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-We must secure the existence of our people and a future for mother nature; Because only
through a re-integration into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger‖


The Green Brigade is an organization consisting of openly accelerationist, militant

environmentalist members focused on tearing down the system that exploits our people, land,
and animals. These individuals prioritize and practice an autonomous conservationist lifestyle,
with a fascist emphasis and with a vehement hatred towards modern society and civilization. We
oppose falsehoods in all their forms, and intend to succeed, both directly and individually, where
those before us have failed to achieve their self-proclaimed goals. We take real world action and
put a tangible effort into the progress of our cause. We are not seeking the affiliation of
keyboard warriors, movementarians, or any other kinds of ersatz phonies. If you are not
fanatical in what you believe, and serious with what you do, do not bother to waste our time.

We do not only demand a drastic change to the individual’s lifestyle in this bird cage of
late-stage capitalism, but also, revolution in order that the will of nature be carried out. Green
Brigade, above all, values man's connection and harmony with nature. As well as the ability to
understand that we have the power to protect the land and welfare of all animals, large or small.
Savitri Devi once said, “Humans, who was once an essential part of nature, has become the
executioner of all beauty, the enemy of the mother, cancer of our planet.” Thus, we intend to
return to nature, in the most natural and pure way. Our triumphs and achievements will continue
to rise again and again in these vital hours of Mother Earth's fate. We have taken the leap to
turn our heads away from the “policy makers” and politicians, and instead march onward with
direct action.
―Direct Action is the Only Reaction‖


Fortunately for us, the modern world is dying, and this is by no accident. The industrial-capitalist
system of that in postmodernist Western nations has undoubtedly and irreversibly deviated from
the Natural Order. This is explicitly visible to all who choose to see it. Although, unfortunately for
us, the differentiated opposition to the modern world, this downfall of an unsustainable and
corrupt system is not a slow or straightforward process.
Time and time again, efforts have been made to peacefully, straightforwardly, and even
democratically do away with the current monstrosity that is the current neoliberal ruling class.
However, the system, as much as it claims to be democratic, does not seem to care, listen, and
certainly not give any fair platform to predecessors of our cause.
And rightfully so! They know damn well that if any true revolutionary vanguard were to take
power by their own rules, every rotten politician, lying journalist, and corporate pig would lie
dead in the streets before the first sundown. This is why, without a doubt, that any true
opposition will be censored, slandered, defamed, arrested, and even outright killed if the
system gets its chance. Such a risk would not be worth the reward even if our message did get
out to the so-called ―masses‖. As every time your average American is confronted with an
appeal to their deeper sense of humanity or identity, one is confronted with the same,
regurgitated cookie-cutter answers that they are spoon-fed on a daily basis, by the
institutionalized ―education‖ system and ―news‖ outlets of the present day United States.

They pledge their allegiance to lying politicians who promise change term after term of
re-election, yet will slander, ignore, and seek to kill off anyone who poses any threat to the
current system of power. They want their prized “representatives” to do all the work for them, yet
at the end of the day the only struggle they contribute is that of a ballot casting. Then they act
dumbfounded as to ​why​ nothing has been altered, and why their infallible leaders have once
again deceived and swindled them with empty promises of “change”. This is why, when all is
said and done, the masses of people will not, in any way, shape, or form, be revolutionaries at
any point of their miserable lives. At best, they will serve as animalistic drones, waiting to pledge
their ever-so-meaningful ―support‖ to who can provide a roof over their head and a warm
meal in their bellies at the end of the day, without ever sticking their cowardly necks out to fight
for their (admittingly weak), ideals. At worst, they are brainwashed beyond repair, and will cling
to their dying notions of ―Western ideals‖ and institutionalized slavery for their
industrial-capitalist overlords until their pathetic excuses of a mind are liberated from the
confines of their ever decaying shoulders.

