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California institute of Technology

Aerial Photographs in
Geologic Interpretation
and Mapping
California Institute of Technology

Aerial Photographs in
Geologic Interpretation
and Mapping


The use of aerialphotographs to obtain

qualitative and quantitative geologic
information, and instrument procedures
employed in compiling geologic data from





Thomas B. Nolan, Director

The U.S. Geological Survey Library has cataloged this publication as follows :

Ray, Richard Godfrey, 1920-

Aerial photographs in geologic interpretation and map-
ping. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1960.
vi, 230 p. illus., maps, diagrs. 30 cm. (U.S. Geological Survey.
Professional paper 373)
Bibliography : p. 224-227.
1. Aerial photography. 2. Photographic surveying. 3. Geology-
Maps. (Series)


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $2.50 (paper cover)

Page Page
Abstract------------------------------- 1 Interpretation-Continued
Introduction--------------------------------------- 1 Interpretation of aerial photographs in engineering
The aerial photograph--_--_ __ _ - --- --- _ 2 geology ------------------------------------ 33
Factors that affect the photographic image ________ 2 Surficial materials--------------------------- 33
Focal length and flying height__- -- __--_-_ 2 Ground conditions---------------------- 33
Film and filter combinations _-_-----_--- 4 Elements of soil pattern - - - - - - - - - - - - 34

Lens angle-- - ___ - - _____- - __ 4 Landform-------_----------- 34
Viewing of photographs _____ _ -_ ------- _ 4 Drainage characteristics --------- 34
Interpretation-------------------------------------- 5 Erosional characteristics----_--_- 35
Interpretation factors--------------------------- 6 Photographic tone--- - ------- 35
Recognition elements------------------------ 6 Color---------------------- 36
Photographic tone---------------------- 6 Vegetation-------------------- 36
Color--------------------------------- 8 Land use--------------------- 37
Texture _- -_ __- _ _- ___- - - - _-- - 9 Permafrost__.-------------------- 37

Pattern --- -_-_-_ - - _--_-- - - __- 9 Distribution and type of vegeta-

Relation to associated features- -_-- 11 tion---------------------- 37
Shape--------------------------------- 12 Polygonal relief patterns __-___-- 37
Size----------------------------------- 13 Pingos--------------------- 38
Combinations of recognition elements - - - - 13 Features resulting from thawing - 38


Vertical exaggeration------------------------ 13 Absence of permafrost----------- 38

Scale of photographs --- __ __ _---- -----_ 14 Erosion, transportation, and deposition-- - 39


Photogeology in geologic mapping_----__--___--__ 14 Landslides--------------------- 39

Kinds and amounts of information---------------- 15 Beach erosion------------------- 39
Lithologic character of rocks----------------- 16 Bedrock------------------ ------------- 39
Sedimentary rocks---------------------- 16 Geologic structure and type of rock ----- 39
Igneous rocks _-_-_ _-- ---------- - --- 17 Interpretation of aerial photographs in hydrologio
Metamorphic rocks--------------------- 18 studies------------- ---------------------- 40
Structure-- - -- _- _-------
-- - - __-_- 19 Locating potential ground-water sources---- 40
Flat-lying beds_--_----- ---- _ - - ___-__-_ 19 Water-loss studies------------------------ 40
Dipping beds ------ ---- -------- ___-- 19 Other applications---------------------- 40
Folds---------------------------------- 19 Instrumentation------------- ------------------- 41
Faults--------------------------------- 21 Kinds of instruments----------- -------------- 41
Joints--------------------------------- 23 Measuring devices for use with paper prints-. - - 41
Cleavage and foliation------------------- 24 Plotting devices for use with paper prints------ 42
Unconformities------------------------- 24 Measuring and plotting devices for use with
Interpretation of aerial photographs in petroleum paper prints------------------------ 45
geology __ _--_ -- __ __ __ _ --- _ ------- 24 Measuring and plotting devices for use with glass-
Folds _- - _ ---- --- - - - - - ___-_-- __--_ 26 plate diapositives----------------------- 45
B edding -_-_ --- - - _--___--- ___--- ___ 26 Other instruments-------- -------------- 48
Drainage -- - - - ---- ___---___ 26 Exaggerated-profile plotter------------ 48
Topography _---_-_ __----- - - -- _-_- 27 Interval-measuring device------------- 48
Soils -_ -_-_-__-_--_- - - _- __-
_ 29 Universal tracing table---------------- 48
Faults _ - _ __ __ __ _-__- _ _- - _ __ __ _ __ __ - - -- 29 Measurement--------.-------------------- 48
Facies -_-_- - _-_- 30 Principles of vertical measurement---------- 48
Regional studies_- _ - ---- - ------ 30 Determination of altitude differences by the
Interpretation of aerial photographs in search for parallax method---------------------- 50
ore deposits _ - - -- --- __ _ 30 Use of stereometer-type instruments- 51

Structural guides - _ __ ___ _ - --- _ _ 30 Use of double-projection instruments- 54


Lithologic guides -- _ __ _- - _ -- _ __ __ _ 31 Tilt-------------------------- 55

Physiographic guides- - -__--__--_ 31 Determination of altitude differences from a
Botanical guides- _-_ - - - __-_-_-_ --- --- 32 single photograph.------------------- 56

Page Page
Instrumentation-Continued Instrumentation-Continued
Measurement-Continued Plo tting - _-_-- _ ___ ___-_ __ _ __ __-- 66
Geologic uses of parallax measurements----_-_ 56 Construction of control layout-.--_-_---_-_-__ 67
Determining strikes and dips.-------_- 56 Orthographic positioning_-____-_--.__-___--__ 67
Determining stratigraphic thickness- ---- 57
Plotting on orthographic base maps or con-

Isopach mapping----------- ------- 58
trol layouts__________________________ 67
Facies change-------------------- 59
Structure contouring ___-------------_ _ 60
Plotting on orthophotographs _--- -------- 69
Notom-15 quadrangle------------- 60 Plotting on gridded base maps 69
Discovery anticline ----------------- 61 Vertical positioning in cross sections _-----_-- -- 69
Determining displacements on faults __-___ 61 Interpretation, measuring, and plotting systems ---- 69
Determining stream gradients --_-------- 63 Instrument capability_______________________ 72
Direct determination of slope_-----------_- 63 Relation between instrument capability, scale,
Dipping platen------------------------ 63 and vertical measurements--__--____-_____- 74
Stereo slope comparator.----_-.. _-_-_- -- 63
Horizontal positioning ____________________- 74
Dip estimation--.--------------------- 64
Other methods of determining angles of Source and identifying data of aerial photographs_.---__ 222
slopes__ __--------------------------- 64 Referen ces cited _- _____- _--- ___--- ___-- __________-- _ 224
Other methods for determining quantitative data _ 64 Index_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __-------------------------------------- 229

FIGURE 1. G eom etry of the vertical aerial photograph----_-_-____-__-_--_----_-_--_-_-_--_--_ _..----_______..__- 3
2. Spectral reflectance curves of weathered samples of Bernal formation and San Andres limestone- ___- - _ _- __- 8

3. Drainage map of large area in vicinity of ring dike shown in figure 54-_--_.-______--________-_--__----__- 10
4. G eneralized soil m ap of area shown in figure 48--__-_-___-_--_---_---_-_--.___-_-_-----__-___--_--_____ 12
5. Sketch showing long tributary streams on updip side of strike valley in area of low dips----------------__ _ _ _ 20
6. Sketch showing long tributary streams on downdip side of strike valley in area of steep dips- _- _ __ __ __ __ _ __ 20

7. Drainage map of area shown in figure 74 and vicinity.-_ ____________. 22
8. Drainage m ap of area shown on left half of figure 73-_-__- _- _- _-- _-_--- - __- ___------ _-- _- _------_---_ 25
9. Drainage map of area shown in figure 94 __ __ ___ __ __ - --- _- __- _ ________ _______ 28
1 0 .. Stereoeltpx
S t e eorso o meders____________er__s_____
ee m e t e _ _ _ _ _ --- _-- - - - - - -_- -_-_-_
_ _ - -- -_-_- - --_ _ _
- -_-_-_-_-_--_-.
--. -_-_-_- -_ - - ..-_ _-_-_-_
- - -_ - -_-_-_-
-_ _-_-_
11. tere slpe mter----------------------------------------------------------------- 43
12. Parallax ladder------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43

1 3. S k e tc h ma s ter ---_---_--_------- _-_ _ _-_-_---_-_ _- _- ---_ _-__ ----_ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ -_
--_-_-__ _ _ ___ __ _ __ _ _ 44
14. Radial planimetric plotter-_ .____ __________________________ 44
1 5. S te re oto pe . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _-_- __ --_-_
_-__ _ _ _-____ _ _ __ _ _-__ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 44
1 6. M u ltiple x _____ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___---__ _ __ __ ___ _ __ __ __ __ __.-- __ __ __ __-_ 46
17. ER-55 plotter______________-_______________________--___________________________________________ 46
1 8. K e lsh p lo tter --_- _ _- _ _-_-- _ __-__ __-_-__ _ _ __-__ __-__ __ __ _ __ _ -_ _-__
_ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ 46
19. Exaggerated-profile plotter (lever and fulcrum type)_ ____-__-------------------------------------------- 49
20. Exaggerated-profile plotter (pantograph type) ______________________-_._-____-_______________ 49
21. Interval m easuring instrument-----__---_-_ __ -- _--_ -_--- _ -_----- _----- --- _- 49
22. Universal tracing table -- - - - - - - - - -------------------------- _ -- - _- - - _ - _- - _ _ 49

23. Diagram showing relation between absolute stereoscopic parallaxes and horizontal distances actually measured
with stereometer-type instruments in determining differences in altitude from paper prints-- - __ _-_-_ _ __-_-_ - _ 50
24. Diagram showing relation between absolute stereoscopic parallaxes and vertical distance measured with double-
projection type instruments in determining differences in altitude from glass plates- - - - - - - - - - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__
_ _ _ 51
25. Sketch showing correct orientation of photographs for stereoscopic viewing- __ __ ___ _- - _- _ _- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.. 52
26. Diagram of gently dipping beds showing relation of stratigraphic thickness to differential parallax determined
at any two points along dip direction and at the formation contacts_____________________________________. 57
27. Diagram of gently dipping beds showing relation of stratigraphic thickness to differential parallax determined
by floating-line bymfoatng-inemethd--------------------------------------------------------
ethod_ __ __ _ ___ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ - _ _________________ ___ ____________ --- __ _.. 58
28. Diagram of steeply dipping beds showing relation of stratigraphic thickness to dip angle and horizontal distance
between top and bottom of bed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __----------------------------------------------------------- 59
29. Diagram showing graphic reconstruction of marker bed along line of section- - -- _-_-_-_-_-_-_- - ----- .- __--- ----. 61
30. Diagram showing graphic construction in positioning structure-contour lines on top of marker bed and the
projecting of these lines to their relative horizontal positions along the line of section- - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_---
-- 62
31. Diagram showing relation of structure-contour positions along two lines of section at different altitudes------ _ 62
32. Dipping platen--_-__-__ 63
33. Stereo slope com parator_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _------------------------- -- -. - -- - - - _ - 63

FIGURE 34. Slope conversion chart showing relation of exaggeration factor, exaggerated slope, and true slope--------------- 65
35. Diagram, based on tangent functions, showing relation of true dips to exaggerated dips seen in stereoscopic
models ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 66
36. Photogrammetric systems for geologists----_--------------_--_-----_-----_--_--_--_-----_--_-----_--_--_--_--_--_70_ _ _ _ _ 7
37. Photogrammetric measuring and plotting systems for geologists showing relation of different instruments to
vertical-measurment and horizontal-positioning errors -__---------------------------------------------71
38. Diagram showing datum-curvature relation to maximum expected error in measuring vertical intervals from
leveled double-projection stereoscopic model - ___-----------------------------------------------------73
39. Poorly resistant pyroclastic rocks overlain by resistant capping formation (Colorado) (stereoscopic pair)------ 77
40. Area underlain predominantly by gently folded sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and graywacke (northern
Alaska) (stereoscopic pair)___ _ ___------------------------------------------------------------------78
41. Extrusive volcanic rocks and associated cinder cone (Utah) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 79
42. Flat-lying sandstone (southern Utah) (stereoscopic pair)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _- _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .-80
43. Sandstone and conglomerate beds intruded by diorite porphyry laccolith (Utah) (stereoscopic pair)-- _ _ _---_ _ _ 81
44. Gently dipping beds of sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate that locally contain channel-till deposits (Arizona)
(stereoscopic pair)--_----------------------------------------------------------------------82
45. Gneiss, schist, and granite flanked by dipping sedimentary rocks truncated by pediment gravel (Colorado)
(stereoscopic pair) _ _ _____-------------------------------------------------------------------------83
46. Landslide area (Colorado) (stereoscopic pair)_______________________________________________________ 84
47. Orthophotograph and perspective photograph of same area_____________________________________________ 85
48. Area showing relation of residual soils to underlying rock types and structure (South Carolina) (stereoscopic
pair)_ _ __ ...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49. Shale and thin sandstone interbeds capped by poorly consolidated gravel and sand (Texas) (stereoscopic pair) _- 88
50. Recently faulted strand lines of former lake (Nevada) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 90
51. Steeply dipping sedimentary rocks intruded by quartz diorite (California) (stereoscopic pair)----------------92
52. Area showing drainage characteristics in surficial materials (Wyoming) (stereoscopic pair)--------------------94
53. Area of basalt flows (Idaho) (stereoscopic pair)_______________________________________________________ 96
54. Ring-dike area (North Carolina) (stereoscopic pair)--_--__---_ __ -- __---- ------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.98
55. Area in Maine showing esker landform on photographs of two different scales (stereoscopic pairs)_------------100
56. Stabilized sand dunes (central Alaska) (stereoscopic pair)___-__.- _______-___-_______________________ 102
57. Morainal deposits of two glaciations (central Alaska) (stereoscopic pair)---------------------------------104
58. Morainal deposits of continental glaciation (South Dakota) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 106
59. Gently dipping sedimentary rocks lying unconformably on gneiss-granite-schist complex (Utah) (stereoscopic
pair)_ _ _ _ ._ ____----------------------------------------------------------------------------------108
60. Gently dipping sedimentary rocks cut by numerous near-vertical faults (Utah) (stereoscopic pair)------------ 110
61. Flat-lying beds of sandstone, limestone, and shale (Texas) (stereoscopic pair)-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 112
62. Area of faulted gently dipping sedimentary rocks (Utah) (stereoscopic pair)-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 114
63. Shale in semiarid climatic area (Utah) (stereoscopic pair)_______________________________________________ 116
64. Shale and limestone in humid climatic area (Virginia) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 118
65. Area of gently dipping limestone and shale (Pennsylvania) (stereoscopic pair). -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- 120
66. Area mantled by glacial deposits (South Dakota) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 122
67. Glaciated area in southeastern Alaska (stereoscopic pair)_____________________________________________ 124
68. Approximately flat-lying limestone and interbedded sandstone and marlstone beds covered locally by alluvium
and windblown deposits (Texas) (stereoscopic pair)__________________________________________________ 126
69. Area of basalt flows (Idaho) (stereoscopic pair)________________________________________________________ 128
70. Area of granite (South Dakota) (stereoscopic pair)_ ____------------------------------------------------- 130
71. Area of granitic intrusive rocks (Wyoming) (stereoscopic pair)__----------------------------------------132
72. Area showing vegetation differences in igneous and metamorphic terrain (southeastern Alaska) (stereoscopic
pair)_ _ _ _ _ ____----------------------------------------------------------------------------------134
73. Area underlain by silicic volcanic tuffs and flows and bedded argillite or slate (North Carolina) (stereoscopic
pair)_ _ _ __ __ __----------------------------------------------------------------------------------136
74. Area of folded, faulted, and highly metamorphosed rocks (North Carolina) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 138
75. Area underlain by phyllite and slightly metamorphosed slaty rocks (Alabama) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 140
76. Heavily vegetated terrain underlain by metamorphic and extrusive volcanic rocks (southeastern Alaska)
(stereoscopic pair)___-__ ___-______ _-___-_-__ -______ -_ -- _-____ -_-_ ---- __ -___ -__ -- ___ -____ -- 142
77. Flat-lying beds of limestone and shale (Kansas) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 144
78. Flat-lying beds of sandstone, limestone, and shale (Texas) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 146
79. Area of sparse outcrops underlain largely by gently folded sandstone, conglomerate, and shale (northern Alaska)
((t rtse p irpera_
p_ (steeosopicpai)---------------------------------------------------------------
__ ___ __ __ ____ _p
_ic_ __ __ ____ _________ __
__ ___ __
_ir_)_ __ __ __
__ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ _ _ ____ ___ 14
__ 814 14
80. Gently to steeply dipping sedimentary rocks overlying schist-gneiss-granite complex (Wyoming) (stereoscopic
trip let) ____________________ __ --------------------------------------------------------------------
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15

81. Gently folded sedimentary rocks (central Utah) (stereoscopic pair)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 152
82. Ring dike in New Hampshire (stereoscopic pair)_____---------------------------------------------------154
83. Gently dipping sedimentary rocks offset by near-vertical fault (Utah) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 156

FIGURE 84. Faulted, gently dipping sedimentary rocks (Utah) (stereoscopic pair)_--_---- - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_158
85. Vegetated terrain underlain by igneous and metamorphic rocks locally covered by basalt flows (southeastern
Alaska) (stereoscopic pair)------------------------------------------------------------------------160
86. Area of crystalline rocks (Wyoming) (stereoscopic pair)-------_-_---_-_--_-_--_-_---_-_--_-_-_-_-----------------------162
87. Lava flow lying unconformably on gently dipping sedimentary rocks (New Mexico) (stereoscopic pair)--- 164
88. Gently dipping sedimentary rocks overlain in part by river gravels (Utah) (stereoscopic pair)------_--- -------- 166
89. Gently folded sedimentary rocks in heavily vegetated area (northern Guatemala) (stereoscopic pair)-----------168
90. Plunging anticline in gently folded rocks (southern Utah) (stereoscopic pair)- ------ - - - - - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_170
91. Stratigraphic section across gently folded anticline (Utah) (stereoscopic pair) ------ - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_172
92. Gently dipping sedimentary rocks, on east side of San Rafael Swell (Utah) (stereoscopic pair) ----------- ---- 174
93. Uncontrolled mosaic of Umiat anticline area, northern Alaska, underlain by shale, sandstone, conglomerate,
and graywacke---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 176
94. Subsurface structure reflected in surface drainage characteristics (Texas) (stereoscopic pair) --- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_----178
95. Same photographs as figure 94, but reversed to show pseudoscopic effect as an aid to interpretation (stereo-
scopic pair)___- __-_-_-_- __-____-___---_-____-_-___-___-------------------------------------------180
96. Uncontrolled mosaic of Wainwright area, northwestern Alaska------- - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_182
97. Area underlain predominantly by gently dipping sandstone and shale (northern Alaska) (stereoscopic pair)_ _--184
98. Gently dipping sedimentary rocks cut by high-angle faults (Nevada) (stereoscopic pair)- ------- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_186 - --
99. Complexly folded and faulted area of greenstone, schist, limestone and marble (southeastern Alaska) (stereo-
scopic pair)_ __--__ __---_ _ __----------------------------------------------------------------------188
100. Igneous and metamorphic terrain (southeastern Alaska) (stereoscopic pair) - --- _- - - - _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_190
101. Gently tilted and faulted lava flows (Oregon) (stereoscopic pair) --- - - - - - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
- - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_192
102. Area of pegmatite dikes (South Dakota) (stereoscopic pair)---------------------------------------------__194
103. Metamorphosed sedimentary rocks intruded by quartz monzonite (California) (stereoscopic pair)_------------ 196
104. Distinctive landform of gravel terraces along a major stream (northeastern Utah) (stereoscopic pair) - -- _- --- _-__-198
105. Areas showing drainage characteristics in surficial material that is predominantly less (stereoscopic pairs) - 200
106. Area of surficial deposits, primarily windblown (central Nebraska) (stereoscopic pair) ---------------- - - -_-_--202
107. Mottled soils of drift plain (Iowa) (stereoscopic pair)_--------------------------------------------------__204
108. Coastal plain underlain by clay, sand, and gravel (New Jersey) (stereoscopic pair)---- - - - -_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--__206
109. Polygonally patterned ground in permafrost area along major stream (northern Alaska) (stereoscopic pair) --- 208
110. Well-developed pingo in area of permafrost (northern Alaska) (stereoscopic pair) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 210
111. Area of permafrost (northern Alaska) (stereoscopic pair)_-----------------------------------------------__212
112. Conspicuous beaded drainage in area of permafrost (northern Alaska) (stereoscopic pair) - -------------- - ----- 214
113. Landslide area in volcanic and sedimentary terrain (New Mexico) (stereoscopic pair) - - - - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_216
114. Damsite area (southeastern Alaska) (stereoscopic pair)-------------------------------------------------__218
115. Gridded photograph--------------------------------- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_------------------------- 220
116. Gridded base map---------------------------------------------------------------------------------__221


ABSTRACT when large-scale photographs are used and when double-

Aerial photographs today are widely used to obtain both projection instruments rather than simple parallax bars are
qualitative and quantitative geologic information ; vertical employed.
aerial photographs are used almost to the exclusion of other
types. Techniques and procedures described herein relate pri- INTRODUCTION
marily to vertical photography.
Geologic interpretation of aerial photographs is based on the Use of aerial photographs to obtain geologic infor-
fundamental recognition elements of photographic tone, color, mation-popularly called photogeology-has contrib-
texture, pattern, relation of associated features, shape, and
uted to mineral and fuel discoveries, and to engineer-
size. The scale of photographs, as well as the vertical exag-
geration that is present in most stereoscopic models, also are ing geology studies, as well as to the general geologic
significant in photointerpretation. mapping of many areas; it also has increased the
The amount of geologic information that may be obtained efficiency of many geologic mapping groups by adding
from aerial photographs is primarily dependent on the type speed, economy, and accuracy to areal mapping as well
of terrain (igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary), climatic
as adding certain geologic information that is impos-
environment, and stage of the geomorphic cycle. Because
features are more readily recognized where strong differences sible, difficult, or economically impractical to obtain by
exist in the erosional resistance of adjacent rocks, sedimen- routine field-mapping methods. The past financial
tary terrain may be expected to yield the greatest amount success of consultants in geologic interpretation of
of information from aerial photographs. Metamorphic ter- aerial photographs attests to successful geologic appli-
rain may yield the least information because metamorphic
cation of photogeologic procedures and techniques,
processes tend to destroy differences that may have existed
in the unmetamorphosed rocks. Combinations of criteria such particularly in petroleum geology, and to lesser extent
as photographic tone, texture, pattern, and vertical exaggera- in mining and engineering geology.
tion permit inferences as to rock type and geologic structure, Many technical papers on the geologic interpretation
which are important in petroleum exploration, ore-deposits of aerial photographs have been published, primarily
search, and engineering geology.
since the end of World War II; on several occasions
In petroleum exploration aerial photographs provide a wealth
of information primarily with regard to potential structural symposia on photointerpretation, and specifically pho-
traps. Folds commonly may be interpreted from a study of togeology, have been presented. Much of the informa-
strike and dip of bedding and from stream patterns; anom- tion currently available has been published as indi-
alous stream characteristics, such as stream deflections, may vidual articles and they are scattered throughout the
suggest subsurface structures. The variety of photorecogni-
tion criteria that suggests faults permits aerial photographs
literature; comprehensive treatments on the geologic
to be of particular use in many ore-deposits studies. Analy- interpretation of aerial photographs are generally un-
sis of soil patterns yields information regarding permeability available now (1959) (see Eardley, A. J., 1942; Smith,
of the surficial materials that are a concern of the engineer- H. T. U., 1943b; and Petrusevich, M. N., 1954). In
ing geologist. addition to the published information much unpub-
The instruments used for viewing photographs, measuring
lished information also has accumulated in recent
geologic features, and compiling geologic maps range from
simple stereoscopes and stereometers, or measuring bars, to years. The collection and synthesis of much of this
complex double-projection instruments such as the multiplex information, together with discussion of photointer-
or Kelsh plotter. Some instruments require the use of pa- pretive and related photogrammetric procedures, are
per prints; others require the use of glass-plate diapositives.
the main objectives of this paper. The paper is par-
Measuring devices primarily provide spot heights or differ-
ences in altitudes; these quantitative data may be geologi- ticularly intended as a guide to geologic interpretation
cally significant in measurement of stratigraphic thickness of aerial photographs as applied as a tool in recon-
and dip of beds and in structure contouring. Accuracy of naissance geologic mapping, and as a reference to pub-
vertical measurements is related fundamentally to the scale
of photography and the instruments used for making meas- lished papers representative of the photogeologic
urements. In general, accuracy of measurement is greater literature.

The primary objectives of photogeology are (a) to filters used. It may also be defined as a composite of
contribute to geologic mapping, which in turn is basic photographic images, which make up the recognition
to mineral and fuel exploration, engineering geology elements used for interpretation. The aerial photo-
studies, some water-resources investigations, and re- graph is a perspective photograph that is geometri-
lated studies, and (b) to contribute to geologic knowl- cally related to the type of camera in which it is
edge through research. The objectives of photogeology taken; it may be a vertical photograph, taken with
may be economic or academic, and procedures used the camera axis pointing essentially vertically down,
can be expected to differ widely, ranging, for example, or it may be an oblique photograph, taken with the
from use solely of simple lens stereoscopes for quali- camera axis purposely tilted from vertical, generally
tative interpretation to employment of precision stereo- 20 or more. Vertical photographs currently are used
plotters for making geologic measurements. Regard- almost to the exclusion of oblique photographs for
less of procedures used, however, photogeology to date geologic interpretation, and most photogrammetric
has contributed principally to the broad aspects of instruments used in photogeology in the United States
geologic study, that is, in mapping distribution of rock are designed to accommodate vertical photographs;
types and structures. The interpreter can only infer hence the following discussion is limited to techniques
the composition of rock types from photographs; he applicable to the study of vertical photography. Twin
cannot identify mineral types or absolute ages of low-oblique photographs-those in which the apparent
rocks. Thus, maximum use of photogeologic proce- horizon is not shown-generally may be transformed
dures is attained by combining photogeologic studies and the resulting paper prints used as vertical photo-
with various laboratory studies and with field investi- graphs; however, low-oblique photographs cannot be
gations. used in many stereoplotting instruments unless the
The uses of aerial photographs and the various pho- instruments are specially designed.
togeologic procedures are discussed herein under the A general knowledge of the geometry and terminol-
general headings of interpretation and instrumenta- ogy used with vertical aerial photographs is necessary
tion. The part dealing with interpretation is widely if one is to understand and make maximum use of
illustrated with stereoscopic pairs and triplets, single photographs for interpretation and mapping purposes.
photographs, and mosaics, together with explanatory The terminology and geometry of the vertical photo-
notes, to demonstrate the kinds and amounts of geo- graph are presented in figure 1.
logic information that can be obtained from aerial
photographs of differing geologic terrains and to illus- FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE

trate some uses of photographs in specific studies, such Factors that affect the photographic image, and
as the search for petroleum. These photographs dem- hence interpretation, may be divided into two groups:
onstrate primarily the qualitative uses of the funda- (a) The relatively constant man-controlled factors,
mental recognition elements in geologic interpretation; such as focal length of lens, flying height, film and
they represent only a sampling of the tremendous filter combinations, and lens angle; and (b) the vari-
number of illustrations available. Because reproduc- able natural factors including color of objects photo-
tion processes tend to obscure details only subtly ex- graphed, position of an object with respect to the
pressed on aerial photographs, selection of photographs angle of sun, amount of haze in the atmosphere, and
used in this paper was confined principally to those others. The constant factors are discussed briefly be-
that illustrate clearly defined recognition elements and low; effects of natural factors on the photographic
geologic features. All aerial photographs (figs. 39- image are described where appropriate throughout the
114) are at the end of the paper. Agencies holding text.
the negatives of these photographs are given in a list
that follows the photographs.
Methods and significance of determining quantita- Focal length and flying height may be considered
tive geologic information from aerial photographs are together because of the relation of photograph scale
described under the heading of instrumentation. to these two factors. In terms of focal length and flying
height, the average scale of a photograph is expressed

The aerial photograph is an instantaneous record S=H

of the ground details as determined chiefly by the or
focal length of the camera lens, the flying height of the
Scale= focal length (feet)
airplane at the time of exposure, and the film and flying height (feet).
Approximate photobase Principle point' Fiducial marks

Apr1mt h2baePicpepin Fdca ak

1 Plane of the negative

Focal length of camera lens

Air base distance

Lens angle\

F\ying e t

1 \\\\\ I \\ \ //'IIIIIIII I II II / j/\\ // \\ __-


Principal point coincidespith photograph

nadir in truly vertical photograph.

Ground nadir, photograph 1 Ground nadir, photograph 2

FIGURE 1.-Geometry of the vertical aerial photograph.


Thus, for example, the scale of photographs taken at chromatic aerial film is generally exposed through a
10,000 feet above mean terrain with a 6-inch (0.5 foot) minus-blue filter and permits the recording of blue-
focal-length lens is green, yellow, orange, and red light. When color film
0.5= is used the entire visible spectrum is commonly re-
corded and a greater number of color differences can
10,000 1:20,000.
be distinguished than on conventional black-and-white
It is evident that as focal length increases, the scale of film. Special color film or color film used with filters
photographs becomes larger, but as flying height in- may distort the color of the objects photographed, but
creases, scale of photographs becomes smaller. There- if differentiation of geologic features is permitted,
fore, at any given flying height, long-focal-length lenses then lack of color fidelity may not be detrimental to
result in larger scale photographs than short-focal- interpretation. Ideally, film and filter combinations
length lenses. It follows also that at a given flying may be used to accentuate specific features for a given
height a greater number of photographs are necessary type of interpretation (see p. 7-8).
to cover a given ground area when long-focal-length
lenses are used. Doubling the focal length of the lens,
for example, will quadruple the number of photographs The angle of the camera lens-that is, the apex
required to cover a given area at a given flying height. angle of the cone of rays passing through the lens-
It should be noted that if a photograph is enlarged is important indirectly in relation to radial displace-
or reduced, the "effective" focal length for that photo- ment and parallax measurements, which are in turn
graph is also changed in direct proportion to the significant with regard to photogrammetric applica-
amount of enlargement or reduction. Thus, if photo- tions in geologic interpretation. Characteristically,
graphs taken with a 6-inch-focal-length lens are en- long-focal-length lenses (greater than 6 inches) have
larged two times, the effective focal length is changed a narrower lens angle than short-focal-length lenses
from 6 inches to 12 inches. Parallax measurements (6 inches or less). Thus, to maintain a given scale
(see p. 53), used in determining differences in alti- and format size, photographs taken with a narrow-
tude, are increased, but the absolute value for each angle (long-focal-length) lens requires flying at a
unit of parallax measurement is decreased. Reducing higher altitude than with a wide-angle (short-focal-
or enlarging photographs thus has a significant effect length) lens. Under these conditions, radial displace-
with respect to choosing appropriate measuring and ment (also termed "relief displacement") of similar
plotting instruments, and in measuring differences in image points is less when narrow-angle lenses are used,
altitudes. but only because of the greater flying height required
For determining scale from the formula 8 = f/H by the narrow-angle lens to maintain the given scale
the effective focal length must be used where photo- and format size. The parallax difference for an object
graphs have been reduced or enlarged. Particular of specific height is in turn affected as a result of the
note should be made in the use of transformed low- difference in flying height, the parallax difference de-
oblique photographs, in which the effective focal length creasing directly with increased flying height for a
is almost always less than the focal length of the given focal-length lens (see p. 53). Thus it can be
camera. said that lens angle indirectly affects parallax meas-
FILM AND FILTER COMBINATIONS urement. When a constant flying height is main-
tained, however, lens angle does not affect parallax
The appearance of the photographic image may be measurements of similar image points. Image distor-
controlled to marked extent by the sensitivity of the tion at the margins of photographs taken with a wide-
film and by the light transmission of the filter em- angle lens may be greater than on photographs taken
ployed. The sensitivity of a film emulsion may be with a narrow-angle lens and this is considered by
controlled when the film is manufactured so that all many to be detrimental to photointerpretation, espe-
or only selected parts of the visible spectrum are re- cially in high-relief terrain.
corded, or so that part of the invisible spectrum, such
as infrared light, is recorded. Also, the wave length VIEWING OF PHOTOGRAPHS
of light reflected from an object and actually recorded Photographs may be viewed singly, as mosaics, or
may be controlled in part by filter combinations. The as stereoscopic pairs. Most commonly stereoscopic
recording of selected wave lengths of light, controlled pairs of paper prints are viewed in reflected light with
by filters or type of film, or by combinations of film simple lens, prism, or mirror stereoscopes, notes are
and filters, affects the photographic image, primarily made directly on the prints or on transparent overlays,
by affecting the photographic tone. Conventional pan- and information is later transferred to a base map or

mosaic. Many paper prints can also be viewed with photographs is not unlike certain geologic interpreta-
transmitted light, which may be helpful in revealing tions of field-observed data. Colwell (1952, p. 535;
photographic detail. If vertical measurements are 1954, p. 433) defined interpretation as "* * * the act
made from paper prints a separate measuring device of examining photographic images of objects for the
must be commonly employed with the stereoscope. In purpose of identifying the objects and deducing their
recent years double-projection instruments, employing significance." However, geologic interpretation, more
the anaglyph principle in forming the stereoscopic often than not, is a result of combined deductive and
model from glass-plate diapositives, have been used inductive reasoning, based on the principle of cause
increasingly in geologic interpretation. and effect. For example, certain features easily iden-
When photographs are viewed singly or in a mo- tified on aerial photographs, such as terminal moraines
saic, a two-dimensional view is obtained. The single and kettle holes, are inductively concluded to have re-
photograph or mosaic is normally viewed along a line sulted from glaciation, and this in turn may lead by
generally perpendicular to the photograph surface, deductive reasoning to the specific identification of less
but for some subtle linear features, an oblique view of readily recognizable features, such as certain kame
the surface with a reflected light source moved to dif- terraces. Further deduction may lead to conclusions
ferent positions may reveal photographic details other- concerning the type of material present in these ter-
wise difficult or impossible to see (see Lattman, 1958, races. On the other hand, interpretation may be
p. 575). Many valuable relations of geologic and asso- directed mainly toward understanding the geologic
ciated features can be observed, particularly as a result significance or history of a broad area, and specific
of the overall view permitted by mosaics or single features such as positions of beds and measurements
prints of small scale, but a two-dimensional view re- of stratigraphic thicknesses combine by inductive rea-
veals only part of the data available to the interpreter; soning to reveal the probable geologic conditions that
the value of three-dimensional, or stereoscopic, exami- resulted in those features.
nation of aerial photographs in contrast to studying Geologic interpretation of aerial photographs can
the two-dimensional view cannot be overemphasized. be considered generally a two-step process. The first
Conspicuous geologic features are commonly visible step includes observation, fact-gathering, measurement,
on single aerial photographs or mosaics of aerial pho- and identification of features on the photographs. The
tographs, but the wealth of information seen in stereo- second step involves deductive or inductive mental
scopic view is many times greater. Details, such as processing of these data in terms of geologic signifi-
fine lines or textural differences not readily seen on cance. According to Stone (1951, p. 755) a procedural
single photographs-or even on the ground-commonly or methodical approach to interpretation should be
are shown clearly in the stereoscopic model. Such used because "The establishment of procedure prepares
clarity is in many places a direct result of the com- the way for orderly and-complete analyses of complex
mon association of fine lines and textures with relief subjects." A procedural or methodical approach ap-
changes, which are exaggerated in most stereoscopic pears to be especially applicable to the observational
models. To take advantage of the exaggerated vertical phase of a photogeologic study, and it will give a firm
dimension, which is so helpful in photointerpretation, basis on which the interpretive phase is dependent.
aerial photographs should of course be viewed stereo- Observational data, also termed "first-order" infor-
scopically. It may be desirable also to view the photo- mation (see Hopkins, Karlstrom, and others, 1955,
graphs pseudoscopically by reversing the print posi- p. 142), may be subjected to either the empirical or
tions so that hills appear as valleys and vice versa. In rational method of processing (Smith, H. T. U., 1953,
pseudoscopic view, stream patterns or anomalies may p. 9-10). According to Smith (1953, p. 9) the empiri-
stand out (see fig. 95), or because of the unnatural
cal process is largely mechanical rather than percep-
view other features may be accentuated. Aschenbren-
tive, and involves matching images of a photograph
ner (1954, p. 401) demonstrated by the use of a seem-
with similar reference images; reasoning is largely by
ingly random distribution of dots, which may be
analogy and this "Reasoning by analogy alone is no-
likened to silver grains of a photographic emulsion,
toriously deceptive, unless extreme care is taken to
that information not visible on a single picture can
make certain that the analogy is truly complete."
be clearly seen in stereoscopic view.
Smith (1953, p. 9) also made the particularly signifi-
INTERPRETATION cant statement that "Nature is not always so obliging
Interpretation was defined broadly by Summerson as to provide the desired simplicity and uniformity of
(1954, p. 397) as the prediction of what cannot actu- conditions" that would permit the ready application
ally be seen; and thus geologic interpretation of aerial of empirical methods. Indeed, much in nature is com-

plex and nonuniform, many terrain features are poly- features to interpret geology is an example of what
genetic, and thus interpreting the geologic significance has been termed the "convergence of evidence" prin-
of observational data is dependent largely upon a ciple (Colwell, 1952, p. 566).
thorough understanding of the principles of the sci- Interpretation, then, begins with the observation,
ences that explain the observational data. "The physi- identification, and measurement of features on photo-
cal conditions of a particular terrain change, and the graphs. One of the most obvious features is that of
adjustment to that change is a gradual one, allowing landform, and it has been stated by Johnstone (1953,
all manner of intermediate forms and combinations p. 265) that analysis of landforms constitutes the basis
between the norm for the old situation and that for of photogeology. Smit Sibinga (1948) also pointed
the new" (Summerson, 1954, p. 396). out the importance of landform, or geomorphic ex-
Surface expressions of geologic features-the obser- pression, in interpreting the lithologic character of
vational data-range from the very obvious to the very rocks; but analysis of landform, however important,
subtle. Sorting those data that are significant to a cannot be the complete basis for photogeologic inter-
particular problem and properly relating these fea- pretation, for there is additional "first-order" informa-
tures one to another provide a measure of the ability tion such as vegetation patterns, soil patterns, and
of the individual interpreter. Where more than one stream patterns; photogrammetric measurements also
plausible explanation of observational data is possible, provide first-order data. Features other than land-
the experience as well as the fundamental geologic form may actually be more important for certain struc-
ability of the interpreter become especially significant. tural interpretations. For example, vegetation may
Thus a rational processing of observational data will grow along and mark the location of a fault. Thus,
yield the most meaningful interpretive results. This interpretation is based not only on landform but also
does not imply that an empirical method of processing on photographic tone differences, color differences,
observational data, exemplified by the numerous pho- drainage patterns, erosion patterns, soil patterns, vege-
tointerpretation "keys," may not yield satisfactory tation patterns, and any other surface expression of
results in certain geologic problems and terrains, but underlying geology. It is fundamental that photoin-
the logical, scientific approach demands a rational terpretation is only applicable to those geologic features
processing of observational data, particularly where that do develop such surface expressions.
inferences based on subjective interpretations are re- The many features of surface expression used in
quired. photogeologic interpretation are identified on the ba-
If observational data cannot be rationally inter- sis of recognition elements-characteristics of the pho-
preted, they may still be of some empirical value. For tographs that result from the scale selected; the color
example, an interpreter may recognize two zones of of the rocks, vegetation, and soils of the terrain pho-
vegetation on aerial photographs. Without knowledge tographed; the kind of film and filters used; the
of plant ecology, he may infer that a geologic contact processing of the film; and related factors. The most
exists between the two vegetation types. But a knowl- significant recognition elements are relative photo-
edge of plant ecology, permitting a rational interpre- graphic tone, color, texture, pattern, and association
tation, might well have allowed a further inference of features. Shape is important in identifying many
that one type of rock or soil was likely to be highly constructional landforms. Finite size as a recognition
permeable in contrast with the other, thus revealing element for geologic interpretation has been used very
information with regard to certain physical character- little, although relative size is commonly considered
istics of the rock or soil, which in turn may suggest by the interpreter. The increasing use of photogram-
something of the lithologic character. Thus "* * * the metry in geologic interpretation, however, portends an
understanding of any particular terrain requires more increasing importance for size, not so much as a recog-
than the knowledge of the geology * * *" (Summer- nition element in the usual sense of the word, but as
son, 1954, p. 397). The greatest understanding will be an interpretation element (see p. 13). Shadows may
by individuals grounded in the natural sciences and help in distinguishing certain tree types, which in turn
who understand, as a result, the various factors that may have geologic significance.
contribute to a particular region. Because any geo-
logic terrain is normally a complex that also includes INTERPRETATION FACTORS
features of fundamental interest to the botanist, for- RECOGNITION ELEMENTS

ester, soil scientist, and others, photogeologic interpre- PHOTOGRAPHIC TONE

tation must take cognizance of these related sciences. Photographic tone is a measure of the relative
The combined use of vegetation, soils, and geologic amount of light reflected by an object and actually
recorded on a black-and-white photograph; it is fun- ered tonal contrasts to be major keys for recognizing
damental to all other recognition elements, except color. landscape features of low relief in the coastal region
Tones on conventional photographs are usually shades of the Gulf States, such tonal differences resulting
of gray, but may be black or white. Because of the mainly from soil and vegetation differences. Schulte
ability of the human eye to differentiate subtle tone (1951, p. 697) pointed out, with regard to pure stands
changes, relative photographic tone is a significant of trees, that at large scales photographic detail is
asset in geologic interpretation of aerial photographs. more important, but at small scales tone becomes rela-
However, photographic tone is subject to wide varia- tively more important.
tion and there are limits to its usefulness as a recog- Because the analysis of photographic tone is highly
nition element because of the many factors that can subjective it has been suggested that photographic
influence it. tone might not be as useful as other recognition ele-
Photographic tone depends on light reflectivity, ments in interpretation. Because of differences that
which in turn depends on location of an object with may arise from position, angle of reflected light, proc-
respect to the sun; thus the time of day and month essing, and other factors, Stone (1956, p. 125) stated
of year are influencing factors. Haze strongly scatters that photographic tone in interpretation probably has
light, particularly at the short or blue end of the been overemphasized. This is true if the factors that
spectrum and hence affects photographic tone unless affect tone prevent photographic distinction of images
corrective filters are used. Geographic latitude, angle that might otherwise be made. But if changes in rela-
of reflected light, sensitivity of film, light transmission tive photographic tone are present on a photograph,
of filters, and processing also may exert considerable the interpreter should expect that these changes might
effect on photographic tone. Hence a standardized be geologically significant. Indeed, photographic tone
tone scale (Daehn, 1949, p. 287) would appear to have is probably the most used recognition and interpreta-
little usefulness unless relative photographic tones on tion element, although it is generally used in conjunc-
different photographs could be equated in terms of the tion with one or more other recognition elements. The
tone scale. It is probable that the use of a densi- absence of photographic-tone changes, as a result of
tometer to measure relative photographic tone in terms processing and other factors, where such tone changes
of the density of the negative would be a satisfactory might normally be expected, does not detract from the
measure of tone, even though many factors influence possible usefulness of tone changes on other parts of
the density. Particularly in quantitative studies the a photograph. It merely suggests that the potential
use of a densitometer to measure relative photographic of photographic tone differences has not been accom-
tone may prove very worthwhile in differentiating plished for the photographs in question.
certain geologic features (Ray and Fischer, 1960). It is worthy of note that in interpretation strong
Photographic tone, despite the many factors that tonal contrasts are generally desirable. Yet modern
may affect it, can be a particularly useful interpreta- automatic dodging devices commonly used in printing
tion element; its usefulness depends on the problem photographs generally reduce overall tonal contrasts,
under consideration and on how tone is used in con- although locally, as in darkly shaded areas or brightly
junction with other recognition elements. For exam- lighted areas, automatic dodging may strengthen tonal
ple, if the fracture pattern of an area were studied contrasts. Because most aerial negatives are slightly
and it were known that a lush and dark-toned vegeta- lighter in the corners than in the center, hand dodging
tion grew along the fractures because of concentration is commonly necessary if automatic dodging is not em-
of moisture, the relative photographic tone probably ployed in making prints. However, undodged or
would be a significant recognition element regardless hand-dodged prints are probably the best for general
of the limiting factors mentioned above. On the other photointerpretation.
hand, as a means of distinguishing between two types For special interpretation problems it may be pos-
of trees that reflect similar amounts of light but which sible to enhance tonal contrasts within a limited range
might signify differences in the underlying geology, of the tone scale by film intensifiers or other photo-
photographic tone might be of little value unless used graphic processes, such as use of selected filters. Ray
in conjunction with other recognition elements, such and Fischer (1960) used selected filters in photograph-
as crown texture. ing weathered samples of the Bernal and San Andres
Raup and Denny (1950, p. 120), in work along the formations of New Mexico. The Bernal formation is
Alaska Highway, considered photographic tone the a red thin-bedded shale and shaly siltstone; the San
least satisfactory criterion in identifying and inter- Andres limestone is primarily a grayish limestone.
preting vegetation. But Tator (1951, p. 717) consid- Spectral reflectance curves, based on spectrophotome-

