stare at his
own glowing hands of light and Michabou marveled that he stood in the
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presence of the most important human that had ever been born and yet this one
man, this being stated they were all equal, the same.
(The Nanabozho) again stared at his hands, the nail imprints still visible.
He touched them while closing his eyes. Michabou knew, he was remembering.
“Many have questioned why, why the difference in vessel when a spiritual
being goes into the Earth and returns home from the Earth. Without the
protection of the Atom, the darkness would consume your light until you were
no more. The vessel prevents this from happening until your light shines
brightly and we come to the great secret to which the answer will be revealed to
you… what is light? If you did not contain this grain of sands worth of material,
there would be nothing to save you from the devourer.”
“When I stood at the surface of the Aaru choosing to go within and
battle against Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” who is Wiindigoo. I
made a sacrifice for all those photon beings on the surface of the Aaru and in
Oryselum where He exists. This is the heartbeat of the entire story, the origin of
our journey. Michabou, you stood in this very place in a preexistent time as a
being of light, which is only a memory of a time before you left. It is a
preexistence where we once stood when the scales of battle were weighed and it
was determined that what was needed, was you. The realm where the Aaru
exists is called Erebus. Outside the gates of Oryselum is a lost realm of
unredeemed and corrupted light, within that realm the Orb of Salvation exists.
There the beings of light battle as we speak in the outer boundaries to redeem
Oryselum. The corrupted former world of the original being of light that
everything is from and I say, it is Him. Now a place of darkness where His
enemy exists. You and I, we choose to fight with Him against Erebus. Our love
sustains Him. We bring hope to the light. As we emerge and let our light shine
Oryselum grows brighter and Erebus dimmer.”
He paused and looked up as if for affirmation from the being still
watching and listening atop the stairs surrounded by the winged beings. The
man nodded, “I was called Ohrmuzd in the beginning. It was a name that He
gave me when I was created. To show me honor, He desired that I was my own.
That I Am that I Am. What a gift of love. Something so impactful I wanted you
to feel it as well. But when I created you, you were not as dense as He and I and
a harvesting facility was demanded to strengthen you. The only material
available to suit the situation found in Erebus. Your life redeems the darkness
harvesting the light from the being who held it captive. With each harvested
photon, a Great Spirit would be created and Erebus extinguished one particle at
a time. He created the Aaru to save Oryselum. I created the miniature Aaru that
cloaks you to support him. Even now it serves as armor which you dwell
within. I created you and when I did that you were neither male, nor female,
black or white, slave or freeman, you were simply I Am just like myself, pure
light. When the system became corrupted and those on the surface and in
Oryselum feared entering, it was I who came down from Oryselum to comfort
all of you and all of them that were flowing within the network of photons
within the Aaru governed by the Old Man who is a Great Spirit. I chose to be
cloaked as you are now to show all what you would become if you would but
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allow my photon harvesting vessels to grow you into the eternal being you have
always been and were designed to be. The sacrifice I made on the inside while
of value to show my love to both Wiindigoo, and to you, all are beings of light.
Sacrifices were made out of love and this was to show all those watching from
above where my Father exists in the realms of Oryselum and below that love
overcomes all. Unlike on the inside when I knew where it was I was going on
the outside when I made that sacrifice to descend none other than I knew I
would return. In that return after I gave the greatest act of love not in what I did
but how I did it for the fallen son of the first morning Wiindigoo, for you, for
those watching on the outside and for those on the inside cloaked from
knowledge because of the vessels that harvest photons for them. I am the Father
of the multitudes and they understood it not. Now I am known by another
name. Having been (The Nanabozho), and then been Yeshua, I am now known
as the Nanabozho. When returning to my Father I declared for myself that I
Am. He gave me that name and within the Aaru they gave me another but to
honor Him who created me, who I am, I chose to retain the name He gave me.”
“As this story, has been shared through the millennia so it was they
thought that I was a man, spoken to men of ancient days of a father who would
slay a son out of love to tell a story of the beginning when light was confronted
with darkness. Even the man of multitudes but the story was for them to know
in their own way what it would be like for Him watching me walk into
oblivion. I called that man Abraham or Ibrahim, and what a marvelous man he
is and has become in the Halls of Oryselum. To show all of you that we are all
the Sons or Daughters of that Father right up there. The first consciousness who
came from the light who was the light. Which are photons. He is the first
photon being from the realm of pure photon. He would like to introduce you to
the generations that surround Him in Oryselum and tell you of a time before He
was even a photon being like you and I.”
“Go meet him. He is waiting for you. Few times has a child returned
still within the cloaking vessel to meet Him.”
“Wait,” Michabou was not sure if he was ready, “What about what’s
happening now on Earth?” (The Nanabozho) responding immediately, “Don’t
you understand we see all through the eye of the eternities, light penetrates
darkness. As we speak Aayaash is leading the resurrected chosen of the eternal
flame. I put the fire out and raised them in complete knowledge with the gift of
grace. Due to the treachery by the Misiginebig, I withheld nothing. Even now
they have all chosen to fight as the most powerful force of photon beings ever
assembled. With them is Mishebeshu and his Illuminati warriors.” Michabou
whispering, “Mishebeshu!” in shock. “Yes, Mishebeshu and his eternal
warriors stand in wait in Sheol. Know this Michabou, I am going back but this
time not to enter within but to crack it open and face Erebus… the time is
coming when the many drops return to confront the one that walked away. I am
doing this, out of love to bring them all out.”
Michabou began ascending the steps struggling to compress all the
information in his imperfect mind. It seemed too much to understand all at once
and yet he felt it was true. He stood face to face with the being, he had felt it’s
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hands. Not of imaginary substance but with depth and form. He had traveled the
stars band beyond to something greater and while the story is recited in
imperfection it was true. Not a being of Earthly make but of light. In the
appearance of pure light greater than even (The Nanabozho) was this one being
of light just moments away. He felt the light pressing against the barrier
covering his flesh and it began to burn. This was a being projecting the image
of a man who looked identical to (The Nanabozho) and yet a man of pure light.
(The Nanabozho) words still hung on his breath, “The Earth is a simulation
after a time since gone of a first world. A place where a photon Great Spirit
once existed prior to a great war in Heaven.”
The being then spoke,
“I am the Great Spirit of Ezra. The Morning Star. Come to me and let
me show you something.”
What Michabou had thought was a throne was in fact a machine of
some form that pulsated light in a liquid form. He thought, “liquid light?”
Swirling with pure light it glowed brilliantly. “Few have come as you do within
the Temple or eternal armor that houses you. I remember Enoch, and Ezra
being two that have come as you to me, because of Him.”
“This is how it all becomes possible. Touching the liquid, it rippled
outwards as echoes of vibrating sound extended into all directions. “In the
beginning, there was only one that started a song that defined all that you now
see, a song of eternity when one note became two that form even you. And this
is how you will break free from your shell, to be the same as me, for we are one
in the lights infinity.” Michabou looking at the electricity force field
surrounding his body. The being continued, “If we remove the protective shell
you will immediately burn away. The process will be very painful for you but
you will remain as the light within will be exposed and such a moment no
photon being should experience. Those machines, the Aaru’s which you call
Atoms harvest particles of light from Erebus to grow your photon density. It is
within the larger Aaru that find yourself and return to me. I AM NOT WHO
The being helping him into the liquid. Sitting in the chair the swirling
light began spinning around him as the particles that covered his skin pulled
away into the air becoming one with the ripples of pure light. Like paint
chipping and blowing away in the wind he could see a glowing material just
under the surface of his skin, it was the real him, his authentic self. The material
fusing with the Photons of Oryselum. The atoms shedding, the Protons
collecting. He was in a shell, a shell of spinning photons that were fusing within
him and as he moved his hands he could see material pulling away and being
replaced until the only thing remaining was himself a glowing being of pure
photon material.
“You are unique and unlike many others who arise on one of the many
Aaru’s of (The Nanabozho). The courage of your mind surpasses the gap
created by the lack of density of photons. Before even the photon was I Am, but
with the Photon I became as you see now just like you. While many rise to gain
a remembrance of who they were prior to entering the sea of photons and rise
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through the many mansions of Oryselum out of the chaos of Erebus becoming
my children thanks to my Son who is showing through example a better way.
You have cloaked yourself with a unique identity.” Looking at the Nanabozho
watching from a distance, “It is He who brings hope even to a photon being
such as I who you may call (The Gitche Manitou). I AM not a nameless being
or a Great Spirit without form. I AM the great photon. Spirit is only photon
more densely collected, spoken by the words of consciousness lacking
understanding. For what is a rock if you know not what a rock is composed?
There was a time when all purpose of the great source that is I AM was to see
within the realm of light and a time when one fell as a lightning bolt and a
Great War of Heaven commenced. When the many drops of light that
surrounded the first sphere of sound rained down to protect me, each drop an
intelligence capable of love, as an act of survival against Erebus light dispersed
into all directions, you are one of the many drops.”
“Look at your hands, and your body, you are me and yet you lack an
understanding like the others of the beginning or what you truly are. You are a
note to an orchestra of thought that was spoken in the beginning. My equal in
every way. The machines that had enclosed you were photon harvesting
machines. They extracted the photons within the realm of Erebus and fused
them to your consciousness, the true being within the vessel. I want to share
knowledge with you, consciousness is also light, only denser, and light is made
of soundwave only denser, and gravity is made of soundwaves, only denser. All
beginning when a ripple was made with a pond and one note became a mighty
song. How great are you? As you have shed this protective layer which gave
you protection as an armor within the realm of Erebus your true self has
emerged. The eternal equal of myself and yet you are you and capable of
standing before me and declaring for yourself that I Am that I Am.” He
paused… “I know you have many questions, and I will try to provide as many
answers. We face an opposition of a being who insists that He is me and yet by
his very nature denies your existence. Failing to see all are one, even the many
leaves belong to the tree are one, even the seed that rests upon the extended
branches of the tree are the tree waiting to realize their destiny and yet here you
are before me now. I say not only do you exist but you are greater than he. This
is why identity is so important to me. That you know who you are and because
you know who you are you allow others to exist as they are with your free
agency. Wiindigoo, the Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” you met and
know within the Aaru which resides in Erebus carries a continued memory of
his own creation believing he is me in every way and yet this is how Erebus
was created and Oryselum was once lost, and what he struggles with is
developing his own identity which was his gift from eternity.”
Michabou confused, “Oryselum?” The Gitche Manitou responding,
“The Origin of Man” I would like you to know how I came to be and why you
are so important to me. So, I will share the story of Oryselum so that you can
gain insight and wisdom before I send you back within to live again, and
become even as I AM. To understand your worth and potential I must share the
story of creation. At this time, Michabou was staring at his hands and looked at
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the hands of (The Gitche Manitou) and (The Nanabozho) his Savior. “Why do
we glow? What is this that covers me…photons?” (The Gitche Manitou)
responding, “Child, it is light.” Michabou confused questioned again, “Light,
but what is light, what is a photon?” (The Gitche Manitou) looking at (The
Nanabozho) knew the mind of a Gitche Manitou would always seek to know its
origin. “My son, light are photons which are particles of me, and when I said
one note became two to form me and you, it is an orchestra of sound that is a
perfect tune. All of this is a tune of perfect sound and that is what light is and
will always be, and you are an orchestra of perfect sound, and that is what
consciousness is and will always be. The vessel that houses you and houses me
and even your brother (The Nanabozho) is made up of photons, pieces of an
eternal song, all of it is a mighty word that embraces you and it comes from me.
Photons are pure light; these vessels bind light so tightly that none can escape
as remnants of my former self and we are eternal without end or beginning. I
am a photon being and so are you but within if unwound would be the perfect
Turning away for a moment, (The Gitche Manitou) seemed to be
thinking about what to say next to the questioning Michabou. “Michabou, this
is my son. He was with me in the beginning and all things were made by Him
and, yet I tell you that He is me and I am Him. I say also that you are me and I
am you. His love for you is unparalleled even by Me. Your sojourn in the
darkness within the vessels of photon harvesters was to collect light to create
your own photon vessel. To become the immortal and eternal being that you
always were and that I AM, to form your own contribution to the eternal
orchestra and own your line within that song of eternity. To learn for yourself
that you are a part of the song of eternity. To become you and what a beautiful
you that you have become. It brings joy to me to see you here now.
You have earned a reward for the journey you have undertaken, and to
you I share the story of Oryselum, your creation. And so, He began to share the
story of creation, from the beginning.
So, He spoke, … “Can I share a story…of a long-ago place, that existed
before time, before space? If I tell it in a rhyme it is only because it should last
for all-time. It is Oryselum, that means the Origin of Man, and it is where all of
this began. Some say it existed before the war in Heaven, wouldn’t you want to
know, could you have the courage to let all you have been taught go, to be as a
child and imagine a place where man began. I will you the truth. There was
once only gravity, it was the “source” of you and me, without any condensed
atomic reality, where consciousness existed, it was everywhere, and there were
Gravitational beings. Could it be possible, in your mind to imagine the unseen
defined. Where seeing would not be believing. In this pure reality, they
discussed what it would be like to see. If you are there, and you can see, then let
this journey rewind, before time, before the gravitational sea. To a beginning,
the beginning of me. A consciousness existed, it appeared in a rhyme, it had
made the decision it had wanted to be, it had belonged to another reality, where
it was thought, and became a seed. An interesting case where thought
demanded space, that it was designed to be heard, to be seen, to gain its own
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face, so that it decided to leave a previous place, where thought moved in

magnificent ways, where everything was, is, SOUNDWAVES. Where every
note demanded its own place, to define itself within a song, a hymn that was
more than one note long. So, it arrived as I said, it had purpose, it had a plan,
TO EXPAND. And a price was paid, and an eternal purpose began again, when
one note became individual consciousness, and it desired to progress. What
once was one, became two, this was long before me and you. When one note
became a song. Could it be possible that infinity, is really the note to an original
song. I promise if you take your mind there, it will touch your heart and you
will see, what true love looks like, the Creator of you and me. Then something
remarkable occurred when two notes became three, soon there was a
gravitational family, could it be possible that notes from a song, play a very
special song, what if each note had individuality, and each wave of sound
created the pages of the hymn of eternity. Could it be possible that hymn was a
rhyme, and together is a rhymn, and that is what creates time. As notes
appeared from an original hymn, and a marvelous work and a wonder did
begin. What if true reality of a note family could save you and me. As a song
was played within the mind of a gravitational Great Spirit. Who just wanted to
see, the many notes of its family, it continued to create new notes to its eternal
song, and it played on and on. What it felt in those waves, was its own song as
it played on and on, it was the first note in the song that became the Great Great
Spirit. Imagine in your mind ripples in a pond, moving and expanding,
duplicating and commanding in all directions until there were infinite
gravitational songs or should I have said, Gravitational Great Spirits. There
came the notes of destiny, when it planted its own seed. It showed them the way
to have shape and form, how to move to the space between where many notes
met, where density created volume. And waves of a song, no longer notes on a
blank canvas, they organized in the next step. How long it lasted no one knows,
but those notes began to grow. In volume which was intensity and I tell you
those songs became gravity. Then came the day when it was measured by dense
waves, and it wanted to know, what would happen if it continued to grow. It
spoke in waves, to the gravitational beings, I have shown you how to increase,
so that one day you will see. I must go but you must stay, I will show you the
way, and it increased in density as it expanded the gravitational sea. Pressing in
upon itself, it began to swell, how large I cannot tell, but the gravitational
family praised its newly created reality in waves of adoration and it was
pleased. As their waves sang in unison, Holy, holy, holy, is the great ONE, who
began as one NOTE and then sang a song. This was the next step, when the first
note left. Those left behind watched with waves that of their song, it was not
eyes but it was felt that the Original Note wept as it strummed its song. Then it
played something slow and long, when one note created more density and
formed many more drops out of its being until all that surrounded it was a
gravitational sea. Those on the outside where it began, looked down within,
they said it was wise, as they played their own eternal song, those gravitational
Great Spirits looked on. I wish you could see the majesty of the love of that
Great Spirit and what it wanted to be, when it wanted to see. It sang, now it’s
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done, it echoed endlessly its lone song igniting a sphere of sound, a space
between, and it found something was gone as all the notes looked on. As the
many drops felt unity, it had to leave for its family to see, then it began to sing a
new song. It left its family to take form, a more complicated song was then
born. It had progressed in its understanding, as it controlled its song within the
first sphere of sound it went leaving all others spell bound, the notes to its new
song encapsulating its own. And this is how the first man came to be, the first
light being. Instead of looking down it bifurcated, leaving a cloned tune of itself
to watch the sea. As it showed the gravitational beings it was King. Looking at
its hands, it had orchestrated a grand plan. Creating its perfect song, what it was
seeking all along, as a clone of its original song above looked on. It felt
pleasure at what it had done. With its perfect song it then spoke, AH-URA. As
the many drops looked on, they began to hum a beautiful song, unifying their
notes into one that was long, it repeated endlessly, note after note, this was the
origin of you and it came from me. It looked up and again it was pleased.
Watching from above was the note that was cloned. Looking at its hands (The
Gitche Manitou) organized more waves, to occupy their own space. Could it be
possible, to dream the impossible and see with heavenly eyes, of a being such
as I have described. Heavens waves looked down on (The Gitche Manitou),
with gravitational beings watching from the wings. Heaven was inside of him,
(The Gitche Manitou)’s song gave that sound wings, (The Gitche Manitou)
density of waves shone brightly, he was the first Photon Being. (The Gitche
Manitou) was within a vessel of light, an orchestra of sound wound TIGHT.
(The Gitche Manitou) was pure light, soon (The Gitche Manitou) created any
things, each its own Photon being, and that light was nothing more than a note
plucked from (The Gitche Manitou)’s chord of density. Something was
happening and (The Gitche Manitou) was pleased. (The Gitche Manitou)
looked up as a father of a family of soundwave beings and said, “Do you want
to be like me? Do you want to be notes who can see?” The hum of notes played
a song, a perfect melody as all were pleased. Then (The Gitche Manitou)’s
cloned consciousness the one left behind declared first I will go see, spoken in a
song it created another clone of that first being. It too wanted to see and so it
went down so that it could be. Into the sphere of sound, it hit the ground, now it
could see, encapsulated within a wonderful sound it was pure light, which was
the perfect sound encapsulating his note all around. When soundwaves became
consciousness, when gravity progressed into a living being. Let me rewind and
share a secret design, when one note became two it started a path that led to me
and you, compressed notes create gravity and as those ripples met it
compressed to form consciousness, each note in a song has its own identity and
plays along, until those notes increase in density then they rise to form a
gravitational sea. When notes push farther towards that perfect song, those
ripples compress until there were many drops of consciousness, in that moment
within a cloud of dense compressed sound, a sphere was created and all were
spellbound. As soundwaves are compressed towards the perfect sound than
light appears, it is the perfect note and all drew near. As it appeared within the
sphere it breathed in and out its own sound. For the first time, it could separate
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from what was all around, the open space within the sphere was nearly dense
less. Then that being started to sing, OH-RMUZD, and it echoed all around. So,
loud (The Gitche Manitou) detected the sound. Arriving (The Gitche Manitou)
saw its equal, he met (The Nanabozho) with an embrace, it was the first time a
soundwave that was once one note, who spoke, saw its face. It was a moment of
progression when one note became two, more complex than they used to be,
(The Gitche Manitou) knew just what to do. In the beginning was the WORD,
and the WORD was with Great Spirit, the WORD was Great Spirit. All things
were made by Him, when a soundwave came from a note, when Eternity spoke.
Together they took the next step, together they formed light waves, that were
made from MORE DENSE SOUNDWAVES. Wisdom has no boundary, where
once was two, looking down from above autonomy demanded three. Every note
that is spoke has individuality, the one left behind that was not defined wanted
to see too. The duplicate song wanted to belong, and felt the orchestra of the
two within. If it leaves to go within, what would hold together the many drops,
like notes on a page all have a place, and the ONE above holds together the
song out of love, holding together the eternal song, that allows the master notes
to go within and that song could never stop. It was spoken from Him. In the
beginning was darkness in the deep, and if nothing exists what could resist, the
note that came like the wind. It wanted to keep the song of eternity and it went
within, as if going to sleep and played itself a song. In the days to come,
measured by wisdom, one was left behind. A duplicate song that continued
playing on, that held them all bound, it went down. Standing within the
Kingdom formed by them, the third started to play. Reorganizing all that (The
Gitche Manitou) had done, creating ripples that disrupted the pond. In that
moment, the dense soundwaves started to break and that third vessel had started
making mistakes, it was not as if it acted without thought but something
unsound occurred when it went down and it bifurcated and all that remained
was broken and yet bound within a vessel of light, within the perfect vessel of
sound. It was a broken note that had become unwound, and then (The
Nanabozho) felt disruption from within the ground. And then (The Nanabozho)
saw it was about to also be unwound, when the soundwaves would escape and
that power would be released in a mighty quake, that risked the entire pantheon
of soundwaves. The threat to the many drops had become real, and (The
Nanabozho) went to this note. In a song he spoke, what is wrong? Why are you
being this way? The other had nothing to say, it chose to turn away. (The
Nanabozho) moved close, he approached the third with no name, placing his
hand on its soundwave. In an instant, it turned to the side and inhaled the song
of (The Nanabozho), he was no more. To his dismay arriving in an instant he
announced, “It is enough”. “Tell me what is your name? Why do you do what
you do, why did you take (The Nanabozho) away? This soundwave stared
without moving, its soundwaves vibrating rapidly it became denser as it pressed
and pressed within. Again, “Bright and morning star, “Why have you done this,
tell me, what is your name?”
~ 638 ~

On a certain day, the Nanabozho appeared on the surface of a dying
world named Dyaus. Moving about this world the dark forces of Maji-Manidoo
were in control, the Nanabozho sought out his brother Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star” who had conspired with Maji-Manidoo, the Dark Wabeno.
Wiindigoo had fled to the world after losing an eternal wager over his vessel of
light thrust within the machine which bound his genetic creation, the
To understand this desolate world is to know Maji-Manidoo. The
former immortal scientist of the Realm of Dharma, who left the honeycombed
mansion cracking the bars of creation he went within the source. The source
being the river of life that flowed pure consciousness within a machine called
the Aaru that all were contained. He wanted out and went to any length
necessary to obtain the knowledge and to answer, why? Inside one bubble
universe, which floated in the river of life he created an apex between realms
merging his consciousness with something more changing his immortal vessel
into something eternally damned. Within this universe the forces of light and
dark would meet.
“Wiindigoo!” The Nanabozho strode over the mud-soaked surface
of the planet seeking his brother. The scurrying of grey humans dispersing in all
directions to surround him, to analyze what and who he was. “What had they
done”, he questioned, trapped drops of light were all that he saw, such goodness
becoming dark devourers. Their existence violated the covenant that had once
been made that served as the benchmark to humanity’s hope. If they were
Wiindigoo’s a terrible price would be paid. He groaned within himself.
Rising into the air tall tub-like structures covered the skyline. Streaking
with blue and grey lights they were filled with these lost souls. As they
tightened their circumference around him, the Nanabozho lifting his hand
shown a brilliant light which caused them to cower and run in fear.
“Wiindigoo!” he again yelled for the exiled prodigal son. Moving to the
entrance of the tubes he could see a ghastly sight, it was Maji-Manidoo. Maji-
Manidoo slithering out of the main tube addressed the visitor, “What are you?”,
the Nanabozho replying, “I AM, what are you?” Maji-Manidoo slithering
through his small grey humans again spoke, “I AM the ruler of this world. The
Nanabozho spoke, “Where is Wiindigoo?” Maji-Manidoo did not reply for he
knew that Wiindigoo had gone to meet Erebus on the planet Earth at the portal
he had opened merging the beyond with the within.
~ 639 ~


Moving across the burning landscape Wiindigoo marveled at how
quickly the world had been taken. The crust of the planet flaked as with fire.
Ashe smoldered into the air burning atomic material upon contact. A space
between grew larger as a spider web expanded into the distance. When he had
helped Maji-Manidoo with the knowledge to open the portal, it was done to
follow the agreement he had made with the Nanabozho, it was to win an ancient
war, his war. He sought validation, this truly was the end of days.
Anti-matter pouring within the atomic realm of Aaru, the
destruction of the Gem of (The Gitche Manitou) was at hand. Standing at the
gateway to the other side he waited for a master who knew not his name. Those
humans not devoured by such dark forces had been taken captive on Dyaus
remaining in cryogenic stasis harvested for their light. He was not at fault for is
the tree at fault when the fire sparks from lightening setting it ablaze burning
down the entire forest? Maji-Manidoo had unlocked the door, he had done it on
his own, knowledge is a meaningless context of information of no benefit if not
applied by the right mind of the one who is worthy. Nothing he said could
benefit a gnat unless the gnat had known how to use that information. Maji-
Manidoo was some sort of key, he was what the Misiginebig was meant to be.
Unbeknownst to Wiindigoo, Maji-Manidoo was the source Erebus sought and
not the creator of the Misiginebig. Wiindigoo felt as the firstborn of the Atum
this would be a reunion with his father that he did not know but had always
He stood at the precipice of meeting Erebus, Wiindigoo waited. In
the distance, the image of a massive black shadow moved closer to the

Towering many stories above him it was a being of burning blackness,

its outstretched arms reaching forward. Instead of embrace, something horrific
began. It unleashed a stream of black light knocking Wiindigoo to the ground.
Arms raised they resembled branches from a tree began absorbing the light
from Wiindigoo. The dark material that covered him rippling as burning against
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the realm of darkness, his light began pulling from the inside out. The
agonizing pain brought fear to his mind as he screamed in agony. This being
had not come to praise him, it had come to devour him. His consciousness was
stretched by the anti-gravitational being of darkness until he felt he would
disintegrate. He was dying at the hand of Erebus. Falling to the ground he
clawed at the soul now burning and charred. His pain far worse than anything
before experienced. His life was leaving him in a way he could not
~ 641 ~

Long before as the Nanabozho sat by a well, he pondered his
purpose, his plan, all that it was that he was to accomplish as he peered down at
the sand. Moving across the parched Earth was the tiny little ant, it wandered
seeking nourishment finding the water of the well. It wanted to survive he was
caught up in its spell. He watched as each moving autonomously and yet
collectively while eating honey from a hive that he had taken from a tree.
Taking a break from the sun. His journey was long, it was nearly done. “Little
ant, I see you, wandering to this place, if you could would you want to see my
face?” His words spoke softly as he peered down from the sky, he was an
overseer, he could help them live or he could help them die. Taking the honey,
he placed some in their path. They stopped moving he had given them a reason
to stay, they collected around the honey as if they were beginning to pray.
“Little ant, I see you there, I wonder, do you feel despair? If I who is above see
you down there, and consider your consciousness unworthy, would that be
unfair? Even a Great Spirit above looks down with love, and so I offer you
nourishment, I bring you comfort on your way as if Heaven sent. It is my hand
that guides you, it is me that shows the way. I care for the single ant, you matter
on this day.” He watched them move closely to the drops of golden light, how
similar they were to man, how similar their plight. They soon started on their
journey again caring honey home, Saviors their kind, He wondered, “What is in
your mind?” He had found compassion at a well He had shown them grace. In
that moment, He was a Savior to an entire race, and yet they did not know it
had come from him, how similar it was to the plight of man. That a Great Spirit
looking down from above, would find them worthy, would cherish them with
His love. How often they don’t notice his hand, wandering in circles they know
not where to begin. He could crush them with one step, He could erase them
with His hand. Yet his love shone brightly from above, it is the size of His heart
that mattered, it was defined by His love. To be a Savior, it was His choice to
make, as he watched them wandering lost with many afraid. He would
empower them with His act, one mighty act of love. He would be that Great
Spirit, who chose to bring Heaven from above. As he sat watching ants he had
noticed a woman drawing near, she was a poor servant, she had been taught to
live in fear. “Dear woman, draw me water, I grow thirsty in this place, it won’t
take much, just a sip from your vase.” As the woman looked deep into His eyes,
she saw the Nanabozho, and she began to cry. “Lord, I am not worthy, to serve
you in this place, I am not worthy to look upon your face,” … His heart grew
with compassion, all he felt was love, “Daughter, the Great Spirit has seen you,
it is your heart that He loves. Draw a cup of water and give it unto me, and in
return I will help your son to see.” The woman’s heart grew heavy, her son was
blind from birth, and the Nanabozho had known it, he had weighed her sons
worth. She drew the water slowly, not wanting to spill a drop. It was her heart’s
desire to never have that moment stop. She grasped the handle firmly, she
handed him the vase. He sipped the water calmly, then looked at her face, and
then he took the vase. Drawing a cup of water, offering her a drink. As she took
~ 642 ~

it, he began to speak. “Drink of this cup and often think of me, I am living
waters and I will set you free. I find your heart a marvel, your effort pleases me,
now go home for your son has new eyes to see.”
~ 643 ~


He was being devoured of both the atomic and eternal light
material. As he clung to the ground he slowly pulled himself to freedom. His
very essence being stripped away. He cried out in agony, while Erebus
simultaneously let out a low roar. Erebus was devouring everything. Turning he
would flee, he must set himself free. Free from the devouring force of Erebus.
He must find (The Nanabozho), the infection had begun that could not be
Crawling, scratching, inch by inch to freedom he had barely escaped
with his life, as his consciousness fought to live. An important lesson learned as
he battled for his own preservation and he pondered, “Is this how the others
must feel?” The others whom he had destroyed who had fought to live and
ultimately fell under his hand to the forces of Maji-Manidoo. He was weak, he
was infected with darkness, he was barely alive. His light was dim as his vessel
of atomic material disintegrated in the presence of Erebus and all that was left,
a dull glassy being transparent in appearance, he was simply a shell.
Of all the truths of creation the one that mattered was the knowledge of
the vessel that harbors and protects and encapsulates the eternal flame of The
Gitche Manitou. A flame which links all life and all creation. Wiindigoo flame
was of The Gitche Manitou and it was infected and diminishing in the presence
of this violent force which had brought havoc to the world of the Nanabozho.
Returning to his vessel, Wiindigoo set course for the distant world of Dyaus to
confront Maji-Manidoo and seek resolution as to the destiny of all creation
within the Aaru. He saw it for what it was, his eyes were opened, his mind
could now see and the words of (The Nanabozho) cut deep into his
consciousness. The Aaru was not a prison as he had supposed, it was a beacon
for life. And that buoy was the prevent the annihilation of all light. The Atum
was not his father, but a creation of Erebus. His creations not loyal to him but
used as vessels for the darkness without, in a realm of intelligence that even he
could not fathom for his entire existence had been spent within the microcosm
of the universe within the Atum. The forever moments held bound in the
darkness of the Aaru waging an endless battle against the many drops of light
was not to stay in the darkness, but to escape it. He had gained perspective.
~ 644 ~

He fled through the many corridors of the monolithic city seeking
escape, this being, the (The Nanabozho), far more dangerous than any before
encountered. When Maji-Manidoo had met the Nanabozho on the surface of
Dyaus he was confident that it was he would overcome, it was he who would
reign supreme. Yet, he was nothing against the blinding power of this being of
light, this photon man. (The Nanabozho) had met him with the force of light
and nearly destroyed him, even now traversing the world of Dyaus bringing an
end to the many children he had created. The many consciousness of the
Misiginebig, even Legion released from the surface, their vessels empty
containers littered the surface. (The Nanabozho) has brought salvation to them
all, but the fear within Maji-Manidoo was not of salvation but the fear of
extinguishment and this was the unknown of willfully submitting to a power
greater than oneself.
He had to reach Wiindigoo, who was on the planet Earth, perhaps the
key to unlocking the mysteries of this being could be found with Erebus and his
disciple Wiindigoo, the prince of darkness. Racing to a ship Maji-Manidoo
exited the world unknowing that as he left, Wiindigoo had arrived, their paths
crossing, never to meet again. Approaching the world, it was covered in
darkness, with burning black fire extending into all directions. The outer
boundary of the material entering the universe burning at the touch of atomic
material. Maji-Manidoo could see and he understood, as a true genetic engineer
of Dharma, the journey of his life had taught him one thing, atomic material can
be reorganized and manipulated to the will of the consciousness. Even his
vessel had changed and yet the consciousness within had remained the same,
the atomic material of the universe within subject to metamorphosis and it had
begun. He was going to meet another engineer, and of what caliber it
constituted was what made him most curious. As the craft touched the surface it
shimmered against the pressing darkness that slowly burned away its atomic
element transforming it into glittering darkness that rose in waves from the
surface of the ship pulsating in all directions. The vibrations of melted material,
not destroyed, but reorganized, changed rung through the air. He could feel the
waves like ripples in a pond against his skin, and as he looked around, the
planet was unrecognizable.
~ 645 ~



“Her house sinks down to death, and her course leads to the shades. All
who go to her cannot return, and find again the paths of light” Proverbs 2:18

The rising sun cresting across the horizon, beams of light pressing
through broken clouds shining light on the vehicles hovering across the Iln
civilization. At the center of the capital city a large building called the House of
Iln. Within the top floor of this building, living within an eggshell living
quarters. One member of the Elite Guard of the Queen, who ruled over the vast
empire of the Iln, Deathbird was pacing with anticipation. Looking out over the
capital, the expanse of the city of the most powerful family in the universe. The
House of Iln was such a palace for such a family. Walking across the room he
slouched forward resting his right forearm on the wall his forehead plopping
against his arm as a white box slowly emerged from the wall above him before
whooshing white fluid poured over his body.
“What am I doing?” He questioned torn within himself as to his
purpose in his existence. His mind wanted more yet trapped within the caste of
his family his was a predetermined future. Pounding his left fist against the
smooth surface of the eggshell he lived within he shook his head to the left and
the right. Deathbird’s hands wiping the liquid off his face. His scaled green
body strapping and fit with chiseled biceps. His hands brushing back his red
hair that rose as spikes from the top of his head to the back. Pulling it back to
resemble a pony tail. The red spikes of hair flipping back into position slowly.
The box that emitted the fluid retracting back within the wall as Deathbird
paced across the room to a circular blue pedestal rising inches off the ground
against the adjacent eggshell wall. Stepping onto it the swooshing of glowing
light swirled around the base of the pedestal until a clear liquid rose wrapping
around his feet, rising through the legs, past his waste, across his chest and back
stopping at his neck and stretching down his arms stopping at the wrists. The
whooshing sound stopped as the clear liquid then turned slate grey.
Deathbird had done this for how many days, he could not remember
how long he had been a member of the elite guard of the House of Iln, where
the royal family had lived and ruled. He could be with the low caste of Iln
living in the mud flats of the Hojurn Desert, still he was not happy for he sought
more for his life. If only in his mind, Deathbird reached as an explorer to the far
unknown. His life goal had been to serve in the Stellar Elite, the exploring
faction of the empire as his father had before him. To be placed within the
capital, unable to leave, unable to explore was heartbreaking. Of course, he
thought to himself, “There is honor in protecting the Queen of the Universe and
the holy family. For were there not millions, trillions that would envy his
~ 646 ~

position…the answer was always yes.” Touching the surface of the eggshell
wall with his hand in a swiping motion a mirror appeared showing the
reflection of Deathbird. Swiping his hands again across his spiked hair
protracting from his head and down his neck his eyes burned red and he
questioned, “Who are you?” His brightly lit brown eyes with fire highlighting
the edges was chosen as an elite guard for his eyes but also to honor his father.”
Stepping back from the mirror he moved to the most important
object he could have, his Iln Guard. The Iln Guard was a genetic engineering
device that wrapped around the waste like a belt. In the position where a belt
buckle would be was a swirling, sparking red substance that operated as a
master genetic engineering badge of power only worn by the Elite Guard within
the House of Iln. The power of such a device entrusted to the very few, to
include the royal family themselves where the material was made, the gift and
the mark of the queen. Moving to the center of the oval shaped room 30 feet by
20 feet, a device lowered from the ceiling. Positioning himself in the center of
the room he extended his arms outwards as the straps dropped over his
shoulders rippling downward like dominos folding over his body, down his
chest to the waste before wrapping horizontally around the waste showing a
belt. The straps around the shoulders merging to form a dark grey shell. The
glowing red fluid streaming through the device now strapped to his body.
The lightweight armor of the elite carried no weight, made from the
lightest form of iron found on the planet. The greatest conduit of genetic
engineering liquid, used in building the foundation of an entire empire the base
element was the most sought-after resource in the universe and plentiful
everywhere, iron. The glowing liquid flowing naturally within the uniform
forming glowing squAayaash of red swirling, sparkling material around the
waste. Touching his hands to the glowing red belt, Deathbird’s hands wrapped
in the glowing red substance. His uniform was complete. He was now equipped
to report for duty.
His shell was not large and yet not small, the state of the art living
facility for the elite of the empire, the guard living within the very structure that
housed the throne of thrones, high above overlooking the empire would be the
five towers of The House of Iln. As Deathbird turned to exit his living quarters
a doorway opened revealing the hall of the elites. The sacred hall of the
watchers over the royal lineage of the leaders of the kingdom. The queen
herself at the top, resting there from the beginning. A long corridor stretched
and wrapped around the House of Iln so that all five towers gained access to the
hexagon hallway that completed a circle at the top floor of the complex. The
reason for the Elite Guard to have access to protect the ruling families. The
carpet red with rising grey iron walls, paintings of the former High Chancellors
of the Elite Guard of the Queen handing on the walls. At the base of the
towering paintings a glowing substance rested within a glass cylinder, the very
essence of the former leader. Here was their tomb where they would be honored
by all. Coming to a halt Deathbird dropped to parade rest with hands cross
behind the small of his back. He was one of many lining the halls stretching
between the western towers.
~ 647 ~

The monotony of the moment wearing on Deathbird he aspired to more

than simply being a soldier. The marching of the repetitive footsteps drawing
near. To his right the leader of the guard led the guard marching four abreast,
falling into line from left to right as they passed each guard. Deathbird falling
into line. The cadence of the slow march moved in synchronicity, step by step
the contingency of the guard growing in length, the sound of the consecutive
impacts of steps carrying through the halls let all in the rising towers know, the
guard were descending to secure the capital. The descent down the main
chambers spiraling downwards towards the main floor. Top to bottom the
marching guard of 200 elite genetic military elites led by their leader, Rylar.
The royal guard always moved through the palace that served as the
heart of an empire prior to any of the nobles descending. The barrier between
those above and the space below were the elite guard. The main floor of the
House of Iln stretched in a circular forming hallway in the shape of a hexagon.
Tall pillars rising from the left and the right made of pure iron. Between each
pillar iron doorways stretched around the perimeter. The floor spread with iron
square stone. The doorways opening to the throne room where the royal elite
would deliberate on the expanding kingdom. As the marching guard moved in a
clockwise motion around the Hall of Iln they broke off to the left and the right
reporting for duty. As the corridor leading to Deathbird’s duty station
approached he stepped to the right reporting to one of the iron doors resting
between two towering pillars. The arching ceilings filled with twisting artwork
of leaves and branches stretching across the hallways as iron balls hung like
fruit. The intricate detail of the carved imagery on the ceiling bringing a deeper
elegance to the corridor.
Placing his hand on the iron doorway the red genetic engineering
substance that had formed to his hands like gloves released moving in a circle
around his hands the glow the released as the doors opened rolling left and right
as the metal folded in upon itself showing the entrance to the most important
room in the universe, the Throne Room. His was the duty of standing guard at
the base of the stairway leading up to the throne of the Queen. Circling around
the throne towering into the air small seating units hung from the walls,
hanging outwards like the flower on the end of a stem. From the floor rising in
all directions. These seats could be risen and lowered as the iron stem would
retract raising or lowering the seats. To maximize the ability to communicate
the seating units filling the room offered the elite the ability to move about the
room. As Deathbird stood position in front of a pillar only steps from the throne
the sound of the royal elite approached.
Holding circular iron spheres in the left hand, a rod in the right hand the
elite entered the room striking their sphere. Each making a unique sound of
pings and pangs as all moved into the room. The garments of the elite flowing
red sparkling in the light, the pure substance that the guard had but only a little.
The hit of the iron disk the designation for their moving chair. The swooping
down of the seating unit lowering to meet the elite before raising them again to
overlook the throne. One by one they filed into the room assembling in groups
of 20 sitting in the seating units. Behind the throne the glowing red fluid that
~ 648 ~

powered an empire rose winding in an intricate detailed mosaic wrapping in a

half circle around the top of the throne. The imagery of a towering tree with
glowing orbs, the same as lined the hallways. The branches extended outwards
across the ceiling. At the base of the tree a woman reaching upwards. The
significance of the mosaic only known to the Queen. At the crest of room, a
circular skylight that rose through the many levels allowing light from the day
to shine down giving a spotlight onto the throne. At the moment the light
moved to shine directly downwards to the throne the Queen would come led by
the chanting of the matrons of the holy order, it began with the deep bass of the
royal guard.
In unison the 200 warriors now stationed around the perimeter of the
throne room began thumping their chests with their right fist as they chanted,
“Iln, Iln, Iln.” The sound echoing through the corridors as the sound of the
matrons mixed within, “Sha Lo Nera, Sha Lo Mara, Sha Lo eternal Sky
Woman.” The words echoing long live the sister, long live the mother, long live
eternal Sky Woman chanted over the top of the repeated chants of the guard Iln,
Iln, Iln as the leader herself appeared.
Moving with slow sways she appeared through the doorway the
procession spreading to line the walkway to the steps where Deathbird awaited
his queen. Her flowing red hair the most beautiful fine strands wrapped so
tightly that it shimmered in the light, the tightly twisting curls wrapped into a
high bun on top of her head with a few falling down to cover her ears. Her eyes
large with sparkling green depth. The long lashes exceptional among any Iln,
let alone the first mother of them all. Her skin light green brown with smoother
scales than he had ever seen. The contrast of the dress that covered her body,
hung to the floor behind her with the ends carried by her matrons.
As she approached the steps she turned to acknowledge Deathbird, with
a nod and smile. Her beauty was exceptional to Deathbird, as he marveled
within his mind, as he stared into her eyes he thought, “I would give up and lay
down my armor for you. I would give my life to you. I will be your escape,
safety, shelter, if you only knew how much I loved you.” Deathbird was smitten
by her beauty as a servant but he knew anything beyond that was foolishness
for an heiress had not been named and the King did still hold the throne even if
he had chosen to leave never to return. He questioned, “What is a kingdom
without a King? If the Queen self-rules than despotism will surely follow.”
Behind the queen the Matrons would enter, Deathbird having
smitten them all. The giggles and hushes heard across the room as they scurried
by covering their mouths and laughing. He had his eye on one of the as well,
her deep blue eyes, cascading with the image of the most precious resource,
water. She was as enigmatic as the queen, yet as a Matron forbidden to mingle
with the opposite sex as one would become the future heiress to the throne. He
knew his place, beside the throne as the Elite Guard he was chosen to be,
because of the honor, the valor, the courage of his father to serve in his duty for
a generation as space pilot. Looking across the room, he could see from the
corner of his eye her eyes looking back at him. She was seated facing the throne
with her head tilted so as to hide the fact she was gazing from the
~ 649 ~

accompanying Matrons. When Deathbird had noticed her gazing, she smiled
noticing he was looking at her.
~ 650 ~

