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Identifiers and literls:

Identifiers : which will identify themslves in the program, uniquely (var)

Literals : Integer (10,20,30 <- baase 10 <- decimals) (10101101 <- base 2 <-
binary), hexa, oct, floats, char (a,b,c)

Identifiers :
1. byte
2. short
3. int , long
4. float , double
5. char

Octal : 0-7
00001 = 1 00007 = 7
00010 = 8
00011 = 9

** Control Structures
1. Loops (for , while , do-while)
2. Non loops -> decision control structures (if , if-else, switch)

int a = 3;
if(a == 3){ //true
if(a > 3){
//-------2 -------------------------------
if(a < 5){ // true
//--------3 --------------------------------

if(a == 3){ //----------------only one in the structure can be true

}else if( a < 5){
}else if( a >2 ){
}else if(a == 5){

Class and Object :


Class :
1. attributes ( properties ) <---- member of a class
2. methods ( behaviour ) <---- member of a class

Ex : Vehicles <--- classification

vehicle has-a cost -- ( has-a relationship is used to test for
------------- color
------------- company
------------- no of whleels

* has-a is a relationship betn class and attributes

behaviours <--- methods

--------------- speed
--------------- avg

* always keep set and get methods inside the class to

access the class members( attributes )

Array Example :
int[] ar = new int[3]; // it constructs the array with def val as 0
ar[0] = 10;

Table[] tar = new Table[3]; // it constructs the array of type table with def
val null
tar[0] = new Table();

***Access Modifier :
1. public
2. private -------------( Class level access ONLY )
3. protected
4. default ( there is no keyword as default, so if the modifier is not
applied means it is in default access )

Non-Access Modifier :
1. Abstract ( only method and class can be marked abstract )
2. Final ( methods, calss and attributes can be marked final )
final method ==> can not override
final variable ==> can be changed once init
final class ===> can not be inherited( extend )
3. static

Casting :
1. Implicit
2. Explicit

byte (8) ranges =---- ?????

short (16)
int (32)
long (64)
float (32)
double (64)
char (32)

^ byte |
| short | down
Casting( implicit ) auto / loss-less
UP Casting | char<--->int ---->float |
(Explicit) | long ----> double |

Ex : byte b = (int) 131;

131 bin (8 bit) = 1000 0011
131 bin (32 bit) = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0011
Byte (8 bit) = // only Higher order bits get removed ...
= 1000 0011 ( Higher order bit represents -ve sign (sign
= 1 <-- sign bit 000 0011 <--- number
= 1000 0011 => 0111 1101 --- > -125

*Inheritance :
1. is-a relationship.
2. Car is-a Vehicle.

A <----- Single level ( Becoz One class has only one Parent )
X Y Z B <----- Single level
D <---- allowed

| |
| |
C C <---- NOT allowed (Multi-level relationship)


Costructor :

1. if you are able to write the const---or, then java will not provide any
2. In every const---or JAVA will insert a call to super Const---or.
3. super() -----> Call to super class Const---or
4. To insert the appropriate call to spuer() Const--or is in programmers
hand.. Otherwise compiler will insert a call to super as call to default super
constructor [ex : super();]

5. this ===> current class instance

6. super ===> Super class instance
7. super() ====> super class Constructor
8. this() ====> current class Constructor..

* Ubuntu Software update and install JDK

1. sudo apt-get update (Sudo --> Super User Do -->> also may ask you the root
passwd if u r not a root)
2. sudo apt-get install default-jdk
For Test : Check Version ($javac -version) and ($java -version)
3. sudo apt-get install g++ ( <--- for c++ compiler )


*Final Class
1. final class can never be extended. (<====== ***)
2. final variable can not change its value.
3. you can never override the final method.

*Abstract Class :
1. Abstract class must be subclassed.
2. You can never create the instance of a abstract class.
3. Abstract class may or may not contain the abstract methods.
4. Abstract class may also contain its own concrete(Non-abstract) methods.

NOTE : 1. You can never mark a class as abstract and final both
2. You can never mark a method as abstract and private both

a. local --> ( inside the method )
b. instance ---> ( inside the class but outside the method ) ... Attr
c. static ---> ( it is a class specific functionality )

***Static : Method or instance variables(Attr)

Note : static : class-spec.. ( can be accessed with Class Name)
Non - Static : instance method or attr

1. Statics get loaded when the class get loaded by JVM.

2. Static get init..ed simillar to normal instance variables with default
3. you can-not access the non-static member in the static context.

***Interface :
1. interface is 100% abstract super class
2. so, interface will contain only abstract methods.
3. interface methods are always public abstract.
4. variables in interface are always static and final. (they are constants)

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