782-139 0 - 65 - 2

ter studies, show significant differences for these two 1958; and Minard, 1960). The significance of differ-
formations (fig. 2). Particularly at the short or blue ences within a photograph is interpretation and the
end of the spectrum a strong difference in intensity of greater the number of differences, such as color con-
reflected light is present; the San Andres limestone trasts, the greater is the potential for detailed inter-
reflects almost twice as much light as the Bernal for- pretations. It is a well-established fact that the human
mation. A noticeable difference is also present at the eye can differentiate about 1,000 times as many tints
long or red end of the spectrum. But the spectral and shades of color as it can tints and shades of gray,
reflectance curves of the Bernal and San Andres for- characteristic of black-and-white photographs, and
mations within 500 to 675 millimicrons-the wave hence it may be concluded that color aerial photo-
lengths generally recorded on conventional black-and- graphs will permit a greater amount of detail to be
white aerial photographs-show that the overall light recognized and interpreted. However, it is possible
reflectance from these two formations would average that two rock types of similar color might be differ-
out to be generally similar and little photographic entiated more easily on certain black-and-white photo-
distinction should be expected within this range. It graphs than on color photographs because of miner-
is significant that strong reflectance differences which alogic, chemical, or other differences that may permit
exist in one part of the spectrum may be masked by significant contrasts in reflected light to be recorded
reflectance characteristics in another part of the spec- when selected films and filters are used.
30 1 , , , , 1 Petrusevich and Kazik (1955, p. 5, 8) reported that
where color contrasts of rocks are not strong, bound-
aries between these rocks are more clearly seen on
black-and-white photographs than on color photo-
Bernal formation graphs. Where color contrasts are strong, interpreta-
"San Andres ......
tion is facilitated in areas where individual beds are
20 rather thick and the color of formations is retained

for considerable distances along the strike. Petruse-
vich and Kazik (1955, p. 8) also reported that "A com-
parison of aerial color photographs of scales 1:15,000;
1:10,000; 1:8,000; and 1:5,000 for the same area, taken
under the same conditions, shows that * * * the prac-
10F tical use of aerial color photography for geological
purposes should be limited to a scale of 1:10,000 and
larger." This conclusion was based on a study of pho-
tographs taken with an 8.25-inch lens. Recently de-
veloped short-focal-length lenses (3.5 inches and 6
inches) now permit useful color aerial photography to
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 be achieved at a scale smaller than 1:10,000.
WAVE LENGTH, IN MILLIMICRONS Aerial color negative film may prove particularly
FIGURE 2.-Spectral reflectance curves of weathered samples useful in photointerpretive studies. Unlike positive
of Bernal formation (red thin-bedded shale and shaly silt- transparencies (reversible-type color film), which re-
stone) and San Andres limestone (primarily a grayish lime-
stone), New Mexico. quire use of filters during exposure of the film, nega-
tive-type color film is processed with filters inserted
trum, and therefore to achieve photographic distinc- during the printing process. It is thus possible to
tion of two features, it would probably be necessary vary the color contrasts through the simple medium
to record a restricted part of the spectrum. Photo- of printing, with the possible advantages that certain
graphs of the Bernal and San Andres formations features of geologic significance, such as alteration
taken through filters that permit recording only of re- zones, may be emphasized. Petrusevich and Kazik
flected light at the short or long end of the spectrum
(1955, p. 5) noted that a greater contrast often can be
show a marked photographic distinction of the two
obtained in a black-and-white print from a color nega-
COLOR tive than in a print from the corresponding black-and-
Color as a recognition element could be one of the white negative. Fischer (1958, p. 546) in turn stated
most useful, if not the most useful, criterion for inter- that black-and-white positive prints from Ektachrome
pretive purposes (see Kent, 1957; Ray, 1958; Fischer, aero positive transparencies also show stronger tone

contrasts between various rock units than the conven- the introduction of "soil texture" in some photogeologic
tional black-and-white photographs. literature; the obvious distinction between photo-
graphic texture, which can be directly observed, and
soil texture, which must be interpreted from other
Texture was defined by Colwell (1952, p. 538) as
"* * * the frequency of tone change within the image recognition elements, must of course be made. Tex-
* * * [and] * * * is produced by an aggregate of unit ture also has been used in relation to the density of a
drainage network; wide spacing of streams results in
features too small to be clearly discerned individually
a "coarse" texture of drainage and close spacing of
on the photograph." The scale of the photographs
streams results in a "fine" texture of drainage (figs.
thus has an important bearing on this definition of
3, 42, 49, 51, 62, 63, 79, and 106). Unless quanti-
texture. For example, a network of fine lines described
tative meaning is given to drainage texture, the term
as a texture on one scale of photographs may well be
must be used on a comparative basis within any one
recognizable as a network of joints on a larger scale
general scale of photography. Horton (1945, p. 283-
of photographs; this bears out Schulte's statement
284) defined drainage density in quantitative terms
(1951, p. 697), made with regard to plant distribution,
but little use has been made of this classification by
that at large scales photographic detail is more impor-
tant, whereas at small scales tone becomes relatively
more important. Such a texture, due to tone change Topographic texture has been used to describe the
within the image, may be called a "photographic tex- degree of dissection of the land surface (see Smith,
ture" (figs. 43, 56, and 85). Photographic texture is K. G., 1950, p. 655-668). Like texture of drainage,
topographic texture may be described as fine or coarse
therefore a comparative feature within any one gen-
eral scale of photography. Although photographic
(figs. 39, 51, 62, 75, and 106). Quantitative study of
tone is a fundamental element of photographic tex- topographic texture, based on map study, has shown
ture, the photographic conditions that affect tone may that the texture ratio, a mathematical expression of
vary and yet permit such a texture to be a diagnostic the dissection of the ground surface, bears a logarith-
recognition element. This is due to the fact that tex- mic function relation to drainage density (Smith,
ture in the photographic sense is really a composite K. G., 1950, p. 667-668). Therefore, because drainage
of several fundamental characteristics, namely photo- density can be determined readily, aerial photographs
graphic tone, shape, size, and pattern, and, of these may be useful in a comparative study of erosional
elements, slight variations of tone would least signifi- topographies.
cantly affect the recognition of a given texture. When texture is used to designate drainage density
Photographic textures have been described by vari- or erosional characteristics of the terrain, rather than
ous workers (Spurr, 1948; Raup and Denny, 1950) as to designate a photographic texture, the use should be
coarse, fine, rough, and fluffy, but such descriptive so qualified as to make the definition clear. Although
terminology would seem to have very limited use un- textures are commonly considered in terms of the two-
less accompanied by photographic illustrations. Fur- dimensional plan view, it is important to note that
thermore, unless these descriptive terms are themselves erosional texture may well be significant or at least
clearly defined, comparisons of photographic textures more readily recognized when viewed from the third
with specific commonly known objects might be more dimension of the stereoscopic model (see fig. 39).
useful. It may also be suggested that because photo- PATTERN
graphic textures are normally considered as two dimen- Pattern, as used herein, refers to the orderly spatial
sional, the use of a densitometer in conjunction with arrangement of geologic, topographic, or vegetation
a coordinatograph-type instrument to determine tone features. The spatial arrangement of pattern is nor-
changes per millimeter within the image might permit mally considered by interpreters to be a two-dimen-
mathematical classification of such textures. However, sional or plan-view arrangement of features, but it
such a classification might fail where a strong textural may also be a three-dimensional arrangement. If fea-
fabric prevailed, for two textures differing primarily tures that make up a pattern become too small to
because of shape or preferred orientations within the identify, as on small-scale photographs, they may then
image might well be assigned to the same mathematical form a photographic texture.
classification. Patterns resulting from particular distributions of
In addition to the use of the term "texture" as de- gently curved or straight lines are common and are
scribed above, texture has other meanings, as in refer- frequently of structural significance; they may repre-
ence to soils. The application of aerial photographs sent faults, joints, dikes, or bedding. But a single
to soils and engineering geology studies has resulted in line, or lineation, is also an illustration of pattern; it

FIGURE 3.-Drainage map of large area in vicinity of ring dike shown in figure 54.

A separate tracing of drainage over a large area in the ring dike is more readily seen on a separate tracing of
vicinity of the ring dike of figure 54 shows a marked de- drainage than in the stereoscopic model. (See also fig. 9.)
crease in drainage density within the ring-dike area. The Inset shows area of figure 54.
contrast in drainage densities inside and outside of the

may result from an orderly arrangement of stream rock of uniform character, the latter along narrow rock
segments, trees, depressions, or other features (figs. bands, faults, or similar limited features. Alinements
74 and 84). This arrangement may be a continuous further may be subdivided as linear, parallel, and
alinement of geologic, topographic, or vegetation fea- curved (see Woolnough, 1934a, p. 213). It is suggested
tures, but more commonly it is a discontinuous aline- that narrow linear or parallel alinements of vegetation
ment. Because lineations are especially important as may represent fractures (figs. 50, 60, 71, and 101),
expressions of fractures they may indicate areas of whereas wide, curved alinements may signify the dis-
considerable economic significance. tribution of outcrop of low, moderately or even steeply
Drainage patterns are an important element in geo- dipping beds (figs. 40 and 72); where curved aline-
logic interpretation of aerial photographs (figs. 48, ments form closed loops they generally represent hori-
94, and 96). In bedrock areas these patterns "* * zontal or nearly flat lying beds (figs. 61 and 77).

depend for the most part on the lithologic character of The term "pattern" has also been used in the litera-
the underlying rocks, the attitude of these rock bodies ture in quite a different sense than described above. In
* * * and the arrangement and spacing of the planes the study of surficial materials the term "soil pattern"
* * * of lithologic and structural weakness encountered -a poorly chosen term-refers to the combination of
by the runoff" (Tator, 1954, p. 412). Stream patterns surface expressions, such as landform, drainage char-
thus reflect the control exerted by underlying structure acteristics, and vegetation, that are used in the inter-
and rock type. But stream characteristics may be in- pretation of ground conditions (see p. 34-37). Thus
fluenced by thickness and kind of surficial material pattern as defined above may be included as an element
where structural control is at a minimum. Under of the broad term "soil pattern," commonly used in
these conditions the drainage may reflect differences engineering geology descriptions. Soil patterns may
in surficial materials that are significant to the engi- reveal information of direct use in engineering geol-
neering geologist. (See Belcher, 1945, 1948; Jenkins, ogy studies, as in the location of granular materials
Belcher, Greeg, and Woods, 1946; Frost, 1946; Frost (figs. 52, 88, 104, and 108; and p. 34-37); in addition
and Woods, 1948; Hittle, 1949; and Parvis, 1947, soil patterns may be important in suggesting the dis-
1950.) In areas where resistance to erosion may be tribution of certain rock types; this distribution in
more or less uniform, as in many surficial deposits or turn may reflect geologic structures (see figs. 4, 48,
in bedrock without pronounced structure, the drainage and 81).
pattern is commonly dendritic or modified dendritic RELATION TO ASSOCIATED FEATURES
(see figs. 70, 77, and 106). Where structures are well The relation of one feature to its surroundings is
developed, as in folded mountains, characteristic trel- commonly important because a single feature by itself
lis, annular, or other drainage patterns may develop may not be distinctive enough to permit its identifica-
(see fig. 64). tion. The significance of this relation may be spatial
Because the sensitivity of drainage to strike and dip or genetic. For example, depressions may be identified
directions is pronounced, changes in a drainage pat- as kettle holes because of their location near readily
tern, or deviation from an established norm, may be identified terminal moraines, and because of their
as important or more important than interpretation genetic association with glaciated terrain. With re-
of any one stream pattern. "It is therefore important gard to spatial association this recognition element
that relatively large areas be examined so that local has also been called the "site factor" (Colwell, 1952,
drainage patterns [or anomalies] may be readily dif- p. 540) ; it may be particularly useful in determining
ferentiated from regional drainage patterns" (Alliger, the significance of vegetation with respect to the under-
1955, p. 180). A change in drainage may thus have lying geology. For example, certain tree groups grow-
significant structural implications (see figs. 9, 94, and ing on topographically high areas in interior Alaska
96). But a difference in stream pattern may also sug- suggest well-drained underlying materials. The land-
gest variations in lithologic character of the underlying form, especially, in combination with the vegetation
rocks. characteristics suggests stabilized sand dunes (fig. 56).
Patterns of vegetation are also commonly of geologic The relation of associated features may thus permit
significance and may reflect structural conditions or specific identifications and inferences concerning sur-
lithologic character of rock types (see figs. 40, 43, 54, ficial materials or rock types.
72, and 85). Woolnough (1934a, p. 213) suggested Photograph scale may be important in the interpre-
that a distinction be made between two types of vege- tation of associated features; that is, a geologic fea-
tation distribution which he called "blocks" and "aline- ture on small-scale photographs may be interpreted
ments;" the former occurs on extensive outcrops of because of its position with regard to other features,

Iredell loam

\r /34O 0'

Mecklenburg loam

Scale 1 inch= 1 mile Cecil and Davidson soils

FIGURE 4.-Generalized soil map of area shown in figure 48 (modified from soil survey map of Abbeville County,
South Carolina).
The circular area underlain by Mecklenburg loam and ially in areas of residual soils. The soil maps may provide
Iredell loam is conspicuous. These soils delimit an area of structural or lithologic data with respect to underlying
mafic intrusive rocks from a surrounding area of silicic rock rocks, or they may provide pedologic data concerning the
types. Particularly where outcrops are sparse or lacking, surficial materials that is useful to the engineering geolo-
soil maps may provide significant geologic information, espe- gist.

all of which can be seen at the same time (fig. 55), nition, which involves relief or topographic expression.
whereas on large-scale photographs direct identifica- In this regard shape is very important in recognizing
tion might be made because photographic details are constructional landforms, such as volcanic cones, sand
visible. The usefulness of association as a recognition dunes, river terraces, and certain glacial features (figs.
element also will vary not only with photograph scale 41, 55-58, 60, and 104) ; it is also useful in differen-
but with the objective of the study. The engineering tiating rock units where one formation is expressed in
geologist may be confronted with the immediate iden- bold cliffs and overlies a second formation that shows
tification and location of kames as a source of gravel a lesser angle of slope (figs. 62, 84, and 91), or where
near a proposed highway route, whereas the geologist adjacent rocks show significant differences in topo-
mapping the entire area would be interested in the graphic relief (fig. 65). Rectilinear depressions may
identification, orientation, and distribution of all kames, be expressions of faults (figs. 60, 85, 86, 99, and 103).
with respect to geologic history of the area. The general surface configuration, as in the "beehive"
SHAPE weathering of some massive sandstones, also may be
Shape as a recognition element in geologic interpre- regarded as an expression of shape that is useful in
tation is significant primarily only in its broadest defi- recognition. According to Belcher (1945, p. 140-141)

shapes of gully cross sections are important to the in- 39) ; or it may aid in correlation of beds across fault
terpretation of surficial materials for engineering pur- zones. Determining the range of thicknesses over a
poses. However, in its strictest definition, as "a spa- broad area may be essential to understanding the re-
tial form with respect to a relatively constant contour gional geology of that area (see p. 59-60).
or periphery" (Webster's New International Diction- Studies in quantitative geomorphology suggest that
ary, 1950) shape has been of little importance as a size, in terms of finite measurements, may be an ex-
recognition element because nature may reveal the tremely important parameter of geologic interpreta-
same geologic feature in an infinite number of different tion of aerial photographs. Measurement of geologic
shapes, and because common scales of photography data can be expected to become an even more impor-
(1:20,000) restrict an interpreter's ability to see details tant part of photogeology in the future as techniques
of shape. Where local field criteria have been estab- of quantifying geologic information become more
lished, shape may be useful, for example, in the inter- widely used.
pretation of patterned areas (fig. 53) or in the study
of gully cross sections, particularly when large-scale
The usefulness of recognition elements, of course, is
photographs are available (fig. 88).
enhanced where they may be used in combination.
Shadow as a recognition element is primarily a use Indeed, photographic tone, useful alone as a recogni-
of shape and photographic tone. Because vertical tion factor under some conditions, is a fundamental
aerial photographs are commonly used for interpreta- photographic characteristic without which there could
tion, shadows may permit an effective side view of some be no recognition elements at all on black-and-white
features. For example, shadows may be useful in in- photographs. As mutually supporting recognition
terpreting tree types, such as conifers, which generally elements an association of photographic tone, topo-
have pointed tops; the type of tree in turn may have graphic expression, and texture may permit the inter-
a relation to underlying geologic materials and par- pretation of bedding, even in areas of sparse or no
ticularly to soil-moisture conditions (Stoeckeler, 1952, outcrops (fig. 40). Faults are commonly expressed as
p. 4). For interpreting most natural features, how- straight or gently curved lines; they may be further
ever, the shape of shadows probably contributes little identified by an abrupt photographic tone change on
in direct identification. Insofar as shadows contribute opposite sides of these lines as well as bya pronounced
to textures and patterns, they are of course of great offset of recognizable rock types (fig. 83). Surficial
importance. Even slight topographic breaks may be materials are commonly identified on the combined
accentuated by shadows (figs. 88 and 97). basis of stream patterns, shapes of gully cross sections,
SIZE texture, and photographic tone as well as by their rela-
The quantitative element of size, as it relates to tion to associated features (see p. 34-37).
surface or volume. dimensions of an object, has been
little used in recognition of geologic features from
aerial photographs, although relative size has been In addition to those recognition elements that are
useful as an interpretation aid. Size as an interpre- based on factors, such as film and filter used and
tation element is being used increasingly with the processing, that directly affect the photographic image,
adoption of photogrammetry as a fundamental part certain other factors are important in interpretation.
of photogeology; it is most appropriately considered Especially significant is vertical exaggeration-the
in relation to interpretations based on thickness of exaggeration of vertical distances with respect to hori-
strata, amount of offset along faults, or other finite zontal distances-which is characteristic of almost all
measurements (see p. 56-63). Geologically signifi- stereoscopic models; this exaggeration makes slopes
cant measurements may be directly related to topo- appear steeper than they are and objects seem taller
graphic expression; that is, measurements between than they are. Vertical exaggeration is generally
topographic positions may yield direct information present not only in viewing stereoscopic models formed
such as stratigraphic thickness. But generally other from paper prints but also in viewing projected stereo-
influencing factors, such as dip of beds or other struc- scopic models formed from glass-plate diapositives in
tural elements, must be considered just as in field double-projection instruments.
measurement (see p. 56-58). If the thickness of a An understanding of vertical exaggeration is funda-
formation is known, it may aid in location of forma- mental in the study of stereoscopic models, not only
tion contacts on aerial photographs, because measure- because of the exaggerated heights and the somewhat
ments may be made from known points that would unnatural view that results, but because in many geo-
permit the positioning of the obscured contacts (fig. logic problems the interpreter relies on visual dip

estimations rather than on any measuring devices (see tographs are normally taken at relatively high altitudes
p. 64). The. amount of exaggeration of a dip angle and have scales of 1:60,000 or smaller; their useful-
in a stereoscopic model is fundamentally related to the ness results chiefly from showing a large area in a
tangent of the dip angle; that is, in a stereoscopic single view (approximately 80 square miles on a single
model exaggerated 3 times, for example, any true dip photograph having a scale of 1:60,000), which may
angle would be exaggerated to an angle whose tangent reveal overall relations, as in geologic structures, drain-
function was equal to 3 times the tangent of true dip. age patterns, or other features, that could not be read-
Exaggeration of low dips is generally an aid in struc- ily seen otherwise (figs. 48 and 55). Photomosaics
tural interpretation and in detecting tilt from aerial commonly serve this same purpose (fig. 96). The
photographs. association of features over a large area provided by
Minor topographic differences, which may reflect the small scale is the significant factor to be consid-
underlying geologic structure, are also exaggerated and ered. However, the reduction in image size due to
in turn easily recognized (figs. 40, 88, and 97). The high flying heights or short-focal-length lenses may
exaggeration of relief in a stereoscopic model of be detrimental to the identification of some features,
1:20,000-scale photographs taken with a 6-inch-focal- and hence make such photographs of little use for some
length lens commonly permits an interpreter to dis- interpretation problems. For example, details of joint-
tinguish differences in altitude as small as 1 foot. As ing may be entirely lost on small-scale photographs.
a consequence vertical exaggeration then is most im- Also, use of small-scale photographs obtained by using
portant where small but significant differences in alti- extremely short-focal-length lenses, that is, 2 inches
tude may be present in the stereoscopic model. or shorter, may be undesirable, especially in areas of
Vertical exaggeration -results from the wide spacing moderate to high relief, because many topographically
of the camera positions at the time of exposure, as low areas will be masked from view. Nevertheless,
contrasted to the spacing of the human eyes with small-scale photographs have definite advantages in
respect to normal viewing arrangement in examining qualitative interpretation (Hemphill, 1958b) and may
stereoscopic models. Vertical exaggeration in normal be especially useful if employed in conjunction with
viewing arrangement is fundamentally related to base- large-scale photographs or with instruments that en-
height ratio, which is the ratio of the air base distance large the photography scale (see p. 47). Where
to the flying height (see fig. 1). As this ratio in- quantitative study is involved, small-scale photographs
creases, vertical exaggeration increases. Thus the are advantageous in that less control is needed within
greater the distance between camera stations (equiva- a given area than with large-scale photographs; but
lent to air base distance), flying height remaining con- this advantage may be offset by the decrease in the
stant, the greater is the vertical exaggeration. The reliability of measurements (see p. 72-74).
resulting photographs will have an increasingly smaller
overlap area and consequently a lesser area within the PHOTOGEOLOGY IN GEOLOGIC MAPPING
stereoscopic model. It should be noted, however, that In geologic mapping maximum use of aerial photo-
in normal photographing procedure when flying height graphs is attained by closely integrating field and pho-
is increased for any given focal-length lens, the air togeologic studies. It generally is desirable to precede
base distance is also increased so that a relatively con- the field phase of geologic study by a study of aerial
stant base-height ratio is maintained. Under these photographs, which should include the compilation of
conditions vertical exaggeration is not affected by fly- a preliminary map on which all interpretations, how-
ing height. When the base-height ratio is increased ever reliable or questionable, have been noted. Such a
through the use of short-focal-length lenses, vertical preliminary photogeologic study affords several advan-
exaggeration will also increase, the photographs taken tages: it may point out areas that must be mapped
with the shorter focal-length lens showing the greater primarily by field methods; it may eliminate or reduce
exaggeration. Effective vertical exaggeration may also extensive field surveys in certain areas; it may direct
be increased by moving the two photographs farther attention to anomalous areas where detailed field study
apart at the time of viewing, or by increasing the is particularly warranted; and it commonly provides
viewing distance. a basis for organizing the geologic plan of field study.
In addition, attention is directed to those areas where
field study will most likely result in establishing cri-
Small-scale photographs may be advantageous for teria that will permit a refinement of further photo-
interpreting some geologic terrains, particularly where geologic mapping. Also, a preliminary study of pho-
reconnaissance information is desired. Small-scale pho- tographs gives a geographic familiarity of the area

that would be useful in choosing camp sites, routes of Putnam stated (1947, p. 560, 562) that "* * * geologic
traverse, and optimum locations of instrument survey features * * * tend to be more recognizable where
stations. strong differences exist in the erosional resistance of
Continuing use of aerial photographs during the adjacent rocks. Thus, sedimentary rocks, as sandstone,
field phase of geologic study permits a firsthand corre- shale, and limestone, are likely to be more apparent
lation of geologic features and photographic images, than relatively homogeneous rocks like granite, espe-
which corroborates or refutes preliminary interpreta- cially if the sedimentary rocks have a moderate dip."
tions and provides information for subsequent detailed Bentor (1952, p. 162), based on his work in Israel, was
photointerpretive study. Refinements in interpretation of the opinion that "As a whole, air-photographs
may be made in the field or in a followup photogeo- are much less useful in regions of crystalline rocks
logic study. than in those composed of sedimentary formations."
The delineation of rock types and structures from With regard to igneous and metamorphic terrains,
aerial photographs may involve mere observation; or which are generally believed to be more difficult to
more commonly interpretation is involved. In some interpret than sedimentary terrains, Melton (1956,
areas it is possible only to map similar photographic p. 57) concluded that "Discovery of hitherto unknown
units, as no diagnostic or suggestive criteria as or abnormal structures and [mineral] deposits. rather
to rock type may be present. Such areas are usually than detailed mapping, will probably be the most re-
poorly exposed because of heavy vegetation or surficial warding use of aerial photographs * *."
debris; relief may be very low. But in other areas, Except for high mountainous areas where vegetative
where wide expanses of rock crop out, specific forma- growth is restricted by altitude, arid and semiarid
tions or rock types may be easily delimited on the regions generally will have the largest areas of rock
photographs; thus much of the routine work of map- outcrop, and tropical regions the least; hence the arid
ping geologic contacts, as well as determining struc- and semiarid regions may be expected to yield the
tural measurements, can be accomplished readily by greatest amount of geologic information from aerial
photogeologic methods. Where geologic structures photographs. In addition to relatively wide areas of
are small and complex, aerial photographs may pro- rock exposure, the arid and semiarid regions may be
vide only limited information as contrasted to areas expected to show a greater number of significant plant-
where geologic structures are large and simple. De- rock associations than other climatic areas, because
pending chiefly on factors related to geologic environ- weathered material in the arid and semiarid regions
ment, climate, and erosional cycle, the extent to which is not excessively leached and a close relation of soil
photogeologic methods can be applied thus may vary to parent formation therefore persists. Where this
widely. close association of parent rock and residual soils ex-
ists the distribution of different vegetation, reflecting
the effect of bedrock on the composition of the soils,
Geologic information that can be interpreted from may facilitate the mapping of different rock types (see
aerial photographs may be grouped broadly into two Levings, 1944, p. 27-30). In areas of much precipi-
categories: lithologic and structural. In general or tation, under temperate or tropical climatic conditions,
reconnaissance mapping the geologist is interested soils tends to be leached of salts, and there is a further
largely in determining the distribution of rock units, tendency for soils from different parent formations
including surficial deposits, and in delineating geologic to become more similar at maturity (Murray, 1955,
structures. Special studies may require a more rigor- p. 104). Murray stated (1955, p. 104) that under
ous application of photogeologic procedures, which tropical conditions where rainfall is abundant, the
includes quantitative as well as qualitative study of ratios of potassium, sodium, and calcium to aluminum,
the stereoscopic models. But regardless of the objec- which are widely different in silicic and mafic rocks,
tive of a particular study, the kinds and amounts of become smaller on weathering and are nearly equal
geologic information available from aerial photographs in mature soils. Thus differences in vegetation as re-
will depend primary on the type of terrain-whether lated to specific formations might be less well devel-
igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary-, the climatic oped in tropical areas, except for those plant associa-
environment, and stage of the geomorphic cycle. tions that may depend primarily on physical char-
It is generally believed that sedimentary rock areas acteristics of the soil rather than chemical. Grantham
will yield more information from aerial photographs (1953, p. 329) noted that in semiarid areas of Africa
than igneous rock areas, and that regions underlain by the soils reflect geology through vegetation differences
metamorphic rocks will reveal the least information. more strongly than in wet temperate areas.

Sedimentary terrains yield a greater amount of litho- lowered as a result of weathering and removal of ma-
logic and structural information than igneous and terials largely by sheet wash and creep (figs. 87, 91,
metamorphic areas because of the generally nonho- and 97). Back slopes of steeply dipping beds, es-
mogeneous nature of sedimentary terrain, which results pecially, may contrast strongly because they commonly
in marked differential erosion characteristics that expose to erosion within a given area a wider variety
stand out on aerial photographs. Sedimentary rocks of lithologic types than dip slopes of gently dipping
of strongly differing physical characteristics commonly beds. Although topographic expression is thus im-
crop out within short distances whereas plutonic rocks, portant in recognition of bedding, banding due to
particularly, are likely to be relatively homogeneous vegetation or soil differences, expressed by photo-
over wide areas. Locally, diagnostic landforms, such graphic tone may likewise delineate beds, in absence
as volcanic cones, may be important in study of ig- of topographic expression or in combination with it
neous terrains, especially where extrusive rocks pre- (figs. 40 and 81). Bedding is especially prominent in
vail. Metamorphic terrains, on the other hand, may the mature stage of the geomorphic cycle, particularly
reveal the least amount of information from aerial in terrain underlain by interbedded hard and soft
photographs because of the very nature of the meta- sedimentary rocks that are tilted. However, bedding
morphic processes, which tend to destroy the erosional may be masked by the massive character of some
and landform characteristics of sedimentary and ig- sedimentary rocks, such as certain sandstones, in which
neous rocks from which the metamorphic rocks are case the sedimentary rocks may appear to be homo-
derived. geneous and similar to some metamorphic rocks or
In any area where vegetative cover is dense and intrusive igneous rocks as seen on aerial photographs
where surficial debris is widespread, aerial photo- (contrast figs. 71 and 92). A notable exception is
graphs generally can be expected to yield more struc- massive limestone in which sinkholes have developed
tural information than lithologic information. The (fig. 68).
amount of structural information in turn generally will As seen on aerial photographs shales and similar
be greater, for any one type of terrain and climatic fine-grained sedimentary rocks tend to have relatively
environment, during the mature stage of the geomor- dark photographic tones, a fine-textured drainage, and
phic cycle, at which time streams show their greatest relatively closely and regularly spaced joints (figs. 49,
adjustment to and reflection of structure, and at which 62, 63, and 91). Coarse-grained clastic rocks, in con-
time a greater third dimension of the terrain is vis- trast, tend to have relatively light photographic tones,
ible for study in the stereoscopic model. Where the a coarse-textured drainage, and relatively widely and
lithologic character of rocks is interpreted on geo- regularly spaced joints (figs. 42, 91, and 92). These
morphic or landforni expression, maturely dissected generalizations are probably most applicable to marine
areas may reveal the greatest amount of information. sedimentary rocks. However, some fine-grained elastic
Although the extent to which photogeologic pro- rocks may be light toned and some coarse-grained
cedures contribute to the geologic mapping of an area sedimentary rocks, such as the continental red beds,
depends on the climatic and geologic environment, as may be dark colored rather than light colored and be
well as the stage of the erosional cycle, some general- expressed as relatively dark photographic tones on
izations may be stated with regard to differentiating aerial photographs. Drainage density in a given cli-
and interpreting sedimentary, igneous, and metamor- matic area is related primarily to resistance of a rock
phic terrains. These generalizations are grouped into to erosion; drainage density increases with decrease
two categories: lithologic character of rocks and geo- of resistance to erosion. Resistance to erosion in turn
logic structure. is fundamentally related to permeability; generally
resistance to erosion is less in rocks of low permea-
bility. Hence, fine-grained plastic rocks commonly
have a fine-textured drainage (fig. 79).
Con olidated.-The presence of bedding in most Physico-chemical precipitates are in many places
sedimentary rocks is fundamental to their interpreta- closely associated with fine-grained elastic sedimentary
tion from aerial photographs. Because of differential rocks; where these rocks are interbedded the drain-
resistance to erosion of sedimentary beds the typical age texture and joint pattern both may be fine, as with
banded patterns of these rocks are seen on aerial pho- fine-grained elastic rocks alone, but photographic tone
tographs. This is a result of what Rich (1951, p. 189) of physico-chemical precipitates may commonly be
termed the "etching concept" wherein more resistant relatively light, as with some fresh-water limestone,
beds are brought into relief and less resistant beds rather than dark, despite the fine grain size.

