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Life Without Computers

By Yash Machhiana
Computers 11 Period 2
Aspects of our Daily Lives that Rely on Computers
There is no question, if computers were to suddenly disappear off the face of the planet, we would no longer have
the ability to do the tasks we do today, utilizing computers. Below is a short list of the areas of our lives that may be
affected, if we did not have any computers. Some of these we may be able to overcome and adapt to, however, others,
maybe not so much, as we rely on many of these too much to give up on easily.

1. Medical Care
2. Jobs
3. Communication (long distance & short distance)
4. Online Shopping
5. Transportation
6. Space Exploration
7. Sharing New Information and Research
8. Television and Video Streaming
9. Online Gaming or Console Gaming
10. Smartphones/Devices
11. Online Banking
12. Military Operations
13. Education
14. Online Services
How and Why Humanity will be Changed Forever if
Computers Disappeared
Firstly one of the biggest changes we will have to face is not having our smartphones with us, everyday of
the minute of the day in our pockets. This will be one of the largest issue to tackle, because of we take a step back
and look at how much our live revolve around our phones, we would realize the immense impact they have on our
day-to-day lives. Cell Phone addiction also a major issue that plagues our society in this era, and many people find
it extremely toi just simply let go. It should be clear that there is a fine line between using our smartphones wisely,
to becoming prisoners of them.

While on the topic of phones, communication would also be changed drastically. Children, teens, and lots
of adults also use their phones to connect with friends and family, whether this mabe be over short distance or
long distance. Close people we have formed bonds with throughout our life won’t always be by our side, and so as
humans we want to be able to talk to them. Smartphones get the job done, whether that be via text, E-mail,
FaceTime, Skype, or a phone call. Before the invention of the smartphone and modern day phones, there used to
be devices that could communicate with people very short distances apart. Not to mention, these were not
conviebvent either. For example, Morse Code was used and was seen as a revolutionary invention, however, it was
difficult to use and for the receiver to interpret. In conclusion, letting go of the devices that connect us together
with people will be extremely hard and impossible for others.
How and Why Humanity will be Changed
Forever if Computers Disappeared
Nowadays virtually anything that was done with pen and paper in the early 1900’s era, is now done with a keyboard and a
screen. Computers have made working more efficient and effective for both employers and employees. Work that once required
employees to come into the office and complete, can now be done from the comfort of an employee's home. It is incredible how
computers have actually altered the way soke jobs and companies operate, and it is also very interesting how it happened over such
a relatively short period of time.

Some companies allow their employees to work from home, as long as their personal life allows them to meet deadlines
regularly. I myself have actually seen a few companies encouraging their employees to work from home. Mongo is an online
banking company and they highly encourage employees to work from home, because it is so such easier for both parties. The
employee does not have to drive to work, and possibly get stuck in traffic. The employers don't have to worry about having a
designated spot for their employees, and they can keep their officer clutter-free, as a reut having a more successful business.
Overall, it keeps the work environment professional and tidy, and employees are satisfied with their jobs and are more likely to
stick around for a longer period of time, with all the freedom they are offered. Obviously, this would all be changed if computers
did not exist, and tasks would have to be done the old fashioned way.
How and Why Humanity will be Changed
Forever if Computers Disappeared
Think back to the last time you got something from a supermarket or shop. Now, chances are that same product you
purchased, by going to the store, waiting in traffic, draining your car's gasoline, and then being held up by a super long line to the
register, you could have simply jumped on your laptop, personal computer, or smartphone, and simply ordered the product off a
popular online delivery service such as Amazon. Feeling hungry and need to get some work done? No need to drive to a restaurant
and order something, or go through the trouble of cooking something up for yourself. With a few clicks of a button, within in 5-10
minutes you'll get a knock on your door, and food on your table in no time!

Computers have altered the way she shop. In fact, there is also a new app that delivers groceries to your house! The digital
ear has allowed us to do almost anything from our home, which could be viewed as a positive or negative thing. On the bright side,
we save our valuable time, however, on the negative side of thing, as we start to go out less, we let ourselves become introverts and
less talkative. So there is more than perspective to look at the situation.
How and Why Humanity will be Changed Forever if
Computers Disappeared
The entertainment industry would also change drastically or would not exist at all if computers were not around. The
amount of computers graphics and CGI that goes into making a movie or video game is unfathomable. Video games all require
consoles or PCs, and all these device use computer in order for them to funciation the way they are went to. Movies use special
effects, that are only possible with computers. Many job industries would get wiped out, such as the film world or video game
world as it would simply be impossible to create these projects. As humans who are accustomed to see the best of everything, we
cannot even tolerate poor graphics, and it is unimaginable if there were movies with any action scenes or video games with bright
explosions every other moment. Coding would simply be useless, without the physical components of the machine that interprets
and outputs it.

People love being entrained by something like their favorite TV show, movie, or video game, after a long hard day, and
some even use these things an escape from reality. Lots people would struggle with this change and for some it wouldn't be
tolerable. Careers such as video game developers, video game streamers/reviewers, producers, actors, writer (etc), would lose their
jobs and their profession wouldn't be anything but something that once made them a stable living.
How and Why Humanity will be Changed Forever if
Computers Disappeared
Medical care would also be different, and many people's lives would be at risk that are currently patients in hospitals. A
massive population of people lives would be at danger if computers vanished, and obviously this would mean serious injury and/or
worst case scenario, death. Patients that undergo crucial procedures such as chemotherapy to kill cancer cells wouldn't be able to
receive the correct medical care and die of their disease. Cancer spreads fast over the course of a couple months, it can cause
people to have severe health issues and it can also affect other areas of the body, if not take seriously. Other machines such as the
MRI testing machine wouldn't exist, since it is powered by multiple computers. People who have suffered trauma in their head
from sports injuries or other cases wouldn't know, because they would not be able to get diagnosed. X-Rays would not also work,
and doctors would have to blindly guess whether somebody's fractured or broken a bone justy by examining the body part.