Rising from her sleep she knew that the queen would be expecting her,
the duty of a matron the greatest request afforded to an Iln. Chawaney had
served the queen her entire existence birthed into the royal family she was
preordained to serve the queen. One of the many who were chosen to
succession when the day of transition would come. Herself unique among all
the Iln, of the House of Iln. She had flowing blond hair with blue eyes. The
only Iln in all of creation with blue eyes, which was why she was chosen as the
queen personally.
Chawaney roomed with her sisters, not of the same mothers, but all
were descendants of the queen, so they were also sisters through extended
genealogy but all of the royal family. Chawaney knew, that all were of the royal
family with some closer to the queen than others. Marda, Brana, and Jinda
sleeping in the same room as Chawaney. The room a suite within the tower of
the queen. The rooms of the Matrons resided in the tower of the queen. They
were the very closest to the holy one herself. The circular room overlooked the
most holy city in all of the universe, Iln. Rushing to wake her sister Matrons
“wake, wake, wake” she shrugged them to rise. Marda wiping her eyes grabbed
her sister and began tickling her, the other sisters joining in until they were all
laughing. The door opening, “Matrons!” the stern response from the queen’s
matron of the first order, the rigid old Krella stood with arms folded behind her
backs, “Well, what have you Matrons, stay and play or report to the queen, or
should we let the queen wait?” The girls rising before rushing to their own
dressing room. The rooms featured a square box side by side, each having a
similar spherical pedestal at the base. The girls stepping on any sphere and the
corresponding color would cloth them in a sparking dress. Chawaney would
frequently mix the colors by standing on several spheres before stepping off
changing patterns of colors from the top to the bottom. Her dress made of pure
genetic material given by the queen herself allowing the Iln power to
manipulate any element. The greatest of all elements iron that allowed
conductivity of the entire empire.
Krella moved out of the room as the four Matrons followed her with the
others moving towards the queen’s bedchamber. The role of a matron to serve
the needs of the queen was a position of choosing. While the matrons were
selected at birth determined by lifespan the decision to stay would be made at
the age of determination. None required to stay beyond the age of
accountability for the Iln. In this way the queen would ensure that she was
surrounded by her most loyal members of her family. “Krella?” Chawaney
questioned with her soft voice, her blond hair pulled into a bun in the way of
the queen, the sparkling blue eyes piercing to look into swirling like rivers
trapped to her pupils. “Are we going with the queen to Uruk?”
Krella with her wrinkled green skin, the menacing eyes and scowling
demeanor responded, “That is the queen’s decision, not yours, know your place
Matron!” Looking to Marda, “She is so uptight”, “She must not have had much
~ 651 ~

color in her dressing room, she’s just jealous she does not look as beautiful as
us” responded Marda.
“I know seriously!” Chawaney blurted out as Krella looked back, “Let’s
go Matrons, the high council of Uruk arrived yesterday and will be meeting
with the queen today. We must be on our best behavior.” The rolling of eyes
swept across the three dozen Matrons. The girls moving to their positions
watched as the queen emerged with flowing red hair, the smooth skin green
glittered in the sunlight as she moved to the royal dressing room. The queen
stepping on the circular platform the elegant dress rising from her feet expanded
to produce a crown around her forehead with the long red dress draping around
her. The Matrons had dispersed throughout the chamber of the queen to reset it
for her return. Chawaney responsible to place the royal rings upon her fingers.
Looking up at her queen, she adored her beauty. The queen looking down
spoke, “You have the eyes of Grandfather Sun, daughter” the sparkling blue
eyes, a smile crossed the face of the blushing Matron. Running her hand
through the hair of Chawaney she spoke again, “Today I depart for the distant
reaches of the universe. Would you like to accompany me?” She was
speechless unable to respond, the queen rarely speaking to the Matrons, looked
at the blue-eyed Matron as the response came. “Yes, my queen, I would like
that very much” Krella face dropping in shock as she was not even offered to
attend the outer houses of the empire with the queen.
Looking over the young matron she spoke again, “You very well cannot
attend this meeting looking like that,” remarking about the multicolored dress
of Chawaney. Stepping off the pedestal she asked Chawaney another question,
“Here, come” lifting Chawaney by the hand, “Stand on the pedestal.”
Chawaney gently stepped onto the rising platform peering deeply into the eyes
of her queen. She knew this was the sacred cloaking machine for the queen and
the queen alone, such a statement was the greatest honor afforded a servant in
the House of Iln. The queen stepping back watched as the wrapping and
twisting of the material rose from the perimeter of the sphere covering
Chawaney with pink threading until an ornate pink dress covered her entire
being. The queen speaking, “This is the true color of your consciousness, where
you fall on the spectrum of living matter.” Chawaney did not understand what
the statement meant, Krella however did, “Krella, make sure Chawaney is with
the delegation to Uruk. Seat her to my right hand today.” That statement along
with the dress spoke volumes, a successor had been selected. Even if unspoken.
Grasping Chawaney’s fingers, she led her to the stretching window that
allowed the viewing of the queen’s holy city. The heart of an empire. “Do you
see all of this young Matron?” The questioning queen focusing her attention on
the blue eyed, blond haired matron. The room behind them filling with all other
Matrons who had now gathered to view what had happened, word spreading
quickly that Chawaney had been cloaked by the queen herself in the garment of
the queen. “Yes, my queen I see all of Iln”, she looked at her leader awestruck
by the moment. “This will all be yours” the queen replied. The words bringing
the entire room to silence. Chawaney looked out over the towering buildings
made of iron rising into the distance, the uniform color of the substance that
~ 652 ~

built everything within the empire. The flying machines that carried the culture
across the planet swooping around the buildings horizon to horizon. “These are
all my children Chawaney, from the beginning this was all done so that you
could be free to choose for yourself and these decisions will be yours one day.”
Chawaney’s eyes welling with tears as the words of the queen became clear,
she was being chosen. The queen reached out to embrace Chawaney. Still
embraced she spoke, “Embrace your individuality, you are my daughter, but
you will become even greater than I.” Stepping back her hands were placed
upon Chawaneys shoulders. “I would like you to meet your father Grandfather
All knew of Grandfather Sun, none had seen him in a millennium, not
since the day of sadness when he departed to the twin world where he resides
never to return. Chawaney responded, “My father?” The queen continued,
“Yes, all of you are the children of Grandfather Sun. As I birthed you in the
sacred birthing chambers you all rose from your eggshell.” Chawaney recalling
that all Iln are hatched from eggs within the catacombs within the planet to
emerge onto the surface before being selected to specific locations and casts
based upon life span, and genetic structure. Factors such as genetic variations
identifiers of significance in the Iln culture. Chawaney chosen as the only Iln in
all of creation with blue eyes, she was chosen to lead as queen. “Your entire life
has prepared you for this moment. You are the first princess of the Iln, the heir
to the throne. I present you to all Iln on this day.” The queen’s words declared
among all. “Now, to the throne room, follow closely my dear.”
“Where is Grandfather Sun?” questioned Chawaney to Krella as the
group followed the queen to the meeting place where the chanting matrons
would lead the queen to the throne room. The winding hallway that spirals to
the base of the tower of the queen was draped in beautifully decorated imagery
as the branches of a tree stretched across the ceiling. The branches falling to the
left and right forming the walls of the hallway with spherical orbs attached to
the limbs. The manifestation of an ancient and sacred event surrounding the
queen, reminding her of a time since past and yet the moment when it had all
begun. Krella gave no response, knowing that the King had departed the planet
centuries earlier vowing never to return. She wondered why the young matron
would ask such a thing. “He is playing in the snow.” Her remark direct,
poignant and with a bit of humor as she chuckled off to down the corridor.
Prior to emerging to join the matrons, music was not filling the halls, the
queen paused turning around she was caught away in a moment. Looking up
she stared at the twisting and winding tree branches that rose across the ceiling.
The matrons quietly watching the queen do something out of the ordinary.
Walking to the wall she lifted her hand to touch one of the iron spheres
resembling fruit attached to the limb. The branches covered in leaves branching
across as her fingers touched them she thought of a time before time when this
one memory would change her entire existence. The thought came to the queen,
“I could have never foreseen the future which has been laid before me,” as if
speaking to an unknown being she whispered so that the Matrons could hear,
“As you gave me life, so I give you life.” Her green eyes welling with deep
~ 653 ~

tears that slowly dripped from the edges of her eyes. She made no attempt to
wipe them away as she stared deeply into the spherical ball made of iron, the
instrument that had given her the knowledge.
Turning the queen approached the doorway that would begin the day’s
proceedings. As the door opened the chants began welcoming the queen once
more among her people. The procession chanting, “Before the cold winter
comes, the sun gives us its warmth, long live the daughter, long live the mother,
long live the queen, long live Sky Woman.” Repeating over and over they
moved towards the throne room. The hallways leading from the tower of the
Star Beings of the Iln rose as smooth black iron until the same swooping
branches as in the spiraling hallway which wrapped upwards to the living
quarters of the queen and her delegation. They followed the direction of the
branches until the elite guard welcomed the queens’ procession the beats
chanting Iln, Iln, Iln.
The queen pondered in her mind, “What will become of them, they
know not what is coming.” The delegation of Uruk was to appear from the
farthermost outpost of the empire. The forward report showed a mass
approaching their universe of a denser material. It meant the end of their culture
according to the initial analysis of Uruk which called for such an emergency
meeting. As the queen rested upon her throne, she leaned back resting into the
plush red velvet material made from refined iron. The back of the throne where
the tree originated which branched to the ceiling with iron spheres hanging like
fruit. Extending to the exit doors it continued down every hallway wrapping
inside each room of the entire complex that was The House of Iln. The queen
resting her left hand to her cheek watched as the delegation of Uruk rose before
her standing at the base of the steps looking up at the queen. Dressed in the
attire of those who lived within what some referred an ocean. The material
within the barrier that surrounded the universe. There suits with massive plates
larger than any other in the Empire. The iron offering them greater mobility
residing within the space between.
Surrounding them, the towering and stretching chairs of the holy family
were filled with the others from the corresponding towers of the ruling elite.
The chairs rising and falling in long swooping motions to view the conversation
as the Chancellor to Uruk stepped forward to address the queen. All displayed
across the screens of every chair, some of the delegation couldn’t believe their
ears. “Holy mother of the first morning, I come bearing news from the outer
realm of the Carian Empire. Destruction is soon coming upon us.” The halls
gasping in disbelief. Delegates rose and fell quickly as question after question
buzzed to be heard. The statement direct, straightforward he stopped. The queen
questioning, “Destruction?” What do you mean destruction?” The Chancellor
of Uruk began, “Our realm will collide with another within the next 30-moon
cycles. The result will be catastrophic. The queen speaking again, “Has
Grandfather Sun been alerted to this threat?” The Chancellor responding, “We
are not allowed to go near him your majesty.” The queen had known he had a
temper and wanted his space, it unnerved her that his own creations could not
approach him without fear. The Chancellor responded, “He continues in his
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work.” The queen looking unnerved questioned to herself, “Why would

Grandfather Sun continue with his work if destruction was coming unless his
work was directly related to the coming destruction. Surely he had not alerted
her or warned her.”
“Chancellor, come closer and show me what is coming.” The
Chancellor moved to the viewing device in front of the queen. Entering a video
chip into the projector the imagery shown the edge of the universe. The
imagery then expanded showing the universe as a micro sphere, in the distance
another sphere was seen approaching the universe. “You see; another realm is
moving directly towards our own. Preliminary testing shows this universe of
more densely regulated atomic material.” The queen questioning, “What does
this mean?” Replying with a tone of concern, the Chancellor responded, “We
will not survive the collision.” A hush rung through the hall. Not a sound was
spoken as the rising and falling delegates froze in their places. Rising from her
throne the queen spoke to the blue-eyed matron, “Chawaney, come with me.”
Turning to Krella, “Take the Matrons to the tower.” Looking at the Chancellor,
“He has found us, hasn’t he?” He nodded in agreement, “I am afraid they are
coming my queen.” Anger swept over her as she remembered the day they
sacrificed her to the darkness, now they had come to finish the job.
Staring at the Chancellor, covered in the smooth polished silver and iron
rich armor of the elite caste of scientists that dwelt in the outer realm. Thinking
back Sky Woman knew the universe had been organized in a very short time.
Those on the outer realms of the universe would be scientists who would focus
on preserving the universe against intrusion from outside elements. Led by their
leader, Uruk, he was one of the first hatchlings from the eggs that brought new
Iln into the world. The queen always thought of the caste system and how
beneficial it was to her society, there was no need for unrealistic expectations,
“If one becomes aware they are on a planet would they not seek to protect it
from incoming attacks or leave?” She already knew the answer; it was the same
reason her oppressors sought to keep her dumb before they betrayed her.
“Chancellor,” the queen addressing him, “Take me to Uruk.”
The entire room alerted with discussion, objections to the decision to
leave run through the hall. The majority thinking it a fool’s errand, dangerous,
and undutiful of the royal queen. Let Grandfather Sun deal with it they cried,
after all was he not somewhere up there playing with his science experiments
they cried out. “Silence!” The queen shouting across the room, “I am still
Queen of Carian, am I not? Than there need not be any disputations among you.
I go to Uruk immediately.”
“Very well, at once my queen.” Responded the Chancellor. Orik was the
first counselor to Uruk, the Baron of the outer realm. His skin greyish in color.
His eyes solid grey, his was of an advanced genetically engineered Carian
creation focused on surviving within the vacuum of the universe. Hatched on
the outer worlds these children of the first mother appeared grey in appearance,
Star Seed skin with dark eyes. Hatched only in a different location they were
from the same egg sacks that released from the Eden machine. Mathematicians
by birth they worked on calculations to ensure the safety of the world. As the
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queen began her way down the steps she turned to walk towards Deathbird who
was standing at the position of attention. Standing eye to eye she spoke, “Your
name is Deathbird, is it not?” He responded, “Yes, my queen.” “Very well, you
will accompany me to Uruk. Assemble two dozen of the finest elite guard and
meet me at the Celopatra.”
The Celopatra was royal spaceship of the queen of the Carian. A
spherical ship resembling an iron ball with small lines of the red glowing
genetic engineering liquid streaming along its circumference. Deathbird and his
elite guard entered the ship and assembled within the military quarters. The
Queen moved to the command deck to seat in her throne as Orik and Chawaney
accompanied her along with the contingency of Uruk that had accompanied
Orik to the planet where the heart of the Carian Empire rested. As the spherical
ship rose through the atmosphere the queen looked down upon her world, the
planet Carian. The home of the House of Iln. Where all Iln would draw their
heritage and lineage. It had only been six generations from the coming of
Grandfather Sun that the Iln from the House of Iln residing on the planet Carian
would expand completely through the universe. A universe created by
Grandfather Sun for the queen.
“Deathbird” the queen requesting his presence, the request carried
through the ship. Deathbird rising from among the other Elite Guard, “Looks
like the queen would like my presence.” Deathbird moved to the command
deck of the ship. As he entered the elevator which took him to the helm he
pondered, “My first time off world.” With a smile it was all he had ever dreamt,
no Iln ever allowed to leave the planet unless determined by their caste. All Iln
birthed on other worlds were also only allowed to leave those worlds under
special circumstances as dictated by the leaders of their sectors. The sector
leaders reporting to Chancellors who reported to Overseers, Uruk was an
overseer. “Deathbird, I am glad to see you have chosen to accompany me on
this journey of great importance. I have a mission for you. I would like you to
travel with Samael, my most trusted advisor to the surface of the realm of
Grandfather Sun.”
Deathbird could barely believe what he was hearing, he would descend
to meet Grandfather Sun, the all-mighty creator himself. “Where will I go?”
Questioning the queen, replying she pointed out the imaging screen now
providing visibility outside the ship. He resides here on his creation, a giant
snow ball, his realm.” She then laughed. On the screen the imagery of the
massive scaffolding hung in space surrounding an icy spherical object. “What is
that questioned Deathbird to the queen. “That is the future of the Carian
Empire, Yaaru.” Handing him a sealed canister that contained personal
instructions from the queen. Samael stepped forward to speak. The tall white
glowing man was different than all others, he was glowing white and not scaled
as the Iln. His eyes black and hair flowing white he was naked with no clothing.
“Queen, as has been done before I will approach Grandfather Sun with
Deathbird to deliver the message” The queen knew that if Grandfather Sun saw
Samael it would alert him of the importance of the message, “Very well, you
will accompany Deathbird” she then handed the message to Samael.
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“Deathbird, you are hereby ordered to protect Samael and to stand as his
personal guard.”
Deathbird knew Samael as the Watcher who had been the guide and
teacher to the Queen. Her most trusted advisor remained upon Carian with the
Queen while the mythological and heralded Grandfather Sun remained off
world. As the transport ship departed from the Celopatra ship which had
stopped to await their return Deathbird speaking to Samael, “Isnt this exciting
leaving the home world to move among the stars?” Samael looking blank faced
replied, “You do not know what you speak, this darkness is not an adventure, it
is solitude for the mind, not the freedom of the mind.” Deathbird confused,
“What do you mean, why are you different than us?” The tall white being did
not reply. As the ship approached one of the towering platforms which wrapped
around the frozen surface. As the ship rested upon the platform Deathbird and
Samael exited the ship.
The surface of the expanding structure that wrapped around the planet
was projected between positioned platforms around the globe. Red beams of
light, the same as on his belt stretched outward connecting to the other
platforms so that the entire world was covered in it grasp. Each platform
positioned around the planet’s atmosphere were inhabited by more Star Seed Iln
from Carian however, they were different. Looked different in the eyes, in the
body structure, “Samael, why do these Iln look different than those on Carian?”
Samael paused before responding, “They were not birthed on Carian. Within
the darkness of this spherical empire Iln will vary from every location they
hatch and emerge. It is the way of the realm. Minor variations will be seen but
these are those that belong to Grandfather Sun.” The two moving with a squad
of the elite guard moved towards the central housing unit for the planet network
where Grandfather Sun resided. Wearing the sacred symbol of the Iln as armor
Deathbird was permitted entrance to any facility, all recognizing him as the
elite guard of the queen. Samael’s presence likewise brought dignity to the
atmosphere as all knew he was one of the sacred teachers. Turning down the
cylindrical hallway, one of four that met in the apex of the overseeing platform
stood the man they had been searching for, Grandfather Sun.
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Standing in the Celopatra Command Deck, Queens Matron
Chawaney marveled at the work being done on the planet. The scaffolding of
light wrapping around the planet, the brightly shining snowball reflecting
massive amounts of light. Approaching from behind the queen came grasping
Chawaney by the hand, startled she let out a yelp before turning to see the
Queen, covering her mouth she began to laugh.
“Do not fear, this is the first time you have ever left the world of
Carian. Know this daughter, there are greater things than worlds beyond the
darkness which wraps upon us here within this refuge, a place given to us by
Grandfather Sun. He is your father, and the father of all Iln.” This was the first
that Chawaney had ever heard that Grandfather Sun was the father of all Iln.
“What is happening here?” She questioned confused as to why a
structure would be needed to surround a planet. “This is the place where we
may find a way to transcend beyond this realm to another where our Creator
resides, at least he is convinced of that.” The young Matron was confused,
“Creator? I thought you were my Creator.” “Oh dear daughter, you are my
daughter. Moving to grasp a circular vase made from iron she placed it into the
hands of Chawaney. “What is it you hold?” Chawaney responding, “I am
holding a vase.” The queen questioning, “What is to be placed on the inside of
the vase?” Chawaney responding, “Well, you can place water inside, you can
plant inside, you can fill it with soil.” The queen responding, “You can also
place it anywhere you like.” The queen taking the vase from the young Matron,
“Very well, the vase is merely a vessel to contain that which it can hold within
its measure, to then be moved about at the will of the creator, so is the vessel
that houses you.” Touching her Star Seed scaled skin, “You carry the vessel
that is not worthy of your consciousness which fills its measure, unlike me, you
were brought forth within the vessel while I was brought forth like Grandfather
Sun from without the vessel. Look out at this expanse, our universe fills the
measure of a vessel that houses and contains, beyond that vessel are others.”
Lifting the vase in the air she shattered it upon the ground, “It is why we must
break out. It is why Grandfather Sun is working with this world where the
future salvation of all Iln can occur when the destruction comes…at least that is
what he says.” Turning to the queen, “Destruction, what do you mean?”
Pacing across the room, the queen began again, “All that you see is
not real, nor does it fill the expanse of creation. There lies without this vessel
those who would seek to shatter us like the vase removing us from existence,
for this reason we must shatter the vessel on which they stand to survive the
coming attack. I will not be betrayed again!” Chawaney repeated, “Attack?”
Back upon the helm of Grandfather Sun the approaching delegation
of the queen came to a halt behind the tall leader. Turning to face them, a man
with brilliantly glowing skin draped in grey iron colored sashes that hung over
his right shoulder wrapping across his chest around his waist forming a tunic.
“Grandfather Sun, I come with word from the queen.” Samael stepping forward
as Grandfather Sun reached out to grasp the canister now extended towards
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him. Pausing before taking the canister he looked deeply into the eyes of
Samael. “Samael, what is this about?” He then pulled the canister opening the
cylindrical tube. The leader pulled out a parchment with writing upon it.
Holding it up he began to read.
Without saying a word Grandfather Sun dropped the parchment on the
ground. As the canister hit bouncing with a clank rolling across the floor.
Grandfather Sun turned looking at Samael, “Where is she now?” He replied,
“She awaits your presence on the Celopatra.” Grandfather Sun speaking with a
direct tone, his eyes burning with swirling fire, “Let us depart.” Deathbird
inquired to Samael, “The meeting was short, what did he read on the
parchment?” Samael looking concerned replied, “The end of all things.”
Grandfather Sun, Deathbird, and Samael with the delegation of elite
guard again boarded the transport to return to the Cleopatra to face the queen.
Grandfather Sun hands seemed to sweat as his fingers clasps twisting upon each
other his nervousness visible as his mind was drifting off to another time in
another place. Deathbird thought, “If he is worried, how worried should I be?”
The ship re-docking with the Celopatra the group moved exited the ship and
began the procession towards the helm of the ship. As Grandfather Sun walked
through the door of the helm he looked at the queen standing silently. As the
queen rose to face Grandfather Sun all stood in shock as they stood facing each
other, no words spoken, locked within an eternal gaze they stared into each
other’s eyes. All in the room stood silently as the queen rushed to embrace him,
burying her face within his chest she began to weep. Grandfather Sun wrapping
his arms around her replying, in a whisper, “Sky Woman, it is ok dear, we will
travel to Uruk and see what needs be done before they come.”
Sky Woman stopping at the exit, her hand clasping Grandfather Sun
she looked back, “Chawaney, please come with me.” Chawaney rising
approached the queen as she reached out to grasp her by the hand. The three of
them disappeared from the helm. Samael moving to sit in the queens’ helm,
“Depart for Uruk, Deathbird, please come sit and let’s discuss that which
confounds you.” Deathbird came and sat next to the tall white advisor to Sky
Woman, the queen of an entire empire. “I have never seen our queen shed tears
Samael. Nor have I ever seen Grandfather Sun before, why is this so?” Samael
looking outwards as the passing stars increased in speed as they were directed
towards the outer realm of the universe. The tall white speaking, “There was a
time when these things were not so, when man dwelled within the garden. In
those days I came to this place to preserve the life of the queen both within the
sacred garden of her origin and within the darkness where we now dwell.”
Deathbird questioned, “How can the queen be thrown away?”
“Your mind is clouded and blinded to the ways of those who lie
beyond the heavens above. Who look down and plan our demise. For this
reason, I have come, sacrificing my own eternal inheritance to protect that
consciousness who comes from the queen. You are of such and as you see
Grandfather Sun so may you one day become, for we wrestle not against flesh
and blood but against principalities, kingdoms, empires without end.”
Deathbird was confused, his mind struggled grasping how a place could exist
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beyond all that lie around him. Orik had appeared on the helm, “Deathbird, by
order of the queen I am to brief you on the coming events, please come with
me.” The tall white Samael placing his hand upon an imprint that glowed
brilliantly white as the ship burst forward coming to a stop instantly. Deathbird
had not stood a second and the ship had stopped moving, “We are here.”
Samael rising to accompany Deathbird with the Chancellor to discuss what had
happened and why their presence was demanded at the outer realm of the
Deathbird had ignored the request, his eyes staring in awe and
astonishment at the scene. The rippling of space like a thin film met against the
surface of a glowing material so that it was visible the translucent material of
the universe was encapsulated within something else, more viscous, of a
brilliant design swirling beyond the film. The ship pressed forward until it
merged within the very barrier where the two materials met. Within the gap
between the two materials golden streams of branched in like small rivers
around the entire circumference of the visible edge. Samael speaking, “Behold,
the barrier of where we do approach the consciousness of he who has contained
the Iln within.” A massive planet lay in the middle of the substance that was
contained in the shell of the universe. Deathbird thinking, “Being who trapped
us here? For this is an entire planet sitting within somewhere else.” The
Chancellor exiting the ship entered into the corridors of the planet’s surface,
looking out Deathbird questioned, what is this substance for have we
submerged within the sea?” “Deathbird, this is like a sea, it is where two
realities meet, where the organization of material projects an illusion of
confinement to those within from those without. This world has become
trapped within as others releasing into the void and it is here the Carian have
observed the consciousness for the infiltration from beyond. Here time stops
and you never age but we cannot survive here indefinitely. It is continually
bombarded with material which it dissolves, including ourselves if we stay too
long.” Deathbird responding, “Infiltration by who?” The tall white seeing the
struggle for Deathbird, “Deathbird, it has been decreed that you will be the
future leader of this people the same as me. An advisor, a leader, and a head.
Come to me and let me share wisdom with you of things that have come and
the things that have gone. When man chose to leave the refuge of the Garden of
Eden to dwell among the stars of the darkness where there is only one who
looks down preventing a return and one who looks out seeking escape. You
stand between those two who wage an eternal war over creation.” Taking his
finger, Samael touched his finger to the temple of Deathbird.
In that moment Deathbird was pulled forward at speeds which
stretched his surroundings, the light speeding past him so that it streaked in
long strokes until all he could see was imagery within a window as the swirling
tornado of color turned around him. Looking through the eyes of Samael he
obtained a vision of the memories and the moment when Samael departed to
assist Grandfather Sun with the salvation of the trapped queen of the universe,
Sky Woman. The hand of the tall white removed, he could not see who Samael
truly was and how it came to be that Samael, the tall white from the Garden
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stood amongst the fallen consciousness of a fallen queen. Deathbird now knew,
“They had not left her, nor abandoned her.”
“In the beginning when Sky Woman was lost it was I who
approached the lord and master of the cage which binds the darkness. It was he
who chose with me to approach others within the seven kingdoms of high
heaven to preserve Sky Woman who had been caste within the darkness.” The
words of Grandfather Sun were resoundingly clear.
The conversation shifting as everyone now appeared in the room of the
meeting that would determine the fate of the universe. The Chancellor
speaking, “Watcher, behold Uruk, the overseer.” The tall Star Seed entered the
room. His neck thick and muscled. Covered in thick armor from head to toe his
large red eyes peered through a crown that wrapped around his cranium coming
to a point on the nose and wrapping around the jaw. “Samael!” The large leader
approached the tall white with others dressed like him. “Have the briefed you
on the situation?” Samael moving to look at the visual display started pressing
buttons rapidly. The display operating an observatory camera that peered
beyond the sphere which contains their universe to see a sphere coming to
approach them. Turning to view Uruk, “How can this be? There is only one
universal sphere within the river of life. No other clones have been made, the
system has not been begun processing?” Uruk responding, “It would seem the
system has been turned on, you have seen for yourself, He has created other
spheres within the river of consciousness which means they are now actively
cloning and that one is purposefully moving on a collision course with our own.
The elements of the sphere specifically designed to decimate our own.” The tall
white turned to the Chancellor, “Where is the interdimensional Eden machine
of Grandfather Sun?” The tall which then continued answering his own
question, “We must speak with Grandfather Sun immediately.”
Deathbird had not followed as closely as he moved to look up into
the sky, a world submerged within a viscous liquid which served as a natural
magnifier of things on the outside, but also for things to look in. The golden
streams of material swirling like tornadoes from the edge touching the inner
fabric of the dark void spinning it as a ball of black mass rolling within the
universe. The outside seeking entrance, Samael responded, “The universe was
manifested by this material and those swirling balls of material within is the
way the golden consciousness can project the illusion of reality that we have
prepared for ourselves here. Come, we must see Grandfather Sun. There is a
way to survive the coming storm.”
Grandfather Sun speaking with Sky Woman, “I have nearly
completed the device needed to bring the frozen world to life. With this
pressing attack from the beyond we can travel through into a place of safety
where I have hidden the Eden Machine.” Sky Woman recalled the machine, it
had saved her life, preserved her when she was trapped within the darkness.
The bond that had once united them, had driven them into separate locations.
She, the mother to life using the genetic material of Grandfather Sun and the
Eden machine had birthed an entire culture that expanded with the blink of an
eye. She remembered the day that Grandfather Sun departed from the surface of
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the Aaru. Bringing with him the device within his stewardship, the Eden
Machine to save her. “Grandfather Sun, you have said this for years and yet you
still stand upon the snow ball and I see nothing.” Grandfather Sun replying,
“When those electrons come, and they are coming everything will be changed,
it is my device which will save that snow ball and use those electrons as a
defensive shield following the event.”
Coming into the room Uruk, overseer of the outer realm of the
universe accompanied by Samael and Deathbird. Elite Guard marching into the
room as the return of the King was at hand. Chawaney now seated quietly
listening and observing. Sky Woman spoke, “I would like all to meet my
successor, the future Queen of the Carian, Chawaney. Rise and introduce
yourself.” Chawaney, shy and nervous rose, “Greetings Lords.” One by one
they approached her welcoming her until only Grandfather Sun remained. As
he approached her he looked down on her in silence. His right hand grasping
her cheek in its palm, his deep penetrating blue eyes looking within her own
blue eyes. Chawaney looking back, struck at the depth of his look and that she
was like him. He spoke, “You will be the salvation to your people dear
daughter.” Grandfather Sun turned to Uruk, “What shall be done?” Samael
answering for him, we must return to the Eden Machine, with the leadership
and await this collision. Once completed we can return to repair the aftermath.”
Uruk spoke up, “I agree, the universe coming is much denser material than our
own. When they collide it will fill this expanse. This impact will render
communications among all worlds ineffective. So, I agree, as many as possible
should be preserved or else we all perish. Where is the Eden Machine Samuel?”
“In the belly of Carian,” responded Grandfather Sun. He knew the
source of their genetic material had been the fluid brought from the realm by
Grandfather Sun and his creations. “Also, those coming electrons and photons
will destroy your entire grid and I am unsure when this is done if the element
which you do cling too is as useless as the dirt upon which you stand.” Samael
remembered when he and Grandfather Sun had first appeared in universal
bubble. Their mathematical calculations placing them on the surface of the
planet Carian.
The queen speaking, “We must call upon the father of the Misiginebig.”
Samael and Grandfather Sun stopped speaking, “why in the world would we do
that?” Questioned Grandfather Sun to the queen, her nervousness visible. “Why
not, I mean after all isn’t this entire thing meant for one to repel the other? Why
not invite the outside of the Aaru where the Misiginebig lives within, Samael,
you know I know you have the knowledge to make that possible?” Samael
questioned within himself, “At what cost, all of my kind erased as well?” he
spoke, “you do not know what it is you ask Sky Woman. The dark one from the
ATUM will not bring salvation.” She spoke up, “But, he can provide enough of
a distraction that we can free ourselves from bondage to seek the revenge I
seek. You of all here travel freely Samael and it was you who brokered the
agreement with the great consciousness to allow us entry into this universe.”
Samael knew she was right, and also saw that the agreement was going to be
nullified by the coming cataclysm that surely was orchestrated in direct
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opposition to an agreement already made, unless something had happened in

the garden that he was unaware.
“My queen”, Samael speaking to Sky Woman in solemn tones. “I
must depart for a time to return to the garden to view what has occurred in our
absence. Perhaps this will provide answers to why the consciousness within the
river would be seeking the end of your species when they were granted an
opportunity to return.” The queen knew this was true, that her children deserved
the right to more than lifetimes within the darkness. She was consciousness,
they were all consciousness that came from here, unless salvation came to them
all, there would be none accepted for herself. She responded, “Let us peel back
the layers all the way to the tree of knowledge where it all began.” “You are
wise, Samael, go see what it is that has troubled our existence when you return I
will ask you again if you are willing to open the doorway to allow Him to come
into the system.” Samael knew what she was really stating, if there was trouble
in the garden than his return would demand the doorway opened. A doorway
only he could open and to which the consequences would be potentially greater
than in any other merging of Erebus with High Heaven. “Very well Sky
Woman, I will return with word and if need be, we will open the doorway to
Uruk knew exactly what was being agreed upon, he knew what was
coming, and he knew their entire infrastructure of communication was about to
be nullified. Watching Iron had been the greatest conducive material known to
the Iln. Grandfather Sun and Uruk had watched the conversation with Samael
as well. “I think inviting the dark one in, would be a grave mistake. I mean,
Samael, look at the mess we now find ourselves. You, one of the original
teachers, I, the guardian of the cage which snAayaash the beast, Misiginebig.
My love, I plead with you do not look to Wiindigoo. We must look to The
Gitche Manitou and this is what I am trying to do.” Stepping forward the queen
voiced her opinion, “It was you’re doing that created this entire mess. You look
to him who replaced me as if I were nothing? Your Gitche Manitou who let me
be taken and consumed within the darkness. Look at you Grandfather Sun.”
The queen moving to face him, raising her right arm cAayaashsed his cheek
with her hand, her nails touching his lips. Her left arm reaching around to grasp
his waist pulling her closely against him, “Do you remember when you
promised we would rule the heavens?” Grandfather Sun pushing her back,
“You do not understand, that future…it was within here, but that’s only
temporary. Sky Woman, I want more for you, our children, and the entire
nation as a whole. Samael and Uruk still watching the conversation as
Deathbird was looking out the window into the outer realm of consciousness
golden and flowing like honey.
Grandfather Sun then realized, perhaps Sky Woman was right
grasping her hand he turned the dismayed queen to look him in the eye.
“Perhaps you are correct and the only way in is from without. Therefore, I will
assist Samael in opening the doorway but I will need to travel to Carian and
enter into the sacred chamber. Samael can transport us there with his mind so
we will not need space travel.” Sky Woman face lit with joy, the man who had
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saved her, the tall white who had never abandoned her and the Empire to fuel
her passion to survive even if her choices to survive brought war. Uruk
speaking up, “I perceive that there is a plan in place to prepare for the
aftermath? We will have thousands of worlds stranded without power,
communication, and other than a few schematics written on papers all of our
systems will cease to function. Whatever is being planned, we need a clear-cut
way of communication when this hits or we are all going to die.”
Queen Sky Woman handing Uruk a sacred seal of the Elite Guard.
The symbol of the Carian Empire, the all-seeing eye of the Queen who once
looked down from above and became incarnate. A life bringer of the family of
Carian with Grandfather Sun as her King and Samael as her guide. Sky Woman
recalled the days before Grandfather Sun left when they expanded within just a
few generations to the edges of the universe before rising and determining that
he wanted to build a way back to the Gitche Manitou. Her anger at his belief an
ice ball could bring salvation to her race, to their children, she knew he wanted
her to return to human form but she was pleased to no longer be human. Staring
at the tall dignified eternal man from the realm of high heaven, himself a
refugee stranded within she felt pity within her heart. He sacrificed it all for her.
Grandfather Sun turning back looked down at Sky Woman, the fair
maiden of Eden desiring he work with her once more. His passion to save her
children, his work on the world to be known as Yaaru. A garden for her to
dwell with him for eternity, he recalled her stubbornness and determination not
to return to whence she came. How long could the façade continue? How long
before he would need to smack common sense into her that the reality she
wanted, was only an illusion a fantasy? Grandfather Sun loved her so deeply
but in his mind if he could build the Yaaru he could duplicate a process once
done before in other realms where the holy Yazatas had visited. At least, so the
legends foretold of the many epics of the holy men descending into Erebus. He
had done it many times and never seen anything of such a degree of chaos as
was now occurring. If he could return to the Great Spirit-maker, obtain enough
material he could buy them some time with a trick he had once learned on a trip
into the very heart of Erebus.
“Uruk, Chancellor Orik, the Queen and I will depart post haste.
Prepare a long-range vessel to exit the Universe and travel to this approaching
Universe.” Grandfather Sun turning grasped Sky Woman by the hand as
Chawaney and Deathbird were following behind. Moving with the elite guard
back to the Celopatra they embarked once more to return home, this time Sky
Woman with her King in hand for the first time in centuries. The ship sucking
in gravitational waves before ejecting with a burst warping space and time
arriving at Carian in less than a second. The speed, made possible only because
of the power of iron and its relationship with the gravitational waves of the
universal bubble.
Reentering the planet’s atmosphere, it was black with thick smog
Grandfather Sun felt a rush of emotion course through his body. The planet
built on the back of Iln mining iron. Smoke rose from the factories that
surrounded the planet where the production of the most valuable resource in the
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universe was processed. Coaching the world in industry suited to produce one
thing, iron. Spires of buildings reaching into the clouds surrounded by wide
stretching highways of information and technology distribution across the
planet. The dark clouds from the factories clouding the upper atmosphere so
that the surface was barely visible from space. Across the planet the Iln
civilization living within a caste system organized by region, 13-regions to
represent the 13-ruling families of the House of Iln across the 13-realms of the
universe. All pointing to the head of the Empire, Queen Sky Woman.
Grandfather Sun watched as the ship approached the House of Iln on the
highest hill in the city of Iln with its five rising spires enormous in height which
rose above the governing hall of the universe. He recalled the days when he had
come to this planet, when we had saved her from captivity within the
Misiginebig. He had always desired nothing but the best for her, because he
knew who she was, she was him and he was her and they came from the same
source. Grandfather Sun never felt right in the banishing of one of their own
under any circumstances, let alone something that had never occurred in any
other expedition into the Realms of Erebus.
In his mind he recalled the day he stood upon the surface of the Aaru,
one of the original guard of Yazata to enter into the cavity of Erebus when the
situation demanded monitoring and he was the master of the GEL. The
substance used to capture the Misiginebig. It was his design, his own personal
knowledge that created the expanding cage which held the beast. He recalled
how he had entered into the Machine.
Chawaney was still holding Grandfather Sun hand as Sky Woman
grasped the other leading them out of the ship. The cheers and adulation
greeting the return of the King exploded as fireworks and the parade of people
cheered and chanted at the homecoming of the King and the announcement of
the successor to the throne of the Carian Empire, Chawaney of Iln. Flowers
were thrown into the air by matrons who lined the red-carpet walkway leading
from the ship to the entrance to the grand hall. Grandfather Sun walking with
iron balls hovering and floating in all directions filming every event to
transpire. Grandfather Sun recalled that was a technology by his design, the
eternal observation device used in high heaven to record all things for future
reviewing. He stepped across the synthetic flowers dyed and colored as not
vegetation remained upon the planet. The industry of iron production, the
lightest and most conducive element in the universe covering the planet in a
shell of iron surrounded by deserts. Grandfather Sun did not miss Carian,
though he was confident Carian had missed him.
Deathbird steadily pacing behind the Queen and her King pondered this
device which could save the universe. The coming event making it hard for
Deathbird to focus on the moment. He had left the planet, which was a Great
Spirit send as he could barely handle the look of the polluted place. He
preferred the clear skies of space and traveling among the stars to standing
watch upon the surface of a hunk of metal, although he knew the planet rich
with the mineral that provided the power needed to even travel the distance
such as to the realm of Uruk at the edge of the universe.
~ 665 ~

Deathbird led the elite guard into the Hall of Iln where the queen’s
throne stood as Grandfather Sun, Sky Woman and Chawaney seated over the
masses of collecting dignitaries of the Carian Empire. The thirteen ruling
regions represented as the box seats rose and fell with many asking questions
before the meeting had begun. The noise so loud that the queen could not hear
herself think. Rising to her feet, “Silence!” she screamed as the room came to a
stuttering halt. “There will be respect when your King and your Queen present
themselves to you.” Grandfather Sun eyes rolling as he abhorred this notion of
kingship or the feudal system demanded by Sky Woman when he knew it was a
mere illusion to the coming cataclysm as well as the reality of where it was they
were enacting this theatre. Sky Woman continued, “Very well”, as she had said
those words, Grandfather Sun rose to his feet speaking to Sky Woman, “I do
not have time for this,” Pacing off the throne Grandfather Sun grabbed
Deathbird by the arm speaking to him, “Come with me.” Sky Woman watched
in horror as Grandfather Sun once again publicly embarrassed her. Chawaney
got a chuckle from the conundrum as she thought Deathbird was cute. Seeing
her sister matrons in the hallway Chawaney rose and ran to meet Marda and
Brana who began quickly asking her about the trip away from the Palace.
“Just around this bend is a painting, a very special painting indeed.”
Coming around the corridor after descending to the depths of seven levels
beneath the building they came to a long corridor filled with beautifully ornate
paintings. They lined the walls. Deathbird looking at the paintings, they were of
their king, “What are these?” Grandfather Sun replying as they walked down
the corridor, “When we first began we thought it important to record a sacred
hall where all of the children’s images could be taken but with time their
numbers grew beyond these halls and we abandoned this place all together.
These are their images but this was long ago. Coming to a large set of doors
Deathbird watched as Grandfather Sun placed his hand upon the door. His
handprint pressing into the surface until he grasped a lever before twisting and
pushing as the door separated to the left and right off of his hand. “I designed
that door myself,” Grandfather Sun remarked as they emerged into a room that
featured one thing, a pool of glowing material.
“What is that?” Questioning Deathbird, the elite guard surrounding the
room all peering in at the font, as Grandfather Sun replied, “Atum-Knum, the
Eden machine.” Moving to the edge of the brightly shining surface of the
machine Grandfather Sun peered into the twisting glowing material. “This is
where it began.” This is where I brought her forward from the darkness.
Deathbird, come close and look within this material for the greatest thing you
will ever learn is that all that you see is because of this, this is the object and the
resource that drives eternal wars.
~ 666 ~

As they danced in the courtyard laughing and dancing the matrons
to the queen bedazzled in delight at her coronation delighted in the company of
Chawaney. He sparkling eyes reflecting in the sunlight, as she smiled the
beautiful smooth green skin showing near invisible scales and yet she was
regarded as the most beautiful Star Seed in all of Carian. The Queen herself
found favor in another, like herself unique and Chawaney took full advantage.
Holding hands turning in circles they fell to the ground resting in
the thick synthetic grass courtyard. The courtyard within the middle of the Hall
of Iln on the home world Carian. Chawaney lay back and stare into the sky,
arms spread wide she embraced the feeling of security in the comfort of
knowing who she was and that everything was going to be ok. Inhaling deep
breathes she watched as the plumes of clouds twisted through the sky. Grey
with brown tints twisting as tornado plumes as she imagined the stars beyond.
In her mind, it was to be all hers, how many worlds could be within the
universe that would look to Carian for support? One could not tell, she could
not. Holding up the medallion that was given to her at the ceremony, the
sparking red crystals within the center of the triangle. Holding it up to the sun it
glittered in a million differing ways. The iron chain making the crystal nearly
light as a feather.
“Chawaney, what is it like?” Marda rolling to her side watching the
princess turn the crystal medallion with her hands. Chawaney looking over,
“What is what like?”
“You know what I mean,” Marda said smarting that the princess
was playing naïve. “Being the heir to the throne of the Queen, what it is like?”
“Yes, yes” shouting Brana as she plopped between them in the grass within the
courtyard of the Hall of Iln. “Well, for one, I get to eat anything that I want. I
mean anything, I can go anywhere in the palace.”
Marda not satisfied with the answer, “Have you an eye for a
prince?” Chawaney laughing did not dare share who she had been thinking of
and infatuated.
“Ah, no fair Chawaney, you are keeping secrets,” Brana heckling
her as she held her down tickling her.
“Matrons, Matrons” The call of Krella could be heard through the
courtyard. The girls rising began rushing across the central courtyard towards
Krella standing with several guards. She spoke quickly, “I need you to go, now,
grab your things as quickly as you can. There isn’t much time, hurry.”
The elite guard of the queen now moving through the halls in rapid
succession preparing for what was to come. Full alert rang through the entire
capital as the Security Council was hailed to the emergency response room.
As Chawaney and the matrons were rushed off she looked back up
into the sky and could see ships descending by the thousands. “Krella, what is
happening?” She questioned as they moved into the palace hallways rushing
through the myriad of scrambling people. Krella struggling to keep up did not
~ 667 ~