Although fine-textured drainage commonly charac- character of the rock, and crosscutting association with
terizes nonresistant fine-grained sedimentary rocks and country rocks.
coarse-textured drainage suggests resistant coarse- In addition to landform certain other criteria may
grained sedimentary rocks, drainage is probably more be useful in identifying extrusive rocks, if the terrain
significant as an indicator of structure than it is of is relatively undeformed. The structural relation of
lithology. Drainage characteristics may suggest broad flows to associated rocks, for example, may be
rock groupings, but no one drainage pattern is diag- diagnostic in little-deformed areas, but where flows
nostic of sedimentary rocks, although annular and have been strongly tilted, folded, or otherwise dis-
trellis drainage generally suggest sedimentary rocks or turbed, recognition and interpretation from aerial
close metamorphic equivalents. The association of photographs may be extremely difficult or im-
specific drainage characteristics with rocks of certain possible. Only those relatively undeformed flows,
lithologic or physical characteristics presents an inter- mainly of Tertiary age and younger, are readily iden-
esting field of study; quantitative study of stream data tified from aerial photographs without some knowl-
measureable from aerial photographs, such as drainage edge from ground surveys. The ground plan of flows
density, may indicate certain drainage-lithology re- showing lobate patterns of vegetation and topography,
lations. especially at. the terminations of suspected flows, is
The type of vegetation may be useful in differen- commonly diagnostic (figs. 76, 85, and 113), and asso-
tiating specific rock types (see figs. 43 and 61). Hem- ciation with volcanic cones makes misinterpretation
ming (1937) noted that striking vegetation differences difficult (figs. 41, 60, and 76). Locally flow channels
were exhibited by limestone and quartzite in northern may be visible. The surface of a flow may be rather
Rhodesia where the trees Acacia and Albizzia grew on hummocky and irregular, in contrast to surfaces of
limestone and Brachystegia and Isoberlinia grew on sedimentary strata, and where several flows have piled
quartzite. up, present topography may show several terracelike
Unconsolidated.-Most surficial deposits-the un- forms with irregular surfaces. The unconformable
consolidated sedimentary rocks-are readily distin- contact between flows and underlying rocks may aid
guished on aerial photographs from consolidated rock in recognizing extrusive rocks (fig. 87), and where
types, although thin veneers of surficial material may flows cascade down over older topography their iden-
be difficult to identify. Many recognition criteria are tity is obvious (fig. 60). The basaltic or mafic flows
used in identifying and interpreting surficial deposits may show dark photographic tones on conventional
from aerial photographs, but the most significant cri- photographs, particularly in well-exposed areas,
terion is probably landform. Landform is significant whereas rhyolitic or silicic flows may have light pho-
because many surficial deposits, particularly those use- tographic tones. Locally distinctive patterns are pres-
ful to the engineering geologist, are transported ma- ent on mafic flows (fig. 53), and in some areas ero-
terials that have diagnostic topographic form. The sional characteristics permit differentiation of flows
importance of landform is seen in the identification of and associated rocks (fig. 69).
sand dunes, eskers, kames, alluvial fans, river ter- Where flows have been extruded over deformed
races, and similar constructional geologic features igneous and metamorphic terrains, a low-dipping sur-
(figs. 52, 55, 56, 58, and 104). On the other hand ex- face associated with lobate patterns of vegetation and
tensive deposits of surficial debris, such as the drift topography is suggestive of extrusive rocks, and in
some areas faults in the underlying rocks are seen to
plains of north-central United States, may show little
terminate abruptly at the edge of a lava flow (fig. 85).
or no diagnostic landform, but their general makeup
Intrusive rocks.-Intrusive igneous rocks have a
may be inferred from drainage characteristics, photo-
wide variety of structural relations to surrounding
graphic tone, analysis of slope, and related criteria rocks that commonly aid in their identification from
(fig. 107). These criteria are discussed more fully aerial photographs. Dikes may be revealed on aerial
under uses of aerial photographs in engineering photographs as rectilinear or curved ridges that stand
geology studies (p. 33-37). up because of greater resistance to erosion than sur-
IGNEOUS ROCKS rounding rocks (figs. 81, 82, 87 and 90); they may
also contrast in photographic tone with the surround-
Extrusive rocks.-Extrusive igneous rocks com-
ing rocks either because of the difference in rock types
monly have diagnostic landforms (figs. 41, 60, and 76)
(fig. 90), or because of distinctive vegetation that cov-
in contrast to the intrusive igneous rocks, which are
ers dikes in some areas (Mogg, 1930, p. 662 and 668,
revealed on aerial photographs primarily by other rec- pl. 5). Dikes may follow fractures in other igneous
ognition features such as drainage, texture, massive rocks and contrast in photographic tone with the host

rock. Where dikes are less resistant than the country Similar rounded topography may also be present at
rock, they may be expressed as rectilinear depressions high altitudes, but where glaciers have been active all
that appear similar to fault expressions. rocks may stand out in sharply angular topography.
Because sills occur parallel to bedding in sedimen- Regardless of surface expression, however, a crisscross
tary rocks, they may be difficult to interpret as igneous pattern of joints, nearly always present in igneous
from aerial photographs, even though strong tonal rocks, commonly can be seen not only in the well-
contrasts of the sills and sedimentary rocks are pres- exposed areas (see figs. 70, 71, 100, and 103) but also
ent. Mogg (1930, p. 656) pointed out that the diabases in many vegetation-covered areas (fig. 72). Topo-
of Pretoria, South Africa, although relatively hard graphic expression of most plutonic rocks, as with
rocks, weather easily to deep soils that support dis- other rock types, is dependent in large part on climate
tinctive deep-rooted vegetation, but the vegetation and stage of the erosional cycle, although within an
type differs from area to area. The tree Kirkia wilmsii area underlain by different igneous rock types differ-
grows conspicuously and exclusively on diabase sheets ence in resistance to erosion may be significant and spe-
in the sedimentary rocks of the Pyramid Hills area of cific rocks may stand topographically high (see fig.
Pretoria (Mogg, 1930, p. 658), but in the Magaliesberg 82). The homogeneous character of many intrustive
area Acacia caffra characteristically marks the diabase rocks and characteristic jointing, on the other hand,
(Mogg, 1930, p. 662). Vegetation thus may be impor- are related primarily to the rock type and its mode of
tant locally as an indicator of rock types, but com- occurrence, and are independent of climate and
monly it must be interpreted with caution because erosional cycle.
the same rock type may carry a different flora in METAMORPHIC ROCKS
different areas. The identification and interpretation of metamorphic
Igneous plugs, laccoliths, stocks, and batholiths, by rocks from aerial photographs is commonly difficult
nature of their mode of origin, commonly tilt the sedi- because large-scale distinguishing characteristics are
mentary rocks which they intrude, and in areas where generally lacking. Bedding, so necessary to structural
plutonic rocks are exposed the pattern of dips in sur- interpretation, may be difficult or impossible to recog-
rounding rocks may support other criteria suggestive nize because of physical changes brought about by
of igneous rocks. Domal areas due to intrusion may metamorphism, including the superposition of meta-
also be reflected in radial drainage patterns (fig. 48), morphic structures of small scale. Indeed, many struc-
just as are certain folds in sedimentary rocks. But if tural trends that can be interpreted from aerial photo-
areas of plutonic rocks are large, the characteristic graphs represent foliation rather than bedding (figs.
homogeneous nature of such rocks may result in a
73 and 74). Where exposures are good, differences in
dendritic drainage pattern, unless drainage is con- photographic tone offer the best clue to recognition of
trolled by a fracture system (figs. 51, 70, 71, and 86). bedding, especially where the metamorphic rocks are
Because of the generally homogeneous nature of plu- derived from thin-bedded sedimentary rocks of con-
tonic rocks as contrasted to sedimentary rocks they trasting lithologic makeup (fig. 103). Thick forma-
will have a massive appearance on aerial photographs, tions of quartzite and marble might readily retain the
and banding typical of sedimentary and some meta- photographic characteristics of the original sedimen-
morphic rocks will generally be lacking (figs. 59, 70, tary beds, however, because the metamorphic changes
and 71). Also because of the homogeneous character of induration of sandstone and recrystallization of
of many igneous bodies, elements essential to plant limestone would likely have little effect on the gross
growth may be distributed more or less uniformly physical appearance of these rock types as seen on
throughout the mass (Murray, 1955, p. 103) and sig- aerial photographs. It is possible, however, that talus
nificant differences in vegetation can be expected to be from quartzite ledges might take the form of large
absent from any one plutonic rock mass (fig. 70), blocks in contrast to smaller chunks of rubble at the
base of sandstone cliffs. The preference of vegetation
except for those differences controlled by altitude or
for one rock type such as limestone, as a result of its
by structural conditions, such as faults that may trap
chemical makeup, might well persist, even if the for-
an abundance of moisture (fig. 71).
mation were metamorphosed to marble; but vegetation
In addition, topographic and erosional characteris-
that might show a preference for sandstone because of
tics may aid in the interpretation of some igneous its physical makeup, especially its high porosity, might
terrains. Granite at low altitudes in some tropical well be lacking on its metamorphic equivalent,
areas is expressed in hummocky, rounded topography quartzite.
on which a uniform type of vegetation is present; Strong parallel alinements of ridges and intervening
dendritic drainage may characterize this terrain. low areas may be due to regional cleavage, foliation,

or fold axes, and thus the "topographic grain" of an stands out as a result of the overall view afforded by
area may suggest underlying metamorphic rocks (figs. the aerial photograph, which shows the tree crowns
73, 76, 100. and 102), but in glaciated areas this evi- to fall in a dipping plane (fig. 89). In those areas
dence must be used with caution (fig. 67). In an area where dips are very low, the aerial photographs are
where a pronounced regional trend, or "topographic advantageous, if the beds are clearly expressed, be-
grain," is shown on the aerial photographs, the likeli- cause vertical exaggeration, which is present in most
hood that metamorphic rocks are present is supported stereoscopic models, permits low dips to be readily
by the occurrence of widely spaced lineations at right interpreted (see fig. 91 and p. 64). The degree of
angles to the regional trend. These lineations com- dip may be estimated from the stereoscopic model by
monly represent regional cross joints and may be re- experienced photointerpreters or it may be measured
flected in abrupt deflections of drainage along con- photogrammetrically.
spicuous straight stream segments of major streams Where bedding is expressed by bands of differing
(fig. 74) or in the development of tributary streams photographic tone or by topographic breaks in slope
along these joints (figs. 73-75). Where bedrock is well due to resistance of beds, the rule of V's may be ap-
exposed the profuse fractures in certain metamorphic plied to determine the direction of dip; that is, where
rocks may be visible (figs. 46 and 99). Cady (1945) the trace of a bed intersects a stream valley a V in the
pointed out that in some areas in central Alaska talus outcrop pattern will point in the direction of dip
slopes are developed much more extensively where the (figs. 80, 81, and 98) unless the direction of dip and
peaks are of metamorphic rocks rather than of granitic direction of streamflow are the same and the stream
rocks; this distinguishes these two rock types locally has a gradient greater than the amount of dip (fig.
(fig. 103). 59).
STRUCTURE In many areas, particularly those of low relief,
where beds are obscured by surficial materials or vege-
tation the direction of dip may be inferred from drain-
Flat-lying or nearly horizontal beds are most easily
age characteristics. Where dips are gentle the rela-
recognized where different sedimentary rock types ex-
tively long tributary streams commonly flow down the
hibit contrasting photographic tones expressed as
bands that extend along the topographic contour (figs. dip slopes (Lattman, 1954, p. 361-365), whereas short
77 and 78). Where both resistant and nonresistant tributary streams will characterize back slopes (figs.
rocks are present slope characteristics commonly are 5, 7, and 74). It is interesting to note that the relation
of short and long tributary streams may be reversed
suggestive of horizontal strata-the resistant rocks
where dips are steep, that is, about 450 or more (fig.
have steep slopes or vertical cliffs, and the nonre-
sistant rocks have a lesser angle of slope; the signifi- 6). Other photorecognition criteria, such as distri-
bution of photographic tones, should be sought to in-
cant changes in slope between two beds extend gen-
erally along the topographic contour (figs. 77 and 78). dicate whether dips are gentle or steep; or scattered
Photographic tone and slope characteristics are asso- field observations may provide sufficient information
ciated in many places as mutually supporting evidence for making an analysis of dip direction based on
of flat-lying beds. stream characteristics. In such an analysis it may be
Because of the uniform resistance of one rock type desirable to trace all streams, however small, on a
to erosion, particularly in a horizontal direction, the separate overlay (fig. 7). This is best done from the
drainage on flat-lying beds is generally dendritic unless stereoscopic model. Exact positioning of tributaries
controlled by joints or faults (figs. 42, 61, and 77). is not essential to this technique of determining dip
However, dendritic drainage alone, although sugges- direction, but lengths of tributaries must be sketched
tive, is not necessarily diagnostic of flat-lying sedi- carefully as the length relations of updip to downdip
mentary rocks; other rock types, such as granite, also tributaries is significant. Viewing the stereoscopic
may be uniformly resistant to erosion and may also model pseudoscopically (fig. 95) may be helpful in
exhibit dendritic drainage. delineating the drainage.


Numerous expressions of dip of sedimentary beds Folds are commonly expressed as obvious features
may be seen on aerial photographs. Dip direction is on aerial photographs especially where a fold is shown
readily apparent where topographic surfaces coincide in its entirety within a single view and an orderly
with bedding surfaces (figs. 87, 90, 92). Even in structural arrangement of beds is discernible (fig. 90)
heavily vegetated areas the direction of dip commonly or where erosion has exposed a cross section of the

782-139 0 - 65 - 3

FIGURE 5.-Sketch showing long tributary streams on updip side of strike valley in area of low dips.

FIGURE 6.-Sketch showing long tributary streams on downdip side of strike valley in area of steep dips.

structure (fig. 91). Drainage characteristics may also sions; or any combination of these. Faults may also
aid in recognizing. and delimiting the fold. Wengerd be expressed by horizontal or vertical offsets of beds or
(1947, p. 596) noted that in parts of northern Alaska recognizable rock units (figs. 50, 60, 62, 74, 79, 80, 82-
streams flowing in synclinal valleys were sluggish and 84, 86, 98, 99, 101, and 114). Where bedrock is well
meandering, and had low banks and swampy border exposed the actual physical break may be seen. In
areas with meandering tributaries; in contrast, streams some places a lineament, or broad linear depression,
flowing in anticlinal valleys were steep walled and less may be conspicuous but not distinct. Where such
meandering. Wengerd also noted that dip slopes and areas of possible faults occur, beds on one side of the
back slopes in some areas commonly exhibited differ- general lineament should be examined for change of
ent drainage densities (fig. 79). dip and strike as well as abnormal stratigraphic posi-
Where folds are plunging, major streams commonly tion with respect to beds on the other side (see fig. 80).
curve around the nose of the fold; the convex side of Commonly in sedimentary terrain, offsets on opposite
the curve indicates the direction of plunge of anti- sides of a linear feature are easily detected, owing to
clinal folds (figs. 81, 89, and 90). However, in areas the vertical exaggeration which is inherent in most
where relief is low or bedrock is obscured by vegeta- stereoscopic models and which generally assists in the
tion or surficial materials, drainage patterns or drain- identification of correlative beds (figs. 83 and 84).
age anomalies may be the primary expression of folds Suspected faults should be examined carefully be-
(see figs. 9, 94, and 96; and p. 26-27). Drainage pat- cause other features may be represented, at least in
terns or anomalies generally are best seen on small- part, on aerial photographs in the same manner as
scale photographs or mosaics where segments of faults, particularly if a single photograph is being
streams combine to form significant patterns when ob- viewed. In some areas jointing in one direction within
served in a single view (fig. 96). The significance of a formation may be prominent and where an apparent
drainage characteristics may not be immediately ap- offset is present owing to the occurrence of an erosion
parent when large-scale photographs are viewed. scarp along a joint plane, the scarp line may be misin-
FAULTS terpreted as a fault trace. Where channels have been
One of the advantages in study of aerial photo- cut in sedimentary formations, and a rock type of
graphs is that of delineating high-angle faults or sus- different lithologic character now occupies the chan-
pected faults. This advantage is a direct result of the nels, a distinct lineation between the channel filling
aerial view, which allows a large area and the gross and the original sedimentary rock, now truncated, may
features within it to be seen at one time. For example, suggest a fault trace. A line between two distinct
many alinements that are inconspicuous on the ground types of vegetation, although possibly reflecting the
are readily seen on aerial photographs (figs. 74 and presence of a fault, may well be due to differences in
83). Although many alinements are conspicuous be- underlying rock types in normal sequence, or to the
cause of their independence of stream valleys or ridges moisture content of the soil, or even to manmade fea-
and uplands which they cross (see Barton, 1933, p. tures. In some areas the simple erosion of dipping
1198), alinements of stream segments and small drain- strata may result in an alinement of topographically
age courses are probably the most common indicators high points that suggests a fault. Or vegetation and
of faults. Most high-angle faults are expressed on drainage alinements may be present along easily eroded
photographs as straight or gently curving lines, and dikes. The need for caution in interpreting faults
this characteristic is probably the most important clue from aerial photographs is thus dictated by the very
that a fault may exist. All linear features should be presence of numerous other geologic features that are
examined with care even though other criteria are expressed photographically in a similar manner.
needed to prove the existence of faults. Low-angle faults are more difficult to interpret from
Lines indicative of faults may be expressed as aline- aerial photographs than high-angle faults. Discord-
ments of vegetation, straight segments of stream ance of structures within different rock types combined
courses, and waterfalls across streams; alinements of with strongly curving or irregular traces of the fault
contact of the rocks involved offer the best clue to the
lakes, ponds, and springs; conspicuous changes in pho-
presence of low-angle faults. Angular unconformities
tographic tone or drainage and erosional texture on
may show similar photographic expression.
opposite sides of a linear feature, or tone change along
In a study of azimuth, frequency, and length meas-
a linear feature because of vegetation which may ap-
urements, Gross (1951) demonstrated that in some
pear darker; alinements of topography, including covered areas of the Canadian Shield certain lineations
saddles, knobs, or straight scarps; rectilinear depres- very likely represent faults. The study involved the


construction of histograms in which the length and

frequency of topographic lineations as seen on aerial
photographs were plotted against geographic orienta-
tion within 100 segments of the compass. Similarly,
histograms were plotted from a sampling of field data
of strike of strata, schistosity, dikes, glacial striae,
faults, and other features considered to have a bearing
on the configuration of the topography. One peak on
the histograms compiled from aerial photographs was
found to represent a direction of prominent faulting.

Joints, like faults, are most commonly expressed on

q aerial photographs as linear features. In flat-lying or
0 gently folded sedimentary rocks, most joints are
steeply dipping or vertical, evenly or regularly spaced,
and commonly consist of two prominent sets that are
expressed on aerial photographs as lines intersecting
approximately at right angles, which gives a blocky
appearance to the topography (fig. 42); however,
o a joints may be well developed in only one direction,
which gives a strong linearity to the fracture plan
(fig. 92). In fine-grained elastic rocks the joints are
generally more closely spaced than in coarse elastic
rocks. Joints may become widened through weather-
ing and erosion processes and appear as particularly
conspicuous linear features; the similarity of these
joints to faults is superficially striking, especially
where well-developed regional cross joints have formed
4, .-
a o in metamorphic rocks and other criteria of faulting
v w
are lacking. Identification of many joints is enhanced
by the presence of vegetation along them, due perhaps
to greater moisture along these lines. Lattman and
Olive (1955, p. 2087) described the use of solution-
&0 C,'
widened joints in Texas as a guide to indicate steep-
i2 ening of dip and to locate changes in dip direction.
Joints more nearly parallel to the dip direction were
widened by solution of meteoric water. Rubble, soil,
v1 04
and water trapped in these joints gave rise to dense
W do
vegetation expressed on aerial photographs as con-
spicuous, even-spaced parallel lines. A good clue to
the identification of joints in relatively undisturbed
0 v b sedimentary rocks is the general abundance of short
lineations on a photograph, and a more or less uniform
trend of these lineations within a given area of a few
square miles extent.
Lattman and Nickelsen (1958) described azimuth-
frequency measurements from aerial photographs in a
study of fracture traces in western Pennsylvania. The
fracture traces are expressions of natural linear fea-
tures that consist of topographic, vegetation, or soil

alinements exposed continuously for less than 1 mile. CLEAVAGE AND FOLIATION

The term "fracture trace" is used by Lattman (1958, Cleavage or foliation, which is almost universally
p. 569) to differentiate these alinements from natural present in metamorphic rocks, especially in those that
linear features exposed continuously for at least 1 were originally shale or other thin-bedded clastic rocks,
mile or more, called "lineaments." A histogram of is difficult to differentiate on most aerial photographs.
frequency and orientation of the fracture traces The "grain" of metamorphic terrain as expressed on
showed maximums closely corresponding to those of aerial photographs by stream and vegetation patterns,
prevailing directions of joints as seen in the field, with as well as by parallel ridges and gullies, however, may
the exception of one fracture-trace maximum which well reflect pronounced cleavage or foliation (figs. 76
had no counterpart in exposed rocks of the area (Latt- and 100). Turner (1952) pointed out that prominent
man and Nickelsen, 1958). This one maximum of fre- topographic alinements in the schists of central Otago,
quency and orientation of traces, however, was found New Zealand, are clearly expressed on aerial photo-
to correspond with joints in underlying coal beds; the graphs. These alinements, generally parallel to the
joints apparently were reflected through an overlying trend of b lineations, are believed to have resulted
thickness of shale and sandstone to be expressed at the from differential weathering controlled by cleavage,
surface in a manner discernible on aerial photographs foliation, and other elements of the schist fabric.
but not in routine field-mapping procedure. The close UNCONFORMITIES
correspondence of fracture traces and joint directions Unconformities are generally difficult to interpret
in the test area suggest that aerial photographs may from aerial photographs. An angular unconformity
be used to extend mapping of joints into nearby areas may be inferred from the discordance of bedding,
of no outcrop. either in strike, dip, or both, at a contact line that has
Joints in igneous rocks are likely to be seen readily an irregular trace across a wide area. But discordance
on aerial photographs (figs. 70, 71, 100, and 103). alone does not prove the presence of a stratigraphic
Commonly three and sometimes four prominent joint unconformity since a discordance of bedding may be
sets are developed. Where these joints are primary due to faulting, or locally to crossbedding. The areal
joints, dips may be low, moderate, or steep, depending distribution of rocks or structures as seen on small-
on the orientation of flow structures within the igneous scale photographs or mosaics, or after plotting geo-
mass; this contrasts with the generally steep dipping logic data over a large area, may also suggest the
joints of little-disturbed sedimentary rocks. Because presence of an unconformity. On a local scale, the
of the wide range of dips of joints in igneous rocks, separation of unconsolidated, nearly horizontal, river
and because at least three joint sets are almost always gravel from the truncated, underlying strata is a good
developed, the surface traces of these joints, shown as example of an unconformity (fig. 88). Pediment
lineations on aerial photographs, intersect at widely gravel that overlies truncated bedrock (fig. 45), or
varying angles. The resulting crisscross pattern is channel-fill deposits that truncate the underlying bed-
distinctive of intrusive rocks in many areas. Joints in rock (fig. 44), may be clearly expressed on aerial
igneous rocks also may be irregularly spaced in con- photographs.
trast to those in sedimentary rocks.
. Joints in metamorphic rocks may not be as con- INTERPRETATION OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS IN
spicuous on photographs as joints in sedimentary or PETROLEUM GEOLOGY
igneous rocks. Joints previously formed in igneous or Aerial photographs have been widely used by geolo-
sedimentary rocks may be destroyed by metamorphic gists of the petroleum industry particularly in the
processes and much of the energy of metamorphism
mapping of many large-scale geologic structures,
spent in development of schistosity, fracture cleavage,
which are readily recognized on aerial photographs
or other small-scale metamorphic structures, rather
because of direct surface expressions of dipping beds.
than conspicuous joints. This is particularly true of
The use of photogeologic techniques in the search for
metamorphic rocks formed from fine-grained clastic
rocks, which comprise more than 50 percent of the structures that may contain oil is continuously in-
sedimentary rock group. Where metamorphic rocks creasing. However, as the obvious and well-exposed
are recognizable by strong lineations that represent structures in many areas have long been discovered,
fold axes or trend of foliation, widely spaced regional considerable attention is now being given to indirect,
cross joints perpendicular to the fold-axes direction or geomorphic evidence of subsurface structures. In
may be prominent; streams developed along the cross addition, photogrammetric methods for making meas-
joints accentuate these structures (figs. 8, 73, and 74). urements needed to compile structure contours and to




-I r i r i r

FIGURE 8.-Drainage map of area shown on left half of figure 73.

The regional cross-joint trend, expressed by the main monly by the abundant imagery of the photograph and it
streams on figure 73, is strongly brought out on the drain- may le desirable
to compile separate drainage maps when
age map. Note tributary streams flowing at right angles stream characteristics are used to interpret lithologic or
to the main streams. Stream trends are obscured com- structural features of an area.

determine strike, dip, stratigraphic thickness, and tures to be structure contoured (see fig. 40 and p. 6).
closure are being used increasingly. DRAINAGE
The indirect evidence yielded by photointerpretive In areas where bedding is largely obscured, for
studies is based on the premise that subsurface struc-
example by vegetation or surficial materials, stream
tures may be reflected in surface expressions of vari-
patterns, anomalies, or textures may be helpful in de-
ous kinds, such as stream or vegetation patterns or
termining dip slopes and outlining folds. In some
anomalies. Indirect evidence is particularly useful in
areas dip-slope streams have a coarse-textured arrange-
the interpretation of areas of few or no outcrops, such
ment in contrast to the fine-textured arrangement of
as areas of low relief, or areas of dense vegetation.
back-slope streams (fig. 79). These textures probably
Commonly in such areas, the evidence points not di- reflect coarse-grained and fine-grained rocks, respec-
rectly to a structure, but to an anomaly, such as a
tively. The distributions of such textures in turn may
variation in drainage characteristics from the norm
suggest the location of structural axes.
established for a local region. The anomaly in turn
In many areas stream adjustment to structure will
suggests a possible subsurface structure. Thus even
result in a sweeping curve of the stream particularly
though surface evidence alone may not be conclusive
across a structural axis and around the nose of a
in the interpretation of subsurface structure, it may
plunging fold; the convex side of the curve indicates
provide clues and stimulus for exploration (Alliger,
the direction of anticlinal plunge (figs. 81 and 90).
1955, p. 183). However, Wheeler and Smith (1952,
But such curves may also develop on dip slopes and
p. 112) cautioned that " * * strong deformation,
thus not be indicative of the location of a structural
periodically rejuvenated, is restricted to the mobile
axis. This situation may prevail where anticlinal
belts * * * and structures farthest away from maxi-
structures are breached into softer material. Streams
mum deformation are'"* * * therefore more difficult
developing on the more resistant dip slope of the
to infer from physiographic abnormalities at the sur-
structural flank may curve on that flank and along
face * * * that without the genetic background of those
soft interbeds, and not across the axis of the structure
events in the geologic history of the tectonic province
(fig. 93). Such a condition would probably be most
responsible for surface and subsurface indications of
pronounced during the mature phase of the geomor-
structure, photogeology may be unfavorably specu-
phic cycle. In geomorphically young areas streams
FOLDS may not have had sufficient time to adjust to folded
structures, and may have a tendency to follow joints
Folds may be expressed on aerial photographs by
or preexisting faults (Howard, 1940, p. 195). In areas
the distribution of bedding, by drainage characteris-
where stream pattern or anomaly is the primary sur-
tics, by topography, by distribution of soils, or by com-
face reflection of underlying structure, as in some
binations of these criteria. The surface manifestations
jungle-covered areas, other criteria, such as vegetation
of folded or domed structures thus may range from
pattern, should be sought to corroborate the location of
obvious, where direct surface expression of dipping
a structural axis suggested by stream characteristics.
beds is present, to subtle, where subsurface structures
Stream patterns or anomalies are undoubtedly the
are reflected only indirectly by physiographic criteria.
most useful indirect evidence of subsurface structures
in many areas. This is especially true for coastal
Many folded structures can be delineated readily
areas of low relief, many interior basins, or areas of
because bedding is clearly expressed at the surface.
dense vegetation or other surficial cover. Tator (1951,
Particularly in areas where rocks are well exposed and
structural deformation has been mild, beds may be 1954) and DeBlieux (1949) discussed the structural
clearly defined by photographic tone together with significance of drainage anomalies in the coastal region
topographic relief or hogback landform (figs. 90, 91, of the Gulf States; in these low, swampy areas of
and 92); strike and dip of beds are easily determined aggradation it is important to establish the drainage
and the structure delineated from the distribution of norm by studying the drainage characteristics over a
beds (see also p. 19). large area. Deviations from this norm may give the
In areas where bedding may be obscured by low first indication of a structural anomaly. DeBlieux
plant and grass vegetation, differences in vegetation (1949, p. 1259) described abrupt locally restricted
together with slight topographic relief changes, en- changes in drainage considered to be the result of sub-
hanced by vertical exaggeration of the stereoscopic surface structure. Over the Lafitte field in Louisiana
model, may permit bedding to be delineated and struc- a relic distributary of the Mississippi River forms two

sharp meander bends, although for miles upstream and anomalies in drainage characteristics may be far more
downstream from this area, the stream channel is important than specific drainage patterns. However,
simple and straight. Over the Scully dome "*** * two drainage pattern may actually be anomalous with re-
relic distributaries of Bayou Lafourche followed spect to the drainage norm for an area; such examples
simple courses, but suddenly changed to an anasto- of drainage patterns have been found along the north-
mosing pattern over the dome, then resumed simple west coast of Alaska on the Arctic coastal plain.
courses south of the structure." (DeBlieux, 1949, p. Here, in an area of northward-flowing streams, slight
1259.) topographic highs have resulted in radial-dendritic
Structural implications of stream pattern or drainage patterns, which outline areas of subsurface
anomaly may be corroborated by other geomorphic structure (fig. 96). Commonly no other surface ex-
evidence. Over the Lafitte field the presence of dis- pression of structure is present. Because of low relief,
tinct remnants of natural levees on either side of the outcrops are few.
channel, the only such ridges over the length of the TOPOGRAPHY
relic course of the stream, was considered significant The presence of topographic highs has been signifi-
supporting evidence of underlying structure (De- cant in locating subsurface folds or domal structures
Blieux, 1949, p. 1259). The levee-ridge remnants pre- even in many areas where relief is very slight. Many
sumably were held up by subsurface structure as sur- of the "islands" of the coastal area of the Gulf States
rounding areas subsided. are surface expressions of salt domes. Topographic
In a study of tonal and textural anomalies in west- features such as natural levees, which represent areas
central Texas DeBlieux and Shepherd (1951) de- of higher ground only a few feet or tens of feet above
scribed anomalous compressed meanders over struc- the delta or flood plain, are also significant interpreta-
tural highs. In the same area annular and radial tion criteria in the search for subsurface structure
drainage patterns and stream deflections in the flank (Tator, 1951). Tator reported (1951, p. 717) that
"* * * cheniers and natural levees * * * provide linear
areas were important criteria that supported an inter-
pretation of subsurface structure (fig. 94). The im- patterns of higher ground supporting distinctive vege-
portance of abrupt changes in direction of streamflow tation growths." These higher areas are also favored
in relation to possible subsurface structures has re- for cultivation. According to Tator (1951, p. 717)
cently been emphasized by Buttorff (1958) and Elliott "Tonal contrasts in the photographs are the major
(1958), based on work in the Powder River Basin, keys used for recognition of landscape features of ex-
Wyoming. Such deviations from the norm for an area tremely low relief, such tonal variations being largely
commonly stand out when a separate drainage map of the result of soil and vegetation differences." The
an area is studied (see fig. 9) or when stereoscopic significance of low relief, is shown by DeBlieux's de-
models are viewed pseudoscopically (see p. 5 and fig. scription (1949, p. 1254) of Felicity Island, a 2-mile-
95). long natural levee ridge separated by several miles of
marsh from the area where the levees normally could
In areas of aggradation and active subsidence it is
be expected to die out. The preservation of the
to be expected that abnormal drainage characteristics
rather than any specific drainage pattern might be "island" in an area of active subsidence has been
indicative of subsurface structure. The combination attributed to local subsurface structure. Abrupt
of emergence, due to recent rise of salt plugs, and
widening of levees on one or both sides of a channel,
subsidence of the general coastal-plain area is respon- in areas of subsidence, also has been noted over sub-
sible for many of the anomalous drainage character- surface domal structures (DeBlieux, 1949, p. 1254, and
istics of the coastal area of the Gulf States; such fig. 2, p. 1255) ; widening of levees may be due to other
characteristics are anastomosing stream segments, causes, such as coalescence of two levees, however, and
abruptly widened levee ridges, or abrupt changes in this feature of the flood plain must be interpreted
direction of streamflow.
In a study in northern Alaska, Fischer (1953) used
In areas of active degradation, patterns of drainage
topography as the principal interpretation criterion in
rather than abnormal drainage characteristics can be
locating the Square Lake anticline. The area is a
expected to be indicators of structure. However,
treeless waste of low relief that is underlain by perma-
Wheeler and Smith stated (1952, p. 82) that the an- frost; tundra grasses cover the region, and no bedrock
alysis of stream pattern with regard to structure- is exposed. Fischer (1953, p. 208) reported that the
which they called "creekology"-is somewhat out- original photogeologic study showed small hills in the
moded as a photogeologic procedure; they implied that area elongate in the same direction as the regional

FIGURE 9.-Drainage map of area shown in figure 94.

Radial drainage over structure, A of figure 94, stands nular pattern around the structure. Stream deflections, as
out on the drainage map which is unobscured by the at D in figure 94, are commonly more readily observed on
abundant details of the photograph. Note that the radially the separate drainage map or in pseudoscopic view of the
draining streams flow into larger streams that have an an- model (see fig. 95).

structural trend. Normal to this trend other elongate and fracture lines, expressed as lineations on aerial
hilltops sloped in the direction of the inferred dip of photographs, form patterns that bear a definite rela-
beds. Also, streams flowing in the dip direction had a tion to deep-seated salt domes and to subsurface faults
slightly less well developed dendritic pattern than of the Gulf Coastal Plain. Disturbance centers, be-
those flowing opposite to the dip direction. There also lieved to be underlain at depth by salt domes, may be
appeared to be a correlation between slopes of the tops indicated by the fault patterns, shown on photographs
of cut banks and the direction of dip. Plotting of all as "Sharply curving lines which are strikingly con-
such data gave a consistent apparent structural pattern centric" or as "Prominent transverse lines radiating
-a plunging anticline-of unknown reliability. A usually from some marginal point rather than from
subsequent seismic survey corrobrated the photogeo- the center of the structure" (Desjardins, 1952, p. 82).
logic interpretation. Desjardins believed that such fault patterns were the
SOILS result of continuous application of small stresses caused
In some areas devoid of outcrops, soil patterns or by rising salt masses rather than an accumulation of
soil distributions may be useful in delineating or sug- stresses that would produce large amounts of move-
gesting structures. Both Woolnough (1934b, p. 221, ment; he also felt that faults probably would form
224) and Christensen (1956, p. 858-859) cited exam- in interdome areas as well as over the domes. The
ples of the usefulness of aerial photographs in this genetic significance of the fault pattern is thus critical
regard. Wheeler and Smith (1952, p. 106) stated that if distribution of faults is used as a basis for locating
contrasts in soil tone accentuate unusual drainage rela- the dome itself. Desjardins (1952, p. 83) made a
tions on the northern flank of a structure in the south- strong distinction between surface expressions of faults,
west Maysville area, Oklahoma; and in southwestern which he associated with deep-seated domes, and other
Alabama differences in cultivation pattern reflect relief criteria, such as topographic expression, widening of
and soil characteristics by which geologic units of natural levees, and looping of stream channels, which
Tertiary age beneath younger unconsolidated materials he associated with shallow-seated domes.
can be differentiated. Although most interpretations of faults are based on
DeBlieux and Shepherd (1951, p. 98) described qualitative characteristics of observed data, such as
tonal and textural anomalies in west-central Texas the dislocation of correlative beds, or the contrast in
that resulted from differences in soil types, soil-mois- light and dark photographic tones on opposite sides
ture content, and erosional characteristics. They cited of a straight line, a quantitative approach to such
an anomaly at Salt Fork on the Brazo River where studies may provide additional useful data. On the
"* * * dark and coarsely hummocky surface strongly basis of azimuth-frequency studies Blanchet (1957,
contrasts with the lighter color and finer texture of p. 1748) suggested that structural and stratigraphic
the surrounding surface * * *" (DeBlieux and Shep- anomalies in some areas may be located by a statistical
herd, 1951, p. 98). The anomaly was strikingly simi- analysis of fractures, which he defined as the gener-
lar to that of a reef producer in Scurry County. De- ally abundant, natural lineations discernible on aerial
Blieux and Shephard (1951, p. 88) emphasized that photographs. The basis for analysis is a comparison
how a structure forms is unimportant in a study of of local deviations in the statistical mean direction
tonal, textural and other anomalies, because the surface of fracture sets with regional norms for each fracture
evidence is identical, whether the structure has resulted set. Regional norms are first established by plotting
from upward movement, differential downwarping, fracture-azimuth frequency diagrams of the region in-
reef or residual topography, or combination of these volved. Then statistical mean directions of fracture
features; it is important initially that a surface anom- sets are determined by analyzing samples within circu-
aly can be recognized. lar areas centered at relatively small horizontal inter-
FAULTS vals of a few miles. These local mean directions are
Faults are significant in the geologic interpretation in turn studied for local deviations which are entered
of petroleum areas because they may be deep seated into empirical equations that yield structure-intensity
and of major importance in localizing oil accumula- values. These structure-intensity values are then con-
tion. Where faults are genetically related to structures toured, to form a structure-intensity map, which may
that may be oil bearing the distribution pattern of reflect structural anomaly. The structure-intensity
faults may be of considerable use for interpreting the map is supported by a fracture-incidence map, pre-
locations of those structures. The many surface ex- pared in contour form, and by an analysis of drainage
pressions of faults are described above (p. 21). characteristics of the area in question. Blanchet ap-
Desjardins (1952, p. 82) stated that surface fault plied this method to a study of petroleum structures.


Although the widest application of aerial photo- SEARCH FOR ORE DEPOSITS
graphs in petroleum geology has been with regard to The search for ore deposits, similar to that for
structural traps, a study of aerial photographs may petroleum, requires favorable host rocks or structures,
contribute to the location of stratigraphic traps, par- or both, and it is therefore necessary to determine the
ticularly if photogrammetric measurements of forma- general lithologic character and distribution of rocks
tion thicknesses can be made at many points within and associated structures as a basis for carrying out
the streoscopic model (see p. 59-60). From a quali- a mineral survey of an area. Aerial photographs may
tative standpoint it can be seen in figure 97 that a contribute geologic data not only with regard to the
rapid loss of sandy section can sometimes be detected fundamental guides of lithology and structure in ore
on aerial photographs. Such "shaling" or loss of sandy search, but they also may reveal details of physiog-
section due to facies change may be important in the raphy, which may be an important ore guide in the
search for stratigraphic traps and in some areas it search for placer deposits. Botanical guides to ore
may be measured photogrammetrically. In other bodies may also be detected on aerial photographs of
areas well-defined formational units may thin or some areas, although little work has been done in this
thicken without facies change, but this also may be field.
significant in regional studies with regard to strati- STRUCTURAL GUIDES
graphic traps (Christensen, 1956, p. 861, fig. 6). Meas- Where fractures have been significant in localizing
urements of stratigraphic sections needed in such stud- ore deposits aerial photographs may reveal significant
ies commonly can be made from aerial photographs.
structural data relating to trends and offsets of frac-
REGIONAL STUDIES tures, even in areas where surficial cover is extensive.
The significance of aerial photographs in regional This is due in large part to the great variety of cri-
teria suggestive of fractures (see p. 21). In many
petroleum studies is widely recognized, but very little
information is present in the literature with regard areas it is possible to determine spatial relations of sets
of fractures, and to infer the relative ages of the frac-
to this phase of photograph use. Not only may meas-
tures from the aerial photographs, although results of
urements be made from aerial photographs with regard
field study are necessary to determine the significance
to strike, dip, stratigraphic thickness, and closure, but
the regional view of the mosaic or small-scale photo- of the patterns.
Aerial photographs are presently most useful in
graphs permits a continuity of photographic criteria
study of those ore deposits associated with fractures.
that may be of structural or stratigraphic significance.
In many mining districts where mineralized fractures
Overall geologic relations are brought together, and
form a vein pattern that is repeated throughout the
areas where detailed study is needed may be indicated.
district, an analysis of the fracture pattern and distri-
However, the limitations of the photogeologic tech- bution may provide significant data in the search for
nique must be constantly borne in mind. As Wheeler new ore bodies. Reed (1940) described the use of
and Smith (1952, p. 112) pointed out, the validity of aerial photographs in a mineral-deposits study of the
the technique "* * * depends a good deal upon the heavily timbered Chichagof mining district of Alaska
human element and the utilization of all applicable where gold-bearing quartz veins are associated with
geologic data." They warned that "* * * the student faults and shear zones (see fig. 99). There the faults
of photogeology may * * * become overly impressed are commonly expressed as depressions owing to greater
with geometric design of lines, masses, and tones so erosion of soft material from fault zones (see also
that, in the absence of understanding of the tectonic Twenhofel and Sainsbury, 1958, p. 1433). Reed (1940,
history he may find compatible alignments of stream p. 44) stated that many faults of moderate surface
courses, structurally inexplicable lineations or shapes expression would probably have been overlooked on
the ground, and that many faults of weak surface
and soil patterns that are not consistent with the
expression were seen only on aerial photographs.
known or expectable products of diastrophism" (1952,
Joliffe (1945, p. 604), in a discussion of photogeologic
p. 112). An emphasis on regional study is indeed jus-
prospecting in the Yellowknife area of Canada, noted
tified, however, if maximum use is to be made of aerial
that some of the largest gold-ore bodies "* * * lie in
photographs, and this is true whether photographs strong shear zones that are marked by rather distinc-
are used in long-range exploration programs, as in tive gullies in relatively massive, resistant volcanic
reconnaissance mapping of broad basin areas, or in the rocks." Many of these shear zones and other linea-
ultimate study of local structures. ments are conspicuously shown on aerial photographs.

