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Frances Abao

Frances Caroline A. Acelo (2019-21094)

Amber Mari Ysabel M. Villaflor (2019-20432)

English 13, WFV 1

Date submitted: 29 November 2019

Essay #2

Popular Culture Essay

She’s the Man

Every female athlete personally knows what it’s like to be looked down upon by
men and having constant comments and questions about your physical ability. As football
players, no female would want to feel inferior to men in playing a sport that they are
passionate about. In other words, we want to be treated equally the way men are treated
in playing the sport. “She’s the man” shows a common stigma between gender
discrimination in sports, specifically that the physical capabilities of women are not
anywhere near men. The film all throughout did its best on contradicting and trying to
prove that women can play sports as well as a man. In this film, Viola's Women's soccer
team gets cut at her school, because there were not enough funds to support the
Women’s team. She then wanted to try out for the Men’s team and gets laughed at by the
guys obviously pointing out that it is an absurd idea and it is impossible for Woman to
play alongside them. Passionate in playing soccer, Viola then pretended as her twin
brother Sebastian, Viola sneaked in his school to play for their Men’s Soccer Team. Viola
plays a cute tomboy with short hair who keeps forgetting to talk low and nervously clears
her throat all the time. Gender roles, gender stereotype, cross-dressing and strict-
supportive parents, these are just some of the issues shown in the film.
Having said about what is going on in the film wherein Viola wanted to play for the
Men’s team, the film wanted to prove its points through showing the viewers that girls can
be as tough as guys. Of course with the Men completely saying its impossible,
scientifically speaking, a study conducted by the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,
athletic performances is highly impacted with the determinants of height, weight, body fat,
and hormonal differences (Cureton et al.; Maldonado-Martin et al.; Perez-Gomez et al.;
Sparling and Cureton). In the same study, it was found that the records of women have
been lower than men because of these physical differences (Thibault et al.). Despite it
being an utter fact in society that women and men have different physical capabilities and
features, this may have been one of the common reasons why this stigma of women
being inferior to men has been prevalent and what the members of the Men’s soccer team
wanted to point out in the film. The film “She's the Man” clearly showed how men have
been treating women as individuals lower than them. It depicted women to be nowhere
near the men when it comes to athletic performance. When Viola wanted to try out for the
Men’s team, even her coach commented on how girls are not as fast or as strong as boys
quoting “Girls just can’t beat boys, simple as that.'' The coach just straight out implied that
she, women in general, can never be better or match up the men when it comes to sports.
Having the scientific knowledge of Women being scientifically less physically strong than
men, it brings out to the next stereotype the film points out which is Gender discrimination
in sports.

Gender discrimination in sports has been an ongoing issue in our society. An

article from Independent stated that 40% of women experience gender discrimination in
the sport industry. The most prominent issue tackled from the film was the idea that girls
cannot compete with boys. Boys are faster, stronger, more athletic, and the list goes on.
Women would want to gain leadership with the sport that they wish to play in and have
an environment free of such discrimination (Barr). While sports discrimination is present
in society, it is also present in sport organizations or institutions. Early on the film, they
already showed that they had to cut the Women’s soccer team sue to the lack of funds
but are still able to fund the Men’s team. Obviously, the amount of awareness in Women’s
sports are less than Men’s sports. This is due to the under representation of coverage by
the media. Despite having a 40% participation rate of females in the field of sports,
Women’s sports still receive only 2% to 4% of all sports coverage (Kane). For years,
writers have always disregarded giving attention to Women’s sports since nobody is
interested in it. Therefore, with the society we are in today, it shows the inferiority of
women from men and how Women’s sports can be easily neglected.

She’s the man not only shows the different stereotypes between men and women
in sports, but it also shows another stereotype regarding women in which they should act
prim and proper and societal standards on demeanor and etiquette. Women have always
been characterized by wearing formal dresses or skirts, having the proper posture and
holding a cup of tea elegantly. Thus, by contradicting these characteristics, most people
would say it would be hard to even get yourself a man. Viola in the film was not the typical
“girly-girl” instead, she was that girl who loved soccer and had a tomboy look to school
every day. Her mother had to convince her to wear a dress to a debutant ceremony, to
eat like a girl and have proper table manners. Viola was the exact opposite of the typical
female personality until she fell in love with Duke. which brings another stereotype related
to women being prim and proper on how dating is based on looks.

In the film, it was also seen that males would be easily attracted to females who
looked attractive based on their physical features, and how Sebastian would say it “It’s a
guy thing”. The film showed that Viola had to be all girly too catch Duke’s attention.
Normally, the first thing that attracts us to someone is their physical features. With
physical features, it engages us in choosing a partner whose appearance dominates and
seems more attractive to us (Luo and Zhang; Kurzban and Weeden; Thao et al.,) Men
however, has been known to acknowledge the fact that physical attraction is more
important than women (Lippa). However, other researchers say that women and men
equally agree that physical attraction is more important to them than other factors in a
relationship. (Eastwick et al.) Having been said, the film has shown how looks and first
impressions are vital in dating. In addition, women have been always dictated on how to
act prim and proper in any events and occasions unlike men. The film also showed how
society wants us to act. The world we live in has been built on social constructs that give
us the requirement to act upon and follow everything society expects you to.
In fact, it is not a woman's job to look all pretty in order to have a man attracted to
them in order to be in a relationship, but it is the means of knowing somebody truthfully
and personally with their attitudes, likes and dislikes, to actually pursue a healthy
relationship. This in fact was shown in the film, where Duke expressed his feeling that
maybe dating isn't just about the looks, but it is having someone to be with you and talk
about what your feeling and just having that sense of comfort with somebody. A study
found in Psychology today found out that physical attraction is not any way related to
relationship satisfaction. Therefore, it does not guarantee you a happy and healthy
relationship (Travers). However, it is not a guarantee that physical attraction will give you
an unsatisfactory relationship. The film insinuated that looks alone won’t help you pursue
a relationship or give you the feeling of love.