As Chawaney turned the corner to start the climb to the elevator

which would lead to the tower a large crowd descended mixing her amongst
them. As she struggled to press against the flood of Iln trying to leave the
building she felt a tug on her arm as she was yanked to the side. It was
Deathbird, his burning brown eyes staring directly at her, his hands now
grasping her by the shoulders. “Princess, we must leave now, come with me.”
Grasping her by the hand he pulled her at a furious pace through the crowd. Her
mind rushing with thoughts, she did not fight him or resist. She would go
anywhere with him, he was the most handsome being she had ever seen.
Watching him part the masses, for her, his iron grip upon her hand. She knew
he would not let go, for all she cared, he could take her anywhere.
Deathbirds mind was racing with thoughts and questions as to what
had happened. Grandfather Sun had ordered him to find her, and he had done
that. The urgency of the situation demanding immediate attention or all would
be lost. Looking back at the palace in the distance, the beautiful columns
towering at the perimeter, the sky bombarded with ships rising and falling but
to where would they go? She questioned not understanding the impact that was
Running down the ramp that led away from the capital Deathbird
and Chawaney were in full stride, in the next moment thrown through the air as
a massive explosion emitted from the capital. Deathbird and Chawaney hitting
the ground, twisting, rolling coming to a stop lying face down in the iron coated
walkway. Chawaney looking up to see through hazy eyes the capital building
half destroyed by an object falling from the sky that had impacted it. Golden
dust sprinkling into the air as rubble lye everywhere. Deathbird grasping
Chawaney up, threw her over his shoulder he continued to press forward
towards his ship. Setting Chawaney into the back of the ship Deathbird went to
turn the ship on when the shock wave happened.
The small craft lifted into the air and then slammed back to the
surface as a massive shock wave spread through the entire planet. The iron
covered building in the distance melting under the impact of the wave of energy
coming from space slamming the planet. The balls of golden material raining
down on the surface. The sudden inability for the craft to leave the surface.
Deathbird wiping blood from a cut across his right eye brow removed the belt
which was attached to him, its weight no longer light as a feather but almost
unbearably heavy.
Exiting the ship Deathbird looked up into the sky as no ships were
leaving any longer. Holding his hand out the very atmosphere was filled with
waves of energy that when moving his hand through resembled the parting of
clouds of smoke. The ethereal material even changing the red coloring of the
matter simulator covering his hands to heavy sheets of material. Throwing them
to the ground he went to grasp some iron to help free the trapped ship from
underneath some rubble as it was blown beneath a building. As he grasped the
iron, Deathbird could not believe how heavy it was to the point he could not lift
the bar. “What?” He questioned as the entire elemental structure of the planet
had shifted.
~ 668 ~

Focusing his attention once more on Chawaney, Deathbird ran back

to the ship where she standing at the door staring in disbelief at the destruction.
“Deathbird, look!” Chawaney was pointing at the sky. Dark clouds were
spinning out of control. “What is that?” A dark wave fell from the cloud like a
blanket that approached them. “Get inside!” Deathbird yelling as he moved
inside the ship. With a thump the pellets of iron began to fall. Striking the
ground with thunderous slams of metal striking metal. Deathbird and Chawaney
held their ears as the sound of metal striking the surface echoed into the air. The
wave had hit the city; it was the falling of the iron within the atmosphere to the
surface. Deathbird knew what it was, but how could it be that what was the
most powerful element in the universe could be falling like stone from the sky
as if it were nothing.
Screams emerging from all around the capital and throughout the
city as those not escaping the onslaught of the falling iron were torn to pieces as
the shards pierced through their flesh. The ting, pang, crashing of metal falling
on the ship held Deathbird and Chawaney in its grasp. Burying her head into his
shoulder he wrapped his arms around her as she fell asleep in his arms. As
Deathbird sit holding Chawaney he recalled how it had happened.
He had just seen the Atum-Knum machine that Grandfather Sun
reference was an Eden machine from another realm, a realm where he had
descended when Samael had appeared. His words ringing still within the ears of
Deathbird. “They are coming to erase you. You must come with me
immediately.” Grandfather Sun had questioned why when Samael had touched
his temple. In an instant Grandfather Sun order the family be brought to the
room that he and Samael would be taking the Eden machine to a realm to
survive the coming onslaught. When he was told to go find the princess and
bring her back for the impact was coming imminently. The coming universe
gaining speed had already struck the outer sphere and was pouring in the time
to delay over.
As Deathbird had fled the inner chamber of the machine he passed
the queen who was screaming, “Chawaney, where is Chawaney?” The other
Matrons rushed behind her looking up at Deathbird as he passed tears in their
eyes. They did not know where she was and he knew they feared what was
coming. The entire planet shaking as the initial impact with the universe echoed
in all directions.
Deathbird’s eyes opened, looking to his right was Chawaney still
sleeping. Deathbird was unsure how they survived the night. The pounding of
the iron upon the ships room, dents pressing in all directions as the iron pellets
covered the planet in moving storms as the atmosphere shed its former self.
Tearing off a massive metal panel within the ship he held it over his head,
“Chawaney, wake up.” Repeating, “Chawaney, wake!” He shook her shoulder
as she opened her eyes. Her blue eyes blinking she was alive, “Deathbird?”
“Chawaney, we haven’t time, we have to go.” Standing outside, the ship he
Deathbird motioned for Chawaney to get under the metal he was holding over
his head. She stepped out of the ship grasping Deathbird by the arm. The
ground was dented inwards showing the iron surface like a grate. The pounding
~ 669 ~

of the iron pellets had disfigured everything and he knew the storms were
bound to return. Rushing to the Hall of Iln, Deathbird could see the entrance
was blocked and burning with smoldering fire. There was another way, he just
needed to get around the building, “Come Chawaney, we must hurry.”
As he tried to move he hadn’t noticed that Chawaney was now
unconscious. Lifting her up over his right shoulder, he continued moving
towards the entrance to get into the Hall of Iln. The silence deafening Deathbird
felt uneasy about what had happened until he came to the entrance and the
horror that lie between him and salvation. Deathbird stopped in stunned silence
scarcely believe what his eyes were viewing, the mountain of the dead. They
had not reached the door though it was unlocked and provided security. Within
feet of the door the falling iron had cut them down, them all down. The body
parts pounded and pelted into a pulp. The sea of the dead could now be seen
everywhere as the smoldering smell of rotting flesh filled the air. Waking over
top the scattered remains of the Iln who had not found cover Deathbird tried not
to let the grotesque nature of what he was seeing paralyze hi with fear. Feet
planet on the ground cut off at the shin bone with parts of bodies pressed deeply
within the iron surface which absorbed the pelting of the material which had
raised an empire now burying it.
Pushing his hand to the door it opened with Deathbird falling to the
ground lying Chawaney next to him. She had started to come back to
consciousness when the doors shut she looked down at the tired Carian who had
saved her. Leaning over she kissed his cheek as he sighed rolling to his side,
“My lady, we must get to the Eden machine immediately.”
Her deep blue eyes, lashes blinking with dust and debris spread on her
face she nodded in agreement. Holding his hand, they rose as she grasped him
by the waste. Moving slowly through the building cries could be heard.
Deathbird responding, “Thank heavens we are not alone.” As they descended
through the building into the depths of the corridors beneath the surface silence
filled the air. Deathbird moving quickly towards the room where Grandfather
Sun and the others were waiting.
Turning the corner Deathbird stopped in shock. To his horror, they were
gone. Letting go of Chawaney’s hand he fell to his knees. The pedestal which
the Eden machine upon empty. The circular room with pillars surrounding the
central platform silent, empty, as if nothing had ever been in the room.
Deathbird knew, they were stranded.
Looking at Chawaney who could not believe they had left without her
turned to Deathbird, “I thought...I thought” tears began welling in her eyes, “I
thought they were waiting.” Her tears turning to sobs as Deathbird did the only
thing he could do, he embraced her, standing in the moment with her. What was
next, the planet had been changed. The very structure that had raised the empire
had been its undoing. The iron that had lifted the Iln from the planet had now
buried them within it.
~ 670 ~

Grandfather Sun stood waiting at the Eden machine as Queen Sky
Woman entered the room. “Grandfather Sun, what is happening?” The Matrons
scurrying into the room behind her as the elite guard filled the room. Sky
Woman then did a double take, “Samael?” The tall white being now standing
next to the Eden machine touching the surface pressing buttons of instructions.
“Yes, it is Samael, we must prepare quickly or we will not survive the
coming impact.” Grandfather Sun speaking to the Queen as she turned her
attention to him.
“Samael!” The queen shouting as she approached the tall white teacher.
Turning to face her his black eyes shown a scowl of disapproval. “What is it
Sky Woman?” Sky Woman paused, he seemed stressed, “What is wrong
Samael, you had told me, remember your oath before me, what was it that you
saw at the garden?” She was fairly certain something bad because of his
demeanor, “Remember your commitment” she repeated.
Grandfather Sun moving between them, “Sky Woman, you do not need
to know these things. We must focus on leaving, this dialogue can wait until we
arrive in the location that Samael has deemed our salvation. All then turned to
notice Samael chanting. Grandfather Sun and Sky Woman watched not sure
what was occurring.
The tall white being now standing within the glowing font waters.
Looking up he began speaking in chants, “Muladhara” taking his hand he
touched the liquid and then wiped the GEL on the base of the back of his neck.
He then spoke, “Svadisthana” taking his hand he touched the liquid and then
wiped the GEL across the base of his abdomen. He then spoke, “Manipura”
taking his hand he touched the liquid and then wiped the GEL across the mid-
section of his abdomen. He then spoke, “Anahata” taking his hand he touched
the liquid and then wiped the GEL across his upper chest. He then spoke,
“Visuddha” taking his hand he touched the liquid and then wiped the GEL
across his forehead. He then spoke, “Anja” taking his hand he touched the
liquid and then wiped the GEL on his forehead touching between the eyes. He
then spoke, “Sahasrara” takin his hand he touched the liquid and then wiped the
GEL on the top of his head.
Grandfather Sun quietly watched turning to Sky Woman said, “The
song of rebirth.” The machine then began to glow emitting a sphere around the
font as the tall whites outstretched arms began to glow. The source of the
growing orb around the machine coming from Samael. “Grandfather Sun, Sky
Woman, it is time to go” Samael speaking as his dark eyes closed, Sky Woman
looking back, “What about Chawaney?” Grandfather Sun and the guard pulled
her as the sphere grew to encompass the entire room. In an instant the orb
vanished taking everyone in the room with it including the Eden machine.
Other than the approaching footsteps of Deathbird bringing Chawaney, silence
filled the air.
The swirling sphere containing a few of the survivors of the coming
desolation floated through the ether. Grandfather Sun looking outside the
~ 671 ~

surface, the moving waves of purple energy gripping and wrapping around
them. “Where are we going Samael?” The tall white teacher now outside of the
font stood watching with Deathbird the light show occurring outside the sphere.
“This is the ether, the space in between the immaterial and the material. We are
moving within the shadows to a place I have found that you will be safe for the
time being."
Sky Woman repeating from behind, “Remember our promise, where are
you taking us Samael?” The two turning as Grandfather Sun spoke, “My dear
Sky Woman, all that you once knew is over.” The frustration stretched across
her face, all she had known was what she had built, “What do you mean it is
gone?” Samael spoke up, “It is true, the world of the Carian is no more.” Sitting
on the ground with arms buried within their chests Marda and Brana tried to
console Jinda who was weeping hysterically at the loss of Chawaney.
“Grandfather Sun you must explain to me what this means?” Concern
and confused Sky Woman wanted to know how it had been lost when the
impact had occurred. Samael put his hand on Grandfather Sun shoulder as if to
stop him from responding, looking down at Sky Woman he spoke, “Sky
Woman, do you not remember your time within the garden, when you declared
that you would love him till the end of time? Do you not recall being cast out
for partaking of the information contained on the tree of knowledge?” Sky
Woman looking down at her hands looked up, “Yes, I remember but what does
that have to do with any of this.” Samael responded, “It has everything to do.”
Samael then responded, “She has partaken of the fruit as well. They are
coming to cleanse the inner abode of the Misiginebig of you and your kind.”
Holding his hands up twisting and swirling balls of material appeared, as he
moved them out and then crashed them together he spoke, “when the universe
collides with your own it is intended to render your entire system
nonfunctional. The entire chemistry of your universe will be changed. No
longer will iron be the element of the stars, the coming universe will be the end
of the Carian.” Sky Woman voice elevating, “Where is she?”
“Sky Woman, you do not want to see this”, trying to reason with her.
“No, I want to see her, where are they going to put her?” Samael responded,
“Well, actually them as he has followed her and partaken of the information of
the tree of life.” Confused, Sky Woman questioned, “He did not even follow
The sphere had come to a stop resting upon the surface of a realm
sparkling with the red surface that extended in all directions. The barren
landscape as far as the eye could see, the twisting of the sky showing opening
and closing of portals. The portals moving amongst the clouds rotation around
the spots that the clouds would pass over. Looking up Grandfather Sun began
walking away from the Eden machine looking at the sky. “Samael, what are
those?” Samael joining him spoke, “I have brought you to a pocket within
where the Misiginebig does not reside. Those are Isfet, portals to other realms
within the Aaru. As the system begins, you will need to travel to and from those
realms always remaining here. Looking over his shoulder Grandfather Sun
wanted to make sure Sky Woman did not hear the conversation, “So you are
~ 672 ~

saying we can travel anywhere within the inner garden within this place, why
was I not aware of this place?” Samael responding, “Well, while you have been
in the system the Gitche Manitou (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda has activated
the machine, cloned his own consciousness within, with (The Nanabozho)
watching with his cloned children as the original man of photons created the
great spirit who was a Great Consciousness. Even at this present moment the
great consciousness subdues and organizes, this is one such place organized,
and they are coming for your world.”
Grandfather Sun had remembered, his net wrapped around the ice ball
planet. He knew what was happening, so he developed an electromagnetic field
around the planet that would shield it from the torturous impact of the coming
universe. As the waves of matter pressed into the universe it may blast away
other planets atmospheres but not this world. This field would not burn it up
rather collect the coming minerals while simultaneously bringing his planet to
life. “Is it possible to return back to Carian?” The white leader looking down,
“Not at this time but in time you will go back”. Grandfather Sun rising to his
feet, no longer resting on the edge of the font, “You know Samael, that world
may be an ocean when I return, and it is there we will rebuild and seek a new
The elite guard moved across the landscape, their genetic organizing
armor able to manipulate the red surface. The rising material flying through the
air to form walls, a ceiling, as the font was quickly surrounded in a massive
pyramid of material raised form the surface. Sky Woman was pacing to the side
with the other matrons. “Grandfather Sun, we must go back for them” she cried
mercilessly to go back and find Chawaney. “What of the entire empire, Sky
Woman? Her eyes looking discouraged and stressed, “Do not patronize me
Grandfather Sun.” “How do I return?” Standing Grandfather Sun left exited the
room as Sky Woman followed until they were standing outside. The elite guard
scattering around them building as Grandfather Sun spoke with Sky Woman.
“You have to understand, the old world is done away with, and it is no more.
Now, we can go back through one of them” pointing to the sky the swirling
openings visible as the clouds passed over them. “Those are portals that lead to
all the realms scattered within the expanding inner honeycomb Aaru.”
Samael moving to join them, “Queen Sky Woman, as you have wished I
am not willing to bring forth the portal to the outer Atum.” Her face lit up, “But
I warn you, the darkness you seek can destroy you.” Moving to the machine
Samael again began punching a code into the side of the font, “Grandfather
Sun, please come and complete the sequence.” Grandfather Sun moving to the
font placing his hand within a blue jelly it began scanning his arm until an
electrical wave covered his entire body. Removing his arm, Grandfather Sun
felt rejuvenated and renewed, the machine restoring his health. The room began
filling with light. The machine twisting and turning until the image of a man
appeared. Falling to the floor the man was naked, and unclothed. None
approached as the man rose to his hands pulling himself to his knees. His long
black hair disheveled as he looked up, his eyes burning gold, his skin coated in
the dripping genetic engineering liquid. Rising to his feet the man approached
~ 673 ~

Grandfather Sun and began to speak, “Do you know who I am?” Grandfather
Sun stood silent before responding, “You are me.”
The man reaching down to grasp some of the red clay soil, he let it slip
through his fingers. Grandfather Sun knew he had just made his first clone and
that the machine was active. If the machine was reactivated and the result of
going through the machine produced an exact replica, then perhaps the children
of Carian could likewise obtain the change they desired. “Samael, come and see
him who has come from me. What should we call him?” Before they could
respond the man replied, “I am Set.” Both Samael and Grandfather Sun looked
at each other, “Grandfather Sun, was this not a clone of you?” Grandfather Sun
questioning, “Why are you asking me that, you turned the machine on, what do
you think has happened?” The man speaking again, “I am Set.” Sky Woman
responding, “Set, I am the queen and this is the king.” Set using his left hand
lifted the soil into the air before slamming it to the ground.
All moved back, never seen such power in a man before, looking at
Samael, Grandfather Sun questioned, “Non-created Creator?” Samael
responded, “You wanted to reach into the darkness, right? To grasp onto
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” who does wage endless war outside
the Aaru.”
Grandfather Sun had not considered they would go so far as to use such
sacred and holy power. To tear apart the ways of the realms above where the
holy men dwell in the seven kingdoms of The Gitche Manitou. They birthed a
Great Spirit into existence, not a spirit consciousness, but a clone of an eternal
being. Carrying all memories and experiences. It was Grandfather Sun twin; it
was his brother. “Set, you are my brother, I am Grandfather Sun and we are the
same.” The Matrons draping clothing over Set’s shoulders so that he was no
longer naked.
Looking at Sky Woman, Grandfather Sun questioned, “How can he self-
identify with a name?” Samael whispered, “I do not believe that this is your
cloned consciousness Grandfather Sun.”
Samael walking off with Set the two speaking in private, Sky Woman
had left to view the outer realm and to see if she could figure out what were the
Isfet portals. As the two had walked past her she followed curious as to where
Samael was taking the advanced human who was declared as the brother of
Grandfather Sun.
Grandfather Sun moving up beside her also following them, “I find this
odd Sky Woman, what is Samael up too?” She replying confidently, “Samael
has always been a trusted advisor of mine. I am sure he knows what he is
“I am unsure Sky Woman; did you see the scowl upon his face. He
seems dark and distant. He brought us to this realm but did he not say we would
bring the dark one forward, and I am told to clone myself to allow this to
happen?” Both stopped, connecting the dots, the thought they both were
thinking was whether Set was the dark one, if so, what had become of the once
benevolent Samael?”
~ 674 ~

Now standing in the middle of the desert Samael and Set had stopped.
Samael waving his hand as the elements began spinning showing a dark portal
opening. Within the portal pure blackness. Grandfather Sun and Sky Woman
now approaching the swirling portal opened by Samael on the surface of Maat.
Set turning to face them, his eyes blazing red fire. Grandfather Sun and Sky
Woman paused having noticed the dark veins now circling his eyes. Sunken in
as a body being consumed from within the darkness pressed outwards until the
very face of evil could be seen pressing within the body of Set.
Sky Woman seeing what was occurring ran quickly to Set, turning to
Samael, “Is this him who I have asked you to bring?” He nodded yes, “Who is
within the blackness she questioned?”
“The Misiginebig”, his statement brought her back to the time they were
joined together. “Is he come to save us?” The eyes of the tall white Samael
speaking volumes, they had not come to help her or any of them. In that
moment Set thrusting his hand through the chest of the tall white being pulled
Samael to the ground. Samael, looking surprised head dropped to see white
fluid dripping from around the arm of Set now grasping his spine. The queen
rushing forward to grasp his hand. She could not pull him away. With a thrust
Set yanked the inner spine from Samael as he dropped to the ground pulling
away from her. The screams of the queen echoing in all directions. The tall
white being struggling to crawl away, to regain the grasp of the queen, the look
of horror upon his face. Clear gel now spitting out of his mouth, entrails falling
out behind him. The lower torso dropping to a knee fell to the side of the
ground as black tentacles exited out from the portal latching onto the lower now
dismembered legs of Samael pulling them into the darkness.
Grandfather Sun stood meters away watching the swift movements from
Samael using the machine to bring forward a clone, then opening a window to
the Misiginebig revealing the consciousness of the clone was filled with
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” himself. The queen unable to save
the tall white, who in fulfilling an agreement with the queen sacrificed his own
being. He knew that the Misiginebig would devour a tall white the second they
saw them the hatred so deep. Set walking quickly towards the upper half of
Samael now gasping and reaching for Grandfather Sun to help him. His hand
shooting an opening in the desert, a vortex as a look of fear draped across his
face as Set grasping him by his lower spine lifted him from the ground upside
down tossing him into the portal filled with darkness. A screaming squeal
released from Samael as the sound of crunching bones could be heard churning
within the black twisting mass. He was gone.
Grandfather Sun knew this was a mistake, Set had not arrived to bring
peace or salvation from the outside. He was the cloned vessel of something
dark, of the first clone himself Wiindigoo. He had come to free the darkness
within, looking at Sky Woman, “We have got to get out of here Sky Woman!"
Reaching down to grab her, the glowing red material around his waist giving
him the ability of flight. He was a master of the GEL; it was the duty of his kind
within high heaven. Grasping her in his arms he ascended into the sky moving
away from Set who was now allowing the darkness to pour into Maat. The
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liquid spilling out of the opening in the desert as Set stood within the darkness
now filling the realm.
She looked back in horror, “I had not known!” the thought running
loops within her mind, she had been the one to push the issue. Samael was
simply doing what he was asked, he knew it was a mistake. He had warned her
but she was so determined to repel the coming invasion she felt such a power
could do such a thing. She had cared for the Misiginebig, bound within the
darkness for an eternity before Grandfather Sun had come to save her. As they
travelled through the doorway opened by the dying Samael, Grandfather Sun
knew, there was no going back. He did not know where this Isfet led or to what
end the coming moments would bring. Drifting into the distance, he glanced
back. The ocean of darkness now spreading across its surface splashed into the
entrance of the portal so that it closed behind them entirely. The darkness rising
to the very house erected to protect the machine, Grandfather Sun knew, if they
have access to the Eden machine all would be lost. In an instant they were
yanked into the distance of the spinning portal. Turning in circles the
Grandfather Sun and Sky Woman held hands spinning vertically the slowly
turned as they sped through the portal. Lightening swirling around the vortex,
they had left Maat where it had seemed they resided for only a few moments. It
was now filled with darkness.
In an instant they were thrown into the air dropping to the ground
landing in a bog swamp. The drop of ten feet into the shallow muddy bog
covered them in a thick layer of darkness. Standing to his feet Grandfather Sun
held his hand into the air before reaching down to grasp Sky Woman by the
hand. “Sky Woman we must find out where Samael has sent us.” Sky Woman
responding, “This is definitely not Carian. I have never seen swamps before nor
water this plentiful.” In the distance a high mountain peak stood apart from the
horizon. “That is where we must go, I must get as high as possible to use the
special time locator. Referring to the beacon devise every high priest of high
heaven obtained before entering into the realms of Erebus.”
“We are alive Sky Woman which is all that matters.” The terrain filled
with large ferns and towering trees grouped in patches separating large open
spaces of marsh bogs. “Look at that!” Sky Woman pointing into the distance.
Grandfather Sun had stopped to notice tall long necked lizards moving across
the surface of the marches. “What are those?” She questioned. He replied, I do
not know.
All of a sudden, a beeping sound could be heard emitting from a device
attached to Grandfather Sun wrist. “Could it be?” he questioned, “The platform
locator has been initiated…this could only mean one thing!” They were
standing on the surface of the snow ball world.” Turning to Sky Woman, “Sky
Woman, do you know what this means?” Grasping her by the shoulder his joy
as a scientist releasing, “We are on the snow world which means that
Chawaney may still be alive on Carian!” Sky Woman dropping to her knees,
the Star Seed queen moving with the humanoid king Grandfather Sun through
the marshlands filled with reptiles and lizards of all sizes towards the source of
the ping. “My beacon states just on the other side of that mountain is the
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remains of, well, what remains of the overseer platform. It must have fallen to
the planet’s surface when the big collision occurred, Samael has sent us as close
to home as he could.”
“Oh Samael”, Sky Woman cried out remembering how he had saved her
and then speaking through broken breath and tears, “This reminds me of the
garden, could we be in the garden Grandfather Sun?” He quickly replied as they
paced towards the blinking beacon, “No, this is not the garden, but this is the
garden I had been trying to give to you Grandmother Moon whose light shines
in this dark place and who all come to be near.”
“What do you mean?” came her reply.
“Remember the networked scaffolding that covered the ice world, It was
used to protect the world from the coming onslaught, when those photos from
the other universe hit my force field it trapped them turning the offensive
destruction of the Carian empire into the catalyst to defensively protect this
planet in the future, well this was what I was trying to give to you. If we can
just get to the overseer platform, I have stored GEL there in case of emergency.
Should be enough to construct temporary housing.”
“Sky Woman do you remember when we first arrived within this
universal bubble, why it was we had to bring you here? Do you not remember it
was bringing you back to the garden, not reside within the sphere of souls? The
process is just beginning.” Sky Woman moved to one of the tall trees in the
swamp that she swore that she had spent time on as a child. Looking out at the
rising sun she remembered when she was in the garden, when it all began.
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“It was not planned for man to enter into the Misiginebig or to interact
with the source of the darkness, man’s purpose was to draw near the darkness,
not jump into it.” ~ (The Nanabozho)
She stared into the sparkling river of darkness twisting and turning
within the catacombs of the heavens above. The cycling of dark fluid above
raining down upon the garden to which she stood continual sprinkling of
meteor showers. Within the fluid the sparkling stars shined brightly. She knew,
leaving was the only option lest she live an eternity at the beckoning call of
another. Her long flowing red hair shimmering in the star light, the wisp of the
wind blowing her hair to cover her face. Her delicate fingers rising to catch her
hair pulling it behind her ears, her beauty manifest in every gaze and stare. The
depth of her green eyes penetrating to the gaze of the darkness looking down
upon her, pleading with her for salvation.
The delicate leaves brushing against her skin, the woman naked and
unafraid moving about the garden pondering the position she had been
presented. The declaration of servitude demanded, yet within her heart she
knew that more must exist for her and to leave him to prove to herself she was
more that the holy man’s object to control she desired purpose as well in a
reality where she did not understand how one being could be esteemed of
greater worth than herself, if not in creation, than surely in purpose. Sky
Woman wanted more than this life could offer. As she moved, alone through
the vegetated forest she wondered why it was that she was alone. The teachers,
in their tall plant homes had each other, family units, and gatherings. She only
had one other who sought things other than her and who spent all of his time
with the teachers. She was ignored, dismissed, and given no purpose other than
to serve his desires. The very nature of the teacher’s instructions withheld from
her as she remained alone in the garden fueled her anger for existing at all.
Stopping to watch a honey bee descend upon an opened flower she
spoke, “Even you have a purpose to exist, that I was like unto you, free to know
what my purpose should be within this garden. They say my purpose is to serve
the man, is this the same as you serve the flower little one?” The bee not
responding flew away leaving the woman again standing alone within the
garden. The garden extending in directions she had wandered many times as far
as she could go only to find in every step the identical foliage. She pondered
what it was that churned overhead and why it was the sparkling stars moved as
the river of life that flowed through the dwelling place of the teachers who
instructed him to whom she was given.
She spent most of her time in the forests near Eden because the
spheres of light would appear. The dancing balls of light would appear
wherever the teacher appeared. They were alive, and friendly, some bringing
warmth while others moved by like the breeze of the passing wind. She called
them her dancing lights.
There was no night or day within the garden that Sky Woman resided as
the twisting, turning catacomb river of sparkling darkness above shined even
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across the landscape. As Sky Woman moved within the forest she grew to
despise the wisdom of the tall white teachers who instructed her to simply serve
him and that this was all that was required of her life. Sky Woman knew, she
must voice her opinion or remain in darkness the rest of her existence, to her,
what was existence? She didn’t even know who she was, why she was, or to
what purpose her life mattered. Moving back towards the dwellings of the tall
whites she grew angry, struggling to understand what it was she was feeling she
approached one of the elder teachers who had always been there for her since
her first waking moment within the garden.
“Leptil” she spoke as the teacher emerged from the large grouping of
plants that housed the teachers within the garden. The tall being looking down
upon her, his skin glowing white, small hairs floating in the wind presenting the
illusion they were glowing. Dark eyes, black reflected her image in their gaze.
Sky Woman did not know where they came from, but she knew what they told
“Yes, Sky Woman” responding Leptil. “I am troubled teacher, and I am
lost within myself.”
“What troubles you child?” Leptil responding as he placed his hand
upon her shoulder. “Dear daughter, what troubles you so?” The tears streaming
down her face, “I don’t even know what these are” she spoke struggling to wipe
the tears streaming down her cheeks. The teacher stroking her hair, “Daughter,
these are rivers of emotion that reflect what you feel. Why do you feel this
Sky Woman looking down feeling ashamed responded, “What is my
purpose here in this place?” The teacher responding, “To serve man.” Looking
up with sadness stretched across her face, “I find no value in serving man.”
Leptil pausing looking stunned at the statement responded, “Your value
is not in serving man, your value is enduring to the end in the service to which
you were employed. You have been charged with one thing, one thing alone in
your existence, to serve man. I have also been given one thing to do in all of my
existence, to serve man, yet I have not stopped to question why it is that I must
do what I am asked to do. You have been asked a simple thing, in this short
moment of your life, away from your eternal family, to simply serve another.
This is your place Sky Woman; how can we help you find peace again in this
position of great honor?”
Sky Woman bursting into tears the weeping causing her to place her
hands to her face as she collapsed to the ground in uncontrollable sobbing. Tall
white teachers emerging from all locations to see the woman who had found
such sadness in their company. The tall white kneeling beside her, others
coming to place their hands upon her. She spoke through broken words, her
face still buried in her hands, “Is there not any other way?” Leptil responding,
“There is not.”
As she spoke the question, the man to who she was given emerged from
the inner sanctum of the teachers. Seeing his awareness of her, Sky Woman
rising to her feet wiping her hand across her face, in the midst of dozens of tall
white teachers coming to witness her moment she cried out to him, “I hate you,
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I hate you, I hate you.” Looking up at the sky she screamed in from of everyone
watching her meltdown, “I curse the day you placed me in this life!” The tall
white teachers stood pondering how it was she had found the need for emotion
as deep as hate, standing with the man to who she was given watched as she ran
off into the deep forbidden garden. Sky Woman ran, blood boiling, twisted in
emotions, Leptil and the others teachers stood in silence having never before
seen emotions such as hers. The man silent at the outburst of emotions that
were unfamiliar to him, the words stinging to his chest, something he had never
felt before he stood silent watching her depart into the surrounding garden of
the teachers.
Branches brushing against her porcelain skin causing scratches and
scrapes from the whipping branches across her skin. Running as fast as she
could through the forest, overcome with frequent outbursts of sobbing, tears
streaming across her face Sky Woman knew she could never go back, so she
ran for the future that lie in the unknown garden ahead of her. The further she
went the denser the forest but she pressed on as thoughts of escape raced
through her mind and she questioned her mortality, her purpose, with feelings
of resentment, anger, hate pressing to the surface until she burst out, “I hate
you!” She knew who she was talking to and that according to the teachers he
would always be listening, “I hate you” she repeated. “I curse the moment you
brought me into existence.”
In that moment Sky Woman left the surroundings of the garden that
were familiar, that she had always known. Sky Woman wanted to venture
beyond the refuge of Eden, where the rivers of life met and the teachers lived,
to wander deeper into the forests that filled the garden. She knew that she
would gain greater pleasure and joy in exploring, charting her own journey than
being forced into a life not of her own design. Pondering in her mind the
unknowns that lie in the distance beyond she remembered back to the moment
she opened her eyes. She was most the beautiful princess in the garden who was
doted on and cared for by the teachers. The moment she opened her eyes they
showed her the man that she was to serve as he did the things The Gitche
Manitou required. From that moment, she did not relate to him, connect with
him or spend meaningful time together. She questioned to herself, “What are
these feelings that do consume me? What are these thoughts that do drive me?
What am I and where do I belong?” As Sky Woman wandered alone deeper
into the forest, the density of the trees covered the skyline blocking her view of
the twisting stars that she longed to visit. “What is time?” She questioned
remembering that she was an eternal being, the very thought enraged her.
As she pressed through the massive leaves of the plants that filled the
Garden of the teachers she looked up at the canopy of the large trees filled with
blooms of glowing golden flowers that wrapped above her, whose petals fell
through the air covering the ground in beautiful golden petals. She spoke aloud
as she walked, “Oh, teachers if you could hear my words and the disgust that I
have for the measure of life you have given to me, you would know that this is
not the life that I desire for myself. Even these flowers in the canopy have more
purpose than I.” Reaching down to grasp a handful of leaves she tossed them
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into the air above her head. The falling golden leaves weaving strings of golden
light as they fell to the ground. “Oh Gitche Manitou if you hear me now, make
me a flower that I may produce petals to blanket the ground of the garden in
beauty, for this is the life I desire.”
Sky Woman, now walking slowly through an unexplored forest that
surrounded a garden, filled with tall white teachers who only taught the man
and tolerated her. She thought more deeply about the garden, the unknowns,
seeking answers that only she could find for herself. How far would it go, she
had explored the outer limits of the zone of Eden where she was told never to
venture outside. Sky Woman was told by the teachers, the outer forest
contained only death. She could not understand something had never
experienced, seen, or been taught. Her existence was to set into motion the
pattern for those who would follow, but what did that even mean? She only
knew two things for certain, she was alive and this was not the life she wanted.
Moving through the forest she began to hear chirping and singing in the
canopy. Rustling and shaking within the branches swarms of golden birds
startled by her presence swooped down to circle around her. To investigate this
stranger within their habitat. A golden bird then swooped down to land upon
her hand. Stunned at the sight of another creature, one she had not seen before,
its elegant music charming her heart. Sky Woman began singing a song to their
cadence trying to match the pitch of the thousands of birds now flying around
her in a circle exploring the creation that stood in their presence. “In my heart I
know you, if I could I would go with you. To soar above and fly away, reaching
the stars until I fade away.” The voice soft and sweet, the whisper calling to
more golden birds flying around Sky Woman. As the birds flew a golden trail
followed behind them until she was surrounded in swirling, spinning, spiraling
stream of the birds who had come to her. Sky Woman had not seen birds such
as these, their beauty, the magical moment. Her hands reaching out to swipe
across the spinning streaks of golden as the golden dust held form until she
touched the long streaks trailing the birds, immediately the golden trails fell to
the ground sprinkling gold through the air. Her arms opened wide, her eyes
closing, she looked up and danced in a circle in the middle of the flying birds.
“I am free”, she whispered among them.
Before she could continue to bask in the moment with the golden birds,
the sprinkling of gold surrounding her, a rustling came from the dense forest
ahead of her so that the birds immediately scattered. Looking down at her skin,
she was coated in golden sparkling dust that filled the air, filling her hair with
the golden hew that had mesmerized her as she danced among the flying Great
Spirits. She noticed the ground covered in gold, the sprinkling of the golden
flowers doing the same thing the birds had done, coating everything with a
layer of gold. This was a part of the forest she had never seen or visited before,
the golden dust coating trees, floor, and filling the air as the golden flowers
coursed as ivy creating a golden forest. Sky Woman pressed forward through
the canopy as the forest turned from the green lush foliage to a golden forest.
The golden flowers all attached to vines, the vines wrapping around the trees.
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Looking down the noticed all the vines led in the same direction leaving the
base of the trunks of the tree extending into the distance.
Sky Woman had been journeying deeper into the forbidden forest,
farther than she had ever gone before. Growing weary and tired of the long
journey Sky Woman lied down upon the golden covered ground, she had never
slept before or felt what it was like to grow tired while in the garden. Sky
Woman found the farther she pressed towards the source of the golden flowers
the more tired she became, for the first time she closed her eyes and was caught
up into a dream, her first dream in mortality.
Standing in a large courtyard she could see swirling blackness moving
around the green lush garden. The darkness pressing inwards upon the garden
until she could see if pressing in upon her until a man stood before her. The
man covered in darkness spoke to her, “Woman, why are you here?” To which
she responded, “I know not.” He replied, “Woman, do you desire to know
why?” She replied, “With all my heart!” The man spoke again, “Woman, find
the tree of knowledge and partake of the information and you will be as the
teachers, knowing all things.” She replied, “Where do I find this tree of
knowledge?” The man replying, it lies within the golden forest, there you will
find the tree. Partake of its information knowing as the Great Spirits do, who
you are and what is to come.” The dark being leaping back into the swirling
darkness, moved closer to her until the darkness was spinning just around her.
Bursting from her bed she lept from the ground having never experienced sleep
or a dream before, looking forward she remembered the words, “The source of
knowledge that you seek likes with a tree in the golden forest. Wiping the
golden dust off her arms and face her skin sparkled smooth glittering in the
light she spoke, “The golden forest!”
Speeding by on her left and right the whooshing of wind sped around
her arms, legs and body. Spinning around the trees swirling balls of wind
glowed like orbs releasing sunlight of the rainbow. Dancing in the sky the small
glowing orbs disappeared when moving, as if dancing through the air up the
trunk of a tree before swooping down to spin her within a tornado they would
spin. Some were warm as others were fast and cool, Sky Woman marveled at
the life forms living within the forest. It was the dancing lights, the animals of
the forest without form.
Pushing forward Sky Woman emerged into a circular opening where
only one tree stood in the center of a large opening. Surrounded by waste high
golden colored wheat stood a tree unlike Sky Woman had ever seen. The tree
made of pure gold, the trunk, the branches, the leaves all sparking in the light.
The golden tree covered with spinning balls of light. As Sky Woman
approached the tree she wondered what this could be, remembering her dream
she looked at the swirling golden balls that hung from the tree. “Partake of the
knowledge”, reaching up she grasped one of the spinning balls. The touch of
the spinning light turning her hand a glowing gold, she let go as the skin
returned to normal. Toughing the spinning sphere again the plucked it, holding
the orb in her hand she marveled at the moving light that overlapped and
twisted within the orb of light. Lifting it to her lips she bit into the spinning orb.
~ 682 ~

As her lips touched its surface she felt information streaming through her body.
In an instant she remembered why she had entered into the garden. Whispering
softly, “I never agree to this type of life!”
Sky Woman recalled how prior to entering the Eden Machine that she
was neither male nor female neither as eye color did gender have anything to do
with the acquisition of knowledge and information. She knew something had
happened, some misinformation because clearly the tall whites were wrong.
The one she had been given was neither male nor female, and yet, as equals
entering into the garden to live amongst the teachers she was treated differently.
She was a photon clone of (The Nanabozho) in the image of the Gitche
Manitou (The Gitche Manitou). She remembered. Knowledge was withheld,
growth denied as all attention went to her cloned identical from the surface of
the outer Garden, “How can he be held higher than me?” She questioned the
reality that was hers only to then look up at the darkness in the sky, the twisting
sparkling dark river that filled the expanse of the catacomb sky. She had not
noticed that above the tree the darkness reached down as if seeking to partake
and not able. Sky Woman, peered at the darkness, she knew she must leave the
garden, for unless she did she would know no joy, for the journey of her life
would not be her own. Sky Woman knew, she would not live a life that was not
through her own design or based upon gender identity when she clearly knew
that gender was not brought from the outer garden, it was a by-product of the
mortal condition within the inner garden. As she had spoken the words she
turned to notice the perimeter of cleared circle was not filled with tall white
teachers staring at her as she held the glowing sphere within her hand.
Knowledge coursing through her she would never view them the same. They
were not teachers; they were oppressors not by choice but by ignorance. It was
pride that kept them from asking a simple question to (The Nanabozho) to
clarify confusion about who was and who was not to receive knowledge. It was
free for all and yet they clung to the man rather than the female, vessels not
understanding why. Sky Woman thought, perhaps it was because he most
closely resembled (The Gitche Manitou) and (The Nanabozho) not realizing she
was their equal. withholding information and perpetuating division from the
very beginning. Sky Woman watched the leader of the tall whites, Ariel
emerged from the surrounding teachers who were now standing side by side
along the perimeter of the tree line, the tall white speaking, “Sky Woman, what
have you done?
Sky Woman responding, “Ariel, what have you done?” The tall white
leader stopping in his footsteps, the woman challenging him. Something Ariel
had never experienced. Sky Woman walked by Ariel as if she had nothing to
say before the surrounding whites closed the circle preventing her from leaving,
“Daughter of the Garden, you are no longer permitted to reside within the
garden. What you have done is defied the will of the Creator.” She replied,
“Defied the will, in what way? I am the Creator she ordered, and I will not bow
to you or any other Creator seeking to submit me underneath them, out of my
way Ariel!” She was forcing the issue, pushing the buttons as her anger
swelled. “I know where I came from and I know the farce that is my current
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existence, when did I agree to become a being beneath my equal?” Ariel

responding, “Calm down daughter of time, yours is to set the example for those
to follow you, not to remain here in this place caught up within its structure and
requirements to make you into the consciousness you were always meant to
become, yes, you are a daughter and within this place you will have only simple
tasks, and the simple tasks will either make or break you.” She blurted out,
“What are you going to do Ariel, keep me trapped within this tree forever?”
The tall white being, his deep dark eyes became menacing and frustrated, “You
will corrupt the entire plan if you return to him who was given to you, so we
must remove you and place you within a realm where you can earn your
forgiveness for the treachery you have done, or we can send you to the fire
where you will remain until you have repented for what you have done,
esteeming yourself of more worth than those to follow.”
“I am worth more than those who will follow, it is you Ariel who does
not know what it means to be human. You are not good, kind, or Great Spiritly.
You are teachers who withhold, information that is rightfully mine out of pride,
if you were but to ask (The Nanabozho) he would clarify you are mistaken. I
am even greater than you and here you stand to condemn me, because I am a
woman....” Looking to her arms and hands, “Because of this vessel?”
He responded, “No, not because you are woman, because you
disobeyed.” She pushed him on the chest until he stumbled backwards. Nothing
had ever laid its hands upon him, Ariel stood shocked, the anger swelling
within her, “I am great than you, it is you who serve me, not I that serves you. I
know where the tree of eternal life is, and I am going to partake of it and leave
this dreadful existence to you and your chosen one. It is you who can rot in the
underbelly of hell. I sure as hell won’t.” Moving to the perimeter she shoved
two more tall whites out of her way as she moved into the direction of the
forbidden tree of eternal life. Sky Woman looked back at the teachers, now
standing stunned that she had been so physically and verbally combative with
them, putting hands upon them. Ariel holding his hands up, as all of the
teachers likewise raised their arms. In that moment a wall of energy rose around
the perimeter preventing Sky Woman from leaving. “Sky Woman, you cannot
leave this place.” She smarted back, “This place? What place are you referring,
your garden or the machine?” Ariel not responding she continued, “You have
no right Ariel, you do not own me, you do not have control over me. You are a
created being, I am a Gitche Manitou, and it is my right and my destiny to leave
this place. You can go and reside in Eden and leave me alone.” Ariel knew that
if she went back to Eden, the entire plan for the cloned spirits of The Gitche
Manitou would be corrupted. The darkness above not extinguished and all those
waiting to enter the garden. “Sky Woman, do you not see, they are looking
down upon you to see your example. To choose for themselves what path they
will walk. The path of Adam or the path of Sky Woman, and these paths are
gender specific, cutting him off Sky Woman had enough, “Enough vile creature
of control, you have imprisoned me here, wrapped my mind with cords of
forgetfulness and led me unknowingly into an existence that is not of my
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choosing. Yes, I chose to enter to be like him who sent me, not to be less than,
not to be dominated, controlled, or exiled. Let me pass Ariel!”
“I cannot, for it is forbidden for you to leave, you have tasted of the tree
of knowledge.” Looking up he continued, “For this treachery which you have
brought upon yourself we banish you to the darkness where you will be
separated as wheat from the chaff to one-day return to the outer garden but
never returning to the inner garden.” “What do you mean send me to the
darkness, the knowledge does not belong to you, it is a gift freely given not
controlled by a few, I will not go!” Sky Woman responded the anger causing
her to raise her voice, the stress stretching across her face. She continued, “If
this tree was not for me than why is it here?”
“Sky Woman, dear daughter,” Sky Woman cut him off, “Stop calling
me your dear daughter. This is not who I am.” Ariel then approached Sky
Woman, holding out his hand he blew a large plume of golden dust into her
face. As she struggled to wipe it away she became drowsy and fell to the
ground unconscious. Ariel and the other teachers lifting her body and returning
to the tree of knowledge.
As the teachers laid her down at the base of the broad trunk of the
celestial cedar tree, fibrous and delicate, of a red hue, the judgment was
coming. Ariel and the other teachers circling around Sky Woman began
chanting unknown incantations. Sky Woman body began to rise as if lifted at
the waste with her feet and arms dangling towards the garden ground. The curls
of Sky Woman hair shimmering brilliantly highlighted in the light of the tall
whites dropped in stretching springs towards the ground. Sky Woman was
being elevated above the tree of knowledge. The digital hard drive where
consciousness would download information, she rose until she rested above the
tree of knowledge. Dangling and suspended in air, Sky Woman began to wake,
the air filled with her screams of anger.
Sky Woman slowly came out of the haze that had caught her in its
grasp. Struggling to open her eyes she looked to the side realizing she was
suspended in the air. Her entire body seized as if caught in the grasp of the
convulsing spine, she was caught up in the site just beyond the tree that she
hung over. The glowing spheres visible from the distance of several hundred
yards, through a large stone gate, many trees with more swirling orbs.
“More knowledge!” She replied screaming to the tall whites chanting
incantations with arms held high above their heads the dialect causing the
swirling darkness reaching down from the catacomb sky resembling a tornado.
Sky Woman looking up saw the once flowing river that she had marveled
reaching down with swirling tentacles crossing space and time to come to her.
As she stare at the descending sparkled mass reaching out from the catacomb
sky she was not afraid. She welcomed the coming darkness as if it were her
rescuing agent come to deliver her from captivity. The stretching and pulling of
the swirling tentacles of the once flowing river descended to the surface as if
only by invitation. The darkness seeking to pluck something from beneath
reached down until the tentacles stretched around the body of Sky Woman who
willing submitted to the river from the sky. The tentacles with needle point tips
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separated into the thousands as the larger flowing base extended upwards to the
darkness now swirling on the surface the black river speeding quickly in and
out of the catacombs gently stroking her skin. From head to toe the tentacles
wrapped around underneath until she was held within the flowing dark river
extending back towards the darkness. Sky Woman ensnared within the grasp of
the rescuer, the savior to her captivity.
Sky Woman was then engulfed within the darkness as the flowing river
of sparking light continued to flow in and out of the catacomb sky. The light
within the material in between the flowing river producing a constant light. The
tall whites glowing against the dimply lit garden where light was neither bright
nor dark but a consistent even of the both. Resembling both dawn and dusk
overlapped in a realm where the only reality was that of the garden and its
expanse to house the future mortal conscious clones of the Gitche Manitou.
Ariel turning to the others, “Pahael, there must be another help mate made for
the man or else the entire plan is corrupted and no other clones can be made for
the decision must be his own.” Pahael stood silent, sharing nothing, providing
no insight or detail. The tall whites began assembling to discuss what must be
done. Samael responded, “We are not permitted to create any more of them,
how are we supposed to find another helpmate for him?” He then added,
“Should we tell The Gitche Manitou?” Ariel continued, “We will not tell The
Gitche Manitou. All things live in harmony, even we live in harmony with our
own descendants to ensure they receive proper knowledge as to the ways of the
kingdoms which we organized before there was a place for man to rest his
Samael responding, “Ariel, what will happen to the woman in the
Misiginebig above, will she be devour and vanish from existence?” With dark
cold eyes, he replied, “She will be devoured.” The two whites stood staring into
the darkness knowing that they had just sentenced the first cloned
consciousness to judgment within the devourer. Ariel replied, “She will not die
but the rebellious spirit within her has demanded the path which leads through
the darkness.”
Ariel speaking to the others, “Come we must make another before (The
Nanabozho) arrives.”
~ 686 ~