Gross (1951) pointed out that in the glaciated Drys- favorable photogeologic evidence; the most favorable
den-Kenora area of northern Ontario and the Gold- area would become the prime target area for further
fields area of northern Saskatchewan, Canada, there investigation. Where some local field criteria are avail-
are many linear features seen on aerial photographs able, specific ore-bearing formations may be traced on
but that only certain ones represent faults. He de- photographs (fig. 98). At Ross Lake, Canada, the
vised a scheme of statistical analysis to show the like- fact that rare-earth-bearing pegmatites of small areal
lihood that certain linear trends were faults (see p. 21). extent were recognizable on photographs was a major
Concentration of prospecting along these linear fea- factor in the discovery of certain tantalite deposits
tures in the Goldfields area resulted in discovery of (Joliffe, 1945, p. 604).
pitchblende deposits. The use of color aerial photography will increase
Because faults commonly are interpreted readily many times the amount of lithologic information that
from aerial photographs, photogeologic study may aid can be obtained from a photogeologic study. This
in locating extensions of faulted ore bodies. Faults additional information will contribute not only to the
that offset an ore body may show an orderly spatial reliable interpretation of host or parent rocks, but may
arrangement, and information regarding direction of permit local guides, such as alteration zones, to be
displacement may be extrapolated to similar faults readily recognized. In a study of the hydrothermally
whose displacement is masked by vegetation or sur- altered volcanic terrain near Tonopah and Goldfield,
ficial debris. Willett (1940) found that aerial photo- Nevada, information obtained from reversible-type
graphs provide significant information on the location color transparencies was contrasted with data obtained
of faults cutting the Invincible Lode, a gold-quartz from thin sections of rock types. Kent (1957, p. 868)
deposit in the Glenorchy district of New Zealand.' The stated that "In both areas a general correspondence
photographs strikingly show the offset of a lode east between coloration and alteration was observed. Zones
of the Invincible Lode by a series of parallel faults, of different coloration within a lithologic unit repre-
which suggest that similar conditions exist at the In- sent different stages of alteration. Colors of rocks in
vincible Lode where the evidence is not as readily early stages of alteration are useful in recognizing
observed because of surficial debris. In the Invincible lithology, but highly altered rocks have the same color
Lode area one major stream flows parallel to the strike within several different lithologic units. The colors
of the faults, and a second stream is deflected along associated with highly altered rocks are easily recog-
a fault for about 1,000 feet, then bends back to its old nized on color aerial photographs; thus their distri-
course; the direction of deflection also indicates the bution and their relationship to structural features can
horizontal direction of displacement of the quartz lode. be studied." In addition Ray (1958, p. 37) wrote that
The pattern of displacement, based on photogeologic "In one area of altered andesites a pale green color
evidence together with ground evidence, suggests the on color aerial photographs was found to represent an
location of faulted extensions of the lode. intermediate stage in the alteration resulting from
Major anticlinal and domal structures, readily inter- partial silicification, with pale green chalcedony, and
preted from aerial photographs of many areas on the deuteric alteration and later oxidation of iron opaques.
basis of drainage characteristics or strike and dip A light color in another zone was found to result from
patterns, are with notable exceptions of relatively little brecciation of dacite and attendant alteration to car-
importance in ore search. Where folds have been a bonates. A rather intense orange color was indicative
factor in localizing ore, as in some metamorphic rocks, of highly altered zones in all localities observed. How-
they commonly are too small or the geology too com- ever, the orange coloration did not indicate the rock
plex for existing aerial photographs to provide useful type involved nor the type of alteration present, but
guides in prospecting. rather was the result primarily of weathering of iron
minerals following their partial breakdown by deu-
teric alteration."
Lithologic guides may be considered from the stand-
point of the parent and host rocks, or from the stand- PHYSIOGRAPHIC GUIDES

point of mineralized or altered zones, which are more Some ore deposits are topographically expressed or
appropriately termed mineralogic guides. Photogeo- are related to structures, rock types, or surficial de-
logic interpretation of rock types (see p. 16-19) may posits that are so expressed (fig. 102). Hence, topogra-
outline broad target areas of favorable parent and phy may be considered a guide in ore search, although
host rocks (fig. 100). Lueder (1953, p. 823) suggested it does not by itself indicate the presence of ore. Be-
that various locations can be rated on the basis of cause fractures commonly are topographically ex-

782-139 0 - 65 - 4

pressed as rectilinear depressions, a possible physio- largely plant remains, scattered throughout the chan-
graphic guide to ore as interpreted from aerial photo- nels.
graphs may be said to exist in many areas. Where BOTANICAL GUIDES
fractures have been mineralized, and the vein filling Much field and laboratory work has been accom-
stands in relief, topography may be a useful guide in plished with regard to plant distribution and plant
ore search. However, many mineralized veins are concentration of certain elements as indicators of ore.
poorly resistant to weathering and erosion, and occur Little has been done, however, on plant characteristics
as topographically low areas. or associations that may be observed or interpreted
Where topography results in a photographic texture from aerial photographs, and herein lies a field of re-
it may be possible to delineate areas of favorable host search that has much potential. There appear to be
rocks, as the paraschists in Surinam (Zonneveld and three aspects of botanical study from aerial photo-
Cohen, 1952, p. 155). Grantham (1953, p. 336) pointed graphs that may contribute to the location of ore
out that in the wet Sierra Leonne area of Africa, the deposits. These involve (a) color differences in vegeta-
"* * * sharp change in topography from linearly ar- tion brought about by concentration of certain chemi-
ranged hills, controlled by schist and migmatite, con- cal elements, (b) species differences or absence of vege-
trasts with the irregular features of structureless tation owing to concentration of certain chemical
granite." elements, and (c) distribution of vegetation suggesting
An analysis of the physiography of an area may favorable structures or rock types. Color differences
provide significant information, particularly in relation in vegetation, due to mineral and chemical concentra-
to placer deposits. As many placers have a complex tions, that may be reflected on aerial photographs have
history, it may be necessary to work out the alluvial received almost no attention, and offer an interesting
history of a valley or valley system for maximum in- field of study. Species differences or lack of vegetation
formation in locating placer pay streaks. The arrange- has likewise received little attention in ore search, al-
ment and positions of old stream channels may be in- though Walker (1929, p. 50-51) noted that air search
terpreted from meander scars, oxbow lakes, and differ- was made for "dambos" as indicators of copper de-
ent terrace levels that are commonly seen on aerial posits in central Africa. Dambos are open spots in the
photographs. Photographs also may provide gradient bush cover, where vegetation does not grow because of
measurements of present or past streams; this infor- the concentration of poisonous copper salts in the soils.
mation may be significant inasmuch as placer concen- Walker noted that the Roan Antelope copper deposit
trates occur especially where stream gradients flatten. was marked by such a dambo, although the deposit
Buried stream channels, also the site of some ore de- extended beyond the limits of open area. Identification
posits, may be interpreted from photographs of some of species from color differences due to concentrations
areas on the basis of topographic expression (fig. 101). of certain chemical elements may be particularly amen-
In many parts of the western Sierra Nevada, Tertiary able to detection on color or other special aerial pho-
stream valleys have been filled and gold-bearing gravel tography.
buried by younger lava flows. The greater resistance Plant and tree distribution may be useful indicators
of the lava flows compared with the surrounding rocks of structures or of rock types favorable to ore deposi-
has resulted locally in sinuous cappings of volcanic tion; vegetation distribution may reflect physical char-
rocks that stand above the present-day stream system. acteristics of the rocks, such as porosity or presence of
Table Mountain, California (Loel, 1941, p. 384, 386- fractures, although some rocks, such as limestone, may
387), is an outstanding example of basalt capping be preferentially covered by a certain type of tree be-
auriferous gravel of a buried channel. cause of chemical concentrations in those rocks (see
The location of stream-channel deposits recently has fig. 72) rather than because of physical properties. Or
received wide attention in the search for uranium de- vegetation may grow preferentially or trees grow
posits on the Colorado Plateau in Western United higher and be alined along a fault or shear zone, which
States. There the Triassic Shinarump member of the might in turn be a favorable site for ore deposition
Chinle formation is thicker in channels cut in the (see fig. 71). Such indirect guides in ore search
underlying Moenkopi formation, which is also of Trias- contrast highly, however, with color or species differ-
sic age. Some channels can be observed directly on ences, which might suggest more strongly the presence
aerial photographs (fig. 44) ; others may be inferred of ore minerals.
from isopach measurements, which in some areas may Levings and Herness (1953, p. 456-457) stated that
be obtained from aerial photographs. (See p. 58-59). heavy timber growth in the Corbin-Wickes area of
The uranium is associated with carbonaceous materials, Montana shows a preference for unaltered quartz mon-

zonite, which has a darker photographic tone than the ing geology studies. From the standpoint of engineer-
surrounding andesite and dacite; ore occurs in the ing significance a granular material, for example,
volcanic rocks. Zonneveld and Cohen (1952, p. 153) which exhibits certain diagnostic photographic char-
mention that vegetation differences permit photo- acteristics such as coarse-textured drainage, will gen-
graphic differentiation of the clay savannahs and sand erally react favorably to drainage, compactability, and
savannahs of Surinam, South America. Bauxite pro- other engineering tests, regardless of whether it is a
duction at Surinam's Billeton mine (Hemphill, oral residual granular material that has resulted primarily
communication, 1958) is from a clay area, and hence from weathering in place or whether it is a trans-
it is important to know the distribution of such clay ported gravel derived from different rock types. How-
areas. ever, Jenkins, Belcher, Greeg, and Woods (1946)
pointed out exceptions to the general thought that
INTERPRETATION OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS IN photographic characteristics common to granular ma-
terials always signify suitable granular materials for
Aerial photographs have been used for many years engineering purposes. For example, the soil profile of
to provide topographic and land-use information in well-drained limestone has a granular texture due to
locating routes for pipelines, highways, or other rights- aggregation of clay particles into lumps. The surface
of-way, but only in recent years have photographs drainage may be coarse textured; but the soils break
attained wide recognition as a source of geologic in- down on compaction and react as plastic soil material,
formation for engineering purposes. Many kinds of and not as a granular material (Jenkins, Belcher,
geologic information for engineering use may be ob- Greeg, and Woods, 1946, p. 80).
tained from aerial photographs. These include (a) Where pedologic data are already available they
identification and location of soil materials, particu- may be very useful to the engineer when interpreted in
larly granular materials, which would provide suitable terms of engineering test data (fig. 4). Indeed, cer-
foundation sites for industrial and airport develop- tain soil mechanics tests by the engineer, such as
ments, or highway rights-of-way; (b) identification plasticity or soil-texture tests, are similar to those used
and location of clay and clayey silt soils, which would by the pedologist. Greenman (1951) suggested that
have detrimental properties with regard to building, the pedologic method can become the nucleus around
airport, and highway sites; (c) location of aggregate which aerial photo interpretive and field geologic in-
materials; (d) delineation of areas that may be under- formation can be accumulated. But Eardley (1943,
lain by permafrost; (e) interpretation of distressed p. 567) pointed out that "In many places conditions
conditions in landslide areas; (f) analysis of structural unfavorable for the development of a normal soil,
geology in areas of tunnel, dam, and reservoir sites; such as rugged mountains, wide sandy plains, or
and (g) location of sample areas for detailed investiga- swampy basins may cover rather large areas. The
tion of soil and rock materials. important construction materials in such places may be
better interpreted as a result of geological processes
SURFICIAL MATERIALS than from the standpoint of a soil classification * *."
Surficial materials generally are interpreted in terms
of gross physical characteristics, rather than the de-
The interpretation of ground conditions probably
tailed physical characteristics used by the pedologist.
has received more attention in recent years than any
Knowledge of the gross physical properties is sufficient
other engineering geology application of aerial pho-
for many reconnaissance studies in engineering
tographs. Much of the literature concerns recon-
geology. Indeed, it is the grouping of several pedo-
naissance studies of soils in general and granular ma-
logic soil types into a few classifications that permits
terials in particular; granular materials are essential
aerial photographs to be of significant engineering use.
for building sites and highway and airport develop-
In the preparation of soil-engineering maps from agri-
ment (Jenkins, Belcher, Greeg, and Woods, 1946; and
cultural reports of an area in Illinois, Thornburn
Purdue University, 1953). Special attention also has
(1951, p. 91) was able to reclassify 99 different pedo-
been given to photointerpretation of permafrost con-
logic soil types into 13 engineering groups. Lueder
ditions in northern latitudes.
(1951) described the use of aerial photographs as a
With regard to highway engineering, Belcher (1945,
major tool in preparing soil-engineering maps. p. 144) stated that "* * * the soil problem resolves it-
The inability to interpret fine details with regard to self into two parts, one in which the soil in place is
physical characteristics of the soil thus does not pre- satisfactory as subgrade, and the second, where the soil
clude the use of aerial photographs in many engineer- is unsuitable. In areas of unsuitable soils some form

of improvement, by stabilization or insulation, is re- Landform

quired. Insulation involves the economic location of Identifying the landform commonly identifies the
granular materials in the form of rock to be crushed, natural process that formed it, and commonly limits
cinders (volcanic), or sand and gravel * * *. Inasmuch the type of soils or soil characteristics that can be ex-
as sand and gravel or other granular deposits exist to pected. The emphasis on landform is probably valid
some extent in nearly every county in the country the in reconnaissance soils investigations where broad areas
significance of soil patterns indicating granular ma- of several different landforms are studied and mapping
terials is of considerable economic importance to engi- is at a small scale. But where detailed engineering in-
'leers." In fact, a large percentage of construction and formation is needed, as in foundation studies, it is
maintenance expenses are in the costs of sand, gravel, likely that the area of study will be within one land-
crushed rock, and similar materials. As a tool for form, mapping will be on a large scale, and other
interpreting areas of gravel, sand, silt, and clay, aerial elements of the soil pattern, such as differences in rela-
photographs offer an inexpensive and rapid method of tive photographic tone, which may reflect soil-
reconnaissance, and according to Schultz and Cleaves moisture content, will be of prime importance.
(1955, p. 370) "* * * planning and exploration for In small-scale mapping the emphasis on landform is
large engineering projects should almost never be probably warranted particularly for constructional
undertaken without a thorough study of aerial photo- landforms of transported materials, such as sand
graphs of the region * *." dunes, river terraces, alluvial fans, and many glacial
Photointerpretation of surficial materials must con- landforms, all of which have distinctive shapes, al-
sider not only the surface expressions of these ma- though not necessarily unique (see figs. 52, 55-57, and
terials but also the geologic factors reflecting the origin 104) ; here the transported soil materials make up the
of these materials. A knowledge of the origin of ma- landform. In contrast residual soils associated with
terials permits inferences as to what kind of materials destructional landforms may be more difficult to inter-
can be expected in an area, and in what locations with pret from aerial photographs, for here the parent rock
respect to other geologic features. Field-sampling pro- makes up the landform, and the significance of soils
grams also could be based on the analysis of the photo- rests in part on the subjective interpretation of rock
geologic data, and subsequent mineralogic and related types. However, the interpretation of other elements
studies by the engineering geologist could provide the of the soil pattern with regard to physical characteris-
soils engineer with information that would eliminate tics of soils are just as valid for residual as for trans-
the need for many of the soil mechanics tests now ported materials; the engineering significance of many
performed as part of the routine laboratory analysis residual soil areas can be interpreted readily from
of all soil samples. aerial photographs on the basis of these other elements,
such as drainage and erosional characteristics (figs.
63 and 65).
The surface expressions of granular and other soils
Drainage characteristics
materials have been termed collectively the "soil pat-
tern." The soil pattern consists of several elements of Highly permeable soils will have good drainage re-
which the most important ones for nonpermafrost areas gardless of their origin, provided that topographic
are considered to be landform, drainage, erosion, rela- positions will permit draining. In well-drained soils
tive photographic tone, and color; vegetation cover and surface drainage normally will be coarse textured or
land use may also be significant (Belcher, 1944, 1945,
even absent (figs. 49, 52, 66, 104, 106, and 108) ; in
soils of low permeability drainage will normally be
1948; Jenkins, Belcher, Greeg, and Woods, 1946; Frost,
fine textured (fig. 63) or ponds may be numerous (figs.
1946; Mollard, 1947; Hittle, 1949; and Purdue Univer-
57 and 66). The presence of fine- or coarse-textured
sity, 1953). Schultz and Cleaves (1955, p. 371) con-
drainage in surficial materials, like that in bedrock
sidered that "interpretation of soils by means of aerial (p. 16), is primarily related to the relative re-
photographs rests largely on the interrelationships of sistance of the different materials to erosion, and hence
soils and geomorphic features"; consequently landform related to permeability and grain size. Coarse ma-
is considered by some to be the most important ele- terials characteristically are resistant to erosion, are
ment in photointerpretation of soils. Landform, how- permeable, and have a coarse-textured drainage; fine
ever, is only one element of the soil pattern and it is materials commonly are less resistant to erosion, are
clearly evident that the association of several elements impermeable, and have a fine-textured drainage. These
of the soil pattern will provide the greatest amount of relations are significant in the interpretation of engi-
information from aerial photographs. neering soils from aerial photographs because drain-

age texture can be readily observed. However, excep- cohesion. The usefulness of gully erosion characteris-
tions to these relations may exist, as with less, which tics in photointerpretation primarily involves the shape
is commonly characterized on aerial photographs by a of transverse profiles, although longitudinal profiles
relatively fine-textured drainage (see figs. 105 and may provide additional information. According to re-
106) ; yet, less in its natural environment is generally search workers at Purdue University (1953, p. 15-16)
considered well drained internally. "* * * there are three basic gully characteristics which
Flow or channel markings, for example on terraces, are associated with three major soil textural groups."
indicate that the material was deposited by running Granular soils commonly develop sharp, V-shaped
water and further suggest that the material may be gullies that have short, steep gradients. Nongranular
granular. Frost (1946, p. 121) described flow mark- cohesive and plastic soils are generally indicated by
ings in an area in the midwest as consisting of light uniform gentle gradient of gullies that extend well
and dark streaks usually parallel to the direction of back into the upland, and by broadly rounded shallow
flow. The light streaks are ridges of sand or fine V-shaped transverse profiles. The less soils and
gravel that are probably sand and gravel bars; the sandy-clay soil exhibit U-shaped cross sections of
dark streaks are fine clay or organic material deposited gullies that have flat bottoms and low gradients.
in depressions that once contained standing bodies of Although there may be a general adherence of gully
water. Frost (1946, p. 121) stated that "The chief characteristics to the major soil textural groups, ex-
significance of such markings lies in the fact that they ceptions are not uncommon. For example combina-
suggest stream deposition and in order to have stream tions of the basic gully characteristics "* * * occur in
deposition at such elevated positions and occurring on 'layered soils' or in soils exhibiting a 'strong profile' ".
* * * a large scale, there must have been large volumes (Purdue University, 1953, p. 16), and compound
of swiftly flowing water. Since swiftly flowing water gradients may develop. In addition to the steep or
allows only coarse material to settle, the terrace must vertical slopes in deep gullies, windblown silt may de-
contain a large percentage of gravel." It may be de- velop silt pinnacles and catsteps or terracettes (Purdue
batable that channel markings always indicate swiftly University, 1953, p. 45). It has been pointed out
flowing water, but where some doubt exists other ele- (Purdue University, 1953, p. 27) that climatic environ-
ments of the soil pattern may reveal the character of ment under which gullies form is an important con-
the terrace material. sideration; for example, soft clay shale in an arid
In broad areas of aggradation, such as the Missis- region where flash floods may occur commonly exhibit
sippi embayment, drainage characteristics revealed by abnormally steep slopes in contrast to clay shale in
aerial photographs are significant to the engineering areas of uniform rainfall where such slopes are usually
geologist, as different soil characteristics are associated softly rounded. Under certain conditions, such as
with the several features of valley alluviation. For gravel capping on clay soils in the New Jersey coastal
example, backswamp areas contain clay and silty clay plain (fig. 108), gullies in the underlying clay soils
of high organic content, whereas natural levees consist may be steep and deeply incised, in contrast to the
of silt, silty sand, and some silty clay (Fisk, 1944, p. usual broad shallow transverse gully profile of the clay
18, 20). The levees commonly "* * * provide linear soil group in humid regions.
patterns of higher ground supporting distinctive vege- In permafrost areas different materials may yield
tation growths" (Tator, 1951, p. 717). Low areas may the same cross-sectional profile. Gravel deposits ce-
be swampy and also contain distinctive vegetation. mented by ice may have vertical gully walls, or may
Graveliferous deposits fill the old valleys and in turn have gullies that are asymmetric in cross section if one
are covered by various other deposits; sandbars contain side is preferentially exposed to the sun and thaws at
permeable sand that grades downward into the gravel. a faster rate than the shadow side. The insulating
The distribution of features of the flood-plain drain- materials overlying frozen deposits also affect the rate
age may be significant in analyzing ground conditions of thawing and hence the erosional characteristics of
and locating favorable engineering materials in high- gullies. Interpreted carefully, however, the erosional
way, railroad, and airport development. characteristics-gully cross section and gradient-may
Erosional characteristics reveal useful information on texture and other engi-
Closely related to the drainage characteristics of a neering characteristics of the soil.
soil are its erosional characteristics; these are impor- Photographic tone
tant in photointerpretation studies chiefly from the On black-and-white photographs the significance of
standpoint of gully erosion, which is controlled largely color must be interpreted in terms of relative gray
by the physical properties of the soil and especially by photographic tones. Belcher stated (1948, p. 486) that

"Light color tones (grays) are usually associated with would seem that color photography would reveal pedo-
well-drained soils, while clays, principally because of logic information significant in engineering evaluation
their water-retention capacity, appear dark." Frost of soils, especially the residual soils, which may be
(1946, p. 122), in describing the mottled soils in Indi- more difficult to interpret in general than transported
ana, stated that mottling nearly always indicates soils, particularly from black-and-white photographs.
gravel. The mottling is due to "dark areas" which are Vegetation
"* * * small clay-like pockets that have been formed Vegetation as an element of the soil pattern has been
by the normal weathering processes of the gravel-sized considered one of the most difficult to interpret. It is
material" (Frost, 1946, p. 122). These pockets are known, for example, that certain trees, such as aspen,
depressions that "* * * act as small infiltration basins are tolerant of many different soils and soil conditions,
which result in a higher moisture content and a darker but some types of vegetation are strongly influenced by
color pattern" (Frost, 1946, p. 122). This mottled soil soil type. Furthermore, vegetation may be influenced
pattern contrasts with that of the drift plains in other significantly by climatic factors. Where permafrost is
areas where light-toned patches of slightly higher and
close enough to the surface to affect tree and shrub
dryer silty soils adjoin lower areas of wet plastic silty roots the kind of vegetation that will grow may be
clays. Somewhat similar mottled patterns have been restricted (see p. 37). Species identification may
described by Gwynne (1942, p. 202-205) from the drift be difficult in any area unless large-scale photographs
plain in Iowa (see fig. 107). But light photographic
are available or unless pure stands are present. Never-
tones also may result from lack of moisture, owing to
theless, vegetation may reveal significant information
lack of precipitation as in many arid regions, rather in engineering studies provided valid interpretations
than because of good drainage, and thus tone may be
are made with regard to how vegetation is associated
of little significance in evaluating soil texture in some with soil textures, soil-moisture content, and topogra-
areas. Or light tones may be the result of topographic
phy; thus a knowledge of plant ecology is necessary if
position, and it is probable for example that a
maximum information on soil conditions is to be ob-
"* * * sand dune on a sand plain in a humid region
tained from aerial photographs. Willows, for example,
will photograph light in color against a dark back-
indicate wet ground, poplar indicates dry ground, and
ground" (Purdue University, 1953, p. 26) not because
jack pine implies sand and gravel beds (Belcher, 1945,
of differences in soil textures but because of topo-
graphic position. Climatic conditions also influence the p. 139). However, where abrupt changes in soil con-
colors of soils, especially the residual soils, and dark ditions exist, it is likely that vegetation changes will
color rather than light color may be associated with also occur (figs. 56 and 72), and areas needing further
well-drained materials; as certain red soils developed ground surveys may be easily delineated by inspection
from limestone (Jenkins, Belcher, Greeg, and Woods, of aerial photographs without any basic knowledge of
1946, p. 84). Yet, provided climatic conditions are plant ecology. For example, stabilized sand dunes in
considered and provided relative photographic tone is interior Alaska can be easily delineated because they
borne in mind, the generalization that light photo- are marked by stands of dark-toned spruce (see fig.
graphic tones suggest good drainage and dark tones 56), in contrast to light-toned brush and grass of the
poor drainage may be useful in the overall interpreta- interdune areas. This relation may be found where
tion of soils with regard to moisture content. Where the topographically higher, well-drained sand of the
tone is due to moisture, infrared photography will re-
dunes contrasts with frozen silty deposits of the inter-
sult in strong tonal contrasts between soils of different
dune areas.
moisture content.
Where phreatophytes-plants and trees that obtain
water from the water table-can be delineated (see p.
Color has been cited as a principal element of the 40), aerial photographs may provide significant
soil pattern that may yield information on the texture
engineering data because phreatophytes may choke
and drainage character of the soil profile, but to date
overflow channels and thus increase the flood potential
very little interpretive work has been done with color
of some areas. Information pertaining to the down-
photography. Belcher (1945, p. 138) briefly mentioned
stream de-silting effect of phreatophytes with regard
experimental color photography taken in different
parts of the United States and stated that "The value to dams and reservoirs may also be obtained from
of color * * * lies in the added detail that it furnishes aerial photographs of some areas (see Robinson, 1958,
with respect to these two elements of the soil pattern" p. 28-29). However, little interpretative work in this
(that is, soil color and details of vegetative cover). It field has been done.

Land use the disturbance of the natural thermal regimen. Where

Land use may also reveal information on the soil bedrock or thick frozen gravel deposits that contain
conditions of an area. Belcher (1945, p. 142) reported local drainage channels are the primary foundation
that "Orchards thrive in well-drained locations and materials, permafrost is not normally detrimental to
therefore, when observed on level ground, good sub- construction.
drainage is implied." Shallow drainage ditches in Although aerial photographs are useful in the inter-
areas of little relief commonly signify plastic, poorly pretation of areas that may be underlain by perma-
drained soils. Schultz and Cleaves (1955, p. 378) frost, criteria used for interpreting soil conditions of
stated that in eastern France and western Germany nonfrozen areas apply only to a limited extent to
"* * * rugged topography and associated sandy soils permafrost zones. Gully characteristics of an imper-
developed on sandstones are generally left in forest; meable gravel deposit cemented by ice, for example,
the comparatively level topography and associated will not necessarily be the same as the characteristics
clayey soils developed on shales and limestones are of gullies in impermeable nonfrozen soils. Because of
cultivated * * *." On the flood plain of the Missis- the altered permeability and porosity of soils owing to
sippi River the silty sand of the natural levees is culti- permafrost, erosional characteristics, as applied to the
vated primarily because of its topographic position interpretation of nonpermafrost areas, may have little
above the lower backswamps. In parts of the Valley significance in the perenially frozen regions. Other
and Ridge province of Eastern United States the lime- criteria, such as the common landforms, although sug-
stone areas commonly are farmed whereas shale areas gestive of type of material present, are of limited use
may be left in forest. in determining the presence or absence of permafrost.
PERMAFROST Few diagnostic indicators of permafrost appear to
Permafrost has a significant effect on engineering exist. More often than not the criteria are suggestive
characteristics of soils of the far northern latitudes rather than indicative; they include distribution and
and has received considerable attention in recent years, type of vegetation, polygonal relief patterns, pingos,
particularly from the standpoint of photointerpreta- and features resulting primarily from thawing.
tion (Cabot, 1947; Woods, little, and Frost, 1948; Distribution and type of vegetation
Benninghoff, 1950; Frost and Mintzer, 1950; Frost,
Distribution patterns of trees and shrubs commonly
1951; Sager, 1951; Black, 1952; Hopkins, Karlstrom,
supplement topographic expression in recognizing
and others, 1955). Considerable disagreement exists,
landforms; these patterns may contribute indirectly to
however, on the significance of photointerpreted data
the ,interpretation of probable permafrost conditions
in the study of permafrost areas (see Black, 1952,
based upon inferences concerning the age of the land
p. 126-127, 129), although it is generally agreed that
surface, climate, and character of the underlying ma-
aerial photographs can be particularly useful in such
terial. In addition, the type of vegetation may be
studies. The following discussion of ground conditions
useful in delineating areas where permafrost is likely
in permafrost areas is taken from the work of Hopkins
and Karlstrom (Hopkins, Karlstrom, and others, to be present. Hopkins and Karlstrom (1955) re-
1955), except as noted by specific references. ported that recognition of shallow-rooted species on
aerial photographs aids in delineating the areas where
Muller (1947, p. 219) defined permafrost as "a thick-
permafrost is most likely to occur at shallow depth,
ness of soil or other surficial deposit or even bedrock,
and that recognition of deep-rooted species helps
at a variable depth beneath the surface of the earth in
delineate areas least favorable for the formation or
which a temperature below freezing has existed con-
preservation of permafrost. Thus, black spruce may
tinuously for a long time (from two to tens of thou-
suggest areas underlain by permafrost at shallow
sands of years)." Muller (1947, p. 30) also stated that
depth, whereas tall willow shrubs and isolated pure
"From the standpoint of engineering, the content of
stands of balsam popular on river flood plains gen-
ice in frozen ground is of paramount importance * *

erally indicate unfrozen ground. The distribution pat-

[because] * * * thawing of this ice produces excessive
terns of trees and shrubs, however, are most significant
wetting and undesired plasticity of the ground and
only when evaluated together with other information,
renders it unstable and susceptible to settling, caving,
such as type of landform, concerning permafrost dis-
and even flowing." Building foundations, highways,
tribution in the region under study.
railbeds, and airport runways may be considerably
damaged unless the presence of permafrost is taken Polygonal relief patterns

into consideration and measures taken to eliminate Polygonal relief patterns commonly can be identi-
or minimize the effect of the thawing that results from fied on aerial photographs, but as they may be present

in both permafrost and nonpermafrost areas this cri- Features resulting from thawing

terion is not, by itself, always diagnostic in evaluating Two features associated with thawing are suggestive
permafrost conditions; however, in conjunction with of the presence of permafrost. These are thaw lakes
other features it may be very significant. Polygonal (sometimes called thermokarst lakes) and beaded
patterns may be divided into two broad groups: those drainage. Thaw lakes occur in frozen fine-grained
formed by frost-stirring and those formed by con- sedimentary deposits that generally contain clear lenses
traction. The formation of frost-stirred polygons is and masses of ice whose volume is greatly in excess of
favored by the presence of permafrost at shallow the porosity of the unfrozen material. As this ice
depth, but these polygons are not necessarily an in- melts the ground subsides and forms a basin in which
fallible indicator of shallow permafrost as they are a thaw lake may accumulate (figs. 110 and 111). When
also known to occur where permafrost is absent or is caving is progressing, banks are ragged and steep or
at a considerable depth. overhanging. Tilted trees known as "drunken forests,"
Contractional polygons are subdivided into low- along the margins of such lakes are indicative of
center, high-center, and frost-crack polygons. Low- active caving. In treeless areas active caving may be
center polygons, one of the most dependable indicators indicated by tension cracks parallel to the banks.
of permafrost, are commonly found in poorly drained Other indications of thawing, such as serrated margins
depressions. The presence of pools of water in the of lakes, also may be present (figs. 109-111). The
centers of some polygons is a diagnostic recognition usefulness of thaw lakes as permafrost indicators,
feature, and it is common to find low-center polygons however, is limited by the difficulty of distinguishing
expressed on aerial photographs as dark-toned centers on aerial photographs between active thaw lakes, relict
surrounded by light-toned marginal ridges (figs. 109- thaw lakes, and similar-appearing lakes that are in no
112). High-center polygons occur in slightly better way related to permafrost.
drained areas than those in which low-center polygons Beaded drainage occurs particularly in perennially
are found; generally, the centers are relatively level, frozen peat and silt containing ice wedges; it is char-
although they may be domed where frost is extremely acterized by small pools connected by short water-
active. In contrast to low-center polygons, drainage courses that may be sharply incised (figs. 40 and 112).
around high-center polygons is commonly concentrated The pool banks commonly are steep as a result of
in marginal trenches, and pools of water are present at thawing and caving of frozen materials.
trench intersections. Because of the high centers, Absence of permafrost
these polygons are commonly expressed on aerial pho- In areas of discontinuous permafrost it is not only
tographs as light-toned centers surrounded by dark- desirable for the engineer to know where permafrost
toned margins (figs. 40 and 109-112). Frost-crack is present, but it may be equally important to deter-
polygons may be difficult to distinguish on aerial pho- mine where permafrost is absent. Certain hydrologic
tographs, as they are similar to high-center polygons; phenomena and elements of the soil pattern commonly
they may be present in some areas where permafrost indicate or suggest the absence of permafrost. For
is absent. example, subterranean drainage in unfrozen zones
Other relief patterns in conjunction with vegetation within permafrost may be detected on aerial photo-
distribution result in striped slopes that are commonly graphs of some areas. The recognition criteria are in
part similar to those applied in evaluating soil condi-
present in permafrost areas (fig. 40).
tions in nonpermafrost areas of the world. That is,
streams may disappear into the bottoms of closed de-
Pingos are rounded or elliptical steep-sided hills pressions or by percolating into a gravel-covered sur-
formed by the "downward freezing of a body or lens face. In addition, the presence of dry depressions in
of water or of semi-fluid mud" (Muller, 1947, p. 59). permafrost areas may indicate locally well-drained
They may be as much as 300 feet high. Fissures may areas. inasmuch as there is generally a source of water
develop along the axis of a pingo or radiate from the during the summer months. Such areas contrast with
crest. Pingos usually are found in poorly drained other areas of the earth's surface where dry depres-
areas and normally are readily distinguished on aerial sions may be due to absence of precipitation or other
photographs by their distinctive local landform (figs. immediate source of water. Locally unfrozen zones
110 and 111) ; they are almost always a reliable indi- within permafrost areas may also be suggested by
cator of permafrost, although locally they may be con- springs, which are commonly indicated by flood-plain
fused with erosional knolls or hills. icings; shown as flat, white surfaces on some aerial

photographs, or indicated by more luxuriant vegeta- soils and vegetation have been stripped off the bed-
tion along a pronounced lineation or within a dark- rock, may be easily recognized on aerial photographs
toned area on low hill slopes. These unfrozen zones by the light photographic tone of the bedrock in con-
may be favorable as a source of ground water. In trast to darker tones of surrounding areas. Areas of
addition, because permafrost generally causes soils to potential flow of unconsolidated materials may be re-
be impermeable, drainage characteristics indicative of vealed by tension cracks or crevices, or suggested by
permeable materials (see p. 34) may be interpreted the presence of seepage zones or springs, shown by
to mean lack of permafrost, at least in the immedi- dark tones of dense or luxuriant vegetation or by dark
ately underlying materials. Certain tree species may tones of the soil.
also suggest absence of permafrost (see p. 37). Ritchie (1958, p. 50) warned, however, that although
aerial photographs are of significant help in develop-
ing the setting for detailed studies, they seldom con-
tain the detail needed by the engineer to carry out
Natural movement or potential movement of ma- preventative or remedial measures. The prime appli-
terials is a significant consideration in many construc- cation of aerial photographs in landslide studies ap-
tion engineering problems. Foremost in this regard pears to be in interpreting ground conditions to deter-
is the movement of soils and rock materials by land- mine areas that should be avoided in highway route
slides. Ritchie (1958, p. 67) stated that "All landslide layout and similar problems.
investigations must start with recognition of a dis-
tressed condition in the natural or artificial slope * * *."
Distressed conditions are commonly interpretable from In a shoreline study in California, Munk and Tray-
aerial photographs. "The evidence for distressed con- lor (1947) showed that variation in wave height and
ditions that may be present, or that may be induced, refraction of waves along the shore was controlled in
lies chiefly in evidence of movements, minor or major, part by sea-floor topography. Where refraction causes
that have already taken place or of geologic, soil, and a convergence of waves the rate of shoreline erosion
hydrologic conditions that are likely to cause move- may increase. Krumbein stated (1950, p. 203) that
ment in the future" (Ritchie, 1958, p. 67). Geologic, "Refraction diagrams are becoming an essential part
soil, and hydrologic conditions signifying potential of any study concerned with shore processes, and
landslide areas include the presence of unfavorable graphic methods have been developed for preparing
geologic structures and rock type, prevalence of fine- them from hydrographic charts or aerial photographs."
grained materials, and an abundance of water or con- Photographs taken periodically of shoreline areas
ditions that would permit access of water to fine- would also provide information, both qualitative and
grained materials. quantitative, in studies of erosion and deposition,
Because remedial measures for landslides or preven- which might thus be useful in planning remedial action
tion of landslides are generally not only difficult but against the eroding currents. In a study of shoreline
costly, avoidance of landslide areas is important in erosion by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (U.S.
highway route layout. Existing landslides are com- Beach Erosion Board 1946, p. 13) aerial photographs
monly identified on the basis of landform (figs. 46 and taken in 1941 were compared with land surveys of
113). Liang and Belcher (1958, p. 70) stated that 1836 to obtain rates of erosion along the shore of Lake
some landforms are more susceptible to landsliding Michigan. The rate of erosion plays a significant part
than others, and thus identifying the landform is in planning corrective measures for eroding currents.
highly important. "Potential slides of the rockfall
and soilfall type can commonly be foreseen simply by
recognizing geologic conditions that are likely to pro-
duce overhanging or oversteepened cliffs" (Ritchie, Because of the influence that faults may have on
1958, p. 51). Basalt cappings underlain by easily construction design and costs, it is important that
eroded shale (figs. 53, 87, and 113) illustrate a condi- faults be located and studied in the beginning stages
tion where rockfalls may occur as a result of failure of an engineering project. Aerial photographs may
and slump in the underlying materials. provide significant information in this regard as some
Movement of unconsolidated materials by flowage is faults are recognized from subtle expressions on photo-
likely to produce the most damaging landslides. Ex- graphs but are identified only with difficulty on the
isting flows and slides (figs. 46 and 113) commonly ground. The usefulness of photographs in mapping a
have a "hummocky" surface. Landslide scars, where proposed damsite in southeastern Alaska is shown in a

study of the Swan Lake area (fig. 114) where faults of water. For example, salt cedar is tolerant of rela-
stand out in aerial view as conspicuous lineations, tively high content of salt in water, whereas cotton-
which are primarily reflections of rectilinear depres- wood trees are intolerant. Howe (1958) described
sions on the ground. In a damsite study in Malaya, briefly the use of aerial photographs with specific ref-
Alexander and Proctor (1955) used large-scale aerial erence to locating possible water-bearing formations.
photographs taken 750 feet above the ground. These WATER-LOSS STUDIES
photographs showed clearly the attitude and distri- In a study of water loss caused by phreatophytic
bution of faults and joints in granitic country rock. plants and trees, which take their water from the
In connection with the San Jacinto tunnel project water table, Turner and Skibitzke (1952) used aerial
in California, Henderson (1939) noted that aerial pho- mosaics and contact prints for delineating areas of
tographs revealed indications of unsuspected faults different densities of phreatophytes. The areas were
and corroborative evidence of those previously sus- then measured by planimeter and used in conjunction
pected. Fault locations underground were found to with vertical foliage density, determined by field
be close to that predicted from study of photographs. methods, to arrive at volume density to which water
In addition to showing faults, aerial photographs loss by transpiration for specific species could be
commonly shown dipping beds that are important in equated. Data pertaining to tree species and heights
some foundation studies for pier and abutment loca- were determined by ground methods. Turner and
tion. Or dipping beds may indicate potential rock-
Skibitzke (1952, p. 67) stated that "The comparison
slide conditions where the dip is in the same direction between results obtained by air and by ground map-
as the hill slope. ping led to the conclusion that the former offers a
Lithologic characteristics of bedrock materials are much faster and more accurate method, particularly
also significant in many engineering problems, as in in areas of dense growth." Further use 'of aerial pho-
foundation work, or in locating road metal sources. tographs in collecting basic data for studies of water
Criteria useful for interpreting the general lithologic loss by phreatophytes could probably be made. For
character of rock types from aerial photographs are example, it may be possible to determine tree or plant
discussed on pages 16-19. species, especially when large-scale black-and-white
INTERPRETATION OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS IN photographs are available or where color photographs
HYDROLOGIC STUDIES have been taken. In addition, for many areas where
LOCATING POTENTIAL GROUND-WATER SOURCES the ground surface can be observed through the trees,
photogrammetric measurements may provide rapidly
Little has been written on the interpretation and
those height measurements needed in water-loss
uses of aerial photographs specifically in hydrologic
studies. For areal measurements of differing vegeta-
studies, although photogeologic techniques offer both
tion types or densities a simple dot-templet method
practical and research applications in this field. Prac-
may be useful (Wilson, 1949). Like many other
tical application of aerial photographs in hydrologic
studies, however, where vegetation and ground fea-
study are at present confined largely to assisting the
tures must be observed, measured, and plotted, maxi-
geologic mapping in ground-water investigations, par-
mum use of aerial photographs will result from com-
ticularly in areas covered by surficial materials. As
bined use of field and photogeologic methods.
an aid in ground-water mapping, elements of the soil
pattern are evaluated in terms of ground conditions, OTHER APPLICATIONS

just as in many engineering geology studies (see p. Aerial photographs as a tool in hydrologic studies
34-37). Thus, for example, coarse-textured drainage provide a medium for obtaining basic data, such as
or absence of drainage may signify highly permeable cross-section profiles, linear, areal, slope, and volume
materials (figs. 52, 66, 88, 104, and 105B; and p. 34-35) measurements. Some of the suggested uses of photo-
or the landform (figs. 52 and 104) may suggest the grammetric techniques in hydrologic studies are: (a)
kinds of materials that compose it, which permits an for definition of channel size and shape of cross sec-
evaluation of permeability and porosity and potential tion to be used in studies of the effect of channel
as a water reservoir. In addition, aerial photographs geometry in flood characteristics of streams; (b) for
may reveal information directly suggesting the pres- determining channel storage capacity used in flood-
ence of water, such as a preferential distribution of frequency correlations; (c) for definition of the three-
vegetation at the margins of a gravel cap (see figs. dimensional sinuosity of natural channels to be used
104 and 108). The type of vegetation in turn may in studies of the rate of energy loss; (d) for definition
permit inferences with regard to the general quality of the geometry of bed roughness of alluvial channel