Biomedical engineers who use computers to program prosthetic body parts wouldn't be able to their jobs, and many
patients would get left without a body part they need. Also, surgery would not be possible, because bps machines wouldn't work
and doctors wouldn't be able to tell if the patient is alive or not. Some tools wouldn't be funciatinl either and that would raise even
more issues.
How and Why Humanity will be Changed
Forever if Computers Disappeared
Technology has become a big part in how students learn at school in today's world. As students, we are assigned homework
that requires us to search the web and create a better structure of understanding for the topic we are being taught in school. In
addition to this, we use computers to type and read. Aure its possible to write papers by hand, however, it is just much more
efficient to use a keyboard. It is faster and easier to locate grammar mistakes, not to mention, teachers do not have to deal with
trying to read incomoriehable handwriting. Secondly, books and PDF documents are found on the web, and sometime teachers
don't always have enough physical copies of something, and amy direct students to certain website links, but again, without
computers they wouldn't exist.

Obviously, education is important, and it is also important for a student to have solid knowledge about the world around
them and other necessary-to-know things. Without computers, this presentation would not even be possible. It's all done with
coding languages, that allow me to even print a single letter on this document. Just imagine how difficult it would have been to
draw out image and write every word. It would take ages to complete a nice copy, however, with a computer before me, which a
couple clicks I can find all the information i need/want, input it into my presentation, and complete my project.
How and Why Humanity will be Changed
Forever if Computers Disappeared
Transportation. We all need it and use to get from point A to point B, whether that be home, school, work (etc). The
reality is jf computers no longer existed, our means of transportation would also change. On the street, we would see more
pedestrians and cyclists, walking or biking their way to their destinations. This is because all most all vehicles, including fuel
combustion system cars use some form of a computer in them. These computers could operate things from all the way to the
radio system to actually allowing the car to go out on the road. Commuters would also have to find an alternative method of
arriving a their destination as public as it would be out of services. Including busses and trains,. Mainly because these vehicles
are also like road cars, and use some sort of computer in them. Travelling long distance overseas would be nearly impossible
by plane, because they would not be possible.

While on the topic of transportation, military would be left defenseless in the air, and on the ground also as tanks or
other heavy machinery would not work at all. Big vehicles such as bulldozers, crain's, or the majority of any other
construction vehicles would not be funciational. This would mean roads would remain the same and nobody would be able
to replace old ones. Designing new buildings and structures for architectural engineers would not be possible without first
creating blueprints or layouts on computer softwares. Countries infrustructures would take a massive hit, and
disappointment among citizens would soon become a massive issue. In conclusion, many jobs would be at risk, and lots of
people who work in a field where computers are heavily involved and required would lose their sources of income. This
would cause devastation and outcry from everybody whos can no longer support themselves financially.
How and Why Humanity will be Changed Forever if
Computers Disappeared
New discoveries are typically documented online, for the public eye. Before computers, when new information was
discovered, it would spread through word of mouth. Obviously, this method worked, however, it was probably very
slow.Apart from not being as efficient as sharing new information from computer to computer, word of mouth tends to be
altered when passed through a string of people. If computers were to suddenly disappear, scientists could to document
their findings or spread them for people to see. Think about it, how many timers online have you read something on a
website, and it influenced you to make a change. When I read plastic bottles and products made out of the material are
harmful for the environment, I began to use more environmentally friendly products. If I had not heard this, I most likely
would have kept using plastic water bottles.

Along with new research that would not get shared among as many people, news creative and innovative ideas
would never be brought to light. New inventions are cool, and we mostly see them being advertised on our electronics, but
we would never know what the world is up to, if we do not have these digital devices. In conclusion, light wouldn't be shed
on new inventions, discoveries, finding, cures (etc).
How and Why Humanity will be Changed
Forever if Computers Disappeared
Space exploration would also change, or to be more honest, not exist at all. The first rocket that was
sent to space, used a 70 pound computer. Put simply, without computers, no rockets would enter space.
Without astronauts out in space nobody we wouldn't be able to obs4vre what is going on outside of our
panet. Not to mention, what would happen to the astronauts already in space before computers
disappeared. In addition to this, our dreams of creating a civilization on another planet, would be blown to

The rover strolling around Mars would also shut down and we couldn't receive any new information,
apart from what we've already saw. As a result of all this, massive space eclopartion companies such as NASA
and SpaceX would go out business after years in the field. The furthest into space we would be able to see is
the stars, through a telescope, like the old days.
These are just a fraction of the things that will change in our day-to-day lives if this actually did
happen. Doing this project made me realize how different our world would be today, without
computers. It is important to realize just how reliant we have become on our smartphones, tablets,
computers (etc). Computers have shaped our society and what it is like today. From the very first
computer that could add and subtract simple one-digit numbers, all the way to depositing cheques
online, to exploring the depths beyond planet Earth in space using these incredible machines. It is
crucial we recognize what computer have helped us accomplish over the decades they have been
with us. With knowledge of all great things humankind has been able to achieve using computers, we
must also spend our time wisely on them, and not rest our whole life in their hands. Maybe one day,
computers will disappear, never to be seen again.












By Yash Machhiana
Computers 11 Period 2

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