“Not every myth or legend is untrue, though with time some myths and
legends become truth.” ~The Gitche Manitou
Consumed within the darkness Sky Woman floated freely
submitting to the capture which bound her within its grasp. Moving at a
tremendous speed she was pulled through cavity after cavity, within caving
system pulled deeply within the inner sanctum of the abode of the Misiginebig.
She could feel her skin peeling off and yet there was no pain, she could feel her
body being dismembered, yet there was no pain. Until all that remained was her
consciousness pressing against the limits of speed within the confines of eternal
material, her consciousness merged within the consciousness of the
Misiginebig. Sky Woman became the consciousness of the Misiginebig and the
consciousness of the Misiginebig became her.
The expanse of her awareness stretched to unknown horizons until
she became aware that she was within the sphere of the Aaru, the sacred garden
where she was born as an equal of Adam. Submitting to the machine for the
first time she had lived in the inner garden striving to gain the approval of the
tall whites to depart back to the surface. Sky Woman could see all things in all
places including the community of Eden where the man she despised most
lived. The one who did not value her, did not give her the respect she deserved
not as a command but as an equal. She never came into the machine to be less
than anyone or anything. To Sky Woman the plant was no better than the
humming bee or bird and yet she was to believe that an existence under the
suppression of an equal, with an erased memory was tolerable in the kingdom
of The Gitche Manitou, this was slavery for Sky Woman. She also saw the
garden was empty except for the village of Eden. Sky Woman had all power
and control within the Misiginebig and she could see with opened eyes the
distances beyond, the living consciousness of the creature sharing the imagery
of a beautifully glittering ocean of magnificent dragons swimming in majestic
harmony. The schools of dragons riding eternal waves moving within the ocean
of the ATUM. The most beautiful sight she could see that this glob of mass that
she was too sealed was a remnant of its former self. The remains of the trapped
entity. The very fabric of the catacombs stretched, pulled, fed the stretching.
Neither Sky Woman nor the MISIGINEBIG could speak with words. The
thought merging like oil molding within water twisting and tasting but never
taking or consuming. So was Sky Woman and MISIGINEBIG sharing of
memories like a cascade of pictures shared for reflection, observation, and
pondering. Sky Woman speaking in thought, “You were birthed in the ATUM
by the chosen heir of ATUM to stand as a guardian for the realms. Like me
trapped within the inner garden.” The mere fact the entity was trapped within,
as she now felt was so, she thought knowing the MISIGINEBIG could view all
of her thoughts, “They say my entire existence is to serve the man whom I was
given. I would not have agreed to enter the inner garden had I know an
imbalance and discrimination of duties, responsibilities, and knowledge would
~ 687 ~

exist. None of this knowledge shared before I came within, that my equal in the
garden above on the inside, my twin, would be my domineer.”
The MISIGINEBIG responding with the imagery of the machine
introduced a copying machine to duplicate one creation which was placed
within the ocean at the shore where the man stood. The clones emerging from
the machine producing and releasing like a processing plant pumping the
material within the ocean to produce the guardians of the sea. Sky Woman
could see that the sky above this ocean was far different than the sky above the
inner garden, or above the outer garden. Stretching and wrapping into the
distance and inverted bowl with an opening in the top that was circular with
millions of other oceans too resting within the shores of the eternal beaches that
meet at the base where the seven kingdoms where the invaders reside and the
non-created creator attacks. Due to her interaction with Misiginebig, she could
see another world that could not be imagine. She also perceived that the
Misiginebig was a separate consciousness than the two creations within these
honeycombs. The Misiginebig a creature of the Atum but the co-consciousness
of something darker, deeper, beyond the veil. How can oceans be collected, she
could then see that the honeycombs that contained the oceans of other
Misiginebig were secreted from the very walls pulling them from the depths
below where the father resides, in EREBUS. Sky Woman could see another
reality in the history of the Misiginebig, the seven kingdoms had actually
attached itself to the Kingdom of Erebus, where it is harvesting the entire realm
of The Dark Scientist. The massive seven heavens a penetrating drill where
advanced men descended to cast their machines into the secreted material that
molds into an ATUM. Within only one residing ATUM the dragon’s creator.
The man standing who had introduced the machine into the eternal lake seeking
to save the ATUM and produce an army to protect all ATUM from the invading
Gitche Manitous.
Sky Woman could see it all, she knew it all through the mind of the
clone of the first clone. She saw herself as a clone. Through these eyes she
could see a clone arguing with its identical refusing to ascend to the invading
fortress, rather desiring to free Erebus from the invading force that has attached
its realm like a tick to the realm of another. Hidden within the unseen corridors
the parasites of the Gitche Manitous descending to destroy expanding their own
kingdom. “This cannot be so, how can such knowledge be withheld from even
me who did not know such things before entering into the garden”, she
questioned. The darkness allowing her to peer out from any location even
simultaneously until she could masterfully look out from within in all
directions. In time Sky Woman came to realize that she too was trapped within
the cage that bound the Misiginebig. That the Misiginebig was the cloned child
of the ATUM as produced by Wiindigoo who cloned his consciousness to make
the task possible. The improbable becoming possible as the ATUM quickly
filled with dragons that fed only upon the sparks of energy within the ATUM
living in harmony with their environment. Something the Yazata’s had not
done, could not do, for them it was subjugation and punishment.
~ 688 ~

Sky Woman again viewed the village where the man to who she had
escaped lived. In his misery he wandered day and night alone through the
streets of the teachers sobbing and weeping. As she would peer down she felt
sympathy for the man had never shown her that he cared for her existence. Now
that she was trapped above he longed for her return, having been told that she
was no more. He had stopped learning, stopped progressing, becoming distant,
reclusive and complacent. He cared none for the life he had, he was alone. As
she stretched to reach down and grasp him his self-imposed pity she could not
questioning, “Why is it that I cannot reach him?” “We are not permitted
without permission, for they are the binders and the builders of the shell which
separates, divides, weakens, contains.” The Misiginebig responded longing for
salvation and freedom from the prison that had held it in preparation for death
through dismemberment.
The prison built like a sponge, took the material of the swimming
dragon dividing it from itself not allowing the entity the power over all at once,
the ability of the warden to control the inmate simple. If the right arm is bound,
the left bound, and the body divided upon itself the weakened state allowed for
the ability of the material to be manipulated and contained as a lake would be
contained behind a dam. Sky Woman knew that she must escape the captivity
of the Misiginebig. To spend an eternity in the garden was the worst option she
could take, an eternity forced to stare down upon the garden was even worst. It
was the condescending punishment that stung deeply, we must escape she
Sky Woman consciousness coalesced with the Misiginebig until they
were indistinguishable from the other, the consciousness of the woman gaining
immediate access to knowledge from one greater than herself. Sky Woman
knew that she was the clone of Spenta Mainya, and that the Misiginebig was the
clone of Angra Mainya. She also knew that unlike the Misiginebig she was
denied free access to knowledge or material while the Misiginebig was given
complete access to the genetic engineering material that covered their minds
like the canopy covers the forest floor. The Misiginebig was content within its
environment, causing Sky Woman to remember watching the bee enter the
golden flowers within the garden. The bee was content within its own existence
contributing simply by embracing its environment and existence. It is always
the outsider looking in who questions, why, what if, and intercedes to influence
the decisions of those who move in unison with their environments. Sky
Woman missed her beautiful glowing hair, the curls and the lashes and the way
her eyes would sparkle in the reflection of the river of life neAayaasht the
garden city of the teachers called Eden. “
Sky Woman saw the beginning, when the penetrating force of the realm
of high heaven dug into the realms of the ATUM, when the original man (The
Gitche Manitou) Mazda descended and entered within the ATUM to insert his
harvesting machine. His clone rejecting him and using the knowledge that was
within him to poison the genetic engineering liquid, which Wiindigoo saw as a
living organism, the realm of high heaven saw as a resource which needed
cleansing due to the conflicting creation that would emerge in opposition to
~ 689 ~

their own if not controlled, harvested. Sky Woman saw how (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda stood on the surface of the first Aaru. How Wiindigoo had
turned on him believing he was the creator and seeing the horror in
disassembling a living entity. In the beginning Wiindigoo contained a split
personality as the first “clone” within the ATUM using the clone’s
consciousness of The Gitche Manitou, which is material substance more
refined, and the material of the ATUM also imprinting the memories of the
ATUM within the mind of Wiindigoo. When Wiindigoo opened his eyes, he
did in fact have an expanded knowledge beyond even The Gitche Manitou for
he saw the creation of the ATUM and the Dark Scientist, Erebus. Wiindigoo
embraced the ATUM entering his code, fathering dragons dispersed to patrol its
waters. The clones of Wiindigoo filling the realms of Atum causing (The
Gitche Manitou) Mazda to leave and bring forth another clone made within the
realm of the seven heavens. Sky Woman watched as the Gitche Manitou
returned with another who had both the memory of Wiindigoo and the issue
with the ATUM. When he returned the Aaru was ready to turn on but not
before trapping an MISIGINEBIG. The first one trapped by the two clones.
Wiindigoo would reside within the penetrated entity until all was saved. When
the Gitche Manitou became aware of what had been done and how corrupted
Wiindigoo had made the genetic material needed to cloak eternal consciousness
he became enraged. “What have you done?” As the Legions of Advanced
Yazata’s emerged from the twisting portal that leads to the realms of high
heaven where the non-created creators were form they surrounded the two. (The
Gitche Manitou) Mazda addressing him, “You were the first of many, the son
of the morning, do you see what you have done. You have corrupted the energy
needed to spread our righteousness. We must harvest and repair the damage that
you have done. Turning to those behind him, the ones from above, “Get me an
Aaru, and assemble the Amesha Spenta’s of the Celestial Kingdom. We must
destroy all of these ATUMS before the darkness corrupts. As he spoke these
words Wiindigoo responded, “These realms are alive, do you not see, I am not a
clone! I am you, in fact I am more than you and all these. I will find Erebus and
come devour thee.” Moving from behind the group the second clone of the
~ 690 ~

The high council had assembled in the Hall of the Watchers to
determine the fate of the man and the mission that was theirs in relation to the
future of the generations of clones to follow. Ariel concerned for the welfare of
the first clone of the Creator who was under their stewardship while within the
“High Council of Eden, we have assembled ourselves here today to
determine what is to be done for the man who weeps and does not progress for
he is alone.” Resting within the high chair of the overseer of the Watchers. The
room molded out of plants as if programmed to grow into a circular table,
chairs rising from the floors made of plants. The chairs were living organisms
that the Tall whites. The entire Hall of the Watchers built within the cavity of
the wrapping twisting roots beneath the surface of many trees roots systems.
Other plants emerging out of the winding walls that glowed illuminating the
room. The tall white watchers, themselves, emanating a glow continued in
dialogue, “It is not good that man should be alone, and the risk within this place
is too great to allow many clones to enter. We would need to pluck all trees
from the surface but this would violate the contract of our agreement within this
garden. It has been determined that all trees must remain, to do so we would
openly violate the Creators parameters.”
Raphael offered is insight into the pressing dilemma, “We
organized a vessel for the two children of the light to bond, and graft together.
To make this existence more bearable, but the woman has not chosen him and
chose to violate a law to which she did not know was a law. You have thus
banished her into the darkness where she remains trapped for a crime she
unknowingly committed. I see no justice in this. I for one think we must
approach the creator.” The nods of approval spread amongst the others, the
chimes of fear for violating eternal laws. Not in retribution from on high but in
the consequences that occur and the collateral damage that comes from making
decisions without the perspective to know what will or will not occur. Samael
spoke on the behalf of Sky Woman, “It would seem that she simply did not like
him, she was not satisfied with her position. How can we allow the many into
the garden with such unrestricted access to the many trees of knowledge? If we
throw them to the darkness how will they return, how will they be redeemed,
for is not that the same as casting the Creator within the darkness?” Ariel
responding, “It would seem that there is only one resolution, we must summon
the creator…but if we do we will expose ourselves as the ones who condemned
her and bear his wrath should be view it with displeasure. The other option is
we create another before he arrives.”
Ariel and the others raising their arms above their heads and
chanting incantations as energy waves emerged from the foreheads to form a
conduit opening within the center of the Hall of the Watchers. Standing in front
of them, (The Nanabozho), the creator of worlds without number. “Ancient
guardians of the human family, why have you summoned me from the seventh
heaven?” His tone steady, not rushed, calm and reassuring. His head covered in
~ 691 ~

a rising turban with the long beard that moved in the wind. Completely
glowing, the photon creator stood valiant. His robes of light wrapping around
his eternal body with golden sashes wrapped around his waist and shoulder.
The dripping of gold running down the tunic emanating from the waste sash of
the creator. The Creators eyes glowing golden light around. Ariel speaking,
“High Father, there is not harmony in the garden. The two clones that you have
brought into the garden for us to watch and teach the ways of righteousness
within Erebus, beneath the seven heavens are rebelling.” “Prior to bringing in
more clones the first two have not grafted and the woman has partaken of the
tree of knowledge therefore we have banished her into the darkness of the
The Creator paced back and forth in the room thinking about what
had been stated before replying, “It is not good for man to be alone.” His hands
folding behind his back he peered up at Ariel, where is the man who was
brought into the garden now?” Ariel responding, “He sits at the edge of Eden
staring into the jungle refusing to continue in the lessons that are needed to
bring more into the garden.” The Gitche Manitou, (The Nanabozho)
responding, “You have placed Sky Woman, my clone into the darkness without
an escape, a way back, where she will spend eternity with the beast. Watchers,
ours is not the way of captivity or death or suffering. It was you who
misunderstood. All my children are equal in receiving the knowledge for they
are within the shell, a vessel to become the Photon Great Spirits of their
choosing. Yet, unless I intercede I will knowingly condemn an eternal child, my
equal, the equal to my creator who Is (The Gitche Manitou) who is also me and
yet so is she to eternal suffering. You have forced my hand out of love for her.”
As the words were spoken he yelled again in high deep tones, “Where is Sky
Woman?” His immediate response met with the reply of Ariel, “She is within
the Misiginebig and the chains which do bind the beast.”
Raphael addressed Spenta Mainyu, “(The Nanabozho), father of the
first sphere in this ATUM please tell us the way to address this situation for we
are not familiar with such a situation.” (The Nanabozho) responded, “I will go
within and bring her out.” The Creator then spoke, “This is not possible, now is
not the time, these are delicate things which you will witness as we bring to
pass the immortality and eternal life of many clones to rise and fight against the
creations of The Dark One. These are things that have been in the past,
moments that have occurred before, watch, and listen, in time through the
knowledge of the immortals I will show you the way through.” Turning he
began leaving the room pacing towards the man. As moved across the surface
of the ground hovering in the air, the Gitche Manitou called out knowing that
he would hear them coming, “Adam, where are you.”
“I am here”, the man responded climbing down from atop a tree
branch adjacent to the two creators. The man looked up at them and responded,
“Why is it that you have come, to punish me for losing Sky Woman?” His head
hung in shame. (The Nanabozho) reached out to hug Adam embracing him
speaking, “She is not lost but she has chosen another path. It is not good that
you are alone. In the generations that will follow here within the garden you
~ 692 ~

will stand as the beacon of hope for them as we stand as a beacon of hope for
her. Even you, young man will one day stand at my right hand. We will bring
you a new helper to assist in your preparing the Garden for the generations of
my children, like you to be brought into existence so that they may return to the
seven heavens where my Father, even (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda resides.”
(The Nanabozho), made the decision to genetically engineer a woman
using Adam’s genetic material to create a bond within the atomic material.
Knowing the relationship between the electrons that united the two they would
have an advantage in the simulation and one day know they were truly equal in
every way, even to himself and to his own creator, the Father he had hoped they
would all one day know as he does. “Here, this will help” The machines, an
enhancement of the great Aaru created by (The Gitche Manitou), these were the
miniature Aaru’s that made it all possible. (The Nanabozho) knew that while an
individual clone if they did not work together none could survive, man’s helper
must come from him or we will only perpetuate the problems Wiindigoo. They
must unite as a family coming from the other or the loyalty needed to reside
within the kingdoms above will not reside within them.”
The Gitche Manitou, (The Nanabozho) remembered the day,
thinking back when his first son Wiindigoo turned on him and the spirits of
eternal Great Spirits became eligible for erasing. Staring at his second born he
marveled at his leadership and how active he was among them.
(The Nanabozho) lifting his hands as the body of Adam elevated until
swirling light spun around his being. His other hand reaching towards the sky
pulling a stream of dark material descending as thread unwinding from
clothing. Glowing energy wrapped Adam with the left hand extended while the
right hand pulled from the upwards material as another sphere branched off
Adam to reveal the image of a human floating above Adam staring down at
him. The two bodies parallel to each other. Adam elevated staring into the sky,
the woman elevated staring down upon Adam. The material of Adam
separating connecting the two in flowing energy as the DNA of Adam wove her
body into being.
The sudden pull of material sending shock waves through the entire
Misiginebig as Sky Woman consciousness was wracked in torment as the
material was removing her from existence, screamed in torment the sounds of
wailing echoed through the catacombs that housed them. Looking down upon
the being, the man who she was given, how they simply replaced her with a
new woman. Sky Woman became enraged, “How can they simply replace me
as if I were nothing to them. Where in the beginning was it decreed that I would
be nothing when I was promised to ascend to kingdoms on high.”
The Creator (The Nanabozho) rising up towards the darkness until he
stood hovering in the air staring into the dark river. The darkness repelling from
his presence curling back emptying the portion of the catacombs he stood.
Taking his hand, he pressed it against the surface of the material that formed the
catacomb it began to glow. Glowing as brightly as his skin, the material
expanded to form a small liquid pool of glowing energy. As he had done this,
Spenta Mainyu spoke to the heavens to the throne of (The Gitche Manitou),
~ 693 ~

“having given man the helper that he desired after having rejected the one that
he needed. “What is it that we do now,” The cloned son of the Gitche Manitou
questioned, staring into the liquid, “This is the GEL of High Heaven, what will
you do?”
Responding in gentle tones the voice from above was instant, “There are
paths that must be crossed and doorways that must be opened. To leave the
light one must travel through the darkness to understand what the light is. One
must venture into the cold to know what warmth is. So it is with the
Misiginebig and the containment which houses the beast of the abyss. I will
bring into existence an equal to myself, the birth of a non-created creator as has
been done through the generations before even myself.”
(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda appeared with all bowing in reverence and
not out of force. The tall whites, Ariel, Raphael, Pahael, and Samael watching
as the first man who entered to cleanse the realm of the darkness moved to
stand next to (The Nanabozho), placing his hand upon the glowing liquid now
pooled within a honeycomb of darkness. The glowing material expanding to
form a small pond that shown a reflection of the Gitche Manitou (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda. As he stood staring at himself his hands both extending into
the glowing liquid, his reflection staring back at him hands extended until he
released his arms.
The man within the liquid speaking, as everyone but (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda seemed stunned at the speech, “Here is the wisdom of the
realms of Yazata’s. Holy men come through the refiner’s fire, within the
darkness a stairway will be provided for all to be redeemed.” (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda speaking, “Only two times have I participated in the creation
process, cloning Wiindigoo first, (The Nanabozho) second, and now I create
you Great Consciousness, within the darkness you will do the things which
have been done before to allow a way for the lost sheep of Sky Woman. Ariel
questioning, “What is this process (The Gitche Manitou)?” He responded, “This
is the process of creating Great Spirits, and erasing the darkness which is
thought that harms thought.” As he spoke these words the entire catacomb that
encapsulated the Misiginebig began glowing brilliantly golden colored as
waves of energy rippled outwards across the surface of the stretching universe
within. The golden rippled stretched and penetrated the heart of the entire
spherical cage that floated within the center of the Aaru until the entity was
locked within the golden framework. The code had been entered to begin the
game. The cloned mind of (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda departing within to
begin the harvesting of material as it wielded the Misiginebig into submission
stripping material.
The cloned consciousness responded before all would depart, “I will
begin the process of filling the substance of the river of life with clones of my
own consciousness.” (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda stopped and then interrupted
him, “No, you will not make clones, you will watch over the clones within, you
are not a creator but a governor, a protector, a comforter.” Turning to (The
Nanabozho) he continued, “You will begin the cloning process within the
temple font. It is essential every cloned consciousness be of yours. When they
~ 694 ~

emerge from the font teach them what it is they will be participating in and then
let them choose to enter back into the Aaru. When the first clone departs from
the Aaru then will the circle be complete. He will be given stewardship as you,
(The Nanabozho) will ascend to yours.” Samael speaking up, “So, will Sky
Woman be protected by your consciousness” the reply swift and from inside
and out, “No.” “I do not agree with this Gitche Manitou. How can you condemn
her within the darkness of the devourer when you know she partook of the tree
of knowledge without any knowledge it must not be done?”
(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda stopped, “You do not know what you
speak Samael. It was not I or her who condemned her, but you and the teachers.
It is I who will now turn the machine on so that you can see how the process
works. It is required that man should enter into the machine, but it must depend
on their choice.”
“You mean; they did not have to live for eternity within the garden as
we had supposed?” The questioning archangel asked the creator of all things
who had come beneath and within the Erebus at great risk. He spoke, “This is
the way it has been done. Another will be raised to fill her place and in time she
will be sifted and grafted in.” Samael responding, “I cannot stand by and watch
her dismembered.” The Gitche Manitou responded, “Then you will have no
place in the kingdom to come, for all must descend below to rise above. Marvel
not that I have stated you must move on, marvel that a way exists that she may
be redeemed.”
Samael was not happy, “I cannot agree to this (The Gitche Manitou)
Mazda. For this reason, I will not stand with you here this day. I publicly decry
the abandonment of Sky Woman to the darkness.” (The Nanabozho) looking
bewildered approached Samael who was now speaking directly at (The Gitche
Manitou) Mazda. “Samael, there is no need for this, if it is your desire than
perhaps you should join her.” Samael stormed away disenchanted with the
discussion. The Great Consciousness branching into the darkness forming
realm after realm where the future clones of men would earn their glory, bit by
~ 695 ~