models (Thompson, 1958) ; (e) for measuring topo- hill, 1958a). Certain instruments permit only the
graphic characteristics of drainage basins such as measurement of altitude differences, others permit only
stream slopes and drainage density; and (f) for de- the orthographic positioning of geologic data, but
termining areas of lakes and swamps in water-storage many instruments are used for both measuring and
studies. plotting. Most measuring and plotting devices are
INSTRUMENTATION designed to accommodate standard 9- by 9-inch photo-
Instruments in photogeologic study serve three ob- graphs; enlarged photographs can be used with only
jectives, namely, interpretation, measurement, and a few instruments, such as the overhead projector, in
plotting of data. The instruments used thus may be transferring data to a base sheet.
photogrammetric or nonphotogrammetric-photogram- MEASURING DEVICES FOR USE WITH PAPER PRINTS
metry is the art of making reliable measurements
One of the most commonly used and widely avail-
from photographs. Usually different instruments are
able types of instrument for determining altitudes
used for attaining each of the three objectives, as, for
from paper prints of aerial photographs is the stereom-
example, in using a stereoscope, parallax bar, and ra-
eter or parallax bar. Several varieties of stereom-
dial planimetric plotter, respectively. But all three op-
eters are available for use with either the lens or
erations may be combined in a single piece of equip-
mirror-type stereoscope (see fig. 10) ; they consist of
ment, such as the Kelsh plotter (fig. 18). Whether
two small plates, usually of glass or plastic, that have
interpretation is done with a simple stereoscope and
inscribed dots, or other targets, that can be centered
paper prints or with a precision stereoplotting instru-
over conjugate image points in a stereoscopic pair of
ment using glass-plate diapositives, the criteria of rec-
photographs. The plates are attached to a supporting
ognition, described in the first part of this paper, re-
bar along which they may be separated horizontally.
main the same except insofar as scale and resolution of
The supporting bar generally has graduated readings
photographic details are involved. Both measure-
in millimeters or inches and a slow-motion adjustment
ment and plotting are here considered as mechanical
drum that permits readings of hundredths of milli-
aids that provide quantitative information to be fur-
meters or thousandths of inches. All stereometers are
ther used in geologic interpretation of an area, and in-
based on the "floating-dot" principle, where two target
struments are discussed primarily with this objective
dots, one seen with each eye, are fused stereoscopically
in mind.
into a single dot that appears to float in space within
Measurement involves (a) the determination from
the stereoscopic model. The apparent height of the
aerial photographs of vertical and horizontal distances,
single fused dot, used as a reference mark in deter-
which in turn are used to compute stratigraphic thick-
mining altitude differences, is related to the horizontal
nesses, angles of dip, and other quantitative data of
separation of the individual dots being viewed. Thus
geologic use; (b) the direct determination of inclined
by measuring the horizontal separation between indi-
distances, commonly the stratigraphic thickness of a
vidual dots when the fused dot in the stereoscopic
formation; (c) the direct determination of angles of
model is placed at the top of an object (such as a hill
slopes or beds; and (d) other quantitative determina-
or cliff) whose height is to be determined, and sub-
tions of possible significance in geologic interpretation,
tracting from it the measurement of the horizontal
such as light-transmission measurements.
separation between individual dots when the fused dot
Plotting primarily involves the orthographic posi-
is placed at the bottom of that object, a measure of the
tioning of geologic data from aerial photographs to
height, called differential parallax, is obtained. Dif-
base maps or compilation sheets. It also involves
ferential parallax is converted to feet by simple mathe-
direct plotting of geologic data in cross-sectional views,
matical calculations (see p. 53). Stereometers are
and may include positioning data such as geologic
thus merely devices that permit reliable measurement
contacts, which are not directly recognizable in the
of differences of horizontal distances between two or
stereoscopic model, by use of the floating dot or spatial
more pairs of conjugate image points as seen on two
reference mark that is found in many photogrammetric
photographs that form a stereoscopic pair.
Parallax ladders also may be used for determining
differences in altitudes from aerial photographs. Like
Many different photogrammetric instruments are the stereometer, the parallax ladder is based on the
available for making measurements and plotting geo- floating-dot or floating-line principle. The instrument
logic data to base sheets or cross-sectional profiles (see may consist of two diverging rows of dots on plastic
Fischer, 1955; Ray, 1956; Pillmore, 1957; and Hemp- or glass arms; thus, a series of pairs of dots exist with

different horizontal separations, and this in turn re- allows the operator to view a single photograph image
sults in several floating dots all at different altitudes superposed on the base map. Adjustments for scale
within the stereoscopic model (see fig. 12). Or the changes in the perspective photograph permit coinci-
instrument may consist of two diverging lines with dence or near coincidence of photograph control points
intercepts of specific horizontal separations ticked off; and base-map control points. Geologic detail is
thus a single plunging line would be seen in stereo- sketched directly on the base map. This instrument
scopic view. The instrument, oriented at right angles can be adjusted to remove small amounts of tilt in-
to the flight line, is used by sliding it over the stereo- herent in some vertical photographs, but like any
scopic model until a pair of dots or line intercepts- direct-reflecting projector, large amounts of radial dis-
seen stereoscopically as a single dot or cross in space- placement due to relief cannot be effectively removed.
appears to fall on the base of the object whose height The radial planimetric plotter has been devised es-
is to be determined. A reading of the horizontal pecially for transferring photographic detail to a base
separation of the two dots or intercepts is then made. map or control sheet. Unlike the sketchmaker, this
The parallax ladder is moved until a different pair of instrument is designed to eliminate displacement due
dots or intercepts-also seen stereoscopically as a to relief. The plotter consists of a mirror stereoscope
single dot or cross in space-appears to fall on the top mounted above two photograph tables (fig. 14). A
of the object whose height is to be determined. Again transparent plastic arm with a centrally scribed line
a reading of the horizontal separation of dots or inter- extends from and pivots around the center of each
cepts is made. The difference in readings obtained is table. These arms are linked to a pantograph attach-
then used in a simple formula to determine the dif- ment. Because the plastic arms radiate from different
ference in altitude of the two points (see p. 53). centers they cross each other in stereoscopic view to
A direct-reading parallax ladder that eliminates the form the so-called plotting cross.
need for most of the mathematical computation has In operating the radial planimetric plotter a pair of
also been devised. The differences in horizontal sepa- vertical photographs is oriented on the photograph
ration of pairs of dots has been calculated by the tables for proper stereoscopic viewing, and control
manufacturer in terms of heights in feet for different points on the photographs are oriented to control
flying heights and photobases, and this permits a di- points on the base manuscript by means of the radial
rect reading of relative altitudes within the stereo- arms and pantograph. Movement of the pantograph
scopic model. attachment moves the plotting cross over the stereo-
Also for use with paper prints is a stereo slope scopic model and permits tracing of photograph detail
meter, designed primarily for determining degrees or on the base manuscript. Inasmuch as the radial arms
percentage of slope. The instrument consists of two that intersect a terrain feature on each photograph
transparent disks each scribed with eccentric circles of represent azimuth lines from known points on the base
specific diameters (fig. 11). These disks are mounted manuscript, the intersection of these two arms will
in a frame so as to be movable horizontally in a fash- represent the true map position of that feature, just
ion similar to the dots of the stereometer. In stereo- as will the intersection of two azimuth lines shot from
scopic view the two sets of eccentric circles appear as different instrument stations in the field. Thus the
a cone that is divided into several zones. By proper relief displacement of a feature on a photograph is
horizontal spacing of the two disks, the resulting cone effectively removed; this is one of the chief advantages
seen stereoscopically can be raised or lowered so that in using the radial planimetric plotter. However,
some two circles will rest on the slope or grade to be the radial lines do not intersect along the principal
determined. By appropriate simple calculations the line-or flight-line direction-between photographs,
slope can be determined. Center dots present on each and the photograph tables must be shifted to their al-
of the transparent disks also permit relative altitudes ternate centers before the central area of stereoscopic
to be determined just as with a stereometer. model can be delineated. Because the photograph
tables are mounted in a horizontal position, the instru-
ment does not permit removal of tilt that may be pres-
Instruments have been designed specifically for ent in the photographs, but tilt is usually small in pres-
plotting information from paper prints to base maps ent-day photography and generally does not cause
or control sheets. An instrument widely employed in significant errors in horizontal positioning of geologic
the past is the sketchmaster (fig. 13), which uses the data.
camera-lucida principle in transferring data from the The multiscope is a combination of mirror stereo-
photographs to the base sheet. The sketchmaster scope and camera lucida that has received limited use

0~- 'or1

LU L- a

-- 7-


FIGURE 1O.-Stereometers. FIGURE 11.-Stereo slope meter.

* w S


FIGURE 12.-Parallax ladder.


782-139 0 - 65 - 5

4 vii _ td


.. +

FIGURE 13.-Sketchmaster. FIGURE 14.-Radial planimetric plotter.


" ^_

FIGURE 15.-Stereotope.


in plotting geologic data from photographs to base lax and significant amounts of horizontal shift in the
maps or control sheets. Photographs are mounted on map position of a point may result by moving one's
movable photograph plates that permit small adjust- head in viewing the stereoscopic model.
ments for tilt. The viewing assembly is constructed The Mahan plotter is generally similar in principle
to allow the insertion of one or two half-silvered mir- to the KEK plotter but differs slightly in operation.
rors in the eyepiece, so that in operation either the The floating dot is positioned on the ground in the
image of a single photograph or the stereoscopic model stereoscopic model by vertical motion of the disks on
may be superposed optically on the map or control which the dots are scribed, whereas in the KEK plotter
base. Although the stereoscopic model may be seen at the position of the disks containing the scribed dots is
all times, use of only one half-silvered mirror permits fixed and the photograph plates are moved vertically
the eye to see only the image of one photograph super- in order to position the floating dot at a particular
posed on the map base; the resulting plot is similar level in the stereoscopic model. The stereoscope of the
to that from the sketchmaster-or reflecting projector Mahan plotter is adjustable, which permits very nearly
-no errors due to relief displacement are removed. the recovery of the perspective from photography
If, however, two half-silvered mirrors are used, appro- ranging in focal length from about 8.25 to 12 inches.
priate manipulations permit true orthographic plotting As with the KEK plotter, a shift of the viewer's head
of detail from the stereoscopic model. Scale adjust- when viewing the model may cause horizontal posi-
ments between photographs and map base are made tioning errors and the presence of small amounts of
by interchanging special lenses in the viewing as- extraneous parallax. The stereoscopic model of the
sembly together with changing manually the distance KEK and Mahan plotters may be effectively leveled,
of the viewing assembly above the map base. The in absence of vertical control, by visual reference to
instrument is said to permit measurement of altitudes certain physiographic features of the terrain (see p.
when coupled rotary prisms are inserted under the 55).
half-silvered mirrors, or when a device similar to the A somewhat different paper-print plotter is the
multiplex tracing table is placed in the field of stereo- stereotope. The instrument consists of a stereoscope
scopic view (Spurr and Brown, 1945, p. 177). with binoculars of X 4 magnification mounted over a
photoholding assembly that contains a parallax bar
PAPER PRINTS and attachments for pantograph hookup, as well as a
mechanism, when vertical control is available, for
Some instruments have been designed both for meas-
effectively leveling tilted models, for correcting errors
uring altitudes and for plotting data from paper prints
of horizontal position, and for orthographic plotting
of aerial photographs. These instruments are com-
of geologic data (fig. 15). The stereotope is an elabo-
monly termed "paper-print plotters" and include the
rate instrument that corrects for tilt by mechanical
KEK plotter, the Mahan plotter, and the stereotope.
linkages within the photoholding assembly. No physi-
The KEK plotter consists of a stereoscope, two
cal tilting of the photoholders takes place and thus the
photograph tables, floating-dot assembly, and drawing
instrument differs significantly from the KEK and
attachment. The plotting cross of the radial plani-
Mahan plotters. In addition, the targets of the stereom-
metric plotter is replaced in the KEK plotter by the
fused dot floating in space. By raising or lowering eter attachment for altitude determinations are in
contact with the paper prints, and no extraneous
the photograph plates the fused dot is positioned on
parallax can be introduced by movement of the oper-
the ground in the stereoscopic model. Vertical motion
ator 's viewing position. In the absence of vertical
of the photograph plates is linked to a drum scale on
control, which permits tilt correction through mechani-
which relative altitudes can be read directly in feet.
cal linkages, the stereotope as a measuring device must
Movement of the pantograph drawing attachment
be used as a simple parallax bar.
allows geologic detail to be sketched directly on the
neap base, but during this sketching the fused dot must MEASURING AND PLOTTING DEVICES FOR USE WITH
be held on the ground in the stereoscopic model by GLASS-PLATE DIAPOSITIVES

simultaneous vertical movement of the photograph The Kelsh plotter, multiplex, and ER-55 plotter, all
plates. The photograph plates may be tilted to make of which require glass-plate diapositives, are used in
an approximate correction for tilt that may be inher- the United States both to measure quantitative geo-
ent in the photography. Because the floating-dot as- logic data and to plot geologic detail to base maps or
sembly lies above and is physically separated from the control sheets (figs. 16-18). These double-projection
photograph tables, small amounts of extraneous paral- precision-plotting instruments are designed to accom-


FIGURE lb. -Multiplex.

FIGURE 17. -ER-55 plotter.


I , u

i't li-,


FIGURE 18.-Kelsh plotter.



modate photography of specific focal lengths, usually 5 times. The small diapositive image is then enlarged
6 or 8.25 inches. All utilize the anaglyph principle of approximately 12 times in projection of the stereo-
projection of light of complementary colors, red and scopic model. The projected stereoscopic model is
blue-green, through glass-plate diapositives to create about 2.5 times the original photography scale. As a
the third dimension. The stereoscopic model is viewed result of the large amount of reduction of the original
through glasses of the same color as the filters used in photograph negative, some of the photographic detail
the light-source projectors. Because double-projection, is lost and fine details of terrain, important in geologic
or anaglyphic-type, stereoplotting instruments simu- interpretation, may not be visible. In multiplex pro-
late in miniature the spatial relations of the camera jection the entire model area is illuminated, and if the
stations at the time the photographs were taken, all terrain being viewed has only low or moderate relief
features of the terrain are optically re-created in the the stereoscopic model may be observed in its entirety
stereoscopic model in essentially true relation with by substituting a large white surface for the platen.
respect to the measuring mark or floating dot. Where This overall view of the stereoscopic model is often of
sufficient vertical control is available any tilt inherent considerable use in geologic interpretation, because of
in the photography can be removed so that accurate the association of geologic features that can be seen
measurements of altitudes can be made and true ortho- at one time. The overall view is generally accom-
graphic positioning of detail obtained. Without verti- plished by projecting the stereoscopic model to the
cal control the stereoscopic model of many terrains multiplex table slate; no plotting or measuring can be
commonly can be leveled within 10 of the horizontal done when the model is viewed on this surface.
datum by visual reference to certain physiographic The ER-55 plotter uses glass-plate diapositives on
characteristics of the terrain (see p. 55) ; under these which the original 9- by 9-inch negative is reduced
conditions approximate orthographic positioning may about 2.8 times; this amount of reduction does not
be obtained, but significant errors in vertical measure- seriously affect image resolution. The projected stereo-
ments may result (see p. 69-75). scopic model is about 3.5 or 5 times the scale of the
The stereoscopic model is usually viewed on a small original photographs. depending on the projector
white-surfaced table called a platen, which may be model. Ellipsoidal reflector-type projectors result in a
raised and lowered so that an illuminated floating dot brightly illuminated model in which terrain detail has
in its center is kept in contact with the surface of the a high degree of resolution. Like the multiplex, the
ground, as seen in stereoscopic view. Vertical motion ER--55 plotter permits viewing the entire stereoscopic
of the platen is transmitted to a scale reading in milli- model at one time. In addition to accommodating
meters of vertical measurement, or, on some instru- vertical photography the ER-55 projectors are adapta-
ments, to a scale that converts readings directly to ble to twin low-oblique photography taken with the
heights in meters or feet. Geologic features are traced camera axis inclined 200 from the vertical position.
orthographically on the base map by a pencil located Geologic study of stereoscopic models in double-
directly beneath the illuminated dot on the platen, or projection plotters has numerous advantages over the
by a reduction pantograph attached to the tracing study of paper prints. The ability to interpret, meas-
table. Interpretation, measuring, and plotting can be ure, and plot in one continuous operation has already
carried out in one continuous operation. been cited. In addition, the geologist works with an
The Kelsh plotter is designed to accommodate glass- enlarged stereoscopic model that ranges from about
plate diapositives the same scale as the original pho- 2.5 times to 5 times the original photography scale,
tography. For many geologic problems film positives depending on the instrument used; thus small-scale
may be substituted for the more expensive glass-plate photography commonly may be used. A higher degree
diapositives. The scale of the projected stereoscopic of image resolution is maintained on glass diapositives
model is usually about 5 times that of the original than on paper prints, and results in more detail that
photography. Only that part of the stereoscopic can be observed in the double-projection stereoscopic
model appearing on the platen is illuminated; this models, except for the multiplex, in which some reso-
results in a concentration of light and a brightly lution needed in qualitative and quantitative interpre-
illuminated model but prevents viewing of the entire tation is lost in the projected model. Because all
model at one time. Because the glass-plate diaposi- features of the terrain are optically re-created in essen-
tives are the same scale as the original photography tially true relation, reliable measurements for structure
the resolution of the stereoscopic image is excellent. contouring, for drawing isopach lines, for computing
The multiplex uses glass-plate diapositives on which strikes and dips, and for determining fault displace-
the original 9- by 9-inch negative is reduced about ments can be obtained for many areas with stereo-

scopic plotters; measurements can be made rapidly and screws, one of which permits separation of the disks
hence economically (see Pillmore, 1957). in the x direction, and the other of which permits both
disks to be rotated equally but in opposite directions
(see fig. 21). A series of dots, evenly spaced, are ar-
Other photogrammetric instruments such as the ranged in a straight line so as to pass through the
stereoplanigraph and autograph permit precise meas- center of each disk. One dot coincides with the cen-
urements from aerial photographs, but these heavy ter of each disk and can be moved only in the x direc-
plotters are generally unavailable to the geologist. tion, as in most stereometer-type instruments. The
Beside permitting precision of measurement, these in- other dots may also be moved in the plane of the disk
struments are designed to accommodate different sizes by rotating the disk, thus providing a parallax ladder
of diapositives and photography taken with different as seen stereoscopically. By proper adjustment a pair
focal-length lenses. of dots, one on each disk, can be separated by rotation
Certain modifications or additions to existing instru- of the disks to provide a direct-reading parallax lad-
ments have been made specifically for geologic pur- der, or the dot separation may be referred to millime-
poses; and some new instruments, described below, ters of parallax and differences in altitude calculated
have been designed expressly for geologic study. in the usual manner (see p. 53). The center dots
EXAGGERATED-PROFILE PLOTTER of each disk can be floated in the stereoscopic model
The exaggerated-profile plotter is a device attached at a desired point and the distance above or below this
to the tracing table of double-projection plotters, such point measured merely by rotation of the disks. Scales
as the Kelsh, multiplex, and ER-55 plotters, for draw- graduated to record hundredths of millimeters of paral-
ing terrain profiles. As the tracing table is moved lax permit readings of separation of the center dots
along the line of profile and as the platen of the trac- of the disks as well as reading of total x parallax re-
ing table is moved vertically a pencil attachment sulting from rotation or x motion of the disks.
records the profile on a vertical tracing board. Profiles UNIVERSAL TRACING TABLE
exaggerated as much as 5 times may be plotted. An Some research in development of instruments car-
arm on the tracing table slides in a groove along the ried out to date has centered around the modification
base of the tracing board so that a selected cross- of existing instruments. Important in this group is
section direction is maintained. Two models of the the universal tracing table (fig. 22), which is a multi-
exaggerated-profile plotter have been developed. One plex tracing table that has been modified in design by
is based on the lever and fulcrum principle (fig. 19) ; R. H. Morris and C. L. Pillmore of the Geologic Sur-
the other is based on the pantograph principle (fig. vey. It is used for direct measurement of inclined
20). The exaggerated-profile plotter was first devel- distances, such as stratigraphic thickness of dipping
oped to aid in solving a specific geologic problem in beds, in stereoscopic models from double-projection
correlating thin and closely spaced intraformational plotters. The platen and underlying assembly can be
sandstone beds in rocks of Cretaceous and Jurassic age tilted as much as 45 . A separate worm-screw drive
in Wyoming (Pillmore, C. L., oral communication, on the tilted assembly distinct from the conventional
1958). The plotter may be very useful also in quanti- worm-screw drive for vertical movement, permits
tative geomorphic studies or in studies involving the movement of the platen in an inclined direction per-
qualitative correlation of shape characteristics of pendicular to the surface of the platen. A scale on
terrain. this auxilliary worm-screw-drive assembly permits the
INTERVAL-MEASURING DEVICE reading of measured intervals in hundredths of milli-
A floating-dot instrument that permits the mainte- meters; conversion to feet. is made in the usual manner
nance of a desired verticalinterval between two float- for double-projection stereoscopic models (see p.
ing dots in a stereoscopic model from paper prints, as 54-55). A series of holes drilled through the platen
well as serving as a conventional stereometer, also has to the underlying light source provides a plane of
been developed in the course of photogeologic study floating dots in the stereoscopic model.
(Hackman, R. J., oral communication, 1959). Two
floating dots, representing different altitudes in the
stereoscopic model, may be useful for example in posi- PRINCIPLES OF VERTICAL. MEASUREMENT

tioning an obscured formation contact when other con- Vertical measurements of altitude differences pro-
tacts are readily observed and formation thicknesses are vide by far the greatest amount of quantitative in-
known. The instrument consists of two transparent fornation in geologic interpretation from aerial pho-
circular disks mounted on a frame with two worm tographs. Differences of altitudes are generally deter-


FIGURE 19.-Lever and fulcrum type of exaggerated-profile

FIGURE 20.-Pantograph type of exaggerated-profile plotter.

FIGURE 21.-Interval-measuring instrument. FIGURE 22. -Universal tracing table.



mined from overlapping aerial photographs, although lactic displacement. On overlapping aerial photo-
they may under special circumstances be determined graphs this is a measurable linear distance that is
from a single photograph. When overlapping prints directly related to the height of the object. In photo-
are used, the altitude difference between any two points grammetric terms parallax of an image point appear-
is determined by measuring the horizontal linear ing on two overlapping photographs is called absolute
parallax difference between the two points and relating stereoscopic parallax and is represented by the alge-
it to appropriate geometry of the stereoscopic model. braic difference, parallel to the flight line, of the dis-
Altitude determinations from glass plates in double- tances of the conjugate image points from their re-
projection plotters require the measurement of actual spective principal points (see fig. 23). The difference
vertical distances within the stereoscopic model. In in absolute stereoscopic parallaxes between two differ-
the uncommon circumstance when a single photograph erent image points is a measure of the distance one
may be used, altitudes are determined by measuring point is above the other. On overlapping paper prints
relief displacement and relating it to appropriate the parallax difference may be measured reliably by
geometry of the aerial photograph. using a stereometer-type instrument, based on the
floating-dot principle; parallax difference may also be
PARALLAX METHOD measured with a ruler, although this procedure is
When an object is viewed or photographed from two rarely used because of inaccuracy of measurement.
different positions, as on two overlapping vertical In double-projection stereoplotting instruments
aerial photographs, an apparent shift in the position (Kelsh, multiplex, and ER-55 plotters) an actual ver-
of that object takes place, which is known as paral- tical measurement of altitude difference is made within

-P~2 _BP___


Principal point.!eft photograph Principal pointright photograph

Flight line
0 0,

FIGURE 23.-Diagram showing relation between absolute stereoscopic parallaxes and horizontal distances actually measured
with stereometer-type instruments in determining differences in altitude from paper prints.

Let images P, -P2 and P1'-P2' represent the photographic From the figure:
expression of a pole on the left and right photographs of a y+y'+B=x+x'+A
stereoscopic pair. The absolute stereoscopic parallax of the y+y'-x-x'=A- B
base of the pole is x - (-x') = (x+x'). The absolute stereo- (y+y') - (x+x')=A-B.
scopic parallax of the top of the pole is y-(-y') = (y +y'). Thus the difference in absolute stereoscopic parallaxes is
(Distances measured to the right of the principal point are equal to A - B. The distances A and B are the actual
positive, to the left, negative). The parallax difference distances measured with stereometer-type instruments, gen-
between the top and bottom of the pole then is (y -i-y') erally in hundredths of millimeters, in determining altitude

(x+x'). differences from paper prints.


the stereoscopic model; the linear parallax recorded USE OF STEREOMETER-TYPE INSTRUMENTS

on the photograph is translated into a vertical dis- When paper prints of aerial photographs are used
tance as a result of angular parallax in the viewing in conjunction with a stereometer-type instrument and
arrangement. Figures 23 and 24 show diagrammati- a stereoscope, two linear horizontal distances must be
cally the distances that are actually measured when measured to obtain the parallax difference between two
stereometer-type instruments and double-projection different image points. These distances are simply A
instruments are used respectively in altitude deter- and B as shown on figure 23. They can be measured
minations. with a finely graduated ruler but more commonly a
Light source Light source

Y 2 p2 y'


Light rays

FIGURE 24.-Diagram showing relation between absolute stereoscopic parallaxes and vertical distance measured with double-
projection type instruments in determining differences in altitude from glass plates-
The absolute stereoscopic parallaxes of the top and bot- paper prints. The distance CD, measured generally in
tone of a pole represented on the left photograph by tenths of millimeters, is converted to feet by multiplying
P1-P2 and on the Tight photograph by P1 '-P2 ' are by the K factor, which represents the number of feet on
(y + y') and (z + x'), as in figure 23, and differential the ground per 0.1 millimeter in the stereoscopic model.
parallax between the top and bottom of the pole is Points C and D represent the intersections of those light
(y + y') - ( + z') or A - B. With double-projection rays that pass through the top and bottom of the pole
instruments the vertical distance CD is actually measured, respectively.
rather than the horizontal distances that are measured on

stereometer-type instrument or parallax bar is used scopic pair and its conjugate image point marked.
because it permits more consistent readings of smaller Parallax measurements are then made in the so-called
increments of length than a ruler. Stereometers are x direction, parallel to the flight line. Measurement is
generally constructed with a principal scale graduated accomplished by adjusting the separation of the dots
in millimeters and a subordinate drum scale calibrated of the parallax bar until a single fused dot, seen stereo-
in hundredths of millimeters for recording parallax scopically, appears to rest on the ground at the first
measurements; a few instruments are designed to point selected. The instrument reading is recorded
record in inches. and the procedure is repeated for the second point
To make parallax measurements from aerial photo- selected. The difference in readings is the parallax
graphs it is first necessary to orient the photographs difference between the two points. In making parallax
properly for stereoscopic viewing. This is accom- measurements the fused dot will be seen readily when
plished by alining the photograph centers and conju- it floats above the apparent ground surface of the
gate centers along a straight line-the equivalent of stereoscopic model but will appear to split into its two
the flight-line direction-and separating the photo- component dots as it is lowered below the ground sur-
graphs for comfortable viewing (fig. 25). Photograph face. If the fused dot, as it is being lowered, appears
centers are located by marking the intersections of to split at some point just above the ground surface,
lines drawn between fiducial marks at the opposite a slight change in the separation of the photographs
sides of each print. Each center is then transferred may be necessary to permit simultaneous viewing of
stereoscopically to the other photograph of the stereo- the floating dot and the stereoscopic model.

Right photograph center Fiducial marks

Conjugate image of
left photograph center

Conjugate image of
right photograph center

FIGURE 25.-Sketch showing correct orientation of photographs for stereoscopic viewing.


To obtain the height of an object or difference in and Ap=parallax difference, in millimeters or inches,
altitude between two points the difference in parallax measured with stereometer-type instrument
must be related to the geometry of the stereoscopic (distance A-B of figure 23);
model. For measuring heights from paper prints this
relation is best expressed by a formula which, in its or Ap (3)
simplest terms, is
where h=height of the object, in feet, or difference in
h=-b "01' (1) in altitude being determined;
H'=height of airplane, in feet, above the upper
where h=height of the object, in feet, or difference in
of the two points whose parallax difference
altitude being determined;
has been measured;
H=height of airplane, in feet, above mean
ab=photobase adjusted to the upper of the two
terrain (determined from specifications of
points whose parallax difference has been
photographic mission or relation H=f/S,
measured (commonly determined by measur-
see below);
ing the distance between photograph cen-
b=photobase (commonly determined by averag-
ters-O-O' of fig. 23-and subtracting from
ing the distances between the center and
it the distance between conjugate image
conjugate center of each photograph of the
points at the upper altitude-distance B of
stereoscopic pair); units of measure may be
fig. 23); units of measure may be millimeters
millimeters or inches but must be the same
or inches but must be the same as Ap;
as Ap;
and Ap=parallax difference, in millimeters or inches,
and Ap=parallax difference, in millimeters or inches,
measured with stereometer-type instrument
as determined with stereometer-type instru-
(distance A-B of figure 23).
ment (distance A-B of figure 23).
Formula (2) is used when H' and ab are determined
It will be noted that as H increases, the measure of
by referring to the lower of the two points whose alti-
Ap for any given vertical interval will decrease; how- tude difference is desired, as in measuring upward
ever, the absolute value for any one unit of Ap will
from the base to the top of a cliff. Formula (3) is used
increase correspondingly. On the other hand, if focal
when H' and ab are referred to the upper point, as in
length is increased and flying height remains constant
measuring downward from the top to the bottom of
the measure of Ap for a given vertical interval will
a cliff. Most commonly the lower of two points is
increase but the absolute value for any one unit of Op
selected as the reference point and measurements are
will decrease correspondingly.
made from that point to some higher point in the
The above formula (1) may be used without any
stereoscopic model; thus formula (2) is more widely
appreciable error if relief in an area is low; Ap will be
used than formula (3).
small. If relief in an area is high one of the following
Parallax differences generally can be read within
two formulas, (2) or (3), should be used:
small tolerances (see p. 73), and errors in comput-
H' ing differences in altitude result mainly in the determi-
h= ~ap
ab+ApAP nation of flying height and photobase, assuming photo-
graphs have little or no tilt. It is therefore generally
where h=height of the object, in feet, or difference in
desirable to determine flying height (H') and adjusted
altitude being determined;
photobase (ab) carefully because a given percentage
H'=height of airplane, in feet, above the lower
of the two points whose parallax difference error in one of them may cause a similar percentage
has been measured; error in the computation of altitude difference. In
addition, failure to use formula (2) or (3) when paral-
ab=photobase adjusted to the lower of the two
lax difference (Ap) is large will also cause a consider-
points whose parallax difference has been
able error in the final result even though the adjusted
measured (commonly determined by measur- photobase (ab) has been carefully determined.
ing the distance between photograph cen- For calculation of absolute heights as is necessary,
ters-O-O' of fig. 23-and subtracting from for example, in determining stratigraphic thickness or
it the distance between conjugate image displacement on faults, the factor H' may be deter-
points at the lower altitude-distance A of mined from a base map of known scale or from other
fig. 23); units of measure may be millimeters control using the relation H'= f/S. If the altitude
or inches but must be the same as Ap; difference between some two points, A and B, is desired

and if neither A nor B falls in a convenient map posi- vided formula (2) is used. A simple circular photo-
tion for scaling a distance and determinnig H' for one grammetric computer has also been designed that per-
of them, it may be necessary to make parallax meas- mits easy computation of the number of feet repre-
urements with respect to some selected third point, C, sented by each millimeter or hundredth millimeter of
for which the flying height (H') can be readily cal- parallax as flying height and photobase vary. In addi-
culated. tion, the computer allows multiplication of this factor
by the parallax change to give altitude differences in
Where altitudes are to be used for computing angles
feet. The number of feet represented by each hun-
of dip it is not necessary to know the absolute height of
H'; the tangent relation of angles dredth millimeter of parallax measured on paper
prints may also be determined from the ratio
vertical distance
Tan angle of dip=hoiontal distance Flying height (feet)
Photobase (millimeters) X 100
involves only relative horizontal distances and relative
This relation is further discussed on page 73.
differences of altitudes, and thus any value may be
Need for correct orientation of photographs.-Mis-
assumed for H' when measuring parallax difference
orientation of a stereopair of photographs can be con-
and determining the scale of the photograph to be used
sidered from the standpoint of rotation around the cen-
in computing dips. In photogrammetric terms this
ter of one or both of the photographs. This rotation
relation may be expressed as
results in misalinement of the stereopair and flight line.
flying height (feet) X parallax Parallax differences are not then measured in the true
Tan angle of dip=
p horizontal distance on ground
dferne(5) x direction, or flight-line direction, but at a slight angle
to it; an error in the adjusted photobase also results.
(feet) / adjusted photobase
The measurement of parallax difference is not normally
significantly affected but the adjusted photobase on a
or Tan angle of dip=d (a p(6))
di(abet Ap) stereopair misoriented by a few degrees, even though
Since the human eyes can tolerate a certain amount of error
flying height (feet) and yet see a well-defined stereoscopic image, may be
horizontal distance on ground (feet) in error by as much as 5 to 10 percent. This will cause
is also equal to a similar error in differences in altitudes determined
focal length (inches) by the parallax method when paper prints are used.
horozontal distance on photograph USE OF DOUBLE-PROJECTION INSTRUMENTS
When double-projection instruments are used to de-
the following formula may also be used to calculate termine altitude difference between two points, only
angles of dip when flying height, H', is not known or one distance need be measured. This is a vertical dis-
cannot be determined: tance within the stereoscopic model that results from
the translation of linear parallax recorded on the glass-
focal length X parallax
.aoidifference7 plate diapositives to angular parallax in the viewing
Tan angle of diP=horizontal distance on photo- (7) arrangement (fig. 24). The vertical position of inter-
graph X adjusted photobase secting light rays to the lower point to be measured is
determined by placing the floating dot on the apparent
The tangent of dip, in photogrammetric terms, has ground in the stereoscopic model and recording the
been described in more detail by Desjardins (1943b, instrument reading. The vertical position of the
p. 1536-1538) and Elliott (1952, p. 8). When angles upper point is recorded in a similar manner. The
of dip are determined from enlarged photographs and difference in readings is a measure of the parallactic
formula (7) is used, the effect of photographic en- displacement and is related to the difference in alti-
largement on focal length must be considered; effective tude of the two points. With double-projection in-
focal length is increased in direct proportion to the struments measurements are normally made in incre-
amount of photographic enlragement (see p. 4). ments of tenths of millimeters, although some instru-
Hemphill (1958a, p. 43) has devised a chart that ments are so designed that selection of proper gear
shows the number of feet represented by each milli- trains permits readings to be converted directly to
meter of parallax change as H' and (ab + Ap) of for- heights in meters or feet.
mula (2) vary. The factor determined from the chart In stereoscopic models formed in double-projection
is then multiplied by Ap to arrive at h, in feet, pro- instruments the vertical scale remains constant with

respect to the horizontal scale and a simple multiplica- horizontal datum, as in structure contouring, tilt may
tion factor-called the K factor-for relating incre- cause significant errors, but where relative vertical
ments of vertical measurement to absolute feet can be measurements between pairs of points are desired, as in
determined by converting the standard fractional scale constructing isopach lines, tilt may have relatively little
(representative fraction) of the model to feet per unit effect especially where points of any one pair are sepa-
of vertical measurement, that is, per 0.1 millimeter. rated by only a small horizontal distance (see p.
This is most rapidly accomplished using the formula 73). If only simple streometers are available for
parallax determinations it may be necessary to entirely
K- model scale denominator discard some photograph prints unless (a) vertical
K 3,048 (number of tenths of millimeters in 1 foot)
control is available and the geologist carries out the
Thus a stereoscopic model with a scale of 1:4,000 tedious task of constructing a correction graph (Des-
would have a K factor of 4,000/3,048 or 1.31 feet per jardins, 1950, p. 2304-2305; McNeil, 1952, p. 610-615;
0.1 millimeter of vertical measurement. Increments and Visser, 1954, p. 849-853), or (b) points of meas-
of vertical measurement are merely multiplied by the urement are selected so that the effect of tilt will be
appropriate IK factor to obtain differences in altitude minimized (Hemphill, 1958a, p. 46-47, 49). It is also
in feet. A constant factor for converting increments possible to partially correct for tilt locally on planar
of vertical measurement to feet is appropriate because orientations, such as the strike and dip of beds, by
the horizontal and vertical scales are equal and con- stereographic projection and appropriate rotations in
stant throughout the stereoscopic model, but when stereographic constructions.
paper prints are used, the horizontal scale is not con- If photogrammetric instruments are available that
stant. throughout. the model and hence different multi- allow photographs to be tilted, it is generally pos-
plication factors must be determined for different sible to eliminate any large amount of tilt (greater
levels in the model. than 10) by careful inspection of physiographic fea-
Because the horizontal and vertical scales in stereo- tures of the stereoscopic model, thereby permitting
scopic models from double-projection instruments are reliable parallax measurements to be made even
equal and constant throughout the model, inclined dis- though vertical control is not available for leveling
tances, such as stratigraphic thicknesses of dipping the model. For example, lakes or other standing
beds, may also be measured. A special device for bodies of water may appear tilted, or certain streams
measuring distances in inclined directions was devel- or stream meanders may appear to flow uphill (fig.
oped by R. H. Morris and C. L. Pillmore of the Geo- 109). Tilt is also often detected by observing that
logical Survey; it consists of a multiplex tracing table headwater tributaries in subdued divide areas where
modified so that the platen, platen socket, and light gradients are very low appear to flow uphill. Adjust-
source can be tilted as a unit (fig. 22). An additional ment of the instrument so that the lakes appear flat
worm-screw drive, separate from the conventional and streams have a normal gradient will minimize
worm-screw drive, allows the platen to move in an in- tilt, and parallax measurements can then be made.
clined direction perpendicular to the surface of the For certain sensitive measurements, such as measure-
platen. The resulting measured distance within the ment of low stream gradients or measurements used to
model is converted to feet in the usual manner, and a determine the strike of low-dipping beds, it is essen-
measure of the inclined distance is obtained. tial that vertical control for leveling models be avail-
TILT able and that a precision plotting instrument, such
Tilt, in present-day vertical photography is generally as the Kelsh plotter, be used. Because a small amount
small-under good flying and photographic conditions of tilt may seriously affect the measure of stream
50 percent of the photographs taken for domestic gradient the economic advantage of photogrammetric
mapping are reported to be tilted less than 10 and 90 techniques may be lost where the measure of gra-
dients is the primary photogrammetric objective, in-
percent tilted less than 20 (see Tewinkel, 1952, p. 319).
asmuch as a considerable amount of vertical control
But tilt may be significant in the photogrammetric
must be obtained by ground survey to level the stereo-
calculation of many geologic measurements, and care
scopic models. However, for many geologic measure-
must therefore be exercised in determining altitudes
ments, particularly where relative intervals are to be
from parallax measurements. The significance of tilt
measured, ground control, although desirable, is not
on vertical measurements used in geologic interpreta- essential for making satisfactory parallax determina-
tion depends in large part on the geologic problem. tions, either from paper prints or glass-plate dia-
Where vertical measurements must be referred to a positives.