This is why, the Green Brigade has fully abandoned all efforts of trying to convince, sway, or
otherwise alter the opinion of the masses. For they have not mattered, nor will they ever do so
until the lot of them have taken their rightful place in the ground. As such, the apparent leaders
of our system are not in fact the end of it! If, tomorrow, every single degenerate mouthpiece,
sneaky bureaucrat, and government pig were blown to pieces at the annual state of the union
address, there would be no sufficient damage to the foundation that supports it! People would
sob, pretend to grieve, and give their ever-so-prized ―thoughts and prayers‖, yet after a
disheartening weekend, life would go on. People would still pay taxes, comply with the system’s
laws, and otherwise remain complacent and weak willed in body and mind. As mere spearheads
of the system machine, they would be quickly repackaged and replaced by hundreds more of
the same decadent types. Thus, the system will not be seriously impacted by the loss of one, (or
one thousand), of its supporters.
Whether it is an influential CEO, federal senator, or an average fat and dumb 9-to-5 corporate

Thus, we urge a call of action for direct, meaningful acts against these institutions, where the
sake of Nature is by no means the focus of their attention. All they covet is the degradation of
the human mind and soul into an unconscious consumer, addicts of comfort, and slaves to the
material, who will worship the ground walked upon by the ―Jobs’s‖, ―Gate’s‖, and
In this existence of "innovators" that is, the CEO's and executives of these unchecked
technological behemoths who own 70% of the country's wealth, who rub their hands together
and smirk in the faces of the weak willed; Will capitalize off of human suffering as long as we
allow them, for they are not interested at all in the natural world around them.
These vapid billionaires and politicians are the only ones to blame for the exploitation of our
people, land, and animals. They conduct their business not just in America but in every corner
of the world. For they do not want you to be free from the shackles of a liberated society.
They will try to make us falter to their every will, and may kill us if they like! But we will not fall

―Nature, in American nature religion, is a reference point with which to think history. Its
sacrality masks -- and often quite explicitly reveals -- a passionate concern for place and
mastery in society (Catherine Albanese).‖

―Thou shalt love God in all things, animals and plants (Alfred Rosenberg).‖

―The quote from Prof Albanese which opens this paper perfectly captures the dominion
imperative of Genesis 1:26; a pervasive force in the history of American religion, and a
significant element in the American religion of nature. Yet American religion, like the American
project itself, has always been an optimistic enterprise, and the religion of nature as shown
through religion in America is remarkably benign. For National Socialism too was a religion of
nature which was built upon the rock of selected streams of nineteenth century German
romantic and occult philosophy. Indeed, German National Socialism provides the master case
for the proposition that the sacrality of a religion of nature "masks -- and often quite explicitly
reveals -- a passionate concern for mastery of society." To illustrate this thesis, we will first look
briefly at the philosophical roots of German National Socialism. The bulk of our discussion
however, will be devoted to the work of Savitri Devi, a National Socialist fanatic, whose
post-War writings laid the groundwork for the modern National Socialist nature religion -- a
religion in which the impulse to control the natural world is explicitly disavowed.

Roots of the National Socialist Religion of Nature

By replacing the worship of God with the worship of nature, and by its combining the Darwinian
model of natural selection with an organic conception of the 'volk' soul of the German nation, the
19th century school of German romantic philosophy made an enormous contribution to the
creation of German National Socialism. In this process, the work of Johann Herder, Johann
Fichte, and Ernst Haeckel was seminal in the creation of the National Socialist religion of nature.
The writings of Haeckel are of particular influence, for it was Haeckel's explicit rejection of the
Christian conception of God, his concentration on the sacrality of German blood, and his
concomitant taxonomy of the races which would be of key importance in the creation of National
Socialist philosophy. Indeed, Haeckel went further, creating an explicit nature religion, the
German Monist League, which over time developed a set of rituals based on a revival of
German pagan practices -- including explicit sun worship -- which anticipated the post-War
revival of what Jung referred to as Wotanism.

Haeckel's writings were widely distributed and had tremendous influence. Monism spread to the
radical non-Christian, pagan and proto-Nazi groups that also shared the desire for a new
Germanic faith for the German people. Important occultists such as Guido von List, and Jörg
Lanz von Liebenfelds were influenced by the concept of biological struggle, and the need to
purify the race to avoid the deterioration of the Germanic race.
German National Socialism adopted and venerated Haeckel's views. Thus, through this doctrine
and reflection of truth, National Socialism is the highest expression of Natural Law. Life is a
struggle between races and peoples for survival, and the Jews are posited in starkly subverses
aims, as the decadent force which must be crushed to insure the survival of the Aryan race. To
this philosophical base was added Hitler's own solicitude toward animals, and his reported
desire to eventually adopt for himself -- and for the German nation -- a vegetarian diet. In a diary
entry dated 26 April 1942, Dr. Josef Goebbels wrote:

An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Führer to the vegetarian question. He
believes more than ever that meat-eating is wrong. Of course, he knows that during the war we
cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this
problem also. Maybe he is right. Certainly the arguments that he adduces in favour of his
standpoint are compelling.