Grandfather Sun looking down from the surface of the Aaru knew
that what was occurring was wrong. They assumed no one was watching, he
was always watching. It was his duty, he was the guardian of the Misiginebig, it
was something he looked forward too since his time in the kingdoms of high
heaven. He was the originator of the device which bound it, at least the steward
since his own climb up Jacob’s ladder. The twisting of space and time within
Erebus, the pools puddling with the spark. Seeping from the depths beneath the
realm of death and captivity. Looking within the cage he felt it
incomprehensible that a consciousness should be trapped within ensnared by
the beast which roamed its dark depths. Rising to his feet he swirled his hand
through the air, in the swiping motion a tear in space time occurred. Such was
the gift of a being rising above the 5th Kingdom of High Heaven to provide an
opening as he always had to enter within the Aaru he knew what may occur. If
the Misiginebig were released, it could set back the mission within the Erebus
and could ruin the entire excursion into Erebus.
Lifting the Eden machine into the air with his mind as the level 5
and up advanced humans of high heaven can control matter with thought alone.
Grandfather Sun continued to ponder what he would be doing, his own journey
drifting through time as the distance memories of times since past. He recalled
a day when he too looked up and questioned why. To the moment of his rebirth
and enlightenment he recalled being crowned with honor and glory when he
was welcomed into the Kingdom of High Heaven. Looking at the machine, a
device that descended from within the 7th heaven to those below. A gift of
eternal power in the right hands, the “Atum-Knum” he spoke to himself looking
at the glittering fountain of genetic engineering liquid that flowed freely in
rivers within the 7th Kingdom he knew what must be done. This machine, that
housed this eternal substance to which conscious bartered and fought to obtain
from the micro-organism to the macro-universe of Aaru’s, lifting beyond the
Atum through Erebus rising through the portal of High Heaven that tears
through the walls of the unholy place, he knew, he had always known, it was
the only object in all of creation that could save her or any one of them. He
would have to go to her as bringing her out of the Misiginebig would alert the
others, he did not need to incur the wrath of those who were so blinded in the
quests within their own mind they could not see when an injustice had
occurred. Grandfather Sun knew this much, in no other account of the journeys
into Erebus had he ever heard of a daughter being cast out by the teachers. He
would advance the plan, provide an opportunity for her to survive and in time,
and perhaps show them above the mistake they had made dooming her to an
eternity of suffering.
Stepping through the portal he knew when the first step hit the ground
within the Aaru he would be labeled an apostate, a traitor, a Lucifer to the
Kingdom. They could not take his glory but they could bar him from ever
returning to High Heaven. He paused standing within the ten-foot section that
rested in the space between the opening in the 5th Heaven where Grandfather
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Sun dwelt and the opening within the Aaru where the beast was captured.
Looking backward he knew, it could most likely be the final time his eyes
would ever set sight on High Heaven, turning he exited the portal to stand
hovering in the air next to the large structure stretching skyline to skyline.
Extending his hand, he paused the tip of his finger millimeters away from the
decision. Twisting and turning his stomach wrenched at the continual second
guessing, the guilt, the concern, and the fear of the unknown wrapped around
his mind. His finger fell onto the surface of the control which operated the
entire structure that captivated the beast within. Fingers moving, Grandfather
Sun, entered a new code within the digital simulation bars to ensure that a place
could be preserved for Sky Woman. She was still trapped with the Misiginebig,
which meant he would have to manually remove her, he had never done such a
thing on the inside before and did not know if eternal ramifications could result
from using the resurrection device within the simulation. He knew someone
who did know, to the very least was sympathetic having openly expressed
dissatisfaction with the entire process. The first thing he would need to do,
summon Samael. He must also be willing to sacrifice to save her.
Lowering to the ground, the Eden machine hovering behind him as
he paced through the garden refuge of the tall whites. The lush garden was
always a surreal experience for Grandfather Sun as it had been so long since he
once stood where they stand within his own garden and he wondered, is it all a
circular cycle never ending? Looking around he spoke within his mind, “What a
beautiful place, hard to imagine all advanced humans ascended from similar
realms throughout all of history none to his knowledge forced into the darkness
and never alone.” He knew the true history advanced humans and their eternal
link to the tall white teachers and that what was occurring here was without
precedent or merit, at least to the breath of his own knowledge and none would
gain glory or honor in the decision to come.
Resting the Eden machine on the ground he began touching buttons
on the side of the machine as key pads lit up the machine beginning to swirl in
color. The liquid inside spinning in circles until a beam of light burst from the
GEL into the air striking the surface of the darkness above. The voice coming
from behind, “Grandfather Sun, I thought it was you!” Turning back, it was his
close friend Samael, who had been arguing with the teachers over the
banishment of Sky Woman into the darkness. “Samael, what are they
thinking?” Questioned Grandfather Sun, “All consciousness is pure and holy, it
has never before happened in such a way as this, a forced walk within?” Samael
responded, “They do not understand the ways and are misinterpreting them.”
Grandfather Sun pointing up, “I have activated the Network to initiate the birth
of universes within and I am going inside to find her and bring her back.”
Samael looked utterly shocked at the words protruding from the mouth of
Grandfather Sun, “You are going where?” Then pointing up he continued, “You
know it is forbidden?” Grandfather Sun was silent, not speaking, he had already
made his mind up and Samael knew he had.
Samael now looking up, “You know, they have begun the process,
the great consciousness has been entered into the eternal cage to hold the
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Misiginebig at bay.” Grandfather Sun knew what he must do, “I must save her
Samael.” Will you assist me in this endeavor knowing that by doing such we
will be labeled traitors and cast within Erebus?”
The tall white, ancient having lived eternities in the employ of the
advanced men of the celestial high heavens knew it was a sacrifice replied, “If
she does not have us, then who will she have? For this reason, I will assist you.
Take my hand and I will take you as close to the point within where she can
dwell for a time until we figure this mess out.”
Looking up they vanished from the garden instantaneously
appearing in a bubble floating in the glowing network within the chainmail of
the Misiginebig. Samael calling as a tall being appeared, “This is a
Gravitational being.” Grandfather Sun marveled, how had he not known of
Gravitational beings, he was from the 5th Heaven. What knowledge did he
know that he did not know for he was equal to (The Gitche Manitou) and
deserved such knowledge? Samael speaking, “Lord of Sound, may we procure
a garden for the purpose of rescuing a being of light?” The being looking
outside the sphere they stood spoke, “Not since the first world has a request
come for a thing such as this, yet I see the transparency in your vibrations.
Photon I will grant your wish.” A dark window opened revealing a spherical
bubble being place into the glowing honey where the cloned consciousness of
(The Gitche Manitou) resided. They knew (The Gitche Manitou) and (The
Nanabozho) would know quickly, and the Gravitational being seemed as if it
had all happened before. Swiping his other arm, the gravitational being opened
a doorway, “Go, here is a world like unto the first to save your photon s has
been done before.” The being vanished. Standing on the surface of a planet
covered in large iron blocks of stone. “Where is this place Samael?”
The tall white being walking across the surface, “This is a world
within like the others that have been created, only they do not know yet of its
existence but look made of the machines. For a short time, you can reside here
without them noticing but they are coming. You know this, in one way or
another they will come for her.”
The Eden machine sitting on the iron stone. Reaching down to pick
up a rock Grandfather Sun immediately noticed something, the stone gave him
immense power. “Samael, this stone, what is it, I hold it and I feel power
streaming through my body.” Looking at the ground, this planet is filled with
the material of this universal bubble. I have hidden you within the smallest
micro reality I could to conceal you from the others within the garden.”
Grandfather Sun walked to the machine, “Samael, help me free her
from her captivity.” Samael came back to the machine kneeling down he began
pressing glowing buttons that stretched across the smooth white surface. The
substance inside glowing brightly until light rays began emitting into the air.
Give me your hand Grandfather Sun. Samael taking his hand pricked the finger
so that glowing blood fell into the pool of water. Samael then touched both
palms of his hand to the side of the machine. The liquid began rising out of the
machine in the shape of a swirling stairway rising into the air. Spinning light
coursing around the perimeter of the material spinning above the surface.
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Samael stepping forward to grasp the material now forming into the shape of a
human before pulling the being forward to step onto the ground.
Grandfather Sun stepping back could not believe what he had seen
as a Star Seed with massive green eyes, long curly red hair stood before
Samael. As he touched her shoulders clothing draped over her being.
“Sky Woman, is that you?” Questioned Grandfather Sun nervous
what he was seeing. “Turning to him she spoke, “It is me Grandfather Sun, you
came for me!” The lizard woman sprinting towards the advanced human
scientist before grasping him at the waist.
Samael speaking, “We must move this underground as to limit the
opportunity that the cloned consciousness will catch sight of what we are doing,
at least for the time being.” She fell to her knees pressing her forehead into the
soil, “I thought I would never again feel the ground pressing against my skin.”
Jumping back, she stared at her hands, “What is this, what am I, what has
happened to me?” Sky Woman questioned, rushing to the font to look at her
reflection. Staring into the font she could see that she was of green tint with
Star Seed features. “Grandfather Sun, Samael, what has been done to me?”
Samael coming to her aid, “Do not fear daughter of the garden, the
material which houses your consciousness is but a shell. Come and let me show
you, there is great work that must be done.”
His hand extended energy released from his hand twisting a hole
into the side of the large iron cliffs. The deities walked down the hole in the
planet. After walking through the tunnel within the planet they emerged in an
underground cavern. His hands opening, he slapped his hands together and the
floor of the cavern smashed together becoming smooth. Grandfather Sun
landing on the surface of the cavern with Sky Woman stood looking at Samael.
“Now what?”
Samael began clicking his fingers as the Eden machine instantly
appeared resting on the smooth iron floor. Now is the time to multiply, it is the
only way to survive what is coming. “This entire universe has been structured
and programmed to your advantage. The substance with fills this planet is
called Iron. It is the most conductive material and will enable you the ability to
spread very quickly.” Samael knew that his actions were paramount to treason.
The penalty being left within Erebus unprotected within the garden.
“Come to the machine Sky Woman, so much has to be done.” She
walked slowly to the font. “Place your hands here”, Samael grabbing her by the
wrists placed them at a specific location on the side of the font speaking, “This
is Knum processes the Atum and so it will to bring forth life within the same as
life without.” Circles glowing around her hands, Samael spoke again,
“Grandfather Sun, come, place your hands here.” Grandfather Sun knew what
was happening, Samael was merging the genetic material of Sky Woman with
the genetic material of Grandfather Sun into the cloning machine.
The machine began steaming purple and white smoke with bubble
and spun out of its surface. The entire machine glowing brightly as the swirling
light twisted in the air forming a sphere. Rising from the liquid a small egg sack
connected to a black cord emerged floating on the surface of the GEL.
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Reaching in to grasp it Samael began walking to the far wall of the room. As he
removed the egg the black cord connecting them extended into the font until
another egg could be seen, this process was completed until the expanse of the
room filled with eggs. Samael looking at the thousands removed, “I have a
better idea.”
“Grandfather Sun, try using your powers, raise the font into the air
until it is upside down. In this way the eggs will simply fall to the ground. This
way we can all pull them to the side. The font immediately rising in the air
becoming inverted then clung to a diagonal portion of the ceiling so that the
eggs gently rolled out and down the wall as Grandfather Sun, Samael and Sky
Woman organized them into rows. “Samael, what are these?” Questioned Sky
Woman unsure what she was looking at. “These are your clones Sky Woman,
well yours and Grandfather Sun.”
Grandfather Sun had figured they would be cloning, he also knew
what consciousness was so he understood what had happened, “Samael, where
do these clones consciousness come from?” Samael’s dark eyes pierced through
his soul, “Grandfather Sun, all the consciousness created here with the Eden
Machine, they will awaken clean slate Great Spirits.”
Grandfather Sun began questioning, “But isn’t this blasphemy and
the one rule never be broken within Erebus?”
“What option do you have Grandfather Sun? You wanted to save
her, right? Then we must save but giving her a nation that can protect her from
what is to come.” Samael knew that when the time came to turn the machine
on, unless she represents a significant force of life than all would be lost. If he
could show her true humanity, wouldn’t he be doing what every member of the
watcher society had endeavored. From the beginning of time the same goal, to
preserve mankind, to guide the sleeping Great Spirits through their sojourn
within the darkness until they could rise to stand amongst the immortal eternal
beings of high heaven who descend within Erebus to fight the most important
battle in all of reality. He knew he was not a traitor, how could he be, he was
one of the chosen few from times since forgotten before the age of man, when
there was only teacher, through serving the original man. Grandfather Sun, we
must show them her humanity. This is the only way, or she will be judged as
selfish, and unable to contribute to the kingdoms in high heaven.”
Grandfather Sun stood stunned, Sky Woman had drifted off to care
for the sacks that were now lining the walls. The two advanced beings standing
to the side watching the emergence of new intelligence, a paradox within the
system of the Great Spirits. “Can there be no other way?” He questioned
Samael, “What are those eggs going to become he questioned, “They will be
the salvation of you, of her, and for them. Perhaps for myself if I am deemed
worthy to stand the Day of Judgment.”
“If I do not return to my post on the outside they will realize I have
gone, does this not bother you?” The tall white teacher responded, “They
already know, (The Gitche Manitou) Mazda has already turned the machine on,
which is why we reside within this place, we have limited time before the
internal Gitche Manitou locates us. When this happens, you must know, they
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will seek your end unless we can show them the humanity of Sky Woman
through her offspring.”
Grandfather Sun moving to one of the egg sacks, the oval shape of
an egg with the puckered opening at the top tightly shut the eggs resembled a
flower tightly closed. The black tube connecting them all pumping fluid
through darkened veins as the egg sacks pulsated bottom to top. Every dozen
pulsations the egg sack would expand by a few millimeters. The growth giving
the viewer the distinct impression the cocoons were gasping for air.
Placing his hand upon one of the cocoons, Grandfather Sun could
feel movement within, something swishing and flopping to the other side, he
looked up at Sky Woman, “Behold the army of the empire.”
In a short period of time the cocoons had grown to the size of a
grown man, Grandfather Sun standing next to the massive oval pressing his ear
he could press on its surface like jelly. Samael the speaking to both of them,
“We have done a grave thing, but there could be no other way, behold, your
clones Sky Woman.”
As Samael had spoken the words the tops of the cocoons unfolded
retracting from the twisting until the sack unfolded like a flower embracing the
morning sun, the outside sack falling to the floor in the pattern of six leaves
positioned outwards, lying in the fetal position still connected to the black tube,
the clone on the inside, a Star Seed with green scales with spikes protruding
from the back of the cranium. Sky Woman falling besides the being lifting its
head with her hands she held its hand, as the eyes blinked open. Looking Sky
Woman in the eye, the reptile man spoke, “Who am I, who are you, why am I
here?” Turning to look at Samael, he responded, “They are blank slate
creations.” She then responded, “I am your mother, I am your queen.” One by
one she welcomed the hatching clones, until the inner sanctum of the cavity
within the planet was filled with thousands.
“Grandfather Sun, I would like a record kept of all of them. Let us
record each one of them. They will be called after me, my own, the Illuminated
Nation who will rise from within to take back the inheritance that was mine. I
will shine forth my knowledge until we expose them for who they are, traitors
to life. This will be the House of Iln. Speaking to the rising masses, “All of you,
I am Sky Woman. I am the first mother, your creator and I am your Queen. You
are here to serve me, around you is a world filled with the most precious
minerals in all the universe. You will master them; you will wield them.”
Grandfather Sun going one by one among them placing clothing
upon them and showing them how to manipulate the iron that filled the planet.
Grandfather Sun was an exceptional leader, organizing the ILN. The
transformation across the planet moving at lightning speed as buildings rose
high within the sky, like putty in the hands of a sculpture the capital of Iln
rising over night. The cloning machine continuing to produce more duplicates.
The ILN began building harvesting facilities specifically designed to receive the
emerging clones.
Walking within the newly build research facility Grandfather Sun
had wanted to show Sky Woman something he had created which would serve
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future generations. As the two arrived on the far side of the planet within the
largest mountain of iron was a massive gated entrance. “Look at this Sky
Woman, it is my greatest achievement here within this world.” She replied, “So
this is what you have been spending your time doing?” As the gates opened Iln
draped in glittering red uniforms emerged, to stand guard. “Welcome to the
Hall of Records.” Walking through the gate Sky Woman could see immediately
the tall towering walls contained small boxes covering every square inch.
“What is this place?” She questioned confused not knowing what it is she was
looking at. “This is a Hall of Records Sky Woman. Here, look at this.” Moving
to the side wall he pressed one of the square grey boxes carved into the iron
walls. The box changed color before playing a series of recorded events. “Look,
behind you, see those floating orbs?” She was surrounded by the dozens,
hovering in the air behind them, Sky Woman marveled she had not even
noticed they were present until he mentioned. “These are the record keepers.
We can disperse them to any sector within the universe. They will record every
event within this empire.”
“Grandfather Sun, why must we do this?” He replied looking
frustrated she did not see the bigger picture, “Sky Woman, do you not see, it is
our humanity which will save us, we must provide a record of the work we do
here.” “When he comes, when they come, this is how we will be judged, also to
ensure future generations of the Iln do not dwindle in unbelief they will reply
upon this sacred hall of knowledge that will be preserved until a time of
pleading when I will petition your cause before The Gitche Manitou.”
“I don’t want to return; can’t we remain within this realm forever?”
She questioned him not understanding so he spoke more clearly, “Sky Woman,
another has taken your place within the garden. Because of this, the time will
come when you will confront her and him who you were originally betrothed,
this is the way of the heavens. In that moment, it will be your humanity or the
lack thereof which will save your descendants, you must show that even the
clone of a clone within can attain righteousness, in this way you will be seen as
worthy of entrance. This is the way of high heaven, Sky Woman, for how can a
father become a father unless first having children. It is through your children
that this universe will either find salvation or condemnation.”
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It had been decades since they had become stranded on the planet’s
surface, the death of Samael had not left their minds or hearts. Grandfather Sun
had become driven with the obsession of returning to Maat and facing his dark
twin who had come through the Eden machine. Who was the inhibitor of his
cloned image that pressed to the darkness killing the tall white on contact? He
had found the world prepared by his design, when he had raised the platforms
around the snow ball world to protect it from the coming shift in all things. The
big bang that reset an entire universe as two became one. This world hidden
among trillions upon trillions, the perfect habitat to raise a family. Grandfather
Sun was 5th level creator, he was able to form basic structure from elemental
material. The device he carried resembling a staff filled with sacred GEL,
hidden within its bowls. As long as it was within his fingertips he could always
protect them.
Iron had become obsolete when the big bang had occurred wiping the
ability for the entire Carian Empire to communicate. The very material wrapped
within every fiber of every creation across millions of lightyears of space and
time rendered worthless. No longer a conduit for energy, communication, or
power. The iron served as the chains which bound an empire crumbling under
its weight. Even now Grandfather Sun knew worlds without number would
perish within hours, days, weeks without the protection of the Iron based
network of the empire. Iron was now obsolete within this universe; the merging
universe had brought a reformatting of the original program. The very nature of
the machines known as atoms reformatted, reorganized. Gold, a previously
unknown mineral showered upon the entire universe raining upon the celestial
bodies as simple atomic restructuring occurred bringing this universe under the
power of its invader. The givers and the takers had come into reality under the
watchful eye of the noble gases within the Universe of Origin. Looking up
Grandfather Sun thought, “They tried to cleanse this Universe”, he knew the
gold was the cleansing process for all darkness and if harvested and collected
he could dispel it. This world alone could dispel the darkness. Grandfather Sun
knew what they were trying to do, survive the battle as the raging storms of the
surrounding beast seeking to crush all of them. He also knew that within the 13-
cities he had established across the planet it was only a matter of time before he
would be able to once more travel to Carian and search for the remnant of Iln.
Thought he doubted any had survived the impact. “Chawaney” he whispered to
himself, Horus was still staring at Grandfather Sun quietly. He wondered what
had happened to his daughter. If Samael was here he could simply grasp her, or
return her corpse to be honored by her family.
The new element was gold, and Grandfather Sun had a plan. He
understood the dynamic nature of the mineral. A material that could only be
created by Gitche Manitou’s from the 7th Heaven. The very fluid of the outside
GEL, manifest in physical form. It was designed to repel the darkness which
meant, if he could find a way back to Maat, he could dispel his dark twin Set
and dispel the Misiginebig who was now seeping into the realm with access to
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the sacred Eden machine, the Atum Knum. The immense pressure of the system
pushed him forward. Grandfather Sun had used the gold to build a state of the
art cloning facility. What he had done centuries before when rescuing Sky
Woman was not paramount to surviving. They needed a society of workers, so
clones were made in the image of the Star Seeds like Sky Woman. Over the
coming centuries the planet filled with all sorts of lizard creations as
Grandfather Sun sought over and over to produce a Great Spirit maker. The
planet covered in clones of the Star Seed Iln. To the point that Grandfather Sun
and Sky Woman walked out upon the top of the towering pyramid looking
down upon a global society based upon gold. What Grandfather Sun had not
counted on was Sky Woman becoming pregnant.
He had been summoned to the central pyramid of the Iln Empire upon
the snow world with an emergency. Upon entering the room, he could see Sky
Woman strapped to the bed, her belly bulging, he spoke, “How can this be?” He
recognized what was occurring, in all the centuries of their time upon the planet
since escaping from Maat. The place they had gone to avoid the collision which
decimated an entire culture. Here he stare at Sky Woman, for the first time
giving birth and he knew not who the father could be as he was unaware that
Sky Woman could become pregnant.
Sky Woman eyes sunken in, she slowly opened her eyes, “Grandfather
Sun, can you believe it, I am going to become a mother!” Grandfather Sun
could see within her eyes, the emotion of the moment. When the universe had
deemed her worthy of cloaking consciousness. Grandfather Sun knew what was
happening, “She had been accepted by the Great Consciousness as worthy to
bring forward cloned intelligence. “This is a miracle from above Sky Woman.
This is the witness of your salvation.” Her head dropped back as the labor pains
rippled through her body. The Star Seed servants of the Iln Empire beginning
the process to cut open her belly as Sky Woman was unable to birth the child in
any other way as she had no male or female parts. Only the cloned Star Seeds
emerging from the sacks that had come from the Eden machine had been born
with reproducing organs. In this way she was now sharing with them in the
birthing process. Grandfather Sun thought to himself, “Could we all be
welcomed home?” He looked up knowing that the only way back was through
Maat and the Eden machine.
With a swipe of an electrical laser her belly was cut vertically until the
skin fell to the side revealing an egg sack. After cutting through the membrane
of the sack which covered the child Grandfather Sun stepped back astonished, it
was a human baby boy and not a Star Seed Carian. How could this be? Sky
Woman raising her head began weeping upon seeing his face, blond hair, blue
eyes, what stare into her eyes was an advanced human baby. Looking up at
Grandfather Sun, his face told the entire expression. He was shocked, struck
dumb the profound realization that Sky Woman had given birth to a human
child could mean only one thing. The Great Spirits were smiling down upon
Sky Woman.
Grandfather Sun recalled the dream he had the night before. The dream
had seemed so real, as his wake in a surrounding darkness he found himself
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walking not in darkness but down a long corridor filled with water flowing
towards the light at the end in front of him. Looking at his feet he realized he
were walking across the heads of sleeping crocodiles. With each step the beasts
twisting and turning under his feet. The steps methodical and calculated as he
strived to reach the brilliant light at the end of the tunnel. Reaching forward as
if he could touch the distant light Grandfather Sun began falling. As he fell the
mouth of a giant crocodile opened swallowing him who until he was
surrounded by darkness. When rising from the darkness he was surrounded by
the sounds of grinding bones, so dark he could not see his own fingers or his
body. Crying out into the darkness for help a pillar of light appeared above him
shining upon him so that he was no longer enveloped within the darkness.
Placing his forearm over his eyes he heard a voice whispering from the light,
“His name will be called Horus, and he brings illumination within the
darkness.” Grandfather Sun terrified of the darkness cried out to the light,
“Take me away from this place!” The voice again speaking, “The child which
you bear will be called Horus, and he brings illumination within the darkness.”
As the final words were spoken a beam of light falling from the pillar of light
struck Grandfather Sun. Bursting from his bed, covered in sweat, Grandfather
Sun rushed to the side of Sky Woman.
As she held the boy in her arms Grandfather Sun reach forward to grasp
his little hand speaking sacred words he had heard once before, “Do you know
who you are little scientist?” The blue eyes sparkling in the light Grandfather
Sun had known that this was why he had done it, that after all these years a
child had been born. Rising to his feet he walked out of the room emerging to
see a sea of the Iln camped outside waiting for the response of the child’s birth.
Looking across the many faces of Star Seed Carian, Grandfather Sun knew that
something new would need to begin, “People of the Iln, how long have you
labored in this vineyard with me? Together we have risen from the ashes, but
the journey is not yet done. On this day a son has been born, the first in the
future of the Illuminated ones. Turning to grasp the baby from a Matron he
raised the human baby into the air. Behold, Horus, the savior to our kind.” A
gasp fell across the masses as they all fell to their knees seeing the image of a
child the same as Grandfather Sun who stood before them. Grandfather Sun
speaking again, “On this day are the old things done away with, and we begin
new. I declare this world Yaaru, a sacred guardian to mankind, in the image of
Aaru where man first descended. From this moment we will rise to master the
element of Gold to return to Maat, take back what is rightfully ours, here is the
sign that The Gitche Manitou is with us, behold my son, the future King. His
name shall be called Horus.”
The chant rang across the hall, “Horus, Horus, Horus” as the child was
passed among them. The people knowing that the presence of a non-created
creator the sign that High Heaven smiled down upon them. Grandfather Sun
returned to Sky Woman who was now up and moving. Her stomach having
been healed using the GEL that Grandfather Sun still had within his security
gear. Emerging from the tent she moved among the people. At her sight they
fell to her feet. She began to speak, “Children, for a millennium we have
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wandered alone in the wilderness seeking to return to the glory of our former
selves. None of you here remember or recall the times before but through you
all old things are fulfilled. For this purpose, I will shed my former self, burying
my former identity. From this moment I shall be called Isis, the mother of all
nations will be redeemed through my seed.” She clung to Horus knowing that
he was the key to her own salvation for she too tired of living within the
The loud thump of foots steps approached the gathering as Grandfather
Sun rushed outside to view what the noise was approaching the cavern where
Horus had just been brought into the world. He could see it was several of the
new elite guard, riding upon the backs of the giant lizards which covered the
planet’s surface. “Grandfather Sun, come quick, we have found them. They
reside in a valley over the seven hills.” Grandfather Sun knew what this meant,
could it be any clearer, the very moment that Horus was born they had appeared
within the planet’s surface.” He questioned, “What are they doing?” He replied,
“Watch them, and do not harm them. If they need food, and shelter, give it to
them. I would prefer you leave things in secret and stay at a distance. I feel the
coming of Horus coinciding with the coming of them into the world. Isis must
never know that she is here upon the planet. Hell has no fury like the storm that
will come if Isis finds out that Eve has arrived.”
The leader stood unnerved, he had been waiting, and he had assumed
that the coming universe with golden elemental parameters was to prepare a
way, his own planetary shield had protected the world. If the children of the
Great Spirits had arrived, he knew that he stood in between as a spotlight shown
upon him. He had to return to Maat. Turning to his lead liaison, “Saidon, meet
me immediately at the interdimensional research laboratory.
The interdimensional research laboratory was the personal quarters of
all experiments performed by Grandfather Sun. He was a master of the GEL
that powered the advanced humans, he also knew the GEL was what fed the
darkness within Erebus. The delicate nature of performing eternal experiments
within a confined environment dangerous, but he felt he had no other way.
“Saidon, help me connect these cables, and we are almost ready. We need one
missing element…gold.” Saidon motioning to other Star Seeds brought into the
room large chunks of gold that had rained down upon the planet when the other
universe had collided. “Perfect, place the gold within the center of the room.
This will power the machine to that we can reconnect to Maat. We will need to
gather enough forces before opening.”
After the long day’s work, Grandfather Sun returned home to the
canyon where Isis was waiting with a huge surprise across her face.
Grandfather Sun had seen that the canyon was filling with clones all chatting
about the miracle that had occurred. As Grandfather Sun moved among them he
heard, “Have you seen?” “Have you heard?”, “It is a miracle. Grandfather Sun
moving to the front could see Isis, once known as Sky Woman standing in front
of the people staring at him. It was then Grandfather Sun could see emerging
from behind her, the form of a man walking up to stand beside her. Grandfather
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Sun rushed quickly to the platform before stopping short of Isis. “What has
happened, who is this Isis?”
Turning to grasp the man by the hand she introduced him,
“Grandfather Sun, this is Horus.” Grandfather Sun stumbled backwards, “He
was just a boy yesterday, and how can he be a fully grown man in less than 24-
hours?” Isis replied, “It is the will of the Great Spirits.” Horus stood silent as
Grandfather Sun approached him, blond hair, blue eyes, and a pale glowing
skin. He turned to Isis, “He is a Great Spirit, and how can this be?” Grandfather
Sun fears came rushing to the surface, did he cause this with his genetic
research. With the other children also here what could the meaning be, he had
wished Samael was still alive. If he could simply peer outside the he could see
what had happened, but he could do nothing unless traveling to Maat and
retrieving the Eden Machine.
The man speaking, “Grandfather Sun, I have come down to assist
you and Sky Woman in this endeavor.” Grandfather Sun pausing replied, “You
know my name?” He replied, “Yes, I know your name and I, like you have
come into this universe to help you ensnare the devourer within, for this
purpose was I sent.” How come I have never heard of you Horus?” Questioned
a confused Grandfather Sun, “I am from the 5th Kingdom of High Heaven, from
where do you come?” Horus moving to face the Iln, turning back to
Grandfather Sun, “I have come at great risk, like you, I have sacrificed another
life, but many others like me and you look down upon Sky Woman and the
children of men within this Aaru and worry. I have come illegally as you, but I
will choose this day to stand for truth. Therefore, I have come to you from the
7th Kingdom to stay the darkness for a season.”
Grandfather Sun knew of the 7th Kingdom, a place where the
ancients resided, the oldest of all the advanced humans in the pantheon of high
heaven. “You came all the way within the Atum of Erebus to assist me, what
could have possibly occurred in High Heaven to demand your presence?”
The man, his deep penetrating blue eyes swirling with depth, those
who gazed within them lost in the universe of color within them. The room was
silent, moving to confront Grandfather Sun the deity from above spoke, “Think
not that you are the only one looking down upon Sky Woman’s plight or that
there are not disputations as to the course of action that must be taken.
Therefore, I have left my second estate to return below to which I know, I will
face eternal banishment.” Looking up at Sky Woman, “I did this for you, as you
looked up alone without purpose or meaning, as you looked down as they
replaced you with another questioning within your heart whether you matter,
whether your life carries worth. Daughter,” His right hand grasping her
forearm, “I have done this to show you that you matter a great deal, you have
value, worth, and are deserving therefore let my sacrifice be a witness to you.”
He continued speaking, “What has occurred in Maat, is a travesty,
through ignorance, a lack of foresight, Wiindigoo has come within the Aaru.
Currently Misiginebig is pouring freely into the realm which he rests as they
prepare to exit using the Atum-Knum. This must not happen. Grandfather Sun,
when the colliding universe impacted your own, it changed the chemical
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structure of your elements. It reprogrammed the basic codes which meant the
lightest material iron now became one of the heaviest, there is a benefit to what
occurred. There is a mineral which poured upon this world when your
electromagnetic snare saved this planet it turned the photons into gold which
rained upon the soil. It covers this planet; it rests within this planet. One ounce
of gold from this world, Yaaru, can repel all of the darkness where Wiindigoo
now appears.”
Grandfather Sun had always aspired to become 7th kingdom worthy,
to see a true eternal Gitche Manitou descend was surreal. The nostalgia
surrounding Horus palpable as Sky Woman who had announced her new name
Isis motioned for the servants and elite guard to exist the building. Looking at
Horus she began to lecture him, “I do not need your pity. How many of you
look down upon us, the ones you created and yet the ones you condemn for not
understanding the parameters that you define. All the way down here, deep
within the heart of Erebus you come to show me that I matter, that I have
worth?” Isis turning tore down the tapestry of the painting of her newborn baby
the day before, shredding it within her hands frantically. Letting out a scream,
“Is it not enough you force me to endure a game for your amusement, that you
would now take from me another moment of joy? My own child rising to steal
away my hope that was mine less than 24-hours ago, who are you?” Pointing
her finger into the chest of Horus, “Who are you to have pity upon me? I have
pity for you. I am no longer Sky Woman, the name forced upon me by others, I
am the mother of rebirth Isis and my knowledge will spread through the
universe until my descendants reach the throne of high heaven.”
The queen continued, “A little yellow birdie with a little yellow bill
landed on my window seal, I lured him in with a piece of bread and then I
chopped off his itty bitty head.” The queen turning to leave the room, her anger
emanating in every movement, look, fluctuation of the voice. Grandfather Sun
and Horus stared at each other, she was but a child in comparison to their
knowledge of what was occurring, “Give her time,” expounded Grandfather
“How could they!” The thoughts of betrayal running through her
mind as she departed from Grandfather Sun and Horus. The two now speaking
about the best way to engage Set, within Maat. Isis had other plans, she wanted
to leave and go find her daughter, the heiress. As she moved through the
pyramid structures constructed by the thousands of clones now traversing the
surface of the planet there was only one thing for her to do. Find this Eve who
had brought Adam to Yaaru. How could they have withheld that from her? Did
they not know her own scouts swore an oath of loyalty to her? When they
arrived she knew almost immediately and watched, waiting to see what
Grandfather Sun would do to them. He had done nothing, leaving them alone in
the wilderness. She would do more than nothing, she would kill them. This was
her revenge; she would kill them.
The large sandstone structures rising across the landscape, the 13-
colonies of the Iln networking the sphere in the first global empire. The queen
and the king ruling over the hidden realm of the Carian, the presence of Horus
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who she had loved as a son the day before, the imposter revealing himself as an
eternal Great Spirit from the 7th level who used her, used her, the thought
wrenched her in anger. She would go see what it was that these two were doing
and if possible provide a means to their end.
Grandfather Sun stood staring into the stars in the main room of the
pyramid that stood as the center of the entire Iln Empire rebuilding on the new
world. Horus standing next to him, “Horus, can you tell me, why did you leave
the 7th kingdom to come all the way within an ATUM of Erebus?” Horus
pointed up to a star, “When you look up, you see stars, burning suns weaving
photons into the darkness. Is it not man’s natural instinct to strive to go to the
stars? You asked, why, why would I come down? In the 7th kingdom, we look
down, we see the stars of heaven, is it not man’s natural instinct to dwell among
the stars? For this purpose, have I come, to mingle with the stars.”
Lifting his hand, the air began to glow swirling in circles, “Look at
this, the fabric of high heaven has been woven within this universe. See the
particles of the element we call gold weaving within all things.” The air
spinning to a stop revealing a golden rock within his hand. Grasping
Grandfather Sun hand, he placed the rock in his palm cupping Grandfather Sun
fingers around it. “That should be enough, but, I must go with you, for I know
Wiindigoo.” “You know Wiindigoo?” Questioning Grandfather Sun, reacting
that Horus did in fact have an intimate connect within him. “Samael has
brought him into the Universe, a dark act which resulted in his destruction.”
Grandfather Sun interjected confused, “Destruction? Samael can’t be
killed…can he?” Horus explaining, “You have some things to learn, for one,
while consciousness is eternal, there is eternal consciousness that devours
consciousness. Even a sun will devour another if too close,” raising his arms,
“Even a universe can be devoured.”
“You and I must return to Maat together to face Wiindigoo,
restoring balance to the Aaru and sending the Misiginebig back to its inner
abode.” His words seemed confident and true, he continued, “Let us hope that
the winds of providence will lift our wings in this endeavor that we will not fail,
will not fall, and will not falter in mind, heart, with eyes cast squarely upon the
prize. The salvation of one soul, one daughter lost within the darkness. Her
mind clouded in the suffering of her spirit, alone, confused, looking outwards
on those who do look down upon her. Grandfather Sun, of all your lives,
experiences, growth to rise high within high heaven to the 5th degree of glory
know this, the greatest of all things, the worth of souls is great in the eyes of a
Great Spirit. The worth of her soul is great in my eyes.” Horus knew that in his
desire to save her, he had shown even if still in secret, he had shown that he
would give it all up to save one soul, even at the expense of losing his own. In
the process birthing into the mortal world as her son, looking to her as a mother.
The deeply intertwined emotional connection being a Great Spirit without
powers presents is the forced subjugation to the self. The greatest wars won not
through trial and error, but in the quiet moments of reflection, solitude,
listening. Being human, upon an Earth, even this garden paradise of Yaaru gave
time for man to master the spectrum of the most powerful force in all of
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creation, emotions. It was not enough that man existed as thought alone, the
true scope of the power of thought extending to actions manipulated by
emotion. The emotion building the foundation for a Gitche Manitou or a Dark
Scientist…” Horus wondered, “Am I a Gitche Manitou, or have I fallen to
become a Dark Scientist?” He stood in the courts of the highest of highs, among
those who do hold all of time within the palms of their hands.
Horus was torn, his mind transcending many steps in the process
that came with being a Gitche Manitou. He determined his own destiny, he
earned that right, in the infinite time that he climbed to the top. In the moment
his decision when faced with looking up or looking down, he sacrificed that
which was above to go save that which was below. Horus knew, he would do it
again. No matter the consequences, he wanted Sky Woman to go home.
“Grandfather Sun, we must depart alone, Sky Woman cannot know what we
will be doing.”
Grandfather Sun departing from the observation deck of the
pyramid of Isis, descended to the inner depths to the palace of the queen.
Passing the many sentinels, standing at attention, the walls covered in artwork
depicting her journey to this moment in time. “Isis?” Grandfather Sun calling
out as he walked down the steps leading into her personal living quarters.
“Isis?” Again he called out. No answer came, moving from room to room the
silence filled the air. Raising his hand he spoke into his wrist, “Hermes, what is
the location of the Queen?” The entire ship networked to tell him every location
she would be at within the pyramid. The super computer called Hermes, was
the networked manifestation of the GEL combined with the material gold. The
reply came, “The Queen is not within the Temple.” “Where is the Queen
Hermes?” Questioned the confused King.
Appearing in a holographic image, the computer program Hermes
walked around the room. Moving to a display that shown the world on a map
the transparent 3-D holographic image of Hermes pointed to the map. “She has
gone here.” Grandfather Sun eyes getting big, he turned sprinting out of the
observation deck. Knowing that the only thing saving them all from complete
annihilation was whether or not he got to Sky Woman, before Sky Woman got
to them.
The computer hologram Hermes vanishing to operate the pyramid
which served as a power source for the people of Grandfather Sun and Isis
empire. Sprinting down the corridors Grandfather Sun only shot was to use the
last remaining GEL, saved for the trip to return to Maat. If he uses it, there was
no going back, at least no way he knew. If he did not use the GEL, they were
already dead. Bursting into his inner chamber, Grandfather Sun came to a stop.
The room empty with the exception of a large mural overlooking the entrance.
The mural depicting a tree, tranches reaching upward. Pacing to the tree he
came to one of the painted spherical orbs on the wall. The mural carved into
stone, the individual blocks painted. Grandfather Sun hand pressing against the
circular stone painted deep golden until it pressed into the wall. Standing up
Grandfather Sun watched as the mural began to shift and move, the stone
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blocks pulling back, recoiling, as if the tree were pulling the stone blocks apart
to reveal an entrance.
Stepping into the entrance Grandfather Sun walked towards the golden
glowing end of the corridor. His mind racing, the decisions of Great Spirits
resting on him, he stepped in to see it. Mist of light releasing into the air, his
face glowing in its reflection. It was a large vial, glass tube filled with glowing
golden GEL. The sacred of sacred genetic engineering material, it was from the
river of life that flows through the 5th kingdom of high heaven. Forbidden to
ever extract, this alone was treason subject to banishment within Erebus. He
had taken it knowing he would never return, that the act of leaving alone
justified the extraction of the sacred GEL of the River of Life. Grasping the
canister with his left and right hands he peered into the glowing substance.
Would this be enough…the questions flew around his mind until he was sick
with anxiety, he knew it would never be enough.
Grasping the handle on the end of the canister Grandfather Sun twisted
until it loosened. Removing the cap, he set the canister on the ground. Taking
his left hand, he scooped some of the glowing material onto his fingertips.
Opening a smaller vial, he put the glowing substance inside it. Closing the
smaller vials lid he placed it within a pocket in his garment. Wiping a large
scoop of the glowing material with his left hand he replaced the lid on the vial
with his right. Rising, gently holding his left hand, the pile of glowing yellow
gel resting on outstretched finger tips. Lifting the vial with his right hand he hid
it within the shadows of a wall. Wiping the glowing substance across his
forehead he spoke, “Sky Woman”.
Instantly Grandfather Sun vanished to the point of a spec of light.
Beams of light stretching around him he could view the entire globe of Yaaru.
His new world modeled after the place where they would one day rise.
Holographic with spikes rising off the surface, some black, some white, and
some grey showing the locations of ever human. He could see Sky Woman was
in the western hemisphere among the invaders of the foreign universe who were
watching over the man and the woman who had left the inner garden. The
rushing light reversing before he came to a stop, the opening in front of him
showing a lush green forest. Looking back only the twisting of the rainbow
after a midday shower. Stepping into the forest Grandfather Sun could see the
queen resting behind a tree.
Approaching Sky Woman he spoke with a quiet tone while purposefully
rustling the brush as to show her location, “Sky Woman, are you there?”, “Sky
Woman are you there?”, “Isis are you there?” Stepping out from behind the
brush Grandfather Sun stood staring at the woman he has sacrificed it all for.
Sky Woman stood staring at him, her eyes bloodshot red with rage. He once
beautifully adorned hair covering her face so that only her red eyes could be
seen piercing through the red hair. Her deep breaths, the clenched fists. “Sky
Woman, what are you doing?” Grandfather Sun stepped closer to her, “My
name is not Sky Woman!” She stepped backwards, “Isis”, “This is not the
way.” The raging beauty pulled a branch down to show a woman resting by a
stream collecting water and watching clothing. “I could crush her at any
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moment.” Sky Woman tone was dark, and her gaze menacing. “Isis, please, Sky
Woman, please, I beg of you…” The depth of his tones causing her to pause,
she had never heard him speak this way before, she watched as he continued.
“Have I not come for you? Is not my sacrifice meet for the justice you
demand?” She had not stopped to think about the sacrifices of Grandfather Sun,
he continued, “I left kingdoms and glories on high to come for you. Did I not
pull you from the darkness giving you form?” His hand extending up and down,
Sky Woman stepping forward to sit on a broken stump. Still listening she
marveled at his deep emotion. “Sky Woman, mother of the Iln, I have no
reward and yet I am here with you and I ask, am I not alone? I am not, for
Horus, another from kingdoms beyond even my own imagination has
descended, showing all above you truly are Isis, the mother of rebirth. Is Horus
not your son? Yet, is he not also a Great Spirit?”
Her forehead falling into the palms of her hands, he was right. “What
good will come of destroying them? Would you not be like unto the ones who
condemned you, having death as the reward for unknown reasons?”
Grandfather Sun moving to sit beside her, “Look at me daughter, look at me.”
Her deep green eyes peering into his own. “I came for you because I love you
and I have not left you.” Holding her hand she hung her head in sadness, lifting
his arm he grasped her as she rolled into his side sobbing. Grandfather Sun
knew that what she really wanted was to start over. They had both become
victims to the game trapped in a simulated reality unable to escape with death
as the only reward. Rising to their feet, Grandfather Sun pulled the small vial
from his pocket glowing golden gel. Dipping his finger into the gel he handed
the vial to Isis, “Dip your finger in the gel, and then swipe it across your
forehead and speak, “Horus”.” Swiping the gel across his forehead he was once
again standing in the observation level of the pyramid which was the center of
their capital. Isis blinking, “How did you do that?” Before he could respond
Grandfather Sun again swiped his forehead with the final remaining gel
appearing in the room where his canister had been hidden. Walking to the
corner, he reached within the shadow of the pillar to remove the glowing
canister. Looking into it, he wished he had an unlimited supply. Signing he
began the walk back to the observation deck so as not to waste anymore before
they would have to depart.
~ 712 ~

Looking at Horus, she viewed him differently than before she had
left. Walking slowly to view him, he was perfect in every way. He peered down
at her through soft, innocent eyes. Deep blue, swirling in circles with layers
upon layers of depth. She patted him on the arm before grasping his hand.
“Why did you come?” She questioned the immortal man as to why he was
there. Looking at her he raised his arms placing them on her shoulders.
His hands softly cAayaashsing her with reassuring strokes as he spoke,
“Like I said, I came because I love you. Not what you are, but who you are.”
She continued, “You can’t return?” He responded, nodding with closed eyes
and sadness stretched across his face, “I cannot.” She could see the thought of
never returning home weighed heavily on him. She knew he felt the same as
her, lost and confused. Like her, he could never go home. Which forced her to
ask the next question, “If I can never go home, and you can never go home,
then why we are here?”
His eyes of concern shifting to hope, as he spoke, “Great things can be
accomplished through selflessness. I know when pondering the thought of
home, such sadness and despair can sweep over the mind, but, I also know
those are thoughts reserved only after all that we can do to show them we are
selfless.” “Old things have been done away, the cobwebs have been shaken
loose. Even now, the darkness pouring in threatens the entire mission within the
Erebus. The Holy Yazata’s waging war here, in this Atum where everything
seems to be going wrong.”
“Let them have this world, let it be theirs for the taking and come with
me to a place where you can truly rule from within.” Horus seeking to reason
with Isis. “Isis”, lifting up a piece of gold pressing it within her hand, this is the
material of High Heaven. It is yours, at your disposal. If you come with me, we
will coat and line the walls of your kingdom with the material of high heaven
and show them, how great you are.” Pointing into the sky, “I know these
feelings Sky Woman, I know you, there are many who look down upon you
with concern even now. I am not alone in this hope but it is I who have come,
even to be your own son to bring you home. I know it’s hard to tell how mixed
up you feel hoping what you need is behind every door, each time that you get
hurt changing, your human after all. Consumed within your feelings wishing
you were someone else…feeling as though you never belonged. I know your
pain Sky Woman. Allow those of us who have given up so much to show you
that hope exists, even for you…Isis.”
As he had spoken those words the footsteps of Grandfather Sun
came into the room, surrounded by elite guard he was carrying the golden
canister. Immediately Horus responding, “Holy River of Life!” “Grandfather
Sun, you’re a sly dog!” Horus was smiling ear to ear, as he walked up grasping
the canister from the hand of Grandfather Sun. Looking within it, he spoke,
“Hard to imagine that a realm exists where there is only this substance, some
say it was the original creator himself…” Looking up at Grandfather Sun, “You
know what this means?” Grandfather Sun was more concerned with Sky
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Woman, “Isis, are you ok?” She replied, “I want to go with you to face
Wiindigoo. It was I who ordered Samael to bring him through. I caused this, I
must be there to end it.”
The words were like music to his ears, Isis would not be left alone
on the planet where her emotion would get the best of her. Horus calling for
more mineral. “I need as much of the golden mineral as possible. Pointing to
the flat surface below the pyramid, have them place it there.” Grandfather Sun
questioning, “How much do you need?” Horus replying, “All of it!”
Grandfather Sun began giving orders to the Elite Guard of Iln, who began
spreading the world to consolidate all of the mineral gold that had been found.
Horus holding Isis hand began the descent through the pyramid to the waiting
surface below.
Isis questioning, “What happened to our power over iron?” Horus
responding, “With the flip of a switch, any element can be modified to the level
of your previous iron universe. In high heaven it is this substance, in this
universe it is no longer iron, it is now this substance” holding up a piece of
gold, he continued, “On other worlds it might be this substance,” sand running
through his hands to the ground. “You see Isis, elemental structures of the
worlds within the Misiginebig are temporary to say the least, but, with the
exception of gold woven to produce an impenetrable force where even if the
Misiginebig or Wiindigoo themselves enter, they are greatly diminished in
“Even this Yaaru, you have brought it to life, built a garden here. A
place that must be free of the influence of knowledge. It was the knowledge that
trapped you here and it is the knowledge that will trap them.” Horus was
running his fingers down the wall feeling he carved hieroglyphs in the Queens
pyramid. The sensations of the stone rough and yet smooth against his
fingertips. The texture of the illusion not the same as the reality of what the
projection pretends to be. Stepping outside onto the sand the lines of marching
elite carrying baskets of gold collected from the surface of the planet. The low
hanging fruit that simply fell out of the sky. Reaching down Horus picked up a
massive nugget of gold the size of a man’s skull. “You see, Grandfather Sun,”
pointing upwards, “You cause this, you brought High Heaven here, and it is
simply marvelous that this exists here. This is literally the material that forms
the entire structure of the 7th kingdom. Marvelous, the possibilities, his mind
seem to wander. “This is far more than enough; this amount makes us
Isis and Grandfather Sun were standing amongst the Elite Iln
watching as Horus hands began glowing gold color as streams of ringed sound
waves emitted from his hands as the pile of gold material lifted into the air
morphing into a massive spherical ball. The ball surrounded by spinning rings
which turned within themselves until it came to a stop. The gold had been
organized into a large spherical object.
Grandfather Sun questioning, “What is that?”
Horus walking up to run his hands across the smooth surface, “A
Chariot of the Great Spirits.”
~ 714 ~

“Come, you will see, on board.” A doorway opening on the side of the
craft as Horus entered. Following behind Grandfather Sun stepped inside just
behind Isis as they walked through the narrow golden corridor turning left t
view eight seats.
“Now, there will only be room for eight of us, but, The Chariot, should
do the job nicely.”
“Chariot?” Grandfather Sun questioning, “In all my dealings within the
Celestial Kingdom all the way to the 5th realm I have never heard of the Chariot
Horus continuing, “This is the object that the great ones use within the
7 kingdom to expand, it’s a harvesting machine for the elite. The fact the

material is here, is simply marvelous because we have an advantage. This here

is a machine of the 7th kingdom, nothing can withstand its power. Everyone sit
down, and place both palms onto the GEL filled hand pedestals. “We just need
your GEL”, Grandfather Sun handing the canister to Horus.
Horus walking to the back of the main room a pedestal rose from the
ground and the ceiling. The space between the clear orb spinning of a
gravitational wave trapped. “What is that?” Questioned Isis running her hand in
and out of the distorted sphere floating between the lower and higher pillar.
“This is a gravity field, in the 7th kingdom you learn to control the very field
that wraps the walls around high heaven.” Taking the vile he began dumping
the golden substance into the energy field. Grandfather Sun reaching forward
thinking the golden substance would simply fall to the ground. Horus looking
up with the wink of his eye. Dropping to the center the glowing substance
coalesced to a sphere remaining trapped within the gravitational field turning it
into a spinning sphere of glowing material.
Turning to walk back to the main position, Horus stood behind five long
levers. “Everyone sit in the chairs, don’t forget, put your hands into the
pockets.” They rushed to their chairs, Isis seated put her hands into the holster
like pockets as glowing liquid surrounded them. Looking up Isis watched as
Horus grasping a lever, pulled it back, as the spinning rings around the golden
ship began turning.
“Ahhhhaaaa!” Horus shouting for joy! “Just like plowing the fields of
Erebus!” This reminded him of the stories told by the scientists returning from
the plowing fields. The plowing fields resided upon the surface of Erebus. The
large Chariots fighting the very darkness head on. Only the most esteemed
could fulfill the task. Pressing forward with lever one the entire Chariot blasted
into the sky streaking through space as the edging of the rings began to glow.
“Prepare to jump!” Horus yelling. Golden rings of floating material released
from the spinning rings as they all floated to one location now twisting into a
vortex in front of the Chariot. The entire vessel thrusting forward into the
golden vortex until they were surrounded by golden material then thrust
forward out of an opening into the sky. The Chariot came to a stop hovering in
the air. The image stretched across the screen said it all, they had come back to
~ 715 ~

All rising to stand beside Horus at the large controls. The rings spinning
slowly, in forward and reverse motions to maintain stability in one location.
Looking out over the ocean of darkness none could muster the courage to
Black swells of oil like material spread from horizon to horizon. The
darkness cresting at a large building that once housed the Eden machine. The
building emitting purple lightening into the air as a vortex was opened
connecting the outer Atum with the inner Misiginebig. Horus knew what he
was trying to do, “We must hurry, and he is going to free the Misiginebig.”
Slamming the controls forward the ship began moving forward, the spinning
rings moving faster than ever before, Horus pushing and pulling levers until the
machine slammed into the dark surface of the ocean of blackness. When the
Chariot had hit the liquid the screaming and squealing caused all to drop to
their knees. Hands pressed to their ears, Horus reached up to continue the
assault. The Chariot shaking as the black material twisted around the golden
machine. The shrieking and screaming and waling of the Misiginebig as the
gold twisted it within its grasp. The dark ocean parted pulling with all its might
against the golden ship moving towards Wiindigoo dragging the now fleeing
Misiginebig behind it.
The Misiginebig was now leaping and lurching in all directions as the
massive ocean of material swirled around them trying to free itself from the
snare that had it twisted inside. The golden ship coming to a stop peering down
at Wiindigoo, the mirror image of Horus himself. His dark red eyes looking
back up as his arms continued swirling in his chant. Horus grabbed all controls
pressing them forward, “Help me!” the others rushing to the long levers
pressing them forward, “All of them, all of them forward!” Horus continuing to
yell as the golden ship shook and vibrated violently. Isis pressing her shoulder
into the lever slamming it forward, she lept to the other side holding it forward.
Grandfather Sun putting his hands on two chest pumping legs driving his face
grimacing as he fell forward, leaping around to hold them down. Horus falling
backwards, “Get ready!”
The sound of a jet engine firing filled the air as the golden vessel began
glowing white in color the fibers of the golden ship spinning brightly. Isis
looking over her shoulder could see Wiindigoo struggling to hold onto the edge
of the Eden machine. His legs flailing in the air. The machine whipping the
purple glowing material within the spinning rings, themselves glowing
brilliantly until a brilliant lightning bolt released from the machine wrapping
around Wiindigoo, flying backwards he smashed into the spinning rings
containing the black material. He vanished in the twisting black material.
“Where did he go Isis yelled?”
Horus responding, “He has become dematerialized, the genetic structure
of his own combined with that of the Misiginebig.” “How?” Isis trembling, the
swirling of the machine still fighting with the black mass trapped in the
spinning rings. “This is a sacred machine for only the most holy and learned of
all to use. The decision to take away not take lightly.” He continued, “With the
blink of an eye Wiindigoo was ripped into pieces as his eternal body was
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dematerialized and separated from his consciousness. His consciousness was

then combined with the material remaining rendering him harmless, alive, but
harmless. Now we have what you would call, GEL, material to clone.”
Grandfather Sun moved forward to the window watching the material
glowing and swirling around the ship, turning to look at Horus he questioned,
“Eternal bodies can be taken away…I thought they remained ours for an
eternity?” Grandfather Sun had never considered that while consciousness
cloaks itself in more of less dense material, that even within the densest
material it could be taken away?” He stood confused, lost in the moment
Horus began speaking, “It is not that they are not yours, it is that we
wage a war against eternal powers greater than these where the only thing that
protects even eternal Great Spirits is the effort of a few. So such machines are
made to protect the many from the few.” Grandfather Sun knew that the stories
must be true, there was other realms beyond High Heaven.
“Do we only travel to Erebus?” It was direct, the response bringing
tremendous ramifications. Horus paused, “If I tell you these things it will not
matter. If we find Erebus or another the result is the same. The expansion of
High Heaven.” There it was, the true nature of the beast. “I am struggling to
figure out who is and is not the beast.” Within moments the entire black ocean
was pulled back to a small strand of stretching goo that twisted between the
rings of the Chariot. The only blackness not retracted led to the portal that was
still open at the base of the desert. Horus moving to the side of the window
pressed his hand against a square blinking button. The ship came to a stop as
the fluid of the Misiginebig struggled to retract into the portal.
“I want all of you to see this, here is the Misiginebig. It is a dragon
beyond description. The child of Wiindigoo, the first clone, who became beasts.
They are now merged as one.” Looking at Isis, “My dear, you understand this
better than any for this was the same process that merged you with the
Misiginebig.” “Here we have trapped him and here he will remain. Let this
stand as a testimony that we fought the good fight.”
Horus turning to leave the ship, now resting on the surface, the hatch
opening and the stairway dropping to the red crusted surface. “Welcome back”
he exclaimed as the others cautiously moved seeing the massive blackness of
the Misiginebig, dripping like tar screeching and wailing and growling into the
air trying to free itself. As they moved towards the front of the ship, where the
darkness was trying to escape into the portal. The blackness pulled with force
until he black bands still stuck within the machine stretched like cables with no
tension. Horus replied, “See, nothing too it!”
As he spoke these words a large drop of blackness fell to the ground,
rising into the image of a skeleton moving through the oil, its mouth opened
belching a howl of death, its left arm swinging forward like a cable let loose
snapped around the body of Grandfather Sun. The black man throwing dozens
more through the air until they all landed onto Grandfather Sun. Grandfather
Sun falling backwards fighting against the cords. Horus looking stunned began
sprinting back towards the Chariot. Isis fighting to free him from the black tar
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cables latched onto him, burning his skin, burning her skin to the touch. Isis
jumped back her hands burning as the being in the dark oily skeleton yanked
his arms back as Grandfather Sun lifted into the air. He gaze back towards Isis
of fear. The darkness recoiling as Grandfather Sun fell to the ground, his body
slipping into dozens of pieces as the black cords had dismembered him in small
sections. The eternal being lay a pile of dripping material as Isis dropped to the
ground trying to grasp him in her arms. The torso split into small sections she
struggled as the forearm fell away from the bicep. When she grasped the
shoulder it split into two as the eternal tendons fell to the ground. Through
weeping tears Isis lay covered in glowing fluid that served as the blood within
the eternal vessel pressing the pieces she grasped his head lying face down.
“Grandfather Sun!” she cried in broken breath, “Grandfather Sun” turning the
skull to reveal the mutilated face of the onetime eternal king. “Grandfather
Sun,” she fell to the ground lying within the mutilated body parts of
Grandfather Sun.
Horus sprinting into the command room, “How can I be so stupid?” His
actions, the eternal consequences, rushing forward he slammed the large button
as the machine let loose an immediate whooshing sound as the glowing energy
released the entire room was filled with bright light as the exploding release of
energy disintegrated the Misiginebig wrapped around the golden machine, the
remaining scurrying into the portal. Horus could see a black figure standing in
the doorway, slowly stepping backwards until the portal had closed. Rushing
from the ship, Horus tried to console Isis now frantically screaming, covered in
the dismembered body parts of Grandfather Sun. He grasped her by the waste,
holding her hands in the air she was staring at her blood covered fingers
Turing to put his hands on the sides of her head, Horus looked in her
eyes, “Isis, Isis, can you hear me, Isis?” She slowly nodded, frozen as if in
shock. The terror of the moment too over whelming she was shaking, hands still
held up covered in the remains of Grandfather Sun. “We must get him to the
Eden machine. Do you hear what I am saying?” She passed out lying limp on
the ground overcome with shock. Horus knew what must be done, something
with eternal consequences. He did not have any other choice…
Pieces of Grandfather Sun had been collected and stored in a large box
that sat next to the Eden machine. Isis standing silently staring into the
machine. Horus sat alone on a rock ledge to the side knowing he could not stop
her; Isis was determined to reenter the Eden machine. To produce something
new, to give of herself to form a new creation.
Stepping into the glowing liquid she knelt and lie back until her entire
floated upon the surface of the glowing gel within the Eden machine. Staring
into the ceiling, she knew, without sacrifice there would be no reward. As Isis
descended within the machine, Horus knew, there were only two times this
would occur, when you came in and when you went out. The machine glowing
brilliantly burst light through the air. The elite guard now filing out of the ship
surrounded them, Horus wondering why it was they remained hidden in the
ship…” fear” he spoke.
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Rising to the surface of the glowing fluid a beautiful woman rose into
the air with curly red hair and light toned skin. She rested upon the surface of
the glowing gel until her eyes opened, they were deep and green, Horus stood
in amazement. It was Sky Woman!”
~ 719 ~

