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1. Since the partition of sub continent, Kashmir has remained a hot issue
between Indo-Pakistan relations. The sensitivity of issue has led to four wars
between the two countries. The precariousness of the situation, persistence in
adhering to the historical instance, and failure of leadership to continue the
dialogue has failed to bring any change in the resolve between the countries.
2. After becoming the President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf had
started an endeavor to thaw the relations with India. He started the dialogue with
his historical visit to India. Although, the visit failed to bring out any positives
results due to interference by certain hawks of Bharatia Janta Paty, but the
process made the two countries believe that dialogue can be started between the
two countries.
3. President emphasis on identifying Kashmir as a core issue brought the
fruits, as Indian’s, for the first time considered it as an issue between the two
countries. His recent proposal for resolution of Kashmir based on existing
geographical/ethnic regions needs a thoughtful analysis and consideration.
4. To analyse the stated proposal of President Pervez Musharraf, its effects
on Pakistan and Kashmiri people, possibility of its acceptance by all parties and
recommend measures to further cause of peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute
through this option.
5. The paper will be developed in the following sequence:-
a. Previous Options
b. Latest Proposal and its Effects
c. Recommendations
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6. Previous Options. Taking cognizant of historical understanding of the
issue, few options were stated for the resolution of Kashmir issue. However, India
has never given any serious consideration on most of these options, except on
the option, i.e. Division of Kashmir based on Chenab Formula; this option was
also not recognized openly but through track 2 diplomacy. The other stated
options are:-
a. Plebiscite based on United Nations Security Council resolution 726
of 1948.
b. Muslim majority areas with Pakistan and Hindu majority areas with
c. Conversion of existing Line of Control into International border.
d. Independent Kashmir.
e. Chenab formula.
7. Latest Proposal and its Effects. The latest option is based on the
identification of seven regions. Two regions are with Pakistan and the remaining
five regions are with India. They can either be divided on ethnic/geographical
basis between Pakistan and India or can be demilitarized and be given under
United Nations control. These regions are:-
a. Azad Kashmir
b. Northern Areas in Pakistan(Gilgit and Baltistan)
c. Kargil and Drass areas in India(Balti spoken area)
d. Jammu
e. The Valley
f. Ladakh Region(Buddhist majority area)
g. Pir Panjal
8. The proposal has shown considerable flexibility from the historical
instance. All the regions identified are based on ethnic or geographical
attachment with either India or with Pakistan. The proposal can generate
following effects on India, Pakistan, and Kashmiri people.
a. Effects on India

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(1) Positive Effects
(a) Reduction of forces from Kashmir.
(b) Reduction of expenditure incurring on the large
military force kept in Kashmir.
(c) Stability in the subcontinent.
(d) India would have more chances to become
permanent member of security council.
(e) India will have a large economic market in Pakistan.
(f) Domination of India in the region
(2) Negative Effects
(a) Division of Kashmir.
(b) Will create dissention in other states where separatist
movement is already going on, i.e. seven states in the
east, Assam and Punjab.
(c) India will difficult to digest this proposal, as it is
already evident from the recent statement of Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh.
b. Effects on Pakistan
(1) Positive Effects
(a) Resolution of Kashmir issue.
(b) Stability in Sub continent.
(c) Resolution of Siachen Issue.
(d) Economic stability in Pakistan.
(e) Reduction of army from Kashmir, thereby, bringing
overall reduction in the armed forces; beneficial for
the economic stability of the country.
(f) Will have good relations with India.
(g) The problem will not linger on.
(h) Will improve the law and order problem, created by
Indian intelligence agencies.

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(i) Will improve the overall image of Pakistan in the world
(2) Negative Effects
(a) Giving away the 56 year old principle instance.
(b) Acceptance of Indian hegemony in the region.
c. Effects on Kashmiri Muslims.
(1) Positive Effects.
(a) Will improve their economic conditions.
(b) It will finish the genocide in Kashmir.
(c) It will finish the domination of corrupt leadership of
Azad Kashmir.
(d) All Parties Hurriat Conference has accepted this
(2) Negative Effects
(a) Will divide the families living in hindu dominating
(b) Division of Kashmiri region into different parts.
9. In order to bring this proposal a success there is a need to evolve
systematic strategy, therefore, following recommendations are proffered:-
a. Crystallization of Proposal. Until the time the proposal is not
offered to India it will not be crystallized. As the official response of
India will come after they will analyse the issue. They have already
stated it reaction of the proposal. It is therefore, recommended that
the proposal should be officially offered to India.
b. Understanding the Effects. It is essential to understand and
analyse all the aspects including the effects that can be generated
out of this proposal. Government should create a think tank based
on intellectuals to study the effects that can be generated out of the

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proposal and basing on the analysis should work on diplomatic
channels to bring international support.
c. Strong Media Debate. In this era media is one of the important
tools to muster support. Correctly handling the issue in the media
can generate the required support Pakistan needs from its masses.
Similarly, Pakistan will have a strong case to fight internationally.
d. Bring Parliament into Confidence. Parliamentarians are
people representatives. They are the lawmakers; therefore, it is
essential to discuss in length the proposal inside the parliament.
e. Bring all the National Leaders into Confidence. It is essential
to bring all the leaders including opposition into confidence.
f. Highlight the importance of issue in the international forum to
pressurize India to discuss this proposal.
g. Highlight the issue through diplomatic circles.
h. Pakistan should discuss the proposal in next foreign ministerial or
foreign secretary level talks.
10. Since the partition of subcontinent, Kashmiris have suffered worst kind of
humiliation, repression, were subjected to state terrorism for more than five
decades at the hands of Indians. They have openly revolted against the Indian
tyranny. It is essential that the problem should be solved at the earliest in its
retrospect for the benefit of the Kashmiri people.
11. The proposal in offering if succeed has the chance to finish the further
suffering of Kashmiris. Although, it is difficult for India to digest this proposal and
will be a hard nut to crack, however, with correct and sincere approach of all the
tiers in government, opposition, as well as general masses the issue can be
resolved amicably, thereby, bringing a stable and glorifying future for the

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Lno 151 Farhan


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