As National Socialism is to be held in accord with Natural Law, and as Hitlerian actions and
ideology were aimed at seizing control of German destiny, the National Socialist religion of
nature constitutes the ultimate expression of sacrality, symbolizing: "A passionate concern for
place and mastery in society, through adherence towards the laws of Nature."

Savitri Devi and the National Socialist Religion of Nature

Savitri Devi’s ‘Impeachment of Man’, remains the strongest statement of the National Socialist
nature religion available today. The Impeachment of Man is a passionate treatise on the rights
of animals and of plants, which contrasts with man's egocentric consumption and destruction of
the natural world. The argument is couched in religious terms, and the proof texts are drawn
from wildly eclectic sources in both the Eastern and Western religious traditions. In this book,
ostensibly a plea for animal rights, Devi presents in full flower her religion of nature. That
religion is composed of a variety of elements: National Socialism and its nineteenth century
German philosophical precursors; The Egyptian pharaoh Akhnaton whom she sees as the first
to create a "life-centered" religion; The Vedas and the Upanishads; The Buddhism of the
historical Buddha; and, her positing of Adolf Hitler as the Aryan messiah whose fall was the
necessary precondition for the future National Socialist avatar. Who will carry Hitler's work to

In Devi's words:
“[A life-centered philosophy] implies no fundamental difference in the treatment of men and of
animals. To superior individuals, such as Asoka and Harshavardhana, or Lord Buddha himself,
it inspires loving and kindness toward both.”

Yet despite this assertion of evenhandedness, for Devi kindness to humanity was never as
pressing as kindness toward animals. Thus, although she had no doubts as to the veracity of
the reports of the Holocaust which were emerging as the Impeachment of Man was being
written, she remains unmoved:

“The one thing this propaganda did -- instead of stirring in me the slightest indignation against
the supposed-to-be "war criminals" -- was to rouse my hatred against the hypocrisy and
cowardice underlying the man-centered attitude; to harden me in my bitter contempt for "man" in
general; and to prompt me to write this book: the answer to it, a spirit which could be summed
up in a few lines: a civilization that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged "war crimes" --
acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause -- and tolerates
slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry (infliction of pain
on creatures who can never be for or against any cause), does not deserve to live. Out with it!
Blessed the day it will destroy itself, so that a healthy, hard, frank and brave, nature-loving and
truth-loving elite of supermen with a life centered faith, a natural human aristocracy, as beautiful,
on its own higher level, as the four legged kings of the jungle -- might again rise and rule upon
its ruins for ever!”

Devi goes on to extend her condemnation of the selfish cruelty of man as being necessarily
eradicated before we have the right to bicker about accusations of “war crimes”, which for all
practical purposes are never, ever thrown at the ‘victors’ of war.

“We flatly refuse to condemn war, be it a thousand times a war "of aggression" -- as long as
mankind at large persists in its callous attitude towards animal (and tree) life. And as long as
torture is inflicted by man on a single living creature, in the name of scientific research, of luxury,
or of gluttony, we systematically refuse our support to any campaign
exploiting public sympathy for tortured human beings -- unless the latter be, of course, such
ones as we look upon as our brothers in race and faith, or perhaps near and dear to these. The
world that exalts Pasteur and Pavlov, and countless other tormentors of innocent creatures, in
the name of the so-called "interest of mankind," while branding as "war criminals" men who
have not shrunk from acts of violence upon hostile human elements, when such was their duty
in the service of higher mankind and in the interest of all life, does not deserve to live.”

Her most important work, The Lightning and the Sun, appeared in 1956. The Lightening and the
Sun is a remarkable exposition of occult National Socialism which explicitly deifies Hitler as the
savior of the Aryan people. The first words of the book read:

“To the godlike individual of our times; the Man against time; the greatest European of all times;
both Sun and Lightning: ADOLF HITLER. The Lightening and the Sun ranges through the ages,
suggesting a religious and political history in which the Third Reich is the apex and the natural
culmination of Aryan development. The book ends with at once a cry of despair and an
affirmation of hope:
Kalki will lead them through the flames of the great end, and into the sunshine of the new
Golden Age.
We like to hope that the memory of the one-before-the-last and most heroic of all our men
against time -- Adolf Hitler -- will survive at least in songs and symbols. We like to hope that the
lords of the age, men of his own blood and faith, will render him divine honors, through rites full
of meaning and full of potency, in the cool shade of the endless regrown forests, on the
beaches, or upon inviolate mountain peaks, facing the rising sun.”