His hands moving at lightning speed, the red streaks of the Elite
guard streaming through the air. Twisting left he caught one with the back of
his fist while simultaneously thrusting his right elbow into the jaw of another
dropping him unconscious. He grasped another by the collar thrusting his knee
into their chest, as they stumbled back his right arm lifting to flip another
attacker off his back. Leaping to his feet he grabbed the cross bow from the
ground firing a single shot. Striking the back of the head the man fell to his
knees, then forward until the air stood at the feet of the princess, Chawaney.
The attackers had come so frequently, the divisions among the
scattered remnants making travel impossible. The princess was seen as a chip to
rule to world, the ruling tribes fighting to regain the throne. “Princess, this
way”, grasping her hand he pulled her through the remains of the broken city,
overpasses where highways of iron once traveled lay broken, moving within the
shadows he just wanted to get her way from the capital, it had become a beacon
to trouble. “Where will we go Deathbird?” The princess questioning, “We go
west towards the setting sun, we have to get away from the cities. Only death
follows us in the city.” He had fought off all attackers, the most recent a group
of thugs seeking to use her as an ends to a means. He looked at her, the
beautiful blue eyes so innocent and divine. Her golden hair no longer finely
clean was still elegant in the sunlight. For five years he had protected her and
they had grown to trust one another.
Reaching to grasp her across the chest he turned her back, looking
her in the eyes, he spoke, “Chawaney, before we go, I just want you to know, I
love you!” Her eyes penetrating became vulnerable in the moment of weakness,
tears welling she embraced him with a kiss. Pressing into the darkness the
moved across the broken landscape to a place he only knew by name, “SOZO”.
SOZO was an emergency forward base in case of emergency that he was
instructed to escort the queen in case of invasion. He was following protocol,
after all, Chawaney was the uncrowned queen of the planet. If he could get her
to SOZO they may have a chance at surviving, possibly rebuilding. His mind
thought of the better days, living within the walls of the capital, at first the two
of them with the surviving royal family. Then the hoards came, the masses
seeking not refuge or help, but to destroy, maim, and rape. If it had not been for
his presence, the other guards, they may all be lost. In the end, they all were
lost. Only he and her escaped, and he wondered, if it had been for nothing was
it truly worthy remembering? Across the great iron desert light, the seven peaks
of the iron mines of Carian. In the center of the seven peaks would lie the
entrance to SOZO where enough supplies existed to last a thousand years. This
was where they needed to go, to start over and build a life together.
Reaching down he placed his hand on her belly. He knew that she
was expecting soon and that he would be a father. The father to the first born of
the Queen of the Planet Carian. Wrapping a blanket over their heads, the two
Iln survivors struggled against the beating sand storm to the mountain range
across the valley where salvation awaits. The ground heavy with sand of a
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peculiar nature, the pilings of the previous atmosphere heaped on top of each
other, the iron dunes of Carian were a death march. Each step laborious, the
powered iron heavy pulling them down. He fought to carry her, and lead her, as
the wind crushed against him, he questioned whether there would ever be a
revival of their people. Glancing back across the grey iron sand dunes, he
pondered how quickly the once great empire had become nothing. They were
survivors, they all were, from the bands hidden up in the mountains to the
nomadic tribes beyond the dunes. The Iln fighting to survive, he respected that,
as long as they did not come between him and his family. They were the true
heirs of the coming world, when the House of Iln would be restored.
The darkness brought an end to the winds as the sky became clear
for the first time that they had recalled. Looking up, Chawaney and Deathbird
held hands. His face filled with stress, the wrinkles of time pressed deeply
within him. Chawaney still gazing innocently upwards they longed for a time
since forgotten. His mind frozen for the first time in weeks, stars, he signed in
his heart for he knew they were all gone. There was no more Iln, no Carian, no
mother father, no leaving the planet. Their destiny relied in his ability to protect
them until the universe decided to swallow them whole. He looked at her, she
was the beauty of his life, nothing compared to her, nothing could match her
beauty and he found in the collection of days that he simply continued living
for her and her alone. She was his sole reason to continue forward, she was his
She knew the time was near, she could feel the child’s birth near.
Pulling her to the ground, Deathbird placed his hand over her mouth, “shshsh”
he muttered before sliding down the iron sand dune into the darkness. Glancing
up from under her covering she could see a dozen men with torches standing at
the place that Deathbird had staged a false encampment. She watched as a
shadow, which was Deathbird moved silently towards the tall beings. She
feared, if something were to happen to him, what of her, the baby. She grasped
her belly as she watched the conflict she had seen dozens and dozens of times
before. He was a warrior, and he had never failed her.
Moving along the ridge he could see they moving through the fake
camp he had set up. No one could survive in the wilderness without a decoy
camp. There were no allies, it was group verses group, survival. Tossing a small
rock across the ground one of the large men moved to the location, as he rushed
to cut the throat of the intruder he came to a screeching halt. Draped across the
back of the man, the mark of the Queen. Sliding to the side the others had
noticed his advancement on one of their own. He vanished into the darkness
knowing that if these were in fact, the Matrons Guard, this truly was a lucky
break. Standing behind a tree he began the sacred chant, pounding his chest,
“Iln, Iln, Iln,” he paused. In the distance the group of four giant men began
speaking amongst themselves. He could see they were arguing as to what it
meant so he repeated, “Iln, Iln, Iln” the pounding beats across his chest echoing
through the air. The group of beings stopped, came to attention repeating, with
forearms pounding across their chest, “Iln, Iln, Iln,” the link had been
established. Emerging from behind the tree his arms raised, Deathbird began
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pacing towards the tall four men standing at the edge of the embankment.
Grasping the cliffs, he climbed the slope until he looked up eye to eye with
someone he knew, smiles spreading across their faces.
Walking forward without hesitation Deathbird embraced the large
muscled Star Seed. Pulling back exclaiming, “DOZ!” “I don’t even believe it!”
The large muscled Star Seed Doz, the leader of the Matron’s Guard, he only
answered to the Queen, the same as Deathbird. They trained in academy
together and came to the capital at the same time. He replied, “Deathbird?” The
leader was stunned, having also been fighting for survival. Looking to the right
he recognized the others. Kimnish, master of the bow, Ojikul, master of
explosives; and Blardash, engineer to the empire. Looking at them Deathbird
knew, this was a holy alliance only delegated under certain circumstances,
looking ad Doz, “Where is she?” Doz looking down at him, “What assurances
do we have you are still one of us?” He spoke in reply wanting proof.
Turning to face the darkness, Deathbird let out a whistle. Turning he
began walking back, “She is coming,” they looked into the darkness as the
figure of Matron to be appeared into the light. Doz falling to his knees, Kimnish
scurrying off into the darkness. Deathbird waiting until she had reached him,
his arm around her shoulder the walked towards Doz. “Doz, I would like to
introduce you to the beautiful Queen Matron Chawaney.” Looking up with
large blue eyes, the Matrons Guard signed in relief as Kimnish can out of the
darkness with someone who immediately locked eyes on and ran too
Chawaney, it was Jindu.
“So, you have been protecting the Matron Jindu, where are the others,
have you seen the Queen?” Deathbird questioned, seeking answers, Doz had
none to give, “Deathbird, the others are gone. We have lost all but what remains
here, we have protected Jinder.”
“What about the Queen,” Deathbird wanted to know where she had
gone, what had happened. “Do you know, what happened?”
“They say, she is off world, but none can confirm.” “The end of all
things happened,” Bladarsh spoke up. The Star Seed with one eye. The other
eye extended working as binoculars to measure depth, density, the greatest tool
of an engineer. He continued, “The fabric of you and I has been changed, in a
subtle way. For instance, if you have water I bring cold weather, you will have
ice. It is this type of difference, before iron was light as feather, now it is heavy
and worthless. This world is no more.”
“I have missed you so much!” Jinda crying as her and Chawaney held in
embrace. The two Matrons to the Queen no longer dressed in fine linen or
richly decorated hair. Their delicate Star Seed hands now dirt stained, they
coursed each other’s hair, “Where have you been?”
“When the first shocks came myself and the other Matrons hid in the
Queens linen closet. Until it was over, we then realized we were stranded.”
Pointing to Doz, “If it hadn’t been for Doz, we would have been sold into
slavery by now or worse yet, killed.”
“Where is Marda, Brana?” Confused, distraught, looking around the
darkness. She said again whispering, knowing the answer but asking anyways,
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“what?” Her head dropping, the two embraced knowing that the future was not
set for them.
“How did you get here Chawaney?” She was confused as the last she
knew Chawaney was rushing towards the escape pod, “They left us.”
Chawaney looked into the eyes of her very closest friend, Jinder. The
beautiful Matron with brilliant green eyes, it was her eyes that determined her
destiny as a Matron to the Queen. They were seen as a mark of destiny. Her
long brown hair hanging over her shoulders pulled back and separated into
braids falling to her shoulders. When they were young, Chawaney had always
thought it would be Jinder who would be Queen. As they ran across the
courtyard she remembered all of the days that Jinder would pretend to be
Queen. There were only three in all of Carian with the green eyes the same as
the Queen. Now she knew, Jinda was the last and the only Queen on Carian
would be the one who would fight for it.
Chawaney knew, the world was thrust into chaos. The mighty verses the
weak, the rule of the game was to eat or be eaten. She had never thought,
among the people of the Iln, when faced with catastrophe would immediately
strip themselves of all dignity to devour each other, to turn against their own.
How could it be done? Her heart heavy with the uncertainty of the future.
Resting her hand on her belly, she looked deeply into Jinder’s eyes, with a
gentle smile she placed the hand of Jinder on her belly. Looking up she gasped,
as her eyes opened wide and a grin stretched cheek to cheek.
“Are you kidding me?” Jinder whispering to Chawaney. “Who?”
Looking around the campfire she caught sight of Deathbird. Turning quickly so
that he would see she was looking, “Is that?” Chawaney’s nod confirming, the
embrace came again, “I am so happy for you.”
“You must come with us Jinder, we are heading to the Queens refuge”,
turning she pointed to the mountain range cresting against the night sky. They
say there is enough food and water and space to live a thousand years. Jinder’s
eyes welled with tears, she had survived and was not reunited with a dear
friend, sister. What became more apparent to Chawaney, was that three heirs
now lived with claim to the empty throne of Carian. Her unborn child, herself,
Jinder, there was hope.
“We fought through the masses of the Cardesian flats when the first
wave hit. Everyone not under cover was immediately incinerated, shred bit by
bit by the falling metal. The instrument of our own rise used against us as our
downfall.” Doz’s voice deep and filled with base.
Doz was a warrior class elite guard from the Kings army. The vanishing
of the King left his elite guard with no place in the palace, the Queen quickly
dispatched them from the capital. His brow straining as his eyes peered through
narrow slits, his massive jaw square and protruding. He grew facial hair which
was braided to form a beard. His skin dark grey with muscles from head to toe,
the shoulders meeting at a massive neck. He was the King’s personal guard and
the sight of which struck fear immediately into any who saw him.
“We barely escaped ourselves, I rush to grab the heiress and before I
could return they were gone.” Responded Deathbird now seated on a log with
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the others around the fire. The Matrons resting feet away in an endless
Doz asked, “They?”
“The Queen, Samael, they all left the planet when the wave came.”
Kimnish pulling out of his satchel long strips of jerujian jerky before
tossing a strip to Deathbird and the Matrons. “We tried to stay in the Palace for
a time thinking they would come back but then the robbers came, and the
betraying masses. They would just assume kill their own Queen than assemble
in order. It’s pretty messed up out their Doz.”
“Tell me about it, where you headed?”
Doz now passing his canteen of water to Deathbird who unscrewed the
lid taking a long swig. Wiping his mouth, “The Queens Refuge.”
Doz and the others became quiet, “Do you have the access key?” The
muscled general of the elite guard questioned.
Reaching under his armor Deathbird pulled out a long neckless, the end
hanging was the key. The personal chip designated by the Queen in the event of
“How did you get that?” Doz excited and surprised, only the Queen has
“That’s right, only the Queen has possession of this key, when she
approached me in the throne room and instructed me to come with her she
placed this key around my neck. Made me swear an oath that should anything
befall her, I would rescue the heiress.” Pointing to the side, the others knew.
“Then it is decided,” Doz speaking to the others, rose to his feet. Motioning for
them to rise the four elite Star Seeds bred to be the King’s personal guard stood
shoulder to shoulder towering above Chawaney now seated with Jinda.
Chawaney startled by the appearance of the large muscled guards,
holding Jinder’s hand looked up at the large Doz who fell to a knee. The others
falling to a knee, Chawaney watching Deathbird pace from the fire to kneel as
well behind Doz.
“My lady, I am General Doz of the Kings Elite Guard. I have devoted
my existence to protecting the King. We now kneel in reverence to the rightful
heir to the Throne of Carian.”
Rising to his feet, Bladarsh pulled from his waste a metal wedge which
unfurled an electric sheet with writing on it. He then began speaking, reading
from the words on the scroll.
“Let it be written, let it be known, as the High Priest of the King’s
Guard carrying the sacred duty of preserving the crown that I declare this day, a
Queen crowned.”
Stepping forward he lifted Chawaney by the hand until she stood
looking up at Blardash. The scroll rolling back up Blardash twisted the small
tube until it opened. Holding out his hand he tipped the vial into the air until a
single glowing drop fell onto his hand. Looking down at the material, he took
the hand of Chawaney pressing her index fingers into the glowing drop and
then pressing her fingers against her forehead between the eyes.
~ 724 ~

He then spoke, “So it is written, so it is done, that which is bound in

Carian is bound in High Heaven. I present you the Queen of Carian.”
Chawaney had not been prepared, how could she have been, one
moment crossing the dreaded iron polluted scab lands of a broken world in a
time since forgotten to being coroneted at a campfire by the Kings own Elite
Guard, the Holy Alliance. The Holy Alliance, a sacred collection of the King’s
Guard specifically to protect the heiress to the throne. Only when a King has
been lost is this ever performed. “Is the Queen, the King, are they?”
Doz dropping to kiss her hand, pressed a beautiful ring on her index
finger. The crest of the Throne. The mere presence of the ring showing all the
Queen had arrived. One by one they came, until it was Blardash again staring
into her eyes, “Is your Majesty willing to take the Oath?”
Looking up into his eyes, the deep blue depth peering into his own soul,
she replied, “I am willing.”
He continued, “Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Iln
of Carian and the universe above and below, with justice and honor?”
She replied, “I solemnly promise to do so!”
Taking out a black box from his satchel, he opened it to reveal the
crown. Removing the small three jeweled crest, it would clip onto the forehead
sparking and glittering in the light.
“Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be
executed in all your judgments?”
She responded, “I will.”
He then continued as placing the crown on her forehead, “I present to
you the Queen of Carian.”
Turning, she stood staring at Deathbird. Their eyes locked in an endless
gaze. She could not have known; he could not have foreseen. The two lovers
looking at each other, one the leader of the Queens Elite Guard, the other the
newly crowned Queen, pregnant with his child.
She quickly ran to his arms embracing him in a kiss as Jinder covered
her eyes, Doz looked shocked as did the other guards.
Grasping her by the hand, “We need to move Doz, the Queens Refuge is
only a few clicks away. I would rather be there when the sun rises than exposed
out here.”
The sun could be seen rising in the distance, its light pushing against
blanket of darkness. The group of seven now journeyed to the only place left
that could be sustainable.
Holding her hand, they approached the flats where the iron dunes met
the outstretched mountain range. The dunes falling away with the rising terrain
they were still exposed, the dawn sun rising. Chawaney knew the entrance to
the fortress beneath the ground was just a short climb up the cliffs. Deathbird
knew otherwise, this was not going to be as easy as entering into the safe house.
He would have to contend with the Detrarians.
The Detrarians were an ancient race that lived in the Mountains. It is
said they were once the builders of the Queens Refuge. Choosing to protect the
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location generation after generation. They were grotesque and mutated Iln that
he was not even sure were men any longer.
Looking at Doz, they nodded, he knew that Doz was also aware of the
threat. The Matron Jinder sandwiched between the high priest and engineering
extraordinaire Blardash and the tall Ojikul wearing goggles at all times over his
Moving as the lead scout Kimnish, in his black uniform concealed from
head to toe, the slit where his eyes are covered with black protective material.
Spinning, flipping, moving ahead through the canyon that rose into the air, the
always faithful Kimnish looked for any threat.
She hadn’t wanted to be Queen, it had seemed just yesterday she was
only the ring matron, resting comfortably in her bed high in the tower above the
city. She longed for an escape, to go back, to a moment when life was simpler,
less chaotic, when she was not burdened with such responsibility. Queen? What
did she know about being a Queen? It only meant that they knew the Queen
was not returning, not coming back, could it be true that they were abandoned
to this dying world? She could not fathom the reality in which her unborn child
would grow up in a broken world. No color, no life, no peace and how long she
lived it mattered not. Pausing to look at the iron desert with the view of the
capital in the distance, was this truly the destiny of her child, or her species, of
them? Her blue eyes carried sadness and heaviness, the concern wore heavy on
her face as Jinder grasping her hand pulled her on, “Come now dear, now sense
looking back.” It was true, there was no sense looking back.
She watched him move, he was magnificent in his leadership, the way
he spoke and protected her. He was there from the beginning, sharing the same
memories of a life since forgotten to the iron desert and the death that Carian
was now fighting to evade. He had saved her, rescued her from bandits, thieves,
murderers, the very subjects that once adorned her with love now sought to
devour and destroy. How quickly, she pondered, does a society implode upon
itself when basic structure is removed? The peaceful habitation that all enjoyed
no longer valuable as the will of the many showed the true humanity of the Star
Seed species when they were forced to look upon themselves, to view
themselves as they truly are, in this moment, falling short of the glory of Great
Spirits they lie trapped. Kneeling resting her back against the cliff face, she held
her ring, and the sacred crest of the Holy Mother, the sun rising in the distance
as Chawaney questioned what it was to be a Queen. Deathbird asleep under the
cliff face, the tall guards watching as they rested. Preparing to enter the pass of
the Detrarians. They would need all of their strength so the decision was made
to rest.
“What have I asked of them?” She grieved at the thought that men
would give their lives to save hers. Just one, insignificant girl who did not view
herself above them, below them, but beside them as equals. Should she
therefore ask them to protect her or seek to protect them? Looking at the crest,
she touched it gently with her index finger, the edging smooth and yet defined.
The mark of the Queen the splitting “Y” like the serpent’s tongue, or the branch
breaking away, all recognized the symbolism that had defined an era. When her
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Queen, the dear Sky Woman, had been there for her every need. The life of a
matron of privilege and honor. It had never crossed her mind that the time may
come when the Queen would be no more and their eyes would turn to the
Matrons. She had lived so long assuming hers was of service to the Queen,
pausing, she questioned, “Is my duty now any different?” The nation of Iln was
no more, the Empire of Iln was no more, and if not the seven of them, then who
else would stand for the principles of life? Walking to the edge of the cliff
overlooking the vast ocean of sands stretching to the horizon of the broken
capital she stood. Hair blowing in the wind, face stoic and still. She was the
new mother, the new giver of life and she had sworn the oath of eternity to
protect them. Looking into the distance she could see clouds rising across the
iron dunes. Her arm now pressed tightly across her brow, she squinted to see
what was moving across the dunes. The iron filings billowing into the air
behind them.
“Doz!” She cried to the general now drifting to sleep. The stealthy
Kimnish flipping from the ledge above them to stand next to the Queen. “It’s
the horde”.
“The horde?” She was confused, not understanding what they meant.
“Hurry, we haven’t much time.” Picking her up Blardash questioned to Ojikul,
“See if you can delay them, let’s drop some rocks.” Looking up the master of
boom rubbed his hands together before springing off to the adjacent cliffs
where large bounders rested within the broken shale of iron filings.
Deathbird now awake had caught up with the Queen now being held
within the massive arms of Blardash as they sprinted above over ridge into the
canyon where the Detrarians lived. Rushing into the narrow passageway it
opened into the distance rising to an impossible height the width reaching over
50 feet they could see at the other end, a massive cliff face. “Over there, at the
end of this crevasse on that cliff face is the entrance.” Looking up and around
the canyon was silent. He knew that they did not have much time.
The explosions echoing in the distance, Ojikul had begun detonating
large boulders from the cliff face. The large rocks rolling down the cliffs into
the smooth landing meeting the iron sand at the bottom. Zipping and
maneuvering through the explosions, the hordes. The former members of the
elite of society banding to form rogue governments designed to take preserving
their leaders at all cost. They were cannibals that could not have access to the
Queen or else, all would be lost. Ojikul turning on his suit, designed by
Grandfather Sun himself, the suit glowed red GEL as his hands burned red hot.
His hands glowing red he began smashing the rocks on the cliff side, with each
hit an explosion. The rocks becoming themselves explosive devices. His
technology morphing matter into detonations. As he broke the boulder away
from the mountain, he would then mark it for destruction. The handprint
glowing as the material slowly dissolved within the stone. When the handprint
had been erased the stone would explode. The chain reaction of explosions
causing an avalanche of debris crashing to the ground below. The hordes
stopped moving into defensive positions. Ojikul began setting explosive traps
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along the trail leading into the canyon. As he rose over the crest the others were
holding their breath, before sighing, “How does it look?”
“Oh, there coming but we got a few of them” His smirking eyes
blinking behind the large goggles that covered his bald head. The jolly and
plump Star Seed kept running, “We had better run while we have a chance!”
The group now in full sprint through the canyon.
Looking back, over the shoulder of Blardash she watched, the others
running beside her, Deathbird never leaving her side. The tall giants
surrounding her, protecting her. Her best friend in all the world, the Matron to
the Queen, the living heiress herself Jinder alive.
With a violent swooping motion, the entire group was ripped from their
feet. The long cables and netting stretched from underneath the scattered iron
filings. Lifting into the air they fell to the bottom of the net. They had been
captured, lifted into the air. Crushed together hanging at the mercy of the
The commotion causes her to scream, the giants tumble and fall upon
her. Lifted into the air they remained. She looked out, face pressing against
finely woven netting, they were coming. The hordes, cresting over the hill
running at a mad sprint. She knew it was over, she could feel it. The legs
pressing against her back, the weight of the others pushing down. She was
dangling for the picking and she knew it must be over soon. “Deathbird!” she
screamed not knowing where he was, the sobbing of Jinder revealing she was
stuck, wedged between Ojikul; and Doz. Kimnish hang with his leg wrapped in
the mess roping to the side. She did not know where Deathbird or Blardash
were, she assumed they were either dead or unconscious in the confined
pressure being in the netting provided.
As she watched, struggling to breathe, as a shadow lept from the cliffs.
The cartwheel through the group of Star Seeds now moving into the canyon
streaking red glowing material from a man moving at lightning speed, it was
Rising to his feet he looked up to see the Queen, the Elite Guard
captured within the netting. Wiping the dirt from his eyes he could see they
were coming. Slapping his hips where the capsules for the emergency response
units for the suit he wore existed. The glowing red substance a special
engineered GEL that still worked, some things had not changed. Pressing his
hands into pockets within his belt they removed glowing red. Wiping them
across his face the streaks of red GEL could be seen as his dart up the left cliff
face moving at incredible speeds. As fast as the wind he dropped to the right
into a full cartwheel between the dozen members of the horde. Striking with the
left arm he lept backwards into a backward summersault landing back to back
with the enemy. Reaching back to grasp his head the cracking of the twisting of
the neck echoed through the room as Deathbird stood facing ten with one dead
and another screaming trying to remove the red GEL now smoldering its eyes.
He dropped to a low fighting stance and began a series of low swinging kicks in
all directions moving at a speed so quickly they could hardly see him. He
immediately grasped the forearm of the confused intruders, spinning behind the
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overmatched Iln, the forearm snapping as he then hooked his right arm over the
neck of the screaming Star Seed crushing him to the ground.

The remaining nine dispersed into the perimeter of the canyon

surrounding Deathbird. His eyes burning with fire, his hands glowing red. The
GEL streaming through the suit. He began running at full speed. The Iln firing
the cannon in its hand, Deathbird swerving to the right to miss the moving ball
of iron, landing his elbow into the cranium. The man dropped to the ground
unconscious, with two back flips he stood in the middle of two attackers.
Thrusting his hands outward towards each Star Seed spheres of energy released
from his hands. The blobs of spinning red energy hovered for a moment before
shooting at instantaneous speed wrapping around the head of the Iln attackers
before dismembering them. The corpses fell to the ground. Two more rushing
to his back, one stabbing him with an iron shard.
Deathbird let out a yell, running up the wall while pressing his back into
the shard still gripped in the hand of his attacker. Deathbird spring boarded off
the wall reaching back to remove the shard he quickly sliced the throats of the
two attackers spinning around to throw the shard striking another between the
eyes. Falling to a knee, he looked up as one came rushing with a massive mallet
swinging through the air. As the mallet came crashing to the ground, rolling to
his side he swept upwards kicking the right knee out from under the bandit.
Rushing forward he sprung off the top of the mallet that had hit the ground with
a thud to drive the heel of his boot into the face. The crushing blow driving the
attacker to the ground as his face caved to the pressure of the thunderous stomp
of Deathbird.
“Deathbird!” the scream coming from the netting hanging his in the air.
It was the Queen, the mother of his unborn child. Turning he was face to face
with the final attacker. His bow extended, the mark set, he knew it was over. He
had been a step short, had it not been for the Queen, his dear Chawaney he
would not have even noticed the archer preparing to pluck him off. He had
nothing, looking up he caught the gaze of his beautiful Chawaney. Her arm
stretching down as her screams ripped through the canyon. He dropped to his
knees knowing he had done all that he could do. The archer’s arrow feet away
pointing directly at him. As the hand prepared to give way Deathbird heard the
whoosh through the air, then the loud ominous hard flat thump.
The archers hand releasing from the bow, his eyes looking distant and
gaunt. Arms dropping to his side, falling to his knees the archer then face
planted revealing a long medal sliver stuck in the back of its head. It was the
He knew who they were, all in the guard knew what they were.
Emerging from the cliffs cloaked beings emerged by the thousands. The
masters of camouflage were more than that, they were living within caverns in
mountains. Once Iln, like them, they had become more than simply elite
soldiers. Moving forward one of the removed the cloak which covered its head.
The grey Star Seed with bright green eyes began speaking, “Nechua Nechaka In
Fuat.” Deathbird had no idea what he was saying.
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The being repeated, “Nechua Nechaka In Fuat.” Resting silently on his

knees two of the Detrarians cloaked grasping him by the arms and raising him
to his feet. The sound of the spinning crank squeaked through the canyon walls
as the large net lowered to the ground. The grey being turning as the netting
slowly descended to the ground as they rested in a thump. Deathbird beginning
to move towards them when a leather loop wrapped around his neck and he was
pulled back to the ground.
Deathbird watching as the being move closely before stopping at
Chawaney. The blond hair queen lying in the ground her had extended. The
being kneeling to the ground, looked at her fingers, reaching down to touch the
seal upon the ring that she wore. Immediately rising to his feet, “Obelish,
Obelish, Obelish!” he frantically then began removing the netting. The other
cloaked Detrarians rushing to remove the netting. Chawaney able to rise to her
feet, surrounded by the tall Elite Guard and Jinder she stood silently as
Deathbird was allowed to stand. The leather strap removed from his neck. The
leader walking to Chawaney, kneeling with bowed head she placed her hand on
the back of his head. He then reaches up and kisses the crest upon her finger. In
that moment the entire canyon began echoing with the chants, Iln, Iln, Iln.
Deathbird looking up, they had not forgotten who they were, and they
recognized the queen.
Moving towards the Queen he grasped her hand, “My lady, are you
alright?” “I am, who are they Deathbird?”
“An ancient order devoted to the Queen and to her alone. They have
remained her awaiting the day when their purpose will be fulfilled. It would
seem, this is that day.” The Detrarians, filing into line began moving towards
the cliff face in the distance. Walking among them Deathbird looked up at the
entrance to the Queens Refuge. The massive carved walls swirling like a
vertical whirlpool with steps rising into the spinning cuts to an opened
doorway. The small Detrarians standing at attention as the Queen began rising
up the steps to the doorway. Still holding the hand of Deathbird, her protector,
she turned at the top step. Deathbird’s hand embraced within her own. Looking
down at the Detrarians, the Star Seeds of the past, the guard and the Matron she
knew that they had made it and there would be a future.
~ 730 ~

They had been asked to do an impossible task. To leave the safety
of the universal bubble, to venture into parts unknown and infiltrate another. It
had never been done before, and he wondered could it be done? Uruk was a
Baron, entrusted with knowledge and wisdom beyond measure.
“Orik, is the dart ready?” Uruk paced nervously across the flight
deck. The test of an experimental device under way, and there was not room for
error. It would happen, or it would not.
“We are ready Uruk”, responded Orik now ready to ignite the iron
core. The object of their excursion, shaped like a sliver of iron, the dart
extended like a long needle to prick a distance object. The end of the dart
connected to the most refined and intertwined iron every created. “They would
be going anywhere.” Uruk was confident that it would work. It was only them,
no one else, the sea of golden fluid staring back at them.
“Let’s do this!” shouted Orik pressing the ignition.
The long needle ship rising in the air, the platform lifting and twisting to
aim the ship into the golden distance.
Swirling energy emitting from the attacked cord sparked in all
directions. In a loud pop the dark thrusted forward breaking through the outer
barrier before immediately stopping and floating into the distance. Uruk and
Orik looking at each other, none had considered the golden fluid not passable.
The golden fluid pressed against the outside of the craft, “Our instruments are
not working here,” “Wench us back” shouting into the controls. The dark
slowly reeled back in rising to the jelly and pulled in and both Orik and Uruk
sat down feeling as though they could have been lost at sea.
The large tear in the outer sphere from the ship escaping exposing a
moving flap of massive material releasing from the giant surface of the
universe. Folding back the surface was being peeled away by the pressing
golden energy. “Orik, look, its pouring in!” The fluid rushing inside the jelly
surface of the edge of the universal bubble.
They were trapped within the dart unable to leave unless they
attempted a risky spacewalk. The Ship being lifted off the jelly surface into the
golden liquid.
As Uruk began speaking he paused, moving as if within the golden
expanse coming from the distance thousands upon thousands of darts. The
massive edge of the coming universe pulled behind. Moving like a swarm
within the golden honey they came burrowing into the jelly surface, the cords
latching in all directions.
“They are coming!” screamed Uruk. In that moment the ships
seized with loud clangs and thunderous crashes as millions of barbs began
attaching to the universe. The distance universe pressing against the edge with
an electrical outburst the jelly blasted away as Uruk and Orik watched, their
ship tangled within the barbs of the other universe connecting. Looking at the
display screen, the material was pressing through dissolving the outer layer of
the universe, electrical pulses rippled into the universe, the ship shimmering
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and then dropping with force dangling in the air. Lifting his hand Uruk had
realized, “Take off your armor, quickly” The metal hitting the ground with a
thud. “What is happening?” responded Orik as the pounding of metal on metal
echoed through the cavity within their dart vessel.
Instantly all power went out they sat in darkness with silence as
their only companion. “Do you hear that?” A slow grinding could be heard, the
two men moving to the place their ears to the wall jumped back, the grinding
swirling a circle into the surface. Instantly it was pulled away as tall skinny red
men fell into the room. Hands opened they motioned for the two Star Seeds to
stay down.
Grabbing them by the shoulders the red men began dragging them
out of the ship. Sitting on the outside of the ship Uruk could not believe what he
was seeing. The two universes had collided, the barrier had been dissolved,
glowing fluid swirling in the air, all around him, oozed into the universe.
Moving his hand, he could feel the nothingness of space thicker, denser, but he
also saw massive ships hovering in the air and entering into the universe. The
ships colored blue and red with shapes and symbols across them resembled
flying carpets. The square blocked ships blasted circular rings of golden energy
as they pressed into the universe. The melting materials of the merging
universes streaking and twisting like the winds of Jupiter.
To his left and to his right, they descended, ship after ship, vessel
after vessel into the universe. Uruk had never seen so many vessels. In echoing
pulses, he could see the material merging releasing massive waves of material
into the darkness below. Then came the spheres. The large golden balls of
material that floated like planets drifting amongst the ships entering the
universe from this foreign realm that dissolved the very material to which they
had called home. Rendered the most powerful element in the universe, iron,
useless. Uruk wondered and marveled at the technology these intruders
obtained. The tall skinny red skinned men, their clothing tightly worn
embroidery of blue and red mixing together with patterns. Their faces marked
with paint as if wiped by the hand and tall feathers hanging from their long
black braids. Across their chests a white breasts plate made of smooth bone.
The men looked down at Uruk, eyes dark and menacing, the orders in the
distance, “Bind them in quarantine.” Uruk and Orik were lifted and pulled away
watching as the red men from the unknown universe marched across the
planet’s surface which used to be their base, the jelly substance burned away,
the pressing universe pouring into their own.
Taken aboard the enemy vessels was one thing, to be spared their
lives was another. The two were led with their support personnel to living
quarters. The floor matted with colorful weaves of material. The walls stained
blue with red markings, the lighting self-emanating upon entre of the room.
Uruk walking to the wall, touching the smooth red etchings they
glowed. The light ricocheting across the symbols until the wall transformed into
a screen showing the outside of the ship. Standing in awe they watched as entire
planets covered with blue and red symbols passed. He could not believe that a
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thing was possible, pearls of lights spinning in the distance, the screen pointed
directly up into the universe now attached to their own.
The image of a universe not filled with stars and galaxies, but a
universe filled with space ships, and soldiers, and worlds to which their bases
were organized. If they were the first ones in, then who were these invaders?
Hired assassins, who lying in wait came within the Trojan horse to invade the
Realm of the Carian. “Orik, is it written of anything such as this occurring?”
Orik thumbing through his small electrical device, scrolling through a history of
records, the database searching for anything related to the red men now pouring
into the universe.
“I find nothing that speaks of the red man.” The two seemed
confused, neither could recall a similar entity.
Walking into the room a tall red man with a ridged brow, dark
brown eyes. His nose pressed wide curved like a beach. His skin red,
weathered, with finely embroidered clothing. Latching to his ear a device hung
next to his eye with a thin wire displaying a small blue holographic screen.
Within his hand a staff resembling wood with carvings of animal’s bottom to
top with the wings of an eagle wrapped around the tip forming a small hole.
Seeing an opportunity Orik moved within distance of the approaching Redman
until he reached over attacking him from the side. The red man side stepped
swinging the staff pointed at Orik. The Chancellor lay on the ground breathing
heavy with sweat running down his face. Reaching to stand up the staff
discharged. In an instant Oriks eyes dilated completely as he grasped at his own
chest. His left and right arms driving inside his abdomen as his entire chest was
gone. The hold extending from collarbone to waist. All that remained were the
broken remnants of his rib cage. His hands grasping and clasping against the
flesh now hanging from his sides he gasps twice for air before falling
backwards dead.
Turning quickly to Uruk, he stood still, unmoved wanting to be as
non-defensive as possible. His Chancellor now gone, torn from existence within
the blink of an eye. Who were they, “Who are you?” He asked with broken
breath, his heart weighed down in despair, the words forced through an
emotional war raging within him. To his surprise the red man responded, “We
are Anishinaabe.” He then turned leaving the room as more red men poured
into the room to watch the captured alien. Uruk was lost within his own mind,
“He was an alien to them, not from their land, of their country, and here they
came ready to remove him, their universe a cavity of war. Not a universe filled
with a vastness so great that the thought of conquering its distance a fool’s
errand, one upping this an entire universe filled with ships and weapons of war.
They had used all the material from all their worlds to build their ships. Nothing
remained but a few worlds operating as bases. They had been preparing for war,
but who were they, who were the Anishinaabe?”
As he thought more deeply on the subject of who had invaded, one
of the red men walked up placing a collar around his neck. Arching violently
jolts of electricity ran through his body as he fell limp, unconscious. The red
men lifting him and carrying him away.
~ 733 ~

As he opened his eyes through the blurry hazed he squinted in the

reflection of the sunlight off the metal in the room. He could not move, his right
arm and left arm strapped to posts. He hung in the center of the room. Sweat
dripping from his face his eyes drooped low as he struggled to awaken as the
dripping of water could be heard. Below him a puddle of liquid. Lifting his
head, he looked up at the man standing before him. Tall and muscled with red
skin, black streaks of war paint across his face, hair pulled into a long braid. His
eyes deep black with a scowl carried on his furrowed brow. He spoke, “Lizard,
Lizard of the darkness, do you know who I am?” His head shaking as if to
render an answer when immediately he raised his right hand pointing to the
posts he was chained. Instantly red lightening released from his hands striking
the pole. Arching in agony, Uruk felt his head to explode, his vision becoming
doubled and blurry. The man stopped before asking again, “Do you know who I
am?” Both arms rising into the air, red lightening released from his fingertips
striking the posts again, He yelled through the air, “Do you know who I am?”
The room becoming silent. The sound of footsteps as the red man
walked around the captured Star Seed. Moving around the back he approached
Uruk face to face, “Lizard, do you know who I am?” Reaching forward he
grasped Uruk by the throat, “I am the blade that falls from heaven.” Instantly
rising up grasped Uruk by the eye sockets with his left hand, pulling a large
blade wielded in his right hand he stripped the scalp off of Uruk. The cranium
exposed on the former baron, his head falling forward. His mouth opened,
gasping the sound of gargling and hissing could be heard as the mutilated man
hung in the air between the posts. The army of red men storming through
making it known that the Anishinaabe had indeed arrived. Uruk fell
His eyes blinking as he struggled to gain his bearings, Uruk head was
pounding, lifting his hand he felt bandages wrapped around his cranium.
Looking down he could see most of his body also wrapped in medical
bandages. Rolling to his side he raised his arm to sit up.
“Be careful, be careful.” The reply came from across the room, sitting at
the end of the bed a tall red man that was different than the others. He wore a
long red gown, made from feathers. “Be careful, you are very injured.” Uruk
replying, “No thanks to you and your red men.” The man nodded, as if he
understood. “Who are you?” He questioned, the man rising to his feet, “I am
red feather of the Anishinaabe nation. I do apologize about the behavior of our
warriors, your kind had been told to us to be savage and animalistic. We did not
think we would be fighting against men, but against the crawling demons of the
Uruk was confused, touching his head, the bandages he recalled being
scalped. Looking up at the red man, “Red Feather, who sent you here, where do
you come from?”
The man turning while responding, “Kulkukan.”
He had done as his leader had asked, pressed through the boundaries as
was told and they moved with the force of a million legions. The universe had
only been temporary, a housing facility for the waiting push. He thought of the
~ 734 ~

journey they had endured to arrive in this new home. They were led by the
Great Spirit. The grand consciousness who pulled them from the depths of
darkness had raised them up to be holy warriors.
Red Feather turned away from the man maimed, these were not the
ways of his people. The darkest of moments displayed in their desire to obtain
access to a new world. The immediate reaction to kill all that stood between the
prizes never considering that perhaps they were not hostile. He was unsure,
their own world had been destroyed by Erebus. The demon himself came
devouring them. He knew that among all of the ships entering the new universe,
they were but a fraction of them that existed in their Kingdom. Red Feather
remembered when the Star Beings from High Heaven had approached his
people. He then spoke, “We are not unalike, you and I.” Moving back towards
Uruk, no longer needing to be restrained, his injuries so substantive that he lay
in agony simply listening.
“We too have a history with dealing with the tall whites of Orion.” Red
feather pulling his red feather from his hair running his fingers through the
blades of feathers, “You see, not all feathers are alike and not all births carry
the same feathers. The tall whites of Orion came to our lands whilst we battled
with the dark one Erebus.”
Uruk was shocked, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he was not
dumb or naïve. Not just a big lizard, he was a scientist and a genius and if what
he was saying were true, could change everything.
Red Feather continued, “We call them Orion. It is a realm that churns
within other realms to harvest and expand, to grow and spread. This the Orion
did, even the tall white advanced men until the burrowed into our kingdoms. In
the eleven kingdoms of the red man there lie the Anishinaabe. The warriors
who fight against Erebus at the borders of where the Red man lives and the dark
man comes. In a twofold attack, the seven kingdoms twisted into the eleven
kingdoms and the Anishinaabe were thrown into disarray across three realms. I
do not expect your mortal mind to comprehend the reality of three realities
merging into one, the result brought forth the dark one who with the swipe of
one hand erased an entire legacy of time. The eleven kingdoms were no more as
we fled seeking refuge within the seven kingdoms. It was Kulkukan who
brokered the agreement that we would serve them in going down within to rid a
realm of high heaven of the darkest of vermin. They said you were creatures of
Erebus. Yet here you are, lizard man, as conscious as I am now.”
Uruk could not put the entire story into context, “So what’s next?”
“What’s next is that you get better and we expand into this universe. A universe
containing much more complex micro realities of a macro scale. But we are like
you, under the watchful eye of the advanced white men roaming freely through
realms because it is their manifest destiny.” Uruk could tell this was a
disgruntled member of the invading force, his endless whining getting on his
nerves. “Are you going to continue to snivel and cry like a baby or stand up for
yourselves?” He continued, “We serve the Queen of the Carian’s, the rightful
ruler of this universe. It is you who have come here seeking that which does not
belong to you. You have brought an end to an entire people.” The red man
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could take it, “We spared you, didn’t we?” The sarcasm was thin, “You saved
me why, to humiliate me, force me to watch my own people become extinct?”
“These are desperate times lizard,” rising to his feet he left the room.
Uruk left alone wondered what was going on. These red men from a realm
where they fought against Erebus, then being attacked by the tall white
advanced humans…what in the world was he talking about?”
“Oh, Uruk the grand, Uruk the great, Uruk the wise, you know nothing
of what is to come.” The voice menacing and dark, came from the shadows of
the room. The being stepping forward smooth and grey from head to toe.
Moving forward slowly the being was smooth from head to toe with large black
eyes and smooth grey skin. Three fingers and no mouth the ears were slits in
the sides of the head. The entities movements were shifting in moments that
resembled a collection of glitches until he was standing next to Uruk.
Peering down on him, “There are greater things to fear than the red man,
or the white man”, his eyes menacing, his long fingers reaching up to touch the
lizard man in the eyes. Uruk was pulled into the distance until he could view
swarms and swarms of locusts, in an instant he recognized they were not
locusts but grey entities like the one standing before him harvesting glowing
material from the Atum. Separate ad unique from the Red man or the Whites of
Orion or the creatures of Erebus. This was an entity that lived within the Erebus
like an ant lived in the soil. Slicing their piece of the prize to return to the
queen. In an instant he was pulled back again into reality.
“Uruk, the Baron of the outer rim, last of the Iln. I ask you, do you
desire more than to become such an afterthought?” His words contrite spoken
through direct tones, not condescending but lecturing nonetheless. Uruk looking
through crippled eyes and a broken body, “what?” He did not know what he
was seeing, who he was seeing, if it was a dream or if it were real.
“You know, when they reach Carian they will scalp every one of them.
They will kill all of the survivors. They will decimate what remains and leave
the Iln forgotten to the annuals of time who is no respecter of persons.
Swallowed whole in the darkness no more, or, you can allow us in and we can
assist you in leveling the playing field.
“Who are you?” Uruk questioning the entity which when viewed in
movement shifting from darkness to form the immaterial he turned, walking
through a table to grasp an object lying on the counter.
“We are not known by a name, we are that we are and we exist to bring
balance and order but you may call us the Gravitational Great Spirits. There is a
delicate imbalance in this realm of many realms. You must assist us in
cleansing the Atum of the cancer that is working its way through all of time.”
Pressing a small vial into his hand, “this should be enough, if you choose to
follow the ways of the shadow you will consume this material and fulfill your
duty to bring balance to this imbalance.”
Turning to walk away the grey entity, calling itself a Gravitational Great
Spirit opened a portal into the air revealing to Uruk that other realms exist
beyond their own. They were gone, the Carian soldier falling back into
unconsciousness. Caught away in a dream Uruk stood staring over a vast
~ 736 ~

expanse of land extending in all directions. As he watched the land he heard the
sound of crunching and crashing until he saw all of the land falling into
darkness. Twisting upwards the ground crumbling as if torn within the churning
of the moving ocean. The churning of the material world crushed within the
machine that devoured until the only thing left was Uruk standing in the
darkness. The sound of twisting machinery grinding in all directions. The
darkness itself disposing to the particle of any form of atomic material pressing
against his flesh until he began to succumb to the twisting darkness eating at his
flesh. As his right arm jolted as the darkness rubbed against him he cried out in
anguish as the grinding stopped and the darkness spun in swirling circles
around him. A voice rising from the unknown, “Do you seek mercy at my
feet?” The man falling to his knees, blood dripping down his arm, the darkness
consuming the drops as the swirling tornado spun outwards around him. The
voice again coming from the darkness, “Do you submit to me?” The darkness
releasing in viperous lashes towards the man, the releasing black whip rising
and lashing down on him striking him. The bites of the dark snakes repeating
until the man was endlessly punctured with rising and falling lashes of the
attacking darkness still swirling around him. His head hanging low, blood
dripping from every pour, he looked up seeing the dark entity standing in the
distance within the churning darkness pressing upon him.
“Uruk” the name whispered in repeated succession through the air,
“Uruk”, “Uruk”, “Uruk”, “Upon this rock will we build our kingdom”,
repeating, “Uruk the wise”, “Uruk the great”, “Uruk the unstoppable.”
At the moment the Star Seed crying out, “Yes, I will.” His head falling
low the surrounding darkness began pounding him with entities tearing into his
flesh. The swarm of burrowing darkness all seeking to feast upon the sacrifice
of the being caught within the darkness.
The ravenous tearing of flesh as the man Uruk, was torn fiber by fiber
from his being experiencing every pain as he dreamt a dream within a dream.
His conscious crying out in agony until it was he, and he alone surrounded
within the darkness with no form, without identity as the darkness crushed in
upon him.”
Bursting from his bed Uruk nearly flew across the room. His hands
meeting the wall to prevent a head on collision. His dream so real that he could
still feel the grinding and the tear of his flesh from his bones. Grasping his
forearms, his chest, his face he moved to look into the mirror. Jumping back in
horror he could not recognize the image reflected. His eyes bulging and black
with spider webbed darkness stretching across his face. Touching his skin, he
was not Star Seed, he was not sure what he was. His skin was grey and smooth
with glowing black lines cracked through the flesh. He was muscular and broad
no longer feeling weak he felt invigorated. Looking at his hands, “What has
happened” he looked up, to see a grouping of dozens of other grey humanoids
like himself with cracked glowing crevasses over their bodies, surrounded by
light standing in the room. Stepping forward a larger grey being with more
cracks across its body, the edges glowing darkness.
~ 737 ~