782-139 0 - 65 - 6

DETERMINATION OF ALTITUDE DIFFERENCES FROM A SINGLE a single photograph, may be used to compile struc-
ture-contour maps and to determine dips of beds,
Under certain conditions altitude differences between thicknesses of beds, offsets on faults, gradients of
two points may be determined by making appropriate streams, and related data.
measurements of radial displacement on a single photo- Because of relief displacement, however, it may be
graph and substituting them in the formula necessary to correctly locate the relative horizontal
pmH positions of points, whose altitudes have been meas-
r ured, before computing strikes and dips, determining
stratigraphic thicknesses, or any other geologic meas-
where h=difference in altitude desired;
urements where dips are involved. Because tilt is
m=relief displacement of upper image point
usually negligible in present-day photography, hori-
with respect to the lower image point;
H=height of airplane above lower image point; zontal positions of points generally may be plotted
and r=radial distance from principal point of photo- satisfactorily with any instrument that removes relief
graph to lower image point. displacement, such as the radial planimetric plotter,
paper-print plotters, and double-projection plotters
The distance m and r must be measured in the same
even though the stereoscopic model cannot be leveled.
units. The height, h, will then be in terms of the units
Horizontal distances may then be scaled off. How-
chosen for H.
ever, in the absence of plotters for locating the rela-
This procedure is only applicable to vertical objects
tive map positions of radially displaced points when
where the upper point is known to be directly above
measurements are made with parallax bar and paper
the lower point. Under these restricted conditions,
prints, an overlay or similar procedure may be used
the length of the image of an object, such as a tree,
to determine corrected horizontal distances, unless or-
or a cliff face at right angles to a radial line from
thophotographs (see page 69) are available from
the principal point, is a measure of the relief displace-
which correct horizontal distances may be scaled.
ment. The radial distance to the lower point can be
The overlay procedure requires first laying out on
easily measured, and the flying height can be obtained
transparent material a line equal in length to the ad-
from the formula H = f/S (see p. 53-54) when base
justed photobase. The overlay is then placed over the
maps are available, or from the specifications of the
right photograph of the stereoscopic pair so that the
photographic mission. Thus, for example, if the ra-
line drawn is coincident with the flight direction
dial displacement of a cliff is 0.03 inch, the flying
and its right end terminates at. the photograph center.
height of the airplane 10,000 feet, and the lower point
Radial lines are then drawn on the overlay from the
is 3 inches from the photograph center, the height of
photograph center through all points whose relative
the cliff will be
horizontal positions are to be determined. The pro-
h=0.03 X 10,000 cedure is repeated with the overlay positioned over
3.0 the left photograph, again with the original line co-
h=100 feet. incident with the flight direction and its left end ter-
minating at the photograph center. The intersection
Because relief displacement is generally small, a small
error in measuring such a distance on a single photo- of a pair of lines through the same image points is
graph will result in a relatively large error in the the corrected horizontal position for that point.
height of the object, which further limits the useful- DETERMINING STRIKES AND DIPS
ness of the formula for determining vertical intervals. Where bedding surfaces coincide with topographic
surfaces it is generally sufficient to measure the alti-
tude difference between only two points, one directly
Parallax measurements always result in the deter- downdip from the other in calculating the amount of
mination of spot altitudes or vertical intervals when dip. The horizontal distance between these two points,
papers prints are used; and generally result in spot
together with the difference in altitude, gives the re-
altitudes or vertical intervals when glass-plate dia-
quired information for determining the angle of dip
positives are used in double-projection instruments,
from the trigonometric relation
except when a special tracing table is used that per-
mits measurement of inclined distances (fig. 22). Vertical distance tangent of angle dip.
These spot altitudes and differences in altitudes com- Horizontal distance
bined with horizontal distances determined from the If relief in an area is low the horizontal distance
stereoscopic model, or under some circumstances from may be scaled directly from a single photograph with-

out significant error in computing the dip, but where Where a bed crops out in a valley wall it will gen-
relief is moderate or high a correction for the relief erally be necessary to determine the altitudes of three
displacement of the upper point with respect to the points on the bed. In areas of moderate or high re-
lower point generally should be made. In the unique lief corrections for relief displacement must be made
circumstance where the strike is radial from a photo- before distances between these points can be deter-
graph center or where the surface on which the dip mined; otherwise distances may be scaled directly from
to be measured is at or near a photograph center, the single photograph. Determination of the strike
there is little or no relief displacement in the dip direction and amount of dip are then made graph-
direction, and no correction in scaling the horizontal ically or graphically and trigonometrically.
distance need be made. Hemphill (1958a, p. 53) sug- DETERMINING STRATIGRAPHIC THICKNESS
gested that the corrected horizontal distance between In areas where beds are horizontal or nearly hori-
the upper and lower points should be at least 0.2 zontal the stratigraphic thickness may be determined
inch for computing dip angles. Where dips are directly by converting to feet the parallax difference
greater than 500, a longer horizontal distance is needed between the top and the bottom of the bed. No cor-
to determine the dip angle reliably, as the tangent rection is necessary for relief displacement. However,
increment per degree of dip is significantly greater if beds are inclined, the angle of dip must first be
for steep angles of dip than for low angles of dip. determined; then corrections must be made for relief
The strike line generally can be determined readily displacement and for the effect of dip on the strati-
by inspection of the stereoscopic model and noting graphic thickness. The thickness may be calculated
two points of equal altitude on a bed. Where dips by simple trigonometry or by graphic solution (fig.
are low, however, tilt in the photographs will affect 26).
the direction of strike; the lower the dip, the greater Desjardins (1950, p. 2308-2309; 1951. p. 829-830)
the effect, generally, on the amount of shift in the suggested that floating lines be employed with paper
azimuth of the strike line. Graphs may be constructed prints for determining stratigraphic thicknesses where
to show the effect of tilt on low-dipping beds. (See beds do not dip more than 150. In the "floating line"
Hemphill, 1958a, p. 48.) procedure, lines are drawn on transparent strips of

FiGURE 26.-Diagram of gently dipping beds showing relation of stratigraphic thickness to differential parallex determined at
any two points along dip direction and at the formation contacts.
Stratigraphic thickness is determined from the formula
t=z~'= h osl9+ d sin9
where t=stratigraphic thickness;
h=difference in altitude between some point on the lower contact of the bed and some point, along a line at right
angles to the strike line, at the upper contact of the bed; altitude h is determined from the parallax formula;
d=corrected horizontal distance between points at lower and upper contacts of the bed;
and 0= angle of dip.

material that are superposed over each of the photo- horizontal or nearly horizontal the parallax differ-
graphs. When one line over one photograph is posi- ence will be approximately a measure of the strati-
tioned parallel to a line over the second photograph, graphic thickness. If the beds dip, the stratigraphic
a single floating line will appear when viewed streo- thickness will bear a cosine relation to the dip angle
scopically unless the lines are parallel to the flight and parallax measurement (see fig. 27).
direction. The line will float above or within the Where dips are steep it may be desirable to measure
model and appear to be horizontal; its vertical posi- a horizontal distance along a line at right angles to
tion in the model will depend on the separation of the the strike direction between two formation contacts
two individual lines in the flight direction. A series and relate this distance and dip angle to stratigraphic
of lines will form a grid or reference plane (Smith, thickness. Points must be chosen at approximately
H. T. U., 1943a, p. 171; Desjardins, 1943a, p. 219; the same altitude in the stereoscopic model (fig. 28).
Hackman, 1957, p. 593). When any one pair of lines ISOPACH MAPPING
is divergent rather than parallel the floating line in The use of aerial photographs in studies of certain
the stereoscopic model will appear to plunge. By areas in the Colorado Plateau of Western United
changing the horizontal separation of any two lines States has included the photogrammetric compilation
in the flight direction the floating line can be made of isopach maps that show local thickenings of certain
to rise or fall in the model, just as with the floating formations in which uranium minerals are likely to
dot of the parallax bar. When the floating-line pro- occur. These thickenings of formations are channel-
cedure is used in measuring stratigraphic thicknesses, fill deposits in stream channels that were cut in the
a line is first floated preferably in the bedding plane underlying formation. Uranium minerals are locally
at the upper formational contact, and parallax meas- concentrated in these deposits. In the Monument Val-
urements are then made at the lower formational con- ley area of southern Utah it has been demonstrated
tact and on the floating line at a position in space that isopach lines, indicating the trends and thick-
vertically above this point (see fig. 27). If beds are nesses of different channel-fill deposits, could be drawn

Floating line in stereoscopic model

FIGURE 27.-Diagram of gently dipping beds showing relation of stratigraphic thickness to differential parallax determined by
floating-line method.

Stratigraphic thickness is found from the formula

t=h cos 0
where t=stratigraphic thickness;
h=difference in altitude between bottom of bed and point on floating line vertically above, as determined from the
parallax formula;
and O=angle equivalent to angle of dip.

on the basis of measurements made on vertical aerial generally spaced at horizontal distances of about 500
photographs. In this area uranium minerals are pres- feet. Because the stratigraphic units dip locally it
sent in channel-fill deposits at the base of the Shina- was necessary to compute the strike and dip of the
rump member of the Chinle formation of Triassic age. beds and to correct for the dip angle in determining
However, because the top of the Shinarump member the stratigraphic thicknesses of the Moenkopi interval.
is eroded away in many areas, or because it is grada- 'Thickness computations were plotted at the points of
tional with the overlying member of the Chinle altitude measurements along the contact of the Moen-
formation, a stratigraphic unit below the Shinarump kopi and the Shinarump, and isopach lines were
member was chosen as the unit for which isopach drawn at. 10-foot intervals on the basis of the distri-
lines were drawn. A thinning of this underlying unit bution of thickness figures. The relatively large num-
then was interpreted to indicate a thickening of, or ber of readings, both for strike and dip of beds as well
channel deposits of, the overlying Shinarump mem- as for altitude measurements, permitted elimination
ber. The unit selected for isopach measurements, the of certain computations that were inconsistent with
Moenkopi formation, is expressed on aerial photo- regard to the overall mass of statistical data. The
graphs as a dark-toned slope-forming unit that con- locations and depths of channels of Shinarump mem-
trasts markedly with the light-toned cliff-forming ber as shown by isopach lines based on photogram-
units of both the underlying De Chelly sandstone metric measurements and plotting were generally in
member of the Cutler formation and the overlying close agreement with those determined by field meth-
Shinarump member of the Chinle formation (fig. 44). ods. Details of the photogeologic study are described
A series of altitude measurements was then made by Witkind, Hemphill, Pillmnore, and Morris (1960).
along the contact of the Moenkopi and Shinarump FACIES CHANGE

formations from aerial photographs by means of the Measurements from aerial photographs in conjunc-
Kelsh plotter, and the locations of these measure- tion with stratigraphic studies of Cretaceous rocks in
ments were plotted on a base sheet. Similarly, a series northern Alaska have demonstrated the rate and direc-
of altitude measurements was made along the contact tion of scalingg," or facies change, of certain forma-
of the De Chelly and Moenkopi formations and the tions. In the Utukok-Corwin area resistant rocks of the
locations were plotted on the base sheet. Measure- Kukpowruk formation, which is predominantly silty
ments along the respective geologic contacts were shale, siltstone, and sandstone, overlie less resistant

- -'-..

FIGURE 28.-Diagram of steeply dipping beds showing relation of stratigraphic thickness to dip angle and horizontal distance
between top and botton of bed.

Stratigraphic thickness is determined from the formula

t=d sin e
where l=stratigraphic thickness;
d=horizontal distance at right angles to strike line between points at same altitude on top and bottom of bed;
and 0=angle of dip.

rocks of the Torok formation, which is largely clay to the direction of minimum facies change, which is
shale, claystone, and silty shale. The Torok formation believed to indicate the general trend of the old shore-
commonly forms the lowlands, which are characterized line during the period of deposition of the Kukpowruk
by rather uniform and low-dipping topographic slopes. and Torok sediments. Thus the photogeologic meas-
The Kukpowruk formation forms high, resistant ridges urement of stratigraphic intervals not only permitted
that can be traced many miles. The contact of the two determination of the directions and amounts of facies
formations is marked by a break in topography that change, but further allowed inferences concerning
has been mapped in the field in conjunction with the the geologic history and environment, which may be
study of aerial photographs. Slopes below the contact significant in the search for petroleum in that area.
are generally smooth and unbroken; slopes above the STRUCTURE CONTOURING
contact are marked by conspicuous topographic breaks Structure contours are usually constructed on the
caused by hard, resistant sandstone beds in the basal basis of a series of spot altitudes, some of which may
part of the Kukpowruk formation. Vertical exaggera- be photogrammetrically determined at the top of the
tion of the stereoscopic model accentuates these topo- horizon to be contoured, but many of which will be
graphic breaks in slope. Photogeologic and field stud- measured at formation contacts above or below that
ies show that these resistant beds pinch out usually in horizon. Photogeologic procedure is similar to field
an easterly or northerly direction (see fig. 97). It is procedure and requires adjusting the altitudes of all
significant that their topographic expression is lost. points not on the horizon to be contoured by making
Ground observations along stream cuts indicate that appropriate considerations of strike and dip and strati-
the resistant beds grade laterally into shaly sections. graphic thickness. Structure-contour lines are then
Quantitative studies from aerial photographs of the adjusted to the resultant series of altitudes projected
amount of section affected by facies change in the to the same formation contact.
Utukok-Corwin area show that several thousand feet
of sandy section of the Kukpowruk formation grade
In photogeologic interpretation and mapping of the
laterally to the east and north into shale of the Torok
formation. Chapman and Sable (1960) stated that the Notom-15 quadrangle, Utah, (Hackman and Tolbert,
methods used in these studies included tracing on ver- 1955) altitudes for structure contouring were measured
using a Kelsh plotter. No previous geologic or topo-
tical aerial photographs a resistant unit within the
Kukpowruk formation around the flanks of a large graphic mapping had been done in the area; geologic
open structure and then measuring the stratigraphic data and altitude measurements were plotted to a con-
intervals between the resistant bed and the contact of trol net established by photogrammetric methods. The
the Kukpowruk and Torok formations to determine Notom-15 quadrangle is well-exposed canyon country
the new relative stratigraphic positions of the contact typical of the Colorado Plateau of Utah. Gently
in different parts of the area. Photogrammetric meas- folded sedimentary rocks of Triassic and Jurassic age
urements were made whenever possible in localities of underlie the area. Canyons transecting the general
good field control; a few stratigraphic thicknesses were structure trend made the application of photogeologic
determined solely by photogrammetric methods with- procedures ideal. A series of altitude measurements
out field control. Locations for measurements were were made along the contact of the Wingate sandstone
chosen along east-west and north-south lines. Relative of Triassic age and the overlying Kayenta formation
stratigraphic positions of the contact of the Kukpow- of Triassic (?) age. The wide exposure of this contact
ruk and Torok formations were then plotted graphi- throughout the area permitted sufficient measurements
cally against lateral distances between points of meas- to control structure contouring. Structure contours
urement; this resulted in a line whose gradient showed were then drawn on the top of the Wingate sandstone.
the average rate of rise of the contact between points Subsequent fieldwork corroborated the general struc-
of measurement. An average eastward-rising gradient ture as contoured by Kelsh plotter from aerial pho-
of 58 feet per mile and an average northward-rising tographs and also corroborated the distributions of
gradient of 97 feet per mile were calculated. rock formation as interpreted and mapped from pho-
It was concluded on the basis of plotting these aver- tographs. Positioning of other planimetric data, such
age gradients as vector quantities that a resultant maxi- as streams, was shown to be in excellent agreement
mum gradient of 115 feet per mile exists and that with the subsequently compiled standard topographic
more than 10,000 feet of sandy beds grade into shaly map of the quadrangle. The positioning of data and
sections over the area studied. The maximum gradient. altitude determinations by Kelsh plotter thus resulted
direction was further interpreted to lie at right angles in a highly reliable geologic map of the area.

DISCOVERY ANTICLINE lowed for all strikes and dips, and resulted in cross-
Procedures used in contouring the Discovery anti- section lines along which the different dips were
cline in northern Alaska included stereometer meas- plotted. A marker bed was then selected and its pro-
urement of altitudes combined with simple trigo- file along the line of section graphically reconstructed
nometric computations and graphic constructions to on the basis of the positions and amounts of dip previ-
compile a generalized structure-contour map (Marshall ously plotted (fig. 29). It was assumed that bedding
and Rosendale, 1953). These procedures contrast throughout the stratigraphic section was parallel.
markedly with the Kelsh-plotter compilation of the Structure contours were then positioned along each
Notom-15 quadrangle, but demonstrate that simple line of section by further graphic constructions (fig.
methods may be useful in obtaining structural infor- 30). However, the datum for each line of section
mation of a reconnaissance nature from aerial photo- commonly was different, depending on which part of
graphs. the stratigraphic section was expressed in any one
Discovery anticline, a gently folded structural fea- local area, and it was necessary to obtain stereometer
ture approximately 25 miles long and 7 miles wide, is measurements of altitudes between cross-section lines
underlain primarily by Cretaceous rocks. The area so that structure contours, as positioned along each
is generally covered with tundra grasses, but resistant line of section, could be tied together (fig. 31). The
beds within the stratigraphic section are expressed resulting reconnaissance map, plotted on an uncon-
topographically as ridges, or breaks in slope, that. can trolled photomosaic, indicated the general magnitude
be traced for many miles; some beds are expressed by and closure of the anticline and the attitude and steep-
photographic tone due to differences in vegetation .(see ness of bedding. Figures 29-31 show graphic con-
fig. 40). Dip slopes rarely coincide with topographic structions in reconnaissance structure contouring from
surfaces. measurements made with stereometer-type instruments.
Procedures for obtaining and positioning data for DETERMINING DISPLACEMENTS ON FAULTS

structure contouring involved the arbitrary selection The vertical component of displacement on some
of cross-section lines normal to the general structural faults may be readily determined from parallax meas-
trend. Strikes and dips of beds were then determined urements made on marker beds on opposite sides of
by simple stereometer methods at numerous localities the fault by simple conversion of parallax difference
and projected to the nearest cross-section line. Where to feet or other appropriate unit of measurement. If
the strike line did not intersect the line of section at the fault plane dips, relative altitudes on marker beds
right angles the apparent dip was determined and may be related to the down-dip component of displace-
plotted on the section line. This procedure was fol- ment by trigonometric or graphic solution.

Top of marker bed

12* 15 20 24 27 Line of section

a b c d e
FIGURE 29.-Diagram showing graphic reconstruction of marker bed along line of section.

Dips determined from aerial photographs are first plot- distance between b and c. From this point the bed is
ted along line of section. The marker bed is then recon- again extended at 20* dip to a point half the distance be-
structed by extending bed upward from point a at 120 tween c and d, and so on. A smooth curve is then drawn
dip for half the distance between a and b. From this to represent the marker bed.
point the bed is extended at 15 dip to a point half the

x 400'

200' '" ' DER

f PR


........ . .......... I I _.1_I__ __ _JI _ __ __ _ _


FIGURE 30.-Diagram showing graphic construction in positioning structure-contour lines on top of marker bed and the
projecting of these lines to their relative horizontal positions along the line of section.


1650' 0'1600'




100' 1450'1
1450' S50'

1400' 1400'


FIGURE 31.-Diagram showing relation of structure-contour positions along two lines of section at different altitudes.
Relative positions of 50-foot structure contours along B lie at 1,350 and 1,400 feet, respectively, it is necessary
each line of section are shown to the right of each to connect the 50-foot contour position on line A with the
line. Absolute altitudes of structure-contour positions are zero contour position on line B, in compiling the struc-
shown to the left of each line of section. Because the zero ture-contour map.
points on the reconstructed marker bed along lines A and
DETERMINING STREAM GRADIENTS tached to the platen or by an accessory device such as
Stream gradients may be calculated from parallax a "devil level" or Brunton compass. Dips below 40
measurements under certain circumstances. Because can be readily obtained by this method, provided topo-
many stream gradients are very low-a few feet or graphic expression or rock outcrops permit positioning
tens of feet per mile-an instrument should be used of the platen. Dips greater than 40 are difficult to
that will permit correction for tilt in the photographs. determine owing to the difficulty of positioning the
It will also be desirable to have vertical control for dipping platen in the plane of a steeply dipping sur-
the removal of tilt, as a small amount of tilt not re- face; steep dips should be computed using the parallax
moved from the stereoscopic model could seriously methods described above.
affect the computation of stream gradient. If a stream STEREO SLOPE COMPARATOR
has a meandering course, then the horizontal distance
A unique method for determining angles of slope
along the stream between points of measured parallax
from paper prints is employed with the stereo slope
must be determined by a chartometer or similar instru-
comparator (fig. 33), which was developed by the U.S.
ment for measuring distances along a curved path.
Geological Survey (Hackman, 1956b, p. 893-898). The
DIRECT DETERMINATION OF SLOPE instrument consists of two gear housings each con-
DIPPING PLATEN taining a horizontal shaft on which small targets are
In addition to the indirect determination of slope mounted that can be fused stereoscopically into a single
by the use of parallax measurements in conjunction target. Swing of the horizontal shafts permits posi-
with trigonometry or graphic solution, direct meas- tioning the targets in any direction of strike. The gear
urements of some slopes may be made, both from glass- housings are mounted on sliding tubes that permit the
plate dispositives in double-projection instruments and targets to be separated horizontally so that the fused
from paper prints. The simplest procedure is with target appears to rise or fall in space, just as the dot
double-projection instruments and involves the use of in stereometer-type instruments. However, the dip is
a modified platen that can be tilted to coincide with the determined by physical tilting of the target in space.
dip of a topographic surface or bedding plane (fig. The instrument is unique in that it measures the
32). Because all features of the terrain are optically exaggerated dip of the imaginary slope created by
re-created in the stereoscopic model of double-projec- stereoscopic viewing. With vertical photographs of
tion instruments in essentially true relation, the dip of normal 60 percent overlap, most individuals see the
the platen when made to coincide with the ground sur- terrain exaggerated in height from 2.5 to 3.5 times.
face, or to intersect three or more points on a bedding The exaggerated dip, recorded on a protractor attach-
plane, will be a true measure of the dip of that sur- ment on the stereo slope comparator, must be reduced
face. The dip can be measured with a clinometer at- to a true dip. This is accomplished by reference to

. :

FIGURE 32.-Dipping platen. FIGURE 33.'-Stereo slope comparator.



a slope-conversion graph made up of intersecting lines Factors affecting vertical exaggeration in stereo-
that represent true angle of slope, exaggerated angle scopic models have been discussed by several writers
of slope, and exaggeration factor (fig. 34). Construc- (Treece, 1955; Goodale, 1953; Thurrell, 1953; Miller,
tion of the graph is based on the relation 1953; Aschenbrenner, 1952; and Stone, 1951), but com-
plete agreement has not been reached concerning the
Tangent true angle of dip
effects of specific factors such as viewing distance and
_ tangent exaggerated angle of dip image separation. However, once an interpreter has
exaggeration factor correlated amounts of dip, determined photogram-
In determining dips from a pair of paper prints metrically or by field procedure, with a given set of
it is necessary to know the exaggeration factor of the conditions such as type of stereoscope, focal length of
interpreter for that stereoscopic model. This factor photography, photobase, and image separation, reliable
varies slightly with different individuals and is deter- estimates of true dip can be made over wide areas
mined by reference to a supplementary slope chart on without reference to known dips.
which a dipping surface of specific dip has been con- OTHER METHODS OF DETERMINING ANGLES OF SLOPES
structed by methods described by Hackman (1956a, Another method of determining slopes in stereo-
p. 387-391). By measuring the exaggerated dip of scopic models is based on the floating-line principle.
this constructed surface, known to represent a given Brundall and Harder (1953, p. 150-151) briefly men-
true angle of dip, an exaggeration factor is obtained; tioned a device consisting of two lines scribed on plastic
it is then possible to make measurements on a specific plates. The lines, seen stereoscopically as a single line
pair of photographs and to convert any exaggerated floating within the model, can be made to converge
dip to a true dip. Because of the difficulty of placing so that the floating line appears to plunge in space.
the tilted target in a steeply dipping plane, the instru- The plunging floating line is placed in the component
ment is most reliably used where true dips are 200 or of dip direction at right angles to the flight line. The
less. angular rotation of the scribed lines required to ob-
DIP ESTIMATION tain a given amount of steepness of plunge of the float-
From paper prints an experienced interpreter can ing line is then related to true dip by means of a
estimate dips, particularly in the range of 10 to 50, graph. As this method would result in true dip only
with considerable reliability, as a result of vertical for beds striking parallel to the flight line, the cor-
exaggeration in the stereoscopic model. Because of rection graph must also consider the azimuth of the
vertical exaggeration, angles of slope in terms of their dip component observed with respect to the strike of
tangent functions are exaggerated in the stereoscopic the beds.
models as much as 2.5 to 3.5 times, with the result that Wallace (1950) has used angular relations in the
low-dipping surfaces, which are in places difficult to plane of the aerial photograph as the basis for a
observe in the field, are readily interpreted (figs. 45, method of determining strikes and dips from aerial
88, 90, 91, and 97). For example, a true dip of 1* may photographs. The method is best applied where ero-
appear to be a dip of 30 or 40 in the stereoscopic model, sion has exposed bedding trace lines as contrasted to
and a dip of 5 may appear to be 15 to 20. For true broad topographic surfaces that coincide with bedding.
dips below 200 an error of a few degrees in estimating No parallax measurements are required. It is neces-
the exaggerated dip has only a small effect on the true sary to measure the angular relation of two bedding
dip (see fig. 35), and an interpreter is able to make re- trace lines with respect to a known or assumed azimuth
liable visual determinations of these dips from most line on each photograph of a stereoscopic pair and to
stereoscopic models. But steeply dipping surfaces are determine the plunge of the line of sight from the
camera position to the outcrop, or bedding-trace line.
also exaggerated and made more difficult to evaluate.
These data are then plotted on a stereographic net to
Any small error in determining the angle of exagger-
determine the strike and dip of the bed (Wallace, 1950,
ated dip of steep slopes results in a relatively larger
p. 275).
error in the true dip calculation for that slope. Brun-
dall and Harder (1953, p. 150) stated that "the accu- DATA
racy of individual estimation is generally inversely pro- Measurement of geologic data, other than altitudes
portional to the steepness of dip." In estimating dips and direct determinations of slope angles, are only in-
a correction obviously must be made for the over- frequently made from aerial photographs. However,
steepened slopes as they appear in the stereoscopic the possible applications of light-transmission meas-
model (see figs. 34 and 35). urements, from both black-and-white and color pho-
it. 6...


__ _ __ _ - .5


'q'\\\\TXX\ K

0 2
\ X

I zh

'- 4 " -


i '11, - i -1

A 4.V
i i 11, N, i
c '-i ma 1 '%1- i I-i

1.5 3.0

F-~ 2.5
0D s

, Imo, P.- - I I' \1I\1 -I -+-1 '2_0


80* +V 10


FIGURE 34.-Slope-conversion chart showing relation of exaggeration factor, exaggerated slope, and true slope.









0 10 20 30 40' 50 60 70 80 90

FIGURE 35.-Diagram, based on tangent functions, showing relation of true dips to exaggerated dips seen in stereoscopic

tography, light-reflectance measurements, measure- methods of plotting data orthographically. Thus,

ments related to heat-retention characteristics of terrain data plotted or interpreted on vertical aerial photo-
photographed, infrared absorption, size, frequency, and graphs, most of which are perspective in view, must be
orientation measurements of physiographic features, replotted on an orthographic base. The orthographic
and perhaps others, offer challenging opportunities for base may be planimetric or topographic. Where no
future study (see Ray and Fischer, 1960). base map exists perspective aerial photographs provide
PLOTTING a medium for constructing a control layout on which
Map compilation-planimetric positioning of data- geologic and other data may be plotted orthograph-
is basic to most geologic studies and generally requires ically.

CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROL LAYOUT in their correct relative horizontal positions. Where

A control layout is an orthographic plot of a series horizontal control points are available, the distance
of points selected on aerial photographs that cover a between plotted positions of any two of them deter-
given area. These points are used to control the posi- mines the scale of the control layout. Details of con-
tioning of data plotted from the perspective photo- structing and assembling these templets are described
graph. Plotting, or transfer, of data from the photo- by Kelsh (1952, p. 419-429).
graph may be done with simple overhead projectors Construction of stereotemplets requires the use of a
or sketchmasters under some circumstances, or with stereoplotting device to plot selected points common to
stereoplotting instruments described above. The ac- adjoining flight strips and within the flight strip. The
curacy of the final plot will depend primarily upon the templet is actually a double templet of the area of the
control net and the instrument used in plotting (see stereoscopic model rather than the single photograph.
p. 74-75). Azimuth lines are constructed for each part of the
Basically a control layout or control net is estab- templet using one of the pass points as a principal
lished by triangulation from the aerial photographs in triangulation station for one part of the templet, and
much the same manner as field triangulation is car- using a different, generally diagonally opposite, pass
ried out. This aerial triangulation requires mechanical point as the principal triangulation station for the sec-
construction of templets which are assembled together ond part of the templet. These two parts are joined
into the triangulation network. There are two general together to form the completed templet for each
methods of constructing templets. One method in- stereoscopic model. Details of constructing and as-
volves radial triangulation using the principal point sembling the stereotemplets have been described by
of the single photograph as a principal triangulation Scher (1955). Because of the longer base line of
station to construct radial templets; the other method stereotemplets the resulting triangulation network is
involves radial triangulation using some orthograph- said to have a stronger scale solution than can be ob-
ically positioned pass point from the stereoscopic model tained from radial templets constructed from single
as a principal triangulation station to construct stereo- photographs. Other photogrammetric advantages are
templets. mentioned by Scher (1955).
Where single photographs are used for triangulation
it is generally assumed that the photographs are truly
vertical and have no tilt; relief displacement is radial LAYOUTS
from the photograph centers. However, a tilt of 10
The main objective in orthographic plotting of
or 20 does not significantly affect horizontal position-
geologic data is to show the true planimetric relations
ing over small areas. Templets from single photo-
of geologic features by removing relief and tilt dis-
graphs may be constructed by the hand-templet
placement that may be present in perspective vertical
method, the radial-arm ("spider"-templet) method or
aerial photographs. Relief displacement is commonly
the slotted-templet method. Photographs are first pre-
large, but tilt displacement is generally small and is
pared by marking the centers, conjugate centers, and
usually disregarded when positioning geologic data on
selected pass points, usually six in number, along the
a planimetric base sheet. When positioning geologic
margins of a photograph; pass points are selected
data to a topographic base both relief and tilt dis-
which are common to adjoining flight strips and com-
placement may be significant and require plotting from
mon to succeeding and preceding photographs within
a leveled stereoscopic model. For horizontal position-
the flight strip. From each photograph, azimuth lines
are then constructed from the photograph center ing of data to a planimetric base in areas of low relief
through all other selected points to form a templet for the relief displacement will be small; overhead projec-
that photograph. Azimuth lines may be drawn in tors may be used to transfer data from the photograph
pencil on an overlay sheet (hand-templet method) ; to base map or control net. For example, with com-
they may be constructed of metal arms ("spider"- mon photography of 1:20,000 scale taken with a 6-inch-
templet method), or they may be cut as slots in a focal-length lens, radial displacement near the edge of
piece of cardboard (slotted-templet method). After the photograph will only amount to about 0.1 inch
templets have been constructed for all photographs where topographic relief does not exceed 300 feet.
they are assembled into a triangulation network in Basically relief displacement of a given amount of
which the intersections of azimuth lines locate the relief is a function of flying height and is independent
orthographic positions of the points selected. The of focal length and scale (see p. 74-75).
result is a base sheet with a series of points located Where relief displacement is excessive it is possible

782-139 0 - 65 - 7

to change the photograph scale by racking the over- of the stereoscopic model when the Kelsh, multiplex,
head projector up and down and, provided base map or ER-55 plotters are used permits a highly reliable
control is sufficiently dense, to scale small areas of the compilation of geologic data. Even when vertical
photograph to the base, thus compensating for much control is lacking, it is possible to remove most of
of the radial displacement of the perspective photo- any tilt inherent in the stereoscopic model by careful
graph. The reliability of the final plot will be in reference to physiographic manifestations of tilt such
part a function of the density of control points on the as oversteepened or reverse stream gradients, tilted
base. The suitability of the final plot will depend meanders of a stream, or tilted bodies of standing
on the geologic objective. On most radial triangula- water (see p. 55).
tion networks it is common to find eight control points, True orthographic positioning is not always attained,
exclusive of the photograph center, for each photo- however, in geologic compilations from aerial photo-
graph; this number of points will not normally be graphs. Not only is there a question at times of the
sufficient to give a reliable plot of the geologic detail reliability of interpretation because of the subjective
in areas of moderate or high relief unless a stereo- nature of much photogeologic study, but the various
plotting instrument is used. The vertical sketch- instruments themselves have differing degrees of ac-
master, in which the image of a single photograph curacy inherent in their construction. Positioning of
is seen superposed on the base map or control sheet, clearly identified geologic features by overhead pro-
generally is used in the same way that overhead pro- jector, which does not permit adjustments for tilt or
jectors are used in plotting. The same general limita- effective removal of relief displacement, would be far
tions of the overhead projector apply to the sketch- less reliable under most circumstances than position-
master; that is, radial displacement due to moderate ing by double-projection instruments. However, the
or high relief cannot be effectively removed. geologic product sought should determine in part the
Orthographic plotting may also be accomplished procedure to be used in plotting. Normally there is
with the radial planimetric plotter (fig. 14), or with no reason to use an instrument that will plot detail
the more complex paper-print plotters, such as the more accurately than is needed to satisfy the geo-
KEK or Mahan plotters. (See p. 42, 45). The ra- logic requirement. For example, in small-scale recon-
dial planimetric plotter is the simplest to operate. naissance mapping, it is hardly necessary to use a pre-
It is easily scaled to control points on the base map cision plotting instrument for horizontal positioning.
or triangulation network and effectively corrects for The problem of instrument requirement in relation to
the radial displacement of vertical aerial photographs. the geologic problem is further considered under a dis-
Fine detail, such as the configuration of reentrants in cussion of interpretation and plotting systems (see
contact lines, may be lost in plotting, however. Tilt p. 69-75).
inherent in photographs cannot be eliminated, but Only where a significant saving in time and money
horizontal positioning due to small amounts of tilt can be shown is it justifiable to use an instrument
found in present-day photography do not significantly whose capability exceeds the minimum requirements
affect horizontal positioning of photographic detail of the geologic problem. Such a condition may exist
for most geologic interpretations. The KEK and for example where small-scale photographs of an area
Mahan plotters may also be used to plot geologic are available. Much of the United States is now
data from paper prints. These instruments permit covered by photographs at a scale of approximately
compensation for any inherent tilt that may be pres- 1:60,000. The use of such small-scale photographs in
ent in the photographs but are more difficult to op- an instrument such as the Kelsh plotter may reduce
erate than the planimetric plotter. by as much as 90 percent the number of stereoscopic
Whenever paper prints are used in plotting or models that would normally be oriented for interpreta-
transferring geologic data to base maps or control tion, measuring, and plotting if 1:20,000-scale photo-
sheets it may be desirable to annotate, or mark, the graphs were used. Even when 1:20,000-scale photo-
geologic features to be transferred. This is particu- graphs are used with simple instruments the common
larly desirable when overhead projectors are used and practice is to separate the operations; that is, the
is usually a necessity for all instruments if someone stereoscope is used to interpret geologic detail and
other than the interpreter is to do the plotting. another instrument, such as the stereometer, is used to
Double-projection instruments afford a high degree determine vertical measurement. Thus, by using a
of reliability in plotting geologic data from aerial precision plotter, which combines interpretation, meas-
photographs. The ability to correct for tilt and uring, and plotting, a significant saving in time and
relief displacement combined with an enlarged view money may be expected.
PLOTTING ON ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHS photographically onto the perspective aerial photo-
An orthophotograph is a photograph that has the graph. The same grid is then orthographically trans-
position and scale qualities of a map. In addition ferred to the base map by a photogrammetric tech-
it has the abundant imagery of the conventional per- nician using stereoplotting instruments (Landen,
spective photograph and hence a wealth of photo- David, oral communication, 1958). The grid lines are
graphic detail (fig. 47). Theoretically the orthopho- straight as superposed on the perspective photograph
tograph, with tilt and radial displacement eliminated but are curved on the base map (figs. 115 and 116).
in preparation (Bean and Thompson, 1957), has the By dividing the photograph into many small grid
desirable detail of a photograph and the geometric squares the effects of tilt and relief displacement be-
characteristics of an accurate planimetric map. The come so small as to be negligible within any one
method of constructing the orthophotograph from square. Information sketched within grid squares on
double-projection stereoscopic models results in a small the perspective photograph is transferred visually to
loss of photographic resolution, but horizontal posi- the base map by matching grid squares on the photo-
tioning accuracy is comparable to that of the stand- graph with those on the map. The method may be
ard topographic map of the same scale. especially useful in the field where it is desirable to
The orthophotograph, when viewed with an alter- keep a compilation of each day's work.
nate perspective aerial photograph, forms a stereo-
scopic model, although with only a small amount of
stereoscopic relief as contrasted to viewing two per- In addition to the orthographic positioning of pho-
spective photographs. In viewing an orthophotograph togeologic data on base maps it is commonly desir-
with a perspective photograph it is generally best to able to plot geologic cross sections. The third dimen-
use the same perspective photography as was used in sion of the stereoscopic model is then added in part to
the preparation of the orthophotograph. Combining the normal two-dimensional planimetric presentation
the orthophotograph with a perspective photograph of geologic information. Vertical positioning of geo-
permits plotting of geologic detail from the perspec- logic data, as shown in cross section, may be helpful
tive photograph to the orthophotograph and gives a to the geologist interpreting the aerial photographs
reliable photomap. Geologic data on the orthophoto- of an area, as well as to the map reader who may be
graph then can be transferred by direct projection to less familiar with the geology of the area.
a topographic or other base, if desired, or merely Cross sections are easily and rapidly constructed
traced off to give a reliable planimetric map of areas with a profile plotter from streoscopic models in
where no base maps exist. As an aid to field geologic double-projection plotters. Modification of the trac-
mapping, in which a daily plot of observed data is ing table permits profiles to be drawn in any direction
desirable, the orthophotograph may be especially help- within the stereoscopic model (figs. 19 and 20). Sec-
ful. tions may be drawn at a horizontal-vertical ratio of
The range of potential applications of orthopho- 1:1 or they may be exaggerated as much as 5 times.
tography has been summarized by Bean and Thomp- When a 1:1 ratio is used, dips of beds or components
son (1957, p. 178) who stated that "* * * whenever of dip, stream gradients, thickness of beds, and simi-
there is an advantage in being able to determine accu- lar data may be obtained directly from the section.
rately on an aerial photograph the positions of points, Exaggerated profiles may be desirable where relief of
the lengths or directions of lines, the courses of curved terrain is low, or, for example, when interpreting the
lines, or the shapes or areas of given tracts, the ortho- significance of vertical position of thin stratigraphic
photograph offers a potential means of accomplishing units in correlation studies. Vertical positioning in
the desired end." In addition, as the basis for con- sections may also show information suggesting the
presence of faults.
structing mosaics the orthophotograph has a signifi-
cant application, especially in areas of moderate or INTERPRETATION, MEASURING, AND PLOTTING
high relief. SYSTEMS
PLOTTING ON GRIDDED BASE MAPS An interpretation, measuring, and plotting system
Gridded base maps may be especially valuable for (see fig. 36) may be defined as a combination of pho-
field plotting of geologic data without the assistance tographs and instruments that will permit attaining
of photogrammetric instruments. In constructing a specific qualitative and quantitative geologic infor-
gridded base map a grid made up of small squares, mation from stereoscopic models. The optimum sys-
usually 1 centimeter on a side, is first superposed tem is generally achieved by combining the minimum



Radial planimetric plotter

Stereoscope Parallax bar

Overhead projector

Paper prints

P ap er-- p r int p l ot te rs

(Stereotope, KEK, Mahan plotters)

Stereoscope Parallax bar

Glass plates
Double-projection plotters
(Kelsh, multiplex, ER-55 plotters)

FIGURE 36.-Photogrammetric systems for geologists.

scale photographs and minimum instrument capa- priate photography; or the geologic objective or tol-
bility that will provide the desired geologic measure- erances of measurement may be modified to permit the
ments within given accuracy requirements. That is, use of existing photography and instruments.
the scale of photographs should be the smallest that However, geologic maps, unlike topographic maps,
will permit differentiation of photographic detail have no standard accuracy limits except those im-
needed for qualitative interpretation, as well as the posed by the individual geologist, with the one ex-
smallest that will permit photogrammetric measure- ception in the Geological Survey that solid lines,
ments within specified limits. Fundamentally, the geo- representing faults, contacts, or similar geologic fea-
logic objective of a particular study is the controlling tures, should generally be within 1/25 inch of their
factor in the choice of the optimum system of inter- correct map positions for general geologic maps at a
pretation, measuring, and plotting. The geologic ob- scale of 1:63,360 or larger. Horizontal positioning of
jective may permit the use of existing instruments and data within 1/25 inch of true map position may be
photograph scales or it may necessitate new photogra- accomplished with almost any plotting instrument or
phy or instruments to attain given accuracy require- plotting system, especially if relief of the area is low
ments. and excessive tilt is not present in the photographs.
The type of geologic map and its intended use- Hence, the vertical-accuracy requirement specified by
the geologic objective-can be considered on the basis the geologist for a given geologic problem is ideally
of accuracy requirements or limits of error, both in the determining factor in choosing an interpretation,
obtaining vertical measurements and in plan position- measuring, and plotting system. This accuracy re-
ing of geologic features, provided photographic detail quirement, as well as the maximum range of measure-
is adequate for qualitative interpretation. For ex- ments expectable for any system, may be equated
ample, a detailed structure-contour map may require against instrument capability and photograph scale as
an accuracy of vertical measurement within 5 feet follows:
of altitude and a horizontal position of geologic Geologic requirement of verti- Instrument capa-
features within 1/25 inch of true map position. In cal-measurement accuracy Ilstyminter op
nasity in terms of K
contrast a small-scale structure-reconnaissance map or padVfcos(e
for planning purposes may permit a vertical tolerance Expected maximum range of and 3 V factors (seef
of 50 feet and have only general horizontal position- vertical-measurement error fi.7)
ing requirements. Thus the choice of an interpreta- Figure 37 is an elaboration of this equation and
tion, measuring, and plotting system may be reduced shows the general relations between the geologic re-
to certain mathematical requirements that can be satis- quirements of vertical accuracy or expected maximum
fied by combining instrument capability with appro- error in measuring spot altitudes or vertical intervals

Datum leveled to vertical control

(for constructing structure-contour lines)

Kelsh, multiplex, ER-55 plotters

(for constructing isopach lines
determining offsets on faults.)