In the course of her life, Devi's achievements, if measured on the scale of her dream of a
National Socialist revival and the institution of her Aryan religion of nature, were meager.
Although her writings, and the powerful dream of the National Socialist religion of nature which
they convey, are having a powerful impact on the movement.

While overly pessimistic in his analysis of biocentrism and pagan spirituality, Nicholas Goodrick
Clark's warning of the existence of a darker side to nature spirituality should not be ignored:

“Deep ecology, biocentrism, nature worship and New Age paganism reflect a hostility toward
Christianity, rationalism and liberalism in modern society. Although these radical movements
have their roots in left-wing dissent, their increasing tendency towards myth and despair indicate
their susceptibility to millenarian and mystical ideas on the far right. Neo-Nazi and fascist
activists now actively seek to infiltrate the ecological and esoteric scene. The cybernetic
encirclement of man and his complete divorce from nature could well foster a more fundamental
alienation. In a congested and automated world, Savitri Devi's sentimental love of animals and
hatred of the masses may find new followers. The pessimism of the Kali Yuga, and her vision of
a pristine new Aryan order possess a perennial appeal in times of uncertainty and change.”

The Fallacy Of The ―Appeal to Nature‖ Accusation.

No, appeal to naturalism is not a fallacy. It is in fact the opposite of a fallacy. We are naturally
present creatures among this earth as any other. Does this not mean we should strive for
nothing but absolute adherence to nature? Or because we are the only species on this earth
intelligent enough to disregard our natural processes and order? Is deviancy justified?
The question is answered very simply by the world around us. Note, first off, that the west is
anything but natural. Then note that the west is anything but functional, ethical, or sustainable.
The only functional system is nature, the only ethical system is nature, the only sustainable
system is nature. Regardless of how thought out it is, no functional, ethical, or sustainable
system can be based on unnatural precepts. Such a system will always have problems, will
always be evil, and will always die sooner or later. This is where we come in, the deplorable
world (and the deplorable scum that wrought it) are to be cut down.
We, no matter how extreme, radical, or evil we are presented at face value, we are the heroes
of the 21st century. We stand for the only objectively true and sustainable structure, law code,
and order. We are the only salvation you can find from toxic and addictive food, hedonism and
materialism, asphalt culture and crony capitalism, and the unnaturalness that plagues the
ecosystem and everyone included in it. To counter-signal us is to side with the demonic and
evil, unnatural force that slashes at the tires and sugars the engines of Nature.

There is a dream of a world worth living in, and though we are far off course from that place, it is
worth striving towards. This utopia is the core of our lives, a place that would connect our
people, our values, and our traditions to nature.
A place where one will never again hear the ceaseless rumbling of highways, or see the
lingering smog over the earth, or smell the rancid masses that inhabit modern cities. To return to
the past, to return to tradition is our end goal, it is our will to take our broken world and revive a
society that is superior in every sense of the word.
In the Green Brigade our homes are the forests, our food is natural and clean, and our air is
breathable. To see that past brought back, against all of today’s whoring, corruption, depravity,
and destruction is what we strive towards with utmost understanding that total collapse is the
only way to achieve the life that Mother Earth deserves, and which we desire.

We hope that others will march into battle when they rise from their homes. Before their eyes
will be their raped land, and slaughtered animals. A rage of vengeance will rattle the ground,
shutting down the factories. Behold!
We are approaching the ―to be or not to be‖ of our Earth. Your pitiful actions are not enough.
The most valuable possession we have is our own people. And for these people, and for the
sake of their land, we will struggle and fight, but never will we be silenced.
Long live Green Brigade! Long Live Mother Earth! And Long Live the Spirit of Nature!

―A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence
against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and
vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry (infliction of pain upon creatures that
can never be for or against any cause), does not deserve to live.‖ ―I worship impersonal
Nature, which is neither "good" or "bad", and who knows neither love nor hatred. I worship Life;
the Sun, Sustainer of life. I believe in the Law of everlasting struggle, which is the law of life, and
in the duty of the best specimens of our race — the natural elite of mankind — to rule the earth,
and evolve out of themselves a caste of supermen, a people 'like unto the Gods'.‖ -


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