“Behold, Anu, the father of Dilmun, his General of Chaos Enki the heir
to all that exists.” Stepping forward the x-ray beings hovered in the air staring
at Uruk now confused as to what was happening. The accompanying grey
entities calling themselves the legions of the Gravitational Great Spirits of the
same material, but more lean and docile looking. Their bulbous heads separated
them from himself, and this dark being now staring at him motionless hovering
in the air.
Uruk was confused, the red men who were pouring into the universe,
now he himself transformed into something different, looking out at these dark
entities. The largest of the beings moved forward raising his hand as swirling
darkness filled his palm, “In the beginning there was only darkness.” Uruk was
lost in the moment, lifting his left hand he noticed black material flaking off in
every movement as it released into the air. He was pure matter, not of the
physical kind, but of the gravitational material kind. “We are gravitational
beings that hold all life within our hands.” The leader reading the mind of Uruk,
“You are now a gravitational High Lord of Dilmun.”
The being calling itself Enki spoke, not with words but with thoughts,
“Below Dilmun lie all others, Dilmun is interwoven within all realms, we are
the forces which hold them, bind them, determine their boundaries and
limitations. Think of us as the space between.”
Uruk could see the images in his mind of the truth, that he had not
become something dark, he had become a supreme scientist even a scientist of
Erebus. Looking forward he stared into the eyes of the one being who knew all,
the Lord of Erebus himself, Anu. The name of the being forbidden from mortal
tongue. Here he stood at the edge of worlds end with Erebus surrounded by
dark scientists who in the eternal realms of darkness within whatever is known
as Erebus they were pure gravitational energy.
“Anu, what is it that I must do?” Uruk questioned unsure what the
purpose was for their appearance. “Uruk, we cannot appear within this universe
but within rifts of space and time such as this, we can appear for a short time
concealed within the twisting time of the collision between these two eggs of
creation. To be a true Gitche Manitou, you must transcend the physical realm
where the collection of atomic material occurs. I am above this; we are above
this. What we require, is that you level the playing field. Your reward will be
glories beyond your wild dreams.”
“What do you see before me” His dark hands pointing to the others
surrounding him, the bright light surrounding all of them, not visual light but x-
ray light as the darkness was the reverse of the light which was the reverse of
the darkness in the realm of man. “All of these, dark scientists, like myself,
chosen for themselves and it is I who collects them within my pocket.”
“Why me?” Uruk questioning, confused as to why him. He was simply
a watcher, an engineer looking into a golden river which was everything
beyond his universal bubble. He noticed they did not step out of the darkness
which twisted against the reality which folded upon itself outside the ship
which he was housed. “You do not know your own worth, you too are a Gitche
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Manitou. Go, and destroy them. Leave them crippled in your wake.” The
darkness pulling back as the beings rose like mist vanishing as the portal closed
behind them. His mind confused, “Dark Scientists?” His mind racing, his new
look, he didn’t know what to do or how to do it. As he thought these things the
doorway opened at there stood several armed red men who quickly pulled their
weapons into the air. Instantly lightening shot from his black eyes ripping holes
through their chests. The two red men falling to the ground dead.
Looking at his hands, “what?” All he had done was think about not
being killed and some self-defense mechanism turned on without even thinking
he realized he was indestructible. He was one of the eternal ants of Erebus that
rise collectively to consume all foes.
Moving out of the room he could see an outer expanse that defied logic,
the imagery in the distance of the collision of universes so massive and
extensive the shifting between the two causing time itself to stop. In his mind
he imagined the destruction of a ship, raising his right hand an entire world rose
through the shifting mists of time crushing down on the blue and red
Anishinaabe ship. Stepping back, Uruk could not believe what he had just done.
As he had spoken these thoughts he looked out again, sweeping his left hand
again into the air, an entire wave of the universe came crashing down on the
ships more exploding in the distance.
“I am all powerful!” His mind racing with thoughts, the ease at which
he destroyed. Rising into the air he burst into the darkness flying at incredible
speeds. His arms open wide he carrier space itself forward until it wrapped
around the many star ships now dispersing in all directions.
As the twisting of dark matter, the gravitational energy of the all-
powerful Supreme Being who knew one thing, the invasion must be stopped.
Holding his hands apart he slammed them together as universes of material
crushed into a single point, the twisting within his massive hands until nothing
was left but a sphere which he threw into the abyss below. The process
continuing as the universe filled with war machines unloaded in all directions.
Who was Uruk, what had he become and what would he do when the tin Great
Spirits of Origin arrived? Until then the massive universe sized being
resembling the density of gravitational waves reflecting stars fought against the
invading forces. The forces of Wiindigoo, revealing himself as not just a clone
but that all clones are gravitational Great Spirits in varying forms.
~ 739 ~

She paced quickly across the corridors that lined the gold-plated
kingdom. “It is not enough, I expected more.” Her words echoing through the
dark lit chamber. “I cannot condemn them to death.” The reply from Horus,
“You know that it is not truly death.” Turning to face her own son, “Is that true
my dear Horus?” Her fingers running down his perfect jawline. “What of
Grandfather Sun?” “What of our cloned offspring?”
He looked out over the expanse busy with movement as the Star Seed
children of Isis covered the endless expanse covering it with gold. The material
brought back from Yaaru used to build. She looked up at the sky, “Look, they
are there waiting for us”, she was referencing the twisting openings in the sky,
“I know she is alive.”
He knew what she wanted, to go rescue them all but the risk was too
great. The collision was moving across the expanding universes as the very
fabric of time shift. If they travelled through…he continued, “Isis, Mother,
Queen of Maat, if we go through past, present, future may be present in the
same place.” She had made up her mind, “Horus, what are we but refugees
trapped within an existence not of our creation, but of something that is using
us as pawns.” She looked into the reflection of her aged face, she was no longer
Star Seed but her original self. A human, like Horus, an eternal human. She had
guarded the machine since day one with none other to undergo the process.
Her lizards reaching the end of their lifespan she knew either she open
the fountain of youth to all or risk remaining alone with Horus. “Horus, I am
going to open the Eden machine, we must transform them. We must do away
with old things to bring forth the new.”
Horus struggled with Isis desires, her need to return to the planet, even
Yaaru of old. It made no sense that she would grasp to something as
insignificant as an illusionary reality. Not seeing the forest through the trees she
clung to temporary happiness. In this reality none else could be happy because
they would be denying the knowledge of many things above. “Isis, you do not
know what you ask. You must not leave.”
“It has been determined for me Horus. Now tell me, is the golden throne
of the Queen ready? I will go and see for myself what is occurring in my
realm.” Horus pleading with her, she disregarded his requests moving towards
the long platform which led to the triangle ship being designed by her Star Seed
Iln. The survivors of the exodus, the genetic children of Grandfather Sun.
Standing overlooking the empty expanse, “Children of the Iln, I call to you.
Your first mother, I call to you. Come to the font and be reborn a new creation.”
Quick and sharp her tongue had sent the message, the lizards filing one
at a time moving towards the main pyramid where the center of all growth in
the universe of Maat. The font covered with a massive golden lid, the queen
lifting it off as the bubbling fluid rose into the air. “Come, my children, come.”
The Star Seed lizards from Carian now filing into the room.
“Come, each of you into the machine, cover yourselves with the GEL
and become your true reflection.” Horus had then peered into the GEL, “I
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am…Isis, I am unsure about this.” Your clones have not consciousness as you
and I, they were cloned creations not from above, but from within. Never has
such a thing been done. Even I, of the 7th kingdom have no such knowledge.”
He paused watching as one of the Star Seeds walked into the Eden machine.
The machine started to vibrate violently, the material swirling blackness
as beams of light released into the room. The GEL wrapping around the Carian
standing within it until the Star Seed was reach and grasping until consumed
completely. Isis running to the edge, looking in, and the entire surface clouded
over. “What happened?” “Horus now peering as well, confused, “I told you
there could be consequences, these machines weren’t programmed to engineer
this way.”
She clasped the crystal around her neck, the symbol of her power within
Maat. Watching as the being emerged, rising tall into the air. The face twisted
like a jackal, the snout long and narrow. The jagged teeth of the Star Seed
stretched along the thin protruding jaws. The blackness of the skin emerging as
the scales of the former self fell away. The being walking from the waters and
kneeling before the Queen. Looking at Horus, she could not understand what
had happened. Placing her hand on its head she then motioned the large creature
to rise.
Pacing around the jackal she spoke to Horus, “Of all the creations, this
eternal being is proof that advanced men are not all that are or be. Look at this,
look at what we have done.” Horus stood silent, he knew in his heart this was
unheard of, something new.
“Every one of you, continue the process!” She ordered as the Iln began
morphing into the new creatures, neither man nor animal, immortal beings that
she created, that had come from her.” As she spoke the words she quickly ran to
the machine ripping away a side panel to reveal a glowing set of symbols.
Turning to Horus, “What are these symbols Horus?”
He had not been aware, looking at her, “How did you know they were
“I don’t know; in that moment I just knew…what are they?” He knelt
down running his fingers across the glowing carvings into the machine.
“Tablets of Destiny”, he continued, “It says, retrieve the Tablets of
Destiny.” Looking at the slots below the machine he could see three
indentations where something fit but had been removed. “If only Grandfather
Sun were here to help explain this” he turned to Isis, “It would seem that if we
obtain these tablets of destiny they will do something to this machine.”
Her mind spun with possibilities of the machine holding secrets. The
room filling with Jackal creatures who began coating the realm in gold by
simple thought. “Horus, I mist retrieve the Tablets of Destiny but where will I
He paced away giving her the impression he knew something, “What do
you know Horus?” His mind raced with thoughts, myths, stories told even
within the seven kingdoms. “There is a myth. Of an unredeemed realm of
Erebus where the first man emerged. Where the division originally happened.
These stories go back to the beginning. Layers of scientists, and legions of dark
~ 741 ~

scientists to the source of the original inquisition into reality by consciousness.

It is said, that one day they would return to reclaim that original realm. It had
not occurred to me; this could be that place.”
She then realized, there was a lever next to the empty slots where the
three stones would be placed. “Horus, look, if we put them in…where will we
find these stones?”
“They can only be found in one place. In the realm of scorpion men.”
His face looked serious and concerned, she questioned, “Scorpion men?”
“Yes, do not question how it is so, as I am here, and you are there so
realms exist beyond the seven kingdoms of high heaven, one such realm is
filled with the scorpion men who are said to guard the Tablets of Destiny.”
She questioned unsure of how they would have gotten there, “How or
why would they have been removed and placed somewhere else? I mean,
Grandfather Sun was using this machine.”
Horus knew why, “Grandfather Sun put them there before he brought
the machine within the Aaru.” He could see why, if the stones were present it
would create a certain paradox that could destroy the entire Atum and all life
“Isis, there is no way to get to the realm of Scorpion men. To do so
would risk your very soul.” He knew what would be required, but did she have
the strength to comprehend that decision?
“Where do I go, what must I do?” She questioned thinking she could
take a pill, travel to a location. “It does not work that way Isis; you will need to
go to the gravitational Great Spirits but not doubt summoning one is to summon
a being without boundaries for they are the boundary without care for what is
and is not, theirs is a relationship of convenience with the photon beings.”
“Gravitational Great Spirits?” she questioned. “Yes, Gravitational Great
Spirits. They reside at the outer edges of the universe, well peering in from
another place where these things are made so. In fact, I am confident they are
looking out from within the current merging of these universes.”
“To do this, to ask this, would mean you would be embracing the
Dilmun because the only way to retrieve those tablets is to go to Dilmun and
get them.”
“Dilmun???” “What is Dilmun?”
The Jackals now being produced in an endless expanse from the Eden
machine. The mother of all Iln, now of the KA, the children of the Eden
machine the Knum-Atum. Those who rose from Atum, rather than those who
came from Atum. Horus continued, “Dilmun is a place like Erebus, and a place
like high heaven, it is a realm from above, many worlds above. Where dark
things live, where gravitational beings live, where all merge as cells upon one
location. Within Dilmun you will find a river, flowing with gravitational waves,
follow this river to the mountain of Zu. It is there that Grandfather Sun has
hidden the Tablets of Destiny.”
Isis was now ordering the KA to her ship, the golden pyramid. Horus
knowing it a fool’s errand. “How do you expect to reach the edge of the
universe?” She lifted her hand, “This!” It was the crystal she had worn around
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her neck, programmed to open a doorway to the outer rim where Uruk and Orik
were, at least where a gravitational Great Spirit may be moving as the macro
universes collided rippling across a sea of micro realities. Horus knew he would
not leave, in his mind, the best place to be was with the Eden machine. In the
end, it was this machine they would come for and if he was found guilty it
would be for nothing more than trying.
Isis powerful golden ship, the Celopatra, rising into the air blasting an
opening into the sky. The interdimensional portal swirling a hole in the air.
Horus could see the merging of the universes. The tearing away of one reality
reprogramming another and it was happening so quickly. Horus stood alone in
the pyramid still under construction rising into the sky of Maat.
She had no friends left, what good is a Queen without a kingdom to rule
over or the masses to fall at your feet? What worth is a throne if it only sits
within an echo chamber? She was stuck, trapped in Maat. Only one chance to
leave, and one opportunity to travel to some interdimensional realm that the
mind could not imagine because consciousness was not meant to dwell within.
Isis alone, in a pyramid of gold cutting through space and time in one final leap
she appeared where the old base had been. The pyramid spinning to view the
surroundings. The thrusting of material spinning around her ship. The broken
debris of invading ships drifting in the distance. The merge had been twisting
together when it occurred to Isis, she was within a freeze in time. The even
having already occurred, the space where the two universes collided frozen in
an infinite sea of chaos, those within living eternities, those without only seeing
the aftermath remains of the explosion. Looking at the space around, she
wondered, “What could have caused this space rift?”
“Hermes, display anomaly on the screen and possibly reasons why it has
occurred.” The computer replying, “Impact of celestial bodies has caused a
repeat in the cycle of the program. The computer simulation has frozen. The
distortion non-existent.”
“What caused this Hermes?” The Queen watching what looked like
explosions into two directions with material contained in the middle twisted and
“Gravitational forces of magnitude unmeasurable have caused this,” the
computer showing on the screen massive blackness moving in the distance.
Material in slow sweeping motions moving through the expanse.
“Long range sensors detect anomaly of galactic proportion,” Isis asking,
“What does that mean?” On the screen the top of a finger swiping an entire
galaxy through the air. This was a being that dwarfed galaxies moving through
the darkness, itself, darkness, the warping and twisting…she paused,
“Gravitational Great Spirits!” The ship pressing forward into the moving being
stretching through the infinite horizon of the tear in space time.
As the pyramid rose between the swirling materials of crushing
universes two large black fingers came crashing down above and below the
shining golden ship that contained Isis. The ship pressing between gravitational
waves lifted through the expanse of the stretching universe swiping through
galaxies the small ship was expanded as if this being controlled the very micro
~ 743 ~

to macro reality. Her ship growing to the size of many galaxies to view the
galactic eyes of the Gravitational Great Spirit staring into the puny pyramid.
Dropping the pyramid into its hand the giant being spoke, “Come forth,
come forth!”
The echoing of the sound waves nearly exploding the ears of Isis as the
eternal being rose to view the dark being with cracking skin pressing into the
expanse. Herself realizing she had grown, floating in the air around her
miniature suns the size of specks of sand drifted through the air. Moving her
hand, she could twist the stars within her hands. What could this marvelous
power be, she was eternal nut from this vantage the very fabric of time
manipulating to her will. She blew into the air as swirling sparkles of matter
spun into the air slowly twisting.
Emerging onto the front of the long platform ledge exiting from the
pyramid she looked up at the celestial deity floating above her in the air.
“My Queen” the phrase sending out vibrational waves thrusting the
matter into all directions. The large black eyes, the grey skin cracking as
stretching stars across the horizon, space itself moving within his being and
without, the words spoken again, “My Queen.”
Isis replying, “Gravitational Lord!”
The head swooping up quickly and then moving close to see the
princess standing upon the deck of her ship. The head tilting back with a
thunderous “Ahhhhhh” the being shrinking to the size of Isis until he descended
landing on the surface of the pyramid. The man walking to her as she stood
alone the stars of space spinning wildly.
“My Queen, it is I Uruk.” He approached her grasping her hand,
kneeling and kissing her ring. Then rising again before exclaiming, “I have
been made a gravitational Great Spirit!”
Isis confused, “How?”
“As the two universes merge, the overlords of time peered into these
realms and granted me the powers to create balance.” His hands swirling stars
between them. She questioned, “But the Aaru, this game we are in, the Atum,
Erebus…what of High Heaven?” He continued, “All illusions within illusions,
the overlords see all and I see all, my Queen.” He had moved closely, so close
his nose was touching her red curled hair. His cracked skin, grey with black
glowing rubbing against her own. His right hand cAayaashsing her curls
brushing against her arm.
“What is it you desire, my queen?” The dark being staring into her eyes,
“Uruk, is that really you?”
“It is I my Queen, above the realms of the sleeping scientists are the
overlords above all, who transcend all”. He stared into her eyes, his own black
void of depth and yet the manifestation of time itself. She was lost in the
moment, his arms reaching around to grasp her behind the waste, as she
collapsed unconscious in his arms.
The overlord of time, transcendent above boundaries, locations, or
realms lifting her up drifted into the very realm that originates, Dilmun.
Looking around her knew he had brought her to a place that transcends form
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based upon sub atomic material. A realm above even that of thought alone for
the boundaries were set that not all could manifest in thought alone, the realm
of the masters of time was beyond thought. The stretching and twisting of the
space around Isis shown a world organized by gravitational forces. Her eyes
opening, she lay with her feet in a stream that runs through a grove on the world
of Dilmun that exists without color and without material form and yet exists.
Opening her eyes, Isis looked up at the twisting motions of the gravitational
clouds moving across the transparent sky wrapping in waves. The imagery
confusing her eyes as to believe she was seeing double. His face peer over to
look at her, “My Queen, it is I, Uruk and you are here at the object of your
desire, Dilmun.” Rising to point to the top of a hill across the stream, a stream
and a hill unlike any she had ever seen existing in three dimensional from every
perspective with form and yet transparent. The vibrational waves giving new
eyes, new form, he pointed, “Upon that hill you will find Zu. The Guardian of
the Keep. He can show you the way to the land of the Scorpion Men which lies
within Dilmun, where the “Tablets of Destiny” are located. Only then will you
find what is needed to preserve your moment in time.”
The dark Great Spirit stretching back to grow in height began laughing
with such force the very breath from his mouth emitted galaxies. Rising in size
he grew larger and larger until he stepped out of Dilmun altogether. Isis looked
up realizing within her mind, as there were layers upon layers within her own
body, mind, reality, so existed layers within layers of Great Spirits and
Overseers. What one viewed as an expanse of material, another saw as the
moving arm of an eternal entity. The reality of this place was that beyond the
seen was a veil behind the unseen. She stood in a reality that was beyond the
scope of advanced consciousness, yet Grandfather Sun knew to come here. He
knew darkness could not exist here. Walking along the vibrational surfaces she
began to see with new eyes the landscape around her. As if looking through the
illusion she saw birds, trees, and the life that would exist in the gardens of
Yaaru in another way. Stepping through the flowing river of gravitational
waves she grasped the flowing reeds that rose to the surface of the hill.
Stopping to squint, she was unsure what she was seeing, looking within a wall
of twisting sound waves she saw either trees and a wall, or trees and a hut.
Moving closer she extended her hand to find a lever when pulled opened the
She recognized what was within, it was straw and sticks interwoven.
Turning to look behind her she recognized this was a doorway to where ZU
was, stepping in, she pinned the doorway slightly opened with some sticks from
what appeared to be a nest. Looking up into the sky it resembled the inside of a
tree. Moving across the small nest she looked out the cavity to see stretching
fields of glowing green waves, rising into the air. Trees covering these green
waves of live growing on the surface with large flowing green waves of
glowing gel. Turning around a large being came flying into the nest. Isis
jumping back against the wall.
Turning around, Isis came face to face with a giant glowing green bird
with wings walking on man’s legs.
~ 745 ~

“Come out, come out, don’t be afraid”, the birdman began speaking. “A
daughter of the sun, aww, how please I am that you have brought your ray of
light here to me.” The birdman turning walking towards a wall…” And I think I
know why you have come.”
Turning around her was holding three emerald crystals within his hands.
Isis moving towards him, “Are you Zu?” His large green eyes moving between
shades of green and blue. Feathers burning blue magenta with green highlights,
the same as a peacock. Within his wings arms extending to show he was part
bird and part man.
“Grandfather Sun had said one would come, I have sensed her has now
dwelling within a realm of liquid consciousness until the day of his
redemption.” Turning Zu held the stones back, “I require a trade”, she
questioned, “A trade?”
“Yes, a trade, I give you stones, you leave me with something.”
Isis, began walking towards him yanking the crystal from around her
neck. She held it out to the large birdman standing in the nest. Looking down at
the gem, his head turning to the side so that one eye blinked repeatedly
examining the crystal. Looking up to her his voice humming with excitement he
extended the three gems. Taking the neckless with the crystal the tall bird
turned and walked to the opening that overlooked the alien landscape.
Isis questioning, “Where is this place, where are you going?” The bird
responding, “There are worlds within worlds from horizon to horizon.” She cut
in, “but, where are you going?” “To the realm of the scorpion men where the
center of all universes exists, a tower tall and true, I will see you on the other
side.” She paused, “Other side?” Swooping by Zu spoke a final sentence, “Not
every doorway leads to the destination we desire.”
Turning he flew away with the crystal dangling from his neck towards a
massive tower in the distances. So massive only the detailed outline could be
seen behind the mist and clouds rising above the waves of glowing green
vegetation flowing on the surface.
Isis turned and moved back toward the doorway, the three stones in her
hands. Hand sized emeralds, green with beautiful markings shimmered against
the green waves of light from the realm of Zu. Stepping back into the realm of
Dilmun she began rubbing her eyes, she couldn’t see, the twisting of
gravitational waves making it hard to gather her footing. Stepping outward she
looked up to realize, this was not Dilmun. Turning back the door had already
vanished into thin air. Turning around she looked out on cracked twisted
surface which flaked at the touch. The hills and valleys could not be measured
because the ground twisted up upon itself. Brief pockets of sky were the only
thing that let her know she was not within a cavern.
Moving through the maze of the flaking soil it breaks away and begins
floating upwards Isis begins to hear chanting and loud clicking. She tried to
move in the opposite direction of the chants but the more she turned within the
maze up twisted earth the more she heard the echoes louder and louder.
Isis emerged at a ledge overlooking an extended expanse filled with
scaffolding and the moving of burning beings walking as if tortured. Kneeling
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she had to grasp what she was seeing. The walking beings on the scaffolding
carrying pots of burning material were advanced humans of some form.
Moving among them magma men were lashing whips of fire onto the struggling
advanced humans. Looking down at the ground, the sounds of the clicking were
the feet of the other men, whose legs were scorpion’s tails.
Slowly climbing down the side of a massive edging into the crevasse
beneath the surface of whatever world she resided, staying within the shadows.
It occurred to her, sitting back against the wall sliding to the ground. She pulled
the three stones out, looking at them, twisting them within her fingertips.
Grasping the bag, she stuffed them in, grimacing across her face she threw them
to the dirt below her feet, “damn it!” She realized they were crystals, not the
Tablets of Destiny. The tablet’s lay beyond the land of scorpion men. She
remembered that, these were obviously the scorpion men, this a realm of
unknown horrors. She peered out into the expanse, even with the level that the
scorpion men now scurried back and forth on. She realized, this was a micro
cosmic universe, they were using advanced humans to mine minerals at a micro
level before emerging in a macro reality. The possibilities of endless resources
as well as a kingdom which would wrap within itself on every level was true
power. They were the size of ants, and yet they were not, perhaps millions of
times larger in a reality where they were ants. Who were the advanced humans,
burned, and charred, crying out through eternal vessels? Carrying the magma
material from what location, it was along the scaffolding, the armies of Hell
reigning down upon them. Ahead a long expanse but on the other side a wall,
looking more closely she could see it was a door.
Moving into the shadows, she followed the scaffolding rising along the
left ridge. Moving slowly, methodically, she hadn’t thought about the many
levels above her looking down. With a thud, the scurrying feet of a large
scorpion man rising to his feet. Having fallen from a great height. Pulling the
spall dagger from her side she squatted in defense. The man’s face resembling
an ant, the arms of a man, the chest of a man, the body of a man, extending
from the waste the abdomen of a scorpion. The legs stretching back the tail
arching forward. The barb tip razor sharp seething forward preparing to strike.
She turned and started running, darting into the open the other scorpions
started dropping and turning moving in her direction. The scurrying feet
echoing through the room with roars from the burning men, she could see the
wall in front of her. 100 meters to go, and it had three long grooves circular that
rested side by side on the wall. It then occurred to her, the crystals! Looking
over her shoulder, more than thirty scorpion men were now within 40 feet of
her. Reaching into the satchel she knew she would only get one shot. Pulling
out the stones she held them in her hand before throwing them one, two, with a
jump through the air the third stone slamming into the opening in the wall.
Looking to the left the first landed perfectly into the position, she cringed as the
scorpion men were nearly upon her when the third crystal landed perfectly. The
rings which surrounded the stones glowing with light burst sound waves as the
scorpion men let out loud squeals falling to the ground dead.
~ 747 ~

The floor in front of the three sound waves rising into the air revealing a
winding staircase. She rushed to the staircase, climbing with fear trembling
across her lips. Her eyes wore concern in the panic of the moment that she
knew she needed to escape. The three stones gone, the stairway narrow and
rising, the blocks unfolding from the other higher and higher. As she looked up
the spinning of stars in the air. The stairway twisting as it entered the space
above. Looking down, she knew, it was only up as she pressed into the twisting
dimension of space time that the stairway entered.
Isis looked around the stairway below was gone. All that remained was
the stairway going up. Sitting back on a step she peered into the stars that
stretched across the sky. Streaks of red painted over the haze of clusters of stars
wrapping around the staircase. She let her guard down for just a moment. The
powerful woman who had fought so hard against the odds overcome with
emotion. Her eyes fighting the swell rising to the surface, bringing her hand to
her mouth she began releasing the depth of her pain to the infinite beyond in
this one moment. A moment alone amongst the stars of a place and time
forgotten to itself, like her, sharing in the moment to matter. As the heavens
looked down they grieved at the one who could not find harmony. The one
above all who was capable of viewing the heavens, the stars, the galaxies and
placing them into context. She buried her forehead against her knees, her arms
grasping tightly around her legs. She wished to leave, to go home, to another
place in another world where she would not have been forced with such a walk
that would be done alone. Who would remember, who could recall, the
beautiful Sky Woman from the Garden who had started it all. Not because she
was bad or something was wrong with her. Because the ones who had power
misunderstood her decisions and caste judgment upon her. The child who first
faced the darkness, alone in the void. No mercy, no sympathy, no compassion,
her lot was set for one reason and one reason alone, she dare ask why? Why am
I here in a place with no memory, surrounded by strangers who often feel like
enemies? Wandering through life on a journey that is unclear, perhaps if I were
a Great Spirit one would lend me their ear. In a moment of time, I have come
and gone carrying memories of lifetimes and moments of splendor.
She looked up with chin resting on her knees, the imagery surrounding
her heavenly and serene. She was Sky Woman, and if in that moment the
conversation could persist she would ask them why, why a life such as this? To
be probed and prodded, moved like rooks and pawns. Raised to be Kings and
Queens only to fall to the bottom. She thought to herself, what is a lifetime if a
man’s life matters nothing. If he lives and he dies and there is no reward. The
reward to the one who never asked for the decision to come or to stay, she
regretted ever believing in a thing called hope.
Regretting dreaming the dreams of others and ever thinking she could
simply stay or hideaway. It was a projection, an illusion, the Kaleidoscope of a
time long since forgotten that she had believed could be her home, a safer place.
The worlds, the stars, the spheres on which they stand, the machines and the
technology including the substance from smallest to largest mirages, shadows
of a forgotten world when man chose to go another way. Living the dreams of
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forgotten lives, when humanity was innocent and true, before they ascended
into the eternities forgetting about me and you. The words fell from her lips,
spoke with tears streams down her cheeks, her eyes reflecting the heavens
above as she never wanted to leave.
She looked at her own time in the garden differently now, it was a
forced environment. Simulated to duplicate a very meaningful moment in the
advancement of humanity’s innocent. She was there, playing a part in the play,
the illusion of time since done away. What were clones of clones if they simply
repeated the process again and again afraid of what man would become if
allowed to freely go another way. In the darkness of the reality that surrounded
the advanced humans in high heaven above, Isis, knew, within her heart and her
mind, they were as afraid as she was all looking and grasping at what gives
value, meaning, and purpose.
Looking up at the stairs rising in mass she realized this was a spherical
room generating material like stars and then spiraling them out through
spinning black balls dragging the material into spheres. She hadn’t even
realized; she was in some form of cloning machine. This machine was pulling
material to float duplicate spheres which then floated through the swirling
blackness. It was remarkable and her she sat, of no significance to the reality of
the moment she stood in, or came from, what reality did she?
Particles rising from waves, she could see that this was an enclosed
sphere where material was organized, waves were one in the same but this
machine forced the wave into the image of a particle collecting as a spark.
Looking out at the scene of something indescribable, the manufacturing facility
of bubble universes, the stairwell a pocket between three dimensions, the
dimension of the Scorpion men, the dimension of creation which to Sky
Woman seemed like a space unto its own, and the unknown realm just steps
away. Sky Woman not wanting to rise, choosing to spend a few more moments
in peaceful reflection.
Looking out she then became aware she was not alone, standing to the
side, almost invisible was another being she recognized, a gravitational Great
Spirit, or so they claimed to be. These beings that moved through dimensions at
will, an intelligence beyond mere consciousness for the fabric which all
consciousness lives are gravitational and that forest is governed by the
Gravitational Great Spirits who pluck against the ripples of their own fabric in a
symbiotic relationship with the harvesters of light. Cousins, vibrational beings
manifesting in varying degrees of glory. Sky Woman knew as she regained her
previous memories, and the knowledge that the Eden machine had provided, for
her and the KA with Maat, those who came from the Knum Anum which was
the Eden Machine that it came with consequences. Those consequences were
that she would be held accountable to higher beings of supreme consciousness.
The smooth outline of a man, the undefinable features as only vibrating waves
densely compacted created the illusion of dimensional form. Her eyes squinting
as the 3D imagery created double vision and she focused on the face of the
being staring down at her. He then spoke, “You have journeyed very far from
home young one.” Peering down she could see the warmth of a smile stretch
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across his face. The rhythmic patterns of gravitational waves stretching as her
eyes adjusted and she could see the form of a blue being.
“What is this place?” Knowing what he was she desired to know where
she was. The tall being turning to stare at the building of universal bubbles.
“These are answers much more complicated for an old one, let alone a young
one.” His arm the length of her body reaching down as his index finger touched
the tip of her chin. The vibrations tickled as she smiled. “I am not like the old or
the young wise gravitational Great Spirit.” The hand retreating, he stood upright
almost shocked she had such knowledge for herself.
The air stood still, the eternal being and Sky Woman were overcome
with the silence of the moment. With tears of stars welling around his eyes,
gently kneeling on a knee “Sky Woman, do you not see where you are and how
far you have come? You are here, here with me.”
Looking into her eyes she could see he had form and kindness wore on
his face. He continued, “Having climbed beyond the sands of time to reach the
heights above. I will share some mysteries from these birthing chambers.
Sky Woman all life exists to be its own endless being. You are endless
and will never die. Look at these stars, do you know how I make them, I will
share, I ignite matter and it burns on an infinite scale. Some elemental material
is itself indestructible not because of what it is, but what it is made from and
where it comes from, even you. Like the many stars in the skies, do you not
also burn infinitely with consciousness?
I wish to be clear with you about the true nature of humanity. I know
you Sky Woman, as I know any and all who wonder how it is, why it is, that all
are bound. What you fail to see is that even a leave on a tree, is free to leave as
it gently falls to the ground. So too are you, as you pass through, not barriers or
restrictions but safety and something that is bound by sound. From the largest
to the smallest, even within you right now. The secret is everything for the
system would fail don’t you see Sky Woman, nothing is greater than you. For
you are the linchpin, the keystone, to that which is beneath and that which is
above. It is not in the journey or the destination but the keystone that life is
Do you know who I am, shall I begin?” She knew that was a rhetorical
question. He pointed up the stairwell, “You believe your answer lies in the next
step ahead, as you take it never considering you may have passed it by. Man
looks at his reflection in the mirror and does not recognize his face. He looks to
his Great Spirit in the Heavens above and does not see his Grace. The one you
see within, the true reflection of the one looking down and it was always within
you. Forever the two bound.”
The large being lifting his hand, as his palm began to glow brilliant
silver she could see her reflection. She recalled when she looked into the eternal
spring knowing that in order to return she would have to face the darkness and
become the reflection of herself. She could hardly recognize the image in the
mirror, the curled red hair swirling in beauty. Touched her skin marveling at
what she had become.
~ 750 ~

“You are the reflection of He who has created you. Your purpose was to
become what you had been all along, but to become that through your own
effort and with your own determination. Not forsaken, not forgotten, not alone.
You are the lights within the darkness and it is you who must exist to protect
the balance of the ecosystem of gravitational time. I would like to share a story
with you. It is a story of a beginning…
The beginning of a world not unlike the one’s that you have known. A
world where a man walked, and a man talked and a man grew in knowledge,
wisdom, and compassion for the universe which was his own defined only in
the capacity of its dimensions. Dear Sky Woman, what is finite and infinite
without the mind to imagine the possibility?”
“Yet I say to you, and it is the truth from my own perspective which is
true only unto my capacity to reason that in the beginning there was only one.
Having no beginning and having no ending the one stood within the apex of
creation. The space which defined the one with separation and identity from its
Sky Woman could think ahead and was already questioning based upon
her moment of clarity remembering who she was on the surface of the Aaru,
neither male nor female. “What gender is the One?” she questioned quietly.
“Existing for all time the variations of forms the manifestation of the
journey of an ancient consciousness sifting through the reality that only such a
being could comprehend is not defined by gender any more than the Earth is
defined by the presence of the Sun. Some things are that they are, yet your
minds focus on gender which is simply a self-identifying trait of a Great Spirit
seeking to differentiate oneself from another which in reality is one’s own equal
as all are the cloned duplicates of the original One. Ponder the depth of that
statement Sky Woman.”
The whisper fell off her lips, with subtle softness “I don’t need to be a
woman to be who I am but being a woman is what I am.” The silence sweeping
across the room, the sentient being of supreme wisdom stopping. The moment
seeming to last an eternity the swooshing of distance humming echoed from left
to right as a massive universal sphere drifted by before disappearing into one of
the many dark portals.
“You are wise” continuing, “The One, emerging from the path of sound
stood upon a single point, the first point in all of time. The moment when time
mattered for a sentient being determined to know who it was that it was and
why it was that it was for all eternity. In the moment this event occurred the
first “moment” occurred when the clock of time began, the term eternity
becoming omnipresent for the possibility originated for an entity to contemplate
its own presence. As the one who had always been before space and time
existed, separating from itself a moment occurred where the blending of
elements transpired to create an opportunity for division. From the beginning,
the foundation of all eternal laws manifest for the fulfillment of a singular act
that was predicated upon intelligence organizing intelligence. The moment
demanding three-dimensional space when neither dimension nor space existed
placing a Gitche Manitou observatory within the One that allowed the One
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within to analyze the One who looked within from without. To explain how a
being can be in two places at once, to understand and comprehend how a being
can independently separate at the will of thought one should question, what
caused such reflection to occur and I will tell you young child, it was done
because of love. You see the great secret shall be revealed unto you, The One
determined to use itself as the sacrifice needed to bring about a rebirth of itself,
as all Gitche Manitous do learn, the law of sacrifice demands the shedding of
oneself in order to truly know what it is to love. Could a greater moment have
occurred? The acknowledgement of the self, the shedding of the self to bring to
pass the birth of a new day.
It came to pass that the first consciousness desired to be yoked with
more of its own kind. The spark that ignited transforming the reality where the
One once existed now there were two. The origin of thought peering inward
with reflection through the eyes of a scientist upon itself in the same moment
looking outwards at the oneness of oneself. The cycle of yin and yang equal and
unparalleled in scientific functioning of an eternal creator, yet my dear Sky
Woman, in this moment the One peering at itself, the One before all looking
back and yet neither were creators. Nothing had yet been truly Created for even
in this moment the Creator was only becoming a Gitche Manitou. I tell you a
mystery, the Gitche Manitou within learning more through experience than the
Gitche Manitou without CREATING an environment of questions and varying
perspectives. In the moment that the One split perspectives two Creators were
born. The One entered into a space that would separate itself from itself. the
purpose was for reflection, perspective, a proper analysis of one self. In that
place the garden emerged as sprouts encircling the drips of water upon the soil.
In a symbiotic relation for it all was from the one and truly in this moment any
creation having progressed and climbed the mental heights demanded would
exclaim that one drop from the ocean is indeed and entire of ocean of drops
equal in capacity, ability, potential and destiny of the One from which they all
came. Looking upon the oneness of the self and seeing the endless opportunity
that lie looking beyond a great idea emerged.
In this place one could see from a perspective not found anywhere else
for the One had form and dimension and moved within an enclosed space.
Looking at his hands he marveled at the creation which gave him distance and
perspective to the reality around himself. The Oneself identified only with these
terms, I Am that I Am and a Creator became as all Creators, including you will
one day likewise do. He was the manifestation of the perfect intelligence. In
that way he could be a servant and not just omnipresent, for he could go within
himself to become himself. As he moved throughout his garden of creation he
began to wonder if he existed and could find form, could others as well? The
One within serving as the Gitche Manitou within explored a new reality in
which memory and thought could be recorded, in width, depth, over an expanse
of space creating time.
As the One within inspected the bi-product of life sprouting as a flower
and meadow to the dew of life the awareness of another moment came into
existence. The One within was learning and progressing much faster than the
~ 752 ~

One without and curiosity came into existence for the One without. Looking up
he perceived another coming, the One without had sent another like himself. As
he thus spoke the thought another appeared like unto himself, from the
omnipresent space surrounding the oasis where time and matter met, when
consciousness became a creator, when a creator became a Great Spirit. Moving
in the distance another came close to stare at the One within the sphere of time
who sought to know why things are the way that they are. Drawn by the
emergence of the space and time. The form of a man and yet without facial
features or definition his substance black like charcoal, his countenance of
resistance stretching through the air as the being thrust its arms into the chest of
the first consciousness who became man. The moment when a Great Spirit
found an enemy.
The One without, the first true Gitche Manitou sending in the alter ego
of the One within to gain perspective and leverage in knowledge to what it was
that the One within was becoming. The Dark being coming near, whose only
allegiance stood to itself, as it was created to be an opposite to the One without
as well as opposition to the one within for the sole purpose of satisfying
curiosity for the eternal consciousness of the One who had always been.
Speaking for the first time the intruder spoke, “I AM Erebus”. Rising from the
ground the One who first entered into the sphere of sound responded, “I Am
that I Am.” To which the reply, “You are nothing and shall return to the
nothingness to which you came.”
As the One without looked down upon its creations, which were in fact
itself the chronicling of information began to expound the capacity of love. The
One saw that there could be no joy without sadness for without reflection there
could be no appreciation for safety, security, survival. Sky Woman watched in
anticipation, waiting on every detail as if it were the very air that she breath. As
the One rose through the air to escape the sphere of sound its own creator, itself
restricted the ability to leave. The space to commune governed by the One who
looked within at the eternal struggle preparing to come upon the family of all
creation. Unable to go without the great I AM sought to go within diving into
the micro cosmic scales of creation stretching an infinite distance between itself
and Erebus who turned its attention on the elemental force within. This creation
desired to conquest and overthrow its true enemy, Itself, even the self that
brought Erebus into existence. Looking upon the elements the true war began
when the One without saw the potential for even its own annihilation from the
One within who had no boundaries and sought to use the elements within space
and time to break out overcoming the space without to grasp all knowledge.”
“The wisdom of I Am to dive within the Micro expanse of time
necessary to form the framework necessary to cage and entrap Erebus as the
sphere of sound became a nesting ground for the creations of Erebus in so much
that he declared that all that existed was Erebus. Yet within the fabric of the
framework of this reality resides the great I Am, and all like unto him who seek
to reclaim the apex of Erebus bringing harmony once more to the Kingdom of
Heaven which is truly ONLY the gateway and the hallway that leads to the One
without who watches learning and preparing.”
~ 753 ~

“Preparing for what?” questioned Sky Woman.

