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a All electric drives have four quadrant operation(T/F)

b An elevator drive is required to operate in……….

c Polarity of supply voltage is reversed in plugging (T/F)
d Full form of VVVF control is ………
e The heating time constant of an electrical machine gives an induction of its…….

2. Attempt any five. (3x5=15 Marks)

a What Are The Basic Requirements Of A Braking System.
b What Are The Various Methods Of Applying Electric Traction explain briefly ?
c Define Electric Drives?.
d What Are The Various Parts Of Electrical Drives?Explain
e What is meant by dynamic braking?
f What are the advantages of slip power recovery system?.

Each question contains three parts a, b and c. Attempt any two parts of choice from each question.

Q3. a. Describe in detail the various components of load torque. Classify the load torque on the basis
of operation. Also give examples of load torque for various torque-speed characteristics of
b. A motor has a heating time constant of 60min and a cooling time constant of 90 min. When run
continuously on full load of 20kW, final temperature rise is 400C. What load can be delivered by
the motor for 10min if the initial temperature rise is zero?
c. Draw the block diagram of an electric drive. Explain the function of Power modulator in detail.

Q4. a. Derive the condition for steady state stability of an electric drive from the dynamic equation.
Also explain the energy loss during starting of a motor.
b. Give the advantages of electric drives over mechanical drive; explain each advantage with
respect to industrial application.

c. (i) Differentiate between “group drive” and “individual drive”.

(ii) Why a motor smaller rating can be selected for a short time duty?

Q5. a. Sketch the seven possible cases of the load torque curve and the motor torque curve with torque
in x axis and speed in the y axis and determine stability of each.
b. State the advantages of drive system. Give some applications with suitable drive system.
c. Determine the equation of motion of the drive system consisting of a motor, a single gear train,
an inertia torque, a hoist load, a dry friction load, a viscous friction load and a fan load as shown
in fig.

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