KEK, Mahan, stereotope


Datum not leveled to vertical control. Model can be leveled

visually to within 1 of horizontal datum

2K error due to tilt
Ii- Kelsh, multiplex, ER-55 plotters

:3K error due to tilt

4v error due to tilt

KEK, Mahan, stereotope

6v error due to tilt

Model cannot be leveled

4V error due to tilt

Parallax bar, stereotope

6v error due to tilt


AT PHOTOGRAPH SCALE OR SMALLER High or Kelsh, multiplex, ER-55, paper- print
moderate relief plotters, radial planimetric plotter 1

Generally within 1/25 inch of true map position

Low relief Any plotting instrument or system I

Generally not within 1/25 inch of true map position
Any plotting instrument or system 1

FIGURE 37.-Photogrammetric measuring and plotting systems for geologists showing relation of different instruments to vertical-
measurement and horizontal-positioning errors.
where K factor = difference in altitude, in feet, on the ground where V factor= difference in altitude, in feet, on the ground
per unit of vertical measurement in an per unit of measurement from a parallax
anaglyphic-type model, that is, per 0.1 bar or a paper-print plotter, that is, per 0.01
millimeter millimeter
model-scale denominator 2 flying height (feet)
3,048 photobase (millimeters) X 100
1 No excessive tilt assumed to be present for paper-print models that cannot be leveled.
2Model scale for Kelsh plotter is usually about 5 times original photography scale; for ER-55 usually about 3.5 or 5 times, depending on the projector model; and
for multiplex usually about 2.5 times.

in terms of instrument capability on one hand and all three possible errors is necessary in determining
photogrammetric instruments that may be used for the expected maximum error for a particular measur-
measuring and plotting on the other hand. The deter- ing and plotting system, except for leveled models
mination of spot altitudes or relative vertical intervals where tilt has been eliminated. In measuring spot alti-
satisfies most geologic requirements of altitude meas- tudes or relative intervals these errors may be com-
urements from stereoscopic models and permits con- pensating rather than cumulative and therefore many
struction of structure-contour lines, and isopach lines, measurements will be well within the expected maxi-
and the determination of dips of slopes, displacements mum error determined for a particular combination of
on faults, and similar data. Figure 37 can be used in photograph scale and instrument.
choosing the best selection from existing photograph Experience has shown that for double-projection
scales and instruments for measuring vertical distances, plotters, it is generally possible for the geologist to
or it can be used to determine what combination of determine any one reading to one unit of vertical
photograph scale and instruments would be optimum measurement. One unit of vertical measurement is
in making vertical measurements within certain spe- equal to 0.1 millimeter. With care the increment of
cified tolerances. For economic reasons the geologist measurement may be read closer than one unit of ver-
more often than not will be concerned with the best tical measurement. The amount of altitude difference,
selection of existing photographs and instruments but in feet, on the ground represented by one unit of ver-
this selection may not be the optimum interpretation, tical measurement in the model-called the K factor-
measuring, and plotting system. This may require depends solely on the scale of the projected stereo-
modification of his geologic objective, at least in re- scopic model, and is determined by the ratio
porting the limits of measurement.
Model-scale denominator
Instrument capability, selected as the principal basis
This factor is constant throughout the stereoscopic
for the systems shown in figure 37, is an empirically
model. Hence spot altitude readings generally may
derived factor generally considered with respect to
be read within an amount equal to +K, that is, the
topographic mapping systems as the minimum contour
geologist may read a point one unit (0.1 millimeter)
interval-stated in terms of a fraction of the flying
too high or one unit (0.1 millimeter) too low. In
height-that can be plotted to fulfill certain accuracy
addition, an error of K is added for curvature of
requirements. For geologic measurements it is desir-
the model datum. Thus the maximum error for spot
able to consider instrument capability as the minimum
altitudes can be expected to be on the order of 2K
increment of vertical measurement that generally can
for models leveled to vertical control. Where errors
be determined by the geologist from the stereoscopic
due to reading and to curvature of the datum are com-
model. This permits a simple evaluation of expected
pensating a minimum error approaching zero can be
maximum errors in geologic measurements when dou-
obtained. For interval measurements the altitudes of
ble-projection stereoscopic models are used, or when
two image points in the stereoscopic model of course
stereoscopic models from paper prints are used. It
must be measured. Each point may be read within
also allows the geologist to determine what photograph
an amount equal to K, or a total reading error 2K.
scale and instrument combinations will give him a de-
Curvature of the model datum may affect the reading
sired accuracy of measurement. Because the mini-
of each point a similar amount and can be disregarded
mum increment of vertical measurement is empirically
when relative intervals are measured on points close
derived, the limits of error for vertical measurements
together in plan view; for points close together the ex-
described below may be subject to modification.
pected maximum error generally will be similar to that
To determine the expected maximum error for a
given combination of photograph scale and instru- for spot altitudes. But if points of measurement are
ment three possible individual errors must be con- not selected close together an added error of K due
sidered. These are (a) instrument capability in terms to datum curvature may be introduced. Thus the
of the geologist's ability to measure horizontal linear maximum error for relative interval measurements is
parallaxes and increments of vertical measurement, on the order of 3K (figs. 37 and 38).
(b) curvature of the datum within a stereoscopic When vertical control is absent many double-pro-
model when double-projection instruments are used, or jection stereoscopic models and some models from
paper and lens distortions when paper prints are used, paper prints may be leveled visually to within 10 of a
and (c) tilt. Consideration of the cumulative effect of horizontal datum by observing certain physiographic





FIGURE 38.-Diagram showing datum-curvature relation to maximum expected error in measuring vertical intervals from
leveled double-projection stereoscopic model.
Let AB equal the interval desired. If the upper point is B' is measured one unit too low (also equivalent to +K)
measured at A' an error equal to -K, or one unit of meas- a maximum expected error, including datum-curvature er-
urement, may result from datum curvature ; when point B' ror, of +3K may result. Likewise if points A' and B are
is measured an error of +K may result. If points A and chosen for measuring the interval a maximum expected
B' are chosen for measuring the interval and point A is error, including datum-curvature error, of -3K may result.
measured one unit too high (equivalent to +K) and point

features in the model (see p. 55) and making ap- urements from paper prints may be read within about
propriate instrument adjustments. For double-pro- + 0.02 millimeter or 2V. Considering possible errors
jection stereoscopic models that are leveled visually due to paper or lens distortion and due to tilt, total
some error due to tilt thus may be present in addi- expected errors for spot altitudes and relative intervals
tion to possible errors in reading and curvature of the may be determined as shown on figure 37. (See also
model datum; the order of maximum error for spot p. 74.) Errors resulting from paper and lens distor-
altitudes becomes 2K error due to tilt, and for tions are considered to be equivalent to about two units
relative interval measurements becomes 3K error of measurement or about 2V.
due to tilt. When relative stratigraphic thicknesses, Thus two different factors are considered in relating
displacements on faults, or similar geologic measure- geologic accuracy requirements or expected maximum
ments are being made, errors due to tilt or from curva- vertical measurement errors to photograph scale and
ture of the model datum may be minimized by measur- instrument capability. These factors are the K factor
ing points close together in the stereoscopic model. for use with stereoscopic models from glass plates in
For points spaced far apart the error due to tilt can double-projection plotters, and the V factor for use
exceed the error in reading intervals. with stereoscopic models formed from paper prints.
Limits can also be placed on reading units of meas- For any given system of measurement it is likely that
urement with paper-print plotters or parallax bars, many measurements will fall well within the expected
except that a V factor rather than a K factor is em- maximum errors as determined from figure 37, espe-
cially if high-resolution photographs are available that
ployed. A differentiation of factors is necessary as the
may permit reading units of vertical measurement less
V factor, unlike the K factor, is not constant through-
than K or V, and if points of measurement are care-
out the model, but varies slightly due to differences
fully chosen. Also, errors of reading and datum
in scale at different altitudes in models formed from
curvature or tilt may be compensating rather than
paper prints. For practical purposes, V is the ratio:
cumulative, as stated above. In a recent test of deter-
Flying height (feet) mining altitudes of gravity stations with multiplex
Photobase (millimeters) X 100 leveled to vertical control, Kinoshita and Kent (1960)
found that 96 per cent of the points measured fell
The V factor represents the difference in altitude in
approximately within the limits of K and that 71
feet on the ground per unit of measurement from a percent of the points measured fell approximately
parallax bar or paper-print plotter, that is per 0.01 within the limits of K/2. Results of this special
millimeter. Experience has shown that parallax meas- test do not represent the general order of vertical ac-

curacy that geologists may expect to obtain by photo- The geologist will be concerned generally with the
grammetric methods, but they do suggest that many expected maximum error of measurement that photo-
measurements made will be well within the limits graphs and instruments already at his disposal will
shown in figure 37. give, and figure 37 is readily used to determine ex-
pected maximum errors of measurement for a given
SCALE, AND VERTICAL MEASUREMENTS photograph scale and instrument combination. How-
Let it be desired to determine the accuracy of spot ever, to determine what photograph scale and instru-
altitudes for compiling a structure-contour map of an ment combination would be needed to attain specified
area covered by recent, high-quality 1:20,000-scale accuracy requirements is not so easy, as the photo-
photography flown at 10,000 feet. Adequate vertical graph scale and instrument may be varied and yet
control is available for leveling stereoscopic models give the same required tolerances of vertical measure-
and a Kelsh plotter is available for measurement and ments. For practical purposes it may be best to
compilation. The expected maximum error shown in equate the vertical-accuracy requirement against in-
figure 37 for spot altitudes for leveled models is 2K. strument capabilities, and to determine from this the
Because the scale of the Kelsh model is approximately scale of photographs that would be needed. Thus, if
5 times that of the original 1:20,000-scale photography a requirement for measuring vertical intervals of 5
(fig. 37), a projected stereoscopic model at a scale of feet is specified it can be seen, for leveled double-
1:4,000 would result. Thus the K factor for this model projection stereoscopic models, for example, that 3K,
would be 4,000/3,048 or 1.31 feet (fig. 37). Spot alti- the maximum expected error for relative intervals,
tude measurements could be expected to be correct must equal 5 feet or K must equal 1.66 approximately.
within 2K or 2.62 feet for most points in the It follows (see fig. 37) that the projected model-scale
model. denominator must equal 1.66 X3,048 or about 1:5,000.
Many geologists will have only paper prints and The scale of photographs required to provide a pro-
simple measuring devices to use so as a second ex- jected stereoscopic model of 1:5,000 depends on the
ample let it be desired to determine the expected double-projection plotter used. For the Kelsh plotter,
maximum error in measuring a stratigraphic interval the original photography scale would be approxi-
with a parallax bar and paper prints already avail- mately 1:25,000; for the ER-55 plotter, approximately
able. Photographs at a scale of 1:20,000 and taken at 1:17,000 or 1:25,000 depending on the projector model;
10,000 feet are available. Inspection of physiographic and for the multiplex, approximately 1:12,000 (fig.
characteristics of the terrain indicates that very little 37). Similar computations can be made for other
tilt, estimated not to exceed 10, is present. Rock units instrument capabilities and requirements of vertical
are clearly expressed, the formations are essentially measurements. Where two different combinations of
flat lying, and points of measurement are within 1/4 instruments and photograph scales will provide the de-
inch on photographs or a distance of about 400 feet sired accuracy of vertical measurement, the optimum
on the ground. The photobase distance is 90 milli- interpretation, measuring, and plotting system will be
meters. Figure 37 shows that with parallax bar the determined by the smallest scale of photography that
expected range of error for relative intervals is 6V will allow recognition and qualitative interpretation
error due to tilt, of geologic features pertinent to the given geologic
where V =90 100= 1.1 (fig. 37). HORIZONTAL POSITIONING

Horizontal positioning within 1/25 inch of true map

The maximum error due to tilt, however, could amount
position generally can be accomplished at photograph
to 14 feet in this example and thus a total expected
scale or smaller with any of the plotting instruments
error of 20.6 feet could result. But the reading error
that removes relief and tilt displacement. Such in-
plus paper and lens distortion error may well be less
struments include the double-projection plotters and
than 6V and the points of measurement may well
some of the paper-print plotters. The small amount of
lie in a direction other than the maximum tilt direc- tilt inherent in present-day vertical photography is
tion; thus, a measurement error of much less than generally of little significance in horizontal positioning
20.6 feet will probably result. Figure 37 is constructed of geologic features, however, and the radial planimetric
to show only the order of maximum error. The per- plotter may also be used to plot geologic features within
centage of error will depend on the total thickness of 1/25 inch of true map position. Orthophotographs may
the stratigraphic interval; the percentage of error be- also be used for reliable horizontal positioning of data
comes smaller as the thickness of the interval increases. (see p. 69). In addition, geologic features in areas of

low relief may be plotted within 1/25 inch of true map rh

position by sketchmaster or overhead reflecting pro- H
jector if tilt is negligible. Where relief is low, radial where r=radial distance on the photograph, in inches,
displacement (also called relief displacement) of image from principal point to base of image dis-
points is commonly less than ;25 inch. For example, placed;
on vertical photographs taken from a flying height of h=height of object displaced, in feet above datum
10,000 feet, displacement where the relief is 100 feet (height of terrain);
amounts to 1/25 inch at a point 4 inches from the center and H=flying height, in feet, above datum;
of the photograph. Nearer the center of the photo-
graph the displacement is less. Thus, geologic data on (h and H must be referred to the same datum and be
such photographs can be plotted generally within 1/25 measured in the same units. The amount of displace-
inch at photograph scale or smaller with simple over- ment, m, is then in the same units of measure as
head reflecting projectors, or can even be traced directly chosen for r). Thus, the limit of relief that can be
from the photographs and still be within the 1/25-inch adequately plotted within the 1/25-inch tolerance for
tolerance for general geologic maps. The amount of general geologic maps is basically a function of flying
radial displacement, m in inches, is determined from height and not of focal length. Displacement due to
the formula relief varies inversely with flying height.


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NI,_ t(A..
\fY . i~ ^~- .. -- = '.; a.m
Stereoscopic pair
Approximately 1 mile


[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Soil Conservation Service]

Coarse pyroclastic rocks, A, are highly dissected in con- many photogrammetric instruments may be especially help-
trast to the more resistant and protecting welded tuff cap- ful in tracing a geologic contact from an area where the
rock, B, in this area of flat-lying formations. Deep dis- contact is well expressed to an area where the contact is
section of pyroclastic rocks, occurring here preferentially obscured. Sandstone and shale below the pyroclastic rocks
on one slope, permits delineation of contacts that can be are in large part poorly exposed because of the slope wash
traced into nearby areas where strong dissection has not that covers the deposits.
taken place. The use of the floating-dot reference mark of

- . :'~t -Ai : .. _ A ;a " . -mss . . i ' fL ;"'.t p

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[ Aproimae sapproxima00.Ptel phsb1U.miley

In some areas where outcrops are sparse or lacking bed- bands of vegetation, as at A, are commonly seen clearly on
ding may be traced on the basis of topography and vege- aerial photographs or from a distance on the ground, but
tation. Resistant beds of sandstone and conglomerate cause are not always readily distinguished when standing di-
small topographic rises, in some areas as little as 2 feet, rectly on them on the ground.
which are easily discerned in the stereoscopic model be- Permafrost is shown by the presence of beaded drain-
cause of vertical exaggeration present in viewing most age, indicated by isolated pools of water connected by
stereoscopic pairs. The steepened slope caused by the re- short, incised watercourses along main stream. Striped
sistant bed is commonly populated with a different mossy slopes, B, are typical but not unique to permafrost areas
and grassy vegetation from that of surrounding areas, and (contrast fig. 53). Note high-center polygons, C, that ex-
bedding is revealed as wide, strongly curved bands of vege- hibit raised centers surrounded by depressed dark-toned
tation that are recognized on photographs by their lighter edges. Angular drainage channels, D, are related to melt-
or darker photographic tone than surrounding areas. Such ing out of ice wedges and are common in permafrost areas.

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Cinder cone, A, is readily identified on the basis of shape face drainage rills, which suggests permeable material.
of the constructional landform. Associated flows, B, are Note especially the lack of surface drainage channels on
dark toned, irregular in ground plan, and marked by very flanks of cinder cone.
uneven topographic surfaces. Many lava flows lack sur-

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p~~yy [Approximate scale,1'20,000 ,Photogras. by ommoi,t tabilization;ti Service] s
Consicuos cotras.in"egettionresuts fom dffe- scrub'. oak formsi ,a 'photographicAtexture that_ contrasts with
ent1 lithoogic yp. Sandstone and conglomerate bds: , reas covred ith ines1".. No '1-te serrated edges of bluffsT .ii,
A, are .(:co .vdlaglywt satee"tl acyelw and which , a' " , re exprssionsof'joits in andstoe -and ongfo-t'
ponderosa pie trees.:ii te orpyry Bis oveed ith erate,4' Y_ beds.". 1k-14' -'t'- f :L
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I Seeocoi pi


[ Approximate scale 1 : 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Light photographic tone of rocks, A, is typical of was- graphic tone change. At E the dark-toned rocks have been
sive crossbedded sandstone in this area. Dark-toned rocks, completely eroded away and light-toned jointed sandstone
B, are reddish thin-bedded shaly siltstone, shale, and fine- and conglomerate rest on the light-toned massive cross-
grained sandstone. Light-toned conspicuously jointed rocks, bedded sandstone. At F the dark-toned rocks again be-
C, are uranium-bearing sandstone, conglomerate, and mud- come conspicuous where overlying rocks thin. Differences
stone. Locally the dark-toned rocks have been eroded by in stratigraphic thicknesses of the dark-toned rocks, which
channel scour, and the channels have been filled with sand- reflect a thickening of overlying rocks that were deposited
stone and conglomerate that now lie unconformably on the in old river channels, can be measured photogrammet-
older rocks. Erosion of dark-toned rocks along line D, rically. Isopach lines may be drawn to indicate the ori-
which represents the line of unconformity and orientation entation of the channel and the general depth of the
of a channel in this area, is conspicuous by the photo- channel.

1 ;".' ,"*

fStereoscopic pair

[Apprximat scal 1:

Topographically high, vegetated area, A, is underlain by uphill from the trace of the unconformity with grassy vege-
gneiss, schist, and granite. Light-toned sedimentary rocks, tation on the gentler slope below. Note effect on dip of
B, lying unconformably on the igneous and metamorphic vertical exaggeration in the stereoscopic model. The arkose
rocks, are primarily arkose and sandstone. Trace of un- and sandstone unit dips about 25*. The grass-covered pedi-
conformity between sedimentary rocks and igneous and ment gravel, D, which truncates the underlying sedimentary
metamorphic rocks is indicated by break in slope, C, which rocks, dips 2* to 3*.
is locally accentuated by contrast of trees on steep slope

rr ty1

r .tt~ ~~'< pai


[Approximate scale 1: 37,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Landslides are indicated primarily by landform. Note landslide debris ; resistant volcanic flows (not shown) cap
the characteristic hummocky topography of slide material the sedimentary rocks. In many areas where poorly re-
prominent at A. Minor ridges of the slide area are com- distant rocks underlie a resistant caprock, conditions for
inonly parallel to the contour of the slope ; clumps of vege- landsliding are favorable. Highly fractured rocks in can-
tation locally are oriented parallel to the contour of the yon are schist and gneiss.
slope also. Poorly resistant sedimentary rocks underlie the

'KEy i



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(Left) Part of perspective aerial photograph showing distortions in powerline caused by
relief displacement of image points. (Right) Orthophotograph of the same area showing
that relief displacement has been eliminated in preparing orthophotograph. Note that the
powerline is straight.




[Approximate scale 1: 60,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]

Aerial photographs commonly show an association of features that is bounded by vegetated areas, as at A, represents soils developed on underly- 0
meaningful to the interpreter. Here photographic tones, land-use pattern, ing mafic rocks. Rocks in the immediately surrounding vegetated areas are H
and drainage pattern are associated with specific soils, rock types, and geo- largely silicic intrusive types. The drainage characteristics of the area also
logic structure. Note that the small scale of the photographs is a significant suggest a pluglike or domal geologic structure. Streams at B and C form
factor in showing the striking land-use pattern and drainage pattern (see a conspicuous annular pattern around the area of mafic rocks and probably
also fig. 4). The circular land-use pattern of the farmed area generally mark the contact of the mafic rock body.


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[Approximate scale 1: 63,360. Photographs by Army Map Service]

Lack of surface drainage at A indicates high degree of permeability in material also may have taken place. Dark areas within depressions repre- 0
capping material. Note in contrast the striking fine-textured drainage on sent a darker vegetation growth ; light-toned areas represent in part washed-
the relatively impermeable shale area, B. Broad depressions, C, in capping in fine materials that were dry and hence light colored at the time the

gravel and sand are very shallow and show little relief even with vertical photographs were taken. Locally some light-toned evaporite deposits may
exaggeration found in the stereoscopic model. These depressions resulted in be present.
large part from wind action; some solution of local calcareous cementing

0 3

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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Soil Conservation Service]

Strand lines of beach sand, A, are shown strikingly by dark photographic 0

on the thin alluvial cover, C, but decreases noticeably on opposite side, D,
tone and slightly higher altitudes than surrounding surficial material. Note of fault where better drained, thicker deposits of alluvial material are pres- H
that strand lines are truncated by a recent fault, B, shown by narrow band 0
ent. Strand line is faulted up about 25 feet at E by recent fault move-
of dark vegetation and by low scarp. Drainage density is relatively high ment. An irregular fault trace is also seen at F.

- -?
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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Generally massive dark-toned conglomerate sequence, A, exhibits coarse- quence is not typical of most dipping sedimentary rocks ; the dendritic
textured drainage and erosional characteristics, whereas fine-grained weakly drainage pattern suggests a massive character and uniformity of the con- 0
foliated quartz diorite, B, has a fine-textured drainage and erosional topog- glomerate sequence and general lack of bedding which might control the 0
raphy. Widely spaced joints, conspicuous in many intrusive masses, are not
present in the quartz diorite. Dendritic drainage in the conglomerate se-
drainage. Local light-toned interbeds, C, indicate strike and of the sedi-
mentary rock sequence.

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[Approximate scale 1: 28,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological survey]

Strong contrast in drainage densities of areas A and B reflect differences disappear into sand dune area, B, which is composed of granular material o
in underlying materials. Fine-grained surficial sedimentary deposits, A, that of high permeability. Although partly stabilized and covered by vegetation H
form a thin cover on impermeable shale here exhibit fine-textured drainage. the sand dunes locally show barchan shapes, which aid in their identification. G1
The many drainage rills flowing across the fine-grained surficial material



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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]

Conspicuous "snakeskin" pattern is commonly found on the undissected tone; the basalt is typically barren or covered with sagebrush and has a b
basalt flows, A ; it is not observed on other rock types in this area. The dark photographic tone. The striped pattern of closely spaced drainage rills,
pattern consists of white or light-toned spots scattered in a dark field. Note
B, is also typical of basalt talus slopes in this area ; however, similar-appear-
that a rounded "shape" is a distinctive part of the pattern. The light-toned ing stripes are found on a variety of rock types in other areas (see fig. 40).
rounded areas are mounds of clay and silt 20 feet or more across and 2 or 3 Where basalt cappings are underlain by poorly resistant rocks, conditions
feet high. Grass grows on these areas and causes the light photographic are favorable for landslides, as at C. rj

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[Approximate scale 1: 58,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]
Ring dike about 1 mile wide and an area of gabbro-diorite within the syenite of the ring dike and gabbro-diorite of surrounding areas cannot be 0
ring dike can be differentiated from surrounding areas primarily on the identified in the stereoscopic model, and aerial photographs of this terrain 0
basis of the lesser tree coverage and greater land use within the ring-dike serve primarily to differentiate anomalous features which then must be ex- 0
area. A ring structure is also suggested by the concentric pattern of trees, amined in the field. Note excavation in syenite of the ring dike.
A, which may reflect structure within the igneous rocks. The contact of

SStereoscopic pi

A x y i

Approximately 1 mile

Stereoscopic pair
Approximately 1 mile


[A: Approximate scale 1: 70,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]
[B: Approximate scale 1: 44,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

The serpentine shape in plan view and local topographic re- in figure A, and on commonly available 1:20,000-scale photo-
lief of the esker are readily distinguished in the stereoscopic graphs the serpentine shape would probably not be seen in
view of figure A. The esker ridge is discontinuous, but the any one stereoscopic model. Esker sands and gravels are
various segments are clearly part of the same ridge. The commonly well drained and are a source of borrow material
association of isolated ridge segments is readily made when for the construction engineer. Note old secondary road, a,
small-scale photographs showing a large area are viewed. built along the top of the esker, probably because of good
Landform is the primary recognition feature of esker ridges. subgrade and drainage.
In figure B the esker landform is not as readily identified as

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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Air Force]

Strong contrasts in photographic tone and photographic texture mark was the source of sand for dune formation. The shape of the dune land- b
sand dunes and interdune areas. Dunes, as at A, are now stabilized and form is an important aid to recognition, and the association of trees is sig- 0
covered with trees. Coarse well-drained sands of the dunes support dark- nificant in the interpretation of the soils and ground conditions. Relief of H
toned black spruce. Light-toned interdune areas of frozen silt support the dunes is vertically exaggerated in the stereoscopic model. 0
grasses. Lakes were formed on the original glacial outwash plain, which


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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Air Force]

Arcuate plan-view shape of terminal moraine, A, is marked by a lighter are largely drained, but arcuate plan of this moraine is still preserved. 0
photographic tone than that of the surrounding area. This moraine is Terminal moraine, C, represents an advance only slightly younger than A. 0
characterized by an abundance of small undrained lakes and ponds and by Note similarity of topographic expression and development of ponds and
poorly integrated drainage. In older terminal moraine, B, lakes and ponds lakes in moraines A and C. 0j



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[Approximate scale 1: 60,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]

Terminal moraine, A, contains generally few lakes and ponds in contrast developed surface drainage in ground-moraine areas. Ponding also indicates
with older ground moraine, B, in which water-filled kettle holes are numer- poor drainage in this area. Linear trends parallel to arcuate border of
ous. Arcuate plan-view shape and higher relief than surrounding ground terminal moraine-which represent depositional and erosional characteristics-
moraine are typical of the terminal moraine. Note drainage rills developed are similar to some linear trends indicative of faults in other areas.
on parts of topographically high terminal moraine, but general lack of well-

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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Strong photographic tone differences mark the gneiss-granite-schist area, ing sedimentary rocks by topographic breaks in slope. Light photographic
A, and the sedimentary rocks, B. Relatively even dip-slope surfaces of sedi- tone and vertical cliffs are characteristic of thick sandstone formation in 0
mentary rocks contrast strongly with hummocky erosional topography of un- this area. Large talus blocks, at base of slope, C, indicate massive and H
derlying crystalline rocks. The fine-textured dendritic drainage on the crys- resistant character of overlying rocks. Shale and silty shale unit below y
talline rocks stands out, although such fine-textured drainage is not neces- sandstone has a lesser angle of slope, but this slope is masked in part by
sarily diagnostic or typical of igneous and metamorphic areas. The gneiss- debris from overlying sandstone.
granite-schist area shows no bedding, but bedding is marked in the overly-


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[Approximate scale 1: 63,360. Photographs by Army Map service]

Sedimentary rocks are indicated particularly by topographic expression. lava flow at E appears to have been continuous with flow at D. Small
Jointed, resistant sandstone beds stand in bold cliffs, A. Soft rocks have cinder cone, F, demonstrates use of shape as a recognition element of con- H
lesser angles of slope. Strong photographic tone differences mark contacts structional landforms. O
of some rock units, as at B ; locally vegetation changes are suggestive of Faults are commonly marked by conspicuous topographic alinements (G,

Lava flow, 1),

different rock types, C.
cuts discordantly across formational contacts. Remnant
H). Throw on fault G is about 100 feet; on H the throw is about 150 feet.
Note narrow alinements of vegetation marking faults, K. C12

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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]

Limestone caprock, A, shows a concentration of oak trees along rim but 1:20,000. Shale valleys are covered with mesquite and locally have stock
not across capping bench, which is covered by a veneer of cherty conglom- tanks, C, which suggest underlying impermeable materials. Note dendritic 0
erate. Sandstone break at B also has oak trees. Certain oaks have an drainage and distribution of vegetation bands along the topographic con-
affinity for limestone soils and some for sandy soils, but oak types are not tour, which in places form closed loops and suggest flat-lying or nearly flat- Hp
distinguishable on conventional black-and-white photographs at a scale of lying beds.


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[Approximate scale 1: 37,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

strong contrasts in drainage densities and in erosional features of the estimate of the amount of dip. Dark-toned shale and fine-grained sandstone b
terrain result from different sedimentary rock types. Coarse-textured drain- and sandy shale at C show fine-textured drainage and erosional topography.
age of little-dissected area, A, marks a persistent limestone bed that locally Note closely spaced joints in fine-grained sandstone beds at D. Vertical off- H
forms bluffs. These bluffs overlie fine-grained sandstone and shale, B, which sets of resistant limestone bed at E are conspicuous. Drainage along trace
have a lesser angle of slope than the limestone, although the difference in of faults is prominent at F and G. A lower sandstone, H, contrasts locally
slope angle is masked by the vertical exaggeration of the stereoscopic model. with overlying dark sandstone and shale as a result of its light photographic
Note that top of limestone and topographic surface coincide permitting ready tone and cover of scattered small trees.


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Fine-textured drainage is typical of shale and other fine-grained elastic at B is only about 70 feet. The fine-textured drainage and erosional topog- W
rock types. Relief is commonly subdued and divide areas gently rounded. 0
raphy suggest plastic soils. The numerous angular crenulations in minor y
Note that rounding of some divide areas may not be conspicuous because tributaries probably reflect closely spaced joints. Thin light-toned bands, A,
of vertical exaggeration of the stereoscopic model. For example, the relief are expressions of bedding.


44 1


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[Approximate scale 1: 43,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Gently dipping shale, A, shows a fine-textured drainage. Main streams Valley, D, is underlain by shale. Note discordance of strike of steeply dip- 0
draining shale flow almost directly in the downdip direction. Limestone ping beds, E, with scarp, F, which suggests presence of a fault along this 0
underlies anticlinal ridge, B. Sinkholes are present locally, C, but are not topographic break in slope. Thin resistant bed of sandstone, G, crops out
conspicuous within the area. In general the limestone areas are less dis- conspicuously on flank of anticlinal ridge. Trellis drainage in area D is
sected than shale areas because of better internal drainage in limestone. typical of folded sedimentary rocks. C2



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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]


Impermeable shale, A, has a greater resistance to erosion than the lime- accentuates the drainage contrast of shale and limestone areas. Soil mot- 0
stone, B, and stands topographically high in this area. The contact of shale tling, D, in limestone areas occurs where soil cover is thin and allows dif-
and limestone is marked by a pronounced topographic break, as at C. The ferences in moisture conditions, believed to result from drainage channels
shale has been noticeably dissected by stream erosion in contrast to the in the limestone bedrock, to stand out. Despite good drainage in the lime-
stone area residual soils developed on limestone may react to engineering C,,
limestone in which drainage is in large part internal. Note orchards in
well-drained limestone areas. Vegetation along stream valleys in the shale tests as a plastic soil and not as a granular soil. Limestone quarry is at E.


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[Approximate scale 1: 60,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]

Topographically high area, A, with typical knob-and-kettle topography is surface structures in other areas. Drainage disappears in permeable mate- H
covered by morainal material; ponds are common but surface drainage chan- rial, B, surrounding the high area. Contrast lack of surface drainage rills O
nels are conspicuously absent. Rim of high ground has been noticeably dis- in moraine at A, where drainage is poor, as indicated by ponds, with lack
sected by deep channels. The distribution of these channels, accentuated by of surface drainage rills in outwash at B, where internal drainage is good. ri
(lark-toned vegetation, forms a radial pattern similar to that over some sub- Well-drained area, C, probably also represents glacial outwash.

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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]

Conspicuous linear trends, A, represent glacial grooving. These lineations, suhparallel to the valley or general topographic grain. Lineations repre-
except for the fanning out in the direction of ice movement, may appear on senting foliation on the other hand may transect or parallel the topographic 0
photographs similar to lineations that represent foliation in metamorphic grain; unlike drumlinoid features they are not restricted to any one topo-
rocks. Drumlinoid features that give rise to this linear pattern are generally graphic level. Pock-marked area, B, is glacial outwash and probably some
found in broad, flat, and topographically low areas, such as the floors of glacial lake deposits.
broad valleys. Commonly the drumlinoid features are elongated parallel or

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[Approximate scale 1: 63,360. Photographs by Army Map service]
Rounded dark-toned depressions are sink holes that mark area of lime- In contrast to the limestone area, surface drainage is conspicuously devel-
stone. Drainage is primarily internal and few surface drainage channels oped in the interbedded sandstone and marlstone, B, but becomes less well
may be seen ; a few short surface rills drain into the sink holes, as at A. developed in permeable alluvium and windblown deposits, C.

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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]

The oldest basalt, A, shows subdued rounded topography and well-devel- aerial photographs ; locally a collapse structure may be present as at D.
Almost no integrated surface drainage is present on the youngest basalt.
oped surface drainage. A younger basalt, B, is interbedded with light-toned
sedimentary rocks. Some surface drainage has developed on the sedimen- Stream E flows in a fault valley. The fault is younger than, and separates, H1
tary rocks. The youngest basalt, C, shows a "lizard skin" appearance on basalts A and B; basalt A has been upthrown.

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[Approximate scale
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Dendritic drainage, seen best in stereoscopic view, is typical of many ter-

rains underlain by intrusive igneous rocks or other generally homogeneous
raphy is also common in such terrain. Banding, suggestive of sedimentary
or metamorphic rocks, is absent. The occurrence of trees predominantly of
rocks. The irregularly spaced joints in several different orientations are one variety and the lack of conspicuous preferred orientation of vegetation
characteristic of granite and other intrusive rocks ; extremely irregular topog- is suggestive of uniform composition of bedrock.


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[Approximate scale 1: 28,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]
Profuse, irregularly spaced joints in several different orientations are typi- sions, as at A, marked by dark-toned vegetation, are shear zones that are H
cal, although not necessarily diagnostic, of intrusive igneous rocks. The more easily eroded than surrounding rock areas, and probably have a higher 0
massive character of the rocks and apparent lack of bedding in turn suggest concentration of moisture that supports vegetation growth. In places, as at
igneous intrusive rocks, although locally the rocks shown appear similar to B, older shear zones have been offset by younger fractures. Note strong tJ2
some highly fractured massive sandstone. Conspicuous rectilinear depres- control of drainage by faults and joints.


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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy] b
Dense stand of coniferous trees, A, is typical of massive marble and re- similar to that of the diorite in patchy tree cover and irregular topography
lated carbonate rocks in this area. Diorite, B, has only patchy tree growth but the schist has a dominant lineation direction not present in the intru- Hi
but shows typical crisscross joint pattern of short lineations common in many sive rocks. Vegetation bands, D, may cover thin beds of marble. Note that
intrusive rocks. Area C is schist. The surface expression of the schist is gently curved vegetation bands suggest steeply dipping rock units.



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[Approximate scale 1 : 58,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]
Major streams, A, are developed along the regional cross-joint direction. relief areas the extensive land-use pattern tends to obscure structural trends ; 0
Roads extending generally parallel to the major streams accentuate the commonly the structural trends can be better observed from a mosaic com-
cross-joint direction. Minor tributary streams flow predominantly parallel posed of several photographs. Any one stereoscopic pair can only show a 7d~
to the regional structural trend and at right angles to the cross joints. small part of the regional geologic structure. Structural interpretation may
Hills are commonly elongate in the direction of the regional strike, which also be facilitated by study of separate drainage maps, as in figure 8.
may represent foliation or flow cleavage rather than bedding. In such low-



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[Approximate scale 1: 57,000. Photographs by Army Map Service] H

This pair of photographs illustrates a use of drainage characteristics in distribution of photographic tones and gentle curvature of streams around 0
the interpretation of geologic structure. Where dips are gentle, tributary the nose, B, of the fold. Arrow indicates direction of plunge. Many streams 0
streams developed on the updip side of a strike valley commonly will be in highly metamorphosed terrain have developed in response to, and there-
longer than tributary streams developed on the downdip side of the valley, fore reflect, the strike and dip of foliation rather than bedding. Promi-
nent cross joints are expressed by linear segments of major streams, as at C,

as at A. The direction of dip of strata is thus indicated. Length relations of
streams are commonly best studied on a separate drainage overlay (see fig. 7) 11n(d by alinement of vegetation along some tributary streams. Note con-
where vegetation and other obscuring features in the stereoscopic model are spicuous fault indicated by alinement of stream segments, D ; this fault is
not present. In the area shown, a plunging fold is also suggested by the inconspicuous on the ground.


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[Approximate scale 1: 29,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey] 0s

Poorly resistant phyllite and slightly metamorphosed slaty rocks here are H
spaced and streams flow along them. The linear trend of the stream at B
characterized by fine-textured drainage, commonly found in fine-grained clas- is parallel to the regional strike of bedding. theree is no direct surface r/
tic rocks. The area also has a fine-textured erosional topography. Several manifestation of bedding. Headwater tributaries form a generally dendritic
conspicuous linear trends, A, are at right angles to the regional strike of drainage pattern that suggests uniformity of rock type, but principal streams
bedding. These trends probably represent regional cross joints. In areas of show rectangular drainage probably influenced by bedding and cross joints.
metamorphic rocks the prominent regional cross joints commonly are widely


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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Numerous subparallel lineations, A, represented primarily by rectilinear C, is recognized by its shape. Note lobate patterns of vegetation, D, sug-
(lepressions that channel the drainage, are expressions of foliation in the gesting areas of flow rocks. Absence of lineations in area E suggests that
metamorphic rocks. Conspicuous rectilinear depressions, B, transecting the flows also are present there.
foliation direction, represent faults. The remnant of a recent volcanic cone,


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]
Strong contrasts in photographic tone result primarily from different litho- sink holes. In some places individual limestone beds can be distinguished 0
logic characteristics of underlying formations; dark-toned beds are shale with on the basis of weathering and erosional characteristics; massive cherty
some grassy vegetation ; light-toned beds are limestone. The near-coincidence limestone benches may show rounded rims, whereas thin platy limestone
of bedding traces and topographic contours, closed loops of tonal patterns, benches may show a sharp break at the rim. Abundant trees and shrubs
as well as the dendritic drainage pattern are typical of flat-lying beds. along part of bed A suggest a plentiful supply of water. Bed A is locally C/2
Small thickness of limestone interbeds is not conducive to development of an aquifer.

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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]

Flat-lying beds are indicated by benchlike
landform, extension of tonal not across flats.Valley areas are underlain by shale, which is covered pre- O
bands along topographic contour, and by dendritic drainage. Dark photo- dominantly by mesquite growth. Stock tanks, C, are conunon in inperine-
graphic tone on sandstone caprock, A, results from growth of oak trees. able material and where present suggest shale in this region.
Benches of limestone, B, exhibit concentration of oak growth along rims but


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy] b

I)ip slopes are characterized by few streams in contrast to back slopes on y
than any specific drainage pattern, stands out. The back slope, with its fine-
which a system of numerous subparallel streams has developed. Drainage
in the dip-slope direction is generally coarse textured except for profuse
textured drainage, is predominantly a shale section in contrast to the sand- Oi
stone and conglomerate of the dip slope. Note horizontal offset of light-
channels developed at heads of tributaries. Drainage on the back slopes is toned sandstone beds by near-vertical faults, illustrated at A, transverse to
fine textured. The textural difference, or drainage density difference, rather the strike.

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[Approximate scale 1: 59,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]
Striking discordance in dip of beds can be seen between beds at 1 and B 0
details of fault structure and positions of formation contacts cannot be seen
and between near-vertical beds at C and flat-lying beds at D. Such a dis- clearly on the photographs of many parts of this complex area. Dark-toned
cordance in (lip may represent tightly folded structures in some areas but rocks, E, lacking bedding or banding are schist-gneiss-granite complex.
here it represents faulting. Note also the conspicuous discordance in strike Light-toned jointed rocks, F, are predominantly limestone and dolomite. C)
between beds at A and C and between beds at B and C. The locations of Where light-toned rocks are cut by a stream, as at G, the outcrop pattern
fault traces may be inferred from the positions of discordant beds, but forms a V in the direction of dip.

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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Soil Conservation Service]

Contrasting photographic tones, representing different soiland rock types. of contact between light- and dark-toned rocks, 1). flank
of the anti-
along x
strongly outline plunging anticline. Plunge of anticline is also indicated by cline forms pronounced V's, which, point in the direction of (lip. Local in-
stream curvature at A and B. Note that major stream has generally con- trusions of basalt (likes, E, stand in topographic relief above softer sur- y/
sistent direction of flow until it reaches anticlinal nose at C, at which point rounding rocks.
it is deflected in the direction of plunge of the structure. Outcrop pattern

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[Approximate scale 1: 34,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

The ring dike, composed of several types of igneous rock, is the mostcon- contacts may be located on the basis of topography. However, specific place- 0
spicuous feature of the terrain. Different rock types in places are reflected ment of contacts cannot be made from the stereoscopic model ; but in igneous
in the topographic expression of terrain. An outer ring and partial inner terrain, where one rock type may grade into another, contacts are difficult yi
ring, A, composed of monzonite stand in conspicuous topographic relief. to select in the field. The ring dike is cut by several faults, C, Indicated by
Hornblende diorite, in places foliated, forms the low areas, B. Some geologic alinements of scarps, depressions, and vegetation.