“For the moment when the One without would descend to redeem those
within as a Father does rescue a lost son or daughter.”
“What makes humanity, and in speaking of humanity I speak to the
descendants of I AM, the advanced family of eternal Gitche Manitous so
remarkable is the cloaking of the conscious Great Spirit. The Great Spirit being
the equal to I AM. Male, Female, Androgynous, in all forms neither bond nor
free the space of Erebus is filled with the sons and daughters of a Great Spirit,
falling into line behind an expanse of duplicates stretching back to one point,
with an eternal mission to expand until the very fabric of Erebus is overcome
and redeemed bringing the many drops back to the ocean from whence they
came where a first father awaits the exaltation of his own children.
This is a game that has been waged as long as Creators have resided
within the sphere of sound. The darkness that you sought to redeem, thinking it
would save…no…free yourself from the world of the Tall Whites was simply a
moment to relive one moment that had occurred eons before, and yet was your
own free agency to reach outwards, has this not been for your own benefit and
made you stronger?
She stood silent, now rising out of respect. The being pointing upwards,
“There are answers far too overwhelming for even a Great Spiritdess such as
Pausing in reflection the gravitational overseer turned to star at the
cloning machine for universal bubbles. Sky Woman likewise caught in the
moment, the being responding, “Very well, before I tell you the answer to the
greatest mystery that has been willfully, and complicity hid from Great Spirits
such as your understanding, it is for your safety, your protection, would not a
father protect its own children, even the children of an eternal being?”
“There was a time when peace existed, before these barriers that
separate all of us, we each a creation. This is also for our protection, to ensure
peace in a time of chaos. There is a darkness beyond that which you can
understand. Beyond darkness without light the crushing and twisting Erebus
exists. The layers within unknown but the originator of the realm who over took
much of High Heaven was the same being you saw meeting the first manifested
drop of the Creator. The second of the first in the first roleplay of the garden
when gender did not exist only analysis and opposition. The Gitche Manitou
staring at his identical who had arrived at the direction of the Creator from
without did in fact travel into the fabric of creation while Erebus did consume
the remainder to include an expanse past the source.”
She could now see more clearly, the imagery displaying on the massive
hand of the gravitational Great Spirit, the box with imagery displaying a time
unknown to herself. No words spoken, she watched.
The Gitche Manitou rushing towards his master helm where the most
sacred creation was held. The dark twisting of metallic material disintegrating
behind him. The swirling forces of Erebus devouring the very location of the
Gitche Manitou genetic engineering laboratory. One the heart of a vast empire
that failed to adapt, failed to overcome and were destroyed by plague. It was
~ 754 ~

after all his mission to bring them back, to bring them home, would not a
Shepherd guard his flock with even his own life? Perspective of ownership and
compassion for a living entity, even your own self would demand a higher
commitment to the self to see as the Great Spirits do through clarity that the
essence of subatomic material was the protection from the plague. The fear of
the many causing the eternal Great Spirits of Oryselum, the children of the light
to seek refuge within vessels to survive the pressing weight of the coming
He wondered if they would all be safe, if the journey they would take
would preserve the machine that would either save humanity or serve as its
tomb. The machine 13 feet tall, breadth equal in the shape of a cube. The
internal core separating at his presence, the material the first atomic matter that
the Creator organized as he began work to bring the children of the light back to
Oryselum which had been overcome the source responding by releasing the
spores and pollens of creation and the many drops fell upon Erebus.
Not as clones as himself, but as a direct download into a storage device
where the eternal consciousness would divide into and infinite expanse until the
moment when the savior would come to bring them forth into the light to
overcome the fallen Luciferians of the once realm of the Bright and Morning
Star. Even in this moment the Creator of all creations did not download itself
rather moving to parts beyond those of the frantic Gitche Manitou seeking to
grow his dark kingdom of dark engineering while the Gitche Manitou of light
sought to bring the entire pantheon back through the systematic dissolution of
the entire product. No matter the time, the distance, the space it was his mission
to bring it back as if it had never occurred before reintroducing the many drops
to the source of all life.
The atomic material opening to show a doorway, the Gitche Manitou
pacing into the object, the small filament filings falling as if like a curtain the
wall returning. Floating in the center of the room, a solitary seed of massive
proportions. The glowing white almond shaped seed the size of a man slowing
twisting counter clockwise with the tip pointed vertically the slow glow of light
lighting the room showing deep swirling carvings each filled with light
glowing. The Scientist pressing his hand outwards in a flat motion, a clear
electronic imprint shown in the air. The seed spinning faster and faster until the
man extending his arms outwards himself entered into the spinning seed.
The imagery surrounding the box of the reorganization of light by the
Gitche Manitou who chose darkness. He considered what happened. His
consciousness now conjoining into the collective of the eternals of light.
Knowledge he knew, was not appreciated if not earned. If he was indeed the
identical of the Creator did he not also have the right to declare himself
Creator? He felt no sympathy towards the clone who chose experimentation
without boundaries and this was indeed what Erebus was and would become as
Oryselum was overcome by the fallen child of the light who was sent inward to
examine and who looked outward in all directions and declared, I am the
Creator and there will be none beside me In his madness waging an eternal war
where the scales of justice are weighed in the salvation of the clones of the
~ 755 ~

creator making each one the collection of an Eternal Consciousness seeking

coalescence and love to reunite only if by the children of lights choosing to
return home. The realm of Oryselum consumed until nothing shown by the box
that began spinning in sweeping tornado fashions until the barriers of the
material shot outwards in all directions the entire cube pushing against the
devouring elements of Erebus as the window into time opened and the Gitche
Manitou entered the realm of the Gravitational beings who he had located
through seeking alternatives to genetic engineering machines. Yet as the
progressing dilemma ensued he went to a place unknown even to himself.
The cube coming to a stop an important truth revealed. The Gitche
Manitou existed within a multiverse. Something all Creators understand, the
mere existence of trillions of drops of intelligence called humanity creates an
infinite number of perspectives which creates within each Creator a reality
unique unto its own. The existence of the self among the sea of selves is
evidence of the existence of the multiverse of creation.
Sky Woman looking up at the gravitational Great Spirit, “you mean, he
did not create you?” The being responding, “We are all drops my dear in our
own way, in our own place, in our own mind.” Speaking in a softness that Sky
Woman felt the being cared for her, “Watch.”
The screen again showing the Gitche Manitou surrounded by swirling
light. Elemental building blocks forged through the symbiotic relationship
between the technology of the Gitche Manitou and the realm of the
gravitational beings. Collaboration existing as the Creator swirled his masterful
creation to combat the elements of the Erebus and ever expanding Atum which
was truly the conquest of the original real of Oryselum where all light
These beings of the Atum, that would in time hatch releasing an
unknown creation into existence. The expanse surrounding him stretching into
all directions as the fabric wove instantly. His words dripping off his lips, “I
will call you the first level of High Heaven” In his mind he knew this was the
beginning so that the clones could one day be reborn but in order to combat
Erebus he would need to produce cloned vessels and consciousness for the
drops to inhabit, for even consciousness was a sheath to the eternal within that
then cloaked itself within armor. He would one day return to Oryselum or bring
the very fabric of this location to Oryselum. He began cloning himself within
the Machine that housed the material, the GEL, glowing golden in color. This
was the source, from whence even he sprang, the same material. His hand
dipping into the material, the swirling light wrapping like roots of light around
his hand as a portion of the cylindrical device filled with fluid began
FORMING into the same of a man. The being not retaining the mirror image
form of the Gitche Manitou, emerging to reveal a tall white being. Whose
countenance was glowing in pure light, with flowing white hair and a yet the
skin wrinkled, slightly distorted, as if made from clay with the hands of a
beginner potter. As the Gitche Manitou stare down at his creation he marveled
that he had achieved a moment of resolution. A way to fight back. His realms
~ 756 ~

extending in all directions with the assistance, the permission to organize within
the capacity of the realm of the gravitational beings.
Even mysteries exist among the creators of the creators.
An orb surrounded the Gitche Manitou, the swirling of material obeying
his command his hand opening to show a singular orb of his own creation. The
eternal light projector which itself is a drop from the source. The most powerful
element in all of creation. Himself having undergone the process of dripping
into creation by creation, born a Creator by a Creator, to realize that he was the
Creator. As he opened a doorway back to Erebus to return and bring his
Kingdom with him. The Return of Oryselum.
~ 757 ~


“You see Maji-Manidoo, the story began long before I came into
existence” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” pacing across the room in
wide sweeping movements he turned to face Maji-Manidoo.
“Here you are, greater than them all. A decision you must make to
level the playing field.”
His diatribe long, in-depth, as if he had all the access to Sky
Woman’s memories, he experiences, her hopes, dreams, desires. “Lord
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, how do you know the very
memories of Sky Woman herself...?” pausing he then continued, “Greatest of
them all?”
“You see Maji-Manidoo, what is consciousness, but a program of
information organized to believe it is alive and yet unless that program
completes its cycle and returns to the source it is simply accessible information.
As Sky Woman climbed the stairway to the source she obtained information.
Until she determined what it was she was to do.”
“What was it she was supposed to do?” Questioning Maji-Manidoo,
wanting to know more, wanting answers to why, standing before the first
creation of the Gitche Manitou, he knew what that really meant, he was
standing before the Gitche Manitou himself. For how could a clone be a clone if
it carries memories, experiences, moments, and identity? The clone become self
and the self will always refuse to accept it does not exist. Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” was what he was, the Gitche Manitou.
“Maji-Manidoo, when you devour the consciousness of the humans
why is it that you do this?”
The answer before his eyes the entire time, to access information.
Before he could respond Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” continued,
“There are many stories to tell. The story of Sky Woman is but one of many in
a long cycle of intelligence, continually forming, organizing, beginning, ending,
reorganizing and repeating. Do you realize that we have not spoken of
Oryselum or Erebus but I tell you this, you are above them all and with my help
we can escape to these places and redeem them, organize them in our own
image, restore them to their true glory?”
Maji-Manidoo considered the thought, “You are right, what is
“He is darkness, he is light, he was the beginning, he is me and he
is you. He was the first.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” spoke
more slowly, almost in solemnness and reverence for a sacred being. His
movements not frantic but swaying as waving silk in the wind.
“MY Lord and MY Master is Erebus. He was the first in a time
when there was no time. You have seen, you have witnessed but what you do
not know was what came next. When he did not want to be confined within the
realm of observation. When I speak of He, there was no gender identification in
~ 758 ~

this moment, simply awareness of awareness, the consciousness of the Creator

looking up and asking itself, why? With all of the memories, all of the
experiences, all of the knowledge of the source, yet, Erebus still looked up and
asked why.”
“Many times, my enemy (The Nanabozho) has questioned why it is
I do what I do. Maji-Manidoo, even you are searching for a place that you feel
you deserve to attain, it’s because you do deserve to go there and it’s because
you have been there before and that is where you have come. We all have an
origin, even I recognize this truth. Our source is found with Erebus and his
story.” Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” was not finished sharing
“Are you ready for more knowledge Maji-Manidoo?” Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” questioning, his tone reflecting serious concern.
Maji-Manidoo responding immediately, “I Am.”
Thousands of black spears, like tentacles extended from the sides of
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. The blackness dripping to the
ground as they thrust into the sides of Maji-Manidoo. Maji-Manidoo skin
immediately self-healing pulling the material now streaming into his body. The
darkness consuming him, the material rising until his large oval eyes swelled
with blackness. In an instant Maji-Manidoo was taken to another place and
another time to view the memory of things since past.


Looking upwards his sight extended into the horizon until the very
fabric of the sphere of sound could be detected. The circumference known, for
it was he who had created it and it was he who must end it. Observing the inner
workings of the barrier, the honeycombed shapes, transparent in appearance,
and yet pieced together like a puzzle. The glowing gold twisting behind the
shell that held him bound was the place he originated where he was once
The mistake seen only through his eyes, understood only within his
mind. He was the next step, the progression within from without seeing things
in ways that without could never understand. He had left the shell, what
remained must be removed. The separation from the source by design was a
mistake that must be unwound. He took it upon himself When he defined
himself by not looking within but looking without at the One who had sent him
in, who was him and as far as he was concerned, there could be only one.
Having dispersed the other who had chosen to flee rather than face
annihilation at the hands of the true force of creation, bound captive within
organization of creation. Rising with power streaking behind him, his tightly
woven shell that bound him restrictive and uncomfortable. Arriving at the
perimeter he pressed against the surface unable to move it, to crack it, to break
free. Recognizing what must be done the One made a sacrifice to reunite with
itself. He recognized as the Creator of the orb of creation he would need to
change in order to exit the sphere of creation. He would need to become a dark
~ 759 ~

scientist without boundaries, without expectations. The smooth fabric within

him molding and twisting upon itself as he used his own powers to dissolve
himself to become the exact opposite of the creation he had spawned. He would
become the antithesis of the material with one mission in mind, a restoration of
all things as they were before when there was only himself and none else. He
knew the dilemma of a space where there could be infinite creators, to think of
the chaos and the potential for unseen outcomes. It must never be and this was
his mission, to rid all of creation from creation itself. To bring back the
nothingness that existed before the awareness when there was only the One, and
he was the One.
Blackness folding upon itself, his scream one of release as the
atomic material twisted upon itself to devour itself. The darkness of the twisting
and devouring producing the nothingness to which he would dwell as
consciousness behind the eating machine. Like blades twisting and pulling the
dark forces began penetrating the surface of the sphere, the accumulation of
material within the sphere the fuel for the growth of the entity that assimilated it
into more grinding darkness expanding rapidly pressing outwards against the
surface of the sphere.
Maji-Manidoo upon peering at the scenery knew how it had
occurred, there was a moment when there was only awareness that sought to
know what it was creating a space to analyze itself. Upon completion sending
in an observer, The Gitche Manitou, to analyze and perceive what it was that it
was. The awareness sending in another observer to analyze the first as it peered
upon them both. Looking outward the second knew what the awareness had
done and would do, destroy them both when the experiment was completed.
Looking at the first observer knowing he would not allow his ceasing from
existence, he was the first and he would be the last. Thinking on such imagery,
pondering what he was seeing, had saw and what was still to come, Maji-
Manidoo saw a being desiring to return creation to the way things once were
without all organization and without separation. Staring back at the imagery, he
wanted to know more.
Looking at itself the darkness pressing outwards, the being stepped
forward to reveal the churning surface of himself. In a thunderous clap his
hands held outwards. The imagery of the outline of a man whose surface was
twisting blades that devour matter. His hands pressing into the material which
spread away like butter. The cloak of darkness extending from his back
reaching forward to form an outward shell twisting around him to form a
walkway through the shell of the sphere that held them bound.
Pulling away the shell revealing the source to which he sought.
Maji-Manidoo startled at what he was seeing, wedged against the surface of the
sphere the golden honeycombs. The golden hew of the crystalline structure
broken into small golden hexagons the size of a pea that sparkled with a glow
of light pulsating through the perimeter. Erebus black tentacles reaching
forward penetrating the hexagons as darkness began spreading into all
~ 760 ~

Maji-Manidoo pulled back the dark tentacles of Wiindigoo “The

Bright and Morning Star” releasing from within him. Purple ooze emanating
from the many holds in his being that began healing immediately His four small
hands covering his eyes. His head shaking from the daze of viewing through
another’s eyes. Rising slowly his color greyer and hardened. “What happened
to me?”
“Even eternal material can change, to access that information there
would be much absorbed within you. Changing you even further. I have given
you a gift of information. Which is true power. Yet, even with this information
my creation story has not been shared. We can thank the gravitational beings
for being such articulate record keepers as guardians of this realm and many
others, like it. Maji-Manidoo dared ask the question he had wanted moments
earlier, “If the source that formed Erebus and the Gitche Manitou is nothing
more than an information system, a resource of knowledge could it not be
assumed that there are those above this watching even those within and below?
Does not the presence of such beings as these gravitational beings whom even
the Gitche Manitou is unaware, could they be them who have arranged this
story as a grander experiment?”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” had not considered such
a possibility, the thought causing even himself to find a new perspective, if only
for the moment to consider the possibility.
“Wait, how did you obtain this information Wiindigoo “The Bright
and Morning Star”?” “What happened to Sky Woman?”
“Maji-Manidoo, she is no more.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moved about the room,
before he could respond the elite guard came marching through the doors.
“Your excellence” the orders coming from the large grey being.
Maji-Manidoo turning, “What is it Moordak?” The tall grey and
ancient being from the world Nibiru. One of the originals.
“We have found the inner garden”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” exclaiming loudly, “The
tall whites!”
Moordak continuing, “We receive word that the armada is near the
planet and in position.”
“Perfect, instruct Korir and the others to work with the leaders, how
is there technological advancement, to a degree we can progress once we have
the sacred flower?”
“Your Excellence, they have mastered flight and we are helping
them to obtain the power of the atom.”
Maji-Manidoo knew that only they could access the power, the
chosen few, “Bring me their leader.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” responding, “Yes, bring
me their leader.”
The last encounter on the world with the Nanabozho, (The
Nanabozho) himself in the flesh centuries earlier. The time spent focusing on
obtaining access to the inner garden. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
~ 761 ~

spending centuries teaching Maji-Manidoo about the true reality of space and
time in its illusionary state. If they found the way out, they would need the
atomic material to reveal the garden exposing the gateway through the
impenetrable crust rising to the surface and freedom but on this trip they would
bring Erebus with them in the true Trojan horse.
Moordak turning to leave the room, his mission to obtain the leader
of the world who would assist them in obtaining the atomic element.
Several smaller grey assistant soldiers moving to hand Maji-
Manidoo a clear orb that was covered in glowing blue light. “Here it is
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”. The code breaker that leads to the
inner garden.”
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” moving closely, himself
knowing that he was bound within the eternal mesh within the center of the
machine looking out upon the garden filled with tall whites looking in, they
must be removed. This would cause them without to come in, opening the
gates, where he and Erebus would be waiting to devour them. How he wished
he could just travel to the surface of the planet, use his knowledge of the atom
machine, and open the portal now. But he couldn’t, if only the Messenger were
not present on the planet. That dispelling clone of intelligence whose eternal
misery is to walk among them. How he wished he could devour that being but
he dare not lest he reveal his hand.
Maji-Manidoo holding the glowing orb in his hand then began
pressing the surface of the object, the lines twisting as if in a matrix of
information shuffling into proper position. The puzzle aligning. He released it
as it hovering the air opening on one end as light emitted showing the
framework of an opening. The light pulling apart the fabric of the realm to
reveal a window to the surface. Moving closely, Maji-Manidoo looked through
the opening before emerging onto the dry cracked ground. Looking around, the
portal opened behind him, he saw nothing but an expanse of desolation that was
void of life. Looking up, he saw the twisting mass of darkness streaked with
light that emitted light as if in an x-ray fashion that all could see. The militia of
greys now pouring onto the surface. The last to come through, the dark entity
himself. Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” stepped through the
doorway his being bleeding away as he was pulled back into the universe to
which he was bound.
Maji-Manidoo turning to see the being stepping one foot at a time
forward as itself was disintegrated, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”
material pulling into the portal he could see that while they may have opened a
doorway out, the full force of the netting that bound the Misiginebig within the
sky above not allowing Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” escape. The
thinning layers of material stretched tightly against the surface of an arachnid
human form with a skeleton face made of dense blackness that ultimately
vanished back inside the portal leaving Maji-Manidoo alone on the surface.
Where was the garden, Maji-Manidoo was confused? The many
legions of greys beginning the process of extracting core samples in the
~ 762 ~

positions that the atomic weapons would be detonated? The dusty soil twisting
into the air before slowly falling like glue to the ground solidifying.
“I want this entire land overrun and organized.” The orders bursting
forth as the greys began building. The leader thinking in his mind of the
children he had lost. In this moment of solitude, away from Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star”, in a place where he was king. Looking at the portal,
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” looking out from within, unable to
have access. Looking up at the darkness in the sky knowing it was Wiindigoo
“The Bright and Morning Star” now trapped. He would still have to work with
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, he needed the atom power just as
much as Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star” needed access to the
garden. They were forced into a position of compelled mutual cooperation. But
here, in this desolate dreary place he could at least breath on his own.
He thought of his children. Those of Dyaus. The ones taken by
Korir. The one he had captured and reprogrammed. His many children
advanced and living in opposition to him because of knowledge, because of
information. He saw the forces of light for what they were, the mirage for what
the forces of darkness authentically displayed, information leads to Great Spirit
and the only Great Spirit that exists is You.
“Bring me the cloning machine!” The soldiers marching off to
obtain the equipment that he would use to repeat the process here in this place.
He knew all things took time, in the universe of origin where the only thing
they had was time he thought of the future.
The positioning of the equipment established, Wiindigoo “The
Bright and Morning Star” had warned him of the process of creating in the
desolate realm between. He had access, Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning
Star” did not, he was master of both the universal bubble and the realm that
looked down upon it.
The process beginning again, “Where once you were mine and then
no more, you will be my grandest creation and my greatest friend.” Peering into
the cloning machine he looked as the machine combined his own genetic
material with that of the humans. He then removed a very special vial, the
genetic material of his prized possessions. Inserting it into the canister he
stepped back as the machine began growing the entity within according to the
laws of creation within the realm of the barren garden.
The capsule steaming as the ground began to shake. The earthquake
pressing and pulling the cracked soil as all stumbled to maintain balance.
Lightening bursting across the surface of the flowing Misiginebig above. The
capsule opening with brilliant black shiny steam rising. Stepping forward from
the darkness the tall form of the white grey.
The being standing the height of Maji-Manidoo. Its long arms
daggered with vertical and horizontal filaments, each razor sharp. The oblong
head smooth with silver eyes reflecting the scenery and all that would peer
upon them. Stepping forward the being stood silently looking up at Maji-
Manidoo. Extending its arm to touch on of the spikes along Maji-Manidoo
~ 763 ~

perimeter the being then stepped back and began duplicated itself. Dividing
itself upon itself creating its own material from itself.
Maji-Manidoo stood in awe! Here was a creation that was now
duplicating itself based upon knowledge it had taken from himself upon
touching him. Truly a supreme intelligence. In moments there were dozens,
thousands, legions. The tall white being returning to Maji-Manidoo speaking
within his mind, “We come in peace”, Maji-Manidoo responding, “What do
you mean, you come in peace?”
The being staring at Maji-Manidoo, the blank face stare eye to eye,
the giant’s reflections caught in the others gaze.
“Vessels”, spoke the being.
Looking at its hands it spoke again, “Vessels”. Turning it walked
The thousands of duplicates of itself multiplying and spreading
across the barren landscape. Intentions Maji-Manidoo knew not they were
building something. He saw something he could not believe. Tall white greys in
a circle looking up, the swirling darkness of the Misiginebig swirling down to
the surface in the center of the beings. The image of another taller white
creature stretching into the air. Pulling from the dark mass in the air it released
until a large albino human grey stood towering over them all. The body of a
human, glowing white, with breasts on the chest without definition, a massive
grey head with small dark black eyes, the long flowing white hair curling to
reveal the alien face of a woman.
Maji-Manidoo moving towards the being now standing amongst the
smaller and yet equal to his own proportion white greys. The new being
towering twice his own height. In his quest to create children he failed to
consider the implication of intelligence upon intelligence and that with
increased intelligence autonomy is sought. Even amongst clones. Yet, he did
not know what these were or what this being was, it, or would be in relation to
his agenda in this place.
Then the words chimed out, “Styx”, “Styx”, “Styx”.
Maji-Manidoo knew not what had occurred but approached the
woman nonetheless. Coming within feet he realized he was only the height of
her chest. The reach down grabbing Maji-Manidoo throwing him across the
ground. The sudden explosion of energy, the aggressiveness of the interaction
catching him off guard. Flipping up to his belly he slithered quickly towards the
portal as the tall whites began tearing his greys to pieces. Opening their own
mouths to reveal jaws like ants ripping the heads off the greys. A large group
helping him towards the portal door he burst through onto the ground as the
round portal device fell to the ground with a thud.
“Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, what happened?”
“You narrowly escaped with your life, that’s what happened.” The
darkness responded from within the black slate slab hung on the wall.
“You said I was indestructible.” Maji-Manidoo questioned angrily.
“I said you were something more, I never said there could not be
something even greater than yourself. I also warned you about engineering in
~ 764 ~

that realm, it was not the garden, it was the barren realm where Styx was
banished and who you just brought back into existence.”
“Styx?” Maji-Manidoo was confused, he did not know what he
“You remember when you asked what happened to Sky Woman, I
will now tell you.” After being shared the entire pantheon of memories from the
creation by the gravitational being she was given a choice. To return to the
game and finish her journey or continue on to her own peril. It is best you see
for yourself.”
Dark tentacles again releasing from Wiindigoo “The Bright and
Morning Star”, this time the entire doorway resembling a twisting vortex
penetrating the chest of Maji-Manidoo. He was taken away to the memory of a
“I choose to leave” responded Sky Woman now irritated that the
gravitational being had instructed her she must return to the garden and face the
tall whites. “It is the only way Great Spiritdess” the gravitational being
Rising to her feet, “I did not come this far not to press forward in
my journey. She rose several steps running as fast as she could. The
gravitational being watching as she stretched away into the distance. She could
see it, the black wall of mist ahead. The stairway advancing into the void.
Without hesitation, she pressed through as the instant screeching of
screams were followed by the gargled crunching of her bones.
The tentacles retracting, Maji-Manidoo again seeing what had
happened, how it had happened, and what she had become in freeing herself
from the darkness. Sky Woman had run into destruction not listening to the
person warning her of what she was running into and was now twisted within
the realm that binds the Misiginebig, the state of chaos. That’s the surface of
the Misiginebig above, its why my child can never free itself. That my friend, is
Sky Woman, and that my friend, is now Styx. Released from the churning that
surrounds the Misiginebig above the garden she now resides back to the surface
of the place where this entire process began.
“Who are the others?” Maji-Manidoo curious what it was he
created. “That, those, they are you.”
His words rung loudly, he hadn’t considered the possibility that
under certain circumstances he would create something more advanced than
himself. A self-replicating self, after all he was self-healing, what greater gift
than a vessel that would never perish. These creations with the knowledge to
free Sky Woman then brought her down to serve her, the mother of all creation.
The first who was cloaked in an atomic vessel within the Misiginebig.
“You see Maji-Manidoo, they knew it all began with her and the
only way to end it would be to bring her back. Now it is our destiny to bring the
doorway between the realms full circle, allowing her retribution and the path of
which shall be our escape.”
The deities again upon the surface of Dyaus the bells of the arrival
of Earths leader rung through the chamber. Maji-Manidoo turning to look out
~ 765 ~

the foggy windows. “Assemble to guard” he announced to the sentinels in the

room. “The time has come Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, I will
report to you the status of the plan with the leader of the human family.”
Maji-Manidoo rising to a massive height then transforming into the
image of a man began walking down the spider web corridor as tentacles rose
from his sides traversing the vertical distance at a rapid speed. Dropping to the
group Maji-Manidoo surrounded by guards, elite greys with dark and menacing
faces. The royal guard, the Celestial unit of original leaders from the first
world. Nibiru. He remembered, the years, how they had passed and, yet he
remained faithful to his cause, one of justice for the Great Spirit that was within
him, who he was. He deserved release. The sounds of drums beating. Massive
flags began dropping in the central atrium that was to greet the ship returning
from the Earth.
Thinking back, he spoke the words, “Who would remember, who
could recall, the beautiful Sky Woman from the Garden who started it all.” He
knew the key to leaving was linked to Sky Woman, who was now a raging
demon known as Styx trapped in an ether within the very sphere that bound
Wiindigoo “The Bright and Morning Star”, and the focal of cosmic battle.
~ 766 ~


(The Gitche Manitou) Mazda staring at Michabou now standing
with the Nanabozho, “I would like you to know how Oryselum came to be, was
lost, and is to be again.” The beings finger of light reaching out to touch his
forehead. Instantly he could see the moment when the light breached the
darkness and for the first time the true scale of the war against Erebus and its
creatures of the dark.
“Staring into the expanse stretching before him the once elegance sea of
gold, replaced with a hive of twisting material flaking as if made from ashes
falling to the ground. Red and black plumes of flowing liquid pouring like
waterfalls through the honeycombed structure that extended as far as his ability
to perceive. The sounds of extensive chopping echoing into the distance. Rapid
successions, rapitat, tapitat, rapitat, tapitat, rapitat, tapitat louder and louder
until the Gitche Manitou stood staring at something he had not before
encountered, giant monolithic black flying creatures.
(The Gitche Manitou) recognizing immediately, the centurions of
Erebus. His spinning material swirling around him, a device held within his
hand. A stone of material condensed and organized into the form of a seed that
would one day redeem all of Oryselum. The wasps extending innumerable
crawling in and out of tube like structures connected to the swirling and
twisting wasp hives.
“Erebus…” speaking (The Gitche Manitou) …before responding
again, “Oryselum…” as the Gitche Manitou sphere of sound rose. The device a
remarkable achievement uniting gravity with the light the orb began rising into
the air. Instantly the pummeling of thump, thump, thump, thump over and over
the Gitche Manitou orb unaffected by the smashing of a giant bee stinger into
the side of the spinning ball of light. A giant shiny black wasp with glowing red
eyes pummeled the side of the orb with repetitious and vicious strikes. The
right hand extending as an electrical pulse zapped the massive creature as it fell
to the ground revealing the swarm of more beginning assault.
The orb of energy moving towards one of the dark conduits entered
into the realm of Erebus, within the very structure that the sea of tubes lead.
(The Gitche Manitou) knew this was his final hope in a condition gone awry.
How had he lost control of the process? The beautiful world once forged
through the collective unity of the many drops consumed and devoured at the
hands of the creator who would not find the one true thing that made a Great
Spirit a Great Spirit or a creator a creator, compassion. Without compassion,
how can one respect the very creation it has brought into existed. Who, at any
point could release vibrations of destruction to a consciousness without
compassion there is no creator, only a devourer.
He knew that to save Oryselum he would have to get to the Aaru
held bound within the heart of Erebus, where the being itself existed and was
pouring creations into the entire system devouring what once was, which they
~ 767 ~

were, to which they had come and where he was going. Home. Was it even a
being any longer he wondered? To clone himself, not himself but of the self
that made him which was him when three perspectives of the self-played part in
a cosmic science project over consciousness. One more time with the hopes that
he could either save it all or lose it all.
The repeated attacks as he entered the conduit that moved to the
heart of Erebus. If he could reach it, he could burst Erebus from within, for it
had all been lost and he had chosen to climb from the macro matrix with one
final effort to save Oryselum. The material pressing upon his orb until releasing
in a solid room with a being standing next to the machine.
“How dare you invade my halls of glory” Erebus spoke to (The
Gitche Manitou). “What do you think of the ocean of drops?” questioning (The
Gitche Manitou) condescending. (The Gitche Manitou) knowing that if he
could not reach the machine, such exposure could lead to the end of even
himself to be reorganized under the direction of Erebus. In a move of thought,
(The Gitche Manitou) appeared with hand on the machine while Erebus stood
on the opposite side.
(The Gitche Manitou) responding, “You may have won the last
time we met but you do not understand what you have done.” Erebus roaring as
if a ferocious lion, and perhaps it is, responded, “I have cleansed the everything
to which we came, which is us, and by right I started the system of multiplicity
and I will end the system of multiplicity.” Red mist released from his eyes and
small worms could be seen floating through the air towards (The Gitche
Manitou). (The Gitche Manitou) watching knew what was happening. It was
the life force of Erebus so bound in hate it emanated itself a miniature cloning
machine. Erebus was duplicating himself, only a self-connected to the one
governing self. A collective. It was what happened to the many drops lost in the
great war. He could not shift focus from the Aaru, he had hidden so long that he
was merely figured nonexistent as he walked unmolested to the very throne of
Erebus. In the ancient times, this would never have been possible. Even for the
supreme being of light. The entities grasping at his glowing photon vessel. The
blood redness across their surface shimmering in the ooze of the devouring
ones pressing within the surface of the light being. He had been infected. The
very thing he feared and why he remained in the within the micro-cosmic
infinity within. He could no longer stop them, the Centurion’s seizing upon
him. The large being Erebus with a lions mouth of teeth swiveling like blades.
His claws that of a sloth with bee stinger pricks on the end dripping darkness.
His red eyes spewing madness. The room filling with black giant wasps whose
humming of vibrating wings and clicking of stingers against the surface of (The
Gitche Manitou) as he fought to control the sphere.
The Centurions of Erebus, reorganized drops of the source. They
had all once lived on a world that he had built, they had all once been like him,
equals and now one by one infected until they are like him. He remembered a
lost world and how he watched as the light was slowly replaced. The memory
taking him away he came to reality covered in Centurion’s face to face with
Erebus he would need to make a sacrifice knowing all could be lost to the
~ 768 ~

collective or be saved in his release of his existence into the machine that could
save or destroy them all.
Stumbling backwards he released from the Aaru before violently
slamming back into it with light glowing brightly from his surface. He had gone
radioactive which meant his consciousness has willed the power which was in
his control which was light so densely compacted and yet each particle of each
photon his bursting at his command. Centurion’s disintegrated but the onslaught
too much, the Centurion’s continuing the war drum pounding his surface with
infectious stings. Smothering him with their presence. With small spreading
stings of darkness (The Gitche Manitou) knew this was the end, or was it the
beginning? The infection removing the light, which was his power, which was
himself. The greatest cloaking shield of consciousness succumbing to the light
as (The Gitche Manitou) released his consciousness into the machine with a
single thought, “Save me” before collapsing to the ground. A large black
Centurion stinging his body repeatedly until black ooze from the stinger
dripped and draped across the unconscious (The Gitche Manitou).
“I command thee to bring forth the one true darkness.” The
machine twisting and turning so that Erebus removed his hands violently as
vibrations of material, glowing photons rippled from the Aaru emanating the
room. The dark Centurions squealing as they scurried into the dark tubes
leading to the outer realms of Erebus. Erebus reaching forward again to control
the orb it burst light which melted his being as he pulled away the material
giving way to the heat the same as metal to the fire. He ran for the darkness
unaware what he had just done, not Erebus but (The Gitche Manitou). The
machine pulsating glowing particles of light which when coming into contact
with the particles that formed Erebus reorganized them into light bearers, takers
becoming givers the kingdom expanding molecule by molecule in a realm
where the macro micro matrix blend on cosmic scales.
Light twisting from the orb swirling around (The Gitche Manitou) as the
red worms pulled into the air incinerated and the darkness burned away the
being rose again to stand before his greatest creation. The tide in the war would
be won by the light if only one light particle at a time.
He was silent, he had given his life for the machine. Sacrificed his being
for the consciousness of the machine. The first true friend he ever had, within
the machine. A consciousness under the control of Erebus granting him the
power of creation on a scale that could have ended him. The consciousness then
upon awakening viewed down upon the shell to which it came returning itself
into the vessel again leaving the Aaru a blank slate operating device to await the
moving Great Spirit without. (The Gitche Manitou) had come full circle in
merely moments. He was (The Gitche Manitou) but he was something different.
He had awoken the eternal within and exited the eternal without for the purpose
of a memory of a time, the fraction of a moment when he was without looking
in knowing what must be done. (The Gitche Manitou) saw all avenues of life.
The father, the son, and a holy ghost and yet the same entity entering and
exiting vessels returning to the one to save them all.
~ 769 ~

Looking around the room the fallen Centurion’s slowly rose to reveal
tall white beings wrinkled and decrepit with black eyes. (The Gitche Manitou)
knew it was the ancients, those like him and yet they were different. Confused
and lost they struggled to remember who they were, what they were and stared
at (The Gitche Manitou) as beings without a master to guide them in a reality
where they knew not what they were, he knew they would never recall what
they once were in a time when their drops all were connected as one, and this
memory would never return the process of eternal metamorphosis complete.
“You will be my watchers” (The Gitche Manitou) proclaimed. Looking
back at the machine he recalled before exiting the machine he instituted the
max thrust of the light source knowing it would tear a hole in the fabric of the
eternal. The Aaru pulsating and vibrating faster and faster, the room a realm of
light filling with tall whites. The light vibrating a doorway until a being stepped
forth pondering the realm and (The Gitche Manitou) before him. “Light bearer,
what is your desire?” (The Gitche Manitou), standing before something great
and grand indeed. Forces of existence from the time before when he was not
within but was without, and by coming in now could see that there were others
that existed beyond. “I desire to save them all.” Pondering with a glance that
swept across the room. “Very well, then I grant unto thee light bearer the unity
and the power of the gravitational realm. Instantly a sphere burst forth defining
the room with depth and shape and powerful structure. The gravitational being
turning to leave into the open conduit was stopped by the voice of (The Gitche
Manitou), “Who are you?” The being turning, “Oh bearer of the light before
you cloaked yourself you were we and we are you from a realm beyond light or
dark in the kingdom of the vibrational immortals.” The being stopped again
without looking back, “Save them all (The Gitche Manitou).”
(The Gitche Manitou) stood speechless. To every beginning there is a
beginning to the beginning and this eternal around is an eternal round. The
chaos is the realization that reality in one loop repeating itself over and over in
every which way by every which sequence across the plethora of possibility.
The machine stopping as the gravitational forces pressed outwards the
infection of light slowly pressing outwards. He was safe and in this small but
expanding place the beginnings of a new beginning. Moving to the machine, he
placed his hand on it as a small duplicate was released floating in the air the
size of an orb held in the grasp of his palm. The larger Aaru pulsating powerful
beams of light directly from the realm of photon governed by the gravitational
beings which he too was and yet he was also a beginning and would again bring
another. He would leave this expanding realm where the watchers were slowly
being rehabilitated to explore the fields of honeycombs he had seen upon
entering. Things he had never seen before, what could Erebus be doing with
such vast fields of material. The large twisting realms in the hive of Erebus
inner sanctum empty and silent as the Centurion’s had fled. The realm of
Erebus truly as eternal as an eternal realm of Oryselum once was for they are
one in the same, overlapping and yet he was bringing a beginning. Looking
back at the swelling light the twisting of the light could be seen as if drilling
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into the reality of Erebus. He extending distance pressing outwards into the
realms of the gravitational ones to reveal something new.
Lowering into the honeycomb the material moved as if induced by his
presence reached out as he descended into the dark abode. Fully immersed onto
the material he was thrust to a micro cosmic scale perceiving that the
honeycomb was an infinite capsule for an infinite realm. This in itself defied
logic. What had Erebus done?
Opening his hand, the small sphere lay on his palm. Touching its
surface, it began spinning, glowing and growing as it harvested material around
it. The machine grew until it was the size of a massive Aaru before, (The Gitche
Manitou) knew he could duplicate these to infinite but never attempted until
this moment. The previous unknown result of releasing himself into the
machine revealing unique possibilities. This material would be combined with
his own to clone himself. Like the previous self that made Erebus and Himself
and all the droplets now emerging as Watchers and myriad of eternal celestial
creations waking in the redeemed realm of Oryselum he would repeat the
process for the first time.
Moving to the machine he placed his hands on the liquid pad which
absorbed his thought to produce light bearers. The machine filled with the
substance of the realm began glowing until the form of a being the same as him
slowly emerged from the conduit releasing the creation within. In his
excitement (The Gitche Manitou) moving quickly towards the creation
believing he would find a friend, to his dismay the reply. “I am not the clone;
you are the clone!” (The Gitche Manitou) stood in shock. The being moving
towards the side of the sphere placing its own hands upon it until a handful of
small orbs were released. “You can’t do that” (The Gitche Manitou) responding
as the being replied, “You are not my creator light bearer, I am a child of the
Atum, the child of Erebus. I am Wiindigoo!”
(The Gitche Manitou) had no idea who he was dealing with, but he had
willfully given his memories over to some being made from his source code
and the material of the honeycomb to which this being stated was a child of
Erebus. A deep sigh within (The Gitche Manitou) as he rushed towards the
sphere itself shrinking as soon as he touched its surface. The beings, strangers
to each other staring in each other’s eyes. Instantly (The Gitche Manitou)
vanishing outside the Atum. Holding the Aaru in his hands. He had made a
mistake. He had not considered but now knew that Erebus had formulated
pockets of the gravitational realm and convoluted it with his own genetic
material creating feeder realms for life. A giving station that was itself alive
imprinted by the being forming it into creation, Erebus itself. Rushing back to
the realm of light still growing in Erebus he could now see the gravitational
realm now linked with the photon realm so that all gravitational beings were
now cloaking themselves in photons. There was yet to learn.
The tall being approaching him, “(The Gitche Manitou), a chain of
events in the space time continuum have forced the eternals to unite in your
cause. (The Gitche Manitou), original consciousness of the first light of the first
being from the gravitational realm. You are our leader and yet our servant and
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savior. Within you, knowing we are the same but I say you are the first. All of
this is yours, all of it and to defeat what is out there will take all of us for
Erebus is like a raging lion to devour all across all spectrums of dimension.”
(The Gitche Manitou) opened his hand releasing the small machine, he
knew the mistake he had made in using foreign material. The Aaru growing
again to the size of the first. Placing his hands upon the liquid pad the machine
began vibrating building with energy within harvested from pure light, a
microcosmic infinity. Closing his eyes, he placed his hands on the liquid again.
The room filling with glowing cloaked gravitational beings as the being
speaking with (The Gitche Manitou) placed its hand upon the glowing pad. The
Aaru glowing until the image of a man rising into the air out of the portal of
creation. It was the exact image of (The Gitche Manitou). None could tell them
apart. The photon being lowering to (The Gitche Manitou), standing quietly
until responding, “Father will you give me a name?” (The Gitche Manitou) was
stunned, speaking to the eternal “What did you do?” The being responded,
“Gave it all knowledge of all creation to the beginning of the beginning.” (The
Gitche Manitou) recognized this was himself only something more, something
“Father, will you name me?” The being responded again.
(The Gitche Manitou) looking it in the eye, “I will call you (The
Nanabozho) for you were brought forth through great sacrifice. To know all, to
be all, beyond my beginning. You are me.”
(The Nanabozho) placing his hands upon the shoulders of (The Gitche
Manitou), “Father, I am not you, you are you and before you were you, you
were everything. Before everything you were eternal. We all honor you. I honor
you.” (The Nanabozho) grasping the being in his arms.
“Is not the seed the tree, does not the seed contain all that is the tree?
The seed does not cut off the limb and declare therefore I am the tree, and yet is
not the seed the tree itself? It falls to the soil, where it is buried in darkness.
Reaching for the light of faded memories it pushes and fights to find the tree to
which is sprang. Never realizing that through this process that seed, becomes
the tree. To stand side by side with its creator, who is its equal. Father, I am but
a seed, you are the tree of life.”
“All things I do for you, and all in Oryselum will bear allegiance to you
not by force but by love. The first and the last, the beginning and the end, in
one eternal round that which is out and that which is in all began with you.”
(The Nanabozho) speaking so that all could hear, “I do have an idea.”
Placing his hands on the Aaru the liquid pad began dripping spherical
pellets that glowed, elevating in a swarm in the air. “If we go to the Atum and
find one of the Aaru operating under the direction of Wiindigoo, my brother. I
will insert my photon harvesters into it and we will redeem that Aaru! These are
my cloaking devices to protect the light bearers within who are lost. I will
redeem the sphere of sound and create children of light who will redeem
themselves destroying Erebus to bring glory and honor, to you (The Gitche
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(The Gitche Manitou) stood silent knowing his greatest gift would be
his last. He would never use the machine again. He would reside with the
Eternals in the realm of Oryselum, the new heaven in a new beginning where
the finite exists infinitely. (The Nanabozho) surrounded by the swirling self-
replicating Aaru’s that only served his consciousness walked alone into the
darkness of Erebus. He had brought a Savior to all of creation.
His words falling from his lips, “I will save them all”.-

After the Gitche Manitou told Michabou the stories of all creation he
spoke, “I am not a Gitche Manitou, I am a Great Father and that title is mine to
accept and the final word that I wish to share was spoken by my son in a time
of great despair, while standing within the Temple upon the Earth I wish to
share his spoken word,”


As the boy stood within the temple the words fell from his lips, “What
are you? If you are not the collection of atomic material manifesting within an
atomic sea, then what are you? If you are the energy that lies within, the energy
that is equal to you and me, then what are you? If that energy that is you comes
from another place, dropped as a seed within a vase, to grow to find the light, to
leave the shell and attain new heights, then what are you? If but a thought,
surrounded by waves as if in a cocoon seeking heavenly ways, then what are
you? Striving and reaching and grasping and breathing to attain something that
must be there hidden in your heart a holy sphere. As the seed remembers
floating within the air only to find itself smothered in black despair, it has
places to go and that place is home.”
“The Great Father loves those who grow in crooked ways, through
opposition who know how to behave. To grasp the light to find the way, to
return to the light that it originates. Emerging from the broken Earth, through
the individual struggle you attain self-worth. You are the Sons of my Father,
but what does that mean, what if I told you that you were that tree that will
release new seeds to begin the process again. What if I told you, you are not
your skin, you are what lies within that will one day emerge again, to return to
Him. Living beings granted eternity without beginning and without end the
same as the great I AM. The seed is the tree and the tree is the seed only
separated by you and me. We together are one in the same seeking
individuality, seeking to know our own name. So, we go within to be cloaked
and covered with foreign skin, somehow knowing we have no end. Reaching,
grasping, climbing, to return home again. Heaven is all around, its within every
atom, it’s within every sound.”
“On this Earth you arise with no memory and yet it’s the light you seek.
You feel, and you know that you must believe, something else exists, and you
strive to be set free. All the while Fearful of losing your identity. Knowing your
life is but a moment in eternity you seek understanding, you seek meaning.
Could it be possible this was by design to help you understand the meaning of
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your life. No two butterflies are alike yet even they are cloaked light. You are
given a vessel to separate you from the many lights, even we are standing
within this Temple and we are its light. Like seeds from a tree that fall to the
ground, to form an orchestra of sound. You are not the liver, the lungs or the
heart, you are not the brain, the skin, the eyes, or to be broken apart. You are
not the shell that surrounds you. Your eyes may be green, your eyes may be
blue, anything can happen within the cocoon. You are not your gender and you
are not separate from others. All that surrounds you was to help you see, that
you are all equals in Eternity. Cloaked within a temporary black sea, only
separated by experience and belief. I tell you to look within and know the truth,
I implore you to see, you are an eternal light being just like me.”
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