Through separating herself on what her mother wanted her to act, Viola achieved
autonomy. Viola focused on being herself and develop her own identity, a developing
sense of individuation. It is through discovering more about herself she then develops
intimacy with others. Cognitive autonomy entails changes in adolescent’s beliefs,
opinions and values. Viola begins to be more careful about the decisions she makes. She
gives importance on considering the risks and benefits associated with the decisions she
makes (Chou). Parents like Viola’s mom are prevalent in our society. Although her efforts
are commendable, Viola’s mom tries hard to shape her into something that she really is
not: a proper young lady. Her mother’s control over her is what pushed her more towards

Unknown to popular belief, the film was based on William Shakespear’s Twelfth
Night. Twelfth Night is a comedy about a brother and sister pair that are shipwrecked off
the coast of Illyria and are separated. Viola, the sister, must assume the identity of a man
to earn a living in the home of Duke Orsino, who is in love with the Lady Olivia. She’s the
man and twelfth night both focused on these three themes: gender equality, identity and
relationships. Through the film, issues that women struggle nowadays; equal rights, equal
pay, and equal recognition are being addressed and attended today. In America 40% of
sportspeople are women, however only 6-8% of the total sports media coverage is
devoted to them. And women-only sports stories add up to just 3.5%of all sports stories
in the four major US newspapers. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, male
athletes get $179 million more in athletic scholarships each year than females do

Female athletes all over the world have been fighting for their rights to gain
equality in their field of sport. With that, there has been an 83% progress regarding equal
pay between men and women (de Duve). Under the Law Title IX in the US that came
from the legislation during 1972 wherein no one because of sex would be excluded in the
participation of any sport (Weng). After this turn of events, the opportunities for Women's
sports have gradually increased. However, the fight continues up until today to get the
equal treatment, pay and media coverage as men. Despite Viola having to conform into
being her twin brother just to play for their soccer team, it shows how she wanted equality
and the same treatment in the sport they play in.

Assessing the film She’s the Man heighten our awareness to what’s currently
happening to female athletes and how they’re still battling their situation right now. From
sexist remarks, unjust system to unprofessional treatment, that is the baggage they carry
everyday just to play for the sport they’re passionate about. It is not just in the field of
sports that these issues are rampant. Women’s contributions are far underrated
compared to men and it’s sad to see women still fighting their way to gain recognition or
even credits for their achievements. Continuous support and sharing these information to
others for awareness is what’s best to eradicate such issues.

Speaking of the film itself, the pop culture text would only be weakened if these
stereotypes were discarded and not portrayed well as how the film showed it to be. She’s
the Man’s main point was to show its viewers how women could be as capable as men
by counteracting the stereotypes that were shown in the film. The film would have had a
different message to portray if these stereotypes were not shown, after all the film wouldn't
be as enjoyable as it was, and the entire story line of the film would have been totally
different. It wouldn't have been focusing on women empowerment, dating, and standard
female etiquette.

In conclusion, the film wanted to portray that these stereotypes are not to be
followed as strictly, but to have the wisdom to use them in a manner that would still portray
respect to your fellow peers, and respect on how you function in society. These
stereotypes will become harmful for one individual if they do not use it in proper terms, or
getting the wrong idea about what they believe in or what they feel. One must get the
proper consultation if they wish to put these stereotypes into proper learning.


Barr, Sabrina. “40% Of Women in Sport Face Gender Discrimination, Report Finds.” The Independent,
Independent Digital News and Media, 20 June 2018, https://www.independent.co.uk/life-

Chou, Tracy. “She's the Man.” Prezi.com, 2 Sept. 2015,


de Duve, Emma. “Culture > The Fight for Womens Rights in Sports.” Just Another WordPress
Site, https://exposure.org.uk/2018/04/the-fight-for-womens-rights-in-sports/

Kane, Mary Jo. “Progress and Inequality: Women's Sports and the Gender Gap.” CEHD Vision 2020, 4
Jan. 2018, https://cehdvision2020.umn.edu/blog/progress-inequality-womens-sports-gender-gap/

.Pahvlovich, Lahnee. “The Gender Equality Debate; Women in Sport.” Athlete Assessments, 17 Sept.
2019, https://athleteassessments.com/gender-equality-debate/

Study.com, Study.com, https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-twelfth-night-about-plot-


Thibault, Valérie, et al. “Women and Men in Sport Performance: The Gender Gap Has Not Evolved
since 1983.” Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, Asist Group, 1 June 2010,

Travers, Mark. “Why Good Looks Don't Guarantee a Great Relationship.” Psychology Today, Sussex
Publishers, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/social-instincts/201506/why-good-looks-
Weng, Garret. “The Fight for Gender Equality in Sports.” The Fight for Womens Equality in Sports |
Gender Inequality in Sports, https://blog.sisuguard.com/female-fight-for-equality-in-sports.

“Why Physical Attraction Matters, and When It Might Not.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,

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