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[~~fApproimat scLe1 . ~12,U J0. Photog~ raphs by U.i. Geological survey]

Line separating areas of contrasting photographic tones is trace of fault. drainage on opposite sides of the fault. Light-toned sandstone interbeds, D,
The straightness of the fault trace indicates that the fault has approxi- cap local areas and exhibit serrated margins as a result of closely spaced 8
mately a vertical dip. Note vertical offset of dark-toned shale bed, A, and joints. Fine-textured. drainage is typical of the poorly resistant shale and
difference in erosional character of topography on opposite sides of fault at thin sandstone interbeds.
B. Faint trace of fault in alluvium at C is locally marked by differences in


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.'S. Geological Survey]

break in vegetation F. Several other H
Conspicuous high-angle faults offset beds in many places, as at A, where cated by alinement of stream E and 0
limestone caprock is down-faulted about 125 feet. Note the effect of ver- faults with only small displacements are shown by alinements at G. Re- 0y
tical exaggeration in the stereoscopic model on the amount of offset. Fault sistant limestone caprock stands in vertical bluffs overlying less resistant
lesser angle of slope. (12
is indicated by scarp, B, and its alinement with stream at C. Note right- shale and shaly siltstone that have a
angle benld in stream at D along trace of fault. Another fault is indi-


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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]
A significant contrast between the igneous and metamorphic complex and delineate the edges of individual lava flows. Small cone at F is suggested 0
younger volcanic flows is shown in the distribution of faults and vegetation. 0
by shape of constructional landform. Relatively flat, muskeg-covered flows
Faults, indicated primarily by rectilinear depressions, A, are common in the are generally poorly drained and locally contain numerous shallow ponds,
igneous and metamorphic rocks, but are absent from the area of lava flows, B. G, that lack any integrated drainage. The muskeg areas have a relatively
Note that certain faults, as at C, may be traced up to the lava flows and light photographic tone because of the mossy vegetation and do not appear
that continuations of these faults may be picked up on the opposite side of dark despite the abundance of moisture. The photographic texture of the
the flow area. Some of the shorter lineations, as at D, probably represent muskeg areas is also distinctive.
wide-spaced joints. Lobate patterns of dark-toned vegetation, E, commonly


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1: uUJJ. CUt ograph by A rmy map services

Numerous widely spaced joints, typical of many intrusive masses, are con- gneissic, evidence of bedding of original sediments or gneissic structure is
spicuous, although widely varying orientations of joints, found in most plu- generally lacking. Major fault, A, marked by stream alinement, is offset by
tonic rocks, are not prominent. Drainage is markedly controlled by faults younger fault, B, also delineated by stream alinement. Note alinement of
and joints; the dendritic drainage that is normally characteristic of crys- streams on opposite side of divide, C.
talline masses is thus subdued. Although the rocks shown here are locally


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[Approximate scale 1: 54,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]
Resistant sandstone beds, A, dipping 150 are truncated by overlying lava appearance that is typical of basalt flows in many areas. Basaltic dikes, C,
flow, B. Bedding stands out where topographic and bedding surfaces coin- stand in topographic relief above soft shale shown by fine-textured drain-
cide. Hogback landform is also prominent where resistant sandstone beds age at D. Some landsliding has taken place at E where resistant lava over- H2
and intervening shale areas have been etched by erosion. Note how vertical lies less resistant rocks. Road alinement F is subject to potential destructive
exaggeration of dip causes unconformable relation between sedimentary beds action of additional slides.
and overlying lava flow to stand out. Surface of lava flow has mottled



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[Approximate scale 1:20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]

Flat-lying gravel cap, A, truncates underlying sedimentary rocks. Traces younger, lower and less dissected terrace than A.
Gullies in silty valley- 0
of bedding below granular material of gravel cap are indicated by minor fill, E, exhibit near-vertical slopes where recent stream dissection has taken
breaks in slope, B, accentuated by shadows. Surface drainage is conspicu- place. Note effect of vertical exaggeration in the stereoscopic model. True
ously absent from well-drained broad gravel flat, D, which represents a dip of beds at C is about 6*. 0


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[Approximate scale 1: 65,000. Photographs by Army Map Service ; published with permission of the Guatemala Government] o
Anticlinal structural feature in heavily vegetated jungle area is indicated high bands of ground at B ; note that tree crowns appear to fall in a dip-
by erosional characteristics of terrain and by drainage. Core of anticline, A, 0
ping plane. Stream, C, has been deflected around the nose of the anticline ;
is topographically higher than surrounding area and is somewhat more dis- the convex side of the curve indicates the direction of plunge, but the ma-
sected. Bedding and direction of (lip are suggested by the topographically jor stream of the area has maintained its course across the anticline.

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[Approximate scale 1: 37,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]
Distribution of rock types and characteristics of drainage clearly outline controlled in part by hard, resistant sandstone interbeds that locally chan- 0
plunging anticline. Note that major stream curves around nose of the anti- nel the drainage along the interbeds. Formation C largely comprises a 0
cline and the convex side of the curve indicates the direction of plunge. series of red to brown silty sandstone and shale. Rocks at D include pre-
Lithologic differences between formations are conspicuously shown by con- dominantly thin-bedded red sandstone and limestone interbeds. Bedding is
trasts in photographic tone and erosional characteristics of terrain. Dark- prominently shown because topographic surfaces and bedding surfaces co-
toned formation, A, is an interbedded sequence predominantly of red sand- incide in many places. Dip of sedimentary beds is exaggerated as in most
stone and some mudstone and shale. Light-toned formation, B, is made up stereoscopic models. True dip at E is 5*. Dark-toned resistant basalt dike,
of a rather uniform weakly cemented massively bedded sandstone showing a F, stands in relief above light-toned rocks.
fine-textured dendritic drainage. Drainage rills in formation A and C are



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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Breaching of anticline by major river has exposed cross section of the fold. may be seen locally. Coarse sandstone with some conglomerate, E, has light 0
Bedding is clearly represented at A where bedding surfaces coincide with photographic tone; widely spaced joints are present as at F. The coarse- 0
topographic surfaces. Effect of vertical exaggeration on dip is shown on grained rocks characteristically form cliffs. Where beds are nearly hori-
both flanks of the anticline. True dip at A is about 200; at B the beds are zontal the fine-grained rocks have slopes that are less steep than those of the
horizontal; at C the dip is about 4*. Shale, siltstone, and fine-grained sand- coarse-grained rocks. Where beds are dipping, the softer rocks are in many
stone, D, exhibit dark photographic tones; relatively closely spaced joints places etched out by erosion leaving hogbacks of resistant rock types.


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]


Bedding on flank of fold is clearly shown by photographic tone differences igneous rocks. Dark-toned resistant beds, A, are red mudstone and lenticu-
and hogback landform where dip surfaces and topographic surfaces coincide. O
larly bedded medium-grained sandstone. Poorly resistant interbedded red
Note effect of vertical exaggeration on dip in the stereoscopic model; beds
at A have true dip of 6*. Massive crossbedded sandstone, B, has light pho-
limy sandstone, mudstone, and limestone, C, is easily eroded and has fine-
textured drainage. Beds at C are flat lying. Windblown sand, D, is marked

tographic tone and widely spaced joints oriented predominantly in one di- by absence of surface drainage channels.
rection; locally its appearance on aerial photographs is similar to some

/ I _'

/ $ /y, F


[Photographs by U.S. Navy]
Curvature of streams, A, has developed on flank of anticline where hard
soft interbeds and not across the axis of the fold. Contrast figure 81 where
and soft interbeds are exposed. Anticline has been breached into soft shale stream curvature indicates position of structural axis and direction of struc-
permitting streams developed on the more resistant dip slope to curve along tural plunge.



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[Approximate scale 1: 63,360. Photographs by Army Map Service]

Subsurface structures at A and B are suggested by drain- tographic tone, C, which results from a concentration of vege-
age characteristics of the area. Streams flanking the struc- tation, suggest subsurface structure. Compressed meanders
ture at A curve around the structure in their headwater por- are present over a subsurface structure at B. Also note stream
tions. Tributary streams drain radially off the structure (see deflection downstream from D which is a further suggestion
figures 9 and 95). In addition, the crudely circular pattern of of subsurface structure in area B.
more highly dissected ground and the pattern of dark pho-

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[Approximate scale 1: 63,360. Photographs by Army Map Service]

Reversal of the positions of two aerial photographs of a accentuates stream characteristics, which may be significant
stereoscopic pair produces the well-known pseudoscopic effect, indicators of subsurface structure, as at A. The pseudo-
in which stream valleys appear as ridges and hills look like scopic view also commonly facilitates plotting of drainage.
depressions. This unnatural view of the terrain commonly

p ,; t" ,' .a-=1-


40 w

1 r
[Photographs by U.S. Navy]

The radial-dendritic drainage pattern shown is anomalous to the Arctic ture. Seismic work indicates a structural nose plunging southeast in the 0
coastal plain where northward-flowing streams predominate. Local relief north-central part of the area. Outcrops are sparse in the area and surface o
across the area is only a few feet per mile. The radial drainage pattern, indications of structure, other than drainage pattern, are generally lacking.
The drainage pattern of this area is similar to that of an area to the south- 0
suggestive of subsurface structure, is readily seen on the small-scale mosaic
but could be easily overlooked on single photographs or individual stereo- east where gas was found in a subsurface structure that had been defined
scopic pairs. Note the northward deflection of the Kugrua River ; the by geophysical methods.
abrupt change in direction of streamflow is believed due to subsurface struc-


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]
Sandstone beds stand out because of photographic tone, relief, and vegeta- photographs, and the direction of maximum thinning of the sandstone sec- 0
tion changes, as at A. As these sandstone beds are traced across the area tion determined. Note the effect of vertical exaggeration on dip of resistant
they lose their topographic expression, as at B, and are replaced by shale sandstone beds ; true dip is 7* to 8* in this area. Effect of vertical exag-
of the underlying formation. The rate of "shaling" or change of facies from geration is also shown at C where minor topographic breaks in slope, accen- C12
sandstone to shale can be calculated from quantitative studies of the aerial tuated by shadows, reflecting thin resistant beds stand out.


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Soil Conservation Service]

Topographic expression of resistant, jointed quartzite bed, A, permits dif- ing location of crosscuts to base of the quartzite, which dips into the slope
ferentiation of quartzite and underlying carbonate sequence of rocks, B. about 200 to 250. Direction of dip is clearly indicated by V in outcrop pat-
High-angle faults, transverse to the strike of bedding are shown at C and D tern of quartzite bed where major stream cuts through the ridge. Trace of 0
by the vertical offset of the quartzite bed. The contact of quartzite and a major fault with several thousand feet displacement is only weakly shown
underlying carbonate rocks is the locus of polymetal sulfide veins, but the parallel to slope at F and G where density of vegetation is slightly greater
veins cannot be seen in the stereoscopic model. Note mine dumps, E, mark- on the downhill side of the fault trace.


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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]

Relatively dark-toned highly fractured rocks, A, are greenstone and green- rich gold-quartz veins have been found in this area. Note that fault linea- o
stone schist. Light-toned profusely fractured rocks, B, are limestone and tions characteristically are rectilinear depressions.
marble. Prominent lineations, C, are representative of faults along which

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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]

In this area lead and silver deposits are found locally along the contact of transecting the foliation direction are believed to be expressions of faults. 0
intrusive quartz diorite and. metamorphic rocks. Smooth slopes, A, are un- The uneven surface, E, cut by a crisscross of joints is underlain by quartz 0
derlain by metamorphic rocks. The closely spaced parallel ridges and de- diorite. This pattern of lines representing joints is typical, but not neces- Oj
pressions, B, reflect foliation in the metamorphic rocks. Depressions, C, sarily diagnostic, of intrusive rocks. The contact of igneous and meta-
probably represent solution cavities in carbonate interbeds. Lineations, D, morphic rocks is in the conspicuous saddle between A and E.

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[Approximate scale 1: 54,000. Photographs by Army Map Service]

Perched remnants of basaltic lava, A, form skeletal dendritic pattern, flow, A, has a gentler dip than the older flows, B and C. Surfaces B and C 0
which suggests that lava filled former stream valleys. In some areas perched may be correlative and separated by a fault in the intervening valley. At
lava remnants are known to cover older auriferous stream gravel. Several point D the younger perched lava flows are also faulted, but throw is con-
faults are indicated by alinements of stream segments, vegetation lines, and siderably less than where older lava flows are displaced by the same fault.
photographic tone contrasts (see alinement of arrows). Dip on flow sur- In some areas faults displace only the older rocks and do not offset the most
faces, as at B, may be readily estimated or measured from aerial photo- recent flows. A long period of fault activity is thus suggested. Note that in
graphs because of the relatively large area examined in a single view, and monoscopic view fault alinements, E, accentuated by vegetation, are striking.
because of vertical exaggeration of the dip slope. Note that the younger

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[Approximate scale 1: 24,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Pegmatites in the area shown are generally concordant with schistosity tographs and only general contact areas can be mapped for most of the wide
and bedding of quartz-mica schist country rock. In many places the peg- pegmatite dikes because of the vegetation cover. Locally steeply dipping H
matite dikes stand in topographic relief above the surrounding schist, as at schist also stands in topographic relief ; these rocks can be distinguished by
A. The massive, jointed character of the larger pegmatite dikes is similar the sheeted character of the outcrops. General structural trends are re-
to other intrusive rocks and contrasts with the thin-bedded schistose rocks. flected in topographic expression of parallel ridges and in photographic tones
Thin pegmatite dikes commonly cannot be distinguished in the aerial pho- of vegetation in fields, B. Note mining activity in pegmatite at C.


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[Approximate scale 1 :47,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Metamorphic rocks here are generally dark toned, as at A, and locally formed where the fine-grained metamorphic rocks are present. In areas of
show prominent banding; joints are closely spaced and are not conspicuously igneous rocks the talus slopes are less well developed ; locally large indi- 0
shown on the photographs. Quartz monzonite, B, is relatively light toned vidual talus blocks can be observed at the bases of slopes. A fault trace is
and lacks banding, but like most intrusive igneous rocks it has a strong suggested by conspicuous linear feature, D. Note alinement of short straight
development of irregularly and widely spaced joints that are readily seen in linear segments, E, on opposite sides of divide; these linear traces may rep-
the stereoscopic model. Light-toned streaked, prominent talus slopes, C, have resent the trace of a fault or the prominent development of joints.







[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service] b
The steplike landform of terraces is conspicuous. Other elements of the
soil pattern-vegetation, drainage, and erosional characteristics-provide sig-
the gravel. Lower terraces, as at C,
are more continuous and less dissected
than the older terraces at higher altitudes, although recent streams in con-
nificant information to the photointerpreter. Absence of surface drainage, as spicuous V-shaped gullies, D, dissect the edge of the terrace. Terrace de- (f
at A, suggests well-drained materials. At A the material is composed of posits commonly are favorable reservoirs for ground-water storage; in addi-
coarse bouldery gravel that has good internal drainage. Vegetation, B, is tion they provide a ready source of some materials used by the construc-
prominent along edges of upper terrace gravel cap where water emerges from tion engineer.


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]

Figure A. Contrasting drainage characteristics and differ- the bottoms of broad valleys, as at a. Gully walls are essen-
ences in photographic tones in areas a and b suggest differ- tially vertical. Note characteristic scoop shape of side drain-
ences in character of the surficial materials. The modified age and serrated ridges along some divides. Light streaks due
dendritic drainage and scoop-shaped valley heads are typical to thin grass cover or to cultivation are typical of many less
of dissected less areas, a. Lack of surface drainage rills is a areas. Broad, flat river flood plain, b, has good internal drain-
feature of sand dune areas, b. where materials are coarse- age and exhibits a lack of visible surface drainage channels
grained, highly permeable, and drainage is largely internal. (Nebraska).
Note light-and-dark mottled soils in sand dune area. The fine- Figure C. Deeply dissected less hills have drainage pat-
grain size of less is believed responsible for the fine-textured tern similar to areas shown in figures A and B, but erosion
drainage (Iowa). may have proceeded more rapidly than in other areas. Valley
Figure B. As in area shown in figure A, the dissected less walls are sharply defined. Steep valley walls commonly char-
hills exhibit a modified dendritic drainage pattern. Recent acterize less (Nebraska).
erosion has cut deep narrow and sharply defined channels in


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[Approximate scale 1: 67,000. Photographs by Army Map Service] 0

Highly dissected less hills, A, abut against well-drained alluvial terraces, permeable nature of the underlying materials. Loess is generally considered 0
B. Extensive dissection of less has resulted in a fine texture of erosional well drained internally and is thus an exception to the general association of
topography and fine-textured drainage. Bottoms of many valleys in less are fine-textured drainage and impermeable soils. The fine-textured drainage in 0

notched by recent stream dissection. The modified dendritic drainage pat- less is believed to be a result of the fine grain size. Contrast appearance
tern is typical of less area. Note absence of surface drainage rills in ter- here of drainage density in less with drainage density on large-scale photo-
race alluvium, B, and elongate windblown sand hills, C, indicating the highly graphs of figure 105.



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[Approximate scale 1: 27,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey]

Light-toned areas are generally slightly higher than surrounding dark- tographic tone. Linear pattern of light-toned areas may represent minor re- 0
toned areas. High areas of light photographic tone are somewhat better cessional moraines. They trend across the direction of movement of ice.
drained than the intervening dark areas, and generally contain silty soils Near major streams the reworked glacial drift may be better sorted and
with a lesser accumulation of organic material than the depressions. Clay locally an important source of borrow material for the construction engineer.
materials and humus have accumulated in depressions to impart dark pho-


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-~ C W 4114-
[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by Commodity Stabilization Service]
lies may not be typical of plastic clays in humid regions, however. Head-
Cultivated areas are thin cappings of sand and gravel overlying clay for- 0
ward extent of small gullies generally ends abruptly against contact of clay
mation. Lack of surface drainage rills in sand and gravel indicate that the Vegetation growth is conspicuous along
with overlying sand and gravel. G12
capping material is well drained internally. Except for dark-toned crop
steep sides of gullies where trees have not been cleared for cultivation.
vegetation the cultivated areas also have the general light tones commonly water
Vegetation growth is locally favored by relatively constant supply of
associated with well-drained materials. Note borrow pit in granular mate- clay with overlying sand and gravel.
that flows to surface along contact of
rial at A. Streams flow in clay. The steep walls and flat bottoms of gul-

iY Q.
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_ 1 F
[Approximate scale 1 :20,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy] 0
The susceptibility of low, poorly drained areas to the development of poly- out of polygonally patterned ground. Also note serrated edges of oxbow 70
gonally patterned ground resulting from ice-wedge formation is shown con- lake, D, and rim of river terraces were ice wedges in polygonally patterned
spicuously along this major stream valley. Development of polygons, pri- ground have melted out. Contrast appearance of poorly drained river ter- bj2
marily low-center polygons, A, shown with relatively dark-toned centers and races here with river terraces in nonpermafrost areas where internal drain-
light-toned marginal ridges, has followed old channel scars representative of age is generally good. The conspicuous tilt of the oxbow lake and up-hill
old slip-off slopes. Some high-center polygons, B, are also present. The flow of stream meanders indicate that tilt is present in the aerial photographs.
angular gully pattern, C, is commonly found where ice wedges are melting


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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]

with light-toned centers and dark-toned marginal trenches, are also con- 0
Partly drained lake basin, A, a particularly favorable area for develop- crack here,
Note old beach lines, B, shown by nar- spicuous in many places, as at D. Pingo, E, with a single crest
ment of permafrost, is conspicuous. Also note
photographic tones and along which polygonal is almost always diagnostic of underlying permafrost conditions.
row bands of contrasting patterned ground.
Low-center polygons having dark-toned centers and pingolike forms, F, covered with polygonally
ground has developed.
light-toned marginal ridges are abundant, as at C. High-center polygons



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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]

Low, wet but drained lake basins, as at A, are favorable areas for the patterned ground, are highly indicative of permanently frozen ground con-
development of permafrost. Low-center polygons, B, shown as dark-toned ditions. The serrated shoreline, E, of some lakes is typical of the thawing 0
depressed centers and light-toned raised edges are common. High-center of polygonal ground and further suggests the presence of permafrost. Note
polygons, C, exhibiting high, light-toned centers, and dark-toned marginal floating ice, F ; bottom of lake may be seen at edge of ice, and in places
trenches, are also present. Pingolike forms, D, also covered with polygonally depth of water may be measured from the aerial photographs.

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[Approximate scale 1: 20,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]

Beaded drainage along main stream, shown as rounded pools of water con- depressed centers and light-toned raised rims are shown at D. The wetter
nected by deeply incised watercourses, typically forms in areas underlain by areas, as in the partly abandoned drainage channel, E, or upper reaches of
permafrost. Note steep banks of pools, as at A, which have resulted from minor drainageways, are especially susceptible to formation of polygons.
thawing of frozen ground and subsequent caving. Interpretation of perma- Area F, probably a small alluvial fan area, shows well-developed drainage.
frost conditions is supported by presence of high-center and low-center poly- The angular pattern may indicate incipient polygon formation in contrast
gons. High-center polygons, B, generally are shown by relatively light-toned to the angular pattern of drainage, G, which is typical of areas where melt-
centers and dark-toned rims, although locally, as at C, the reverse tonal ing of ice wedges in polygonal ground is taking place.
contrasts may be present. Low-center polygons with relatively dark-toned


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[Approximate scale 1 : 37,000. Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey ]

form suggestive of flowage. Note buildings, C, constructed on toe of slide 0

Resistant flat-lying basaltic lava, A, caps mesa underlain by weakly re-
sistant mudstone, shale, siltstone, and sandstone, a geologic environment areas. Recent lava flows are indicated by the dark photographic tone and 0

particularly susceptible to the occurrence of landslides. Landslides, B, be- irregular surfaces, D. The lobate character typical of flows can also be seen.
low lava cap are characterized by hummocky topography and local lobate

li 0.

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[Approximate scale 1: 40,000. Photographs by U.S. Navy]

significant geologic structure in the area because a dam would have to strad- 0
Conspicuous faults, indicated by linear topographic depressions A, B, C,
and D, are present. The outlet of the lake itself appears to flow along a dle it. Highly fractured rocks comprise metamorphic types and intrusive
fault marked by the rectilinear depression E; this fault is probably the most quartz diorite.

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The following table gives all data needed to identify the agency holding the negatives is not necessarily the
the aerial photographs and also the agencies from which one that originally acquired the photographs.
the aerial photographs may be purchased. Note that

Identifying photographic data

Figure Negatives
Focal length held by I-
Project code Roll Exposures of lens, in Area

39------- D K K __________ _- 3 16-17 8. 25 "DKK" Gunnison area, Colorado_--..--- E

40 .---- .. B A R _______.. . .. 309 071-072 6 A laska --.-. ----- -- -- - . - _-A

4 1. -- _- ---- DSA - -- _-- _-- 2K 19-20 8. 25 Kane County, Utah___ __ __ -- __ .. _ __ D

42 ..-- .-- G S-W I---_--_----- 12 146-147 6 U ta h__ _ .. ..-- --_- ----- _.._- - -_ .. .--. .. A

43------- D IG .--- . .._- _----- IF 127-128 8. 25 San Juan County, Utah_------__-------.-- D

44------- GS-RR -- _ -. -.. ---- 3 147-148 6 A rizona _ _ _.- .- _-------- ------ _-.-- ---- A
45------- AFTRC/3415TTW/ 697VV-698VV 12 Golden, Colorado.._______ ________.._ B
46 - ....- GS-VJV__-.__.-. 3 150-151 6 Colorado _ __ _ .... -- - --- ----- .... _ A

47------- N
48-------- 71 --- ------ .--- .. 60 8395-8396 6 South Carolina .. __--------- --- .._------ A
49------- 138-- _--.--- ------ 3 489-490 5.2 Texas _ .__ ____ __. .. ___---- _ .- A
50 -..- .. .- D R K ----- _. ------ 21 3-4 8. 25 "DRK" Addition to Humboldt River, E

51 ..-- ---- GS-COL...__ __ 3 56-57 6 C alifornia _------------------. --- ------- A
52 ._------ GS-JF .___ .... __- 6 11-12 6 W yom ing.._ - -- _.-- _- ..------- A

53------- DLG -_ _..-------- 7G 97-98 8. 25 Elmore County, Idaho__ __________ -.. D
54-..-_-- 71 ------ _ _-- - -- 26 3514-3515 6 North Carolina......_ _ _ _______ _____ A

55A 73----.---------- 4 117-118 6 M aine .. _ _ _ ------ ____ .. __ A

GSM ---.-------.. 3 31-32 5.2 --..---do---_-------_--..---..------.-------_--. A

56.- --- .. Mission 649...__.___ 0120-0121 6 A lask a------- _- - - _ .- - - - - - .- . __--- - A . ..-

57------- Mission 648-.- - _..- 0161-0162 6 ---.-- do----_-----------------..--------------d A
58------- 113 .__---- __ __ 16 1746-1747 6 South Dakota.... _______ _______ A
59------- GS-WI_ __... 10 102-103 6 U ta h. - _ . _ ._ __ __. _ _ .. . . _ _ _ . . . A

60 ___ . . __ 126 --- _-- _- _ _ .. _ 18 1723-1724 6 -----do------------------.. -- A
61--------- CUU------------ 8G 141-142 8. 25 Stephens County, Texas_.____________.._ D
62... .- GS-RO.__--_ _ _ 1 125-126 6 U tah ._ _...--- _. --- ..---A
- -

63-- .-- GS-W I ___ _______ 36 68-69 6 --. -. do ---- -- .---- ---- - - --- - ..--A
64 .. -.-- .- GS-AZ ------ ______ 2 119-120 5. 2 V irg in ia -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --_.. ... ...- - - A- - - - - ..
65 -------- AQV_---------- 1D 55-56 8. 25 Northampton County, Pennsylvania_---_-- C
66 ._- 1 1 3 - -- . _- _- _- - - -_-
..-- 21 2600-2601 6 South Dakota___. ___________-.._ A

67 .-- ..--- SE A_- .------------ 92 019-020 6 A lask a. _ -- ___---- . .. . . . . . ___. _. . A


68 .----- .. 138 ___._ __ -- _ 10 1919-1920 5. 2 T e x as.. -------- ..- - - - - - - _- - - - _-- - - A


69 ...--- -- CNP------------... 1C 11-12 8. 25 Gooding County, Idaho..._____________ D
70 -..- .- .- GS-VE --- _-__ 5 26-27 6 South Dakota_________________________ A
71-------- GS-CMA....... 32 88-89 5. 2 W yom ing _____________________________- A
72 - .------ SEA -- --- __ . .. 29 028-029 6 A laska ----.. ---_ ---. -_----. -- - ------- A
73-------_ 71 ----------.. .... 50 7084-7085 6 North Carolina-_-. ---
_-___. _ --_A_
74-------. 71 ------ ...------- 7 820-821 ..---- A
6 d----_-----------_---------_--------do- ----------------------------
75------- GSY------------.. 1 145-146 5. 2 Alabam a -_-_ ----- ---------- _ A
76 -.----- SEA ------ __ _ .. 112 181-182 6 A laska ------------------- - -- --- _---A

77------- ZF _ _ _ --_ . . 2G 174-175 8. 25 Wabaunsee County, Kansas D

78 ..--- CUU.-.---...... 8G 152-153 8. 25 Stephens County, Texas--__-__-_--- --_-D

79------- BA R --------- ____ 44 61-62 6 Alaska----------------------------- A

80-.--- 131----_ _ - _ ._ 11 1711-1712-1713 6 Wyoming--------------.-------------- A

81 --- .-- .- BPM _ .______ 11 63-64 6 Muddy River area, Utah________._-____ E

82 .. _--- _. GS-PB __. - __ _ _ 1 50-51 6 New Hampshire___________________ A
83 -.--- .- GS-W I .---- _ __... 5 156-157 6 Utah-_.------------------------------ A

84--- ---- GS-RR _---- -- ..-- 17 43-44 6 -.-----do----------------------------- A

85 - - ..--- SEA _-------- .------ 112 077-078 6 Alaska __.----------------------------- A
86 --- .-.- 131_------.. ..---- 7 1187-1188 6 Wyoming----------------.. _. _---------- A

87------- 120 __ ------ .... _ _ 70 10110-10111 6 New Mexico-------------_. . ------------ A

88------- DRW .. ___ __.. __ 1K 94-95 8. 25 Duchesne County, Utah _-_-__-------..--- D
89 --- .._ _- N
90--_-- .-- 4 167-168 6 Utah_ ----- __----------------------- A
91 .. - .... GS-R R... _ _..__.... 2 64-65 6 ------ do---------------------------- A
92 . . - ..--- G S- R R. - -.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _17 64-65 6 _ _..- .d o - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- ....- A
..-..-- .- - - --- -
------------------- ------------ ----------------------------N

94------- 138 -- _ ___ ___.. 5 _____-_-867-868 6 Texas.__.----------------------------- A
95------- 138__ _------- ____ 5 867-868 6 ----- do---------------------------- A
96 --- __- _- __ __- _-___---
. ___ _- ___ Wainwright, area index quadrangle D-19, A
97---------BAR.__- 44 139-140 6 Alaska-------------------..--------- A
98---------DRK 21 197-198 8. 25 "DRK" Addition to Humboldt River, E
See footnote at end of table.

Identifying photographic data

Figure Negatives
Focal length held by 1-
Project code Roll Exposures of lens, in Area

99----__-SEA____-----_..--- 133 019-020 6 Alaska -.------------------------------ A

100--------SEA--------------- 106 125-126 6 ----- do--------------------------------A
101------.-109________ ____ - 43 5283-5284 6 Oregon------------------------------ A
102_______GS-VE-------------.. -5 112-113 6 South Dakota.._______ -_ --________ A
103------__GS-QQ-----.-----.---- 1 89-90 6 California---------------------------- A
104________ DRW__-___________ 1K 47-48 8. 25 Duchesne County, Utah_-----------------__D
105A__..---BKP_-_.---_---.. -4G 14-15 8. 25 Pottawattamie County, Iowa_______ . -. C
B------BNQ__-___-_-_-___ 172 15-16 8. 25 Valley County, Nebraska---__-__________ C
C____- BNQ-_----_..-. __ -- 96 30-31 8. 25 Valley County, Nebraska.---------------- C
106--_..___128_....----___-____-5 751-752 6 Nebraska_- - --____ ----..-------
_______. .A
107--__-__GS-DY-------------- 5 40-41 5. 2 Iowa.-.-------------------------------A
108_--.__-- CMU._-_..---___-_ 3R 139-140 8. 25 Burlington County, New Jersey________-_ C
109 __----BAR___-____..__72 087-088 6 Alaska--------------------------------A
110------- BAR-----------------72 098-099 6 --- do.------------------------------ A
111--------BAR--------------- 72 093-094 6 ..--- do--------------------------------A
112------- BAR-------------- -92 010-011 6 ..-- do-------------------------------A
113---...--GS-VID------------..-1 46-47 6 New Mexico_______-____________ _ A
114________SEA______________ 114 008-009 6 Alaska...-------------------------------A

1Code is as follows: D-Western Laboratory, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, U.S.
A-U.S. Geological Survey, Map Information Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Department of Agriculture, 2505 Parleys Way, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109.
B-Chief, News Photo Branch, Department of Defense, Directorate of Information E-Soil Conservation Service, Cartographic Division, Federal Center Building,
Services, Washington, D.C. 20301. Hyattsville, Maryland 20781.
C-Eastern Laboratory, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, U.S. N-Negatives not available.
Department of Agriculture, 45 South French Broad Avenue, Ashville, North
Carolina 28801.

782-139 0 - 65 - 20

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A Page F Page Page

Accuracy, in horizontal positioning.---------74-75
Lithology. See Igneous rocks; Metamorphic
rocks; Sedimentary rocks.
in vertical measurement-..----------....-72-74 Faults, measuring displacement on----------- 61
Altitude, determining differences of..--.53-54,56 recognition-----------------------21,29 M
See also Flying height. Film and filters, effect on photographic image. 4 Mahan plotter-----..-..--------------------- 45
Anaglyph principle.--------------.....---.45,47 panchromatic film-minus blue filter------- 4 Measurement, vertical. See Parallax.
Annular drainge. See Drainage, pattern. Flat-lying beds. .. ..-------------------------- 19 Metamorphic rocks------------------16,18-19
Anomaly, in drainage .. ...------------------- 26-27 Floating dot---------- -- --------------- 41,47 Multiplex plotter--..--..--------------- 47; fig. 16
in photographic tone-.------...-.---..-- 29 Floating line_-..- ..----------------------- 57-58,64 Multiscope------------------------------- 42, 45
Anticline. See Folds. Flying height----------------------2,4,53-54
Association of features ------..------------- 11-12 relation to radial displacement-----------75 0
Automatic dodging. See Photographs, print- relation to scale --------------------2, 4, 53
ing of. Ore deposits, interpretation of aerial photo-
relation to vertical exaggeration----------- 14
Focal length, effective----------------------- 4 graphs in search for------.-------30-33
B Orientation of photographs---.---------52; fig. 25
Base-height ratio---...-..--...-..--.._...--14 relation to radial displacement------------4
need for correct orientation--------------54
Beach erosion----------....--.----.--.--.... relation to scale and flying height-------- 2,4
39 Orthophotographs..--------------------------69
Beaded drainage..------------------------ relation to vertical exaggeration----------- 14
38 Folds ----------------------------- 19,21,26 Overhead projectors.-...--------------------67, 68
Bedding --------------------------- 16,19,26 Overlay, drainage---.--------------------- 19
Botanical guides-----....-------------------32-33 Foliation. See Cleavage.
Formulas, for determining differences in alti- in correcting horizontal position--.-.-------56
C tude-----------------------53,56 P
for determining feet-equivalent of parallax Parallax, formulas..-.------------------------ 53
Cleavage------------------------------- 24
measurements-----------54, 55, 72, 73 geologic uses of------....-----------------56-63
Climate, relation of soils to- ---------------- 15
for determining radial displacement_--- 75 measure of--.-..--------------------------.50-55
Color, negative-type film-------------------8
for determining scale-----..-------------- 2, 4 Parallax bar. See Stereometer.
recognition element--------------8-9,31, 36
transparencies----------------------8,31 for determining stratigraphic thickness of Parallax ladder---..--------------- 41-42; flg. 12
inclined beds ..---------- figs. 26, 27, 28 Pattern, drainage---------------------11, 26,27
Contours. See Structure contouring.
Fractures. See Faults; Joints. lines----------------------------9,11,29
Contrast. See Photographs, printing of.
Control net or layout--------------------.67 G soils------------------------------------ 11,29
vegetation---.-..------------------------ 11
Gradient. See Stream gradient.
D Granular materials..-------------------33,34,35 See also Elements of soil pattern.
Gridded base map.. . . ----------------- 69; fig. 116 Permafrost-.--..-..------------------------ 37-39
Dendritic drainage. See Drainage, pattern. Permeability------..-...------------------ 16,34-35
Gridded photograph---------------69; fig. 115
Density, drainage.--------------------------9 Ground conditions - ------- 33-39 Petroleum geology, interpretation of aerial
film--------------------------------7 photographs in---....------------24-30
Ground water---.-------------------------40
See also Drainage, texture. Photogrammetric systems---.-------------69-72
Diapositives--------------------------45-47 H Photographic tone--...--------------6-8,16,35-36
Difference in altitude, methods of determin- Height, flying. See Flying height; also Dif- Photographs, geometry of------------------- fig. 1
ing---------------------- 50-54,56 ference in altitude. printing of--------------------------- 7
Dipping beds, effect of vertical exaggeration -- 13- Horizontal position, accuracy of plotting - _-..- 74-75 scale---.--..--------------------------- 2,4
14,64 correction for------------------------- 56-57 twin low-oblique----------.------------- 2,4
estimation of dip-_----------------------64 Hydrology, photogrammetric applications in- 40-41 Physiographic guides-------------------- 31-32
measure of dip--------------54, 56-57, 63-64 use of aerial photographs in ...----------- 40-41 Physiography. See Landform.
Dipping platen----------------------- 63; fig. 32 Pingos--------...-------------------------- 38
Displacement, on faults--------------------- 61 I Platen-----....------------------------------ 47
See also Radial displacement. Igneous rocks, extrusive ...------------------- 17 Plotting, in cross section---.-----------------69
Dodging. See Photographs, printing of. intrusive------------------------17-18 orthographic----------------------- 67-68,69
Double-projection instruments--------.-.---45-48 Instrument capability-. . . ..------------------
72-74 Plutonic rocks. See Igneous rocks.
Drainage, anomaly --. -- - - - - 26-27 See specific instruments. Polygonal microrelief--------------------.37-38
beaded--------------------------------.38 Interpretation, defined.-------------------- 5 Pseudoscopic view----.----------------- 5; fig. 95
pattern---------------------11, 18,19,26,27 Interval measuring device. . ..------------- 48; fig. 21
texture------------------9, 16,17,26,34-35 Intrusive rocks. See Igneous rocks. R
tributary-length relations---.-------------19 Isopach mapping----- ----.------------- 58-59 Radial displacement, correction for---------56,68
measure of---....----------------------.56, 74-75
E 56
use in determining heights----------.----
Effective focal length--. ------. -...-...._ 4 Joints---.-------------------16, 18, 19, 23-24
Radial drainage. See Drainage, pattern.
Elements of soil pattern-...----------.--.----34-37 K Radial planimetric plotter-----.-------42; fig 14
Engineering geology, interpretation of aerial KEK plotter---------------------------..45 Recognition elements---.-.----------------- 6-13
photographs in---------------33-40 Kelsh plotter--------------------47: fig. 18 Reflectance. See Photographic tone; Spectral
Engineering soil maps---------------------33 K factor----- ------------54-55, 72-74; fig. 37 reflectance.
Enlargement, of double-projection stereoscopic Relief displacement. See Radial displace-
Landform. .. .. ..---------------------- 6,12-13, 17, 34 ment.
model-------------------------.47-48 S
of paper prints---------------------- 4,54 Landslides------------------------------39
ER-55 plotter----------------------46, 47; fig. 17 Land use-------.....-----------------------37 Scale of photographs, relation to focal length
Exaggerated-profile plotter---------48; figs. 19,20 Layout. See Control net. and flying height--------.------2,4
Lens angle, relation to parallax measurement. . 4 relation to parallax measurements... - ---- 4,74
Exaggeration. See Vertical exaggeration.
relation to radial displacement------------4 significance in interpretation.----- 11-12, 14, 21
Exaggeration factor-----------------------. 64 Lineations-----------------------21,29,30-31 Sedimentary rocks--.------------------- 15,16-17
Extrusive rocks. See Igneous rocks. Lithologic guides------.-------------------31 Shadows..--------------------------------- 13


Page Page V Page

Shape ...-..-------------------------- 12-13,34,35 Surficial materials----------------------17, 33
Size.- ...----------------------------------- 13 Syncline. See Folds. Vegetation, as indicator of structure--..-..11, 21, 23
Sketchmaster... ...---------------------- 42; fig. 13 T in interpretation of permafrost------------37
Slope, direct determination of__. ..-------------
63-64 Templets----------------------------- 67 in interpretation of soils.-----------------36
measurement by parallax method - -...... 54, 56-57 Texture, drainage----------------9, 17, 26-27, 34-35 significance in search for ground water.--- 40
Soils, permeability---- .---------------- 34-35 photographic. . . ------------------------- 9 use in differentiating rock types---.-.-.15, 17, 18
transported, landform of.----------------34 soil. . . . ..---------------------------------9 See also Elements of soil pattern.
Spectral reflectance----------------------7-8 topographic.. . ..-------------------------- 9 Vertical exaggeration, cause of.------------13-14
Stereometer....- ..----------------------- 41; fig. 10 Thaw lakes----..------------------------- 38
Stereo slope comparator. ...-------------- 63; fig. 33 Tilt------------------------------
correction for. . . . .. ._----------------------63,
Stereo slope meter-..-----------------42; fig. 11 Tone. See Photographic tone. relation to true distances and slopes.-._ ...- 13-14
Stereotemplets-. . . -------------------------- 67 Topography, significance in delineating struc- Vertical positioning-----------------------69
Stereotope..- .. . ------------------------- 45; fig. 15 ture ... ...---------------- 19, 21, 24, 27, 29 Viewing, methods of---------------------4-5
Stratigraphic thickness, determination of......- 57-58 See also Landform; Shape. Volcanic rocks. See Igneous rocks.
Trellis drainage. See Drainage, pattern. V factor--------------------------------------73-74
Stream gradient, determination of------------63
Twin low-oblique photography. See Photo-
use in detecting tilt.--------------------55 graphs. W
Structure- ---------------------------- 19-24 U
Structure contouring.-..-------------------60-62 Unconformity. . . . --------------------------- 24 Water supply. See Ground water.
------.----.----.. 4,7-8 Structural guides ---------------------- 30-31 Universal tracing table.. . ------------ 48, 55; fig. 22 Wave length 4


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